From 1c7a2c9ad5f7dfb6e517647fd5d0f5009b94a731 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Jesusaves Date: Fri, 31 Jul 2020 23:29:34 -0300 Subject: Language Update --- langs/lang_de.old | 672 ++++++++++++++++++++++++ langs/lang_de.txt | 1348 ++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------- langs/lang_en.old | 735 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ langs/lang_en.txt | 1358 ++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------- langs/lang_es.old | 3 + langs/lang_es.txt | 1320 ++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------ langs/lang_fr.old | 6 + langs/lang_fr.txt | 1322 ++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------ langs/lang_pt_BR.old | 678 ++++++++++++++++++++++++ langs/lang_pt_BR.txt | 1416 +++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------------- 10 files changed, 5251 insertions(+), 3607 deletions(-) (limited to 'langs') diff --git a/langs/lang_de.old b/langs/lang_de.old index b15d34ef5..a28cb8e96 100644 --- a/langs/lang_de.old +++ b/langs/lang_de.old @@ -49,12 +49,42 @@ Main. :: Quest-4-2 ::. .:: Main Quest 4-3 ::. Main. :: Quest-4-3 ::. +4144's Tortuga was seen somewhere. Great rewards if someone knock off that monster... Well, not really. +4144 von Tortuga wurde irgendwo gesehen. Große Belohnungen, wenn jemand weg klopft das Monster ... Na ja, nicht wirklich. + @@ hits himself in the head and forgot you ever went after his men. @@ schlägt sich in den Kopf und vergessen haben, je nach seinen Männern ging. @@ is helping me. @@ hilft mir. +A major deflation happened while Saulc wasn't looking, and you may find several items with @@ discount. +Ein Haupt Deflation geschah, während Saulc nicht hinsah, und Sie einige Einzelteile mit @@ Rabatt finden. + +A nice meteor shower is thought to happen in February and May, days 18~25. +im Februar und Mai Ein schöner Meteoritenschauer dachte Tage 18 ~ 25 passieren. + +Access is restricted to guards, as usual. +Der Zugriff auf Wachen beschränkt, wie üblich. + +Accumulate Power - Raise damage of next skill. +Accumulate Leistung - Raise Schaden des nächsten Geschick. + +Additional security measures were put in place so such disaster, of a whole world crashing, doesn't happens again. +Zusätzliche Sicherheitsmaßnahmen getroffen, so eine solche Katastrophe gebracht wurden, einer ganzen Welt abstürzt, geschieht nicht wieder. + +Adventurers entirely redressed, people doing Grand Hunter Quest like mad, peple making wishes at... well... +Adventurers vollständig abgeholfen, Leute wie verrückt Grand-Hunter Quest-tun, peple machen Wünsche an ... na ja ... + +Adventurers got drunk to get more EXP?! Players can now buy houses and make their own wine! +Adventurers betrank mehr EXP zu bekommen ?! Spieler können nun Häuser kaufen und ihren eigenen Wein machen! + +After much struggle with the lazy builders, Nivalis Town is finally open for visit again! +Nach langen Kampf mit den faulen Bauherr, ist nivalis Stadt wieder für einen Besuch endlich offen! + +All contributors should claim their rewards with Lua. Weather is there, night cycle happens where monsters are more active. +Alle Mitwirkenden sollten ihre Belohnungen mit Lua behaupten. Das Wetter ist dort passiert, Nacht-Zyklus, wo Monster mehr aktiv sind. + Alright, take your time we are not in a hurry. Alles klar, lass dir Zeit. Wir habens nicht eilig. @@ -70,18 +100,39 @@ Wir haben auch deine yayate Kleidung geholt. Sie war in einem ...yeyeye... in ei Also, we took your yayed clothes, as they were... Yeyeye... In a bad shape. Go check the chest near your bed, there are some other ones inside.#1 Wir haben auch deine yayate Kleidung geholt. Sie war in einem ...yeyeye... in einem schlechten Zustand. Schau in die Kiste neben deinem Bett, dort sind andere Sachen. +Also, weird voices are talking to new players, asking if they're here because a friend. +Auch seltsame Stimmen, um neue Spieler sprechen, fragen, ob sie hier, weil ein Freund sind. + +And speaking in reward, guards are looking for someone contrabanding goods from Artis. Do not help them! +Und in Lohn zu sprechen, suchen Wachen für jemanden contrabanding Waren von Artis. Sie helfen ihnen nicht! + And then what happened? Und dann passierte was? And you? How's it going on your side? Und du? Wie geht es dir? +Andrei Sakar is also repeating his questions about World Lore, although rewards are now smaller. +Andrei Sakar ist auch seine Fragen zu Welt Lore wiederholen, obwohl Belohnungen sind jetzt kleiner. + +Anwar left his house to tend Tulimshar's crops, after noticing something strange with them. He blames the Monster King. +Anwar verließ sein Haus Tulimshar die Ernten zu neigen, nach etwas Seltsames mit ihnen zu bemerken. Er macht das Monster King. + Are you cheating? Betrügen Sie? AreaNPC AreaNPC +Arkim also developed a powerful petiscide to make Pinkies less healthy, but that was long ago. +Arkim auch eine leistungsfähige petiscide entwickelt, um Pinkies weniger gesund, aber das war vor langer Zeit. + +Arrow Shower - Shoot FIVE arrows or bullets to the air and cause Area Of Effect Damage. +Pfeil Dusche - Schießen FIVE Pfeile oder Kugeln in die Luft und verursachen Flächenschaden. + +Arrows prices were lowered, and a limited teleport to Frostia and Halinarzo is now possible. +Pfeile Preise wurden gesenkt, und eine begrenzte teleportieren zu Frostia und Halinarzo ist nun möglich. + Artis Artis @@ -115,6 +166,9 @@ Braune Baumwoll Farbe Bury. Begraben. +But be careful: Only 1MSP-costed skills can be forgotten, and learning fees WON'T be given back! +Aber Vorsicht: Nur 1MSP-kalkulierten Fähigkeiten können vergessen werden, und das Lernen Gebühren werden nicht wieder gegeben werden! + But be warned, I don't have the Apple with me. It's further in. Aber seien Sie gewarnt, ich habe nicht das Apple mit mir. Es ist weiter in. @@ -124,12 +178,24 @@ Aber am wichtigsten ist, sie hatte sich um Dich gekümmert als Du bewusstlos war But most important, she is the one who took care of you when you were unconscious.#1 Aber am wichtigsten ist, sie hatte sich um Dich gekümmert als Du bewusstlos warst. +But travel by sea, or access to the village on itself, is thoroughly impossible. Andrei Sakar is at ready. +Aber mit dem Schiff fahren, oder den Zugang zum Dorf an sich ist durchaus unmöglich. Andrei Sakar ist bereit. + +But who knows what future holds. The Monster King was blamed as responsible, but he killed our interviewer. Eeh. +Aber wer weiß, was Zukunft bringt. Das Monster King wurde als verantwortlich verantwortlich gemacht, aber er tötete unseren Interviewer. Eeh. + CONDEMNED: This building has been condemned. The roof may fall. Be careful! VERURTEILT: Dieses Gebäude wird verurteilt. Das Dach kann herunterfallen. Achtung! Camel Cotton Dye Ocker Baumwoll Farbe +Candor Trainer read all the references that he could find and is wiser than ever! +Candor Trainer Lesen Sie alle Hinweise, dass er finden konnte, und ist klüger als je zuvor! + +Candor was sightly reworked in terms of gold gain/expense. @@ was added. +Candor wurde in Bezug auf Gold Gewinn / Kosten sightly überarbeitet. @@ wurde hinzugefügt. + Captain Nard is in the room to your right. Kapitän Nard ist in dem Raum auf der rechten Seite. @@ -139,6 +205,9 @@ Kessel#RES_0177 Cauldron#RES_0178 Kessel#RES_0178 +Central Woodlands suffered dramatic changes due Saulc (ab)using his GM powers. +Zentralwoodlands erlitt dramatische Veränderungen durch Saulc (ab) mit seinem GM Kraft. + Change my level Level verändern @@ -154,9 +223,18 @@ Schokobraune Kashmir Farbe Choose desired quest state: Wähle gewünschten Quest Status: +Christmas Event: 21/12 ~ 09/01 +Weihnachten Event: 21.12 ~ 01.09 + +Citzens on the world are now listeing to different tunes, and new adventurers were found... in desert islands? +Bürger auf der Welt hören jetzt auf verschiedene Melodien und neue Abenteurer wurden gefunden ... in der Wüste Inseln? + Click here for instructions on how to use the test server. Hier klicken für Infos über die Benutzung des Test-Servers. +Colonel DUSTMAN opened the Heroes Hold to the hardcore player. Noobs, keep out! Good players only! +Oberst MÜLLABFUHRMANN öffneten sich die Helden auf den Hardcore-Spieler halten. Noobs, draußen bleiben! Gute Spieler nur! + Come back soon! Komm bald wieder! @@ -166,6 +244,12 @@ Darf ich dich fragen was deine Muttersprache ist? Ein Matrose meinte Russisch, e Could I ask you what your native language is? A sailor told me you're Russian, but another one told me you're French... I'm a bit lost. I will register you on the ship passenger list just after that.#1 Darf ich dich fragen was deine Muttersprache ist? Ein Matrose meinte Russisch, ein anderer Französisch... Ich bin ein wenig verwirrt. Ich werde dich danach sofort auf die Passagierliste setzen. +Counter Attack - Next attack will be retaliated, with twice critical ratio. +Counter Attack - Nächster Angriff wird rächte sich, mit zweimal kritisches Verhältnis. + +Crazyfefe Fight was remastered. The 8.0 release series was the longest release serial thus far. +Crazyfefe Kampf wurde remastered. Die 8.0-Release-Serie war die längste Release Serien so weit. + Create items Gegenstände herstellen @@ -199,6 +283,9 @@ Sagtest du Belohnung? Ich will sie! Dig. Graben. +Dimond bought a brand new slot machine and installed on her inn. The rewards are different from the one on Tulimshar. +Dimond kaufte einen nagelneuen Spielautomaten und installiert auf dem Inn. Die Belohnungen sind anders als die, auf Tulimshar. + Disable event Deaktivieren Veranstaltung @@ -220,6 +307,15 @@ Möchtest du diesen Ort als Speicherpunkt benutzen? DoorUpwards DoorUpwards +Drop rates raised drastically for the lucky ones. Eternal Swamp floods are now more cyclic. +Dropraten drastisch erhöht für die Glücklichen. Ewiger Sumpf Überschwemmungen sind jetzt mehr zyklisch. + +Easter eggs have been found, like secret rooms. +Ostereier gefunden wurden, wie geheime Räume. + +Easter will soon start! +Ostern wird in Kürze beginnen! + Enable Christmas Aktivieren Weihnachten @@ -247,18 +343,69 @@ Aktivieren Tag der Arbeit Enter desired skill level: Gewünschtes Fähigkeitslevel eingeben: +Enzo, the Forgetful +Enzo, die Forgetful + +Estard finished arranging sufficient paperwork so adventurers can create their own guilds. +Estard fertig ausreichend Papierkram Anordnung so Abenteurern ihre eigenen Gilden zu schaffen. + +Even Tulimshar's Council managed to get that sewer unlocked, and as consequence, players can ascend to level 60! +Auch Tulimshar des Rates verwaltet, dass Abwasser entriegelt werden, und als Folge können die Spieler auf Stufe 60 aufsteigen! + +Event Duration: November 3rd ~ November 9th 2018 +Veranstaltungsdauer: 3. November ~ 9. November 2018 + Every seven successive right guesses, you'll get 2x @@! Alle sieben aufeinanderfolgenden richtigen Vermutungen, die Sie erhalten 2x @@! +Falkon Punch +Falke-Durchschlag + +Falkon Punch - Bash your weapon against your enemies with raised damage and accuracy. +Falke-Durchschlag - Bash Ihrer Waffe gegen deine Feinde mit erhöhten Schaden und Genauigkeit. + +Falkon Punch! +Falke-Durchschlag! + +Fighting stronger monsters will yield more EXP, but to make botting less profitable, too weak monsters give less EXP. +Kampf gegen stärkere Monster mehr EXP ergeben, aber botting weniger profitabel, zu schwach Monster weniger EXP geben zu machen. + +Figures clad in dark were reported in Tulimshar Mines, as more miners were hired and need help. +Die Zahlen in dunkel gekleidet wurden in Tulimshar Mines berichtet, wie mehr Bergleute eingestellt wurden und brauchen Hilfe. + Fine. Fein. +Fire Walk +fire Walk + +Fire Walk - Creates a trail of fire, harming any pursuer +Fire Walk - Erstellt eine Spur von Feuer, jeden Verfolger zu schaden + +Fireball - Basic AoE (Area Of Effect) Skill +Feuerball - Grund AoE (Area of ​​Effect) Geschicklichkeit + +Fishing now gives experience, and two new baits were added: Cheese and Alface. +Angeln gibt jetzt Erfahrung, und zwei neue Köder wurden hinzugefügt: Käse und Alface. + Fluffy Fur Fluffy Fell +Free Casting +Gratis Casting + +Frost Diver - Attempt to freeze an enemy, dealing damage +Frost Diver - Der Versuch, einen Gegner einzufrieren, Schaden zufügt + +Frost Nova - Freeze everything in a range +Frostnova - Freeze-alles in einem Bereich + Fuschia Cotton Dye Fuchsia Baumwoll Farbe +GMs weren't using it a lot, and Quirin needed to collect money. +GMs wurden unter Verwendung es nicht viel, und Quirin benötigt, um Geld zu sammeln. + Get money Geld abheben @@ -268,18 +415,45 @@ Geh weg. Golden Warlord Plare Goldene Warlord Platte +Good luck adventurers, and may the Pink Mouboo watch over this disaster... Whatever that means. They paid us to say that, I swear! +Viel Glück Abenteurer, und kann das Rosa Mouboo wache über diese Katastrophe ... Was auch immer das bedeutet. Sie schenkten uns zu sagen, dass, ich schwöre! + Good to hear from you! Schön, von dir zu hören. Great job! You can keep these items, they will be crucial to your journey. Gut gemacht! Sie können diese Elemente halten, werden sie zu Ihrer Reise entscheidend sein. +Great rewards await, according to the voices! +Große Belohnungen erwarten, nach den Stimmen! + Green Cotton Dye Grüne Baumwoll Farbe +Ground Strike - Hit the ground, exploding the surroundings and disabling enemies. +Boden Streik - Hit den Boden, um die Umgebung explodiert und behindernden Feinde. + +Guilds are now much more stronger, and have exclusive alchemy recipes besides a storage. +Gilden sind jetzt viel stärker, und haben exklusive Alchemie Rezepte neben einem Speicher. + +Guilds can go from 16 to 56 members, tulimshar was restocked. +Gilden können 16 bis 56 Mitglieder gehen, Tulimshar nachgeliefert wurde. + +Guilds storage is free for test, and monsters are fainting when too many players attack them at once. +Gilden Lagerung ist für Test und Monster in Ohnmacht, wenn zu viele Spieler sie angreifen sofort. + +Hard workers get an extra work level. This means a +1 VIT bonus is possible! +Harte Arbeiter erhalten einen zusätzlichen Arbeitsebene. Das bedeutet, ein +1 VIT Bonus ist möglich! + +Hasan is bothering less frequently his friends, as now he have his own seasonal quest. +Hasan stört weniger seine Freunde häufig, wie er jetzt seine eigene Saison-Suche haben. + He needs more food. Er braucht mehr Nahrung. +Healing - The most basic healing skill, requires no items to use. +Heilung - die Fähigkeit grundlegende Heilung erfordert keinen Artikel zum Einsatz. + Hehehe, he is a bit nervous, please forgive him, it is not everyday we have a new member in the crew! Hehehe, er ist ein bisschen nervös. Bitte entschuldige ihn. Es passiert nicht jeden Tag, dass wir ein neues Mitglied in unserer Crew haben! @@ -289,15 +463,42 @@ Hier sind sie. Hey you! Can you hear us? Are you okay? Hey du! Kannst du uns hören? Alles in Ordnung? +Hey, if you take a bow, buy a Quiver with Nicholas, on Hurnscald's blacksmith. Come back always! +Hey, wenn Sie einen Bogen nehmen, kaufen Sie einen Köcher mit Nicholas, auf Hurnscald Schmiede. Kommen immer wieder! + Hey. Hey. +High Healing +hohe Heilung + +High Healing - Use a Lifestone for supreme healing. +Hohe Heilung - Verwenden Sie ein Life für höchste Heilung. + +His wandering mirror even challenge players randomly, but rarely grants more than a minute for them. +Sein Wander Spiegel sogar Spieler zufällig herausfordern, aber nur selten gewährt mehr als eine Minute für sie. + +Holy Light - Standard Holy Magical Attack +Heiliger Licht - Standard Heiliger Magischer Angriff + How do you know? Woher weißt du das? However, I can restart the Heroes Hold, if you want. You'll get a reward, but will need to start from scratch. Should I do it? Allerdings kann ich die Helden Halte neu starten, wenn Sie möchten. Sie erhalten eine Belohnung erhalten, sondern müssen von Grund auf neu starten. Sollte ich es machen? +However, the Monster King laid siege to Hurnscald. His power increased greatly, and ships are not capable of even approaching the city. +Jedoch legte das Monster King gerte Hurnscald. Seine Kraft stark erhöht, und Schiffe sind nicht in der Lage, auch die Stadt nähert. + +However, they allowed everyone to use @@ command to rapidly reach Aeros during events. +Allerdings erlaubt sie alle zu nutzen @@ Befehl zu schnell Eros bei Veranstaltungen zu erreichen. + +Hurnscald Nurse is collecting blood donations, and a veteran officer from Tulimshar City Guard is handing out Wooden Swords. +Hurnscald Krankenschwester ist das Sammeln von Blutspenden und ein Veteran Offizier von Tulimshar Stadtwache ist Austeilen Holzschwerter. + +Hurnscald was liberated by the players @@ ago. +Hurnscald wurde von den Spielern befreit @@ vor. + I am not worried about rewards. I just want to help. Mir sind Belohnungen egal. I will nur helfen. @@ -376,6 +577,9 @@ Ich bin froh zu sehen, dass es dir gut geht. I'm sure that you've got some questions for me, feel free to ask them, but first I need to tell you the rules of proper social conduct on board. Ich bin mir sicher, daß du einige Fragen an mich hast. Zögere nicht zu fragen. Zuerst muss ich dir jedoch die Vorschriften für angemessenes soziales Verhalten an Bord erklären. +Iced Bottle +Iced Bottle + If you don't have a @@, you can only track progress on Mana Magic using @@, and you won't really gain any mana experience for a while. Wenn Sie nicht über ein @@ haben, können Sie nur Fortschritt auf Mana Magie verfolgen mit @@, und Sie werden nicht wirklich Mana Erfahrung für eine Weile erhalten. @@ -391,6 +595,9 @@ Wenn Sie diese Seite später nochmals lesen möchten, gibt es eine Kopie an der If you wish to reset your stats: Wenn du deine Statusmerkmale zurücksetzen möchtest: +Ishi also rewrote his rewards table. More items for lower prices! +Ishi auch seine Belohnungen Tabelle neu geschrieben. Angebote in der Kategorie für niedrigere Preise! + It seems that you need a key to open this door. Scheinbar brauchst du einen Schlüssel um diese Tür zu öffnen. @@ -403,6 +610,9 @@ Alles ok! Nur eine weitere Box und es wird ok sein. It's ok. Es ist ok. +Jesusalva & Saulc, TMW2 Admins +Jesusalva & Saulc, TMW2 Admins + Johanne Key Schlüssel zur Johanne @@ -412,6 +622,12 @@ Julia Khaki Cotton Dye Khaki Baumwoll Farbe +Last Resort +Letzter Ausweg + +Last Standing Man - Passive - Raise Max HP and Holy Defense +Last Standing Man - Passiv - Raise Max HP und Heilige Verteidigung + LeftBarrierCheck LeftBarrierCheck @@ -430,33 +646,111 @@ Lass mich dir erklären, wozu die Händlergilde gut ist. Lime Cotton Dye Lindgrüne Baumwoll Farbe +LoF Transcendence Gate was moved to town centre. Tipius haven't been sighted as of late. +LoF Transcendence Tor wurde zum Zentrum bewegt. Tipius wurden als in der letzten Zeit nicht gesichtet. + Look at your equipment, can you guess what material it is made from? Schau dir deine Ausrüstung genau an. Errätst du, aus welchem Material sie gemacht ist? +Lower difficulty of advanced stage (level 50+ players), by price rebalances. +Senken Sie Schwierigkeiten bei der fortgeschrittenen Stadium (Stufe 50+ Spieler), nach Preis wieder ins Gleichgewicht bringt. + +Lower difficulty of starters stage (up to level 20 players), by experience redesign. +Senken Sie Schwierigkeit Starterstufe (bis zu Level 20 Spieler), durch die Erfahrung Redesign. + Lower this skill Fähigkeit verringern +Lua FINALLY noticed that traveling to Halinarzo at level 20 is akin suicide. +Lua ENDLICH bemerkt, dass auf der Ebene Halinarzo reisen 20 ähnlich Selbstmord. + +Magic Strike - Standard Magical Attack +Zauberschlag - Standard Magischer Angriff + +Mainly fixes and the Monster King is now randomly laying siege to towns! +Vor allem sind jetzt König Behebungen und das Monster zufällig belagerte Städte! + +Major rebalance, lowering difficulty on sub-level-30 stage. Tulimshar is a whole new place. +Wichtige Neuverteilung, Senken Schwierigkeiten auf Sub-Level-30 Stufe. Tulimshar ist eine ganz neue Stelle. + +Mana Wisdom - Passive - Raise Mana EXP Gain rate +Mana Weisheit - Passiv - Raise Mana EXP Gewinn Rate + +Many other things were changed, and it is too much to say here. Even people with stronger magic were seen. +Viele andere Dinge wurden verändert, und es ist zu viel, hier zu sagen. Auch Menschen mit stärkerer Magie zu sehen waren. + +Many rejoiced. The damage was very big, and all players help is required, to make Hurnscald prosper again. +Viele freuten sich. Der Schaden war sehr groß, und alle Spieler Hilfe erforderlich ist, wieder Hurnscald prosper zu machen. + +Mass Provoke +Masse Provozieren + Mass Provoke - Provoke all monsters under your cursor Massen Provozieren - Provozieren alle Monster unter dem Cursor Mauve Cotton Dye Malve Baumwoll Farbe +Meanwhile, several bugs were fixed. Our second sun had been glitchy, but Jesus Saves made sure it is now fine. +Inzwischen wurden mehrere Fehler behoben. Unsere zweite Sonne glitchy gewesen war, aber Jesus macht Saves sicher, es ist jetzt in Ordnung. + +Meltdown Forge, make your useless equip a good weapon! Lieutenant Dausen have new quests! +Meltdown Forge, machen sie ihre nutzlosen equip eine gute Waffe! Lieutenant Dausen haben neue Quests! + +Mercenaries and blueprints! Players are crafting their own weapons. Sagratha and Cindy are in need of help! +Mercenaries und Entwürfe! Die Spieler sind Crafting ihre eigenen Waffen. Sagratha und Cindy sind, die Hilfe brauchen! + +Minor release to lower travel prices, fix several issues, and enable Friend Referral System. +Minor Release Reisepreise zu senken, behebt einige Probleme und ermöglicht Freund Referral-System. + Mint Cashmere Dye Mintgrüne Kashmir Farbe +Money to leave Candor is easier, as various persons there need help. +Geld zu verlassen Candor ist einfacher, da verschiedene Personen dort Hilfe benötigt. + +Monsters are walking to different regions, new grinding zones appears! +Monster sind zu Fuß zu den verschiedenen Regionen, neue Schleifzonen erscheint! + My name is @@... Mein Name ist @@... +Napalm Beat - Spammable AoE Skill +Napalm Beat-- Spammable AoE Fähigkeit + +Nard also bought a new ship!. +Nard hat auch ein neues Schiff !. + +Nard and Elmo changed the way they talk to newcomers, to be more clear about what they expect. +Nard und Elmo verändert die Art, wie sie zu den Neulingen zu sprechen, mehr klar darüber zu sein, was sie erwarten. + +Nard's ship basement was modified, and winter drops are now alive. Don't miss Christmas event, either. +Nard Schiff Keller wurde geändert, und im Winter Tropfen ist jetzt am Leben. Verpassen Sie nicht Weihnachten Event, auch nicht. + +Nard's ship is not capable to do Tulimshar<->Candor route instantly anymore: His magic sail broke. +Nard Schiff nicht in der Lage ist Tulimshar zu tun <-> Candor Route sofort mehr: Seine Magie Segel brachen. + Navy Blue Cotton Dye Navyblaue Baumwoll Farbe +New players can also get an EXP bonus with Elmo until they get level 15. Warp Crystals are here! +Neue Spieler können auch einen EXP-Bonus mit Elmo erhalten, bis sie Level 15. Warp Kristalle sind hier! + +Nivalis Liberation Day Result: Players Lost 92 : 300 Monsters Won +Nivalis Befreiungstag Ergebnis: Spieler verloren 92: 300 Monster Won + No problem, I can help you anyway. Kein Problem, ich kann dir trotzdem helfen. No, none. Nein, keine. +None at the moment! +Keiner im Moment! + +Not only that, but there appeared some paladins, tankers, wizards, sages and raggers claiming to have mastered magic. +Nicht nur das, aber es erschien einige Paladine, Tanker, Assistenten, Weisen und Raggers behauptet gemeistert Magie zu haben. + Oh really? I'll put more food in the next box then. Oh, wirklich? Ich werde in die nächste Box mehr essen packen. @@ -517,12 +811,27 @@ Oder verwenden Sie die ehrfürchtige [@@ https: // Orange Cotton Dye Orange Baumwoll Farbe +PVP Arena did NOT got in. Same for AFK Cap. +PVP Arena hat bekam nicht in. Das Gleiche gilt für AFK Cap. + +Party levels for experience sharing restriction is more flexible, and there is a great co-op quest. +Parteiebene für Erfahrungsaustausch Einschränkung sind flexibler, und es gibt einen großen Co-op-Quest. + Patrick Saulc Patrick Saulc +People at Tulimshar are now giving more tips to newcomers, and new bugs may have been introduced. +Menschen bei Tulimshar werden nun weitere Tipps für Neulinge geben und neue Fehler eingeführt worden sein. + Perfect! Perfekt! +Pet Detective wasn't getting new members and was forced to drop price. +Pet Detective wurde immer keine neue Mitglieder und wurde Preis fallen zu lassen gezwungen. + +Pick a bounty at Tulimshar Guard House! Buy and use grenades! (Only against non-boss monsters) +Wählen Sie eine Prämie bei Tulimshar Guard House! Kaufen und Verwendung Granaten! (Es werden nur gegen Nicht-Boss-Monster) + Pink Cotton Dye Pinke Baumwoll Farbe @@ -532,9 +841,24 @@ Piou Mörder Piou egg Piou Ei +Players are now send players to Nivalis and Frostia, to keep learning about who they are. While greater forces are at play, the player might be just a minor one, but certainly an important one. +Die Spieler sind nun Spieler Nivalis und Frostia zu halten, das Lernen über, wer sie sind zu senden. Während größere Kräfte im Spiel sind, kann der Spieler nur eine geringfügige, aber sicherlich ein sehr wichtiger. + +Players are renting Mouboos and Tortugas to move faster! Shields are now better! +Die Spieler sind zu mieten Mouboos und Tortugas schneller zu bewegen! Schilde sind jetzt besser! + +Players can now sense monsters strength with @@, and lag was reduced. Pets can run away again. +Spieler können nun Monster Stärke mit @@, spüren und Verzögerung reduziert wurde. Haustiere können wieder weglaufen. + +Players didn't escape from the manaquake. Xtreem says it is easier to kill monsters now. +Spieler entging nicht von der manaquake. Xtreem sagt, es einfacher zu töten Monster ist jetzt. + Please select a category: Bitte wähle eine Kategorie: +Provoke - Provoke a single monster +Provozieren - Provozieren ein einzelnes Monster + Purple Cotton Dye Violette Baumwoll Farbe @@ -580,9 +904,105 @@ Verringert dein Basislevel um 50 Reduces your job level by 50 Verringert dein Karrierelevel um 50 +Release 2 +Release 2 + +Release 2.1 - Free Lunch For Those Who Work Hard! +Release 2.1 - Free Lunch für diejenigen, die hart arbeiten! + +Release 2.2 - There Are No Pipelines +Release 2.2 - Es gibt keine Pipelines + +Release 3 +Release 3 + +Release 3.0 - In The Dreams +Release 3.0 - in den Träumen + +Release 4 +Release 4 + +Release 4.0 - Quest Giver's Handbook +Release 4.0 - Quest Giver-Handbuch + +Release 5 +Release 5 + +Release 5.0 - Greenland Players +Release 5.0 - Grönland Spieler + +Release 6 +Release 6 + +Release 6.0 - Steam, Fire, and... Monster King?! +Release 6.0 - Dampf, Feuer und ... Monster King ?! + +Release 7 +Release 7 + +Release 7.0 - Polished Emerald +Release 7.0 - Polierte Smaragd + +Release 7.1 - Broken Emerald +Release 7.1 - Broken Smaragd + +Release 7.2 - Frozen Jesusalva +Release 7.2 - Gefrorene Jesusalva + +Release 7.3 - Frozen Community +Release 7.3 - Gefrorene Gemeinschaft + +Release 7.4 - Christmas Revolution +Lassen 7.4 - Weihnachten Revolution + +Release 7.5 - Merry Christmas, Happy New Year +Release 7.5 - Frohe Weihnachten, Happy New Year + +Release 8 +Release 8 + +Release 8.0 - Apane Invasion, the Remaster +Release 8.0 - aPane Invasion, die Remaster + +Release 8.1 - It's hidden! Where? +Version 8.1 - Es ist versteckt! Wo? + +Release 8.2(1) - Valentine Day (Is Over) +Release 8.2 (1) - Valentinstag (Is Over) + +Release 8.3 - King Arthur +Lassen 8.3 - König Arthur + +Release 8.4 - Can I Live Ingame? +Version 8.4 - Can I Live-Ingame? + +Release 8.5 - A Place To Spend Vacations +Version 8.5 - Ein Ort Urlaub zu verbringen + +Release 8.9 - Easter Event +Lassen Sie 8,9 - Ostern Ereignis + +Release 8.99 - JESUSALVA IS LAZY +Lassen 8.99 - JESUSALVA IS LAZY + Release 9 (Current) Release 9 (Current) +Release 9.0 - The Promised Release +Release 9.0 - The Promised Release + +Release 9.1 - Bedtime Stories +Release 9.1 - Bedtime Stories + +Release 9.2 - Workbench +Lassen 9.2 - Workbench + +Release 9.3 - Lovely Homunculus +Lassen 9.3 - Schöne Homunculus + +Release 9.4 - Balance & Bugfix Patch +Release 9.4 - Balance & Bugfix-Patch + Remove this skill Fähigkeit entfernen @@ -598,12 +1018,33 @@ Zum Fähigkeiten-Debug-Menü zurückkehren RightBarrierCheck RightBarrierCheck +Rosen is now making Training Bow in Candor for new adventures. +Rosen machen jetzt Training Bow in Candor für neue Abenteuer. + +Saulc and Cherry married in Halinarzo, and stayed like this for perhaps 20 seconds, before Cherry asked for divorce. +Saulc und Kirsche verheiratet in Halinarzo und blieb so für etwa 20 Sekunden, bevor Kirsche für die Scheidung gebeten. + +Saulc said it needs an inspection, and he'll be with everyone trying to proccess and fix the amount of damage this caused. +Saul sagte, es braucht eine Inspektion, und er wird sein mit jedem Prozess versuchen und fixieren die Höhe des Schadens dies verursacht. + Set state manually Status manuell festlegen Set the level manually Level manuell festlegen +Several bugfixes! And a new bug replace every removed one! +Mehrere Fehlerbehebungen! Und ein neuer Bug jeden entfernten ersetzen! + +Several bugfixes, and new monsters have been seen. Almost all healing items have changed. +Mehrere Fehlerbehebungen und neue Monster gesehen wurden. Fast alle haben heilende Elemente geändert. + +Sharpshooter - Shoot an arrow or bullet which damages everything on its way. +Scharfschütze - Schießen einen Pfeil oder Kugel auf dem Weg schädigt alles. + +She is sending players to Hurnscald instead. +Sie wird stattdessen Spieler Hurnscald senden. + She is the nurse and shipkeeper of this ship. Sie ist die Krankenschwester und die Schiffsverwalterin dieses Schiffes. @@ -613,12 +1054,24 @@ Sie ist in den oberen Teilen des Schiffs. Yeye kann sie nicht verfehlen. Sie ist She's on the upper level, yeye can't miss her. She's the only girl in this crew.#1 Sie ist in den oberen Teilen des Schiffs. Yeye kann sie nicht verfehlen. Immerhin ist sie die einzige Frau in der Mannschaft. +Ship travels are cheaper, full equipment sets have hidden bonuses, Soul Menhirs are now auto-touched. +Schiffsreisen sind billiger, voller Ausrüstung Sätze haben versteckte Boni, Soul Menhire sind nun automatisch berührt. + Should we blame Saulc for bugs? Sollten wir Saulc für Fehler verantwortlich machen? +Shovels and Treasure maps, for the explorers this summer, after June 21st! +Schaufeln und Schatzkarten, für die Forscher in diesem Sommer, nach dem 21. Juni! + +Side Note: During r6.1 and r6.5, various improvements were done, and two new quests were seen. Priests have shown up. +Side Hinweis: Während R6.1 und R6.5 wurden verschiedene Verbesserungen vorgenommen, und zwei neue Quests wurden gesehen. Priester angezeigt. + Silver Cotton Dye Silberne Baumwoll Farbe +Since previous release, there was also seen priests, two new quests, and a breakthrough on reset potions happened. +Seit früheren Release gab es auch gesehen Priester, zwei neue Quests und ein Durchbruch auf Reset Tränke passiert ist. + Skill Debug Fähigkeiten Debug @@ -628,9 +1081,33 @@ Fahigkeiten Debug: Fähigkeit anpassen So finally someone has came to visit me? So, endlich ist jemand gekommen um mich zu besuchen? +Some NPCs are [@@|learning new languages@@]. +Einige NPCs sind [@@ https: // | Erlernen neuer Sprachen @@]. + +Some adventurer broke what was previously thought as maximum level, and is now level 40! +Einige Abenteurer brach, was zuvor als Maximalwert angenommen wurde, und ist nun Stufe 40! + +Some adventurer broke what was previously thought as maximum level, and is now level 45! +Einige Abenteurer brach, was zuvor als Maximalwert angenommen wurde, und ist nun Stufe 45! + +Some monsters gained death and/or attack sounds, and Blue Sage House front door is now open. +Einige Monster gewonnen Tod und / oder Angriff Sounds und Blue Sage Haus Haustür ist jetzt geöffnet. + +Some of these even cause area damage! Rumors of time travellers were heard, but no time travel was confirmed. +Einige dieser sogar Ursache Bereich Schaden! Gerüchte von Zeitreisenden waren zu hören, aber keine Zeitreise bestätigt wurde. + Some time later... Etwas später... +Somebody else also got huge stats bonuses because reached the unbelievable job level 25. +Jemand anderes auch riesige Statistiken Boni bekommen, weil das unglaublichen Job Level 25 erreicht. + +Someone adventurer broke what was previously thought as maximum level, and is now level 31! +Jemand Abenteurer brach, was zuvor als Maximalwert angenommen wurde, und ist nun Stufe 31! + +Soren, the architect responsible for it, is very happy with the new design. +Soren, der Architekt verantwortlich für sich, ist sehr zufrieden mit dem neuen Design. + Sorry! I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Arpan, but other sailors call me Magic Arpan because I know one or two yaing magic spells. Ah. Tut mir Leid. Ich habe vergessen mich vorzustellen. Ich heiße Arpan. Aber die meisten anderen Matrosen nennen mich Magic Arpan, da ich den einen oder anderen Zauberspruch kenne. @@ -643,6 +1120,12 @@ Tut mir leid, aber ich habe keinen Schimmer. Soul Menhir#001-4 Seelen Menhir#001-4 +Stat Reseters had a breakthrough which made potions cheaper, and Arkim brand new petiscide made Pinkies sick (with less HP). +Stat Reseters hatte einen Durchbruch, die Tränke billiger gemacht und Arkim brandneue petiscide gemacht Pinkies krank (mit weniger PS). + +Strange figures appear, claiming to be from the Land of Fire, and using interesting sticks, which spits fire. +Seltsame Figuren erscheinen und behaupten, aus dem Land des Feuers zu sein, und mit interessanten Sticks, das Feuer spuckt. + Summon Cave Maggot - @sk-zarkor Summon Cave Maggot - @ sk-zarkor @@ -682,12 +1165,24 @@ Summon Wolverns - @ sk-kalwulf Summon Yetis - @sk-frozenheart Summon Yetis - @ sk-frozenheart +Supreme Attack - Cause a very strong attack with lowered accuracy. +Supreme Attack - dazu bringen, einen sehr starken Angriff mit gesenkten Genauigkeit. + Sure! But that is Mana Magic. Just bring me a mug of beer, I'm thristy. And I'll teach you a basic skill. Sicher! Aber das ist Mana Magie. bringen Sie mir einen Becher Bier, ich bin thristy. Und ich werde Ihnen eine grundlegende Fähigkeit lehren. +Tactical Retreat +taktischer Rückzug + +Teaching Enzo your skills will make you both forget them. +Enzo Ihre Fähigkeiten Lehre werden Sie beide sie vergessen machen. + Teal Cotton Dye Aquamarine Baumwoll Farbe +Terranite King was seen recently. New shields and pants are available for craft. +Terranite König wurde vor kurzem gesehen. Neue Schilder und Hosen sind für Fahrzeuge zur Verfügung. + Terranite Quiver Terranite Köcher @@ -706,27 +1201,90 @@ Vielen Danke für die Hilfe! Thanks for the help! Danke für die Hilfe! +That and other changes, are all thinking on players helping each other. +Das und andere Änderungen, sind alle Gedanken an die Spieler gegenseitig helfen. + That's a Mana Magic. It is very different from regular magic. For example, it have an experience meter and an alias you can say. Das ist eine Mana Magie. Es ist sehr verschieden von regelmäßiger Magie. Zum Beispiel ist es eine Erfahrung Meter und ein Alias ​​haben Sie sagen können. +The Alliance announces a great new way to keep adventurers killing monsters. +Die Allianz kündigt eine großartige neue Möglichkeit, Abenteurer zu halten Monster zu töten. + +The Alliance changed some rules for storage size, botting, and grand hunter prizes, too. +Die Allianz verändert einige Regeln für die Speichergröße, botting und große Jäger Preise auch. + +The Alliance prepared an attack against the Monster King. Report at Nivalis Guard for more information. +Die Allianz bereit, einen Angriff gegen das Monster King. Bericht bei Nivalis Schutz für weitere Informationen. + +The Grand Hunter quest is available with Aidan. It's an experiment by the High Council, +Das Grand Hunter Quest ist mit Aidan verfügbar. Es ist ein Experiment durch den Hohen Rat, + The Guard Card will prove your intentions. Talk to the Lieutenant in front of the Guard House. Die Garde-Karte wird Ihre Absichten unter Beweis stellen. Sprechen Sie mit dem Leutnant vor dem Wachhaus. +The Magic Council finished the reform on their guest hall. +Der Magic Rat beendete die Reform auf ihre Gasthalle. + +The Magic Council lift Statues in honor of some people. But its guest hall is in reform! +Der Magic Rat hebt Statuen zu Ehren von einigen Leuten. Aber seine Gäste Halle ist in der Reform! + +The Monster King Fortress +Das Monster King Fortress + +The Monster King got so active in the past days, he even have a mirrored version of himself roaming the lands. +Das Monster King bekam so aktiv in den letzten Tagen, er sogar eine gespiegelte Version von sich selbst haben das Land durchstreifen. + +The Monster King left Hurnscald! This is our chance! Saulc GM is assembling a team to TAKE OVER HURNSCALD!! +Der Monster King links Hurnscald! Das ist unsere Chance! Saulc GM Montage ein Team OVER Hurnscald TAKE !! + +The NPC responsible for buying raw gemstones from other NPCs has recovered since the last siege. +Der NPC verantwortlich für den Kauf von rohen Edelsteine ​​von anderen NPCs hat sich seit der letzten Belagerung gewonnen. + +The Tulimshar Forge is also dealing with more complex materials, and not just Iron. +Die Tulimshar Forge ist auch mit komplexeren Materialien zu tun, und nicht nur Eisen. + +The alliance panicked, and allowed Demure, Pyndragon and Pihro on their board of members. +Die Allianz in Panik geraten und erlaubt Demure, Pyndragon und Pihro auf ihre Vorstandsmitglieder. + +The alliance, in honor of previous event winners, built new statues on the Council Guest Hall. +Die Allianz, zu Ehren der Vorveranstaltung Gewinner, baute neue Statuen auf den Rat Guest Hall. + The captain has locked the door, you should go see him. Der Käptain hat die Tür abgeschlossen, du solltest nach ihm sehen. The captain is waiting for you! Hurry up. Der Käpt'n wartet auf dich! Beeil dich. +The demand for strong players raised everywhere. Even death penalty decreased, and GMs are doing better events now. +Die Nachfrage nach starken Spielern überall erhöht. Auch Todesstrafe verringert und GMs jetzt besser Ereignisse tun. + The easiest way to identify is: Mana Skills never target a single foe. This grimorium reports your Mana Skills. Der einfachste Weg, zu identifizieren ist: Mana Fähigkeiten nie für ein einzelnes Ziel. Dieses Grimorium meldet Ihre Mana Fähigkeiten. +The famous PVP Arena, Quirino Voraz, can now be used by all players. +Die berühmte PVP Arena, Quirino Voraz kann jetzt von allen Spielern verwendet werden. + +The foretold Call Of Dusty event quest is also now available for PVP Parties. +Die vorausgesagte Call Of Dusty Ereignis Quest ist nun auch für PVP Parteien zur Verfügung. + The name of the book is @@. Das Buch trägt den Titel @@. +The new inhabitants from the Land Of Fire are welcome, and some are still sheltering, like the Silversmith. +Die neuen Einwohner aus dem Land des Feuers sind willkommen, und einige sind immer noch Zuflucht, wie der Silberschmied. + The old book seems to tell about the legend of Aemil. Would you like to read it? Das alte Buch scheint von der Legende von Aemil zu handeln. Möchtest du es lesen? +The party dungeon is still under maintenance, but it shall soon be liberated. The disaster was so big, all mobs are different. +Die Partei Kerker sind nach wie vor unter Wartung, aber es wird bald befreit werden. Die Katastrophe war so groß, sind alle Mobs anders. + +The snowstorm at Nivalis has ceased, but the Monster King led a massively huge army to siege Nivalis. +Der Schneesturm bei Nivalis hat aufgehört, aber das Monster King führte eine massiv riesige Armee Belagerung Nivalis. + +There are rumors of a grand prize to whoever gets lucky on that machine. +Es gibt Gerüchte über einen großen Preis wem auch immer auf dieser Maschine Glück hat. + There are still some rattos left! Do you want to abort the quest? Es sind immer noch ein paar Ratten übrig! Willst du die Aufgabe abbrechen? @@ -736,15 +1294,39 @@ Es gibt zwei Arten von Magie: Mana Fähigkeiten und Magiefertigkeiten. There is a paper with some rules written on it. Es ist ein Papier mit einigen darauf geschriebenen Vorschriften. +There is now a challenge in Tulimshar PvP Duel Room. How long can you survive? +Es gibt jetzt eine Herausforderung in Tulimshar PvP Duel Room. Wie lange kann man überleben? + +There was just too many changes to list all of them here. Good luck finding all of them! +Es gab einfach zu viele Änderungen hier alle aufzuzählen. Viel Glück, alle von ihnen zu finden! + +There was too many things to keep track. After Hurnscald siege, with lots of earthquakes, we had an accident. +Es gab zu viele Dinge zu Spur zu halten. Nach Hurnscald Belagerung, mit vielen Erdbeben, wir hatten einen Unfall. + +There were trees blocking the path to Halinarzo? Why nobody told that to Tulimshar Council?! +Es gab Bäume den Weg zu Halinarzo blockiert? Warum niemand gesagt, dass zu Tulimshar Rat ?! + +There's a scheduled update for 26/12. Event subject to change without prior notice. +Es gibt ein geplantes Update für 26/12. Veranstaltung Änderungen vorbehalten ohne vorherige Ankündigung. + +Therefore, raw gemstones prices are once again on the rise. +Daher sind die Rohsteine ​​Preise wieder auf dem Vormarsch. + These boxes are way too heavy to be lifted by only one person, all the way onto the ship. Diese Kisten sind viel zu schwer, um von einer Person zum Schiff getragen zu werden. +These trees were cut and travellers can once again travel to Halin. +Diese Bäume wurden geschnitten und Reisende können wieder Reisen nach Halin. + They are a permanent problem so I will always need your help to exterminate them in order to keep their number under control. Sie sind ein andauerndes Problem, also werde ich deine Hilfe immer wieder benötigen, um ihre Anzahl unter Kontrolle zu halten. They look like the same, but they're not. Mana Skills have a Magic Experience meter and have different rules. Sie sehen aus wie die gleichen, aber sie sind es nicht. Mana Fähigkeiten haben eine magische Erfahrung Meter und haben unterschiedliche Regeln. +This caused a mana disturbance, and healing items are working better now, affecting every sector of economy. +Diese eine mana Störung verursacht und heilen Elemente arbeiten jetzt besser, jeden Sektor der Wirtschaft zu beeinflussen. + This file must be requested due not being public. Diese Datei muss auf Grund nicht in der Öffentlichkeit angefordert werden. @@ -754,9 +1336,21 @@ Dieses Menü erlaubt es, deine Fähigkeiten zu ändern. This menu gives access to all quest debug menus. Dieses Menü erlaubt den Zugang zu allen Quest Debug Menüs. +This server's Sponsors bought the area above Hurnscald's Inn. Nobody else is being allowed there. +Dieser Sponsor Server gekauft den Bereich oberhalb Hurnscald des Inn. Niemand sonst darf es wird. + +This somehow affected the whole economy. +Dies irgendwie die gesamte Wirtschaft betroffen. + This useful skill will only require: Diese nützliche Fähigkeit wird nur benötigt: +This was caused because changes on the Mana Bridge. They hope that for next release, everyone will be able to use these magic words, instead of needing to talk to the Soul Menhir. +Dies wurde wegen Änderungen an der Mana-Brücke verursacht. Sie hoffen, dass für die nächste Release, jeder in der Lage sein wird, diese magischen Worte zu verwenden, statt der Notwendigkeit zur Seele Menhir zu sprechen. + +Three new swords are now obtainable, although Broadsword is still the best weapon around. Except on Heroes Hold. +Drei neue Schwerter sind jetzt erhältlich, obwohl Breitschwert ist immer noch die beste Waffe um. Außer auf dem Helden Halten. + To @@ @@ you'll need @@/@@ point(s). Um @@ @@ Sie benötigen @@ / @@ Punkt (e). @@ -769,6 +1363,9 @@ Nutze diesen Befehl zur Änderung deines Job-Levels: To change your stats, use these commands: Benutze diese Befehle zur Änderung deiner Statuspunkte: +To counter-act this, nicholas lowered craft prices, and the folks at LoF are doing their best at refines. +Um Gegen wirken diese, nikolaus gesenkt Handwerkspreise, und die Leute bei LoF tun ihr Bestes, um verfeinert. + Trade 2 Pearl for a Silver Gift + a Bronze Gift Tausche 2 Perlen gegen ein silbernes und ein bronze Geschenk @@ -778,9 +1375,33 @@ TrainingGladius Transmutation - @sk-trans Transmutation - @ sk-trans +Treasure chests have been seen on dungeons, always changing places and refilling themselves. +Schatzkisten wurden auf Dungeons gesehen, immer wechselnden Orten und selbst Nachfüllen. + Trickster uses an experimental window, you might need to resize it to see all skills. Trickster nutzt ein experimentelles Fenster, müssen Sie möglicherweise es, um die Größe alle Fähigkeiten zu sehen. +Tulimshar Guardhouse's door was struck, but the guards managed to get it open again. +Tulimshar Wache Tür wurde geschlagen, aber die verwalteten Wachen, es wieder zu bekommen offen. + +Tulimshar Guards bought a Slot Machine to play, but that was done unofficialy. +Tulimshar Guards kauften einen Spielautomaten zu spielen, aber das war nicht offiziell gemacht. + +Tulimshar Jewerly is now polishing gemstones to add on rings. New monsters were seen, stay on guard. +Tulimshar Schmuck ist nun Edelsteine ​​Polieren an den Ringen hinzuzufügen. Neue Monster wurden auf dem Hut gesehen, Aufenthalt. + +Tulimshar Jewerly is once again open. Cyndala and Tamiloc rented a shop south of Tulimshar. +Tulimshar Schmuck ist wieder offen. Cyndala und Tamiloc vermietet ein Geschäft südlich von Tulimshar. + +Tulimshar miners are having troubles with monsters. They are offering rewards to whoever helps them. +Tulimshar Bergleute haben Probleme mit Monstern. Sie bieten Belohnungen wem auch immer sie hilft. + +Uhm... Bye? +Uhm ... Bye? + +Unfortunately, Tulimshar guards are dying in the sun. Maybe you could provide them with Water? +Leider sterben Tulimshar Wachen in der Sonne. Vielleicht könnte man sie mit Wasser zur Verfügung stellen? + Use the key. Benutze den Schlüssel. @@ -796,9 +1417,18 @@ Warte, es scheint als würde jemand die Tür auf der anderen Seite blockieren! Wait, you never came here before? Warte, du warst vorher noch nie hier? +Wands are also being sold, and other stuff from the Land Of Fire slowly creeps in. +Wands werden auch verkauft, und andere Sachen aus dem Land des Feuers kriecht langsam in. + +We apologize to all, but the Land Of Fire CRASHED here, and broke the whole balance! Part of woodlands flooded! +Wir entschuldigen uns bei allen, aber das Land Of Fire CRASHED hier, und brach die ganze Balance! Ein Teil der Wälder überflutet! + We are at half a day from our final destination, by the time that you wake up I'm sure that we will be there! Wir sind nur noch einen halben Tag von unserem Ziel entfernt. Bis du wieder aufwachst sind wir sicher schon da! +We mean, some are giving stupid amounts of experience, and players can get more levels. Saulc cannot proccess that many changes! +Wir meinen, einige geben dumme Mengen an Erfahrung, und die Spieler können mehr Ebenen erhalten. Saulc können nicht so viele Änderungen Proccess! + We only require a small fee of 1 @@, or 40 @@ Wir fordern nur eine kleine Gebühr von 1 @@ oder 40 @@ @@ -811,6 +1441,9 @@ Wir haben versucht, sie sauber zu bekommen, aber das Meerwasser hat sie fast vö We tried to clean them but the sea water mostly destroyed them. It's why we gave you these clothes. They're not very nice, but that's all that we have for you.#1 Wir haben versucht, sie sauber zu bekommen, aber das Meerwasser hat sie fast völlig zerstört. Darum haben wir dir diese Klamotten gegeben. Sie sind nicht sonderlich hübsch, aber besser als gar nichts. +We wish you a merry Christmas! And a happy new year!! +Wir wünschen dir frohe Weihnachten! Und ein glückliches neues Jahr!! + We're soon leaving that island, please return to your cabine. Wir werden die Insel bald verlassen. Bitte kehre indeine Kabine zurück. @@ -847,6 +1480,15 @@ Welche Deiner Waffen willst Du benutzen um dies zu fällen @@? Which skill do you wish to change? Welche Fähigkeit möchtest du ändern? +Whoa! LoF merge wasn't entirely stable! After a terrible manaquake, everything, +Whoa! LoF merge war nicht ganz stabil! Nach einem schrecklichen manaquake, alles, + +Windwalker - Increase walk speed and flee rate. +Windwalker - Erhöhung Gehgeschwindigkeit und Geschwindigkeit fliehen. + +With renewed confidence about the outcome of the war, various people left their houses. +Mit neuer Zuversicht über den Ausgang des Krieges verließen verschiedene Menschen ihre Häuser. + Wizard#0 Zauberer#0 @@ -856,6 +1498,12 @@ Zauberer#1 Wood Manipulation - @sk-parum Holz Manipulation - @ sk-parum +Workers have closed Nivalis to repairs, due intense damage to town infrastructure. +Die Arbeiter haben Nivalis Reparaturen geschlossen, durch intensive Schäden an städtischer Infrastruktur. + +Wyara tells she will now make Return Potions for those trusted by Hurnscald Staff! +Wyara sagt sie wird nun Return Tränke für die von Hurnscald Mitarbeiter vertraut machen! + Yaya, you should go see her! She'll be happy to see you.#0 Yaya, du solltest sie besuchen! Sie wird sich freuen, dich zu sehen. @@ -907,6 +1555,12 @@ Du bist neu in der Gegend, nicht wahr? You can also read The Book of Laws at any time to see the rules. Um die Regeln zu sehen, kannst du jederzeit im Grundgesetz nachschlagen. +You can get close by feet, and there was an area so empty that you won't even notice the distance walked. +Sie können in der Nähe von Füße zu bekommen, und es war ein Bereich, so leer, dass Sie der Gehstrecke nicht einmal bemerken. + +You can use @@, Audsbel left the Magic School, and Marius is singing again. +Sie verwenden können, @@, links Audsbel die Magic School, und Marius wieder singt. + You can, and @@, register on both programs, but only one is required for this quest. Sie können, und @@, registrieren Sie auf beiden Programme, aber nur eine ist für diese Quest benötigt. @@ -970,15 +1624,33 @@ Du bist zu schwach und konntest dieses @@ nicht öffnen. Your help is very welcome indeed. Unfortunately, I can give you a reward for the first extermination only. Deine Hilfe hier ist allerdings sehr willkommen. Leider kann ich dich nur für die erste Rattenvernichtung belohnen. +Your lack of magical power is critical. I dare say, you might never in your life get access to a Mana Stone. +Ihr Mangel an magischer Kraft ist von entscheidenden Bedeutung. Ich wage zu sagen, könnten Sie nie in Ihrem Leben Zugang zu einem Manastein bekommen. + Your mind is set? You will loose the color dye during this process. Bist du sicher? Du wirst dabei deinen Farbstoff verlieren. +Your position has been saved. +Ihre Position wird gespeichert. + +Zegas, Saxso's widow, the mayor of Candor, decreed to allow strong adventurers to get past the Candor Cave Magic Barrier. +Zegas, Saxso Witwe, der Bürgermeister von Candor verfügte starke Abenteurer zu ermöglichen, vorbei an der Candor Cave magische Barriere zu erhalten. + +Zitoni announces he can now craft really good potions to improve attack speed and damage! +Zitoni kündigt er jetzt wirklich gute Tränke Handwerk Angriffsgeschwindigkeit und Schaden zu verbessern! + +and may change later without notice. +und kann später ohne vorherige Ankündigung geändert werden. + debug Debug delta delta +including the 178 monsters and who knows how many equipment, had numeric changes. +einschließlich der 178 Monster und wer weiß, wie viele Geräte, numerische Veränderungen hatten. + line @@: @@ Zeile @@: @@ diff --git a/langs/lang_de.txt b/langs/lang_de.txt index b6e2ebb89..0a5892e15 100644 --- a/langs/lang_de.txt +++ b/langs/lang_de.txt @@ -170,9 +170,6 @@ ist das Gasthaus, und Du kannst dort eine Wohnung für 30 Tage mieten. ##9Hey wait... Your coin turned on a @@! ##9Hey warte mal... Deine Münze ist auf einer @@ gelandet! -##9Was that not sufficient, this someone acquired MAGIC and is now under @@'s group. - - ##BFirst and foremost, you should talk to Trainer, inside the big house.##b ##BAls erstes und vor allem andern solltest du mit dem Trainer reden. Er ist in dem großen Haus.##b @@ -182,6 +179,9 @@ ist das Gasthaus, und Du kannst dort eine Wohnung für 30 Tage mieten. ##BHall Of AFK: TOP 10##b ##BHalle der AFK: TOP 10##b +##BHall Of Academics: TOP10##b + + ##BHall Of Aurora: TOP10##b @@ -326,9 +326,15 @@ ist das Gasthaus, und Du kannst dort eine Wohnung für 30 Tage mieten. %s makes specialized weapons for high level players. If you tweak with Nicholas, in Hurnscald, the weapon options, you can get really powerful. +%s refunded to level 1 for %d MSP + + %s thinks if she knows any major, good quest to do. +%s, the Forgetful + + %s, you're a good student. You have a bright future if you keep listening to me. %s, du bist ein guter Student. Du wirst eine glänzende Zukunft vor dir haben, wenn du mir weiter zuhören. @@ -392,6 +398,12 @@ ist das Gasthaus, und Du kannst dort eine Wohnung für 30 Tage mieten. (Note: Agostine will destroy low quality materials!) (Hinweis: Agostine wird Material geringerer Qualität zerstören!) +(Passive) Increases Mana EXP/Control Gain rate. + + +(Passive) Raise Max HP and Holy Defense. + + (Protip: Always use %s before engaging a different monster!) @@ -416,10 +428,10 @@ ist das Gasthaus, und Du kannst dort eine Wohnung für 30 Tage mieten. * %d/%d %s -* %d/%d AP (???) +* %d/%d MSP (Magic Skill Points) -* %d/%d MSP (Magic Skill Points) +* %d/%d RP (Research Points) * %s @@ -941,9 +953,6 @@ ist das Gasthaus, und Du kannst dort eine Wohnung für 30 Tage mieten. ...but it is written in Mananese, a language you know nothing about. ... aber es ist in Mananese geschrieben, eine Sprache, wissen Sie nichts über. -...including the fabled "Ultimate PVP Event", as the original creators say... - - ...who knows if there isn't a secret in that? ... wer weiß, ob es, dass kein Geheimnis ist? @@ -956,12 +965,24 @@ ist das Gasthaus, und Du kannst dort eine Wohnung für 30 Tage mieten. .:: @@ Recipe ::. .:: @@ Rezept ::. +.:: Accumulate Power ::. + + .:: Alcohol Tutorial ::. . :: Alkohol Tutorial ::. .:: Archers Eye ::. +.:: Area Provoke ::. + + +.:: Armageddon ::. + + +.:: Arrow Shower ::. + + .:: Backsliding ::. @@ -992,6 +1013,9 @@ ist das Gasthaus, und Du kannst dort eine Wohnung für 30 Tage mieten. .:: Congratulations! ::. .:: Herzliche Glückwünsche! ::. +.:: Counter Attack ::. + + .:: Create PIN Code ::. @@ -1019,6 +1043,21 @@ ist das Gasthaus, und Du kannst dort eine Wohnung für 30 Tage mieten. .:: FIRST PLAYER TO REBIRTH ::. +.:: Falkon Strike ::. + + +.:: Fire Arrow ::. + + +.:: Fireball ::. + + +.:: Firewalk ::. + + +.:: First Aid ::. + + .:: Fortress Island ::. . :: Festung Insel ::. @@ -1028,9 +1067,18 @@ ist das Gasthaus, und Du kannst dort eine Wohnung für 30 Tage mieten. .:: Free Software Day ::. . :: Free Software Day ::. +.:: Frost Diver ::. + + +.:: Frost Nova ::. + + .:: Full Throttle ::. +.:: Ground Strike ::. + + .:: Hasan Scorpion Killing Challenge 2018 ::. . :: Hasan Scorpion Töten Challenge-2018 ::. @@ -1040,15 +1088,36 @@ ist das Gasthaus, und Du kannst dort eine Wohnung für 30 Tage mieten. .:: Hasan Scorpion Killing Challenge 2020 ::. . :: Hasan Scorpion Töten Challenge-2020 ::. +.:: Healing ::. + + .:: Hit'n'Run Tactic ::. . :: Hit'N'Run Taktik ::. +.:: Holy Light ::. + + .:: International Coffee Day ::. . :: Internationaler Kaffee Tag ::. +.:: Judgment ::. + + .:: KAMELOT CASTLE, THE GUILD DUNGEON ::. +.:: Last Standing Man ::. + + +.:: Lightning Bolt ::. + + +.:: Magic Strike ::. + + +.:: Magnus Healing ::. + + .:: Main Quest 1-1 ::. .:: Haupt Quest 1-1 ::. @@ -1079,6 +1148,9 @@ ist das Gasthaus, und Du kannst dort eine Wohnung für 30 Tage mieten. .:: Mana Bomb ::. +.:: Mana Wisdom ::. + + .:: Mission Failed ::. .:: Mission fehlgeschlagen ::. @@ -1088,9 +1160,15 @@ ist das Gasthaus, und Du kannst dort eine Wohnung für 30 Tage mieten. .:: NOTABLE NAMES ON NIVALIS LIBERATION DAY ::. . :: BEMERKENSWERTE NAMEN AUF nivalis LIBERATION DAY ::. +.:: Napalm Beat ::. + + .:: Nature Wall ::. +.:: Nilfheim ::. + + .:: Open Beta 2019 ::. .:: Open Beta 2019 ::. @@ -1100,6 +1178,9 @@ ist das Gasthaus, und Du kannst dort eine Wohnung für 30 Tage mieten. .:: Physical Sciences Class ::. Klasse. :: Physical Sciences ::. +.:: Provoke ::. + + .:: Purple Day 2018 ::. .:: Purple Day 2018 ::. @@ -1109,15 +1190,24 @@ Klasse. :: Physical Sciences ::. .:: Second Tier Quest - Timed Out ::. . :: Quest Stufe 2 - Zeitüberschreitung ::. +.:: Sharpshooter ::. + + .:: Sudden Attack ::. +.:: Supreme Attack ::. + + .:: TMW-2 Anniversary ::. .:: TMW-2 Jahrestag ::. .:: TMW2 Day ::. . :: TMW2 Tag ::. +.:: Tempest ::. + + .:: Thanksgiving 2019 ::. .:: Erntedankfest-2019 ::. @@ -1160,6 +1250,9 @@ Klasse. :: Physical Sciences ::. .:: WARNING ::. .:: WARNUNG ::. +.:: Windwalker ::. + + .:: Withdraw Conditions ::. . :: Ziehen Bedingungen ::. @@ -1205,6 +1298,9 @@ Klasse. :: Physical Sciences ::. 1 Hand Swords 1 Handschwert +1 hour + + 1- Survive. If you die, you will gain nothing. And people want to kill you. 1- überleben. Wenn Sie sterben, gewinnen Sie nichts. Und die Leute wollen dich töten. @@ -1229,6 +1325,9 @@ Klasse. :: Physical Sciences ::. 1. You must be at the computer to play. Using a bot ##Bwhile at computer##b will be tolerated. +10 minutes + + 10 seconds! 10 Sekunden! @@ -1253,6 +1352,9 @@ Klasse. :: Physical Sciences ::. 12x Strange Coins 12x Seltsame Münzen +15 minutes + + 15 minutes. 15 Minuten. @@ -1277,6 +1379,9 @@ Klasse. :: Physical Sciences ::. 2 Hand Swords 2 Handschwerter +2 hours + + 2- Take everything you can find. You'll be warped without equip or healing items! Kill monsters to get some stuff too! Nehmen Sie alles 2- Sie finden können. Sie werden ohne Ausrüsten oder Heilung Gegenstände verzogen werden! Monster töten ein paar Sachen zu bekommen! @@ -1358,6 +1463,9 @@ Nehmen Sie alles 2- Sie finden können. Sie werden ohne Ausrüsten oder Heilung 3. luanaf - 20837 +30 minutes + + 30x Bug Leg 30x Bug Leg @@ -1397,9 +1505,6 @@ Kümmern 4-. Wildtiere können Sie töten. Es kann Fallen sein. 4144's Tortuga 4144 von Tortuga -4144's Tortuga was seen somewhere. Great rewards if someone knock off that monster... Well, not really. -4144 von Tortuga wurde irgendwo gesehen. Große Belohnungen, wenn jemand weg klopft das Monster ... Na ja, nicht wirklich. - 42 @@ -1415,6 +1520,9 @@ Kümmern 4-. Wildtiere können Sie töten. Es kann Fallen sein. 5 @@ can be fused in a @@ 5 @@ kann in einem verschmolzen werden @@ +5 minutes + + 5 seconds! 5 Sekunden! @@ -1961,6 +2069,9 @@ A few times during the year, the "golden wave" migrates from the north pole to t A friend of yours called LOF BOT asked for a coin... +A global announcement will be made. + + A golden pot in woodlands shall reward those who wear green. @@ -1979,9 +2090,6 @@ Ein mit Kapuze Mann hat mich angegriffen, und ließ mich in diesem Zustand. A light magic barrier prevents you from entering. Ein Licht magische Barriere verhindert, dass Sie die Eingabe. -A major deflation happened while Saulc wasn't looking, and you may find several items with @@ discount. -Ein Haupt Deflation geschah, während Saulc nicht hinsah, und Sie einige Einzelteile mit @@ Rabatt finden. - A masterpiece!... Whaaaat, this stuff got ##Bweaker##b?? @@ -1994,9 +2102,6 @@ A mission well done. I should report to lua now. A new pet has been unlocked on the @@! Ein neues Haustier wurde auf der @@ freigeschaltet! -A nice meteor shower is thought to happen in February and May, days 18~25. -im Februar und Mai Ein schöner Meteoritenschauer dachte Tage 18 ~ 25 passieren. - A pity a friend of ours drank too much. Juliet knows how to cure. We need to give her a @@ to do a hangover potion. Schade, ein Freund von uns zu viel getrunken. Juliet weiß, wie zu heilen. Wir brauchen sie eine @@ geben einen Kater Trank zu tun. @@ -2096,6 +2201,9 @@ AF König AFK Cap AFK Cap +AFK skill levels fixed. + + AFTER THEM!! @@ -2177,9 +2285,6 @@ Acc. and Evade -25%% Accept quest? Accept Quest? -Access is restricted to guards, as usual. -Der Zugriff auf Wachen beschränkt, wie üblich. - Access to basement was granted! Der Zugang zum Keller wurde gewährt! @@ -2198,9 +2303,6 @@ Kontoinformationen Accumulate Power Accumulate Strom -Accumulate Power - Raise damage of next skill. -Accumulate Leistung - Raise Schaden des nächsten Geschick. - Ace Ventura Ace Ventura @@ -2276,9 +2378,6 @@ Neue Zeile hinzufügen Additional Hunting Island will be released on Valentine Day! -Additional security measures were put in place so such disaster, of a whole world crashing, doesn't happens again. -Zusätzliche Sicherheitsmaßnahmen getroffen, so eine solche Katastrophe gebracht wurden, einer ganzen Welt abstürzt, geschieht nicht wieder. - Additionally, for the optimal experience, ensure your party has at least the following members and items: @@ -2291,6 +2390,9 @@ Erweiterte Dungeon (Lv 80+) Advanced Exchanger#0 +Advanced Magic + + Advanced Tricks @@ -2306,12 +2408,6 @@ Adventurer, did you brought me what I asked? I see you have @@/5 @@.#0 Adventurer, did you brought me what I asked? I see you have @@/5 @@.#1 -Adventurers entirely redressed, people doing Grand Hunter Quest like mad, peple making wishes at... well... -Adventurers vollständig abgeholfen, Leute wie verrückt Grand-Hunter Quest-tun, peple machen Wünsche an ... na ja ... - -Adventurers got drunk to get more EXP?! Players can now buy houses and make their own wine! -Adventurers betrank mehr EXP zu bekommen ?! Spieler können nun Häuser kaufen und ihren eigenen Wein machen! - Advised party size: From 3 and above Advised Partei Größe: Ab 3 und oben @@ -2342,12 +2438,6 @@ Nach der Reinigung gerade für 12 Stunden, ließen sie mich ein wenig auszuruhen After hours of hard work... Nach Stunden harter Arbeit ... -After much struggle with the lazy builders, Nivalis Town is finally open for visit again! -Nach langen Kampf mit den faulen Bauherr, ist nivalis Stadt wieder für einen Besuch endlich offen! - -After paying the divorce fee, she said: "Blame Saulc for this one." - - After that, stay still and be patient, but also alert! Sei danach ruhig und geduldig, aber trotzdem wachsam! @@ -2819,9 +2909,6 @@ Alle Höhle Schlangen sind tot! Zurück zum Tycoon. All cheaters must die. Alle Betrüger müssen sterben. -All contributors should claim their rewards with Lua. Weather is there, night cycle happens where monsters are more active. -Alle Mitwirkenden sollten ihre Belohnungen mit Lua behaupten. Das Wetter ist dort passiert, Nacht-Zyklus, wo Monster mehr aktiv sind. - All hail @@ and Andrei Sakar, heroes of the world! Alle Hagel @@ und Andrei Sakar, Helden der Welt! @@ -2843,6 +2930,9 @@ Alle Maden sind tot! All mana bugs are dead! Alle Mana Bugs sind tot! +All monsters may drop chocolate during this period. And here is one for you! + + All monsters summoned! Alle Monster beschworen! @@ -3035,9 +3125,6 @@ Auch sie Stufe nach oben, wenn sie angreifen, und können mit den richtigen Fäh Also, unlike regular magic which may cause delay before and after, Mana Magic usually only have a cooldown. But it is hard to know how long that cooldown is... Auch im Gegensatz zu regulären Magie, die Verzögerung verursachen kann vor und nach, Mana Magie in der Regel nur eine Abklingzeit haben. Aber es ist schwer zu wissen, wie lange die Abklingzeit ist ... -Also, weird voices are talking to new players, asking if they're here because a friend. -Auch seltsame Stimmen, um neue Spieler sprechen, fragen, ob sie hier, weil ein Freund sind. - Also, you need vitality and strength to survive the swimming trip. The closest island is very far away. Außerdem müssen Sie die Vitalität und Kraft, um den Badeausflug zu überleben. Die nächstgelegene Insel ist sehr weit weg. @@ -3098,7 +3185,7 @@ Menge? An account may vote anywhere, but only once per town (weekly). Ein Konto kann überall stimmen, aber nur einmal pro Stadt (wöchentlich). -An emergency skill which temporaly raises all your stats. +An emergency skill which temporarily raises all your stats. An error happened: professor_was_assasinated() error @@ -3125,6 +3212,9 @@ An example is dec agi, which lowers your agility. An unlimited number of members can join. +An upgrade is available. + + Ancient Blueprint Alte Blaupause @@ -3236,9 +3326,6 @@ And some of the shop items can be found as drops or in quests! And some times, more Fafi dragons come... Don't neglect your aid. Und einige Male, mehr Fafi Drachen kommen ... nicht vernachlässigen Ihre Hilfe. -And speaking in reward, guards are looking for someone contrabanding goods from Artis. Do not help them! -Und in Lohn zu sprechen, suchen Wachen für jemanden contrabanding Waren von Artis. Sie helfen ihnen nicht! - And then, it was no more! It vanished! In a matter of minutes the slimes were all over the library. A good thing they are slow, none escaped to the town. Und dann war es nicht mehr! Es verschwunden! In wenigen Minuten waren die Schleime in der ganzen Bibliothek. Eine gute Sache, die sie langsam sind, entkam keiner in die Stadt. @@ -3290,9 +3377,6 @@ Andrei Sakar Andrei Sakar Card Andrei Sakar-Karte -Andrei Sakar is also repeating his questions about World Lore, although rewards are now smaller. -Andrei Sakar ist auch seine Fragen zu Welt Lore wiederholen, obwohl Belohnungen sind jetzt kleiner. - Andrei Sakar, Legendary Hero Andrei Sakar, Legendärer Held @@ -3356,9 +3440,6 @@ Geweih-Hut Anwar Anwar -Anwar left his house to tend Tulimshar's crops, after noticing something strange with them. He blames the Monster King. -Anwar verließ sein Haus Tulimshar die Ernten zu neigen, nach etwas Seltsames mit ihnen zu bemerken. Er macht das Monster King. - Anwar sent you this, erm, hum... @@. Anwar Sie erhalten diese, äh, hum ... @@. @@ -3527,6 +3608,9 @@ Aquada Aquada Box Aquadakiste +Ara ara? You do not have enough money with you! + + Arabesque (Action) Arabesque (Action) @@ -3539,6 +3623,9 @@ Arcanum Stein Archant Archant +Archers Eye + + Archery Weapon Recipes Bogenschießen Waffe Rezepte @@ -3638,7 +3725,7 @@ Sind Sie vielleicht interessiert? Area Provoke -Area Provoke - Provoke all monsters centered on target. +Area of effect fire damage. May burn targets. AreaNPC#002-1d @@ -3671,8 +3758,8 @@ Argh ... Ich kann es nie richtig machen! Wenn nur zog er ein Ass oder ein Joker Arkim Arkim -Arkim also developed a powerful petiscide to make Pinkies less healthy, but that was long ago. -Arkim auch eine leistungsfähige petiscide entwickelt, um Pinkies weniger gesund, aber das war vor langer Zeit. +Armageddon + Armbands Armschienen @@ -3728,15 +3815,9 @@ Pfeil Munitionsbox Arrow Shower Pfeil Dusche -Arrow Shower - Shoot FIVE arrows or bullets to the air and cause Area Of Effect Damage. -Pfeil Dusche - Schießen FIVE Pfeile oder Kugeln in die Luft und verursachen Flächenschaden. - Arrow Shower Card Pfeil Hagel Karte -Arrows prices were lowered, and a limited teleport to Frostia and Halinarzo is now possible. -Pfeile Preise wurden gesenkt, und eine begrenzte teleportieren zu Frostia und Halinarzo ist nun möglich. - Arrr matey! This is @@, yarr. Arrr kameradschaftlich! Dies ist @@, yarr. @@ -3800,6 +3881,9 @@ Als Apology Token, du empfangen Sie auch eine @@. As an archer, you should always carry your bow with you. Doesn't warriors carry those heavy swords without complaining? Go and get it. Als Bogenschütze, sollten Sie immer Ihren Bogen mit sich führen. Nicht Krieger tragen diese schweren Schwerter, ohne zu klagen? Los, hol's dir. +As an honorary member of the Duck Side, know that we are more than we appear. The Moubootaur itself has seen fit to reward us when it awakens. Do not attempt to cross us. + + As far as we are concerned, you could have been an exiled prisoner who managed to escape! But there are ways to prove to the Alliance that your intentions are good. @@ -3824,6 +3908,9 @@ Wie bei allen TMW2 Wesentlichen Ereignissen, erhalten die Besten 1 ein spezielle As you can guess, said village was abandoned. However, people are claiming to have seen people walking there, like shadows or zombies. Wie Sie sich vorstellen können, wurde das Dorf verlassen. behaupten, die Menschen dort Menschen haben jedoch gesehen zu Fuß, wie Schatten oder Zombies. +As you may be aware, the Magic Council is in Tulim, after all. + + As you may know, LOF ran on a modified version of The Mana World game, before being merged on TMW2: Moubootaur Legends. Wie Sie vielleicht wissen, lief LOF auf einer modifizierten Version des Spiels Mana World, bevor sie auf TMW2 verschmolzen: Moubootaur Legends. @@ -3974,6 +4061,9 @@ Ayasha AyashaDebug AyashaDebug +Azul Skull Slime + + Azul Slime Azul Slime @@ -3998,6 +4088,12 @@ BUG REPORT ME: QHUB STRAFT KORREKTUR ungültiges Signal @@ BUT you can reduce the travel price to everywhere, to as low as 250 GP, by completing QUESTS! Aber man kann den Reisepreis zu überall, so niedrig wie 250 GP, durch Erfüllen von Aufgaben reduzieren! +Bachelor + + +Backsliding + + Backsword Backsword @@ -4109,9 +4205,36 @@ Base Experience Rate is now %d%%. Base Tier Base Tier +Bash your weapon against your enemies with raised damage and accuracy. + + +Basic Magic + + Basic Tricks +Basic fire single target attack. May burn targets. + + +Basic ice area attack. Freeze targets in a big area. + + +Basic ice area attack. May freeze targets. + + +Basic ice single target attack. May freeze targets. + + +Basic multi-target holy attack. Is actually weak. + + +Basic single target holy attack. Splashes in the nearby tiles. + + +Basic wind single target attack. Strong in overall. + + Basically, I need to find a friendly Yeti. Do they exist? Grundsätzlich muss ich eine freundliche Yeti finden. Existieren sie? @@ -4373,6 +4496,9 @@ Schwarzer Skorpionstachel Black Scorpion Stinger -> Red Scorpion Stinger Black Scorpion Stinger -> Red Scorpion Stinger +Black Skull Slime + + Black Slime schwarz Slime @@ -4793,18 +4919,12 @@ Aber auch sehr amüsant. Ich bin sicher, Pihro und Pyndragon, die Stadt Bürgerm But as you're here now, could you do me a favour? Aber wie Sie jetzt hier sind, könnten Sie mir einen Gefallen tun? -But be careful: Only 1MSP-costed skills can be forgotten, and learning fees WON'T be given back! -Aber Vorsicht: Nur 1MSP-kalkulierten Fähigkeiten können vergessen werden, und das Lernen Gebühren werden nicht wieder gegeben werden! - -But be careful: Only 2MSP-costed skills can be forgotten, and learning fees WON'T be given back! - - -But be careful: Only 3MSP-costed skills can be forgotten, and learning fees WON'T be given back! - - But be careful: do not scream when using a lot of capital letters, and do not keep repeating the lines, and above all DO NOT SPAM, or you may be severely penalized. Aber Vorsicht: nicht schreien, wenn eine Menge von Großbuchstaben verwenden, und nicht halten die Linien zu wiederholen, und vor allem keine Spam, oder Sie können streng bestraft werden. +But be careful: learning fees and research points WILL NOT be given back! + + But be warned, I don't have the Apple with me. It must be further in. @@ -4964,9 +5084,6 @@ Aber um fair zu sein, von dem, was ich habe gesehen Peetu war immer sehr aufmerk But to defeat this dummy, I would say that %s should do the trick. Aber diese Attrappe zu besiegen, würde ich sagen, dass% s sollte es tun. -But travel by sea, or access to the village on itself, is thoroughly impossible. Andrei Sakar is at ready. -Aber mit dem Schiff fahren, oder den Zugang zum Dorf an sich ist durchaus unmöglich. Andrei Sakar ist bereit. - But unfortunately, a loose stone lodges and you fall to your death. Aber leider ein loser Stein einlegt und Sie fallen in den Tod. @@ -4994,9 +5111,6 @@ Aber wer bin ich? But who cares? We need to save the Professor! During night, monsters are stronger, so they'll probably attack at night time! -But who knows what future holds. The Monster King was blamed as responsible, but he killed our interviewer. Eeh. -Aber wer weiß, was Zukunft bringt. Das Monster King wurde als verantwortlich verantwortlich gemacht, aber er tötete unseren Interviewer. Eeh. - But with a @@, when you are about to die, you can warp back to Soul Menhir and bypass death penalty. Aber mit einem @@, wenn Sie zu sterben, können Sie dem Soul Menhir und Bypass Todesstrafe verziehen zurück. @@ -5060,6 +5174,9 @@ Kaufen Sie eine Söldnerkarte Buy cheap, sell expensive! Günstig kaufen, verkaufen teuer! +By "breaking", I do not mean death. It is something worse. + + By far, the most important holiday on Moubootaur Legends. @@ -5345,6 +5462,9 @@ Offenheit Candor - @@ GP Candor - @@ GP +Candor Battle Score: %d + + Candor Bola Candor Bola @@ -5369,15 +5489,9 @@ Candor Hemd Candor Shorts Candor Shorts -Candor Trainer read all the references that he could find and is wiser than ever! -Candor Trainer Lesen Sie alle Hinweise, dass er finden konnte, und ist klüger als je zuvor! - Candor Warp Crystal Candor Warp-Kristall -Candor was sightly reworked in terms of gold gain/expense. @@ was added. -Candor wurde in Bezug auf Gold Gewinn / Kosten sightly überarbeitet. @@ wurde hinzugefügt. - Candor's Nurse Candor's Krankenschwester @@ -5453,6 +5567,9 @@ Kessel#RES_0128 Cauldron#RES_PPL Kessel#RES_PPL +Cause a very strong attack with lowered accuracy. + + Causes a healing effect in area to guild members. @@ -5510,9 +5627,6 @@ Zentaur Centaur Spear Centaur Spear -Central Woodlands suffered dramatic changes due Saulc (ab)using his GM powers. -Zentralwoodlands erlitt dramatische Veränderungen durch Saulc (ab) mit seinem GM Kraft. - Centurion Helmet Centurion Helm @@ -5543,6 +5657,9 @@ Ch 3 — Status Ailments Ch 4 — Casting Ch 4 - Auswerfen +Ch 4 — Information About You + + Ch 5 — Reeling Ch 5 - Einholen @@ -5699,9 +5816,6 @@ Weihnachtschef Christmas Cook Weihnachten Koch -Christmas Event: 21/12 ~ 09/01 -Weihnachten Event: 21.12 ~ 01.09 - Christmas Gift Weihnachtsgeschenk @@ -5726,9 +5840,6 @@ Cindy#house Citizen -Citzens on the world are now listeing to different tunes, and new adventurers were found... in desert islands? -Bürger auf der Welt hören jetzt auf verschiedene Melodien und neue Abenteurer wurden gefunden ... in der Wüste Inseln? - Clan Name: @@ Clan-Namen: @@ @@ -5813,9 +5924,6 @@ Collect the treasured crystals from treasure chests! Colonel DUSTMAN Oberst MÜLLABFUHRMANN -Colonel DUSTMAN opened the Heroes Hold to the hardcore player. Noobs, keep out! Good players only! -Oberst MÜLLABFUHRMANN öffneten sich die Helden auf den Hardcore-Spieler halten. Noobs, draußen bleiben! Gute Spieler nur! - Come after a little while. Komm ein bisschen später wieder. @@ -6005,6 +6113,9 @@ Kupfererz Copper Ore -> Iron Ore Kupfererz -> Eisenerz +Copper Skull Slime + + Copper Slime Kupfer Schleim @@ -6020,6 +6131,9 @@ Corsair Hat Cost per two glass: Kosten pro zwei Gläser: +Cost: %d GP/min + + Cost: 1 @@ Kosten: 1 @@ @@ -6104,9 +6218,6 @@ Könnten Sie nicht das Seil klettern? Counter Attack Gegenangriff -Counter Attack - Next attack will be retaliated, with twice critical ratio. -Counter Attack - Nächster Angriff wird rächte sich, mit zweimal kritisches Verhältnis. - Coward Card Karte des Feiglings @@ -6209,9 +6320,6 @@ Crazyfefe Karte Crazyfefe Cave: New Highscore: @@ points Verrückt Fefe Cave: New Highscore: @@ Punkte -Crazyfefe Fight was remastered. The 8.0 release series was the longest release serial thus far. -Crazyfefe Kampf wurde remastered. Die 8.0-Release-Serie war die längste Release Serien so weit. - Creased Boots Gestiegen Stiefel @@ -6293,6 +6401,9 @@ Seltsamerweise, versuchen Sie das Mana Stein zu berühren. Current Guild Balance: %s GP +Current Guild: %s + + Current Magic Control Aktuelle Magie Steuer @@ -6332,6 +6443,9 @@ Aktuelle Held: @@ Current linked Discord account: @@ Aktuelles verknüpfen Discord Konto: @@ +Current magic rank: %d + + Current player count: @@/5 must be online. Aktuelle Spieleranzahl: @@ / 5 muss online sein. @@ -6860,9 +6974,6 @@ Verschiedene Kettsystemen überlappen sich, so wird die Abklingzeit unabhängig Dimond Dimond -Dimond bought a brand new slot machine and installed on her inn. The rewards are different from the one on Tulimshar. -Dimond kaufte einen nagelneuen Spielautomaten und installiert auf dem Inn. Die Belohnungen sind anders als die, auf Tulimshar. - Dimond sold her food alone in this spot for some time, Diamant verkaufte ihr Essen allein an dieser Stelle für einige Zeit, @@ -7118,6 +7229,9 @@ Haben Sie etwas von mir brauchen? Do you need something in particular? Haben Sie etwas Bestimmtes brauchen? +Do you need the extra credit? + + Do you really think the poor creature should jump a bridge in water and DIE? Glaubst du wirklich, das arme Tier eine Brücke in Wasser und DEM springen sollte? @@ -7520,9 +7634,6 @@ Drop-Rate zurückgesetzt auf @@% (Standardwert) gewesen. Drop rate is set to @@% for the next @@. Drop-Rate für die nächste zu @@% eingestellt @@. -Drop rates raised drastically for the lucky ones. Eternal Swamp floods are now more cyclic. -Dropraten drastisch erhöht für die Glücklichen. Ewiger Sumpf Überschwemmungen sind jetzt mehr zyklisch. - Drop these near the circle to make the breaking faster. @@ -7706,15 +7817,9 @@ Osterei Easter Mouboo Ostern Mouboo -Easter eggs have been found, like secret rooms. -Ostereier gefunden wurden, wie geheime Räume. - Easter is over! I am the last chance to get rid of eggs!! Ostern ist vorbei! Ich bin die letzte Chance, Eier loszuwerden !! -Easter will soon start! -Ostern wird in Kürze beginnen! - Easy @@ -7733,6 +7838,9 @@ Eischale Hat Eh, I don't think you'll be brave enough to go after her. If even she decided to flee, I doubt you wouldn't do the same. Eh, ich glaube nicht, dass du mutig genug sein, nachdem sie zu gehen. Wenn auch sie zu fliehen, entschied ich bezweifle, Sie würden nicht das gleiche tun. +Eh, I have to go. + + Eh, that seems too problematic. Sorry. Eh, das scheint zu problematisch. Es tut uns leid. @@ -7781,12 +7889,18 @@ Elias Elias gets a bit excited. Elias wird es ein wenig aufgeregt. +Elite Duck + + Elite Scout#MB0233 Elixir Of Life Lebenselixir +Eliza + + Elmo Elmo @@ -7808,9 +7922,6 @@ Elfen sind immer erlaubt im Inneren. Elza -Elza, the Forgetful - - Email: @@ Email: @@ @@ -7829,6 +7940,9 @@ Smaragd Powder Emergency Exit Notausgang +Emma + + Emoc otem itey gnik! Emoc OTEM itey gnik! @@ -7889,6 +8003,12 @@ Enjoy your time here, %s. And keep your eye out for agents of S.A.R.A.H. Enliven Reva Foxhound Enliven Reva Foxhound +Enough for now. Let's rest, shall we? + + +Enrique + + Ensio Ensio @@ -7913,9 +8033,6 @@ Geben Sie durch das Fenster zu den geheimen Höhlen? Enzo Enzo -Enzo, the Forgetful -Enzo, die Forgetful - Eomie Eomie @@ -7985,15 +8102,9 @@ Esperia ist das Humankapital am anderen Kontinent gegründet. Estard Estard -Estard finished arranging sufficient paperwork so adventurers can create their own guilds. -Estard fertig ausreichend Papierkram Anordnung so Abenteurern ihre eigenen Gilden zu schaffen. - Eugene Eugene -Even Tulimshar's Council managed to get that sewer unlocked, and as consequence, players can ascend to level 60! -Auch Tulimshar des Rates verwaltet, dass Abwasser entriegelt werden, und als Folge können die Spieler auf Stufe 60 aufsteigen! - Even after breaking the first layer, a second layer keeps active. The first layer gets back to work shortly after. What have I missed or forgotten to do? Auch nach der ersten Schicht zu brechen, hält eine zweite Schicht aktiv. Die erste Schicht wird kurz nach wieder an der Arbeit. Was habe ich verpasst oder vergessen zu machen? @@ -8015,9 +8126,6 @@ Veranstaltung abgesagt Event Details -Event Duration: November 3rd ~ November 9th 2018 -Veranstaltungsdauer: 3. November ~ 9. November 2018 - Event Horizon Card Event Horizon-Karte @@ -8147,6 +8255,12 @@ Entschuldigen? Weißt du mit wem du hier redest? Excuse me? Do you know who I am?