// TMW2 scripts. // Author: // Saulc // GonzoDark // Jesusalva // Variables: // 0 CandorQuest_Maya // Values: // 00 Default, no quest selected. // 01 First quest accepted: Need 3 cotton cloth and 3 maggot slime // 02 First quest completed: Reward Candor shirt // 03 Second quest accepted: Need 3 ScorpionStinger and 10 Piou Feathers // 04 Second quest completed: Reward 700 GP (precise calculation) // 05 wolvern tooth +20k + 2000monster point ->claw pendant 005-1,49,47,0 script Maya NPC_RAIJIN_FEMALE_LEGION_ARTIS,{ .@maya = getq(CandorQuest_Maya); if (.@maya == 0) goto L_QuestNotStarted; if (.@maya == 1) goto L_QuestAccepted; if (.@maya == 2) goto L_Quest2; if (.@maya == 3) goto L_Quest2Accepted; if (.@maya == 4) goto L_NextQuestPending; L_QuestNotStarted: mesn; mesq l("Hi there, I can always use a helping hand around here, are you the one for the job?"); mes ""; menu l("Sure"),L_Next, l("No, thanks."),L_Close; L_Next: mes ""; mesn; mesq l("Good! First, let us test if you are resourceful. Bring me 3 @@ and 3 @@. That should be enough!", getitemlink(CottonCloth), getitemlink(MaggotSlime)); setq CandorQuest_Maya, 1; tutmes l("You can use \"%s <monster_name>\" to obtain specified monster drop list and stats.", b("@monsterinfo")), l("Protip"), false; close; L_QuestAccepted: mesn; mesq l("I see you have brought @@/3 @@ and @@/3 @@ for me",countitem(CottonCloth),getitemlink(CottonCloth),countitem(MaggotSlime),getitemlink(MaggotSlime)); mes ""; menu rif(countitem(CottonCloth) >= 3 && countitem(MaggotSlime) >= 3, l("Here they are!")), L_QuestCompleted, rif(countitem(CottonCloth) < 3 || countitem(MaggotSlime) < 3, l("Oh, then I don't have enough! I'll bring more later!")), L_GetHelp1, l("Can we get back to that later?"), -; tutmes l("You can use \"%s <monster_name>\" to obtain specified monster drop list and stats.", b("@monsterinfo")), l("Protip"), false; close; L_GetHelp1: mes ""; mesc l("Protip: You can get @@ from shops. Cotton is rumored to be magical, keep this is mind.", getitemlink(CottonCloth)); mesc l("Protip 2: If you fell stuck, ask at #world, even if nobody is online. Who knows, someone on Discord or IRC might reply!"); tutmes l("You can use \"%s <monster_name>\" to obtain specified monster drop list and stats.", b("@monsterinfo")), l("Protip"), false; next; goto L_Close; L_QuestCompleted: delitem CottonCloth, 3; delitem MaggotSlime, 3; set Zeny, Zeny + 325; getitem CandorShirt, 1; getexp BaseLevel*8, 5; setq CandorQuest_Maya, 2; mes ""; mesn; mesq l("Thanks for the help. Here, take this shirt and some money."); close; L_Quest2: mesn; mesq l("Thanks again for the help. You have proven that you are resourceful."); next; if (BaseLevel < 7) mesn; if (BaseLevel < 7) mesq l("But maybe you should help other people and get some levels before returning to me."); if (BaseLevel < 7) close; mesn; mesq l("As always, I can use a helping hand around here. Interested?"); mes ""; menu l("Sure"),-, l("No, thanks."),L_Close; mes ""; mesn; mesq l("Good! I want 3 @@ and 10 @@. I have a contract to transform that in good money.", getitemlink(ScorpionStinger), getitemlink(PiouFeathers)); setq CandorQuest_Maya, 3; close; L_Quest2Accepted: mesn; mesq l("I see you have brought @@/3 @@ and @@/10 @@ for me.", countitem(ScorpionStinger),getitemlink(ScorpionStinger), countitem(PiouFeathers),getitemlink(PiouFeathers)); mes ""; menu rif(countitem(ScorpionStinger) >= 3 && countitem(PiouFeathers) >= 10, l("Here they are!")), L_Quest2Completed, rif(countitem(ScorpionStinger) < 3 || countitem(PiouFeathers) < 10, l("Oh, then I don't have enough! I'll bring more later!")), L_Close, l("Can we get back to that later?"), -; close; L_Quest2Completed: delitem ScorpionStinger, 3; delitem PiouFeathers, 10; set Zeny, Zeny + 725; getexp BaseLevel*10, 10; setq CandorQuest_Maya, 4; // Reward Calculation: Piou base is 3 and Stinger base is 25. // Maya will pay in a 1.5x factor + 300 GP she owed you + a small bonus to round things // (3*3*1.5)+(25*10*1.5) = roughly 389 GP + 300 + bonus(11) = 700 mes ""; mesn; mesq l("Thanks for the help! If you help people, they'll start trusting you. Once they trust you, they'll give you quests which are very important to them;"); next; mesn; mesq l("And once they entrust you with what is important for them, they'll pay better. Here is 700 GP. Come back later."); close; L_NextQuestPending: mesn; mesq l("Thanks again for the help. You have proven that you are resourceful. Come back again later."); close; L_Close: closedialog; goodbye; close; OnInit: .sex = G_FEMALE; .distance = 4; end; }