From 6eff234a9e923b4468017e161a2c74516bd9932a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Jesusaves Date: Thu, 30 Dec 2021 20:22:11 -0300 Subject: Translation Update --- langs/lang_de.old | 21 ++ langs/lang_de.txt | 730 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-- langs/lang_en.old | 27 ++ langs/lang_en.txt | 732 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-- langs/lang_es.old | 3 + langs/lang_es.txt | 720 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-- langs/lang_fr.old | 6 + langs/lang_fr.txt | 720 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-- langs/lang_pt_BR.old | 21 ++ langs/lang_pt_BR.txt | 730 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-- 10 files changed, 3619 insertions(+), 91 deletions(-) (limited to 'langs') diff --git a/langs/lang_de.old b/langs/lang_de.old index 01ce9ead1..9a1ac406c 100644 --- a/langs/lang_de.old +++ b/langs/lang_de.old @@ -70,6 +70,9 @@ ##BYou were stolen##b by an evil NPC. ##BDu wurdest##b von einem bösen NPC ##Bbestohlen##b. +%s, you did your best to entretain me. It is my wish that you continue protecting this world. Therefore, I bestow upon you, the legendary %s. Please use its powers to protect your friend and the world peace! +%s, Du hast mich gut unterhalten. Es ist daher mein Wunsch, dass Du weiterhin diese Welt beschützt. Also überreiche ich Dir das legendäre %s. Nutze seine Macht, um Deine Freunde und den Weltfrieden zu beschützen! + %s, you're a good student. You have a bright future if you keep listening to me. %s, du bist ein guter Student. Du wirst eine glänzende Zukunft vor dir haben, wenn du mir weiter zuhören. @@ -382,6 +385,9 @@ Darf ich dich fragen was deine Muttersprache ist? Ein Matrose meinte Russisch, e Could I ask you what your native language is? A sailor told me you're Russian, but another one told me you're French... I'm a bit lost. I will register you on the ship passenger list just after that.#1 Darf ich dich fragen was deine Muttersprache ist? Ein Matrose meinte Russisch, ein anderer Französisch... Ich bin ein wenig verwirrt. Ich werde dich danach sofort auf die Passagierliste setzen. +Could you bleach my clothes? +Kannst du meine Kleidung bleichen? + Counter Attack - Next attack will be retaliated, with twice critical ratio. Counter Attack - Nächster Angriff wird rächte sich, mit zweimal kritisches Verhältnis. @@ -592,6 +598,9 @@ Fuchsia Baumwoll Farbe GMs weren't using it a lot, and Quirin needed to collect money. GMs wurden unter Verwendung es nicht viel, und Quirin benötigt, um Geld zu sammeln. +General Recipes +Allgemeine Rezepte + Get money Geld abheben @@ -919,6 +928,9 @@ LeftBarrierCheck LeftDoor LeftDoor +Legendary Wand +Legendary Wand + Legion's Copper Armor Kupferrüstung der Legion @@ -988,6 +1000,9 @@ Malve Baumwoll Farbe Maybe Hurnscald alchemist, Wyara, could explain why. Vielleicht Hurnscald Alchemist, Wyara, könnte erklären, warum. +Maybe there are things in Candor which still require your attention? I overheard some of them. +Vielleicht gibt es Dinge in Candor, die noch Ihre Aufmerksamkeit erfordern? Ich habe gehört, einige von ihnen. + Meanwhile, several bugs were fixed. Our second sun had been glitchy, but Jesus Saves made sure it is now fine. Inzwischen wurden mehrere Fehler behoben. Unsere zweite Sonne glitchy gewesen war, aber Jesus macht Saves sicher, es ist jetzt in Ordnung. @@ -1021,6 +1036,9 @@ Meine figurin ist so schön! My name is @@... Mein Name ist @@... +My unit, however, was attacked! An assassin snuck up on us! +Meine Einheit wurde jedoch angegriffen! Ein Attentäter auf uns schlichen! + NOW YOU HAVE DONE IT! By the powers to me vested as a Constable and Game Master, I sentence you to HALF HOUR IN A %s! Jetzt haben Sie es geschafft! Durch die Kräfte mir unverfallbar als Constable und Game Master, ich verurteile Sie zu einer halben Stunde in einer% s! @@ -2188,6 +2206,9 @@ Ihr Mangel an magischer Kraft ist von entscheidenden Bedeutung. Ich wage zu sage Your mind is set? You will loose the color dye during this process. Bist du sicher? Du wirst dabei deinen Farbstoff verlieren. +Your mind is set? You will probably lose the color dye during this process. +Ihr Geist wird? Sie werden wahrscheinlich die Farbe Farbstoff während dieses Prozesses verlieren. + Your position has been saved. Ihre Position wird gespeichert. diff --git a/langs/lang_de.txt b/langs/lang_de.txt index e80941c1b..09e6dc4f9 100644 --- a/langs/lang_de.txt +++ b/langs/lang_de.txt @@ -209,6 +209,9 @@ ist das Gasthaus, und Du kannst dort eine Wohnung für 30 Tage mieten. ##BHall Of Aurora: TOP10##b ##BAurora-Halle: TOP10##b +##BHall Of Candor's Bloodbath: TOP 10##b + + ##BHall Of Crazyfefe Fight: TOP 10##b ##BHalle des Crazyfefe Kampfes: TOP 10##b @@ -353,6 +356,9 @@ ist das Gasthaus, und Du kannst dort eine Wohnung für 30 Tage mieten. %s GP and %d REP. %s GP und %d REP. +%s Hero + + %s Monster Points, and a %s. That's my final offer. @@ -365,15 +371,27 @@ ist das Gasthaus, und Du kannst dort eine Wohnung für 30 Tage mieten. %s disembarks at %s. %s geht in %s von Bord. +%s eyebrow furrows, as he brings the map closer to a torch. + + %s has EXILED %s from %s. %s hat %s EXILIERT von %s. +%s has protected themselves from prying eyes. Your scry attempt failed. + + %s is by becoming a %s. %s wird ein %s. %s is by impressing the town guard. %s beeindrucht gerade die Stadtwache. +%s is currently a staff member. + + +%s is currently sponsoring the High Alliance. + + %s is happy because you've paid %d GP in taxes! %s ist glücklich, weil du %d GP Steuern gezahlt hast! @@ -383,6 +401,9 @@ ist das Gasthaus, und Du kannst dort eine Wohnung für 30 Tage mieten. %s is obtained during events, daily logins, heroic deeds, gifts, etc. But cannot be bought with real money. %s kann während Events, täglichen logins, heroischen Taten, oder als Geschenk erhalten werden, kann aber nicht mit echtem Geld gekauft werden. +%s makes a confused face. + + %s makes specialized weapons for high level players. If you tweak with Nicholas, in Hurnscald, the weapon options, you can get really powerful. %s fertigt Spezialwaffen für hochstufige Spieler. Wenn Du Nicholas in Hurnscald diese optimieren lässt, kannst Du sehr mächtig werden. @@ -425,8 +446,8 @@ ist das Gasthaus, und Du kannst dort eine Wohnung für 30 Tage mieten. %s, you did your best to avenge a fallen comrade. It is my wish that you continue protecting this world. Therefore, I bestow upon you, the legendary %s. Please use its powers to protect your friend and the world peace! %s, Du hast Dein Bestes gegeben, Deine gefallenen Kameraden zu rächen. Es ist daher mein Wunsch, dass Du weiterhin diese Welt beschützt. Also überreiche ich Dir das legendäre %s. Nutze seine Macht, um Deine Freunde und den Weltfrieden zu beschützen! -%s, you did your best to entretain me. It is my wish that you continue protecting this world. Therefore, I bestow upon you, the legendary %s. Please use its powers to protect your friend and the world peace! -%s, Du hast mich gut unterhalten. Es ist daher mein Wunsch, dass Du weiterhin diese Welt beschützt. Also überreiche ich Dir das legendäre %s. Nutze seine Macht, um Deine Freunde und den Weltfrieden zu beschützen! +%s, you did your best to entertain me. It is my wish that you continue protecting this world. Therefore, I bestow upon you, the legendary %s. Please use its powers to protect your friend and the world peace! + %s, you did your best to protect this world inhabitants. It is my wish that you continue protecting this world. Therefore, I bestow upon you, the legendary %s. Please use its powers to protect your friend and the world peace! %s, Du hast Dein Bestes gegeben, die Bewohner dieser Welt zu beschützen. Es ist daher mein Wunsch, dass Du weiterhin diese Welt beschützt. Also überreiche ich Dir das legendäre %s. Nutze seine Macht, um Deine Freunde und den Weltfrieden zu beschützen! @@ -863,6 +884,9 @@ ist das Gasthaus, und Du kannst dort eine Wohnung für 30 Tage mieten. *tears weeling up* * Tränen up * +*this sign is too blurred to read* + + *tut* *tut* @@ -953,6 +977,9 @@ ist das Gasthaus, und Du kannst dort eine Wohnung für 30 Tage mieten. -- Animals Protection Agency of Hurnscald - Tierschutzverein Hurnscald +-- In such event, Candor Underground B4F will be permanently unreachable for this char. + + -- Merlin -- Merlin @@ -977,6 +1004,9 @@ ist das Gasthaus, und Du kannst dort eine Wohnung für 30 Tage mieten. ... .... .... ... .... .... +...Actually, I'm drawing in a blank. + + ...Actually, you seem like a capable adventurer. If you give me some ingredients I can't get, I'll give you a @@.#0 ...Du siehst tatsächlich aus wie ein fähiger Abenteurer. Wenn Du mir ein paar Zutaten besorgst, die ich nicht bekommen kann, gebe ich Dir ein @@.#0 @@ -986,6 +1016,9 @@ ist das Gasthaus, und Du kannst dort eine Wohnung für 30 Tage mieten. ...Alright then. ...Also gut. +...Although that's unlikely, I admit. + + ...And for some reason he took the apple and went further in the caves. ... Und aus irgendeinem Grund nahm er den Apfel und ging weiter in den Höhlen. @@ -998,6 +1031,9 @@ ist das Gasthaus, und Du kannst dort eine Wohnung für 30 Tage mieten. ...Are you trying to troll me? +...Assuming you can break a Mana Stone, that is. + + ...Automatically retrying... ...Automatisch wiederholen... @@ -1007,12 +1043,21 @@ ist das Gasthaus, und Du kannst dort eine Wohnung für 30 Tage mieten. ...Besides, I have this nice @@ with me. It's a reliable bow. ... Außerdem habe ich diesen nette @@. Das ist ein zuverlässiger Bogen. +...Blood. + + ...But saving me won't be enough, so build trust by the kind gift of @@ @@. I'll be waiting. ... Aber meine Rettung wird nicht ausreichen, um Vertrauen aufzubauen schenke mir @@ @@. Ich werde warten. ...But worry not, I have the right screwdriver for the job. So, are you up to bring me some Present Boxes? ...Aber keine Sorge, ich das richtige Werkzeug für den Job. Also, bringst Du mir ein paar Geschenkschachteln? +...Cocktail. + + +...Coffee. + + ...Dealing with scorpion stingers is a gamble, so we may need a few stingers before making a successful potion. ... Der Umgang mit Skorpionstacheln ist ein Glücksspiel, so dass wir ein paar brauchen, bevor wir erfolgreich einen Trank machen können. @@ -1046,6 +1091,9 @@ ist das Gasthaus, und Du kannst dort eine Wohnung für 30 Tage mieten. ...I have no other choice, do I? ... ich habe keine andere Wahl, oder? +...I knew bandits were not be trusted, but Saul insisted in doing so. I hate him so much right now. Even if he is my brother. + + ...I still need to cover up if they're mistaken. Give me a reason to tell you secrets, show me you're concerned with Tulimshar safety and don't want just to be strong. ... Ich muss es noch geheim halten, falls sie sich irren. Gib mir einen Grund, Dir Geheimnisse zu erzählen. Zeig mir, dass Du an Tulimshars Sicherheit interessiert bist, und nicht einfach nur stark sein willst. @@ -1082,12 +1130,24 @@ ist das Gasthaus, und Du kannst dort eine Wohnung für 30 Tage mieten. ...Okay, I asked you to explain, and you ended up wasting my time instead. %%n ...Ok, ich habe Dich gebeten, es mir zu erklären. Stattdessen hast Du meine zeit verschwendet. %%n +...Okay, I guess. + + ...Okay, this is not fun anymore. ... Okay, das ist kein Spaß mehr. ...Otherwise, they're too precious to sell to wanna be adventurers. Beer EXP Bonuses expire on death, you know?! ...Andererseits sind sie zu kostbar, um sie an Möchtegern-Abenteurer zu verkaufen. Bier Bonuses enden mit dem Tod, weisst Du?! +...Poison. + + +...Potion. + + +...Tea. + + ...Thanks, kind person. @@ -1103,6 +1163,9 @@ ist das Gasthaus, und Du kannst dort eine Wohnung für 30 Tage mieten. ...Unless, of course, if you're interested in learning this art. You'll not regret it, I assure you. ... Es sei denn natürlich, Du bist interessiert daran, diese Kunst zu lernen. Ich kann Dir versichern, Du wirst es nicht bereuen. +...Water. + + ...Well, but even if Hurnscald is nearby, you are too weak. You know sometimes, ships get attacked by pirates, right? ...Nun, auch wenn Hurnscald in der Nähe ist, bist Du zu schwach. Wie Du weisst, werden Schiffe manchmal von Piraten angegriffen. @@ -1184,6 +1247,9 @@ ist das Gasthaus, und Du kannst dort eine Wohnung für 30 Tage mieten. .:: Brawling ::. .:: Raufen ::. +.:: Chanting ::. + + .:: Ched's Summer 2018 ::. . :: Ched Sommer 2018 ::. @@ -1406,6 +1472,9 @@ Klasse. :: Physical Sciences ::. .:: Purple Day 2018 ::. .:: Purpurtag 2018 ::. +.:: Resurrection ::. + + .:: Scholarship Class ::. . :: Scholarship Class ::. @@ -1544,6 +1613,9 @@ Klasse. :: Physical Sciences ::. 1. Cassio - 43098 +1. Duke M - 16,016 + + 1. Investigate Kamelot Basements 1. Erforsche Kamelots Erdgeschoss @@ -1658,6 +1730,9 @@ Klasse. :: Physical Sciences ::. 2. Woody - 3637 +2. andulkaT - 6,000 + + 2. seeds - 1167 2. Saatgut - 1167 @@ -1721,6 +1796,9 @@ Klasse. :: Physical Sciences ::. 3. Povo - 1,275,000 GP +3. Sharli - 4,419 + + 3. Woody - 1066 3. Woody - 1066 @@ -1784,6 +1862,9 @@ Klasse. :: Physical Sciences ::. 4. dangerDuck - 540 4. dangerDuck - 540 +4. poppet - 3,826 + + 4. seeds - 43 4. Samen - 43 @@ -1835,6 +1916,9 @@ Klasse. :: Physical Sciences ::. 5. dangerDuck - 23 5. dangerDuck - 23 +5. girl flapper - 2,487 + + 5. seeds - 13395 5. Samen - 13395 @@ -1943,6 +2027,15 @@ Klasse. :: Physical Sciences ::. ??? ??? +??? : Are you trying to steal MY treasure?! + + +??? : I am Pirate Captain Marley, and on the honor of my pirates... + + +??? : Wait, how did you got here? WHO ARE YOU? + + ???#01863 ???#01863 @@ -2366,6 +2459,9 @@ A few times during the year, the "golden wave" migrates from the north pole to t A friend of yours called LOF BOT asked for a coin... Ein Freund von Dir namens LOF BOT hat um ein paar Münzen gebeten... +A game is currently going on, please wait for it to finish. + + A global announcement will be made. Es wird eine globale Ansage geben. @@ -2549,6 +2645,9 @@ Aaaaaahhh ... Oui, das ist ein guter Wein! Was darf's denn sein? Aahna Aahna +Abandoned Diary#jak1 + + Abandoned Fountain#MKH Verlassener Brunnen#MKH @@ -2588,6 +2687,9 @@ About the Prophecy... What about Elves? Orcs? Redys? Etc.? About the items you asked me to collect... Wegen der Gegenstände, um die Du mich gebeten hast... +About this pirate treasure map... + + Abuse can be determined by your peers or by the grandmasters, so be careful. Missbrauch kann von Deinen Kollegen oder von den Großmeistern festgestellt werden, also sei vorsichtig. @@ -2633,6 +2735,9 @@ Genauigkeit +25 Ace Ventura Ace Ventura +Achievements + + Acknowledgment? What do you mean? Wissen? Was meinen Sie? @@ -2765,6 +2870,12 @@ Abenteurer, hast Du mir gebracht, um was ich gebeten habe? Ich sehe, Du hast @@/ Advised party size: From 3 and above Empfohlene Gruppengröße: Mindestens 3 +Advised: 1+ mage, 1+ tanker, 2+ healers + + +Advised: 6+ players + + Aegis Shield Aegis-Schild @@ -2804,6 +2915,9 @@ nach 12 Stunden am Stück putzen ließen sie mich ein wenig auszuruhen. After hours of hard work... Nach Stunden harter Arbeit ... +After that, follow the path until you reach a great chamber... + + After that, stay still and be patient, but also alert! Sei danach ruhig und geduldig, aber trotzdem wachsam! @@ -3152,6 +3266,9 @@ Ah...! POLIZEI! POLIZEI! Schnell, diesen Betrüger und Dieb ins Gefängnis steck Aha! I knew you were a boring person... Aha! Ich wusste, dass Du langweilig bist ... +Aha! So that's what it was! The map was hiding its secrets in drawings made with acid. An old technique... But a very useful one. + + Ahahahah, do you really think I'll accept legs if you don't help me cleaning my fields? Ahahahah, glaubst Du wirklich, ich würde die Beine akzeptieren, ohne dass Du mir hilfst, meine Felder zu säubern? @@ -3221,6 +3338,9 @@ Alchemy Blaupause D Alchemy Blueprint E Alchemy Blaupause E +Alchemy Cauldron + + Alchemy Recipes Alchemy Rezepte @@ -3371,6 +3491,9 @@ Allianz-Mitglieder (Sponsoren) innerhalb des Rathauses erlaubt. Alliance members are those who [@@|sponsor us@@]. Allianz-Mitglieder sind diejenigen, die [@@ https: // | uns sponsern @@]. +Alliance members are those who [@@|sponsor us@@]. + + Allowed Erlaubt @@ -3608,6 +3731,9 @@ Ein Luftschiff? Es ist einfach nur ein Schiff, as fliegt. An account may vote anywhere, but only once per town (weekly). Ein Konto kann überall abstimmen, aber nur einmal pro Stadt (wöchentlich). +An assassin + + An emergency skill which temporarily raises all your stats. Eine Notfallfähigkeit, die temporär alle deine Stats anhebt. @@ -3677,6 +3803,9 @@ Und wieder und wieder. And again. Und wieder. +And also in notable mention of those who [@@|sponsor@@] the Alliance and its administrative structure. + + And also in notable mention of those who [@@|sponsor@@] the Alliance and its administrative structure. Ebenfalls erwähnenswert sind die, die [@@ https: // |Sponsoren @@] der Allianz und ihrer Verwaltungsstruktur. @@ -4298,6 +4427,9 @@ Arr, ich bin gelangweilt! Arr, it is always good to be on land after so much time in sea! Arr, es ist immer gut, nach so langer Zeit in Meer an Land zu sein! +Arr, that's a fine map ya got there! And these are definitely Hurnscald Caves, yarr! + + Arr, that's not enough! I'll bring more later! Arr, das ist nicht genug! Ich werde später mehr bringen! @@ -4472,6 +4604,9 @@ Ask everytime Ask next time +Ask. + + Assassin Assassine @@ -4937,6 +5072,9 @@ Begin classic mode Begin! Start! +Begin? + + Behave yourself, or you'll be executed in the town square mercilessly. You have been warned. Benimm dich, oder du wirst Platz gnadenlos in der Stadt durchgeführt werden. Du wurdest gewarnt. @@ -5150,6 +5288,9 @@ Blessing of Immortality Blind +Bloodbath + + Bloodstone Pendant Heliotrop Anhänger @@ -5273,6 +5414,9 @@ Beute! Boring NPC Boring NPC +Born %s ago + + Boss Hunter Boina @@ -5429,6 +5573,9 @@ Bringt mir diese und ich werde laichen es für Sie: Bring me your wood, and I'll show you which one is sturdy, yet flexible enough to make a good Forest Bow. Bringen Sie mir Ihr Holz, und ich werde Ihnen zeigen, welche robust, aber dennoch flexibel genug, um einen guten Wald Bogen zu machen. +Bring me, my worst nightmare. + + Brit Shield Brit Schild @@ -5621,6 +5768,9 @@ Aber er habe viele Feinde ... Es würde mich nicht überraschen, ihn irgendwo ge But hope is not lost, said the Sages of Fate! Aber die Hoffnung ist nicht verloren, sagten die Weisen des Schicksals! +But if I do, I'll not return. Neither me, nor Raid. Which is why I'm taking precautions: This diary. In the event of my death, please bury my body and contact Halinarzo. + + But if a mage wants to be a warrior, they won't be able to use their full magic skills. Aber wenn ein Magier will ein Krieger sein, werden sie nicht in der Lage sein, ihre vollen magischen Fähigkeiten zu nutzen. @@ -5753,6 +5903,9 @@ Aber leider ein loser Stein einlegt und Sie fallen in den Tod. But unfortunately, it was harder than you thought. You are dead. Aber leider war es schwieriger, als Sie dachten. Du bist tot. +But unfortunately, whoever made this riddle disagrees with me. + + But unless you touch a Mana Stone and get stronger magic, that would be as useful as teaching magic to a wall. No offense. Aber wenn Sie einen Manastein berühren und stärkere Magie bekommen, das wäre so nützlich sein wie Magie an eine Wand zu unterrichten. Nichts für ungut. @@ -5810,6 +5963,9 @@ Aber du bist zu schwach, einer von ihnen zu schlagen. Es tut uns leid. But you're too weak. Sorry. Aber du bist zu schwach. Es tut uns leid. +But your silly map must be wrong. These passages do not connect themselves like this, but this should not be an issue, as they're not relevant. + + But, I found something really interesting! Ah... I hope you like history? Aber, fand ich etwas wirklich interessant! Ah ... ich hoffen, dass Sie wie die Geschichte? @@ -5966,6 +6122,9 @@ Call Of Dusty ist ein zeitlich begrenztes Ereignis Quest. Es beginnt stündlich, Calm down! How can I help you? Beruhigen! Womit kann ich Ihnen behilflich sein? +Calm down, don't get mad! I was wrong in trusting this map, it is definitely faulty. Lemme see it again... + + Calm, perfect for a fly! Ruhig, ideal für eine Fliege! @@ -6161,12 +6320,15 @@ Offenheit Candor - @@ GP Candor - @@ GP -Candor Battle Score: %d +Candor Battle Score: %s Candor Battle Season +Candor Bloodbath Score: %s + + Candor Bola Candor Bola @@ -6194,6 +6356,9 @@ Candor Hemd Candor Shorts Candor Shorts +Candor Survival : New Highscore: %s + + Candor Warp Crystal Candor Warp-Kristall @@ -6425,6 +6590,9 @@ Change weapons Changes include but are not limited to festive events and dates. Die Änderungen umfassen, sind aber nicht auf festliche Veranstaltungen und Termine begrenzt. +Chanting + + Chaos shall be the founding stone of my town! Falling star! @@ -6530,6 +6698,9 @@ Chocolate Slime Mother Christmas Weihnachten +Christmas 2021 Joint Event + + Christmas Chief Weihnachtschef @@ -6563,12 +6734,24 @@ Cindy#house Citizen +Civil status: Married + + +Civil status: Single + + Clan Name: @@ Clan-Namen: @@ Claw Pendant Klauen Anhänger +Cleared Heroes Hold %s ago + + +Cleared the Yeti King Challenge %s ago + + Clearly an exotic tea, with a refined flavor fit for a refined woman such as Celestia. Offensichtlich ein exotischer Tee, mit einem raffinierten Geschmack fit für eine raffinierte Frau wie Celestia. @@ -6965,8 +7148,8 @@ Könnten Sie * hicks * mir einen Gefallen tun? Arkim, auf einer Höhle südöstl Could you awake my lost and forsaken potential? -Could you bleach my clothes? -Kannst du meine Kleidung bleichen? +Could you bleach my equipment? + Could you bring me %d %s? That'll help me to finish this. @@ -7214,6 +7397,12 @@ Crusade Rüstung Crusade Helmet Crusade Helmet +Crypt + + +Crypt#Fefe + + Crystal based technology can break if used too often. Try taking longer between each warp to raise their lifetime. Kristall-basierte Technologie kann, wenn zu oft brechen. Versuchen Sie, die länger zwischen den einzelnen Kett ihre Lebensdauer zu erhöhen. @@ -7286,6 +7475,9 @@ Current magic rank: %d Current player count: @@/5 must be online. Aktuelle Spieleranzahl: @@ / 5 muss online sein. +Current score: %s + + Current score: @@ Momentaner Punktestand: @@ @@ -7643,6 +7835,12 @@ Deposit alle Deposit. Einzahlen. +Der Schneemann + + +Der Schneemann has been defeated: %s Monster Points gained. + + Descend into Tulimshar sewers? Steigen Sie hinab in Tulimshar Kanalisation? @@ -7730,6 +7928,9 @@ Diamant Bif Diamond Powder Diamanten Pulver +Diary#Fefe + + Diary, 12nd December 298 AT Tagebuch, 12. Dezember 298 AT @@ -7880,6 +8081,9 @@ Dimond Bucht Dimonds Cove Story Diamanten Cover Story +Direction for Pirate Caves + + Directions: Richtungen: @@ -8312,6 +8516,9 @@ Doggy Dog Doll Puppe +Don't ask. + + Don't be afraid of death. Of course, in most places, dying will make you lose some Experience you gathered. @@ -8366,6 +8573,9 @@ Unterbrechen Sie nicht mich, ich bin beschäftigt! Don't just stand here! Go fetch help, NOW!! einfach nicht hier stehen! | Hilfe holen, JETZT !! +Don't pay. + + Don't rent a mouboo. Verwenden Sie keine mouboo mieten. @@ -8498,6 +8708,9 @@ Doppelgänger Challenge-Rangliste Doppelganger Challenge, @@ began the fight! Doppelgänger Herausforderung, @@ begann den Kampf! +Doppelganger Waves Won: %s + + Double Attack +5% @@ -8573,6 +8786,9 @@ Dragon und Aisen taten ihr Bestes, entlang viele andere, und verwaltet Hurnscald Drahcir +Dreaded Pirate Marley + + Dream Ticket @@ -8825,6 +9041,9 @@ Osterei Easter Egg quest updated. Total found: %02d/06 +Easter Eggs found: %d + + Easter Mouboo Ostern Mouboo @@ -8921,6 +9140,9 @@ Elite Scout#MB0233 Elixir Of Life Lebenselixir +Elixir of Life + + Eliza @@ -9059,6 +9281,9 @@ Neue Zeile eingeben: Enter though the window to the secret caves? Geben Sie durch das Fenster zu den geheimen Höhlen? +Enter/Leave after start: %s + + Enzo Enzo @@ -9455,6 +9680,9 @@ Du kannst mich jederzeit besuchen kommen. Feeling lucky? +Fefe's Diary + + Female Weiblich @@ -9533,6 +9761,9 @@ First Aid First Dungeon Master Erster Dungeon Master +First Grand Hunter challenge cleared %s ago + + First Tier Erste Stufe @@ -9545,12 +9776,18 @@ First of all: Welcome! Your level was temporaly modified, it'll be reverted once First of, there's a day/night cycle on the game. Zunächst gibt es einen Tag / Nacht-Zyklus auf dem Spiel. +First reborn %s ago + + First thing is to get a @@. One from black market won't do, go to Halinarzo! Das erste, was ist eine @@ zu bekommen. Einer von Schwarzmarkt wird dies nicht tun, gehen Sie zu Halinarzo! First timers will be lead to somewhere random on this cave to keep intruders out. Just walk there again while all switches are still active. Erster Timer wird auf dieser Höhle führen zu irgendwo zufällig seine Eindringlingen fern zu halten. Gehen Sie einfach wieder, während alle Schalter noch aktiv sind. +First visit to Fortress Is. %s ago + + First, you need to contribute to the common knowledge of this world. Like, write a %s or something. @@ -9794,9 +10031,15 @@ Fortress Insel Fortress Statue +Fortress Town + + Fortress Town is connected to the prophecies of the death of all humans, wildlife, and the other lesser races. +Fortunately, we know the answer is... + + Fortune Statue fortune-Statue @@ -10022,15 +10265,15 @@ Gem Pulver Gender Geschlecht +General Boosts + + General Krukan General Razha -General Recipes -Allgemeine Rezepte - General Store#dimond @@ -10226,6 +10469,9 @@ Gehen Sie sehen, dass jemand anderes für jetzt. Ja, Sie brauchen Ebene die meis Go talk to Sagratha, she is usually in a hut in northen forest. The door have a magic barrier, so you'll need to have minimal magic skills to get close enough to open it. Sprecht mit Sagrada, ist sie in der Regel in einer Hütte im Norden Wald. Die Tür eine magische Barriere, so dass Sie Fähigkeiten minimal Magie haben brauchen, nahe genug, um es zu öffnen. +Go through the waterfall path. + + Go to the townhall there and show the mayor this other letter. Zum Rathaus dort und zeigen Sie den Bürgermeister diesen anderen Brief. @@ -10235,6 +10481,9 @@ Gehen Sie sehr nah an ihm und sprechen die vier Vier Buchstaben magischen Worte, Goal: @@/@@ reached! Ziel erreicht! +Goal: Survive the longest possible. + + Gobo Bear Gobo-Bär @@ -10640,6 +10889,9 @@ Greetings, young soul; I am the queen of fairies, Lilit. Grenade Granate +Grenadier + + Grind grind grind the slime! Grind schleifen schleifen den Schleim! @@ -11030,6 +11282,9 @@ Hall Of Academics Hall Of Base Level Hall Of Base Level +Hall Of Candor Bloodbath + + Hall Of Ched Hall Of Ched @@ -11234,6 +11489,9 @@ Er ist ein * hicks * Einsiedler und sammelt * hicks * Bat Zähne und Flügel ... He's holding a fishing rod, while gazing out at the sea. Während er auf das Meer starrt, hält er eine Angel fest in seiner Hand. +Head Hood + + Headgear Kopfbedeckung @@ -11486,6 +11744,9 @@ Hello! Would you like to try some piou delicacies? Hello! You seem strong enough, could take a request from me? Of course, not for free. Hallo! Sie scheinen stark genug, eine Anfrage von mir nehmen könnte? Natürlich nicht kostenlos. +Hello, %s! Congratulations for finishing the %s! + + Hello, %s. @@ -11735,6 +11996,9 @@ Hier ist es. Achten Sie darauf, mit ihm! Here kid. Frostia, the elf town, is somewhere near here, but I'm not sure if you can reach it from here. Hier Kind. Frostia, die Elf Stadt, ist irgendwo in der Nähe von hier, aber ich bin nicht sicher, ob Sie es von hier aus erreichen. +Here lies a diary, presumably from Fefe. + + Here they are miss! Hier sind sie vermissen! @@ -11924,6 +12188,12 @@ Hier können Sie diesen Ersatz eine haben. Hahah! Crafting ist eine Kunst, und i Here. You know that milking Mouboos won't cause them harm, right? It's a different story with @@. Hier. Sie wissen, dass das Melken Mouboos nicht sie Schaden anrichten, nicht wahr? Es ist eine andere Geschichte mit @@. +Herein also lies Raid Yahoo, enemy of manakind and nemesis of Saul, the one hated by many and loved by few, greedy mana stone collector, but who still opposed to the Monster King and lost her life for it. + + +Herein lies Fefe, for his great bravure and heroic deeds, savior of our realm, valiantly defeated in combat against the Monster King, may the mana shine upon him forever. + + Hero Card Held-Karte @@ -13211,6 +13481,9 @@ Ich kann Ihnen nicht das Apple gebe ich habe gestohlen hat. Da wurde ich zum ers I can't handle it anymore! NO MORE! Ich kann es nicht mehr handhaben! NICHT MEHR! +I can't sleep, so I'm writing this entry. It'll take a considerable amount of time to decrypt the shield frequency Raid is using, and when Saul's army is marching towards their deaths, time is of essence. Every second I waste, is a comrade who will die. + + I can't stay here and talk all day. I have a job to do. Ich kann nicht den ganzen Tag hier rumstehen und reden. Ich habe einen Job zu erledigen. @@ -13643,6 +13916,9 @@ Da habe ich eine ... I have other things to do at the moment. Ich habe andere Dinge im Moment zu tun. +I have some good and some bad news for you. + + I have some healing items with me, we should tend your wounds first. Ich habe einige Heilung Elemente mit mir, sollten wir deine Wunden zuerst neigen. @@ -14201,6 +14477,9 @@ Ich schwöre, Stille, über diesen blutigen Rubin. I swear silence, over this shining topaz. Ich schwöre, Stille, über diesen leuchtenden Topas. +I swear that I, %s, will never let myself be let astray by power. + + I think I have enough gold with me.#0 @@ -14651,6 +14930,9 @@ Ich wünsche dir eine gute Zeit in der Stadt. I wish you good luck! Ich wünsche Dir viel Glück! +I wish you good luck. I remember these caves... They're dangerous. Make sure to be prepared before venturing further. + + I woke up in a shake! I felt... Oh, it's hard to describe... As if the spell suddenly started inflating, getting bigger... bigger... weaker... weaker... Ich wachte in einem Shake up! Ich fühlte mich ... Oh, es ist schwer zu beschreiben ... Als ob der Zauber plötzlich begann Aufpumpen immer größer ... größer ... schwächer ... schwächer ... @@ -14912,6 +15194,9 @@ Ich bin ein bisschen krank... I'm a little busy right now. Ich bin gerade ein kleines bisschen beschäftigt. +I'm a pro, this will be GG EZ. But Raid is not a foe to be underestimated, and I have no hopes for reinforcements. I refuse to leave last words, I shall either triumph, or be forgotten in shame. + + I'm a traveling poet and admirer of Robert Burns, a bard from the mana world. Ich bin ein reisender Dichter und Bewunderer von Robert Burns, ein Barde aus der Mana Welt. @@ -14987,6 +15272,9 @@ Ich bin fertig. I'm fine for now, thank you. Momentan ist alles super, danke dir. +I'm fine, but I can't keep carrying dead weights with me. Candor is a special place, I shall make a base there... Because I know the Monster King will eventually head there. + + I'm fine, no worries... Mir geht es gut, keine Sorgen ... @@ -15059,6 +15347,12 @@ Ich bin noch nicht fertig, bitte halten Sie sich fest. Es wird nicht lange dauer I'm not done yet. I'll be back. Ich bin noch nicht fertig. Ich komme wieder. +I'm not familiar with the Butterfly Caves. Try asking a local, maybe Arkim, they ought know the way. + + +I'm not familiar with the Butterfly Caves. Try asking a local? + + I'm not feeling like it today... Sorry. Ich fühle mich nicht wie es heute ... Sorry. @@ -15281,6 +15575,9 @@ Ice Fluffy Ice Gladius Ice Gladius +Ice Lord + + Ice Maggot Ice Maggot @@ -15296,6 +15593,9 @@ If I am doing your dirty work, why am I the one paying you?! If I bring @@, my party leader, and the boss is defeated, I can go you in. Wenn ich bringe @@, mein Parteichef, und der Chef besiegt ist, kann ich Sie in gehen. +If I can't beat him, no one else can, and if our species are to survive, we'll need to return to the Edge. Even if it means... Fulfilling the prophecy. %s. Whatever the cost. + + If I don't know the answer in your language, try answering in English. That always works. Wenn ich die Antwort in Ihrer Sprache nicht kennen, versucht auf Englisch zu beantworten. Das funktioniert immer. @@ -15335,6 +15635,9 @@ Wenn ein Unentschieden passiert, werden Sie Ihre Münze zurück. If all players there die, Hurnscald WON'T BE LIBERATED. Wenn alle Spieler dort sterben, wird Hurnscald NICHT in Freiheit gesetzt werden. +If at any moment in the fight there's less than %d players in the room, a severe penalty will be applied, so watch out! + + If enabled, automatic captchas may be sent to you every once in a while. @@ -15641,6 +15944,9 @@ If you're afraid of losing everything, then DEFINITELY do not gamble. %%2 If you're ever in need, you may use it to call upon the aid of the ducks. +If you're reading this - Feel free to use my laboratory in any way you deem fit. Or what's left of it, at least. Also, please kill any slimes you find. I shall be back in six leaps time, according to the Imperial Time, but if I'm not back by then, assume something went wrong and both wushin and me are off the table. + + If you're right, you'll gain more Casino Coins! And even other nice things! @@ -15698,6 +16004,9 @@ Improved MP Regen In TMW2 there is In TMW2 gibt es +In a blood bath, survival is the epitaph. + + In a few weeks, I will finish the @@ plans, and there will be no doubts, that @@ is not the best weaver in the world! In wenigen Wochen wird beende ich die @@ Pläne, und es wird keine Zweifel sein, dass @@ nicht die beste Weber in der Welt ist! @@ -15980,6 +16289,9 @@ Intervall: alle @@ Stunde(n) Introduce Vorstellen +Invalid Discord ID. + + Invalid amount! Ungültige Menge! @@ -16121,6 +16433,9 @@ It also increases naturally as you grow, albeit less. It appears we were focusing too much on research and this lead to neglect of other duties of a Sage's household. This is dangerous in times of changes. I'm worried about the future. Es scheint, wir waren zu viel mit Schwerpunkt auf Forschung und diese führt zu Vernachlässigung anderer Pflichten eines Weisen Haushalt. Das ist gefährlich in Zeiten von Veränderungen. Ich bin über die Zukunft besorgt. +It costs %d GP to use. + + It costs 600 GP to use. Es kostet 600 GP zu verwenden. @@ -16136,6 +16451,9 @@ Es hat eine sehr dunkle Farbe und ein ungewöhnliches Aroma erinnert an einen fe It has been a great year, and the TMW2 Team would like to +It has been a total disaster. They killed %s. And everyone on the village. + + It has eluded so many craftsmiths, who knows what can be done with that! Es hat so viele craftsmiths entzieht, wer weiß, was damit getan werden kann! @@ -16610,6 +16928,9 @@ Ivanize JAIL THEM!! +JAK1, THE SLIME RESEARCHER + + Jack Jack @@ -16799,6 +17120,9 @@ Nur ... Do not accidentaly invoke ein Legendärer Wächter oder etwas, könnten KUNAI +Kage + + Kaizei Human @@ -16838,6 +17162,9 @@ Keep in mind that %s are weak, baby Yetis, so kill them as well! Keep in mind the more power you have, the less control you'll have as well. Until you get a %s to track progress, use %s to check your control. Less control may result in failure to summon! +Keep in mind this is a PvP area - So try to avoid being butchered, because revival spells are disabled here! Hahaha! + + Keep in mind, the more levels and intelligence you have, more likely the Mana Stone will grant you more Magic Power. But that means nothing. Denken Sie daran, desto mehr Ebenen und Intelligenz Sie, desto wahrscheinlicher ist die Mana Stein gewähren Ihnen mehr Magic Power haben. Aber das bedeutet nichts. @@ -17207,9 +17534,6 @@ Legendary Mouboo Legendary Tortuga Legendary Tortuga -Legendary Wand -Legendary Wand - Legendary my ass! What a rip-off! Legendary meinen Arsch! Was für eine Abzocke! @@ -17735,6 +18059,12 @@ Mage Card X Mage equipment also raises MP recovery. So yes, a mage can use a sword and heavy armor, but... Mage Ausrüstung wirft auch MP Erholung. Also ja, kann ein Magier ein Schwert und schwere Rüstung verwenden, aber ... +Magenta + + +Magenta Spark + + Mages should use equipment designed for them. Those may be lacking on defense, but will raise MP and Magic Attack. Mages sollte Ausrüstung für sie konzipiert wurden. Diese können auf Verteidigung mangelt, sondern erhöhen MP und Magie Angriff. @@ -17777,6 +18107,18 @@ Magic Barrier#0063 Magic Barrier#0064 +Magic Barrier#0066 + + +Magic Barrier#0067C + + +Magic Barrier#0067E + + +Magic Barrier#0067W + + Magic Barrier#Bug63 @@ -17804,6 +18146,9 @@ Magic Power wird Ihnen gewährt, aber Sie sterben daran. Magic Ratto Magisches Ratto +Magic Scrolls + + Magic Skill Points can be obtained in three ways: By touching a Mana Stone, by signing up in a Special Class (if you have enough magic power) and by having high amounts of Job Level. Magic Fähigkeit Punkte können auf drei Arten erhalten werden: Durch einen Manastein zu berühren, indem sie in einer Sonderklasse anmelden (wenn Sie genug magische Kraft haben) und durch hohe Mengen an Auftragsebene mit. @@ -18074,6 +18419,12 @@ Marius The Bard Market Place Marktplatz +Marley : I shall stop you! + + +Marley : You... thief... *grumble* + + Marriage failed. Hochzeit fehlgeschlagen. @@ -18134,6 +18485,9 @@ Maximaler Gewinn: @@ GP May their journey be successful, may their objectives be attained, may the Mana rest in peace. Mai ihre Reise erfolgreich sein, ihre Ziele erreicht werden können, in Frieden die Mana ruhen. +May their memory be remembered, but may their struggle be forgotten, their bodies never profaned, and in the æthyr, may they find eternal rest and comfort for their souls. + + Maya Maya @@ -18182,8 +18536,8 @@ Maybe someone in Hurnscald can help me. Maybe the Hurnscald alchemist, Wyara, could explain why. -Maybe there are things in Candor which still require your attention? I overheard some of them. -Vielleicht gibt es Dinge in Candor, die noch Ihre Aufmerksamkeit erfordern? Ich habe gehört, einige von ihnen. +Maybe there are things in Candor which still require your attention? I might have overheard some of them. + Maybe there is a key somewhere near. I should keep looking. Vielleicht gibt es einen Schlüssel irgendwo in der Nähe. Ich soll die Suche halten. @@ -18320,6 +18674,9 @@ Mercenary Boxset E Mercenary Boxset EE Mercenary Boxset EE +Mercenary Quests completed: %s + + Mercenary Trainer Mercenary Trainer @@ -18479,6 +18836,9 @@ Mirror Island %d Mirror Island 1 +Mirror Lake + + Mirror Lake : Created temporary character; It'll be reset on logout. @@ -18647,12 +19007,18 @@ Die Monster sind überall. Sie sind eine Plage wir versuchen, loswerden. Monsters do not aim small towns like Candor. This city also comes with the plus that I know where everything's at. Monster zielen nicht kleine Städte wie Candor. Diese Stadt kommt auch mit dem Plus, dass ich weiß, wo alles ist an. +Monsters killed: %s + + Monsters left: @@ Monster links: @@ Monsters remaining: %s +Monsters will spawn in the south fountain continuously. + + Monsters, however, keep coming from the Impregnable Fortress. They always come on %s, although we have no idea why. @@ -18932,8 +19298,8 @@ Mein Schild, @@ My stats are too good, I won't need it. Nein danke, meine Stats sind absolut perfekt. -My unit, however, was attacked! An assassin snuck up on us! -Meine Einheit wurde jedoch angegriffen! Ein Attentäter auf uns schlichen! +My unit, however, was attacked! %s snuck up on us! + My waifu Blossom has me trapped here, and she won't even look at me, because I'm part-Wose! Mein waifu Blossom hat mich hier gefangen, und sie wird mich nicht einmal sehen, weil ich Teil-Wose bin! @@ -18965,9 +19331,15 @@ Mysterious Ore Mysterious Powder expires after some time! +Mystic Wand + + NO NEIN +NO! + + NOT ENOUGH MONEY NICHT GENUG GELD @@ -19163,6 +19535,9 @@ Nie (nur beim Login) Never ask: Brew %d +Never let yourself be brought astray by it. Swear it to me. + + Nevermind, bye! Macht nichts tschuess! @@ -19388,6 +19763,9 @@ Nein, nicht in diesem Moment. No, please don't! I have 3 kids to feed. They are looking for me for contraband. Please, let me go! Nein, bitte nicht! Ich habe 3 Kinder zu ernähren. Sie sind für mich nach Schmuggelware. Bitte lass mich gehen! +No, power corrupts. + + No, sir. Nein Sir. @@ -19496,6 +19874,9 @@ Nicht alle Monster wird dies tun, aber die meisten werden. Also, wenn Sie sehen, Not allowed Nicht erlaubt +Not at all! + + Not at the moment Nicht im Moment @@ -19634,6 +20015,9 @@ Noch nicht. Sie haben die Mana Samen fragen Sie mehr Macht zu geben. NotSoBot NotSoBot +Notable mentions and thanks for our [@@|sponsors@@], we wouldn't be here without their continued support. + + Notable mentions and thanks for our [@@|sponsors@@], we wouldn't be here without their continued support. Bemerkenswerte Erwähnungen und vielen Dank für unsere [@@ https: // | Sponsoren @@], würden wir nicht hier sein, ohne ihre Unterstützung. @@ -19838,6 +20222,9 @@ Nun, da ich die Zauber zu Ihnen beschrieben habe, ich bin sicher, ich warf sie r Now that you ask.... Nun, da Sie fragen .... +Now to head inside the caves, until the last floor, and have my showdown and revenge against the Monster King. I do not plan in failing. + + Now wait for your partner, then talk to me again.