// TMW2 Script // Author: // Ernando (Creator) // Jesusalva // Description: // Hunger Games™ version for The Mana World Brazil v2, created by Ernando Quirino. 001-8,0,0,0 script #QuirinoHUB NPC_HIDDEN,{ end; OnStart: maptimer("001-8", 5000, "#QuirinoHUB::OnCount10"); announce("##1HUNGRY QUIRIN EVENT: ##3##BCountdown: 15 seconds!", bc_all|bc_npc); end; OnCount10: misceffect(4); addtimer(5000, "#QuirinoHUB::OnCount5"); dispbottom l("10 seconds!"); end; OnCount5: misceffect(4); addtimer(5000, "#QuirinoHUB::OnBegin"); dispbottom l("5 seconds!"); end; OnBegin: setpcblock(PCBLOCK_ATTACK|PCBLOCK_SKILL|PCBLOCK_ITEM|PCBLOCK_MOVE|PCBLOCK_COMMANDS, false); misceffect(60); misceffect(11); dispbottom col("Run! Event started!", 1); end; OnSendWave: end; OnPCLogoutEvent: OnPCDieEvent: if (checkpcblock() & PCBLOCK_ATTACK) setpcblock(PCBLOCK_ATTACK|PCBLOCK_SKILL|PCBLOCK_ITEM|PCBLOCK_MOVE|PCBLOCK_COMMANDS, false); getmapxy(.@mapa$, .@a,.@b, 0); if (.@mapa$ == "001-8") { clearitem(); // Check if to reduce clearitem() efficiency you've used the cart in an illegal way. getcartinventorylist(); if (@cartinventorylist_count>=1) { // Obviously a cheater, you should not be using the cart on the event. I HATE CHEATERS! // Destroy everything you had on the cart query_sql("DELETE FROM `cart_inventory` WHERE `char_id`="+getcharid(0)); // Destroy the cart. Cheaters doesn't deserve it!! setcart(0); // Delete the storage register. You now need to pay it again, to don't cheat anymore! setq General_Banker, 0; // And be happy I did not removed your experience or gold! } // You'll be revived/fully healed, and then warped. recovery(getcharid(3)); warp "000-1", 22, 22; } end; }