//================= Hercules Database =====================================
//= _ _ _
//= | | | | | |
//= | |_| | ___ _ __ ___ _ _| | ___ ___
//= | _ |/ _ \ '__/ __| | | | |/ _ \/ __|
//= | | | | __/ | | (__| |_| | | __/\__ \
//= \_| |_/\___|_| \___|\__,_|_|\___||___/
//================= License ===============================================
//= This file is part of Hercules.
//= http://herc.ws - http://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules
//= Copyright (C) 2014-2015 Hercules Dev Team
//= Hercules is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
//= it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
//= the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
//= (at your option) any later version.
//= This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
//= but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
//= GNU General Public License for more details.
//= You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
//= along with this program. If not, see .
//= Items Database
item_db: (
// Items Database
************* Entry structure ************************************************
// =================== Mandatory fields ===============================
Id: ID (int)
AegisName: "Aegis_Name" (string)
Name: "Item Name" (string)
// =================== Optional fields
Type: Item Type (string, defaults to "IT_ETC")
Buy: Buy Price (int, defaults to Sell * 2)
Sell: Sell Price (int, defaults to Buy / 2)
Weight: Item Weight (int, defaults to 0)
Atk: Attack (int, defaults to 0)
Matk: Magical Attack (int, defaults to 0, ignored in pre-re)
Def: Defense (int, defaults to 0)
Range: Attack Range (int, defaults to 0)
MinRange: Minimal Attack Range (int, defaults to 0)
Slots: Slots (int, defaults to 0)
Job: Job mask (int, defaults to all jobs = 0xFFFFFFFF)
Upper: Upper mask (bitmask array, string or int, defaults to "ITEMUPPER_ALL")
Gender: Gender (string, defaults to "SEX_ANY")
Loc: Equip location (bitmask array, string or int, required value for equipment)
WeaponLv: Weapon Level (int, defaults to 0)
EquipLv: Equip required level (int, defaults to 0)
EquipLv: [min, max] (alternative syntax with min / max level)
Refine: Refineable (boolean, defaults to true)
DisableOptions: true/false (boolean, defaults to false !!for equipments only!!) [Smokexyz]
Subtype: Item Subtype (int, defaults to 0)
W_FIST, ///< Bare hands
W_1HSWORD, //2
W_2HSWORD, //3
W_1HSPEAR, //4
W_2HSPEAR, //5
W_1HAXE, //6
W_2HAXE, //7
W_MACE, //8
W_2HMACE, //9 (unused)
W_STAFF, //10
W_BOW, //11
W_WHIP, //14
W_BOOK, //15
W_KATAR, //16
W_RIFLE, //18
W_HUUMA, //22
W_2HSTAFF, //23
ViewSprite: Sprite view ID (int, defaults to 0)
BindOnEquip: true/false (boolean, defaults to false)
ForceSerial: true/false (boolean, defaults to false)
BuyingStore: true/false (boolean, defaults to false)
Delay: Delay to use item (int, defaults to 0)
FloorLifeTime: Delay to remove item from ground (int, default flooritem_lifetime)
KeepAfterUse: true/false (boolean, defaults to false)
DropAnnounce: true/false (boolean, defaults to false)
AllowPickup: true/false (boolean, defaults to true)
Charm: true/false (boolean, defaults to false)
MaxFloorOffset: [x, y] (int, defaults to 8)
MaxFloorOffset: offset (int, defaults to 8)
Identified: true/false (boolean, default to true)
RequiredStr: required strength (int, default to 0)
RequiredAgi: required agility (int, default to 0)
RequiredVit: required vitality (int, default to 0)
RequiredInt: required intellect (int, default to 0)
RequiredDex: required dexterity (int, default to 0)
RequiredLuk: required luck (int, default to 0)
RequiredMaxHp: required max hp (int, default to 0)
RequiredMaxSp: required max sp (int, default to 0)
RequiredAtk: required attack (int, default to 0)
RequiredMAtkMin: required minimal magic attack (int, default to 0)
RequiredMAtkMax: required maximum magic attack (int, default to 0)
RequiredDef: required defence (int, default to 0)
RequiredMDef: required magic defence (int, default to 0)
RequiredSkill: required skill (int, default to 0)
UseEffect: effect if use/equip item success (int, default to -1)
UseFailEffect: effect if use/equip item failed (int, default to -1)
UnequipEffect: effect if unequip item success (int, default to -1)
UnequipFailEffect: effect if unequip item failed (int, default to -1)
Trade: { (defaults to no restrictions)
override: GroupID (int, defaults to 100)
nodrop: true/false (boolean, defaults to false)
notrade: true/false (boolean, defaults to false)
partneroverride: true/false (boolean, defaults to false)
noselltonpc: true/false (boolean, defaults to false)
nocart: true/false (boolean, defaults to false)
nostorage: true/false (boolean, defaults to false)
nogstorage: true/false (boolean, defaults to false)
nomail: true/false (boolean, defaults to false)
noauction: true/false (boolean, defaults to false)
Nouse: { (defaults to no restrictions)
override: GroupID (int, defaults to 100)
sitting: true/false (boolean, defaults to false)
Stack: [amount, type] (int, defaults to 0)
Sprite: SpriteID (int, defaults to 0)
Script: <"
(it can be multi-line)
OnEquipScript: <" OnEquip Script (can also be multi-line) ">
OnUnequipScript: <" OnUnequip Script (can also be multi-line) ">
OnDropScript: <" OnDrop Script (can also be multi-line) ">
OnTakeScript: <" OnTake Script (can also be multi-line) ">
OnInsertCardScript: <" OnInsert card Script (can also be multi-line) ">
AllowCards: {
idNUM: amount (NUM is id number, amount is amount)
AllowAmmo: {
idNUM: something (NUM is id number)
501 699 = Usable Items
700 999 = Generic Items
1000 1149 = Necklaces
1150 1299 = Charms
1300 1799 = Chest Armors
1800 1999 = Boots
2000 2199 = Gloves
2200 2499 = Pants
2500 2699 = Rings
2700 2899 = Shields
2900 3199 = Head Gears
3200 3499 = Neck Armors
3500 3999 = Melee Weapons
4000 4999 = Pets
5000 5999 = Cards
6000 6499 = Ranged Weapons
6500 6999 = Ammo
7000 7399 = Magical Weapons (MAtk weapons)
7400 9999 = Others
Id: 501
AegisName: "Acorn"
Name: "Acorn"
Buy: 20
Sell: 7
Weight: 3
Refine: false
Delay: 500
UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
Script: <"
if (@useType == 1) {
getmapxy(.@map$, .@x, .@y, 0);
if (rand(1,10) != 3) {
monster(.@map$, .@x, .@y, l("Oak"), 1017, 1);
callfunc "SaggyScoreUpdate", callfunc("rand2", 1, 2);
} else {
monster(.@map$, .@x, .@y, l("Not An Oak"), SpringSquirrel, 1);
} else {
@type = 0;
doevent "rand_sc_heal::OnUse";
Id: 502
AegisName: "Bread"
Name: "Bread"
Buy: 46
Sell: 17
Weight: 25
Refine: false
Delay: 500
UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
Script: <"
//sc_start SC_INCATKRATE, 10000, 100;
@type = 1;
doevent "rand_sc_heal::OnUse";
Id: 503
AegisName: "Fungus"
Name: "Fungus"
Buy: 45
Sell: 15
Weight: 8
Refine: false
Delay: 1000
UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
Script: <"
sc_end SC_POISON;
@type = 1;
doevent "rand_sc_heal::OnUse";
Id: 504
AegisName: "Cheese"
Name: "Cheese"
Buy: 55
Sell: 17
Weight: 3
Refine: false
Delay: 500
UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
Script: <"
@type = 1;
doevent "rand_sc_heal::OnUse";
Id: 505
AegisName: "PiouLegs"
Name: "Piou Legs"
Buy: 15
Sell: 5
Weight: 4
Refine: false
Delay: 500
UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
Script: <"
@type = 2;
doevent "rand_sc_heal::OnUse";
Id: 506
AegisName: "LettuceLeaf"
Name: "Lettuce Leaf"
Buy: 30
Sell: 10
Weight: 1
Refine: false
Delay: 500
UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
Script: <"
@type = 1;
doevent "rand_sc_heal::OnUse";
Id: 507
AegisName: "Piberries"
Name: "Piberries"
Buy: 20
Sell: 9
Weight: 2
Refine: false
Delay: 500
UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
Script: <"
@type = 1;
doevent "rand_sc_heal::OnUse";
Id: 508
AegisName: "SeaDrops"
Name: "Sea Drops"
Buy: 6
Sell: 2
Weight: 4
Refine: false
UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
Script: <"
if (rand(10000) < 1000)
sc_start SC_POISON, 7000, 0;
@type = 1;
doevent "rand_sc_heal::OnUse";
Id: 509
AegisName: "Aquada"
Name: "Aquada"
Buy: 120
Sell: 42
Weight: 16
Refine: false
Delay: 500
UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
Script: <"
@type = 1;
doevent "rand_sc_heal::OnUse";
Id: 510
AegisName: "PinkBlobime"
Name: "Pink Blobime"
Buy: 10
Sell: 4
Weight: 10
Refine: false
UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
Script: <"
sc_start2 SC_POISON, 1, 30, 3333;
@type = 0;
doevent "rand_sc_heal::OnUse";
Id: 511
AegisName: "PurpleBlobime"
Name: "Purple Blobime"
Buy: 20
Sell: 7
Weight: 10
Refine: false
UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
Script: <"
sc_start2 SC_POISON, 1, 30, 6666;
@type = 0;
doevent "rand_sc_heal::OnUse";
Id: 512
AegisName: "HalfCroconut"
Name: "Half Croconut"
Buy: 75
Sell: 26
Weight: 38
Refine: false
Delay: 500
UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
Script: <"
@type = 1;
doevent "rand_sc_heal::OnUse";
Id: 513
AegisName: "Croconut"
Name: "Croconut"
Buy: 100
Sell: 35
Weight: 80
Refine: false
Script: <"
doevent "Croconut::OnUse";
Id: 514
AegisName: "CaramelCandy"
Name: "Caramel Candy"
Buy: 50
Sell: 25
Weight: 3
Refine: false
Delay: 500
UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
Script: <"
@type = 0;
if ($@SEASON == WINTER) {
@rarity = 10;
doevent "rand_sc_heal::OnUse";
Id: 515
AegisName: "Plushroom"
Name: "Plushroom"
Buy: 42
Sell: 5
Weight: 7
Refine: false
Delay: 1000
UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
Script: <"
sc_start SC_ATTHASTE_POTION1, 15000, 5;
@min = 30;
@max = 60;
@delay = 3;
doevent "legacy_heal::OnUse";
Id: 516
AegisName: "PumpkishJuice"
Name: "Pumpkish Juice"
Buy: 200
Sell: 5
Weight: 5
Refine: false
Delay: 500
UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
Script: <"
@min = 30;
@max = 50;
@delay = 4;
doevent "legacy_heal::OnUse";
Id: 517
AegisName: "DeliciousCookie"
Name: "Delicious Cookie"
Type: "IT_ARMOR"
Buy: 30
Sell: 10
Weight: 2
EquipLv: 1
Refine: false
Trade: {
notrade: true
nodrop: true
noselltonpc: true
nogstorage: true
nomail: true
noauction: true
Id: 518
AegisName: "UrchinMeat"
Name: "Urchin Meat"
Buy: 50
Sell: 18
Weight: 1
Refine: false
Delay: 500
UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
Script: <"
@type = 2;
doevent "rand_sc_heal::OnUse";
Id: 519
AegisName: "EasterEgg"
Name: "Easter Egg"
Buy: 100
Sell: 20
Weight: 10
Refine: false
Delay: 500
UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
Script: <"
@type = 3;
if ($EVENT$ == "Easter") {
sc_start SC_INCHIT,10000,10;
doevent "rand_sc_heal::OnUse";
Id: 520
AegisName: "PiberriesInfusion"
Name: "Piberries Infusion"
Buy: 140
Sell: 47
Weight: 15
Refine: false
Delay: 500
UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
Script: <"
@type = 4;
doevent "rand_sc_heal::OnUse";
Id: 521
AegisName: "FatesPotion"
Name: "Fates Potion"
Buy: 250
Sell: 84
Weight: 17
Refine: false
Delay: 500
UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
Script: <"
@type = 4;
doevent "rand_sc_heal::OnUse";
Id: 522
AegisName: "ClothoLiquor"
Name: "Clotho Liquor"
Buy: 600
Sell: 200
Weight: 16
Refine: false
Delay: 500
UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
Script: <"
@type = 4;
doevent "rand_sc_heal::OnUse";
Id: 523
AegisName: "LachesisBrew"
Name: "Lachesis Brew"
Buy: 1000
Sell: 330
Weight: 14
Refine: false
Delay: 500
UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
Script: <"
@type = 4;
doevent "rand_sc_heal::OnUse";
Id: 524
AegisName: "AtroposMixture"
Name: "Atropos Mixture"
Buy: 2450
Sell: 815
Weight: 15
Refine: false
Delay: 500
UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
Script: <"
@type = 4;
doevent "rand_sc_heal::OnUse";
Id: 525
AegisName: "ElixirOfLife"
Name: "Elixir Of Life"
Buy: 5000
Sell: 500
Weight: 20
Refine: false
Delay: 1000
UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
Script: <"
sc_end SC_STONE;
sc_end SC_FREEZE;
sc_end SC_STUN;
sc_end SC_SLEEP;
sc_end SC_POISON;
sc_end SC_CURSE;
sc_end SC_SILENCE;
sc_end SC_BLIND;
sc_end SC_DPOISON;
sc_end SC_FEAR;
sc_end SC_COLD;
sc_end SC_BURNING;
sc_end SC_DEC_AGI;
percentheal 100, 100;
Id: 526
AegisName: "IronShovel"
Name: "Iron Shovel"
Buy: 5000
Sell: 750
Weight: 210