#0 Warte auf deinen Partner und sprich mich dann nochmal an.#0 @@ -20129,6 +20516,9 @@ Oh, und ich fast vergessen! Sie keine Passwörter oder Pincodes teilen, nicht ei Oh, and about the Candor travel for 200 GP... Which would be a rare for little or no gold... Well, that's just an attention grabber. Ach ja, und über die Candor Reise für 200 GP ..., die eine seltene für wenig oder kein Gold sein würde ... Nun, das ist nur ein Blickfang. +Oh, and if I perchance catch you using %s or %s... You'll be banned from my game, understood? + + Oh, and you will need this book too, it will help you learn the basics of fishing. Dieses Buch könntest du auch brauchen, es erklärt dir die Grundlagen des Angelns. @@ -20402,6 +20792,9 @@ Sobald er wieder vertrauensvoll arbeiten, können wir dieses wichtige Thema gehe Once inside the BOSS Cave, you get a five minutes time limit to slay the boss with your party. Einmal in der BOSS-Höhle, erhalten Sie ein 5 Minuten Zeitlimit den Chef mit Ihrer Partei zu töten. +Once it begins (you can fight against an AI), kill the most of enemy sparks you can, while preventing your own sparks of being killed. Wins whoever has more sparks after %s minutes. + + Once that is done, the Alliance's staff will set several stands with the most important services you might need, like banking, inside the town central area. @@ -20657,6 +21050,9 @@ Orange Dye? How much does it cost? Orange Eggshell Hat Orange Eggshell Hat +Oranye Isles, 257 AT + + Orbyter Shrine Orbyter Schrein @@ -20693,6 +21089,12 @@ Auch andere Dinge wurden niedergeschrieben, aber sie sind jetzt nicht mehr lesba Other. Andere. +Others scrying you: + + +Others scrying your char data + + Otherwise, ##BYOU'LL DIE.##b Have a nice day! @@ -20879,6 +21281,9 @@ Past this point is the Fortress Island. %s Even so, be careful, the town should Paxel Paxel +Pay + + Pay attention to #world chat, as this event is managed by players. The Monster Army is also trying to regroup, neglecting it is not advised. @@ -20987,6 +21392,12 @@ Vielleicht, in der Stadt, kennt jemand Gerüchte über Mana Steine ​​und kö Perhaps, you could convince Jack to give me the wood, and seek for a fisherman on Halinarzo to give you the string? I won't charge anything. Vielleicht könnten Sie Jack überzeugen mich um das Holz zu geben, und suchen für einen Fischer auf Halinarzo Sie die Zeichenfolge geben? Ich werde nichts berechnen. +Personal Feats + + +Personal Records + + Personally, I like unranked events more than ranked ones... @@ -21140,6 +21551,9 @@ Pirate Lord Pirate Shorts Piraten-Shorts +Pirate Treasure Chest + + Pirate Treasure Map Piraten-Schatz-Karte @@ -21557,6 +21971,9 @@ Power Card X Power in the wrong hands is nothing but a burden and a reason for others to cry. That's exactly what I don't want in this town. Macht in den falschen Händen ist nichts anderes als eine Last und ein Grund für die andere zu weinen. Das ist genau das, was ich nicht in dieser Stadt will. +Power is a double-edged sword. I, Fefe, tried to use it for good, to free the world from Raid's tyranny, and instead, it brought forth the Monster King. + + Power remaining: %s @@ -21674,6 +22091,12 @@ Protip: You skipped tutorial. A lot of tutorial-ish dialogs and quests will be s Protip: Your current progress will be saved. Protip: Ihr werden aktuelle Fortschritte gespeichert werden. +Proud owner of %s the %s. + + +Proud owner of %s the Homunculus. + + Provoke Provozieren @@ -21857,6 +22280,9 @@ Rasse Raid Trousers Raid-Hose +Raid and me have been in hot pursuit for a while, but I fear it is already too late. Yesterday there was another earthquake, and we're receiving summons to return to Tulimshar at once. Apparently, it is under attack. + + Raid might be great. Saul might be popular. SphinxNox might be an annoying brat. But I'm, or rather, will soon be... @@. Raid könnte groß sein. Saul könnte populär sein. SphinxNox könnte eine lästige Göre sein. Aber ich bin, oder besser gesagt, wird bald ... @@. @@ -21965,6 +22391,9 @@ Lesen Sie noch einmal das Tutorial? Read tutorial again? +Reagents & Other Potions + + Real Bronze Gladius Echte Bronze Gladius @@ -22118,6 +22547,9 @@ rote Strümpfe Red Wizard +Reduces MP cost when using chanting-based skills. + + Redy redy @@ -22358,6 +22790,9 @@ Ruhe. Ich habe den ganzen Tag Schleim Nester wurden erschlagen. Restore it +Resurrection + + Retaliates next attack with a critical hit. This instance lasts a second. @@ -22397,6 +22832,9 @@ Zum Hauptmenü zurückkehren Revert a player exile +Revives an already dead allied player. Req. Lifestone to cast. + + Revolver Shooter Revolver Shooter @@ -22736,6 +23174,12 @@ Saul plant einen Angriff auf der Magic Tower. Ich mag diesen Mana Stone. Saul is supplying me the alchemist resources for that. In exchange, my thieves supply him gold and spare his friends. Saul liefert mir die Alchemisten Ressourcen dafür. Im Gegenzug liefern meine Diebe ihm Gold und verschonen seine Freunde. +Saul will deal with it. His mess, he will clean up. Raid and me will keep the pursuit. And this time, we shall triumph. + + +Saul will lead the frontal assault, Mr. Saves shall provide distraction, and I'll infiltrate within the Mage Tower. + + Saulc Card Saulc Karte @@ -22796,6 +23240,9 @@ Saxso Geist Saxso Key Saxso Key +Saxso's Basement, Candor - 27th July 300 AT + + Saxso's Official Residence. @@ -22886,6 +23333,9 @@ School of Quirks (Candor) Scissors Schere +Score: %s / %s + + Scoreboards Anzeigern @@ -22913,6 +23363,69 @@ Skriptfehler Script Error: "Tux didn't found his fish! Blame Saulc at once!" +Scroll Angel Light + + +Scroll Angel Light+ + + +Scroll Angel Light++ + + +Scroll Battle Plans + + +Scroll Battle Plans+ + + +Scroll Battle Plans++ + + +Scroll Critical Fortune + + +Scroll Critical Fortune+ + + +Scroll Critical Fortune++ + + +Scroll Defense Bless + + +Scroll Defense Bless+ + + +Scroll Defense Bless++ + + +Scroll Magnus Heal + + +Scroll Magnus Heal+ + + +Scroll Magnus Heal++ + + +Scroll Summon Cave Maggot + + +Scroll Summon Dragon + + +Scroll Summon Maggot + + +Scroll Summon Terranite + + +Scroll Summon Wolvern + + +Scroll Summon Yeti + + Scythe Sense @@ -22970,6 +23483,9 @@ Tschüß! See you. Wir sehen uns. +Seems like Arkim held it too close to the flame... + + Seems like someone else opened this chest before you! @@ -23000,6 +23516,9 @@ Wählen Sie sorgfältig die Waffe, die Sie wollen, so gibt es keine Reue. Select difficulty. +Select one: + + Select your preferred play-style. @@ -23297,6 +23816,9 @@ Sollte ich einen Liebesbrief beilegen? Should I walk on it? Soll ich darauf gehen? +Should we ask about the %s before leaving? + + Should we? @@ -23345,6 +23867,15 @@ Sign#0063CF Sign#0063PI +Sign#0066CR + + +Sign#0066ER + + +Sign#0066WR + + Sign#014517929 @@ -23684,12 +24215,18 @@ Snow Flower Snowflake Schneeflocke +Snowman + + Snowman Globe Schneemann-Kugel So COOL, thanks! Come back later to bring me extra @@! So cool, danke! Kommen Sie später wieder mir zu bringen zusätzliche @@! +So I did what I could - What I always do. Turned my beloved sister in a slime. Turned her into what killed her. + + So be nice and help people along the way! So nett und helfen Menschen auf dem Weg! @@ -23909,6 +24446,9 @@ So? Wie war es? Solo +Solo Try + + Some are dangerous, too. Even if you look capable of fighting, the Blue Sage instructed me to prevent anyone from visiting until the mess is cleared. Einige sind auch gefährlich. Auch wenn Sie zu kämpfen fähig aussehen, instruiert die Blue Sage mir jemand daran zu hindern, den Besuch, bis das Chaos gelöscht. @@ -24614,6 +25154,9 @@ Solche kostbaren Edelstein, ist nicht etwas, das Sie kostenlos geben würde, es Sudden Attack +Suddenly, the map %s! + + Sulfur Powder Schwefelpulver @@ -24728,6 +25271,9 @@ Surprisingly, nothing happens. Susanne Susanne +Swashbuckler + + Swezanne Swezanne @@ -25901,6 +26447,9 @@ The Monster King is scary. To be honest, I'm not sure I would be able to do anyt The Monster King is sending their armies to attack towns with a seemingly random pattern. +The Monster King once again eluded us. How long has it been? His minions are laying waste to all towns, Saul has been killed, Raid has been wounded. + + The Monster King was so powerful! It is impossible to recover the artifact now, and everyone will die! Das Monster King war so mächtig! Es ist unmöglich, das Artefakt jetzt zu erholen, und jeder wird sterben! @@ -26021,6 +26570,9 @@ Die Antennen selbst bedeuten nichts, ich will dich zu töten meine Feinde, die P The average player level is @@ Die durchschnittliche Spieler Ebene ist @@ +The bad one, is that you'll have to guide yourself without the map. + + The bank and item storage is shared between all characters within a same account. Die Bank und Positionsspeicher ist in einem gleichen Konto zwischen allen Zeichen geteilt. @@ -26174,6 +26726,9 @@ The farther you go on the sequence, the better the payout! The fee only need to be paid once and will work in every town. Die Gebühr muss nur einmal bezahlt werden und wird in jeder Stadt arbeiten. +The fee to use this room is %s GP. + + The fertile climate is ideal for mushrooms. You can also find lots of wood. Das fruchtbare Klima ist ideal für Pilze. Sie können auch viel Holz finden. @@ -26225,6 +26780,9 @@ Der riesige Boogeyman! The girl turns around and you hear her sniffing, she is probably crying... Das Mädchen dreht sich um und Sie hören, wie sie Schnupfen, sie ist wahrscheinlich zu weinen ... +The good one, is that now I know the right path. + + The great prize is @@. Der große Preis ist @@. @@ -26321,6 +26879,9 @@ The mana bridge to Aeros is open! To participate on event, talk to ##BSoul Menhi The mana war stroke, and many people died, Der Mana Krieg Schlaganfall und viele Menschen starben, +The map starts getting darker with the heat of the flame, and curiously, new shapes starts to form... + + The masters have decided you are to be given honorary initiation into the Duck Side. The Duck Side is powerful, much more so than you could possibly understand. @@ -26522,6 +27083,9 @@ Die Registergebühr beträgt 2000 GP. The rent lasts 30 days. Die Miete beträgt 30 Tage. +The requested char is not online or does not exist. + + The sailor chugs his beer. Der Matrose schüttet sein Bier in sich hinein. @@ -26771,6 +27335,9 @@ Then so be it. Farewell. Then someone of a scholarship rank above your must approve it, and say that your work is enough to the next scholar rank. +Then take the middle entrance. + + Then you should look in buying Caffeinne. Curse is a status ailment which reduces your attack, nullifies your luck and makes you a snail. Simple Curses can be cured with time, too. Dann sollten Sie in Kauf Koffein aussehen. Der Fluch ist ein Status Krankheit, die Ihren Angriff reduziert, zunichte macht Ihr Glück und macht Ihr eine Schnecke. Einfache Flüche können mit der Zeit auch geheilt werden. @@ -26885,6 +27452,9 @@ Es gibt nur einen Weg in der besten Ausrüstung: Smith weg! There is only so much magical power your body can handle without breaking. +There is someone who might know how to turn a slime back in a human. But alas, that old fart doesn't live here. + + There isn't enough, not even for NPCs. We need at least 100. Es ist nicht genug, auch nicht für NPCs. Wir brauchen mindestens 100. @@ -26981,6 +27551,9 @@ There's no help available for this event. There's no need to go in that Yeti infested den right now. Es gibt keine Notwendigkeit zu gehen, dass Yeti die jetzt befallen. +There's no one who knows Butterfly Caves better than me, child. These are MY caves, after all. + + There's no reason to enter these caves now. Es gibt keinen Grund, diese Höhlen jetzt zu betreten. @@ -27017,6 +27590,9 @@ Es ... * hicks * werden Sie verfallen * hicks * in nur @@ ... oder beim Abmelden Therefore we need a lot of glue, but our supplies are nearly used up. I need @@/@@ @@ as ingredient to make new glue. Deshalb brauchen wir eine Menge Leim, aber unsere Lieferungen bis fast zum Einsatz kommen. Ich brauche @@ / @@ @@ als Bestandteil neuen Klebstoff zu machen. +Therefore, I shall head to the %s, and look for %s. If anyone knows how to fix it, might as well be that rat-faced... being. + + Therefore, children of Merlin, go back to your world, and ask the Blue Sage Nikolai about it. The blue sage may fake angerness or try to dodge the question, but they are a good person. Still, you should ensure you're on his good side. @@ -27059,6 +27635,9 @@ These gold fishes multiply horribly and have no natural predator. These monsters are a great source of raw crafting materials. Diese Monster sind eine große Quelle von rohen Handwerksmaterialien. +These paths are all wrong! What is the problem with this map?! + + These people have lots of unspent Strange Coins! Waw! Diese Leute haben eine Menge unverbrauchten Seltsame Münzen! Waw! @@ -27206,6 +27785,9 @@ Sie werden niemanden angreifen, wenn sie zuerst angegriffen werden. They will try to prove your worth before, though. So be ready. Sie werden versuchen, Ihren Wert vor zu beweisen, though. So fertig sein. +They'll also start spawning on whole map, so be careful. + + They're back - and they took hold of your majesty - my husband - king Arthur! @@ -27254,6 +27836,9 @@ Dieses Portal kann die Seele zurück in die Welt, entlang einer beliebigen Gegen This Real Estate is available for rent for only @@ GP! Das Real Estate ist zu mieten für nur @@ GP! +This a simple game; Choose one of the shrines - west or east. The one at west is %s, the one at east is %s. + + This action CANNOT BE UNDONE. Diese Aktion kann nicht rückgängig gemacht werden. @@ -27302,6 +27887,9 @@ This cave is considered outside the town! This certainly is just to reorganize their armies. We must take this chance to improve ourselves, or else, we'll be overrun soon enough. +This challenge will be available in %s. Please wait until then. + + This character person is strange I better get away... Dieser Charakter Person ist seltsam, ich besser weg ... @@ -27314,6 +27902,9 @@ Diese Kohle wird helfen Sie später bessere Waffen herstellt. Es ist ein Zeichen This command cannot be used on test servers. +This diary had several pages torn off, but the last page is clearly legible. + + This didn't work. All pins are now unset! Das hat nicht funktioniert. Alle Pins sind jetzt nicht gesetzt! @@ -27371,6 +27962,9 @@ Das Mädchen braucht Hilfe. Wir müssen sie retten! This happens quite often, too. My friends and I are always collecting keys to reduce beer price on Hurnscald. %%2 +This has been a long journey, children, so please answer me. Is power a good thing? + + This have many uses. Maybe. Anyway, I'm soon done with my experiment, so please come back later. Diese haben viele Anwendungen. Könnte sein. Wie dem auch sei, ich bin bald mit meinem Experiment durchgeführt, so kommen Sie bitte später wieder. @@ -27437,6 +28031,9 @@ Dies ist nur eine freundliche Beratung. Wir nehmen Magie nicht leicht. Und Sie s This is just a short list to make GMs life easier! Dies ist nur eine kurze Liste GMs das Leben leichter zu machen! +This is my chance - the biggest Mana Quake ever, it feels like a whole world crushing in ours. I can feel the drain from Candor's Mana Reserves all the way up here. + + This is not The Mana World. My name is not Bryant. Dies ist nicht The Mana World. Mein Name ist nicht Bryant. @@ -27689,6 +28286,9 @@ Diese Statue wurde für das Gedächtnis von Andrei Sakar, dem größten Helden b This table will prepare the potion for you, no skill required! Diese Tabelle wird den Trank für Sie vorbereiten, benötigt kein Geschick! +This tax must be paid now, and you can brew as much as you wish after payment. + + This teleporter is currently recharging. Diese Teleporter aufgeladen wird zur Zeit. @@ -27698,6 +28298,9 @@ Dieser Thron ist nicht vom Monster King ... ES GEHÖRT ZU MIR NUR! This time, I only a few last reagents and I'll finally attempt it... I want you to witness it. I'll teach you the spell later, of course. Diesmal habe ich nur ein paar letzte Reagenzien und ich werde es schließlich versuchen ... Ich möchte Sie es bezeugen. Ich werde Ihnen den Zauber später lehren, natürlich. +This time, I'll be prepared. His reign of terror has its days counted. + + This torch is already lit. Dieser Brenner ist bereits lit. @@ -27788,6 +28391,9 @@ Werfen Sie eine Münze? Throw something inside! Werfen Sie etwas nach innen! +Thug + + Thunder Staff Gewitter Stab @@ -27818,6 +28424,9 @@ Zeitlimit Time Limit: 25 minutes on any dungeon. Zeitlimit: 25 Minuten auf jedem Verlies. +Time Limit: 90 minutes + + Time is running out... Hurry up! Die Zeit wird knapp ... Beeilen Sie sich! @@ -27851,6 +28460,12 @@ Times died: %s Times reborn: %d +Times won Call of Dusty: %s + + +Times won Capture the Flag: %s + + Tin Ingot Zinnbarren @@ -28043,6 +28658,9 @@ Um zu beweisen, mir deinen Glauben, bring mir 1 @@ oder 1 @@. To prove me your results, bring me @@ @@, @@ @@ and @@ @@. Um zu beweisen, mir Ihre Ergebnisse, mich bringen @@ @@ @@ @@ und @@ @@. +To reach this place... You just need to follow the path after the waterfall. Come back to me after that. + + To register as a craftsman, you need to talk to Intense Beard in Terranite Forge. The forge is in the Bazar.#1 @@ -28148,6 +28766,9 @@ Tolchi Munitionsbox Tolchi Arrow Tolchi Pfeil +Tomorrow is the day, when we shall march against Raid, in order to free our people from the oppression of her mages. + + Tonori Delight Tonori Delight @@ -28526,6 +29147,9 @@ Tulimshar is the strongest city because Dausen teaches every newcomer about the Tulimshar miners mainly try to obtain gems. Tulimshar Bergleute in erster Linie versuchen, Edelsteine ​​zu erhalten. +Tulimshar, Tonori - 2nd March 300 AT + + Tulimshar, right? The oldest human city-state! Tulimshar, nicht wahr? Der älteste menschliche Stadtstaat! @@ -28817,6 +29441,9 @@ Use items to drain the pentagram. Final result is affected by int! Use its powers for good! +Use the abandoned passage to the north... Usually, no one uses it. + + Use the arrow keys to walk right and meet Juliet. Mit den Pfeiltasten nach rechts und treffen Juliet gehen. @@ -28829,12 +29456,12 @@ Verwenden Sie diese Münzen für Sachen auszutauschen. Aber Achtung: Jede Dungeo Use your @@ as currency! Benutze deine @@ als Währung! -Usename#0000 - - User Control Panel Benutzer Control-Panel +Username#0000 + + Usually only sponsors are allowed up there, but I'll make an exception today. Go meet the mayor. Normalerweise ist nur Sponsoren es erlaubt, aber ich werde eine Ausnahme machen heute. Gehen Sie den Bürgermeister treffen. @@ -29510,6 +30137,9 @@ Wir müssen weg We must blame Saulc! Wir müssen die Schuld Saulc! +We must capture Barbara AND return the stolen item! + + We must defeat the Monster King on his evil lair! Wir müssen das Monster King auf seinem bösen Höhle besiegen! @@ -29666,6 +30296,9 @@ Wöchentlich, bis Sonntag 00.00 Uhr, werden Wahlen abgehalten. Welcome back, Padric! Willkommen zurück, Padric! +Welcome back, children. So, how was your treasure hunt? Did you manage to find the path? + + Welcome back. Willkommen zurück. @@ -30743,6 +31376,9 @@ Warum habe ich eine harte Zeit an Sie zu glauben ... Why are you here? This area is off-limits! Warum bist du hier? Dieser Bereich ist tabu! +Why did we had to decide to research slimes of all creatures?! But alas, now is too late. Not even a %s could restore her in this state... + + Why do you bully me! - This is a bug: 02331.LOGIC.OID Warum schikanieren Sie mich! - Das ist ein Fehler: 02331.LOGIC.OID @@ -30854,6 +31490,12 @@ Weise Entscheidung! Aber kann man wirklich mit ihm trennen? Besser denken an etw Witch Boots Hexe Stiefel +With Magic and Blades, The Icicle shall break. + + +With Magic and Blades, The Icicle shall break. Do you undertake the challenge? + + With Tulimshar being the last major human settlement standing (besides distant locations like Candor), the situation looks more dire than ever. @@ -30938,6 +31580,12 @@ Wizardry Wizardry Institute is on the %s area of the campus. +Wizards Tower, Tonori - 6th March 300 AT + + +Wizards Tower, Tonori - 8th April 300 AT + + Wo-wo-wow! You really did it! You're the best!#0 @@ -30959,6 +31607,9 @@ Wolvern Tooth Wolverns are fierce creatures who likes cold places. Their fur is soft. Wolverns sind wilde Kreaturen, die kalte Orte mag. Ihr Fell ist weich. +Won Quirino Voraz Arena %s ago + + Wonderful! Here, take the @@, as promised. I need to get back to cooking! Wunderbar! Hier nehmen Sie die @@, wie versprochen. Ich muss kochen, um wieder! @@ -31127,6 +31778,9 @@ Writing/Updating in client-data quests.xml and items.xml with the correct inform Wurtzite Ore Wurtzit Ore +Wushin + + Wyara Wyara @@ -31310,6 +31964,9 @@ Gelber Schleim Yellow Slime Mother +Yellow Spark + + Yep, I bring them for you! Ja, ich bringe sie für Sie! @@ -31502,6 +32159,9 @@ Ja, bitte, buchen Sie mir ein Bett. Yes, please. Ja bitte. +Yes, power allows us a future of our choosing. + + Yes, take it. Ja, nehmen Sie es. @@ -31661,6 +32321,9 @@ Sie sind hier nicht verlassen dürfen! You are a @@º degree mage. This book allows you many new possibilities. +You are a legendary hero. + + You are a master chef, looking at you inspires Maxime. @@ -31850,6 +32513,9 @@ Sie sind nicht stark genug. You awake a long forgotten potential, and feel ready to take over the world. +You barely know these caves. + + You better have it ready, because I have the Coal with me! Sie besser haben es fertig, weil ich die Kohle mit mir haben! @@ -31940,6 +32606,9 @@ Du kannst den Gegenstand direkt per Drag & Drop ins NPC Fenster verschieben, ode You can easily identify fishing spots, small bubbles and fishes are visible from the surface. Sie können Angelplätze, kleine Blasen und Fische leicht identifizieren sind von der Oberfläche sichtbar. +You can enter when clock ticks :15, and the game begin when the clock ticks :25 if anyone is around. This is to match with Call of Dusty event. + + You can even join the project there. Contributors are greatly appreciated! %%N @@ -32390,6 +33059,9 @@ Sie scheinen nicht genug Gold zu haben, nicht einmal 1 GP ... Sie sollten wirkli You done well in getting so far. I didn't thought you would make it. Sie gut daran getan, so weit zu bekommen. Ich habe nicht gedacht, Sie würden es machen. +You earned %s Monster Points for winning. + + You explain the Blue Sage about the sabotage incident details, from the Silk Cocoon to the masked visitor. Sie erklären die Blue Sage über die Sabotage Vorfall Details, von den Seiden Cocoon auf den maskierten Besucher. @@ -32825,6 +33497,9 @@ Sie brauchen einen Helden halten Gruppe zu wählen. Das zur Zeit macht absolut You need to have an @@ equipped. Sie müssen haben eine @@ ausgestattet. +You need to pick your prizes! + + You need to reach a certain point in Player Story in order to partake on this event. Non-repeatable. @@ -33026,6 +33701,9 @@ Sie scheinen zu haben @@ gebrochen Gegenstände und ... Oh, ich sehe, Sie haben You seem to have gotten Peetu's attention for a while. Sie scheinen zu haben Peetu die Aufmerksamkeit für eine Weile erhalten. +You send me the wrong way. + + You set off a trap! Sie legen eine Falle off! @@ -33608,8 +34286,8 @@ Ihre niedrige Intelligenz verhindert nichts mehr mit Ihnen geschieht. Your magic is more powerful than you, but you can control. Ihre Magie ist mächtiger als Sie, aber Sie können steuern. -Your mind is set? You will probably lose the color dye during this process. -Ihr Geist wird? Sie werden wahrscheinlich die Farbe Farbstoff während dieses Prozesses verlieren. +Your mind is set? You will probably lose all the dyes and/or cards during on the item during this process. You're bleaching a %s by the way. + Your mother asked me to say that she loves you. Deine Mutter hat mich gebeten, zu sagen, dass sie dich liebt. @@ -33914,6 +34592,9 @@ betelgeuse big +burst up in flames + + but I was hoping for something more valuable. No, thanks. aber ich hatte gehofft, für etwas mehr wert. Nein Danke. @@ -34040,6 +34721,9 @@ harte Arbeit, wurde Dimonds Cove gebaut. heart of gold +her + + here @@ -34325,6 +35009,12 @@ südwestlichen Teil der Stadt spawn challenge monster! How far can you go? Laich Herausforderung Monster! Wie weit kann man gehen? +splash magic + + +splash weapons + + start#bat_a02 diff --git a/langs/lang_en.old b/langs/lang_en.old index 0eb1a2b04..52af1fbea 100644 --- a/langs/lang_en.old +++ b/langs/lang_en.old @@ -109,6 +109,9 @@ %s - %d/%d HP, %d/%d MP %s - %d/%d HP, %d/%d MP +%s, you did your best to entretain me. It is my wish that you continue protecting this world. Therefore, I bestow upon you, the legendary %s. Please use its powers to protect your friend and the world peace! +%s, you did your best to entretain me. It is my wish that you continue protecting this world. Therefore, I bestow upon you, the legendary %s. Please use its powers to protect your friend and the world peace! + %s, you're a good student. You have a bright future if you keep listening to me. %s, you're a good student. You have a bright future if you keep listening to me. @@ -880,6 +883,9 @@ Cancels Poison. Antidotes are hard to come by, anyway. Candor - 2,500 GP Candor - 2,500 GP +Candor Battle Score: %d +Candor Battle Score: %d + Candor Trainer read all the references that he could find and is wiser than ever! Candor Trainer read all the references that he could find and is wiser than ever! @@ -1018,6 +1024,9 @@ Could I ask you what your native language is? A sailor told me you're Russian, b Could be nice if you could bring me this: Could be nice if you could bring me this: +Could you bleach my clothes? +Could you bleach my clothes? + Counter Attack - Next attack will be retaliated, with twice critical ratio. Counter Attack - Next attack will be retaliated, with twice critical ratio. @@ -1462,6 +1471,9 @@ Gained @@ XP Gatling Shooter Gatling Shooter +General Recipes +General Recipes + Get money Get money @@ -2503,6 +2515,9 @@ LeftBarrierCheck LeftDoor LeftDoor +Legendary Wand +Legendary Wand + Legion's Copper Armor Legion's Copper Armor @@ -2644,6 +2659,9 @@ Maybe Hurnscald alchemist, Wyara, could explain why. Maybe someone in Hurnscald can help me? Maybe someone in Hurnscald can help me? +Maybe there are things in Candor which still require your attention? I overheard some of them. +Maybe there are things in Candor which still require your attention? I overheard some of them. + Maybe you could bring me 20 @@? I will reward you for your effort. Maybe you could bring me 20 @@? I will reward you for your effort. @@ -2719,6 +2737,9 @@ My name is Malindou, I am a representative of the Merchant Guild on Tulimshar. My shaman skill protect us, against monsters and thiefs! My shaman skill protect us, against monsters and thiefs! +My unit, however, was attacked! An assassin snuck up on us! +My unit, however, was attacked! An assassin snuck up on us! + NOW YOU HAVE DONE IT! By the powers to me vested as a Constable and Game Master, I sentence you to HALF HOUR IN A %s! NOW YOU HAVE DONE IT! By the powers to me vested as a Constable and Game Master, I sentence you to HALF HOUR IN A %s! @@ -4387,6 +4408,9 @@ Use the key. Useful in PvP when your enemy have equipped a @@ Useful in PvP when your enemy have equipped a @@ +Usename#0000 +Usename#0000 + User account safety is at stake, too, so I'll move this crap to a blackbox once done. User account safety is at stake, too, so I'll move this crap to a blackbox once done. @@ -5275,6 +5299,9 @@ Your luck determines several small things, including the number of critical atta Your mind is set? You will loose the color dye during this process. Your mind is set? You will loose the color dye during this process. +Your mind is set? You will probably lose the color dye during this process. +Your mind is set? You will probably lose the color dye during this process. + Your position has been saved. Your position has been saved. diff --git a/langs/lang_en.txt b/langs/lang_en.txt index aebf895fc..b7236ed95 100644 --- a/langs/lang_en.txt +++ b/langs/lang_en.txt @@ -209,6 +209,9 @@ Copyright (C) 2010-2021 TMW2 Team ##BHall Of Aurora: TOP10##b ##BHall Of Aurora: TOP10##b +##BHall Of Candor's Bloodbath: TOP 10##b +##BHall Of Candor's Bloodbath: TOP 10##b + ##BHall Of Crazyfefe Fight: TOP 10##b ##BHall Of Crazyfefe Fight: TOP 10##b @@ -353,6 +356,9 @@ Copyright (C) 2010-2021 TMW2 Team %s GP and %d REP. %s GP and %d REP. +%s Hero +%s Hero + %s Monster Points, and a %s. That's my final offer. %s Monster Points, and a %s. That's my final offer. @@ -365,15 +371,27 @@ Copyright (C) 2010-2021 TMW2 Team %s disembarks at %s. %s disembarks at %s. +%s eyebrow furrows, as he brings the map closer to a torch. +%s eyebrow furrows, as he brings the map closer to a torch. + %s has EXILED %s from %s. %s has EXILED %s from %s. +%s has protected themselves from prying eyes. Your scry attempt failed. +%s has protected themselves from prying eyes. Your scry attempt failed. + %s is by becoming a %s. %s is by becoming a %s. %s is by impressing the town guard. %s is by impressing the town guard. +%s is currently a staff member. +%s is currently a staff member. + +%s is currently sponsoring the High Alliance. +%s is currently sponsoring the High Alliance. + %s is happy because you've paid %d GP in taxes! %s is happy because you've paid %d GP in taxes! @@ -383,6 +401,9 @@ Copyright (C) 2010-2021 TMW2 Team %s is obtained during events, daily logins, heroic deeds, gifts, etc. But cannot be bought with real money. %s is obtained during events, daily logins, heroic deeds, gifts, etc. But cannot be bought with real money. +%s makes a confused face. +%s makes a confused face. + %s makes specialized weapons for high level players. If you tweak with Nicholas, in Hurnscald, the weapon options, you can get really powerful. %s makes specialized weapons for high level players. If you tweak with Nicholas, in Hurnscald, the weapon options, you can get really powerful. @@ -425,8 +446,8 @@ Copyright (C) 2010-2021 TMW2 Team %s, you did your best to avenge a fallen comrade. It is my wish that you continue protecting this world. Therefore, I bestow upon you, the legendary %s. Please use its powers to protect your friend and the world peace! %s, you did your best to avenge a fallen comrade. It is my wish that you continue protecting this world. Therefore, I bestow upon you, the legendary %s. Please use its powers to protect your friend and the world peace! -%s, you did your best to entretain me. It is my wish that you continue protecting this world. Therefore, I bestow upon you, the legendary %s. Please use its powers to protect your friend and the world peace! -%s, you did your best to entretain me. It is my wish that you continue protecting this world. Therefore, I bestow upon you, the legendary %s. Please use its powers to protect your friend and the world peace! +%s, you did your best to entertain me. It is my wish that you continue protecting this world. Therefore, I bestow upon you, the legendary %s. Please use its powers to protect your friend and the world peace! +%s, you did your best to entertain me. It is my wish that you continue protecting this world. Therefore, I bestow upon you, the legendary %s. Please use its powers to protect your friend and the world peace! %s, you did your best to protect this world inhabitants. It is my wish that you continue protecting this world. Therefore, I bestow upon you, the legendary %s. Please use its powers to protect your friend and the world peace! %s, you did your best to protect this world inhabitants. It is my wish that you continue protecting this world. Therefore, I bestow upon you, the legendary %s. Please use its powers to protect your friend and the world peace! @@ -863,6 +884,9 @@ Copyright (C) 2010-2021 TMW2 Team *tears weeling up* *tears weeling up* +*this sign is too blurred to read* +*this sign is too blurred to read* + *tut* *tut* @@ -953,6 +977,9 @@ Copyright (C) 2010-2021 TMW2 Team -- Animals Protection Agency of Hurnscald -- Animals Protection Agency of Hurnscald +-- In such event, Candor Underground B4F will be permanently unreachable for this char. +-- In such event, Candor Underground B4F will be permanently unreachable for this char. + -- Merlin -- Merlin @@ -977,6 +1004,9 @@ Copyright (C) 2010-2021 TMW2 Team ... .... .... ... .... .... +...Actually, I'm drawing in a blank. +...Actually, I'm drawing in a blank. + ...Actually, you seem like a capable adventurer. If you give me some ingredients I can't get, I'll give you a @@.