// This file is generated automatically. All manually added changes will be removed when running the Converter. // Map 026-1: The Impregnable Fortress (B1F) mobs 026-1,39,59,16,10 monster Snail 1426,8,60000,40000 026-1,79,59,16,10 monster Pinkie Suseran 1419,6,60000,40000 026-1,39,84,16,10 monster Black Skull Slime 1408,8,60000,40000 026-1,79,84,16,10 monster Snail 1426,8,60000,40000 026-1,79,34,16,10 monster Mandragora 1423,5,60000,40000 026-1,39,34,16,10 monster Jhon Longnose 1421,5,60000,40000 026-1,59,59,2,35 monster Nightmare Dragon 1230,6,60000,40000 026-1,29,27,7,4 monster Evil Scythe 1036,8,100,900000