Refine: false
KeepAfterUse: true
Script: <"
if (@useType == 1) {
doevent "Shovel::OnBury";
} else {
doevent "Shovel::OnDig";
Id: 527
AegisName: "SteelShovel"
Name: "Steel Shovel"
Buy: 30000
Sell: 10000
Weight: 210
Refine: false
KeepAfterUse: true
Script: <"
if (@useType == 1) {
doevent "Shovel::OnBury";
} else {
doevent "Shovel::OnDig";
Id: 528
AegisName: "Manana"
Name: "Manana"
Buy: 100
Sell: 35
Weight: 10
Refine: false
Delay: 500
UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
Script: <"
@type = 1;
doevent "rand_sc_heal::OnUse";
Id: 529
AegisName: "Curshroom"
Name: "Curshroom"
Buy: 150
Sell: 25
Weight: 10
Refine: false
Delay: 1000
UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
Script: <"
sc_start SC_INCATKRATE, 30000, 10;
//sc_start SC_ATTHASTE_POTION1, 30000, 5;
sc_end SC_POISON;
@type = 1;
doevent "rand_sc_heal::OnUse";
Id: 530
AegisName: "Carrot"
Name: "Carrot"
Buy: 300
Sell: 80
Weight: 3
Refine: false
Delay: 500
UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
Script: <"
@type = 1;
if ($EVENT$ == "Easter" || $EVENT$ == "Valentine") {
doevent "rand_sc_heal::OnUse";
Id: 531
AegisName: "RedPlushWine"
Name: "Red Plush Wine"
Buy: 400
Sell: 110
Weight: 10
Refine: false
Delay: 500
UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
Script: <"
@taste = 25;
@Alcohol = 16;
doevent "alcohol_sc::OnUse";
Id: 532
AegisName: "DwarvenSake"
Name: "Dwarven Sake"
Buy: 800
Sell: 220
Weight: 14
Refine: false
Delay: 500
UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
Script: <"
@taste = 50;
@Alcohol = 25;
doevent "alcohol_sc::OnUse";
Id: 533
AegisName: "CrazyRum"
Name: "Crazy Rum"
Buy: 1600
Sell: 440
Weight: 25
Refine: false
Delay: 500
UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
Script: <"
@taste = 70;
@Alcohol = 40;
doevent "alcohol_sc::OnUse";
Id: 534
AegisName: "WhiskeyAle"
Name: "Whiskey Ale"
Buy: 3200
Sell: 880
Weight: 55
Refine: false
Delay: 500
UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
Script: <"
@taste = 100;
@Alcohol = 70;
doevent "alcohol_sc::OnUse";
Id: 535
AegisName: "JesusalvaGrimorium"
Name: "Jesusaves's Grimorium"
Buy: 64000
Sell: 1
Weight: 25
KeepAfterUse: true
Refine: false
Trade: {
notrade: true
nodrop: true
noselltonpc: true
nogstorage: true
nomail: true
noauction: true
Script: <"
doevent "#Book-JGrimorium::OnUse";
Id: 536
AegisName: "PetcaringGuide"
Name: "Fluffy Animals who Love Their Owners"
Buy: 70
Sell: 10
Weight: 20
KeepAfterUse: true
Script: <"
doevent "#Book-Petcaring::OnUse";
Id: 537
AegisName: "BookOfLaws"
Name: "The Book of Laws"
Buy: 0
Sell: 0
Weight: 10
KeepAfterUse: true
Refine: false
Script: <"
doevent "@rules::OnUseBook";
Id: 538
AegisName: "FishingGuideVolI"
Name: "Fishing Guide Vol. I"
Buy: 60
Sell: 10
Weight: 30
KeepAfterUse: true
Refine: false
Script: <"
doevent "#Book-Fishing1::OnUse";
Id: 539
AegisName: "RoastedMaggot"
Name: "Roasted Maggot"
Buy: 110
Sell: 55
Weight: 5
Refine: false
Delay: 500
UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
Script: <"
@type = 2;
doevent "rand_sc_heal::OnUse";
Id: 540
AegisName: "RedApple"
Name: "Red Apple"
Buy: 99
Sell: 8
Weight: 5
Refine: false
Delay: 400
UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
Script: <"
@type = 1;
doevent "rand_sc_heal::OnUse";
Id: 541
AegisName: "CactusPotion"
Name: "Cactus Potion"
Buy: 70
Sell: 35
Weight: 4
Refine: false
Delay: 500
UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
Script: <"
@type = 1;
doevent "rand_sc_heal::OnUse";
Id: 542
AegisName: "CactusDrink"
Name: "Cactus Drink"
Buy: 50
Sell: 25
Weight: 4
Refine: false
Delay: 500
UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
Script: <"
@type = 1;
doevent "rand_sc_heal::OnUse";
Id: 543
AegisName: "ApanaCake"
Name: "Apana Cake"
Buy: 50
Sell: 10
Weight: 4
Refine: false
Delay: 500
UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
Script: <"
@delay= 5;
@type = 3;
doevent "rand_sc_heal::OnUse";
Id: 544
AegisName: "Beer"
Name: "Beer"
Buy: 195
Sell: 55
Weight: 4
Refine: false
Delay: 500
UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
Script: <"
@type = 1;
doevent "rand_sc_heal::OnUse";
@taste = 10;
@Alcohol = 7;
doevent "alcohol_sc::OnUse";
Id: 545
AegisName: "Blueberries"
Name: "Blueberries"
Buy: 50
Sell: 25
Weight: 4
Refine: false
Delay: 500
UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
Script: <"
@type = 0;
if ($EVENT$ == "SPRING") {
doevent "rand_sc_heal::OnUse";
Id: 546
AegisName: "Candy"
Name: "Candy"
Buy: 75
Sell: 25
Weight: 1
Refine: false
Delay: 500
UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
Script: <"
@type = 0;
doevent "rand_sc_heal::OnUse";
Id: 547
AegisName: "BottleOfSeaWater"
Name: "Bottle Of Sea Water"
Buy: 80
Sell: 35
Weight: 70
Refine: false
Delay: 500
UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
Script: <"
@type = 1;
doevent "rand_sc_heal::OnUse";
if (rand(1,8) != 4)
getitem EmptyBottle, 1;
Id: 548
AegisName: "CandyCane"
Name: "Candy Cane"
Buy: 50
Sell: 25
Weight: 4
Refine: false
Delay: 500
UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
Script: <"
@type = 0;
doevent "rand_sc_heal::OnUse";
Id: 549
AegisName: "Cherry"
Name: "Cherry"
Buy: 50
Sell: 25
Weight: 4
Refine: false
Delay: 500
UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
Script: <"
@type = 1;
doevent "rand_sc_heal::OnUse";
Id: 550
AegisName: "CherryCake"
Name: "Cherry Cake"
Buy: 50
Sell: 25
Weight: 4
Refine: false
Delay: 500
UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
Script: <"
@type = 2;
doevent "rand_sc_heal::OnUse";
Id: 551
AegisName: "ChickenLeg"
Name: "Chicken Leg"
Buy: 200
Sell: 65
Weight: 4
Refine: false
Delay: 500
UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
Script: <"
@type = 2;
doevent "rand_sc_heal::OnUse";
Id: 552
AegisName: "ChocolateMouboo"
Name: "Chocolate Mouboo"
Buy: 50
Sell: 25
Weight: 12
Refine: false
Delay: 500
UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
Script: <"
@delay = rand(1,8);
@type = 1;
doevent "rand_sc_heal::OnUse";
Id: 553
AegisName: "GingerBreadMan"
Name: "Ginger Bread Man"
Buy: 50
Sell: 20
Refine: false
