// TMW2 script. // Author: // dangerDuck // Description: // Angel, of Physical Science Class. 027-3,36,28,0 script Angel NPC_PLAYER,{ function basicMagic; function standardMagic; function advancedMagic; if (!MAGIC_LVL) goto L_NoMagic; mes l(".:: Physical Sciences Class ::."); mesc l("Specialized in skills with fist-based damage and unarmed mastery."); next; mesn; mesc l("You have @@ magic skill points available.", sk_points()); select l("Basic Magic"), l("Standard Magic"), l("Advanced Magic"); //l("Mastery Magic"); mes ""; .@lv=@menu; do { // Display appropriate menu if (.@lv == 1) basicMagic(); else if (.@lv == 2) standardMagic(); else if (.@lv == 3) advancedMagic(); // Handle result mes ""; if (@menuret) { if (!learn_magic(@menuret)) { mesc l("You do not meet all requisites for this skill."), 1; next; } } else { closeclientdialog; } } while (@menuret); close; L_NoMagic: next; mesn; mesq l("You do not have enough magic power for these classes."); next; if ($FIRESOFSTEAM < 9) { mesn; mesq l("Besides the Magic Council, Andrei Sakar have his own Mana Stone, but I doubt he would train the likes of you, or share his Mana Stone."); next; } mesn; mesq l("Perhaps, in the city, someone knows rumors about Mana Stones and can teach you. Other than that, you're on your own."); close; function basicMagic { if (MAGIC_LVL < 1) goto L_NoMagic; mes l(".:: Brawling ::."); mesc l("Three powerful consecutive brawn attacks."); mes ""; menuint l("Brawling"), TMW2_BRAWLING, l("Cancel"), 0; return; } function standardMagic { if (MAGIC_LVL < 2) goto L_NoMagic; mes l(".:: Bear Strike ::."); mesc l("Five powerful consecutive brawn attacks."); mes ""; mes l(".:: Stunning Strike ::."); mesc l("Three powerful consecutive brawn attacks with a chance to stun target."); mes ""; menuint l("Bear Strike"), TMW2_BEARSTRIKE, l("Stunning Strike"), TMW2_STUNNINGSTRIKE, l("Cancel"), 0; return; } function advancedMagic { if (MAGIC_LVL < 3) goto L_NoMagic; mes l(".:: All In One ::."); mesc l("Seven consecutive brawn attacks of diff. elements."); mes ""; menuint l("All In One"), TMW2_ALLINONE, l("Cancel"), 0; return; } OnInit: .@npcId = getnpcid(.name$); setunitdata(.@npcId, UDT_HEADTOP, NPCEyes); setunitdata(.@npcId, UDT_HEADMIDDLE, AssassinChest); setunitdata(.@npcId, UDT_HEADBOTTOM, AssassinPants); setunitdata(.@npcId, UDT_WEAPON, AssassinBoots); setunitdata(.@npcId, UDT_HAIRSTYLE, 20); setunitdata(.@npcId, UDT_HAIRCOLOR, 7); .sex = G_FEMALE; .distance = 5; end; }