// TMW2 Script // Notes: The Monster King will retake the town every // OnTue0000 // (Tuesday, midnight) // Only the world hero may begin a siege. // Only one siege per day is allowed // Writes to MK Temp Var. This variable will unlock the castle gates // Then the inner gates, and finally, will be a co-requisite to the floors // Main gate - Also where the World Hero can begin the siege 025-1,100,113,0 script #FortressTown NPC_NO_SPRITE,1,0,{ end; OnTouch: slide 100, 110; end; OnInit: end; OnTue0000: end; } // Exit - always work 025-1,99,111,0 script #FortressTownOut NPC_HIDDEN,1,0,{ end; OnTouch: slide 100, 114; end; }