#1 Entschuldigen? Weißt du mit wem du hier redest? +Exile a player + + +Exiled players will not be able to save to menhir. + + Exp rate has been reset to @@% (default value). Exp Rate zurückgesetzt zu @@% (Standardwert) sind. @@ -8186,12 +8300,6 @@ Augen wachsen! Ezra -Ezra, the Very Forgetful - - -Ezra, the very Forgetful - - F2 F2 @@ -8234,14 +8342,8 @@ Fee Eichhörnchen Falkon Card -Falkon Punch -Falke-Durchschlag - -Falkon Punch - Bash your weapon against your enemies with raised damage and accuracy. -Falke-Durchschlag - Bash Ihrer Waffe gegen deine Feinde mit erhöhten Schaden und Genauigkeit. +Falkon Strike -Falkon Punch! -Falke-Durchschlag! Fallen King gefallener König @@ -8297,12 +8399,6 @@ Weiblich Fertilized Spores befruchtete Spores -Fighting stronger monsters will yield more EXP, but to make botting less profitable, too weak monsters give less EXP. -Kampf gegen stärkere Monster mehr EXP ergeben, aber botting weniger profitabel, zu schwach Monster weniger EXP geben zu machen. - -Figures clad in dark were reported in Tulimshar Mines, as more miners were hired and need help. -Die Zahlen in dunkel gekleidet wurden in Tulimshar Mines berichtet, wie mehr Bergleute eingestellt wurden und brauchen Hilfe. - Fill Water Bottles Füllen Trinkflaschen @@ -8324,6 +8420,9 @@ Fein. Finish Fertig +Fire Arrow + + Fire Breath Inn Fire Breath Inn @@ -8345,30 +8444,27 @@ Feuer Staffs Rezepte Fire Staves Feuer Dauben -Fire Walk -fire Walk - -Fire Walk - Creates a trail of fire, harming any pursuer -Fire Walk - Erstellt eine Spur von Feuer, jeden Verfolger zu schaden - Firearms? What would that be? @@ Feuerarme? Was würde das sein? @@ Fireball Feuerball -Fireball - Basic AoE (Area Of Effect) Skill -Feuerball - Grund AoE (Area of ​​Effect) Geschicklichkeit - Fireball Card Feuerballkarte Fireplace#Saggy +Firewalk + + First - item must be equipped. Zunächst - Gegenstand muss ausgerüstet sein. +First Aid + + First Dungeon Master Erster Dungeon Master @@ -8417,9 +8513,6 @@ Fishing is a boring task. Throw the bait, wait for fish to bite. Pull before it Fishing next to shallow water is not going to work well, because fishes seldom go there. Angeln im seichten Gewässer klappt nicht wirklich gut, da die Fische das meiden. -Fishing now gives experience, and two new baits were added: Cheese and Alface. -Angeln gibt jetzt Erfahrung, und zwei neue Köder wurden hinzugefügt: Käse und Alface. - Fixing Crystals have a price. You can only charge crystals to places you've already been. Befestigungs Kristalle haben einen Preis. Sie können nur Kristalle Orte laden Sie bereits waren. @@ -8597,6 +8690,9 @@ Fortress Gate Fortress Island Fortress Insel +Fortress Statue + + Fortune Statue fortune-Statue @@ -8615,8 +8711,8 @@ Vier Minuten nach der Kette oder wenn die letzten Maden sterben, wird es vorbei France: [@@|] Frankreich: [@@ https: // | https: //] -Free Casting -Gratis Casting +Free Cast + Freeze @@ -8636,15 +8732,9 @@ Ich Vom Geruch sehen Sie die Wanze Bombe gefunden! Frost Diver Frost Diver -Frost Diver - Attempt to freeze an enemy, dealing damage -Frost Diver - Der Versuch, einen Gegner einzufrieren, Schaden zufügt - Frost Nova Frostnova -Frost Nova - Freeze everything in a range -Frostnova - Freeze-alles in einem Bereich - Frostia Frostia @@ -8693,6 +8783,9 @@ Fruits - @@ Münzen Full Power Card +Full Throttle + + Full of agrotoxins, transgenics and whatever. Not safe. Voller agrotoxins, Transgenen und was auch immer. Nicht sicher. @@ -8741,9 +8834,6 @@ GM Robe GMs are NOT allowed on Hurnscald Liberation day. GMs werden NICHT auf Hurnscald Befreiungs Tag erlaubt. -GMs weren't using it a lot, and Quirin needed to collect money. -GMs wurden unter Verwendung es nicht viel, und Quirin benötigt, um Geld zu sammeln. - GP GP @@ -8753,6 +8843,9 @@ GP:% d +% d GUARDS! GET THEM! +Gain: %d RP/min + + Gained 20000 XP and 2500 GP Gewonnene 20000 XP und 2500 GP @@ -9086,6 +9179,9 @@ Goldene Skorpionen Klaue -> Schwarze Skorpionen Klaue Golden Warlord Plate +Golem + + Gonzo Dark Card Gonzo Dunkel-Karte @@ -9155,9 +9251,6 @@ Gute Arbeit ... Hier ist deine Belohnung ... Good job... You can keep the drops. Touch here to return home. Gute Arbeit ... Sie können die Tropfen halten. Tippen Sie hier, um nach Hause zurückzukehren. -Good luck adventurers, and may the Pink Mouboo watch over this disaster... Whatever that means. They paid us to say that, I swear! -Viel Glück Abenteurer, und kann das Rosa Mouboo wache über diese Katastrophe ... Was auch immer das bedeutet. Sie schenkten uns zu sagen, dass, ich schwöre! - Good luck arresting the criminal! Viel Glück Anhalten der Verbrecher! @@ -9284,6 +9377,9 @@ Abschluss-Kappe Graduation Robe Staffelungrobe +Grand Hunter Quest + + Grand Hunter Quest: @@/10,000 Grand Hunter Quest @@ / 10.000 @@ -9311,9 +9407,6 @@ Great Mouboo Slime Great news! Then please bring me 1 @@, or 200 @@ @@ 20 @@. Großartige Neuigkeiten! bitte mir dann 1 bringen @@ oder 200 @@ @@ 20 @@. -Great rewards await, according to the voices! -Große Belohnungen erwarten, nach den Stimmen! - Great! Eomie, the girl on Tulimshar's magic academy, is an alchemist. She probably makes fertilizers. Groß! Eomie, das Mädchen auf Tulimshar Zauberakademie ist ein Alchemist. Sie machen wahrscheinlich Düngemittel. @@ -9362,6 +9455,9 @@ Grüner Farbstoff Green Eggshell Hat Grüne Eggshell Hut +Green Skull Slime + + Green Slime Grüner Schleim @@ -9383,9 +9479,6 @@ Grind schleifen schleifen den Schleim! Ground Strike Boden Streik -Ground Strike - Hit the ground, exploding the surroundings and disabling enemies. -Boden Streik - Hit den Boden, um die Umgebung explodiert und behindernden Feinde. - Group togheter your guild and challenge the evil power, @@ -9596,15 +9689,6 @@ Guild's Battle Plan Guild's Power -Guilds are now much more stronger, and have exclusive alchemy recipes besides a storage. -Gilden sind jetzt viel stärker, und haben exklusive Alchemie Rezepte neben einem Speicher. - -Guilds can go from 16 to 56 members, tulimshar was restocked. -Gilden können 16 bis 56 Mitglieder gehen, Tulimshar nachgeliefert wurde. - -Guilds storage is free for test, and monsters are fainting when too many players attack them at once. -Gilden Lagerung ist für Test und Monster in Ohnmacht, wenn zu viele Spieler sie angreifen sofort. - Guinevere @@ -9728,6 +9812,9 @@ Halinarzo Krankenschwester Hall Of AF King Hall Of AF König +Hall Of Academics + + Hall Of Base Level Hall Of Base Level @@ -9779,15 +9866,9 @@ Hard Hard Spike harter Spike -Hard workers get an extra work level. This means a +1 VIT bonus is possible! -Harte Arbeiter erhalten einen zusätzlichen Arbeitsebene. Das bedeutet, ein +1 VIT Bonus ist möglich! - Hasan Hasan -Hasan is bothering less frequently his friends, as now he have his own seasonal quest. -Hasan stört weniger seine Freunde häufig, wie er jetzt seine eigene Saison-Suche haben. - Hasan takes your print screen and analyzes it. Hasan nimmt Ihre Druckbild und analysiert sie. @@ -9821,6 +9902,9 @@ Have fun! Have no idea where in the world you are? Or what a certain mob drops, or even if you should challenge it? Haben Sie keine Ahnung, wo in der Welt Sie sind? Oder was eine gewisse Mob fällt, oder auch wenn Sie sollten es herausfordern? +Have the pirates been routed? Will they return? + + Have you already talked to our captain? He should be downstairs waiting for you! Haben Sie schon unseren Kapitän gesprochen? Er sollte für Sie wartet unten sein! @@ -9857,6 +9941,9 @@ Haben Sie für die @@ ich gebeten, zu verwandeln verwaltet? Have you seen my brother %s? +Have you seen my sister Elza? + + Have you talked to Peetu co-workers about their opinion yet? Haben Sie noch Peetu Mitarbeiter über ihre Meinung gesprochen? @@ -9935,12 +10022,12 @@ Heilungs-Karte Healing Heilung -Healing - The most basic healing skill, requires no items to use. -Heilung - die Fähigkeit grundlegende Heilung erfordert keinen Artikel zum Einsatz. - Healing Recipes Heilung Rezepte +Heals in area every friendly unit (incl. homuns and mercs). Req. Lifestone to cast. + + Hear me *hic* well, what ever, whatididever you will *hic* said ab... uhm... out what?! You saw there, the Guild won't let it get public. Hören Sie mich hic * * gut, was auch immer, whatididever Sie * hicks * sagte ab ... ähm ... was ?! Sie sah es, die Gilde wird nicht zulassen, es öffentlich zu bekommen. @@ -10313,6 +10400,12 @@ Hallo. Kommst du hier die Bibliothek zu sehen? Es ist nicht mehr viel übrig ... Hello. I am @@, and I am from a family of travellers. We travel though the whole world, looking for exotic goods. Hallo. Ich bin @@, und ich komme aus einer Familie von Reisenden. Wir reisen durch die ganze Welt, für exotische Waren suchen. +Hello. I am Emma, Enrique's wife. + + +Hello. I am Enrique, headmaster of The Academy. + + Hello. I am the book keeper, responsible for keeping Halinarzo History. Hallo. Ich bin der Buchhalter, verantwortlich für Halinarzo Geschichte zu halten. @@ -10412,6 +10505,9 @@ Hier haben wir eine Bö von @@. Here you are! Hier sind Sie ja! +Here you can find professors, academics and researchers. Feel free to enroll in any class as well. + + Here you go - have fun with it. Hier gehen Sie - viel Spaß mit ihm. @@ -10712,9 +10808,6 @@ Hey, wie das Monster Vernichtung geht? Hey, huge THANKS for the help! I love gifts! Here's your due reward! Hey, großer Dank für die Hilfe! Ich liebe Geschenke! Hier ist Ihre due Belohnung! -Hey, if you take a bow, buy a Quiver with Nicholas, on Hurnscald's blacksmith. Come back always! -Hey, wenn Sie einen Bogen nehmen, kaufen Sie einen Köcher mit Nicholas, auf Hurnscald Schmiede. Kommen immer wieder! - Hey, is somebody over there? Hey, ist jemand da drüben? @@ -10841,12 +10934,6 @@ Hi. Hi. Could you perhaps be interested in doing some small errand for me? Hallo. Könnten Sie vielleicht dabei einige kleine Besorgung für mich interessiert? -High Healing -hohe Heilung - -High Healing - Use a Lifestone for supreme healing. -Hohe Heilung - Verwenden Sie ein Life für höchste Heilung. - High Priest Card @@ -10868,8 +10955,8 @@ Seine goldenen Ring springt direkt aus ihm heraus. His policy is to never read a letter without the sender being present. Of course we checked for poison and traps. Seine Politik ist es, nie einen Brief ohne Absender vorhanden ist zu lesen. Natürlich haben wir überprüft für Gift und Fallen. -His wandering mirror even challenge players randomly, but rarely grants more than a minute for them. -Sein Wander Spiegel sogar Spieler zufällig herausfordern, aber nur selten gewährt mehr als eine Minute für sie. +Hit the ground, exploding the surroundings and disabling enemies. + Hit'n'run is not so hard... One hit, one step back... One hit, another step back... One miss, two steps back... Hit'N'Run ist nicht so schwer ... Ein Treffer, ein Schritt zurück ... Ein Treffer, ein weiterer Schritt zurück ... verpassen, zwei Schritte zurück ... @@ -10901,6 +10988,9 @@ Hm. Dann bitte stört mich nicht, ich bin zu konzentrieren versuchen. Hm... Shhhh... Hm... Schhhh... +Hmm hmm! Then, let's begin. + + Hmm, I think I can teach you a basic Mana Skill now. That one is pretty simple. Hmm, ich glaube, ich kann Ihnen eine grundlegende Mana Fähigkeit lehren jetzt. Das ist ziemlich einfach. @@ -10976,15 +11066,15 @@ Ho ... Ich sehe, Sie sind eine schwierige Frage ... Holy Light Heiliges Licht -Holy Light - Standard Holy Magical Attack -Heiliger Licht - Standard Heiliger Magischer Angriff - Holy Pixie Heiliger Pixie Homunculus are a bit dumb, although the ones I've cultivated and took personal care of can express reactions. In future, I'll research sentience. Homunculus ist ein bisschen dumm, obwohl die, die ich gepflegt habe und nahmen persönliche Betreuung von Reaktionen zum Ausdruck bringen kann. In Zukunft werden Forschung I sentience. +Honor Points: %s + + Honor System. @@ -11156,6 +11246,9 @@ Wie Gespräch mit jemandem? How to better preserve your dispostives: Wie man besser die dispostives erhalten: +How to expand this limit? Well, you'll need to touch a Mana Stone. If you can handle more raw power, your limit will extend. + + How to use best Warp Technology? Wie man am besten Warp-Technologie benutzen? @@ -11219,9 +11312,6 @@ However, she may have a better assessment of the current situation better than y However, taxes there are the highest. Living cost is high, and you should avoid buying things there. Allerdings Steuern gibt es die höchste. Wohnkosten sind hoch, und Sie sollten den Kauf Dinge dort vermeiden. -However, the Monster King laid siege to Hurnscald. His power increased greatly, and ships are not capable of even approaching the city. -Jedoch legte das Monster King gerte Hurnscald. Seine Kraft stark erhöht, und Schiffe sind nicht in der Lage, auch die Stadt nähert. - However, the legend said there was a way to prevent this disaster. A single way... Which the Ancient Families of Soul Menhir kept a secret passed down between generations. Allerdings sagte die Legende gibt es einen Weg, um diese Katastrophe zu verhindern. Eine einzige Art und Weise ..., die die alten Familien Soul Menhir geheim gehalten weitergegeben zwischen den Generationen. @@ -11231,9 +11321,6 @@ Allerdings bricht das Protokoll mit einem lauten Knall. However, there's a link to get a simple python bot software! -However, they allowed everyone to use @@ command to rapidly reach Aeros during events. -Allerdings erlaubt sie alle zu nutzen @@ Befehl zu schnell Eros bei Veranstaltungen zu erreichen. - However, they must visit their town office and do daily paperwork, every day. Otherwise, town reputation will go down. @@ -11252,6 +11339,9 @@ However, your guild just challenged Kamelot Dungeons. However... Jedoch... +Huge area of effect fire damage. May burn targets. + + Hum, Which type of favor? Hum, welche Art von Gefallen? @@ -11294,9 +11384,6 @@ Hurnscald Befreiungstag besonderes Ereignis Hurnscald Mines Hurnscald Mines -Hurnscald Nurse is collecting blood donations, and a veteran officer from Tulimshar City Guard is handing out Wooden Swords. -Hurnscald Krankenschwester ist das Sammeln von Blutspenden und ein Veteran Offizier von Tulimshar Stadtwache ist Austeilen Holzschwerter. - Hurnscald Office Hurnscald Büro @@ -11309,9 +11396,6 @@ Hurnscald ist eine große Stadt. Ich bin sicher froh, dass ich in Candor leben, Hurnscald was founded after Tulimshar, in more fertile lands. Their walls are not so sturdy as the ones of Tulimshar. Hurnscald wurde nach Tulimshar gegründet, in mehr fruchtbaren Land. Ihre Wände sind nicht so robust wie die der Tulimshar. -Hurnscald was liberated by the players @@ ago. -Hurnscald wurde von den Spielern befreit @@ vor. - Hurnscald's Nurse Hurnscald Krankenschwester @@ -13226,6 +13310,9 @@ Ich suche eigentlich für ein Element geschmiedet! I'm afraid I can't be of any help to you. Ich fürchte, ich keine Hilfe zu Ihnen sein kann. +I'm afraid King DD did not finish his testing on this! + + I'm afraid my wounds are too critical. I'm bleeding. I was cursed. And I can't even move. Ich fürchte, meine Wunden zu kritisch sind. Ich blute. Ich war verflucht. Und ich kann nicht einmal bewegen. @@ -13259,6 +13346,9 @@ Ich bin beschäftigt, tut mir leid. I'm currently cleaning the arena, wait just @@ more. Ich putze zur Zeit die Arena, warten nur @@ mehr. +I'm currently doing tutorship for students who are... falling behind %%p + + I'm currently going over some of the household paperwork. Right now I'm inspecting the @@. The work never stops! Ich werde noch einige der Haushalt Papierkram über. Im Moment bin ich Inspizieren des @@. Die Arbeit hört nie auf! @@ -13277,6 +13367,9 @@ Momentan ist alles super, danke dir. I'm fine, no worries... Mir geht es gut, keine Sorgen ... +I'm fine, thanks + + I'm fine, thanks! Es geht mir gut, danke! @@ -13289,12 +13382,18 @@ I'm glad there's no annoying towel man. He keeps coming back to annoy me! I'm going, don't worry. Ich werde, keine Sorge. +I'm here as an Initiate. May I enter Duck Dungeon? + + I'm here to arrest a criminal. Ich bin hier, einen Verbrecher zu verhaften. I'm here to arrest you. Ich bin hier, Sie zu verhaften. +I'm here to help you restock... + + I'm here to investigate what exactly happened so this doesn't happens again. Ich bin hier um zu untersuchen, was genau passiert ist, so dies nicht wieder passiert. @@ -13535,12 +13634,12 @@ Ice Gladius Ice Maggot Ice Maggot -Iced Bottle -Iced Bottle - Iced Fluffy Iced Fluffy +Iced Water + + If I bring @@, my party leader, and the boss is defeated, I can go you in. Wenn ich bringe @@, mein Parteichef, und der Chef besiegt ist, kann ich Sie in gehen. @@ -14045,6 +14144,9 @@ Increase damage dealt by weapon for all guildies. Increase defense to all friends in radius. +Increase walk speed and flee rate. + + Indeed, matey! Here they are! In der Tat, kameradschaftlich! Hier sind sie! @@ -14270,9 +14372,6 @@ Isbamuth Ishi Ishi -Ishi also rewrote his rewards table. More items for lower prices! -Ishi auch seine Belohnungen Tabelle neu geschrieben. Angebote in der Kategorie für niedrigere Preise! - Ishi, the Rewards Master Ishi, Belohnungen der Meister @@ -14282,6 +14381,9 @@ Ist das nicht schwer, allein zu leben? It also expires after two hours. In such case, talk to him again! Sie erlischt auch nach zwei Stunden. In einem solchen Fall sprechen wieder mit ihm! +It also increases naturally as you grow, albeit less. + + It appears we were focusing too much on research and this lead to neglect of other duties of a Sage's household. This is dangerous in times of changes. I'm worried about the future. Es scheint, wir waren zu viel mit Schwerpunkt auf Forschung und diese führt zu Vernachlässigung anderer Pflichten eines Weisen Haushalt. Das ist gefährlich in Zeiten von Veränderungen. Ich bin über die Zukunft besorgt. @@ -14348,6 +14450,9 @@ Es ist ziemlich nah an hier. Ich rate Ihnen, ein gutes Schwert zu verwenden, und It is so dangerous, and it... +It is something not yet fully implemented. + + It is the birthplace of humans, the first place to come to existence... The World Edge. The place where humanity began, and according to the legend... The place where it shall perish. Es ist der Geburtsort des Menschen, der erste Ort, um Existenz zu kommen ... The World Rand. Der Ort, an dem die Menschheit begann, und nach der Legende ... Der Ort, wo sie umkommen. @@ -14456,6 +14561,9 @@ Es war ein reeeeeealy naher Streit um das Podium, aber Jesusalva gestaltete ein It was an awful cut! Don't think any piece of a sightly lower material will have part in my art! Es war ein schrecklicher Schnitt! Denken Sie nicht, jedes Stück ein sightly unteren Materialteil in meiner Kunst haben! +It was built by The Alliance, and can be accessed by a ship in Tulimshar. + + It was just south of the island. Try walking around a bit? Es war nur im Süden der Insel. Versuchen Sie ein bisschen herum zu Fuß? @@ -14507,6 +14615,9 @@ Es ist @@ (Tag)! It's @@ @@. Es ist @@ @@. +It's International Chocolate Day! + + It's Jesusalva's anniversary! Es ist Jesusalva Jubiläum! @@ -14693,6 +14804,9 @@ Es ist in einer alten Sprache geschrieben, kann man nicht verstehen, was geschri It's yummy ^.^ Es ist lecker ^. ^ +Item 816 + + Item List Artikelliste @@ -14789,9 +14903,6 @@ Jesus rettet Jesusalva Jesusalva -Jesusalva & Saulc, TMW2 Admins -Jesusalva & Saulc, TMW2 Admins - Jesusalva Card Jesusalva Karte @@ -14834,6 +14945,9 @@ Beurteilung Judgement has passed. Das Urteil wurde gefällt. +Judgment + + Juliet Juliet @@ -14939,6 +15053,9 @@ Keep in mind the more power you have, the less control you'll have as well. Unti Keep in mind, the more levels and intelligence you have, more likely the Mana Stone will grant you more Magic Power. But that means nothing. Denken Sie daran, desto mehr Ebenen und Intelligenz Sie, desto wahrscheinlicher ist die Mana Stein gewähren Ihnen mehr Magic Power haben. Aber das bedeutet nichts. +Keep in mind, we at the Academy do not have a Mana Stone. + + Keep moving boy.#1 Geh weiter, Junge.#1 @@ -15026,6 +15143,9 @@ Wissen ist Macht ... Und jetzt beide Sie haben. Verwenden Sie sie mit Bedacht au Knox The Traveler Knox Der Reisende +Kolchak and dangerDuck are working to finish Duck Dungeon. Contact them for updates... + + Kreist kreist @@ -15086,12 +15206,6 @@ Laranja Last IP: @@ Letzte IP: @@ -Last Man Standing - - -Last Resort -Letzter Ausweg - Last Seen: @@ Zuletzt gesehen: @@ @@ -15101,9 +15215,6 @@ Last Stand Card Last Standing Man Last Standing Man -Last Standing Man - Passive - Raise Max HP and Holy Defense -Last Standing Man - Passiv - Raise Max HP und Heilige Verteidigung - Last map: @@ Letzte Karte: @@ @@ -15125,6 +15236,9 @@ Laura Lava Mana Pearl Lava Mana-Perlen +Lava Skull Slime + + Lava Slime Lava Slime @@ -15143,6 +15257,9 @@ Rasen-Kabel-Karte Lawncandy Lawncandy +Layman + + Lazurite Cristal lazurite Cristal @@ -15425,9 +15542,6 @@ Lichtbringer Lightbringer#NLib -Lightining Bolt - - Lightning Bolt Blitz @@ -15479,6 +15593,9 @@ Zeile @@ wurde entfernt. List & Claim rewards +List of Unlocked Pets and Food + + List of known alchemy recipes: Liste der bekannten Alchemie-Rezepte: @@ -15524,9 +15641,6 @@ Eidechsen sind die Haupt Monster gefunden, und sie stehlen Gold von unschuldigen LoF Coin -LoF Transcendence Gate was moved to town centre. Tipius haven't been sighted as of late. -LoF Transcendence Tor wurde zum Zentrum bewegt. Tipius wurden als in der letzten Zeit nicht gesichtet. - LoF Warp Crystal LoF Warp-Kristall @@ -15638,12 +15752,6 @@ Lower MAXHP, Damage over time Lower city taxes Untere Stadt Steuer -Lower difficulty of advanced stage (level 50+ players), by price rebalances. -Senken Sie Schwierigkeiten bei der fortgeschrittenen Stadium (Stufe 50+ Spieler), nach Preis wieder ins Gleichgewicht bringt. - -Lower difficulty of starters stage (up to level 20 players), by experience redesign. -Senken Sie Schwierigkeit Starterstufe (bis zu Level 20 Spieler), durch die Erfahrung Redesign. - Lowering Taxes Steuersenkungen @@ -15656,9 +15764,6 @@ Lt. Paul unclaimed rewards REDEEMED. Lt. Randy Lt. Randy -Lua FINALLY noticed that traveling to Halinarzo at level 20 is akin suicide. -Lua ENDLICH bemerkt, dass auf der Ebene Halinarzo reisen 20 ähnlich Selbstmord. - Lua#003-2 @@ -15821,12 +15926,12 @@ Magisches Ratto Magic Skill Points can be obtained in three ways: By touching a Mana Stone, by signing up in a Special Class (if you have enough magic power) and by having high amounts of Job Level. Magic Fähigkeit Punkte können auf drei Arten erhalten werden: Durch einen Manastein zu berühren, indem sie in einer Sonderklasse anmelden (wenn Sie genug magische Kraft haben) und durch hohe Mengen an Auftragsebene mit. +Magic Status + + Magic Strike Zauberschlag -Magic Strike - Standard Magical Attack -Zauberschlag - Standard Magischer Angriff - Magic Top Hat Magie Zylinderhut @@ -15860,6 +15965,9 @@ Magisch versiegelte Tor Magick Real Magick Echt +Magnus Healing + + Mahad Mahad @@ -15875,12 +15983,6 @@ Mahul Main server is: %s -Mainly fixes and the Monster King is now randomly laying siege to towns! -Vor allem sind jetzt König Behebungen und das Monster zufällig belagerte Städte! - -Major rebalance, lowering difficulty on sub-level-30 stage. Tulimshar is a whole new place. -Wichtige Neuverteilung, Senken Schwierigkeiten auf Sub-Level-30 Stufe. Tulimshar ist eine ganz neue Stelle. - Make me an Iron Powder. Machen Sie mir ein Eisenpulver. @@ -15899,6 +16001,9 @@ Malivox Mana Being#001-1 +Mana Bomb + + Mana Bug Mana Bug @@ -15938,9 +16043,6 @@ Mana Stone#Tulim Mana Wisdom Mana Weisheit -Mana Wisdom - Passive - Raise Mana EXP Gain rate -Mana Weisheit - Passiv - Raise Mana EXP Gewinn Rate - Mana is something which existed since the being, but nobody knows much about. Mana ist etwas, das seit dem Wesen existiert, aber niemand weiß viel über. @@ -15992,12 +16094,6 @@ Aktuelle Ankündigung manuell auslösen Many citzens are still in fear. Paths are closed, economy is a disaster, things are not here. Viele Bürger sind nach wie vor in Angst. Pfade geschlossen, Wirtschaft ist eine Katastrophe, die Dinge sind nicht hier. -Many other things were changed, and it is too much to say here. Even people with stronger magic were seen. -Viele andere Dinge wurden verändert, und es ist zu viel, hier zu sagen. Auch Menschen mit stärkerer Magie zu sehen waren. - -Many rejoiced. The damage was very big, and all players help is required, to make Hurnscald prosper again. -Viele freuten sich. Der Schaden war sehr groß, und alle Spieler Hilfe erforderlich ist, wieder Hurnscald prosper zu machen. - Many sacrifices were done, but it was lost. Viele Opfer wurden gemacht, aber es war verloren. @@ -16091,12 +16187,12 @@ Mäusespeck Masked Assassin maskierte Attentäter -Mass Provoke -Masse Provozieren - Mass Provoke replaced with Area Provoke. +Master + + Master Bola Master Bola @@ -16235,9 +16331,6 @@ Was bedeutet, dass, wenn Sie einen Bogen ausstatten, werden Sie wahrscheinlich n Meanwhile, at 00h, 06h, 12h, 15h, 18h and 21h UTC, -Meanwhile, several bugs were fixed. Our second sun had been glitchy, but Jesus Saves made sure it is now fine. -Inzwischen wurden mehrere Fehler behoben. Unsere zweite Sonne glitchy gewesen war, aber Jesus macht Saves sicher, es ist jetzt in Ordnung. - Mechanically based technology (eg. the Gates or Time Flasks) will never suffer damage from operation but are more costly. Mechanisch basierte Technologie (z. B. die Tore oder Time Flasks) wird nie Schaden aus dem Betrieb leidet, ist aber teurer. @@ -16265,12 +16358,6 @@ Melina Melt something else? Melt etwas anderes? -Meltdown Forge, make your useless equip a good weapon! Lieutenant Dausen have new quests! -Meltdown Forge, machen sie ihre nutzlosen equip eine gute Waffe! Lieutenant Dausen haben neue Quests! - -Mercenaries and blueprints! Players are crafting their own weapons. Sagratha and Cindy are in need of help! -Mercenaries und Entwürfe! Die Spieler sind Crafting ihre eigenen Waffen. Sagratha und Cindy sind, die Hilfe brauchen! - Mercenary Boxset A Mercenary Boxset A @@ -16421,8 +16508,11 @@ Minimum empfohlen 72 Level um diese Quest zu tun. Mining opearations advance steadly day by day with your help, thanks! Maybe one day, we find a Mana Stone here! Bergbau voran kontinuierlich Tag für Tag mit Ihrer Hilfe, danke! Vielleicht eines Tages, finden wir einen Manastein hier! -Minor release to lower travel prices, fix several issues, and enable Friend Referral System. -Minor Release Reisepreise zu senken, behebt einige Probleme und ermöglicht Freund Referral-System. +Minor healing to your wounds. + + +Minor healing to yourself or to allies. + Mint Dye Mint Dye @@ -16442,6 +16532,9 @@ Mirror Island 1 Miscellaneous Recipes Verschiedene Rezepte +Miscellaneous Status + + Mission: Kill all rogue Yetis on the Throne Room. You won't be able to leave until all of them are dead. Mission: Tötet alle Schurken Yetis auf dem Thronsaal. Sie können nicht verlassen, bis sie alle tot sind. @@ -16472,12 +16565,12 @@ Modify, move, or remove a line Moggun Moggun +Moggun Egg + + Money in your storage is totally safe. Banking itself is totally safe. Geld in der Lagerung ist absolut sicher. Das Bank selbst ist absolut sicher. -Money to leave Candor is easier, as various persons there need help. -Geld zu verlassen Candor ist einfacher, da verschiedene Personen dort Hilfe benötigt. - Money transference by mail is, however, free. Geld Übertragung per E-Mail ist jedoch frei. @@ -16556,6 +16649,9 @@ Monster NAME, Default %s, empty to cancel Monster Points (Mobpt): @@ | Gold: @@ Monster Punkte (Mobpt): @@ | Gold: @@ +Monster Points: %s + + Monster SPEED, Player speed is 150, minimum is 100! @@ -16571,9 +16667,6 @@ Monster in PvE getötet:% s Monsters are everywhere. They're a plague we're trying to get rid of. Die Monster sind überall. Sie sind eine Plage wir versuchen, loswerden. -Monsters are walking to different regions, new grinding zones appears! -Monster sind zu Fuß zu den verschiedenen Regionen, neue Schleifzonen erscheint! - Monsters do not aim small towns like Candor. This city also comes with the plus that I know where everything's at. Monster zielen nicht kleine Städte wie Candor. Diese Stadt kommt auch mit dem Plus, dass ich weiß, wo alles ist an. @@ -16676,6 +16769,9 @@ Moubootaur Legends Server Moubootaur Legends just got older! %%N +Moubootaur Maze + + Mountain Snake Berg Snake @@ -16940,18 +17036,9 @@ Nahrec discretly gives you a recipe. Napalm Beat Napalm Schlag -Napalm Beat - Spammable AoE Skill -Napalm Beat-- Spammable AoE Fähigkeit - Nard Nard -Nard also bought a new ship!. -Nard hat auch ein neues Schiff !. - -Nard and Elmo changed the way they talk to newcomers, to be more clear about what they expect. -Nard und Elmo verändert die Art, wie sie zu den Neulingen zu sprechen, mehr klar darüber zu sein, was sie erwarten. - Nard doesn't like people who gets money without working for it. Nard nicht wie Menschen, das Geld ohne Arbeit dafür bekommt. @@ -16976,12 +17063,6 @@ Nard mag Menschen, die hart arbeiten. Härter arbeiten! Nard noticed your hard work. Nard bemerkt Ihre harte Arbeit. -Nard's ship basement was modified, and winter drops are now alive. Don't miss Christmas event, either. -Nard Schiff Keller wurde geändert, und im Winter Tropfen ist jetzt am Leben. Verpassen Sie nicht Weihnachten Event, auch nicht. - -Nard's ship is not capable to do Tulimshar<->Candor route instantly anymore: His magic sail broke. -Nard Schiff nicht in der Lage ist Tulimshar zu tun <-> Candor Route sofort mehr: Seine Magie Segel brachen. - Narrator Erzähler @@ -17045,9 +17126,6 @@ New chars, and reborn chars, will also begin at level 10. New default game settings: Neue Standard-Spieleinstellungen: -New players can also get an EXP bonus with Elmo until they get level 15. Warp Crystals are here! -Neue Spieler können auch einen EXP-Bonus mit Elmo erhalten, bis sie Level 15. Warp Kristalle sind hier! - Newbie Newbie @@ -17105,6 +17183,9 @@ Nikolai nimmt einen Schweiße seines Kopfes. Er scheint mit Cindy besorgt. Nikolai, the Blue Sage Nikolai, der Blue Sage +Nilfheim + + Nina The Traveler Nina Der Reisende @@ -17120,9 +17201,6 @@ nivalis Nivalis - @@ GP Nivalis - @@ GP -Nivalis Liberation Day Result: Players Lost 92 : 300 Monsters Won -Nivalis Befreiungstag Ergebnis: Spieler verloren 92: 300 Monster Won - Nivalis Office nivalis Büro @@ -17297,9 +17375,6 @@ Noel Slime None Keine -None at the moment! -Keiner im Moment! - None at the moment. Keiner im Moment. @@ -17420,9 +17495,6 @@ Nicht nur das, sondern er ist der einzige hier neben mir, die Magie tun. Ohne ih Not only that, but the Yeti King and me had an... incident, in times best forgotten. Let's not talk about it. Nicht nur das, sondern der Yeti König und ich hatten einen ... Vorfall, in Zeiten am besten vergessen. Lassen Sie uns nicht darüber reden. -Not only that, but there appeared some paladins, tankers, wizards, sages and raggers claiming to have mastered magic. -Nicht nur das, aber es erschien einige Paladine, Tanker, Assistenten, Weisen und Raggers behauptet gemeistert Magie zu haben. - Not really, sorry. Nicht wirklich, sorry. @@ -17528,6 +17600,9 @@ Hinweis: Wenn Sie etwas wirklich Schlimmes taten, der Spieler-Community schädli Note: You can exchange 1 @@ for 3 @@ Hinweis: Sie können 1 austauschen @@ 3 @@ +Note: You can increase the time by talking to Emma again. + + Note: You can only perform this operation @@/6 times. Hinweis: Sie können nur diesen Vorgang @@ / 6 mal. @@ -17825,6 +17900,9 @@ Oh, es ist Sie @@, ich habe dich nicht erkannt mit Ihrem Hut! Oh it's you @@, I did not recognize you without a hat! Oh, es ist Sie @@, ich habe dich nicht erkannt ohne Hut! +Oh look, it is Cupid! + + Oh my Jesusalva - You broke my lock! Why?! Oh mein Jesusalva - Sie brach mein Schloss! Warum?! @@ -18542,9 +18620,6 @@ PS. Aufgrund eines Fehlers, werden sie nicht angezeigt, wenn Sie auszurüsten, e PS. The group names still aren't set. You're free to pinch in suggestions at LoF Discord (Legacy #discussion) :> -PVP Arena did NOT got in. Same for AFK Cap. -PVP Arena hat bekam nicht in. Das Gleiche gilt für AFK Cap. - Pachua Pachua @@ -18599,9 +18674,6 @@ Parteinamen: @@ Party Quest Party-Quest- -Party levels for experience sharing restriction is more flexible, and there is a great co-op quest. -Parteiebene für Erfahrungsaustausch Einschränkung sind flexibler, und es gibt einen großen Co-op-Quest. - Password changed with success! Das Passwort wird geändert mit Erfolg! @@ -18656,9 +18728,6 @@ Peetu? Das ist einer der hohen Rang Helfer. Soweit ich weiß, ist er der Magie f People are challenging now. Die Menschen sind eine Herausforderung jetzt. -People at Tulimshar are now giving more tips to newcomers, and new bugs may have been introduced. -Menschen bei Tulimshar werden nun weitere Tipps für Neulinge geben und neue Fehler eingeführt worden sein. - People from here always look dumbfolded when they walk past them and find themselves somewhere else. Menschen von hier immer dumbfolded aussehen, wenn sie an ihnen vorbei gehen und sich woanders finden. @@ -18713,9 +18782,6 @@ Personally, I like unranked events more than ranked ones... Pet Detective Pet Detective -Pet Detective wasn't getting new members and was forced to drop price. -Pet Detective wurde immer keine neue Mitglieder und wurde Preis fallen zu lassen gezwungen. - Petal Blütenblatt @@ -18734,6 +18800,9 @@ Die Tiere müssen eine strenge Diät halten. Fromme eats Piberries, Bhoppers ess Petu? Yeah, he's the kind of person who always wants to do things perfectly. That makes it a bit difficult to work with him, since his expectations for others are as high as for himself. Petu? Ja, er ist die Art von Person, die immer will die Dinge perfekt tun. Das macht es ein bisschen schwierig zu arbeiten mit ihm, da seine Erwartungen für andere sind so hoch wie für sich selbst. +Ph.D + + Phew! The Bandit Lord was killed. Puh! Der Bandit Herr wurde getötet. @@ -18764,9 +18833,6 @@ Pibeeren Piberries Infusion Pibeerentee -Pick a bounty at Tulimshar Guard House! Buy and use grenades! (Only against non-boss monsters) -Wählen Sie eine Prämie bei Tulimshar Guard House! Kaufen und Verwendung Granaten! (Es werden nur gegen Nicht-Boss-Monster) - Pick an item from either storage or inventory and choose what you want to do with it by clicking the right button. Wählen Sie ein Element aus jeder Lagerung oder Inventar und wählen, was Sie damit machen wollen, indem Sie die rechte Maustaste klicken. @@ -18866,20 +18932,11 @@ Platinerz -> Iridium Ore Platinum Quiver Platinum Quiver -Players Killed in PvP: %s -Spieler im PvP getötet:% s - -Players are now send players to Nivalis and Frostia, to keep learning about who they are. While greater forces are at play, the player might be just a minor one, but certainly an important one. -Die Spieler sind nun Spieler Nivalis und Frostia zu halten, das Lernen über, wer sie sind zu senden. Während größere Kräfte im Spiel sind, kann der Spieler nur eine geringfügige, aber sicherlich ein sehr wichtiger. +Player must be online for the operation to finish. -Players are renting Mouboos and Tortugas to move faster! Shields are now better! -Die Spieler sind zu mieten Mouboos und Tortugas schneller zu bewegen! Schilde sind jetzt besser! -Players can now sense monsters strength with @@, and lag was reduced. Pets can run away again. -Spieler können nun Monster Stärke mit @@, spüren und Verzögerung reduziert wurde. Haustiere können wieder weglaufen. - -Players didn't escape from the manaquake. Xtreem says it is easier to kill monsters now. -Spieler entging nicht von der manaquake. Xtreem sagt, es einfacher zu töten Monster ist jetzt. +Players Killed in PvP: %s +Spieler im PvP getötet:% s Playtesting @@ -18890,6 +18947,9 @@ Bitte nehmen Sie diese @@ als Dank für Ihre Zeit. Please accept this reward from my part. And if anything else happens again, I'll leave the doors open for you and your guild. +Please be careful when fighting. A mighty warrior such as yourself can harm their allies with any AoE effects they may use. + + Please be patient and Bitte haben Sie Geduld und @@ -18989,6 +19049,12 @@ Bitte helfen Sie meine Frau Yumi, im Krankenhaus! Please help us with the bandits on the Canyon, and meanwhile, I'll seek the records for you. Just @@ more. Bitte helfen Sie uns mit den Banditen auf den Canyon, und in der Zwischenzeit, ich werde die Aufzeichnungen für die Sie suchen. Einfach mehr. +Please insert player name to cancel exile. + + +Please insert player name to exile. + + Please insert your Discord ID, on the following format: Bitte geben Sie Ihre Discord ID, auf folgendes Format: @@ -19155,7 +19221,7 @@ Plushroom Field Plushroom Feld Poison - +Gift Poison Ammo Box Gift Munitionsbox @@ -19292,6 +19358,9 @@ Professor#003-0 Progress on this server may be %s. +Prologue + + Protip @@ -19343,8 +19412,11 @@ Protip: Ihr werden aktuelle Fortschritte gespeichert werden. Provoke Provozieren -Provoke - Provoke a single monster -Provozieren - Provozieren ein einzelnes Monster +Provoke a single monster to attack you. + + +Provokes all monsters around the target, and the target itself. + Prsm Helmet PRSM Helmet @@ -19511,6 +19583,9 @@ Raise Agilität diese Quest zu tun. Raise city taxes Raise Kurtaxen +Raise damage of next skill. + + Raise max members Heben max Mitglieder @@ -19679,6 +19754,9 @@ Rezeptbuch Recommended: ##B%d##b | Max: %d +Recover some HP. + + Recruiter Werber @@ -19724,6 +19802,9 @@ Red Scorpion Stinger -> Scorpion Stinger Red Scorpion breed as fast as the Ratto! With our current numbers, it's nearly impossible to take over. Rote Skorpione vermehren sich so schnell wie Rattos! Mit der momentanen Anzahl ist es fast unmöglich sie in den Griff zu bekommen. +Red Skull Slime + + Red Slime roter Schleim @@ -19775,105 +19856,6 @@ Regelmäßige Drops: Reinboo Wand Reinboo Wand -Release 2 -Release 2 - -Release 2.1 - Free Lunch For Those Who Work Hard! -Release 2.1 - Free Lunch für diejenigen, die hart arbeiten! - -Release 2.2 - There Are No Pipelines -Release 2.2 - Es gibt keine Pipelines - -Release 3 -Release 3 - -Release 3.0 - In The Dreams -Release 3.0 - in den Träumen - -Release 4 -Release 4 - -Release 4.0 - Quest Giver's Handbook -Release 4.0 - Quest Giver-Handbuch - -Release 5 -Release 5 - -Release 5.0 - Greenland Players -Release 5.0 - Grönland Spieler - -Release 6 -Release 6 - -Release 6.0 - Steam, Fire, and... Monster King?! -Release 6.0 - Dampf, Feuer und ... Monster King ?! - -Release 7 -Release 7 - -Release 7.0 - Polished Emerald -Release 7.0 - Polierte Smaragd - -Release 7.1 - Broken Emerald -Release 7.1 - Broken Smaragd - -Release 7.2 - Frozen Jesusalva -Release 7.2 - Gefrorene Jesusalva - -Release 7.3 - Frozen Community -Release 7.3 - Gefrorene Gemeinschaft - -Release 7.4 - Christmas Revolution -Lassen 7.4 - Weihnachten Revolution - -Release 7.5 - Merry Christmas, Happy New Year -Release 7.5 - Frohe Weihnachten, Happy New Year - -Release 8 -Release 8 - -Release 8.0 - Apane Invasion, the Remaster -Release 8.0 - aPane Invasion, die Remaster - -Release 8.1 - It's hidden! Where? -Version 8.1 - Es ist versteckt! Wo? - -Release 8.2(1) - Valentine Day (Is Over) -Release 8.2 (1) - Valentinstag (Is Over) - -Release 8.3 - King Arthur -Lassen 8.3 - König Arthur - -Release 8.4 - Can I Live Ingame? -Version 8.4 - Can I Live-Ingame? - -Release 8.5 - A Place To Spend Vacations -Version 8.5 - Ein Ort Urlaub zu verbringen - -Release 8.9 - Easter Event -Lassen Sie 8,9 - Ostern Ereignis - -Release 8.99 - JESUSALVA IS LAZY -Lassen 8.99 - JESUSALVA IS LAZY - -Release 9 - - -Release 9.0 - The Promised Release -Release 9.0 - The Promised Release - -Release 9.1 - Bedtime Stories -Release 9.1 - Bedtime Stories - -Release 9.2 - Workbench -Lassen 9.2 - Workbench - -Release 9.3 - Lovely Homunculus -Lassen 9.3 - Schöne Homunculus - -Release 9.4 - Balance & Bugfix Patch -Release 9.4 - Balance & Bugfix-Patch - Reload NPC Data Reload NPC Daten @@ -20009,6 +19991,9 @@ Rettung Cindy aus dem Eis Labyrinth und dem bösen Yeti. Dies ist ein globaler, Rescuing Cindy Quest Rescuing Cindy Suche +Research Points +%d + + Researcher Forscher @@ -20051,6 +20036,9 @@ Zurücktreten Resting. I've been slaying slime nests the whole day. Ruhe. Ich habe den ganzen Tag Schleim Nester wurden erschlagen. +Retaliates next attack with a critical hit. This instance lasts a second. + + Return @@ -20084,6 +20072,9 @@ Return to main island. Return to main menu Zum Hauptmenü zurückkehren +Revert a player exile + + Revolver Shooter Revolver Shooter @@ -20165,6 +20156,9 @@ Roger, nicht wahr? Ja, ich brauche Hilfe. Wenn Sie bringen mich 30 @@ 50 @@ und Rogue Rouge +Rogue Status + + Room password: @@ Zimmer Passwort: @@ @@ -20180,9 +20174,6 @@ Rose Rosen Rosen -Rosen is now making Training Bow in Candor for new adventures. -Rosen machen jetzt Training Bow in Candor für neue Abenteuer. - Rotten Rags Rotten Rags @@ -20300,6 +20291,9 @@ Leider hast du nichts ausser Erde gefunden. Safe travels! +Sage + + Sagratha Sagratha @@ -20396,15 +20390,9 @@ Saulc Karte Saulc Sponsor Saulc Sponsor -Saulc and Cherry married in Halinarzo, and stayed like this for perhaps 20 seconds, before Cherry asked for divorce. -Saulc und Kirsche verheiratet in Halinarzo und blieb so für etwa 20 Sekunden, bevor Kirsche für die Scheidung gebeten. - Saulc is rich, you know. He challenged a group of thirty NPCs to defeat him, whoever won would get this @@. Saulc ist reich, wissen Sie. Er forderte eine Gruppe von dreißig NPCs, ihn zu besiegen, wer auch immer das bekommen würde gewonnen @@. -Saulc said it needs an inspection, and he'll be with everyone trying to proccess and fix the amount of damage this caused. -Saul sagte, es braucht eine Inspektion, und er wird sein mit jedem Prozess versuchen und fixieren die Höhe des Schadens dies verursacht. - Saulc was here Saulc war hier @@ -20759,12 +20747,6 @@ Mehrere Bücher über künstliche Lebensformen und der Mann, der Gott gespielt. Several books about hiding magic. Might be why the houses looked abandoned and empty but the chimney was going. Mehrere Bücher über das Verstecken Magie. Könnte sein, warum sah die Häuser verlassen und leer, aber der Schornstein würde. -Several bugfixes! And a new bug replace every removed one! -Mehrere Fehlerbehebungen! Und ein neuer Bug jeden entfernten ersetzen! - -Several bugfixes, and new monsters have been seen. Almost all healing items have changed. -Mehrere Fehlerbehebungen und neue Monster gesehen wurden. Fast alle haben heilende Elemente geändert. - Several flasks are aligned there. They seemed to be dyes, but a close inspection reveals they're not. Mehrere Flaschen werden dort ausgerichtet sind. Sie schienen Farbstoffe zu sein, aber eine genaue Untersuchung zeigt, sind sie nicht. @@ -20807,9 +20789,6 @@ Scharfes Messer Sharpshooter Scharfschütze -Sharpshooter - Shoot an arrow or bullet which damages everything on its way. -Scharfschütze - Schießen einen Pfeil oder Kugel auf dem Weg schädigt alles. - Sharpshooting skill replaced with Charged Arrow. Sharpshooting Fertigkeit ersetzt mit Charged Pfeil. @@ -20828,9 +20807,6 @@ She doesn't seems to trust me... Maybe I should bring a guild vice-leader, or ev She falls in a single blow. You'll attribute her death to the Mysterious Assassin. Sie fällt in einem einzigen Schlag. Sie werden ihren Tod des Mysterious Attentäter zuzuschreiben. -She is sending players to Hurnscald instead. -Sie wird stattdessen Spieler Hurnscald senden. - She isn't on that cave. Sie ist nicht auf dieser Höhle. @@ -20882,9 +20858,6 @@ Schild Rezepte Shields Shields -Ship travels are cheaper, full equipment sets have hidden bonuses, Soul Menhirs are now auto-touched. -Schiffsreisen sind billiger, voller Ausrüstung Sätze haben versteckte Boni, Soul Menhire sind nun automatisch berührt. - Ship travels are not free. Also, I have a few friends on the Island, and I would like you to check out on them. Schiffsreisen sind nicht frei. Ich habe auch ein paar Freunde auf der Insel, und ich möchte Sie auf sie überprüfen möchten. @@ -20897,6 +20870,12 @@ Schuhe Shooo, shooo! Give my crops some time to recover, your noob. Shooo, shooo! Geben Sie einige Zeit, um meine Pflanzen zu erholen, Ihre Noob. +Shoot FIVE arrows or bullets to the air and cause Area Of Effect Damage. + + +Shoot an arrow or bullet which damages everything on its way. + + Shop#Candor @@ -20942,9 +20921,6 @@ Solltest du zu schnell anschlagen, oder zu lange warten, wird es wahrscheinlich Shovel have been changed, right-click it to bury items. Schaufel geändert haben, klicken Sie mit rechts Artikel zu begraben. -Shovels and Treasure maps, for the explorers this summer, after June 21st! -Schaufeln und Schatzkarten, für die Forscher in diesem Sommer, nach dem 21. Juni! - Show Tutorial Protips @@ -20957,9 +20933,6 @@ Zeig mir, was du kannst! Shroom Hat Shroom Hut -Side Note: During r6.1 and r6.5, various improvements were done, and two new quests were seen. Priests have shown up. -Side Hinweis: Während R6.1 und R6.5 wurden verschiedene Verbesserungen vorgenommen, und zwei neue Quests wurden gesehen. Priester angezeigt. - Siege Tower @@ -21101,11 +21074,11 @@ Silvia ist in Reichenviertel von Tulimshar. Simon Simon -Since Merlin left in an expedition with Morgan, strange things have been happening in Kamelot. +Simply put, they are raw power. + +Since Merlin left in an expedition with Morgan, strange things have been happening in Kamelot. -Since previous release, there was also seen priests, two new quests, and a breakthrough on reset potions happened. -Seit früheren Release gab es auch gesehen Priester, zwei neue Quests und ein Durchbruch auf Reset Tränke passiert ist. Sincerity Island Sincerity Insel @@ -21464,15 +21437,6 @@ So? Wie viele * hicks * er sammeln? So? How was it? So? Wie war es? -Some NPCs are [@@|learning new languages@@]. -Einige NPCs sind [@@ https: // | Erlernen neuer Sprachen @@]. - -Some adventurer broke what was previously thought as maximum level, and is now level 40! -Einige Abenteurer brach, was zuvor als Maximalwert angenommen wurde, und ist nun Stufe 40! - -Some adventurer broke what was previously thought as maximum level, and is now level 45! -Einige Abenteurer brach, was zuvor als Maximalwert angenommen wurde, und ist nun Stufe 45! - Some are dangerous, too. Even if you look capable of fighting, the Blue Sage instructed me to prevent anyone from visiting until the mess is cleared. Einige sind auch gefährlich. Auch wenn Sie zu kämpfen fähig aussehen, instruiert die Blue Sage mir jemand daran zu hindern, den Besuch, bis das Chaos gelöscht. @@ -21488,9 +21452,6 @@ Einige Kugeln haben Elemental Eigenschaften, durch die Art und Weise. Nun, was w Some items are only produced in Nivalis. After all, it is hard to work properly with ice in a desert! Einige Elemente werden nur in Nivalis hergestellt. Schließlich ist es schwer, in einer Wüste richtig mit Eis zu arbeiten! -Some monsters gained death and/or attack sounds, and Blue Sage House front door is now open. -Einige Monster gewonnen Tod und / oder Angriff Sounds und Blue Sage Haus Haustür ist jetzt geöffnet. - Some of finest elven craftmanship can be found there, like bows, for example. Einige der besten elfischen craftmanship sind dort zu finden, wie Bögen, zum Beispiel. @@ -21503,9 +21464,6 @@ Some of my miners friends died in this mine, because there are plenty of dangero Some of them are pretty strong. Do you need an explanation about hit'n'run and the monster you're about to face? Einige von ihnen sind ziemlich stark. Sie benötigen eine Erklärung über Hit'N'Run und das Monster, das du Gesicht sind dabei zu? -Some of these even cause area damage! Rumors of time travellers were heard, but no time travel was confirmed. -Einige dieser sogar Ursache Bereich Schaden! Gerüchte von Zeitreisenden waren zu hören, aber keine Zeitreise bestätigt wurde. - Some others also like to buy them to keep as trophies. Either way, you can make some money with that. Einige andere wie auch sie kaufen als Trophäen zu halten. So oder so, können Sie etwas Geld damit machen. @@ -21542,15 +21500,9 @@ Einige, aber nicht alle, von den seltenen oder nicht auswechselbaren Einzelteile Somebody already rented it before you! Jemand schon vermietet, bevor Sie! -Somebody else also got huge stats bonuses because reached the unbelievable job level 25. -Jemand anderes auch riesige Statistiken Boni bekommen, weil das unglaublichen Job Level 25 erreicht. - Somebody took your place on this spot! Jemand hat deinen Platz eingenommen! -Someone adventurer broke what was previously thought as maximum level, and is now level 31! -Jemand Abenteurer brach, was zuvor als Maximalwert angenommen wurde, und ist nun Stufe 31! - Someone else is using the guild storage right now. Please wait. Jemand anderes wird mit dem Gilde Speicher jetzt. Warten Sie mal. @@ -21629,9 +21581,6 @@ Soren's Haus Anleitung Soren's Lake Soren's See -Soren, the architect responsible for it, is very happy with the new design. -Soren, der Architekt verantwortlich für sich, ist sehr zufrieden mit dem neuen Design. - Sorfina Sorfina @@ -21857,6 +21806,9 @@ Speak with ##BBarzil##b. Tell him it is for the Magic Academy. HURRY UP! Spearmint Tea +Special Event Pets + + Specialized in destructive, magical skills. Spezialisiert auf destruktiv, magischen Fähigkeiten. @@ -21944,6 +21896,9 @@ Staircase#MKHB Stalman Stalman +Standard Magic + + Standard Tricks @@ -21962,9 +21917,6 @@ Start! Stat Boost Recipes Stat-Boost-Rezepte -Stat Reseters had a breakthrough which made potions cheaper, and Arkim brand new petiscide made Pinkies sick (with less HP). -Stat Reseters hatte einen Durchbruch, die Tränke billiger gemacht und Arkim brandneue petiscide gemacht Pinkies krank (mit weniger PS). - Status Reset Potion Status zurücksetzen Potion @@ -21995,6 +21947,9 @@ Bleib hier? Steal bucket! Steal Eimer! +Stealing + + Steam (LoF Village) Steam (LoF Dorf) @@ -22034,9 +21989,6 @@ Storage-Fee Strange Coin Seltsame Münze -Strange figures appear, claiming to be from the Land of Fire, and using interesting sticks, which spits fire. -Seltsame Figuren erscheinen und behaupten, aus dem Land des Feuers zu sein, und mit interessanten Sticks, das Feuer spuckt. - Strange switch status: @@ Seltsam Schaltzustand: @@ @@ -22088,6 +22040,15 @@ Strength: STR+, Carry Weight + Strength: VIT++ +Strong wind area of effect attack. + + +Strong wind single target attack. + + +Student + + Student#A01 @@ -22154,12 +22115,15 @@ Super-Menü Superb stealth, and quick on their toes. +Superior damage on enemies who walk over the fire. + + +Superior single target damage which splashes in area. + + Supreme Attack Supreme Angriff -Supreme Attack - Cause a very strong attack with lowered accuracy. -Supreme Attack - dazu bringen, einen sehr starken Angriff mit gesenkten Genauigkeit. - Supreme Chest Supreme Chest @@ -22313,9 +22277,6 @@ TMW2 Mitarbeiter TUTORIAL -Tactical Retreat -taktischer Rückzug - Take care though, don't attack them when they are in group! Achten Sie darauf, aber nicht angreifen sie, wenn sie in der Gruppe sind! @@ -22418,13 +22379,7 @@ Steuern werden in 0,01 ~ 0,03%, verkappt mit 10% erhöhen. Tea party! I want to participate. Tee-Party! Ich will mitmachen. -Teaching Elza your skills will make you both forget them. - - -Teaching Enzo your skills will make you both forget them. -Enzo Ihre Fähigkeiten Lehre werden Sie beide sie vergessen machen. - -Teaching Ezra your skills will make you both forget them. +Teaching %s your skills will make you both forget them. Teal Dye @@ -22436,6 +22391,9 @@ Tech-User-Forge Technical problem, gimme info about an item. Technisches Problem, gib mir Informationen zu einem Artikel. +Technician + + Tell me about Artis. Erzähle mir etwas über Artis. @@ -22472,12 +22430,18 @@ Sag mir, welche Sprache Sie sprechen, und ich werde die Notiz auf dem Schiff Pas Tell people the name of a new hero. Sagen Sie den Leuten den Namen eines neuen Helden. +Tempest + + Ten, fifty, thousand... Yep, this is the amount I've asked for. Zehn, fünfzig, tausend ... Ja, das ist der Betrag, den ich gefragt habe. Tench Schleie +Tengu + + Tentacles Tentakeln @@ -22508,9 +22472,6 @@ Terranite Ingot Terranite King Terranite König -Terranite King was seen recently. New shields and pants are available for craft. -Terranite König wurde vor kurzem gesehen. Neue Schilder und Hosen sind für Fahrzeuge zur Verfügung. - Terranite Mask Terranite Mask @@ -22850,9 +22811,6 @@ Thanks... I guess...#1 Thanksgiving -That and other changes, are all thinking on players helping each other. -Das und andere Änderungen, sind alle Gedanken an die Spieler gegenseitig helfen. - That annoying guy on the side of the tree is annoying. I want to ban him. Der lästige Kerl auf der Seite des Baumes ist ärgerlich. Ich will ihn verbieten. @@ -23075,6 +23033,9 @@ Die @@ stahl meine @@. Hahah. Ich kann nirgendwo anders finden, es zu kaufen. The @@ tab allows yeye to talk on Discord, too! Yayaya, fancy, uh? Die @@ Registerkarte können yeye zu Vortrag über Discord, auch! Yayaya, extravagant, uh? +The Academy Island is situated east of Land of Fire Village. + + The Alliance Advanced Outposts are closed for maintenance. Group in front of the town entrance! Die Allianz Vorposten sind wegen Wartungsarbeiten geschlossen. Gruppe vor dem Stadteingang! @@ -23084,24 +23045,12 @@ Die Allianz Vorposten haben nach der Befreiung Tag verlassen und gesperrt. The Alliance Council rarely meets. It's thanks to them that the cities are well protected, if you want my opinion. Der Allianz-Rat tritt selten auf. Es ist zu verdanken, dass die Städte gut geschützt sind, wenn Sie meine Meinung hören wollen. -The Alliance High Council informs that Super Players and above are capable to try ##B @toevent ##b for free event warps. - - -The Alliance announces a great new way to keep adventurers killing monsters. -Die Allianz kündigt eine großartige neue Möglichkeit, Abenteurer zu halten Monster zu töten. - The Alliance can help you in finding out about who you are, why you are here, or from where you came from. So, about the tasks I want completed. Die Allianz kann Ihnen helfen, herauszufinden, wer Sie sind, warum Sie hier sind, oder von wo du herkommst. Also, über die Aufgaben, die ich abgeschlossen werden soll. -The Alliance changed some rules for storage size, botting, and grand hunter prizes, too. -Die Allianz verändert einige Regeln für die Speichergröße, botting und große Jäger Preise auch. - The Alliance have records of everyone. And if you need another trip, talk to me! Die Allianz hat Aufzeichnungen über alle. Und wenn Sie eine weitere Reise benötigen, sprechen Sie mit mir! -The Alliance prepared an attack against the Monster King. Report at Nivalis Guard for more information. -Die Allianz bereit, einen Angriff gegen das Monster King. Bericht bei Nivalis Schutz für weitere Informationen. - The Alliance says that @@ monsters have been slain by players since 2019-05-24! Die Allianz sagt, dass @@ Monster von Spielern seit 2019.05.24 getötet wurden! @@ -23111,6 +23060,9 @@ Die Allianz, die nach dem Krieg gebildet! The Arena is currently closed for maintenance. Die Arena ist derzeit wegen Wartungsarbeiten geschlossen. +The Army seems to walk away after some time. + + The Blue Sage Der Blue Sage @@ -23123,6 +23075,9 @@ Das Grundgesetz The Cave Of Trials, and the Soren's Village... There's only one thing left. Die Höhle von Trials und den Soren Dorf ... Es gibt nur eine Sache verlassen. +The Council of Elders has enlisted ducks of our island into a militia. In addition, the masters of the Duck Side have seen fit to spare %d Duck initiates to assist us. + + The Doctor Der Doktor @@ -23141,15 +23096,21 @@ Die Fafi Drachen sind wirklich sehr Bösewichte. Ich weiß nicht, wie sie hierhe The Fafi knows you are here to kill him. They are smart. But I can make a trap. Die Fafi kennt Sie hier sind, ihn zu töten. Sie sind schlau. Aber ich kann eine Falle machen. +The Fifth Act + + +The First Act + + The Forest Der Wald +The Fourth Act + + The Game Masters are assembling a party to storm Hurnscald and liberate it. You should try joining it! Die Game Master sind Zusammenbauen einer Partei Hurnscald zu stürmen und sie zu befreien. Sie sollten Verbindungs ​​es versuchen! -The Grand Hunter quest is available with Aidan. It's an experiment by the High Council, -Das Grand Hunter Quest ist mit Aidan verfügbar. Es ist ein Experiment durch den Hohen Rat, - The Guard House @@ -23189,12 +23150,6 @@ Das Magic Academy-System ist verantwortlich für die meisten Fähigkeiten im Spi The Magic Council can be found at this city. They are the most powerful mages. If you have an impressive magical affinity, they may entitle you to have access to a Mana Stone. Der Magic Rat kann in dieser Stadt. Sie sind die mächtigsten Magier. Wenn Sie eine beeindruckende magische Affinität haben, können sie berechtigen Sie Zugang zu einem Manastein haben. -The Magic Council finished the reform on their guest hall. -Der Magic Rat beendete die Reform auf ihre Gasthalle. - -The Magic Council lift Statues in honor of some people. But its guest hall is in reform! -Der Magic Rat hebt Statuen zu Ehren von einigen Leuten. Aber seine Gäste Halle ist in der Reform! - The Magical Seal which protects the final room is too strong. @@ -23234,27 +23189,21 @@ Das Monster King The Monster King Army is attacking towns at random, but players already reduced their organization to @@ %%! +The Monster King Army is making siege at towns randomly! + + The Monster King Army is occupying several towns! Brave players need to group and retake them! Die Monster King Armee besetzt mehrere Städte! Brave Spieler müssen Gruppe und wiederholen sie! The Monster King Army left the cities! What will happen next? Anxiety grows! Das Monster King Armee verließ die Städte! Was wird als nächstes passieren? Angst wächst! -The Monster King Fortress -Das Monster King Fortress - The Monster King Lair is not in a impregnable mountain, but in a small island now!! Das Monster King Lair ist nicht in einem uneinnehmbaren Berg, aber in einer kleinen Insel jetzt !! -The Monster King got so active in the past days, he even have a mirrored version of himself roaming the lands. -Das Monster King bekam so aktiv in den letzten Tagen, er sogar eine gespiegelte Version von sich selbst haben das Land durchstreifen. - The Monster King is on the move! Das Monster King ist in Bewegung! -The Monster King left Hurnscald! This is our chance! Saulc GM is assembling a team to TAKE OVER HURNSCALD!! -Der Monster King links Hurnscald! Das ist unsere Chance! Saulc GM Montage ein Team OVER Hurnscald TAKE !! - The Monster King was so powerful! It is impossible to recover the artifact now, and everyone will die! Das Monster King war so mächtig! Es ist unmöglich, das Artefakt jetzt zu erholen, und jeder wird sterben! @@ -23273,9 +23222,6 @@ Die Mouboo liegt auf dem Gras. The Mouboo seems to be lying in pain. Die Mouboo scheint Schmerzen zu liegen. -The NPC responsible for buying raw gemstones from other NPCs has recovered since the last siege. -Der NPC verantwortlich für den Kauf von rohen Edelsteine ​​von anderen NPCs hat sich seit der letzten Belagerung gewonnen. - The Pet Caring Guild will collect them after a while, and capture many others. Der Pet Pflege Guild wird sie nach einer Weile, sammeln und viele andere erfassen. @@ -23288,6 +23234,9 @@ The Professor? Wait, THE Professor? As in, the wisest person on Tulimshar? The Regnum Blessing causes all monsters in an area +The Second Act + + The Self-Serving Ice Well! Die eigennützige Ice Well! @@ -23303,12 +23252,12 @@ Die Supreme und Ultimate Etagen sind nur ein WIP-Bonus. Also, wenn Sie sich nich The Team For A Better PvP says that @@ players were killed in fair matches! Das Team für eine bessere PvP sagt, dass @@ Spieler in fairen Matches getötet wurden! +The Third Act + + The Throne Room is the last room. You can reactive any switch which turns itself off. Der Thronsaal ist das letzte Zimmer. Sie können einen beliebigen Schalter reaktiv, die sich ausschaltet. -The Tulimshar Forge is also dealing with more complex materials, and not just Iron. -Die Tulimshar Forge ist auch mit komplexeren Materialien zu tun, und nicht nur Eisen. - The Tulimshar guards needs an freelance employee who would help us in our work. We are searching for people as you. Die Tulimshar Wachen brauchen einen freien Mitarbeiter, die uns in unserer Arbeit helfen würden. Wir suchen Menschen wie Sie. @@ -23336,15 +23285,6 @@ Der Vorteil mit einer Distanzwaffe kämpfen ist, dass Sie den feindlichen Bereic The alliance also have a special program, called ##BGrand Hunter Quest##b, where you kill 10,000 of a monster and get great rewards. -The alliance panicked, and allowed Demure, Pyndragon and Pihro on their board of members. -Die Allianz in Panik geraten und erlaubt Demure, Pyndragon und Pihro auf ihre Vorstandsmitglieder. - -The alliance, in honor of previous event winners, built new statues on the Council Guest Hall. -Die Allianz, zu Ehren der Vorveranstaltung Gewinner, baute neue Statuen auf den Rat Guest Hall. - -The announcement is: “Need a challenge? Or perhaps an Infinity +1 Sword? Try Heroes Hold today.” - - The answers might need to have whitespaces. DO NOT, BY ALL MEANS, insert two whitespaces instead of one. Die Antworten müssen möglicherweise Leerzeichen haben. NICHT, mit allen Mitteln, Einsatz zwei Leerzeichen statt einem. @@ -23429,9 +23369,6 @@ Der aktuelle Stadt-Administrator für eine Wiederwahl automatisch beschriftet we The curse was done by nobody less than... the Moubootaur. Der Fluch wurde von niemandem getan weniger als ... die Moubootaur. -The demand for strong players raised everywhere. Even death penalty decreased, and GMs are doing better events now. -Die Nachfrage nach starken Spielern überall erhöht. Auch Todesstrafe verringert und GMs jetzt besser Ereignisse tun. - The desert climate means you'll find mostly maggots and scorpions. Their drops include cactus drinks, cake, knifes, black pearls, gold, and other common things. Das Wüstenklima bedeutet, dass Sie meist Maden und Skorpionen finden. Ihre Tropfen umfassen Kaktus Getränke, Kuchen, Messer, schwarze Perlen, Gold und andere allgemeine Dinge. @@ -23474,9 +23411,6 @@ The effects and uses - if any - are still unknown. The event starts hourly, when the minute clock hits zero. I'll tell everyone on this room when it starts and ends. Die Veranstaltung beginnt stündlich, wenn der Minutentakt Hits Null. Ich werde jeden auf diesem Raum sagen, wann es beginnt und endet. -The famous PVP Arena, Quirino Voraz, can now be used by all players. -Die berühmte PVP Arena, Quirino Voraz kann jetzt von allen Spielern verwendet werden. - The farmer seems mad and in need of help. Will you help him? Der Bauer scheint verrückt und auf Hilfe angewiesen. Werden Sie ihm helfen? @@ -23507,8 +23441,8 @@ The first way, The fishing rod allows a quick income by selling fishes. However, reaching the fisherman might require some exploration... The whole world is full of secrets. Die Angelrute erlaubt ein schnelles Einkommen durch Fische zu verkaufen. Um jedoch den Fischer erreichen könnte einige Exploration erfordern ... Die ganze Welt ist voller Geheimnisse. -The foretold Call Of Dusty event quest is also now available for PVP Parties. -Die vorausgesagte Call Of Dusty Ereignis Quest ist nun auch für PVP Parteien zur Verfügung. +The following skill is needed: %s%s (Lv. %d) + The gates are firmly shut by some weird magical power. %s @@ -23612,6 +23546,12 @@ Die Mana Brücke ist zur Zeit geschlossen. The mana war stroke, and many people died, Der Mana Krieg Schlaganfall und viele Menschen starben, +The masters have decided you are to be given honorary initiation into the Duck Side. The Duck Side is powerful, much more so than you could possibly understand. + + +The masters of the Duck Side, The Council of Elders, and King DD himself, on behalf of all ducks, thank you for your help. We wouldn't have survived without it. + + The mayor, Rakinorf, is probably on the Inn upstairs, drinking himself to death. Der Bürgermeister, Rakinorf, ist wahrscheinlich auf dem Inn nach oben, sich zu Tode zu trinken. @@ -23678,9 +23618,6 @@ Die mouboo sieht immer noch schrecklich, aber man kann einen kleinen Unterschied The nanorob-- err, the *magic* will seal all your wounds. You trust Basil, right? Die nanorob-- err, die * Magie * alle deine Wunden versiegeln. Sie vertrauen Basil, nicht wahr? -The new inhabitants from the Land Of Fire are welcome, and some are still sheltering, like the Silversmith. -Die neuen Einwohner aus dem Land des Feuers sind willkommen, und einige sind immer noch Zuflucht, wie der Silberschmied. - The next page begins to list the complex trading laws and political rules. Auf der nächsten Seite beginnt das komplexe Handels Gesetze und politische Regeln aufzulisten. @@ -23708,9 +23645,6 @@ Die anderen Ansprüche ein gefährlicher Räuber und zu lehren, zu sein, wie von The pan is empty, but it smells like fresh cookies. Die Pfanne ist leer, aber es riecht nach frischen Plätzchen. -The party dungeon is still under maintenance, but it shall soon be liberated. The disaster was so big, all mobs are different. -Die Partei Kerker sind nach wie vor unter Wartung, aber es wird bald befreit werden. Die Katastrophe war so groß, sind alle Mobs anders. - The passwords doesn't match. Die Passwörter stimmen nicht überein. @@ -23720,6 +23654,15 @@ The path to reach Eugene is hidden. However, if you pay attention to the map, yo The pirate ship captain appear! TAKE CARE!! Das Piratenschiff Kapitän erscheinen! PASS AUF!! +The pirates amass for their siege, but they will not attack yet. Return when you are stronger. King DD is working to find a solution. + + +The pirates have been surrounding our island for many sun rises. We expect they will attack any time. + + +The player is offline or does not exist. + + The potion is baked, and the time is now running! Read as fast as you can, don't miss details! Der Trank wird gebacken, und die Zeit läuft jetzt! Lesen Sie so schnell wie möglich, nicht verpassen Details! @@ -23840,9 +23783,6 @@ Anders ist die Situation, wenn jemand von Hurnscald zu ihrer Rettung geht. Desha The situation is too serious to you be lying... Please, go fetch the items... Die Situation ist zu ernst, Sie lügen ... Bitte, die Einzelteile gehen zu holen ... -The snowstorm at Nivalis has ceased, but the Monster King led a massively huge army to siege Nivalis. -Der Schneesturm bei Nivalis hat aufgehört, aber das Monster King führte eine massiv riesige Armee Belagerung Nivalis. - The soldiers are resting at the moment. Die Soldaten sind zur Zeit ruhen. @@ -23894,9 +23834,6 @@ The town administrator benefits for free services on the town. The trickster can be found right here. -The tritan pirates amass for their siege, but they will not attack yet. Return later. King DD is working to find a solution. - - The uniform would be: @@, @@, @@ and @@ Die einheitliche wäre: @@, @@, @@ und @@ @@ -23963,6 +23900,9 @@ Ihre Hauptaufgaben sind zu gewährleisten Handel, die Städte von Monster Invasi Then I craft some new type of strong desert shirt, to protect users from snakes and sunlight. Dann bastle ich eine neue Art von starkem Wüstenhemd, Benutzer von Schlangen und Sonnenlicht zu schützen. +Then I hope you can keep your grades high, hmm hmm! + + Then I returned to Tulimshar. Now I do research, vote on the Magic Council meetings, and I also teach young mages about Transmutation magic. Dann kehrte ich nach Tulimshar. Jetzt mache ich Forschung, Abstimmung über die magischen Ratssitzungen, und ich unterrichte auch junge Magier über Magie Transmutations. @@ -24029,9 +23969,6 @@ Es gibt nur ein paar Seiten fehlen. There are people in the world who need help! Es gibt Menschen auf der Welt, die Hilfe brauchen! -There are rumors of a grand prize to whoever gets lucky on that machine. -Es gibt Gerüchte über einen großen Preis wem auch immer auf dieser Maschine Glück hat. - There are secret caves on this city. In fact, Tulimshar holds many misteries. Es gibt geheime Höhlen auf diese Stadt. In der Tat hält Tulimshar viele Geheimnisse. @@ -24089,12 +24026,12 @@ Es gibt keine EXP Strafe, aber man kann ohne entweder Abschluss der Höhle nicht There is no honor in fighting a weak opponent. Es ist nicht ehrenhaft, gegen schwächere Gegner zu kämpfen. -There is now a challenge in Tulimshar PvP Duel Room. How long can you survive? -Es gibt jetzt eine Herausforderung in Tulimshar PvP Duel Room. Wie lange kann man überleben? - There is only one way towards the best equipment: Smith away! Es gibt nur einen Weg in der besten Ausrüstung: Smith weg! +There is only so much magical power your body can handle without breaking. + + There isn't enough, not even for NPCs. We need at least 100. Es ist nicht genug, auch nicht für NPCs. Wir brauchen mindestens 100. @@ -24113,18 +24050,9 @@ Es scheint Anzeichen für einen Kampf längst vergessen zu sein, aber es stinkt There was a visitor with a mask? I didn't notice. You see, I spend most of my time in the workshop, and concentrate on my work. There are other helpers who attend to the visitors. And hopefully keep them from disturbing my concentration. Es gab einen Besucher mit einer Maske? Ich habe nicht bemerkt. Sie sehen, ich die meiste Zeit in der Werkstatt verbringen, und konzentrieren sich auf meine Arbeit. Es gibt noch andere Helfer, die an die Besucher teilnehmen. Und hoffentlich halten sie von meiner Konzentration zu stören. -There was just too many changes to list all of them here. Good luck finding all of them! -Es gab einfach zu viele Änderungen hier alle aufzuzählen. Viel Glück, alle von ihnen zu finden! - There was nobody on the Bandit Lord's room. Es war niemand auf dem Banditen Herren Raum. -There was too many things to keep track. After Hurnscald siege, with lots of earthquakes, we had an accident. -Es gab zu viele Dinge zu Spur zu halten. Nach Hurnscald Belagerung, mit vielen Erdbeben, wir hatten einen Unfall. - -There were trees blocking the path to Halinarzo? Why nobody told that to Tulimshar Council?! -Es gab Bäume den Weg zu Halinarzo blockiert? Warum niemand gesagt, dass zu Tulimshar Rat ?! - There will be consequences. Es wird Konsequenzen geben. @@ -24161,9 +24089,6 @@ Es gibt einen großen Preis am Ende ... Könnten Sie mir einige bringen später? There's a long time we don't eat anything. Bring us @@! Five should do it. Es gibt eine lange Zeit, dass wir etwas nicht essen. Bringen Sie uns @@! Fünf sollte es tun. -There's a scheduled update for 26/12. Event subject to change without prior notice. -Es gibt ein geplantes Update für 26/12. Veranstaltung Änderungen vorbehalten ohne vorherige Ankündigung. - There's a shiny safe here. How much money is inside? Nobody is looking at you, great! Es gibt ein glänzendes hier sicher. Wie viel Geld ist drin? Niemand schaut dich an, großartig! @@ -24233,9 +24158,6 @@ Es ... * hicks * werden Sie verfallen * hicks * in nur @@ ... oder beim Abmelden Therefore we need a lot of glue, but our supplies are nearly used up. I need @@/@@ @@ as ingredient to make new glue. Deshalb brauchen wir eine Menge Leim, aber unsere Lieferungen bis fast zum Einsatz kommen. Ich brauche @@ / @@ @@ als Bestandteil neuen Klebstoff zu machen. -Therefore, raw gemstones prices are once again on the rise. -Daher sind die Rohsteine ​​Preise wieder auf dem Vormarsch. - Therefore, the Alliance created a system so when you kill a monster, depending on its strength, you'll get Monster Points. Deshalb erstellt die Allianz ein System so, wenn du ein Monster töten, je nach ihrer Stärke, werden Sie Monster Punkte bekommen. @@ -24272,9 +24194,6 @@ Diese Monster sind eine große Quelle von rohen Handwerksmaterialien. These people have lots of unspent Strange Coins! Waw! Diese Leute haben eine Menge unverbrauchten Seltsame Münzen! Waw! -These trees were cut and travellers can once again travel to Halin. -Diese Bäume wurden geschnitten und Reisende können wieder Reisen nach Halin. - These weapons are only for masters, so you must get levels before being able to use them. Diese Waffen sind nur für Herren, Sie müssen also Ebenen, bevor in der Lage, sie zu nutzen. @@ -24473,9 +24392,6 @@ This can only be reverted at rebirth! Beware! This cannot be undo later! Dies kann nicht später rückgängig gemacht werden! -This caused a mana disturbance, and