Delay: 500
UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
Script: <"
@type = 0;
if ($@SEASON == WINTER) {
doevent "rand_sc_heal::OnUse";
Id: 554
AegisName: "GoldenApple"
Name: "Golden Apple"
Buy: 50000
Sell: 5000
Weight: 7
Refine: false
Delay: 500
UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
Script: <"
@delay = rand(30,90);
@type = 4;
doevent "rand_sc_heal::OnUse";
Id: 555
AegisName: "JarOfBlood"
Name: "Jar Of Blood"
Buy: 50
Sell: 25
Weight: 4
Refine: false
Delay: 500
UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
Script: <"
@type = 1;
doevent "rand_sc_heal::OnUse";
Id: 556
AegisName: "JellyBeans"
Name: "Jelly Beans"
Buy: 50
Sell: 25
Weight: 4
Refine: false
Delay: 500
UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
Script: <"
@type = 0;
doevent "rand_sc_heal::OnUse";
Id: 557
AegisName: "RecipeBook"
Name: "Recipe Book"
Buy: 0
Sell: 0
Weight: 20
KeepAfterUse: true
Trade: {
notrade: true
nodrop: true
noselltonpc: true
nogstorage: true
nomail: true
noauction: true
Script: <"
doevent "#RecipeBook::OnUse";
Id: 558
AegisName: "Mashmallow"
Name: "Mashmallow"
Buy: 50
Sell: 25
Weight: 4
Refine: false
Delay: 500
UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
Script: <"
@type = 0;
doevent "rand_sc_heal::OnUse";
Id: 559
AegisName: "Milk"
Name: "Milk"
Buy: 50
Sell: 25
Weight: 4
Refine: false
Delay: 500
UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
Script: <"
@type = 1;
doevent "rand_sc_heal::OnUse";
Id: 560
AegisName: "Orange"
Name: "Orange"
Buy: 50
Sell: 25
Weight: 4
Refine: false
Delay: 500
UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
Script: <"
@min = 75;
@max = 120;
@delay = 3;
doevent "legacy_heal::OnUse";
Id: 561
AegisName: "OrangeCupcake"
Name: "Orange Cupcake"
Buy: 50
Sell: 25
Weight: 4
Refine: false
Delay: 500
UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
Script: <"
@min = 200;
@max = 400;
@delay = 2;
doevent "legacy_heal::OnUse";
Id: 562
AegisName: "Pear"
Name: "Pear"
Buy: 50
Sell: 25
Weight: 4
Refine: false
Delay: 500
UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
Script: <"
@type = 1;
doevent "rand_sc_heal::OnUse";
Id: 563
AegisName: "Plum"
Name: "Plum"
Buy: 50
Sell: 25
Weight: 4
Refine: false
Delay: 500
UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
Script: <"
@type = 1;
doevent "rand_sc_heal::OnUse";
Id: 564
AegisName: "PumpkinJuice"
Name: "Pumpkin Juice"
Buy: 50
Sell: 25
Weight: 4
Refine: false
Delay: 500
UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
Script: <"
@type = 1;
doevent "rand_sc_heal::OnUse";
Id: 565
AegisName: "PumpkinSeed"
Name: "Pumpkin Seed"
Buy: 50
Sell: 25
Weight: 4
Refine: false
Delay: 500
UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
Script: <"
@type = 1;
doevent "rand_sc_heal::OnUse";
Id: 566
AegisName: "BigPumpkinSeed"
Name: "Big Pumpkin Seed"
Buy: 50
Sell: 25
Weight: 4
Refine: false
Delay: 500
UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
Script: <"
@type = 1;
doevent "rand_sc_heal::OnUse";
Id: 567
AegisName: "SkullBloodyMug"
Name: "Skull Bloody Mug"
Buy: 50
Sell: 25
Weight: 4
Refine: false
Delay: 500
UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
Script: <"
@min = 4;
@max = 4;
@delay = 3;
doevent "legacy_heal::OnUse";
Id: 568
AegisName: "SkullPotion"
Name: "Skull Potion"
Buy: 50
Sell: 25
Weight: 4
Refine: false
Delay: 500
UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
Script: <"
@type = 1;
doevent "rand_sc_heal::OnUse";
Id: 569
AegisName: "SmallMushroom"
Name: "Small Mushroom"
Buy: 50
Sell: 25
Weight: 4
Refine: false
Delay: 500
UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
Script: <"
@type = 1;
doevent "rand_sc_heal::OnUse";
Id: 570
AegisName: "MoubooSteak"
Name: "Mouboo Steak"
Buy: 200
Sell: 65
Weight: 125
Refine: false
Delay: 500
UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
Script: <"
@type = 2;
doevent "rand_sc_heal::OnUse";
Id: 571
AegisName: "TonoriDelight"
Name: "Tonori Delight"
Buy: 50
Sell: 20
Weight: 2
Refine: false
Delay: 500
UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
Script: <"
@type = 3;
// Re-roll
if (.@val > 64)
itemheal 0, .@val;
sc_start SC_ATTHASTE_POTION1, 10000, 3;
doevent "rand_sc_heal::OnUse";
Id: 572
AegisName: "XmasCake"
Name: "Xmas Cake"
Buy: 50
Sell: 25
Weight: 5
Refine: false
Delay: 500
UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
Script: <"
@min = 100;
@max = 400;
if ($EVENT$ == "Christmas") {
@delay = 3;
doevent "legacy_heal::OnUse";
Id: 573
AegisName: "XmasCandyCane"
Name: "Xmas Candy Cane"
Buy: 50
Sell: 18
Weight: 4
Refine: false
Delay: 500
UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
Script: <"
@min = 80;
@max = 350;
if ($EVENT$ == "Christmas") {
@delay = 4;
@type = 1;
doevent "legacy_heal::OnUse";
Id: 574
AegisName: "ZombieNachos"
Name: "Zombie Nachos"
Buy: 50
Sell: 25
Weight: 4
Refine: false
Delay: 500
UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
Script: <"
@type = 2;
doevent "rand_sc_heal::OnUse";
Id: 583
AegisName: "ChocolateBiscuit"
Name: "Chocolate Biscuit"
Buy: 50
Sell: 25
Weight: 5
Refine: false
Delay: 500
UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
Script: <"
@type = 1;
doevent "rand_sc_heal::OnUse";
Id: 584
AegisName: "ChocolateBar"
Name: "Chocolate Bar"
Buy: 90
Sell: 40
Weight: 4
Refine: false
Delay: 500
UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
Script: <"
@type = 0;
doevent "rand_sc_heal::OnUse";
Id: 585
AegisName: "CaveSnakeEgg"
Name: "Cave Snake Egg"
Buy: 100
Sell: 50
Weight: 4
Refine: false
Delay: 500
UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
Script: <"
@type = 2;
doevent "rand_sc_heal::OnUse";
Id: 586
AegisName: "SmokeGrenade"
Name: "SmokeGrenade"
Buy: 700
Sell: 350
Weight: 40
Refine: false
Delay: 500
Script: <"
callfunc "areasc", 3, 600+BaseLevel*3, SC_SLEEP, BL_MOB;
//itemskill AS_CLOAKING,1,1;
//itemskill SM_MAGNUM,1;
//itemskill(, 1, 1);
Id: 587
AegisName: "BugLeg"
Name: "Bug Leg"
Buy: 30
Sell: 10
Weight: 4
Refine: false
Delay: 500
UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
Script: <"
@min = 8;
@max = 14;
@delay = 1;
