// Evol scripts. // Authors: // Hal9000 // Qwerty Dragon // Reid // Description: // Couwan is trying to scam the player. // Variable: // x ShipQuests_Couwan // Values: // 0 Never talked with Couwan. // 1 Spoke, and received the quest scam. // 2 Done quest scam. 000-1,89,36,0 script Couwan NPC_TRITAN_MAN_SAILOR,{ .@q = getq(ShipQuests_Couwan); if (.@q == 1) { mesn; mesq l("What are you looking at?"); next; mesq l("Yeye still have my box? Stare less and work more. Go give it to Gugli!"); close; } else if (.@q > 1) { mesn; mesq l("What are you looking at?"); next; mesq l("Yeye gave my box to Gugli? Nice, nice yeye!"); close; } mesn; mesq l("Hello yeye."); next; mesq l("Look how splendid this landscape is!"); next; switch(select( l("Very nice, indeed!"), l("I don't see anything else than... water?"))) { case 2: mes ""; mesn; mesq l("Yeye's brain is probably still full of sea water if yeye can't see the beauty of this place."); next; mesq l("Stupid yeye..."); close; } mes ""; mesn; mesq l("Yeye got good eyes and seem to have fully recovered from your injuries..."); next; mesq l("Hey, could yeye please take my box of fish to Gugli?"); next; switch(select( l("Sure, but what will I get in exchange?"), l("I'm sorry, I don't have time right now."))) { case 2: mes ""; mesn; mesq l("Stupid yeye..."); break; case 255: break; default: mes ""; mesn; mesq l("Yeye ask too much but do too little. Take this box and stop talking."); next; inventoryplace 713, 1; mesn "Narrator"; mes col(l("Couwan hands you a box full of fish."), 9); getitem 713, 1; next; mes col(l("The sailor turns his back to you."), 9); setq ShipQuests_Couwan, 1; break; } close; OnInit: .sex = G_MALE; setnpcdistance 2; end; }