// TMW2 Scripts. // // TMW-BR Original Authors: // Programmer: Adson Renato // Texts: Arkanjo // Review: Jesusalva // // Authors: // Jesusalva // Description: // Stowaway hidden in a ship's hole. Contrabandist. Trade potions, dyes, // food, water, and money for a hat. 002-1,45,26,0 script Alige NPC_ALIGE,{ mesn; mesq lg("Hey, dude! The guards are after me. I need your help, and I can reward you."); next; mesn strcharinfo(0); menu l("Guaaaards! Sailors! Help! We have a stowaway!"), L_Revolt, l("Not right now, I'm busy."), L_Close, l("Did you said reward?!"), L_GoGo; L_Revolt: message strcharinfo(0), l("Guaaaards! Sailors! Help! We have a stowaway!"); mesn; mesq l("No, please don't! I have 3 kids to feed. They are looking for me for contraband. Please, let me go!"); close; L_Close: close; L_GoGo: mesn; mesq l("But... I need to solve a problem first. So please come back later."); close; OnInit: .sex = G_MALE; .distance = 2; end; OnTouch: if (getareausers() <= 1) setnpcdir "Alige", 2; // 6 close; OnUnTouch: if (getareausers() == 0) setnpcdir "Alige", 4; // 8 close; }