healing items are working better now, affecting every sector of economy. -Diese eine mana Störung verursacht und heilen Elemente arbeiten jetzt besser, jeden Sektor der Wirtschaft zu beeinflussen. - This cave is considered outside the town! @@ -24557,6 +24473,9 @@ Dies ist ein @@, nur der Sieger Partei Sinn den großen Preis erhalten. This is a Soul Menhir, but seems more magical than the others. Dies ist eine Seele Menhir, scheint aber magischer als die anderen. +This is a hot map, you're suffering damage over time. + + This is a magical barrier, powered by three seals in your part. Dies ist eine magische Barriere, die von drei Dichtungen in Ihrem Teil mit Strom versorgt. @@ -24791,9 +24710,6 @@ Dieses Siegel wurde bereits gebrochen, gehen Sie auf die nächste Dichtung! This seems like a good idea at first, but actually, it isn't. Dies scheint eine gute Idee, auf den ersten, aber eigentlich ist es nicht. -This server's Sponsors bought the area above Hurnscald's Inn. Nobody else is being allowed there. -Dieser Sponsor Server gekauft den Bereich oberhalb Hurnscald des Inn. Niemand sonst darf es wird. - This shrine is devoted to those whom shall never come back. Dieser Schrein ist denjenigen gewidmet wem soll nie wieder kommen. @@ -24818,9 +24734,6 @@ This skill cannot be upgraded further. This small island is a good place to heal our wounds, and the monsters here are not threating. Diese kleine Insel ist ein guter Ort, um unsere Wunden zu heilen, und die Monster sind hier nicht threating. -This somehow affected the whole economy. -Dies irgendwie die gesamte Wirtschaft betroffen. - This statue was built for memory of Andrei Sakar, the greatest hero this world has even seen. Diese Statue wurde für das Gedächtnis von Andrei Sakar, dem größten Helden baut diese Welt selbst gesehen hat. @@ -24842,9 +24755,6 @@ Dieser Brenner ist bereits lit. This vault currently have @@ GP inside. Dieses Gewölbe hat derzeit @@ GP innen. -This was caused because changes on the Mana Bridge. They hope that for next release, everyone will be able to use these magic words, instead of needing to talk to the Soul Menhir. -Dies wurde wegen Änderungen an der Mana-Brücke verursacht. Sie hoffen, dass für die nächste Release, jeder in der Lage sein wird, diese magischen Worte zu verwenden, statt der Notwendigkeit zur Seele Menhir zu sprechen. - This well is sealed. They must take water outside the town. Die gut abgedichtet ist. Sie müssen Wasser außerhalb der Stadt nehmen. @@ -24908,9 +24818,6 @@ Diejenigen, für den Verbrauch, Ausstattung und Generika. Three equal: @@. Drei gleich: @@. -Three new swords are now obtainable, although Broadsword is still the best weapon around. Except on Heroes Hold. -Drei neue Schwerter sind jetzt erhältlich, obwohl Breitschwert ist immer noch die beste Waffe um. Außer auf dem Helden Halten. - Throw a coin? Werfen Sie eine Münze? @@ -24956,6 +24863,9 @@ Frist für die Antwort ein: 2 Minuten Time remaining to report completion: Die verbleibende Zeit bis Bericht Vollendung: +Times died: %s + + Tin Ingot Zinnbarren @@ -25031,9 +24941,6 @@ Um dies zu feiern werde ich Ihnen einige Fragen über mein Lieblingsbuch, Per An To collect snake skin So sammeln Schlangenhaut -To counter-act this, nicholas lowered craft prices, and the folks at LoF are doing their best at refines. -Um Gegen wirken diese, nikolaus gesenkt Handwerkspreise, und die Leute bei LoF tun ihr Bestes, um verfeinert. - To craft an item, you'll need to learn its blueprint. Blueprints can be very hard to obtain! Being a crafter will take a lot of your time. @@ -25337,6 +25244,9 @@ Wirf die Angel in tiefes Wasser aus, indem du dort klickst, wo du angeln möchte Total Credits and GP: @@ Gesamt Credits und GP: @@ +Total Gold: %s + + Total Logins: @@ Insgesamt Logins: @@ @@ -25346,6 +25256,9 @@ Insgesamt Geld gesammelt: @@ GP Total slow down, DEF-, may freeze +Total time AFK'ed in Tulimshar: %d hours and %d minutes + + Toto toto @@ -25460,9 +25373,6 @@ Schatz Key Treasure Map Schatzkarte -Treasure chests have been seen on dungeons, always changing places and refilling themselves. -Schatzkisten wurden auf Dungeons gesehen, immer wechselnden Orten und selbst Nachfüllen. - Treasure! @@ -25559,18 +25469,6 @@ Tulimshar Garde-Karte Tulimshar Guard Card will prove good intentions. Talk to the Lieutenant in front of the Guard House. -Tulimshar Guardhouse's door was struck, but the guards managed to get it open again. -Tulimshar Wache Tür wurde geschlagen, aber die verwalteten Wachen, es wieder zu bekommen offen. - -Tulimshar Guards bought a Slot Machine to play, but that was done unofficialy. -Tulimshar Guards kauften einen Spielautomaten zu spielen, aber das war nicht offiziell gemacht. - -Tulimshar Jewerly is now polishing gemstones to add on rings. New monsters were seen, stay on guard. -Tulimshar Schmuck ist nun Edelsteine ​​Polieren an den Ringen hinzuzufügen. Neue Monster wurden auf dem Hut gesehen, Aufenthalt. - -Tulimshar Jewerly is once again open. Cyndala and Tamiloc rented a shop south of Tulimshar. -Tulimshar Schmuck ist wieder offen. Cyndala und Tamiloc vermietet ein Geschäft südlich von Tulimshar. - Tulimshar Map Tulimshar Karte @@ -25595,9 +25493,6 @@ Tulimshar ist die älteste Stadt der Menschen, und die Gründung ist das Jahr Nu Tulimshar is the strongest city because Dausen teaches every newcomer about the monsters around and how to defeat them. Take his special training if you get the chance! -Tulimshar miners are having troubles with monsters. They are offering rewards to whoever helps them. -Tulimshar Bergleute haben Probleme mit Monstern. Sie bieten Belohnungen wem auch immer sie hilft. - Tulimshar miners mainly try to obtain gems. Tulimshar Bergleute in erster Linie versuchen, Edelsteine ​​zu erhalten. @@ -25613,6 +25508,12 @@ Tunnel durch die Höhlen! Tutorial Protips: +Tutorship is NOT the most effective way. + + +Tutorship will give you Research Points. + + Twelve times more if it is an elusive Mana Fragment no one knows where they are! Zwölf mal mehr, wenn es ein schwer zu erreichendes Mana Fragment ist niemand weiß, wo sie sind! @@ -25712,9 +25613,6 @@ Uhm, dass ein ist ... @@. Haben Sie ... wollen einen Baum auf der mouboo oder et Uhm, this seems like a bad idea. Ähm, das scheint wie eine schlechte Idee. -Uhm... Bye? -Uhm ... Bye? - Uhm... I thought you were trying to heal the mouboo. Why are you giving it poisonous stuff?! Ähm ... Ich dachte, dass Sie die mouboo zu heilen versuchen. Warum geben Sie ihm giftiges Zeug ?! @@ -25757,9 +25655,6 @@ Unfortunately, I cannot sell them to you. Maggots are attacking my crops and giv Unfortunately, I was cursed to never enter their cave again. They used a @@ to do that! Leider wurde ich verflucht, nie wieder ihre Höhle zu betreten. Sie benutzten eine @@, das zu tun! -Unfortunately, Tulimshar guards are dying in the sun. Maybe you could provide them with Water? -Leider sterben Tulimshar Wachen in der Sonne. Vielleicht könnte man sie mit Wasser zur Verfügung stellen? - Unfortunately, a mere fledgling like you is not strong enough to help us. @@ -26249,9 +26144,6 @@ Wandernde zu viel? Achten Sie darauf, nicht verloren gehen. Wands Wands -Wands are also being sold, and other stuff from the Land Of Fire slowly creeps in. -Wands werden auch verkauft, und andere Sachen aus dem Land des Feuers kriecht langsam in. - Want to break the hundredthousand item limit?? Ten gifts, for more, bring 102,400 boxes here. Möchten Sie die hunderttausend Artikel Grenze brechen ?? Zehn Geschenke, für mehr, bringen 102.400 Boxen hier. @@ -26384,9 +26276,6 @@ Wir beraten Sie Ihre Ausrüstung jetzt ändern. We also feature some services like a storage and a bank for members. Wir bieten auch einige Dienste, wie ein Lager oder eine Bank an. -We apologize to all, but the Land Of Fire CRASHED here, and broke the whole balance! Part of woodlands flooded! -Wir entschuldigen uns bei allen, aber das Land Of Fire CRASHED hier, und brach die ganze Balance! Ein Teil der Wälder überflutet! - We appreciate your help. Take this %s as a token of goodwill. @@ -26396,9 +26285,15 @@ Wir sind @@ seit dem letzten großen Angriff aus dem Monster King. We are assembling forces to take Nivalis back. Wir sind Montage Kräfte Nivalis zurückzunehmen. +We are deliberating. Some do not... approve of your initiation. Leave. + + We are in desperate need of food and nesting material, as well as our sacred supply of @@. +We are no longer in danger, thanks to you. The pirates were thoroughly defeated. None survived the battle. + + We are planning to take over Hurnscald from the Monster King, and we will need everybody's help. Wir planen über Hurnscald vom Monster King zu nehmen, und wir werden alle Hilfe brauchen. @@ -26450,11 +26345,8 @@ Wir halten die Schleime über die Barriere für die Nacht, also seien Sie vorsic We may delete all entries and change formulas in the future. -We may require your aid again soon. The tritan pirates are amassing and we fear they are planning a siege of Duck Island. I must speak with the council... - +We may require your aid again soon. The tritan pirates are amassing and we fear they are planning a siege of Duck Island. I must speak with the Council of Elders... -We mean, some are giving stupid amounts of experience, and players can get more levels. Saulc cannot proccess that many changes! -Wir meinen, einige geben dumme Mengen an Erfahrung, und die Spieler können mehr Ebenen erhalten. Saulc können nicht so viele Änderungen Proccess! We must away Wir müssen weg @@ -26465,6 +26357,9 @@ Wir müssen die Schuld Saulc! We must defeat the Monster King on his evil lair! Wir müssen das Monster King auf seinem bösen Höhle besiegen! +We must defeat the commanders to avoid major damage to them! + + We need to find what powers these two seals and disable it. @@ -26522,9 +26417,6 @@ Wir werden eine Partei heute haben, aber nur Gläubige dürfen in! We will talk about it later. Wir sprechen später darüber. -We wish you a merry Christmas! And a happy new year!! -Wir wünschen dir frohe Weihnachten! Und ein glückliches neues Jahr!! - We won't be able to pay you in money, but we'll make you one of us if you bring us beer! Wir werden Sie nicht in Geld in der Lage zu zahlen, aber wir werden Sie von uns, wenn Sie uns Bier bringen! @@ -27026,6 +26918,12 @@ Was soll ich sagen? What an amazing crown you have! How do I get it?! Was für eine erstaunliche Krone Sie haben! Wie bekomme ich es?! +What are Magic Skill Points? + + +What are Research Points + + What are current leaderboard? Was ist die aktuelle Rangliste? @@ -27110,6 +27008,9 @@ What color is a Babel Fish? What crap is that?! This is not from Tulimshar! Was Mist ist das ?! Dies ist nicht von Tulimshar! +What did the Council of Elders say? Is there any news of the pirates? + + What did you expected, anyway? Was haben Sie erwartet, überhaupt? @@ -27203,6 +27104,9 @@ What is going on here? What is my current hairstyle and hair color? Was habe ich gerade für eine Frisur und Haarfarbe? +What is the Academy? + + What is the Alliance? Was ist die Allianz? @@ -27212,6 +27116,9 @@ What is the Magic Academy? What is the Moubootaur? Was ist der Moubootaur? +What is the Scholar Rank? + + What is the answer to life, the universe and everything? @@ -27545,6 +27452,9 @@ White Slime Mother WhiteCat Weiße Katze +Who are the most famous scholars? + + Who are you, and how did you manage to come down here? The sheer power of our Lord prevents anyone not under his control to go here. @@ -27605,9 +27515,6 @@ Wer ist das Juliet? Who, or what are you? Wer oder was bist du? -Whoa! LoF merge wasn't entirely stable! After a terrible manaquake, everything, -Whoa! LoF merge war nicht ganz stabil! Nach einem schrecklichen manaquake, alles, - Whoever took control of this village is no ordinary mage. There's a switch on the wall. Wer die Kontrolle über dieses Dorf ist kein gewöhnlicher Magier. Es gibt einen Schalter an der Wand. @@ -27683,18 +27590,12 @@ Werden Sie versuchen, es zu entsperren? Wind Fairy Wind-Fee -Wind Walk - - Wind: @@, @@ Wind: @@, @@ Windwalker Wind Wanderer -Windwalker - Increase walk speed and flee rate. -Windwalker - Erhöhung Gehgeschwindigkeit und Geschwindigkeit fliehen. - Wine Making Barrel Weinherstellung Barrel @@ -27755,9 +27656,6 @@ Mit einem Juwel können Sie erwarten, 1 bis 3 Pulver zu erhalten! With recent player activity, the Monster king is @@! Mit dem jüngsten Spieler-Aktivität ist das Monster König @@! -With renewed confidence about the outcome of the war, various people left their houses. -Mit neuer Zuversicht über den Ausgang des Krieges verließen verschiedene Menschen ihre Häuser. - With this I make balls of slime for Candor's childs, they really like to play with them. Damit ich machen Kugeln aus Schleim für Childs Candor ist, wie sie wirklich mit ihnen zu spielen. @@ -27884,9 +27782,6 @@ Worker Day Worker Statue Worker Statue -Workers have closed Nivalis to repairs, due intense damage to town infrastructure. -Die Arbeiter haben Nivalis Reparaturen geschlossen, durch intensive Schäden an städtischer Infrastruktur. - World Expo @@ -27986,9 +27881,6 @@ Wurtzit Ore Wyara Wyara -Wyara tells she will now make Return Potions for those trusted by Hurnscald Staff! -Wyara sagt sie wird nun Return Tränke für die von Hurnscald Mitarbeiter vertraut machen! - Xanthem Card Xanthem Karte @@ -28148,6 +28040,9 @@ Jahre später, jemand dann begann an diesem Tag Geschenke an die armen Kinder zu Yellow Dye Gelber Farbstoff +Yellow Skull Slime + + Yellow Slime Gelber Schleim @@ -28460,6 +28355,9 @@ Sie erhalten auch Zugang zu einem Party-Chat bekommen, und es gibt keine Komprom You also need @@/@@ Mob Points to improve thief skills. Sie müssen auch @@ / @@ Mob Punkte Dieb Fähigkeiten zu verbessern. +You are NO LONGER EXILED from %s by %s. + + You are NOT allowed to leave here! Sie sind hier nicht verlassen dürfen! @@ -28523,6 +28421,9 @@ You are exhausted, you should rest @@.#0 You are exhausted, you should rest @@.#1 +You are exiled from this town and therefore, unable to use the Menhir. + + You are full of wine, my friend... Du bist voll mit Wein, mein Freund... @@ -28766,9 +28667,6 @@ Sie können @@ überall bekommen, obwohl hier ist ein wenig leichter zu bekommen You can get Croconut from Crocotree, and fill @@ purchased in the market. -You can get close by feet, and there was an area so empty that you won't even notice the distance walked. -Sie können in der Nähe von Füße zu bekommen, und es war ein Bereich, so leer, dass Sie der Gehstrecke nicht einmal bemerken. - You can get daily something from it, but unless you're green like me, you will have no luck... Sie können täglich etwas von ihm zu bekommen, aber wenn Sie wie ich grün sind, werden Sie kein Glück haben ... @@ -28835,9 +28733,6 @@ You can use "@monsterinfo " to gauge a monster strength. You can use @@ to summon some maggots. That depends on your magic level, of course. Sie können einige Maden verwenden @@ zu rufen. Das hängt von Ihrer magischen Ebene, natürlich. -You can use @@, Audsbel left the Magic School, and Marius is singing again. -Sie verwenden können, @@, links Audsbel die Magic School, und Marius wieder singt. - You can use it again in @@. Sie können es wieder in @@ verwenden. @@ -28898,6 +28793,9 @@ Sie können diesen Artikel nicht fallen lassen! You cannot enter here while you have event weapons or a cart. +You cannot exile yourself! + + You cannot help me at all. You lack any skill to do so. Sie können mir nicht helfen. Ihnen fehlt jede Fähigkeit, dies zu tun. @@ -29282,6 +29180,9 @@ You have an awful case of amnesia. She is the nurse and shipkeeper of this ship, You have arrived at Fortress Island. Sie haben bei Fortress Insel angekommen. +You have been EXILED from %s by %s. + + You have been jailed by a GM. Du wurdest von einem GM eingesperrt. @@ -29498,6 +29399,9 @@ Sie müssen erreichen Level 5 dieses Geschenk zu öffnen. You must send ##B/verify##b to Discord bot for the linking be complete. +You must understand that this honor has never been granted to a non-duck before. You will have access to Duck Dungeon, a training grounds for Initiates. + + You need 2x @@ to cast this skill. Sie müssen @@ 2x diese Fähigkeit zu werfen. @@ -29795,6 +29699,9 @@ Du solltest nicht hier sein... You should not be there! This forest is home to monsters. Sie sollten nicht da sein! Dieser Wald ist die Heimat von Monster. +You should not leave this room. + + You should reset your stats and allocate some points at intelligence. Sie sollten Ihre Statistiken zurückzusetzen und einige Punkte an Intelligenz zuordnen. @@ -29807,6 +29714,9 @@ Du solltest zuerst mit Magier Arpan sprechen. You should talk to him instead. Sie sollten stattdessen mit ihm reden. +You should unequip this item first. + + You stand before a battle-scarred, darkly tanned warrior, brimming with muscles. Sie stehen vor einer Schlacht-vernarbt, dunkel gebräunt Krieger, mit Muskeln voller. @@ -30014,6 +29924,9 @@ Sie würde nicht passieren, sie haben, würden Sie? You'll all die here! Sie werden alle sterben hier! +You'll also get half of the GP as Monster Points! + + You'll be charged even if you fail, be warned. Sie werden sogar in Rechnung gestellt, wenn Sie sich nicht, seien Sie gewarnt. @@ -30218,6 +30131,12 @@ Ihre Klasse wurde von% s zu% s geändert. Your coward outer self fails to convince you to leave. Ihr Feigling äußeren Selbst versagt, Sie überzeugen zu lassen. +Your current rank: %s + + +Your current scholar rank: %s (%d Research Points) + + Your current score: @@ Ihre aktuelle Punktzahl: @@ @@ -30260,9 +30179,6 @@ Ihre Homunkulus schläft! Wecke sie auf! Your information is correct, %s. Pirates have been plaguing our shores and cutting off our supply lines. -Your lack of magical power is critical. I dare say, you might never in your life get access to a Mana Stone. -Ihr Mangel an magischer Kraft ist von entscheidenden Bedeutung. Ich wage zu sagen, könnten Sie nie in Ihrem Leben Zugang zu einem Manastein bekommen. - Your level is so high, I'm surprised you haven't went there already. But then, most quests around there are for your level... Ihr Niveau ist so hoch, ich bin überrascht, dass Sie nicht bereits waren dort. Aber dann sind die meisten Quests um es für Ihr Niveau ... @@ -30281,9 +30197,6 @@ Deine Mutter hat mich gebeten, zu sagen, dass sie dich liebt. Your next step is to get the book of the Second Sage Of Fate. Die nächste Schritt ist das Buch der Zweiten Sage Of Fate zu bekommen. -Your position has been saved. -Ihre Position wird gespeichert. - Your position is auto-saved when entering a town - use @ucp to change this behavior. Ihre Position wird automatisch gespeichert, wenn eine Stadt eingeben - Verwendung @ucp dieses Verhalten zu ändern. @@ -30293,6 +30206,9 @@ Ihre Position muss derjenige sein, der von einem ordentlichen Mitglied oder dar Your position on the guild: @@ Ihre Position auf der Gilde: @@ +Your privileges do not allow you to use this command. + + Your problems are not mine. By the way, you really should consider taking a shower. @@ -30359,18 +30275,12 @@ Zarkor, der Dunkle Summoner Zegas Zegas -Zegas, Saxso's widow, the mayor of Candor, decreed to allow strong adventurers to get past the Candor Cave Magic Barrier. -Zegas, Saxso Witwe, der Bürgermeister von Candor verfügte starke Abenteurer zu ermöglichen, vorbei an der Candor Cave magische Barriere zu erhalten. - ZegasDebug ZegasDebug Zitoni Zitoni -Zitoni announces he can now craft really good potions to improve attack speed and damage! -Zitoni kündigt er jetzt wirklich gute Tränke Handwerk Angriffsgeschwindigkeit und Schaden zu verbessern! - Zitoni refused to make the Powder. Zitoni weigerte sich, das Pulver zu machen. @@ -30416,6 +30326,9 @@ Zzzzzzzzz... [2] Full Aeros [2] Full Eros +[@@|Read the History@@] + + [Accept Quest] [Accept-Quest] @@ -30530,9 +30443,6 @@ and "listening" to his speech, you'll get EXP! and have Demure to send them to those you admire! -and may change later without notice. -und kann später ohne vorherige Ankündigung geändert werden. - angry wütend @@ -30722,9 +30632,6 @@ wenn der Vorschlag nicht für Sie geeignet ist, schließen Sie einfach das Hande in March 2nd 2018. -including the 178 monsters and who knows how many equipment, had numeric changes. -einschließlich der 178 Monster und wer weiß, wie viele Geräte, numerische Veränderungen hatten. - international worker day @@ -31157,6 +31064,9 @@ du gewinnst @@ zero +~~%d/%d %s~~ + + ¬.¬ "Hmm, to me, you look like a thief or bandit..." diff --git a/langs/lang_en.old b/langs/lang_en.old index 0f42dc5a0..e206a7196 100644 --- a/langs/lang_en.old +++ b/langs/lang_en.old @@ -46,6 +46,9 @@ ##2The Monster Lieutenant was defeated by @@! ##2The Monster Lieutenant was defeated by @@! +##9Was that not sufficient, this someone acquired MAGIC and is now under @@'s group. +##9Was that not sufficient, this someone acquired MAGIC and is now under @@'s group. + ##9You found an old well with a bucket on it! It's time to fill plenty of @@! ##9You found an old well with a bucket on it! It's time to fill plenty of @@! @@ -70,6 +73,9 @@ (That was already explained on the intro. Read the dialogs! Important stuff can be found on them.) (That was already explained on the intro. Read the dialogs! Important stuff can be found on them.) +* %d/%d AP (???) +* %d/%d AP (???) + * +5%% EXP Gain and Drop Chance, permanently * +5%% EXP Gain and Drop Chance, permanently @@ -97,6 +103,9 @@ ...Of course, Hasan is an exception. ...Of course, Hasan is an exception. +...including the fabled "Ultimate PVP Event", as the original creators say... +...including the fabled "Ultimate PVP Event", as the original creators say... + .:: Help for New Players ::. .:: Help for New Players ::. @@ -214,6 +223,9 @@ 4 - Ultimate Bonus 4 - Ultimate Bonus +4144's Tortuga was seen somewhere. Great rewards if someone knock off that monster... Well, not really. +4144's Tortuga was seen somewhere. Great rewards if someone knock off that monster... Well, not really. + 42 42 @@ -271,9 +283,15 @@ A blur shape forms in your front. It seems to be a large ship. A blur shape forms in your front. It seems to be a large ship. +A major deflation happened while Saulc wasn't looking, and you may find several items with @@ discount. +A major deflation happened while Saulc wasn't looking, and you may find several items with @@ discount. + A mild magic barrier prevents you from entering. A mild magic barrier prevents you from entering. +A nice meteor shower is thought to happen in February and May, days 18~25. +A nice meteor shower is thought to happen in February and May, days 18~25. + A pity a friend of ours drank too much. Juliet knows how to cure, but she needs @@ to do a hangover potion. A pity a friend of ours drank too much. Juliet knows how to cure, but she needs @@ to do a hangover potion. @@ -286,21 +304,42 @@ Aah, the old age. Sorry. I won't be able to make the gloves for you today. %%3 Abort. Abort. +Access is restricted to guards, as usual. +Access is restricted to guards, as usual. + According to the Guide, space is ____? According to the Guide, space is ____? +Accumulate Power - Raise damage of next skill. +Accumulate Power - Raise damage of next skill. + Actually, this fails without tmwa dark magic. Actually, this fails without tmwa dark magic. Adding gems will give special stats to rings, and they'll become lighter, but these gems cannot be removed easily. Adding gems will give special stats to rings, and they'll become lighter, but these gems cannot be removed easily. +Additional security measures were put in place so such disaster, of a whole world crashing, doesn't happens again. +Additional security measures were put in place so such disaster, of a whole world crashing, doesn't happens again. + Additionally, for the optimal experience, ensure your party has at least the following members: Additionally, for the optimal experience, ensure your party has at least the following members: Advanced Dungeon Advanced Dungeon +Adventurers entirely redressed, people doing Grand Hunter Quest like mad, peple making wishes at... well... +Adventurers entirely redressed, people doing Grand Hunter Quest like mad, peple making wishes at... well... + +Adventurers got drunk to get more EXP?! Players can now buy houses and make their own wine! +Adventurers got drunk to get more EXP?! Players can now buy houses and make their own wine! + +After much struggle with the lazy builders, Nivalis Town is finally open for visit again! +After much struggle with the lazy builders, Nivalis Town is finally open for visit again! + +After paying the divorce fee, she said: "Blame Saulc for this one." +After paying the divorce fee, she said: "Blame Saulc for this one." + Ah, nothing too major, as you already have magic. Ah, nothing too major, as you already have magic. @@ -328,6 +367,9 @@ Aisen Alchemy system Not Yet Implemented - Blame Jesusalva Alchemy system Not Yet Implemented - Blame Jesusalva +All contributors should claim their rewards with Lua. Weather is there, night cycle happens where monsters are more active. +All contributors should claim their rewards with Lua. Weather is there, night cycle happens where monsters are more active. + All hail ##B@@##b, first to complete the ##3Yeti King Quest! All hail ##B@@##b, first to complete the ##3Yeti King Quest! @@ -361,12 +403,18 @@ Also, we took your yayed clothes, as they were... Yeyeye... In a bad shape. Go c Also, we took your yayed clothes, as they were... Yeyeye... In a bad shape. Go check the chest near your bed, there are some other ones inside.#1 Also, we took your yayed clothes, as they were... Yeyeye... In a bad shape. Go check the chest near your bed, there are some other ones inside. +Also, weird voices are talking to new players, asking if they're here because a friend. +Also, weird voices are talking to new players, asking if they're here because a friend. + Also, you seem like you are from around LoF. Why don't you take a free @@? Also, you seem like you are from around LoF. Why don't you take a free @@? Amethyst Ring (+2 dex) Amethyst Ring (+2 dex) +An emergency skill which temporaly raises all your stats. +An emergency skill which temporaly raises all your stats. + An error happened: Unable to initialize timer An error happened: Unable to initialize timer @@ -391,6 +439,9 @@ And how do I save items? And how do I save money? And how do I save money? +And speaking in reward, guards are looking for someone contrabanding goods from Artis. Do not help them! +And speaking in reward, guards are looking for someone contrabanding goods from Artis. Do not help them! + And then what happened? And then what happened? @@ -406,12 +457,18 @@ And you? How's it going on your side? And your rare, a @@! Enjoy! And your rare, a @@! Enjoy! +Andrei Sakar is also repeating his questions about World Lore, although rewards are now smaller. +Andrei Sakar is also repeating his questions about World Lore, although rewards are now smaller. + Andrei Sakar is on the other side of this gate, killing monsters, as we speak. Andrei Sakar is on the other side of this gate, killing monsters, as we speak. AngryScorpion AngryScorpion +Anwar left his house to tend Tulimshar's crops, after noticing something strange with them. He blames the Monster King. +Anwar left his house to tend Tulimshar's crops, after noticing something strange with them. He blames the Monster King. + Anyway, ##Bwelcome##b, and have fun! If you need anything, we are a keypress from distance! Anyway, ##Bwelcome##b, and have fun! If you need anything, we are a keypress from distance! @@ -442,6 +499,9 @@ Are you sure you want to port level %d for Valentine? Are you using my skill? Are you using my skill? +Area Provoke - Provoke all monsters centered on target. +Area Provoke - Provoke all monsters centered on target. + Area Provoke - Provoke all monsters centered on yourself. Area Provoke - Provoke all monsters centered on yourself. @@ -451,6 +511,15 @@ AreaNPC AreaNPC#doors5 AreaNPC#doors5 +Arkim also developed a powerful petiscide to make Pinkies less healthy, but that was long ago. +Arkim also developed a powerful petiscide to make Pinkies less healthy, but that was long ago. + +Arrow Shower - Shoot FIVE arrows or bullets to the air and cause Area Of Effect Damage. +Arrow Shower - Shoot FIVE arrows or bullets to the air and cause Area Of Effect Damage. + +Arrows prices were lowered, and a limited teleport to Frostia and Halinarzo is now possible. +Arrows prices were lowered, and a limited teleport to Frostia and Halinarzo is now possible. + Artis Artis @@ -550,6 +619,15 @@ Bury. But I probably should not do it. It might be poisoned! But I probably should not do it. It might be poisoned! +But be careful: Only 1MSP-costed skills can be forgotten, and learning fees WON'T be given back! +But be careful: Only 1MSP-costed skills can be forgotten, and learning fees WON'T be given back! + +But be careful: Only 2MSP-costed skills can be forgotten, and learning fees WON'T be given back! +But be careful: Only 2MSP-costed skills can be forgotten, and learning fees WON'T be given back! + +But be careful: Only 3MSP-costed skills can be forgotten, and learning fees WON'T be given back! +But be careful: Only 3MSP-costed skills can be forgotten, and learning fees WON'T be given back! + But be careful: do not scream when using a lot of capital letters, and do not keep repeating the lines, or you may be severely penalized. But be careful: do not scream when using a lot of capital letters, and do not keep repeating the lines, or you may be severely penalized. @@ -574,9 +652,15 @@ But the money you brought was really awesome you know. But this is not important now. The ships sailors are shouting at you! But this is not important now. The ships sailors are shouting at you! +But travel by sea, or access to the village on itself, is thoroughly impossible. Andrei Sakar is at ready. +But travel by sea, or access to the village on itself, is thoroughly impossible. Andrei Sakar is at ready. + But travel by sea, or access to the village on itself, is throughly impossible. Andrei Sakar is at ready. But travel by sea, or access to the village on itself, is throughly impossible. Andrei Sakar is at ready. +But who knows what future holds. The Monster King was blamed as responsible, but he killed our interviewer. Eeh. +But who knows what future holds. The Monster King was blamed as responsible, but he killed our interviewer. Eeh. + But whoa, not so fast! You must pass the seven steps of a trial first! But whoa, not so fast! You must pass the seven steps of a trial first! @@ -628,6 +712,12 @@ Cancels Poison. Antidotes are hard to come by, anyway. Candor - 2,500 GP Candor - 2,500 GP +Candor Trainer read all the references that he could find and is wiser than ever! +Candor Trainer read all the references that he could find and is wiser than ever! + +Candor was sightly reworked in terms of gold gain/expense. @@ was added. +Candor was sightly reworked in terms of gold gain/expense. @@ was added. + Captain Nard is in the room to your right. Captain Nard is in the room to your right. @@ -649,6 +739,9 @@ Cave Snake lamp Cavern Bat Cavern Bat +Central Woodlands suffered dramatic changes due Saulc (ab)using his GM powers. +Central Woodlands suffered dramatic changes due Saulc (ab)using his GM powers. + Ch 2 — Magic Experience Ch 2 — Magic Experience @@ -688,12 +781,18 @@ Chocolate Cashmere Dye Choose desired quest state: Choose desired quest state: +Christmas Event: 21/12 ~ 09/01 +Christmas Event: 21/12 ~ 09/01 + Cindy Cindy Citzen Citzen +Citzens on the world are now listeing to different tunes, and new adventurers were found... in desert islands? +Citzens on the world are now listeing to different tunes, and new adventurers were found... in desert islands? + Click here for instructions on how to use the test server. Click here for instructions on how to use the test server. @@ -703,6 +802,9 @@ Click on Elmo or Magic Arpan to continue... Close Extension Close Extension +Colonel DUSTMAN opened the Heroes Hold to the hardcore player. Noobs, keep out! Good players only! +Colonel DUSTMAN opened the Heroes Hold to the hardcore player. Noobs, keep out! Good players only! + Come back soon! Come back soon! @@ -739,6 +841,12 @@ Could I ask you what your native language is? A sailor told me you're Russian, b Could be nice if you could bring me this: Could be nice if you could bring me this: +Counter Attack - Next attack will be retaliated, with twice critical ratio. +Counter Attack - Next attack will be retaliated, with twice critical ratio. + +Crazyfefe Fight was remastered. The 8.0 release series was the longest release serial thus far. +Crazyfefe Fight was remastered. The 8.0 release series was the longest release serial thus far. + Create items Create items @@ -856,6 +964,9 @@ Did you see Jhedia the blacksmith in Tulimshar? He might know how you could get Dig. Dig. +Dimond bought a brand new slot machine and installed on her inn. The rewards are different from the one on Tulimshar. +Dimond bought a brand new slot machine and installed on her inn. The rewards are different from the one on Tulimshar. + Disable event Disable event @@ -904,6 +1015,9 @@ Drake the Traveler Drinking what drink is like having your brain smashed out by a slice of lemon wrapped round a large gold brick? Drinking what drink is like having your brain smashed out by a slice of lemon wrapped round a large gold brick? +Drop rates raised drastically for the lucky ones. Eternal Swamp floods are now more cyclic. +Drop rates raised drastically for the lucky ones. Eternal Swamp floods are now more cyclic. + Dry season at Tulimshar causes crops problems! Dry season at Tulimshar causes crops problems! @@ -931,12 +1045,21 @@ ERROR: Target Account already with merge data. ERROR: Target Account is online. ERROR: Target Account is online. +Easter eggs have been found, like secret rooms. +Easter eggs have been found, like secret rooms. + +Easter will soon start! +Easter will soon start! + Eight Maggots will rinse from the ground and will start destroying the crops. Eight Maggots will rinse from the ground and will start destroying the crops. Elevel gifts? You guys really have no live! For 204,800 I'll give an extra one. Elevel gifts? You guys really have no live! For 204,800 I'll give an extra one. +Elza, the Forgetful +Elza, the Forgetful + Emerald Ring (+2 luck) Emerald Ring (+2 luck) @@ -970,6 +1093,9 @@ Enable Worker's Day Enter desired skill level: Enter desired skill level: +Enzo, the Forgetful +Enzo, the Forgetful + Error translating item ID @@ to @@ (Bracco, idx, id) Error translating item ID @@ to @@ (Bracco, idx, id) @@ -982,6 +1108,15 @@ Error, marine_maxre invalid @@ Esperia Esperia +Estard finished arranging sufficient paperwork so adventurers can create their own guilds. +Estard finished arranging sufficient paperwork so adventurers can create their own guilds. + +Even Tulimshar's Council managed to get that sewer unlocked, and as consequence, players can ascend to level 60! +Even Tulimshar's Council managed to get that sewer unlocked, and as consequence, players can ascend to level 60! + +Event Duration: November 3rd ~ November 9th 2018 +Event Duration: November 3rd ~ November 9th 2018 + Event stage: Event stage: @@ -997,6 +1132,12 @@ Expert Dungeon EyePatch EyePatch +Ezra, the Very Forgetful +Ezra, the Very Forgetful + +Ezra, the very Forgetful +Ezra, the very Forgetful + FIXME: This quest is not yet ready, blame Jesusalva ASAP FIXME: This quest is not yet ready, blame Jesusalva ASAP @@ -1006,12 +1147,39 @@ Failed to validate pin. Aborting. Failsafe Mechanism Failsafe Mechanism +Falkon Punch +Falkon Punch + +Falkon Punch - Bash your weapon against your enemies with raised damage and accuracy. +Falkon Punch - Bash your weapon against your enemies with raised damage and accuracy. + +Falkon Punch! +Falkon Punch! + Fallen Guard Fallen Guard +Fighting stronger monsters will yield more EXP, but to make botting less profitable, too weak monsters give less EXP. +Fighting stronger monsters will yield more EXP, but to make botting less profitable, too weak monsters give less EXP. + +Figures clad in dark were reported in Tulimshar Mines, as more miners were hired and need help. +Figures clad in dark were reported in Tulimshar Mines, as more miners were hired and need help. + Fine. Fine. +Fire Walk +Fire Walk + +Fire Walk - Creates a trail of fire, harming any pursuer +Fire Walk - Creates a trail of fire, harming any pursuer + +Fireball - Basic AoE (Area Of Effect) Skill +Fireball - Basic AoE (Area Of Effect) Skill + +Fishing now gives experience, and two new baits were added: Cheese and Alface. +Fishing now gives experience, and two new baits were added: Cheese and Alface. + Fluffy Fur Fluffy Fur @@ -1036,6 +1204,15 @@ For you, it will be only 250 GP for potion! But I need the base ingredients, fou Forest Card Forest Card +Free Casting +Free Casting + +Frost Diver - Attempt to freeze an enemy, dealing damage +Frost Diver - Attempt to freeze an enemy, dealing damage + +Frost Nova - Freeze everything in a range +Frost Nova - Freeze everything in a range + Frostia - 30,000 GP Frostia - 30,000 GP @@ -1045,6 +1222,9 @@ Fuschia Cotton Dye GATLING GATLING +GMs weren't using it a lot, and Quirin needed to collect money. +GMs weren't using it a lot, and Quirin needed to collect money. + Gained @@ XP Gained @@ XP @@ -1132,6 +1312,9 @@ Good job, here is @@ GP and @@ @@! Good job, you've killed the 100 @@ and reported back in time! Good job, you've killed the 100 @@ and reported back in time! +Good luck adventurers, and may the Pink Mouboo watch over this disaster... Whatever that means. They paid us to say that, I swear! +Good luck adventurers, and may the Pink Mouboo watch over this disaster... Whatever that means. They paid us to say that, I swear! + Good to hear from you! Good to hear from you! @@ -1141,6 +1324,9 @@ Good, good. The skill you got earlier just raised a single level. I'll also impa Great job! You can keep these items, they will be crucial to your journey. Great job! You can keep these items, they will be crucial to your journey. +Great rewards await, according to the voices! +Great rewards await, according to the voices! + Great! Eomie, the girl on Tulimshar's magic academy, is an alchemist. She makes fertilizers. Great! Eomie, the girl on Tulimshar's magic academy, is an alchemist. She makes fertilizers. @@ -1150,15 +1336,33 @@ Greater agility allows you to attack faster and has a greater chance of evading Green Cotton Dye Green Cotton Dye +Ground Strike - Hit the ground, exploding the surroundings and disabling enemies. +Ground Strike - Hit the ground, exploding the surroundings and disabling enemies. + Grrr... Why are @@ on this cave?! What Mercury was doing?! Grrr... Why are @@ on this cave?! What Mercury was doing?! +Guilds are now much more stronger, and have exclusive alchemy recipes besides a storage. +Guilds are now much more stronger, and have exclusive alchemy recipes besides a storage. + +Guilds can go from 16 to 56 members, tulimshar was restocked. +Guilds can go from 16 to 56 members, tulimshar was restocked. + +Guilds storage is free for test, and monsters are fainting when too many players attack them at once. +Guilds storage is free for test, and monsters are fainting when too many players attack them at once. + Halinarzo - 20,000 GP Halinarzo - 20,000 GP Halinarzo Guard Halinarzo Guard +Hard workers get an extra work level. This means a +1 VIT bonus is possible! +Hard workers get an extra work level. This means a +1 VIT bonus is possible! + +Hasan is bothering less frequently his friends, as now he have his own seasonal quest. +Hasan is bothering less frequently his friends, as now he have his own seasonal quest. + Have you came here from Land Of Fire TMWA Server? Do you have the merge points with you? Have you came here from Land Of Fire TMWA Server? Do you have the merge points with you? @@ -1171,6 +1375,9 @@ He needs more food. He pours something on it, you're not sure what. He then utters some magic words. He pours something on it, you're not sure what. He then utters some magic words. +Healing - The most basic healing skill, requires no items to use. +Healing - The most basic healing skill, requires no items to use. + Heals more mana while standing. Heals more mana while standing. @@ -1258,6 +1465,9 @@ Hey there! Do you want to learn new skills for a very small teaching fee? Hey you! Can you hear us? Are you okay? Hey you! Can you hear us? Are you okay? +Hey, if you take a bow, buy a Quiver with Nicholas, on Hurnscald's blacksmith. Come back always! +Hey, if you take a bow, buy a Quiver with Nicholas, on Hurnscald's blacksmith. Come back always! + Hey,did you brought me everything I asked for? Hey,did you brought me everything I asked for? @@ -1267,15 +1477,27 @@ Hey. Heya, noob. Do you have a @@? No? I thought everyone gained one at birth from their parents! Heya, noob. Do you have a @@? No? I thought everyone gained one at birth from their parents! +High Healing +High Healing + +High Healing - Use a Lifestone for supreme healing. +High Healing - Use a Lifestone for supreme healing. + Hinnak and I signed this letter. Deliver it to Airlia on the Town Hall, and she'll reward you correctly. Hinnak and I signed this letter. Deliver it to Airlia on the Town Hall, and she'll reward you correctly. +His wandering mirror even challenge players randomly, but rarely grants more than a minute for them. +His wandering mirror even challenge players randomly, but rarely grants more than a minute for them. + Hm, good job out there. Hm, good job out there. Hmpf, so says a level 1 player. Hmpf, so says a level 1 player. +Holy Light - Standard Holy Magical Attack +Holy Light - Standard Holy Magical Attack + How did you got that much? Nine gifts, and 512000 if you want even more. How did you got that much? Nine gifts, and 512000 if you want even more. @@ -1300,6 +1522,12 @@ However, I can restart the Heroes Hold, if you want. You'll get a reward, but wi However, beware! That potion is short-lived, you'll be running against time. Get ready to travel a lot. However, beware! That potion is short-lived, you'll be running against time. Get ready to travel a lot. +However, the Monster King laid siege to Hurnscald. His power increased greatly, and ships are not capable of even approaching the city. +However, the Monster King laid siege to Hurnscald. His power increased greatly, and ships are not capable of even approaching the city. + +However, they allowed everyone to use @@ command to rapidly reach Aeros during events. +However, they allowed everyone to use @@ command to rapidly reach Aeros during events. + Hurns Island, then? Yes, that is a pretty island, right? Hurns Island, then? Yes, that is a pretty island, right? @@ -1309,12 +1537,18 @@ HurnsShip Hurnscald - 7,500 GP Hurnscald - 7,500 GP +Hurnscald Nurse is collecting blood donations, and a veteran officer from Tulimshar City Guard is handing out Wooden Swords. +Hurnscald Nurse is collecting blood donations, and a veteran officer from Tulimshar City Guard is handing out Wooden Swords. + Hurnscald is in need of help from all adventurers! Hurnscald is in need of help from all adventurers! Hurnscald under siege! No ships are capable to give aid! Hurnscald under siege! No ships are capable to give aid! +Hurnscald was liberated by the players @@ ago. +Hurnscald was liberated by the players @@ ago. + Hurry up! Bring my @@ from Barzil in Halinarzo!! You only have @@ left! Hurry up! Bring my @@ from Barzil in Halinarzo!! You only have @@ left! @@ -1603,6 +1837,9 @@ ILLEGAL SCRIPT LOGIC REACHED, PLEASE REPORT. (GHQ_GROC) ILLEGAL SCRIPT POSITION REACHED, PLEASE REPORT. ILLEGAL SCRIPT POSITION REACHED, PLEASE REPORT. +Iced Bottle +Iced Bottle + If I fail, I'll refund you in gold. Do you want me to try it? If I fail, I'll refund you in gold. Do you want me to try it? @@ -1759,6 +1996,9 @@ Iron Four-Leaf Amulet Iron Short Sword Iron Short Sword +Ishi also rewrote his rewards table. More items for lower prices! +Ishi also rewrote his rewards table. More items for lower prices! + It could be from a warship to a random civilian vessel. Well, this is not important now. It could be from a warship to a random civilian vessel. Well, this is not important now. @@ -1813,6 +2053,9 @@ Item 1166 Items. Items. +Jesusalva & Saulc, TMW2 Admins +Jesusalva & Saulc, TMW2 Admins + Johanne Key Johanne Key @@ -1852,6 +2095,15 @@ Land Of Fire Village (30m) Land Of Fire surprises everyone! There are even pet tamers! Land Of Fire surprises everyone! There are even pet tamers! +Last Man Standing +Last Man Standing + +Last Resort +Last Resort + +Last Standing Man - Passive - Raise Max HP and Holy Defense +Last Standing Man - Passive - Raise Max HP and Holy Defense + Learn Action Casting Learn Action Casting @@ -1897,6 +2149,9 @@ Let me explain to you what the Merchant Guild is for. LieutenantDausenDebug LieutenantDausenDebug +Lightining Bolt +Lightining Bolt + Lilica#final Lilica#final @@ -1912,6 +2167,9 @@ LoF Merge LoF Password: LoF Password: +LoF Transcendence Gate was moved to town centre. Tipius haven't been sighted as of late. +LoF Transcendence Gate was moved to town centre. Tipius haven't been sighted as of late. + LoF Username: LoF Username: @@ -1921,9 +2179,18 @@ Lollipop Look at your equipment, can you guess what material it is made from? Look at your equipment, can you guess what material it is made from? +Lower difficulty of advanced stage (level 50+ players), by price rebalances. +Lower difficulty of advanced stage (level 50+ players), by price rebalances. + +Lower difficulty of starters stage (up to level 20 players), by experience redesign. +Lower difficulty of starters stage (up to level 20 players), by experience redesign. + Lower this skill Lower this skill +Lua FINALLY noticed that traveling to Halinarzo at level 20 is akin suicide. +Lua FINALLY noticed that traveling to Halinarzo at level 20 is akin suicide. + Lua FINALLY noticed that travelling to Halinarzo at level 20 is akin suicide. Lua FINALLY noticed that travelling to Halinarzo at level 20 is akin suicide. @@ -1945,6 +2212,9 @@ MOVE RANDOMLY test MOVE, DROP, MOVE, EMOTE, MOVE test MOVE, DROP, MOVE, EMOTE, MOVE test +Magic Strike - Standard Magical Attack +Magic Strike - Standard Magical Attack + Magic Warriors Magic Warriors @@ -1954,15 +2224,33 @@ Magic is dead! Magic skills allows for a more advanced gameplay, but they are meant for level 30 onwards. Magic skills allows for a more advanced gameplay, but they are meant for level 30 onwards. +Mainly fixes and the Monster King is now randomly laying siege to towns! +Mainly fixes and the Monster King is now randomly laying siege to towns! + +Major rebalance, lowering difficulty on sub-level-30 stage. Tulimshar is a whole new place. +Major rebalance, lowering difficulty on sub-level-30 stage. Tulimshar is a whole new place. + Make Potion - @sk-mkpot Make Potion - @sk-mkpot +Mana Wisdom - Passive - Raise Mana EXP Gain rate +Mana Wisdom - Passive - Raise Mana EXP Gain rate + Managed to drop anything? It requires more luck than skill. Here is your reward. (40 xp 25 gp) Managed to drop anything? It requires more luck than skill. Here is your reward. (40 xp 25 gp) +Many other things were changed, and it is too much to say here. Even people with stronger magic were seen. +Many other things were changed, and it is too much to say here. Even people with stronger magic were seen. + +Many rejoiced. The damage was very big, and all players help is required, to make Hurnscald prosper again. +Many rejoiced. The damage was very big, and all players help is required, to make Hurnscald prosper again. + Many thanks. I couldn't live without it. Here, take this reward. Please come back later. Many thanks. I couldn't live without it. Here, take this reward. Please come back later. +Mass Provoke +Mass Provoke + Mass Provoke - Provoke all monsters under your cursor Mass Provoke - Provoke all monsters under your cursor @@ -1975,24 +2263,42 @@ Mauve Cotton Dye Maybe you could bring me 20 @@? I will reward you for your effort. Maybe you could bring me 20 @@? I will reward you for your effort. +Meanwhile, several bugs were fixed. Our second sun had been glitchy, but Jesus Saves made sure it is now fine. +Meanwhile, several bugs were fixed. Our second sun had been glitchy, but Jesus Saves made sure it is now fine. + Mecha Medallion Mecha Medallion +Meltdown Forge, make your useless equip a good weapon! Lieutenant Dausen have new quests! +Meltdown Forge, make your useless equip a good weapon! Lieutenant Dausen have new quests! + +Mercenaries and blueprints! Players are crafting their own weapons. Sagratha and Cindy are in need of help! +Mercenaries and blueprints! Players are crafting their own weapons. Sagratha and Cindy are in need of help! + Miner#SkyDG Miner#SkyDG Mining opearations advance steadly day by day with your help, thanks! Maybe one day, we find a Mana Stone here! (1300 xp) Mining opearations advance steadly day by day with your help, thanks! Maybe one day, we find a Mana Stone here! (1300 xp) +Minor release to lower travel prices, fix several issues, and enable Friend Referral System. +Minor release to lower travel prices, fix several issues, and enable Friend Referral System. + Mint Cashmere Dye Mint Cashmere Dye +Money to leave Candor is easier, as various persons there need help. +Money to leave Candor is easier, as various persons there need help. + Monster Points: @@ | Gold: @@ Monster Points: @@ | Gold: @@ Monsters are dropping strange stuff! The world is changing! Monsters are dropping strange stuff! The world is changing! +Monsters are walking to different regions, new grinding zones appears! +Monsters are walking to different regions, new grinding zones appears! + More powerful version of healing. Requires @@ each cast. More powerful version of healing. Requires @@ each cast. @@ -2026,6 +2332,21 @@ NYI: @@, @@, @@, @@ Nameless Doctor found at LoF have a friend! This never happened before! Nameless Doctor found at LoF have a friend! This never happened before! +Napalm Beat - Spammable AoE Skill +Napalm Beat - Spammable AoE Skill + +Nard also bought a new ship!. +Nard also bought a new ship!. + +Nard and Elmo changed the way they talk to newcomers, to be more clear about what they expect. +Nard and Elmo changed the way they talk to newcomers, to be more clear about what they expect. + +Nard's ship basement was modified, and winter drops are now alive. Don't miss Christmas event, either. +Nard's ship basement was modified, and winter drops are now alive. Don't miss Christmas event, either. + +Nard's ship is not capable to do Tulimshar<->Candor route instantly anymore: His magic sail broke. +Nard's ship is not capable to do Tulimshar<->Candor route instantly anymore: His magic sail broke. + Natural Card Natural Card @@ -2041,12 +2362,18 @@ Nevertheless, you probably need some base materials from Bif. Who knows what it New players can also get an EXP bonus with Elmo until they get level 15. New players can also get an EXP bonus with Elmo until they get level 15. +New players can also get an EXP bonus with Elmo until they get level 15. Warp Crystals are here! +New players can also get an EXP bonus with Elmo until they get level 15. Warp Crystals are here! + Nikolai Nikolai Nivalis - 7,500 GP Nivalis - 7,500 GP +Nivalis Liberation Day Result: Players Lost 92 : 300 Monsters Won +Nivalis Liberation Day Result: Players Lost 92 : 300 Monsters Won + Nivalis is in need of help from all adventurers! Nivalis is in need of help from all adventurers! @@ -2071,6 +2398,12 @@ No, we do this during our whole life, And we survive! None at the moment None at the moment +None at the moment! +None at the moment! + +Not only that, but there appeared some paladins, tankers, wizards, sages and raggers claiming to have mastered magic. +Not only that, but there appeared some paladins, tankers, wizards, sages and raggers claiming to have mastered magic. + Note#014-2tmp Note#014-2tmp @@ -2224,6 +2557,9 @@ Our mission statement is to bring fun to all players. You'll get some levels aut PS. This also allows you to select a subclass. PS. This also allows you to select a subclass. +PVP Arena did NOT got in. Same for AFK Cap. +PVP Arena did NOT got in. Same for AFK Cap. + Paladin Card Paladin Card @@ -2236,6 +2572,9 @@ Paladin Paladin#1 Paladin +Party levels for experience sharing restriction is more flexible, and there is a great co-op quest. +Party levels for experience sharing restriction is more flexible, and there is a great co-op quest. + Parum - @sk-parum Parum - @sk-parum @@ -2248,6 +2587,9 @@ Path closed due recent Monster King attack! Patrick Saulc Patrick Saulc +People at Tulimshar are now giving more tips to newcomers, and new bugs may have been introduced. +People at Tulimshar are now giving more tips to newcomers, and new bugs may have been introduced. + Perfect! Perfect! @@ -2260,6 +2602,9 @@ Perfect! Here is your reward! (40 xp 25 gp) Perhaps you may be of assistance later . . . Perhaps you may be of assistance later . . . +Pet Detective wasn't getting new members and was forced to drop price. +Pet Detective wasn't getting new members and was forced to drop price. + Piano#RES_0096 Piano#RES_0096 @@ -2272,6 +2617,9 @@ Piano#RES_0177 Piano#RES_0178 Piano#RES_0178 +Pick a bounty at Tulimshar Guard House! Buy and use grenades! (Only against non-boss monsters) +Pick a bounty at Tulimshar Guard House! Buy and use grenades! (Only against non-boss monsters) + Pink Cotton Dye Pink Cotton Dye @@ -2287,6 +2635,18 @@ Pious must keep a strict diet composed of Piberries, and Bhoppers eat only Aquad Piousee Piousee +Players are now send players to Nivalis and Frostia, to keep learning about who they are. While greater forces are at play, the player might be just a minor one, but certainly an important one. +Players are now send players to Nivalis and Frostia, to keep learning about who they are. While greater forces are at play, the player might be just a minor one, but certainly an important one. + +Players are renting Mouboos and Tortugas to move faster! Shields are now better! +Players are renting Mouboos and Tortugas to move faster! Shields are now better! + +Players can now sense monsters strength with @@, and lag was reduced. Pets can run away again. +Players can now sense monsters strength with @@, and lag was reduced. Pets can run away again. + +Players didn't escape from the manaquake. Xtreem says it is easier to kill monsters now. +Players didn't escape from the manaquake. Xtreem says it is easier to kill monsters now. + Players who still have Golden Eggs Players who still have Golden Eggs @@ -2338,6 +2698,9 @@ Protip: You can get Croconut from Crocotree, and fill @@ purchased in the market Protip: You can use "@monsterinfo " to gauge a monster strength. Protip: You can use "@monsterinfo " to gauge a monster strength. +Provoke - Provoke a single monster +Provoke - Provoke a single monster + Pst! Speak lower! Otherwise we'll wake @@ up! Pst! Speak lower! Otherwise we'll wake @@ up! @@ -2440,15 +2803,114 @@ Reduces your job level by 50 Regenerate HP every 5 seconds, as if you were always eating a healing item. Regenerate HP every 5 seconds, as if you were always eating a healing item. +Release 2 +Release 2 + +Release 2.1 - Free Lunch For Those Who Work Hard! +Release 2.1 - Free Lunch For Those Who Work Hard! + +Release 2.2 - There Are No Pipelines +Release 2.2 - There Are No Pipelines + +Release 3 +Release 3 + +Release 3.0 - In The Dreams +Release 3.0 - In The Dreams + +Release 4 +Release 4 + +Release 4.0 - Quest Giver's Handbook +Release 4.0 - Quest Giver's Handbook + +Release 5 +Release 5 + +Release 5.0 - Greenland Players +Release 5.0 - Greenland Players + +Release 6 +Release 6 + +Release 6.0 - Steam, Fire, and... Monster King?! +Release 6.0 - Steam, Fire, and... Monster King?! + +Release 7 +Release 7 + Release 7 (Current) Release 7 (Current) +Release 7.0 - Polished Emerald +Release 7.0 - Polished Emerald + +Release 7.1 - Broken Emerald +Release 7.1 - Broken Emerald + +Release 7.2 - Frozen Jesusalva +Release 7.2 - Frozen Jesusalva + +Release 7.3 - Frozen Community +Release 7.3 - Frozen Community + +Release 7.4 - Christmas Revolution +Release 7.4 - Christmas Revolution + +Release 7.5 - Merry Christmas, Happy New Year +Release 7.5 - Merry Christmas, Happy New Year + +Release 8 +Release 8 + Release 8 (Current) Release 8 (Current) +Release 8.0 - Apane Invasion, the Remaster +Release 8.0 - Apane Invasion, the Remaster + +Release 8.1 - It's hidden! Where? +Release 8.1 - It's hidden! Where? + +Release 8.2(1) - Valentine Day (Is Over) +Release 8.2(1) - Valentine Day (Is Over) + +Release 8.3 - King Arthur +Release 8.3 - King Arthur + +Release 8.4 - Can I Live Ingame? +Release 8.4 - Can I Live Ingame? + +Release 8.5 - A Place To Spend Vacations +Release 8.5 - A Place To Spend Vacations + +Release 8.9 - Easter Event +Release 8.9 - Easter Event + +Release 8.99 - JESUSALVA IS LAZY +Release 8.99 - JESUSALVA IS LAZY + +Release 9 +Release 9 + Release 9 (Current) Release 9 (Current) +Release 9.0 - The Promised Release +Release 9.0 - The Promised Release + +Release 9.1 - Bedtime Stories +Release 9.1 - Bedtime Stories + +Release 9.2 - Workbench +Release 9.2 - Workbench + +Release 9.3 - Lovely Homunculus +Release 9.3 - Lovely Homunculus + +Release 9.4 - Balance & Bugfix Patch +Release 9.4 - Balance & Bugfix Patch + Remove this skill Remove this skill @@ -2470,6 +2932,9 @@ RightBarrierCheck RobinBandit RobinBandit +Rosen is now making Training Bow in Candor for new adventures. +Rosen is now making Training Bow in Candor for new adventures. + Ruby Ring (+2 str) Ruby Ring (+2 str) @@ -2494,6 +2959,12 @@ Sage Sapphire Ring (+2 int) Sapphire Ring (+2 int) +Saulc and Cherry married in Halinarzo, and stayed like this for perhaps 20 seconds, before Cherry asked for divorce. +Saulc and Cherry married in Halinarzo, and stayed like this for perhaps 20 seconds, before Cherry asked for divorce. + +Saulc said it needs an inspection, and he'll be with everyone trying to proccess and fix the amount of damage this caused. +Saulc said it needs an inspection, and he'll be with everyone trying to proccess and fix the amount of damage this caused. + Save Point (30m) Save Point (30m) @@ -2515,6 +2986,18 @@ Set state manually Set the level manually Set the level manually +Several bugfixes! And a new bug replace every removed one! +Several bugfixes! And a new bug replace every removed one! + +Several bugfixes, and new monsters have been seen. Almost all healing items have changed. +Several bugfixes, and new monsters have been seen. Almost all healing items have changed. + +Sharpshooter - Shoot an arrow or bullet which damages everything on its way. +Sharpshooter - Shoot an arrow or bullet which damages everything on its way. + +She is sending players to Hurnscald instead. +She is sending players to Hurnscald instead. + She is the nurse and shipkeeper of this ship. She is the nurse and shipkeeper of this ship. @@ -2524,15 +3007,27 @@ She's on the upper level, yeye can't miss her. She's the only girl in this crew, She's on the upper level, yeye can't miss her. She's the only girl in this crew.#1 She's on the upper level, yeye can't miss her. She's the only girl in this crew. +Ship travels are cheaper, full equipment sets have hidden bonuses, Soul Menhirs are now auto-touched. +Ship travels are cheaper, full equipment sets have hidden bonuses, Soul Menhirs are now auto-touched. + Ship travels are not free. See if you can gather some money, and I'll bring you to Tulimshar! Ship travels are not free. See if you can gather some money, and I'll bring you to Tulimshar! Should we blame Saulc for bugs? Should we blame Saulc for bugs? +Shovels and Treasure maps, for the explorers this summer, after June 21st! +Shovels and Treasure maps, for the explorers this summer, after June 21st! + +Side Note: During r6.1 and r6.5, various improvements were done, and two new quests were seen. Priests have shown up. +Side Note: During r6.1 and r6.5, various improvements were done, and two new quests were seen. Priests have shown up. + Silver Cotton Dye Silver Cotton Dye +Since previous release, there was also seen priests, two new quests, and a breakthrough on reset potions happened. +Since previous release, there was also seen priests, two new quests, and a breakthrough on reset potions happened. + Skill Debug Skill Debug @@ -2578,12 +3073,36 @@ So, what do you say about a deal? I'll affiliate you on the Pet Caring Guild for So, young disciple! I wish I could just chant some gibberish words and that automatically granted you more skills, but alas, that won't work. So, young disciple! I wish I could just chant some gibberish words and that automatically granted you more skills, but alas, that won't work. +Some NPCs are [@@|learning new languages@@]. +Some NPCs are [@@|learning new languages@@]. + +Some adventurer broke what was previously thought as maximum level, and is now level 40! +Some adventurer broke what was previously thought as maximum level, and is now level 40! + +Some adventurer broke what was previously thought as maximum level, and is now level 45! +Some adventurer broke what was previously thought as maximum level, and is now level 45! + +Some monsters gained death and/or attack sounds, and Blue Sage House front door is now open. +Some monsters gained death and/or attack sounds, and Blue Sage House front door is now open. + Some of them have FORBIDDEN DROPS, which will be DELETED when their event starts! Some of them have FORBIDDEN DROPS, which will be DELETED when their event starts! +Some of these even cause area damage! Rumors of time travellers were heard, but no time travel was confirmed. +Some of these even cause area damage! Rumors of time travellers were heard, but no time travel was confirmed. + Some time later... Some time later... +Somebody else also got huge stats bonuses because reached the unbelievable job level 25. +Somebody else also got huge stats bonuses because reached the unbelievable job level 25. + +Someone adventurer broke what was previously thought as maximum level, and is now level 31! +Someone adventurer broke what was previously thought as maximum level, and is now level 31! + +Soren, the architect responsible for it, is very happy with the new design. +Soren, the architect responsible for it, is very happy with the new design. + Sorry kind lady @@, but no.#1 Sorry kind lady @@, but no. @@ -2641,6 +3160,9 @@ Spectra Orb Standard fireball skill. Standard fireball skill. +Stat Reseters had a breakthrough which made potions cheaper, and Arkim brand new petiscide made Pinkies sick (with less HP). +Stat Reseters had a breakthrough which made potions cheaper, and Arkim brand new petiscide made Pinkies sick (with less HP). + Status point reset can't be undone. Are you sure about this?#0 Status point reset can't be undone. Are you sure about this? @@ -2653,6 +3175,9 @@ Stovetop#RES_0096 Stovetop#RES_0097 Stovetop#RES_0097 +Strange figures appear, claiming to be from the Land of Fire, and using interesting sticks, which spits fire. +Strange figures appear, claiming to be from the Land of Fire, and using interesting sticks, which spits fire. + Stranger and monsters aren't allowed to enter in MY house! Stranger and monsters aren't allowed to enter in MY house! @@ -2701,6 +3226,9 @@ Summon Wolverns - @sk-kalwulf Summon Yetis - @sk-frozenheart Summon Yetis - @sk-frozenheart +Supreme Attack - Cause a very strong attack with lowered accuracy. +Supreme Attack - Cause a very strong attack with lowered accuracy. + Sure! But that is Mana Magic. Just bring me a mug of beer, I'm thristy. And I'll teach you a basic skill. Sure! But that is Mana Magic. Just bring me a mug of beer, I'm thristy. And I'll teach you a basic skill. @@ -2719,6 +3247,9 @@ TUTORIAL: Of course, lag might always be a problem. Remember to drag healing ite TUTORIAL: The bugs there can be pretty vicious. Do you know what's worse though? Lag. TUTORIAL: The bugs there can be pretty vicious. Do you know what's worse though? Lag. +Tactical Retreat +Tactical Retreat + Talk to Elmo to get an EXP UP Boost until level 15! Talk to Elmo to get an EXP UP Boost until level 15! @@ -2731,6 +3262,15 @@ Tanker Tanker#1 Tanker +Teaching Elza your skills will make you both forget them. +Teaching Elza your skills will make you both forget them. + +Teaching Enzo your skills will make you both forget them. +Teaching Enzo your skills will make you both forget them. + +Teaching Ezra your skills will make you both forget them. +Teaching Ezra your skills will make you both forget them. + Teal Cotton Dye Teal Cotton Dye @@ -2746,6 +3286,9 @@ Temporaly switch weapon element to @@. Success rate is fixed at 70%. Temporary immunity to move stun when hit, and MDEF bonus. Temporary immunity to move stun when hit, and MDEF bonus. +Terranite King was seen recently. New shields and pants are available for craft. +Terranite King was seen recently. New shields and pants are available for craft. + Terranite Quiver Terranite Quiver @@ -2770,6 +3313,9 @@ Thanks for the help! Thanks once again, I know it's not much but here is 450 GP for your troubles. Thanks once again, I know it's not much but here is 450 GP for your troubles. +That and other changes, are all thinking on players helping each other. +That and other changes, are all thinking on players helping each other. + That's a Mana Magic. It is very different from regular magic. For example, it have an experience meter and an alias you can say. That's a Mana Magic. It is very different from regular magic. For example, it have an experience meter and an alias you can say. @@ -2779,18 +3325,54 @@ That's not everything I asked for. That's very, very risky. I need 3 @@ and 10 @@ to make a Potion to you, and I won't warrant it will work. That's very, very risky. I need 3 @@ and 10 @@ to make a Potion to you, and I won't warrant it will work. +The Alliance High Council informs that Super Players and above are capable to try ##B @toevent ##b for free event warps. +The Alliance High Council informs that Super Players and above are capable to try ##B @toevent ##b for free event warps. + +The Alliance announces a great new way to keep adventurers killing monsters. +The Alliance announces a great new way to keep adventurers killing monsters. + +The Alliance changed some rules for storage size, botting, and grand hunter prizes, too. +The Alliance changed some rules for storage size, botting, and grand hunter prizes, too. + +The Alliance prepared an attack against the Monster King. Report at Nivalis Guard for more information. +The Alliance prepared an attack against the Monster King. Report at Nivalis Guard for more information. + The Arena is currently closed for maintenance, and will be open at Release 9. The Arena is currently closed for maintenance, and will be open at Release 9. +The Grand Hunter quest is available with Aidan. It's an experiment by the High Council, +The Grand Hunter quest is available with Aidan. It's an experiment by the High Council, + The Guard Card will prove your intentions. Talk to the Lieutenant in front of the Guard House. The Guard Card will prove your intentions. Talk to the Lieutenant in front of the Guard House. The Guard Card will prove your intentions. Talk to the Lieutenant. The Guard Card will prove your intentions. Talk to the Lieutenant. +The Magic Council finished the reform on their guest hall. +The Magic Council finished the reform on their guest hall. + +The Magic Council lift Statues in honor of some people. But its guest hall is in reform! +The Magic Council lift Statues in honor of some people. But its guest hall is in reform! + The Monster King Army is attacking towns at random! Players already caused a loss of about @@ officers! The Monster King Army is attacking towns at random! Players already caused a loss of about @@ officers! +The Monster King Fortress +The Monster King Fortress + +The Monster King got so active in the past days, he even have a mirrored version of himself roaming the lands. +The Monster King got so active in the past days, he even have a mirrored version of himself roaming the lands. + +The Monster King left Hurnscald! This is our chance! Saulc GM is assembling a team to TAKE OVER HURNSCALD!! +The Monster King left Hurnscald! This is our chance! Saulc GM is assembling a team to TAKE OVER HURNSCALD!! + +The NPC responsible for buying raw gemstones from other NPCs has recovered since the last siege. +The NPC responsible for buying raw gemstones from other NPCs has recovered since the last siege. + +The Tulimshar Forge is also dealing with more complex materials, and not just Iron. +The Tulimshar Forge is also dealing with more complex materials, and not just Iron. + The UDT Challenge will create a Gladiator Monster which should somehow emulate a PvP experience. The UDT Challenge will create a Gladiator Monster which should somehow emulate a PvP experience. @@ -2800,6 +3382,15 @@ The Warriors have three other subclasses: The Wizards have three other subclasses: The Wizards have three other subclasses: +The alliance panicked, and allowed Demure, Pyndragon and Pihro on their board of members. +The alliance panicked, and allowed Demure, Pyndragon and Pihro on their board of members. + +The alliance, in honor of previous event winners, built new statues on the Council Guest Hall. +The alliance, in honor of previous event winners, built new statues on the Council Guest Hall. + +The announcement is: “Need a challenge? Or perhaps an Infinity +1 Sword? Try Heroes Hold today.” +The announcement is: “Need a challenge? Or perhaps an Infinity +1 Sword? Try Heroes Hold today.” + The basic magic attack from a Priest. No effect against Holy Monsters. The basic magic attack from a Priest. No effect against Holy Monsters. @@ -2815,6 +3406,9 @@ The class master mix the powder with the slime inside the bottle, and makes some The defensive guy, with every support skill a mage could need. The defensive guy, with every support skill a mage could need. +The demand for strong players raised everywhere. Even death penalty decreased, and GMs are doing better events now. +The demand for strong players raised everywhere. Even death penalty decreased, and GMs are doing better events now. + The door is locked, you should speak to Woody's Wife about it. The door is locked, you should speak to Woody's Wife about it. @@ -2827,6 +3421,9 @@ The easiest way to identify is: Mana Skills never target a single foe. This grim The event is over! The event is over! +The famous PVP Arena, Quirino Voraz, can now be used by all players. +The famous PVP Arena, Quirino Voraz, can now be used by all players. + The fee is of @@ GP. So, do you want to register? The fee is of @@ GP. So, do you want to register? @@ -2836,6 +3433,9 @@ The first trial is simple, I'm not doing anything in special. Bring me 1 @@, or The first trial is simple, I'm not doing anything in special. Bring me 1 @@, or 200 @@ and 20 @@. The first trial is simple, I'm not doing anything in special. Bring me 1 @@, or 200 @@ and 20 @@. +The foretold Call Of Dusty event quest is also now available for PVP Parties. +The foretold Call Of Dusty event quest is also now available for PVP Parties. + The full-attack guy. Two hand swords works best! The full-attack guy. Two hand swords works best! @@ -2875,12 +3475,18 @@ The more levels and intelligence you have, more likely the Mana Stone will grant The name of the book is @@. The name of the book is @@. +The new inhabitants from the Land Of Fire are welcome, and some are still sheltering, like the Silversmith. +The new inhabitants from the Land Of Fire are welcome, and some are still sheltering, like the Silversmith. + The offensive guy, with every attack skill a mage could need. The offensive guy, with every attack skill a mage could need. The old book seems to tell about the legend of Aemil. Would you like to read it? The old book seems to tell about the legend of Aemil. Would you like to read it? +The party dungeon is still under maintenance, but it shall soon be liberated. The disaster was so big, all mobs are different. +The party dungeon is still under maintenance, but it shall soon be liberated. The disaster was so big, all mobs are different. + The path will be open when it's safe again for heavily armed travellers. The path will be open when it's safe again for heavily armed travellers. @@ -2893,6 +3499,12 @@ The potion is baked, you have thirty five minutes! Read as fast as you can, don' The prizes are only for the top 10, but Loratay on Land Of Fire Village can make a dress for you. The prizes are only for the top 10, but Loratay on Land Of Fire Village can make a dress for you. +The snowstorm at Nivalis has ceased, but the Monster King led a massively huge army to siege Nivalis. +The snowstorm at Nivalis has ceased, but the Monster King led a massively huge army to siege Nivalis. + +The tritan pirates amass for their siege, but they will not attack yet. Return later. King DD is working to find a solution. +The tritan pirates amass for their siege, but they will not attack yet. Return later. King DD is working to find a solution. + The well-round guy, with reasonable def, attack, and support skills. The well-round guy, with reasonable def, attack, and support skills. @@ -2902,6 +3514,9 @@ The wise guy, which doesn't relies on magic, and loves summon. There are only @@ pins to set. There are only @@ pins to set. +There are rumors of a grand prize to whoever gets lucky on that machine. +There are rumors of a grand prize to whoever gets lucky on that machine. + There are still some rattos left! Do you want to abort the quest? There are still some rattos left! Do you want to abort the quest? @@ -2914,9 +3529,30 @@ There is a paper with some rules written on it. There is fresh water here. I could use it to fill a bottle. There is fresh water here. I could use it to fill a bottle. +There is now a challenge in Tulimshar PvP Duel Room. How long can you survive? +There is now a challenge in Tulimshar PvP Duel Room. How long can you survive? + +There was just too many changes to list all of them here. Good luck finding all of them! +There was just too many changes to list all of them here. Good luck finding all of them! + +There was too many things to keep track. After Hurnscald siege, with lots of earthquakes, we had an accident. +There was too many things to keep track. After Hurnscald siege, with lots of earthquakes, we had an accident. + +There were trees blocking the path to Halinarzo? Why nobody told that to Tulimshar Council?! +There were trees blocking the path to Halinarzo? Why nobody told that to Tulimshar Council?! + +There's a scheduled update for 26/12. Event subject to change without prior notice. +There's a scheduled update for 26/12. Event subject to change without prior notice. + +Therefore, raw gemstones prices are once again on the rise. +Therefore, raw gemstones prices are once again on the rise. + These boxes are way too heavy to be lifted by only one person, all the way onto the ship. These boxes are way too heavy to be lifted by only one person, all the way onto the ship. +These trees were cut and travellers can once again travel to Halin. +These trees were cut and travellers can once again travel to Halin. + They are a permanent problem so I will always need your help to exterminate them in order to keep their number under control. They are a permanent problem so I will always need your help to exterminate them in order to keep their number under control. @@ -2944,6 +3580,9 @@ This boost can be used until level 15. This cannot be undone. Are you sure? This cannot be undone. Are you sure? +This caused a mana disturbance, and healing items are working better now, affecting every sector of economy. +This caused a mana disturbance, and healing items are working better now, affecting every sector of economy. + This costed years of work... But you