doevent "legacy_heal::OnUse";
Id: 588
AegisName: "Toothbrush"
Name: "Toothbrush"
Buy: 0
Sell: 0
Weight: 1
KeepAfterUse: false
Refine: false
Trade: {
notrade: true
noselltonpc: true
nocart: true
nostorage: false
nogstorage: true
nomail: true
noauction: true
Script: <"
announce l("@@ has the clear smile of victory!", strcharinfo(0)), bc_all;
if (.@r % 2 == 1)
getitem StrangeCoin, 10;
getitem BronzeGift, 1;
Id: 589
AegisName: "BronzeGift"
Name: "Bronze Gift"
Buy: 0
Sell: 0
Weight: 25
KeepAfterUse: false
Refine: false
Trade: {
noselltonpc: true
nogstorage: true
nomail: true
noauction: true
Script: <"
setarray .@r, StrangeCoin, StrangeCoin, StrangeCoin, StrangeCoin, SharpKnife, BugLeg, Cheese, Aquada, BronzeGladius, Aquada, Lockpicks, IronAmmoBox, ArrowAmmoBox, ElixirOfLife;
if (.@n > 3)
getitem .@r[.@n], 1;
getitem .@r[.@n], rand(5,10);
Id: 590
AegisName: "SilverGift"
Name: "Silver Gift"
Buy: 0
Sell: 0
Weight: 45
KeepAfterUse: false
Refine: false
Trade: {
noselltonpc: true
nogstorage: true
nomail: true
noauction: true
Script: <"
setarray .@r, StrangeCoin, StrangeCoin, StrangeCoin, StrangeCoin, StrangeCoin, SnakeEgg, BronzeGift, Dagger, Aquada, Chagashroom, MoubooSteak, RedApple, IronOre, Coal, CursedAmmoBox, IronAmmoBox, SilverRing;
if (.@n > 4)
getitem .@r[.@n], 1;
getitem .@r[.@n], rand(9,21);
Id: 591
AegisName: "GoldenGift"
Name: "Golden Gift"
Buy: 0
Sell: 0
Weight: 65
KeepAfterUse: false
Refine: false
Trade: {
noselltonpc: true
nogstorage: true
nomail: true
noauction: true
Script: <"
setarray .@r, StrangeCoin, StrangeCoin, CasinoCoins, IronIngot, SaxsoKey, GoldenApple, GoldenRing, GoldOre, PoisonAmmoBox, CursedAmmoBox, MercBoxA, AncientBlueprint, SilverGift;
if (.@n > 2)
getitem .@r[.@n], 1;
getitem .@r[.@n], rand(20,40);
Id: 592
AegisName: "PrismGift"
Name: "Prism Gift"
Buy: 0
Sell: 0
Weight: 85
KeepAfterUse: false
Refine: false
Trade: {
nodrop: true
noselltonpc: true
nogstorage: true
nomail: true
noauction: true
Script: <"
setarray .@r, StrangeCoin, StrangeCoin, IronIngot, CopperIngot, TinIngot, SilverIngot, GoldIngot, PlatinumOre, IridiumOre, TitaniumOre, LeadOre, FourLeafClover, MercBoxA, MercBoxB, GoldenGift, ThornAmmoBox, PoisonAmmoBox, PolishedDiamond, PolishedRuby, PolishedEmerald, PolishedSapphire, PolishedAmethyst, PolishedTopaz, SacredLifePotion, SacredManaPotion, AncientBlueprint, ArcmageBoxset, MysteriousFruit;
if (.@n > 1)
getitem .@r[.@n], 1;
getitem .@r[.@n], rand(40,60);
Id: 593
AegisName: "SupremeGift"
Name: "Supreme Gift"
Buy: 0
Sell: 0
Weight: 115
KeepAfterUse: false
Refine: false
Trade: {
nodrop: true
noselltonpc: true
nogstorage: true
nomail: true
noauction: true
Script: <"
setarray .@r, StrangeCoin, Googles, BlueManaPearl, Bloodstone, LavaManaPearl, DivineApple, BowlerHat, Butterfly, BoneAmmoBox, CrystallizedMaggot, MercBoxB, MercBoxC, PrismGift;
if (.@n > 0)
getitem .@r[.@n], 1;
getitem .@r[.@n], rand(60,80);
Id: 594
AegisName: "DesertTablet"
Name: "Desert Tablet"
Buy: 90000
Sell: 10000
Weight: 860
// For the moment yes, but will be removed when quest is released
KeepAfterUse: true
Refine: false
Script: <"
dispbottom l("Impossible to read.");
Id: 595
AegisName: "BottleOfDivineWater"
Name: "Bottle Of Divine Water"
Buy: 500
Sell: 50
Weight: 69
Refine: false
Delay: 400
UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
Script: <"
@type = 1;
// Effect up on Aeros
if (strpos(.@ma$, "001-") >= 0)
doevent "rand_sc_heal::OnUse";
getitem EmptyBottle, 1;
Id: 596
AegisName: "BottleOfTonoriWater"
Name: "Bottle Of Tonori Water"
Buy: 400
Sell: 70
Weight: 70
Refine: false
Delay: 450
UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
Script: <"
@min = 180;
@max = 800;
@delay = 3;
doevent "legacy_heal::OnUse";
if (rand(1,7) != 4)
getitem EmptyBottle, 1;
Id: 597
AegisName: "ChocolateBunny"
Name: "Chocolate Bunny"
Buy: 400
Sell: 100
Weight: 96
Refine: false
Delay: 800
UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
Script: <"
@type = 1;
doevent "rand_sc_heal::OnUse";
Id: 598
AegisName: "DivineApple"
Name: "Divine Apple"
Buy: 40000
Sell: 10000
Weight: 16
Refine: false
Delay: 100
UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
Script: <"
@type = 4;
doevent "rand_sc_heal::OnUse";
Id: 599
AegisName: "SnakeEgg"
Name: "Snake Egg"
Buy: 400
Sell: 70
Weight: 8
Refine: false
Delay: 800
UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
Script: <"
@type = 2;
doevent "rand_sc_heal::OnUse";
Id: 600
AegisName: "MountainSnakeEgg"
Name: "Moutain Snake Egg"
Buy: 400
Sell: 80
Weight: 9
Refine: false
Delay: 800
UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
Script: <"
@type = 2;
doevent "rand_sc_heal::OnUse";
Id: 601
AegisName: "Chagashroom"
Name: "Chagashroom"
Buy: 42
Sell: 13
Weight: 7
Refine: false
Delay: 1000
UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
Script: <"
// SC_PLUSATTACKPOWER is not caught by client but works.
// SC_STRUP is caught by client, but raises STR in a weird way.
// SC_INCATKRATE works best of all ^.^
sc_start SC_PLUSATTACKPOWER, 15000, 5;
@min = 30;
@max = 60;
@delay = 3;
doevent "legacy_heal::OnUse";
Id: 602
AegisName: "PinkieLeg"
Name: "Pinkie Leg"
Buy: 35
Sell: 15
Weight: 12
Refine: false
Delay: 500
UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
Script: <"
@min = 45;
@max = 75;
@delay = 6;
doevent "legacy_heal::OnUse";
Id: 603
AegisName: "HastePotion"
Name: "Haste Potion"
Buy: 820
Sell: 240
Weight: 12
Refine: false
Delay: 500
UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
Script: <"
sc_start SC_ATTHASTE_POTION1, 30000, 30;
Id: 604
AegisName: "StrengthPotion"
Name: "Strength Potion"
Buy: 820
Sell: 240
Weight: 12
Refine: false
Delay: 500
UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
Script: <"
sc_start SC_PLUSATTACKPOWER, 30000, 30;
Id: 605
AegisName: "BottleOfSewerWater"
Name: "Bottle Of Sewer Water"
Buy: 40
Sell: 20
Weight: 65
Refine: false
Delay: 450
UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
Script: <"
// Read the documentation, Saulc
// Example:
// This will poison the invoking character for 10 minutes at 50% chance.