#0 ...Actually, you seem like a capable adventurer. If you give me some ingredients I can't get, I'll give you a @@. @@ -986,6 +1016,9 @@ Copyright (C) 2010-2021 TMW2 Team ...Alright then. ...Alright then. +...Although that's unlikely, I admit. +...Although that's unlikely, I admit. + ...And for some reason he took the apple and went further in the caves. ...And for some reason he took the apple and went further in the caves. @@ -998,6 +1031,9 @@ Copyright (C) 2010-2021 TMW2 Team ...Are you trying to troll me? ...Are you trying to troll me? +...Assuming you can break a Mana Stone, that is. +...Assuming you can break a Mana Stone, that is. + ...Automatically retrying... ...Automatically retrying... @@ -1007,12 +1043,21 @@ Copyright (C) 2010-2021 TMW2 Team ...Besides, I have this nice @@ with me. It's a reliable bow. ...Besides, I have this nice @@ with me. It's a reliable bow. +...Blood. +...Blood. + ...But saving me won't be enough, so build trust by the kind gift of @@ @@. I'll be waiting. ...But saving me won't be enough, so build trust by the kind gift of @@ @@. I'll be waiting. ...But worry not, I have the right screwdriver for the job. So, are you up to bring me some Present Boxes? ...But worry not, I have the right screwdriver for the job. So, are you up to bring me some Present Boxes? +...Cocktail. +...Cocktail. + +...Coffee. +...Coffee. + ...Dealing with scorpion stingers is a gamble, so we may need a few stingers before making a successful potion. ...Dealing with scorpion stingers is a gamble, so we may need a few stingers before making a successful potion. @@ -1046,6 +1091,9 @@ Copyright (C) 2010-2021 TMW2 Team ...I have no other choice, do I? ...I have no other choice, do I? +...I knew bandits were not be trusted, but Saul insisted in doing so. I hate him so much right now. Even if he is my brother. +...I knew bandits were not be trusted, but Saul insisted in doing so. I hate him so much right now. Even if he is my brother. + ...I still need to cover up if they're mistaken. Give me a reason to tell you secrets, show me you're concerned with Tulimshar safety and don't want just to be strong. ...I still need to cover up if they're mistaken. Give me a reason to tell you secrets, show me you're concerned with Tulimshar safety and don't want just to be strong. @@ -1082,12 +1130,24 @@ Copyright (C) 2010-2021 TMW2 Team ...Okay, I asked you to explain, and you ended up wasting my time instead. %%n ...Okay, I asked you to explain, and you ended up wasting my time instead. %%n +...Okay, I guess. +...Okay, I guess. + ...Okay, this is not fun anymore. ...Okay, this is not fun anymore. ...Otherwise, they're too precious to sell to wanna be adventurers. Beer EXP Bonuses expire on death, you know?! ...Otherwise, they're too precious to sell to wanna be adventurers. Beer EXP Bonuses expire on death, you know?! +...Poison. +...Poison. + +...Potion. +...Potion. + +...Tea. +...Tea. + ...Thanks, kind person. ...Thanks, kind person. @@ -1103,6 +1163,9 @@ Copyright (C) 2010-2021 TMW2 Team ...Unless, of course, if you're interested in learning this art. You'll not regret it, I assure you. ...Unless, of course, if you're interested in learning this art. You'll not regret it, I assure you. +...Water. +...Water. + ...Well, but even if Hurnscald is nearby, you are too weak. You know sometimes, ships get attacked by pirates, right? ...Well, but even if Hurnscald is nearby, you are too weak. You know sometimes, ships get attacked by pirates, right? @@ -1184,6 +1247,9 @@ Copyright (C) 2010-2021 TMW2 Team .:: Brawling ::. .:: Brawling ::. +.:: Chanting ::. +.:: Chanting ::. + .:: Ched's Summer 2018 ::. .:: Ched's Summer 2018 ::. @@ -1406,6 +1472,9 @@ Copyright (C) 2010-2021 TMW2 Team .:: Purple Day 2018 ::. .:: Purple Day 2018 ::. +.:: Resurrection ::. +.:: Resurrection ::. + .:: Scholarship Class ::. .:: Scholarship Class ::. @@ -1544,6 +1613,9 @@ Copyright (C) 2010-2021 TMW2 Team 1. Cassio - 43098 1. Cassio - 43098 +1. Duke M - 16,016 +1. Duke M - 16,016 + 1. Investigate Kamelot Basements 1. Investigate Kamelot Basements @@ -1658,6 +1730,9 @@ Copyright (C) 2010-2021 TMW2 Team 2. Woody - 3637 2. Woody - 3637 +2. andulkaT - 6,000 +2. andulkaT - 6,000 + 2. seeds - 1167 2. seeds - 1167 @@ -1721,6 +1796,9 @@ Copyright (C) 2010-2021 TMW2 Team 3. Povo - 1,275,000 GP 3. Povo - 1,275,000 GP +3. Sharli - 4,419 +3. Sharli - 4,419 + 3. Woody - 1066 3. Woody - 1066 @@ -1784,6 +1862,9 @@ Copyright (C) 2010-2021 TMW2 Team 4. dangerDuck - 540 4. dangerDuck - 540 +4. poppet - 3,826 +4. poppet - 3,826 + 4. seeds - 43 4. seeds - 43 @@ -1835,6 +1916,9 @@ Copyright (C) 2010-2021 TMW2 Team 5. dangerDuck - 23 5. dangerDuck - 23 +5. girl flapper - 2,487 +5. girl flapper - 2,487 + 5. seeds - 13395 5. seeds - 13395 @@ -1943,6 +2027,15 @@ Copyright (C) 2010-2021 TMW2 Team ??? ??? +??? : Are you trying to steal MY treasure?! +??? : Are you trying to steal MY treasure?! + +??? : I am Pirate Captain Marley, and on the honor of my pirates... +??? : I am Pirate Captain Marley, and on the honor of my pirates... + +??? : Wait, how did you got here? WHO ARE YOU? +??? : Wait, how did you got here? WHO ARE YOU? + ???#01863 ???#01863 @@ -2366,6 +2459,9 @@ A few times during the year, the "golden wave" migrates from the north pole to t A friend of yours called LOF BOT asked for a coin... A friend of yours called LOF BOT asked for a coin... +A game is currently going on, please wait for it to finish. +A game is currently going on, please wait for it to finish. + A global announcement will be made. A global announcement will be made. @@ -2549,6 +2645,9 @@ Aaaaaahhh... Oui, that's a good wine! So, what will it be? Aahna Aahna +Abandoned Diary#jak1 +Abandoned Diary#jak1 + Abandoned Fountain#MKH Abandoned Fountain#MKH @@ -2588,6 +2687,9 @@ About the Prophecy... What about Elves? Orcs? Redys? Etc.? About the items you asked me to collect... About the items you asked me to collect... +About this pirate treasure map... +About this pirate treasure map... + Abuse can be determined by your peers or by the grandmasters, so be careful. Abuse can be determined by your peers or by the grandmasters, so be careful. @@ -2633,6 +2735,9 @@ Accuracy +25 Ace Ventura Ace Ventura +Achievements +Achievements + Acknowledgment? What do you mean? Acknowledgment? What do you mean? @@ -2765,6 +2870,12 @@ Adventurer, did you brought me what I asked? I see you have @@/5 @@. Advised party size: From 3 and above Advised party size: From 3 and above +Advised: 1+ mage, 1+ tanker, 2+ healers +Advised: 1+ mage, 1+ tanker, 2+ healers + +Advised: 6+ players +Advised: 6+ players + Aegis Shield Aegis Shield @@ -2804,6 +2915,9 @@ After cleaning for twelve hours straight, they allowed me to rest a bit. After hours of hard work... After hours of hard work... +After that, follow the path until you reach a great chamber... +After that, follow the path until you reach a great chamber... + After that, stay still and be patient, but also alert! After that, stay still and be patient, but also alert! @@ -3152,6 +3266,9 @@ Ah...! POLICE! POLICE! Quick, send this cheating thief to jail!! Aha! I knew you were a boring person... Aha! I knew you were a boring person... +Aha! So that's what it was! The map was hiding its secrets in drawings made with acid. An old technique... But a very useful one. +Aha! So that's what it was! The map was hiding its secrets in drawings made with acid. An old technique... But a very useful one. + Ahahahah, do you really think I'll accept legs if you don't help me cleaning my fields? Ahahahah, do you really think I'll accept legs if you don't help me cleaning my fields? @@ -3221,6 +3338,9 @@ Alchemy Blueprint D Alchemy Blueprint E Alchemy Blueprint E +Alchemy Cauldron +Alchemy Cauldron + Alchemy Recipes Alchemy Recipes @@ -3371,6 +3491,9 @@ Alliance members (sponsors) are allowed inside the Council Room. Alliance members are those who [@@|sponsor us@@]. Alliance members are those who [@@|sponsor us@@]. +Alliance members are those who [@@|sponsor us@@]. +Alliance members are those who [@@|sponsor us@@]. + Allowed Allowed @@ -3608,6 +3731,9 @@ An Airship? It is just a ship. Which flies. An account may vote anywhere, but only once per town (weekly). An account may vote anywhere, but only once per town (weekly). +An assassin +An assassin + An emergency skill which temporarily raises all your stats. An emergency skill which temporarily raises all your stats. @@ -3677,6 +3803,9 @@ And again, and again. And again. And again. +And also in notable mention of those who [@@|sponsor@@] the Alliance and its administrative structure. +And also in notable mention of those who [@@|sponsor@@] the Alliance and its administrative structure. + And also in notable mention of those who [@@|sponsor@@] the Alliance and its administrative structure. And also in notable mention of those who [@@|sponsor@@] the Alliance and its administrative structure. @@ -4298,6 +4427,9 @@ Arr, I'm bored! Arr, it is always good to be on land after so much time in sea! Arr, it is always good to be on land after so much time in sea! +Arr, that's a fine map ya got there! And these are definitely Hurnscald Caves, yarr! +Arr, that's a fine map ya got there! And these are definitely Hurnscald Caves, yarr! + Arr, that's not enough! I'll bring more later! Arr, that's not enough! I'll bring more later! @@ -4472,6 +4604,9 @@ Ask everytime Ask next time Ask next time +Ask. +Ask. + Assassin Assassin @@ -4937,6 +5072,9 @@ Begin classic mode Begin! Begin! +Begin? +Begin? + Behave yourself, or you'll be executed in the town square mercilessly. You have been warned. Behave yourself, or you'll be executed in the town square mercilessly. You have been warned. @@ -5150,6 +5288,9 @@ Blessing of Immortality Blind Blind +Bloodbath +Bloodbath + Bloodstone Pendant Bloodstone Pendant @@ -5273,6 +5414,9 @@ Booty! Boring NPC Boring NPC +Born %s ago +Born %s ago + Boss Hunter Boina Boss Hunter Boina @@ -5429,6 +5573,9 @@ Bring me this and I'll spawn it for you: Bring me your wood, and I'll show you which one is sturdy, yet flexible enough to make a good Forest Bow. Bring me your wood, and I'll show you which one is sturdy, yet flexible enough to make a good Forest Bow. +Bring me, my worst nightmare. +Bring me, my worst nightmare. + Brit Shield Brit Shield @@ -5621,6 +5768,9 @@ But he have lots of enemies... It would not surprise me to find him struck somew But hope is not lost, said the Sages of Fate! But hope is not lost, said the Sages of Fate! +But if I do, I'll not return. Neither me, nor Raid. Which is why I'm taking precautions: This diary. In the event of my death, please bury my body and contact Halinarzo. +But if I do, I'll not return. Neither me, nor Raid. Which is why I'm taking precautions: This diary. In the event of my death, please bury my body and contact Halinarzo. + But if a mage wants to be a warrior, they won't be able to use their full magic skills. But if a mage wants to be a warrior, they won't be able to use their full magic skills. @@ -5753,6 +5903,9 @@ But unfortunately, a loose stone lodges and you fall to your death. But unfortunately, it was harder than you thought. You are dead. But unfortunately, it was harder than you thought. You are dead. +But unfortunately, whoever made this riddle disagrees with me. +But unfortunately, whoever made this riddle disagrees with me. + But unless you touch a Mana Stone and get stronger magic, that would be as useful as teaching magic to a wall. No offense. But unless you touch a Mana Stone and get stronger magic, that would be as useful as teaching magic to a wall. No offense. @@ -5810,6 +5963,9 @@ But you're too weak to beat any of them. Sorry. But you're too weak. Sorry. But you're too weak. Sorry. +But your silly map must be wrong. These passages do not connect themselves like this, but this should not be an issue, as they're not relevant. +But your silly map must be wrong. These passages do not connect themselves like this, but this should not be an issue, as they're not relevant. + But, I found something really interesting! Ah... I hope you like history? But, I found something really interesting! Ah... I hope you like history? @@ -5966,6 +6122,9 @@ Call Of Dusty is a timed event quest. It begins hourly, when the minute clock ma Calm down! How can I help you? Calm down! How can I help you? +Calm down, don't get mad! I was wrong in trusting this map, it is definitely faulty. Lemme see it again... +Calm down, don't get mad! I was wrong in trusting this map, it is definitely faulty. Lemme see it again... + Calm, perfect for a fly! Calm, perfect for a fly! @@ -6161,12 +6320,15 @@ Candor Candor - @@ GP Candor - @@ GP -Candor Battle Score: %d -Candor Battle Score: %d +Candor Battle Score: %s +Candor Battle Score: %s Candor Battle Season Candor Battle Season +Candor Bloodbath Score: %s +Candor Bloodbath Score: %s + Candor Bola Candor Bola @@ -6194,6 +6356,9 @@ Candor Shirt Candor Shorts Candor Shorts +Candor Survival : New Highscore: %s +Candor Survival : New Highscore: %s + Candor Warp Crystal Candor Warp Crystal @@ -6425,6 +6590,9 @@ Change weapons Changes include but are not limited to festive events and dates. Changes include but are not limited to festive events and dates. +Chanting +Chanting + Chaos shall be the founding stone of my town! Falling star! Chaos shall be the founding stone of my town! Falling star! @@ -6530,6 +6698,9 @@ Chocolate Slime Mother Christmas Christmas +Christmas 2021 Joint Event +Christmas 2021 Joint Event + Christmas Chief Christmas Chief @@ -6563,12 +6734,24 @@ Cindy#house Citizen Citizen +Civil status: Married +Civil status: Married + +Civil status: Single +Civil status: Single + Clan Name: @@ Clan Name: @@ Claw Pendant Claw Pendant +Cleared Heroes Hold %s ago +Cleared Heroes Hold %s ago + +Cleared the Yeti King Challenge %s ago +Cleared the Yeti King Challenge %s ago + Clearly an exotic tea, with a refined flavor fit for a refined woman such as Celestia. Clearly an exotic tea, with a refined flavor fit for a refined woman such as Celestia. @@ -6965,8 +7148,8 @@ Could you *hic* do me a favor? Arkim, on a cave southeast of *hic* here, is coll Could you awake my lost and forsaken potential? Could you awake my lost and forsaken potential? -Could you bleach my clothes? -Could you bleach my clothes? +Could you bleach my equipment? +Could you bleach my equipment? Could you bring me %d %s? That'll help me to finish this. Could you bring me %d %s? That'll help me to finish this. @@ -7214,6 +7397,12 @@ Crusade Armor Crusade Helmet Crusade Helmet +Crypt +Crypt + +Crypt#Fefe +Crypt#Fefe + Crystal based technology can break if used too often. Try taking longer between each warp to raise their lifetime. Crystal based technology can break if used too often. Try taking longer between each warp to raise their lifetime. @@ -7286,6 +7475,9 @@ Current magic rank: %d Current player count: @@/5 must be online. Current player count: @@/5 must be online. +Current score: %s +Current score: %s + Current score: @@ Current score: @@ @@ -7643,6 +7835,12 @@ Deposit all Deposit. Deposit. +Der Schneemann +Der Schneemann + +Der Schneemann has been defeated: %s Monster Points gained. +Der Schneemann has been defeated: %s Monster Points gained. + Descend into Tulimshar sewers? Descend into Tulimshar sewers? @@ -7730,6 +7928,9 @@ Diamond Bif Diamond Powder Diamond Powder +Diary#Fefe +Diary#Fefe + Diary, 12nd December 298 AT Diary, 12nd December 298 AT @@ -7880,6 +8081,9 @@ Dimond's Cove Dimonds Cove Story Dimonds Cove Story +Direction for Pirate Caves +Direction for Pirate Caves + Directions: Directions: @@ -8312,6 +8516,9 @@ Doggy Dog Doll Doll +Don't ask. +Don't ask. + Don't be afraid of death. Of course, in most places, dying will make you lose some Experience you gathered. Don't be afraid of death. Of course, in most places, dying will make you lose some Experience you gathered. @@ -8366,6 +8573,9 @@ Don't interrupt me, I'm busy! Don't just stand here! Go fetch help, NOW!! Don't just stand here! Go fetch help, NOW!! +Don't pay. +Don't pay. + Don't rent a mouboo. Don't rent a mouboo. @@ -8498,6 +8708,9 @@ Doppelganger Challenge Ranking Doppelganger Challenge, @@ began the fight! Doppelganger Challenge, @@ began the fight! +Doppelganger Waves Won: %s +Doppelganger Waves Won: %s + Double Attack +5% Double Attack +5% @@ -8573,6 +8786,9 @@ Dragonstar and Aisen did their best along many others, and managed to liberate H Drahcir Drahcir +Dreaded Pirate Marley +Dreaded Pirate Marley + Dream Ticket Dream Ticket @@ -8825,6 +9041,9 @@ Easter Egg Easter Egg quest updated. Total found: %02d/06 Easter Egg quest updated. Total found: %02d/06 +Easter Eggs found: %d +Easter Eggs found: %d + Easter Mouboo Easter Mouboo @@ -8921,6 +9140,9 @@ Elite Scout#MB0233 Elixir Of Life Elixir Of Life +Elixir of Life +Elixir of Life + Eliza Eliza @@ -9059,6 +9281,9 @@ Enter new line: Enter though the window to the secret caves? Enter though the window to the secret caves? +Enter/Leave after start: %s +Enter/Leave after start: %s + Enzo Enzo @@ -9455,6 +9680,9 @@ Feel free to come visit me another time. Feeling lucky? Feeling lucky? +Fefe's Diary +Fefe's Diary + Female Female @@ -9533,6 +9761,9 @@ First Aid First Dungeon Master First Dungeon Master +First Grand Hunter challenge cleared %s ago +First Grand Hunter challenge cleared %s ago + First Tier First Tier @@ -9545,12 +9776,18 @@ First of all: Welcome! Your level was temporaly modified, it'll be reverted once First of, there's a day/night cycle on the game. First of, there's a day/night cycle on the game. +First reborn %s ago +First reborn %s ago + First thing is to get a @@. One from black market won't do, go to Halinarzo! First thing is to get a @@. One from black market won't do, go to Halinarzo! First timers will be lead to somewhere random on this cave to keep intruders out. Just walk there again while all switches are still active. First timers will be lead to somewhere random on this cave to keep intruders out. Just walk there again while all switches are still active. +First visit to Fortress Is. %s ago +First visit to Fortress Is. %s ago + First, you need to contribute to the common knowledge of this world. Like, write a %s or something. First, you need to contribute to the common knowledge of this world. Like, write a %s or something. @@ -9794,9 +10031,15 @@ Fortress Island Fortress Statue Fortress Statue +Fortress Town +Fortress Town + Fortress Town is connected to the prophecies of the death of all humans, wildlife, and the other lesser races. Fortress Town is connected to the prophecies of the death of all humans, wildlife, and the other lesser races. +Fortunately, we know the answer is... +Fortunately, we know the answer is... + Fortune Statue Fortune Statue @@ -10022,15 +10265,15 @@ Gem powder Gender Gender +General Boosts +General Boosts + General Krukan General Krukan General Razha General Razha -General Recipes -General Recipes - General Store#dimond General Store#dimond @@ -10226,6 +10469,9 @@ Go see someone else for now. Yes, you need level to take most tasks available on Go talk to Sagratha, she is usually in a hut in northen forest. The door have a magic barrier, so you'll need to have minimal magic skills to get close enough to open it. Go talk to Sagratha, she is usually in a hut in northen forest. The door have a magic barrier, so you'll need to have minimal magic skills to get close enough to open it. +Go through the waterfall path. +Go through the waterfall path. + Go to the townhall there and show the mayor this other letter. Go to the townhall there and show the mayor this other letter. @@ -10235,6 +10481,9 @@ Go very close to it and, speak the four four-letters magic words, pour some @@, Goal: @@/@@ reached! Goal: @@/@@ reached! +Goal: Survive the longest possible. +Goal: Survive the longest possible. + Gobo Bear Gobo Bear @@ -10640,6 +10889,9 @@ Greetings, young soul; I am the queen of fairies, Lilit. Grenade Grenade +Grenadier +Grenadier + Grind grind grind the slime! Grind grind grind the slime! @@ -11030,6 +11282,9 @@ Hall Of Academics Hall Of Base Level Hall Of Base Level +Hall Of Candor Bloodbath +Hall Of Candor Bloodbath + Hall Of Ched Hall Of Ched @@ -11234,6 +11489,9 @@ He's an *hic* hermit, and collects *hic* Bat teeth and wings... Tell me how many He's holding a fishing rod, while gazing out at the sea. He's holding a fishing rod, while gazing out at the sea. +Head Hood +Head Hood + Headgear Headgear @@ -11486,6 +11744,9 @@ Hello! Would you like to try some piou delicacies? Hello! You seem strong enough, could take a request from me? Of course, not for free. Hello! You seem strong enough, could take a request from me? Of course, not for free. +Hello, %s! Congratulations for finishing the %s! +Hello, %s! Congratulations for finishing the %s! + Hello, %s. Hello, %s. @@ -11735,6 +11996,9 @@ Here it is. Take care with it! Here kid. Frostia, the elf town, is somewhere near here, but I'm not sure if you can reach it from here. Here kid. Frostia, the elf town, is somewhere near here, but I'm not sure if you can reach it from here. +Here lies a diary, presumably from Fefe. +Here lies a diary, presumably from Fefe. + Here they are miss! Here they are miss! @@ -11924,6 +12188,12 @@ Here, you can have this spare one. Hahah! Crafting is an art, and I help teachin Here. You know that milking Mouboos won't cause them harm, right? It's a different story with @@. Here. You know that milking Mouboos won't cause them harm, right? It's a different story with @@. +Herein also lies Raid Yahoo, enemy of manakind and nemesis of Saul, the one hated by many and loved by few, greedy mana stone collector, but who still opposed to the Monster King and lost her life for it. +Herein also lies Raid Yahoo, enemy of manakind and nemesis of Saul, the one hated by many and loved by few, greedy mana stone collector, but who still opposed to the Monster King and lost her life for it. + +Herein lies Fefe, for his great bravure and heroic deeds, savior of our realm, valiantly defeated in combat against the Monster King, may the mana shine upon him forever. +Herein lies Fefe, for his great bravure and heroic deeds, savior of our realm, valiantly defeated in combat against the Monster King, may the mana shine upon him forever. + Hero Card Hero Card @@ -13211,6 +13481,9 @@ I can't give you the Apple I've stole. Because, I was stolen first! I can't handle it anymore! NO MORE! I can't handle it anymore! NO MORE! +I can't sleep, so I'm writing this entry. It'll take a considerable amount of time to decrypt the shield frequency Raid is using, and when Saul's army is marching towards their deaths, time is of essence. Every second I waste, is a comrade who will die. +I can't sleep, so I'm writing this entry. It'll take a considerable amount of time to decrypt the shield frequency Raid is using, and when Saul's army is marching towards their deaths, time is of essence. Every second I waste, is a comrade who will die. + I can't stay here and talk all day. I have a job to do. I can't stay here and talk all day. I have a job to do. @@ -13643,6 +13916,9 @@ I have one here... I have other things to do at the moment. I have other things to do at the moment. +I have some good and some bad news for you. +I have some good and some bad news for you. + I have some healing items with me, we should tend your wounds first. I have some healing items with me, we should tend your wounds first. @@ -14201,6 +14477,9 @@ I swear silence, over this bloody ruby. I swear silence, over this shining topaz. I swear silence, over this shining topaz. +I swear that I, %s, will never let myself be let astray by power. +I swear that I, %s, will never let myself be let astray by power. + I think I have enough gold with me.#0 I think I have enough gold with me. @@ -14651,6 +14930,9 @@ I wish you a good time in town. I wish you good luck! I wish you good luck! +I wish you good luck. I remember these caves... They're dangerous. Make sure to be prepared before venturing further. +I wish you good luck. I remember these caves... They're dangerous. Make sure to be prepared before venturing further. + I woke up in a shake! I felt... Oh, it's hard to describe... As if the spell suddenly started inflating, getting bigger... bigger... weaker... weaker... I woke up in a shake! I felt... Oh, it's hard to describe... As if the spell suddenly started inflating, getting bigger... bigger... weaker... weaker... @@ -14912,6 +15194,9 @@ I'm a bit sick... I'm a little busy right now. I'm a little busy right now. +I'm a pro, this will be GG EZ. But Raid is not a foe to be underestimated, and I have no hopes for reinforcements. I refuse to leave last words, I shall either triumph, or be forgotten in shame. +I'm a pro, this will be GG EZ. But Raid is not a foe to be underestimated, and I have no hopes for reinforcements. I refuse to leave last words, I shall either triumph, or be forgotten in shame. + I'm a traveling poet and admirer of Robert Burns, a bard from the mana world. I'm a traveling poet and admirer of Robert Burns, a bard from the mana world. @@ -14987,6 +15272,9 @@ I'm done. I'm fine for now, thank you. I'm fine for now, thank you. +I'm fine, but I can't keep carrying dead weights with me. Candor is a special place, I shall make a base there... Because I know the Monster King will eventually head there. +I'm fine, but I can't keep carrying dead weights with me. Candor is a special place, I shall make a base there... Because I know the Monster King will eventually head there. + I'm fine, no worries... I'm fine, no worries... @@ -15059,6 +15347,12 @@ I'm not done yet, please hold tight. It won't take long. I'm not done yet. I'll be back. I'm not done yet. I'll be back. +I'm not familiar with the Butterfly Caves. Try asking a local, maybe Arkim, they ought know the way. +I'm not familiar with the Butterfly Caves. Try asking a local, maybe Arkim, they ought know the way. + +I'm not familiar with the Butterfly Caves. Try asking a local? +I'm not familiar with the Butterfly Caves. Try asking a local? + I'm not feeling like it today... Sorry. I'm not feeling like it today... Sorry. @@ -15281,6 +15575,9 @@ Ice Fluffy Ice Gladius Ice Gladius +Ice Lord +Ice Lord + Ice Maggot Ice Maggot @@ -15296,6 +15593,9 @@ If I am doing your dirty work, why am I the one paying you?! If I bring @@, my party leader, and the boss is defeated, I can go you in. If I bring @@, my party leader, and the boss is defeated, I can go you in. +If I can't beat him, no one else can, and if our species are to survive, we'll need to return to the Edge. Even if it means... Fulfilling the prophecy. %s. Whatever the cost. +If I can't beat him, no one else can, and if our species are to survive, we'll need to return to the Edge. Even if it means... Fulfilling the prophecy. %s. Whatever the cost. + If I don't know the answer in your language, try answering in English. That always works. If I don't know the answer in your language, try answering in English. That always works. @@ -15335,6 +15635,9 @@ If a tie happens, you'll get your coin back. If all players there die, Hurnscald WON'T BE LIBERATED. If all players there die, Hurnscald WON'T BE LIBERATED. +If at any moment in the fight there's less than %d players in the room, a severe penalty will be applied, so watch out! +If at any moment in the fight there's less than %d players in the room, a severe penalty will be applied, so watch out! + If enabled, automatic captchas may be sent to you every once in a while. If enabled, automatic captchas may be sent to you every once in a while. @@ -15641,6 +15944,9 @@ If you're afraid of losing everything, then DEFINITELY do not gamble. %%2 If you're ever in need, you may use it to call upon the aid of the ducks. If you're ever in need, you may use it to call upon the aid of the ducks. +If you're reading this - Feel free to use my laboratory in any way you deem fit. Or what's left of it, at least. Also, please kill any slimes you find. I shall be back in six leaps time, according to the Imperial Time, but if I'm not back by then, assume something went wrong and both wushin and me are off the table. +If you're reading this - Feel free to use my laboratory in any way you deem fit. Or what's left of it, at least. Also, please kill any slimes you find. I shall be back in six leaps time, according to the Imperial Time, but if I'm not back by then, assume something went wrong and both wushin and me are off the table. + If you're right, you'll gain more Casino Coins! And even other nice things! If you're right, you'll gain more Casino Coins! And even other nice things! @@ -15698,6 +16004,9 @@ Improved MP Regen In TMW2 there is In TMW2 there is +In a blood bath, survival is the epitaph. +In a blood bath, survival is the epitaph. + In a few weeks, I will finish the @@ plans, and there will be no doubts, that @@ is not the best weaver in the world! In a few weeks, I will finish the @@ plans, and there will be no doubts, that @@ is not the best weaver in the world! @@ -15980,6 +16289,9 @@ Interval: every @@ hour(s) Introduce Introduce +Invalid Discord ID. +Invalid Discord ID. + Invalid amount! Invalid amount! @@ -16121,6 +16433,9 @@ It also increases naturally as you grow, albeit less. It appears we were focusing too much on research and this lead to neglect of other duties of a Sage's household. This is dangerous in times of changes. I'm worried about the future. It appears we were focusing too much on research and this lead to neglect of other duties of a Sage's household. This is dangerous in times of changes. I'm worried about the future. +It costs %d GP to use. +It costs %d GP to use. + It costs 600 GP to use. It costs 600 GP to use. @@ -16136,6 +16451,9 @@ It has a very dark color and an unusual aroma reminiscent of a moist forest. It has been a great year, and the TMW2 Team would like to It has been a great year, and the TMW2 Team would like to +It has been a total disaster. They killed %s. And everyone on the village. +It has been a total disaster. They killed %s. And everyone on the village. + It has eluded so many craftsmiths, who knows what can be done with that! It has eluded so many craftsmiths, who knows what can be done with that! @@ -16610,6 +16928,9 @@ Ivanize JAIL THEM!! JAIL THEM!! +JAK1, THE SLIME RESEARCHER +JAK1, THE SLIME RESEARCHER + Jack Jack @@ -16799,6 +17120,9 @@ Just... Don't accidentaly invoke a Legendary Guardian or something, these thingi KUNAI KUNAI +Kage +Kage + Kaizei Human Kaizei Human @@ -16838,6 +17162,9 @@ Keep in mind that %s are weak, baby Yetis, so kill them as well! Keep in mind the more power you have, the less control you'll have as well. Until you get a %s to track progress, use %s to check your control. Less control may result in failure to summon! Keep in mind the more power you have, the less control you'll have as well. Until you get a %s to track progress, use %s to check your control. Less control may result in failure to summon! +Keep in mind this is a PvP area - So try to avoid being butchered, because revival spells are disabled here! Hahaha! +Keep in mind this is a PvP area - So try to avoid being butchered, because revival spells are disabled here! Hahaha! + Keep in mind, the more levels and intelligence you have, more likely the Mana Stone will grant you more Magic Power. But that means nothing. Keep in mind, the more levels and intelligence you have, more likely the Mana Stone will grant you more Magic Power. But that means nothing. @@ -17207,9 +17534,6 @@ Legendary Mouboo Legendary Tortuga Legendary Tortuga -Legendary Wand -Legendary Wand - Legendary my ass! What a rip-off! Legendary my ass! What a rip-off! @@ -17735,6 +18059,12 @@ Mage Card X Mage equipment also raises MP recovery. So yes, a mage can use a sword and heavy armor, but... Mage equipment also raises MP recovery. So yes, a mage can use a sword and heavy armor, but... +Magenta +Magenta + +Magenta Spark +Magenta Spark + Mages should use equipment designed for them. Those may be lacking on defense, but will raise MP and Magic Attack. Mages should use equipment designed for them. Those may be lacking on defense, but will raise MP and Magic Attack. @@ -17777,6 +18107,18 @@ Magic Barrier#0063 Magic Barrier#0064 Magic Barrier#0064 +Magic Barrier#0066 +Magic Barrier#0066 + +Magic Barrier#0067C +Magic Barrier#0067C + +Magic Barrier#0067E +Magic Barrier#0067E + +Magic Barrier#0067W +Magic Barrier#0067W + Magic Barrier#Bug63 Magic Barrier#Bug63 @@ -17804,6 +18146,9 @@ Magic Power is granted to you, but you die from it. Magic Ratto Magic Ratto +Magic Scrolls +Magic Scrolls + Magic Skill Points can be obtained in three ways: By touching a Mana Stone, by signing up in a Special Class (if you have enough magic power) and by having high amounts of Job Level. Magic Skill Points can be obtained in three ways: By touching a Mana Stone, by signing up in a Special Class (if you have enough magic power) and by having high amounts of Job Level. @@ -18074,6 +18419,12 @@ Marius The Bard Market Place Market Place +Marley : I shall stop you! +Marley : I shall stop you! + +Marley : You... thief... *grumble* +Marley : You... thief... *grumble* + Marriage failed. Marriage failed. @@ -18134,6 +18485,9 @@ Maximum Profit: @@ GP May their journey be successful, may their objectives be attained, may the Mana rest in peace. May their journey be successful, may their objectives be attained, may the Mana rest in peace. +May their memory be remembered, but may their struggle be forgotten, their bodies never profaned, and in the æthyr, may they find eternal rest and comfort for their souls. +May their memory be remembered, but may their struggle be forgotten, their bodies never profaned, and in the æthyr, may they find eternal rest and comfort for their souls. + Maya Maya @@ -18182,8 +18536,8 @@ Maybe someone in Hurnscald can help me. Maybe the Hurnscald alchemist, Wyara, could explain why. Maybe the Hurnscald alchemist, Wyara, could explain why. -Maybe there are things in Candor which still require your attention? I overheard some of them. -Maybe there are things in Candor which still require your attention? I overheard some of them. +Maybe there are things in Candor which still require your attention? I might have overheard some of them. +Maybe there are things in Candor which still require your attention? I might have overheard some of them. Maybe there is a key somewhere near. I should keep looking. Maybe there is a key somewhere near. I should keep looking. @@ -18320,6 +18674,9 @@ Mercenary Boxset E Mercenary Boxset EE Mercenary Boxset EE +Mercenary Quests completed: %s +Mercenary Quests completed: %s + Mercenary Trainer Mercenary Trainer @@ -18479,6 +18836,9 @@ Mirror Island %d Mirror Island 1 Mirror Island 1 +Mirror Lake +Mirror Lake + Mirror Lake : Created temporary character; It'll be reset on logout. Mirror Lake : Created temporary character; It'll be reset on logout. @@ -18647,12 +19007,18 @@ Monsters are everywhere. They're a plague we're trying to get rid of. Monsters do not aim small towns like Candor. This city also comes with the plus that I know where everything's at. Monsters do not aim small towns like Candor. This city also comes with the plus that I know where everything's at. +Monsters killed: %s +Monsters killed: %s + Monsters left: @@ Monsters left: @@ Monsters remaining: %s Monsters remaining: %s +Monsters will spawn in the south fountain continuously. +Monsters will spawn in the south fountain continuously. + Monsters, however, keep coming from the Impregnable Fortress. They always come on %s, although we have no idea why. Monsters, however, keep coming from the Impregnable Fortress. They always come on %s, although we have no idea why. @@ -18932,8 +19298,8 @@ My shield, @@ My stats are too good, I won't need it. My stats are too good, I won't need it. -My unit, however, was attacked! An assassin snuck up on us! -My unit, however, was attacked! An assassin snuck up on us! +My unit, however, was attacked! %s snuck up on us! +My unit, however, was attacked! %s snuck up on us! My waifu Blossom has me trapped here, and she won't even look at me, because I'm part-Wose! My waifu Blossom has me trapped here, and she won't even look at me, because I'm part-Wose! @@ -18965,9 +19331,15 @@ Mysterious Ore Mysterious Powder expires after some time! Mysterious Powder expires after some time! +Mystic Wand +Mystic Wand + NO NO +NO! +NO! + NOT ENOUGH MONEY NOT ENOUGH MONEY @@ -19163,6 +19535,9 @@ Never (only on login) Never ask: Brew %d Never ask: Brew %d +Never let yourself be brought astray by it. Swear it to me. +Never let yourself be brought astray by it. Swear it to me. + Nevermind, bye! Nevermind, bye! @@ -19388,6 +19763,9 @@ No, not at the moment. No, please don't! I have 3 kids to feed. They are looking for me for contraband. Please, let me go! No, please don't! I have 3 kids to feed. They are looking for me for contraband. Please, let me go! +No, power corrupts. +No, power corrupts. + No, sir. No, sir. @@ -19496,6 +19874,9 @@ Not all monsters will do this, but most will. So if you see a monster running af Not allowed Not allowed +Not at all! +Not at all! + Not at the moment Not at the moment @@ -19634,6 +20015,9 @@ Not yet. You have to ask the mana seed to give you more power. NotSoBot NotSoBot +Notable mentions and thanks for our [@@|sponsors@@], we wouldn't be here without their continued support. +Notable mentions and thanks for our [@@|sponsors@@], we wouldn't be here without their continued support. + Notable mentions and thanks for our [@@|sponsors@@], we wouldn't be here without their continued support. Notable mentions and thanks for our [@@|sponsors@@], we wouldn't be here without their continued support. @@ -19838,6 +20222,9 @@ Now that I've described the spells to you, I'm sure I cast them correctly. But.. Now that you ask.... Now that you ask.... +Now to head inside the caves, until the last floor, and have my showdown and revenge against the Monster King. I do not plan in failing. +Now to head inside the caves, until the last floor, and have my showdown and revenge against the Monster King. I do not plan in failing. + Now wait for your partner, then talk to me again.