deserve it. Here is, an @@. Use it wisely, many armor can be forged with it. This costed years of work... But you deserve it. Here is, an @@. Use it wisely, many armor can be forged with it. @@ -2983,18 +3622,27 @@ This menu allows you to change your skills. This menu gives access to all quest debug menus. This menu gives access to all quest debug menus. +This server's Sponsors bought the area above Hurnscald's Inn. Nobody else is being allowed there. +This server's Sponsors bought the area above Hurnscald's Inn. Nobody else is being allowed there. + This server's Sponsors bought the area above Hurscald's Inn. Nobody else is being allowed there. This server's Sponsors bought the area above Hurscald's Inn. Nobody else is being allowed there. This skill can be further improved with Job Points This skill can be further improved with Job Points +This somehow affected the whole economy. +This somehow affected the whole economy. + This sword is frightening, and is alive. You better not touch it! This sword is frightening, and is alive. You better not touch it! This useful skill will only require: This useful skill will only require: +This was caused because changes on the Mana Bridge. They hope that for next release, everyone will be able to use these magic words, instead of needing to talk to the Soul Menhir. +This was caused because changes on the Mana Bridge. They hope that for next release, everyone will be able to use these magic words, instead of needing to talk to the Soul Menhir. + This well is dry. They must take water outside the town. This well is dry. They must take water outside the town. @@ -3007,6 +3655,9 @@ Three equal: 20 strange coins. Three equal: 30 coins. Three equal: 30 coins. +Three new swords are now obtainable, although Broadsword is still the best weapon around. Except on Heroes Hold. +Three new swords are now obtainable, although Broadsword is still the best weapon around. Except on Heroes Hold. + Time Limit: 20 minutes on any dungeon. Time Limit: 20 minutes on any dungeon. @@ -3025,6 +3676,9 @@ To change your job level, use this command: To change your stats, use these commands: To change your stats, use these commands: +To counter-act this, nicholas lowered craft prices, and the folks at LoF are doing their best at refines. +To counter-act this, nicholas lowered craft prices, and the folks at LoF are doing their best at refines. + To discard an item you no longer want, select it and press the 'Discard' button. Generic items can be discarded or sold. But equipment can only be sold. To discard an item you no longer want, select it and press the 'Discard' button. Generic items can be discarded or sold. But equipment can only be sold. @@ -3070,6 +3724,9 @@ Translators: No need to translate this string. It'll be removed. Transmutation - @sk-trans Transmutation - @sk-trans +Treasure chests have been seen on dungeons, always changing places and refilling themselves. +Treasure chests have been seen on dungeons, always changing places and refilling themselves. + Trickster uses an experimental window, you might need to resize it to see all skills. Trickster uses an experimental window, you might need to resize it to see all skills. @@ -3082,6 +3739,21 @@ Try helping the city guard. Many quests can be found around the city. There are Tulimshar - 7,500 GP Tulimshar - 7,500 GP +Tulimshar Guardhouse's door was struck, but the guards managed to get it open again. +Tulimshar Guardhouse's door was struck, but the guards managed to get it open again. + +Tulimshar Guards bought a Slot Machine to play, but that was done unofficialy. +Tulimshar Guards bought a Slot Machine to play, but that was done unofficialy. + +Tulimshar Jewerly is now polishing gemstones to add on rings. New monsters were seen, stay on guard. +Tulimshar Jewerly is now polishing gemstones to add on rings. New monsters were seen, stay on guard. + +Tulimshar Jewerly is once again open. Cyndala and Tamiloc rented a shop south of Tulimshar. +Tulimshar Jewerly is once again open. Cyndala and Tamiloc rented a shop south of Tulimshar. + +Tulimshar miners are having troubles with monsters. They are offering rewards to whoever helps them. +Tulimshar miners are having troubles with monsters. They are offering rewards to whoever helps them. + Tulimshar miners mainly try to optain gems. Tulimshar miners mainly try to optain gems. @@ -3100,12 +3772,18 @@ UDT Challenge, @@ began the fight! Uhm, maybe I could teach you something, too. Go mine 10 @@. You should find some at northeast of the Island. Uhm, maybe I could teach you something, too. Go mine 10 @@. You should find some at northeast of the Island. +Uhm... Bye? +Uhm... Bye? + Unexplained Mountain Snake Unexplained Mountain Snake Unfinished script, blame Jesusalva, he decided to work on Hurnscald before my cherry cakes. Unfinished script, blame Jesusalva, he decided to work on Hurnscald before my cherry cakes. +Unfortunately, Tulimshar guards are dying in the sun. Maybe you could provide them with Water? +Unfortunately, Tulimshar guards are dying in the sun. Maybe you could provide them with Water? + Unfortunately, the main reward of this quest is still a ##1Work In Progress##0. Unfortunately, the main reward of this quest is still a ##1Work In Progress##0. @@ -3175,6 +3853,9 @@ Wait, you never came here before? Wait. A ship? Where are you, after all? Wait. A ship? Where are you, after all? +Wands are also being sold, and other stuff from the Land Of Fire slowly creeps in. +Wands are also being sold, and other stuff from the Land Of Fire slowly creeps in. + Wardrobe#RES_0096 Wardrobe#RES_0096 @@ -3193,6 +3874,9 @@ Warning: If you join a subclass, you can't leave it later! Warning: This class haven't been tested/balanced yet. Feedback is required! Warning: This class haven't been tested/balanced yet. Feedback is required! +We apologize to all, but the Land Of Fire CRASHED here, and broke the whole balance! Part of woodlands flooded! +We apologize to all, but the Land Of Fire CRASHED here, and broke the whole balance! Part of woodlands flooded! + We are at half a day from our final destination, by the time that you wake up I'm sure that we will be there! We are at half a day from our final destination, by the time that you wake up I'm sure that we will be there! @@ -3202,6 +3886,12 @@ We arranged a small underground room for that, while the Colliseum doesn't get d We have two main groups, entitled classes: The Magic Warriors, and the Wizard Mages. We have two main groups, entitled classes: The Magic Warriors, and the Wizard Mages. +We may require your aid again soon. The tritan pirates are amassing and we fear they are planning a siege of Duck Island. I must speak with the council... +We may require your aid again soon. The tritan pirates are amassing and we fear they are planning a siege of Duck Island. I must speak with the council... + +We mean, some are giving stupid amounts of experience, and players can get more levels. Saulc cannot proccess that many changes! +We mean, some are giving stupid amounts of experience, and players can get more levels. Saulc cannot proccess that many changes! + We only require a small fee of 1 @@, or 40 @@ We only require a small fee of 1 @@, or 40 @@ @@ -3229,6 +3919,9 @@ We use sheer magic to destroy, explode, burn, freeze, and in overall kill our op We use swords and bows to protect the people, and we use magic to spice things up! Because we're strong even without it! We use swords and bows to protect the people, and we use magic to spice things up! Because we're strong even without it! +We wish you a merry Christmas! And a happy new year!! +We wish you a merry Christmas! And a happy new year!! + We're soon leaving that island, please return to your cabine. We're soon leaving that island, please return to your cabine. @@ -3421,12 +4114,21 @@ Who is the male human protagonist? First and last name only. Who will insult every living being in the universe, because he is immortal and getting bored? Who will insult every living being in the universe, because he is immortal and getting bored? +Whoa! LoF merge wasn't entirely stable! After a terrible manaquake, everything, +Whoa! LoF merge wasn't entirely stable! After a terrible manaquake, everything, + Why are you here? This area is off-bounds! Why are you here? This area is off-bounds! Why we're going Tulimshar, you may ask? Because well, believe me, if you want to find out anything, the best place to ask around is Tulim! Why we're going Tulimshar, you may ask? Because well, believe me, if you want to find out anything, the best place to ask around is Tulim! +Wind Walk +Wind Walk + +Windwalker - Increase walk speed and flee rate. +Windwalker - Increase walk speed and flee rate. + Winter this year is being really harsh! Fire is most important for us. Winter this year is being really harsh! Fire is most important for us. @@ -3436,6 +4138,9 @@ Wisard Moccasins With one gem you can expect to get 1 to 3 powders! With one gem you can expect to get 1 to 3 powders! +With renewed confidence about the outcome of the war, various people left their houses. +With renewed confidence about the outcome of the war, various people left their houses. + With the help of the town hall we organize some auction and we help local merchants to launch their businesses. With the help of the town hall we organize some auction and we help local merchants to launch their businesses. @@ -3463,12 +4168,18 @@ Woody Wife Woody is inside, he probably craft some stuff with animals pelts. Woody is inside, he probably craft some stuff with animals pelts. +Workers have closed Nivalis to repairs, due intense damage to town infrastructure. +Workers have closed Nivalis to repairs, due intense damage to town infrastructure. + Would you like to buy some ?. Would you like to buy some ?. Wow! those pity gloves aren'st made for mining. They're almost ruined! Wow! those pity gloves aren'st made for mining. They're almost ruined! +Wyara tells she will now make Return Potions for those trusted by Hurnscald Staff! +Wyara tells she will now make Return Potions for those trusted by Hurnscald Staff! + XmasCake XmasCake @@ -3619,6 +4330,9 @@ You can explore the city as you want, but if I were you, I would visit the townh You can find it in the bandit market for just 50,000 GP. You can find it in the bandit market for just 50,000 GP. +You can get close by feet, and there was an area so empty that you won't even notice the distance walked. +You can get close by feet, and there was an area so empty that you won't even notice the distance walked. + You can only merge accounts after 2020-02-07! You can only merge accounts after 2020-02-07! @@ -3631,6 +4345,9 @@ You can only port one char level per person! You can think more info about this on these links: You can think more info about this on these links: +You can use @@, Audsbel left the Magic School, and Marius is singing again. +You can use @@, Audsbel left the Magic School, and Marius is singing again. + You can't carry more items, you should go to the storage. You can't carry more items, you should go to the storage. @@ -3853,12 +4570,24 @@ Your help is very welcome indeed. Unfortunately, I can give you a reward for the Your items vanishes into thin air. What?! Your items vanishes into thin air. What?! +Your lack of magical power is critical. I dare say, you might never in your life get access to a Mana Stone. +Your lack of magical power is critical. I dare say, you might never in your life get access to a Mana Stone. + Your luck determines several small things, including the number of critical attacks you are going to suffer and perform. Your luck determines several small things, including the number of critical attacks you are going to suffer and perform. Your mind is set? You will loose the color dye during this process. Your mind is set? You will loose the color dye during this process. +Your position has been saved. +Your position has been saved. + +Zegas, Saxso's widow, the mayor of Candor, decreed to allow strong adventurers to get past the Candor Cave Magic Barrier. +Zegas, Saxso's widow, the mayor of Candor, decreed to allow strong adventurers to get past the Candor Cave Magic Barrier. + +Zitoni announces he can now craft really good potions to improve attack speed and damage! +Zitoni announces he can now craft really good potions to improve attack speed and damage! + [40 experience points] [40 experience points] @@ -3946,6 +4675,9 @@ adams agrajag agrajag +and may change later without notice. +and may change later without notice. + arthur dent arthur dent @@ -4000,6 +4732,9 @@ hinnack i can't reward a weak adventurer like you, Come back later. i can't reward a weak adventurer like you, Come back later. +including the 178 monsters and who knows how many equipment, had numeric changes. +including the 178 monsters and who knows how many equipment, had numeric changes. + it look close. it look close. diff --git a/langs/lang_en.txt b/langs/lang_en.txt index 1176f4daa..8c90d89ad 100644 --- a/langs/lang_en.txt +++ b/langs/lang_en.txt @@ -170,9 +170,6 @@ Copyright (C) 2010-2014 Evol Online ##9Hey wait... Your coin turned on a @@! ##9Hey wait... Your coin turned on a @@! -##9Was that not sufficient, this someone acquired MAGIC and is now under @@'s group. -##9Was that not sufficient, this someone acquired MAGIC and is now under @@'s group. - ##BFirst and foremost, you should talk to Trainer, inside the big house.##b ##BFirst and foremost, you should talk to Trainer, inside the big house.##b @@ -182,6 +179,9 @@ Copyright (C) 2010-2014 Evol Online ##BHall Of AFK: TOP 10##b ##BHall Of AFK: TOP 10##b +##BHall Of Academics: TOP10##b +##BHall Of Academics: TOP10##b + ##BHall Of Aurora: TOP10##b ##BHall Of Aurora: TOP10##b @@ -326,9 +326,15 @@ Copyright (C) 2010-2014 Evol Online %s makes specialized weapons for high level players. If you tweak with Nicholas, in Hurnscald, the weapon options, you can get really powerful. %s makes specialized weapons for high level players. If you tweak with Nicholas, in Hurnscald, the weapon options, you can get really powerful. +%s refunded to level 1 for %d MSP +%s refunded to level 1 for %d MSP + %s thinks if she knows any major, good quest to do. %s thinks if she knows any major, good quest to do. +%s, the Forgetful +%s, the Forgetful + %s, you're a good student. You have a bright future if you keep listening to me. %s, you're a good student. You have a bright future if you keep listening to me. @@ -392,6 +398,12 @@ Copyright (C) 2010-2014 Evol Online (Note: Agostine will destroy low quality materials!) (Note: Agostine will destroy low quality materials!) +(Passive) Increases Mana EXP/Control Gain rate. +(Passive) Increases Mana EXP/Control Gain rate. + +(Passive) Raise Max HP and Holy Defense. +(Passive) Raise Max HP and Holy Defense. + (Protip: Always use %s before engaging a different monster!) (Protip: Always use %s before engaging a different monster!) @@ -416,12 +428,12 @@ Copyright (C) 2010-2014 Evol Online * %d/%d %s * %d/%d %s -* %d/%d AP (???) -* %d/%d AP (???) - * %d/%d MSP (Magic Skill Points) * %d/%d MSP (Magic Skill Points) +* %d/%d RP (Research Points) +* %d/%d RP (Research Points) + * %s * %s @@ -941,9 +953,6 @@ Copyright (C) 2010-2014 Evol Online ...but it is written in Mananese, a language you know nothing about. ...but it is written in Mananese, a language you know nothing about. -...including the fabled "Ultimate PVP Event", as the original creators say... -...including the fabled "Ultimate PVP Event", as the original creators say... - ...who knows if there isn't a secret in that? ...who knows if there isn't a secret in that? @@ -956,12 +965,24 @@ Copyright (C) 2010-2014 Evol Online .:: @@ Recipe ::. .:: @@ Recipe ::. +.:: Accumulate Power ::. +.:: Accumulate Power ::. + .:: Alcohol Tutorial ::. .:: Alcohol Tutorial ::. .:: Archers Eye ::. .:: Archers Eye ::. +.:: Area Provoke ::. +.:: Area Provoke ::. + +.:: Armageddon ::. +.:: Armageddon ::. + +.:: Arrow Shower ::. +.:: Arrow Shower ::. + .:: Backsliding ::. .:: Backsliding ::. @@ -992,6 +1013,9 @@ Copyright (C) 2010-2014 Evol Online .:: Congratulations! ::. .:: Congratulations! ::. +.:: Counter Attack ::. +.:: Counter Attack ::. + .:: Create PIN Code ::. .:: Create PIN Code ::. @@ -1019,6 +1043,21 @@ Copyright (C) 2010-2014 Evol Online .:: FIRST PLAYER TO REBIRTH ::. .:: FIRST PLAYER TO REBIRTH ::. +.:: Falkon Strike ::. +.:: Falkon Strike ::. + +.:: Fire Arrow ::. +.:: Fire Arrow ::. + +.:: Fireball ::. +.:: Fireball ::. + +.:: Firewalk ::. +.:: Firewalk ::. + +.:: First Aid ::. +.:: First Aid ::. + .:: Fortress Island ::. .:: Fortress Island ::. @@ -1028,9 +1067,18 @@ Copyright (C) 2010-2014 Evol Online .:: Free Software Day ::. .:: Free Software Day ::. +.:: Frost Diver ::. +.:: Frost Diver ::. + +.:: Frost Nova ::. +.:: Frost Nova ::. + .:: Full Throttle ::. .:: Full Throttle ::. +.:: Ground Strike ::. +.:: Ground Strike ::. + .:: Hasan Scorpion Killing Challenge 2018 ::. .:: Hasan Scorpion Killing Challenge 2018 ::. @@ -1040,15 +1088,36 @@ Copyright (C) 2010-2014 Evol Online .:: Hasan Scorpion Killing Challenge 2020 ::. .:: Hasan Scorpion Killing Challenge 2020 ::. +.:: Healing ::. +.:: Healing ::. + .:: Hit'n'Run Tactic ::. .:: Hit'n'Run Tactic ::. +.:: Holy Light ::. +.:: Holy Light ::. + .:: International Coffee Day ::. .:: International Coffee Day ::. +.:: Judgment ::. +.:: Judgment ::. + .:: KAMELOT CASTLE, THE GUILD DUNGEON ::. .:: KAMELOT CASTLE, THE GUILD DUNGEON ::. +.:: Last Standing Man ::. +.:: Last Standing Man ::. + +.:: Lightning Bolt ::. +.:: Lightning Bolt ::. + +.:: Magic Strike ::. +.:: Magic Strike ::. + +.:: Magnus Healing ::. +.:: Magnus Healing ::. + .:: Main Quest 1-1 ::. .:: Main Quest 1-1 ::. @@ -1079,6 +1148,9 @@ Copyright (C) 2010-2014 Evol Online .:: Mana Bomb ::. .:: Mana Bomb ::. +.:: Mana Wisdom ::. +.:: Mana Wisdom ::. + .:: Mission Failed ::. .:: Mission Failed ::. @@ -1088,9 +1160,15 @@ Copyright (C) 2010-2014 Evol Online .:: NOTABLE NAMES ON NIVALIS LIBERATION DAY ::. .:: NOTABLE NAMES ON NIVALIS LIBERATION DAY ::. +.:: Napalm Beat ::. +.:: Napalm Beat ::. + .:: Nature Wall ::. .:: Nature Wall ::. +.:: Nilfheim ::. +.:: Nilfheim ::. + .:: Open Beta 2019 ::. .:: Open Beta 2019 ::. @@ -1100,6 +1178,9 @@ Copyright (C) 2010-2014 Evol Online .:: Physical Sciences Class ::. .:: Physical Sciences Class ::. +.:: Provoke ::. +.:: Provoke ::. + .:: Purple Day 2018 ::. .:: Purple Day 2018 ::. @@ -1109,15 +1190,24 @@ Copyright (C) 2010-2014 Evol Online .:: Second Tier Quest - Timed Out ::. .:: Second Tier Quest - Timed Out ::. +.:: Sharpshooter ::. +.:: Sharpshooter ::. + .:: Sudden Attack ::. .:: Sudden Attack ::. +.:: Supreme Attack ::. +.:: Supreme Attack ::. + .:: TMW-2 Anniversary ::. .:: TMW-2 Anniversary ::. .:: TMW2 Day ::. .:: TMW2 Day ::. +.:: Tempest ::. +.:: Tempest ::. + .:: Thanksgiving 2019 ::. .:: Thanksgiving 2019 ::. @@ -1160,6 +1250,9 @@ Copyright (C) 2010-2014 Evol Online .:: WARNING ::. .:: WARNING ::. +.:: Windwalker ::. +.:: Windwalker ::. + .:: Withdraw Conditions ::. .:: Withdraw Conditions ::. @@ -1205,6 +1298,9 @@ Copyright (C) 2010-2014 Evol Online 1 Hand Swords 1 Hand Swords +1 hour +1 hour + 1- Survive. If you die, you will gain nothing. And people want to kill you. 1- Survive. If you die, you will gain nothing. And people want to kill you. @@ -1229,6 +1325,9 @@ Copyright (C) 2010-2014 Evol Online 1. You must be at the computer to play. Using a bot ##Bwhile at computer##b will be tolerated. 1. You must be at the computer to play. Using a bot ##Bwhile at computer##b will be tolerated. +10 minutes +10 minutes + 10 seconds! 10 seconds! @@ -1253,6 +1352,9 @@ Copyright (C) 2010-2014 Evol Online 12x Strange Coins 12x Strange Coins +15 minutes +15 minutes + 15 minutes. 15 minutes. @@ -1277,6 +1379,9 @@ Copyright (C) 2010-2014 Evol Online 2 Hand Swords 2 Hand Swords +2 hours +2 hours + 2- Take everything you can find. You'll be warped without equip or healing items! Kill monsters to get some stuff too! 2- Take everything you can find. You'll be warped without equip or healing items! Kill monsters to get some stuff too! @@ -1358,6 +1463,9 @@ Copyright (C) 2010-2014 Evol Online 3. luanaf - 20837 3. luanaf - 20837 +30 minutes +30 minutes + 30x Bug Leg 30x Bug Leg @@ -1397,9 +1505,6 @@ Copyright (C) 2010-2014 Evol Online 4144's Tortuga 4144's Tortuga -4144's Tortuga was seen somewhere. Great rewards if someone knock off that monster... Well, not really. -4144's Tortuga was seen somewhere. Great rewards if someone knock off that monster... Well, not really. - 42 42 @@ -1415,6 +1520,9 @@ Copyright (C) 2010-2014 Evol Online 5 @@ can be fused in a @@ 5 @@ can be fused in a @@ +5 minutes +5 minutes + 5 seconds! 5 seconds! @@ -1961,6 +2069,9 @@ A few times during the year, the "golden wave" migrates from the north pole to t A friend of yours called LOF BOT asked for a coin... A friend of yours called LOF BOT asked for a coin... +A global announcement will be made. +A global announcement will be made. + A golden pot in woodlands shall reward those who wear green. A golden pot in woodlands shall reward those who wear green. @@ -1979,9 +2090,6 @@ A hooded man attacked me, and left me in this state. A light magic barrier prevents you from entering. A light magic barrier prevents you from entering. -A major deflation happened while Saulc wasn't looking, and you may find several items with @@ discount. -A major deflation happened while Saulc wasn't looking, and you may find several items with @@ discount. - A masterpiece!... Whaaaat, this stuff got ##Bweaker##b?? A masterpiece!... Whaaaat, this stuff got ##Bweaker##b?? @@ -1994,9 +2102,6 @@ A mission well done. I should report to lua now. A new pet has been unlocked on the @@! A new pet has been unlocked on the @@! -A nice meteor shower is thought to happen in February and May, days 18~25. -A nice meteor shower is thought to happen in February and May, days 18~25. - A pity a friend of ours drank too much. Juliet knows how to cure. We need to give her a @@ to do a hangover potion. A pity a friend of ours drank too much. Juliet knows how to cure. We need to give her a @@ to do a hangover potion. @@ -2096,6 +2201,9 @@ AF King AFK Cap AFK Cap +AFK skill levels fixed. +AFK skill levels fixed. + AFTER THEM!! AFTER THEM!! @@ -2177,9 +2285,6 @@ Acc. and Evade -25%% Accept quest? Accept quest? -Access is restricted to guards, as usual. -Access is restricted to guards, as usual. - Access to basement was granted! Access to basement was granted! @@ -2198,9 +2303,6 @@ Account Information Accumulate Power Accumulate Power -Accumulate Power - Raise damage of next skill. -Accumulate Power - Raise damage of next skill. - Ace Ventura Ace Ventura @@ -2276,9 +2378,6 @@ Add a new line Additional Hunting Island will be released on Valentine Day! Additional Hunting Island will be released on Valentine Day! -Additional security measures were put in place so such disaster, of a whole world crashing, doesn't happens again. -Additional security measures were put in place so such disaster, of a whole world crashing, doesn't happens again. - Additionally, for the optimal experience, ensure your party has at least the following members and items: Additionally, for the optimal experience, ensure your party has at least the following members and items: @@ -2291,6 +2390,9 @@ Advanced Dungeon (Lv 80+) Advanced Exchanger#0 Advanced Exchanger +Advanced Magic +Advanced Magic + Advanced Tricks Advanced Tricks @@ -2306,12 +2408,6 @@ Adventurer, did you brought me what I asked? I see you have @@/5 @@. Adventurer, did you brought me what I asked? I see you have @@/5 @@.#1 Adventurer, did you brought me what I asked? I see you have @@/5 @@. -Adventurers entirely redressed, people doing Grand Hunter Quest like mad, peple making wishes at... well... -Adventurers entirely redressed, people doing Grand Hunter Quest like mad, peple making wishes at... well... - -Adventurers got drunk to get more EXP?! Players can now buy houses and make their own wine! -Adventurers got drunk to get more EXP?! Players can now buy houses and make their own wine! - Advised party size: From 3 and above Advised party size: From 3 and above @@ -2342,12 +2438,6 @@ After cleaning for twelve hours straight, they allowed me to rest a bit. After hours of hard work... After hours of hard work... -After much struggle with the lazy builders, Nivalis Town is finally open for visit again! -After much struggle with the lazy builders, Nivalis Town is finally open for visit again! - -After paying the divorce fee, she said: "Blame Saulc for this one." -After paying the divorce fee, she said: "Blame Saulc for this one." - After that, stay still and be patient, but also alert! After that, stay still and be patient, but also alert! @@ -2819,9 +2909,6 @@ All cave snakes are dead! Go back to Tycoon. All cheaters must die. All cheaters must die. -All contributors should claim their rewards with Lua. Weather is there, night cycle happens where monsters are more active. -All contributors should claim their rewards with Lua. Weather is there, night cycle happens where monsters are more active. - All hail @@ and Andrei Sakar, heroes of the world! All hail @@ and Andrei Sakar, heroes of the world! @@ -2843,6 +2930,9 @@ All maggots are dead! All mana bugs are dead! All mana bugs are dead! +All monsters may drop chocolate during this period. And here is one for you! +All monsters may drop chocolate during this period. And here is one for you! + All monsters summoned! All monsters summoned! @@ -3035,9 +3125,6 @@ Also, they level up when they attack, and can be revived with the right skill. Also, unlike regular magic which may cause delay before and after, Mana Magic usually only have a cooldown. But it is hard to know how long that cooldown is... Also, unlike regular magic which may cause delay before and after, Mana Magic usually only have a cooldown. But it is hard to know how long that cooldown is... -Also, weird voices are talking to new players, asking if they're here because a friend. -Also, weird voices are talking to new players, asking if they're here because a friend. - Also, you need vitality and strength to survive the swimming trip. The closest island is very far away. Also, you need vitality and strength to survive the swimming trip. The closest island is very far away. @@ -3098,8 +3185,8 @@ Amount? An account may vote anywhere, but only once per town (weekly). An account may vote anywhere, but only once per town (weekly). -An emergency skill which temporaly raises all your stats. -An emergency skill which temporaly raises all your stats. +An emergency skill which temporarily raises all your stats. +An emergency skill which temporarily raises all your stats. An error happened: professor_was_assasinated() error An error happened: professor_was_assasinated() error @@ -3125,6 +3212,9 @@ An example is dec agi, which lowers your agility. An unlimited number of members can join. An unlimited number of members can join. +An upgrade is available. +An upgrade is available. + Ancient Blueprint Ancient Blueprint @@ -3236,9 +3326,6 @@ And some of the shop items can be found as drops or in quests! And some times, more Fafi dragons come... Don't neglect your aid. And some times, more Fafi dragons come... Don't neglect your aid. -And speaking in reward, guards are looking for someone contrabanding goods from Artis. Do not help them! -And speaking in reward, guards are looking for someone contrabanding goods from Artis. Do not help them! - And then, it was no more! It vanished! In a matter of minutes the slimes were all over the library. A good thing they are slow, none escaped to the town. And then, it was no more! It vanished! In a matter of minutes the slimes were all over the library. A good thing they are slow, none escaped to the town. @@ -3290,9 +3377,6 @@ Andrei Sakar Andrei Sakar Card Andrei Sakar Card -Andrei Sakar is also repeating his questions about World Lore, although rewards are now smaller. -Andrei Sakar is also repeating his questions about World Lore, although rewards are now smaller. - Andrei Sakar, Legendary Hero Andrei Sakar, Legendary Hero @@ -3356,9 +3440,6 @@ Antlers Hat Anwar Anwar -Anwar left his house to tend Tulimshar's crops, after noticing something strange with them. He blames the Monster King. -Anwar left his house to tend Tulimshar's crops, after noticing something strange with them. He blames the Monster King. - Anwar sent you this, erm, hum... @@. Anwar sent you this, erm, hum... @@. @@ -3527,6 +3608,9 @@ Aquada Aquada Box Aquada Box +Ara ara? You do not have enough money with you! +Ara ara? You do not have enough money with you! + Arabesque (Action) Arabesque (Action) @@ -3539,6 +3623,9 @@ Arcanum Stone Archant Archant +Archers Eye +Archers Eye + Archery Weapon Recipes Archery Weapon Recipes @@ -3638,8 +3725,8 @@ Are you, perhaps, interested? Area Provoke Area Provoke -Area Provoke - Provoke all monsters centered on target. -Area Provoke - Provoke all monsters centered on target. +Area of effect fire damage. May burn targets. +Area of effect fire damage. May burn targets. AreaNPC#002-1d AreaNPC#002-1d @@ -3671,8 +3758,8 @@ Argh... I can never get it right! If only he drew an Ace or a Joker on the first Arkim Arkim -Arkim also developed a powerful petiscide to make Pinkies less healthy, but that was long ago. -Arkim also developed a powerful petiscide to make Pinkies less healthy, but that was long ago. +Armageddon +Armageddon Armbands Armbands @@ -3728,15 +3815,9 @@ Arrow Ammo Box Arrow Shower Arrow Shower -Arrow Shower - Shoot FIVE arrows or bullets to the air and cause Area Of Effect Damage. -Arrow Shower - Shoot FIVE arrows or bullets to the air and cause Area Of Effect Damage. - Arrow Shower Card Arrow Shower Card -Arrows prices were lowered, and a limited teleport to Frostia and Halinarzo is now possible. -Arrows prices were lowered, and a limited teleport to Frostia and Halinarzo is now possible. - Arrr matey! This is @@, yarr. Arrr matey! This is @@, yarr. @@ -3800,6 +3881,9 @@ As an Apology Token, you're also receiving one @@. As an archer, you should always carry your bow with you. Doesn't warriors carry those heavy swords without complaining? Go and get it. As an archer, you should always carry your bow with you. Doesn't warriors carry those heavy swords without complaining? Go and get it. +As an honorary member of the Duck Side, know that we are more than we appear. The Moubootaur itself has seen fit to reward us when it awakens. Do not attempt to cross us. +As an honorary member of the Duck Side, know that we are more than we appear. The Moubootaur itself has seen fit to reward us when it awakens. Do not attempt to cross us. + As far as we are concerned, you could have been an exiled prisoner who managed to escape! But there are ways to prove to the Alliance that your intentions are good. As far as we are concerned, you could have been an exiled prisoner who managed to escape! But there are ways to prove to the Alliance that your intentions are good. @@ -3824,6 +3908,9 @@ As with all TMW2 Major Events, the top 1 receive a special pet, and the other ra As you can guess, said village was abandoned. However, people are claiming to have seen people walking there, like shadows or zombies. As you can guess, said village was abandoned. However, people are claiming to have seen people walking there, like shadows or zombies. +As you may be aware, the Magic Council is in Tulim, after all. +As you may be aware, the Magic Council is in Tulim, after all. + As you may know, LOF ran on a modified version of The Mana World game, before being merged on TMW2: Moubootaur Legends. As you may know, LOF ran on a modified version of The Mana World game, before being merged on TMW2: Moubootaur Legends. @@ -3974,6 +4061,9 @@ Ayasha AyashaDebug AyashaDebug +Azul Skull Slime +Azul Skull Slime + Azul Slime Azul Slime @@ -3998,6 +4088,12 @@ BUG, REPORT ME: QHUB PENALTY OVERRIDE INVALID SIGNAL @@ BUT you can reduce the travel price to everywhere, to as low as 250 GP, by completing QUESTS! BUT you can reduce the travel price to everywhere, to as low as 250 GP, by completing QUESTS! +Bachelor +Bachelor + +Backsliding +Backsliding + Backsword Backsword @@ -4109,9 +4205,36 @@ Base Experience Rate is now %d%%. Base Tier Base Tier +Bash your weapon against your enemies with raised damage and accuracy. +Bash your weapon against your enemies with raised damage and accuracy. + +Basic Magic +Basic Magic + Basic Tricks Basic Tricks +Basic fire single target attack. May burn targets. +Basic fire single target attack. May burn targets. + +Basic ice area attack. Freeze targets in a big area. +Basic ice area attack. Freeze targets in a big area. + +Basic ice area attack. May freeze targets. +Basic ice area attack. May freeze targets. + +Basic ice single target attack. May freeze targets. +Basic ice single target attack. May freeze targets. + +Basic multi-target holy attack. Is actually weak. +Basic multi-target holy attack. Is actually weak. + +Basic single target holy attack. Splashes in the nearby tiles. +Basic single target holy attack. Splashes in the nearby tiles. + +Basic wind single target attack. Strong in overall. +Basic wind single target attack. Strong in overall. + Basically, I need to find a friendly Yeti. Do they exist? Basically, I need to find a friendly Yeti. Do they exist? @@ -4373,6 +4496,9 @@ Black Scorpion Stinger Black Scorpion Stinger -> Red Scorpion Stinger Black Scorpion Stinger -> Red Scorpion Stinger +Black Skull Slime +Black Skull Slime + Black Slime Black Slime @@ -4793,18 +4919,12 @@ But also very amusing. I'm sure Pihro and Pyndragon, the town mayors, will fancy But as you're here now, could you do me a favour? But as you're here now, could you do me a favour? -But be careful: Only 1MSP-costed skills can be forgotten, and learning fees WON'T be given back! -But be careful: Only 1MSP-costed skills can be forgotten, and learning fees WON'T be given back! - -But be careful: Only 2MSP-costed skills can be forgotten, and learning fees WON'T be given back! -But be careful: Only 2MSP-costed skills can be forgotten, and learning fees WON'T be given back! - -But be careful: Only 3MSP-costed skills can be forgotten, and learning fees WON'T be given back! -But be careful: Only 3MSP-costed skills can be forgotten, and learning fees WON'T be given back! - But be careful: do not scream when using a lot of capital letters, and do not keep repeating the lines, and above all DO NOT SPAM, or you may be severely penalized. But be careful: do not scream when using a lot of capital letters, and do not keep repeating the lines, and above all DO NOT SPAM, or you may be severely penalized. +But be careful: learning fees and research points WILL NOT be given back! +But be careful: learning fees and research points WILL NOT be given back! + But be warned, I don't have the Apple with me. It must be further in. But be warned, I don't have the Apple with me. It must be further in. @@ -4964,9 +5084,6 @@ But to be fair, from what I've seen Peetu was always very attentive and dutiful. But to defeat this dummy, I would say that %s should do the trick. But to defeat this dummy, I would say that %s should do the trick. -But travel by sea, or access to the village on itself, is thoroughly impossible. Andrei Sakar is at ready. -But travel by sea, or access to the village on itself, is thoroughly impossible. Andrei Sakar is at ready. - But unfortunately, a loose stone lodges and you fall to your death. But unfortunately, a loose stone lodges and you fall to your death. @@ -4994,9 +5111,6 @@ But who am I? But who cares? We need to save the Professor! During night, monsters are stronger, so they'll probably attack at night time! But who cares? We need to save the Professor! During night, monsters are stronger, so they'll probably attack at night time! -But who knows what future holds. The Monster King was blamed as responsible, but he killed our interviewer. Eeh. -But who knows what future holds. The Monster King was blamed as responsible, but he killed our interviewer. Eeh. - But with a @@, when you are about to die, you can warp back to Soul Menhir and bypass death penalty. But with a @@, when you are about to die, you can warp back to Soul Menhir and bypass death penalty. @@ -5060,6 +5174,9 @@ Buy a mercenary card Buy cheap, sell expensive! Buy cheap, sell expensive! +By "breaking", I do not mean death. It is something worse. +By "breaking", I do not mean death. It is something worse. + By far, the most important holiday on Moubootaur Legends. By far, the most important holiday on Moubootaur Legends. @@ -5345,6 +5462,9 @@ Candor Candor - @@ GP Candor - @@ GP +Candor Battle Score: %d +Candor Battle Score: %d + Candor Bola Candor Bola @@ -5369,15 +5489,9 @@ Candor Shirt Candor Shorts Candor Shorts -Candor Trainer read all the references that he could find and is wiser than ever! -Candor Trainer read all the references that he could find and is wiser than ever! - Candor Warp Crystal Candor Warp Crystal -Candor was sightly reworked in terms of gold gain/expense. @@ was added. -Candor was sightly reworked in terms of gold gain/expense. @@ was added. - Candor's Nurse Candor's Nurse @@ -5453,6 +5567,9 @@ Cauldron#RES_0128 Cauldron#RES_PPL Cauldron#RES_PPL +Cause a very strong attack with lowered accuracy. +Cause a very strong attack with lowered accuracy. + Causes a healing effect in area to guild members. Causes a healing effect in area to guild members. @@ -5510,9 +5627,6 @@ Centaur Centaur Spear Centaur Spear -Central Woodlands suffered dramatic changes due Saulc (ab)using his GM powers. -Central Woodlands suffered dramatic changes due Saulc (ab)using his GM powers. - Centurion Helmet Centurion Helmet @@ -5543,6 +5657,9 @@ Ch 3 — Status Ailments Ch 4 — Casting Ch 4 — Casting +Ch 4 — Information About You +Ch 4 — Information About You + Ch 5 — Reeling Ch 5 — Reeling @@ -5699,9 +5816,6 @@ Christmas Chief Christmas Cook Christmas Cook -Christmas Event: 21/12 ~ 09/01 -Christmas Event: 21/12 ~ 09/01 - Christmas Gift Christmas Gift @@ -5726,9 +5840,6 @@ Cindy#house Citizen Citizen -Citzens on the world are now listeing to different tunes, and new adventurers were found... in desert islands? -Citzens on the world are now listeing to different tunes, and new adventurers were found... in desert islands? - Clan Name: @@ Clan Name: @@ @@ -5813,9 +5924,6 @@ Collect the treasured crystals from treasure chests! Colonel DUSTMAN Colonel DUSTMAN -Colonel DUSTMAN opened the Heroes Hold to the hardcore player. Noobs, keep out! Good players only! -Colonel DUSTMAN opened the Heroes Hold to the hardcore player. Noobs, keep out! Good players only! - Come after a little while. Come after a little while. @@ -6005,6 +6113,9 @@ Copper Ore Copper Ore -> Iron Ore Copper Ore -> Iron Ore +Copper Skull Slime +Copper Skull Slime + Copper Slime Copper Slime @@ -6020,6 +6131,9 @@ Corsair Hat Cost per two glass: Cost per two glass: +Cost: %d GP/min +Cost: %d GP/min + Cost: 1 @@ Cost: 1 @@ @@ -6104,9 +6218,6 @@ Couldn't you climb the rope? Counter Attack Counter Attack -Counter Attack - Next attack will be retaliated, with twice critical ratio. -Counter Attack - Next attack will be retaliated, with twice critical ratio. - Coward Card Coward Card @@ -6209,9 +6320,6 @@ Crazyfefe Card Crazyfefe Cave: New Highscore: @@ points Crazyfefe Cave: New Highscore: @@ points -Crazyfefe Fight was remastered. The 8.0 release series was the longest release serial thus far. -Crazyfefe Fight was remastered. The 8.0 release series was the longest release serial thus far. - Creased Boots Creased Boots @@ -6293,6 +6401,9 @@ Curiously, you try to touch the Mana Stone. Current Guild Balance: %s GP Current Guild Balance: %s GP +Current Guild: %s +Current Guild: %s + Current Magic Control Current Magic Control @@ -6332,6 +6443,9 @@ Current hero: @@ Current linked Discord account: @@ Current linked Discord account: @@ +Current magic rank: %d +Current magic rank: %d + Current player count: @@/5 must be online. Current player count: @@/5 must be online. @@ -6860,9 +6974,6 @@ Different warp systems overlaps each other, so the cooldown is carried over rega Dimond Dimond -Dimond bought a brand new slot machine and installed on her inn. The rewards are different from the one on Tulimshar. -Dimond bought a brand new slot machine and installed on her inn. The rewards are different from the one on Tulimshar. - Dimond sold her food alone in this spot for some time, Dimond sold her food alone in this spot for some time, @@ -7118,6 +7229,9 @@ Do you need something from me? Do you need something in particular? Do you need something in particular? +Do you need the extra credit? +Do you need the extra credit? + Do you really think the poor creature should jump a bridge in water and DIE? Do you really think the poor creature should jump a bridge in water and DIE? @@ -7520,9 +7634,6 @@ Drop rate has been reset to @@% (default value). Drop rate is set to @@% for the next @@. Drop rate is set to @@% for the next @@. -Drop rates raised drastically for the lucky ones. Eternal Swamp floods are now more cyclic. -Drop rates raised drastically for the lucky ones. Eternal Swamp floods are now more cyclic. - Drop these near the circle to make the breaking faster. Drop these near the circle to make the breaking faster. @@ -7706,15 +7817,9 @@ Easter Egg Easter Mouboo Easter Mouboo -Easter eggs have been found, like secret rooms. -Easter eggs have been found, like secret rooms. - Easter is over! I am the last chance to get rid of eggs!! Easter is over! I am the last chance to get rid of eggs!! -Easter will soon start! -Easter will soon start! - Easy Easy @@ -7733,6 +7838,9 @@ Eggshell Hat Eh, I don't think you'll be brave enough to go after her. If even she decided to flee, I doubt you wouldn't do the same. Eh, I don't think you'll be brave enough to go after her. If even she decided to flee, I doubt you wouldn't do the same. +Eh, I have to go. +Eh, I have to go. + Eh, that seems too problematic. Sorry. Eh, that seems too problematic. Sorry. @@ -7781,12 +7889,18 @@ Elias Elias gets a bit excited. Elias gets a bit excited. +Elite Duck +Elite Duck + Elite Scout#MB0233 Elite Scout#MB0233 Elixir Of Life Elixir Of Life +Eliza +Eliza + Elmo Elmo @@ -7808,9 +7922,6 @@ Elves are always allowed inside. Elza Elza -Elza, the Forgetful -Elza, the Forgetful - Email: @@ Email: @@ @@ -7829,6 +7940,9 @@ Emerald Powder Emergency Exit Emergency Exit +Emma +Emma + Emoc otem itey gnik! Emoc otem itey gnik! @@ -7889,6 +8003,12 @@ Enjoy your time here, %s. And keep your eye out for agents of S.A.R.A.H. Enliven Reva Foxhound Enliven Reva Foxhound +Enough for now. Let's rest, shall we? +Enough for now. Let's rest, shall we? + +Enrique +Enrique + Ensio Ensio @@ -7913,9 +8033,6 @@ Enter though the window to the secret caves? Enzo Enzo -Enzo, the Forgetful -Enzo, the Forgetful - Eomie Eomie @@ -7985,15 +8102,9 @@ Esperia is the human capital founded at the other continent. Estard Estard -Estard finished arranging sufficient paperwork so adventurers can create their own guilds. -Estard finished arranging sufficient paperwork so adventurers can create their own guilds. - Eugene Eugene -Even Tulimshar's Council managed to get that sewer unlocked, and as consequence, players can ascend to level 60! -Even Tulimshar's Council managed to get that sewer unlocked, and as consequence, players can ascend to level 60! - Even after breaking the first layer, a second layer keeps active. The first layer gets back to work shortly after. What have I missed or forgotten to do? Even after breaking the first layer, a second layer keeps active. The first layer gets back to work shortly after. What have I missed or forgotten to do? @@ -8015,9 +8126,6 @@ Event Canceled Event Details Event Details -Event Duration: November 3rd ~ November 9th 2018 -Event Duration: November 3rd ~ November 9th 2018 - Event Horizon Card Event Horizon Card @@ -8147,6 +8255,12 @@ Excuse me? Do you know who I am? Excuse me? Do you know who I am?#1 Excuse me? Do you know who I am? +Exile a player +Exile a player + +Exiled players will not be able to save to menhir. +Exiled players will not be able to save to menhir. + Exp rate has been reset to @@% (default value). Exp rate has been reset to @@% (default value). @@ -8186,12 +8300,6 @@ Eyes grows! Ezra Ezra -Ezra, the Very Forgetful -Ezra, the Very Forgetful - -Ezra, the very Forgetful -Ezra, the very Forgetful - F2 F2 @@ -8234,14 +8342,8 @@ Fairy's Squirrel Falkon Card Falkon Card -Falkon Punch -Falkon Punch - -Falkon Punch - Bash your weapon against your enemies with raised damage and accuracy. -Falkon Punch - Bash your weapon against your enemies with raised damage and accuracy. - -Falkon Punch! -Falkon Punch! +Falkon Strike +Falkon Strike Fallen King Fallen King @@ -8297,12 +8399,6 @@ Female Fertilized Spores Fertilized Spores -Fighting stronger monsters will yield more EXP, but to make botting less profitable, too weak monsters give less EXP. -Fighting stronger monsters will yield more EXP, but to make botting less profitable, too weak monsters give less EXP. - -Figures clad in dark were reported in Tulimshar Mines, as more miners were hired and need help. -Figures clad in dark were reported in Tulimshar Mines, as more miners were hired and need help. - Fill Water Bottles Fill Water Bottles @@ -8324,6 +8420,9 @@ Fine. Finish Finish +Fire Arrow +Fire Arrow + Fire Breath Inn Fire Breath Inn @@ -8345,30 +8444,27 @@ Fire Staffs Recipes Fire Staves Fire Staves -Fire Walk -Fire Walk - -Fire Walk - Creates a trail of fire, harming any pursuer -Fire Walk - Creates a trail of fire, harming any pursuer - Firearms? What would that be? @@ Firearms? What would that be? @@ Fireball Fireball -Fireball - Basic AoE (Area Of Effect) Skill -Fireball - Basic AoE (Area Of Effect) Skill - Fireball Card Fireball Card Fireplace#Saggy Fireplace#Saggy +Firewalk +Firewalk + First - item must be equipped. First - item must be equipped. +First Aid +First Aid + First Dungeon Master First Dungeon Master @@ -8417,9 +8513,6 @@ Fishing is a boring task. Throw the bait, wait for fish to bite. Pull before it Fishing next to shallow water is not going to work well, because fishes seldom go there. Fishing next to shallow water is not going to work well, because fishes seldom go there. -Fishing now gives experience, and two new baits were added: Cheese and Alface. -Fishing now gives experience, and two new baits were added: Cheese and Alface. - Fixing Crystals have a price. You can only charge crystals to places you've already been. Fixing Crystals have a price. You can only charge crystals to places you've already been. @@ -8597,6 +8690,9 @@ Fortress Gate Fortress Island Fortress Island +Fortress Statue +Fortress Statue + Fortune Statue Fortune Statue @@ -8615,8 +8711,8 @@ Four minutes after the warp, or when the last maggot die, it'll be over. France: [@@|] France: [@@|] -Free Casting -Free Casting +Free Cast +Free Cast Freeze Freeze @@ -8636,15 +8732,9 @@ From the smell I can see you found the bug bomb! Frost Diver Frost Diver -Frost Diver - Attempt to freeze an enemy, dealing damage -Frost Diver - Attempt to freeze an enemy, dealing damage - Frost Nova Frost Nova -Frost Nova - Freeze everything in a range -Frost Nova - Freeze everything in a range - Frostia Frostia @@ -8693,6 +8783,9 @@ Fruits - @@ coins Full Power Card Full Power Card +Full Throttle +Full Throttle + Full of agrotoxins, transgenics and whatever. Not safe. Full of agrotoxins, transgenics and whatever. Not safe. @@ -8741,9 +8834,6 @@ GM Robe GMs are NOT allowed on Hurnscald Liberation day. GMs are NOT allowed on Hurnscald Liberation day. -GMs weren't using it a lot, and Quirin needed to collect money. -GMs weren't using it a lot, and Quirin needed to collect money. - GP GP @@ -8753,6 +8843,9 @@ GP: %d + %d GUARDS! GET THEM! GUARDS! GET THEM! +Gain: %d RP/min +Gain: %d RP/min + Gained 20000 XP and 2500 GP Gained 20000 XP and 2500 GP @@ -9086,6 +9179,9 @@ Golden Scorpion Claw -> Black Scorpion Claw Golden Warlord Plate Golden Warlord Plate +Golem +Golem + Gonzo Dark Card Gonzo Dark Card @@ -9155,9 +9251,6 @@ Good job... Here is your reward... Good job... You can keep the drops. Touch here to return home. Good job... You can keep the drops. Touch here to return home. -Good luck adventurers, and may the Pink Mouboo watch over this disaster... Whatever that means. They paid us to say that, I swear! -Good luck adventurers, and may the Pink Mouboo watch over this disaster... Whatever that means. They paid us to say that, I swear! - Good luck arresting the criminal! Good luck arresting the criminal! @@ -9284,6 +9377,9 @@ Graduation Cap Graduation Robe Graduation Robe +Grand Hunter Quest +Grand Hunter Quest + Grand Hunter Quest: @@/10,000 Grand Hunter Quest: @@/10,000 @@ -9311,9 +9407,6 @@ Great Mouboo Slime Great news! Then please bring me 1 @@, or 200 @@ @@ 20 @@. Great news! Then please bring me 1 @@, or 200 @@ @@ 20 @@. -Great rewards await, according to the voices! -Great rewards await, according to the voices! - Great! Eomie, the girl on Tulimshar's magic academy, is an alchemist. She probably makes fertilizers. Great! Eomie, the girl on Tulimshar's magic academy, is an alchemist. She probably makes fertilizers. @@ -9362,6 +9455,9 @@ Green Dye Green Eggshell Hat Green Eggshell Hat +Green Skull Slime +Green Skull Slime + Green Slime Green Slime @@ -9383,9 +9479,6 @@ Grind grind grind the slime! Ground Strike Ground Strike -Ground Strike - Hit the ground, exploding the surroundings and disabling enemies. -Ground Strike - Hit the ground, exploding the surroundings and disabling enemies. - Group togheter your guild and challenge the evil power, Group togheter your guild and challenge the evil power, @@ -9596,15 +9689,6 @@ Guild's Battle Plan Guild's Power Guild's Power -Guilds are now much more stronger, and have exclusive alchemy recipes besides a storage. -Guilds are now much more stronger, and have exclusive alchemy recipes besides a storage. - -Guilds can go from 16 to 56 members, tulimshar was restocked. -Guilds can go from 16 to 56 members, tulimshar was restocked. - -Guilds storage is free for test, and monsters are fainting when too many players attack them at once. -Guilds storage is free for test, and monsters are fainting when too many players attack them at once. - Guinevere Guinevere @@ -9728,6 +9812,9 @@ Halinarzo's Nurse Hall Of AF King Hall Of AF King +Hall Of Academics +Hall Of Academics + Hall Of Base Level Hall Of Base Level @@ -9779,15 +9866,9 @@ Hard Hard Spike Hard Spike -Hard workers get an extra work level. This means a +1 VIT bonus is possible! -Hard workers get an extra work level. This means a +1 VIT bonus is possible! - Hasan Hasan -Hasan is bothering less frequently his friends, as now he have his own seasonal quest. -Hasan is bothering less frequently his friends, as now he have his own seasonal quest. - Hasan takes your print screen and analyzes it. Hasan takes your print screen and analyzes it. @@ -9821,6 +9902,9 @@ Have fun! Have no idea where in the world you are? Or what a certain mob drops, or even if you should challenge it? Have no idea where in the world you are? Or what a certain mob drops, or even if you should challenge it? +Have the pirates been routed? Will they return? +Have the pirates been routed? Will they return? + Have you already talked to our captain? He should be downstairs waiting for you! Have you already talked to our captain? He should be downstairs waiting for you! @@ -9857,6 +9941,9 @@ Have you managed to transmute the @@ I asked for? Have you seen my brother %s? Have you seen my brother %s? +Have you seen my sister Elza? +Have you seen my sister Elza? + Have you talked to Peetu co-workers about their opinion yet? Have you talked to Peetu co-workers about their opinion yet? @@ -9935,12 +10022,12 @@ Heal Card Healing Healing -Healing - The most basic healing skill, requires no items to use. -Healing - The most basic healing skill, requires no items to use. - Healing Recipes Healing Recipes +Heals in area every friendly unit (incl. homuns and mercs). Req. Lifestone to cast. +Heals in area every friendly unit (incl. homuns and mercs). Req. Lifestone to cast. + Hear me *hic* well, what ever, whatididever you will *hic* said ab... uhm... out what?! You saw there, the Guild won't let it get public. Hear me *hic* well, what ever, whatididever you will *hic* said ab... uhm... out what?! You saw there, the Guild won't let it get public. @@ -10313,6 +10400,12 @@ Hello. Did you come here to see the library? There isn't much left... But we're Hello. I am @@, and I am from a family of travellers. We travel though the whole world, looking for exotic goods. Hello. I am @@, and I am from a family of travellers. We travel though the whole world, looking for exotic goods. +Hello. I am Emma, Enrique's wife. +Hello. I am Emma, Enrique's wife. + +Hello. I am Enrique, headmaster of The Academy. +Hello. I am Enrique, headmaster of The Academy. + Hello. I am the book keeper, responsible for keeping Halinarzo History. Hello. I am the book keeper, responsible for keeping Halinarzo History. @@ -10412,6 +10505,9 @@ Here we have a squall from @@. Here you are! Here you are! +Here you can find professors, academics and researchers. Feel free to enroll in any class as well. +Here you can find professors, academics and researchers. Feel free to enroll in any class as well. + Here you go - have fun with it. Here you go - have fun with it. @@ -10712,9 +10808,6 @@ Hey, how is the monster extermination going? Hey, huge THANKS for the help! I love gifts! Here's your due reward! Hey, huge THANKS for the help! I love gifts! Here's your due reward! -Hey, if you take a bow, buy a Quiver with Nicholas, on Hurnscald's blacksmith. Come back always! -Hey, if you take a bow, buy a Quiver with Nicholas, on Hurnscald's blacksmith. Come back always! - Hey, is somebody over there? Hey, is somebody over there? @@ -10841,12 +10934,6 @@ Hi. Hi. Could you perhaps be interested in doing some small errand for me? Hi. Could you perhaps be interested in doing some small errand for me? -High Healing -High Healing - -High Healing - Use a Lifestone for supreme healing. -High Healing - Use a Lifestone for supreme healing. - High Priest Card High Priest Card @@ -10868,8 +10955,8 @@ His golden ring pops right out of it. His policy is to never read a letter without the sender being present. Of course we checked for poison and traps. His policy is to never read a letter without the sender being present. Of course we checked for poison and traps. -His wandering mirror even challenge players randomly, but rarely grants more than a minute for them. -His wandering mirror even challenge players randomly, but rarely grants more than a minute for them. +Hit the ground, exploding the surroundings and disabling enemies. +Hit the ground, exploding the surroundings and disabling enemies. Hit'n'run is not so hard... One hit, one step back... One hit, another step back... One miss, two steps back... Hit'n'run is not so hard... One hit, one step back... One hit, another step back... One miss, two steps back... @@ -10901,6 +10988,9 @@ Hm. Then please don't disturb me, I'm trying to concentrate. Hm... Shhhh... Hm... Shhhh... +Hmm hmm! Then, let's begin. +Hmm hmm! Then, let's begin. + Hmm, I think I can teach you a basic Mana Skill now. That one is pretty simple. Hmm, I think I can teach you a basic Mana Skill now. That one is pretty simple. @@ -10976,15 +11066,15 @@ Ho... I see you are a tough one... Holy Light Holy Light -Holy Light - Standard Holy Magical Attack -Holy Light - Standard Holy Magical Attack - Holy Pixie Holy Pixie Homunculus are a bit dumb, although the ones I've cultivated and took personal care of can express reactions. In future, I'll research sentience. Homunculus are a bit dumb, although the ones I've cultivated and took personal care of can express reactions. In future, I'll research sentience. +Honor Points: %s +Honor Points: %s + Honor System. Honor System. @@ -11156,6 +11246,9 @@ How talk with someone? How to better preserve your dispostives: How to better preserve your dispostives: +How to expand this limit? Well, you'll need to touch a Mana Stone. If you can handle more raw power, your limit will extend. +How to expand this limit? Well, you'll need to touch a Mana Stone. If you can handle more raw power, your limit will extend. + How to use best Warp Technology? How to use best Warp Technology? @@ -11219,9 +11312,6 @@ However, she may have a better assessment of the current situation better than y However, taxes there are the highest. Living cost is high, and you should avoid buying things there. However, taxes there are the highest. Living cost is high, and you should avoid buying things there. -However, the Monster King laid siege to Hurnscald. His power increased greatly, and ships are not capable of even approaching the city. -However, the Monster King laid siege to Hurnscald. His power increased greatly, and ships are not capable of even approaching the city. - However, the legend said there was a way to prevent this disaster. A single way... Which the Ancient Families of Soul Menhir kept a secret passed down between generations. However, the legend said there was a way to prevent this disaster. A single way... Which the Ancient Families of Soul Menhir kept a secret passed down between generations. @@ -11231,9 +11321,6 @@ However, the log breaks with a loud crack. However, there's a link to get a simple python bot software! However, there's a link to get a simple python bot software! -However, they allowed everyone to use @@ command to rapidly reach Aeros during events. -However, they allowed everyone to use @@ command to rapidly reach Aeros during events. - However, they must visit their town office and do daily paperwork, every day. Otherwise, town reputation will go down. However, they must visit their town office and do daily paperwork, every day. Otherwise, town reputation will go down. @@ -11252,6 +11339,9 @@ However, your guild just challenged Kamelot Dungeons. However... However... +Huge area of effect fire damage. May burn targets. +Huge area of effect fire damage. May burn targets. + Hum, Which type of favor? Hum, Which type of favor? @@ -11294,9 +11384,6 @@ Hurnscald Liberation Day special event Hurnscald Mines Hurnscald Mines -Hurnscald Nurse is collecting blood donations, and a veteran officer from Tulimshar City Guard is handing out Wooden Swords. -Hurnscald Nurse is collecting blood donations, and a veteran officer from Tulimshar City Guard is handing out Wooden Swords. - Hurnscald Office Hurnscald Office @@ -11309,9 +11396,6 @@ Hurnscald is a large city. I'm sure glad I live in Candor because I know where e Hurnscald was founded after Tulimshar, in more fertile lands. Their walls are not so sturdy as the ones of Tulimshar. Hurnscald was founded after Tulimshar, in more fertile lands. Their walls are not so sturdy as the ones of Tulimshar. -Hurnscald was liberated by the players @@ ago. -Hurnscald was liberated by the players @@ ago. - Hurnscald's Nurse Hurnscald's Nurse @@ -13226,6 +13310,9 @@ I'm actually looking for an item forged! I'm afraid I can't be of any help to you. I'm afraid I can't be of any help to you. +I'm afraid King DD did not finish his testing on this! +I'm afraid King DD did not finish his testing on this! + I'm afraid my wounds are too critical. I'm bleeding. I was cursed. And I can't even move. I'm afraid my wounds are too critical. I'm bleeding. I was cursed. And I can't even move. @@ -13259,6 +13346,9 @@ I'm busy, sorry. I'm currently cleaning the arena, wait just @@ more. I'm currently cleaning the arena, wait just @@ more. +I'm currently doing tutorship for students who are... falling behind %%p +I'm currently doing tutorship for students who are... falling behind %%p + I'm currently going over some of the household paperwork. Right now I'm inspecting the @@. The work never stops! I'm currently going over some of the household paperwork. Right now I'm inspecting the @@. The work never stops! @@ -13277,6 +13367,9 @@ I'm fine for now, thank you. I'm fine, no worries... I'm fine, no worries... +I'm fine, thanks +I'm fine, thanks + I'm fine, thanks! I'm fine, thanks! @@ -13289,12 +13382,18 @@ I'm glad there's no annoying towel man. He keeps coming back to annoy me! I'm going, don't worry. I'm going, don't worry. +I'm here as an Initiate. May I enter Duck Dungeon? +I'm here as an Initiate. May I enter Duck Dungeon? + I'm here to arrest a criminal. I'm here to arrest a criminal. I'm here to arrest you. I'm here to arrest you. +I'm here to help you restock... +I'm here to help you restock... + I'm here to investigate what exactly happened so this doesn't happens again. I'm here to investigate what exactly happened so this doesn't happens again. @@ -13535,12 +13634,12 @@ Ice Gladius Ice Maggot Ice Maggot -Iced Bottle -Iced Bottle - Iced Fluffy Iced Fluffy +Iced Water +Iced Water + If I bring @@, my party leader, and the boss is defeated, I can go you in. If I bring @@, my party leader, and the boss is defeated, I can go you in. @@ -14045,6 +14144,9 @@ Increase damage dealt by weapon for all guildies. Increase defense to all friends in radius. Increase defense to all friends in radius. +Increase walk speed and flee rate. +Increase walk speed and flee rate. + Indeed, matey! Here they are! Indeed, matey! Here they are! @@ -14270,9 +14372,6 @@ Isbamuth Ishi Ishi -Ishi also rewrote his rewards table. More items for lower prices! -Ishi also rewrote his rewards table. More items for lower prices! - Ishi, the Rewards Master Ishi, the Rewards Master @@ -14282,6 +14381,9 @@ Isn't hard to live alone? It also expires after two hours. In such case, talk to him again! It also expires after two hours. In such case, talk to him again! +It also increases naturally as you grow, albeit less. +It also increases naturally as you grow, albeit less. + It appears we were focusing too much on research and this lead to neglect of other duties of a Sage's household. This is dangerous in times of changes. I'm worried about the future. It appears we were focusing too much on research and this lead to neglect of other duties of a Sage's household. This is dangerous in times of changes. I'm worried about the future. @@ -14348,6 +14450,9 @@ It is pretty close to here. I advise you to use a good sword, and heal yourself It is so dangerous, and it... It is so dangerous, and it... +It is something not yet fully implemented. +It is something not yet fully implemented. + It is the birthplace of humans, the first place to come to existence... The World Edge. The place where humanity began, and according to the legend... The place where it shall perish. It is the birthplace of humans, the first place to come to existence... The World Edge. The place where humanity began, and according to the legend... The place where it shall perish. @@ -14456,6 +14561,9 @@ It was a reeeeeealy close dispute for the podium, but Jesusalva crafted an item It was an awful cut! Don't think any piece of a sightly lower material will have part in my art! It was an awful cut! Don't think any piece of a sightly lower material will have part in my art! +It was built by The Alliance, and can be accessed by a ship in Tulimshar. +It was built by The Alliance, and can be accessed by a ship in Tulimshar. + It was just south of the island. Try walking around a bit? It was just south of the island. Try walking around a bit? @@ -14507,6 +14615,9 @@ It's @@ (day)! It's @@ @@. It's @@ @@. +It's International Chocolate Day! +It's International Chocolate Day! + It's Jesusalva's anniversary! It's Jesusalva's anniversary! @@ -14693,6 +14804,9 @@ It's written in an ancient language, you cannot understand what's written. It's yummy ^.^ It's yummy ^.^ +Item 816 +Item 816 + Item List Item List @@ -14789,9 +14903,6 @@ Jesus Saves Jesusalva Jesusalva -Jesusalva & Saulc, TMW2 Admins -Jesusalva & Saulc, TMW2 Admins - Jesusalva Card Jesusalva Card @@ -14834,6 +14945,9 @@ Judgement Judgement has passed. Judgement has passed. +Judgment +Judgment + Juliet Juliet @@ -14939,6 +15053,9 @@ Keep in mind the more power you have, the less control you'll have as well. Unti Keep in mind, the more levels and intelligence you have, more likely the Mana Stone will grant you more Magic Power. But that means nothing. Keep in mind, the more levels and intelligence you have, more likely the Mana Stone will grant you more Magic Power. But that means nothing. +Keep in mind, we at the Academy do not have a Mana Stone. +Keep in mind, we at the Academy do not have a Mana Stone. + Keep moving boy.