// sc_start(SC_POISON, 600000, 0, 5000);
// Usage:
// sc_start(, , {, , {, }})
sc_start SC_POISON, 9000, 0, 6700;
@min = 18;
@max = 40;
@delay = 3;
doevent "legacy_heal::OnUse";
getitem EmptyBottle, 1;
Id: 606
AegisName: "PirateTreasureMap"
Name: "Pirate Treasure Map"
Buy: 450000
Sell: 5000
Weight: 14
KeepAfterUse: true
Refine: false
Script: <"
dispbottom ("Error, contact pirate about this! or just blame Saulc");
Id: 607
AegisName: "MysteriousBottle"
Name: "Mysterious Bottle"
Buy: 500
Sell: 100
Weight: 25
KeepAfterUse: false
Refine: false
Script: <"
// 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
setarray .@r, StrangeCoin, SilkCocoon, MushroomSpores, RattoTeeth, BottleOfSeaWater, SpellBookPage, SpellBookPage, AncientBlueprint, SpellBookPage, PirateTreasureMap, TreasureKey, GrassCarp, CottonCloth, CasinoCoins, CrazyRum, Pearl;
if (.@n > 3)
getitem .@r[.@n], 1;
getitem .@r[.@n], rand(1,3);
Id: 608
AegisName: "CelestiaTea"
Name: "Celestia Tea"
Buy: 280
Sell: 60
Weight: 20
Refine: false
Delay: 500
UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
Script: <"
percentheal -5, 15;
Id: 609
AegisName: "CactusCocktail"
Name: "Cactus Cocktail"
Buy: 300
Sell: 3
Weight: 12
Refine: false
Delay: 500
UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
Script: <"
@min = 90;
@max = 260;
if ($@SEASON == SUMMER) {
@min = 270;
@max = 780;
@delay = 3;
doevent "legacy_heal::OnUse";
Id: 610
AegisName: "AppleCocktail"
Name: "Apple Cocktail"
Buy: 300
Sell: 5
Weight: 13
Refine: false
Delay: 500
UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
Script: <"
@min = 130;
@max = 307;
if ($@SEASON == SUMMER) {
@min = 390;
@max = 921;
@delay = 3;
doevent "legacy_heal::OnUse";
Id: 611
AegisName: "CherryCocktail"
Name: "Cherry Cocktail"
Buy: 300
Sell: 10
Weight: 14
Refine: false
Delay: 500
UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
Script: <"
@min = 165;
@max = 395;
if ($@SEASON == SUMMER) {
@min = 495;
@max = 1185;
@delay = 3;
doevent "legacy_heal::OnUse";
Id: 612
AegisName: "FriendGift"
Name: "Friend Gift"
Buy: 0
Sell: 0
Weight: 0
KeepAfterUse: false
Refine: false
Trade: {
notrade: true
nodrop: true
noselltonpc: true
nogstorage: true
nomail: true
noauction: true
Script: <"
if (BaseLevel < 5) {
dispbottom l("You must reach level 5 to open this gift.");
getitembound FriendGift, 1, 1;
} else {
getitem ScorpionStinger, rand(1,3);
getitem BugLeg, rand(1,3);
getitem MaggotSlime, rand(1,3);
if (rand(1,2) == 1)
getitem Beer, 1;
getitem CottonCloth, 1;
switch(rand(1,3)) {
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
getitem .@it, rand(2,3);
dispbottom l("Dear @@, I send you this gift in hopes you do well in TMW2.", strcharinfo(0));
//rodex_sendmail_acc(#REFERRAL_PROG, "TMW2 Team", "Invite Accepted", strcharinfo(0)+" accepted your invite and got level 5!\nThe one who invites most will win the recruitment event!", rand(50,150));
// I can't warrant this won't break stuff so I left commented out
//message(#REFERRAL_PROG, strcharinfo(0)+" accepted your invite to play TMW2.");
.@charid=callfunc("gf_charid", #REFERRAL_PROG);
rodex_sendmail(.@charid, "TMW2 Team", "Invite Accepted", strcharinfo(0)+" accepted your invite and got level 5!\nAs they get stronger, more rewards will be sent to you!", rand(25,50));
Id: 613
AegisName: "BlackMambaEgg"
Name: "Black Mamba Egg"
Buy: 200
Sell: 20
Weight: 4
Refine: false
Delay: 500
UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
Script: <"
@type = 2;
doevent "rand_sc_heal::OnUse";
//itemheal rand(100, 250), 0;
@min = 100;
@max = 250;
@delay = 1;
@type = 1;
doevent "rand_sc_heal::OnUse";
Id: 614
AegisName: "TimeFlask"
Name: "Time Flask"
Buy: 0
Sell: 0
Weight: 40
KeepAfterUse: true
Refine: false
Trade: {
notrade: true
nodrop: true
noselltonpc: true
nogstorage: true
nomail: true
noauction: true
Script: <"
doevent "LoF Teleporter::OnUse";
Id: 615
AegisName: "HerbalTea"
Name: "Nightshade Tea"
Buy: 1240
Sell: 480
Weight: 12
Refine: false
Delay: 500
UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
Script: <"
sc_start SC_ATTHASTE_POTION1, 30000, 60;
if (rand(10000) < 6000)
sc_start callfunc("any", SC_POISON, SC_SILENCE, SC_POISON, SC_CONFUSE, SC_POISON, SC_POISON), rand(20000, 40000), 0;
itemheal 0, rand(10,200);
Id: 616
AegisName: "BottleOfWoodlandWater"
Name: "Bottle Of Woodland Water"
Buy: 400
Sell: 80
Weight: 70
Refine: false
Delay: 450
UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
Script: <"
@min = 300;
@max = 700;
@delay = 3;
doevent "legacy_heal::OnUse";
if (rand(1,7) != 4)
getitem EmptyBottle, 1;
Id: 617
AegisName: "FertilizedSpores"
Name: "Fertilized Spores"
Buy: 100
Sell: 10
Weight: 2
Delay: 500
UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
Script: <"
switch (rand(1,3)) {
case 1:
case 2:
.@name$=strmobinfo(1, .@mid);
if (@useType == 1) {
if (!getmapxy(.@map$, .@x, .@y, 0)) {
monster(.@map$, .@x, .@y, .@name$, .@mid, .@am);
//$TREE_PLANTED=$TREE_PLANTED+1; // Not a tree.... right?
Id: 618
AegisName: "Potatoz"
Name: "Potatoz"
Buy: 200
Sell: 20
Weight: 88
Refine: false
Delay: 500
UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
Script: <"
@type = 1;
doevent "rand_sc_heal::OnUse";
Id: 619
AegisName: "Manapple"
Name: "Manapple"
Buy: 20000
Sell: 5000
Weight: 10
Refine: false
Delay: 500
UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
Script: <"
@type = 4;
doevent "rand_sc_heal::OnUse";
Id: 620
AegisName: "Lockpicks"
Name: "Lockpicks"
Buy: 1000
Sell: 50
Weight: 20
Refine: false
KeepAfterUse: true
Script: <"
dispbottom l("Lockpicks are the basic tools for thiefs. Talk to a vault in order to attempt lockpicking.");
Id: 621
AegisName: "Lawncandy"
Name: "Lawncandy"
Buy: 75
Sell: 26
Weight: 2
Refine: false
Delay: 400
UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
Script: <"
@min = 33;
@max = 99;
if ($@SEASON == AUTUMN) {
@min = 330;
@max = 990;
@delay = 3;
doevent "legacy_heal::OnUse";
Id: 622
AegisName: "Saulcandy"
Name: "Saulcandy"
Buy: 75
Sell: 30
Weight: 2
Refine: false
Delay: 400
UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
Script: <"
@min = 33;
@max = 99;
if ($@SEASON == AUTUMN) {
@min = 330;
@max = 990;
@delay = 3;
doevent "legacy_heal::OnUse";
Id: 623
AegisName: "Poocandy"
Name: "Poocandy"
Buy: 75
Sell: 18
Weight: 2
Refine: false
Delay: 400
UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
Script: <"
@min = 33;
@max = 99;
if ($@SEASON == AUTUMN) {
@min = 330;
@max = 990;
@delay = 3;
doevent "legacy_heal::OnUse";
Id: 624
AegisName: "PumpkandySeed"
Name: "Pumpkandy Seed"
Buy: 50
Sell: 5
Weight: 1
Delay: 500
UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
Script: <"
if (!getmapxy(.@map$, .@x, .@y, 0)) {
monster(.@map$, .@x, .@y, l("Pumpkandy"), Pumpkandy, 1);
if ($EVENT$ == "Halloween")
monster(.@map$, .@x, .@y, l("Pumpkandy"), Pumpkandy, 1);
//$TREE_PLANTED=$TREE_PLANTED+1; // Not a tree.