#0 Now wait for your partner, then talk to me again. @@ -20129,6 +20516,9 @@ Oh, and I almost forgot! Do not share passwords or pincodes, not even with staff Oh, and about the Candor travel for 200 GP... Which would be a rare for little or no gold... Well, that's just an attention grabber. Oh, and about the Candor travel for 200 GP... Which would be a rare for little or no gold... Well, that's just an attention grabber. +Oh, and if I perchance catch you using %s or %s... You'll be banned from my game, understood? +Oh, and if I perchance catch you using %s or %s... You'll be banned from my game, understood? + Oh, and you will need this book too, it will help you learn the basics of fishing. Oh, and you will need this book too, it will help you learn the basics of fishing. @@ -20402,6 +20792,9 @@ Once he resumes working confidently, we can go over this important subject. Once inside the BOSS Cave, you get a five minutes time limit to slay the boss with your party. Once inside the BOSS Cave, you get a five minutes time limit to slay the boss with your party. +Once it begins (you can fight against an AI), kill the most of enemy sparks you can, while preventing your own sparks of being killed. Wins whoever has more sparks after %s minutes. +Once it begins (you can fight against an AI), kill the most of enemy sparks you can, while preventing your own sparks of being killed. Wins whoever has more sparks after %s minutes. + Once that is done, the Alliance's staff will set several stands with the most important services you might need, like banking, inside the town central area. Once that is done, the Alliance's staff will set several stands with the most important services you might need, like banking, inside the town central area. @@ -20657,6 +21050,9 @@ Orange Dye? How much does it cost? Orange Eggshell Hat Orange Eggshell Hat +Oranye Isles, 257 AT +Oranye Isles, 257 AT + Orbyter Shrine Orbyter Shrine @@ -20693,6 +21089,12 @@ Other things are written but are not legible anymore. Other. Other. +Others scrying you: +Others scrying you: + +Others scrying your char data +Others scrying your char data + Otherwise, ##BYOU'LL DIE.##b Have a nice day! Otherwise, ##BYOU'LL DIE.##b Have a nice day! @@ -20879,6 +21281,9 @@ Past this point is the Fortress Island. %s Even so, be careful, the town should Paxel Paxel +Pay +Pay + Pay attention to #world chat, as this event is managed by players. The Monster Army is also trying to regroup, neglecting it is not advised. Pay attention to #world chat, as this event is managed by players. The Monster Army is also trying to regroup, neglecting it is not advised. @@ -20987,6 +21392,12 @@ Perhaps, in the city, someone knows rumors about Mana Stones and can teach you. Perhaps, you could convince Jack to give me the wood, and seek for a fisherman on Halinarzo to give you the string? I won't charge anything. Perhaps, you could convince Jack to give me the wood, and seek for a fisherman on Halinarzo to give you the string? I won't charge anything. +Personal Feats +Personal Feats + +Personal Records +Personal Records + Personally, I like unranked events more than ranked ones... Personally, I like unranked events more than ranked ones... @@ -21140,6 +21551,9 @@ Pirate Lord Pirate Shorts Pirate Shorts +Pirate Treasure Chest +Pirate Treasure Chest + Pirate Treasure Map Pirate Treasure Map @@ -21557,6 +21971,9 @@ Power Card X Power in the wrong hands is nothing but a burden and a reason for others to cry. That's exactly what I don't want in this town. Power in the wrong hands is nothing but a burden and a reason for others to cry. That's exactly what I don't want in this town. +Power is a double-edged sword. I, Fefe, tried to use it for good, to free the world from Raid's tyranny, and instead, it brought forth the Monster King. +Power is a double-edged sword. I, Fefe, tried to use it for good, to free the world from Raid's tyranny, and instead, it brought forth the Monster King. + Power remaining: %s Power remaining: %s @@ -21674,6 +22091,12 @@ Protip: You skipped tutorial. A lot of tutorial-ish dialogs and quests will be s Protip: Your current progress will be saved. Protip: Your current progress will be saved. +Proud owner of %s the %s. +Proud owner of %s the %s. + +Proud owner of %s the Homunculus. +Proud owner of %s the Homunculus. + Provoke Provoke @@ -21857,6 +22280,9 @@ Race Raid Trousers Raid Trousers +Raid and me have been in hot pursuit for a while, but I fear it is already too late. Yesterday there was another earthquake, and we're receiving summons to return to Tulimshar at once. Apparently, it is under attack. +Raid and me have been in hot pursuit for a while, but I fear it is already too late. Yesterday there was another earthquake, and we're receiving summons to return to Tulimshar at once. Apparently, it is under attack. + Raid might be great. Saul might be popular. SphinxNox might be an annoying brat. But I'm, or rather, will soon be... @@. Raid might be great. Saul might be popular. SphinxNox might be an annoying brat. But I'm, or rather, will soon be... @@. @@ -21965,6 +22391,9 @@ Read the tutorial again? Read tutorial again? Read tutorial again? +Reagents & Other Potions +Reagents & Other Potions + Real Bronze Gladius Real Bronze Gladius @@ -22118,6 +22547,9 @@ Red Stockings Red Wizard Red Wizard +Reduces MP cost when using chanting-based skills. +Reduces MP cost when using chanting-based skills. + Redy Redy @@ -22358,6 +22790,9 @@ Resting. I've been slaying slime nests the whole day. Restore it Restore it +Resurrection +Resurrection + Retaliates next attack with a critical hit. This instance lasts a second. Retaliates next attack with a critical hit. This instance lasts a second. @@ -22397,6 +22832,9 @@ Return to main menu Revert a player exile Revert a player exile +Revives an already dead allied player. Req. Lifestone to cast. +Revives an already dead allied player. Req. Lifestone to cast. + Revolver Shooter Revolver Shooter @@ -22736,6 +23174,12 @@ Saul is planning an assault at the Magic Tower. I want these Mana Stones. Saul is supplying me the alchemist resources for that. In exchange, my thieves supply him gold and spare his friends. Saul is supplying me the alchemist resources for that. In exchange, my thieves supply him gold and spare his friends. +Saul will deal with it. His mess, he will clean up. Raid and me will keep the pursuit. And this time, we shall triumph. +Saul will deal with it. His mess, he will clean up. Raid and me will keep the pursuit. And this time, we shall triumph. + +Saul will lead the frontal assault, Mr. Saves shall provide distraction, and I'll infiltrate within the Mage Tower. +Saul will lead the frontal assault, Mr. Saves shall provide distraction, and I'll infiltrate within the Mage Tower. + Saulc Card Saulc Card @@ -22796,6 +23240,9 @@ Saxso Ghost Saxso Key Saxso Key +Saxso's Basement, Candor - 27th July 300 AT +Saxso's Basement, Candor - 27th July 300 AT + Saxso's Official Residence. Saxso's Official Residence. @@ -22886,6 +23333,9 @@ School of Quirks (Candor) Scissors Scissors +Score: %s / %s +Score: %s / %s + Scoreboards Scoreboards @@ -22913,6 +23363,69 @@ Script Error Script Error: "Tux didn't found his fish! Blame Saulc at once!" Script Error: "Tux didn't found his fish! Blame Saulc at once!" +Scroll Angel Light +Scroll Angel Light + +Scroll Angel Light+ +Scroll Angel Light+ + +Scroll Angel Light++ +Scroll Angel Light++ + +Scroll Battle Plans +Scroll Battle Plans + +Scroll Battle Plans+ +Scroll Battle Plans+ + +Scroll Battle Plans++ +Scroll Battle Plans++ + +Scroll Critical Fortune +Scroll Critical Fortune + +Scroll Critical Fortune+ +Scroll Critical Fortune+ + +Scroll Critical Fortune++ +Scroll Critical Fortune++ + +Scroll Defense Bless +Scroll Defense Bless + +Scroll Defense Bless+ +Scroll Defense Bless+ + +Scroll Defense Bless++ +Scroll Defense Bless++ + +Scroll Magnus Heal +Scroll Magnus Heal + +Scroll Magnus Heal+ +Scroll Magnus Heal+ + +Scroll Magnus Heal++ +Scroll Magnus Heal++ + +Scroll Summon Cave Maggot +Scroll Summon Cave Maggot + +Scroll Summon Dragon +Scroll Summon Dragon + +Scroll Summon Maggot +Scroll Summon Maggot + +Scroll Summon Terranite +Scroll Summon Terranite + +Scroll Summon Wolvern +Scroll Summon Wolvern + +Scroll Summon Yeti +Scroll Summon Yeti + Scythe Scythe @@ -22970,6 +23483,9 @@ See you! See you. See you. +Seems like Arkim held it too close to the flame... +Seems like Arkim held it too close to the flame... + Seems like someone else opened this chest before you! Seems like someone else opened this chest before you! @@ -23000,6 +23516,9 @@ Select carefully which weapon you want, so there are no regrets. Select difficulty. Select difficulty. +Select one: +Select one: + Select your preferred play-style. Select your preferred play-style. @@ -23297,6 +23816,9 @@ Should I attach a love letter? Should I walk on it? Should I walk on it? +Should we ask about the %s before leaving? +Should we ask about the %s before leaving? + Should we? Should we? @@ -23345,6 +23867,15 @@ Sign#0063CF Sign#0063PI Sign#0063PI +Sign#0066CR +Sign#0066CR + +Sign#0066ER +Sign#0066ER + +Sign#0066WR +Sign#0066WR + Sign#014517929 Sign#014517929 @@ -23684,12 +24215,18 @@ Snow Flower Snowflake Snowflake +Snowman +Snowman + Snowman Globe Snowman Globe So COOL, thanks! Come back later to bring me extra @@! So COOL, thanks! Come back later to bring me extra @@! +So I did what I could - What I always do. Turned my beloved sister in a slime. Turned her into what killed her. +So I did what I could - What I always do. Turned my beloved sister in a slime. Turned her into what killed her. + So be nice and help people along the way! So be nice and help people along the way! @@ -23909,6 +24446,9 @@ So? How was it? Solo Solo +Solo Try +Solo Try + Some are dangerous, too. Even if you look capable of fighting, the Blue Sage instructed me to prevent anyone from visiting until the mess is cleared. Some are dangerous, too. Even if you look capable of fighting, the Blue Sage instructed me to prevent anyone from visiting until the mess is cleared. @@ -24614,6 +25154,9 @@ Such precious gem, is not something you would give for free, unless you are inte Sudden Attack Sudden Attack +Suddenly, the map %s! +Suddenly, the map %s! + Sulfur Powder Sulfur Powder @@ -24728,6 +25271,9 @@ Surprisingly, nothing happens. Susanne Susanne +Swashbuckler +Swashbuckler + Swezanne Swezanne @@ -25901,6 +26447,9 @@ The Monster King is scary. To be honest, I'm not sure I would be able to do anyt The Monster King is sending their armies to attack towns with a seemingly random pattern. The Monster King is sending their armies to attack towns with a seemingly random pattern. +The Monster King once again eluded us. How long has it been? His minions are laying waste to all towns, Saul has been killed, Raid has been wounded. +The Monster King once again eluded us. How long has it been? His minions are laying waste to all towns, Saul has been killed, Raid has been wounded. + The Monster King was so powerful! It is impossible to recover the artifact now, and everyone will die! The Monster King was so powerful! It is impossible to recover the artifact now, and everyone will die! @@ -26021,6 +26570,9 @@ The antennas by themselves mean nothing, I want to see you killing my ENEMIES, t The average player level is @@ The average player level is @@ +The bad one, is that you'll have to guide yourself without the map. +The bad one, is that you'll have to guide yourself without the map. + The bank and item storage is shared between all characters within a same account. The bank and item storage is shared between all characters within a same account. @@ -26174,6 +26726,9 @@ The farther you go on the sequence, the better the payout! The fee only need to be paid once and will work in every town. The fee only need to be paid once and will work in every town. +The fee to use this room is %s GP. +The fee to use this room is %s GP. + The fertile climate is ideal for mushrooms. You can also find lots of wood. The fertile climate is ideal for mushrooms. You can also find lots of wood. @@ -26225,6 +26780,9 @@ The giant boogeyman! The girl turns around and you hear her sniffing, she is probably crying... The girl turns around and you hear her sniffing, she is probably crying... +The good one, is that now I know the right path. +The good one, is that now I know the right path. + The great prize is @@. The great prize is @@. @@ -26321,6 +26879,9 @@ The mana bridge to Aeros is open! To participate on event, talk to ##BSoul Menhi The mana war stroke, and many people died, The mana war stroke, and many people died, +The map starts getting darker with the heat of the flame, and curiously, new shapes starts to form... +The map starts getting darker with the heat of the flame, and curiously, new shapes starts to form... + The masters have decided you are to be given honorary initiation into the Duck Side. The Duck Side is powerful, much more so than you could possibly understand. The masters have decided you are to be given honorary initiation into the Duck Side. The Duck Side is powerful, much more so than you could possibly understand. @@ -26522,6 +27083,9 @@ The register fee is 2000 GP. The rent lasts 30 days. The rent lasts 30 days. +The requested char is not online or does not exist. +The requested char is not online or does not exist. + The sailor chugs his beer. The sailor chugs his beer. @@ -26771,6 +27335,9 @@ Then so be it. Farewell. Then someone of a scholarship rank above your must approve it, and say that your work is enough to the next scholar rank. Then someone of a scholarship rank above your must approve it, and say that your work is enough to the next scholar rank. +Then take the middle entrance. +Then take the middle entrance. + Then you should look in buying Caffeinne. Curse is a status ailment which reduces your attack, nullifies your luck and makes you a snail. Simple Curses can be cured with time, too. Then you should look in buying Caffeinne. Curse is a status ailment which reduces your attack, nullifies your luck and makes you a snail. Simple Curses can be cured with time, too. @@ -26885,6 +27452,9 @@ There is only one way towards the best equipment: Smith away! There is only so much magical power your body can handle without breaking. There is only so much magical power your body can handle without breaking. +There is someone who might know how to turn a slime back in a human. But alas, that old fart doesn't live here. +There is someone who might know how to turn a slime back in a human. But alas, that old fart doesn't live here. + There isn't enough, not even for NPCs. We need at least 100. There isn't enough, not even for NPCs. We need at least 100. @@ -26981,6 +27551,9 @@ There's no help available for this event. There's no need to go in that Yeti infested den right now. There's no need to go in that Yeti infested den right now. +There's no one who knows Butterfly Caves better than me, child. These are MY caves, after all. +There's no one who knows Butterfly Caves better than me, child. These are MY caves, after all. + There's no reason to enter these caves now. There's no reason to enter these caves now. @@ -27017,6 +27590,9 @@ There... *hic* They will expire *hic* in just @@... Or on logout. Therefore we need a lot of glue, but our supplies are nearly used up. I need @@/@@ @@ as ingredient to make new glue. Therefore we need a lot of glue, but our supplies are nearly used up. I need @@/@@ @@ as ingredient to make new glue. +Therefore, I shall head to the %s, and look for %s. If anyone knows how to fix it, might as well be that rat-faced... being. +Therefore, I shall head to the %s, and look for %s. If anyone knows how to fix it, might as well be that rat-faced... being. + Therefore, children of Merlin, go back to your world, and ask the Blue Sage Nikolai about it. The blue sage may fake angerness or try to dodge the question, but they are a good person. Still, you should ensure you're on his good side. Therefore, children of Merlin, go back to your world, and ask the Blue Sage Nikolai about it. The blue sage may fake angerness or try to dodge the question, but they are a good person. Still, you should ensure you're on his good side. @@ -27059,6 +27635,9 @@ These gold fishes multiply horribly and have no natural predator. These monsters are a great source of raw crafting materials. These monsters are a great source of raw crafting materials. +These paths are all wrong! What is the problem with this map?! +These paths are all wrong! What is the problem with this map?! + These people have lots of unspent Strange Coins! Waw! These people have lots of unspent Strange Coins! Waw! @@ -27206,6 +27785,9 @@ They will not attack anyone unless they are attacked first. They will try to prove your worth before, though. So be ready. They will try to prove your worth before, though. So be ready. +They'll also start spawning on whole map, so be careful. +They'll also start spawning on whole map, so be careful. + They're back - and they took hold of your majesty - my husband - king Arthur! They're back - and they took hold of your majesty - my husband - king Arthur! @@ -27254,6 +27836,9 @@ This Portal can send your soul back to the world, along any items, money and/or This Real Estate is available for rent for only @@ GP! This Real Estate is available for rent for only @@ GP! +This a simple game; Choose one of the shrines - west or east. The one at west is %s, the one at east is %s. +This a simple game; Choose one of the shrines - west or east. The one at west is %s, the one at east is %s. + This action CANNOT BE UNDONE. This action CANNOT BE UNDONE. @@ -27302,6 +27887,9 @@ This cave is considered outside the town! This certainly is just to reorganize their armies. We must take this chance to improve ourselves, or else, we'll be overrun soon enough. This certainly is just to reorganize their armies. We must take this chance to improve ourselves, or else, we'll be overrun soon enough. +This challenge will be available in %s. Please wait until then. +This challenge will be available in %s. Please wait until then. + This character person is strange I better get away... This character person is strange I better get away... @@ -27314,6 +27902,9 @@ This coal will aid you to craft better weapons later. It's a token of appreciati This command cannot be used on test servers. This command cannot be used on test servers. +This diary had several pages torn off, but the last page is clearly legible. +This diary had several pages torn off, but the last page is clearly legible. + This didn't work. All pins are now unset! This didn't work. All pins are now unset! @@ -27371,6 +27962,9 @@ This girl needs help, we need to rescue her! This happens quite often, too. My friends and I are always collecting keys to reduce beer price on Hurnscald. %%2 This happens quite often, too. My friends and I are always collecting keys to reduce beer price on Hurnscald. %%2 +This has been a long journey, children, so please answer me. Is power a good thing? +This has been a long journey, children, so please answer me. Is power a good thing? + This have many uses. Maybe. Anyway, I'm soon done with my experiment, so please come back later. This have many uses. Maybe. Anyway, I'm soon done with my experiment, so please come back later. @@ -27437,6 +28031,9 @@ This is just a friendly advise. We don't take magic lightly. And you shouldn't, This is just a short list to make GMs life easier! This is just a short list to make GMs life easier! +This is my chance - the biggest Mana Quake ever, it feels like a whole world crushing in ours. I can feel the drain from Candor's Mana Reserves all the way up here. +This is my chance - the biggest Mana Quake ever, it feels like a whole world crushing in ours. I can feel the drain from Candor's Mana Reserves all the way up here. + This is not The Mana World. My name is not Bryant. This is not The Mana World. My name is not Bryant. @@ -27689,6 +28286,9 @@ This statue was built for memory of Andrei Sakar, the greatest hero this world h This table will prepare the potion for you, no skill required! This table will prepare the potion for you, no skill required! +This tax must be paid now, and you can brew as much as you wish after payment. +This tax must be paid now, and you can brew as much as you wish after payment. + This teleporter is currently recharging. This teleporter is currently recharging. @@ -27698,6 +28298,9 @@ This throne is not from the Monster King... IT BELONGS ONLY TO ME! This time, I only a few last reagents and I'll finally attempt it... I want you to witness it. I'll teach you the spell later, of course. This time, I only a few last reagents and I'll finally attempt it... I want you to witness it. I'll teach you the spell later, of course. +This time, I'll be prepared. His reign of terror has its days counted. +This time, I'll be prepared. His reign of terror has its days counted. + This torch is already lit. This torch is already lit. @@ -27788,6 +28391,9 @@ Throw a coin? Throw something inside! Throw something inside! +Thug +Thug + Thunder Staff Thunder Staff @@ -27818,6 +28424,9 @@ Time Limit Time Limit: 25 minutes on any dungeon. Time Limit: 25 minutes on any dungeon. +Time Limit: 90 minutes +Time Limit: 90 minutes + Time is running out... Hurry up! Time is running out... Hurry up! @@ -27851,6 +28460,12 @@ Times died: %s Times reborn: %d Times reborn: %d +Times won Call of Dusty: %s +Times won Call of Dusty: %s + +Times won Capture the Flag: %s +Times won Capture the Flag: %s + Tin Ingot Tin Ingot @@ -28043,6 +28658,9 @@ To prove me your faith, bring me 1 @@ or 1 @@. To prove me your results, bring me @@ @@, @@ @@ and @@ @@. To prove me your results, bring me @@ @@, @@ @@ and @@ @@. +To reach this place... You just need to follow the path after the waterfall. Come back to me after that. +To reach this place... You just need to follow the path after the waterfall. Come back to me after that. + To register as a craftsman, you need to talk to Intense Beard in Terranite Forge. The forge is in the Bazar.#1 To register as a craftsman, you need to talk to Intense Beard in Terranite Forge. The forge is in the Bazar. @@ -28148,6 +28766,9 @@ Tolchi Ammo Box Tolchi Arrow Tolchi Arrow +Tomorrow is the day, when we shall march against Raid, in order to free our people from the oppression of her mages. +Tomorrow is the day, when we shall march against Raid, in order to free our people from the oppression of her mages. + Tonori Delight Tonori Delight @@ -28526,6 +29147,9 @@ Tulimshar is the strongest city because Dausen teaches every newcomer about the Tulimshar miners mainly try to obtain gems. Tulimshar miners mainly try to obtain gems. +Tulimshar, Tonori - 2nd March 300 AT +Tulimshar, Tonori - 2nd March 300 AT + Tulimshar, right? The oldest human city-state! Tulimshar, right? The oldest human city-state! @@ -28817,6 +29441,9 @@ Use items to drain the pentagram. Final result is affected by int! Use its powers for good! Use its powers for good! +Use the abandoned passage to the north... Usually, no one uses it. +Use the abandoned passage to the north... Usually, no one uses it. + Use the arrow keys to walk right and meet Juliet. Use the arrow keys to walk right and meet Juliet. @@ -28829,12 +29456,12 @@ Use these coins to exchange for stuff. But beware: Each dungeon difficulty will Use your @@ as currency! Use your @@ as currency! -Usename#0000 -Usename#0000 - User Control Panel User Control Panel +Username#0000 +Username#0000 + Usually only sponsors are allowed up there, but I'll make an exception today. Go meet the mayor. Usually only sponsors are allowed up there, but I'll make an exception today. Go meet the mayor. @@ -29510,6 +30137,9 @@ We must away We must blame Saulc! We must blame Saulc! +We must capture Barbara AND return the stolen item! +We must capture Barbara AND return the stolen item! + We must defeat the Monster King on his evil lair! We must defeat the Monster King on his evil lair! @@ -29666,6 +30296,9 @@ Weekly, at Sunday 00:00, elections are held. Welcome back, Padric! Welcome back, Padric! +Welcome back, children. So, how was your treasure hunt? Did you manage to find the path? +Welcome back, children. So, how was your treasure hunt? Did you manage to find the path? + Welcome back. Welcome back. @@ -30743,6 +31376,9 @@ Why am I having a hard time to believe on you... Why are you here? This area is off-limits! Why are you here? This area is off-limits! +Why did we had to decide to research slimes of all creatures?! But alas, now is too late. Not even a %s could restore her in this state... +Why did we had to decide to research slimes of all creatures?! But alas, now is too late. Not even a %s could restore her in this state... + Why do you bully me! - This is a bug: 02331.LOGIC.OID Why do you bully me! - This is a bug: 02331.LOGIC.OID @@ -30854,6 +31490,12 @@ Wise choice! But can you really part with it? Better think on something else! Witch Boots Witch Boots +With Magic and Blades, The Icicle shall break. +With Magic and Blades, The Icicle shall break. + +With Magic and Blades, The Icicle shall break. Do you undertake the challenge? +With Magic and Blades, The Icicle shall break. Do you undertake the challenge? + With Tulimshar being the last major human settlement standing (besides distant locations like Candor), the situation looks more dire than ever. With Tulimshar being the last major human settlement standing (besides distant locations like Candor), the situation looks more dire than ever. @@ -30938,6 +31580,12 @@ Wizardry Wizardry Institute is on the %s area of the campus. Wizardry Institute is on the %s area of the campus. +Wizards Tower, Tonori - 6th March 300 AT +Wizards Tower, Tonori - 6th March 300 AT + +Wizards Tower, Tonori - 8th April 300 AT +Wizards Tower, Tonori - 8th April 300 AT + Wo-wo-wow! You really did it! You're the best!#0 Wo-wo-wow! You really did it! You're the best! @@ -30959,6 +31607,9 @@ Wolvern Tooth Wolverns are fierce creatures who likes cold places. Their fur is soft. Wolverns are fierce creatures who likes cold places. Their fur is soft. +Won Quirino Voraz Arena %s ago +Won Quirino Voraz Arena %s ago + Wonderful! Here, take the @@, as promised. I need to get back to cooking! Wonderful! Here, take the @@, as promised. I need to get back to cooking! @@ -31127,6 +31778,9 @@ Writing/Updating in client-data quests.xml and items.xml with the correct inform Wurtzite Ore Wurtzite Ore +Wushin +Wushin + Wyara Wyara @@ -31310,6 +31964,9 @@ Yellow Slime Yellow Slime Mother Yellow Slime Mother +Yellow Spark +Yellow Spark + Yep, I bring them for you! Yep, I bring them for you! @@ -31502,6 +32159,9 @@ Yes, please, book me a bed. Yes, please. Yes, please. +Yes, power allows us a future of our choosing. +Yes, power allows us a future of our choosing. + Yes, take it. Yes, take it. @@ -31661,6 +32321,9 @@ You are NOT allowed to leave here! You are a @@º degree mage. This book allows you many new possibilities. You are a @@º degree mage. This book allows you many new possibilities. +You are a legendary hero. +You are a legendary hero. + You are a master chef, looking at you inspires Maxime. You are a master chef, looking at you inspires Maxime. @@ -31850,6 +32513,9 @@ You aren't strong enough. You awake a long forgotten potential, and feel ready to take over the world. You awake a long forgotten potential, and feel ready to take over the world. +You barely know these caves. +You barely know these caves. + You better have it ready, because I have the Coal with me! You better have it ready, because I have the Coal with me! @@ -31940,6 +32606,9 @@ You can drag and drop an item to the NPC window or select an item through your i You can easily identify fishing spots, small bubbles and fishes are visible from the surface. You can easily identify fishing spots, small bubbles and fishes are visible from the surface. +You can enter when clock ticks :15, and the game begin when the clock ticks :25 if anyone is around. This is to match with Call of Dusty event. +You can enter when clock ticks :15, and the game begin when the clock ticks :25 if anyone is around. This is to match with Call of Dusty event. + You can even join the project there. Contributors are greatly appreciated! %%N You can even join the project there. Contributors are greatly appreciated! %%N @@ -32390,6 +33059,9 @@ You don't seem to have enough gold, not even 1 should really let go of You done well in getting so far. I didn't thought you would make it. You done well in getting so far. I didn't thought you would make it. +You earned %s Monster Points for winning. +You earned %s Monster Points for winning. + You explain the Blue Sage about the sabotage incident details, from the Silk Cocoon to the masked visitor. You explain the Blue Sage about the sabotage incident details, from the Silk Cocoon to the masked visitor. @@ -32825,6 +33497,9 @@ You need to choose a Heroes Hold Group. This currently makes absolutely no diffe You need to have an @@ equipped. You need to have an @@ equipped. +You need to pick your prizes! +You need to pick your prizes! + You need to reach a certain point in Player Story in order to partake on this event. Non-repeatable. You need to reach a certain point in Player Story in order to partake on this event. Non-repeatable. @@ -33026,6 +33701,9 @@ You seem to have @@ broken items and... Oh, I see you have a broken @@ here! I w You seem to have gotten Peetu's attention for a while. You seem to have gotten Peetu's attention for a while. +You send me the wrong way. +You send me the wrong way. + You set off a trap! You set off a trap! @@ -33608,8 +34286,8 @@ Your low intelligence prevents anything from happening with you. Your magic is more powerful than you, but you can control. Your magic is more powerful than you, but you can control. -Your mind is set? You will probably lose the color dye during this process. -Your mind is set? You will probably lose the color dye during this process. +Your mind is set? You will probably lose all the dyes and/or cards during on the item during this process. You're bleaching a %s by the way. +Your mind is set? You will probably lose all the dyes and/or cards during on the item during this process. You're bleaching a %s by the way. Your mother asked me to say that she loves you. Your mother asked me to say that she loves you. @@ -33914,6 +34592,9 @@ betelgeuse big big +burst up in flames +burst up in flames + but I was hoping for something more valuable. No, thanks. but I was hoping for something more valuable. No, thanks. @@ -34040,6 +34721,9 @@ hard work, Dimonds Cove was built. heart of gold heart of gold +her +her + here here @@ -34325,6 +35009,12 @@ southwest part of the town spawn challenge monster! How far can you go? spawn challenge monster! How far can you go? +splash magic +splash magic + +splash weapons +splash weapons + start#bat_a02 start#bat_a02 diff --git a/langs/lang_es.old b/langs/lang_es.old index 7190e409c..b8de7d1de 100644 --- a/langs/lang_es.old +++ b/langs/lang_es.old @@ -82,6 +82,9 @@ Could I ask you what your native language is? A sailor told me you're Russian, b Could I ask you what your native language is? A sailor told me you're Russian, but another one told me you're French... I'm a bit lost. I will register you on the ship passenger list just after that.#1 ¿Puedo preguntarte cuál es tu lengua materna? Un marinero me dijo que eres rusa, pero otro me dijo que eres francesa... Estoy un poco perdido. Te rejistraré en la lista de pasajeros del barco justo después de eso.#1 +Could you bleach my clothes? +¿Puede descolorar mi ropa? + Create items Crear artículos diff --git a/langs/lang_es.txt b/langs/lang_es.txt index 89ffcb2a1..2fd11133c 100644 --- a/langs/lang_es.txt +++ b/langs/lang_es.txt @@ -209,6 +209,9 @@ Copyright (C) 2010-2021 TMW2 Team ##BHall Of Aurora: TOP10##b +##BHall Of Candor's Bloodbath: TOP 10##b + + ##BHall Of Crazyfefe Fight: TOP 10##b @@ -353,6 +356,9 @@ Copyright (C) 2010-2021 TMW2 Team %s GP and %d REP. +%s Hero + + %s Monster Points, and a %s. That's my final offer. @@ -365,15 +371,27 @@ Copyright (C) 2010-2021 TMW2 Team %s disembarks at %s. +%s eyebrow furrows, as he brings the map closer to a torch. + + %s has EXILED %s from %s. +%s has protected themselves from prying eyes. Your scry attempt failed. + + %s is by becoming a %s. %s is by impressing the town guard. +%s is currently a staff member. + + +%s is currently sponsoring the High Alliance. + + %s is happy because you've paid %d GP in taxes! @@ -383,6 +401,9 @@ Copyright (C) 2010-2021 TMW2 Team %s is obtained during events, daily logins, heroic deeds, gifts, etc. But cannot be bought with real money. +%s makes a confused face. + + %s makes specialized weapons for high level players. If you tweak with Nicholas, in Hurnscald, the weapon options, you can get really powerful. @@ -425,7 +446,7 @@ Copyright (C) 2010-2021 TMW2 Team %s, you did your best to avenge a fallen comrade. It is my wish that you continue protecting this world. Therefore, I bestow upon you, the legendary %s. Please use its powers to protect your friend and the world peace! -%s, you did your best to entretain me. It is my wish that you continue protecting this world. Therefore, I bestow upon you, the legendary %s. Please use its powers to protect your friend and the world peace! +%s, you did your best to entertain me. It is my wish that you continue protecting this world. Therefore, I bestow upon you, the legendary %s. Please use its powers to protect your friend and the world peace! %s, you did your best to protect this world inhabitants. It is my wish that you continue protecting this world. Therefore, I bestow upon you, the legendary %s. Please use its powers to protect your friend and the world peace! @@ -863,6 +884,9 @@ Copyright (C) 2010-2021 TMW2 Team *tears weeling up* +*this sign is too blurred to read* + + *tut* @@ -953,6 +977,9 @@ Copyright (C) 2010-2021 TMW2 Team -- Animals Protection Agency of Hurnscald +-- In such event, Candor Underground B4F will be permanently unreachable for this char. + + -- Merlin @@ -977,6 +1004,9 @@ Copyright (C) 2010-2021 TMW2 Team ... .... .... +...Actually, I'm drawing in a blank. + + ...Actually, you seem like a capable adventurer. If you give me some ingredients I can't get, I'll give you a @@.#0 @@ -986,6 +1016,9 @@ Copyright (C) 2010-2021 TMW2 Team ...Alright then. +...Although that's unlikely, I admit. + + ...And for some reason he took the apple and went further in the caves. @@ -998,6 +1031,9 @@ Copyright (C) 2010-2021 TMW2 Team ...Are you trying to troll me? +...Assuming you can break a Mana Stone, that is. + + ...Automatically retrying... @@ -1007,12 +1043,21 @@ Copyright (C) 2010-2021 TMW2 Team ...Besides, I have this nice @@ with me. It's a reliable bow. +...Blood. + + ...But saving me won't be enough, so build trust by the kind gift of @@ @@. I'll be waiting. ...But worry not, I have the right screwdriver for the job. So, are you up to bring me some Present Boxes? +...Cocktail. + + +...Coffee. + + ...Dealing with scorpion stingers is a gamble, so we may need a few stingers before making a successful potion. @@ -1046,6 +1091,9 @@ Copyright (C) 2010-2021 TMW2 Team ...I have no other choice, do I? +...I knew bandits were not be trusted, but Saul insisted in doing so. I hate him so much right now. Even if he is my brother. + + ...I still need to cover up if they're mistaken. Give me a reason to tell you secrets, show me you're concerned with Tulimshar safety and don't want just to be strong. @@ -1082,12 +1130,24 @@ Copyright (C) 2010-2021 TMW2 Team ...Okay, I asked you to explain, and you ended up wasting my time instead. %%n +...Okay, I guess. + + ...Okay, this is not fun anymore. ...Otherwise, they're too precious to sell to wanna be adventurers. Beer EXP Bonuses expire on death, you know?! +...Poison. + + +...Potion. + + +...Tea. + + ...Thanks, kind person. @@ -1103,6 +1163,9 @@ Copyright (C) 2010-2021 TMW2 Team ...Unless, of course, if you're interested in learning this art. You'll not regret it, I assure you. +...Water. + + ...Well, but even if Hurnscald is nearby, you are too weak. You know sometimes, ships get attacked by pirates, right? @@ -1184,6 +1247,9 @@ Copyright (C) 2010-2021 TMW2 Team .:: Brawling ::. +.:: Chanting ::. + + .:: Ched's Summer 2018 ::. @@ -1406,6 +1472,9 @@ Copyright (C) 2010-2021 TMW2 Team .:: Purple Day 2018 ::. +.:: Resurrection ::. + + .:: Scholarship Class ::. @@ -1544,6 +1613,9 @@ Copyright (C) 2010-2021 TMW2 Team 1. Cassio - 43098 +1. Duke M - 16,016 + + 1. Investigate Kamelot Basements @@ -1658,6 +1730,9 @@ Copyright (C) 2010-2021 TMW2 Team 2. Woody - 3637 +2. andulkaT - 6,000 + + 2. seeds - 1167 @@ -1721,6 +1796,9 @@ Copyright (C) 2010-2021 TMW2 Team 3. Povo - 1,275,000 GP +3. Sharli - 4,419 + + 3. Woody - 1066 @@ -1784,6 +1862,9 @@ Copyright (C) 2010-2021 TMW2 Team 4. dangerDuck - 540 +4. poppet - 3,826 + + 4. seeds - 43 @@ -1835,6 +1916,9 @@ Tortuga de 4144 5. dangerDuck - 23 +5. girl flapper - 2,487 + + 5. seeds - 13395 @@ -1943,6 +2027,15 @@ Tortuga de 4144 ??? +??? : Are you trying to steal MY treasure?! + + +??? : I am Pirate Captain Marley, and on the honor of my pirates... + + +??? : Wait, how did you got here? WHO ARE YOU? + + ???