#1 Keep moving boy. @@ -15026,6 +15143,9 @@ Knowledge is power... And now you have both. Use them wisely. Knox The Traveler Knox The Traveler +Kolchak and dangerDuck are working to finish Duck Dungeon. Contact them for updates... +Kolchak and dangerDuck are working to finish Duck Dungeon. Contact them for updates... + Kreist Kreist @@ -15086,12 +15206,6 @@ Laranja Last IP: @@ Last IP: @@ -Last Man Standing -Last Man Standing - -Last Resort -Last Resort - Last Seen: @@ Last Seen: @@ @@ -15101,9 +15215,6 @@ Last Stand Card Last Standing Man Last Standing Man -Last Standing Man - Passive - Raise Max HP and Holy Defense -Last Standing Man - Passive - Raise Max HP and Holy Defense - Last map: @@ Last map: @@ @@ -15125,6 +15236,9 @@ Laura Lava Mana Pearl Lava Mana Pearl +Lava Skull Slime +Lava Skull Slime + Lava Slime Lava Slime @@ -15143,6 +15257,9 @@ Lawn Cable Card Lawncandy Lawncandy +Layman +Layman + Lazurite Cristal Lazurite Cristal @@ -15425,9 +15542,6 @@ Lightbringer Lightbringer#NLib Lightbringer#NLib -Lightining Bolt -Lightining Bolt - Lightning Bolt Lightning Bolt @@ -15479,6 +15593,9 @@ Line @@ has been removed. List & Claim rewards List & Claim rewards +List of Unlocked Pets and Food +List of Unlocked Pets and Food + List of known alchemy recipes: List of known alchemy recipes: @@ -15524,9 +15641,6 @@ Lizards are the main monster found, and they steal gold from innocent bypassers. LoF Coin LoF Coin -LoF Transcendence Gate was moved to town centre. Tipius haven't been sighted as of late. -LoF Transcendence Gate was moved to town centre. Tipius haven't been sighted as of late. - LoF Warp Crystal LoF Warp Crystal @@ -15638,12 +15752,6 @@ Lower MAXHP, Damage over time Lower city taxes Lower city taxes -Lower difficulty of advanced stage (level 50+ players), by price rebalances. -Lower difficulty of advanced stage (level 50+ players), by price rebalances. - -Lower difficulty of starters stage (up to level 20 players), by experience redesign. -Lower difficulty of starters stage (up to level 20 players), by experience redesign. - Lowering Taxes Lowering Taxes @@ -15656,9 +15764,6 @@ Lt. Paul unclaimed rewards REDEEMED. Lt. Randy Lt. Randy -Lua FINALLY noticed that traveling to Halinarzo at level 20 is akin suicide. -Lua FINALLY noticed that traveling to Halinarzo at level 20 is akin suicide. - Lua#003-2 Lua#003-2 @@ -15821,12 +15926,12 @@ Magic Ratto Magic Skill Points can be obtained in three ways: By touching a Mana Stone, by signing up in a Special Class (if you have enough magic power) and by having high amounts of Job Level. Magic Skill Points can be obtained in three ways: By touching a Mana Stone, by signing up in a Special Class (if you have enough magic power) and by having high amounts of Job Level. +Magic Status +Magic Status + Magic Strike Magic Strike -Magic Strike - Standard Magical Attack -Magic Strike - Standard Magical Attack - Magic Top Hat Magic Top Hat @@ -15860,6 +15965,9 @@ Magically Sealed Gate Magick Real Magick Real +Magnus Healing +Magnus Healing + Mahad Mahad @@ -15875,12 +15983,6 @@ Mahul Main server is: %s Main server is: %s -Mainly fixes and the Monster King is now randomly laying siege to towns! -Mainly fixes and the Monster King is now randomly laying siege to towns! - -Major rebalance, lowering difficulty on sub-level-30 stage. Tulimshar is a whole new place. -Major rebalance, lowering difficulty on sub-level-30 stage. Tulimshar is a whole new place. - Make me an Iron Powder. Make me an Iron Powder. @@ -15899,6 +16001,9 @@ Malivox Mana Being#001-1 Mana Being#001-1 +Mana Bomb +Mana Bomb + Mana Bug Mana Bug @@ -15938,9 +16043,6 @@ Mana Stone#Tulim Mana Wisdom Mana Wisdom -Mana Wisdom - Passive - Raise Mana EXP Gain rate -Mana Wisdom - Passive - Raise Mana EXP Gain rate - Mana is something which existed since the being, but nobody knows much about. Mana is something which existed since the being, but nobody knows much about. @@ -15992,12 +16094,6 @@ Manually trigger the current broadcast Many citzens are still in fear. Paths are closed, economy is a disaster, things are not here. Many citzens are still in fear. Paths are closed, economy is a disaster, things are not here. -Many other things were changed, and it is too much to say here. Even people with stronger magic were seen. -Many other things were changed, and it is too much to say here. Even people with stronger magic were seen. - -Many rejoiced. The damage was very big, and all players help is required, to make Hurnscald prosper again. -Many rejoiced. The damage was very big, and all players help is required, to make Hurnscald prosper again. - Many sacrifices were done, but it was lost. Many sacrifices were done, but it was lost. @@ -16091,12 +16187,12 @@ Mashmallow Masked Assassin Masked Assassin -Mass Provoke -Mass Provoke - Mass Provoke replaced with Area Provoke. Mass Provoke replaced with Area Provoke. +Master +Master + Master Bola Master Bola @@ -16235,9 +16331,6 @@ Meaning that once you equip a bow, you likely won't be able to dodge attacks. Meanwhile, at 00h, 06h, 12h, 15h, 18h and 21h UTC, Meanwhile, at 00h, 06h, 12h, 15h, 18h and 21h UTC, -Meanwhile, several bugs were fixed. Our second sun had been glitchy, but Jesus Saves made sure it is now fine. -Meanwhile, several bugs were fixed. Our second sun had been glitchy, but Jesus Saves made sure it is now fine. - Mechanically based technology (eg. the Gates or Time Flasks) will never suffer damage from operation but are more costly. Mechanically based technology (eg. the Gates or Time Flasks) will never suffer damage from operation but are more costly. @@ -16265,12 +16358,6 @@ Melina Melt something else? Melt something else? -Meltdown Forge, make your useless equip a good weapon! Lieutenant Dausen have new quests! -Meltdown Forge, make your useless equip a good weapon! Lieutenant Dausen have new quests! - -Mercenaries and blueprints! Players are crafting their own weapons. Sagratha and Cindy are in need of help! -Mercenaries and blueprints! Players are crafting their own weapons. Sagratha and Cindy are in need of help! - Mercenary Boxset A Mercenary Boxset A @@ -16421,8 +16508,11 @@ Minimum advised level 72 to do this quest. Mining opearations advance steadly day by day with your help, thanks! Maybe one day, we find a Mana Stone here! Mining opearations advance steadly day by day with your help, thanks! Maybe one day, we find a Mana Stone here! -Minor release to lower travel prices, fix several issues, and enable Friend Referral System. -Minor release to lower travel prices, fix several issues, and enable Friend Referral System. +Minor healing to your wounds. +Minor healing to your wounds. + +Minor healing to yourself or to allies. +Minor healing to yourself or to allies. Mint Dye Mint Dye @@ -16442,6 +16532,9 @@ Mirror Island 1 Miscellaneous Recipes Miscellaneous Recipes +Miscellaneous Status +Miscellaneous Status + Mission: Kill all rogue Yetis on the Throne Room. You won't be able to leave until all of them are dead. Mission: Kill all rogue Yetis on the Throne Room. You won't be able to leave until all of them are dead. @@ -16472,12 +16565,12 @@ Modify, move, or remove a line Moggun Moggun +Moggun Egg +Moggun Egg + Money in your storage is totally safe. Banking itself is totally safe. Money in your storage is totally safe. Banking itself is totally safe. -Money to leave Candor is easier, as various persons there need help. -Money to leave Candor is easier, as various persons there need help. - Money transference by mail is, however, free. Money transference by mail is, however, free. @@ -16556,6 +16649,9 @@ Monster NAME, Default %s, empty to cancel Monster Points (Mobpt): @@ | Gold: @@ Monster Points (Mobpt): @@ | Gold: @@ +Monster Points: %s +Monster Points: %s + Monster SPEED, Player speed is 150, minimum is 100! Monster SPEED, Player speed is 150, minimum is 100! @@ -16571,9 +16667,6 @@ Monsters Killed in PvE: %s Monsters are everywhere. They're a plague we're trying to get rid of. Monsters are everywhere. They're a plague we're trying to get rid of. -Monsters are walking to different regions, new grinding zones appears! -Monsters are walking to different regions, new grinding zones appears! - Monsters do not aim small towns like Candor. This city also comes with the plus that I know where everything's at. Monsters do not aim small towns like Candor. This city also comes with the plus that I know where everything's at. @@ -16676,6 +16769,9 @@ Moubootaur Legends Server Moubootaur Legends just got older! %%N Moubootaur Legends just got older! %%N +Moubootaur Maze +Moubootaur Maze + Mountain Snake Mountain Snake @@ -16940,18 +17036,9 @@ Nahrec discretly gives you a recipe. Napalm Beat Napalm Beat -Napalm Beat - Spammable AoE Skill -Napalm Beat - Spammable AoE Skill - Nard Nard -Nard also bought a new ship!. -Nard also bought a new ship!. - -Nard and Elmo changed the way they talk to newcomers, to be more clear about what they expect. -Nard and Elmo changed the way they talk to newcomers, to be more clear about what they expect. - Nard doesn't like people who gets money without working for it. Nard doesn't like people who gets money without working for it. @@ -16976,12 +17063,6 @@ Nard likes people who work hard. Work harder! Nard noticed your hard work. Nard noticed your hard work. -Nard's ship basement was modified, and winter drops are now alive. Don't miss Christmas event, either. -Nard's ship basement was modified, and winter drops are now alive. Don't miss Christmas event, either. - -Nard's ship is not capable to do Tulimshar<->Candor route instantly anymore: His magic sail broke. -Nard's ship is not capable to do Tulimshar<->Candor route instantly anymore: His magic sail broke. - Narrator Narrator @@ -17045,9 +17126,6 @@ New chars, and reborn chars, will also begin at level 10. New default game settings: New default game settings: -New players can also get an EXP bonus with Elmo until they get level 15. Warp Crystals are here! -New players can also get an EXP bonus with Elmo until they get level 15. Warp Crystals are here! - Newbie Newbie @@ -17105,6 +17183,9 @@ Nikolai takes a sweat of his head. He seems worried with Cindy. Nikolai, the Blue Sage Nikolai, the Blue Sage +Nilfheim +Nilfheim + Nina The Traveler Nina The Traveler @@ -17120,9 +17201,6 @@ Nivalis Nivalis - @@ GP Nivalis - @@ GP -Nivalis Liberation Day Result: Players Lost 92 : 300 Monsters Won -Nivalis Liberation Day Result: Players Lost 92 : 300 Monsters Won - Nivalis Office Nivalis Office @@ -17297,9 +17375,6 @@ Noel Slime None None -None at the moment! -None at the moment! - None at the moment. None at the moment. @@ -17420,9 +17495,6 @@ Not only that, but he is the only one here besides me who can do magic. Without Not only that, but the Yeti King and me had an... incident, in times best forgotten. Let's not talk about it. Not only that, but the Yeti King and me had an... incident, in times best forgotten. Let's not talk about it. -Not only that, but there appeared some paladins, tankers, wizards, sages and raggers claiming to have mastered magic. -Not only that, but there appeared some paladins, tankers, wizards, sages and raggers claiming to have mastered magic. - Not really, sorry. Not really, sorry. @@ -17528,6 +17600,9 @@ Note: Unless you were doing something REALLY bad which is harmful to player comm Note: You can exchange 1 @@ for 3 @@ Note: You can exchange 1 @@ for 3 @@ +Note: You can increase the time by talking to Emma again. +Note: You can increase the time by talking to Emma again. + Note: You can only perform this operation @@/6 times. Note: You can only perform this operation @@/6 times. @@ -17825,6 +17900,9 @@ Oh it's you @@, I did not recognize you with your hat! Oh it's you @@, I did not recognize you without a hat! Oh it's you @@, I did not recognize you without a hat! +Oh look, it is Cupid! +Oh look, it is Cupid! + Oh my Jesusalva - You broke my lock! Why?! Oh my Jesusalva - You broke my lock! Why?! @@ -18542,9 +18620,6 @@ PS. Due a bug, they won't be displayed when you equip unless you relog. PS. The group names still aren't set. You're free to pinch in suggestions at LoF Discord (Legacy #discussion) :> PS. The group names still aren't set. You're free to pinch in suggestions at LoF Discord (Legacy #discussion) :> -PVP Arena did NOT got in. Same for AFK Cap. -PVP Arena did NOT got in. Same for AFK Cap. - Pachua Pachua @@ -18599,9 +18674,6 @@ Party Name: @@ Party Quest Party Quest -Party levels for experience sharing restriction is more flexible, and there is a great co-op quest. -Party levels for experience sharing restriction is more flexible, and there is a great co-op quest. - Password changed with success! Password changed with success! @@ -18656,9 +18728,6 @@ Peetu? That's one of the high rank helpers. As far as I know, he's capable of ma People are challenging now. People are challenging now. -People at Tulimshar are now giving more tips to newcomers, and new bugs may have been introduced. -People at Tulimshar are now giving more tips to newcomers, and new bugs may have been introduced. - People from here always look dumbfolded when they walk past them and find themselves somewhere else. People from here always look dumbfolded when they walk past them and find themselves somewhere else. @@ -18713,9 +18782,6 @@ Personally, I like unranked events more than ranked ones... Pet Detective Pet Detective -Pet Detective wasn't getting new members and was forced to drop price. -Pet Detective wasn't getting new members and was forced to drop price. - Petal Petal @@ -18734,6 +18800,9 @@ Pets must keep a strict diet. Pious eats Piberries, Bhoppers eat Aquadas, and Ma Petu? Yeah, he's the kind of person who always wants to do things perfectly. That makes it a bit difficult to work with him, since his expectations for others are as high as for himself. Petu? Yeah, he's the kind of person who always wants to do things perfectly. That makes it a bit difficult to work with him, since his expectations for others are as high as for himself. +Ph.D +Ph.D + Phew! The Bandit Lord was killed. Phew! The Bandit Lord was killed. @@ -18764,9 +18833,6 @@ Piberries Piberries Infusion Piberries Infusion -Pick a bounty at Tulimshar Guard House! Buy and use grenades! (Only against non-boss monsters) -Pick a bounty at Tulimshar Guard House! Buy and use grenades! (Only against non-boss monsters) - Pick an item from either storage or inventory and choose what you want to do with it by clicking the right button. Pick an item from either storage or inventory and choose what you want to do with it by clicking the right button. @@ -18866,21 +18932,12 @@ Platinum Ore -> Iridium Ore Platinum Quiver Platinum Quiver +Player must be online for the operation to finish. +Player must be online for the operation to finish. + Players Killed in PvP: %s Players Killed in PvP: %s -Players are now send players to Nivalis and Frostia, to keep learning about who they are. While greater forces are at play, the player might be just a minor one, but certainly an important one. -Players are now send players to Nivalis and Frostia, to keep learning about who they are. While greater forces are at play, the player might be just a minor one, but certainly an important one. - -Players are renting Mouboos and Tortugas to move faster! Shields are now better! -Players are renting Mouboos and Tortugas to move faster! Shields are now better! - -Players can now sense monsters strength with @@, and lag was reduced. Pets can run away again. -Players can now sense monsters strength with @@, and lag was reduced. Pets can run away again. - -Players didn't escape from the manaquake. Xtreem says it is easier to kill monsters now. -Players didn't escape from the manaquake. Xtreem says it is easier to kill monsters now. - Playtesting Playtesting @@ -18890,6 +18947,9 @@ Please accept this @@ as a gratitude for your time. Please accept this reward from my part. And if anything else happens again, I'll leave the doors open for you and your guild. Please accept this reward from my part. And if anything else happens again, I'll leave the doors open for you and your guild. +Please be careful when fighting. A mighty warrior such as yourself can harm their allies with any AoE effects they may use. +Please be careful when fighting. A mighty warrior such as yourself can harm their allies with any AoE effects they may use. + Please be patient and Please be patient and @@ -18989,6 +19049,12 @@ Please help my wife Yumi, on the Hospital! Please help us with the bandits on the Canyon, and meanwhile, I'll seek the records for you. Just @@ more. Please help us with the bandits on the Canyon, and meanwhile, I'll seek the records for you. Just @@ more. +Please insert player name to cancel exile. +Please insert player name to cancel exile. + +Please insert player name to exile. +Please insert player name to exile. + Please insert your Discord ID, on the following format: Please insert your Discord ID, on the following format: @@ -19292,6 +19358,9 @@ Professor#003-0 Progress on this server may be %s. Progress on this server may be %s. +Prologue +Prologue + Protip Protip @@ -19343,8 +19412,11 @@ Protip: Your current progress will be saved. Provoke Provoke -Provoke - Provoke a single monster -Provoke - Provoke a single monster +Provoke a single monster to attack you. +Provoke a single monster to attack you. + +Provokes all monsters around the target, and the target itself. +Provokes all monsters around the target, and the target itself. Prsm Helmet Prsm Helmet @@ -19511,6 +19583,9 @@ Raise agility to do this quest. Raise city taxes Raise city taxes +Raise damage of next skill. +Raise damage of next skill. + Raise max members Raise max members @@ -19679,6 +19754,9 @@ Recipe Book Recommended: ##B%d##b | Max: %d Recommended: ##B%d##b | Max: %d +Recover some HP. +Recover some HP. + Recruiter Recruiter @@ -19724,6 +19802,9 @@ Red Scorpion Stinger -> Scorpion Stinger Red Scorpion breed as fast as the Ratto! With our current numbers, it's nearly impossible to take over. Red Scorpion breed as fast as the Ratto! With our current numbers, it's nearly impossible to take over. +Red Skull Slime +Red Skull Slime + Red Slime Red Slime @@ -19775,105 +19856,6 @@ Regular Drops: Reinboo Wand Reinboo Wand -Release 2 -Release 2 - -Release 2.1 - Free Lunch For Those Who Work Hard! -Release 2.1 - Free Lunch For Those Who Work Hard! - -Release 2.2 - There Are No Pipelines -Release 2.2 - There Are No Pipelines - -Release 3 -Release 3 - -Release 3.0 - In The Dreams -Release 3.0 - In The Dreams - -Release 4 -Release 4 - -Release 4.0 - Quest Giver's Handbook -Release 4.0 - Quest Giver's Handbook - -Release 5 -Release 5 - -Release 5.0 - Greenland Players -Release 5.0 - Greenland Players - -Release 6 -Release 6 - -Release 6.0 - Steam, Fire, and... Monster King?! -Release 6.0 - Steam, Fire, and... Monster King?! - -Release 7 -Release 7 - -Release 7.0 - Polished Emerald -Release 7.0 - Polished Emerald - -Release 7.1 - Broken Emerald -Release 7.1 - Broken Emerald - -Release 7.2 - Frozen Jesusalva -Release 7.2 - Frozen Jesusalva - -Release 7.3 - Frozen Community -Release 7.3 - Frozen Community - -Release 7.4 - Christmas Revolution -Release 7.4 - Christmas Revolution - -Release 7.5 - Merry Christmas, Happy New Year -Release 7.5 - Merry Christmas, Happy New Year - -Release 8 -Release 8 - -Release 8.0 - Apane Invasion, the Remaster -Release 8.0 - Apane Invasion, the Remaster - -Release 8.1 - It's hidden! Where? -Release 8.1 - It's hidden! Where? - -Release 8.2(1) - Valentine Day (Is Over) -Release 8.2(1) - Valentine Day (Is Over) - -Release 8.3 - King Arthur -Release 8.3 - King Arthur - -Release 8.4 - Can I Live Ingame? -Release 8.4 - Can I Live Ingame? - -Release 8.5 - A Place To Spend Vacations -Release 8.5 - A Place To Spend Vacations - -Release 8.9 - Easter Event -Release 8.9 - Easter Event - -Release 8.99 - JESUSALVA IS LAZY -Release 8.99 - JESUSALVA IS LAZY - -Release 9 -Release 9 - -Release 9.0 - The Promised Release -Release 9.0 - The Promised Release - -Release 9.1 - Bedtime Stories -Release 9.1 - Bedtime Stories - -Release 9.2 - Workbench -Release 9.2 - Workbench - -Release 9.3 - Lovely Homunculus -Release 9.3 - Lovely Homunculus - -Release 9.4 - Balance & Bugfix Patch -Release 9.4 - Balance & Bugfix Patch - Reload NPC Data Reload NPC Data @@ -20009,6 +19991,9 @@ Rescue Cindy from the Ice Labyrinth and the evil Yetis. This is a global, multip Rescuing Cindy Quest Rescuing Cindy Quest +Research Points +%d +Research Points +%d + Researcher Researcher @@ -20051,6 +20036,9 @@ Resign Resting. I've been slaying slime nests the whole day. Resting. I've been slaying slime nests the whole day. +Retaliates next attack with a critical hit. This instance lasts a second. +Retaliates next attack with a critical hit. This instance lasts a second. + Return Return @@ -20084,6 +20072,9 @@ Return to main island. Return to main menu Return to main menu +Revert a player exile +Revert a player exile + Revolver Shooter Revolver Shooter @@ -20165,6 +20156,9 @@ Roger, eh? Aye, I do need help. If you bring me 30 @@, 50 @@, and 30 @@, maybe I Rogue Rogue +Rogue Status +Rogue Status + Room password: @@ Room password: @@ @@ -20180,9 +20174,6 @@ Rose Rosen Rosen -Rosen is now making Training Bow in Candor for new adventures. -Rosen is now making Training Bow in Candor for new adventures. - Rotten Rags Rotten Rags @@ -20300,6 +20291,9 @@ Sadly, you found nothing but dirt. Safe travels! Safe travels! +Sage +Sage + Sagratha Sagratha @@ -20396,15 +20390,9 @@ Saulc Card Saulc Sponsor Saulc Sponsor -Saulc and Cherry married in Halinarzo, and stayed like this for perhaps 20 seconds, before Cherry asked for divorce. -Saulc and Cherry married in Halinarzo, and stayed like this for perhaps 20 seconds, before Cherry asked for divorce. - Saulc is rich, you know. He challenged a group of thirty NPCs to defeat him, whoever won would get this @@. Saulc is rich, you know. He challenged a group of thirty NPCs to defeat him, whoever won would get this @@. -Saulc said it needs an inspection, and he'll be with everyone trying to proccess and fix the amount of damage this caused. -Saulc said it needs an inspection, and he'll be with everyone trying to proccess and fix the amount of damage this caused. - Saulc was here Saulc was here @@ -20759,12 +20747,6 @@ Several books about artificial lifeforms and the man who played God. Several books about hiding magic. Might be why the houses looked abandoned and empty but the chimney was going. Several books about hiding magic. Might be why the houses looked abandoned and empty but the chimney was going. -Several bugfixes! And a new bug replace every removed one! -Several bugfixes! And a new bug replace every removed one! - -Several bugfixes, and new monsters have been seen. Almost all healing items have changed. -Several bugfixes, and new monsters have been seen. Almost all healing items have changed. - Several flasks are aligned there. They seemed to be dyes, but a close inspection reveals they're not. Several flasks are aligned there. They seemed to be dyes, but a close inspection reveals they're not. @@ -20807,9 +20789,6 @@ Sharp Knife Sharpshooter Sharpshooter -Sharpshooter - Shoot an arrow or bullet which damages everything on its way. -Sharpshooter - Shoot an arrow or bullet which damages everything on its way. - Sharpshooting skill replaced with Charged Arrow. Sharpshooting skill replaced with Charged Arrow. @@ -20828,9 +20807,6 @@ She doesn't seems to trust me... Maybe I should bring a guild vice-leader, or ev She falls in a single blow. You'll attribute her death to the Mysterious Assassin. She falls in a single blow. You'll attribute her death to the Mysterious Assassin. -She is sending players to Hurnscald instead. -She is sending players to Hurnscald instead. - She isn't on that cave. She isn't on that cave. @@ -20882,9 +20858,6 @@ Shield Recipes Shields Shields -Ship travels are cheaper, full equipment sets have hidden bonuses, Soul Menhirs are now auto-touched. -Ship travels are cheaper, full equipment sets have hidden bonuses, Soul Menhirs are now auto-touched. - Ship travels are not free. Also, I have a few friends on the Island, and I would like you to check out on them. Ship travels are not free. Also, I have a few friends on the Island, and I would like you to check out on them. @@ -20897,6 +20870,12 @@ Shoes Shooo, shooo! Give my crops some time to recover, your noob. Shooo, shooo! Give my crops some time to recover, your noob. +Shoot FIVE arrows or bullets to the air and cause Area Of Effect Damage. +Shoot FIVE arrows or bullets to the air and cause Area Of Effect Damage. + +Shoot an arrow or bullet which damages everything on its way. +Shoot an arrow or bullet which damages everything on its way. + Shop#Candor Shop#Candor @@ -20942,9 +20921,6 @@ Should you be too quick or wait too long, you will most likely fail. Shovel have been changed, right-click it to bury items. Shovel have been changed, right-click it to bury items. -Shovels and Treasure maps, for the explorers this summer, after June 21st! -Shovels and Treasure maps, for the explorers this summer, after June 21st! - Show Tutorial Protips Show Tutorial Protips @@ -20957,9 +20933,6 @@ Show me what you can! Shroom Hat Shroom Hat -Side Note: During r6.1 and r6.5, various improvements were done, and two new quests were seen. Priests have shown up. -Side Note: During r6.1 and r6.5, various improvements were done, and two new quests were seen. Priests have shown up. - Siege Tower Siege Tower @@ -21101,12 +21074,12 @@ Silvia is in Noble District of Tulimshar. Simon Simon +Simply put, they are raw power. +Simply put, they are raw power. + Since Merlin left in an expedition with Morgan, strange things have been happening in Kamelot. Since Merlin left in an expedition with Morgan, strange things have been happening in Kamelot. -Since previous release, there was also seen priests, two new quests, and a breakthrough on reset potions happened. -Since previous release, there was also seen priests, two new quests, and a breakthrough on reset potions happened. - Sincerity Island Sincerity Island @@ -21464,15 +21437,6 @@ So? How many *hic* he collect? So? How was it? So? How was it? -Some NPCs are [@@|learning new languages@@]. -Some NPCs are [@@|learning new languages@@]. - -Some adventurer broke what was previously thought as maximum level, and is now level 40! -Some adventurer broke what was previously thought as maximum level, and is now level 40! - -Some adventurer broke what was previously thought as maximum level, and is now level 45! -Some adventurer broke what was previously thought as maximum level, and is now level 45! - Some are dangerous, too. Even if you look capable of fighting, the Blue Sage instructed me to prevent anyone from visiting until the mess is cleared. Some are dangerous, too. Even if you look capable of fighting, the Blue Sage instructed me to prevent anyone from visiting until the mess is cleared. @@ -21488,9 +21452,6 @@ Some bullets have Elemental Properties, by the way. Now, what will it be? Some items are only produced in Nivalis. After all, it is hard to work properly with ice in a desert! Some items are only produced in Nivalis. After all, it is hard to work properly with ice in a desert! -Some monsters gained death and/or attack sounds, and Blue Sage House front door is now open. -Some monsters gained death and/or attack sounds, and Blue Sage House front door is now open. - Some of finest elven craftmanship can be found there, like bows, for example. Some of finest elven craftmanship can be found there, like bows, for example. @@ -21503,9 +21464,6 @@ Some of my miners friends died in this mine, because there are plenty of dangero Some of them are pretty strong. Do you need an explanation about hit'n'run and the monster you're about to face? Some of them are pretty strong. Do you need an explanation about hit'n'run and the monster you're about to face? -Some of these even cause area damage! Rumors of time travellers were heard, but no time travel was confirmed. -Some of these even cause area damage! Rumors of time travellers were heard, but no time travel was confirmed. - Some others also like to buy them to keep as trophies. Either way, you can make some money with that. Some others also like to buy them to keep as trophies. Either way, you can make some money with that. @@ -21542,15 +21500,9 @@ Some, but not all, from the rare or non-replaceable items will have a warning wh Somebody already rented it before you! Somebody already rented it before you! -Somebody else also got huge stats bonuses because reached the unbelievable job level 25. -Somebody else also got huge stats bonuses because reached the unbelievable job level 25. - Somebody took your place on this spot! Somebody took your place on this spot! -Someone adventurer broke what was previously thought as maximum level, and is now level 31! -Someone adventurer broke what was previously thought as maximum level, and is now level 31! - Someone else is using the guild storage right now. Please wait. Someone else is using the guild storage right now. Please wait. @@ -21629,9 +21581,6 @@ Soren's House Tutorial Soren's Lake Soren's Lake -Soren, the architect responsible for it, is very happy with the new design. -Soren, the architect responsible for it, is very happy with the new design. - Sorfina Sorfina @@ -21857,6 +21806,9 @@ Speak with ##BBarzil##b. Tell him it is for the Magic Academy. HURRY UP! Spearmint Tea Spearmint Tea +Special Event Pets +Special Event Pets + Specialized in destructive, magical skills. Specialized in destructive, magical skills. @@ -21944,6 +21896,9 @@ Staircase#MKHB Stalman Stalman +Standard Magic +Standard Magic + Standard Tricks Standard Tricks @@ -21962,9 +21917,6 @@ Start! Stat Boost Recipes Stat Boost Recipes -Stat Reseters had a breakthrough which made potions cheaper, and Arkim brand new petiscide made Pinkies sick (with less HP). -Stat Reseters had a breakthrough which made potions cheaper, and Arkim brand new petiscide made Pinkies sick (with less HP). - Status Reset Potion Status Reset Potion @@ -21995,6 +21947,9 @@ Stay there? Steal bucket! Steal bucket! +Stealing +Stealing + Steam (LoF Village) Steam (LoF Village) @@ -22034,9 +21989,6 @@ Storage Fairy Strange Coin Strange Coin -Strange figures appear, claiming to be from the Land of Fire, and using interesting sticks, which spits fire. -Strange figures appear, claiming to be from the Land of Fire, and using interesting sticks, which spits fire. - Strange switch status: @@ Strange switch status: @@ @@ -22088,6 +22040,15 @@ Strength: STR+, Carry Weight + Strength: VIT++ Strength: VIT++ +Strong wind area of effect attack. +Strong wind area of effect attack. + +Strong wind single target attack. +Strong wind single target attack. + +Student +Student + Student#A01 Student#A01 @@ -22154,12 +22115,15 @@ Super Menu Superb stealth, and quick on their toes. Superb stealth, and quick on their toes. +Superior damage on enemies who walk over the fire. +Superior damage on enemies who walk over the fire. + +Superior single target damage which splashes in area. +Superior single target damage which splashes in area. + Supreme Attack Supreme Attack -Supreme Attack - Cause a very strong attack with lowered accuracy. -Supreme Attack - Cause a very strong attack with lowered accuracy. - Supreme Chest Supreme Chest @@ -22313,9 +22277,6 @@ TMW2 Staff TUTORIAL TUTORIAL -Tactical Retreat -Tactical Retreat - Take care though, don't attack them when they are in group! Take care though, don't attack them when they are in group! @@ -22418,14 +22379,8 @@ Taxes will raise in 0.01~0.03%, capped at 10%. Tea party! I want to participate. Tea party! I want to participate. -Teaching Elza your skills will make you both forget them. -Teaching Elza your skills will make you both forget them. - -Teaching Enzo your skills will make you both forget them. -Teaching Enzo your skills will make you both forget them. - -Teaching Ezra your skills will make you both forget them. -Teaching Ezra your skills will make you both forget them. +Teaching %s your skills will make you both forget them. +Teaching %s your skills will make you both forget them. Teal Dye Teal Dye @@ -22436,6 +22391,9 @@ Tech-User Forge Technical problem, gimme info about an item. Technical problem, gimme info about an item. +Technician +Technician + Tell me about Artis. Tell me about Artis. @@ -22472,12 +22430,18 @@ Tell me which language you speak and I will change the note on the ship passenge Tell people the name of a new hero. Tell people the name of a new hero. +Tempest +Tempest + Ten, fifty, thousand... Yep, this is the amount I've asked for. Ten, fifty, thousand... Yep, this is the amount I've asked for. Tench Tench +Tengu +Tengu + Tentacles Tentacles @@ -22508,9 +22472,6 @@ Terranite Ingot Terranite King Terranite King -Terranite King was seen recently. New shields and pants are available for craft. -Terranite King was seen recently. New shields and pants are available for craft. - Terranite Mask Terranite Mask @@ -22850,9 +22811,6 @@ Thanks... I guess... Thanksgiving Thanksgiving -That and other changes, are all thinking on players helping each other. -That and other changes, are all thinking on players helping each other. - That annoying guy on the side of the tree is annoying. I want to ban him. That annoying guy on the side of the tree is annoying. I want to ban him. @@ -23075,6 +23033,9 @@ The @@ stole my @@. Hahah. I can't find anywhere else to buy it. The @@ tab allows yeye to talk on Discord, too! Yayaya, fancy, uh? The @@ tab allows yeye to talk on Discord, too! Yayaya, fancy, uh? +The Academy Island is situated east of Land of Fire Village. +The Academy Island is situated east of Land of Fire Village. + The Alliance Advanced Outposts are closed for maintenance. Group in front of the town entrance! The Alliance Advanced Outposts are closed for maintenance. Group in front of the town entrance! @@ -23084,24 +23045,12 @@ The Alliance Advanced Outposts have been abandoned and locked after the Liberati The Alliance Council rarely meets. It's thanks to them that the cities are well protected, if you want my opinion. The Alliance Council rarely meets. It's thanks to them that the cities are well protected, if you want my opinion. -The Alliance High Council informs that Super Players and above are capable to try ##B @toevent ##b for free event warps. -The Alliance High Council informs that Super Players and above are capable to try ##B @toevent ##b for free event warps. - -The Alliance announces a great new way to keep adventurers killing monsters. -The Alliance announces a great new way to keep adventurers killing monsters. - The Alliance can help you in finding out about who you are, why you are here, or from where you came from. So, about the tasks I want completed. The Alliance can help you in finding out about who you are, why you are here, or from where you came from. So, about the tasks I want completed. -The Alliance changed some rules for storage size, botting, and grand hunter prizes, too. -The Alliance changed some rules for storage size, botting, and grand hunter prizes, too. - The Alliance have records of everyone. And if you need another trip, talk to me! The Alliance have records of everyone. And if you need another trip, talk to me! -The Alliance prepared an attack against the Monster King. Report at Nivalis Guard for more information. -The Alliance prepared an attack against the Monster King. Report at Nivalis Guard for more information. - The Alliance says that @@ monsters have been slain by players since 2019-05-24! The Alliance says that @@ monsters have been slain by players since 2019-05-24! @@ -23111,6 +23060,9 @@ The Alliance which was formed after the war! The Arena is currently closed for maintenance. The Arena is currently closed for maintenance. +The Army seems to walk away after some time. +The Army seems to walk away after some time. + The Blue Sage The Blue Sage @@ -23123,6 +23075,9 @@ The Book of Laws The Cave Of Trials, and the Soren's Village... There's only one thing left. The Cave Of Trials, and the Soren's Village... There's only one thing left. +The Council of Elders has enlisted ducks of our island into a militia. In addition, the masters of the Duck Side have seen fit to spare %d Duck initiates to assist us. +The Council of Elders has enlisted ducks of our island into a militia. In addition, the masters of the Duck Side have seen fit to spare %d Duck initiates to assist us. + The Doctor The Doctor @@ -23141,15 +23096,21 @@ The Fafi Dragon are really really bad guys. I don't know how they came here, as The Fafi knows you are here to kill him. They are smart. But I can make a trap. The Fafi knows you are here to kill him. They are smart. But I can make a trap. +The Fifth Act +The Fifth Act + +The First Act +The First Act + The Forest The Forest +The Fourth Act +The Fourth Act + The Game Masters are assembling a party to storm Hurnscald and liberate it. You should try joining it! The Game Masters are assembling a party to storm Hurnscald and liberate it. You should try joining it! -The Grand Hunter quest is available with Aidan. It's an experiment by the High Council, -The Grand Hunter quest is available with Aidan. It's an experiment by the High Council, - The Guard House The Guard House @@ -23189,12 +23150,6 @@ The Magic Academy System is responsible for learning most skills ingame. For tha The Magic Council can be found at this city. They are the most powerful mages. If you have an impressive magical affinity, they may entitle you to have access to a Mana Stone. The Magic Council can be found at this city. They are the most powerful mages. If you have an impressive magical affinity, they may entitle you to have access to a Mana Stone. -The Magic Council finished the reform on their guest hall. -The Magic Council finished the reform on their guest hall. - -The Magic Council lift Statues in honor of some people. But its guest hall is in reform! -The Magic Council lift Statues in honor of some people. But its guest hall is in reform! - The Magical Seal which protects the final room is too strong. The Magical Seal which protects the final room is too strong. @@ -23234,27 +23189,21 @@ The Monster King The Monster King Army is attacking towns at random, but players already reduced their organization to @@ %%! The Monster King Army is attacking towns at random, but players already reduced their organization to @@ %%! +The Monster King Army is making siege at towns randomly! +The Monster King Army is making siege at towns randomly! + The Monster King Army is occupying several towns! Brave players need to group and retake them! The Monster King Army is occupying several towns! Brave players need to group and retake them! The Monster King Army left the cities! What will happen next? Anxiety grows! The Monster King Army left the cities! What will happen next? Anxiety grows! -The Monster King Fortress -The Monster King Fortress - The Monster King Lair is not in a impregnable mountain, but in a small island now!! The Monster King Lair is not in a impregnable mountain, but in a small island now!! -The Monster King got so active in the past days, he even have a mirrored version of himself roaming the lands. -The Monster King got so active in the past days, he even have a mirrored version of himself roaming the lands. - The Monster King is on the move! The Monster King is on the move! -The Monster King left Hurnscald! This is our chance! Saulc GM is assembling a team to TAKE OVER HURNSCALD!! -The Monster King left Hurnscald! This is our chance! Saulc GM is assembling a team to TAKE OVER HURNSCALD!! - The Monster King was so powerful! It is impossible to recover the artifact now, and everyone will die! The Monster King was so powerful! It is impossible to recover the artifact now, and everyone will die! @@ -23273,9 +23222,6 @@ The Mouboo is lying down on the grass. The Mouboo seems to be lying in pain. The Mouboo seems to be lying in pain. -The NPC responsible for buying raw gemstones from other NPCs has recovered since the last siege. -The NPC responsible for buying raw gemstones from other NPCs has recovered since the last siege. - The Pet Caring Guild will collect them after a while, and capture many others. The Pet Caring Guild will collect them after a while, and capture many others. @@ -23288,6 +23234,9 @@ The Professor? Wait, THE Professor? As in, the wisest person on Tulimshar? The Regnum Blessing causes all monsters in an area The Regnum Blessing causes all monsters in an area +The Second Act +The Second Act + The Self-Serving Ice Well! The Self-Serving Ice Well! @@ -23303,12 +23252,12 @@ The Supreme and Ultimate floors are just a WIP bonus. So if you don't find them The Team For A Better PvP says that @@ players were killed in fair matches! The Team For A Better PvP says that @@ players were killed in fair matches! +The Third Act +The Third Act + The Throne Room is the last room. You can reactive any switch which turns itself off. The Throne Room is the last room. You can reactive any switch which turns itself off. -The Tulimshar Forge is also dealing with more complex materials, and not just Iron. -The Tulimshar Forge is also dealing with more complex materials, and not just Iron. - The Tulimshar guards needs an freelance employee who would help us in our work. We are searching for people as you. The Tulimshar guards needs an freelance employee who would help us in our work. We are searching for people as you. @@ -23336,15 +23285,6 @@ The advantage of fighting with a ranged weapon is that you can stay out of the e The alliance also have a special program, called ##BGrand Hunter Quest##b, where you kill 10,000 of a monster and get great rewards. The alliance also have a special program, called ##BGrand Hunter Quest##b, where you kill 10,000 of a monster and get great rewards. -The alliance panicked, and allowed Demure, Pyndragon and Pihro on their board of members. -The alliance panicked, and allowed Demure, Pyndragon and Pihro on their board of members. - -The alliance, in honor of previous event winners, built new statues on the Council Guest Hall. -The alliance, in honor of previous event winners, built new statues on the Council Guest Hall. - -The announcement is: “Need a challenge? Or perhaps an Infinity +1 Sword? Try Heroes Hold today.” -The announcement is: “Need a challenge? Or perhaps an Infinity +1 Sword? Try Heroes Hold today.” - The answers might need to have whitespaces. DO NOT, BY ALL MEANS, insert two whitespaces instead of one. The answers might need to have whitespaces. DO NOT, BY ALL MEANS, insert two whitespaces instead of one. @@ -23429,9 +23369,6 @@ The current town administrator will be inscribed for re-election automatically. The curse was done by nobody less than... the Moubootaur. The curse was done by nobody less than... the Moubootaur. -The demand for strong players raised everywhere. Even death penalty decreased, and GMs are doing better events now. -The demand for strong players raised everywhere. Even death penalty decreased, and GMs are doing better events now. - The desert climate means you'll find mostly maggots and scorpions. Their drops include cactus drinks, cake, knifes, black pearls, gold, and other common things. The desert climate means you'll find mostly maggots and scorpions. Their drops include cactus drinks, cake, knifes, black pearls, gold, and other common things. @@ -23474,9 +23411,6 @@ The effects and uses - if any - are still unknown. The event starts hourly, when the minute clock hits zero. I'll tell everyone on this room when it starts and ends. The event starts hourly, when the minute clock hits zero. I'll tell everyone on this room when it starts and ends. -The famous PVP Arena, Quirino Voraz, can now be used by all players. -The famous PVP Arena, Quirino Voraz, can now be used by all players. - The farmer seems mad and in need of help. Will you help him? The farmer seems mad and in need of help. Will you help him? @@ -23507,8 +23441,8 @@ The first way, The fishing rod allows a quick income by selling fishes. However, reaching the fisherman might require some exploration... The whole world is full of secrets. The fishing rod allows a quick income by selling fishes. However, reaching the fisherman might require some exploration... The whole world is full of secrets. -The foretold Call Of Dusty event quest is also now available for PVP Parties. -The foretold Call Of Dusty event quest is also now available for PVP Parties. +The following skill is needed: %s%s (Lv. %d) +The following skill is needed: %s%s (Lv. %d) The gates are firmly shut by some weird magical power. %s The gates are firmly shut by some weird magical power. %s @@ -23612,6 +23546,12 @@ The mana bridge is closed at the moment. The mana war stroke, and many people died, The mana war stroke, and many people died, +The masters have decided you are to be given honorary initiation into the Duck Side. The Duck Side is powerful, much more so than you could possibly understand. +The masters have decided you are to be given honorary initiation into the Duck Side. The Duck Side is powerful, much more so than you could possibly understand. + +The masters of the Duck Side, The Council of Elders, and King DD himself, on behalf of all ducks, thank you for your help. We wouldn't have survived without it. +The masters of the Duck Side, The Council of Elders, and King DD himself, on behalf of all ducks, thank you for your help. We wouldn't have survived without it. + The mayor, Rakinorf, is probably on the Inn upstairs, drinking himself to death. The mayor, Rakinorf, is probably on the Inn upstairs, drinking himself to death. @@ -23678,9 +23618,6 @@ The mouboo still looks terrible, but you can see a small difference. The nanorob-- err, the *magic* will seal all your wounds. You trust Basil, right? The nanorob-- err, the *magic* will seal all your wounds. You trust Basil, right? -The new inhabitants from the Land Of Fire are welcome, and some are still sheltering, like the Silversmith. -The new inhabitants from the Land Of Fire are welcome, and some are still sheltering, like the Silversmith. - The next page begins to list the complex trading laws and political rules. The next page begins to list the complex trading laws and political rules. @@ -23708,9 +23645,6 @@ The other one claims to be a dangerous bandit and to teach how to steal from mon The pan is empty, but it smells like fresh cookies. The pan is empty, but it smells like fresh cookies. -The party dungeon is still under maintenance, but it shall soon be liberated. The disaster was so big, all mobs are different. -The party dungeon is still under maintenance, but it shall soon be liberated. The disaster was so big, all mobs are different. - The passwords doesn't match. The passwords doesn't match. @@ -23720,6 +23654,15 @@ The path to reach Eugene is hidden. However, if you pay attention to the map, yo The pirate ship captain appear! TAKE CARE!! The pirate ship captain appear! TAKE CARE!! +The pirates amass for their siege, but they will not attack yet. Return when you are stronger. King DD is working to find a solution. +The pirates amass for their siege, but they will not attack yet. Return when you are stronger. King DD is working to find a solution. + +The pirates have been surrounding our island for many sun rises. We expect they will attack any time. +The pirates have been surrounding our island for many sun rises. We expect they will attack any time. + +The player is offline or does not exist. +The player is offline or does not exist. + The potion is baked, and the time is now running! Read as fast as you can, don't miss details! The potion is baked, and the time is now running! Read as fast as you can, don't miss details! @@ -23840,9 +23783,6 @@ The situation is different if someone from Hurnscald went to her rescue. That's The situation is too serious to you be lying... Please, go fetch the items... The situation is too serious to you be lying... Please, go fetch the items... -The snowstorm at Nivalis has ceased, but the Monster King led a massively huge army to siege Nivalis. -The snowstorm at Nivalis has ceased, but the Monster King led a massively huge army to siege Nivalis. - The soldiers are resting at the moment. The soldiers are resting at the moment. @@ -23894,9 +23834,6 @@ The town administrator benefits for free services on the town. The trickster can be found right here. The trickster can be found right here. -The tritan pirates amass for their siege, but they will not attack yet. Return later. King DD is working to find a solution. -The tritan pirates amass for their siege, but they will not attack yet. Return later. King DD is working to find a solution. - The uniform would be: @@, @@, @@ and @@ The uniform would be: @@, @@, @@ and @@ @@ -23963,6 +23900,9 @@ Their main tasks are ensuring trade, protecting the cities from monster invasion Then I craft some new type of strong desert shirt, to protect users from snakes and sunlight. Then I craft some new type of strong desert shirt, to protect users from snakes and sunlight. +Then I hope you can keep your grades high, hmm hmm! +Then I hope you can keep your grades high, hmm hmm! + Then I returned to Tulimshar. Now I do research, vote on the Magic Council meetings, and I also teach young mages about Transmutation magic. Then I returned to Tulimshar. Now I do research, vote on the Magic Council meetings, and I also teach young mages about Transmutation magic. @@ -24029,9 +23969,6 @@ There are only a few pages missing. There are people in the world who need help! There are people in the world who need help! -There are rumors of a grand prize to whoever gets lucky on that machine. -There are rumors of a grand prize to whoever gets lucky on that machine. - There are secret caves on this city. In fact, Tulimshar holds many misteries. There are secret caves on this city. In fact, Tulimshar holds many misteries. @@ -24089,12 +24026,12 @@ There is no EXP penalty, but you cannot go back without either completing the ca There is no honor in fighting a weak opponent. There is no honor in fighting a weak opponent. -There is now a challenge in Tulimshar PvP Duel Room. How long can you survive? -There is now a challenge in Tulimshar PvP Duel Room. How long can you survive? - There is only one way towards the best equipment: Smith away! There is only one way towards the best equipment: Smith away! +There is only so much magical power your body can handle without breaking. +There is only so much magical power your body can handle without breaking. + There isn't enough, not even for NPCs. We need at least 100. There isn't enough, not even for NPCs. We need at least 100. @@ -24113,18 +24050,9 @@ There seems to be signs of a fight long forgotten, but it still reeks blood. There was a visitor with a mask? I didn't notice. You see, I spend most of my time in the workshop, and concentrate on my work. There are other helpers who attend to the visitors. And hopefully keep them from disturbing my concentration. There was a visitor with a mask? I didn't notice. You see, I spend most of my time in the workshop, and concentrate on my work. There are other helpers who attend to the visitors. And hopefully keep them from disturbing my concentration. -There was just too many changes to list all of them here. Good luck finding all of them! -There was just too many changes to list all of them here. Good luck finding all of them! - There was nobody on the Bandit Lord's room. There was nobody on the Bandit Lord's room. -There was too many things to keep track. After Hurnscald siege, with lots of earthquakes, we had an accident. -There was too many things to keep track. After Hurnscald siege, with lots of earthquakes, we had an accident. - -There were trees blocking the path to Halinarzo? Why nobody told that to Tulimshar Council?! -There were trees blocking the path to Halinarzo? Why nobody told that to Tulimshar Council?! - There will be consequences. There will be consequences. @@ -24161,9 +24089,6 @@ There's a big prize in the end... Could you bring me some later? There's a long time we don't eat anything. Bring us @@! Five should do it. There's a long time we don't eat anything. Bring us @@! Five should do it. -There's a scheduled update for 26/12. Event subject to change without prior notice. -There's a scheduled update for 26/12. Event subject to change without prior notice. - There's a shiny safe here. How much money is inside? Nobody is looking at you, great! There's a shiny safe here. How much money is inside? Nobody is looking at you, great! @@ -24233,9 +24158,6 @@ There... *hic* They will expire *hic* in just @@... Or on logout. Therefore we need a lot of glue, but our supplies are nearly used up. I need @@/@@ @@ as ingredient to make new glue. Therefore we need a lot of glue, but our supplies are nearly used up. I need @@/@@ @@ as ingredient to make new glue. -Therefore, raw gemstones prices are once again on the rise. -Therefore, raw gemstones prices are once again on the rise. - Therefore, the Alliance created a system so when you kill a monster, depending on its strength, you'll get Monster Points. Therefore, the Alliance created a system so when you kill a monster, depending on its strength, you'll get Monster Points. @@ -24272,9 +24194,6 @@ These monsters are a great source of raw crafting materials. These people have lots of unspent Strange Coins! Waw! These people have lots of unspent Strange Coins! Waw! -These trees were cut and travellers can once again travel to Halin. -These trees were cut and travellers can once again travel to Halin. - These weapons are only for masters, so you must get levels before being able to use them. These weapons are only for masters, so you must get levels before being able to use them. @@ -24473,9 +24392,6 @@ This can only be reverted at rebirth! Beware! This cannot be undo later! This cannot be undo later! -This caused a mana disturbance, and healing items are working better now, affecting every sector of economy. -This caused a mana disturbance, and healing items are working better now, affecting every sector of economy. - This cave is considered outside the town! This cave is considered outside the town! @@ -24557,6 +24473,9 @@ This is a @@, meaning only the victor party will receive the great prize. This is a Soul Menhir, but seems more magical than the others. This is a Soul Menhir, but seems more magical than the others. +This is a hot map, you're suffering damage over time. +This is a hot map, you're suffering damage over time. + This is a magical barrier, powered by three seals in your part. This is a magical barrier, powered by three seals in your part. @@ -24791,9 +24710,6 @@ This seal was already broken, proceed to the next seal! This seems like a good idea at first, but actually, it isn't. This seems like a good idea at first, but actually, it isn't. -This server's Sponsors bought the area above Hurnscald's Inn. Nobody else is being allowed there. -This server's Sponsors bought the area above Hurnscald's Inn. Nobody else is being allowed there. - This shrine is devoted to those whom shall never come back. This shrine is devoted to those whom shall never come back. @@ -24818,9 +24734,6 @@ This skill cannot be upgraded further. This small island is a good place to heal our wounds, and the monsters here are not threating. This small island is a good place to heal our wounds, and the monsters here are not threating. -This somehow affected the whole economy. -This somehow affected the whole economy. - This statue was built for memory of Andrei Sakar, the greatest hero this world has even seen. This statue was built for memory of Andrei Sakar, the greatest hero this world has even seen. @@ -24842,9 +24755,6 @@ This torch is already lit. This vault currently have @@ GP inside. This vault currently have @@ GP inside. -This was caused because changes on the Mana Bridge. They hope that for next release, everyone will be able to use these magic words, instead of needing to talk to the Soul Menhir. -This was caused because changes on the Mana Bridge. They hope that for next release, everyone will be able to use these magic words, instead of needing to talk to the Soul Menhir. - This well is sealed. They must take water outside the town. This well is sealed. They must take water outside the town. @@ -24908,9 +24818,6 @@ Those for consumption, equipment and generics. Three equal: @@. Three equal: @@. -Three new swords are now obtainable, although Broadsword is still the best weapon around. Except on Heroes Hold. -Three new swords are now obtainable, although Broadsword is still the best weapon around. Except on Heroes Hold. - Throw a coin? Throw a coin? @@ -24956,6 +24863,9 @@ Time limit for answer: 2 minutes Time remaining to report completion: Time remaining to report completion: +Times died: %s +Times died: %s + Tin Ingot Tin Ingot @@ -25031,9 +24941,6 @@ To celebrate this I'll ask you some questions about my favourite book, The Hitch To collect snake skin To collect snake skin -To counter-act this, nicholas lowered craft prices, and the folks at LoF are doing their best at refines. -To counter-act this, nicholas lowered craft prices, and the folks at LoF are doing their best at refines. - To craft an item, you'll need to learn its blueprint. Blueprints can be very hard to obtain! Being a crafter will take a lot of your time. To craft an item, you'll need to learn its blueprint. Blueprints can be very hard to obtain! Being a crafter will take a lot of your time. @@ -25337,6 +25244,9 @@ Toss the hook into deep water by clicking on where you want to cast it. Total Credits and GP: @@ Total Credits and GP: @@ +Total Gold: %s +Total Gold: %s + Total Logins: @@ Total Logins: @@ @@ -25346,6 +25256,9 @@ Total money collected: @@ GP Total slow down, DEF-, may freeze Total slow down, DEF-, may freeze +Total time AFK'ed in Tulimshar: %d hours and %d minutes +Total time AFK'ed in Tulimshar: %d hours and %d minutes + Toto Toto @@ -25460,9 +25373,6 @@ Treasure Key Treasure Map Treasure Map -Treasure chests have been seen on dungeons, always changing places and refilling themselves. -Treasure chests have been seen on dungeons, always changing places and refilling themselves. - Treasure! Treasure! @@ -25559,18 +25469,6 @@ Tulimshar Guard Card Tulimshar Guard Card will prove good intentions. Talk to the Lieutenant in front of the Guard House. Tulimshar Guard Card will prove good intentions. Talk to the Lieutenant in front of the Guard House. -Tulimshar Guardhouse's door was struck, but the guards managed to get it open again. -Tulimshar Guardhouse's door was struck, but the guards managed to get it open again. - -Tulimshar Guards bought a Slot Machine to play, but that was done unofficialy. -Tulimshar Guards bought a Slot Machine to play, but that was done unofficialy. - -Tulimshar Jewerly is now polishing gemstones to add on rings. New monsters were seen, stay on guard. -Tulimshar Jewerly is now polishing gemstones to add on rings. New monsters were seen, stay on guard. - -Tulimshar Jewerly is once again open. Cyndala and Tamiloc rented a shop south of Tulimshar. -Tulimshar Jewerly is once again open. Cyndala and Tamiloc rented a shop south of Tulimshar. - Tulimshar Map Tulimshar Map @@ -25595,9 +25493,6 @@ Tulimshar is the oldest human city, and its foundation is the year zero of our c Tulimshar is the strongest city because Dausen teaches every newcomer about the monsters around and how to defeat them. Take his special training if you get the chance! Tulimshar is the strongest city because Dausen teaches every newcomer about the monsters around and how to defeat them. Take his special training if you get the chance! -Tulimshar miners are having troubles with monsters. They are offering rewards to whoever helps them. -Tulimshar miners are having troubles with monsters. They are offering rewards to whoever helps them. - Tulimshar miners mainly try to obtain gems. Tulimshar miners mainly try to obtain gems. @@ -25613,6 +25508,12 @@ Tunnel through the caves! Tutorial Protips: Tutorial Protips: +Tutorship is NOT the most effective way. +Tutorship is NOT the most effective way. + +Tutorship will give you Research Points. +Tutorship will give you Research Points. + Twelve times more if it is an elusive Mana Fragment no one knows where they are! Twelve times more if it is an elusive Mana Fragment no one knows where they are! @@ -25712,9 +25613,6 @@ Uhm, that's an... @@. Do you... want to grow a tree on the mouboo or something? Uhm, this seems like a bad idea. Uhm, this seems like a bad idea. -Uhm... Bye? -Uhm... Bye? - Uhm... I thought you were trying to heal the mouboo. Why are you giving it poisonous stuff?! Uhm... I thought you were trying to heal the mouboo. Why are you giving it poisonous stuff?! @@ -25757,9 +25655,6 @@ Unfortunately, I cannot sell them to you. Maggots are attacking my crops and giv Unfortunately, I was cursed to never enter their cave again. They used a @@ to do that! Unfortunately, I was cursed to never enter their cave again. They used a @@ to do that! -Unfortunately, Tulimshar guards are dying in the sun. Maybe you could provide them with Water? -Unfortunately, Tulimshar guards are dying in the sun. Maybe you could provide them with Water? - Unfortunately, a mere fledgling like you is not strong enough to help us. Unfortunately, a mere fledgling like you is not strong enough to help us. @@ -26249,9 +26144,6 @@ Wandering too much? Take care to not get lost. Wands Wands -Wands are also being sold, and other stuff from the Land Of Fire slowly creeps in. -Wands are also being sold, and other stuff from the Land Of Fire slowly creeps in. - Want to break the hundredthousand item limit?? Ten gifts, for more, bring 102,400 boxes here. Want to break the hundredthousand item limit?? Ten gifts, for more, bring 102,400 boxes here. @@ -26384,9 +26276,6 @@ We advise you to change your equipment now. We also feature some services like a storage and a bank for members. We also feature some services like a storage and a bank for members. -We apologize to all, but the Land Of Fire CRASHED here, and broke the whole balance! Part of woodlands flooded! -We apologize to all, but the Land Of Fire CRASHED here, and broke the whole balance! Part of woodlands flooded! - We appreciate your help. Take this %s as a token of goodwill. We appreciate your help. Take this %s as a token of goodwill. @@ -26396,9 +26285,15 @@ We are @@ since the last great attack from the Monster King. We are assembling forces to take Nivalis back. We are assembling forces to take Nivalis back. +We are deliberating. Some do not... approve of your initiation. Leave. +We are deliberating. Some do not... approve of your initiation. Leave. + We are in desperate need of food and nesting material, as well as our sacred supply of @@. We are in desperate need of food and nesting material, as well as our sacred supply of @@. +We are no longer in danger, thanks to you. The pirates were thoroughly defeated. None survived the battle. +We are no longer in danger, thanks to you. The pirates were thoroughly defeated. None survived the battle. + We are planning to take over Hurnscald from the Monster King, and we will need everybody's help. We are planning to take over Hurnscald from the Monster King, and we will need everybody's help. @@ -26450,11 +26345,8 @@ We keep the Slimes past the barrier for the night, so be careful when entering. We may delete all entries and change formulas in the future. We may delete all entries and change formulas in the future. -We may require your aid again soon. The tritan pirates are amassing and we fear they are planning a siege of Duck Island. I must speak with the council... -We may require your aid again soon. The tritan pirates are amassing and we fear they are planning a siege of Duck Island. I must speak with the council... - -We mean, some are giving stupid amounts of experience, and players can get more levels. Saulc cannot proccess that many changes! -We mean, some are giving stupid amounts of experience, and players can get more levels. Saulc cannot proccess that many changes! +We may require your aid again soon. The tritan pirates are amassing and we fear they are planning a siege of Duck Island. I must speak with the Council of Elders... +We may require your aid again soon. The tritan pirates are amassing and we fear they are planning a siege of Duck Island. I must speak with the Council of Elders... We must away We must away @@ -26465,6 +26357,9 @@ We must blame Saulc! We must defeat the Monster King on his evil lair! We must defeat the Monster King on his evil lair! +We must defeat the commanders to avoid major damage to them! +We must defeat the commanders to avoid major damage to them! + We need to find what powers these two seals and disable it. We need to find what powers these two seals and disable it. @@ -26522,9 +26417,6 @@ We will have a party today, but only believers are allowed in! We will talk about it later. We will talk about it later. -We wish you a merry Christmas! And a happy new year!! -We wish you a merry Christmas! And a happy new year!! - We won't be able to pay you in money, but we'll make you one of us if you bring us beer! We won't be able to pay you in money, but we'll make you one of us if you bring us beer! @@ -27026,6 +26918,12 @@ What am I supposed to say? What an amazing crown you have! How do I get it?! What an amazing crown you have! How do I get it?! +What are Magic Skill Points? +What are Magic Skill Points? + +What are Research Points +What are Research Points + What are current leaderboard? What are current leaderboard? @@ -27110,6 +27008,9 @@ What color is a Babel Fish? What crap is that?! This is not from Tulimshar! What crap is that?! This is not from Tulimshar! +What did the Council of Elders say? Is there any news of the pirates? +What did the Council of Elders say? Is there any news of the pirates? + What did you expected, anyway? What did you expected, anyway? @@ -27203,6 +27104,9 @@ What is going on here? What is my current hairstyle and hair color? What is my current hairstyle and hair color? +What is the Academy? +What is the Academy? + What is the Alliance? What is the Alliance? @@ -27212,6 +27116,9 @@ What is the Magic Academy? What is the Moubootaur? What is the Moubootaur? +What is the Scholar Rank? +What is the Scholar Rank? + What is the answer to life, the universe and everything? What is the answer to life, the universe and everything? @@ -27545,6 +27452,9 @@ White Slime Mother WhiteCat WhiteCat +Who are the most famous scholars? +Who are the most famous scholars? + Who are you, and how did you manage to come down here? The sheer power of our Lord prevents anyone not under his control to go here. Who are you, and how did you manage to come down here? The sheer power of our Lord prevents anyone not under his control to go here. @@ -27605,9 +27515,6 @@ Who's this Juliet? Who, or what are you? Who, or what are you? -Whoa! LoF merge wasn't entirely stable! After a terrible manaquake, everything, -Whoa! LoF merge wasn't entirely stable! After a terrible manaquake, everything, - Whoever took control of this village is no ordinary mage. There's a switch on the wall. Whoever took control of this village is no ordinary mage. There's a switch on the wall. @@ -27683,18 +27590,12 @@ Will you try to unlock it? Wind Fairy Wind Fairy -Wind Walk -Wind Walk - Wind: @@, @@ Wind: @@, @@ Windwalker Windwalker -Windwalker - Increase walk speed and flee rate. -Windwalker - Increase walk speed and flee rate. - Wine Making Barrel Wine Making Barrel @@ -27755,9 +27656,6 @@ With one gem you can expect to get 1 to 3 powders! With recent player activity, the Monster king is @@! With recent player activity, the Monster king is @@! -With renewed confidence about the outcome of the war, various people left their houses. -With renewed confidence about the outcome of the war, various people left their houses. - With this I make balls of slime for Candor's childs, they really like to play with them. With this I make balls of slime for Candor's childs, they really like to play with them. @@ -27884,9 +27782,6 @@ Worker Day Worker Statue Worker Statue -Workers have closed Nivalis to repairs, due intense damage to town infrastructure. -Workers have closed Nivalis to repairs, due intense damage to town infrastructure. - World Expo World Expo @@ -27986,9 +27881,6 @@ Wurtzite Ore Wyara Wyara -Wyara tells she will now make Return Potions for those trusted by Hurnscald Staff! -Wyara tells she will now make Return Potions for those trusted by Hurnscald Staff! - Xanthem Card Xanthem Card @@ -28148,6 +28040,9 @@ Years later, someone then started giving gifts to the poor childrens on that dat Yellow Dye Yellow Dye +Yellow Skull Slime +Yellow Skull Slime + Yellow Slime Yellow Slime @@ -28460,6 +28355,9 @@ You also get access to a party chat, and there are no compromises, so it is a pe You also need @@/@@ Mob Points to improve thief skills. You also need @@/@@ Mob Points to improve thief skills. +You are NO LONGER EXILED from %s by %s. +You are NO LONGER EXILED from %s by %s. + You are NOT allowed to leave here! You are NOT allowed to leave here! @@ -28523,6 +28421,9 @@ You are exhausted, you should rest @@. You are exhausted, you should rest @@.#1 You are exhausted, you should rest @@. +You are exiled from this town and therefore, unable to use the Menhir. +You are exiled from this town and therefore, unable to use the Menhir. + You are full of wine, my friend... You are full of wine, my friend... @@ -28766,9 +28667,6 @@ You can get @@ anywhere, although here is a little easier to get. You can get Croconut from Crocotree, and fill @@ purchased in the market. You can get Croconut from Crocotree, and fill @@ purchased in the market. -You can get close by feet, and there was an area so empty that you won't even notice the distance walked. -You can get close by feet, and there was an area so empty that you won't even notice the distance walked. - You can get daily something from it, but unless you're green like me, you will have no luck... You can get daily something from it, but unless you're green like me, you will have no luck... @@ -28835,9 +28733,6 @@ You can use "@monsterinfo " to gauge a monster strength. You can use @@ to summon some maggots. That depends on your magic level, of course. You can use @@ to summon some maggots. That depends on your magic level, of course. -You can use @@, Audsbel left the Magic School, and Marius is singing again. -You can use @@, Audsbel left the Magic School, and Marius is singing again. - You can use it again in @@. You can use it again in @@. @@ -28898,6 +28793,9 @@ You cannot drop this item! You cannot enter here while you have event weapons or a cart. You cannot enter here while you have event weapons or a cart. +You cannot exile yourself! +You cannot exile yourself! + You cannot help me at all. You lack any skill to do so. You cannot help me at all. You lack any skill to do so. @@ -29282,6 +29180,9 @@ You have an awful case of amnesia. She is the nurse and shipkeeper of this ship, You have arrived at Fortress Island. You have arrived at Fortress Island. +You have been EXILED from %s by %s. +You have been EXILED from %s by %s. + You have been jailed by a GM. You have been jailed by a GM. @@ -29498,6 +29399,9 @@ You must reach level 5 to open this gift. You must send ##B/verify##b to Discord bot for the linking be complete. You must send ##B/verify##b to Discord bot for the linking be complete. +You must understand that this honor has never been granted to a non-duck before. You will have access to Duck Dungeon, a training grounds for Initiates. +You must understand that this honor has never been granted to a non-duck before. You will have access to Duck Dungeon, a training grounds for Initiates. + You need 2x @@ to cast this skill. You need 2x @@ to cast this skill. @@ -29795,6 +29699,9 @@ You should not be here... You should not be there! This forest is home to monsters. You should not be there! This forest is home to monsters. +You should not leave this room. +You should not leave this room. + You should reset your stats and allocate some points at intelligence. You should reset your stats and allocate some points at intelligence. @@ -29807,6 +29714,9 @@ You should talk to Magic Arpan first. You should talk to him instead. You should talk to him instead. +You should unequip this item first. +You should unequip this item first. + You stand before a battle-scarred, darkly tanned warrior, brimming with muscles. You stand before a battle-scarred, darkly tanned warrior, brimming with muscles. @@ -30014,6 +29924,9 @@ You wouldn't happen to have them, would you? You'll all die here! You'll all die here! +You'll also get half of the GP as Monster Points! +You'll also get half of the GP as Monster Points! + You'll be charged even if you fail, be warned. You'll be charged even if you fail, be warned. @@ -30218,6 +30131,12 @@ Your class has been changed from %s to %s. Your coward outer self fails to convince you to leave. Your coward outer self fails to convince you to leave. +Your current rank: %s +Your current rank: %s + +Your current scholar rank: %s (%d Research Points) +Your current scholar rank: %s (%d Research Points) + Your current score: @@ Your current score: @@ @@ -30260,9 +30179,6 @@ Your homunculus is sleeping! Wake them up! Your information is correct, %s. Pirates have been plaguing our shores and cutting off our supply lines. Your information is correct, %s. Pirates have been plaguing our shores and cutting off our supply lines. -Your lack of magical power is critical. I dare say, you might never in your life get access to a Mana Stone. -Your lack of magical power is critical. I dare say, you might never in your life get access to a Mana Stone. - Your level is so high, I'm surprised you haven't went there already. But then, most quests around there are for your level... Your level is so high, I'm surprised you haven't went there already. But then, most quests around there are for your level... @@ -30281,9 +30197,6 @@ Your mother asked me to say that she loves you. Your next step is to get the book of the Second Sage Of Fate. Your next step is to get the book of the Second Sage Of Fate. -Your position has been saved. -Your position has been saved. - Your position is auto-saved when entering a town - use @ucp to change this behavior. Your position is auto-saved when entering a town - use @ucp to change this behavior. @@ -30293,6 +30206,9 @@ Your position must be the one of a regular member or above. Your position on the guild: @@ Your position on the guild: @@ +Your privileges do not allow you to use this command. +Your privileges do not allow you to use this command. + Your problems are not mine. By the way, you really should consider taking a shower. Your problems are not mine. By the way, you really should consider taking a shower. @@ -30359,18 +30275,12 @@ Zarkor, the Dark Summoner Zegas Zegas -Zegas, Saxso's widow, the mayor of Candor, decreed to allow strong adventurers to get past the Candor Cave Magic Barrier. -Zegas, Saxso's widow, the mayor of Candor, decreed to allow strong adventurers to get past the Candor Cave Magic Barrier. - ZegasDebug ZegasDebug Zitoni Zitoni -Zitoni announces he can now craft really good potions to improve attack speed and damage! -Zitoni announces he can now craft really good potions to improve attack speed and damage! - Zitoni refused to make the Powder. Zitoni refused to make the Powder. @@ -30416,6 +30326,9 @@ Zzzzzzzzz... [2] Full Aeros [2] Full Aeros +[@@|Read the History@@] +[@@|Read the History@@] + [Accept Quest] [Accept Quest] @@ -30530,9 +30443,6 @@ and "listening" to his speech, you'll get EXP! and have Demure to send them to those you admire! and have Demure to send them to those you admire! -and may change later without notice. -and may change later without notice. - angry angry @@ -30722,9 +30632,6 @@ if the proposal is not convenient for you, just close the trading window to canc in March 2nd 2018. in March 2nd 2018. -including the 178 monsters and who knows how many equipment, had numeric changes. -including the 178 monsters and who knows how many equipment, had numeric changes. - international worker day international worker day @@ -31157,6 +31064,9 @@ you win @@ zero zero +~~%d/%d %s~~ +~~%d/%d %s~~ + ¬.¬ "Hmm, to me, you look like a thief or bandit..." ¬.¬ "Hmm, to me, you look like a thief or bandit..." diff --git a/langs/lang_es.old b/langs/lang_es.old index 8976f85ec..8ebdbaac3 100644 --- a/langs/lang_es.old +++ b/langs/lang_es.old @@ -652,6 +652,9 @@ Su ayuda es bienvenida. Por desgracia, sólo puedo darle una recompensa por el p Your mind is set? You will loose the color dye during this process. ¿Está decidido? Perderá el tinte de color durante este proceso. +Your position has been saved. +Tu posición fue guardada. + debug Depurar diff --git a/langs/lang_es.txt b/langs/lang_es.txt index 1fc30fa33..3aec4d05c 100644 --- a/langs/lang_es.txt +++ b/langs/lang_es.txt @@ -170,9 +170,6 @@ Copyright (C) 2010-2014 Evol Online ##9Hey wait... Your coin turned on a @@! -##9Was that not sufficient, this someone acquired MAGIC and is now under @@'s group. - - ##BFirst and foremost, you should talk to Trainer, inside the big house.##b @@ -182,6 +179,9 @@ Copyright (C) 2010-2014 Evol Online ##BHall Of AFK: TOP 10##b +##BHall Of Academics: TOP10##b + + ##BHall Of Aurora: TOP10##b @@ -326,9 +326,15 @@ Copyright (C) 2010-2014 Evol Online %s makes specialized weapons for high level players. If you tweak with Nicholas, in Hurnscald, the weapon options, you can get really powerful. +%s refunded to level 1 for %d MSP + + %s thinks if she knows any major, good quest to do. +%s, the Forgetful + + %s, you're a good student. You have a bright future if you keep listening to me. @@ -392,6 +398,12 @@ Copyright (C) 2010-2014 Evol Online (Note: Agostine will destroy low quality materials!) +(Passive) Increases Mana EXP/Control Gain rate. + + +(Passive) Raise Max HP and Holy Defense. + + (Protip: Always use %s before engaging a different monster!) @@ -416,10 +428,10 @@ Copyright (C) 2010-2014 Evol Online * %d/%d %s -* %d/%d AP (???) +* %d/%d MSP (Magic Skill Points) -* %d/%d MSP (Magic Skill Points) +* %d/%d RP (Research Points) * %s @@ -941,9 +953,6 @@ Copyright (C) 2010-2014 Evol Online ...but it is written in Mananese, a language you know nothing about. -...including the fabled "Ultimate PVP Event", as the original creators say... - - ...who knows if there isn't a secret in that? @@ -956,12 +965,24 @@ Copyright (C) 2010-2014 Evol Online .:: @@ Recipe ::. +.:: Accumulate Power ::. + + .:: Alcohol Tutorial ::. .:: Archers Eye ::. +.:: Area Provoke ::. + + +.:: Armageddon ::. + + +.:: Arrow Shower ::. + + .:: Backsliding ::. @@ -992,6 +1013,9 @@ Copyright (C) 2010-2014 Evol Online .:: Congratulations! ::. +.:: Counter Attack ::. + + .:: Create PIN Code ::. @@ -1019,6 +1043,21 @@ Copyright (C) 2010-2014 Evol Online .:: FIRST PLAYER TO REBIRTH ::. +.:: Falkon Strike ::. + + +.:: Fire Arrow ::. + + +.:: Fireball ::. + + +.:: Firewalk ::. + + +.:: First Aid ::. + + .:: Fortress Island ::. @@ -1028,9 +1067,18 @@ Copyright (C) 2010-2014 Evol Online .:: Free Software Day ::. +.:: Frost Diver ::. + + +.:: Frost Nova ::. + + .:: Full Throttle ::. +.:: Ground Strike ::. + + .:: Hasan Scorpion Killing Challenge 2018 ::. @@ -1040,15 +1088,36 @@ Copyright (C) 2010-2014 Evol Online .:: Hasan Scorpion Killing Challenge 2020 ::. +.:: Healing ::. + + .:: Hit'n'Run Tactic ::. +.:: Holy Light ::. + + .:: International Coffee Day ::. +.:: Judgment ::. + + .:: KAMELOT CASTLE, THE GUILD DUNGEON ::. +.:: Last Standing Man ::. + + +.:: Lightning Bolt ::. + + +.:: Magic Strike ::. + + +.:: Magnus Healing ::. + + .:: Main Quest 1-1 ::. @@ -1079,6 +1148,9 @@ Copyright (C) 2010-2014 Evol Online .:: Mana Bomb ::. +.:: Mana Wisdom ::. + + .:: Mission Failed ::. @@ -1088,9 +1160,15 @@ Copyright (C) 2010-2014 Evol Online .:: NOTABLE NAMES ON NIVALIS LIBERATION DAY ::. +.:: Napalm Beat ::. + + .:: Nature Wall ::. +.:: Nilfheim ::. + + .:: Open Beta 2019 ::. @@ -1100,6 +1178,9 @@ Copyright (C) 2010-2014 Evol Online .:: Physical Sciences Class ::. +.:: Provoke ::. + + .:: Purple Day 2018 ::. @@ -1109,15 +1190,24 @@ Copyright (C) 2010-2014 Evol Online .:: Second Tier Quest - Timed Out ::. +.:: Sharpshooter ::. + + .:: Sudden Attack ::. +.:: Supreme Attack ::. + + .:: TMW-2 Anniversary ::. .:: TMW2 Day ::. +.:: Tempest ::. + + .:: Thanksgiving 2019 ::. @@ -1160,6 +1250,9 @@ Copyright (C) 2010-2014 Evol Online .:: WARNING ::. +.:: Windwalker ::. + + .:: Withdraw Conditions ::. @@ -1205,6 +1298,9 @@ Copyright (C) 2010-2014 Evol Online 1 Hand Swords +1 hour + + 1- Survive. If you die, you will gain nothing. And people want to kill you. @@ -1229,6 +1325,9 @@ Copyright (C) 2010-2014 Evol Online 1. You must be at the computer to play. Using a bot ##Bwhile at computer##b will be tolerated. +10 minutes + + 10 seconds! @@ -1253,6 +1352,9 @@ Copyright (C) 2010-2014 Evol Online 12x Strange Coins +15 minutes + + 15 minutes. @@ -1277,6 +1379,9 @@ Copyright (C) 2010-2014 Evol Online 2 Hand Swords +2 hours + + 2- Take everything you can find. You'll be warped without equip or healing items! Kill monsters to get some stuff too! @@ -1358,6 +1463,9 @@ Copyright (C) 2010-2014 Evol Online 3. luanaf - 20837 +30 minutes + + 30x Bug Leg @@ -1397,9 +1505,6 @@ Copyright (C) 2010-2014 Evol Online 4144's Tortuga -4144's Tortuga was seen somewhere. Great rewards if someone knock off that monster... Well, not really. - - 42 @@ -1415,6 +1520,9 @@ Copyright (C) 2010-2014 Evol Online 5 @@ can be fused in a @@ +5 minutes + + 5 seconds! @@ -1961,6 +2069,9 @@ A few times during the year, the "golden wave" migrates from the north pole to t A friend of yours called LOF BOT asked for a coin... +A global announcement will be made. + + A golden pot in woodlands shall reward those who wear green. @@ -1979,9 +2090,6 @@ A hooded man attacked me, and left me in this state. A light magic barrier prevents you from entering. -A major deflation happened while Saulc wasn't looking, and you may find several items with @@ discount. - - A masterpiece!... Whaaaat, this stuff got ##Bweaker##b?? @@ -1994,9 +2102,6 @@ A mission well done. I should report to lua now. A new pet has been unlocked on the @@! -A nice meteor shower is thought to happen in February and May, days 18~25. - - A pity a friend of ours drank too much. Juliet knows how to cure. We need to give her a @@ to do a hangover potion. @@ -2096,6 +2201,9 @@ AF King AFK Cap +AFK skill levels fixed. + + AFTER THEM!! @@ -2177,9 +2285,6 @@ Acc. and Evade -25%% Accept quest? -Access is restricted to guards, as usual. - - Access to basement was granted! @@ -2198,9 +2303,6 @@ Account Information Accumulate Power -Accumulate Power - Raise damage of next skill. - - Ace Ventura @@ -2276,9 +2378,6 @@ Añadir una nueva línea Additional Hunting Island will be released on Valentine Day! -Additional security measures were put in place so such disaster, of a whole world crashing, doesn't happens again. - - Additionally, for the optimal experience, ensure your party has at least the following members and items: @@ -2291,6 +2390,9 @@ Advanced Dungeon (Lv 80+) Advanced Exchanger#0 +Advanced Magic + + Advanced Tricks @@ -2306,12 +2408,6 @@ Adventurer, did you brought me what I asked? I see you have @@/5 @@.#0 Adventurer, did you brought me what I asked? I see you have @@/5 @@.