Id: 625
AegisName: "PumpkinLollipop"
Name: "Pumpkin Lollipop"
Buy: 42
Sell: 13
Weight: 1
Refine: false
Delay: 1000
UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
Script: <"
sc_start SC_ATTHASTE_POTION1, 17000, 10;
@min = 40;
@max = 70;
@delay = 4;
doevent "legacy_heal::OnUse";
// 626-629 missing
Id: 630
AegisName: "XmasGift"
Name: "Christmas Gift"
Buy: 0
Sell: 0
Weight: 25
KeepAfterUse: false
Refine: false
Trade: {
noselltonpc: true
Script: <"
setarray .@s, SantaGlobe, SnowmanGlobe, UglyChristmasSweater, MercBoxB, IceGladius;
setarray .@r, SantaGlobe, SnowmanGlobe, UglyChristmasSweater, TneckSweater, MercBoxA, MercBoxA, MercBoxB, ElixirOfLife, NoviceWand, LeadOre, DarkDesertMushroom;
setarray .@c, BronzeGift, IcedBottle, TneckSweater, MercBoxA, MercBoxA, ClothoLiquor, Dagger, Coal, HastePotion, HerbalTea, StrengthPotion, TrainingWand;
// 1% super rare chance
if (.@al < 1) {
getitem .@s[.@n], 1;
// 26% rare chance
} else if (rand(0,100) < 27) {
getitem .@r[.@n], 1;
} else {
getitem .@c[.@n], 1;
Id: 631
AegisName: "EmptyBox"
Name: "Empty Box"
Buy: 25
Sell: 5
Weight: 80
Refine: false
KeepAfterUse: true
Script: <"
doevent "Empty Box#it::OnUse";
Id: 632
AegisName: "TolchiAmmoBox"
Name: "Tolchi Ammo Box"
Buy: 250
Sell: 100
Weight: 215
Refine: false
Script: <"
getitem TolchiArrow, rand(190, 210);
Id: 633
AegisName: "TrainingAmmoBox"
Name: "Training Ammo Box"
Buy: 350
Sell: 100
Weight: 215
Refine: false
Script: <"
getitem TrainingArrow, rand(190, 210);
Id: 634
AegisName: "ArrowAmmoBox"
Name: "Arrow Ammo Box"
Buy: 450
Sell: 100
Weight: 215
Refine: false
Script: <"
getitem Arrow, rand(190, 210);
Id: 635
AegisName: "IronAmmoBox"
Name: "Iron Ammo Box"
Buy: 600
Sell: 100
Weight: 215
Refine: false
Script: <"
getitem IronArrow, rand(190, 210);
Id: 636
AegisName: "CursedAmmoBox"
Name: "Cursed Ammo Box"
Buy: 750
Sell: 200
Weight: 215
Refine: false
Script: <"
getitem CursedArrow, rand(190, 210);
Id: 637
AegisName: "PoisonAmmoBox"
Name: "Poison Ammo Box"
Buy: 1150
Sell: 300
Weight: 430
Refine: false
Script: <"
getitem PoisonArrow, rand(190, 210);
Id: 638
AegisName: "ThornAmmoBox"
Name: "Thorn Ammo Box"
Buy: 1750
Sell: 400
Weight: 430
Refine: false
Script: <"
getitem ThornArrow, rand(190, 210);
Id: 639
AegisName: "BoneAmmoBox"
Name: "Bone Ammo Box"
Buy: 3650
Sell: 800
Weight: 1100
Refine: false
Script: <"
getitem BoneArrow, rand(190, 210);
Id: 640
AegisName: "ReturnPotion"
Name: "Return Potion"
Buy: 1800
Sell: 0
Weight: 11
Refine: false
Delay: 30000
UseEffect: 64
Script: <"
// We would want warp to be delayed a bit but meh
warp "Save", 0, 0;
Id: 641
AegisName: "BoxOfChocolates"
Name: "Box Of Chocolates"
Buy: 3700
Sell: 0
Weight: 11
Refine: false
Trade: {
nodrop: true
noselltonpc: true
nogstorage: true
nomail: true
noauction: true
Script: <"
dispbottom l("Past due date.");
} else {
// I know technically this is wrong grammar, but I want fixed width
if (rand(0,1))
dispbottom l("It's tasty ^.^");
dispbottom l("It's yummy ^.^");
Id: 642
AegisName: "HousingLetterI"
Name: "Housing Letter I"
Buy: 10000
Sell: 0
Weight: 11
Refine: false
Script: <"
Id: 643
AegisName: "HousingLetterII"
Name: "Housing Letter II"
Buy: 100000
Sell: 0
Weight: 11
Refine: false
Script: <"
Id: 644
AegisName: "HousingLetterIII"
Name: "Housing Letter III"
Buy: 1000000
Sell: 0
Weight: 11
Refine: false
Script: <"
Id: 645
AegisName: "StatusResetPotion"
Name: "Status Reset Potion"
Buy: 1000000
Sell: 0
Weight: 700
Refine: false
Script: <"
dispbottom l("Your status points were reset.");
Id: 646
AegisName: "MoveSpeedPotion"
Name: "Move Speed Potion"
Buy: 1000000
Sell: 0
Weight: 45
Refine: false
Delay: 500
Script: <"
@min = 150;
@max = 150;
@delay = rand(5,15);
doevent "inc_sc_bonus::OnUse";
Id: 647
AegisName: "PrecisionPotion"
Name: "Precision Potion"
Buy: 1000000
Sell: 0
Weight: 20
Refine: false
Delay: 500
Script: <"
@min = 40;
@max = 40;
@delay = 20;
@type = SC_INCHIT;
doevent "inc_sc_bonus::OnUse";
Id: 648
AegisName: "LukPotionA"
Name: "Luck Potion"
Buy: 1000000
Sell: 0
Weight: 20
Refine: false
Delay: 500
Script: <"
@min = 5;
@max = 10;
@delay = 40;
@type = SC_INCLUK;
doevent "inc_sc_bonus::OnUse";
Id: 649
AegisName: "LukPotionB"
Name: "Luck+ Potion"
Buy: 1000000
Sell: 0
Weight: 20
Refine: false
Delay: 500
Script: <"
@min = 10;
@max = 20;
@delay = 34;
@type = SC_INCLUK;
doevent "inc_sc_bonus::OnUse";
Id: 650
AegisName: "LukPotionC"
Name: "Luck++ Potion"
Buy: 1000000
Sell: 0
Weight: 20
Refine: false
Delay: 500
Script: <"
@min = 20;
@max = 30;
@delay = 28;
@type = SC_INCLUK;
doevent "inc_sc_bonus::OnUse";
Id: 651
AegisName: "DexPotionA"
