// Item Combos Database // // Structure of Database: // ID:ID:ID:ID,{ Script } // This define set bonuses // Quivers and Shields usually are not counted. // A set should have 4 or 5 pieces of equipment. // Creased Set Bonus: +1 to all stats // Shirt, Boots, Gloves and Shorts 1300:1816:2004:2200,{bonus bAllStats,1;} // Candor Set Bonus (excluding Bola): +1 to all stats, +1% HP // Shirt, Boots, Gloves, Shorts and Headband 1321:1803:2016:2217:2939,{bonus bAllStats,1;bonus bMaxHPrate,1;} // Cotton Set Bonus: +1 to all stats, +1% HP, +5% MP // Shirt, Boots, Gloves, Shorts 1332:1805:2005:2205,{bonus bAllStats,1;bonus bMaxHPrate,1;bonus bMaxSPrate,5;} // Shirt, Boots, Gloves, Trousers 1332:1805:2005:2207,{bonus bAllStats,1;bonus bMaxHPrate,1;bonus bMaxSPrate,5;} // Shirt, Boots, Gloves, Skirt 1332:1805:2005:2209,{bonus bAllStats,1;bonus bMaxHPrate,1;bonus bMaxSPrate,5;} // Shirt, Boots, Gloves, Miniskirt 1332:1805:2005:2206,{bonus bAllStats,1;bonus bMaxHPrate,1;bonus bMaxSPrate,5;} // Miner Set Bonus: +1 to all stats, Vit +2 // Shirt, Gloves, Hat and Knife 1338:2006:2991:3529,{bonus bAllStats,1;bonus bVit,2;} // Warlord Set // Allstats +1, Blocking +2% // Shirt, Boots, Gloves, Pants, Helmet // Normal 1306:1814:2012:2215:2920,{bonus bAllStats,1;bonus bFlee2,2;} // Golden 1329:1814:2012:2215:2920,{bonus bAllStats,1;bonus bFlee2,2;} // Chainmail Set // Blocking +1% // Shirt, Pants // Normal 1310:2211,{bonus bFlee2,1;} // Golden 1327:2211,{bonus bFlee2,1;} // Terranite Set // Allstats +1, Int. MDef +30% // Shirt, Boots, Gloves, Pants, Helmet 1311:1813:2014:2210:3016,{bonus bAllStats,1;bonus bMdef2Rate,30;} // Leather Set // Allstats +2 // Leather Quiver/Shield not considered // Shirt, Boots, Gloves, Pants 1314:1807:2008:2213,{bonus bAllStats,2;} 1314:1807:2008:2213,{bonus bAllStats,2;} // Assassin Set // Allstats +1, Agi +5 // Shirt, Boots, Gloves, Pants 1333:1801:2015:2202,{bonus bAllStats,1;bonus bAgi,5;} // Savior Set // Allstats +3 // Note: Gloves/Helmet replaced with Shield (2705) temporaly // Shirt, Boots, Pants, Shield 1331:1815:2216:2705,{bonus bAllStats,3;}