#1 -Adventurers entirely redressed, people doing Grand Hunter Quest like mad, peple making wishes at... well... - - -Adventurers got drunk to get more EXP?! Players can now buy houses and make their own wine! - - Advised party size: From 3 and above @@ -2342,12 +2438,6 @@ After cleaning for twelve hours straight, they allowed me to rest a bit. After hours of hard work... -After much struggle with the lazy builders, Nivalis Town is finally open for visit again! - - -After paying the divorce fee, she said: "Blame Saulc for this one." - - After that, stay still and be patient, but also alert! Después de eso, quédate quieto y sé paciente, ¡pero permanece también alerta! @@ -2819,9 +2909,6 @@ All cave snakes are dead! Go back to Tycoon. All cheaters must die. -All contributors should claim their rewards with Lua. Weather is there, night cycle happens where monsters are more active. - - All hail @@ and Andrei Sakar, heroes of the world! @@ -2843,6 +2930,9 @@ All maggots are dead! All mana bugs are dead! +All monsters may drop chocolate during this period. And here is one for you! + + All monsters summoned! ¡Todos los monstruos han sido convocados! @@ -3035,9 +3125,6 @@ Also, they level up when they attack, and can be revived with the right skill. Also, unlike regular magic which may cause delay before and after, Mana Magic usually only have a cooldown. But it is hard to know how long that cooldown is... -Also, weird voices are talking to new players, asking if they're here because a friend. - - Also, you need vitality and strength to survive the swimming trip. The closest island is very far away. @@ -3098,7 +3185,7 @@ Amount? An account may vote anywhere, but only once per town (weekly). -An emergency skill which temporaly raises all your stats. +An emergency skill which temporarily raises all your stats. An error happened: professor_was_assasinated() error @@ -3125,6 +3212,9 @@ An example is dec agi, which lowers your agility. An unlimited number of members can join. +An upgrade is available. + + Ancient Blueprint @@ -3236,9 +3326,6 @@ And some of the shop items can be found as drops or in quests! And some times, more Fafi dragons come... Don't neglect your aid. -And speaking in reward, guards are looking for someone contrabanding goods from Artis. Do not help them! - - And then, it was no more! It vanished! In a matter of minutes the slimes were all over the library. A good thing they are slow, none escaped to the town. @@ -3290,9 +3377,6 @@ Andrei Sakar Andrei Sakar Card -Andrei Sakar is also repeating his questions about World Lore, although rewards are now smaller. - - Andrei Sakar, Legendary Hero @@ -3356,9 +3440,6 @@ Antlers Hat Anwar -Anwar left his house to tend Tulimshar's crops, after noticing something strange with them. He blames the Monster King. - - Anwar sent you this, erm, hum... @@. @@ -3527,6 +3608,9 @@ Aquada Aquada Box Caja de Aquada +Ara ara? You do not have enough money with you! + + Arabesque (Action) @@ -3539,6 +3623,9 @@ Arcanum Stone Archant +Archers Eye + + Archery Weapon Recipes @@ -3638,7 +3725,7 @@ Are you, perhaps, interested? Area Provoke -Area Provoke - Provoke all monsters centered on target. +Area of effect fire damage. May burn targets. AreaNPC#002-1d @@ -3671,7 +3758,7 @@ Argh... I can never get it right! If only he drew an Ace or a Joker on the first Arkim -Arkim also developed a powerful petiscide to make Pinkies less healthy, but that was long ago. +Armageddon Armbands @@ -3728,15 +3815,9 @@ Arrow Ammo Box Arrow Shower -Arrow Shower - Shoot FIVE arrows or bullets to the air and cause Area Of Effect Damage. - - Arrow Shower Card -Arrows prices were lowered, and a limited teleport to Frostia and Halinarzo is now possible. - - Arrr matey! This is @@, yarr. @@ -3800,6 +3881,9 @@ As an Apology Token, you're also receiving one @@. As an archer, you should always carry your bow with you. Doesn't warriors carry those heavy swords without complaining? Go and get it. +As an honorary member of the Duck Side, know that we are more than we appear. The Moubootaur itself has seen fit to reward us when it awakens. Do not attempt to cross us. + + As far as we are concerned, you could have been an exiled prisoner who managed to escape! But there are ways to prove to the Alliance that your intentions are good. @@ -3824,6 +3908,9 @@ As with all TMW2 Major Events, the top 1 receive a special pet, and the other ra As you can guess, said village was abandoned. However, people are claiming to have seen people walking there, like shadows or zombies. +As you may be aware, the Magic Council is in Tulim, after all. + + As you may know, LOF ran on a modified version of The Mana World game, before being merged on TMW2: Moubootaur Legends. @@ -3974,6 +4061,9 @@ Ayasha AyashaDebug +Azul Skull Slime + + Azul Slime @@ -3998,6 +4088,12 @@ BUG, REPORT ME: QHUB PENALTY OVERRIDE INVALID SIGNAL @@ BUT you can reduce the travel price to everywhere, to as low as 250 GP, by completing QUESTS! +Bachelor + + +Backsliding + + Backsword @@ -4109,9 +4205,36 @@ Base Experience Rate is now %d%%. Base Tier +Bash your weapon against your enemies with raised damage and accuracy. + + +Basic Magic + + Basic Tricks +Basic fire single target attack. May burn targets. + + +Basic ice area attack. Freeze targets in a big area. + + +Basic ice area attack. May freeze targets. + + +Basic ice single target attack. May freeze targets. + + +Basic multi-target holy attack. Is actually weak. + + +Basic single target holy attack. Splashes in the nearby tiles. + + +Basic wind single target attack. Strong in overall. + + Basically, I need to find a friendly Yeti. Do they exist? @@ -4373,6 +4496,9 @@ Black Scorpion Stinger Black Scorpion Stinger -> Red Scorpion Stinger +Black Skull Slime + + Black Slime @@ -4793,16 +4919,10 @@ But also very amusing. I'm sure Pihro and Pyndragon, the town mayors, will fancy But as you're here now, could you do me a favour? -But be careful: Only 1MSP-costed skills can be forgotten, and learning fees WON'T be given back! - - -But be careful: Only 2MSP-costed skills can be forgotten, and learning fees WON'T be given back! - - -But be careful: Only 3MSP-costed skills can be forgotten, and learning fees WON'T be given back! +But be careful: do not scream when using a lot of capital letters, and do not keep repeating the lines, and above all DO NOT SPAM, or you may be severely penalized. -But be careful: do not scream when using a lot of capital letters, and do not keep repeating the lines, and above all DO NOT SPAM, or you may be severely penalized. +But be careful: learning fees and research points WILL NOT be given back! But be warned, I don't have the Apple with me. It must be further in. @@ -4964,9 +5084,6 @@ But to be fair, from what I've seen Peetu was always very attentive and dutiful. But to defeat this dummy, I would say that %s should do the trick. -But travel by sea, or access to the village on itself, is thoroughly impossible. Andrei Sakar is at ready. - - But unfortunately, a loose stone lodges and you fall to your death. @@ -4994,9 +5111,6 @@ Pero, ¿quién soy yo? But who cares? We need to save the Professor! During night, monsters are stronger, so they'll probably attack at night time! -But who knows what future holds. The Monster King was blamed as responsible, but he killed our interviewer. Eeh. - - But with a @@, when you are about to die, you can warp back to Soul Menhir and bypass death penalty. @@ -5060,6 +5174,9 @@ Buy a mercenary card Buy cheap, sell expensive! +By "breaking", I do not mean death. It is something worse. + + By far, the most important holiday on Moubootaur Legends. @@ -5345,6 +5462,9 @@ Candor Candor - @@ GP +Candor Battle Score: %d + + Candor Bola @@ -5369,15 +5489,9 @@ Candor Shirt Candor Shorts -Candor Trainer read all the references that he could find and is wiser than ever! - - Candor Warp Crystal -Candor was sightly reworked in terms of gold gain/expense. @@ was added. - - Candor's Nurse @@ -5453,6 +5567,9 @@ Cauldron#RES_0128 Cauldron#RES_PPL +Cause a very strong attack with lowered accuracy. + + Causes a healing effect in area to guild members. @@ -5510,9 +5627,6 @@ Centaur Centaur Spear -Central Woodlands suffered dramatic changes due Saulc (ab)using his GM powers. - - Centurion Helmet @@ -5543,6 +5657,9 @@ Ch 3 — Status Ailments Ch 4 — Casting Ch 4 — Fundición +Ch 4 — Information About You + + Ch 5 — Reeling Ch 5 — Carrete @@ -5699,9 +5816,6 @@ Christmas Chief Christmas Cook -Christmas Event: 21/12 ~ 09/01 - - Christmas Gift @@ -5726,9 +5840,6 @@ Cindy#house Citizen -Citzens on the world are now listeing to different tunes, and new adventurers were found... in desert islands? - - Clan Name: @@ @@ -5813,9 +5924,6 @@ Collect the treasured crystals from treasure chests! Colonel DUSTMAN -Colonel DUSTMAN opened the Heroes Hold to the hardcore player. Noobs, keep out! Good players only! - - Come after a little while. Venga en un breve momento. @@ -6005,6 +6113,9 @@ Copper Ore Copper Ore -> Iron Ore +Copper Skull Slime + + Copper Slime @@ -6020,6 +6131,9 @@ Corsair Hat Cost per two glass: +Cost: %d GP/min + + Cost: 1 @@ @@ -6104,9 +6218,6 @@ Couldn't you climb the rope? Counter Attack -Counter Attack - Next attack will be retaliated, with twice critical ratio. - - Coward Card @@ -6209,9 +6320,6 @@ Crazyfefe Card Crazyfefe Cave: New Highscore: @@ points -Crazyfefe Fight was remastered. The 8.0 release series was the longest release serial thus far. - - Creased Boots @@ -6293,6 +6401,9 @@ Curiously, you try to touch the Mana Stone. Current Guild Balance: %s GP +Current Guild: %s + + Current Magic Control @@ -6332,6 +6443,9 @@ Current hero: @@ Current linked Discord account: @@ +Current magic rank: %d + + Current player count: @@/5 must be online. @@ -6860,9 +6974,6 @@ Different warp systems overlaps each other, so the cooldown is carried over rega Dimond -Dimond bought a brand new slot machine and installed on her inn. The rewards are different from the one on Tulimshar. - - Dimond sold her food alone in this spot for some time, @@ -7118,6 +7229,9 @@ Do you need something from me? Do you need something in particular? +Do you need the extra credit? + + Do you really think the poor creature should jump a bridge in water and DIE? @@ -7520,9 +7634,6 @@ Drop rate has been reset to @@% (default value). Drop rate is set to @@% for the next @@. -Drop rates raised drastically for the lucky ones. Eternal Swamp floods are now more cyclic. - - Drop these near the circle to make the breaking faster. @@ -7706,15 +7817,9 @@ Huevo de Pascua Easter Mouboo -Easter eggs have been found, like secret rooms. - - Easter is over! I am the last chance to get rid of eggs!! -Easter will soon start! - - Easy @@ -7733,6 +7838,9 @@ Eggshell Hat Eh, I don't think you'll be brave enough to go after her. If even she decided to flee, I doubt you wouldn't do the same. +Eh, I have to go. + + Eh, that seems too problematic. Sorry. @@ -7781,12 +7889,18 @@ Elias Elias gets a bit excited. +Elite Duck + + Elite Scout#MB0233 Elixir Of Life Elixir de Vida +Eliza + + Elmo Elmo @@ -7808,9 +7922,6 @@ Elves are always allowed inside. Elza -Elza, the Forgetful - - Email: @@ @@ -7829,6 +7940,9 @@ Emerald Powder Emergency Exit +Emma + + Emoc otem itey gnik! @@ -7889,6 +8003,12 @@ Enjoy your time here, %s. And keep your eye out for agents of S.A.R.A.H. Enliven Reva Foxhound +Enough for now. Let's rest, shall we? + + +Enrique + + Ensio @@ -7913,9 +8033,6 @@ Enter though the window to the secret caves? Enzo -Enzo, the Forgetful - - Eomie @@ -7985,15 +8102,9 @@ Esperia is the human capital founded at the other continent. Estard -Estard finished arranging sufficient paperwork so adventurers can create their own guilds. - - Eugene Eugene -Even Tulimshar's Council managed to get that sewer unlocked, and as consequence, players can ascend to level 60! - - Even after breaking the first layer, a second layer keeps active. The first layer gets back to work shortly after. What have I missed or forgotten to do? @@ -8015,9 +8126,6 @@ Event Canceled Event Details -Event Duration: November 3rd ~ November 9th 2018 - - Event Horizon Card @@ -8147,6 +8255,12 @@ Excuse me? Do you know who I am?#0 Excuse me? Do you know who I am?#1 ¿Perdón? ¿Sabe quién soy?#1 +Exile a player + + +Exiled players will not be able to save to menhir. + + Exp rate has been reset to @@% (default value). @@ -8186,12 +8300,6 @@ Eyes grows! Ezra -Ezra, the Very Forgetful - - -Ezra, the very Forgetful - - F2 @@ -8234,13 +8342,7 @@ Fairy's Squirrel Falkon Card -Falkon Punch - - -Falkon Punch - Bash your weapon against your enemies with raised damage and accuracy. - - -Falkon Punch! +Falkon Strike Fallen King @@ -8297,12 +8399,6 @@ Hembra Fertilized Spores -Fighting stronger monsters will yield more EXP, but to make botting less profitable, too weak monsters give less EXP. - - -Figures clad in dark were reported in Tulimshar Mines, as more miners were hired and need help. - - Fill Water Bottles @@ -8324,6 +8420,9 @@ Genial. Finish +Fire Arrow + + Fire Breath Inn @@ -8345,28 +8444,25 @@ Fire Staffs Recipes Fire Staves -Fire Walk +Firearms? What would that be? @@ -Fire Walk - Creates a trail of fire, harming any pursuer +Fireball -Firearms? What would that be? @@ - +Fireball Card -Fireball +Fireplace#Saggy -Fireball - Basic AoE (Area Of Effect) Skill +Firewalk -Fireball Card +First - item must be equipped. -Fireplace#Saggy - -First - item must be equipped. +First Aid First Dungeon Master @@ -8417,9 +8513,6 @@ Fishing is a boring task. Throw the bait, wait for fish to bite. Pull before it Fishing next to shallow water is not going to work well, because fishes seldom go there. Pescar junto a aguas poco profundas no va a funcionar bien, porque los peces rara vez van allí. -Fishing now gives experience, and two new baits were added: Cheese and Alface. - - Fixing Crystals have a price. You can only charge crystals to places you've already been. @@ -8597,6 +8690,9 @@ Fortress Gate Fortress Island +Fortress Statue + + Fortune Statue @@ -8615,7 +8711,7 @@ Four minutes after the warp, or when the last maggot die, it'll be over. France: [@@|] -Free Casting +Free Cast Freeze @@ -8636,15 +8732,9 @@ From the smell I can see you found the bug bomb! Frost Diver -Frost Diver - Attempt to freeze an enemy, dealing damage - - Frost Nova -Frost Nova - Freeze everything in a range - - Frostia @@ -8693,6 +8783,9 @@ Fruits - @@ coins Full Power Card +Full Throttle + + Full of agrotoxins, transgenics and whatever. Not safe. @@ -8741,9 +8834,6 @@ GM Robe GMs are NOT allowed on Hurnscald Liberation day. -GMs weren't using it a lot, and Quirin needed to collect money. - - GP @@ -8753,6 +8843,9 @@ GP: %d + %d GUARDS! GET THEM! +Gain: %d RP/min + + Gained 20000 XP and 2500 GP @@ -9086,6 +9179,9 @@ Golden Scorpion Claw -> Black Scorpion Claw Golden Warlord Plate +Golem + + Gonzo Dark Card @@ -9155,9 +9251,6 @@ Good job... Here is your reward... Good job... You can keep the drops. Touch here to return home. -Good luck adventurers, and may the Pink Mouboo watch over this disaster... Whatever that means. They paid us to say that, I swear! - - Good luck arresting the criminal! @@ -9284,6 +9377,9 @@ Graduation Cap Graduation Robe +Grand Hunter Quest + + Grand Hunter Quest: @@/10,000 @@ -9311,9 +9407,6 @@ Great Mouboo Slime Great news! Then please bring me 1 @@, or 200 @@ @@ 20 @@. -Great rewards await, according to the voices! - - Great! Eomie, the girl on Tulimshar's magic academy, is an alchemist. She probably makes fertilizers. @@ -9362,6 +9455,9 @@ Green Dye Green Eggshell Hat +Green Skull Slime + + Green Slime @@ -9383,9 +9479,6 @@ Grind grind grind the slime! Ground Strike -Ground Strike - Hit the ground, exploding the surroundings and disabling enemies. - - Group togheter your guild and challenge the evil power, @@ -9596,15 +9689,6 @@ Guild's Battle Plan Guild's Power -Guilds are now much more stronger, and have exclusive alchemy recipes besides a storage. - - -Guilds can go from 16 to 56 members, tulimshar was restocked. - - -Guilds storage is free for test, and monsters are fainting when too many players attack them at once. - - Guinevere @@ -9728,6 +9812,9 @@ Halinarzo's Nurse Hall Of AF King +Hall Of Academics + + Hall Of Base Level @@ -9779,15 +9866,9 @@ Hard Hard Spike -Hard workers get an extra work level. This means a +1 VIT bonus is possible! - - Hasan -Hasan is bothering less frequently his friends, as now he have his own seasonal quest. - - Hasan takes your print screen and analyzes it. @@ -9821,6 +9902,9 @@ Have fun! Have no idea where in the world you are? Or what a certain mob drops, or even if you should challenge it? +Have the pirates been routed? Will they return? + + Have you already talked to our captain? He should be downstairs waiting for you! @@ -9857,6 +9941,9 @@ Have you managed to transmute the @@ I asked for? Have you seen my brother %s? +Have you seen my sister Elza? + + Have you talked to Peetu co-workers about their opinion yet? @@ -9935,10 +10022,10 @@ Heal Card Healing -Healing - The most basic healing skill, requires no items to use. +Healing Recipes -Healing Recipes +Heals in area every friendly unit (incl. homuns and mercs). Req. Lifestone to cast. Hear me *hic* well, what ever, whatididever you will *hic* said ab... uhm... out what?! You saw there, the Guild won't let it get public. @@ -10313,6 +10400,12 @@ Hello. Did you come here to see the library? There isn't much left... But we're Hello. I am @@, and I am from a family of travellers. We travel though the whole world, looking for exotic goods. +Hello. I am Emma, Enrique's wife. + + +Hello. I am Enrique, headmaster of The Academy. + + Hello. I am the book keeper, responsible for keeping Halinarzo History. @@ -10412,6 +10505,9 @@ Here we have a squall from @@. Here you are! +Here you can find professors, academics and researchers. Feel free to enroll in any class as well. + + Here you go - have fun with it. @@ -10712,9 +10808,6 @@ Hey, how is the monster extermination going? Hey, huge THANKS for the help! I love gifts! Here's your due reward! -Hey, if you take a bow, buy a Quiver with Nicholas, on Hurnscald's blacksmith. Come back always! - - Hey, is somebody over there? @@ -10841,12 +10934,6 @@ Hola. Hi. Could you perhaps be interested in doing some small errand for me? -High Healing - - -High Healing - Use a Lifestone for supreme healing. - - High Priest Card @@ -10868,7 +10955,7 @@ His golden ring pops right out of it. His policy is to never read a letter without the sender being present. Of course we checked for poison and traps. -His wandering mirror even challenge players randomly, but rarely grants more than a minute for them. +Hit the ground, exploding the surroundings and disabling enemies. Hit'n'run is not so hard... One hit, one step back... One hit, another step back... One miss, two steps back... @@ -10901,6 +10988,9 @@ Hm. Then please don't disturb me, I'm trying to concentrate. Hm... Shhhh... Hm... Shhhh... +Hmm hmm! Then, let's begin. + + Hmm, I think I can teach you a basic Mana Skill now. That one is pretty simple. @@ -10976,15 +11066,15 @@ Ho... I see you are a tough one... Holy Light -Holy Light - Standard Holy Magical Attack - - Holy Pixie Homunculus are a bit dumb, although the ones I've cultivated and took personal care of can express reactions. In future, I'll research sentience. +Honor Points: %s + + Honor System. @@ -11156,6 +11246,9 @@ How talk with someone? How to better preserve your dispostives: +How to expand this limit? Well, you'll need to touch a Mana Stone. If you can handle more raw power, your limit will extend. + + How to use best Warp Technology? @@ -11219,9 +11312,6 @@ However, she may have a better assessment of the current situation better than y However, taxes there are the highest. Living cost is high, and you should avoid buying things there. -However, the Monster King laid siege to Hurnscald. His power increased greatly, and ships are not capable of even approaching the city. - - However, the legend said there was a way to prevent this disaster. A single way... Which the Ancient Families of Soul Menhir kept a secret passed down between generations. @@ -11231,9 +11321,6 @@ However, the log breaks with a loud crack. However, there's a link to get a simple python bot software! -However, they allowed everyone to use @@ command to rapidly reach Aeros during events. - - However, they must visit their town office and do daily paperwork, every day. Otherwise, town reputation will go down. @@ -11252,6 +11339,9 @@ However, your guild just challenged Kamelot Dungeons. However... +Huge area of effect fire damage. May burn targets. + + Hum, Which type of favor? @@ -11294,9 +11384,6 @@ Hurnscald Liberation Day special event Hurnscald Mines -Hurnscald Nurse is collecting blood donations, and a veteran officer from Tulimshar City Guard is handing out Wooden Swords. - - Hurnscald Office @@ -11309,9 +11396,6 @@ Hurnscald is a large city. I'm sure glad I live in Candor because I know where e Hurnscald was founded after Tulimshar, in more fertile lands. Their walls are not so sturdy as the ones of Tulimshar. -Hurnscald was liberated by the players @@ ago. - - Hurnscald's Nurse @@ -13226,6 +13310,9 @@ I'm actually looking for an item forged! I'm afraid I can't be of any help to you. +I'm afraid King DD did not finish his testing on this! + + I'm afraid my wounds are too critical. I'm bleeding. I was cursed. And I can't even move. @@ -13259,6 +13346,9 @@ I'm busy, sorry. I'm currently cleaning the arena, wait just @@ more. +I'm currently doing tutorship for students who are... falling behind %%p + + I'm currently going over some of the household paperwork. Right now I'm inspecting the @@. The work never stops! @@ -13277,6 +13367,9 @@ Estoy genial por ahora, gracias. I'm fine, no worries... +I'm fine, thanks + + I'm fine, thanks! @@ -13289,12 +13382,18 @@ I'm glad there's no annoying towel man. He keeps coming back to annoy me! I'm going, don't worry. +I'm here as an Initiate. May I enter Duck Dungeon? + + I'm here to arrest a criminal. I'm here to arrest you. +I'm here to help you restock... + + I'm here to investigate what exactly happened so this doesn't happens again. @@ -13535,10 +13634,10 @@ Ice Gladius Ice Maggot -Iced Bottle +Iced Fluffy -Iced Fluffy +Iced Water If I bring @@, my party leader, and the boss is defeated, I can go you in. @@ -14045,6 +14144,9 @@ Increase damage dealt by weapon for all guildies. Increase defense to all friends in radius. +Increase walk speed and flee rate. + + Indeed, matey! Here they are! @@ -14270,9 +14372,6 @@ Isbamuth Ishi -Ishi also rewrote his rewards table. More items for lower prices! - - Ishi, the Rewards Master @@ -14282,6 +14381,9 @@ Isn't hard to live alone? It also expires after two hours. In such case, talk to him again! +It also increases naturally as you grow, albeit less. + + It appears we were focusing too much on research and this lead to neglect of other duties of a Sage's household. This is dangerous in times of changes. I'm worried about the future. @@ -14348,6 +14450,9 @@ It is pretty close to here. I advise you to use a good sword, and heal yourself It is so dangerous, and it... +It is something not yet fully implemented. + + It is the birthplace of humans, the first place to come to existence... The World Edge. The place where humanity began, and according to the legend... The place where it shall perish. @@ -14456,6 +14561,9 @@ It was a reeeeeealy close dispute for the podium, but Jesusalva crafted an item It was an awful cut! Don't think any piece of a sightly lower material will have part in my art! +It was built by The Alliance, and can be accessed by a ship in Tulimshar. + + It was just south of the island. Try walking around a bit? @@ -14507,6 +14615,9 @@ It's @@ (day)! It's @@ @@. Eso es @@ @@. +It's International Chocolate Day! + + It's Jesusalva's anniversary! @@ -14693,6 +14804,9 @@ It's written in an ancient language, you cannot understand what's written. It's yummy ^.^ +Item 816 + + Item List @@ -14789,9 +14903,6 @@ Jesus Saves Jesusalva -Jesusalva & Saulc, TMW2 Admins - - Jesusalva Card @@ -14834,6 +14945,9 @@ Judgement Judgement has passed. El juido ha pasado. +Judgment + + Juliet @@ -14939,6 +15053,9 @@ Keep in mind the more power you have, the less control you'll have as well. Unti Keep in mind, the more levels and intelligence you have, more likely the Mana Stone will grant you more Magic Power. But that means nothing. +Keep in mind, we at the Academy do not have a Mana Stone. + + Keep moving boy.#1 Sígue moviéndote, chico.#1 @@ -15026,6 +15143,9 @@ Knowledge is power... And now you have both. Use them wisely. Knox The Traveler +Kolchak and dangerDuck are working to finish Duck Dungeon. Contact them for updates... + + Kreist @@ -15086,12 +15206,6 @@ Laranja Last IP: @@ -Last Man Standing - - -Last Resort - - Last Seen: @@ @@ -15101,9 +15215,6 @@ Last Stand Card Last Standing Man -Last Standing Man - Passive - Raise Max HP and Holy Defense - - Last map: @@ @@ -15125,6 +15236,9 @@ Laura Lava Mana Pearl +Lava Skull Slime + + Lava Slime @@ -15143,6 +15257,9 @@ Lawn Cable Card Lawncandy +Layman + + Lazurite Cristal @@ -15425,9 +15542,6 @@ Lightbringer Lightbringer#NLib -Lightining Bolt - - Lightning Bolt @@ -15479,6 +15593,9 @@ La línea @@ se ha eliminado. List & Claim rewards +List of Unlocked Pets and Food + + List of known alchemy recipes: @@ -15524,9 +15641,6 @@ Lizards are the main monster found, and they steal gold from innocent bypassers. LoF Coin -LoF Transcendence Gate was moved to town centre. Tipius haven't been sighted as of late. - - LoF Warp Crystal @@ -15638,12 +15752,6 @@ Lower MAXHP, Damage over time Lower city taxes -Lower difficulty of advanced stage (level 50+ players), by price rebalances. - - -Lower difficulty of starters stage (up to level 20 players), by experience redesign. - - Lowering Taxes @@ -15656,9 +15764,6 @@ Lt. Paul unclaimed rewards REDEEMED. Lt. Randy -Lua FINALLY noticed that traveling to Halinarzo at level 20 is akin suicide. - - Lua#003-2 @@ -15821,10 +15926,10 @@ Magic Ratto Magic Skill Points can be obtained in three ways: By touching a Mana Stone, by signing up in a Special Class (if you have enough magic power) and by having high amounts of Job Level. -Magic Strike +Magic Status -Magic Strike - Standard Magical Attack +Magic Strike Magic Top Hat @@ -15860,6 +15965,9 @@ Magically Sealed Gate Magick Real +Magnus Healing + + Mahad @@ -15875,12 +15983,6 @@ Mahul Main server is: %s -Mainly fixes and the Monster King is now randomly laying siege to towns! - - -Major rebalance, lowering difficulty on sub-level-30 stage. Tulimshar is a whole new place. - - Make me an Iron Powder. @@ -15899,6 +16001,9 @@ Malivox Mana Being#001-1 +Mana Bomb + + Mana Bug @@ -15938,9 +16043,6 @@ Mana Stone#Tulim Mana Wisdom -Mana Wisdom - Passive - Raise Mana EXP Gain rate - - Mana is something which existed since the being, but nobody knows much about. @@ -15992,12 +16094,6 @@ Desatar manualmente la transmisión actual Many citzens are still in fear. Paths are closed, economy is a disaster, things are not here. -Many other things were changed, and it is too much to say here. Even people with stronger magic were seen. - - -Many rejoiced. The damage was very big, and all players help is required, to make Hurnscald prosper again. - - Many sacrifices were done, but it was lost. @@ -16091,10 +16187,10 @@ Mashmallow Masked Assassin -Mass Provoke +Mass Provoke replaced with Area Provoke. -Mass Provoke replaced with Area Provoke. +Master Master Bola @@ -16235,9 +16331,6 @@ Meaning that once you equip a bow, you likely won't be able to dodge attacks. Meanwhile, at 00h, 06h, 12h, 15h, 18h and 21h UTC, -Meanwhile, several bugs were fixed. Our second sun had been glitchy, but Jesus Saves made sure it is now fine. - - Mechanically based technology (eg. the Gates or Time Flasks) will never suffer damage from operation but are more costly. @@ -16265,12 +16358,6 @@ Melina Melt something else? -Meltdown Forge, make your useless equip a good weapon! Lieutenant Dausen have new quests! - - -Mercenaries and blueprints! Players are crafting their own weapons. Sagratha and Cindy are in need of help! - - Mercenary Boxset A @@ -16421,7 +16508,10 @@ Minimum advised level 72 to do this quest. Mining opearations advance steadly day by day with your help, thanks! Maybe one day, we find a Mana Stone here! -Minor release to lower travel prices, fix several issues, and enable Friend Referral System. +Minor healing to your wounds. + + +Minor healing to yourself or to allies. Mint Dye @@ -16442,6 +16532,9 @@ Mirror Island 1 Miscellaneous Recipes +Miscellaneous Status + + Mission: Kill all rogue Yetis on the Throne Room. You won't be able to leave until all of them are dead. @@ -16472,10 +16565,10 @@ Modificar, mover, o eliminar una línea Moggun -Money in your storage is totally safe. Banking itself is totally safe. +Moggun Egg -Money to leave Candor is easier, as various persons there need help. +Money in your storage is totally safe. Banking itself is totally safe. Money transference by mail is, however, free. @@ -16556,6 +16649,9 @@ Monster NAME, Default %s, empty to cancel Monster Points (Mobpt): @@ | Gold: @@ +Monster Points: %s + + Monster SPEED, Player speed is 150, minimum is 100! @@ -16571,9 +16667,6 @@ Monsters Killed in PvE: %s Monsters are everywhere. They're a plague we're trying to get rid of. -Monsters are walking to different regions, new grinding zones appears! - - Monsters do not aim small towns like Candor. This city also comes with the plus that I know where everything's at. @@ -16676,6 +16769,9 @@ Moubootaur Legends Server Moubootaur Legends just got older! %%N +Moubootaur Maze + + Mountain Snake @@ -16940,18 +17036,9 @@ Nahrec discretly gives you a recipe. Napalm Beat -Napalm Beat - Spammable AoE Skill - - Nard Nard -Nard also bought a new ship!. - - -Nard and Elmo changed the way they talk to newcomers, to be more clear about what they expect. - - Nard doesn't like people who gets money without working for it. @@ -16976,12 +17063,6 @@ Nard likes people who work hard. Work harder! Nard noticed your hard work. -Nard's ship basement was modified, and winter drops are now alive. Don't miss Christmas event, either. - - -Nard's ship is not capable to do Tulimshar<->Candor route instantly anymore: His magic sail broke. - - Narrator Narrador @@ -17045,9 +17126,6 @@ New chars, and reborn chars, will also begin at level 10. New default game settings: -New players can also get an EXP bonus with Elmo until they get level 15. Warp Crystals are here! - - Newbie @@ -17105,6 +17183,9 @@ Nikolai takes a sweat of his head. He seems worried with Cindy. Nikolai, the Blue Sage +Nilfheim + + Nina The Traveler @@ -17120,9 +17201,6 @@ Nivalis Nivalis - @@ GP -Nivalis Liberation Day Result: Players Lost 92 : 300 Monsters Won - - Nivalis Office @@ -17297,9 +17375,6 @@ Noel Slime None Ninguno -None at the moment! - - None at the moment. @@ -17420,9 +17495,6 @@ Not only that, but he is the only one here besides me who can do magic. Without Not only that, but the Yeti King and me had an... incident, in times best forgotten. Let's not talk about it. -Not only that, but there appeared some paladins, tankers, wizards, sages and raggers claiming to have mastered magic. - - Not really, sorry. @@ -17528,6 +17600,9 @@ Note: Unless you were doing something REALLY bad which is harmful to player comm Note: You can exchange 1 @@ for 3 @@ +Note: You can increase the time by talking to Emma again. + + Note: You can only perform this operation @@/6 times. @@ -17825,6 +17900,9 @@ Oh it's you @@, I did not recognize you with your hat! Oh it's you @@, I did not recognize you without a hat! +Oh look, it is Cupid! + + Oh my Jesusalva - You broke my lock! Why?! @@ -18542,9 +18620,6 @@ PS. Due a bug, they won't be displayed when you equip unless you relog. PS. The group names still aren't set. You're free to pinch in suggestions at LoF Discord (Legacy #discussion) :> -PVP Arena did NOT got in. Same for AFK Cap. - - Pachua @@ -18599,9 +18674,6 @@ Party Name: @@ Party Quest -Party levels for experience sharing restriction is more flexible, and there is a great co-op quest. - - Password changed with success! @@ -18656,9 +18728,6 @@ Peetu? That's one of the high rank helpers. As far as I know, he's capable of ma People are challenging now. -People at Tulimshar are now giving more tips to newcomers, and new bugs may have been introduced. - - People from here always look dumbfolded when they walk past them and find themselves somewhere else. @@ -18713,9 +18782,6 @@ Personally, I like unranked events more than ranked ones... Pet Detective -Pet Detective wasn't getting new members and was forced to drop price. - - Petal @@ -18734,6 +18800,9 @@ Pets must keep a strict diet. Pious eats Piberries, Bhoppers eat Aquadas, and Ma Petu? Yeah, he's the kind of person who always wants to do things perfectly. That makes it a bit difficult to work with him, since his expectations for others are as high as for himself. +Ph.D + + Phew! The Bandit Lord was killed. @@ -18764,9 +18833,6 @@ Pibayas Piberries Infusion Infusión de Pibayas -Pick a bounty at Tulimshar Guard House! Buy and use grenades! (Only against non-boss monsters) - - Pick an item from either storage or inventory and choose what you want to do with it by clicking the right button. @@ -18866,19 +18932,10 @@ Platinum Ore -> Iridium Ore Platinum Quiver -Players Killed in PvP: %s - - -Players are now send players to Nivalis and Frostia, to keep learning about who they are. While greater forces are at play, the player might be just a minor one, but certainly an important one. - - -Players are renting Mouboos and Tortugas to move faster! Shields are now better! - +Player must be online for the operation to finish. -Players can now sense monsters strength with @@, and lag was reduced. Pets can run away again. - -Players didn't escape from the manaquake. Xtreem says it is easier to kill monsters now. +Players Killed in PvP: %s Playtesting @@ -18890,6 +18947,9 @@ Please accept this @@ as a gratitude for your time. Please accept this reward from my part. And if anything else happens again, I'll leave the doors open for you and your guild. +Please be careful when fighting. A mighty warrior such as yourself can harm their allies with any AoE effects they may use. + + Please be patient and @@ -18989,6 +19049,12 @@ Please help my wife Yumi, on the Hospital! Please help us with the bandits on the Canyon, and meanwhile, I'll seek the records for you. Just @@ more. +Please insert player name to cancel exile. + + +Please insert player name to exile. + + Please insert your Discord ID, on the following format: @@ -19292,6 +19358,9 @@ Professor#003-0 Progress on this server may be %s. +Prologue + + Protip @@ -19343,7 +19412,10 @@ Protip: Your current progress will be saved. Provoke -Provoke - Provoke a single monster +Provoke a single monster to attack you. + + +Provokes all monsters around the target, and the target itself. Prsm Helmet @@ -19511,6 +19583,9 @@ Raise agility to do this quest. Raise city taxes +Raise damage of next skill. + + Raise max members @@ -19679,6 +19754,9 @@ Recipe Book Recommended: ##B%d##b | Max: %d +Recover some HP. + + Recruiter @@ -19724,6 +19802,9 @@ Red Scorpion Stinger -> Scorpion Stinger Red Scorpion breed as fast as the Ratto! With our current numbers, it's nearly impossible to take over. +Red Skull Slime + + Red Slime @@ -19775,105 +19856,6 @@ Regular Drops: Reinboo Wand -Release 2 - - -Release 2.1 - Free Lunch For Those Who Work Hard! - - -Release 2.2 - There Are No Pipelines - - -Release 3 - - -Release 3.0 - In The Dreams - - -Release 4 - - -Release 4.0 - Quest Giver's Handbook - - -Release 5 - - -Release 5.0 - Greenland Players - - -Release 6 - - -Release 6.0 - Steam, Fire, and... Monster King?! - - -Release 7 - - -Release 7.0 - Polished Emerald - - -Release 7.1 - Broken Emerald - - -Release 7.2 - Frozen Jesusalva - - -Release 7.3 - Frozen Community - - -Release 7.4 - Christmas Revolution - - -Release 7.5 - Merry Christmas, Happy New Year - - -Release 8 - - -Release 8.0 - Apane Invasion, the Remaster - - -Release 8.1 - It's hidden! Where? - - -Release 8.2(1) - Valentine Day (Is Over) - - -Release 8.3 - King Arthur - - -Release 8.4 - Can I Live Ingame? - - -Release 8.5 - A Place To Spend Vacations - - -Release 8.9 - Easter Event - - -Release 8.99 - JESUSALVA IS LAZY - - -Release 9 - - -Release 9.0 - The Promised Release - - -Release 9.1 - Bedtime Stories - - -Release 9.2 - Workbench - - -Release 9.3 - Lovely Homunculus - - -Release 9.4 - Balance & Bugfix Patch - - Reload NPC Data @@ -20009,6 +19991,9 @@ Rescue Cindy from the Ice Labyrinth and the evil Yetis. This is a global, multip Rescuing Cindy Quest +Research Points +%d + + Researcher @@ -20051,6 +20036,9 @@ Resign Resting. I've been slaying slime nests the whole day. +Retaliates next attack with a critical hit. This instance lasts a second. + + Return @@ -20084,6 +20072,9 @@ Return to main island. Return to main menu Volver al menú principal +Revert a player exile + + Revolver Shooter @@ -20165,6 +20156,9 @@ Roger, eh? Aye, I do need help. If you bring me 30 @@, 50 @@, and 30 @@, maybe I Rogue Rufián +Rogue Status + + Room password: @@ @@ -20180,9 +20174,6 @@ Rose Rosen -Rosen is now making Training Bow in Candor for new adventures. - - Rotten Rags @@ -20300,6 +20291,9 @@ Tristemente, no encontró nada más que basura. Safe travels! +Sage + + Sagratha @@ -20396,15 +20390,9 @@ Saulc Card Saulc Sponsor -Saulc and Cherry married in Halinarzo, and stayed like this for perhaps 20 seconds, before Cherry asked for divorce. - - Saulc is rich, you know. He challenged a group of thirty NPCs to defeat him, whoever won would get this @@. -Saulc said it needs an inspection, and he'll be with everyone trying to proccess and fix the amount of damage this caused. - - Saulc was here @@ -20759,12 +20747,6 @@ Several books about artificial lifeforms and the man who played God. Several books about hiding magic. Might be why the houses looked abandoned and empty but the chimney was going. -Several bugfixes! And a new bug replace every removed one! - - -Several bugfixes, and new monsters have been seen. Almost all healing items have changed. - - Several flasks are aligned there. They seemed to be dyes, but a close inspection reveals they're not. @@ -20807,9 +20789,6 @@ Sharp Knife Sharpshooter -Sharpshooter - Shoot an arrow or bullet which damages everything on its way. - - Sharpshooting skill replaced with Charged Arrow. @@ -20828,9 +20807,6 @@ She doesn't seems to trust me... Maybe I should bring a guild vice-leader, or ev She falls in a single blow. You'll attribute her death to the Mysterious Assassin. -She is sending players to Hurnscald instead. - - She isn't on that cave. @@ -20882,9 +20858,6 @@ Shield Recipes Shields -Ship travels are cheaper, full equipment sets have hidden bonuses, Soul Menhirs are now auto-touched. - - Ship travels are not free. Also, I have a few friends on the Island, and I would like you to check out on them. @@ -20897,6 +20870,12 @@ Shoes Shooo, shooo! Give my crops some time to recover, your noob. +Shoot FIVE arrows or bullets to the air and cause Area Of Effect Damage. + + +Shoot an arrow or bullet which damages everything on its way. + + Shop#Candor @@ -20942,9 +20921,6 @@ Should you be too quick or wait too long, you will most likely fail. Shovel have been changed, right-click it to bury items. -Shovels and Treasure maps, for the explorers this summer, after June 21st! - - Show Tutorial Protips @@ -20957,9 +20933,6 @@ Show me what you can! Shroom Hat -Side Note: During r6.1 and r6.5, various improvements were done, and two new quests were seen. Priests have shown up. - - Siege Tower @@ -21101,10 +21074,10 @@ Silvia is in Noble District of Tulimshar. Simon -Since Merlin left in an expedition with Morgan, strange things have been happening in Kamelot. +Simply put, they are raw power. -Since previous release, there was also seen priests, two new quests, and a breakthrough on reset potions happened. +Since Merlin left in an expedition with Morgan, strange things have been happening in Kamelot. Sincerity Island @@ -21452,25 +21425,16 @@ So... I think I'm almost done! My plan is to force a @@ into being a pretty Butt So... I won't say you can't do it, @@. I will just say killing the Bandit Lord is no easy task. -So... I'm at your hands now... What will you do with me? - - -So... You see... I usually pay a lot of attention to my work. Especially when doing something as delicate as sealing away the slimes for the night. - - -So? How many *hic* he collect? - - -So? How was it? +So... I'm at your hands now... What will you do with me? -Some NPCs are [@@|learning new languages@@]. +So... You see... I usually pay a lot of attention to my work. Especially when doing something as delicate as sealing away the slimes for the night. -Some adventurer broke what was previously thought as maximum level, and is now level 40! +So? How many *hic* he collect? -Some adventurer broke what was previously thought as maximum level, and is now level 45! +So? How was it? Some are dangerous, too. Even if you look capable of fighting, the Blue Sage instructed me to prevent anyone from visiting until the mess is cleared. @@ -21488,9 +21452,6 @@ Some bullets have Elemental Properties, by the way. Now, what will it be? Some items are only produced in Nivalis. After all, it is hard to work properly with ice in a desert! -Some monsters gained death and/or attack sounds, and Blue Sage House front door is now open. - - Some of finest elven craftmanship can be found there, like bows, for example. @@ -21503,9 +21464,6 @@ Some of my miners friends died in this mine, because there are plenty of dangero Some of them are pretty strong. Do you need an explanation about hit'n'run and the monster you're about to face? -Some of these even cause area damage! Rumors of time travellers were heard, but no time travel was confirmed. - - Some others also like to buy them to keep as trophies. Either way, you can make some money with that. @@ -21542,15 +21500,9 @@ Some, but not all, from the rare or non-replaceable items will have a warning wh Somebody already rented it before you! -Somebody else also got huge stats bonuses because reached the unbelievable job level 25. - - Somebody took your place on this spot! ¡Alguien tomó su lugar en este punto! -Someone adventurer broke what was previously thought as maximum level, and is now level 31! - - Someone else is using the guild storage right now. Please wait. @@ -21629,9 +21581,6 @@ Soren's House Tutorial Soren's Lake -Soren, the architect responsible for it, is very happy with the new design. - - Sorfina @@ -21857,6 +21806,9 @@ Speak with ##BBarzil##b. Tell him it is for the Magic Academy. HURRY UP! Spearmint Tea +Special Event Pets + + Specialized in destructive, magical skills. @@ -21944,6 +21896,9 @@ Staircase#MKHB Stalman +Standard Magic + + Standard Tricks @@ -21962,9 +21917,6 @@ Start! Stat Boost Recipes -Stat Reseters had a breakthrough which made potions cheaper, and Arkim brand new petiscide made Pinkies sick (with less HP). - - Status Reset Potion @@ -21995,6 +21947,9 @@ Stay there? Steal bucket! +Stealing + + Steam (LoF Village) @@ -22034,9 +21989,6 @@ Storage Fairy Strange Coin -Strange figures appear, claiming to be from the Land of Fire, and using interesting sticks, which spits fire. - - Strange switch status: @@ @@ -22088,6 +22040,15 @@ Strength: STR+, Carry Weight + Strength: VIT++ +Strong wind area of effect attack. + + +Strong wind single target attack. + + +Student + + Student#A01 @@ -22154,10 +22115,13 @@ Super Menú Superb stealth, and quick on their toes. -Supreme Attack +Superior damage on enemies who walk over the fire. -Supreme Attack - Cause a very strong attack with lowered accuracy. +Superior single target damage which splashes in area. + + +Supreme Attack Supreme Chest @@ -22313,9 +22277,6 @@ TMW2 Staff TUTORIAL -Tactical Retreat - - Take care though, don't attack them when they are in group! @@ -22418,13 +22379,7 @@ Taxes will raise in 0.01~0.03%, capped at 10%. Tea party! I want to participate. -Teaching Elza your skills will make you both forget them. - - -Teaching Enzo your skills will make you both forget them. - - -Teaching Ezra your skills will make you both forget them. +Teaching %s your skills will make you both forget them. Teal Dye @@ -22436,6 +22391,9 @@ Tech-User Forge Technical problem, gimme info about an item. +Technician + + Tell me about Artis. @@ -22472,12 +22430,18 @@ Tell me which language you speak and I will change the note on the ship passenge Tell people the name of a new hero. +Tempest + + Ten, fifty, thousand... Yep, this is the amount I've asked for. Tench +Tengu + + Tentacles Tentáculos @@ -22508,9 +22472,6 @@ Terranite Ingot Terranite King -Terranite King was seen recently. New shields and pants are available for craft. - - Terranite Mask @@ -22850,9 +22811,6 @@ Thanks... I guess...#1 Thanksgiving -That and other changes, are all thinking on players helping each other. - - That annoying guy on the side of the tree is annoying. I want to ban him. @@ -23075,6 +23033,9 @@ The @@ stole my @@. Hahah. I can't find anywhere else to buy it. The @@ tab allows yeye to talk on Discord, too! Yayaya, fancy, uh? +The Academy Island is situated east of Land of Fire Village. + + The Alliance Advanced Outposts are closed for maintenance. Group in front of the town entrance! @@ -23084,24 +23045,12 @@ The Alliance Advanced Outposts have been abandoned and locked after the Liberati The Alliance Council rarely meets. It's thanks to them that the cities are well protected, if you want my opinion. -The Alliance High Council informs that Super Players and above are capable to try ##B @toevent ##b for free event warps. - - -The Alliance announces a great new way to keep adventurers killing monsters. - - The Alliance can help you in finding out about who you are, why you are here, or from where you came from. So, about the tasks I want completed. -The Alliance changed some rules for storage size, botting, and grand hunter prizes, too. - - The Alliance have records of everyone. And if you need another trip, talk to me! -The Alliance prepared an attack against the Monster King. Report at Nivalis Guard for more information. - - The Alliance says that @@ monsters have been slain by players since 2019-05-24! @@ -23111,6 +23060,9 @@ The Alliance which was formed after the war! The Arena is currently closed for maintenance. +The Army seems to walk away after some time. + + The Blue Sage @@ -23123,6 +23075,9 @@ The Book of Laws The Cave Of Trials, and the Soren's Village... There's only one thing left. +The Council of Elders has enlisted ducks of our island into a militia. In addition, the masters of the Duck Side have seen fit to spare %d Duck initiates to assist us. + + The Doctor @@ -23141,13 +23096,19 @@ The Fafi Dragon are really really bad guys. I don't know how they came here, as The Fafi knows you are here to kill him. They are smart. But I can make a trap. +The Fifth Act + + +The First Act + + The Forest -The Game Masters are assembling a party to storm Hurnscald and liberate it. You should try joining it! +The Fourth Act -The Grand Hunter quest is available with Aidan. It's an experiment by the High Council, +The Game Masters are assembling a party to storm Hurnscald and liberate it. You should try joining it! The Guard House @@ -23189,12 +23150,6 @@ The Magic Academy System is responsible for learning most skills ingame. For tha The Magic Council can be found at this city. They are the most powerful mages. If you have an impressive magical affinity, they may entitle you to have access to a Mana Stone. -The Magic Council finished the reform on their guest hall. - - -The Magic Council lift Statues in honor of some people. But its guest hall is in reform! - - The Magical Seal which protects the final room is too strong. @@ -23234,27 +23189,21 @@ The Monster King The Monster King Army is attacking towns at random, but players already reduced their organization to @@ %%! -The Monster King Army is occupying several towns! Brave players need to group and retake them! +The Monster King Army is making siege at towns randomly! -The Monster King Army left the cities! What will happen next? Anxiety grows! +The Monster King Army is occupying several towns! Brave players need to group and retake them! -The Monster King Fortress +The Monster King Army left the cities! What will happen next? Anxiety grows! The Monster King Lair is not in a impregnable mountain, but in a small island now!! -The Monster King got so active in the past days, he even have a mirrored version of himself roaming the lands. - - The Monster King is on the move! -The Monster King left Hurnscald! This is our chance! Saulc GM is assembling a team to TAKE OVER HURNSCALD!! - - The Monster King was so powerful! It is impossible to recover the artifact now, and everyone will die! @@ -23273,9 +23222,6 @@ The Mouboo is lying down on the grass. The Mouboo seems to be lying in pain. -The NPC responsible for buying raw gemstones from other NPCs has recovered since the last siege. - - The Pet Caring Guild will collect them after a while, and capture many others. @@ -23288,6 +23234,9 @@ The Professor? Wait, THE Professor? As in, the wisest person on Tulimshar? The Regnum Blessing causes all monsters in an area +The Second Act + + The Self-Serving Ice Well! @@ -23303,10 +23252,10 @@ The Supreme and Ultimate floors are just a WIP bonus. So if you don't find them The Team For A Better PvP says that @@ players were killed in fair matches! -The Throne Room is the last room. You can reactive any switch which turns itself off. +The Third Act -The Tulimshar Forge is also dealing with more complex materials, and not just Iron. +The Throne Room is the last room. You can reactive any switch which turns itself off. The Tulimshar guards needs an freelance employee who would help us in our work. We are searching for people as you. @@ -23336,15 +23285,6 @@ The advantage of fighting with a ranged weapon is that you can stay out of the e The alliance also have a special program, called ##BGrand Hunter Quest##b, where you kill 10,000 of a monster and get great rewards. -The alliance panicked, and allowed Demure, Pyndragon and Pihro on their board of members. - - -The alliance, in honor of previous event winners, built new statues on the Council Guest Hall. - - -The announcement is: “Need a challenge? Or perhaps an Infinity +1 Sword? Try Heroes Hold today.” - - The answers might need to have whitespaces. DO NOT, BY ALL MEANS, insert two whitespaces instead of one. @@ -23429,9 +23369,6 @@ The current town administrator will be inscribed for re-election automatically. The curse was done by nobody less than... the Moubootaur. -The demand for strong players raised everywhere. Even death penalty decreased, and GMs are doing better events now. - - The desert climate means you'll find mostly maggots and scorpions. Their drops include cactus drinks, cake, knifes, black pearls, gold, and other common things. @@ -23474,9 +23411,6 @@ The effects and uses - if any - are still unknown. The event starts hourly, when the minute clock hits zero. I'll tell everyone on this room when it starts and ends. -The famous PVP Arena, Quirino Voraz, can now be used by all players. - - The farmer seems mad and in need of help. Will you help him? @@ -23507,7 +23441,7 @@ The first way, The fishing rod allows a quick income by selling fishes. However, reaching the fisherman might require some exploration... The whole world is full of secrets. -The foretold Call Of Dusty event quest is also now available for PVP Parties. +The following skill is needed: %s%s (Lv. %d) The gates are firmly shut by some weird magical power. %s @@ -23612,6 +23546,12 @@ The mana bridge is closed at the moment. The mana war stroke, and many people died, +The masters have decided you are to be given honorary initiation into the Duck Side. The Duck Side is powerful, much more so than you could possibly understand. + + +The masters of the Duck Side, The Council of Elders, and King DD himself, on behalf of all ducks, thank you for your help. We wouldn't have survived without it. + + The mayor, Rakinorf, is probably on the Inn upstairs, drinking himself to death. @@ -23678,9 +23618,6 @@ The mouboo still looks terrible, but you can see a small difference. The nanorob-- err, the *magic* will seal all your wounds. You trust Basil, right? -The new inhabitants from the Land Of Fire are welcome, and some are still sheltering, like the Silversmith. - - The next page begins to list the complex trading laws and political rules. @@ -23708,9 +23645,6 @@ The other one claims to be a dangerous bandit and to teach how to steal from mon The pan is empty, but it smells like fresh cookies. -The party dungeon is still under maintenance, but it shall soon be liberated. The disaster was so big, all mobs are different. - - The passwords doesn't match. @@ -23720,6 +23654,15 @@ The path to reach Eugene is hidden. However, if you pay attention to the map, yo The pirate ship captain appear! TAKE CARE!! +The pirates amass for their siege, but they will not attack yet. Return when you are stronger. King DD is working to find a solution. + + +The pirates have been surrounding our island for many sun rises. We expect they will attack any time. + + +The player is offline or does not exist. + + The potion is baked, and the time is now running! Read as fast as you can, don't miss details! @@ -23840,9 +23783,6 @@ The situation is different if someone from Hurnscald went to her rescue. That's The situation is too serious to you be lying... Please, go fetch the items... -The snowstorm at Nivalis has ceased, but the Monster King led a massively huge army to siege Nivalis. - - The soldiers are resting at the moment. @@ -23894,9 +23834,6 @@ The town administrator benefits for free services on the town. The trickster can be found right here. -The tritan pirates amass for their siege, but they will not attack yet. Return later. King DD is working to find a solution. - - The uniform would be: @@, @@, @@ and @@ @@ -23963,6 +23900,9 @@ Their main tasks are ensuring trade, protecting the cities from monster invasion Then I craft some new type of strong desert shirt, to protect users from snakes and sunlight. +Then I hope you can keep your grades high, hmm hmm! + + Then I returned to Tulimshar. Now I do research, vote on the Magic Council meetings, and I also teach young mages about Transmutation magic. @@ -24029,9 +23969,6 @@ There are only a few pages missing. There are people in the world who need help! -There are rumors of a grand prize to whoever gets lucky on that machine. - - There are secret caves on this city. In fact, Tulimshar holds many misteries. @@ -24089,10 +24026,10 @@ There is no EXP penalty, but you cannot go back without either completing the ca There is no honor in fighting a weak opponent. No hay honor en enfrentarse a un oponente débil. -There is now a challenge in Tulimshar PvP Duel Room. How long can you survive? +There is only one way towards the best equipment: Smith away! -There is only one way towards the best equipment: Smith away! +There is only so much magical power your body can handle without breaking. There isn't enough, not even for NPCs. We need at least 100. @@ -24113,18 +24050,9 @@ There seems to be signs of a fight long forgotten, but it still reeks blood. There was a visitor with a mask? I didn't notice. You see, I spend most of my time in the workshop, and concentrate on my work. There are other helpers who attend to the visitors. And hopefully keep them from disturbing my concentration. -There was just too many changes to list all of them here. Good luck finding all of them! - - There was nobody on the Bandit Lord's room. -There was too many things to keep track. After Hurnscald siege, with lots of earthquakes, we had an accident. - - -There were trees blocking the path to Halinarzo? Why nobody told that to Tulimshar Council?! - - There will be consequences. @@ -24161,9 +24089,6 @@ There's a big prize in the end... Could you bring me some later? There's a long time we don't eat anything. Bring us @@! Five should do it. -There's a scheduled update for 26/12. Event subject to change without prior notice. - - There's a shiny safe here. How much money is inside? Nobody is looking at you, great! @@ -24233,9 +24158,6 @@ There... *hic* They will expire *hic* in just @@... Or on logout. Therefore we need a lot of glue, but our supplies are nearly used up. I need @@/@@ @@ as ingredient to make new glue. -Therefore, raw gemstones prices are once again on the rise. - - Therefore, the Alliance created a system so when you kill a monster, depending on its strength, you'll get Monster Points. @@ -24272,9 +24194,6 @@ These monsters are a great source of raw crafting materials. These people have lots of unspent Strange Coins! Waw! -These trees were cut and travellers can once again travel to Halin. - - These weapons are only for masters, so you must get levels before being able to use them. @@ -24473,9 +24392,6 @@ This can only be reverted at rebirth! Beware! This cannot be undo later! -This caused a mana disturbance, and healing items are working better now, affecting every sector of economy. - - This cave is considered outside the town! @@ -24557,6 +24473,9 @@ This is a @@, meaning only the victor party will receive the great prize. This is a Soul Menhir, but seems more magical than the others. +This is a hot map, you're suffering damage over time. + + This is a magical barrier, powered by three seals in your part. @@ -24791,9 +24710,6 @@ This seal was already broken, proceed to the next seal! This seems like a good idea at first, but actually, it isn't. -This server's Sponsors bought the area above Hurnscald's Inn. Nobody else is being allowed there. - - This shrine is devoted to those whom shall never come back. @@ -24818,9 +24734,6 @@ This skill cannot be upgraded further. This small island is a good place to heal our wounds, and the monsters here are not threating. -This somehow affected the whole economy. - - This statue was built for memory of Andrei Sakar, the greatest hero this world has even seen. @@ -24842,9 +24755,6 @@ This torch is already lit. This vault currently have @@ GP inside. -This was caused because changes on the Mana Bridge. They hope that for next release, everyone will be able to use these magic words, instead of needing to talk to the Soul Menhir. - - This well is sealed. They must take water outside the town. @@ -24908,9 +24818,6 @@ Those for consumption, equipment and generics. Three equal: @@. -Three new swords are now obtainable, although Broadsword is still the best weapon around. Except on Heroes Hold. - - Throw a coin? @@ -24956,6 +24863,9 @@ Time limit for answer: 2 minutes Time remaining to report completion: +Times died: %s + + Tin Ingot @@ -25031,9 +24941,6 @@ To celebrate this I'll ask you some questions about my favourite book, The Hitch To collect snake skin -To counter-act this, nicholas lowered craft prices, and the folks at LoF are doing their best at refines. - - To craft an item, you'll need to learn its blueprint. Blueprints can be very hard to obtain! Being a crafter will take a lot of your time. @@ -25337,6 +25244,9 @@ Toss the hook into deep water by clicking on where you want to cast it. Total Credits and GP: @@ +Total Gold: %s + + Total Logins: @@ @@ -25346,6 +25256,9 @@ Total money collected: @@ GP Total slow down, DEF-, may freeze +Total time AFK'ed in Tulimshar: %d hours and %d minutes + + Toto @@ -25460,9 +25373,6 @@ Treasure Key Treasure Map -Treasure chests have been seen on dungeons, always changing places and refilling themselves. - - Treasure! @@ -25559,18 +25469,6 @@ Tulimshar Guard Card Tulimshar Guard Card will prove good intentions. Talk to the Lieutenant in front of the Guard House. -Tulimshar Guardhouse's door was struck, but the guards managed to get it open again. - - -Tulimshar Guards bought a Slot Machine to play, but that was done unofficialy. - - -Tulimshar Jewerly is now polishing gemstones to add on rings. New monsters were seen, stay on guard. - - -Tulimshar Jewerly is once again open. Cyndala and Tamiloc rented a shop south of Tulimshar. - - Tulimshar Map @@ -25595,9 +25493,6 @@ Tulimshar is the oldest human city, and its foundation is the year zero of our c Tulimshar is the strongest city because Dausen teaches every newcomer about the monsters around and how to defeat them. Take his special training if you get the chance! -Tulimshar miners are having troubles with monsters. They are offering rewards to whoever helps them. - - Tulimshar miners mainly try to obtain gems. @@ -25613,6 +25508,12 @@ Tunnel through the caves! Tutorial Protips: +Tutorship is NOT the most effective way. + + +Tutorship will give you Research Points. + + Twelve times more if it is an elusive Mana Fragment no one knows where they are! @@ -25712,9 +25613,6 @@ Uhm, that's an... @@. Do you... want to grow a tree on the mouboo or something? Uhm, this seems like a bad idea. -Uhm... Bye? - - Uhm... I thought you were trying to heal the mouboo. Why are you giving it poisonous stuff?! @@ -25757,9 +25655,6 @@ Unfortunately, I cannot sell them to you. Maggots are attacking my crops and giv Unfortunately, I was cursed to never enter their cave again. They used a @@ to do that! -Unfortunately, Tulimshar guards are dying in the sun. Maybe you could provide them with Water? - - Unfortunately, a mere fledgling like you is not strong enough to help us. @@ -26249,9 +26144,6 @@ Wandering too much? Take care to not get lost. Wands -Wands are also being sold, and other stuff from the Land Of Fire slowly creeps in. - - Want to break the hundredthousand item limit?? Ten gifts, for more, bring 102,400 boxes here. @@ -26384,9 +26276,6 @@ We advise you to change your equipment now. We also feature some services like a storage and a bank for members. También contamos con algunos servicios como un almacén y un banco para los miembros. -We apologize to all, but the Land Of Fire CRASHED here, and broke the whole balance! Part of woodlands flooded! - - We appreciate your help. Take this %s as a token of goodwill. @@ -26396,9 +26285,15 @@ We are @@ since the last great attack from the Monster King. We are assembling forces to take Nivalis back. +We are deliberating. Some do not... approve of your initiation. Leave. + + We are in desperate need of food and nesting material, as well as our sacred supply of @@. +We are no longer in danger, thanks to you. The pirates were thoroughly defeated. None survived the battle. + + We are planning to take over Hurnscald from the Monster King, and we will need everybody's help. @@ -26450,10 +26345,7 @@ We keep the Slimes past the barrier for the night, so be careful when entering. We may delete all entries and change formulas in the future. -We may require your aid again soon. The tritan pirates are amassing and we fear they are planning a siege of Duck Island. I must speak with the council... - - -We mean, some are giving stupid amounts of experience, and players can get more levels. Saulc cannot proccess that many changes! +We may require your aid again soon. The tritan pirates are amassing and we fear they are planning a siege of Duck Island. I must speak with the Council of Elders... We must away @@ -26465,6 +26357,9 @@ We must blame Saulc! We must defeat the Monster King on his evil lair! +We must defeat the commanders to avoid major damage to them! + + We need to find what powers these two seals and disable it. @@ -26522,9 +26417,6 @@ We will have a party today, but only believers are allowed in! We will talk about it later. Hablaremos de ello más tarde. -We wish you a merry Christmas! And a happy new year!! - - We won't be able to pay you in money, but we'll make you one of us if you bring us beer! @@ -27026,6 +26918,12 @@ What am I supposed to say? What an amazing crown you have! How do I get it?! +What are Magic Skill Points? + + +What are Research Points + + What are current leaderboard? @@ -27110,6 +27008,9 @@ What color is a Babel Fish? What crap is that?! This is not from Tulimshar! +What did the Council of Elders say? Is there any news of the pirates? + + What did you expected, anyway? @@ -27203,6 +27104,9 @@ What is going on here? What is my current hairstyle and hair color? ¿Cuáles son mi peinado y color de pelo actuales? +What is the Academy? + + What is the Alliance? @@ -27212,6 +27116,9 @@ What is the Magic Academy? What is the Moubootaur? +What is the Scholar Rank? + + What is the answer to life, the universe and everything? @@ -27545,6 +27452,9 @@ White Slime Mother WhiteCat +Who are the most famous scholars? + + Who are you, and how did you manage to come down here? The sheer power of our Lord prevents anyone not under his control to go here. @@ -27605,9 +27515,6 @@ Who's this Juliet? Who, or what are you? -Whoa! LoF merge wasn't entirely stable! After a terrible manaquake, everything, - - Whoever took control of this village is no ordinary mage. There's a switch on the wall. @@ -27683,18 +27590,12 @@ Will you try to unlock it? Wind Fairy -Wind Walk - - Wind: @@, @@ Windwalker -Windwalker - Increase walk speed and flee rate. - - Wine Making Barrel @@ -27755,9 +27656,6 @@ With one gem you can expect to get 1 to 3 powders! With recent player activity, the Monster king is @@! -With renewed confidence about the outcome of the war, various people left their houses. - - With this I make balls of slime for Candor's childs, they really like to play with them. @@ -27884,9 +27782,6 @@ Worker Day Worker Statue -Workers have closed Nivalis to repairs, due intense damage to town infrastructure. - - World Expo @@ -27986,9 +27881,6 @@ Wurtzite Ore Wyara -Wyara tells she will now make Return Potions for those trusted by Hurnscald Staff! - - Xanthem Card @@ -28148,6 +28040,9 @@ Years later, someone then started giving gifts to the poor childrens on that dat Yellow Dye +Yellow Skull Slime + + Yellow Slime @@ -28460,6 +28355,9 @@ You also get access to a party chat, and there are no compromises, so it is a pe You also need @@/@@ Mob Points to improve thief skills. +You are NO LONGER EXILED from %s by %s. + + You are NOT allowed to leave here! @@ -28523,6 +28421,9 @@ You are exhausted, you should rest @@.#0 You are exhausted, you should rest @@.#1 +You are exiled from this town and therefore, unable to use the Menhir. + + You are full of wine, my friend... Usted está lleno de vino, mi amigo... @@ -28766,9 +28667,6 @@ You can get @@ anywhere, although here is a little easier to get. You can get Croconut from Crocotree, and fill @@ purchased in the market. -You can get close by feet, and there was an area so empty that you won't even notice the distance walked. - - You can get daily something from it, but unless you're green like me, you will have no luck... @@ -28835,9 +28733,6 @@ You can use "@monsterinfo " to gauge a monster strength. You can use @@ to summon some maggots. That depends on your magic level, of course. -You can use @@, Audsbel left the Magic School, and Marius is singing again. - - You can use it again in @@. @@ -28898,6 +28793,9 @@ You cannot drop this item! You cannot enter here while you have event weapons or a cart. +You cannot exile yourself! + + You cannot help me at all. You lack any skill to do so. @@ -29282,6 +29180,9 @@ You have an awful case of amnesia. She is the nurse and shipkeeper of this ship, You have arrived at Fortress Island. +You have been EXILED from %s by %s. + + You have been jailed by a GM. Ha sido encarcelado por un GM. @@ -29498,6 +29399,9 @@ You must reach level 5 to open this gift. You must send ##B/verify##b to Discord bot for the linking be complete. +You must understand that this honor has never been granted to a non-duck before. You will have access to Duck Dungeon, a training grounds for Initiates. + + You need 2x @@ to cast this skill. @@ -29795,6 +29699,9 @@ You should not be here... You should not be there! This forest is home to monsters. +You should not leave this room. + + You should reset your stats and allocate some points at intelligence. @@ -29807,6 +29714,9 @@ Deberías hablar con Magic Arpan primero. You should talk to him instead. +You should unequip this item first. + + You stand before a battle-scarred, darkly tanned warrior, brimming with muscles. @@ -30014,6 +29924,9 @@ You wouldn't happen to have them, would you? You'll all die here! +You'll also get half of the GP as Monster Points! + + You'll be charged even if you fail, be warned. @@ -30218,6 +30131,12 @@ Your class has been changed from %s to %s. Your coward outer self fails to convince you to leave. +Your current rank: %s + + +Your current scholar rank: %s (%d Research Points) + + Your current score: @@ @@ -30260,9 +30179,6 @@ Your homunculus is sleeping! Wake them up! Your information is correct, %s. Pirates have been plaguing our shores and cutting off our supply lines. -Your lack of magical power is critical. I dare say, you might never in your life get access to a Mana Stone. - - Your level is so high, I'm surprised you haven't went there already. But then, most quests around there are for your level... @@ -30281,9 +30197,6 @@ Your mother asked me to say that she loves you. Your next step is to get the book of the Second Sage Of Fate. -Your position has been saved. -Tu posición fue guardada. - Your position is auto-saved when entering a town - use @ucp to change this behavior. @@ -30293,6 +30206,9 @@ Your position must be the one of a regular member or above. Your position on the guild: @@ +Your privileges do not allow you to use this command. + + Your problems are not mine. By the way, you really should consider taking a shower. @@ -30359,18 +30275,12 @@ Zarkor, the Dark Summoner Zegas -Zegas, Saxso's widow, the mayor of Candor, decreed to allow strong adventurers to get past the Candor Cave Magic Barrier. - - ZegasDebug Zitoni -Zitoni announces he can now craft really good potions to improve attack speed and damage! - - Zitoni refused to make the Powder. @@ -30416,6 +30326,9 @@ Zzzzzzzzz... [2] Full Aeros +[@@|Read the History@@] + + [Accept Quest] @@ -30530,9 +30443,6 @@ and "listening" to his speech, you'll get EXP! and have Demure to send them to those you admire! -and may change later without notice. - - angry @@ -30722,9 +30632,6 @@ if the proposal is not convenient for you, just close the trading window to canc in March 2nd 2018. -including the 178 monsters and who knows how many equipment, had numeric changes. - - international worker day @@ -31157,6 +31064,9 @@ you win @@ zero +~~%d/%d %s~~ + + ¬.¬ "Hmm, to me, you look like a thief or bandit..." diff --git a/langs/lang_fr.old b/langs/lang_fr.old index 7979048a0..e040be117 100644 --- a/langs/lang_fr.old +++ b/langs/lang_fr.old @@ -391,6 +391,9 @@ Je suis content que tu n'aies rien. I'm sure that you've got some questions for me, feel free to ask them, but first I need to tell you the rules of proper social conduct on board. Je suis certaine que tu as des questions à me poser, fais-toi plaisir et demande-moi, mais avant je dois te rappeler les règles de conduite à bord de ce navire. +Iced Bottle +Iced Bottle + If you simply wish to get 99 in all stats: Si tu désires simplement avoir 99 dans toutes les compétences : @@ -940,6 +943,9 @@ Ton aide est en effet la bienvenue. Malheureusement, je ne peux te donner une r Your mind is set? You will loose the color dye during this process. Tu as fait ton choix ? Tu perdras la teinture lors de ce procédé. +Your position has been saved. +Ta position a été sauvegardée. + debug débogage diff --git a/langs/lang_fr.txt b/langs/lang_fr.txt index 86f90a973..61a5228ba 100644 --- a/langs/lang_fr.txt +++ b/langs/lang_fr.txt @@ -170,9 +170,6 @@ Il n'est pas devenu trop léger, et il est devenu très faible par rapport à un ##9Hey wait... Your coin turned on a @@! -##9Was that not sufficient, this someone acquired MAGIC and is now under @@'s group. - - ##BFirst and foremost, you should talk to Trainer, inside the big house.##b @@ -182,6 +179,9 @@ Il n'est pas devenu trop léger, et il est devenu très faible par rapport à un ##BHall Of AFK: TOP 10##b +##BHall Of Academics: TOP10##b + + ##BHall Of Aurora: TOP10##b @@ -326,9 +326,15 @@ Il n'est pas devenu trop léger, et il est devenu très faible par rapport à un %s makes specialized weapons for high level players. If you tweak with Nicholas, in Hurnscald, the weapon options, you can get really powerful. +%s refunded to level 1 for %d MSP + + %s thinks if she knows any major, good quest to do. +%s, the Forgetful + + %s, you're a good student. You have a bright future if you keep listening to me. @@ -392,6 +398,12 @@ Il n'est pas devenu trop léger, et il est devenu très faible par rapport à un (Note: Agostine will destroy low quality materials!) +(Passive) Increases Mana EXP/Control Gain rate. + + +(Passive) Raise Max HP and Holy Defense. + + (Protip: Always use %s before engaging a different monster!) @@ -416,10 +428,10 @@ Il n'est pas devenu trop léger, et il est devenu très faible par rapport à un * %d/%d %s -* %d/%d AP (???) +* %d/%d MSP (Magic Skill Points) -* %d/%d MSP (Magic Skill Points) +* %d/%d RP (Research Points) * %s @@ -941,9 +953,6 @@ Il n'est pas devenu trop léger, et il est devenu très faible par rapport à un ...but it is written in Mananese, a language you know nothing about. -...including the fabled "Ultimate PVP Event", as the original creators say... - - ...who knows if there isn't a secret in that? @@ -956,12 +965,24 @@ Il n'est pas devenu trop léger, et il est devenu très faible par rapport à un .:: @@ Recipe ::. +.:: Accumulate Power ::. + + .:: Alcohol Tutorial ::. .:: Archers Eye ::. +.:: Area Provoke ::. + + +.:: Armageddon ::. + + +.:: Arrow Shower ::. + + .:: Backsliding ::. @@ -992,6 +1013,9 @@ Il n'est pas devenu trop léger, et il est devenu très faible par rapport à un .:: Congratulations! ::. +.:: Counter Attack ::. + + .:: Create PIN Code ::. @@ -1019,6 +1043,21 @@ Il n'est pas devenu trop léger, et il est devenu très faible par rapport à un .:: FIRST PLAYER TO REBIRTH ::. +.:: Falkon Strike ::. + + +.:: Fire Arrow ::. + + +.:: Fireball ::. + + +.:: Firewalk ::. + + +.:: First Aid ::. + + .:: Fortress Island ::. @@ -1028,9 +1067,18 @@ Il n'est pas devenu trop léger, et il est devenu très faible par rapport à un .:: Free Software Day ::. +.:: Frost Diver ::. + + +.:: Frost Nova ::. + + .:: Full Throttle ::. +.:: Ground Strike ::. + + .:: Hasan Scorpion Killing Challenge 2018 ::. @@ -1040,15 +1088,36 @@ Il n'est pas devenu trop léger, et il est devenu très faible par rapport à un .:: Hasan Scorpion Killing Challenge 2020 ::. +.:: Healing ::. + + .:: Hit'n'Run Tactic ::. .:: Tactique de Hit'n'Run ::. +.:: Holy Light ::. + + .:: International Coffee Day ::. +.:: Judgment ::. + + .:: KAMELOT CASTLE, THE GUILD DUNGEON ::. +.:: Last Standing Man ::. + + +.:: Lightning Bolt ::. + + +.:: Magic Strike ::. + + +.:: Magnus Healing ::. + + .:: Main Quest 1-1 ::. @@ -1079,6 +1148,9 @@ Il n'est pas devenu trop léger, et il est devenu très faible par rapport à un .:: Mana Bomb ::. +.:: Mana Wisdom ::. + + .:: Mission Failed ::. @@ -1088,9 +1160,15 @@ Il n'est pas devenu trop léger, et il est devenu très faible par rapport à un .:: NOTABLE NAMES ON NIVALIS LIBERATION DAY ::. +.:: Napalm Beat ::. + + .:: Nature Wall ::. +.:: Nilfheim ::. + + .:: Open Beta 2019 ::. @@ -1100,6 +1178,9 @@ Il n'est pas devenu trop léger, et il est devenu très faible par rapport à un .:: Physical Sciences Class ::. +.:: Provoke ::. + + .:: Purple Day 2018 ::. @@ -1109,15 +1190,24 @@ Il n'est pas devenu trop léger, et il est devenu très faible par rapport à un .:: Second Tier Quest - Timed Out ::. +.:: Sharpshooter ::. + + .:: Sudden Attack ::. +.:: Supreme Attack ::. + + .:: TMW-2 Anniversary ::. .:: TMW2 Day ::. +.:: Tempest ::. + + .:: Thanksgiving 2019 ::. @@ -1160,6 +1250,9 @@ Il n'est pas devenu trop léger, et il est devenu très faible par rapport à un .:: WARNING ::. +.:: Windwalker ::. + + .:: Withdraw Conditions ::. @@ -1205,6 +1298,9 @@ Il n'est pas devenu trop léger, et il est devenu très faible par rapport à un 1 Hand Swords +1 hour + + 1- Survive. If you die, you will gain nothing. And people want to kill you. @@ -1229,6 +1325,9 @@ Il n'est pas devenu trop léger, et il est devenu très faible par rapport à un 1. You must be at the computer to play. Using a bot ##Bwhile at computer##b will be tolerated. +10 minutes + + 10 seconds! @@ -1253,6 +1352,9 @@ Il n'est pas devenu trop léger, et il est devenu très faible par rapport à un 12x Strange Coins 12x Strange Coins +15 minutes + + 15 minutes. @@ -1277,6 +1379,9 @@ Il n'est pas devenu trop léger, et il est devenu très faible par rapport à un 2 Hand Swords +2 hours + + 2- Take everything you can find. You'll be warped without equip or healing items! Kill monsters to get some stuff too! @@ -1358,6 +1463,9 @@ Il n'est pas devenu trop léger, et il est devenu très faible par rapport à un 3. luanaf - 20837 +30 minutes + + 30x Bug Leg @@ -1397,9 +1505,6 @@ Il n'est pas devenu trop léger, et il est devenu très faible par rapport à un 4144's Tortuga -4144's Tortuga was seen somewhere. Great rewards if someone knock off that monster... Well, not really. - - 42 @@ -1415,6 +1520,9 @@ Il n'est pas devenu trop léger, et il est devenu très faible par rapport à un 5 @@ can be fused in a @@ +5 minutes + + 5 seconds! @@ -1961,6 +2069,9 @@ A few times during the year, the "golden wave" migrates from the north pole to t A friend of yours called LOF BOT asked for a coin... +A global announcement will be made. + + A golden pot in woodlands shall reward those who wear green. @@ -1979,9 +2090,6 @@ A hooded man attacked me, and left me in this state. A light magic barrier prevents you from entering. -A major deflation happened while Saulc wasn't looking, and you may find several items with @@ discount. - - A masterpiece!... Whaaaat, this stuff got ##Bweaker##b?? @@ -1994,9 +2102,6 @@ A mission well done. I should report to lua now. A new pet has been unlocked on the @@! -A nice meteor shower is thought to happen in February and May, days 18~25. - - A pity a friend of ours drank too much. Juliet knows how to cure. We need to give her a @@ to do a hangover potion. @@ -2096,6 +2201,9 @@ AF King AFK Cap +AFK skill levels fixed. + + AFTER THEM!! @@ -2177,9 +2285,6 @@ Acc. and Evade -25%% Accept quest? -Access is restricted to guards, as usual. - - Access to basement was granted! @@ -2198,9 +2303,6 @@ Account Information Accumulate Power -Accumulate Power - Raise damage of next skill. - - Ace Ventura @@ -2276,9 +2378,6 @@ Ajouter une nouvelle ligne Additional Hunting Island will be released on Valentine Day! -Additional security measures were put in place so such disaster, of a whole world crashing, doesn't happens again. - - Additionally, for the optimal experience, ensure your party has at least the following members and items: @@ -2291,6 +2390,9 @@ Advanced Dungeon (Lv 80+) Advanced Exchanger#0 +Advanced Magic + + Advanced Tricks @@ -2306,12 +2408,6 @@ Adventurer, did you brought me what I asked? I see you have @@/5 @@.#0 Adventurer, did you brought me what I asked? I see you have @@/5 @@.