Name: "Dex Potion"
Buy: 1000000
Sell: 0
Weight: 20
Refine: false
Delay: 500
Script: <"
@min = 5;
@max = 10;
@delay = 40;
@type = SC_INCDEX;
doevent "inc_sc_bonus::OnUse";
Id: 652
AegisName: "DexPotionB"
Name: "Dex+ Potion"
Buy: 1000000
Sell: 0
Weight: 20
Refine: false
Delay: 500
Script: <"
@min = 10;
@max = 20;
@delay = 34;
@type = SC_INCDEX;
doevent "inc_sc_bonus::OnUse";
Id: 653
AegisName: "DexPotionC"
Name: "Dex++ Potion"
Buy: 1000000
Sell: 0
Weight: 20
Refine: false
Delay: 500
Script: <"
@min = 20;
@max = 30;
@delay = 28;
@type = SC_INCDEX;
doevent "inc_sc_bonus::OnUse";
Id: 654
AegisName: "IntPotionA"
Name: "Int Potion"
Buy: 1000000
Sell: 0
Weight: 20
Refine: false
Delay: 500
Script: <"
@min = 5;
@max = 10;
@delay = 40;
@type = SC_INCINT;
doevent "inc_sc_bonus::OnUse";
Id: 655
AegisName: "IntPotionB"
Name: "Int+ Potion"
Buy: 1000000
Sell: 0
Weight: 20
Refine: false
Delay: 500
Script: <"
@min = 10;
@max = 20;
@delay = 34;
@type = SC_INCINT;
doevent "inc_sc_bonus::OnUse";
Id: 656
AegisName: "IntPotionC"
Name: "Int++ Potion"
Buy: 1000000
Sell: 0
Weight: 20
Refine: false
Delay: 500
Script: <"
@min = 20;
@max = 30;
@delay = 28;
@type = SC_INCINT;
doevent "inc_sc_bonus::OnUse";
Id: 657
AegisName: "VitPotionA"
Name: "Vit Potion"
Buy: 1000000
Sell: 0
Weight: 20
Refine: false
Delay: 500
Script: <"
@min = 5;
@max = 10;
@delay = 40;
@type = SC_INCVIT;
doevent "inc_sc_bonus::OnUse";
Id: 658
AegisName: "VitPotionB"
Name: "Vit+ Potion"
Buy: 1000000
Sell: 0
Weight: 20
Refine: false
Delay: 500
Script: <"
@min = 10;
@max = 20;
@delay = 34;
@type = SC_INCVIT;
doevent "inc_sc_bonus::OnUse";
Id: 659
AegisName: "VitPotionC"
Name: "Vit++ Potion"
Buy: 1000000
Sell: 0
Weight: 20
Refine: false
Delay: 500
Script: <"
@min = 20;
@max = 30;
@delay = 28;
@type = SC_INCVIT;
doevent "inc_sc_bonus::OnUse";
Id: 660
AegisName: "AgiPotionA"
Name: "Agi Potion"
Buy: 1000000
Sell: 0
Weight: 20
Refine: false
Delay: 500
Script: <"
@min = 5;
@max = 10;
@delay = 40;
@type = SC_INCAGI;
doevent "inc_sc_bonus::OnUse";
Id: 661
AegisName: "AgiPotionB"
Name: "Agi+ Potion"
Buy: 1000000
Sell: 0
Weight: 20
Refine: false
Delay: 500
Script: <"
@min = 10;
@max = 20;
@delay = 34;
@type = SC_INCAGI;
doevent "inc_sc_bonus::OnUse";
Id: 662
AegisName: "AgiPotionC"
Name: "Agi++ Potion"
Buy: 1000000
Sell: 0
Weight: 20
Refine: false
Delay: 500
Script: <"
@min = 20;
@max = 30;
@delay = 28;
@type = SC_INCAGI;
doevent "inc_sc_bonus::OnUse";
// Id 663~665 reserved Str+ potions
// Id 666 reserved (change sex candy)
Id: 667
AegisName: "SacredLifePotion"
Name: "Sacred Life Potion"
Buy: 1000000
Sell: 0
Weight: 50
Refine: false
Delay: 500
Script: <"
@min = 10;
@max = 10;
@delay = 120;
doevent "inc_sc_bonus::OnUse";
Id: 668
AegisName: "SacredManaPotion"
Name: "Sacred Mana Potion"
Buy: 1000000
Sell: 0
Weight: 50
Refine: false
Delay: 500
Script: <"
@min = 10;
@max = 10;
@delay = 120;
doevent "inc_sc_bonus::OnUse";
Id: 669
AegisName: "DodgePotion"
Name: "Dodge Potion"
Buy: 1000000
Sell: 0
Weight: 20
Refine: false
Delay: 500
Script: <"
@min = 40;
@max = 40;
@delay = 20;
@type = SC_INCFLEE;
doevent "inc_sc_bonus::OnUse";
Id: 670
AegisName: "CandorWarpCrystal"
Name: "Candor Warp Crystal"
Buy: 0
Sell: 0
Weight: 40
Delay: 500
Script: <"
doevent "Warp Crystal::OnUse";
Id: 671
AegisName: "TulimWarpCrystal"
Name: "Tulim Warp Crystal"
Buy: 0
Sell: 0
Weight: 40
Delay: 500
Script: <"
doevent "Warp Crystal::OnUse";
Id: 672
AegisName: "HalinWarpCrystal"
Name: "Halin Warp Crystal"
Buy: 0
Sell: 0
Weight: 40
Delay: 500
Script: <"
doevent "Warp Crystal::OnUse";
Id: 673
AegisName: "HurnsWarpCrystal"
Name: "Hurns Warp Crystal"
Buy: 0
Sell: 0
Weight: 40
Delay: 500
Script: <"
doevent "Warp Crystal::OnUse";
Id: 674
AegisName: "LoFWarpCrystal"
Name: "LoF Warp Crystal"
Buy: 0
Sell: 0
Weight: 40
Delay: 500
Script: <"
doevent "Warp Crystal::OnUse";
Id: 675
AegisName: "NivalWarpCrystal"
Name: "Nivalis Warp Crystal"
Buy: 0
Sell: 0
Weight: 40
Delay: 500
Script: <"
doevent "Warp Crystal::OnUse";
Id: 676
AegisName: "FrostiaWarpCrystal"
Name: "Frostia Warp Crystal"
Buy: 0
Sell: 0
Weight: 40
Delay: 500
Script: <"
doevent "Warp Crystal::OnUse";
Id: 677
AegisName: "LilitWarpCrystal"
Name: "Lilit Warp Crystal"
Buy: 0
Sell: 0
Weight: 40
Delay: 500
Trade: {
notrade: true
nodrop: true
noselltonpc: true
nogstorage: true
nomail: true
noauction: true
Script: <"
doevent "Warp Crystal::OnUse";
// item id 678 and 679 reserved - warp crystals
Id: 680
AegisName: "TreasureMap"
Name: "Treasure Map"
Buy: 45000
Sell: 300
Weight: 14
KeepAfterUse: true
Refine: false
Script: <"
// ShovelQuests_Assigned