#01863 @@ -2366,6 +2459,9 @@ A few times during the year, the "golden wave" migrates from the north pole to t A friend of yours called LOF BOT asked for a coin... +A game is currently going on, please wait for it to finish. + + A global announcement will be made. @@ -2549,6 +2645,9 @@ Aaaaaahhh... Oui, that's a good wine! So, what will it be? Aahna +Abandoned Diary#jak1 + + Abandoned Fountain#MKH @@ -2588,6 +2687,9 @@ About the Prophecy... What about Elves? Orcs? Redys? Etc.? About the items you asked me to collect... +About this pirate treasure map... + + Abuse can be determined by your peers or by the grandmasters, so be careful. @@ -2633,6 +2735,9 @@ Accuracy +25 Ace Ventura +Achievements + + Acknowledgment? What do you mean? @@ -2765,6 +2870,12 @@ Adventurer, did you brought me what I asked? I see you have @@/5 @@.#1 Advised party size: From 3 and above +Advised: 1+ mage, 1+ tanker, 2+ healers + + +Advised: 6+ players + + Aegis Shield @@ -2804,6 +2915,9 @@ After cleaning for twelve hours straight, they allowed me to rest a bit. After hours of hard work... +After that, follow the path until you reach a great chamber... + + After that, stay still and be patient, but also alert! Después de eso, quédate quieto y sé paciente, ¡pero permanece también alerta! @@ -3152,6 +3266,9 @@ Ah...! POLICE! POLICE! Quick, send this cheating thief to jail!! Aha! I knew you were a boring person... +Aha! So that's what it was! The map was hiding its secrets in drawings made with acid. An old technique... But a very useful one. + + Ahahahah, do you really think I'll accept legs if you don't help me cleaning my fields? @@ -3221,6 +3338,9 @@ Alchemy Blueprint D Alchemy Blueprint E +Alchemy Cauldron + + Alchemy Recipes @@ -3371,6 +3491,9 @@ Alliance members (sponsors) are allowed inside the Council Room. Alliance members are those who [@@|sponsor us@@]. +Alliance members are those who [@@|sponsor us@@]. + + Allowed @@ -3608,6 +3731,9 @@ An Airship? It is just a ship. Which flies. An account may vote anywhere, but only once per town (weekly). +An assassin + + An emergency skill which temporarily raises all your stats. @@ -3677,6 +3803,9 @@ And again, and again. And again. +And also in notable mention of those who [@@|sponsor@@] the Alliance and its administrative structure. + + And also in notable mention of those who [@@|sponsor@@] the Alliance and its administrative structure. @@ -4298,6 +4427,9 @@ Arr, I'm bored! Arr, it is always good to be on land after so much time in sea! +Arr, that's a fine map ya got there! And these are definitely Hurnscald Caves, yarr! + + Arr, that's not enough! I'll bring more later! @@ -4472,6 +4604,9 @@ Ask everytime Ask next time +Ask. + + Assassin Asesino @@ -4937,6 +5072,9 @@ Begin classic mode Begin! +Begin? + + Behave yourself, or you'll be executed in the town square mercilessly. You have been warned. @@ -5150,6 +5288,9 @@ Blessing of Immortality Blind +Bloodbath + + Bloodstone Pendant Colgante de piedra de sangre @@ -5273,6 +5414,9 @@ Booty! Boring NPC +Born %s ago + + Boss Hunter Boina Boss Hunter Boina @@ -5429,6 +5573,9 @@ Bring me this and I'll spawn it for you: Bring me your wood, and I'll show you which one is sturdy, yet flexible enough to make a good Forest Bow. +Bring me, my worst nightmare. + + Brit Shield Escudo britanico @@ -5621,6 +5768,9 @@ But he have lots of enemies... It would not surprise me to find him struck somew But hope is not lost, said the Sages of Fate! +But if I do, I'll not return. Neither me, nor Raid. Which is why I'm taking precautions: This diary. In the event of my death, please bury my body and contact Halinarzo. + + But if a mage wants to be a warrior, they won't be able to use their full magic skills. @@ -5753,6 +5903,9 @@ But unfortunately, a loose stone lodges and you fall to your death. But unfortunately, it was harder than you thought. You are dead. +But unfortunately, whoever made this riddle disagrees with me. + + But unless you touch a Mana Stone and get stronger magic, that would be as useful as teaching magic to a wall. No offense. @@ -5810,6 +5963,9 @@ But you're too weak to beat any of them. Sorry. But you're too weak. Sorry. +But your silly map must be wrong. These passages do not connect themselves like this, but this should not be an issue, as they're not relevant. + + But, I found something really interesting! Ah... I hope you like history? @@ -5966,6 +6122,9 @@ Call Of Dusty is a timed event quest. It begins hourly, when the minute clock ma Calm down! How can I help you? +Calm down, don't get mad! I was wrong in trusting this map, it is definitely faulty. Lemme see it again... + + Calm, perfect for a fly! @@ -6161,12 +6320,15 @@ Candor Candor - @@ GP -Candor Battle Score: %d +Candor Battle Score: %s Candor Battle Season +Candor Bloodbath Score: %s + + Candor Bola Flotador de candor @@ -6194,6 +6356,9 @@ Camisa de candor Candor Shorts Pantalones cortos Candor +Candor Survival : New Highscore: %s + + Candor Warp Crystal Cristal de warp de Candor @@ -6425,6 +6590,9 @@ Change weapons Changes include but are not limited to festive events and dates. +Chanting + + Chaos shall be the founding stone of my town! Falling star! @@ -6530,6 +6698,9 @@ Chocolate Slime Mother Christmas Navidad +Christmas 2021 Joint Event + + Christmas Chief @@ -6563,12 +6734,24 @@ Cindy#house Citizen +Civil status: Married + + +Civil status: Single + + Clan Name: @@ Claw Pendant Colgante de garra +Cleared Heroes Hold %s ago + + +Cleared the Yeti King Challenge %s ago + + Clearly an exotic tea, with a refined flavor fit for a refined woman such as Celestia. @@ -6965,8 +7148,8 @@ Could you *hic* do me a favor? Arkim, on a cave southeast of *hic* here, is coll Could you awake my lost and forsaken potential? -Could you bleach my clothes? -¿Puede descolorar mi ropa? +Could you bleach my equipment? + Could you bring me %d %s? That'll help me to finish this. @@ -7214,6 +7397,12 @@ Armadura de cruzada Crusade Helmet Casco de cruzada +Crypt + + +Crypt#Fefe + + Crystal based technology can break if used too often. Try taking longer between each warp to raise their lifetime. @@ -7286,6 +7475,9 @@ Current magic rank: %d Current player count: @@/5 must be online. +Current score: %s + + Current score: @@ @@ -7643,6 +7835,12 @@ Deposit all Deposit. Depositar. +Der Schneemann + + +Der Schneemann has been defeated: %s Monster Points gained. + + Descend into Tulimshar sewers? @@ -7730,6 +7928,9 @@ Diamond Bif Diamond Powder Polvo de diamante +Diary#Fefe + + Diary, 12nd December 298 AT @@ -7880,6 +8081,9 @@ Dimond's Cove Dimonds Cove Story +Direction for Pirate Caves + + Directions: @@ -8312,6 +8516,9 @@ Perrito Doll Muñeca +Don't ask. + + Don't be afraid of death. Of course, in most places, dying will make you lose some Experience you gathered. @@ -8366,6 +8573,9 @@ Don't interrupt me, I'm busy! Don't just stand here! Go fetch help, NOW!! +Don't pay. + + Don't rent a mouboo. @@ -8498,6 +8708,9 @@ Doppelganger Challenge Ranking Doppelganger Challenge, @@ began the fight! +Doppelganger Waves Won: %s + + Double Attack +5% @@ -8573,6 +8786,9 @@ Dragonstar and Aisen did their best along many others, and managed to liberate H Drahcir +Dreaded Pirate Marley + + Dream Ticket @@ -8825,6 +9041,9 @@ Huevo de Pascua Easter Egg quest updated. Total found: %02d/06 +Easter Eggs found: %d + + Easter Mouboo @@ -8921,6 +9140,9 @@ Elite Scout#MB0233 Elixir Of Life Elixir de Vida +Elixir of Life + + Eliza @@ -9059,6 +9281,9 @@ Introduzca nueva línea: Enter though the window to the secret caves? +Enter/Leave after start: %s + + Enzo @@ -9455,6 +9680,9 @@ Siéntase libre de visitarme otra vez. Feeling lucky? +Fefe's Diary + + Female Hembra @@ -9533,6 +9761,9 @@ First Aid First Dungeon Master +First Grand Hunter challenge cleared %s ago + + First Tier @@ -9545,12 +9776,18 @@ First of all: Welcome! Your level was temporaly modified, it'll be reverted once First of, there's a day/night cycle on the game. +First reborn %s ago + + First thing is to get a @@. One from black market won't do, go to Halinarzo! First timers will be lead to somewhere random on this cave to keep intruders out. Just walk there again while all switches are still active. +First visit to Fortress Is. %s ago + + First, you need to contribute to the common knowledge of this world. Like, write a %s or something. @@ -9794,9 +10031,15 @@ Fortress Island Fortress Statue +Fortress Town + + Fortress Town is connected to the prophecies of the death of all humans, wildlife, and the other lesser races. +Fortunately, we know the answer is... + + Fortune Statue @@ -10022,13 +10265,13 @@ Gem powder Gender Género -General Krukan +General Boosts -General Razha +General Krukan -General Recipes +General Razha General Store#dimond @@ -10226,6 +10469,9 @@ Go see someone else for now. Yes, you need level to take most tasks available on Go talk to Sagratha, she is usually in a hut in northen forest. The door have a magic barrier, so you'll need to have minimal magic skills to get close enough to open it. +Go through the waterfall path. + + Go to the townhall there and show the mayor this other letter. @@ -10235,6 +10481,9 @@ Go very close to it and, speak the four four-letters magic words, pour some @@, Goal: @@/@@ reached! +Goal: Survive the longest possible. + + Gobo Bear @@ -10640,6 +10889,9 @@ Greetings, young soul; I am the queen of fairies, Lilit. Grenade Granada +Grenadier + + Grind grind grind the slime! @@ -11030,6 +11282,9 @@ Hall Of Academics Hall Of Base Level +Hall Of Candor Bloodbath + + Hall Of Ched @@ -11234,6 +11489,9 @@ He's an *hic* hermit, and collects *hic* Bat teeth and wings... Tell me how many He's holding a fishing rod, while gazing out at the sea. Está sujetando una caña de pescar, cuando mira hacia el mar. +Head Hood + + Headgear @@ -11486,6 +11744,9 @@ Hello! Would you like to try some piou delicacies? Hello! You seem strong enough, could take a request from me? Of course, not for free. +Hello, %s! Congratulations for finishing the %s! + + Hello, %s. @@ -11735,6 +11996,9 @@ Here it is. Take care with it! Here kid. Frostia, the elf town, is somewhere near here, but I'm not sure if you can reach it from here. +Here lies a diary, presumably from Fefe. + + Here they are miss! @@ -11924,6 +12188,12 @@ Here, you can have this spare one. Hahah! Crafting is an art, and I help teachin Here. You know that milking Mouboos won't cause them harm, right? It's a different story with @@. +Herein also lies Raid Yahoo, enemy of manakind and nemesis of Saul, the one hated by many and loved by few, greedy mana stone collector, but who still opposed to the Monster King and lost her life for it. + + +Herein lies Fefe, for his great bravure and heroic deeds, savior of our realm, valiantly defeated in combat against the Monster King, may the mana shine upon him forever. + + Hero Card Carta de héroe @@ -13211,6 +13481,9 @@ I can't give you the Apple I've stole. Because, I was stolen first! I can't handle it anymore! NO MORE! +I can't sleep, so I'm writing this entry. It'll take a considerable amount of time to decrypt the shield frequency Raid is using, and when Saul's army is marching towards their deaths, time is of essence. Every second I waste, is a comrade who will die. + + I can't stay here and talk all day. I have a job to do. No puedo quedarme aquí y hablar todo el día. Tengo trabajo que hacer. @@ -13643,6 +13916,9 @@ I have one here... I have other things to do at the moment. +I have some good and some bad news for you. + + I have some healing items with me, we should tend your wounds first. @@ -14201,6 +14477,9 @@ I swear silence, over this bloody ruby. I swear silence, over this shining topaz. +I swear that I, %s, will never let myself be let astray by power. + + I think I have enough gold with me.#0 @@ -14651,6 +14930,9 @@ Que lo pase bien en la ciudad. I wish you good luck! +I wish you good luck. I remember these caves... They're dangerous. Make sure to be prepared before venturing further. + + I woke up in a shake! I felt... Oh, it's hard to describe... As if the spell suddenly started inflating, getting bigger... bigger... weaker... weaker... @@ -14912,6 +15194,9 @@ Estoy un poco enfermo...#1 I'm a little busy right now. Estoy algo ocupado ahora mismo. +I'm a pro, this will be GG EZ. But Raid is not a foe to be underestimated, and I have no hopes for reinforcements. I refuse to leave last words, I shall either triumph, or be forgotten in shame. + + I'm a traveling poet and admirer of Robert Burns, a bard from the mana world. @@ -14987,6 +15272,9 @@ He terminado. I'm fine for now, thank you. Estoy genial por ahora, gracias. +I'm fine, but I can't keep carrying dead weights with me. Candor is a special place, I shall make a base there... Because I know the Monster King will eventually head there. + + I'm fine, no worries... @@ -15059,6 +15347,12 @@ I'm not done yet, please hold tight. It won't take long. I'm not done yet. I'll be back. +I'm not familiar with the Butterfly Caves. Try asking a local, maybe Arkim, they ought know the way. + + +I'm not familiar with the Butterfly Caves. Try asking a local? + + I'm not feeling like it today... Sorry. @@ -15281,6 +15575,9 @@ Ice Fluffy Ice Gladius Gladius de hielo +Ice Lord + + Ice Maggot @@ -15296,6 +15593,9 @@ If I am doing your dirty work, why am I the one paying you?! If I bring @@, my party leader, and the boss is defeated, I can go you in. +If I can't beat him, no one else can, and if our species are to survive, we'll need to return to the Edge. Even if it means... Fulfilling the prophecy. %s. Whatever the cost. + + If I don't know the answer in your language, try answering in English. That always works. @@ -15335,6 +15635,9 @@ If a tie happens, you'll get your coin back. If all players there die, Hurnscald WON'T BE LIBERATED. +If at any moment in the fight there's less than %d players in the room, a severe penalty will be applied, so watch out! + + If enabled, automatic captchas may be sent to you every once in a while. @@ -15641,6 +15944,9 @@ If you're afraid of losing everything, then DEFINITELY do not gamble. %%2 If you're ever in need, you may use it to call upon the aid of the ducks. +If you're reading this - Feel free to use my laboratory in any way you deem fit. Or what's left of it, at least. Also, please kill any slimes you find. I shall be back in six leaps time, according to the Imperial Time, but if I'm not back by then, assume something went wrong and both wushin and me are off the table. + + If you're right, you'll gain more Casino Coins! And even other nice things! @@ -15698,6 +16004,9 @@ Improved MP Regen In TMW2 there is +In a blood bath, survival is the epitaph. + + In a few weeks, I will finish the @@ plans, and there will be no doubts, that @@ is not the best weaver in the world! @@ -15980,6 +16289,9 @@ Intervalo: cada @@ hora(s) Introduce +Invalid Discord ID. + + Invalid amount! @@ -16121,6 +16433,9 @@ It also increases naturally as you grow, albeit less. It appears we were focusing too much on research and this lead to neglect of other duties of a Sage's household. This is dangerous in times of changes. I'm worried about the future. +It costs %d GP to use. + + It costs 600 GP to use. @@ -16136,6 +16451,9 @@ It has a very dark color and an unusual aroma reminiscent of a moist forest. It has been a great year, and the TMW2 Team would like to +It has been a total disaster. They killed %s. And everyone on the village. + + It has eluded so many craftsmiths, who knows what can be done with that! @@ -16610,6 +16928,9 @@ Ivanize JAIL THEM!! +JAK1, THE SLIME RESEARCHER + + Jack @@ -16799,6 +17120,9 @@ Just... Don't accidentaly invoke a Legendary Guardian or something, these thingi KUNAI +Kage + + Kaizei Human Humano de Kaizei @@ -16838,6 +17162,9 @@ Keep in mind that %s are weak, baby Yetis, so kill them as well! Keep in mind the more power you have, the less control you'll have as well. Until you get a %s to track progress, use %s to check your control. Less control may result in failure to summon! +Keep in mind this is a PvP area - So try to avoid being butchered, because revival spells are disabled here! Hahaha! + + Keep in mind, the more levels and intelligence you have, more likely the Mana Stone will grant you more Magic Power. But that means nothing. @@ -17207,9 +17534,6 @@ Mouboo legendario Legendary Tortuga -Legendary Wand - - Legendary my ass! What a rip-off! @@ -17735,6 +18059,12 @@ Mage Card X Mage equipment also raises MP recovery. So yes, a mage can use a sword and heavy armor, but... +Magenta + + +Magenta Spark + + Mages should use equipment designed for them. Those may be lacking on defense, but will raise MP and Magic Attack. @@ -17777,6 +18107,18 @@ Magic Barrier#0063 Magic Barrier#0064 +Magic Barrier#0066 + + +Magic Barrier#0067C + + +Magic Barrier#0067E + + +Magic Barrier#0067W + + Magic Barrier#Bug63 @@ -17804,6 +18146,9 @@ Magic Power is granted to you, but you die from it. Magic Ratto +Magic Scrolls + + Magic Skill Points can be obtained in three ways: By touching a Mana Stone, by signing up in a Special Class (if you have enough magic power) and by having high amounts of Job Level. @@ -18074,6 +18419,12 @@ Marius The Bard Market Place +Marley : I shall stop you! + + +Marley : You... thief... *grumble* + + Marriage failed. El matrimonio falló. @@ -18134,6 +18485,9 @@ Maximum Profit: @@ GP May their journey be successful, may their objectives be attained, may the Mana rest in peace. +May their memory be remembered, but may their struggle be forgotten, their bodies never profaned, and in the æthyr, may they find eternal rest and comfort for their souls. + + Maya @@ -18182,7 +18536,7 @@ Maybe someone in Hurnscald can help me. Maybe the Hurnscald alchemist, Wyara, could explain why. -Maybe there are things in Candor which still require your attention? I overheard some of them. +Maybe there are things in Candor which still require your attention? I might have overheard some of them. Maybe there is a key somewhere near. I should keep looking. @@ -18320,6 +18674,9 @@ Mercenary Boxset E Mercenary Boxset EE +Mercenary Quests completed: %s + + Mercenary Trainer @@ -18479,6 +18836,9 @@ Mirror Island %d Mirror Island 1 +Mirror Lake + + Mirror Lake : Created temporary character; It'll be reset on logout. @@ -18647,12 +19007,18 @@ Monsters are everywhere. They're a plague we're trying to get rid of. Monsters do not aim small towns like Candor. This city also comes with the plus that I know where everything's at. +Monsters killed: %s + + Monsters left: @@ Monsters remaining: %s +Monsters will spawn in the south fountain continuously. + + Monsters, however, keep coming from the Impregnable Fortress. They always come on %s, although we have no idea why. @@ -18932,7 +19298,7 @@ My shield, @@ My stats are too good, I won't need it. Mis estadísticas son demasiado buenas, no lo necesitaré. -My unit, however, was attacked! An assassin snuck up on us! +My unit, however, was attacked! %s snuck up on us! My waifu Blossom has me trapped here, and she won't even look at me, because I'm part-Wose! @@ -18965,9 +19331,15 @@ Mysterious Ore Mysterious Powder expires after some time! +Mystic Wand + + NO +NO! + + NOT ENOUGH MONEY @@ -19163,6 +19535,9 @@ Nunca (sólo al acceder) Never ask: Brew %d +Never let yourself be brought astray by it. Swear it to me. + + Nevermind, bye! @@ -19388,6 +19763,9 @@ No, not at the moment. No, please don't! I have 3 kids to feed. They are looking for me for contraband. Please, let me go! +No, power corrupts. + + No, sir. @@ -19496,6 +19874,9 @@ Not all monsters will do this, but most will. So if you see a monster running af Not allowed +Not at all! + + Not at the moment @@ -19634,6 +20015,9 @@ Not yet. You have to ask the mana seed to give you more power. NotSoBot +Notable mentions and thanks for our [@@|sponsors@@], we wouldn't be here without their continued support. + + Notable mentions and thanks for our [@@|sponsors@@], we wouldn't be here without their continued support. @@ -19838,6 +20222,9 @@ Now that I've described the spells to you, I'm sure I cast them correctly. But.. Now that you ask.... +Now to head inside the caves, until the last floor, and have my showdown and revenge against the Monster King. I do not plan in failing. + + Now wait for your partner, then talk to me again.#0 Ahora espere a su socia, después vuelva a hablar conmgo.#0 @@ -20129,6 +20516,9 @@ Oh, and I almost forgot! Do not share passwords or pincodes, not even with staff Oh, and about the Candor travel for 200 GP... Which would be a rare for little or no gold... Well, that's just an attention grabber. +Oh, and if I perchance catch you using %s or %s... You'll be banned from my game, understood? + + Oh, and you will need this book too, it will help you learn the basics of fishing. @@ -20402,6 +20792,9 @@ Once he resumes working confidently, we can go over this important subject. Once inside the BOSS Cave, you get a five minutes time limit to slay the boss with your party. +Once it begins (you can fight against an AI), kill the most of enemy sparks you can, while preventing your own sparks of being killed. Wins whoever has more sparks after %s minutes. + + Once that is done, the Alliance's staff will set several stands with the most important services you might need, like banking, inside the town central area. @@ -20657,6 +21050,9 @@ Orange Dye? How much does it cost? Orange Eggshell Hat Sombrero de cáscara de huevo naranja +Oranye Isles, 257 AT + + Orbyter Shrine @@ -20693,6 +21089,12 @@ Otras cosas están escritas, pero ya no son legibles. Other. +Others scrying you: + + +Others scrying your char data + + Otherwise, ##BYOU'LL DIE.##b Have a nice day! @@ -20879,6 +21281,9 @@ Past this point is the Fortress Island. %s Even so, be careful, the town should Paxel +Pay + + Pay attention to #world chat, as this event is managed by players. The Monster Army is also trying to regroup, neglecting it is not advised. @@ -20987,6 +21392,12 @@ Perhaps, in the city, someone knows rumors about Mana Stones and can teach you. Perhaps, you could convince Jack to give me the wood, and seek for a fisherman on Halinarzo to give you the string? I won't charge anything. +Personal Feats + + +Personal Records + + Personally, I like unranked events more than ranked ones... @@ -21140,6 +21551,9 @@ Pirate Lord Pirate Shorts Pantalones cortos de pirata +Pirate Treasure Chest + + Pirate Treasure Map Mapa del tesoro pirata @@ -21557,6 +21971,9 @@ Power Card X Power in the wrong hands is nothing but a burden and a reason for others to cry. That's exactly what I don't want in this town. +Power is a double-edged sword. I, Fefe, tried to use it for good, to free the world from Raid's tyranny, and instead, it brought forth the Monster King. + + Power remaining: %s @@ -21674,6 +22091,12 @@ Protip: You skipped tutorial. A lot of tutorial-ish dialogs and quests will be s Protip: Your current progress will be saved. +Proud owner of %s the %s. + + +Proud owner of %s the Homunculus. + + Provoke @@ -21857,6 +22280,9 @@ Carrera Raid Trousers Pantalones de incursión +Raid and me have been in hot pursuit for a while, but I fear it is already too late. Yesterday there was another earthquake, and we're receiving summons to return to Tulimshar at once. Apparently, it is under attack. + + Raid might be great. Saul might be popular. SphinxNox might be an annoying brat. But I'm, or rather, will soon be... @@. @@ -21965,6 +22391,9 @@ Read the tutorial again? Read tutorial again? +Reagents & Other Potions + + Real Bronze Gladius Gladius de bronce real @@ -22118,6 +22547,9 @@ Medias rojas Red Wizard +Reduces MP cost when using chanting-based skills. + + Redy Redy @@ -22358,6 +22790,9 @@ Resting. I've been slaying slime nests the whole day. Restore it +Resurrection + + Retaliates next attack with a critical hit. This instance lasts a second. @@ -22397,6 +22832,9 @@ Volver al menú principal Revert a player exile +Revives an already dead allied player. Req. Lifestone to cast. + + Revolver Shooter @@ -22736,6 +23174,12 @@ Saul is planning an assault at the Magic Tower. I want these Mana Stones. Saul is supplying me the alchemist resources for that. In exchange, my thieves supply him gold and spare his friends. +Saul will deal with it. His mess, he will clean up. Raid and me will keep the pursuit. And this time, we shall triumph. + + +Saul will lead the frontal assault, Mr. Saves shall provide distraction, and I'll infiltrate within the Mage Tower. + + Saulc Card @@ -22796,6 +23240,9 @@ Saxso Ghost Saxso Key Llave de saxo +Saxso's Basement, Candor - 27th July 300 AT + + Saxso's Official Residence. @@ -22886,6 +23333,9 @@ School of Quirks (Candor) Scissors +Score: %s / %s + + Scoreboards @@ -22913,6 +23363,69 @@ Script Error Script Error: "Tux didn't found his fish! Blame Saulc at once!" +Scroll Angel Light + + +Scroll Angel Light+ + + +Scroll Angel Light++ + + +Scroll Battle Plans + + +Scroll Battle Plans+ + + +Scroll Battle Plans++ + + +Scroll Critical Fortune + + +Scroll Critical Fortune+ + + +Scroll Critical Fortune++ + + +Scroll Defense Bless + + +Scroll Defense Bless+ + + +Scroll Defense Bless++ + + +Scroll Magnus Heal + + +Scroll Magnus Heal+ + + +Scroll Magnus Heal++ + + +Scroll Summon Cave Maggot + + +Scroll Summon Dragon + + +Scroll Summon Maggot + + +Scroll Summon Terranite + + +Scroll Summon Wolvern + + +Scroll Summon Yeti + + Scythe Guadaña @@ -22970,6 +23483,9 @@ See you! See you. +Seems like Arkim held it too close to the flame... + + Seems like someone else opened this chest before you! @@ -23000,6 +23516,9 @@ Select carefully which weapon you want, so there are no regrets. Select difficulty. +Select one: + + Select your preferred play-style. @@ -23297,6 +23816,9 @@ Should I attach a love letter? Should I walk on it? +Should we ask about the %s before leaving? + + Should we? @@ -23345,6 +23867,15 @@ Sign#0063CF Sign#0063PI +Sign#0066CR + + +Sign#0066ER + + +Sign#0066WR + + Sign#014517929 @@ -23684,12 +24215,18 @@ Snow Flower Snowflake Copo de nieve +Snowman + + Snowman Globe Esfera de muñeco de nieve So COOL, thanks! Come back later to bring me extra @@! +So I did what I could - What I always do. Turned my beloved sister in a slime. Turned her into what killed her. + + So be nice and help people along the way! @@ -23909,6 +24446,9 @@ So? How was it? Solo +Solo Try + + Some are dangerous, too. Even if you look capable of fighting, the Blue Sage instructed me to prevent anyone from visiting until the mess is cleared. @@ -24614,6 +25154,9 @@ Such precious gem, is not something you would give for free, unless you are inte Sudden Attack +Suddenly, the map %s! + + Sulfur Powder Polvo de azufre @@ -24728,6 +25271,9 @@ Surprisingly, nothing happens. Susanne +Swashbuckler + + Swezanne @@ -25901,6 +26447,9 @@ The Monster King is scary. To be honest, I'm not sure I would be able to do anyt The Monster King is sending their armies to attack towns with a seemingly random pattern. +The Monster King once again eluded us. How long has it been? His minions are laying waste to all towns, Saul has been killed, Raid has been wounded. + + The Monster King was so powerful! It is impossible to recover the artifact now, and everyone will die! @@ -26021,6 +26570,9 @@ The antennas by themselves mean nothing, I want to see you killing my ENEMIES, t The average player level is @@ +The bad one, is that you'll have to guide yourself without the map. + + The bank and item storage is shared between all characters within a same account. @@ -26174,6 +26726,9 @@ The farther you go on the sequence, the better the payout! The fee only need to be paid once and will work in every town. +The fee to use this room is %s GP. + + The fertile climate is ideal for mushrooms. You can also find lots of wood. @@ -26225,6 +26780,9 @@ The giant boogeyman! The girl turns around and you hear her sniffing, she is probably crying... +The good one, is that now I know the right path. + + The great prize is @@. @@ -26321,6 +26879,9 @@ The mana bridge to Aeros is open! To participate on event, talk to ##BSoul Menhi The mana war stroke, and many people died, +The map starts getting darker with the heat of the flame, and curiously, new shapes starts to form... + + The masters have decided you are to be given honorary initiation into the Duck Side. The Duck Side is powerful, much more so than you could possibly understand. @@ -26522,6 +27083,9 @@ The register fee is 2000 GP. The rent lasts 30 days. +The requested char is not online or does not exist. + + The sailor chugs his beer. El marinero resopla su cerveza. @@ -26771,6 +27335,9 @@ Then so be it. Farewell. Then someone of a scholarship rank above your must approve it, and say that your work is enough to the next scholar rank. +Then take the middle entrance. + + Then you should look in buying Caffeinne. Curse is a status ailment which reduces your attack, nullifies your luck and makes you a snail. Simple Curses can be cured with time, too. @@ -26885,6 +27452,9 @@ There is only one way towards the best equipment: Smith away! There is only so much magical power your body can handle without breaking. +There is someone who might know how to turn a slime back in a human. But alas, that old fart doesn't live here. + + There isn't enough, not even for NPCs. We need at least 100. @@ -26981,6 +27551,9 @@ There's no help available for this event. There's no need to go in that Yeti infested den right now. +There's no one who knows Butterfly Caves better than me, child. These are MY caves, after all. + + There's no reason to enter these caves now. @@ -27017,6 +27590,9 @@ There... *hic* They will expire *hic* in just @@... Or on logout. Therefore we need a lot of glue, but our supplies are nearly used up. I need @@/@@ @@ as ingredient to make new glue. +Therefore, I shall head to the %s, and look for %s. If anyone knows how to fix it, might as well be that rat-faced... being. + + Therefore, children of Merlin, go back to your world, and ask the Blue Sage Nikolai about it. The blue sage may fake angerness or try to dodge the question, but they are a good person. Still, you should ensure you're on his good side. @@ -27059,6 +27635,9 @@ These gold fishes multiply horribly and have no natural predator. These monsters are a great source of raw crafting materials. +These paths are all wrong! What is the problem with this map?! + + These people have lots of unspent Strange Coins! Waw! @@ -27206,6 +27785,9 @@ They will not attack anyone unless they are attacked first. They will try to prove your worth before, though. So be ready. +They'll also start spawning on whole map, so be careful. + + They're back - and they took hold of your majesty - my husband - king Arthur! @@ -27254,6 +27836,9 @@ This Portal can send your soul back to the world, along any items, money and/or This Real Estate is available for rent for only @@ GP! +This a simple game; Choose one of the shrines - west or east. The one at west is %s, the one at east is %s. + + This action CANNOT BE UNDONE. @@ -27302,6 +27887,9 @@ This cave is considered outside the town! This certainly is just to reorganize their armies. We must take this chance to improve ourselves, or else, we'll be overrun soon enough. +This challenge will be available in %s. Please wait until then. + + This character person is strange I better get away... @@ -27314,6 +27902,9 @@ This coal will aid you to craft better weapons later. It's a token of appreciati This command cannot be used on test servers. +This diary had several pages torn off, but the last page is clearly legible. + + This didn't work. All pins are now unset! @@ -27371,6 +27962,9 @@ This girl needs help, we need to rescue her!#0 This happens quite often, too. My friends and I are always collecting keys to reduce beer price on Hurnscald. %%2 +This has been a long journey, children, so please answer me. Is power a good thing? + + This have many uses. Maybe. Anyway, I'm soon done with my experiment, so please come back later. @@ -27437,6 +28031,9 @@ This is just a friendly advise. We don't take magic lightly. And you shouldn't, This is just a short list to make GMs life easier! +This is my chance - the biggest Mana Quake ever, it feels like a whole world crushing in ours. I can feel the drain from Candor's Mana Reserves all the way up here. + + This is not The Mana World. My name is not Bryant. @@ -27689,6 +28286,9 @@ This statue was built for memory of Andrei Sakar, the greatest hero this world h This table will prepare the potion for you, no skill required! +This tax must be paid now, and you can brew as much as you wish after payment. + + This teleporter is currently recharging. @@ -27698,6 +28298,9 @@ This throne is not from the Monster King... IT BELONGS ONLY TO ME! This time, I only a few last reagents and I'll finally attempt it... I want you to witness it. I'll teach you the spell later, of course. +This time, I'll be prepared. His reign of terror has its days counted. + + This torch is already lit. @@ -27788,6 +28391,9 @@ Throw a coin? Throw something inside! +Thug + + Thunder Staff @@ -27818,6 +28424,9 @@ Time Limit Time Limit: 25 minutes on any dungeon. +Time Limit: 90 minutes + + Time is running out... Hurry up! @@ -27851,6 +28460,12 @@ Times died: %s Times reborn: %d +Times won Call of Dusty: %s + + +Times won Capture the Flag: %s + + Tin Ingot Lingotes de estaño @@ -28043,6 +28658,9 @@ To prove me your faith, bring me 1 @@ or 1 @@. To prove me your results, bring me @@ @@, @@ @@ and @@ @@. +To reach this place... You just need to follow the path after the waterfall. Come back to me after that. + + To register as a craftsman, you need to talk to Intense Beard in Terranite Forge. The forge is in the Bazar.#1 @@ -28148,6 +28766,9 @@ Tolchi Ammo Box Tolchi Arrow Flecha de Tolchi +Tomorrow is the day, when we shall march against Raid, in order to free our people from the oppression of her mages. + + Tonori Delight Deleitoso Tonori @@ -28526,6 +29147,9 @@ Tulimshar is the strongest city because Dausen teaches every newcomer about the Tulimshar miners mainly try to obtain gems. +Tulimshar, Tonori - 2nd March 300 AT + + Tulimshar, right? The oldest human city-state! @@ -28817,6 +29441,9 @@ Use items to drain the pentagram. Final result is affected by int! Use its powers for good! +Use the abandoned passage to the north... Usually, no one uses it. + + Use the arrow keys to walk right and meet Juliet. @@ -28829,10 +29456,10 @@ Use these coins to exchange for stuff. But beware: Each dungeon difficulty will Use your @@ as currency! -Usename#0000 +User Control Panel -User Control Panel +Username#0000 Usually only sponsors are allowed up there, but I'll make an exception today. Go meet the mayor. @@ -29510,6 +30137,9 @@ We must away We must blame Saulc! +We must capture Barbara AND return the stolen item! + + We must defeat the Monster King on his evil lair! @@ -29666,6 +30296,9 @@ Weekly, at Sunday 00:00, elections are held. Welcome back, Padric! +Welcome back, children. So, how was your treasure hunt? Did you manage to find the path? + + Welcome back. @@ -30743,6 +31376,9 @@ Why am I having a hard time to believe on you... Why are you here? This area is off-limits! +Why did we had to decide to research slimes of all creatures?! But alas, now is too late. Not even a %s could restore her in this state... + + Why do you bully me! - This is a bug: 02331.LOGIC.OID @@ -30854,6 +31490,12 @@ Wise choice! But can you really part with it? Better think on something else! Witch Boots +With Magic and Blades, The Icicle shall break. + + +With Magic and Blades, The Icicle shall break. Do you undertake the challenge? + + With Tulimshar being the last major human settlement standing (besides distant locations like Candor), the situation looks more dire than ever. @@ -30938,6 +31580,12 @@ Wizardry Wizardry Institute is on the %s area of the campus. +Wizards Tower, Tonori - 6th March 300 AT + + +Wizards Tower, Tonori - 8th April 300 AT + + Wo-wo-wow! You really did it! You're the best!