#1 -Adventurers entirely redressed, people doing Grand Hunter Quest like mad, peple making wishes at... well... - - -Adventurers got drunk to get more EXP?! Players can now buy houses and make their own wine! - - Advised party size: From 3 and above @@ -2342,12 +2438,6 @@ After cleaning for twelve hours straight, they allowed me to rest a bit. After hours of hard work... -After much struggle with the lazy builders, Nivalis Town is finally open for visit again! - - -After paying the divorce fee, she said: "Blame Saulc for this one." - - After that, stay still and be patient, but also alert! Après ça, ne bouge pas et patiente, mais aussi à l'affut ! @@ -2819,9 +2909,6 @@ Tous les Cave Snakes sont morts! Retournez parler à Tycoon. All cheaters must die. -All contributors should claim their rewards with Lua. Weather is there, night cycle happens where monsters are more active. - - All hail @@ and Andrei Sakar, heroes of the world! @@ -2843,6 +2930,9 @@ Tout les Maggots sont morts ! All mana bugs are dead! Toute les Mana Bug sont mortes +All monsters may drop chocolate during this period. And here is one for you! + + All monsters summoned! Tous les monstres ont été invoqués! @@ -3035,9 +3125,6 @@ Also, they level up when they attack, and can be revived with the right skill. Also, unlike regular magic which may cause delay before and after, Mana Magic usually only have a cooldown. But it is hard to know how long that cooldown is... -Also, weird voices are talking to new players, asking if they're here because a friend. - - Also, you need vitality and strength to survive the swimming trip. The closest island is very far away. @@ -3098,7 +3185,7 @@ Combien ? An account may vote anywhere, but only once per town (weekly). -An emergency skill which temporaly raises all your stats. +An emergency skill which temporarily raises all your stats. An error happened: professor_was_assasinated() error @@ -3125,6 +3212,9 @@ An example is dec agi, which lowers your agility. An unlimited number of members can join. +An upgrade is available. + + Ancient Blueprint @@ -3236,9 +3326,6 @@ And some of the shop items can be found as drops or in quests! And some times, more Fafi dragons come... Don't neglect your aid. -And speaking in reward, guards are looking for someone contrabanding goods from Artis. Do not help them! - - And then, it was no more! It vanished! In a matter of minutes the slimes were all over the library. A good thing they are slow, none escaped to the town. @@ -3290,9 +3377,6 @@ Andrei Sakar Andrei Sakar Card -Andrei Sakar is also repeating his questions about World Lore, although rewards are now smaller. - - Andrei Sakar, Legendary Hero @@ -3356,9 +3440,6 @@ Antlers Hat Anwar -Anwar left his house to tend Tulimshar's crops, after noticing something strange with them. He blames the Monster King. - - Anwar sent you this, erm, hum... @@. @@ -3527,6 +3608,9 @@ Aquada Aquada Box Boîte d'Aquadas +Ara ara? You do not have enough money with you! + + Arabesque (Action) @@ -3539,6 +3623,9 @@ Arcanum Stone Archant Archant +Archers Eye + + Archery Weapon Recipes @@ -3638,7 +3725,7 @@ Are you, perhaps, interested? Area Provoke -Area Provoke - Provoke all monsters centered on target. +Area of effect fire damage. May burn targets. AreaNPC#002-1d @@ -3671,7 +3758,7 @@ Argh... I can never get it right! If only he drew an Ace or a Joker on the first Arkim -Arkim also developed a powerful petiscide to make Pinkies less healthy, but that was long ago. +Armageddon Armbands @@ -3728,15 +3815,9 @@ Arrow Ammo Box Arrow Shower -Arrow Shower - Shoot FIVE arrows or bullets to the air and cause Area Of Effect Damage. - - Arrow Shower Card -Arrows prices were lowered, and a limited teleport to Frostia and Halinarzo is now possible. - - Arrr matey! This is @@, yarr. @@ -3800,6 +3881,9 @@ As an Apology Token, you're also receiving one @@. As an archer, you should always carry your bow with you. Doesn't warriors carry those heavy swords without complaining? Go and get it. +As an honorary member of the Duck Side, know that we are more than we appear. The Moubootaur itself has seen fit to reward us when it awakens. Do not attempt to cross us. + + As far as we are concerned, you could have been an exiled prisoner who managed to escape! But there are ways to prove to the Alliance that your intentions are good. @@ -3824,6 +3908,9 @@ As with all TMW2 Major Events, the top 1 receive a special pet, and the other ra As you can guess, said village was abandoned. However, people are claiming to have seen people walking there, like shadows or zombies. +As you may be aware, the Magic Council is in Tulim, after all. + + As you may know, LOF ran on a modified version of The Mana World game, before being merged on TMW2: Moubootaur Legends. @@ -3974,6 +4061,9 @@ Ayasha AyashaDebug AyashaDebug +Azul Skull Slime + + Azul Slime Azul Slime @@ -3998,6 +4088,12 @@ BUG, REPORT ME: QHUB PENALTY OVERRIDE INVALID SIGNAL @@ BUT you can reduce the travel price to everywhere, to as low as 250 GP, by completing QUESTS! +Bachelor + + +Backsliding + + Backsword @@ -4109,9 +4205,36 @@ Base Experience Rate is now %d%%. Base Tier +Bash your weapon against your enemies with raised damage and accuracy. + + +Basic Magic + + Basic Tricks +Basic fire single target attack. May burn targets. + + +Basic ice area attack. Freeze targets in a big area. + + +Basic ice area attack. May freeze targets. + + +Basic ice single target attack. May freeze targets. + + +Basic multi-target holy attack. Is actually weak. + + +Basic single target holy attack. Splashes in the nearby tiles. + + +Basic wind single target attack. Strong in overall. + + Basically, I need to find a friendly Yeti. Do they exist? @@ -4373,6 +4496,9 @@ Black Scorpion Stinger Black Scorpion Stinger -> Red Scorpion Stinger +Black Skull Slime + + Black Slime Black Slime @@ -4793,16 +4919,10 @@ But also very amusing. I'm sure Pihro and Pyndragon, the town mayors, will fancy But as you're here now, could you do me a favour? -But be careful: Only 1MSP-costed skills can be forgotten, and learning fees WON'T be given back! - - -But be careful: Only 2MSP-costed skills can be forgotten, and learning fees WON'T be given back! - - -But be careful: Only 3MSP-costed skills can be forgotten, and learning fees WON'T be given back! +But be careful: do not scream when using a lot of capital letters, and do not keep repeating the lines, and above all DO NOT SPAM, or you may be severely penalized. -But be careful: do not scream when using a lot of capital letters, and do not keep repeating the lines, and above all DO NOT SPAM, or you may be severely penalized. +But be careful: learning fees and research points WILL NOT be given back! But be warned, I don't have the Apple with me. It must be further in. @@ -4964,9 +5084,6 @@ But to be fair, from what I've seen Peetu was always very attentive and dutiful. But to defeat this dummy, I would say that %s should do the trick. -But travel by sea, or access to the village on itself, is thoroughly impossible. Andrei Sakar is at ready. - - But unfortunately, a loose stone lodges and you fall to your death. @@ -4994,9 +5111,6 @@ Mais qui suis-je ? But who cares? We need to save the Professor! During night, monsters are stronger, so they'll probably attack at night time! -But who knows what future holds. The Monster King was blamed as responsible, but he killed our interviewer. Eeh. - - But with a @@, when you are about to die, you can warp back to Soul Menhir and bypass death penalty. @@ -5060,6 +5174,9 @@ Buy a mercenary card Buy cheap, sell expensive! +By "breaking", I do not mean death. It is something worse. + + By far, the most important holiday on Moubootaur Legends. @@ -5345,6 +5462,9 @@ Candor Candor - @@ GP +Candor Battle Score: %d + + Candor Bola @@ -5369,15 +5489,9 @@ Candor Shirt Candor Shorts Candor Shorts -Candor Trainer read all the references that he could find and is wiser than ever! - - Candor Warp Crystal -Candor was sightly reworked in terms of gold gain/expense. @@ was added. - - Candor's Nurse Candor's Nurse @@ -5453,6 +5567,9 @@ Cauldron#RES_0128 Cauldron#RES_PPL +Cause a very strong attack with lowered accuracy. + + Causes a healing effect in area to guild members. @@ -5510,9 +5627,6 @@ Centaur Centaur Spear -Central Woodlands suffered dramatic changes due Saulc (ab)using his GM powers. - - Centurion Helmet Centurion Helmet @@ -5543,6 +5657,9 @@ Ch 3 — Status Ailments Ch 4 — Casting Ch 4 — Lancement +Ch 4 — Information About You + + Ch 5 — Reeling Ch 5 — Tirer @@ -5699,9 +5816,6 @@ Christmas Chief Christmas Cook -Christmas Event: 21/12 ~ 09/01 - - Christmas Gift @@ -5726,9 +5840,6 @@ Cindy#house Citizen -Citzens on the world are now listeing to different tunes, and new adventurers were found... in desert islands? - - Clan Name: @@ @@ -5813,9 +5924,6 @@ Collect the treasured crystals from treasure chests! Colonel DUSTMAN -Colonel DUSTMAN opened the Heroes Hold to the hardcore player. Noobs, keep out! Good players only! - - Come after a little while. Reviens après un petit peu de temps. @@ -6005,6 +6113,9 @@ Copper Ore Copper Ore -> Iron Ore +Copper Skull Slime + + Copper Slime Copper Slime @@ -6020,6 +6131,9 @@ Corsair Hat Cost per two glass: +Cost: %d GP/min + + Cost: 1 @@ @@ -6104,9 +6218,6 @@ Couldn't you climb the rope? Counter Attack -Counter Attack - Next attack will be retaliated, with twice critical ratio. - - Coward Card @@ -6209,9 +6320,6 @@ Crazyfefe Card Crazyfefe Cave: New Highscore: @@ points -Crazyfefe Fight was remastered. The 8.0 release series was the longest release serial thus far. - - Creased Boots Creased Boots @@ -6293,6 +6401,9 @@ Curiously, you try to touch the Mana Stone. Current Guild Balance: %s GP +Current Guild: %s + + Current Magic Control @@ -6332,6 +6443,9 @@ Current hero: @@ Current linked Discord account: @@ +Current magic rank: %d + + Current player count: @@/5 must be online. @@ -6860,9 +6974,6 @@ Different warp systems overlaps each other, so the cooldown is carried over rega Dimond -Dimond bought a brand new slot machine and installed on her inn. The rewards are different from the one on Tulimshar. - - Dimond sold her food alone in this spot for some time, @@ -7118,6 +7229,9 @@ Do you need something from me? Do you need something in particular? +Do you need the extra credit? + + Do you really think the poor creature should jump a bridge in water and DIE? @@ -7520,9 +7634,6 @@ Drop rate has been reset to @@% (default value). Drop rate is set to @@% for the next @@. -Drop rates raised drastically for the lucky ones. Eternal Swamp floods are now more cyclic. - - Drop these near the circle to make the breaking faster. @@ -7706,15 +7817,9 @@ Easter Egg Easter Mouboo Easter Mouboo -Easter eggs have been found, like secret rooms. - - Easter is over! I am the last chance to get rid of eggs!! -Easter will soon start! - - Easy @@ -7733,6 +7838,9 @@ Eggshell Hat Eh, I don't think you'll be brave enough to go after her. If even she decided to flee, I doubt you wouldn't do the same. +Eh, I have to go. + + Eh, that seems too problematic. Sorry. @@ -7781,12 +7889,18 @@ Elias Elias gets a bit excited. +Elite Duck + + Elite Scout#MB0233 Elixir Of Life Élixir de Vie +Eliza + + Elmo Elmo @@ -7808,9 +7922,6 @@ Elves are always allowed inside. Elza -Elza, the Forgetful - - Email: @@ @@ -7829,6 +7940,9 @@ Emerald Powder Emergency Exit Sortie de secours +Emma + + Emoc otem itey gnik! @@ -7889,6 +8003,12 @@ Enjoy your time here, %s. And keep your eye out for agents of S.A.R.A.H. Enliven Reva Foxhound +Enough for now. Let's rest, shall we? + + +Enrique + + Ensio @@ -7913,9 +8033,6 @@ Enter though the window to the secret caves? Enzo -Enzo, the Forgetful - - Eomie Eomie @@ -7985,15 +8102,9 @@ Esperia is the human capital founded at the other continent. Estard Estard -Estard finished arranging sufficient paperwork so adventurers can create their own guilds. - - Eugene Eugène. -Even Tulimshar's Council managed to get that sewer unlocked, and as consequence, players can ascend to level 60! - - Even after breaking the first layer, a second layer keeps active. The first layer gets back to work shortly after. What have I missed or forgotten to do? @@ -8015,9 +8126,6 @@ Event Canceled Event Details -Event Duration: November 3rd ~ November 9th 2018 - - Event Horizon Card @@ -8147,6 +8255,12 @@ Excuse-moi ? Sais-tu qui je suis ? Excuse me? Do you know who I am?#1 Excuse-moi ? Sais-tu qui je suis ? +Exile a player + + +Exiled players will not be able to save to menhir. + + Exp rate has been reset to @@% (default value). @@ -8186,12 +8300,6 @@ Eyes grows! Ezra -Ezra, the Very Forgetful - - -Ezra, the very Forgetful - - F2 F2 @@ -8234,13 +8342,7 @@ Fairy's Squirrel Falkon Card -Falkon Punch - - -Falkon Punch - Bash your weapon against your enemies with raised damage and accuracy. - - -Falkon Punch! +Falkon Strike Fallen King @@ -8297,12 +8399,6 @@ Féminin Fertilized Spores -Fighting stronger monsters will yield more EXP, but to make botting less profitable, too weak monsters give less EXP. - - -Figures clad in dark were reported in Tulimshar Mines, as more miners were hired and need help. - - Fill Water Bottles @@ -8324,6 +8420,9 @@ Bien Finish +Fire Arrow + + Fire Breath Inn @@ -8345,28 +8444,25 @@ Fire Staffs Recipes Fire Staves -Fire Walk +Firearms? What would that be? @@ -Fire Walk - Creates a trail of fire, harming any pursuer +Fireball -Firearms? What would that be? @@ - +Fireball Card -Fireball +Fireplace#Saggy -Fireball - Basic AoE (Area Of Effect) Skill +Firewalk -Fireball Card +First - item must be equipped. -Fireplace#Saggy - -First - item must be equipped. +First Aid First Dungeon Master @@ -8417,9 +8513,6 @@ Fishing is a boring task. Throw the bait, wait for fish to bite. Pull before it Fishing next to shallow water is not going to work well, because fishes seldom go there. Pêcher dans de l'eau peu profonde ne va pas fonctionner très bien car les poisons y nagent rarement. -Fishing now gives experience, and two new baits were added: Cheese and Alface. - - Fixing Crystals have a price. You can only charge crystals to places you've already been. @@ -8597,6 +8690,9 @@ Fortress Gate Fortress Island +Fortress Statue + + Fortune Statue @@ -8615,7 +8711,7 @@ Four minutes after the warp, or when the last maggot die, it'll be over. France: [@@|] -Free Casting +Free Cast Freeze @@ -8636,15 +8732,9 @@ Ohf, cette odeur ! Je peux constater que tu as trouvé la bombe insecticide ! Frost Diver Frost Diver -Frost Diver - Attempt to freeze an enemy, dealing damage - - Frost Nova Frost Nova -Frost Nova - Freeze everything in a range - - Frostia @@ -8693,6 +8783,9 @@ Fruits - @@ coins Full Power Card +Full Throttle + + Full of agrotoxins, transgenics and whatever. Not safe. @@ -8741,9 +8834,6 @@ GM Robe GMs are NOT allowed on Hurnscald Liberation day. -GMs weren't using it a lot, and Quirin needed to collect money. - - GP @@ -8753,6 +8843,9 @@ GP: %d + %d GUARDS! GET THEM! +Gain: %d RP/min + + Gained 20000 XP and 2500 GP @@ -9086,6 +9179,9 @@ Golden Scorpion Claw -> Black Scorpion Claw Golden Warlord Plate Golden Warlord Plate +Golem + + Gonzo Dark Card @@ -9155,9 +9251,6 @@ Bon travail ... Voici ta récompense ... Good job... You can keep the drops. Touch here to return home. -Good luck adventurers, and may the Pink Mouboo watch over this disaster... Whatever that means. They paid us to say that, I swear! - - Good luck arresting the criminal! @@ -9284,6 +9377,9 @@ Graduation Cap Graduation Robe +Grand Hunter Quest + + Grand Hunter Quest: @@/10,000 @@ -9311,9 +9407,6 @@ Great Mouboo Slime Great news! Then please bring me 1 @@, or 200 @@ @@ 20 @@. -Great rewards await, according to the voices! - - Great! Eomie, the girl on Tulimshar's magic academy, is an alchemist. She probably makes fertilizers. @@ -9362,6 +9455,9 @@ Green Dye Green Eggshell Hat Green Eggshell Hat +Green Skull Slime + + Green Slime Green Slime @@ -9383,9 +9479,6 @@ Grind grind grind the slime! Ground Strike -Ground Strike - Hit the ground, exploding the surroundings and disabling enemies. - - Group togheter your guild and challenge the evil power, @@ -9596,15 +9689,6 @@ Guild's Battle Plan Guild's Power -Guilds are now much more stronger, and have exclusive alchemy recipes besides a storage. - - -Guilds can go from 16 to 56 members, tulimshar was restocked. - - -Guilds storage is free for test, and monsters are fainting when too many players attack them at once. - - Guinevere @@ -9728,6 +9812,9 @@ Halinarzo's Nurse Hall Of AF King +Hall Of Academics + + Hall Of Base Level @@ -9779,15 +9866,9 @@ Hard Hard Spike Hard Spike -Hard workers get an extra work level. This means a +1 VIT bonus is possible! - - Hasan Hasan -Hasan is bothering less frequently his friends, as now he have his own seasonal quest. - - Hasan takes your print screen and analyzes it. @@ -9821,6 +9902,9 @@ Have fun! Have no idea where in the world you are? Or what a certain mob drops, or even if you should challenge it? +Have the pirates been routed? Will they return? + + Have you already talked to our captain? He should be downstairs waiting for you! As-tu déjà parlé à notre capitaine? Il doit t'attendre à l'heure qu'il est! @@ -9857,6 +9941,9 @@ Have you managed to transmute the @@ I asked for? Have you seen my brother %s? +Have you seen my sister Elza? + + Have you talked to Peetu co-workers about their opinion yet? @@ -9935,10 +10022,10 @@ Heal Card Healing Healing -Healing - The most basic healing skill, requires no items to use. +Healing Recipes -Healing Recipes +Heals in area every friendly unit (incl. homuns and mercs). Req. Lifestone to cast. Hear me *hic* well, what ever, whatididever you will *hic* said ab... uhm... out what?! You saw there, the Guild won't let it get public. @@ -10313,6 +10400,12 @@ Hello. Did you come here to see the library? There isn't much left... But we're Hello. I am @@, and I am from a family of travellers. We travel though the whole world, looking for exotic goods. +Hello. I am Emma, Enrique's wife. + + +Hello. I am Enrique, headmaster of The Academy. + + Hello. I am the book keeper, responsible for keeping Halinarzo History. @@ -10412,6 +10505,9 @@ Here we have a squall from @@. Here you are! +Here you can find professors, academics and researchers. Feel free to enroll in any class as well. + + Here you go - have fun with it. @@ -10712,9 +10808,6 @@ Hey, how is the monster extermination going? Hey, huge THANKS for the help! I love gifts! Here's your due reward! -Hey, if you take a bow, buy a Quiver with Nicholas, on Hurnscald's blacksmith. Come back always! - - Hey, is somebody over there? @@ -10841,12 +10934,6 @@ Bonjour. Hi. Could you perhaps be interested in doing some small errand for me? -High Healing - - -High Healing - Use a Lifestone for supreme healing. - - High Priest Card @@ -10868,7 +10955,7 @@ His golden ring pops right out of it. His policy is to never read a letter without the sender being present. Of course we checked for poison and traps. -His wandering mirror even challenge players randomly, but rarely grants more than a minute for them. +Hit the ground, exploding the surroundings and disabling enemies. Hit'n'run is not so hard... One hit, one step back... One hit, another step back... One miss, two steps back... @@ -10901,6 +10988,9 @@ Hm. Then please don't disturb me, I'm trying to concentrate. Hm... Shhhh... Hm... Shhhh... +Hmm hmm! Then, let's begin. + + Hmm, I think I can teach you a basic Mana Skill now. That one is pretty simple. @@ -10976,15 +11066,15 @@ Ho... I see you are a tough one... Holy Light -Holy Light - Standard Holy Magical Attack - - Holy Pixie Holy Pixie Homunculus are a bit dumb, although the ones I've cultivated and took personal care of can express reactions. In future, I'll research sentience. +Honor Points: %s + + Honor System. @@ -11156,6 +11246,9 @@ How talk with someone? How to better preserve your dispostives: +How to expand this limit? Well, you'll need to touch a Mana Stone. If you can handle more raw power, your limit will extend. + + How to use best Warp Technology? @@ -11219,9 +11312,6 @@ However, she may have a better assessment of the current situation better than y However, taxes there are the highest. Living cost is high, and you should avoid buying things there. -However, the Monster King laid siege to Hurnscald. His power increased greatly, and ships are not capable of even approaching the city. - - However, the legend said there was a way to prevent this disaster. A single way... Which the Ancient Families of Soul Menhir kept a secret passed down between generations. @@ -11231,9 +11321,6 @@ However, the log breaks with a loud crack. However, there's a link to get a simple python bot software! -However, they allowed everyone to use @@ command to rapidly reach Aeros during events. - - However, they must visit their town office and do daily paperwork, every day. Otherwise, town reputation will go down. @@ -11252,6 +11339,9 @@ However, your guild just challenged Kamelot Dungeons. However... +Huge area of effect fire damage. May burn targets. + + Hum, Which type of favor? @@ -11294,9 +11384,6 @@ Hurnscald Liberation Day special event Hurnscald Mines -Hurnscald Nurse is collecting blood donations, and a veteran officer from Tulimshar City Guard is handing out Wooden Swords. - - Hurnscald Office @@ -11309,9 +11396,6 @@ Hurnscald is a large city. I'm sure glad I live in Candor because I know where e Hurnscald was founded after Tulimshar, in more fertile lands. Their walls are not so sturdy as the ones of Tulimshar. -Hurnscald was liberated by the players @@ ago. - - Hurnscald's Nurse @@ -13226,6 +13310,9 @@ I'm actually looking for an item forged! I'm afraid I can't be of any help to you. +I'm afraid King DD did not finish his testing on this! + + I'm afraid my wounds are too critical. I'm bleeding. I was cursed. And I can't even move. @@ -13259,6 +13346,9 @@ I'm busy, sorry. I'm currently cleaning the arena, wait just @@ more. +I'm currently doing tutorship for students who are... falling behind %%p + + I'm currently going over some of the household paperwork. Right now I'm inspecting the @@. The work never stops! @@ -13277,6 +13367,9 @@ Je vais bien pour l'instant, merci. I'm fine, no worries... +I'm fine, thanks + + I'm fine, thanks! @@ -13289,12 +13382,18 @@ I'm glad there's no annoying towel man. He keeps coming back to annoy me! I'm going, don't worry. +I'm here as an Initiate. May I enter Duck Dungeon? + + I'm here to arrest a criminal. I'm here to arrest you. +I'm here to help you restock... + + I'm here to investigate what exactly happened so this doesn't happens again. @@ -13535,12 +13634,12 @@ Ice Gladius Ice Maggot Ice Maggot -Iced Bottle -Iced Bottle - Iced Fluffy Iced Fluffy +Iced Water + + If I bring @@, my party leader, and the boss is defeated, I can go you in. @@ -14045,6 +14144,9 @@ Increase damage dealt by weapon for all guildies. Increase defense to all friends in radius. +Increase walk speed and flee rate. + + Indeed, matey! Here they are! En effet, matelo! Les voici! @@ -14270,9 +14372,6 @@ Isbamuth Ishi Ishi -Ishi also rewrote his rewards table. More items for lower prices! - - Ishi, the Rewards Master Ishi, la maître des récompenses @@ -14282,6 +14381,9 @@ Isn't hard to live alone? It also expires after two hours. In such case, talk to him again! +It also increases naturally as you grow, albeit less. + + It appears we were focusing too much on research and this lead to neglect of other duties of a Sage's household. This is dangerous in times of changes. I'm worried about the future. @@ -14348,6 +14450,9 @@ It is pretty close to here. I advise you to use a good sword, and heal yourself It is so dangerous, and it... +It is something not yet fully implemented. + + It is the birthplace of humans, the first place to come to existence... The World Edge. The place where humanity began, and according to the legend... The place where it shall perish. @@ -14456,6 +14561,9 @@ It was a reeeeeealy close dispute for the podium, but Jesusalva crafted an item It was an awful cut! Don't think any piece of a sightly lower material will have part in my art! +It was built by The Alliance, and can be accessed by a ship in Tulimshar. + + It was just south of the island. Try walking around a bit? Marche un peu. tu en trouvera un en bas a droite de l'île. @@ -14507,6 +14615,9 @@ It's @@ (day)! It's @@ @@. C'est @@ @@. +It's International Chocolate Day! + + It's Jesusalva's anniversary! @@ -14693,6 +14804,9 @@ It's written in an ancient language, you cannot understand what's written. It's yummy ^.^ +Item 816 + + Item List @@ -14789,9 +14903,6 @@ Jesus Saves Jesusalva -Jesusalva & Saulc, TMW2 Admins - - Jesusalva Card @@ -14834,6 +14945,9 @@ Judgement Judgement has passed. Le jugement est passé. +Judgment + + Juliet Juliet @@ -14939,6 +15053,9 @@ Keep in mind the more power you have, the less control you'll have as well. Unti Keep in mind, the more levels and intelligence you have, more likely the Mana Stone will grant you more Magic Power. But that means nothing. +Keep in mind, we at the Academy do not have a Mana Stone. + + Keep moving boy.#1 Continue de marcher garçon. @@ -15026,6 +15143,9 @@ Knowledge is power... And now you have both. Use them wisely. Knox The Traveler +Kolchak and dangerDuck are working to finish Duck Dungeon. Contact them for updates... + + Kreist @@ -15086,12 +15206,6 @@ Laranja Last IP: @@ -Last Man Standing - - -Last Resort - - Last Seen: @@ @@ -15101,9 +15215,6 @@ Last Stand Card Last Standing Man -Last Standing Man - Passive - Raise Max HP and Holy Defense - - Last map: @@ @@ -15125,6 +15236,9 @@ Laura Lava Mana Pearl +Lava Skull Slime + + Lava Slime Lava Slime @@ -15143,6 +15257,9 @@ Lawn Cable Card Lawncandy +Layman + + Lazurite Cristal Lazurite Cristal @@ -15425,9 +15542,6 @@ Lightbringer Lightbringer#NLib -Lightining Bolt - - Lightning Bolt @@ -15479,6 +15593,9 @@ La ligne @@ a été supprimée. List & Claim rewards +List of Unlocked Pets and Food + + List of known alchemy recipes: @@ -15524,9 +15641,6 @@ Les Lizards sont le monstre principalement présent ici, ils volent l'or des voy LoF Coin -LoF Transcendence Gate was moved to town centre. Tipius haven't been sighted as of late. - - LoF Warp Crystal @@ -15638,12 +15752,6 @@ Lower MAXHP, Damage over time Lower city taxes -Lower difficulty of advanced stage (level 50+ players), by price rebalances. - - -Lower difficulty of starters stage (up to level 20 players), by experience redesign. - - Lowering Taxes @@ -15656,9 +15764,6 @@ Lt. Paul unclaimed rewards REDEEMED. Lt. Randy Lt. Randy -Lua FINALLY noticed that traveling to Halinarzo at level 20 is akin suicide. - - Lua#003-2 Lua#003-2 @@ -15821,10 +15926,10 @@ Magic Ratto Magic Skill Points can be obtained in three ways: By touching a Mana Stone, by signing up in a Special Class (if you have enough magic power) and by having high amounts of Job Level. -Magic Strike +Magic Status -Magic Strike - Standard Magical Attack +Magic Strike Magic Top Hat @@ -15860,6 +15965,9 @@ Magically Sealed Gate Magick Real +Magnus Healing + + Mahad @@ -15875,12 +15983,6 @@ Mahul Main server is: %s -Mainly fixes and the Monster King is now randomly laying siege to towns! - - -Major rebalance, lowering difficulty on sub-level-30 stage. Tulimshar is a whole new place. - - Make me an Iron Powder. Créé moi une Iron Powder. @@ -15899,6 +16001,9 @@ Malivox Mana Being#001-1 Mana Being#001-1 +Mana Bomb + + Mana Bug Mana Bug @@ -15938,9 +16043,6 @@ Mana Stone#Tulim Mana Wisdom -Mana Wisdom - Passive - Raise Mana EXP Gain rate - - Mana is something which existed since the being, but nobody knows much about. @@ -15992,12 +16094,6 @@ Déclencher manuellement l'annonce actuelle Many citzens are still in fear. Paths are closed, economy is a disaster, things are not here. -Many other things were changed, and it is too much to say here. Even people with stronger magic were seen. - - -Many rejoiced. The damage was very big, and all players help is required, to make Hurnscald prosper again. - - Many sacrifices were done, but it was lost. @@ -16091,10 +16187,10 @@ Mashmallow Masked Assassin -Mass Provoke +Mass Provoke replaced with Area Provoke. -Mass Provoke replaced with Area Provoke. +Master Master Bola @@ -16235,9 +16331,6 @@ Meaning that once you equip a bow, you likely won't be able to dodge attacks. Meanwhile, at 00h, 06h, 12h, 15h, 18h and 21h UTC, -Meanwhile, several bugs were fixed. Our second sun had been glitchy, but Jesus Saves made sure it is now fine. - - Mechanically based technology (eg. the Gates or Time Flasks) will never suffer damage from operation but are more costly. @@ -16265,12 +16358,6 @@ Melina Melt something else? -Meltdown Forge, make your useless equip a good weapon! Lieutenant Dausen have new quests! - - -Mercenaries and blueprints! Players are crafting their own weapons. Sagratha and Cindy are in need of help! - - Mercenary Boxset A @@ -16421,7 +16508,10 @@ Minimum advised level 72 to do this quest. Mining opearations advance steadly day by day with your help, thanks! Maybe one day, we find a Mana Stone here! -Minor release to lower travel prices, fix several issues, and enable Friend Referral System. +Minor healing to your wounds. + + +Minor healing to yourself or to allies. Mint Dye @@ -16442,6 +16532,9 @@ Mirror Island 1 Miscellaneous Recipes +Miscellaneous Status + + Mission: Kill all rogue Yetis on the Throne Room. You won't be able to leave until all of them are dead. @@ -16472,10 +16565,10 @@ Modifier, déplacer, ou supprimer une ligne Moggun Moggun -Money in your storage is totally safe. Banking itself is totally safe. +Moggun Egg -Money to leave Candor is easier, as various persons there need help. +Money in your storage is totally safe. Banking itself is totally safe. Money transference by mail is, however, free. @@ -16556,6 +16649,9 @@ Monster NAME, Default %s, empty to cancel Monster Points (Mobpt): @@ | Gold: @@ +Monster Points: %s + + Monster SPEED, Player speed is 150, minimum is 100! @@ -16571,9 +16667,6 @@ Monsters Killed in PvE: %s Monsters are everywhere. They're a plague we're trying to get rid of. -Monsters are walking to different regions, new grinding zones appears! - - Monsters do not aim small towns like Candor. This city also comes with the plus that I know where everything's at. @@ -16676,6 +16769,9 @@ Moubootaur Legends Server Moubootaur Legends just got older! %%N +Moubootaur Maze + + Mountain Snake Mountain Snake @@ -16940,18 +17036,9 @@ Nahrec discretly gives you a recipe. Napalm Beat -Napalm Beat - Spammable AoE Skill - - Nard Nard -Nard also bought a new ship!. - - -Nard and Elmo changed the way they talk to newcomers, to be more clear about what they expect. - - Nard doesn't like people who gets money without working for it. @@ -16976,12 +17063,6 @@ Nard likes people who work hard. Work harder! Nard noticed your hard work. -Nard's ship basement was modified, and winter drops are now alive. Don't miss Christmas event, either. - - -Nard's ship is not capable to do Tulimshar<->Candor route instantly anymore: His magic sail broke. - - Narrator Narrateur @@ -17045,9 +17126,6 @@ New chars, and reborn chars, will also begin at level 10. New default game settings: -New players can also get an EXP bonus with Elmo until they get level 15. Warp Crystals are here! - - Newbie @@ -17105,6 +17183,9 @@ Nikolai takes a sweat of his head. He seems worried with Cindy. Nikolai, the Blue Sage +Nilfheim + + Nina The Traveler Nina The Traveler @@ -17120,9 +17201,6 @@ Nivalis Nivalis - @@ GP -Nivalis Liberation Day Result: Players Lost 92 : 300 Monsters Won - - Nivalis Office @@ -17297,9 +17375,6 @@ Noel Slime None Aucun -None at the moment! - - None at the moment. @@ -17420,9 +17495,6 @@ Not only that, but he is the only one here besides me who can do magic. Without Not only that, but the Yeti King and me had an... incident, in times best forgotten. Let's not talk about it. -Not only that, but there appeared some paladins, tankers, wizards, sages and raggers claiming to have mastered magic. - - Not really, sorry. @@ -17528,6 +17600,9 @@ Note: Unless you were doing something REALLY bad which is harmful to player comm Note: You can exchange 1 @@ for 3 @@ +Note: You can increase the time by talking to Emma again. + + Note: You can only perform this operation @@/6 times. @@ -17825,6 +17900,9 @@ Oh it's you @@, I did not recognize you with your hat! Oh it's you @@, I did not recognize you without a hat! +Oh look, it is Cupid! + + Oh my Jesusalva - You broke my lock! Why?! @@ -18542,9 +18620,6 @@ PS En raison d'un bug, ils ne seront pas affichés à l'écran lorsque vous vous PS. The group names still aren't set. You're free to pinch in suggestions at LoF Discord (Legacy #discussion) :> -PVP Arena did NOT got in. Same for AFK Cap. - - Pachua @@ -18599,9 +18674,6 @@ Party Name: @@ Party Quest -Party levels for experience sharing restriction is more flexible, and there is a great co-op quest. - - Password changed with success! @@ -18656,9 +18728,6 @@ Peetu? That's one of the high rank helpers. As far as I know, he's capable of ma People are challenging now. -People at Tulimshar are now giving more tips to newcomers, and new bugs may have been introduced. - - People from here always look dumbfolded when they walk past them and find themselves somewhere else. @@ -18713,9 +18782,6 @@ Personally, I like unranked events more than ranked ones... Pet Detective -Pet Detective wasn't getting new members and was forced to drop price. - - Petal Petal @@ -18734,6 +18800,9 @@ Pets must keep a strict diet. Pious eats Piberries, Bhoppers eat Aquadas, and Ma Petu? Yeah, he's the kind of person who always wants to do things perfectly. That makes it a bit difficult to work with him, since his expectations for others are as high as for himself. +Ph.D + + Phew! The Bandit Lord was killed. @@ -18764,9 +18833,6 @@ Baies Pi Piberries Infusion Infusion de Baies Pi -Pick a bounty at Tulimshar Guard House! Buy and use grenades! (Only against non-boss monsters) - - Pick an item from either storage or inventory and choose what you want to do with it by clicking the right button. @@ -18866,19 +18932,10 @@ Platinum Ore -> Iridium Ore Platinum Quiver -Players Killed in PvP: %s - - -Players are now send players to Nivalis and Frostia, to keep learning about who they are. While greater forces are at play, the player might be just a minor one, but certainly an important one. - - -Players are renting Mouboos and Tortugas to move faster! Shields are now better! +Player must be online for the operation to finish. -Players can now sense monsters strength with @@, and lag was reduced. Pets can run away again. - - -Players didn't escape from the manaquake. Xtreem says it is easier to kill monsters now. +Players Killed in PvP: %s Playtesting @@ -18890,6 +18947,9 @@ Please accept this @@ as a gratitude for your time. Please accept this reward from my part. And if anything else happens again, I'll leave the doors open for you and your guild. +Please be careful when fighting. A mighty warrior such as yourself can harm their allies with any AoE effects they may use. + + Please be patient and @@ -18989,6 +19049,12 @@ Please help my wife Yumi, on the Hospital! Please help us with the bandits on the Canyon, and meanwhile, I'll seek the records for you. Just @@ more. +Please insert player name to cancel exile. + + +Please insert player name to exile. + + Please insert your Discord ID, on the following format: @@ -19292,6 +19358,9 @@ Professor#003-0 Progress on this server may be %s. +Prologue + + Protip @@ -19343,7 +19412,10 @@ Protip: Your current progress will be saved. Provoke Provoke -Provoke - Provoke a single monster +Provoke a single monster to attack you. + + +Provokes all monsters around the target, and the target itself. Prsm Helmet @@ -19511,6 +19583,9 @@ Raise agility to do this quest. Raise city taxes +Raise damage of next skill. + + Raise max members @@ -19679,6 +19754,9 @@ Recipe Book Recommended: ##B%d##b | Max: %d +Recover some HP. + + Recruiter @@ -19724,6 +19802,9 @@ Red Scorpion Stinger -> Scorpion Stinger Red Scorpion breed as fast as the Ratto! With our current numbers, it's nearly impossible to take over. +Red Skull Slime + + Red Slime Red Slime @@ -19775,105 +19856,6 @@ Regular Drops: Reinboo Wand Reinboo Wand -Release 2 - - -Release 2.1 - Free Lunch For Those Who Work Hard! - - -Release 2.2 - There Are No Pipelines - - -Release 3 - - -Release 3.0 - In The Dreams - - -Release 4 - - -Release 4.0 - Quest Giver's Handbook - - -Release 5 - - -Release 5.0 - Greenland Players - - -Release 6 - - -Release 6.0 - Steam, Fire, and... Monster King?! - - -Release 7 - - -Release 7.0 - Polished Emerald - - -Release 7.1 - Broken Emerald - - -Release 7.2 - Frozen Jesusalva - - -Release 7.3 - Frozen Community - - -Release 7.4 - Christmas Revolution - - -Release 7.5 - Merry Christmas, Happy New Year - - -Release 8 - - -Release 8.0 - Apane Invasion, the Remaster - - -Release 8.1 - It's hidden! Where? - - -Release 8.2(1) - Valentine Day (Is Over) - - -Release 8.3 - King Arthur - - -Release 8.4 - Can I Live Ingame? - - -Release 8.5 - A Place To Spend Vacations - - -Release 8.9 - Easter Event - - -Release 8.99 - JESUSALVA IS LAZY - - -Release 9 - - -Release 9.0 - The Promised Release - - -Release 9.1 - Bedtime Stories - - -Release 9.2 - Workbench - - -Release 9.3 - Lovely Homunculus - - -Release 9.4 - Balance & Bugfix Patch - - Reload NPC Data @@ -20009,6 +19991,9 @@ Rescue Cindy from the Ice Labyrinth and the evil Yetis. This is a global, multip Rescuing Cindy Quest +Research Points +%d + + Researcher @@ -20051,6 +20036,9 @@ Resign Resting. I've been slaying slime nests the whole day. +Retaliates next attack with a critical hit. This instance lasts a second. + + Return @@ -20084,6 +20072,9 @@ Return to main island. Return to main menu Revenir au menu principal +Revert a player exile + + Revolver Shooter Revolver Shooter @@ -20165,6 +20156,9 @@ Roger, eh? Aye, I do need help. If you bring me 30 @@, 50 @@, and 30 @@, maybe I Rogue Escroc +Rogue Status + + Room password: @@ @@ -20180,9 +20174,6 @@ Rose Rosen Rosen -Rosen is now making Training Bow in Candor for new adventures. - - Rotten Rags Rotten Rags @@ -20300,6 +20291,9 @@ Malheureusement, tu n'as rien trouvé d'autre que de la poussière. Safe travels! +Sage + + Sagratha Sagratha @@ -20396,15 +20390,9 @@ Saulc Card Saulc Sponsor -Saulc and Cherry married in Halinarzo, and stayed like this for perhaps 20 seconds, before Cherry asked for divorce. - - Saulc is rich, you know. He challenged a group of thirty NPCs to defeat him, whoever won would get this @@. -Saulc said it needs an inspection, and he'll be with everyone trying to proccess and fix the amount of damage this caused. - - Saulc was here @@ -20759,12 +20747,6 @@ Several books about artificial lifeforms and the man who played God. Several books about hiding magic. Might be why the houses looked abandoned and empty but the chimney was going. -Several bugfixes! And a new bug replace every removed one! - - -Several bugfixes, and new monsters have been seen. Almost all healing items have changed. - - Several flasks are aligned there. They seemed to be dyes, but a close inspection reveals they're not. @@ -20807,9 +20789,6 @@ Sharp Knife Sharpshooter -Sharpshooter - Shoot an arrow or bullet which damages everything on its way. - - Sharpshooting skill replaced with Charged Arrow. @@ -20828,9 +20807,6 @@ She doesn't seems to trust me... Maybe I should bring a guild vice-leader, or ev She falls in a single blow. You'll attribute her death to the Mysterious Assassin. -She is sending players to Hurnscald instead. - - She isn't on that cave. @@ -20882,9 +20858,6 @@ Shield Recipes Shields -Ship travels are cheaper, full equipment sets have hidden bonuses, Soul Menhirs are now auto-touched. - - Ship travels are not free. Also, I have a few friends on the Island, and I would like you to check out on them. @@ -20897,6 +20870,12 @@ Shoes Shooo, shooo! Give my crops some time to recover, your noob. +Shoot FIVE arrows or bullets to the air and cause Area Of Effect Damage. + + +Shoot an arrow or bullet which damages everything on its way. + + Shop#Candor Shop#Candor @@ -20942,9 +20921,6 @@ Si tu es trop rapide ou si tu attends trop longtemps, tu échoueras sans doute. Shovel have been changed, right-click it to bury items. -Shovels and Treasure maps, for the explorers this summer, after June 21st! - - Show Tutorial Protips @@ -20957,9 +20933,6 @@ Show me what you can! Shroom Hat Shroom Hat -Side Note: During r6.1 and r6.5, various improvements were done, and two new quests were seen. Priests have shown up. - - Siege Tower @@ -21101,10 +21074,10 @@ Silvia is in Noble District of Tulimshar. Simon -Since Merlin left in an expedition with Morgan, strange things have been happening in Kamelot. +Simply put, they are raw power. -Since previous release, there was also seen priests, two new quests, and a breakthrough on reset potions happened. +Since Merlin left in an expedition with Morgan, strange things have been happening in Kamelot. Sincerity Island @@ -21452,25 +21425,16 @@ So... I think I'm almost done! My plan is to force a @@ into being a pretty Butt So... I won't say you can't do it, @@. I will just say killing the Bandit Lord is no easy task. -So... I'm at your hands now... What will you do with me? - - -So... You see... I usually pay a lot of attention to my work. Especially when doing something as delicate as sealing away the slimes for the night. - - -So? How many *hic* he collect? - - -So? How was it? +So... I'm at your hands now... What will you do with me? -Some NPCs are [@@|learning new languages@@]. +So... You see... I usually pay a lot of attention to my work. Especially when doing something as delicate as sealing away the slimes for the night. -Some adventurer broke what was previously thought as maximum level, and is now level 40! +So? How many *hic* he collect? -Some adventurer broke what was previously thought as maximum level, and is now level 45! +So? How was it? Some are dangerous, too. Even if you look capable of fighting, the Blue Sage instructed me to prevent anyone from visiting until the mess is cleared. @@ -21488,9 +21452,6 @@ Some bullets have Elemental Properties, by the way. Now, what will it be? Some items are only produced in Nivalis. After all, it is hard to work properly with ice in a desert! -Some monsters gained death and/or attack sounds, and Blue Sage House front door is now open. - - Some of finest elven craftmanship can be found there, like bows, for example. @@ -21503,9 +21464,6 @@ Some of my miners friends died in this mine, because there are plenty of dangero Some of them are pretty strong. Do you need an explanation about hit'n'run and the monster you're about to face? Certains d'entre eux sont assez forts. Avez-vous besoin d'une explication du hit'n'run ainsi qu'une description du monstre que vous allez affronter? -Some of these even cause area damage! Rumors of time travellers were heard, but no time travel was confirmed. - - Some others also like to buy them to keep as trophies. Either way, you can make some money with that. @@ -21542,15 +21500,9 @@ Some, but not all, from the rare or non-replaceable items will have a warning wh Somebody already rented it before you! -Somebody else also got huge stats bonuses because reached the unbelievable job level 25. - - Somebody took your place on this spot! Quelqu'un a prit ta place à cet endroit ! -Someone adventurer broke what was previously thought as maximum level, and is now level 31! - - Someone else is using the guild storage right now. Please wait. @@ -21629,9 +21581,6 @@ Soren's House Tutorial Soren's Lake -Soren, the architect responsible for it, is very happy with the new design. - - Sorfina @@ -21857,6 +21806,9 @@ Speak with ##BBarzil##b. Tell him it is for the Magic Academy. HURRY UP! Spearmint Tea +Special Event Pets + + Specialized in destructive, magical skills. @@ -21944,6 +21896,9 @@ Staircase#MKHB Stalman +Standard Magic + + Standard Tricks @@ -21962,9 +21917,6 @@ Start! Stat Boost Recipes -Stat Reseters had a breakthrough which made potions cheaper, and Arkim brand new petiscide made Pinkies sick (with less HP). - - Status Reset Potion @@ -21995,6 +21947,9 @@ Stay there? Steal bucket! +Stealing + + Steam (LoF Village) @@ -22034,9 +21989,6 @@ Storage Fairy Strange Coin Strange Coin -Strange figures appear, claiming to be from the Land of Fire, and using interesting sticks, which spits fire. - - Strange switch status: @@ @@ -22088,6 +22040,15 @@ Strength: STR+, Carry Weight + Strength: VIT++ +Strong wind area of effect attack. + + +Strong wind single target attack. + + +Student + + Student#A01 @@ -22154,10 +22115,13 @@ Super Menu Superb stealth, and quick on their toes. -Supreme Attack +Superior damage on enemies who walk over the fire. -Supreme Attack - Cause a very strong attack with lowered accuracy. +Superior single target damage which splashes in area. + + +Supreme Attack Supreme Chest @@ -22313,9 +22277,6 @@ TMW2 Staff TUTORIAL -Tactical Retreat - - Take care though, don't attack them when they are in group! @@ -22418,13 +22379,7 @@ Taxes will raise in 0.01~0.03%, capped at 10%. Tea party! I want to participate. -Teaching Elza your skills will make you both forget them. - - -Teaching Enzo your skills will make you both forget them. - - -Teaching Ezra your skills will make you both forget them. +Teaching %s your skills will make you both forget them. Teal Dye @@ -22436,6 +22391,9 @@ Tech-User Forge Technical problem, gimme info about an item. +Technician + + Tell me about Artis. @@ -22472,12 +22430,18 @@ Dites-moi quelle langue vous parlez et je changerai la note sur la liste des pas Tell people the name of a new hero. +Tempest + + Ten, fifty, thousand... Yep, this is the amount I've asked for. Tench Tench +Tengu + + Tentacles Tentacules @@ -22508,9 +22472,6 @@ Terranite Ingot Terranite King Terranite King -Terranite King was seen recently. New shields and pants are available for craft. - - Terranite Mask @@ -22850,9 +22811,6 @@ Thanks... I guess...#1 Thanksgiving -That and other changes, are all thinking on players helping each other. - - That annoying guy on the side of the tree is annoying. I want to ban him. @@ -23075,6 +23033,9 @@ The @@ stole my @@. Hahah. I can't find anywhere else to buy it. The @@ tab allows yeye to talk on Discord, too! Yayaya, fancy, uh? L'onglet @@ vous permet également de parler à n'importe qui. Qu'il soit sur l'IRC ou Discord! Hey hey, ça vous tente? +The Academy Island is situated east of Land of Fire Village. + + The Alliance Advanced Outposts are closed for maintenance. Group in front of the town entrance! @@ -23084,24 +23045,12 @@ The Alliance Advanced Outposts have been abandoned and locked after the Liberati The Alliance Council rarely meets. It's thanks to them that the cities are well protected, if you want my opinion. -The Alliance High Council informs that Super Players and above are capable to try ##B @toevent ##b for free event warps. - - -The Alliance announces a great new way to keep adventurers killing monsters. - - The Alliance can help you in finding out about who you are, why you are here, or from where you came from. So, about the tasks I want completed. -The Alliance changed some rules for storage size, botting, and grand hunter prizes, too. - - The Alliance have records of everyone. And if you need another trip, talk to me! -The Alliance prepared an attack against the Monster King. Report at Nivalis Guard for more information. - - The Alliance says that @@ monsters have been slain by players since 2019-05-24! @@ -23111,6 +23060,9 @@ The Alliance which was formed after the war! The Arena is currently closed for maintenance. +The Army seems to walk away after some time. + + The Blue Sage @@ -23123,6 +23075,9 @@ Le Livre des Lois The Cave Of Trials, and the Soren's Village... There's only one thing left. +The Council of Elders has enlisted ducks of our island into a militia. In addition, the masters of the Duck Side have seen fit to spare %d Duck initiates to assist us. + + The Doctor @@ -23141,13 +23096,19 @@ The Fafi Dragon are really really bad guys. I don't know how they came here, as The Fafi knows you are here to kill him. They are smart. But I can make a trap. +The Fifth Act + + +The First Act + + The Forest -The Game Masters are assembling a party to storm Hurnscald and liberate it. You should try joining it! +The Fourth Act -The Grand Hunter quest is available with Aidan. It's an experiment by the High Council, +The Game Masters are assembling a party to storm Hurnscald and liberate it. You should try joining it! The Guard House @@ -23189,12 +23150,6 @@ The Magic Academy System is responsible for learning most skills ingame. For tha The Magic Council can be found at this city. They are the most powerful mages. If you have an impressive magical affinity, they may entitle you to have access to a Mana Stone. -The Magic Council finished the reform on their guest hall. - - -The Magic Council lift Statues in honor of some people. But its guest hall is in reform! - - The Magical Seal which protects the final room is too strong. @@ -23234,27 +23189,21 @@ The Monster King The Monster King Army is attacking towns at random, but players already reduced their organization to @@ %%! -The Monster King Army is occupying several towns! Brave players need to group and retake them! +The Monster King Army is making siege at towns randomly! -The Monster King Army left the cities! What will happen next? Anxiety grows! +The Monster King Army is occupying several towns! Brave players need to group and retake them! -The Monster King Fortress +The Monster King Army left the cities! What will happen next? Anxiety grows! The Monster King Lair is not in a impregnable mountain, but in a small island now!! -The Monster King got so active in the past days, he even have a mirrored version of himself roaming the lands. - - The Monster King is on the move! -The Monster King left Hurnscald! This is our chance! Saulc GM is assembling a team to TAKE OVER HURNSCALD!! - - The Monster King was so powerful! It is impossible to recover the artifact now, and everyone will die! @@ -23273,9 +23222,6 @@ The Mouboo is lying down on the grass. The Mouboo seems to be lying in pain. -The NPC responsible for buying raw gemstones from other NPCs has recovered since the last siege. - - The Pet Caring Guild will collect them after a while, and capture many others. @@ -23288,6 +23234,9 @@ The Professor? Wait, THE Professor? As in, the wisest person on Tulimshar? The Regnum Blessing causes all monsters in an area +The Second Act + + The Self-Serving Ice Well! @@ -23303,10 +23252,10 @@ The Supreme and Ultimate floors are just a WIP bonus. So if you don't find them The Team For A Better PvP says that @@ players were killed in fair matches! -The Throne Room is the last room. You can reactive any switch which turns itself off. +The Third Act -The Tulimshar Forge is also dealing with more complex materials, and not just Iron. +The Throne Room is the last room. You can reactive any switch which turns itself off. The Tulimshar guards needs an freelance employee who would help us in our work. We are searching for people as you. @@ -23336,15 +23285,6 @@ The advantage of fighting with a ranged weapon is that you can stay out of the e The alliance also have a special program, called ##BGrand Hunter Quest##b, where you kill 10,000 of a monster and get great rewards. -The alliance panicked, and allowed Demure, Pyndragon and Pihro on their board of members. - - -The alliance, in honor of previous event winners, built new statues on the Council Guest Hall. - - -The announcement is: “Need a challenge? Or perhaps an Infinity +1 Sword? Try Heroes Hold today.” - - The answers might need to have whitespaces. DO NOT, BY ALL MEANS, insert two whitespaces instead of one. @@ -23429,9 +23369,6 @@ The current town administrator will be inscribed for re-election automatically. The curse was done by nobody less than... the Moubootaur. -The demand for strong players raised everywhere. Even death penalty decreased, and GMs are doing better events now. - - The desert climate means you'll find mostly maggots and scorpions. Their drops include cactus drinks, cake, knifes, black pearls, gold, and other common things. @@ -23474,9 +23411,6 @@ The effects and uses - if any - are still unknown. The event starts hourly, when the minute clock hits zero. I'll tell everyone on this room when it starts and ends. -The famous PVP Arena, Quirino Voraz, can now be used by all players. - - The farmer seems mad and in need of help. Will you help him? @@ -23507,7 +23441,7 @@ The first way, The fishing rod allows a quick income by selling fishes. However, reaching the fisherman might require some exploration... The whole world is full of secrets. -The foretold Call Of Dusty event quest is also now available for PVP Parties. +The following skill is needed: %s%s (Lv. %d) The gates are firmly shut by some weird magical power. %s @@ -23612,6 +23546,12 @@ The mana bridge is closed at the moment. The mana war stroke, and many people died, +The masters have decided you are to be given honorary initiation into the Duck Side. The Duck Side is powerful, much more so than you could possibly understand. + + +The masters of the Duck Side, The Council of Elders, and King DD himself, on behalf of all ducks, thank you for your help. We wouldn't have survived without it. + + The mayor, Rakinorf, is probably on the Inn upstairs, drinking himself to death. @@ -23678,9 +23618,6 @@ The mouboo still looks terrible, but you can see a small difference. The nanorob-- err, the *magic* will seal all your wounds. You trust Basil, right? -The new inhabitants from the Land Of Fire are welcome, and some are still sheltering, like the Silversmith. - - The next page begins to list the complex trading laws and political rules. @@ -23708,9 +23645,6 @@ The other one claims to be a dangerous bandit and to teach how to steal from mon The pan is empty, but it smells like fresh cookies. -The party dungeon is still under maintenance, but it shall soon be liberated. The disaster was so big, all mobs are different. - - The passwords doesn't match. @@ -23720,6 +23654,15 @@ The path to reach Eugene is hidden. However, if you pay attention to the map, yo The pirate ship captain appear! TAKE CARE!! +The pirates amass for their siege, but they will not attack yet. Return when you are stronger. King DD is working to find a solution. + + +The pirates have been surrounding our island for many sun rises. We expect they will attack any time. + + +The player is offline or does not exist. + + The potion is baked, and the time is now running! Read as fast as you can, don't miss details! @@ -23840,9 +23783,6 @@ The situation is different if someone from Hurnscald went to her rescue. That's The situation is too serious to you be lying... Please, go fetch the items... -The snowstorm at Nivalis has ceased, but the Monster King led a massively huge army to siege Nivalis. - - The soldiers are resting at the moment. @@ -23894,9 +23834,6 @@ The town administrator benefits for free services on the town. The trickster can be found right here. -The tritan pirates amass for their siege, but they will not attack yet. Return later. King DD is working to find a solution. - - The uniform would be: @@, @@, @@ and @@ @@ -23963,6 +23900,9 @@ Their main tasks are ensuring trade, protecting the cities from monster invasion Then I craft some new type of strong desert shirt, to protect users from snakes and sunlight. +Then I hope you can keep your grades high, hmm hmm! + + Then I returned to Tulimshar. Now I do research, vote on the Magic Council meetings, and I also teach young mages about Transmutation magic. @@ -24029,9 +23969,6 @@ There are only a few pages missing. There are people in the world who need help! -There are rumors of a grand prize to whoever gets lucky on that machine. - - There are secret caves on this city. In fact, Tulimshar holds many misteries. @@ -24089,10 +24026,10 @@ There is no EXP penalty, but you cannot go back without either completing the ca There is no honor in fighting a weak opponent. Il n'y a aucun honneur à combattre un adversaire faible. -There is now a challenge in Tulimshar PvP Duel Room. How long can you survive? +There is only one way towards the best equipment: Smith away! -There is only one way towards the best equipment: Smith away! +There is only so much magical power your body can handle without breaking. There isn't enough, not even for NPCs. We need at least 100. @@ -24113,18 +24050,9 @@ There seems to be signs of a fight long forgotten, but it still reeks blood. There was a visitor with a mask? I didn't notice. You see, I spend most of my time in the workshop, and concentrate on my work. There are other helpers who attend to the visitors. And hopefully keep them from disturbing my concentration. -There was just too many changes to list all of them here. Good luck finding all of them! - - There was nobody on the Bandit Lord's room. -There was too many things to keep track. After Hurnscald siege, with lots of earthquakes, we had an accident. - - -There were trees blocking the path to Halinarzo? Why nobody told that to Tulimshar Council?! - - There will be consequences. @@ -24161,9 +24089,6 @@ There's a big prize in the end... Could you bring me some later? There's a long time we don't eat anything. Bring us @@! Five should do it. -There's a scheduled update for 26/12. Event subject to change without prior notice. - - There's a shiny safe here. How much money is inside? Nobody is looking at you, great! @@ -24233,9 +24158,6 @@ There... *hic* They will expire *hic* in just @@... Or on logout. Therefore we need a lot of glue, but our supplies are nearly used up. I need @@/@@ @@ as ingredient to make new glue. -Therefore, raw gemstones prices are once again on the rise. - - Therefore, the Alliance created a system so when you kill a monster, depending on its strength, you'll get Monster Points. @@ -24272,9 +24194,6 @@ These monsters are a great source of raw crafting materials. These people have lots of unspent Strange Coins! Waw! -These trees were cut and travellers can once again travel to Halin. - - These weapons are only for masters, so you must get levels before being able to use them. @@ -24473,9 +24392,6 @@ This can only be reverted at rebirth! Beware! This cannot be undo later! -This caused a mana disturbance, and healing items are working better now, affecting every sector of economy. - - This cave is considered outside the town! @@ -24557,6 +24473,9 @@ This is a @@, meaning only the victor party will receive the great prize. This is a Soul Menhir, but seems more magical than the others. +This is a hot map, you're suffering damage over time. + + This is a magical barrier, powered by three seals in your part. @@ -24791,9 +24710,6 @@ This seal was already broken, proceed to the next seal! This seems like a good idea at first, but actually, it isn't. -This server's Sponsors bought the area above Hurnscald's Inn. Nobody else is being allowed there. - - This shrine is devoted to those whom shall never come back. @@ -24818,9 +24734,6 @@ This skill cannot be upgraded further. This small island is a good place to heal our wounds, and the monsters here are not threating. -This somehow affected the whole economy. - - This statue was built for memory of Andrei Sakar, the greatest hero this world has even seen. @@ -24842,9 +24755,6 @@ This torch is already lit. This vault currently have @@ GP inside. -This was caused because changes on the Mana Bridge. They hope that for next release, everyone will be able to use these magic words, instead of needing to talk to the Soul Menhir. - - This well is sealed. They must take water outside the town. @@ -24908,9 +24818,6 @@ Those for consumption, equipment and generics. Three equal: @@. -Three new swords are now obtainable, although Broadsword is still the best weapon around. Except on Heroes Hold. - - Throw a coin? @@ -24956,6 +24863,9 @@ Time limit for answer: 2 minutes Time remaining to report completion: +Times died: %s + + Tin Ingot Tin Ingot @@ -25031,9 +24941,6 @@ To celebrate this I'll ask you some questions about my favourite book, The Hitch To collect snake skin -To counter-act this, nicholas lowered craft prices, and the folks at LoF are doing their best at refines. - - To craft an item, you'll need to learn its blueprint. Blueprints can be very hard to obtain! Being a crafter will take a lot of your time. @@ -25337,6 +25244,9 @@ Lance ton hameçon dans de l'eau profonde en cliquant sur l'endroit où tu veux Total Credits and GP: @@ +Total Gold: %s + + Total Logins: @@ @@ -25346,6 +25256,9 @@ Total money collected: @@ GP Total slow down, DEF-, may freeze +Total time AFK'ed in Tulimshar: %d hours and %d minutes + + Toto Toto @@ -25460,9 +25373,6 @@ Treasure Key Treasure Map Treasure Map -Treasure chests have been seen on dungeons, always changing places and refilling themselves. - - Treasure! @@ -25559,18 +25469,6 @@ Tulimshar Guard Card Tulimshar Guard Card will prove good intentions. Talk to the Lieutenant in front of the Guard House. -Tulimshar Guardhouse's door was struck, but the guards managed to get it open again. - - -Tulimshar Guards bought a Slot Machine to play, but that was done unofficialy. - - -Tulimshar Jewerly is now polishing gemstones to add on rings. New monsters were seen, stay on guard. - - -Tulimshar Jewerly is once again open. Cyndala and Tamiloc rented a shop south of Tulimshar. - - Tulimshar Map @@ -25595,9 +25493,6 @@ Tulimshar is the oldest human city, and its foundation is the year zero of our c Tulimshar is the strongest city because Dausen teaches every newcomer about the monsters around and how to defeat them. Take his special training if you get the chance! -Tulimshar miners are having troubles with monsters. They are offering rewards to whoever helps them. - - Tulimshar miners mainly try to obtain gems. @@ -25613,6 +25508,12 @@ Tunnel through the caves! Tutorial Protips: +Tutorship is NOT the most effective way. + + +Tutorship will give you Research Points. + + Twelve times more if it is an elusive Mana Fragment no one knows where they are! @@ -25712,9 +25613,6 @@ Uhm, that's an... @@. Do you... want to grow a tree on the mouboo or something? Uhm, this seems like a bad idea. -Uhm... Bye? - - Uhm... I thought you were trying to heal the mouboo. Why are you giving it poisonous stuff?! @@ -25757,9 +25655,6 @@ Unfortunately, I cannot sell them to you. Maggots are attacking my crops and giv Unfortunately, I was cursed to never enter their cave again. They used a @@ to do that! -Unfortunately, Tulimshar guards are dying in the sun. Maybe you could provide them with Water? - - Unfortunately, a mere fledgling like you is not strong enough to help us. @@ -26249,9 +26144,6 @@ Wandering too much? Take care to not get lost. Wands -Wands are also being sold, and other stuff from the Land Of Fire slowly creeps in. - - Want to break the hundredthousand item limit?? Ten gifts, for more, bring 102,400 boxes here. @@ -26384,9 +26276,6 @@ We advise you to change your equipment now. We also feature some services like a storage and a bank for members. Nous proposons également des services comme un stockage et une banque pour les membres. -We apologize to all, but the Land Of Fire CRASHED here, and broke the whole balance! Part of woodlands flooded! - - We appreciate your help. Take this %s as a token of goodwill. @@ -26396,9 +26285,15 @@ We are @@ since the last great attack from the Monster King. We are assembling forces to take Nivalis back. +We are deliberating. Some do not... approve of your initiation. Leave. + + We are in desperate need of food and nesting material, as well as our sacred supply of @@. +We are no longer in danger, thanks to you. The pirates were thoroughly defeated. None survived the battle. + + We are planning to take over Hurnscald from the Monster King, and we will need everybody's help. @@ -26450,10 +26345,7 @@ We keep the Slimes past the barrier for the night, so be careful when entering. We may delete all entries and change formulas in the future. -We may require your aid again soon. The tritan pirates are amassing and we fear they are planning a siege of Duck Island. I must speak with the council... - - -We mean, some are giving stupid amounts of experience, and players can get more levels. Saulc cannot proccess that many changes! +We may require your aid again soon. The tritan pirates are amassing and we fear they are planning a siege of Duck Island. I must speak with the Council of Elders... We must away @@ -26465,6 +26357,9 @@ We must blame Saulc! We must defeat the Monster King on his evil lair! +We must defeat the commanders to avoid major damage to them! + + We need to find what powers these two seals and disable it. @@ -26522,9 +26417,6 @@ We will have a party today, but only believers are allowed in! We will talk about it later. Nous en parlerons plus tard. -We wish you a merry Christmas! And a happy new year!! - - We won't be able to pay you in money, but we'll make you one of us if you bring us beer! @@ -27026,6 +26918,12 @@ Qu'est-ce que je suis supposé dire ? What an amazing crown you have! How do I get it?! +What are Magic Skill Points? + + +What are Research Points + + What are current leaderboard? @@ -27110,6 +27008,9 @@ What color is a Babel Fish? What crap is that?! This is not from Tulimshar! +What did the Council of Elders say? Is there any news of the pirates? + + What did you expected, anyway? @@ -27203,6 +27104,9 @@ What is going on here? What is my current hairstyle and hair color? Quelle est ma coupe et ma couleur de cheveux actuelle ? +What is the Academy? + + What is the Alliance? @@ -27212,6 +27116,9 @@ What is the Magic Academy? What is the Moubootaur? +What is the Scholar Rank? + + What is the answer to life, the universe and everything? @@ -27545,6 +27452,9 @@ White Slime Mother WhiteCat +Who are the most famous scholars? + + Who are you, and how did you manage to come down here? The sheer power of our Lord prevents anyone not under his control to go here. @@ -27605,9 +27515,6 @@ Who's this Juliet? Who, or what are you? -Whoa! LoF merge wasn't entirely stable! After a terrible manaquake, everything, - - Whoever took control of this village is no ordinary mage. There's a switch on the wall. @@ -27683,18 +27590,12 @@ Will you try to unlock it? Wind Fairy Wind Fairy -Wind Walk - - Wind: @@, @@ Windwalker -Windwalker - Increase walk speed and flee rate. - - Wine Making Barrel @@ -27755,9 +27656,6 @@ With one gem you can expect to get 1 to 3 powders! With recent player activity, the Monster king is @@! -With renewed confidence about the outcome of the war, various people left their houses. - - With this I make balls of slime for Candor's childs, they really like to play with them. @@ -27884,9 +27782,6 @@ Worker Day Worker Statue -Workers have closed Nivalis to repairs, due intense damage to town infrastructure. - - World Expo @@ -27986,9 +27881,6 @@ Wurtzite Ore Wyara -Wyara tells she will now make Return Potions for those trusted by Hurnscald Staff! - - Xanthem Card @@ -28148,6 +28040,9 @@ Years later, someone then started giving gifts to the poor childrens on that dat Yellow Dye +Yellow Skull Slime + + Yellow Slime Yellow Slime @@ -28460,6 +28355,9 @@ You also get access to a party chat, and there are no compromises, so it is a pe You also need @@/@@ Mob Points to improve thief skills. +You are NO LONGER EXILED from %s by %s. + + You are NOT allowed to leave here! @@ -28523,6 +28421,9 @@ You are exhausted, you should rest @@.#0 You are exhausted, you should rest @@.#1 +You are exiled from this town and therefore, unable to use the Menhir. + + You are full of wine, my friend... Tu es rempli d'alcool mon ami... @@ -28766,9 +28667,6 @@ You can get @@ anywhere, although here is a little easier to get. You can get Croconut from Crocotree, and fill @@ purchased in the market. -You can get close by feet, and there was an area so empty that you won't even notice the distance walked. - - You can get daily something from it, but unless you're green like me, you will have no luck... @@ -28835,9 +28733,6 @@ You can use "@monsterinfo " to gauge a monster strength. You can use @@ to summon some maggots. That depends on your magic level, of course. -You can use @@, Audsbel left the Magic School, and Marius is singing again. - - You can use it again in @@. @@ -28898,6 +28793,9 @@ You cannot drop this item! You cannot enter here while you have event weapons or a cart. +You cannot exile yourself! + + You cannot help me at all. You lack any skill to do so. @@ -29282,6 +29180,9 @@ You have an awful case of amnesia. She is the nurse and shipkeeper of this ship, You have arrived at Fortress Island. +You have been EXILED from %s by %s. + + You have been jailed by a GM. Tu as été emprisonné par un MJ. @@ -29498,6 +29399,9 @@ You must reach level 5 to open this gift. You must send ##B/verify##b to Discord bot for the linking be complete. +You must understand that this honor has never been granted to a non-duck before. You will have access to Duck Dungeon, a training grounds for Initiates. + + You need 2x @@ to cast this skill. @@ -29795,6 +29699,9 @@ You should not be here... You should not be there! This forest is home to monsters. +You should not leave this room. + + You should reset your stats and allocate some points at intelligence. @@ -29807,6 +29714,9 @@ Tu devrais parler à Magic Arpan en premier. You should talk to him instead. +You should unequip this item first. + + You stand before a battle-scarred, darkly tanned warrior, brimming with muscles. @@ -30014,6 +29924,9 @@ You wouldn't happen to have them, would you? You'll all die here! +You'll also get half of the GP as Monster Points! + + You'll be charged even if you fail, be warned. @@ -30218,6 +30131,12 @@ Your class has been changed from %s to %s. Your coward outer self fails to convince you to leave. +Your current rank: %s + + +Your current scholar rank: %s (%d Research Points) + + Your current score: @@ @@ -30260,9 +30179,6 @@ Your homunculus is sleeping! Wake them up! Your information is correct, %s. Pirates have been plaguing our shores and cutting off our supply lines. -Your lack of magical power is critical. I dare say, you might never in your life get access to a Mana Stone. - - Your level is so high, I'm surprised you haven't went there already. But then, most quests around there are for your level... @@ -30281,9 +30197,6 @@ Ta mère ma dit de te dire qu'elle t'aime. Your next step is to get the book of the Second Sage Of Fate. -Your position has been saved. -Ta position a été sauvegardée. - Your position is auto-saved when entering a town - use @ucp to change this behavior. @@ -30293,6 +30206,9 @@ Your position must be the one of a regular member or above. Your position on the guild: @@ +Your privileges do not allow you to use this command. + + Your problems are not mine. By the way, you really should consider taking a shower. @@ -30359,18 +30275,12 @@ Zarkor, the Dark Summoner Zegas Zegas -Zegas, Saxso's widow, the mayor of Candor, decreed to allow strong adventurers to get past the Candor Cave Magic Barrier. - - ZegasDebug ZegasDebug Zitoni Zitoni -Zitoni announces he can now craft really good potions to improve attack speed and damage! - - Zitoni refused to make the Powder. @@ -30416,6 +30326,9 @@ Zzzzzzzzz... [2] Full Aeros +[@@|Read the History@@] + + [Accept Quest] @@ -30530,9 +30443,6 @@ and "listening" to his speech, you'll get EXP! and have Demure to send them to those you admire! -and may change later without notice. - - angry @@ -30722,9 +30632,6 @@ if the proposal is not convenient for you, just close the trading window to canc in March 2nd 2018. -including the 178 monsters and who knows how many equipment, had numeric changes. - - international worker day @@ -31157,6 +31064,9 @@ Tu as gagné @@ zero +~~%d/%d %s~~ + + ¬.¬ "Hmm, to me, you look like a thief or bandit..." diff --git a/langs/lang_pt_BR.old b/langs/lang_pt_BR.old index bd4941527..c56b3b0dd 100644 --- a/langs/lang_pt_BR.old +++ b/langs/lang_pt_BR.old @@ -25,6 +25,9 @@ ##2The Monster Lieutenant was defeated by @@! ##2O Tenente dos Monstros foi derrotado por "@@"! +##9Was that not sufficient, this someone acquired MAGIC and is now under @@'s group. +##9 Isso não foi suficiente, este alguém adquiriu MAGIA e agora está sob o grupo de "@@". + ##9You found an old well with a bucket on it! It's time to fill plenty of @@! ##9Você encontrou um velho poço com um balde! É hora de encher várias @@! @@ -136,6 +139,9 @@ 3 3 +4144's Tortuga was seen somewhere. Great rewards if someone knock off that monster... Well, not really. +Tortuga de 4144 foi visto em algum lugar. Grandes recompensas se alguém derrubar aquele monstro ... Bem, na verdade não. + 42 42 @@ -178,21 +184,45 @@ A blur shape forms in your front. It seems to be a large ship. Um borrão surge em sua frente. Parece ser um grande navio. +A major deflation happened while Saulc wasn't looking, and you may find several items with @@ discount. +Uma grande deflação aconteceu enquanto Saulc não estava olhando, e você pode encontrar vários itens com desconto de até @@. + A mild magic barrier prevents you from entering. Uma leve barreira mágica impede você de entrar. +A nice meteor shower is thought to happen in February and May, days 18~25. +Acredita-se que uma boa chuva de meteoros acontecerá em fevereiro e maio, dias 18 a 25. + A pity that without having born with magic, you need a Mana Stone... And there are none left... Uma pena que sem ter nascido com magia, você precisa de uma Mana Stone ... E não sobrou nada ... Abort. Abortar. +Access is restricted to guards, as usual. +O acesso é restrito aos guardas, como de costume. + According to the Guide, space is ____? Segundo o Guia, o espaço é ____? +Accumulate Power - Raise damage of next skill. +Acumular poder - Elevar danos da próxima habilidade. + Actually, this fails without tmwa dark magic. Na verdade, isso falha sem a magia negra. +Additional security measures were put in place so such disaster, of a whole world crashing, doesn't happens again. +Medidas adicionais de segurança foram tomadas para que tal desastre, de um mundo inteiro caindo, não aconteça novamente. + +Adventurers entirely redressed, people doing Grand Hunter Quest like mad, peple making wishes at... well... +Aventureiros completamente vestidos, pessoas fazendo Grand Hunter Quest como loucos, pessoas fazendo desejos em ... bem ... poços ... + +Adventurers got drunk to get more EXP?! Players can now buy houses and make their own wine! +Aventureiros ficaram bêbados para obter mais EXP ?! Os jogadores podem agora comprar casas e fazer o seu próprio vinho! + +After much struggle with the lazy builders, Nivalis Town is finally open for visit again! +Depois de muita luta com os construtores preguiçosos, a cidade de Nivalis está finalmente aberto para visitar novamente! + Ah, nothing too major, as you already have magic. Ah, nada muito importante, já que você já tem magia. @@ -217,6 +247,9 @@ Ahh, eu odeio @@. Aisen Aisen +All contributors should claim their rewards with Lua. Weather is there, night cycle happens where monsters are more active. +Todos os contribuidores devem reivindicar suas recompensas com Lua. O tempo está lá, o ciclo noturno acontece onde os monstros estão mais ativos. + All hail ##B@@##b, first to complete the ##3Yeti King Quest! Todos saúdem ##B@@##b, primeiro(a) a completar a ##3Quest do Rei Yeti! @@ -250,6 +283,9 @@ Além disso, pegamos suas roupas, como estavam ... Yeyeye ... em uma forma ruim. Also, we took your yayed clothes, as they were... Yeyeye... In a bad shape. Go check the chest near your bed, there are some other ones inside.