// TMW2 scripts. // Authors: // Jesusalva // Description: // Nivalis Liberation Day // The Walking Monster King 023-2,121,35,0 script The Monster King#NLib NPC_MONSTERKING,{ end; OnTouch: percentheal -100, -100; end; OnInit: .sex = G_MALE; .distance = 5; OnHour00: if (!$NLIB_DAY) { disablenpc .name$; end; } switch ($NLIB_DAY) { case 1: movenpc(.name$, 121, 35, DIR_WEST); break; case 2: movenpc(.name$, 105, 37, DIR_NORTH); break; case 3: movenpc(.name$, 105, 51, DIR_SOUTH); break; case 4: movenpc(.name$, 102, 63, DIR_WEST); break; case 5: movenpc(.name$, 81, 59, DIR_NORTH); break; case 6: movenpc(.name$, 53, 53, DIR_SOUTH); break; case 7: movenpc(.name$, 36, 99, DIR_SOUTH); break; default: channelmes("#world", "A bug happened: Monster King # Nivalis Liberation Day - Value Out of Range."); disablenpc .name$; break; } end; // Event Handler OnCycle: .@pl=getareausers("023-2", 21, 109, 31, 114); .@pla=getmapusers("023-2"); if (.@pl <= 0 && .@pla > 0) mapannounce "023-2", "##1WARNING: Players outside the Monster King room counts toward DEFEAT count!", 0; .victory_count+=.@pl; if (.@pl <= 0) .defeat_count+=1; end; OnBegin: .defeat_count=0; .victory_count=0; announce "The fight against the Monster King ends in 15 minutes. If he is forced to flee, that'll result as victory.", bc_all|bc_npc; announce "Each cycle there are players fighting against him will result in victory points. The opposite will result in defeat points.", bc_all|bc_npc; announce "More players fighting will result in more victory points. This may affect drastically the result.", bc_all|bc_npc; end; } // Floor triggers 023-2,121,35,0 script #NLIB_T01 NPC_HIDDEN,1,2,{ OnTouch: if ($NLIB_DAY == 1) { @QNL3=1; dispbottom l("I've found the Monster King."); } end; } 023-2,110,36,0 script #NLIB_T02 NPC_HIDDEN,2,2,{ OnTouch: if ($NLIB_DAY == 2) { @QNL3=1; dispbottom l("I've found the Monster King."); } else if ($NLIB_DAY < 2) { slide 114, 36; dispbottom l("I should not veer off too much the path."); } end; } 023-2,105,50,0 script #NLIB_T03 NPC_HIDDEN,2,2,{ OnTouch: if ($NLIB_DAY == 3) { @QNL3=1; dispbottom l("I've found the Monster King."); } else if ($NLIB_DAY < 3) { slide 104, 48; dispbottom l("I should not veer off too much the path."); } end; } 023-2,104,62,0 script #NLIB_T04 NPC_HIDDEN,0,0,{ OnTouch: if ($NLIB_DAY == 4) { @QNL3=1; dispbottom l("I've found the Monster King."); } else if ($NLIB_DAY < 4) { slide 104, 61; dispbottom l("I should not veer off too much the path."); } end; } 023-2,86,59,0 script #NLIB_T05 NPC_HIDDEN,2,5,{ OnTouch: if ($NLIB_DAY == 5) { @QNL3=1; dispbottom l("I've found the Monster King."); } else if ($NLIB_DAY < 5) { slide 91, 61; dispbottom l("I should not veer off too much the path."); } end; } 023-2,53,49,0 script #NLIB_T06 NPC_HIDDEN,0,5,{ OnTouch: if ($NLIB_DAY == 6) { @QNL3=1; dispbottom l("I've found the Monster King."); } else if ($NLIB_DAY < 6) { slide 55, 48; dispbottom l("I should not veer off too much the path."); } end; } 023-2,35,90,0 script #NLIB_T07 NPC_HIDDEN,0,2,{ OnTouch: if (gettime(2) < 25 || gettime(2) > 35) { slide 39, 89; dispbottom l("I should not go ahead... yet."); } end; }