#0 @@ -30959,6 +31607,9 @@ Diente de lobo Wolverns are fierce creatures who likes cold places. Their fur is soft. +Won Quirino Voraz Arena %s ago + + Wonderful! Here, take the @@, as promised. I need to get back to cooking! @@ -31127,6 +31778,9 @@ Writing/Updating in client-data quests.xml and items.xml with the correct inform Wurtzite Ore Mineral de wurtzita +Wushin + + Wyara @@ -31310,6 +31964,9 @@ Yellow Slime Yellow Slime Mother +Yellow Spark + + Yep, I bring them for you! @@ -31502,6 +32159,9 @@ Yes, please, book me a bed. Yes, please. +Yes, power allows us a future of our choosing. + + Yes, take it. @@ -31661,6 +32321,9 @@ You are NOT allowed to leave here! You are a @@º degree mage. This book allows you many new possibilities. +You are a legendary hero. + + You are a master chef, looking at you inspires Maxime. @@ -31850,6 +32513,9 @@ You aren't strong enough. You awake a long forgotten potential, and feel ready to take over the world. +You barely know these caves. + + You better have it ready, because I have the Coal with me! @@ -31940,6 +32606,9 @@ Puede arrastrar y soltar un artículo en la ventana del NPC o seleccionar un art You can easily identify fishing spots, small bubbles and fishes are visible from the surface. +You can enter when clock ticks :15, and the game begin when the clock ticks :25 if anyone is around. This is to match with Call of Dusty event. + + You can even join the project there. Contributors are greatly appreciated! %%N @@ -32390,6 +33059,9 @@ You don't seem to have enough gold, not even 1 should really let go of You done well in getting so far. I didn't thought you would make it. +You earned %s Monster Points for winning. + + You explain the Blue Sage about the sabotage incident details, from the Silk Cocoon to the masked visitor. @@ -32825,6 +33497,9 @@ You need to choose a Heroes Hold Group. This currently makes absolutely no diffe You need to have an @@ equipped. +You need to pick your prizes! + + You need to reach a certain point in Player Story in order to partake on this event. Non-repeatable. @@ -33026,6 +33701,9 @@ You seem to have @@ broken items and... Oh, I see you have a broken @@ here! I w You seem to have gotten Peetu's attention for a while. +You send me the wrong way. + + You set off a trap! @@ -33608,7 +34286,7 @@ Your low intelligence prevents anything from happening with you. Your magic is more powerful than you, but you can control. -Your mind is set? You will probably lose the color dye during this process. +Your mind is set? You will probably lose all the dyes and/or cards during on the item during this process. You're bleaching a %s by the way. Your mother asked me to say that she loves you. @@ -33914,6 +34592,9 @@ betelgeuse big +burst up in flames + + but I was hoping for something more valuable. No, thanks. @@ -34040,6 +34721,9 @@ hard work, Dimonds Cove was built. heart of gold +her + + here @@ -34325,6 +35009,12 @@ southwest part of the town spawn challenge monster! How far can you go? +splash magic + + +splash weapons + + start#bat_a02 diff --git a/langs/lang_fr.old b/langs/lang_fr.old index b2ffbf44d..236940e89 100644 --- a/langs/lang_fr.old +++ b/langs/lang_fr.old @@ -211,6 +211,9 @@ Puis-je te demander qu'elle est ta langue natale ? Un marin m'a dit que tu étai Could I ask you what your native language is? A sailor told me you're Russian, but another one told me you're French... I'm a bit lost. I will register you on the ship passenger list just after that.#1 Puis-je te demander qu'elle est ta langue natale ? Un marin m'a dit que tu étais russe, mais un autre m'a dit que tu étais français... Je suis un peu perdue. Je t'inscris sur le registre de bord juste après ça. +Could you bleach my clothes? +Peux-tu blanchir mes vêtements ? + Create items Créer des objets @@ -508,6 +511,9 @@ BarriereGauche LeftDoor PorteGauche +Legendary Wand +Legendary Wand + Legion's Copper Armor Armure en Cuivre de la Légion diff --git a/langs/lang_fr.txt b/langs/lang_fr.txt index 49df3cf72..e5f36394a 100644 --- a/langs/lang_fr.txt +++ b/langs/lang_fr.txt @@ -209,6 +209,9 @@ Il n'est pas devenu trop léger, et il est devenu très faible par rapport à un ##BHall Of Aurora: TOP10##b +##BHall Of Candor's Bloodbath: TOP 10##b + + ##BHall Of Crazyfefe Fight: TOP 10##b @@ -353,6 +356,9 @@ Il n'est pas devenu trop léger, et il est devenu très faible par rapport à un %s GP and %d REP. +%s Hero + + %s Monster Points, and a %s. That's my final offer. @@ -365,15 +371,27 @@ Il n'est pas devenu trop léger, et il est devenu très faible par rapport à un %s disembarks at %s. +%s eyebrow furrows, as he brings the map closer to a torch. + + %s has EXILED %s from %s. +%s has protected themselves from prying eyes. Your scry attempt failed. + + %s is by becoming a %s. %s is by impressing the town guard. +%s is currently a staff member. + + +%s is currently sponsoring the High Alliance. + + %s is happy because you've paid %d GP in taxes! @@ -383,6 +401,9 @@ Il n'est pas devenu trop léger, et il est devenu très faible par rapport à un %s is obtained during events, daily logins, heroic deeds, gifts, etc. But cannot be bought with real money. +%s makes a confused face. + + %s makes specialized weapons for high level players. If you tweak with Nicholas, in Hurnscald, the weapon options, you can get really powerful. @@ -425,7 +446,7 @@ Il n'est pas devenu trop léger, et il est devenu très faible par rapport à un %s, you did your best to avenge a fallen comrade. It is my wish that you continue protecting this world. Therefore, I bestow upon you, the legendary %s. Please use its powers to protect your friend and the world peace! -%s, you did your best to entretain me. It is my wish that you continue protecting this world. Therefore, I bestow upon you, the legendary %s. Please use its powers to protect your friend and the world peace! +%s, you did your best to entertain me. It is my wish that you continue protecting this world. Therefore, I bestow upon you, the legendary %s. Please use its powers to protect your friend and the world peace! %s, you did your best to protect this world inhabitants. It is my wish that you continue protecting this world. Therefore, I bestow upon you, the legendary %s. Please use its powers to protect your friend and the world peace! @@ -863,6 +884,9 @@ Il n'est pas devenu trop léger, et il est devenu très faible par rapport à un *tears weeling up* +*this sign is too blurred to read* + + *tut* *tut* @@ -953,6 +977,9 @@ Il n'est pas devenu trop léger, et il est devenu très faible par rapport à un -- Animals Protection Agency of Hurnscald +-- In such event, Candor Underground B4F will be permanently unreachable for this char. + + -- Merlin @@ -977,6 +1004,9 @@ Il n'est pas devenu trop léger, et il est devenu très faible par rapport à un ... .... .... +...Actually, I'm drawing in a blank. + + ...Actually, you seem like a capable adventurer. If you give me some ingredients I can't get, I'll give you a @@.#0 @@ -986,6 +1016,9 @@ Il n'est pas devenu trop léger, et il est devenu très faible par rapport à un ...Alright then. +...Although that's unlikely, I admit. + + ...And for some reason he took the apple and went further in the caves. @@ -998,6 +1031,9 @@ Il n'est pas devenu trop léger, et il est devenu très faible par rapport à un ...Are you trying to troll me? +...Assuming you can break a Mana Stone, that is. + + ...Automatically retrying... @@ -1007,12 +1043,21 @@ Il n'est pas devenu trop léger, et il est devenu très faible par rapport à un ...Besides, I have this nice @@ with me. It's a reliable bow. +...Blood. + + ...But saving me won't be enough, so build trust by the kind gift of @@ @@. I'll be waiting. ...But worry not, I have the right screwdriver for the job. So, are you up to bring me some Present Boxes? +...Cocktail. + + +...Coffee. + + ...Dealing with scorpion stingers is a gamble, so we may need a few stingers before making a successful potion. @@ -1046,6 +1091,9 @@ Il n'est pas devenu trop léger, et il est devenu très faible par rapport à un ...I have no other choice, do I? +...I knew bandits were not be trusted, but Saul insisted in doing so. I hate him so much right now. Even if he is my brother. + + ...I still need to cover up if they're mistaken. Give me a reason to tell you secrets, show me you're concerned with Tulimshar safety and don't want just to be strong. @@ -1082,12 +1130,24 @@ Il n'est pas devenu trop léger, et il est devenu très faible par rapport à un ...Okay, I asked you to explain, and you ended up wasting my time instead. %%n +...Okay, I guess. + + ...Okay, this is not fun anymore. ...Otherwise, they're too precious to sell to wanna be adventurers. Beer EXP Bonuses expire on death, you know?! +...Poison. + + +...Potion. + + +...Tea. + + ...Thanks, kind person. @@ -1103,6 +1163,9 @@ Il n'est pas devenu trop léger, et il est devenu très faible par rapport à un ...Unless, of course, if you're interested in learning this art. You'll not regret it, I assure you. +...Water. + + ...Well, but even if Hurnscald is nearby, you are too weak. You know sometimes, ships get attacked by pirates, right? @@ -1184,6 +1247,9 @@ Il n'est pas devenu trop léger, et il est devenu très faible par rapport à un .:: Brawling ::. +.:: Chanting ::. + + .:: Ched's Summer 2018 ::. @@ -1406,6 +1472,9 @@ Il n'est pas devenu trop léger, et il est devenu très faible par rapport à un .:: Purple Day 2018 ::. +.:: Resurrection ::. + + .:: Scholarship Class ::. @@ -1544,6 +1613,9 @@ Il n'est pas devenu trop léger, et il est devenu très faible par rapport à un 1. Cassio - 43098 +1. Duke M - 16,016 + + 1. Investigate Kamelot Basements @@ -1658,6 +1730,9 @@ Il n'est pas devenu trop léger, et il est devenu très faible par rapport à un 2. Woody - 3637 +2. andulkaT - 6,000 + + 2. seeds - 1167 @@ -1721,6 +1796,9 @@ Il n'est pas devenu trop léger, et il est devenu très faible par rapport à un 3. Povo - 1,275,000 GP +3. Sharli - 4,419 + + 3. Woody - 1066 @@ -1784,6 +1862,9 @@ Il n'est pas devenu trop léger, et il est devenu très faible par rapport à un 4. dangerDuck - 540 +4. poppet - 3,826 + + 4. seeds - 43 @@ -1835,6 +1916,9 @@ Il n'est pas devenu trop léger, et il est devenu très faible par rapport à un 5. dangerDuck - 23 +5. girl flapper - 2,487 + + 5. seeds - 13395 @@ -1943,6 +2027,15 @@ Il n'est pas devenu trop léger, et il est devenu très faible par rapport à un ??? ??? +??? : Are you trying to steal MY treasure?! + + +??? : I am Pirate Captain Marley, and on the honor of my pirates... + + +??? : Wait, how did you got here? WHO ARE YOU? + + ???#01863 @@ -2366,6 +2459,9 @@ A few times during the year, the "golden wave" migrates from the north pole to t A friend of yours called LOF BOT asked for a coin... +A game is currently going on, please wait for it to finish. + + A global announcement will be made. @@ -2549,6 +2645,9 @@ Aaaaaahhh... Oui, that's a good wine! So, what will it be? Aahna Aahna +Abandoned Diary#jak1 + + Abandoned Fountain#MKH @@ -2588,6 +2687,9 @@ About the Prophecy... What about Elves? Orcs? Redys? Etc.? About the items you asked me to collect... +About this pirate treasure map... + + Abuse can be determined by your peers or by the grandmasters, so be careful. @@ -2633,6 +2735,9 @@ Accuracy +25 Ace Ventura +Achievements + + Acknowledgment? What do you mean? @@ -2765,6 +2870,12 @@ Adventurer, did you brought me what I asked? I see you have @@/5 @@.#1 Advised party size: From 3 and above +Advised: 1+ mage, 1+ tanker, 2+ healers + + +Advised: 6+ players + + Aegis Shield @@ -2804,6 +2915,9 @@ After cleaning for twelve hours straight, they allowed me to rest a bit. After hours of hard work... +After that, follow the path until you reach a great chamber... + + After that, stay still and be patient, but also alert! Après ça, ne bouge pas et patiente, mais aussi à l'affut ! @@ -3152,6 +3266,9 @@ Ah...! POLICE! POLICE! Quick, send this cheating thief to jail!! Aha! I knew you were a boring person... +Aha! So that's what it was! The map was hiding its secrets in drawings made with acid. An old technique... But a very useful one. + + Ahahahah, do you really think I'll accept legs if you don't help me cleaning my fields? @@ -3221,6 +3338,9 @@ Alchemy Blueprint D Alchemy Blueprint E +Alchemy Cauldron + + Alchemy Recipes @@ -3371,6 +3491,9 @@ Alliance members (sponsors) are allowed inside the Council Room. Alliance members are those who [@@|sponsor us@@]. +Alliance members are those who [@@|sponsor us@@]. + + Allowed @@ -3608,6 +3731,9 @@ An Airship? It is just a ship. Which flies. An account may vote anywhere, but only once per town (weekly). +An assassin + + An emergency skill which temporarily raises all your stats. @@ -3677,6 +3803,9 @@ And again, and again. And again. +And also in notable mention of those who [@@|sponsor@@] the Alliance and its administrative structure. + + And also in notable mention of those who [@@|sponsor@@] the Alliance and its administrative structure. @@ -4298,6 +4427,9 @@ Arr, I'm bored! Arr, it is always good to be on land after so much time in sea! +Arr, that's a fine map ya got there! And these are definitely Hurnscald Caves, yarr! + + Arr, that's not enough! I'll bring more later! @@ -4472,6 +4604,9 @@ Ask everytime Ask next time +Ask. + + Assassin Assassin @@ -4937,6 +5072,9 @@ Begin classic mode Begin! +Begin? + + Behave yourself, or you'll be executed in the town square mercilessly. You have been warned. @@ -5150,6 +5288,9 @@ Blessing of Immortality Blind +Bloodbath + + Bloodstone Pendant Bloodstone Pendant @@ -5273,6 +5414,9 @@ Booty! Boring NPC +Born %s ago + + Boss Hunter Boina @@ -5429,6 +5573,9 @@ Bring me this and I'll spawn it for you: Bring me your wood, and I'll show you which one is sturdy, yet flexible enough to make a good Forest Bow. +Bring me, my worst nightmare. + + Brit Shield Brit Shield @@ -5621,6 +5768,9 @@ But he have lots of enemies... It would not surprise me to find him struck somew But hope is not lost, said the Sages of Fate! +But if I do, I'll not return. Neither me, nor Raid. Which is why I'm taking precautions: This diary. In the event of my death, please bury my body and contact Halinarzo. + + But if a mage wants to be a warrior, they won't be able to use their full magic skills. @@ -5753,6 +5903,9 @@ But unfortunately, a loose stone lodges and you fall to your death. But unfortunately, it was harder than you thought. You are dead. +But unfortunately, whoever made this riddle disagrees with me. + + But unless you touch a Mana Stone and get stronger magic, that would be as useful as teaching magic to a wall. No offense. @@ -5810,6 +5963,9 @@ But you're too weak to beat any of them. Sorry. But you're too weak. Sorry. +But your silly map must be wrong. These passages do not connect themselves like this, but this should not be an issue, as they're not relevant. + + But, I found something really interesting! Ah... I hope you like history? @@ -5966,6 +6122,9 @@ Call Of Dusty is a timed event quest. It begins hourly, when the minute clock ma Calm down! How can I help you? +Calm down, don't get mad! I was wrong in trusting this map, it is definitely faulty. Lemme see it again... + + Calm, perfect for a fly! @@ -6161,12 +6320,15 @@ Candor Candor - @@ GP -Candor Battle Score: %d +Candor Battle Score: %s Candor Battle Season +Candor Bloodbath Score: %s + + Candor Bola @@ -6194,6 +6356,9 @@ Candor Shirt Candor Shorts Candor Shorts +Candor Survival : New Highscore: %s + + Candor Warp Crystal @@ -6425,6 +6590,9 @@ Change weapons Changes include but are not limited to festive events and dates. +Chanting + + Chaos shall be the founding stone of my town! Falling star! @@ -6530,6 +6698,9 @@ Chocolate Slime Mother Christmas Noël +Christmas 2021 Joint Event + + Christmas Chief @@ -6563,12 +6734,24 @@ Cindy#house Citizen +Civil status: Married + + +Civil status: Single + + Clan Name: @@ Claw Pendant Claw Pendant +Cleared Heroes Hold %s ago + + +Cleared the Yeti King Challenge %s ago + + Clearly an exotic tea, with a refined flavor fit for a refined woman such as Celestia. @@ -6965,8 +7148,8 @@ Could you *hic* do me a favor? Arkim, on a cave southeast of *hic* here, is coll Could you awake my lost and forsaken potential? -Could you bleach my clothes? -Peux-tu blanchir mes vêtements ? +Could you bleach my equipment? + Could you bring me %d %s? That'll help me to finish this. @@ -7214,6 +7397,12 @@ Crusade Armor Crusade Helmet Crusade Helmet +Crypt + + +Crypt#Fefe + + Crystal based technology can break if used too often. Try taking longer between each warp to raise their lifetime. @@ -7286,6 +7475,9 @@ Current magic rank: %d Current player count: @@/5 must be online. +Current score: %s + + Current score: @@ @@ -7643,6 +7835,12 @@ Deposit all Deposit. Dépôt. +Der Schneemann + + +Der Schneemann has been defeated: %s Monster Points gained. + + Descend into Tulimshar sewers? @@ -7730,6 +7928,9 @@ Diamond Bif Diamond Powder Diamond Powder +Diary#Fefe + + Diary, 12nd December 298 AT @@ -7880,6 +8081,9 @@ Dimond's Cove Dimonds Cove Story +Direction for Pirate Caves + + Directions: @@ -8312,6 +8516,9 @@ Doggy Dog Doll Doll +Don't ask. + + Don't be afraid of death. Of course, in most places, dying will make you lose some Experience you gathered. @@ -8366,6 +8573,9 @@ Don't interrupt me, I'm busy! Don't just stand here! Go fetch help, NOW!! +Don't pay. + + Don't rent a mouboo. @@ -8498,6 +8708,9 @@ Doppelganger Challenge Ranking Doppelganger Challenge, @@ began the fight! +Doppelganger Waves Won: %s + + Double Attack +5% @@ -8573,6 +8786,9 @@ Dragonstar and Aisen did their best along many others, and managed to liberate H Drahcir +Dreaded Pirate Marley + + Dream Ticket @@ -8825,6 +9041,9 @@ Easter Egg Easter Egg quest updated. Total found: %02d/06 +Easter Eggs found: %d + + Easter Mouboo Easter Mouboo @@ -8921,6 +9140,9 @@ Elite Scout#MB0233 Elixir Of Life Élixir de Vie +Elixir of Life + + Eliza @@ -9059,6 +9281,9 @@ Entre une nouvelle ligne : Enter though the window to the secret caves? +Enter/Leave after start: %s + + Enzo @@ -9455,6 +9680,9 @@ Sens-toi libre de venir me rendre visite à tout moment. Feeling lucky? +Fefe's Diary + + Female Féminin @@ -9533,6 +9761,9 @@ First Aid First Dungeon Master +First Grand Hunter challenge cleared %s ago + + First Tier @@ -9545,12 +9776,18 @@ First of all: Welcome! Your level was temporaly modified, it'll be reverted once First of, there's a day/night cycle on the game. +First reborn %s ago + + First thing is to get a @@. One from black market won't do, go to Halinarzo! First timers will be lead to somewhere random on this cave to keep intruders out. Just walk there again while all switches are still active. +First visit to Fortress Is. %s ago + + First, you need to contribute to the common knowledge of this world. Like, write a %s or something. @@ -9794,9 +10031,15 @@ Fortress Island Fortress Statue +Fortress Town + + Fortress Town is connected to the prophecies of the death of all humans, wildlife, and the other lesser races. +Fortunately, we know the answer is... + + Fortune Statue @@ -10022,13 +10265,13 @@ Gem powder Gender Sexe -General Krukan +General Boosts -General Razha +General Krukan -General Recipes +General Razha General Store#dimond @@ -10226,6 +10469,9 @@ Go see someone else for now. Yes, you need level to take most tasks available on Go talk to Sagratha, she is usually in a hut in northen forest. The door have a magic barrier, so you'll need to have minimal magic skills to get close enough to open it. +Go through the waterfall path. + + Go to the townhall there and show the mayor this other letter. @@ -10235,6 +10481,9 @@ Go very close to it and, speak the four four-letters magic words, pour some @@, Goal: @@/@@ reached! +Goal: Survive the longest possible. + + Gobo Bear Gobo Bear @@ -10640,6 +10889,9 @@ Greetings, young soul; I am the queen of fairies, Lilit. Grenade Grenade +Grenadier + + Grind grind grind the slime! @@ -11030,6 +11282,9 @@ Hall Of Academics Hall Of Base Level +Hall Of Candor Bloodbath + + Hall Of Ched @@ -11234,6 +11489,9 @@ He's an *hic* hermit, and collects *hic* Bat teeth and wings... Tell me how many He's holding a fishing rod, while gazing out at the sea. Il tient dans ses mains une canne à pêche pendant qu'il contemple la mer. +Head Hood + + Headgear @@ -11486,6 +11744,9 @@ Hello! Would you like to try some piou delicacies? Hello! You seem strong enough, could take a request from me? Of course, not for free. +Hello, %s! Congratulations for finishing the %s! + + Hello, %s. @@ -11735,6 +11996,9 @@ Here it is. Take care with it! Here kid. Frostia, the elf town, is somewhere near here, but I'm not sure if you can reach it from here. +Here lies a diary, presumably from Fefe. + + Here they are miss! @@ -11924,6 +12188,12 @@ Here, you can have this spare one. Hahah! Crafting is an art, and I help teachin Here. You know that milking Mouboos won't cause them harm, right? It's a different story with @@. +Herein also lies Raid Yahoo, enemy of manakind and nemesis of Saul, the one hated by many and loved by few, greedy mana stone collector, but who still opposed to the Monster King and lost her life for it. + + +Herein lies Fefe, for his great bravure and heroic deeds, savior of our realm, valiantly defeated in combat against the Monster King, may the mana shine upon him forever. + + Hero Card @@ -13211,6 +13481,9 @@ I can't give you the Apple I've stole. Because, I was stolen first! I can't handle it anymore! NO MORE! +I can't sleep, so I'm writing this entry. It'll take a considerable amount of time to decrypt the shield frequency Raid is using, and when Saul's army is marching towards their deaths, time is of essence. Every second I waste, is a comrade who will die. + + I can't stay here and talk all day. I have a job to do. Je ne peux pas rester ici à te parler toute la journée. J'ai un travail à faire. @@ -13643,6 +13916,9 @@ I have one here... I have other things to do at the moment. +I have some good and some bad news for you. + + I have some healing items with me, we should tend your wounds first. @@ -14201,6 +14477,9 @@ I swear silence, over this bloody ruby. I swear silence, over this shining topaz. +I swear that I, %s, will never let myself be let astray by power. + + I think I have enough gold with me.#0 @@ -14651,6 +14930,9 @@ Je te souhaite un bon séjour en ville. I wish you good luck! +I wish you good luck. I remember these caves... They're dangerous. Make sure to be prepared before venturing further. + + I woke up in a shake! I felt... Oh, it's hard to describe... As if the spell suddenly started inflating, getting bigger... bigger... weaker... weaker... @@ -14912,6 +15194,9 @@ Je suis un peu malade... I'm a little busy right now. Je suis un peu occupé pour le moment. +I'm a pro, this will be GG EZ. But Raid is not a foe to be underestimated, and I have no hopes for reinforcements. I refuse to leave last words, I shall either triumph, or be forgotten in shame. + + I'm a traveling poet and admirer of Robert Burns, a bard from the mana world. @@ -14987,6 +15272,9 @@ J'ai fini. I'm fine for now, thank you. Je vais bien pour l'instant, merci. +I'm fine, but I can't keep carrying dead weights with me. Candor is a special place, I shall make a base there... Because I know the Monster King will eventually head there. + + I'm fine, no worries... @@ -15059,6 +15347,12 @@ I'm not done yet, please hold tight. It won't take long. I'm not done yet. I'll be back. +I'm not familiar with the Butterfly Caves. Try asking a local, maybe Arkim, they ought know the way. + + +I'm not familiar with the Butterfly Caves. Try asking a local? + + I'm not feeling like it today... Sorry. Je ne suis pas dans mon assiette aujourd'hui. Désolé. @@ -15281,6 +15575,9 @@ Ice Fluffy Ice Gladius Ice Gladius +Ice Lord + + Ice Maggot Ice Maggot @@ -15296,6 +15593,9 @@ If I am doing your dirty work, why am I the one paying you?! If I bring @@, my party leader, and the boss is defeated, I can go you in. +If I can't beat him, no one else can, and if our species are to survive, we'll need to return to the Edge. Even if it means... Fulfilling the prophecy. %s. Whatever the cost. + + If I don't know the answer in your language, try answering in English. That always works. @@ -15335,6 +15635,9 @@ If a tie happens, you'll get your coin back. If all players there die, Hurnscald WON'T BE LIBERATED. +If at any moment in the fight there's less than %d players in the room, a severe penalty will be applied, so watch out! + + If enabled, automatic captchas may be sent to you every once in a while. @@ -15641,6 +15944,9 @@ If you're afraid of losing everything, then DEFINITELY do not gamble. %%2 If you're ever in need, you may use it to call upon the aid of the ducks. +If you're reading this - Feel free to use my laboratory in any way you deem fit. Or what's left of it, at least. Also, please kill any slimes you find. I shall be back in six leaps time, according to the Imperial Time, but if I'm not back by then, assume something went wrong and both wushin and me are off the table. + + If you're right, you'll gain more Casino Coins! And even other nice things! @@ -15698,6 +16004,9 @@ Improved MP Regen In TMW2 there is +In a blood bath, survival is the epitaph. + + In a few weeks, I will finish the @@ plans, and there will be no doubts, that @@ is not the best weaver in the world! @@ -15980,6 +16289,9 @@ Intervalle : toutes les @@ heure(s) Introduce Présenter +Invalid Discord ID. + + Invalid amount! @@ -16121,6 +16433,9 @@ It also increases naturally as you grow, albeit less. It appears we were focusing too much on research and this lead to neglect of other duties of a Sage's household. This is dangerous in times of changes. I'm worried about the future. +It costs %d GP to use. + + It costs 600 GP to use. @@ -16136,6 +16451,9 @@ It has a very dark color and an unusual aroma reminiscent of a moist forest. It has been a great year, and the TMW2 Team would like to +It has been a total disaster. They killed %s. And everyone on the village. + + It has eluded so many craftsmiths, who knows what can be done with that! @@ -16610,6 +16928,9 @@ Ivanize JAIL THEM!! +JAK1, THE SLIME RESEARCHER + + Jack @@ -16799,6 +17120,9 @@ Just... Don't accidentaly invoke a Legendary Guardian or something, these thingi KUNAI +Kage + + Kaizei Human @@ -16838,6 +17162,9 @@ Keep in mind that %s are weak, baby Yetis, so kill them as well! Keep in mind the more power you have, the less control you'll have as well. Until you get a %s to track progress, use %s to check your control. Less control may result in failure to summon! +Keep in mind this is a PvP area - So try to avoid being butchered, because revival spells are disabled here! Hahaha! + + Keep in mind, the more levels and intelligence you have, more likely the Mana Stone will grant you more Magic Power. But that means nothing. @@ -17207,9 +17534,6 @@ Legendary Mouboo Legendary Tortuga -Legendary Wand -Legendary Wand - Legendary my ass! What a rip-off! @@ -17735,6 +18059,12 @@ Mage Card X Mage equipment also raises MP recovery. So yes, a mage can use a sword and heavy armor, but... +Magenta + + +Magenta Spark + + Mages should use equipment designed for them. Those may be lacking on defense, but will raise MP and Magic Attack. @@ -17777,6 +18107,18 @@ Magic Barrier#0063 Magic Barrier#0064 +Magic Barrier#0066 + + +Magic Barrier#0067C + + +Magic Barrier#0067E + + +Magic Barrier#0067W + + Magic Barrier#Bug63 @@ -17804,6 +18146,9 @@ La puissance magique vous est accordée, mais vous en êtes mort. Magic Ratto Magic Ratto +Magic Scrolls + + Magic Skill Points can be obtained in three ways: By touching a Mana Stone, by signing up in a Special Class (if you have enough magic power) and by having high amounts of Job Level. @@ -18074,6 +18419,12 @@ Marius The Bard Market Place +Marley : I shall stop you! + + +Marley : You... thief... *grumble* + + Marriage failed. Le marriage a échoué. @@ -18134,6 +18485,9 @@ Maximum Profit: @@ GP May their journey be successful, may their objectives be attained, may the Mana rest in peace. +May their memory be remembered, but may their struggle be forgotten, their bodies never profaned, and in the æthyr, may they find eternal rest and comfort for their souls. + + Maya Maya @@ -18182,7 +18536,7 @@ Maybe someone in Hurnscald can help me. Maybe the Hurnscald alchemist, Wyara, could explain why. -Maybe there are things in Candor which still require your attention? I overheard some of them. +Maybe there are things in Candor which still require your attention? I might have overheard some of them. Maybe there is a key somewhere near. I should keep looking. @@ -18320,6 +18674,9 @@ Mercenary Boxset E Mercenary Boxset EE +Mercenary Quests completed: %s + + Mercenary Trainer @@ -18479,6 +18836,9 @@ Mirror Island %d Mirror Island 1 +Mirror Lake + + Mirror Lake : Created temporary character; It'll be reset on logout. @@ -18647,12 +19007,18 @@ Monsters are everywhere. They're a plague we're trying to get rid of. Monsters do not aim small towns like Candor. This city also comes with the plus that I know where everything's at. +Monsters killed: %s + + Monsters left: @@ Monsters remaining: %s +Monsters will spawn in the south fountain continuously. + + Monsters, however, keep coming from the Impregnable Fortress. They always come on %s, although we have no idea why. @@ -18932,7 +19298,7 @@ My shield, @@ My stats are too good, I won't need it. Mes statistiques sont bonnes, je n'en aurai pas besoin. -My unit, however, was attacked! An assassin snuck up on us! +My unit, however, was attacked! %s snuck up on us! My waifu Blossom has me trapped here, and she won't even look at me, because I'm part-Wose! @@ -18965,9 +19331,15 @@ Mysterious Ore Mysterious Powder expires after some time! +Mystic Wand + + NO +NO! + + NOT ENOUGH MONEY @@ -19163,6 +19535,9 @@ Jamais (seulement en se connectant) Never ask: Brew %d +Never let yourself be brought astray by it. Swear it to me. + + Nevermind, bye! @@ -19388,6 +19763,9 @@ No, not at the moment. No, please don't! I have 3 kids to feed. They are looking for me for contraband. Please, let me go! Non! s'il vous plaît ne crie pas! J'ai 3 enfants à nourrir. Ils me cherchent pour de la contrebande. S'il te plait, laisse-moi partir! +No, power corrupts. + + No, sir. @@ -19496,6 +19874,9 @@ Not all monsters will do this, but most will. So if you see a monster running af Not allowed +Not at all! + + Not at the moment @@ -19634,6 +20015,9 @@ Not yet. You have to ask the mana seed to give you more power. NotSoBot +Notable mentions and thanks for our [@@|sponsors@@], we wouldn't be here without their continued support. + + Notable mentions and thanks for our [@@|sponsors@@], we wouldn't be here without their continued support. @@ -19838,6 +20222,9 @@ Now that I've described the spells to you, I'm sure I cast them correctly. But.. Now that you ask.... +Now to head inside the caves, until the last floor, and have my showdown and revenge against the Monster King. I do not plan in failing. + + Now wait for your partner, then talk to me again.#0 Maintenant attend ton partenaire puis parle-moi après. @@ -20129,6 +20516,9 @@ Oh, et j'ai presque oublié! Ne partagez pas les mots de passe ou les codes PIN, Oh, and about the Candor travel for 200 GP... Which would be a rare for little or no gold... Well, that's just an attention grabber. +Oh, and if I perchance catch you using %s or %s... You'll be banned from my game, understood? + + Oh, and you will need this book too, it will help you learn the basics of fishing. Oh, et tu auras aussi besoin de ce livre, il t'aidera à apprendre toutes les bases de la pêche. @@ -20402,6 +20792,9 @@ Once he resumes working confidently, we can go over this important subject. Once inside the BOSS Cave, you get a five minutes time limit to slay the boss with your party. +Once it begins (you can fight against an AI), kill the most of enemy sparks you can, while preventing your own sparks of being killed. Wins whoever has more sparks after %s minutes. + + Once that is done, the Alliance's staff will set several stands with the most important services you might need, like banking, inside the town central area. @@ -20657,6 +21050,9 @@ Orange Dye? How much does it cost? Orange Eggshell Hat Orange Eggshell Hat +Oranye Isles, 257 AT + + Orbyter Shrine @@ -20693,6 +21089,12 @@ D'autres choses sont écrites mais ne sont plus lisibles. Other. +Others scrying you: + + +Others scrying your char data + + Otherwise, ##BYOU'LL DIE.##b Have a nice day! @@ -20879,6 +21281,9 @@ Past this point is the Fortress Island. %s Even so, be careful, the town should Paxel +Pay + + Pay attention to #world chat, as this event is managed by players. The Monster Army is also trying to regroup, neglecting it is not advised. @@ -20987,6 +21392,12 @@ Perhaps, in the city, someone knows rumors about Mana Stones and can teach you. Perhaps, you could convince Jack to give me the wood, and seek for a fisherman on Halinarzo to give you the string? I won't charge anything. +Personal Feats + + +Personal Records + + Personally, I like unranked events more than ranked ones... @@ -21140,6 +21551,9 @@ Pirate Lord Pirate Shorts Pirate Shorts +Pirate Treasure Chest + + Pirate Treasure Map Pirate Treasure Map @@ -21557,6 +21971,9 @@ Power Card X Power in the wrong hands is nothing but a burden and a reason for others to cry. That's exactly what I don't want in this town. +Power is a double-edged sword. I, Fefe, tried to use it for good, to free the world from Raid's tyranny, and instead, it brought forth the Monster King. + + Power remaining: %s @@ -21674,6 +22091,12 @@ Protip: You skipped tutorial. A lot of tutorial-ish dialogs and quests will be s Protip: Your current progress will be saved. +Proud owner of %s the %s. + + +Proud owner of %s the Homunculus. + + Provoke Provoke @@ -21857,6 +22280,9 @@ Race Raid Trousers Raid Trousers +Raid and me have been in hot pursuit for a while, but I fear it is already too late. Yesterday there was another earthquake, and we're receiving summons to return to Tulimshar at once. Apparently, it is under attack. + + Raid might be great. Saul might be popular. SphinxNox might be an annoying brat. But I'm, or rather, will soon be... @@. @@ -21965,6 +22391,9 @@ Relire le tutoriel ? Read tutorial again? +Reagents & Other Potions + + Real Bronze Gladius @@ -22118,6 +22547,9 @@ Red Stockings Red Wizard +Reduces MP cost when using chanting-based skills. + + Redy @@ -22358,6 +22790,9 @@ Resting. I've been slaying slime nests the whole day. Restore it +Resurrection + + Retaliates next attack with a critical hit. This instance lasts a second. @@ -22397,6 +22832,9 @@ Revenir au menu principal Revert a player exile +Revives an already dead allied player. Req. Lifestone to cast. + + Revolver Shooter Revolver Shooter @@ -22736,6 +23174,12 @@ Saul is planning an assault at the Magic Tower. I want these Mana Stones. Saul is supplying me the alchemist resources for that. In exchange, my thieves supply him gold and spare his friends. +Saul will deal with it. His mess, he will clean up. Raid and me will keep the pursuit. And this time, we shall triumph. + + +Saul will lead the frontal assault, Mr. Saves shall provide distraction, and I'll infiltrate within the Mage Tower. + + Saulc Card @@ -22796,6 +23240,9 @@ Saxso Ghost Saxso Key Saxso Key +Saxso's Basement, Candor - 27th July 300 AT + + Saxso's Official Residence. @@ -22886,6 +23333,9 @@ School of Quirks (Candor) Scissors Scissors +Score: %s / %s + + Scoreboards @@ -22913,6 +23363,69 @@ Script Error Script Error: "Tux didn't found his fish! Blame Saulc at once!" +Scroll Angel Light + + +Scroll Angel Light+ + + +Scroll Angel Light++ + + +Scroll Battle Plans + + +Scroll Battle Plans+ + + +Scroll Battle Plans++ + + +Scroll Critical Fortune + + +Scroll Critical Fortune+ + + +Scroll Critical Fortune++ + + +Scroll Defense Bless + + +Scroll Defense Bless+ + + +Scroll Defense Bless++ + + +Scroll Magnus Heal + + +Scroll Magnus Heal+ + + +Scroll Magnus Heal++ + + +Scroll Summon Cave Maggot + + +Scroll Summon Dragon + + +Scroll Summon Maggot + + +Scroll Summon Terranite + + +Scroll Summon Wolvern + + +Scroll Summon Yeti + + Scythe Scythe @@ -22970,6 +23483,9 @@ See you! See you. +Seems like Arkim held it too close to the flame... + + Seems like someone else opened this chest before you! @@ -23000,6 +23516,9 @@ Select carefully which weapon you want, so there are no regrets. Select difficulty. +Select one: + + Select your preferred play-style. @@ -23297,6 +23816,9 @@ Should I attach a love letter? Should I walk on it? +Should we ask about the %s before leaving? + + Should we? @@ -23345,6 +23867,15 @@ Sign#0063CF Sign#0063PI +Sign#0066CR + + +Sign#0066ER + + +Sign#0066WR + + Sign#014517929 @@ -23684,12 +24215,18 @@ Snow Flower Snowflake +Snowman + + Snowman Globe Snowman Globe So COOL, thanks! Come back later to bring me extra @@! +So I did what I could - What I always do. Turned my beloved sister in a slime. Turned her into what killed her. + + So be nice and help people along the way! @@ -23909,6 +24446,9 @@ So? How was it? Solo +Solo Try + + Some are dangerous, too. Even if you look capable of fighting, the Blue Sage instructed me to prevent anyone from visiting until the mess is cleared. @@ -24614,6 +25154,9 @@ Such precious gem, is not something you would give for free, unless you are inte Sudden Attack +Suddenly, the map %s! + + Sulfur Powder Sulfur Powder @@ -24728,6 +25271,9 @@ Surprisingly, nothing happens. Susanne +Swashbuckler + + Swezanne Swezanne @@ -25901,6 +26447,9 @@ The Monster King is scary. To be honest, I'm not sure I would be able to do anyt The Monster King is sending their armies to attack towns with a seemingly random pattern. +The Monster King once again eluded us. How long has it been? His minions are laying waste to all towns, Saul has been killed, Raid has been wounded. + + The Monster King was so powerful! It is impossible to recover the artifact now, and everyone will die! @@ -26021,6 +26570,9 @@ The antennas by themselves mean nothing, I want to see you killing my ENEMIES, t The average player level is @@ +The bad one, is that you'll have to guide yourself without the map. + + The bank and item storage is shared between all characters within a same account. @@ -26174,6 +26726,9 @@ The farther you go on the sequence, the better the payout! The fee only need to be paid once and will work in every town. +The fee to use this room is %s GP. + + The fertile climate is ideal for mushrooms. You can also find lots of wood. @@ -26225,6 +26780,9 @@ Le grand boogeyman ! The girl turns around and you hear her sniffing, she is probably crying... +The good one, is that now I know the right path. + + The great prize is @@. @@ -26321,6 +26879,9 @@ The mana bridge to Aeros is open! To participate on event, talk to ##BSoul Menhi The mana war stroke, and many people died, +The map starts getting darker with the heat of the flame, and curiously, new shapes starts to form... + + The masters have decided you are to be given honorary initiation into the Duck Side. The Duck Side is powerful, much more so than you could possibly understand. @@ -26522,6 +27083,9 @@ La tax d'enregistrement est de 2000 GP. The rent lasts 30 days. +The requested char is not online or does not exist. + + The sailor chugs his beer. Le marin renverse sa bière. @@ -26771,6 +27335,9 @@ Then so be it. Farewell. Then someone of a scholarship rank above your must approve it, and say that your work is enough to the next scholar rank. +Then take the middle entrance. + + Then you should look in buying Caffeinne. Curse is a status ailment which reduces your attack, nullifies your luck and makes you a snail. Simple Curses can be cured with time, too. @@ -26885,6 +27452,9 @@ There is only one way towards the best equipment: Smith away! There is only so much magical power your body can handle without breaking. +There is someone who might know how to turn a slime back in a human. But alas, that old fart doesn't live here. + + There isn't enough, not even for NPCs. We need at least 100. @@ -26981,6 +27551,9 @@ There's no help available for this event. There's no need to go in that Yeti infested den right now. +There's no one who knows Butterfly Caves better than me, child. These are MY caves, after all. + + There's no reason to enter these caves now. @@ -27017,6 +27590,9 @@ There... *hic* They will expire *hic* in just @@... Or on logout. Therefore we need a lot of glue, but our supplies are nearly used up. I need @@/@@ @@ as ingredient to make new glue. +Therefore, I shall head to the %s, and look for %s. If anyone knows how to fix it, might as well be that rat-faced... being. + + Therefore, children of Merlin, go back to your world, and ask the Blue Sage Nikolai about it. The blue sage may fake angerness or try to dodge the question, but they are a good person. Still, you should ensure you're on his good side. @@ -27059,6 +27635,9 @@ These gold fishes multiply horribly and have no natural predator. These monsters are a great source of raw crafting materials. +These paths are all wrong! What is the problem with this map?! + + These people have lots of unspent Strange Coins! Waw! @@ -27206,6 +27785,9 @@ They will not attack anyone unless they are attacked first. They will try to prove your worth before, though. So be ready. +They'll also start spawning on whole map, so be careful. + + They're back - and they took hold of your majesty - my husband - king Arthur! @@ -27254,6 +27836,9 @@ This Portal can send your soul back to the world, along any items, money and/or This Real Estate is available for rent for only @@ GP! +This a simple game; Choose one of the shrines - west or east. The one at west is %s, the one at east is %s. + + This action CANNOT BE UNDONE. @@ -27302,6 +27887,9 @@ This cave is considered outside the town! This certainly is just to reorganize their armies. We must take this chance to improve ourselves, or else, we'll be overrun soon enough. +This challenge will be available in %s. Please wait until then. + + This character person is strange I better get away... @@ -27314,6 +27902,9 @@ This coal will aid you to craft better weapons later. It's a token of appreciati This command cannot be used on test servers. +This diary had several pages torn off, but the last page is clearly legible. + + This didn't work. All pins are now unset! @@ -27371,6 +27962,9 @@ Cette fille a besoin d'aide, nous devons la sauver ! This happens quite often, too. My friends and I are always collecting keys to reduce beer price on Hurnscald. %%2 +This has been a long journey, children, so please answer me. Is power a good thing? + + This have many uses. Maybe. Anyway, I'm soon done with my experiment, so please come back later. @@ -27437,6 +28031,9 @@ This is just a friendly advise. We don't take magic lightly. And you shouldn't, This is just a short list to make GMs life easier! +This is my chance - the biggest Mana Quake ever, it feels like a whole world crushing in ours. I can feel the drain from Candor's Mana Reserves all the way up here. + + This is not The Mana World. My name is not Bryant. @@ -27689,6 +28286,9 @@ This statue was built for memory of Andrei Sakar, the greatest hero this world h This table will prepare the potion for you, no skill required! +This tax must be paid now, and you can brew as much as you wish after payment. + + This teleporter is currently recharging. @@ -27698,6 +28298,9 @@ This throne is not from the Monster King... IT BELONGS ONLY TO ME! This time, I only a few last reagents and I'll finally attempt it... I want you to witness it. I'll teach you the spell later, of course. +This time, I'll be prepared. His reign of terror has its days counted. + + This torch is already lit. @@ -27788,6 +28391,9 @@ Throw a coin? Throw something inside! +Thug + + Thunder Staff Thunder Staff @@ -27818,6 +28424,9 @@ Time Limit Time Limit: 25 minutes on any dungeon. +Time Limit: 90 minutes + + Time is running out... Hurry up! Le temps presse ... Dépêche-toi! @@ -27851,6 +28460,12 @@ Times died: %s Times reborn: %d +Times won Call of Dusty: %s + + +Times won Capture the Flag: %s + + Tin Ingot Tin Ingot @@ -28043,6 +28658,9 @@ To prove me your faith, bring me 1 @@ or 1 @@. To prove me your results, bring me @@ @@, @@ @@ and @@ @@. +To reach this place... You just need to follow the path after the waterfall. Come back to me after that. + + To register as a craftsman, you need to talk to Intense Beard in Terranite Forge. The forge is in the Bazar.#1 @@ -28148,6 +28766,9 @@ Tolchi Ammo Box Tolchi Arrow Tolchi Arrow +Tomorrow is the day, when we shall march against Raid, in order to free our people from the oppression of her mages. + + Tonori Delight Tonori Delight @@ -28526,6 +29147,9 @@ Tulimshar is the strongest city because Dausen teaches every newcomer about the Tulimshar miners mainly try to obtain gems. +Tulimshar, Tonori - 2nd March 300 AT + + Tulimshar, right? The oldest human city-state! @@ -28817,6 +29441,9 @@ Use items to drain the pentagram. Final result is affected by int! Use its powers for good! +Use the abandoned passage to the north... Usually, no one uses it. + + Use the arrow keys to walk right and meet Juliet. Utilisez les flèches directionnelles pour aller à droite et rencontrer Juliet. @@ -28829,10 +29456,10 @@ Use these coins to exchange for stuff. But beware: Each dungeon difficulty will Use your @@ as currency! -Usename#0000 +User Control Panel -User Control Panel +Username#0000 Usually only sponsors are allowed up there, but I'll make an exception today. Go meet the mayor. @@ -29510,6 +30137,9 @@ We must away We must blame Saulc! +We must capture Barbara AND return the stolen item! + + We must defeat the Monster King on his evil lair! @@ -29666,6 +30296,9 @@ Weekly, at Sunday 00:00, elections are held. Welcome back, Padric! +Welcome back, children. So, how was your treasure hunt? Did you manage to find the path? + + Welcome back. @@ -30743,6 +31376,9 @@ Pourquoi ai-je du mal à croire en toi? Why are you here? This area is off-limits! +Why did we had to decide to research slimes of all creatures?! But alas, now is too late. Not even a %s could restore her in this state... + + Why do you bully me! - This is a bug: 02331.LOGIC.OID @@ -30854,6 +31490,12 @@ Wise choice! But can you really part with it? Better think on something else! Witch Boots Witch Boots +With Magic and Blades, The Icicle shall break. + + +With Magic and Blades, The Icicle shall break. Do you undertake the challenge? + + With Tulimshar being the last major human settlement standing (besides distant locations like Candor), the situation looks more dire than ever. @@ -30938,6 +31580,12 @@ Wizardry Wizardry Institute is on the %s area of the campus. +Wizards Tower, Tonori - 6th March 300 AT + + +Wizards Tower, Tonori - 8th April 300 AT + + Wo-wo-wow! You really did it! You're the best!#0 @@ -30959,6 +31607,9 @@ Wolvern Tooth Wolverns are fierce creatures who likes cold places. Their fur is soft. +Won Quirino Voraz Arena %s ago + + Wonderful! Here, take the @@, as promised. I need to get back to cooking! @@ -31127,6 +31778,9 @@ Writing/Updating in client-data quests.xml and items.xml with the correct inform Wurtzite Ore +Wushin + + Wyara @@ -31310,6 +31964,9 @@ Yellow Slime Yellow Slime Mother +Yellow Spark + + Yep, I bring them for you! @@ -31502,6 +32159,9 @@ Yes, please, book me a bed. Yes, please. +Yes, power allows us a future of our choosing. + + Yes, take it. @@ -31661,6 +32321,9 @@ You are NOT allowed to leave here! You are a @@º degree mage. This book allows you many new possibilities. +You are a legendary hero. + + You are a master chef, looking at you inspires Maxime. @@ -31850,6 +32513,9 @@ You aren't strong enough. You awake a long forgotten potential, and feel ready to take over the world. +You barely know these caves. + + You better have it ready, because I have the Coal with me! @@ -31940,6 +32606,9 @@ Tu peux traîner et abandonner un objet dans la fenêtre du NPJ ou sélectionner You can easily identify fishing spots, small bubbles and fishes are visible from the surface. +You can enter when clock ticks :15, and the game begin when the clock ticks :25 if anyone is around. This is to match with Call of Dusty event. + + You can even join the project there. Contributors are greatly appreciated! %%N @@ -32390,6 +33059,9 @@ You don't seem to have enough gold, not even 1 should really let go of You done well in getting so far. I didn't thought you would make it. +You earned %s Monster Points for winning. + + You explain the Blue Sage about the sabotage incident details, from the Silk Cocoon to the masked visitor. @@ -32825,6 +33497,9 @@ You need to choose a Heroes Hold Group. This currently makes absolutely no diffe You need to have an @@ equipped. +You need to pick your prizes! + + You need to reach a certain point in Player Story in order to partake on this event. Non-repeatable. @@ -33026,6 +33701,9 @@ You seem to have @@ broken items and... Oh, I see you have a broken @@ here! I w You seem to have gotten Peetu's attention for a while. +You send me the wrong way. + + You set off a trap! @@ -33608,7 +34286,7 @@ Your low intelligence prevents anything from happening with you. Your magic is more powerful than you, but you can control. -Your mind is set? You will probably lose the color dye during this process. +Your mind is set? You will probably lose all the dyes and/or cards during on the item during this process. You're bleaching a %s by the way. Your mother asked me to say that she loves you. @@ -33914,6 +34592,9 @@ betelgeuse big +burst up in flames + + but I was hoping for something more valuable. No, thanks. @@ -34040,6 +34721,9 @@ hard work, Dimonds Cove was built. heart of gold +her + + here @@ -34325,6 +35009,12 @@ southwest part of the town spawn challenge monster! How far can you go? +splash magic + + +splash weapons + + start#bat_a02 start#bat_a02 diff --git a/langs/lang_pt_BR.old b/langs/lang_pt_BR.old index 6239d3520..4171a2db2 100644 --- a/langs/lang_pt_BR.old +++ b/langs/lang_pt_BR.old @@ -661,6 +661,9 @@ Cancela o veneno. Antídotos são difíceis de encontrar, de qualquer maneira. Candor - 2,500 GP Candor - 2.500 GP +Candor Battle Score: %d +Candor Batalha Pontuação:% d + Candor Trainer read all the references that he could find and is wiser than ever! Valon, Treinador de Candor, leu todas as referências que encontrou e está mais esperto do que nunca! @@ -760,6 +763,9 @@ Continue por sua conta e risco. Could be nice if you could bring me this: Poderia ser bom se você pudesse me trazer isso: +Could you bleach my clothes? +Você poderia branquear minhas roupas? + Counter Attack - Next attack will be retaliated, with twice critical ratio. Counter Attack - próximo ataque será retaliado, com relação de duas vezes crítica. @@ -1132,6 +1138,9 @@ Ganhou @@ XP Gatling Shooter Gatling Shooter +General Recipes +Receitas Gerais + Get money Ganhar dinheiro @@ -1975,6 +1984,9 @@ LeftBarrierCheck LeftDoor LeftDoor +Legendary Wand +Varinha Lendária + Legion's Copper Armor Armadura de cobre da legião @@ -2101,6 +2113,9 @@ Talvez Hurnscald alquimista, Wyara, poderia explicar por que. Maybe someone in Hurnscald can help me? Talvez alguém em Hurnscald pode me ajudar? +Maybe there are things in Candor which still require your attention? I overheard some of them. +Talvez existam coisas em Candor que ainda requerem sua atenção? Eu ouvi algumas. + Maybe you could bring me 20 @@? I will reward you for your effort. Talvez você possa me trazer 20 @@? Eu recompensarei você pelo seu esforço. @@ -2155,6 +2170,9 @@ Meu nome é Julieta, sou eu quem cuida de você depois que a encontramos no mar. My shaman skill protect us, against monsters and thiefs! Minha habilidade de xamã nos protege contra monstros e ladrões! +My unit, however, was attacked! An assassin snuck up on us! +A minha unidade, no entanto, foi atacado! Um assassino escapado para cima de nós! + NOW YOU HAVE DONE IT! By the powers to me vested as a Constable and Game Master, I sentence you to HALF HOUR IN A %s! Agora você tem feito! Pelos poderes a mim conferidos como um Constable e Game Master, eu sentenciá-lo a meia hora no D% s! @@ -4222,6 +4240,9 @@ Sua sorte determina várias pequenas coisas, incluindo o número de ataques crí Your mind is set? You will loose the color dye during this process. Sua mente está definida? Você perderá o corante durante este processo. +Your mind is set? You will probably lose the color dye during this process. +Sua mente está definida? Você provavelmente perderá o corante durante esse processo. + Your position has been saved. Sua posição foi salva. diff --git a/langs/lang_pt_BR.txt b/langs/lang_pt_BR.txt index 77da3b797..e09219fe3 100644 --- a/langs/lang_pt_BR.txt +++ b/langs/lang_pt_BR.txt @@ -209,6 +209,9 @@ para ##BHall Of Aurora: TOP10##b +##BHall Of Candor's Bloodbath: TOP 10##b + + ##BHall Of Crazyfefe Fight: TOP 10##b ##BLuta de Crazyfefe: TOP 10##b @@ -353,6 +356,9 @@ para %s GP and %d REP. +%s Hero + + %s Monster Points, and a %s. That's my final offer. @@ -365,15 +371,27 @@ para %s disembarks at %s. +%s eyebrow furrows, as he brings the map closer to a torch. + + %s has EXILED %s from %s. +%s has protected themselves from prying eyes. Your scry attempt failed. + + %s is by becoming a %s. % S é por se tornar um% s. %s is by impressing the town guard. % S é de impressionar o guarda da cidade. +%s is currently a staff member. + + +%s is currently sponsoring the High Alliance. + + %s is happy because you've paid %d GP in taxes! % S está feliz porque você pagou% d GP em impostos! @@ -383,6 +401,9 @@ para %s is obtained during events, daily logins, heroic deeds, gifts, etc. But cannot be bought with real money. % S é obtido durante eventos, logins diários, feitos heróicos, presentes, etc. Mas não pode ser comprado com dinheiro real. +%s makes a confused face. + + %s makes specialized weapons for high level players. If you tweak with Nicholas, in Hurnscald, the weapon options, you can get really powerful. % s marcas especializada armas para os jogadores de alto nível. Se você ajustar com Nicholas, em Hurnscald, as opções de armas, você pode ficar muito poderoso. @@ -425,7 +446,7 @@ para %s, you did your best to avenge a fallen comrade. It is my wish that you continue protecting this world. Therefore, I bestow upon you, the legendary %s. Please use its powers to protect your friend and the world peace! -%s, you did your best to entretain me. It is my wish that you continue protecting this world. Therefore, I bestow upon you, the legendary %s. Please use its powers to protect your friend and the world peace! +%s, you did your best to entertain me. It is my wish that you continue protecting this world. Therefore, I bestow upon you, the legendary %s. Please use its powers to protect your friend and the world peace! %s, you did your best to protect this world inhabitants. It is my wish that you continue protecting this world. Therefore, I bestow upon you, the legendary %s. Please use its powers to protect your friend and the world peace! @@ -863,6 +884,9 @@ para *tears weeling up* * lágrimas surgindo * +*this sign is too blurred to read* + + *tut* *tut* @@ -953,6 +977,9 @@ meu nome é Nikolai. Eu sou um sábio e o dono deste lugar. -- Animals Protection Agency of Hurnscald -- Agência de Proteção aos Animais de Hurnscald +-- In such event, Candor Underground B4F will be permanently unreachable for this char. + + -- Merlin - Merlin @@ -977,6 +1004,9 @@ meu nome é Nikolai. Eu sou um sábio e o dono deste lugar. ... .... .... ... .... +...Actually, I'm drawing in a blank. + + ...Actually, you seem like a capable adventurer. If you give me some ingredients I can't get, I'll give you a @@.#0 @@ -986,6 +1016,9 @@ meu nome é Nikolai. Eu sou um sábio e o dono deste lugar. ...Alright then. +...Although that's unlikely, I admit. + + ...And for some reason he took the apple and went further in the caves. ... E por alguma razão ele tomou a maçã e foi mais longe nas cavernas. @@ -998,6 +1031,9 @@ meu nome é Nikolai. Eu sou um sábio e o dono deste lugar. ...Are you trying to troll me? +...Assuming you can break a Mana Stone, that is. + + ...Automatically retrying... @@ -1007,12 +1043,21 @@ meu nome é Nikolai. Eu sou um sábio e o dono deste lugar. ...Besides, I have this nice @@ with me. It's a reliable bow. ... Além disso, eu tenho esse bom @@ comigo. É um arco confiável. +...Blood. + + ...But saving me won't be enough, so build trust by the kind gift of @@ @@. I'll be waiting. ... Mas me salvar, não será suficiente, por isso, construir a confiança com o dom tipo de @@ @@. Estarei esperando. ...But worry not, I have the right screwdriver for the job. So, are you up to bring me some Present Boxes? ... Mas não se preocupe, eu tenho a chave de fenda certa para o trabalho. Então, você está pronto para me trazer algumas caixas de presentes? +...Cocktail. + + +...Coffee. + + ...Dealing with scorpion stingers is a gamble, so we may need a few stingers before making a successful potion. ... Lidar com ferrões de escorpião é uma aposta, então podemos precisar de alguns ferrões antes de fazer uma poção de sucesso. @@ -1046,6 +1091,9 @@ meu nome é Nikolai. Eu sou um sábio e o dono deste lugar. ...I have no other choice, do I? ... Eu não tenho outra escolha, posso? +...I knew bandits were not be trusted, but Saul insisted in doing so. I hate him so much right now. Even if he is my brother. + + ...I still need to cover up if they're mistaken. Give me a reason to tell you secrets, show me you're concerned with Tulimshar safety and don't want just to be strong. ... Eu ainda preciso encobrir se eles estão enganados. Me dê uma razão para contar segredos, mostre que está preocupado com a segurança de Tulimshar e não queira apenas ser forte. @@ -1082,12 +1130,24 @@ meu nome é Nikolai. Eu sou um sábio e o dono deste lugar. ...Okay, I asked you to explain, and you ended up wasting my time instead. %%n +...Okay, I guess. + + ...Okay, this is not fun anymore. ... Ok, isso não é mais divertido. ...Otherwise, they're too precious to sell to wanna be adventurers. Beer EXP Bonuses expire on death, you know?! ... Caso contrário, eles são muito preciosos para vender para quer ser aventureiros. Bônus Cerveja EXP termina em morte, você sabe ?! +...Poison. + + +...Potion. + + +...Tea. + + ...Thanks, kind person. @@ -1103,6 +1163,9 @@ meu nome é Nikolai. Eu sou um sábio e o dono deste lugar. ...Unless, of course, if you're interested in learning this art. You'll not regret it, I assure you. ... A menos, claro, se você estiver interessado em aprender essa arte. Você não vai se arrepender, garanto. +...Water. + + ...Well, but even if Hurnscald is nearby, you are too weak. You know sometimes, ships get attacked by pirates, right? ... Bem, mas mesmo se Hurnscald está por perto, você é muito fraco. Você sabe, às vezes, os navios são atacados por piratas, certo? @@ -1184,6 +1247,9 @@ Alguém aí? .:: Brawling ::. +.:: Chanting ::. + + .:: Ched's Summer 2018 ::. . :: Verão de Ched 2018 ::. @@ -1406,6 +1472,9 @@ Alguém aí? .:: Purple Day 2018 ::. . :: Dia Roxo 2018 ::. +.:: Resurrection ::. + + .:: Scholarship Class ::. . :: Bolsa Class ::. @@ -1544,6 +1613,9 @@ Alguém aí? 1. Cassio - 43098 1. Cassio - 43098 +1. Duke M - 16,016 + + 1. Investigate Kamelot Basements 1. Investigar Kamelot Basements @@ -1658,6 +1730,9 @@ Alguém aí? 2. Woody - 3637 +2. andulkaT - 6,000 + + 2. seeds - 1167 2. sementes - 1167 @@ -1721,6 +1796,9 @@ Perna de 20x 3. Povo - 1,275,000 GP +3. Sharli - 4,419 + + 3. Woody - 1066 3. Woody - 1066 @@ -1784,6 +1862,9 @@ Perna de insetos 30x 4. dangerDuck - 540 4. dangerDuck - 540 +4. poppet - 3,826 + + 4. seeds - 43 4. Sementes - 43 @@ -1835,6 +1916,9 @@ Tortuga de 4144 5. dangerDuck - 23 5. dangerDuck - 23 +5. girl flapper - 2,487 + + 5. seeds - 13395 5. sementes - 13395 @@ -1943,6 +2027,15 @@ Tortuga de 4144 ??? ??? +??? : Are you trying to steal MY treasure?! + + +??? : I am Pirate Captain Marley, and on the honor of my pirates... + + +??? : Wait, how did you got here? WHO ARE YOU? + + ???#01863 ???#01863 @@ -2366,6 +2459,9 @@ A few times during the year, the "golden wave" migrates from the north pole to t A friend of yours called LOF BOT asked for a coin... Um amigo seu chamado LOF BOT pediu uma moeda ... +A game is currently going on, please wait for it to finish. + + A global announcement will be made. Um anúncio global será feita. @@ -2549,6 +2645,9 @@ Aaaaaahhh ... Oui, isso é um bom vinho! Então, o que vai ser? Aahna Aahna +Abandoned Diary#jak1 + + Abandoned Fountain#MKH Fonte Abandonada#MKH @@ -2588,6 +2687,9 @@ Sobre a Profecia ... E quanto aos elfos? Orcs? Redys? Etc.? About the items you asked me to collect... Sobre os itens que você me pediu para coletar ... +About this pirate treasure map... + + Abuse can be determined by your peers or by the grandmasters, so be careful. @@ -2633,6 +2735,9 @@ Accuracy +25 Ace Ventura Ace Ventura +Achievements + + Acknowledgment? What do you mean? Reconhecimento? O que você quer dizer? @@ -2765,6 +2870,12 @@ Adventurer, did you brought me what I asked? I see you have @@/5 @@.#1 Advised party size: From 3 and above Tamanho da festa recomendada: de 3 e acima +Advised: 1+ mage, 1+ tanker, 2+ healers + + +Advised: 6+ players + + Aegis Shield Escudo Aegis @@ -2804,6 +2915,9 @@ Depois de limpar por doze horas seguidas, eles me permitiram descansar um pouco. After hours of hard work... Depois de horas de trabalho duro ... +After that, follow the path until you reach a great chamber... + + After that, stay still and be patient, but also alert! Após isso, fique parado e seja paciente, mas também alerta! @@ -3152,6 +3266,9 @@ Ah ... POLÍCIA! POLÍCIA! Rápido, mande esse ladrão trapaceiro para a cadeia Aha! I knew you were a boring person... Aha! Eu sabia que você era uma pessoa chata ... +Aha! So that's what it was! The map was hiding its secrets in drawings made with acid. An old technique... But a very useful one. + + Ahahahah, do you really think I'll accept legs if you don't help me cleaning my fields? Ahahahah, você realmente acha que eu vou aceitar as pernas se você não me ajudar a limpar meus campos? @@ -3221,6 +3338,9 @@ Alchemy Blueprint D Alchemy Blueprint E Modelo de Alquimia E +Alchemy Cauldron + + Alchemy Recipes Receitas de Alquimia @@ -3371,6 +3491,9 @@ Os membros da aliança (patrocinadores) são permitidos dentro da sala do Consel Alliance members are those who [@@|sponsor us@@]. Os membros da aliança são aqueles que [@@ https: // | nos patrocinam @@]. +Alliance members are those who [@@|sponsor us@@]. + + Allowed Permitido @@ -3608,6 +3731,9 @@ An Airship? It is just a ship. Which flies. An account may vote anywhere, but only once per town (weekly). Uma conta pode votar em qualquer lugar, mas apenas uma vez por cidade (semanal). +An assassin + + An emergency skill which temporarily raises all your stats. Uma habilidade de emergência que aumenta temporariamente todas as suas estatísticas. @@ -3677,6 +3803,9 @@ E novamente e novamente. And again. E de novo. +And also in notable mention of those who [@@|sponsor@@] the Alliance and its administrative structure. + + And also in notable mention of those who [@@|sponsor@@] the Alliance and its administrative structure. E também em menção notável àqueles que [@@https: //|patrocinam@@] a Aliança e sua estrutura administrativa. @@ -4298,6 +4427,9 @@ Arr, estou entediado! Arr, it is always good to be on land after so much time in sea! Arr, é sempre bom estar em terra depois de tanto tempo no mar! +Arr, that's a fine map ya got there! And these are definitely Hurnscald Caves, yarr! + + Arr, that's not enough! I'll bring more later! Arr, isso não é suficiente! Eu trarei mais tarde! @@ -4472,6 +4604,9 @@ Ask everytime Ask next time +Ask. + + Assassin Assassino @@ -4937,6 +5072,9 @@ Begin classic mode Begin! Início! +Begin? + + Behave yourself, or you'll be executed in the town square mercilessly. You have been warned. Comporte-se, ou você será executado na praça da cidade impiedosamente. Você foi avisado. @@ -5150,6 +5288,9 @@ Bênção da Imortalidade Blind Cego +Bloodbath + + Bloodstone Pendant Pingente de Bloodstone @@ -5273,6 +5414,9 @@ Espólio! Boring NPC NPC entediante +Born %s ago + + Boss Hunter Boina Chefe Hunter Boina @@ -5429,6 +5573,9 @@ Traga-me isso e eu vou desovar para você: Bring me your wood, and I'll show you which one is sturdy, yet flexible enough to make a good Forest Bow. Traga-me sua madeira e mostrarei a você qual é resistente, mas flexível o suficiente para fazer um bom Forest Bow. +Bring me, my worst nightmare. + + Brit Shield Escudo Britânico @@ -5621,6 +5768,9 @@ Mas ele tem muitos inimigos ... Não me surpreenderia encontrá-lo em algum luga But hope is not lost, said the Sages of Fate! Mas a esperança não está perdida, disseram os Sábios do Destino! +But if I do, I'll not return. Neither me, nor Raid. Which is why I'm taking precautions: This diary. In the event of my death, please bury my body and contact Halinarzo. + + But if a mage wants to be a warrior, they won't be able to use their full magic skills. Mas se um mago quiser ser um guerreiro, eles não serão capazes de usar suas habilidades mágicas completas. @@ -5753,6 +5903,9 @@ Mas infelizmente, uma pedra solta aloja e você cai para a sua morte. But unfortunately, it was harder than you thought. You are dead. Mas infelizmente, foi mais difícil do que você pensou. Você está morto. +But unfortunately, whoever made this riddle disagrees with me. + + But unless you touch a Mana Stone and get stronger magic, that would be as useful as teaching magic to a wall. No offense. Mas a menos que você toque em uma Pedra de Mana e receba magia mais forte, isso seria tão útil quanto ensinar magia a uma parede. Sem ofensa. @@ -5810,6 +5963,9 @@ Mas você é muito fraco para vencer qualquer um deles. Desculpa. But you're too weak. Sorry. Mas você é muito fraco. Desculpa. +But your silly map must be wrong. These passages do not connect themselves like this, but this should not be an issue, as they're not relevant. + + But, I found something really interesting! Ah... I hope you like history? Mas encontrei algo realmente interessante! Ah ... eu espero que você goste da história? @@ -5966,6 +6122,9 @@ Call Of Dusty é uma missão de evento cronometrada. Começa de hora em hora, qu Calm down! How can I help you? Acalme-se! Como posso ajudá-lo? +Calm down, don't get mad! I was wrong in trusting this map, it is definitely faulty. Lemme see it again... + + Calm, perfect for a fly! Calma, perfeita para um voô! @@ -6161,12 +6320,15 @@ Candura Candor - @@ GP Candor - @@ GP -Candor Battle Score: %d -Candor Batalha Pontuação:% d +Candor Battle Score: %s + Candor Battle Season +Candor Bloodbath Score: %s + + Candor Bola Candor Bola @@ -6194,6 +6356,9 @@ Camisa franca Candor Shorts Calor Shorts +Candor Survival : New Highscore: %s + + Candor Warp Crystal Cristal Da Urdidura De Candor @@ -6425,6 +6590,9 @@ mudar de armas Changes include but are not limited to festive events and dates. As alterações incluem, mas não se limitam a eventos e datas festivas. +Chanting + + Chaos shall be the founding stone of my town! Falling star! @@ -6530,6 +6698,9 @@ Chocolate Slime Mãe Christmas Natal +Christmas 2021 Joint Event + + Christmas Chief Chefe de Natal @@ -6563,12 +6734,24 @@ Cindy#house Citizen Cidadão +Civil status: Married + + +Civil status: Single + + Clan Name: @@ Nome do clã: @@ Claw Pendant Pingente de Garra +Cleared Heroes Hold %s ago + + +Cleared the Yeti King Challenge %s ago + + Clearly an exotic tea, with a refined flavor fit for a refined woman such as Celestia. Claramente um chá exótico, com um sabor refinado para uma mulher refinada como Celestia. @@ -6965,8 +7148,8 @@ Você poderia me fazer um favor? Arkim, em uma caverna a sudeste de * hic * aqui Could you awake my lost and forsaken potential? -Could you bleach my clothes? -Você poderia branquear minhas roupas? +Could you bleach my equipment? + Could you bring me %d %s? That'll help me to finish this. @@ -7214,6 +7397,12 @@ Armadura da Cruzada Crusade Helmet Capacete da Cruzada +Crypt + + +Crypt#Fefe + + Crystal based technology can break if used too often. Try taking longer between each warp to raise their lifetime. A tecnologia baseada em cristal pode quebrar se usada com muita frequência. Tente levar mais tempo entre cada urdidura para aumentar sua vida útil. @@ -7286,6 +7475,9 @@ Atual posição mágica:% d Current player count: @@/5 must be online. Contagem atual de jogadores: @@ / 5 deve estar online. +Current score: %s + + Current score: @@ Pontuação atual: @@ @@ -7643,6 +7835,12 @@ Depositar todos Deposit. Depositar. +Der Schneemann + + +Der Schneemann has been defeated: %s Monster Points gained. + + Descend into Tulimshar sewers? Descida em esgotos de Tulimshar? @@ -7730,6 +7928,9 @@ Bif de Diamantes Diamond Powder Pó de diamante +Diary#Fefe + + Diary, 12nd December 298 AT Diário, 12 de dezembro de 298 AT @@ -7880,6 +8081,9 @@ Cove de Dimond Dimonds Cove Story História de Dimonds Cove +Direction for Pirate Caves + + Directions: Instruções: @@ -8312,6 +8516,9 @@ Doggy Dog Doll Boneca +Don't ask. + + Don't be afraid of death. Of course, in most places, dying will make you lose some Experience you gathered. @@ -8366,6 +8573,9 @@ Não me interrompa, estou ocupado! Don't just stand here! Go fetch help, NOW!! Não fique apenas aqui! Vá buscar ajuda, AGORA !! +Don't pay. + + Don't rent a mouboo. Não alugue um mouboo. @@ -8498,6 +8708,9 @@ Doppelganger Desafio Ranking Doppelganger Challenge, @@ began the fight! Doppelganger Desafio, @@ começou a luta! +Doppelganger Waves Won: %s + + Double Attack +5% @@ -8573,6 +8786,9 @@ Dragonstar e Aisen fizeram o seu melhor ao longo de muitos outros e conseguiram Drahcir +Dreaded Pirate Marley + + Dream Ticket @@ -8825,6 +9041,9 @@ Ovo de Páscoa Easter Egg quest updated. Total found: %02d/06 +Easter Eggs found: %d + + Easter Mouboo Páscoa Mouboo @@ -8921,6 +9140,9 @@ Escolta de Elite#MB0233 Elixir Of Life Elixir da vida. +Elixir of Life + + Eliza Eliza @@ -9059,6 +9281,9 @@ Digite a nova linha: Enter though the window to the secret caves? Entre pela janela para as cavernas secretas? +Enter/Leave after start: %s + + Enzo Enzo @@ -9455,6 +9680,9 @@ Sinta-se à vontade para me visitar outra vez. Feeling lucky? Sentindo-se sortudo? +Fefe's Diary + + Female Fêmea @@ -9533,6 +9761,9 @@ Primeiros socorros First Dungeon Master Primeiro Mestre de Masmorras +First Grand Hunter challenge cleared %s ago + + First Tier Primeiro nível @@ -9545,12 +9776,18 @@ Primeiro de tudo: Welcome! Seu nível foi temporalmente modificado, vai ser reve First of, there's a day/night cycle on the game. Primeiro, há um ciclo dia/noite no jogo. +First reborn %s ago + + First thing is to get a @@. One from black market won't do, go to Halinarzo! A primeira coisa é conseguir um @@. Um do mercado negro não vai, vá para Halinarzo! First timers will be lead to somewhere random on this cave to keep intruders out. Just walk there again while all switches are still active. Os novatos serão levados a algum lugar aleatório nesta caverna para manter os invasores fora. Basta caminhar até lá novamente, enquanto todos os switches ainda estão ativos. +First visit to Fortress Is. %s ago + + First, you need to contribute to the common knowledge of this world. Like, write a %s or something. @@ -9794,9 +10031,15 @@ fortaleza Ilha Fortress Statue Estátua fortaleza +Fortress Town + + Fortress Town is connected to the prophecies of the death of all humans, wildlife, and the other lesser races. +Fortunately, we know the answer is... + + Fortune Statue Estátua da fortuna @@ -10022,15 +10265,15 @@ Pó de gema Gender Gênero +General Boosts + + General Krukan geral Krukan General Razha geral Razha -General Recipes -Receitas Gerais - General Store#dimond @@ -10226,6 +10469,9 @@ Vá ver outra pessoa por agora. Sim, você precisa de nível para executar a mai Go talk to Sagratha, she is usually in a hut in northen forest. The door have a magic barrier, so you'll need to have minimal magic skills to get close enough to open it. Vá falar com Sagrada, ela geralmente está em uma cabana na floresta do norte. A porta tem uma barreira mágica, então você precisa ter habilidades mágicas mínimas para chegar perto o suficiente para abri-la. +Go through the waterfall path. + + Go to the townhall there and show the mayor this other letter. Vá para o townhall lá e mostrar o prefeito esta outra carta. @@ -10235,6 +10481,9 @@ Vá muito perto e fale as quatro palavras mágicas de quatro letras, despeje um Goal: @@/@@ reached! Meta atingida! +Goal: Survive the longest possible. + + Gobo Bear Urso Gobo @@ -10640,6 +10889,9 @@ Greetings, young soul; I am the queen of fairies, Lilit. Grenade Grenade +Grenadier + + Grind grind grind the slime! Moer moer moer o lodo! @@ -11030,6 +11282,9 @@ Hall Of Academics Hall Of Base Level Hall Of Base Nível +Hall Of Candor Bloodbath + + Hall Of Ched Hall Of Ched @@ -11234,6 +11489,9 @@ Ele é um eremita * hic * e coleciona * hic * Dentes e asas de morcego ... Diga- He's holding a fishing rod, while gazing out at the sea. Ele está segurando uma vara de pescar enquanto olha para o mar. +Head Hood + + Headgear Chapelaria @@ -11486,6 +11744,9 @@ Hello! Would you like to try some piou delicacies? Hello! You seem strong enough, could take a request from me? Of course, not for free. Olá! Você parece forte o suficiente, poderia receber um pedido de mim? Claro, não de graça. +Hello, %s! Congratulations for finishing the %s! + + Hello, %s. Olá,% s. @@ -11735,6 +11996,9 @@ Aqui está. Tome cuidado com isso! Here kid. Frostia, the elf town, is somewhere near here, but I'm not sure if you can reach it from here. Aqui garoto. Frostia, a cidade dos elfos, está em algum lugar perto daqui, mas não tenho certeza se você pode alcançá-lo daqui. +Here lies a diary, presumably from Fefe. + + Here they are miss! Aqui estão eles, senhorita! @@ -11924,6 +12188,12 @@ Aqui, você pode ter este de reposição. Hahah! O artesanato é uma arte e eu a Here. You know that milking Mouboos won't cause them harm, right? It's a different story with @@. Aqui. Você sabe que ordenhar Mouboos não lhes fará mal, certo? É uma história diferente com @@. +Herein also lies Raid Yahoo, enemy of manakind and nemesis of Saul, the one hated by many and loved by few, greedy mana stone collector, but who still opposed to the Monster King and lost her life for it. + + +Herein lies Fefe, for his great bravure and heroic deeds, savior of our realm, valiantly defeated in combat against the Monster King, may the mana shine upon him forever. + + Hero Card Carta do Herói @@ -13211,6 +13481,9 @@ Eu não posso dar-lhe o Apple I já roubou. Porque, eu foi roubado em primeiro l I can't handle it anymore! NO MORE! Eu não aguento mais! NÃO MAIS! +I can't sleep, so I'm writing this entry. It'll take a considerable amount of time to decrypt the shield frequency Raid is using, and when Saul's army is marching towards their deaths, time is of essence. Every second I waste, is a comrade who will die. + + I can't stay here and talk all day. I have a job to do. Eu não posso ficar aqui e conversar o dia todo. Eu tenho um trabalho a fazer. @@ -13643,6 +13916,9 @@ Eu tenho um aqui ... I have other things to do at the moment. Eu tenho outras coisas para fazer no momento. +I have some good and some bad news for you. + + I have some healing items with me, we should tend your wounds first. Eu tenho alguns itens de cura comigo, devemos tendem seus ferimentos em primeiro lugar. @@ -14201,6 +14477,9 @@ Eu juro silêncio, sobre este rubi sangrento. I swear silence, over this shining topaz. Juro silêncio, sobre este topázio resplandecente. +I swear that I, %s, will never let myself be let astray by power. + + I think I have enough gold with me.