// TMW2 scripts. // Authors: // Jesusalva // TMW Org. // Description: // In charge to clear the mess // helperCleaning* + helperJanitor // Quest: NivalisQuest_BlueSageSlimes // 1: Acception state (0 - Not accepted, 1 - Accepted, 2 - Complete) // 2: Killed Slimes Control // 3: Killed Nests Control 020-7-1,40,78,0 script Mirjami NPC_BLUESAGEWORKER_FA,{ function askQuestion; mesn; mesq l("Where is it? Everything's upside down. These terrible slimes."); askQuestion(); close; function askQuestion { next; .@qt=getq3(NivalisQuest_BlueSageSlimes); if (.@qt >= BS_SNESTALL) { mesn; mesq l("I heard you fought the slimes that were still roaming between the bookshelves. Thank you!"); next; mesn; mesq l("I was a bit worried that they might ruin our efforts by messing everything up again after we just cleaned."); } else { mesn; mesq l("I'm just searching for some cleaning supplies. They must be somewhere around here, but everything went upside down when the slimes escaped."); next; mesn; mesq l("Maybe they're in the library, but it is too dangerous there right now..."); } // Mainframe Loop do { .@q=getq(NivalisQuest_BlueSageSlimes); .@q2=getq2(NivalisQuest_BlueSage); .@q3=getq3(NivalisQuest_BlueSage); .@qs=BSQuestion(getq(NivalisQuest_BlueSage)); .@qt=getq3(NivalisQuest_BlueSageSlimes); next; mes ""; select rif(.@qt == BS_SNESTALL && .@q == 1, "Did you found the supplies yet?"), rif(.@qs & BS_QVISITOR, l("Do you know anything about the strange visitor?")), rif(.@qs & BS_QHELPER, l("What's your opinion of Peetu and his work?")), any(l("I need to leave."), l("See you."), l("Bye.")); mes ""; switch (@menu) { case 1: //mesq l("Not yet, blame Jesusalva, your reward was with them"); inventoryplace AlchemyBlueprintA, 1, AncientBlueprint, 1; mesn; mesq l("Yeah... I also found a few old blueprints. We don't need this crap, you can put it on your @@.", getitemlink(AlchemyBlueprintA), getitemlink(RecipeBook)); next; getitem AlchemyBlueprintA, 1; getitem any(AncientBlueprint, AlchemyBlueprintA, EquipmentBlueprintA), 1; setq1 NivalisQuest_BlueSageSlimes, 2; next; mesn; mesq l("You can be thankful later. Aren't you excited to see what exactly was on that blueprint? Go on, enjoy it! %%G"); break; case 2: mesn; mesq l("Ohh, I think I know who you mean. That was a strange guy. He always came over here in the workshop, said he's very interested in the research. I suppose that's ok, but he didn't keep his hands to himself, and touched some experiments and I caught him near some storage racks."); next; mesn; mesq l("Visitors should keep away from those!"); if (!(.@q2 & .bsId)) setq2 NivalisQuest_BlueSage, .@q2 | .bsId; break; case 3: mesn; mesq l("Oh, eh, why are you asking me? I've only been here a short while and don't really know all of the people well enough yet."); break; } } while (@menu != 4); close; } OnInit: .bsId=BS_NPC06; .sex=G_FEMALE; .distance=5; end; }