// TMW2 Script // Author: // TMW Org. // Jesusalva // Description: // Part of Anwar Field quest 004-1,107,67,0 script Anwar NPC_RAIJIN,{ .@q=getq(TulimsharQuest_AnwarField); if (BaseLevel < 18) goto L_Weak; if (.@q > 10) goto L_Complete; if (.@q == 10) goto L_SecondReward; if (.@q == 9) goto L_FirstReward; if (.@q == 8) goto L_SecondTry; if (.@q == 7) goto L_AnwarField; if (.@q == 6) goto L_FirstTry; if (.@q == 5) goto L_TryIt; if (.@q >= 1) goto L_FirstTry; mesn; mesq l("Hi. Could you perhaps be interested in doing some small errand for me?"); menu l("Sure!"),L_Sure, l("I'm busy, sorry."),L_Close; L_Complete: mesn; mesq l("Thanks for saving Tulimshar from a famine. I'll be forever grateful."); next; mesn; mesq l("Dealing with elves is too bothersome to me."); close; L_AnwarField: mesn; mesq l("My crops! Hurry up, and talk to Eomie!!"); close; L_Sure: mes ""; mesn; mesq l("Great! Eomie, the girl on Tulimshar's magic academy, is an alchemist. She probably makes fertilizers."); next; mesn; mesq l("This farm is dying due constant monster attacks, and without them, Tulimshar might face a famine."); next; mesn; mesq l("Please, talk to her. Maybe she understands the direness of the situation and help... But you know. Elves."); setq TulimsharQuest_AnwarField, 1; close; L_FirstTry: mesn; mesq l("Good luck getting the fertilizer from Eomie! Many elves simply refuse to cooperate until it affects them directly."); close; L_TryIt: .@q2=getq2(TulimsharQuest_AnwarField); mesn; mesq l("You've brought me fertilizer! Let me see if it works..."); next; setq2 TulimsharQuest_AnwarField, .@q2+1; // Fail chances are 100% - 12% per attempt if (rand(0,100) < 100-(.@q2*12)) { setq1 TulimsharQuest_AnwarField, 6; mesc l("Nothing happens."); next; mesn; mesq l("Uh... Something should happen, right? Can you get another one?"); } else { setq1 TulimsharQuest_AnwarField, 7; mesc l("Evil worms crawl from earth and starts devouring the plants!"); next; mesn; mesq l("Uh... That should not happen, right? RIGHT?"); next; mesn; mesq l("Don't just stand here! Go fetch help, NOW!!"); } close; L_SecondTry: mesn strcharinfo(0); mesq l("Here is the bug bomb! Eomie just gave me. Hurry up!"); next; getexp 20, 0; specialeffect(51); setq TulimsharQuest_AnwarField, 9; mesn; mesq l("Thanks God... The crops are safe. Not only that, but the fertilizer works!"); next; mesn; mesq l("Ah, that was tiresome... I'll go make a reward for them, talk to me again later."); close; L_FirstReward: mesn; mesq l("Here are two @@. Please deliver it to them. I hope they'll like it.", getitemlink(TortugaShell)); setq TulimsharQuest_AnwarField, 10, 0; getitembound(TortugaShell, 2, 4); // Prevent accidental item loss close; L_SecondReward: .@q2=getq2(TulimsharQuest_AnwarField); if (.@q2 < 3){ mesn; mesq l("Please deliver the two @@ to Tinris and Eomie, and then I'll give you something for your help.", getitemlink(TortugaShell)); close; } setq TulimsharQuest_AnwarField, 11, 0; getitem2(CottonTrousers, 1, 1, 0, 0, OrangeDye, 0,0,0); // EXPERIMENTAL, required for Inspector Quest getexp 100, 0; mesn; mesq l("Many thanks for your help! Here, take this. I'm sure it can be very useful later. It always is."); close; L_Weak: hello; end; L_Close: close; OnTimer1000: domovestep; OnInit: .@npcId = getnpcid(0, .name$); //setunitdata(.@npcId, UDT_HEADTOP, 2929); // TODO: This NPC is an Elf and therefore, CANNOT use NPCEyes. setunitdata(.@npcId, UDT_HEADTOP, FarmerHat); setunitdata(.@npcId, UDT_HEADMIDDLE, ArtisTankTop); setunitdata(.@npcId, UDT_HEADBOTTOM, CottonTrousers); setunitdata(.@npcId, UDT_WEAPON, DeepBlackBoots); // Boots setunitdata(.@npcId, UDT_HAIRSTYLE, 6); setunitdata(.@npcId, UDT_HAIRCOLOR, 14); .sex = G_MALE; .distance = 5; initpath "move", 93, 84,//A "dir", RIGHT, 0, "wait", 30, 0, "move", 84, 60,//C "dir", UP, 0, "wait", 12, 0, "move", 117, 64,//K "dir", LEFT, 0, "wait", 8, 0, "move", 95, 84,//B "dir", DOWN, 0, "wait", 29, 0, "move", 92, 68,//R "dir", DOWN, 0, "wait", 14, 0, "move", 94, 80,//F "dir", UP, 0, "wait", 13, 0, "move", 130, 73,//I "dir", DOWN, 0, "wait", 14, 0, "move", 95, 84,//B "dir", DOWN, 0, "wait", 28, 0, "move", 93, 64,//D "dir", UP, 0, "wait", 11, 0, "move", 108, 60,//M "dir", RIGHT, 0, "wait", 8, 0, "move", 93, 84,//A "dir", RIGHT, 0, "wait", 27, 0, "move", 98, 60,//O "dir", UP, 0, "wait", 18, 0, "move", 89, 62,//P "dir", DOWN, 0, "wait", 7, 0, "move", 95, 84,//B "dir", DOWN, 0, "wait", 26, 0, "move", 85, 66,//Q "dir", UP, 0, "wait", 21, 0, "move", 89, 82,//G "dir", UP, 0, "wait", 10, 0, "move", 93, 84,//A "dir", RIGHT, 0, "wait", 25, 0, "move", 105, 78,//H "dir", UP, 0, "wait", 17, 0, "move", 114, 63,//L "dir", UP, 0, "wait", 1, 0, "move", 95, 84,//B "dir", DOWN, 0, "wait", 24, 0, "move", 109, 69,//J "dir", DOWN, 0, "wait", 15, 0, "move", 104, 63,//N "dir", LEFT, 0, "wait", 1, 0, "move", 95, 84,//B "dir", DOWN, 0, "wait", 23, 0, "move", 94, 80,//F "dir", UP, 0, "wait", 9, 0, "move", 75, 63,//S "dir", UP, 0, "wait", 15, 0; initialmove; initnpctimer; end; }