#0 Eu acho que tenho dinheiro suficiente. @@ -14651,6 +14930,9 @@ Desejo-lhe um bom tempo na cidade. I wish you good luck! Te desejo boa sorte! +I wish you good luck. I remember these caves... They're dangerous. Make sure to be prepared before venturing further. + + I woke up in a shake! I felt... Oh, it's hard to describe... As if the spell suddenly started inflating, getting bigger... bigger... weaker... weaker... Eu acordei em um tremor! Eu senti ... Oh, é difícil descrever ... Como se o feitiço de repente começasse a aumentar, ficando maior ... maior ... mais fraco ... mais fraco ... @@ -14912,6 +15194,9 @@ Me sinto um pouco doente... I'm a little busy right now. Estou um pouco ocupado agora. +I'm a pro, this will be GG EZ. But Raid is not a foe to be underestimated, and I have no hopes for reinforcements. I refuse to leave last words, I shall either triumph, or be forgotten in shame. + + I'm a traveling poet and admirer of Robert Burns, a bard from the mana world. Sou um poeta viajante e admirador de Robert Burns, um bardo do mundo dos manas. @@ -14987,6 +15272,9 @@ Terminei. I'm fine for now, thank you. Estou bem por agora, obrigado. +I'm fine, but I can't keep carrying dead weights with me. Candor is a special place, I shall make a base there... Because I know the Monster King will eventually head there. + + I'm fine, no worries... Eu estou bem, não se preocupe ... @@ -15059,6 +15347,12 @@ Eu ainda não terminei, por favor, segure firme. Não vai demorar muito. I'm not done yet. I'll be back. Ainda não terminei. Eu voltarei. +I'm not familiar with the Butterfly Caves. Try asking a local, maybe Arkim, they ought know the way. + + +I'm not familiar with the Butterfly Caves. Try asking a local? + + I'm not feeling like it today... Sorry. Eu não estou me sentindo disposto hoje ... Desculpe. @@ -15281,6 +15575,9 @@ Gelo Fofo Ice Gladius Ice Gladius +Ice Lord + + Ice Maggot Larva de gelo @@ -15296,6 +15593,9 @@ If I am doing your dirty work, why am I the one paying you?! If I bring @@, my party leader, and the boss is defeated, I can go you in. Se eu trouxer @@, meu líder partidário e o chefe for derrotado, posso entrar em você. +If I can't beat him, no one else can, and if our species are to survive, we'll need to return to the Edge. Even if it means... Fulfilling the prophecy. %s. Whatever the cost. + + If I don't know the answer in your language, try answering in English. That always works. Se eu não souber a resposta no seu idioma, tente responder em inglês. Isso sempre funciona. @@ -15335,6 +15635,9 @@ Se um empate acontecer, você receberá sua moeda de volta. If all players there die, Hurnscald WON'T BE LIBERATED. Se todos os jogadores morrerem, Hurnscald NÃO SERÁ LIBERADO. +If at any moment in the fight there's less than %d players in the room, a severe penalty will be applied, so watch out! + + If enabled, automatic captchas may be sent to you every once in a while. Se ativado, captchas automáticas podem ser enviadas para você de vez em quando. @@ -15641,6 +15944,9 @@ If you're afraid of losing everything, then DEFINITELY do not gamble. %%2 If you're ever in need, you may use it to call upon the aid of the ducks. Se você está sempre na necessidade, você pode usá-lo para invocar o auxílio dos patos. +If you're reading this - Feel free to use my laboratory in any way you deem fit. Or what's left of it, at least. Also, please kill any slimes you find. I shall be back in six leaps time, according to the Imperial Time, but if I'm not back by then, assume something went wrong and both wushin and me are off the table. + + If you're right, you'll gain more Casino Coins! And even other nice things! Se você está certo, você vai ganhar mais moedas Casino! E até mesmo outras coisas agradáveis! @@ -15698,6 +16004,9 @@ Improved MP Regen In TMW2 there is No TMW2 existe +In a blood bath, survival is the epitaph. + + In a few weeks, I will finish the @@ plans, and there will be no doubts, that @@ is not the best weaver in the world! Em poucas semanas, terminarei os planos @@, e não haverá dúvidas de que @@ não é o melhor tecelão do mundo! @@ -15980,6 +16289,9 @@ Intervalo: a cada @@ hora (s) Introduce Introduzir +Invalid Discord ID. + + Invalid amount! Montante inválido! @@ -16121,6 +16433,9 @@ Também aumenta naturalmente como você crescer, embora menos. It appears we were focusing too much on research and this lead to neglect of other duties of a Sage's household. This is dangerous in times of changes. I'm worried about the future. Parece que estávamos nos concentrando demais na pesquisa e isso nos levou a negligenciar outros deveres da casa de um sábio. Isso é perigoso em tempos de mudanças. Estou preocupado com o futuro. +It costs %d GP to use. + + It costs 600 GP to use. Custa 600 GP para usar. @@ -16136,6 +16451,9 @@ Tem uma cor muito escura e um aroma invulgar que lembra uma floresta húmida. It has been a great year, and the TMW2 Team would like to Tem sido um grande ano, ea equipe da TMW2 gostaria de +It has been a total disaster. They killed %s. And everyone on the village. + + It has eluded so many craftsmiths, who knows what can be done with that! Ele iludiu tantos artesãos, quem sabe o que pode ser feito com isso! @@ -16610,6 +16928,9 @@ Ivanize JAIL THEM!! CADEIA ELES !! +JAK1, THE SLIME RESEARCHER + + Jack Jack @@ -16799,6 +17120,9 @@ Apenas ... Não invoque acidentalmente um Guardião Lendário ou algo assim, ess KUNAI +Kage + + Kaizei Human Kaizei Humano @@ -16838,6 +17162,9 @@ Tenha em mente que% s são fracos, baby Yetis, para matá-los também! Keep in mind the more power you have, the less control you'll have as well. Until you get a %s to track progress, use %s to check your control. Less control may result in failure to summon! Tenha em mente o mais poder você tiver, menos controle você vai ter também. Até obter uma% s progresso para rastrear, use% s para verificar o seu controle. Menos controle pode resultar em falta de convocação! +Keep in mind this is a PvP area - So try to avoid being butchered, because revival spells are disabled here! Hahaha! + + Keep in mind, the more levels and intelligence you have, more likely the Mana Stone will grant you more Magic Power. But that means nothing. Tenha em mente, os mais níveis e inteligência que você tem, mais provável a Pedra Mana irá conceder-lhe mais poder de Magia. Mas isso não significa nada. @@ -17207,9 +17534,6 @@ Mouboo lendário Legendary Tortuga Tortuga lendária -Legendary Wand -Varinha Lendária - Legendary my ass! What a rip-off! Lendária minha bunda! Que idiota! @@ -17735,6 +18059,12 @@ Mage Card X Mage equipment also raises MP recovery. So yes, a mage can use a sword and heavy armor, but... O equipamento Mage também aumenta a recuperação de MP. Então sim, um mago pode usar uma espada e armadura pesada, mas ... +Magenta + + +Magenta Spark + + Mages should use equipment designed for them. Those may be lacking on defense, but will raise MP and Magic Attack. Os magos devem usar equipamentos projetados para eles. Aqueles podem estar faltando na defesa, mas irão aumentar MP e Magic Attack. @@ -17777,6 +18107,18 @@ Magic Barrier#0063 Magic Barrier#0064 +Magic Barrier#0066 + + +Magic Barrier#0067C + + +Magic Barrier#0067E + + +Magic Barrier#0067W + + Magic Barrier#Bug63 @@ -17804,6 +18146,9 @@ Poder Mágico é concedido a você, mas você morre com isso. Magic Ratto Ratto Mágico +Magic Scrolls + + Magic Skill Points can be obtained in three ways: By touching a Mana Stone, by signing up in a Special Class (if you have enough magic power) and by having high amounts of Job Level. Pontos habilidade mágica pode ser obtido de três formas: Ao tocar uma pedra Mana, por se inscrever em uma classe especial (se você tem o poder mágico suficiente) e por ter grandes quantidades de trabalho de nível. @@ -18074,6 +18419,12 @@ Marius o bardo Market Place Mercado +Marley : I shall stop you! + + +Marley : You... thief... *grumble* + + Marriage failed. Casamento falhou. @@ -18134,6 +18485,9 @@ Lucro Máximo: @@ GP May their journey be successful, may their objectives be attained, may the Mana rest in peace. Que a sua viagem seja bem sucedida, pode ser atingido seus objetivos, pode o resto Mana em paz. +May their memory be remembered, but may their struggle be forgotten, their bodies never profaned, and in the æthyr, may they find eternal rest and comfort for their souls. + + Maya Maya @@ -18182,8 +18536,8 @@ Maybe someone in Hurnscald can help me. Maybe the Hurnscald alchemist, Wyara, could explain why. -Maybe there are things in Candor which still require your attention? I overheard some of them. -Talvez existam coisas em Candor que ainda requerem sua atenção? Eu ouvi algumas. +Maybe there are things in Candor which still require your attention? I might have overheard some of them. + Maybe there is a key somewhere near. I should keep looking. Talvez haja uma chave em algum lugar próximo. Eu deveria continuar procurando. @@ -18320,6 +18674,9 @@ Boxset mercenário E Mercenary Boxset EE Mercenary Boxset EE +Mercenary Quests completed: %s + + Mercenary Trainer Mercenary instrutor @@ -18479,6 +18836,9 @@ Espelho Ilha% d Mirror Island 1 Espelho Island 1 +Mirror Lake + + Mirror Lake : Created temporary character; It'll be reset on logout. @@ -18647,12 +19007,18 @@ Monstros estão por toda parte. Eles são uma praga da qual estamos tentando nos Monsters do not aim small towns like Candor. This city also comes with the plus that I know where everything's at. Monstros não visam pequenas cidades como Candor. Esta cidade também vem com o mais que eu sei onde tudo está. +Monsters killed: %s + + Monsters left: @@ Monstros restantes: @@ Monsters remaining: %s +Monsters will spawn in the south fountain continuously. + + Monsters, however, keep coming from the Impregnable Fortress. They always come on %s, although we have no idea why. @@ -18932,8 +19298,8 @@ O meu escudo, @@ My stats are too good, I won't need it. Minhas estatísticas são boas demais, não vou precisar disso. -My unit, however, was attacked! An assassin snuck up on us! -A minha unidade, no entanto, foi atacado! Um assassino escapado para cima de nós! +My unit, however, was attacked! %s snuck up on us! + My waifu Blossom has me trapped here, and she won't even look at me, because I'm part-Wose! Minha flor waifu me deixou presa aqui, e ela nem sequer olha para mim, porque eu sou parte-Wose! @@ -18965,9 +19331,15 @@ misteriosa Ore Mysterious Powder expires after some time! Misterioso pó expira após algum tempo! +Mystic Wand + + NO NÃO +NO! + + NOT ENOUGH MONEY DINHEIRO INSUFICIENTE @@ -19163,6 +19535,9 @@ Nunca (somente no login) Never ask: Brew %d +Never let yourself be brought astray by it. Swear it to me. + + Nevermind, bye! Deixa pra lá, tchau! @@ -19388,6 +19763,9 @@ Não, não no momento. No, please don't! I have 3 kids to feed. They are looking for me for contraband. Please, let me go! Não, por favor não! Eu tenho 3 filhos para alimentar. Eles estão me procurando por contrabando. Por favor, deixe-me ir! +No, power corrupts. + + No, sir. Não senhor. @@ -19496,6 +19874,9 @@ Nem todos os monstros farão isso, mas a maioria fará isso. Então, se você ve Not allowed Não permitido +Not at all! + + Not at the moment Não no momento @@ -19634,6 +20015,9 @@ Ainda não. Você tem que pedir à semente de mana para lhe dar mais poder. NotSoBot NotSoBot +Notable mentions and thanks for our [@@|sponsors@@], we wouldn't be here without their continued support. + + Notable mentions and thanks for our [@@|sponsors@@], we wouldn't be here without their continued support. Notável menciona e graças para o nosso [@@ https: // | patrocinadores @@], nós não estaríamos aqui sem o seu apoio contínuo. @@ -19838,6 +20222,9 @@ Agora que eu descrevi os feitiços para você, tenho certeza que os lancei corre Now that you ask.... Agora que você pergunta .... +Now to head inside the caves, until the last floor, and have my showdown and revenge against the Monster King. I do not plan in failing. + + Now wait for your partner, then talk to me again.#0 @@ -20129,6 +20516,9 @@ Ah, e quase me esqueci! Não compartilhe senhas ou pincodes, nem mesmo com a equ Oh, and about the Candor travel for 200 GP... Which would be a rare for little or no gold... Well, that's just an attention grabber. Ah, e sobre a viagem da Candor por 200 GPs ... O que seria raro para pouco ou nenhum ouro ... Bem, isso é apenas um chamariz de atenção. +Oh, and if I perchance catch you using %s or %s... You'll be banned from my game, understood? + + Oh, and you will need this book too, it will help you learn the basics of fishing. Ah, e você precisará deste livro também, ele irá ajudá-lo a aprender o básico da pesca. @@ -20402,6 +20792,9 @@ Uma vez que ele recomeça a trabalhar com confiança, podemos passar por cima de Once inside the BOSS Cave, you get a five minutes time limit to slay the boss with your party. Uma vez dentro da Caverna BOSS, você tem um tempo limite de cinco minutos para matar o chefe com sua festa. +Once it begins (you can fight against an AI), kill the most of enemy sparks you can, while preventing your own sparks of being killed. Wins whoever has more sparks after %s minutes. + + Once that is done, the Alliance's staff will set several stands with the most important services you might need, like banking, inside the town central area. @@ -20657,6 +21050,9 @@ Orange Dye? How much does it cost? Orange Eggshell Hat Chapéu Casca De Ovo Laranja +Oranye Isles, 257 AT + + Orbyter Shrine Orbyter Santuário @@ -20693,6 +21089,12 @@ Outras coisas são escritas, mas não são mais legíveis. Other. De outros. +Others scrying you: + + +Others scrying your char data + + Otherwise, ##BYOU'LL DIE.##b Have a nice day! @@ -20879,6 +21281,9 @@ Past this point is the Fortress Island. %s Even so, be careful, the town should Paxel Paxel +Pay + + Pay attention to #world chat, as this event is managed by players. The Monster Army is also trying to regroup, neglecting it is not advised. @@ -20987,6 +21392,12 @@ Talvez, na cidade, alguém conheça rumores sobre Mana Stones e possa lhe ensina Perhaps, you could convince Jack to give me the wood, and seek for a fisherman on Halinarzo to give you the string? I won't charge anything. Talvez você pudesse convencer Jack a me dar a madeira e procurar um pescador em Halinarzo para lhe dar a corda? Eu não cobrarei nada. +Personal Feats + + +Personal Records + + Personally, I like unranked events more than ranked ones... Pessoalmente, gosto de eventos sem classificação mais do que os classificados ... @@ -21140,6 +21551,9 @@ Pirate Lord Pirate Shorts Calções De Pirata +Pirate Treasure Chest + + Pirate Treasure Map Mapa do Tesouro do Pirata @@ -21557,6 +21971,9 @@ Power Card X Power in the wrong hands is nothing but a burden and a reason for others to cry. That's exactly what I don't want in this town. O poder nas mãos erradas nada mais é que um fardo e uma razão para os outros chorarem. Isso é exatamente o que eu não quero nesta cidade. +Power is a double-edged sword. I, Fefe, tried to use it for good, to free the world from Raid's tyranny, and instead, it brought forth the Monster King. + + Power remaining: %s @@ -21674,6 +22091,12 @@ Protip: Você pulou tutorial. Um monte de diálogos e missões tutoriais-ish ser Protip: Your current progress will be saved. Protip: Seu progresso atual será salvo. +Proud owner of %s the %s. + + +Proud owner of %s the Homunculus. + + Provoke Provocar @@ -21857,6 +22280,9 @@ Corrida Raid Trousers Calça Raid +Raid and me have been in hot pursuit for a while, but I fear it is already too late. Yesterday there was another earthquake, and we're receiving summons to return to Tulimshar at once. Apparently, it is under attack. + + Raid might be great. Saul might be popular. SphinxNox might be an annoying brat. But I'm, or rather, will soon be... @@. Raid pode ser ótimo. Saul pode ser popular. SphinxNox pode ser um pirralho chato. Mas eu estou, ou melhor, logo será ... @@. @@ -21965,6 +22391,9 @@ Leia o tutorial novamente? Read tutorial again? Leia tutorial de novo? +Reagents & Other Potions + + Real Bronze Gladius Bronze Real Gladius @@ -22118,6 +22547,9 @@ Meias Vermelhas Red Wizard +Reduces MP cost when using chanting-based skills. + + Redy Redy @@ -22358,6 +22790,9 @@ Em repouso. Eu tenho matado ninhos de lodo o dia inteiro. Restore it +Resurrection + + Retaliates next attack with a critical hit. This instance lasts a second. Retalia ataque seguinte com um acerto crítico. Esta instância tem a duração de um segundo. @@ -22397,6 +22832,9 @@ Retornar ao menu principal Revert a player exile Reverter um exílio jogador +Revives an already dead allied player. Req. Lifestone to cast. + + Revolver Shooter Atirador revólver @@ -22736,6 +23174,12 @@ Saul está planejando um assalto na Torre Mágica. Eu quero essas Mana Stones. Saul is supplying me the alchemist resources for that. In exchange, my thieves supply him gold and spare his friends. Saul está me fornecendo os recursos alquimistas para isso. Em troca, meus ladrões lhe fornecem ouro e poupam seus amigos. +Saul will deal with it. His mess, he will clean up. Raid and me will keep the pursuit. And this time, we shall triumph. + + +Saul will lead the frontal assault, Mr. Saves shall provide distraction, and I'll infiltrate within the Mage Tower. + + Saulc Card Carta Saulc @@ -22796,6 +23240,9 @@ Fantasma de Saxso Saxso Key Saxso Key +Saxso's Basement, Candor - 27th July 300 AT + + Saxso's Official Residence. de Saxso Residência Oficial. @@ -22886,6 +23333,9 @@ Escola de Peculiaridades (Candor) Scissors Tesouras +Score: %s / %s + + Scoreboards Placar @@ -22913,6 +23363,69 @@ Erro de script Script Error: "Tux didn't found his fish! Blame Saulc at once!" +Scroll Angel Light + + +Scroll Angel Light+ + + +Scroll Angel Light++ + + +Scroll Battle Plans + + +Scroll Battle Plans+ + + +Scroll Battle Plans++ + + +Scroll Critical Fortune + + +Scroll Critical Fortune+ + + +Scroll Critical Fortune++ + + +Scroll Defense Bless + + +Scroll Defense Bless+ + + +Scroll Defense Bless++ + + +Scroll Magnus Heal + + +Scroll Magnus Heal+ + + +Scroll Magnus Heal++ + + +Scroll Summon Cave Maggot + + +Scroll Summon Dragon + + +Scroll Summon Maggot + + +Scroll Summon Terranite + + +Scroll Summon Wolvern + + +Scroll Summon Yeti + + Scythe Foice @@ -22970,6 +23483,9 @@ Até logo! See you. Até logo. +Seems like Arkim held it too close to the flame... + + Seems like someone else opened this chest before you! Parece que alguém abriu o baú antes de você! @@ -23000,6 +23516,9 @@ Selecione cuidadosamente qual arma você quer, então não há arrependimentos. Select difficulty. +Select one: + + Select your preferred play-style. Escolha o seu estilo de jogo preferido. @@ -23297,6 +23816,9 @@ Devo anexar uma carta de amor? Should I walk on it? Devo andar sobre ele? +Should we ask about the %s before leaving? + + Should we? Nós deveríamos? @@ -23345,6 +23867,15 @@ Sign#0063CF Sign#0063PI +Sign#0066CR + + +Sign#0066ER + + +Sign#0066WR + + Sign#014517929 Placa#014517929 @@ -23684,12 +24215,18 @@ Flor da Neve Snowflake Floco de neve +Snowman + + Snowman Globe Globo de boneco de neve So COOL, thanks! Come back later to bring me extra @@! Então, legal, obrigado! Volte depois para me trazer mais @@! +So I did what I could - What I always do. Turned my beloved sister in a slime. Turned her into what killed her. + + So be nice and help people along the way! Então seja legal e ajude as pessoas ao longo do caminho! @@ -23909,6 +24446,9 @@ Assim? Como foi? Solo +Solo Try + + Some are dangerous, too. Even if you look capable of fighting, the Blue Sage instructed me to prevent anyone from visiting until the mess is cleared. Alguns são perigosos também. Mesmo que você pareça capaz de lutar, o Blue Sage me instruiu a impedir que alguém o visitasse até que a bagunça estivesse limpa. @@ -24614,6 +25154,9 @@ Essa jóia preciosa, não é algo que você daria de graça, a menos que você e Sudden Attack Ataque repentino +Suddenly, the map %s! + + Sulfur Powder Pó de enxofre @@ -24728,6 +25271,9 @@ Surpreendentemente, nada acontece. Susanne Susanne +Swashbuckler + + Swezanne Swezanne @@ -25901,6 +26447,9 @@ The Monster King is scary. To be honest, I'm not sure I would be able to do anyt The Monster King is sending their armies to attack towns with a seemingly random pattern. +The Monster King once again eluded us. How long has it been? His minions are laying waste to all towns, Saul has been killed, Raid has been wounded. + + The Monster King was so powerful! It is impossible to recover the artifact now, and everyone will die! O Rei Monstro era tão poderoso! É impossível recuperar o artefato agora e todos morrerão! @@ -26021,6 +26570,9 @@ As antenas por si só não significam nada, eu quero ver você matando meus inim The average player level is @@ O nível médio do jogador é @@ +The bad one, is that you'll have to guide yourself without the map. + + The bank and item storage is shared between all characters within a same account. O banco e o armazenamento de itens são compartilhados entre todos os personagens de uma mesma conta. @@ -26174,6 +26726,9 @@ The farther you go on the sequence, the better the payout! The fee only need to be paid once and will work in every town. A taxa só precisa ser paga uma vez e funcionará em todas as cidades. +The fee to use this room is %s GP. + + The fertile climate is ideal for mushrooms. You can also find lots of wood. O clima fértil é ideal para cogumelos. Você também pode encontrar muita madeira. @@ -26225,6 +26780,9 @@ O bicho-papão gigante! The girl turns around and you hear her sniffing, she is probably crying... A garota se vira e você a ouve farejando, ela provavelmente está chorando ... +The good one, is that now I know the right path. + + The great prize is @@. O grande prêmio é @@. @@ -26321,6 +26879,9 @@ The mana bridge to Aeros is open! To participate on event, talk to ##BSoul Menhi The mana war stroke, and many people died, O golpe de guerra de mana, e muitas pessoas morreram, +The map starts getting darker with the heat of the flame, and curiously, new shapes starts to form... + + The masters have decided you are to be given honorary initiation into the Duck Side. The Duck Side is powerful, much more so than you could possibly understand. Os mestres decidiram que você está a ser dada iniciação honorário para o lado Duck. O lado Duck é poderoso, muito mais do que você poderia entender. @@ -26522,6 +27083,9 @@ A taxa de inscrição é de 2000 GP. The rent lasts 30 days. O aluguel dura 30 dias. +The requested char is not online or does not exist. + + The sailor chugs his beer. O marinheiro engole sua cerveja. @@ -26771,6 +27335,9 @@ Then so be it. Farewell. Then someone of a scholarship rank above your must approve it, and say that your work is enough to the next scholar rank. +Then take the middle entrance. + + Then you should look in buying Caffeinne. Curse is a status ailment which reduces your attack, nullifies your luck and makes you a snail. Simple Curses can be cured with time, too. Então você deve procurar em comprar cafeína. Maldição é uma doença de status que reduz seu ataque, anula sua sorte e faz de você um caracol. Maldições simples podem ser curadas com o tempo também. @@ -26885,6 +27452,9 @@ Existe apenas um caminho para o melhor equipamento: Smith away! There is only so much magical power your body can handle without breaking. Há somente tanto poder mágico seu corpo pode suportar sem quebrar. +There is someone who might know how to turn a slime back in a human. But alas, that old fart doesn't live here. + + There isn't enough, not even for NPCs. We need at least 100. Não há o suficiente, nem mesmo para NPCs. Precisamos de pelo menos 100. @@ -26981,6 +27551,9 @@ Não há ajuda disponível para este evento. There's no need to go in that Yeti infested den right now. Não há necessidade de ir naquele covil infestado de Yeti agora. +There's no one who knows Butterfly Caves better than me, child. These are MY caves, after all. + + There's no reason to enter these caves now. Não há razão para entrar nessas cavernas agora. @@ -27017,6 +27590,9 @@ Lá ... * hic * Eles irão expirar * hic * em apenas @@ ... Ou no logout. Therefore we need a lot of glue, but our supplies are nearly used up. I need @@/@@ @@ as ingredient to make new glue. Portanto, precisamos de muita cola, mas nossos suprimentos estão quase esgotados. Eu preciso de @@ / @@ @@ como ingrediente para fazer nova cola. +Therefore, I shall head to the %s, and look for %s. If anyone knows how to fix it, might as well be that rat-faced... being. + + Therefore, children of Merlin, go back to your world, and ask the Blue Sage Nikolai about it. The blue sage may fake angerness or try to dodge the question, but they are a good person. Still, you should ensure you're on his good side. @@ -27059,6 +27635,9 @@ Estes peixes do ouro multiplicam horrivelmente e não têm nenhum predador natur These monsters are a great source of raw crafting materials. Esses monstros são uma ótima fonte de materiais de produção crus. +These paths are all wrong! What is the problem with this map?! + + These people have lots of unspent Strange Coins! Waw! Essas pessoas têm muitas moedas estranhas não gastas! Waw! @@ -27206,6 +27785,9 @@ Eles não atacarão ninguém a menos que sejam atacados primeiro. They will try to prove your worth before, though. So be ready. Eles vão tentar provar o seu valor antes, embora. Para estar pronto. +They'll also start spawning on whole map, so be careful. + + They're back - and they took hold of your majesty - my husband - king Arthur! Eles estão de volta - e tomaram posse de sua majestade - o meu marido - rei Arthur! @@ -27254,6 +27836,9 @@ Este Portal pode enviar sua alma de volta ao mundo, junto com qualquer item, din This Real Estate is available for rent for only @@ GP! Este imóvel está disponível para aluguel por apenas @@ GP! +This a simple game; Choose one of the shrines - west or east. The one at west is %s, the one at east is %s. + + This action CANNOT BE UNDONE. Essa ação não pode ser desfeita. @@ -27302,6 +27887,9 @@ Esta caverna é considerada fora da cidade! This certainly is just to reorganize their armies. We must take this chance to improve ourselves, or else, we'll be overrun soon enough. +This challenge will be available in %s. Please wait until then. + + This character person is strange I better get away... Essa pessoa de caráter é estranha, é melhor eu fugir ... @@ -27314,6 +27902,9 @@ Este carvão ajudará você a fabricar armas melhores depois. É um sinal de apr This command cannot be used on test servers. +This diary had several pages torn off, but the last page is clearly legible. + + This didn't work. All pins are now unset! Isso não funcionou. Todos os pinos estão agora desfeitos! @@ -27371,6 +27962,9 @@ Essa garota precisa de ajuda, precisamos resgatá-la! This happens quite often, too. My friends and I are always collecting keys to reduce beer price on Hurnscald. %%2 +This has been a long journey, children, so please answer me. Is power a good thing? + + This have many uses. Maybe. Anyway, I'm soon done with my experiment, so please come back later. Isto tem muitos usos. Talvez. Enfim, eu estou em breve feito com a minha experiência, então, por favor, volte mais tarde. @@ -27437,6 +28031,9 @@ Este é apenas um conselho amigável. Nós não levamos a magia de ânimo leve. This is just a short list to make GMs life easier! Esta é apenas uma pequena lista para facilitar a vida dos GMs! +This is my chance - the biggest Mana Quake ever, it feels like a whole world crushing in ours. I can feel the drain from Candor's Mana Reserves all the way up here. + + This is not The Mana World. My name is not Bryant. Este não é o mundo de mana. Meu nome não é Bryant. @@ -27689,6 +28286,9 @@ Esta estátua foi construída para a memória de Andrei Sakar, o maior herói qu This table will prepare the potion for you, no skill required! Esta mesa irá preparar a poção para você, sem habilidade necessária! +This tax must be paid now, and you can brew as much as you wish after payment. + + This teleporter is currently recharging. Este teleportador está atualmente recarregando. @@ -27698,6 +28298,9 @@ Este trono não é do Rei Monstro ... É PERTENCENTE A MIM! This time, I only a few last reagents and I'll finally attempt it... I want you to witness it. I'll teach you the spell later, of course. Desta vez, eu apenas alguns últimos reagentes e eu vou finalmente tentar fazê-lo ... Eu quero você para testemunhar isso. Eu vou te ensinar o feitiço mais tarde, é claro. +This time, I'll be prepared. His reign of terror has its days counted. + + This torch is already lit. Esta tocha já está acesa. @@ -27788,6 +28391,9 @@ Jogue uma moeda? Throw something inside! Jogue algo dentro! +Thug + + Thunder Staff Cajado do Trovão @@ -27818,6 +28424,9 @@ Limite de tempo Time Limit: 25 minutes on any dungeon. Limite de Tempo: 25 minutos em qualquer masmorra. +Time Limit: 90 minutes + + Time is running out... Hurry up! O tempo está se esgotando ... Apresse-se! @@ -27851,6 +28460,12 @@ Vezes morreu:% s Times reborn: %d +Times won Call of Dusty: %s + + +Times won Capture the Flag: %s + + Tin Ingot Barra de estanho @@ -28043,6 +28658,9 @@ Para me provar sua fé, traga-me 1 @@ ou 1 @@. To prove me your results, bring me @@ @@, @@ @@ and @@ @@. Para provar seus resultados, traga-me @@ @@, @@ @@ e @@ @@. +To reach this place... You just need to follow the path after the waterfall. Come back to me after that. + + To register as a craftsman, you need to talk to Intense Beard in Terranite Forge. The forge is in the Bazar.#1 @@ -28148,6 +28766,9 @@ Caixa de Munição Tolchi Tolchi Arrow Flecha Tolchi +Tomorrow is the day, when we shall march against Raid, in order to free our people from the oppression of her mages. + + Tonori Delight Prazer Tonori @@ -28526,6 +29147,9 @@ Tulimshar é a cidade mais forte porque Dausen ensina a cada recém-chegado sobr Tulimshar miners mainly try to obtain gems. mineiros Tulimshar principalmente tentar obter gemas. +Tulimshar, Tonori - 2nd March 300 AT + + Tulimshar, right? The oldest human city-state! Tulimshar, certo? A cidade-estado humana mais antiga! @@ -28817,6 +29441,9 @@ Use items to drain the pentagram. Final result is affected by int! Use its powers for good! +Use the abandoned passage to the north... Usually, no one uses it. + + Use the arrow keys to walk right and meet Juliet. Use as setas do teclado para andar à direita e conhecer Juliet. @@ -28829,12 +29456,12 @@ Use essas moedas para trocar por coisas. Mas cuidado: Cada dificuldade da masmor Use your @@ as currency! Use seu @@ como moeda! -Usename#0000 - - User Control Panel Painel de Controle do Usuário +Username#0000 + + Usually only sponsors are allowed up there, but I'll make an exception today. Go meet the mayor. Normalmente apenas os patrocinadores são permitidos lá em cima, mas vou abrir uma exceção hoje. Vá conhecer o prefeito. @@ -29510,6 +30137,9 @@ Nós devemos sair We must blame Saulc! Nós devemos culpar Saulc! +We must capture Barbara AND return the stolen item! + + We must defeat the Monster King on his evil lair! Devemos derrotar o monstro rei em seu covil do mal! @@ -29666,6 +30296,9 @@ Weekly, ao Domingo 00:00, as eleições são realizadas. Welcome back, Padric! Bem vindo de volta, Padric! +Welcome back, children. So, how was your treasure hunt? Did you manage to find the path? + + Welcome back. Bem vindo de volta. @@ -30743,6 +31376,9 @@ Por que estou tendo dificuldade em acreditar em você ... Why are you here? This area is off-limits! Por quê você está aqui? Esta área está fora dos limites! +Why did we had to decide to research slimes of all creatures?! But alas, now is too late. Not even a %s could restore her in this state... + + Why do you bully me! - This is a bug: 02331.LOGIC.OID Por que você me intimida! - Isso é um erro: 02331.LOGIC.OID @@ -30854,6 +31490,12 @@ Escolha sábia! Mas você pode realmente se separar disso? Melhor pensar em outr Witch Boots Botas de bruxa +With Magic and Blades, The Icicle shall break. + + +With Magic and Blades, The Icicle shall break. Do you undertake the challenge? + + With Tulimshar being the last major human settlement standing (besides distant locations like Candor), the situation looks more dire than ever. @@ -30938,6 +31580,12 @@ Magia Wizardry Institute is on the %s area of the campus. Wizardry Instituto está na área do campus% s. +Wizards Tower, Tonori - 6th March 300 AT + + +Wizards Tower, Tonori - 8th April 300 AT + + Wo-wo-wow! You really did it! You're the best!#0 @@ -30959,6 +31607,9 @@ Dente de Wolvern Wolverns are fierce creatures who likes cold places. Their fur is soft. Wolverns são criaturas ferozes que gostam de lugares frios. Sua pele é macia. +Won Quirino Voraz Arena %s ago + + Wonderful! Here, take the @@, as promised. I need to get back to cooking! Maravilhoso! Aqui, pegue o @@, como prometido. Eu preciso voltar a cozinhar! @@ -31127,6 +31778,9 @@ Writing/Updating in client-data quests.xml and items.xml with the correct inform Wurtzite Ore wurtzita Ore +Wushin + + Wyara Wyara @@ -31310,6 +31964,9 @@ Lodo amarelo Yellow Slime Mother Amarelo Mãe Slime +Yellow Spark + + Yep, I bring them for you! Sim, eu trago para você! @@ -31502,6 +32159,9 @@ Sim, por favor, me reserve uma cama. Yes, please. Sim por favor. +Yes, power allows us a future of our choosing. + + Yes, take it. Sim, aceite. @@ -31661,6 +32321,9 @@ Você não tem permissão para sair daqui! You are a @@º degree mage. This book allows you many new possibilities. +You are a legendary hero. + + You are a master chef, looking at you inspires Maxime. Você é um mestre cozinheiro, olhando para você inspira Maxime. @@ -31850,6 +32513,9 @@ Você não é forte o suficiente. You awake a long forgotten potential, and feel ready to take over the world. +You barely know these caves. + + You better have it ready, because I have the Coal with me! É melhor você estar pronto, porque eu tenho o Carvão comigo! @@ -31940,6 +32606,9 @@ Você pode arrastar e soltar um item para a janela NPC ou selecionar um item no You can easily identify fishing spots, small bubbles and fishes are visible from the surface. Você pode identificar facilmente pontos de pesca, pequenas bolhas e peixes visíveis da superfície. +You can enter when clock ticks :15, and the game begin when the clock ticks :25 if anyone is around. This is to match with Call of Dusty event. + + You can even join the project there. Contributors are greatly appreciated! %%N @@ -32390,6 +33059,9 @@ Você não parece ter ouro suficiente, nem mesmo 1 GP ... você deveria deixar a You done well in getting so far. I didn't thought you would make it. Você fez bem em chegar tão longe. Eu não pensei que você fosse conseguir. +You earned %s Monster Points for winning. + + You explain the Blue Sage about the sabotage incident details, from the Silk Cocoon to the masked visitor. Você explica o Sábio Azul sobre os detalhes do incidente de sabotagem, do Casulo de Seda ao visitante mascarado. @@ -32825,6 +33497,9 @@ Você precisa escolher um Heroes Hold Group. Isso atualmente não faz absolutame You need to have an @@ equipped. Você precisa ter um @@ equipado. +You need to pick your prizes! + + You need to reach a certain point in Player Story in order to partake on this event. Non-repeatable. @@ -33026,6 +33701,9 @@ Você parece ter @@ itens quebrados e ... Oh, eu vejo que você tem um @@ quebra You seem to have gotten Peetu's attention for a while. Você parece ter recebido a atenção de Peetu por um tempo. +You send me the wrong way. + + You set off a trap! Você detona uma armadilha! @@ -33608,8 +34286,8 @@ Sua baixa inteligência impede que algo aconteça com você. Your magic is more powerful than you, but you can control. Sua magia é mais poderosa que você, mas você pode controlar. -Your mind is set? You will probably lose the color dye during this process. -Sua mente está definida? Você provavelmente perderá o corante durante esse processo. +Your mind is set? You will probably lose all the dyes and/or cards during on the item during this process. You're bleaching a %s by the way. + Your mother asked me to say that she loves you. Sua mãe me pediu para dizer que ela ama você. @@ -33914,6 +34592,9 @@ betelgeuse big grande +burst up in flames + + but I was hoping for something more valuable. No, thanks. mas eu estava esperando por algo mais valioso. Não, obrigado. @@ -34040,6 +34721,9 @@ trabalho duro, Dimonds Cove foi construído. heart of gold coração de ouro +her + + here @@ -34325,6 +35009,12 @@ parte sudoeste da cidade spawn challenge monster! How far can you go? desovar monstro desafio! Quão longe você pode ir? +splash magic + + +splash weapons + + start#bat_a02 start#bat_a02 -- cgit v1.2.3-70-g09d2