#1 Além disso, pegamos suas roupas, como estavam ... Yeyeye ... em uma forma ruim. Vá checar o baú perto da sua cama, tem outras dentro. +Also, weird voices are talking to new players, asking if they're here because a friend. +Além disso, vozes estranhas estão conversando com novos jogadores, perguntando se estão aqui por causa de um amigo. + Also, you seem like you are from around LoF. Why don't you take a free @@? Além disso, parece que você é do LoF. Por que você não leva um @@ grátis? @@ -259,6 +295,9 @@ E como faço para salvar itens? And how do I save money? E como poupar dinheiro? +And speaking in reward, guards are looking for someone contrabanding goods from Artis. Do not help them! +E falando em recompensa, os guardas estão procurando por alguém contrabandeando mercadorias da Artis. Não ajude o contrabandista! + And then what happened? E o que aconteceu depois? @@ -271,6 +310,12 @@ E você? Como as coisas estão indo no seu lado? And your rare, a @@! Enjoy! E o seu raro, um @@! Aprecie! +Andrei Sakar is also repeating his questions about World Lore, although rewards are now smaller. +Andrei Sakar também está repetindo suas perguntas sobre a história do mundo, embora as recompensas sejam menores agora. + +Anwar left his house to tend Tulimshar's crops, after noticing something strange with them. He blames the Monster King. +Anwar deixou sua casa para cuidar das plantações de Tulimshar, depois de perceber algo estranho com elas. Ele culpa o rei dos monstros. + Anyway, ##Bwelcome##b, and have fun! If you need anything, we are a keypress from distance! De qualquer forma, ##Bbem vindo##b, e se divirta! Se precisar de algo, estamos a um toque de distância! @@ -304,6 +349,15 @@ AreaNPC AreaNPC#doors5 AreaNPC#doors5 +Arkim also developed a powerful petiscide to make Pinkies less healthy, but that was long ago. +Arkim também desenvolveu um poderoso petiscida para tornar os Pinkies menos saudáveis, mas isso foi há muito tempo. + +Arrow Shower - Shoot FIVE arrows or bullets to the air and cause Area Of Effect Damage. +Arrow Shower - Atire cinco flechas ou balas para o ar e causar Área de Efeito danos. + +Arrows prices were lowered, and a limited teleport to Frostia and Halinarzo is now possible. +Os preços das flechas foram reduzidos e um teletransporte limitado para Frostia e Halinarzo é agora possível. + Artis Artis @@ -376,6 +430,9 @@ Enterrar. But I probably should not do it. It might be poisoned! Mas eu provavelmente não deveria fazer isso. Pode ser envenenado! +But be careful: Only 1MSP-costed skills can be forgotten, and learning fees WON'T be given back! +Mas cuidado: habilidades Só 1MSP-orçamentados pode ser esquecido, e as taxas de aprendizagem não será dado de volta! + But be careful: do not scream when using a lot of capital letters, and do not keep repeating the lines, or you may be severely penalized. Mas tome cuidado: não grite com muitas letras maiúsculas, e não fique repetindo as coisas, ou você pode ser severamente penalizado. @@ -400,9 +457,15 @@ Mas o dinheiro que você trouxe foi realmente legal, sabe? But this is not important now. The ships sailors are shouting at you! Mas isso não é importante agora. Os marinheiros estão gritando para você! +But travel by sea, or access to the village on itself, is thoroughly impossible. Andrei Sakar is at ready. +Mas viajar pelo mar, ou o acesso à aldeia em si, é completamente impossível. Andrei Sakar está pronto. + But travel by sea, or access to the village on itself, is throughly impossible. Andrei Sakar is at ready. Mas viajar pelo mar, ou o acesso à aldeia em si, é completamente impossível. Andrei Sakar está pronto. +But who knows what future holds. The Monster King was blamed as responsible, but he killed our interviewer. Eeh. +Mas quem sabe o que o futuro reserva. O Rei Monstro foi culpado como responsável, mas ele matou nosso entrevistador. Eeh + But whoa, not so fast! You must pass the seven steps of a trial first! Mas whoa, não tão rápido! Você deve passar os sete passos de um teste primeiro! @@ -448,6 +511,12 @@ Cancela o veneno. Antídotos são difíceis de encontrar, de qualquer maneira. Candor - 2,500 GP Candor - 2.500 GP +Candor Trainer read all the references that he could find and is wiser than ever! +Valon, Treinador de Candor, leu todas as referências que encontrou e está mais esperto do que nunca! + +Candor was sightly reworked in terms of gold gain/expense. @@ was added. +Candor foi retrabalhado em termos de ganho / despesa de ouro. @@ foi adicionado. + Captain Nard is in the room to your right. Capitão Nard está na sala a sua direita. @@ -466,6 +535,9 @@ Lâmpada de cobra da caverna Cavern Bat Bat Caverna +Central Woodlands suffered dramatic changes due Saulc (ab)using his GM powers. +Central Woodlands sofreu mudanças dramáticas devido Saulc (ab) usando seus poderes GM. + Ch 2 — Mana Magic vs Common Magic Cap 2 — Magia de Mana vs Magia Comum @@ -496,9 +568,15 @@ Tinta chocolate para casimira Choose desired quest state: Escolha o estado da quest desejado +Christmas Event: 21/12 ~ 09/01 +Evento de Natal: 21/12 ~ 09/01 + Cindy Cindy +Citzens on the world are now listeing to different tunes, and new adventurers were found... in desert islands? +Os cidadãos do mundo estão agora ouvindo músicas diferentes e novos aventureiros foram encontrados ... em ilhas desertas? + Click here for instructions on how to use the test server. Clique aqui para instruções em como usar o servidor de testes. @@ -508,6 +586,9 @@ Clique em Elmo ou Magic Arpan para continuar ... Close Extension Fechar extensão +Colonel DUSTMAN opened the Heroes Hold to the hardcore player. Noobs, keep out! Good players only! +O Coronel DUSTMAN abriu o Heroes Hold para o jogador hardcore. Noobs, fique de fora! Apenas bons jogadores! + Come back soon! Volte logo! @@ -523,6 +604,12 @@ Continue por sua conta e risco. Could be nice if you could bring me this: Poderia ser bom se você pudesse me trazer isso: +Counter Attack - Next attack will be retaliated, with twice critical ratio. +Counter Attack - próximo ataque será retaliado, com relação de duas vezes crítica. + +Crazyfefe Fight was remastered. The 8.0 release series was the longest release serial thus far. +O Crazyfefe Fight foi remasterizado. A série de lançamentos 8.0 foi o lançamento mais longo até o momento. + Create items Criar itens @@ -616,6 +703,9 @@ Você viu Jhedia, o ferreiro de Tulimshar? Ele deve saber como conseguir isso. Dig. Cavar. +Dimond bought a brand new slot machine and installed on her inn. The rewards are different from the one on Tulimshar. +Dimond comprou uma nova slot machine e instalou em sua pousada. As recompensas são diferentes das de Tulimshar. + Disable event Desativar evento @@ -658,6 +748,9 @@ Drake o viajante Drinking what drink is like having your brain smashed out by a slice of lemon wrapped round a large gold brick? Beber que bebida é como ter seu cérebro esmagado por uma fatia de limão enrolada em um grande tijolo de ouro? +Drop rates raised drastically for the lucky ones. Eternal Swamp floods are now more cyclic. +As taxas de queda aumentaram drasticamente para os sortudos. As enchentes do pântano eterno são agora mais cíclicas. + Dry season at Tulimshar causes crops problems! A estação seca em Tulimshar causa problemas nas plantações! @@ -682,6 +775,12 @@ ERRO: Alvo Conta já com os dados de impressão em série. ERROR: Target Account is online. ERRO: conta de destino está online. +Easter eggs have been found, like secret rooms. +Ovos de Páscoa foram encontrados, como salas secretas. + +Easter will soon start! +A Páscoa começará em breve! + Enable Christmas Ative o Natal @@ -712,6 +811,9 @@ Ativar o dia do trabalhador Enter desired skill level: Digite o nível de habilidade desejado: +Enzo, the Forgetful +Enzo, o Forgetful + Error, error, L_T2_S0 General Error, REPORT ME Erro, erro, erro geral L_T2_S0, REPORT ME @@ -721,6 +823,15 @@ Erro, marine_maxre invalid @@@ Esperia Esperia +Estard finished arranging sufficient paperwork so adventurers can create their own guilds. +Estard terminou de arrumar papel suficiente para que os aventureiros possam criar suas próprias guildas. + +Even Tulimshar's Council managed to get that sewer unlocked, and as consequence, players can ascend to level 60! +Até o Conselho de Tulimshar conseguiu desbloquear o esgoto e, como conseqüência, os jogadores podem subir ao nível 60! + +Event Duration: November 3rd ~ November 9th 2018 +Duração do evento: 3 de novembro a 9 de novembro de 2018 + Event stage: Estágio do evento: @@ -733,12 +844,39 @@ Falha ao validar o PIN. Abortando. Failsafe Mechanism Mecanismo à prova de falhas +Falkon Punch +soco de Falcão + +Falkon Punch - Bash your weapon against your enemies with raised damage and accuracy. +Falcon Punch - Bash sua arma contra seus inimigos com dano e precisão elevada. + +Falkon Punch! +Soco de Falcão! + Fallen Guard Guarda Caído +Fighting stronger monsters will yield more EXP, but to make botting less profitable, too weak monsters give less EXP. +Lutar contra monstros mais fortes renderá mais EXP, mas para tornar as bots menos lucrativas, os monstros muito fracos dão menos EXP. + +Figures clad in dark were reported in Tulimshar Mines, as more miners were hired and need help. +Figuras vestidas de preto foram relatadas em Tulimshar Mines, já que mais mineiros foram contratados e precisam de ajuda. + Fine. Certo. +Fire Walk +Caminhada de fogo + +Fire Walk - Creates a trail of fire, harming any pursuer +Caminhada de fogo - Cria um rastro de fogo, prejudicando qualquer perseguidor + +Fireball - Basic AoE (Area Of Effect) Skill +Fireball - AoE Básico (Área de Efeito) Habilidade + +Fishing now gives experience, and two new baits were added: Cheese and Alface. +A pesca agora dá experiência e duas novas iscas foram adicionadas: Cheese e Alface. + Fluffy Fur Pêlo de tufo. @@ -760,12 +898,24 @@ Para você, será apenas 250 GP por poção! Mas eu preciso dos ingredientes bá Forest Card Cartão Florestal +Free Casting +Fundição livre + +Frost Diver - Attempt to freeze an enemy, dealing damage +Geada Diver - Tentativa de congelar um inimigo, causando dano + +Frost Nova - Freeze everything in a range +Frost Nova - Congelar tudo em um intervalo + Frostia - 30,000 GP Frostia - 30.000 GP GATLING GATLING +GMs weren't using it a lot, and Quirin needed to collect money. +GMs não estavam usando muito, e Quirin precisava coletar dinheiro. + Gained @@ XP Ganhou @@ XP @@ -829,6 +979,9 @@ Bom trabalho, aqui é 300.000 GP e 80 @@! Good job, here is @@ GP and @@ @@! Bom trabalho, aqui está @@ GP e @@ @@! +Good luck adventurers, and may the Pink Mouboo watch over this disaster... Whatever that means. They paid us to say that, I swear! +Boa sorte, aventureiros, e que o Pink Mouboo cuide desse desastre ... O que quer que isso signifique. Eles nos pagaram para dizer isso, eu juro! + Good to hear from you! Bom ouvir de você! @@ -838,6 +991,9 @@ Bom, Bom. A habilidade que você obteve anteriormente apenas aumentou um nível. Great job! You can keep these items, they will be crucial to your journey. Bom trabalho! Você pode manter esses itens, eles serão cruciais para a sua jornada. +Great rewards await, according to the voices! +Grandes recompensas aguardam, de acordo com as vozes! + Great! Eomie, the girl on Tulimshar's magic academy, is an alchemist. She makes fertilizers. Ótimo! Eomie, a garota na academia de magia de Tulimshar, é uma alquimista. Ela faz fertilizantes. @@ -847,15 +1003,33 @@ Maior agilidade permite que você ataque mais rápido e tenha uma chance maior d Green Cotton Dye Tinta verde para algodão +Ground Strike - Hit the ground, exploding the surroundings and disabling enemies. +Chão Strike - bateu no chão, explodindo os arredores e incapacitante inimigos. + Grrr... Why are @@ on this cave?! What Mercury was doing?! Grrr ... Por que são @@ nesta caverna ?! O que Mercury estava fazendo ?! +Guilds are now much more stronger, and have exclusive alchemy recipes besides a storage. +As guildas são agora muito mais fortes e têm receitas exclusivas de alquimia além de um armazenamento. + +Guilds can go from 16 to 56 members, tulimshar was restocked. +As guildas podem ir de 16 a 56 membros, o tulimshar foi reabastecido. + +Guilds storage is free for test, and monsters are fainting when too many players attack them at once. +O armazenamento das guildas é gratuito para testes e os monstros desmaiam quando muitos jogadores os atacam de uma só vez. + Halinarzo - 20,000 GP Halinarzo - 20.000 GP Halinarzo Guard Guarda Halinarzo +Hard workers get an extra work level. This means a +1 VIT bonus is possible! +Trabalhadores esforçados recebem um nível extra de trabalho. Isso significa que um bônus de +1 VIT é possível! + +Hasan is bothering less frequently his friends, as now he have his own seasonal quest. +Hasan está incomodando com menos frequência seus amigos, pois agora ele tem sua própria missão sazonal. + Have you came here from Land Of Fire TMWA Server? Do you have the merge points with you? Você veio aqui do Servidor TMWA Land Of Fire? Você tem os pontos de fusão com você? @@ -868,6 +1042,9 @@ Ele precisa de mais comida. He pours something on it, you're not sure what. He then utters some magic words. Ele derrama algo sobre isso, você não tem certeza do que. Ele então profere algumas palavras mágicas. +Healing - The most basic healing skill, requires no items to use. +Cura - A habilidade mais básica de cura, não necessita de itens para usar. + Heals more mana while standing. Cura mais mana em pé. @@ -934,15 +1111,30 @@ Olá! Você quer aprender novas habilidades por uma pequena taxa de ensino? Hey you! Can you hear us? Are you okay? Ei você! Você pode nos ouvir? Você está bem? +Hey, if you take a bow, buy a Quiver with Nicholas, on Hurnscald's blacksmith. Come back always! +Ei, se você fizer uma reverência, compre um Quiver com Nicholas, no ferreiro de Hurnscald. Volte sempre! + Hey,did you brought me everything I asked for? Ei, você me trouxe tudo o que eu pedi? Hey. Hey. +High Healing +alta Cura + +High Healing - Use a Lifestone for supreme healing. +Alta Cura - Use um Lifestone para a cura suprema. + Hinnak and I signed this letter. Deliver it to Airlia on the Town Hall, and she'll reward you correctly. Hinnak e eu assinamos esta carta. Entregue para Airlia na prefeitura, e ela te recompensará corretamente. +His wandering mirror even challenge players randomly, but rarely grants more than a minute for them. +Seu espelho errante até desafia os jogadores aleatoriamente, mas raramente concede mais de um minuto para eles. + +Holy Light - Standard Holy Magical Attack +Holy Light - Standard Santo Ataque Mágico + How difficult it is to obtain a class? Quão difícil é obter uma classe? @@ -961,18 +1153,30 @@ No entanto, posso reiniciar o Heroes Hold, se você quiser. Você receberá uma However, beware! That potion is short-lived, you'll be running against time. Get ready to travel a lot. No entanto, tenha cuidado! Essa poção é de curta duração, você estará correndo contra o tempo. Prepare-se para viajar muito. +However, the Monster King laid siege to Hurnscald. His power increased greatly, and ships are not capable of even approaching the city. +No entanto, o Rei Monstro sitiou Hurnscald. Seu poder aumentou muito, e navios não são capazes de se aproximar da cidade. + +However, they allowed everyone to use @@ command to rapidly reach Aeros during events. +No entanto, eles permitiram que todos usassem o comando @@ para acessar rapidamente o Eros durante os eventos. + HurnsShip Hurnship Hurnscald - 7,500 GP Hurnscald - 7.500 GP +Hurnscald Nurse is collecting blood donations, and a veteran officer from Tulimshar City Guard is handing out Wooden Swords. +Hurnscald Nurse está coletando doações de sangue, e um oficial veterano da Guarda da Cidade de Tulimshar está distribuindo espadas de madeira. + Hurnscald is in need of help from all adventurers! Hurnscald precisa da ajuda de todos os aventureiros! Hurnscald under siege! No ships are capable to give aid! Hurnscald sob cerco! Nenhum navio é capaz de dar ajuda! +Hurnscald was liberated by the players @@ ago. +Hurnscald foi libertado pelos jogadores @@ ago. + Hurry up! Bring my @@ from Barzil in Halinarzo!! You only have @@ left! Se apresse! Traga meu @@ do Brasil em Halinarzo !! Você só tem @@ esquerda! @@ -1183,6 +1387,9 @@ LÓGICA DE SCRIPT ILEGAL ATINGIDA, POR FAVOR, REPORTAR. (GHQ_GROC) ILLEGAL SCRIPT POSITION REACHED, PLEASE REPORT. POSIÇÃO DE SCRIPT ILEGAL ATINGIDA, POR FAVOR, REPORTAR. +Iced Bottle +Garrafa Gelada + If I fail, I'll refund you in gold. Do you want me to try it? Se eu falhar, vou reembolsar você em ouro. Você quer que eu tente? @@ -1312,6 +1519,9 @@ A inteligência é muito útil para alquimia e magia, mas hoje em dia existem po Iron Four-Leaf Amulet Amuleto de Quatro Folhas de Ferro +Ishi also rewrote his rewards table. More items for lower prices! +Ishi também reescreveu sua tabela de recompensas. Mais itens para preços mais baixos! + It could be from a warship to a random civilian vessel. Well, this is not important now. Poderia ser de um navio de guerra para um navio civil aleatório. Bem, isso não é importante agora. @@ -1360,6 +1570,9 @@ Item 1166 Items. Unid. +Jesusalva & Saulc, TMW2 Admins +Jesusalva & Saulc, TMW2 Admins + Johanne Key Johanne Key @@ -1393,6 +1606,12 @@ Terra do Fogo - 12.000 GP Land Of Fire surprises everyone! There are even pet tamers! Land Of Fire surpreende a todos! Existem ainda domadores de estimação! +Last Resort +Último recurso + +Last Standing Man - Passive - Raise Max HP and Holy Defense +Last Man Standing - Passivo - Elevar Max HP e Santo Defesa + Learn Action Casting Aprenda a Fundição de Ação @@ -1435,6 +1654,9 @@ Camisa de treinamento da legião. LieutenantDausenDebug LieutenantDausenDebug +Lightining Bolt +Relâmpago + Lilica#final Lilica#final @@ -1450,6 +1672,9 @@ LoF Merge LoF Password: Senha LoF: +LoF Transcendence Gate was moved to town centre. Tipius haven't been sighted as of late. +LoF Transcendence Gate foi transferido para o centro da cidade. Tipius não foi avistado ultimamente. + LoF Username: Nome de usuário do LoF: @@ -1459,9 +1684,18 @@ Pirulito Look at your equipment, can you guess what material it is made from? Olhe para o seu equipamento, você consegue adivinhar de que material é feito? +Lower difficulty of advanced stage (level 50+ players), by price rebalances. +Menor dificuldade de estágio avançado (nível 50 + jogadores), por rebalanceamento de preço. + +Lower difficulty of starters stage (up to level 20 players), by experience redesign. +Menor dificuldade do estágio de iniciantes (até jogadores de nível 20), por redesenho de experiência. + Lower this skill Abaixe essa habilidade +Lua FINALLY noticed that traveling to Halinarzo at level 20 is akin suicide. +Lua FINALMENTE notou que viajar para Halinarzo no nível 20 é um suicídio similar. + Lucky for you, the Alliance have means to assist you. Please show me the following: Para sua sorte, a Aliança tem meios para ajudá-lo. Por favor, mostre-me o seguinte: @@ -1477,6 +1711,9 @@ MOVE RANDOMLY test MOVE, DROP, MOVE, EMOTE, MOVE test MOVER, DESCARREGAR, MOVER, EMOTE, MOVER teste +Magic Strike - Standard Magical Attack +Greve Magic - Ataque Mágico Padrão + Magic Warriors Guerreiros mágicos @@ -1486,12 +1723,30 @@ Magia está morta! Magic skills allows for a more advanced gameplay, but they are meant for level 30 onwards. habilidades mágicas permite uma jogabilidade mais avançado, mas eles são voltados para o nível 30 em diante. +Mainly fixes and the Monster King is now randomly laying siege to towns! +Principalmente correções e o Rei Monstro agora está sitiando aleatoriamente cidades! + +Major rebalance, lowering difficulty on sub-level-30 stage. Tulimshar is a whole new place. +Grande rebalanceamento, diminuindo a dificuldade no nível sub-nível-30. Tulimshar é um lugar totalmente novo. + Make Potion - @sk-mkpot Fazer poção - @ sk-mkpot +Mana Wisdom - Passive - Raise Mana EXP Gain rate +Sabedoria Mana - Passivo - Elevar taxa de Mana EXP Gain + Managed to drop anything? It requires more luck than skill. Here is your reward. (40 xp 25 gp) Conseguiu largar alguma coisa? Isso requer mais sorte do que habilidade. Aqui está sua recompensa. (40 xp 25 po) +Many other things were changed, and it is too much to say here. Even people with stronger magic were seen. +Muitas outras coisas foram mudadas, e é demais dizer aqui. Até pessoas com magia mais forte foram vistas. + +Many rejoiced. The damage was very big, and all players help is required, to make Hurnscald prosper again. +Muitos se alegraram. O dano foi muito grande, e todos os jogadores precisam de ajuda, para fazer Hurnscald prosperar novamente. + +Mass Provoke +Mass Provoke + Mass Provoke - Provoke all monsters under your cursor Mass Provoke - Provocar todos os monstros sob seu cursor @@ -1501,18 +1756,36 @@ Tinta de algodão malva Maybe you could bring me 20 @@? I will reward you for your effort. Talvez você possa me trazer 20 @@? Eu recompensarei você pelo seu esforço. +Meanwhile, several bugs were fixed. Our second sun had been glitchy, but Jesus Saves made sure it is now fine. +Enquanto isso, vários bugs foram corrigidos. Nosso segundo sol tinha sido glitchy, mas Jesus Salva se certificou que agora está bem. + Mecha Medallion Medalhão Mecha +Meltdown Forge, make your useless equip a good weapon! Lieutenant Dausen have new quests! +Meltdown Forge, faça a sua equip inútil uma boa arma! Tenente Dausen tem novas missões! + +Mercenaries and blueprints! Players are crafting their own weapons. Sagratha and Cindy are in need of help! +Mercenaries e projetos! Os jogadores estão construindo suas próprias armas. Sagratha e Cindy estão precisando de ajuda! + Mining opearations advance steadly day by day with your help, thanks! Maybe one day, we find a Mana Stone here! (1300 xp) As operações de mineração avançam dia a dia com a sua ajuda, obrigado! Talvez um dia, encontremos uma Mana Stone aqui! (1300 xp) +Minor release to lower travel prices, fix several issues, and enable Friend Referral System. +Liberação secundária para reduzir os preços das viagens, corrigir vários problemas e ativar o sistema de referência de amigos. + Mint Cashmere Dye Tinta menta para casimira +Money to leave Candor is easier, as various persons there need help. +Dinheiro para sair A sinceridade é mais fácil, pois várias pessoas precisam de ajuda. + Monsters are dropping strange stuff! The world is changing! Monstros estão soltando coisas estranhas! O mundo está mudando! +Monsters are walking to different regions, new grinding zones appears! +Monstros estão caminhando para diferentes regiões, novas zonas de moagem aparece! + More powerful version of healing. Requires @@ each cast. Versão mais poderosa de cura. Requer @@ cada elenco. @@ -1531,6 +1804,21 @@ JNI: @@, @@, @@, @@ Nameless Doctor found at LoF have a friend! This never happened before! Nameless Doctor encontrado na LoF tem um amigo! Isso nunca aconteceu antes! +Napalm Beat - Spammable AoE Skill +Napalm Beat - spammable Habilidade AoE + +Nard also bought a new ship!. +Nard também comprou um novo navio! + +Nard and Elmo changed the way they talk to newcomers, to be more clear about what they expect. +Nard e Elmo mudaram a maneira de falar com os recém-chegados, para serem mais claros sobre o que eles esperam. + +Nard's ship basement was modified, and winter drops are now alive. Don't miss Christmas event, either. +O porão do navio de Nard foi modificado e as gotas de inverno estão agora vivas. Não perca o evento de Natal também. + +Nard's ship is not capable to do Tulimshar<->Candor route instantly anymore: His magic sail broke. +O navio de Nard não é mais capaz de fazer a rota de Tulimshar <-> Candor instantaneamente: sua vela mágica quebrou. + Natural Card Carta Natural @@ -1543,12 +1831,18 @@ Ataque neutro com baixo valor de dano, mas com baixo custo, alcance alto e ampla Nevertheless, you probably need some base materials from Bif. Who knows what it will drop if you are lucky? No entanto, você provavelmente precisará de alguns materiais básicos do Bif. Quem sabe o que vai cair se você tiver sorte? +New players can also get an EXP bonus with Elmo until they get level 15. Warp Crystals are here! +Os novos jogadores também podem receber um bônus de EXP com o Elmo até obterem o nível 15. Warp Crystals is here! + Nikolai Nikolai Nivalis - 7,500 GP Nivalis - 7.500 GP +Nivalis Liberation Day Result: Players Lost 92 : 300 Monsters Won +Resultado do Dia da Libertação Nivalis: Jogadores Perdidos 92: 300 Monstros Conquistados + Nivalis is in need of help from all adventurers! Nivalis precisa de ajuda de todos os aventureiros! @@ -1570,6 +1864,12 @@ Ninguém. No, we do this during our whole life, And we survive! Não, nós fazemos isso durante toda a nossa vida, e nós sobrevivemos! +None at the moment! +Nenhum no momento! + +Not only that, but there appeared some paladins, tankers, wizards, sages and raggers claiming to have mastered magic. +Não só isso, mas apareceram alguns paladinos, tanques, magos, sábios e trapeiros que afirmavam ter dominado a magia. + Note: Killing enemies there with the Dustynator grants more dusty in a bottle. Nota: Matar inimigos lá com o Dustynator garante mais poeira em uma garrafa. @@ -1681,6 +1981,9 @@ Nossa missão é trazer diversão para todos os jogadores. Você terá alguns n PS. This also allows you to select a subclass. PS. Isso também permite que você selecione uma subclasse. +PVP Arena did NOT got in. Same for AFK Cap. +PVP Arena não entrou. O mesmo para AFK Cap. + Paladin Card Cartão Paladino @@ -1693,6 +1996,9 @@ Paladina Paladin#1 Paladino +Party levels for experience sharing restriction is more flexible, and there is a great co-op quest. +Os níveis de partes para restrição de compartilhamento de experiência são mais flexíveis e há uma grande missão de cooperação. + Parum - @sk-parum Parum - @ sk-parum @@ -1705,6 +2011,9 @@ Caminho fechado devido ao recente ataque Monster King! Patrick Saulc Patrick Saulc +People at Tulimshar are now giving more tips to newcomers, and new bugs may have been introduced. +As pessoas em Tulimshar agora estão dando mais dicas para os recém-chegados, e novos bugs podem ter sido introduzidos. + Perfect! Perfeito! @@ -1717,6 +2026,9 @@ Perfeito! Aqui está sua recompensa! (40 xp 25 po) Perhaps you may be of assistance later . . . Talvez você pode ser útil mais tarde. . . +Pet Detective wasn't getting new members and was forced to drop price. +Pet Detective não estava recebendo novos membros e foi forçado a deixar cair o preço. + Piano#RES_0096 Piano#RES_0096 @@ -1729,6 +2041,9 @@ Piano#RES_0177 Piano#RES_0178 Piano#RES_0178 +Pick a bounty at Tulimshar Guard House! Buy and use grenades! (Only against non-boss monsters) +Escolha uma recompensa pelo Tulimshar Guard House! Comprar e usar granadas! (Apenas contra monstros não-chefe) + Pink Cotton Dye Tinta rosa para algodão @@ -1744,6 +2059,18 @@ Piedoso deve manter uma dieta estrita composta de Piberries, e os Bhoppers comem Piousee Piousee +Players are now send players to Nivalis and Frostia, to keep learning about who they are. While greater forces are at play, the player might be just a minor one, but certainly an important one. +Os jogadores estão agora a enviar jogadores para Nivalis e Frostia, para continuar aprendendo sobre quem eles são. Enquanto forças maiores estão em jogo, o jogador pode ser apenas um menor, mas certamente um passo importante. + +Players are renting Mouboos and Tortugas to move faster! Shields are now better! +Os jogadores estão alugando Mouboos e Tortugas se mover mais rápido! Shields estão agora melhor! + +Players can now sense monsters strength with @@, and lag was reduced. Pets can run away again. +Os jogadores podem agora sentir a força dos monstros com @@, e o atraso foi reduzido. Animais de estimação podem fugir novamente. + +Players didn't escape from the manaquake. Xtreem says it is easier to kill monsters now. +Os jogadores não escaparam do manaquake. Xtreem diz que é mais fácil matar monstros agora. + Players who still have Golden Eggs Jogadores que ainda têm Golden Eggs @@ -1774,6 +2101,9 @@ Protip: Patos e Larvas Gigantes também dropam Cherry Cakes. Protip: You can get Croconut from Crocotree, and fill @@ purchased in the market. Protip: Você pode obter Croco de Crocotree e preencher @@ comprado no mercado. +Provoke - Provoke a single monster +Provocar - provocar um único monstro + Pst! Speak lower! Otherwise we'll wake @@ up! PST! Fale mais baixo! Caso contrário, vamos acordar @@! @@ -1864,12 +2194,108 @@ Reduz o seu nível de trabalho em 50 Regenerate HP every 5 seconds, as if you were always eating a healing item. Regenere a HP a cada 5 segundos, como se você estivesse sempre comendo um item de cura. +Release 2 +Lançamento 2 + +Release 2.1 - Free Lunch For Those Who Work Hard! +Release 2.1 - Almoço grátis para aqueles que trabalham duro! + +Release 2.2 - There Are No Pipelines +Release 2.2 - Não há pipelines + +Release 3 +Lançamento 3 + +Release 3.0 - In The Dreams +Lançamento 3.0 - nos sonhos + +Release 4 +Release 4 + +Release 4.0 - Quest Giver's Handbook +Release 4.0 - Manual do Doador da Missão + +Release 5 +Versão 5 + +Release 5.0 - Greenland Players +Lançamento 5.0 - jogadores de Greenland + +Release 6 +Versão 6 + +Release 6.0 - Steam, Fire, and... Monster King?! +Lançamento 6.0 - Steam, Fire e ... Monster King ?! + +Release 7 +Lançamento 7 + +Release 7.0 - Polished Emerald +Release 7.0 - Esmeralda Polida + +Release 7.1 - Broken Emerald +Lançamento 7.1 - Esmeralda Quebrada + +Release 7.2 - Frozen Jesusalva +Release 7.2 - Jesusalva Congelada + +Release 7.3 - Frozen Community +Release 7.3 - Comunidade Congelada + +Release 7.4 - Christmas Revolution +Release 7.4 - Revolução do Natal + +Release 7.5 - Merry Christmas, Happy New Year +Release 7.5 - Feliz Natal, Feliz Ano Novo + +Release 8 +Lançamento 8 + Release 8 (Current) Lançamento 8 (atual) +Release 8.0 - Apane Invasion, the Remaster +Release 8.0 - Apane Invasion, o Remaster + +Release 8.1 - It's hidden! Where? +Lançamento 8.1 - está oculto! Onde? + +Release 8.2(1) - Valentine Day (Is Over) +Release 8.2 (1) - Dia dos Namorados (Acabou) + +Release 8.3 - King Arthur +Release 8.3 - Rei Arthur + +Release 8.4 - Can I Live Ingame? +Release 8.4 - Posso viver no jogo? + +Release 8.5 - A Place To Spend Vacations +Release 8.5 - Um lugar para passar férias + +Release 8.9 - Easter Event +Release 8.9 - Evento de Páscoa + +Release 8.99 - JESUSALVA IS LAZY +Lançamento 8.99 - JESUSALVA É LAZY + Release 9 (Current) Liberação 9 (atual) +Release 9.0 - The Promised Release +Lançamento 9.0 - a liberação prometida + +Release 9.1 - Bedtime Stories +Release 9.1 - Histórias de dormir + +Release 9.2 - Workbench +Solte 9.2 - Workbench + +Release 9.3 - Lovely Homunculus +Solte 9.3 - Homunculus Adorável + +Release 9.4 - Balance & Bugfix Patch +Solte 9.4 - Equilíbrio & remendo Bugfix + Remove this skill Remover esta habilidade @@ -1888,6 +2314,9 @@ Retornar ao menu de depuração de habilidades RightBarrierCheck RightBarrierCheck +Rosen is now making Training Bow in Candor for new adventures. +Rosen agora está fazendo Training Bow em Candor para novas aventuras. + SHOTGUNS ESPINGARDA @@ -1903,6 +2332,12 @@ Sábia Sage#1 Sábio +Saulc and Cherry married in Halinarzo, and stayed like this for perhaps 20 seconds, before Cherry asked for divorce. +Saulc e Cherry se casaram em Halinarzo e ficaram assim por uns 20 segundos, antes que Cherry pedisse o divórcio. + +Saulc said it needs an inspection, and he'll be with everyone trying to proccess and fix the amount of damage this caused. +Saul disse que precisa de uma inspeção, e ele estará com todos tentando processar e consertar a quantidade de dano que isso causou. + Scarab Armlet Braço de Escaravelho @@ -1918,6 +2353,18 @@ Enviar a carta lhe dará pontos de evento duplo, limitado a 10 pontos extras. Set the level manually Definir o nível manualmente +Several bugfixes! And a new bug replace every removed one! +Várias correções de bugs! E um novo bug substitui todos os removidos! + +Several bugfixes, and new monsters have been seen. Almost all healing items have changed. +Várias correções de bugs e novos monstros foram vistos. Quase todos os itens de cura foram alterados. + +Sharpshooter - Shoot an arrow or bullet which damages everything on its way. +Sharpshooter - Atirar uma flecha ou bala que tudo no seu caminho danos. + +She is sending players to Hurnscald instead. +Ela está enviando jogadores para Hurnscald. + She is the nurse and shipkeeper of this ship. Ela é a enfermeira e zeladora deste navio. @@ -1927,15 +2374,27 @@ Ela está no nível superior, yeye não pode desencontrar com ela. Ela é a úni She's on the upper level, yeye can't miss her. She's the only girl in this crew.#1 Ela está no nível superior, yeye não pode desencontrar com ela. Ela é a única garota nessa embarcação. +Ship travels are cheaper, full equipment sets have hidden bonuses, Soul Menhirs are now auto-touched. +As viagens de navio são mais baratas, os conjuntos completos de equipamentos têm bônus ocultos, os Menhirs da Alma agora são auto-tocados. + Ship travels are not free. See if you can gather some money, and I'll bring you to Tulimshar! Viagens de navio não são de graça. Veja se consegue fazer algum dinheiro, e irei te levar para Tulimshar! Should we blame Saulc for bugs? Devemos culpar Saulc por insetos? +Shovels and Treasure maps, for the explorers this summer, after June 21st! +Pás e mapas do tesouro, para os exploradores neste verão, depois de 21 de junho! + +Side Note: During r6.1 and r6.5, various improvements were done, and two new quests were seen. Priests have shown up. +Nota: Durante as r6.1 e r6.5, várias melhorias foram feitas e duas novas missões foram vistas. Sacerdotes apareceram. + Silver Cotton Dye Tinta prateada para algodão +Since previous release, there was also seen priests, two new quests, and a breakthrough on reset potions happened. +Desde o lançamento anterior, também foram vistos sacerdotes, duas novas missões e um avanço nas poções de reinicialização. + Skill Debug Depuração de habilidade @@ -1963,12 +2422,36 @@ Então, o que você diz sobre um acordo? Eu vou afiliá-lo no Pet Caring Guild p So, young disciple! I wish I could just chant some gibberish words and that automatically granted you more skills, but alas, that won't work. Então, jovem discípulo! Eu gostaria de poder cantar algumas palavras sem sentido e que automaticamente te davam mais habilidades, mas, infelizmente, isso não funcionaria. +Some NPCs are [@@|learning new languages@@]. +Alguns NPCs são [@@ https: // | learning new languages ​​@@]. + +Some adventurer broke what was previously thought as maximum level, and is now level 40! +Alguns aventureiros quebraram o que se pensava anteriormente como nível máximo, e agora está no nível 40! + +Some adventurer broke what was previously thought as maximum level, and is now level 45! +Alguns aventureiros quebraram o que se pensava anteriormente como nível máximo, e agora é nível 45! + +Some monsters gained death and/or attack sounds, and Blue Sage House front door is now open. +Alguns monstros ganharam morte e / ou sons de ataque, e a porta da frente do Blue Sage House está agora aberta. + Some of them have FORBIDDEN DROPS, which will be DELETED when their event starts! Alguns deles têm DROPS PROIBIDOS, que serão APAGADOS quando o evento começar! +Some of these even cause area damage! Rumors of time travellers were heard, but no time travel was confirmed. +Alguns deles até causam danos na área! Rumores de viajantes do tempo foram ouvidos, mas nenhuma viagem no tempo foi confirmada. + Some time later... Algum tempo mais tarde... +Somebody else also got huge stats bonuses because reached the unbelievable job level 25. +Alguém mais também recebeu enormes bônus de estatísticas porque atingiu o inacreditável nível de trabalho 25. + +Someone adventurer broke what was previously thought as maximum level, and is now level 31! +Alguém aventureiro quebrou o que se pensava anteriormente como nível máximo, e agora está no nível 31! + +Soren, the architect responsible for it, is very happy with the new design. +Soren, o arquiteto responsável por isso, está muito feliz com o novo design. + Sorry! I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Arpan, but other sailors call me Magic Arpan because I know one or two yaing magic spells. Desculpa! Eu esqueci de me apresentar. Meu nome é Arpan, mas outros marinheiros me chamam de Magic Arpan porque eu conheço um ou dois feitiços mágicos. @@ -1996,6 +2479,12 @@ Orbe Espectral Standard fireball skill. Habilidade de bola de fogo padrão. +Stat Reseters had a breakthrough which made potions cheaper, and Arkim brand new petiscide made Pinkies sick (with less HP). +O Stat Reseters teve um avanço que tornou as poções mais baratas, e o novo petiscide de Arkim deixou os Pinkies doentes (com menos HP). + +Strange figures appear, claiming to be from the Land of Fire, and using interesting sticks, which spits fire. +Figuras estranhas aparecem, alegando ser da Terra do Fogo, e usando varas interessantes, que cospe fogo. + Stranger and monsters aren't allowed to enter in MY house! Estranhos e monstros não estão autorizados a entrar na minha casa! @@ -2041,6 +2530,9 @@ Evocar Wolverns - @ sk-kalwulf Summon Yetis - @sk-frozenheart Evocar Yetis - @ sk-frozenheart +Supreme Attack - Cause a very strong attack with lowered accuracy. +Ataque Supremo - causar um ataque muito forte com precisão reduzida. + Sure! But that is Mana Magic. Just bring me a mug of beer, I'm thristy. And I'll teach you a basic skill. Certo! Mas isso é magia de mana. Apenas me traga uma caneca de cerveja, eu estou bem. E eu vou te ensinar uma habilidade básica. @@ -2050,6 +2542,9 @@ TUTORIAL: Ao pressionar @@, você pode abrir o menu de atalho. E pressionando @@ TUTORIAL: The bugs there can be pretty vicious. Do you know what's worse though? Lag. TUTORIAL: Os erros lá podem ser muito cruéis. Você sabe o que é pior? Lag. +Tactical Retreat +recuo tático + Talk to Elmo to get an EXP UP Boost until level 15! Converse com Elmo para obter um aumento de EXP UP até o nível 15! @@ -2062,6 +2557,9 @@ Tanker Tanker#1 Tanker +Teaching Enzo your skills will make you both forget them. +Ensinar Enzo suas habilidades vai fazer você tanto esquecê-los. + Teal Cotton Dye Tinta verde-azulado para algodão @@ -2077,6 +2575,9 @@ Mude temporariamente o elemento arma para @@. A taxa de sucesso é fixada em 70% Temporary immunity to move stun when hit, and MDEF bonus. Imunidade temporária para mover stun quando acertar e bônus MDEF. +Terranite King was seen recently. New shields and pants are available for craft. +O rei dos terranitas foi visto recentemente. Novos escudos e calças estão disponíveis para embarcações. + Terranite Quiver Aljava Terranite @@ -2101,6 +2602,9 @@ Obrigado pela ajuda! Thanks once again, I know it's not much but here is 450 GP for your troubles. Obrigado mais uma vez, eu sei que não é muito, mas aqui é 450 GP para seus problemas. +That and other changes, are all thinking on players helping each other. +Isso e outras mudanças, estão todos pensando em jogadores ajudando uns aos outros. + That's a Mana Magic. It is very different from regular magic. For example, it have an experience meter and an alias you can say. Isso é uma magia de mana. É muito diferente da magia regular. Por exemplo, ele tem um medidor de experiência e um alias que você pode dizer. @@ -2110,18 +2614,51 @@ Isso não é tudo que eu pedi. That's very, very risky. I need 3 @@ and 10 @@ to make a Potion to you, and I won't warrant it will work. Isso é muito, muito arriscado. Preciso de 3 @@ e 10 @@ para fazer uma Poção para você, e não garantirei que funcionará. +The Alliance announces a great new way to keep adventurers killing monsters. +A Aliança anuncia uma nova maneira de manter aventureiros matando monstros. + +The Alliance changed some rules for storage size, botting, and grand hunter prizes, too. +A Aliança também alterou algumas regras para tamanho de armazenamento, bots e prêmios de grandes caçadores. + +The Alliance prepared an attack against the Monster King. Report at Nivalis Guard for more information. +A Aliança preparou um ataque contra o Rei Monstro. Informe-se no Nivalis Guard para mais informações. + The Arena is currently closed for maintenance, and will be open at Release 9. A Arena está atualmente fechada para manutenção e estará aberta no Release 9. +The Grand Hunter quest is available with Aidan. It's an experiment by the High Council, +A missão do Grand Hunter está disponível com o Aidan. É uma experiência do Alto Conselho, + The Guard Card will prove your intentions. Talk to the Lieutenant in front of the Guard House. O Card Guard vai provar suas intenções. Fale com o Tenente em frente à Casa da Guarda. The Guard Card will prove your intentions. Talk to the Lieutenant. O cartão de guarda irá provar suas intenções. Fale com o tenente. +The Magic Council finished the reform on their guest hall. +O Conselho Mágico terminou a reforma no salão de hóspedes. + +The Magic Council lift Statues in honor of some people. But its guest hall is in reform! +O Conselho Mágico ergue estátuas em honra de algumas pessoas. Mas o seu salão de hóspedes está em reforma! + The Monster King Army is attacking towns at random! Players already caused a loss of about @@ officers! O Monster King Army está atacando cidades aleatoriamente! Os jogadores já causaram uma perda de cerca de @@ oficiais! +The Monster King Fortress +A fortaleza do rei monstro + +The Monster King got so active in the past days, he even have a mirrored version of himself roaming the lands. +O monstro rei ficou tão ativo nos últimos dias, ele ainda tem uma versão espelhada de si mesmo vagando pelas terras. + +The Monster King left Hurnscald! This is our chance! Saulc GM is assembling a team to TAKE OVER HURNSCALD!! +O Rei Monstro saiu de Hurnscald! Esta é a nossa chance! Saulc GM está montando uma equipe para assumir HURNSCALD !! + +The NPC responsible for buying raw gemstones from other NPCs has recovered since the last siege. +O NPC responsável pela compra de pedras preciosas cruas de outros NPCs se recuperou desde o último cerco. + +The Tulimshar Forge is also dealing with more complex materials, and not just Iron. +O Tulimshar Forge também está lidando com materiais mais complexos, e não apenas com o Iron. + The UDT Challenge will create a Gladiator Monster which should somehow emulate a PvP experience. O Desafio da UDT irá criar um Gladiator Monster que de alguma forma deve imitar uma experiência PvP. @@ -2131,6 +2668,12 @@ Os guerreiros têm outras três subclasses: The Wizards have three other subclasses: Os Wizards têm outras três subclasses: +The alliance panicked, and allowed Demure, Pyndragon and Pihro on their board of members. +A aliança entrou em pânico e permitiu Demure, Pyndragon e Pihro em seu conselho de membros. + +The alliance, in honor of previous event winners, built new statues on the Council Guest Hall. +A aliança, em homenagem aos vencedores do evento anterior, construiu novas estátuas no Salão do Conselho. + The basic magic attack from a Priest. No effect against Holy Monsters. O ataque mágico básico de um padre. Nenhum efeito contra Monstros Sagrados. @@ -2146,6 +2689,9 @@ O mestre da turma mistura o pó com o lodo dentro da garrafa e faz uma mistura e The defensive guy, with every support skill a mage could need. O cara defensivo, com todas as habilidades de suporte que um mago poderia precisar. +The demand for strong players raised everywhere. Even death penalty decreased, and GMs are doing better events now. +A demanda por jogadores fortes cresceu em todos os lugares. Até mesmo a pena de morte diminuiu, e os GMs estão fazendo melhores eventos agora. + The door is locked, you should speak to Woody's Wife about it. A porta está trancada, você deve falar com a esposa de Woody sobre isso. @@ -2155,9 +2701,15 @@ A maneira mais fácil de identificar é: Habilidades de Mana nunca são direcion The event is over! O evento acabou! +The famous PVP Arena, Quirino Voraz, can now be used by all players. +A famosa Arena PVP, Quirino Voraz, agora pode ser usada por todos os jogadores. + The first trial is simple, I'm not doing anything in special. Bring me 1 @@, or 200 @@ and 20 @@. O primeiro teste é simples, não estou fazendo nada em especial. Traga-me 1 @@ ou 200 @@ e 20 @@. +The foretold Call Of Dusty event quest is also now available for PVP Parties. +A predita busca do evento Call Of Dusty agora também está disponível para as Partes PVP. + The full-attack guy. Two hand swords works best! O cara do ataque total. Duas espadas de mão funcionam melhor! @@ -2176,12 +2728,18 @@ Quanto mais níveis e inteligência você tiver, mais provavelmente a Mana Stone The name of the book is @@. O nome do livro é @@. +The new inhabitants from the Land Of Fire are welcome, and some are still sheltering, like the Silversmith. +Os novos habitantes da Terra do Fogo são bem-vindos, e alguns ainda estão abrigados, como o ourives. + The offensive guy, with every attack skill a mage could need. O cara ofensivo, com todas as habilidades de ataque que um mago poderia precisar. The old book seems to tell about the legend of Aemil. Would you like to read it? O livro antigo parece contar sobre a lenda de Aemil. Você gostaria de ler? +The party dungeon is still under maintenance, but it shall soon be liberated. The disaster was so big, all mobs are different. +A masmorra do grupo ainda está em manutenção, mas logo será liberada. O desastre foi tão grande que todas as multidões são diferentes. + The potion expired! A poção expirou! @@ -2191,6 +2749,9 @@ A poção é assada, você tem trinta e cinco minutos! Leia o mais rápido que p The prizes are only for the top 10, but Loratay on Land Of Fire Village can make a dress for you. Os prêmios são apenas para o top 10, mas Loratay em Land Of Fire Village pode fazer um vestido para você. +The snowstorm at Nivalis has ceased, but the Monster King led a massively huge army to siege Nivalis. +A nevasca em Nivalis cessou, mas o Rei Monstro liderou um enorme exército para sitiar Nivalis. + The well-round guy, with reasonable def, attack, and support skills. O cara bem redondo, com habilidades razoáveis ​​de defesa, ataque e suporte. @@ -2200,6 +2761,9 @@ O cara sábio, que não depende de magia, e adora convocar. There are only @@ pins to set. Existem apenas pinos @@ para definir. +There are rumors of a grand prize to whoever gets lucky on that machine. +Há rumores de um grande prêmio para quem tiver sorte nessa máquina. + There are still some rattos left! Do you want to abort the quest? Ainda restam alguns rattos! Você quer abortar a quest? @@ -2212,6 +2776,27 @@ Há um papel com algumas regras escritas nele. There is fresh water here. I could use it to fill a bottle. Há água fresca aqui. Eu poderia usá-lo para encher uma garrafa. +There is now a challenge in Tulimshar PvP Duel Room. How long can you survive? +Existe agora um desafio no Tulimshar PvP Duel Room. Por quanto tempo você pode sobreviver? + +There was just too many changes to list all of them here. Good luck finding all of them! +Houve apenas muitas mudanças para listar todas elas aqui. Boa sorte em encontrar todos eles! + +There was too many things to keep track. After Hurnscald siege, with lots of earthquakes, we had an accident. +Havia muitas coisas para acompanhar. Após o cerco de Hurnscald, com muitos terremotos, tivemos um acidente. + +There were trees blocking the path to Halinarzo? Why nobody told that to Tulimshar Council?! +Havia árvores bloqueando o caminho para Halinarzo? Por que ninguém disse isso ao Conselho Tulimshar ?! + +There's a scheduled update for 26/12. Event subject to change without prior notice. +Há uma atualização agendada para 26/12. Evento sujeito a alteração sem aviso prévio. + +Therefore, raw gemstones prices are once again on the rise. +Portanto, os preços das pedras preciosas em bruto estão novamente em ascensão. + +These trees were cut and travellers can once again travel to Halin. +Essas árvores foram cortadas e os viajantes podem viajar novamente para Halin. + They are a permanent problem so I will always need your help to exterminate them in order to keep their number under control. Eles são um problema permanente, então eu sempre precisarei da sua ajuda para exterminá-los, a fim de manter seu número sob controle. @@ -2236,6 +2821,9 @@ Este boost pode ser usado até o nível 15. This cannot be undone. Are you sure? Isto não pode ser desfeito. Você tem certeza? +This caused a mana disturbance, and healing items are working better now, affecting every sector of economy. +Isso causou um distúrbio de mana e os itens de cura estão funcionando melhor agora, afetando todos os setores da economia. + This costed years of work... But you deserve it. Here is, an @@. Use it wisely, many armor can be forged with it. Isso custou anos de trabalho ... Mas você merece. Aqui está um @@. Use-o sabiamente, muitas armaduras podem ser forjadas com ele. @@ -2266,15 +2854,27 @@ Esta é a habilidade @@ Transmuta @@ @@ e um único @@ em @@. This menu allows you to change your skills. Este menu permite que você mude suas habilidades. +This server's Sponsors bought the area above Hurnscald's Inn. Nobody else is being allowed there. +Os patrocinadores deste servidor compraram a área acima do Hurnscald's Inn. Ninguém mais está sendo permitido lá. + This skill can be further improved with Job Points Esta habilidade pode ser melhorada com os Job Points +This somehow affected the whole economy. +Isso de alguma forma afetou toda a economia. + This useful skill will only require: Esta habilidade útil exigirá apenas: +This was caused because changes on the Mana Bridge. They hope that for next release, everyone will be able to use these magic words, instead of needing to talk to the Soul Menhir. +Isso foi causado por mudanças na Mana Bridge. Eles esperam que, para o próximo lançamento, todos possam usar essas palavras mágicas, em vez de precisar falar com o Menhir da Alma. + This well is too deep and you don't have a bucket. Este poço é muito profundo e você não tem um balde. +Three new swords are now obtainable, although Broadsword is still the best weapon around. Except on Heroes Hold. +Três novas espadas agora podem ser obtidas, embora Broadsword ainda seja a melhor arma ao redor. Exceto em Heroes Hold. + Titanium Ore and COal refunded on Leather Quiver update. Titanium Ore e carvão reembolsado na atualização Quiver de couro. @@ -2290,6 +2890,9 @@ Para alterar o seu nível de emprego, use este comando: To change your stats, use these commands: Para alterar suas estatísticas, use estes comandos: +To counter-act this, nicholas lowered craft prices, and the folks at LoF are doing their best at refines. +Para neutralizar isso, Nicolau baixou os preços do artesanato e o pessoal da LoF está fazendo o melhor que pode para refinar. + To discard an item you no longer want, select it and press the 'Discard' button. Generic items can be discarded or sold. But equipment can only be sold. Para descartar um item que você não deseja mais, selecione-o e pressione o botão 'Descartar'. Itens genéricos podem ser descartados ou vendidos. Mas o equipamento só pode ser vendido. @@ -2320,6 +2923,9 @@ Trade 2 Pearl para um presente de prata + um presente de bronze Transmutation - @sk-trans Transmutação - @ sk-trans +Treasure chests have been seen on dungeons, always changing places and refilling themselves. +Baús de tesouro foram vistos nas masmorras, sempre mudando de lugar e se reabastecendo. + Trickster uses an experimental window, you might need to resize it to see all skills. Malandro usa uma janela experimental, pode ser necessário para redimensioná-la para ver todas as habilidades. @@ -2332,6 +2938,21 @@ Tente ajudar a guarda da cidade. Muitas missões podem ser encontradas ao redor Tulimshar - 7,500 GP Tulimshar - 7.500 GP +Tulimshar Guardhouse's door was struck, but the guards managed to get it open again. +A porta da Tulimshar Guardhouse foi atingida, mas os guardas conseguiram abri-la novamente. + +Tulimshar Guards bought a Slot Machine to play, but that was done unofficialy. +Os guardas de Tulimshar compraram um caça-níqueis para jogar, mas isso foi feito de forma não-oficial. + +Tulimshar Jewerly is now polishing gemstones to add on rings. New monsters were seen, stay on guard. +A Tulimshar Jewelry está agora polindo pedras preciosas para adicionar anéis. Novos monstros foram vistos, fique de guarda. + +Tulimshar Jewerly is once again open. Cyndala and Tamiloc rented a shop south of Tulimshar. +A jóia de Tulimshar está aberta outra vez. Cyndala e Tamiloc alugaram uma loja ao sul de Tulimshar. + +Tulimshar miners are having troubles with monsters. They are offering rewards to whoever helps them. +Os mineiros de Tulimshar estão tendo problemas com monstros. Eles estão oferecendo recompensas para quem os ajuda. + Tulimshar miners mainly try to optain gems. Os mineiros de Tulimshar tentam principalmente obter gemas. @@ -2347,12 +2968,18 @@ Desafio UDT, @@ começou a luta! Uhm, maybe I could teach you something, too. Go mine 10 @@. You should find some at northeast of the Island. Uhm, talvez eu possa te ensinar uma coisa também. Vá meu 10 @@. Você deve encontrar alguns no nordeste da ilha. +Uhm... Bye? +Uhm ... Bye? + Unexplained Mountain Snake Cobra da Montanha inexplicada Unfinished script, blame Jesusalva, he decided to work on Hurnscald before my cherry cakes. Escrita inacabada, culpam Jesusalva, ele decidiu trabalhar em Hurnscald antes dos meus bolos de cereja. +Unfortunately, Tulimshar guards are dying in the sun. Maybe you could provide them with Water? +Infelizmente, os guardas de Tulimshar estão morrendo ao sol. Talvez você possa fornecer água para eles? + Unless you have an @@, it'll be difficult to track progress on Mana Magic, and you won't really gain any mana experience for a while. A menos que você tenha um @@, será difícil acompanhar o progresso em Mana Magic, e você não receberá nenhuma experiência de mana por um tempo. @@ -2404,6 +3031,9 @@ Espere, você nunca veio aqui antes? Wait. A ship? Where are you, after all? Espere. Um barco? Onde você está afinal? +Wands are also being sold, and other stuff from the Land Of Fire slowly creeps in. +As varinhas também estão sendo vendidas, e outras coisas da Terra do Fogo se arrasta lentamente. + Wardrobe#RES_0096 Guarda-roupa#RES_0096 @@ -2422,6 +3052,9 @@ Aviso: Se você entrar em uma subclasse, não poderá sair mais tarde! Warning: This class haven't been tested/balanced yet. Feedback is required! Aviso: esta classe ainda não foi testada / balanceada. O feedback é obrigatório! +We apologize to all, but the Land Of Fire CRASHED here, and broke the whole balance! Part of woodlands flooded! +Pedimos desculpas a todos, mas a Terra do Fogo bateu aqui e quebrou todo o equilíbrio! Parte das florestas inundadas! + We are at half a day from our final destination, by the time that you wake up I'm sure that we will be there! Estamos a meio dia do nosso destino final, no momento em que você acordar, tenho certeza de que estaremos lá! @@ -2431,6 +3064,9 @@ Nós organizamos uma pequena sala subterrânea para isso, enquanto o Coliseu nã We have two main groups, entitled classes: The Magic Warriors, and the Wizard Mages. Nós temos dois grupos principais, classes autorizadas: The Magic Warriors, e o Wizard Mages. +We mean, some are giving stupid amounts of experience, and players can get more levels. Saulc cannot proccess that many changes! +Quer dizer, alguns estão dando quantidades estúpidas de experiência, e os jogadores podem obter mais níveis. Saulc não pode processar muitas mudanças! + We only require a small fee of 1 @@, or 40 @@ Apenas exigimos uma pequena taxa de 1 @@ ou 40 @@ @@ -2455,6 +3091,9 @@ Nós tentamos limpar suas roupas mas a água salgada as destruiu. Por isso nós We use swords and bows to protect the people, and we use magic to spice things up! Because we're strong even without it! Usamos espadas e arcos para proteger as pessoas, e usamos magia para apimentar as coisas! Porque somos fortes mesmo sem isso! +We wish you a merry Christmas! And a happy new year!! +Desejamos-lhe um feliz natal! E um Feliz Ano Novo!! + Welcome to the Priest guild! Bem-vindo à guilda dos sacerdotes! @@ -2620,18 +3259,27 @@ Quem é o protagonista humano masculino? Primeiro e último nome apenas. Who will insult every living being in the universe, because he is immortal and getting bored? Quem irá insultar todos os seres vivos no universo, porque ele é imortal e fica entediado? +Whoa! LoF merge wasn't entirely stable! After a terrible manaquake, everything, +Uau! LoF merge não era totalmente estável! Depois de um terrível homem, tudo, + Why are you here? This area is off-bounds! Por quê você está aqui? Esta área está fora dos limites! Why we're going Tulimshar, you may ask? Because well, believe me, if you want to find out anything, the best place to ask around is Tulim! Por que estamos indo Tulimshar, você pode perguntar? Porque bem, acredite, se você quiser descobrir alguma coisa, o melhor lugar para perguntar é Tulim! +Windwalker - Increase walk speed and flee rate. +Windwalker - Aumentar a velocidade de caminhada e fugir taxa. + Winter this year is being really harsh! Fire is most important for us. O inverno deste ano está sendo muito duro! O fogo é mais importante para nós. Wisard Moccasins Mocassins Mágicos +With renewed confidence about the outcome of the war, various people left their houses. +Com confiança renovada sobre o resultado da guerra, várias pessoas deixaram suas casas. + With two extra kilograms you can trade more, or bring thief-killing items! Good luck! Com dois quilos extras, você pode trocar mais, ou trazer itens para matar ladrões! Boa sorte! @@ -2656,9 +3304,15 @@ Esposa amadeirada Woody is inside, he probably craft some stuff with animals pelts. Woody está dentro, ele provavelmente cria algumas coisas com peles de animais. +Workers have closed Nivalis to repairs, due intense damage to town infrastructure. +Os trabalhadores fecharam a Nivalis para reparos, devido a danos intensos à infraestrutura da cidade. + Wow! those pity gloves aren'st made for mining. They're almost ruined! Uau! aquelas luvas de pena não são feitas para mineração. Eles estão quase arruinados! +Wyara tells she will now make Return Potions for those trusted by Hurnscald Staff! +Wyara conta que agora fará Poções de Retorno para os que confiam na equipe de Hurnscald! + XmasCake XmasCake @@ -2746,6 +3400,9 @@ Você também pode ler o Livro das Leis a qualquer momento para ver as regras. You can explore the city as you want, but if I were you, I would visit the townhall first. Você pode explorar a cidade como quiser, mas se eu fosse você, eu visitaria o townhall primeiro. +You can get close by feet, and there was an area so empty that you won't even notice the distance walked. +Você pode chegar perto a pé, e havia uma área tão vazia que você nem notaria a distância percorrida. + You can only merge accounts after 2020-02-07! Você só pode mesclar contas após 2020/02/07! @@ -2758,6 +3415,9 @@ Você só pode porta de nível um caractere por pessoa! You can think more info about this on these links: Você pode pensar mais sobre isso nesses links: +You can use @@, Audsbel left the Magic School, and Marius is singing again. +Você pode usar @@, Audsbel deixou a Magic School e Marius está cantando novamente. + You can't carry more items, you should go to the storage. Você não pode carregar mais itens, você deve ir para o armazenamento. @@ -2920,12 +3580,24 @@ Sua ajuda é muito bem vinda. Infelizmente, posso dar-lhe uma recompensa pelo pr Your items vanishes into thin air. What?! Seus itens desaparecem no ar. O que?! +Your lack of magical power is critical. I dare say, you might never in your life get access to a Mana Stone. +Sua falta de poder mágico é crítica. Eu ouso dizer, você pode nunca em sua vida ter acesso a uma Pedra de Mana. + Your luck determines several small things, including the number of critical attacks you are going to suffer and perform. Sua sorte determina várias pequenas coisas, incluindo o número de ataques críticos que você vai sofrer e executar. Your mind is set? You will loose the color dye during this process. Sua mente está definida? Você perderá o corante durante este processo. +Your position has been saved. +Sua posição foi salva. + +Zegas, Saxso's widow, the mayor of Candor, decreed to allow strong adventurers to get past the Candor Cave Magic Barrier. +Zegas, a viúva de Saxso, o prefeito de Candor, decretou permitir que fortes aventureiros passassem pela barreira mágica da Caverna de Candor. + +Zitoni announces he can now craft really good potions to improve attack speed and damage! +Zitoni anuncia que agora ele pode criar ótimas poções para melhorar a velocidade de ataque e danos! + [40 experience points] [40 pontos de experiência] @@ -3013,6 +3685,9 @@ adams agrajag agrajag +and may change later without notice. +e pode mudar depois sem aviso prévio. + arthur dent dente de arthur @@ -3061,6 +3736,9 @@ coração de ouro hinnack hinnack +including the 178 monsters and who knows how many equipment, had numeric changes. +incluindo os 178 monstros e quem sabe quantos equipamentos, tiveram alterações numéricas. + ix ix diff --git a/langs/lang_pt_BR.txt b/langs/lang_pt_BR.txt index 0f5af2a61..a03734ceb 100644 --- a/langs/lang_pt_BR.txt +++ b/langs/lang_pt_BR.txt @@ -170,9 +170,6 @@ para ##9Hey wait... Your coin turned on a @@! ##9Ei, espere... Sua moeda se transformou em uma @@! -##9Was that not sufficient, this someone acquired MAGIC and is now under @@'s group. -##9 Isso não foi suficiente, este alguém adquiriu MAGIA e agora está sob o grupo de "@@". - ##BFirst and foremost, you should talk to Trainer, inside the big house.##b ##BAntes de mais nada, você deve conversar com o Treinador, dentro da casa grande.##b @@ -182,6 +179,9 @@ para ##BHall Of AFK: TOP 10##b +##BHall Of Academics: TOP10##b + + ##BHall Of Aurora: TOP10##b @@ -326,9 +326,15 @@ para %s makes specialized weapons for high level players. If you tweak with Nicholas, in Hurnscald, the weapon options, you can get really powerful. % s marcas especializada armas para os jogadores de alto nível. Se você ajustar com Nicholas, em Hurnscald, as opções de armas, você pode ficar muito poderoso. +%s refunded to level 1 for %d MSP + + %s thinks if she knows any major, good quest to do. +%s, the Forgetful + + %s, you're a good student. You have a bright future if you keep listening to me. % S, você é um bom aluno. Você tem um futuro brilhante, se você continuar me ouvindo. @@ -392,6 +398,12 @@ para (Note: Agostine will destroy low quality materials!) (Nota: Agostine irá destruir materiais de baixa qualidade!) +(Passive) Increases Mana EXP/Control Gain rate. + + +(Passive) Raise Max HP and Holy Defense. + + (Protip: Always use %s before engaging a different monster!) @@ -416,10 +428,10 @@ para * %d/%d %s -* %d/%d AP (???) +* %d/%d MSP (Magic Skill Points) -* %d/%d MSP (Magic Skill Points) +* %d/%d RP (Research Points) * %s @@ -941,9 +953,6 @@ meu nome é Nikolai. Eu sou um sábio e o dono deste lugar. ...but it is written in Mananese, a language you know nothing about. ... mas está escrito em Mananese, uma língua sobre a qual você não sabe nada. -...including the fabled "Ultimate PVP Event", as the original creators say... - - ...who knows if there isn't a secret in that? ... quem sabe se não há um segredo nisso? @@ -956,12 +965,24 @@ Alguém aí? .:: @@ Recipe ::. . :: @@ Receita ::. +.:: Accumulate Power ::. + + .:: Alcohol Tutorial ::. . :: Álcool Tutorial ::. .:: Archers Eye ::. +.:: Area Provoke ::. + + +.:: Armageddon ::. + + +.:: Arrow Shower ::. + + .:: Backsliding ::. @@ -992,6 +1013,9 @@ Alguém aí? .:: Congratulations! ::. . :: Parabéns! :: +.:: Counter Attack ::. + + .:: Create PIN Code ::. @@ -1019,6 +1043,21 @@ Alguém aí? .:: FIRST PLAYER TO REBIRTH ::. +.:: Falkon Strike ::. + + +.:: Fire Arrow ::. + + +.:: Fireball ::. + + +.:: Firewalk ::. + + +.:: First Aid ::. + + .:: Fortress Island ::. . :: Fortaleza Ilha ::. @@ -1028,9 +1067,18 @@ Alguém aí? .:: Free Software Day ::. . :: Dia do Software Livre ::. +.:: Frost Diver ::. + + +.:: Frost Nova ::. + + .:: Full Throttle ::. +.:: Ground Strike ::. + + .:: Hasan Scorpion Killing Challenge 2018 ::. . :: Desafio Hasan de Matar Escorpiões 2018 ::. @@ -1040,15 +1088,36 @@ Alguém aí? .:: Hasan Scorpion Killing Challenge 2020 ::. . :: Hasan Scorpion Killing Desafio 2020 ::. +.:: Healing ::. + + .:: Hit'n'Run Tactic ::. . :: Tática de Hit'n'Run ::. +.:: Holy Light ::. + + .:: International Coffee Day ::. . :: Dia Internacional do Café ::. +.:: Judgment ::. + + .:: KAMELOT CASTLE, THE GUILD DUNGEON ::. +.:: Last Standing Man ::. + + +.:: Lightning Bolt ::. + + +.:: Magic Strike ::. + + +.:: Magnus Healing ::. + + .:: Main Quest 1-1 ::. . :: Missão Principal 1-1 ::. @@ -1079,6 +1148,9 @@ Alguém aí? .:: Mana Bomb ::. +.:: Mana Wisdom ::. + + .:: Mission Failed ::. .:: Missão fracassada ::. @@ -1088,9 +1160,15 @@ Alguém aí? .:: NOTABLE NAMES ON NIVALIS LIBERATION DAY ::. . :: NOMES NOTÁVEIS NO DIA DA LIBERTAÇÃO DE NIVALIS ::. +.:: Napalm Beat ::. + + .:: Nature Wall ::. +.:: Nilfheim ::. + + .:: Open Beta 2019 ::. . :: Open Beta 2019 ::. @@ -1100,6 +1178,9 @@ Alguém aí? .:: Physical Sciences Class ::. . :: Ciências Físicas Class ::. +.:: Provoke ::. + + .:: Purple Day 2018 ::. . :: Dia Roxo 2018 ::. @@ -1109,15 +1190,24 @@ Alguém aí? .:: Second Tier Quest - Timed Out ::. . :: Second Tier Quest - Tempo esgotado ::. +.:: Sharpshooter ::. + + .:: Sudden Attack ::. +.:: Supreme Attack ::. + + .:: TMW-2 Anniversary ::. . :: Aniversário TMW-2 ::. .:: TMW2 Day ::. . :: Dia TMW2 ::. +.:: Tempest ::. + + .:: Thanksgiving 2019 ::. . :: Ação de Graças 2019 ::. @@ -1160,6 +1250,9 @@ Alguém aí? .:: WARNING ::. .:: AVISO ::. +.:: Windwalker ::. + + .:: Withdraw Conditions ::. . :: Retirar as Condições ::. @@ -1205,6 +1298,9 @@ Alguém aí? 1 Hand Swords 1 espadas de mão +1 hour + + 1- Survive. If you die, you will gain nothing. And people want to kill you. 1- Sobreviva. Se você morrer, não ganhará nada. E as pessoas querem te matar. @@ -1229,6 +1325,9 @@ Alguém aí? 1. You must be at the computer to play. Using a bot ##Bwhile at computer##b will be tolerated. 1. Você precisa estar no computador para jogar. Utilizar um robô ##Benquanto no computador##b será tolerado. +10 minutes + + 10 seconds! 10 segundos! @@ -1253,6 +1352,9 @@ Alguém aí? 12x Strange Coins 12x Moedas Estranhas +15 minutes + + 15 minutes. @@ -1277,6 +1379,9 @@ Alguém aí? 2 Hand Swords 2 espadas de mão +2 hours + + 2- Take everything you can find. You'll be warped without equip or healing items! Kill monsters to get some stuff too! 2- Pegue tudo que puder encontrar. Você será deformado sem equipar ou itens de cura! Mate monstros para pegar algumas coisas também! @@ -1358,6 +1463,9 @@ Perna de 20x 3. luanaf - 20837 +30 minutes + + 30x Bug Leg Perna de insetos 30x @@ -1397,9 +1505,6 @@ Perna de insetos 30x 4144's Tortuga Tortuga de 4144 -4144's Tortuga was seen somewhere. Great rewards if someone knock off that monster... Well, not really. -Tortuga de 4144 foi visto em algum lugar. Grandes recompensas se alguém derrubar aquele monstro ... Bem, na verdade não. - 42 42 @@ -1415,6 +1520,9 @@ Tortuga de 4144 foi visto em algum lugar. Grandes recompensas se alguém derruba 5 @@ can be fused in a @@ 5 @@ podem ser fundidos em um @@ +5 minutes + + 5 seconds! 5 segundos! @@ -1961,6 +2069,9 @@ A few times during the year, the "golden wave" migrates from the north pole to t A friend of yours called LOF BOT asked for a coin... +A global announcement will be made. + + A golden pot in woodlands shall reward those who wear green. @@ -1979,9 +2090,6 @@ Um homem encapuzado me atacou, e me deixou neste estado. A light magic barrier prevents you from entering. Uma barreira mágica de luz impede que você entre. -A major deflation happened while Saulc wasn't looking, and you may find several items with @@ discount. -Uma grande deflação aconteceu enquanto Saulc não estava olhando, e você pode encontrar vários itens com desconto de até @@. - A masterpiece!... Whaaaat, this stuff got ##Bweaker##b?? @@ -1994,9 +2102,6 @@ A mission well done. I should report to lua now. A new pet has been unlocked on the @@! Um novo animal de estimação foi desbloqueado no @@! -A nice meteor shower is thought to happen in February and May, days 18~25. -Acredita-se que uma boa chuva de meteoros acontecerá em fevereiro e maio, dias 18 a 25. - A pity a friend of ours drank too much. Juliet knows how to cure. We need to give her a @@ to do a hangover potion. Uma pena que um amigo nosso tenha bebido demais. Juliet sabe como curar. Precisamos dar a ele um @@ para fazer uma poção de ressaca. @@ -2096,6 +2201,9 @@ Rei AF AFK Cap Boné AFK +AFK skill levels fixed. + + AFTER THEM!! @@ -2177,9 +2285,6 @@ Acc. and Evade -25%% Accept quest? Aceitar a quest? -Access is restricted to guards, as usual. -O acesso é restrito aos guardas, como de costume. - Access to basement was granted! Acesso ao porão foi concedido! @@ -2198,9 +2303,6 @@ Informação da conta Accumulate Power acumular poder -Accumulate Power - Raise damage of next skill. -Acumular poder - Elevar danos da próxima habilidade. - Ace Ventura Ace Ventura @@ -2276,9 +2378,6 @@ Adicionar nova linha Additional Hunting Island will be released on Valentine Day! Caça adicional Ilha será lançado no Dia dos Namorados! -Additional security measures were put in place so such disaster, of a whole world crashing, doesn't happens again. -Medidas adicionais de segurança foram tomadas para que tal desastre, de um mundo inteiro caindo, não aconteça novamente. - Additionally, for the optimal experience, ensure your party has at least the following members and items: @@ -2291,6 +2390,9 @@ Masmorra Avançada (Lv 80+) Advanced Exchanger#0 +Advanced Magic + + Advanced Tricks @@ -2306,12 +2408,6 @@ Adventurer, did you brought me what I asked? I see you have @@/5 @@.#0 Adventurer, did you brought me what I asked? I see you have @@/5 @@.#1 -Adventurers entirely redressed, people doing Grand Hunter Quest like mad, peple making wishes at... well... -Aventureiros completamente vestidos, pessoas fazendo Grand Hunter Quest como loucos, pessoas fazendo desejos em ... bem ... poços ... - -Adventurers got drunk to get more EXP?! Players can now buy houses and make their own wine! -Aventureiros ficaram bêbados para obter mais EXP ?! Os jogadores podem agora comprar casas e fazer o seu próprio vinho! - Advised party size: From 3 and above Tamanho da festa recomendada: de 3 e acima @@ -2342,12 +2438,6 @@ Depois de limpar por doze horas seguidas, eles me permitiram descansar um pouco. After hours of hard work... Depois de horas de trabalho duro ... -After much struggle with the lazy builders, Nivalis Town is finally open for visit again! -Depois de muita luta com os construtores preguiçosos, a cidade de Nivalis está finalmente aberto para visitar novamente! - -After paying the divorce fee, she said: "Blame Saulc for this one." - - After that, stay still and be patient, but also alert! Após isso, fique parado e seja paciente, mas também alerta! @@ -2819,9 +2909,6 @@ Todas as cobras das cavernas estão mortas! Volte para o Tycoon. All cheaters must die. Todos os trapaceiros devem morrer. -All contributors should claim their rewards with Lua. Weather is there, night cycle happens where monsters are more active. -Todos os contribuidores devem reivindicar suas recompensas com Lua. O tempo está lá, o ciclo noturno acontece onde os monstros estão mais ativos. - All hail @@ and Andrei Sakar, heroes of the world! Todos saudam @@ e Andrei Sakar, heróis do mundo! @@ -2843,6 +2930,9 @@ Todos os vermes estão mortos! All mana bugs are dead! Todos os insetos de mana estão mortos! +All monsters may drop chocolate during this period. And here is one for you! + + All monsters summoned! Todos os monstros convocados! @@ -3035,9 +3125,6 @@ Além disso, eles sobem de nível quando atacam e podem ser revividos com a habi Also, unlike regular magic which may cause delay before and after, Mana Magic usually only have a cooldown. But it is hard to know how long that cooldown is... Além disso, ao contrário da magia regular, que pode causar atrasos antes e depois, a Magia de Mana geralmente só tem um cooldown. Mas é difícil saber quanto tempo essa recarga é ... -Also, weird voices are talking to new players, asking if they're here because a friend. -Além disso, vozes estranhas estão conversando com novos jogadores, perguntando se estão aqui por causa de um amigo. - Also, you need vitality and strength to survive the swimming trip. The closest island is very far away. Além disso, você precisa de vitalidade e força para sobreviver à viagem de natação. A ilha mais próxima fica muito longe. @@ -3098,7 +3185,7 @@ Montante? An account may vote anywhere, but only once per town (weekly). Uma conta pode votar em qualquer lugar, mas apenas uma vez por cidade (semanal). -An emergency skill which temporaly raises all your stats. +An emergency skill which temporarily raises all your stats. An error happened: professor_was_assasinated() error @@ -3125,6 +3212,9 @@ An example is dec agi, which lowers your agility. An unlimited number of members can join. +An upgrade is available. + + Ancient Blueprint Modelo antigo @@ -3236,9 +3326,6 @@ And some of the shop items can be found as drops or in quests! And some times, more Fafi dragons come... Don't neglect your aid. E algumas vezes, mais dragões Fafi vêm ... Não negligencie sua ajuda. -And speaking in reward, guards are looking for someone contrabanding goods from Artis. Do not help them! -E falando em recompensa, os guardas estão procurando por alguém contrabandeando mercadorias da Artis. Não ajude o contrabandista! - And then, it was no more! It vanished! In a matter of minutes the slimes were all over the library. A good thing they are slow, none escaped to the town. E então, não foi mais! Desapareceu! Em questão de minutos, os limos estavam espalhados pela biblioteca. Ainda bem que são lentos, nenhum escapou para a cidade. @@ -3290,9 +3377,6 @@ Andrei Sakar Andrei Sakar Card Andrei Sakar Cartão -Andrei Sakar is also repeating his questions about World Lore, although rewards are now smaller. -Andrei Sakar também está repetindo suas perguntas sobre a história do mundo, embora as recompensas sejam menores agora. - Andrei Sakar, Legendary Hero Andrei Sakar, Herói Lendário @@ -3356,9 +3440,6 @@ Chapéu de chifres Anwar Anwar -Anwar left his house to tend Tulimshar's crops, after noticing something strange with them. He blames the Monster King. -Anwar deixou sua casa para cuidar das plantações de Tulimshar, depois de perceber algo estranho com elas. Ele culpa o rei dos monstros. - Anwar sent you this, erm, hum... @@. Anwar lhe enviou este, hum, hum ... @@. @@ -3527,6 +3608,9 @@ Aquada Aquada Box Caixa de Aquada +Ara ara? You do not have enough money with you! + + Arabesque (Action) Arabesque (ação) @@ -3539,6 +3623,9 @@ Arcano de pedra Archant Archant +Archers Eye + + Archery Weapon Recipes Tiro com arco Arma Recipes @@ -3638,7 +3725,7 @@ Você está, talvez, interessado? Area Provoke -Area Provoke - Provoke all monsters centered on target. +Area of effect fire damage. May burn targets. AreaNPC#002-1d @@ -3663,7 +3750,7 @@ Arena created, it can be used for 30 minutes. Arena criada, pode ser usada por 30 minutos. Argaes Human - +Argaes Humano Argh... I can never get it right! If only he drew an Ace or a Joker on the first draw... But he never does that! Argh ... Eu nunca consigo acertar! Se ele desenhasse um Ás ou Coringa no primeiro sorteio ... Mas ele nunca faz isso! @@ -3671,8 +3758,8 @@ Argh ... Eu nunca consigo acertar! Se ele desenhasse um Ás ou Coringa no primei Arkim Arkim -Arkim also developed a powerful petiscide to make Pinkies less healthy, but that was long ago. -Arkim também desenvolveu um poderoso petiscida para tornar os Pinkies menos saudáveis, mas isso foi há muito tempo. +Armageddon + Armbands Braçadeiras @@ -3728,15 +3815,9 @@ Caixa de Munição de Flechas Arrow Shower seta Duche -Arrow Shower - Shoot FIVE arrows or bullets to the air and cause Area Of Effect Damage. -Arrow Shower - Atire cinco flechas ou balas para o ar e causar Área de Efeito danos. - Arrow Shower Card Cartão do chuveiro seta -Arrows prices were lowered, and a limited teleport to Frostia and Halinarzo is now possible. -Os preços das flechas foram reduzidos e um teletransporte limitado para Frostia e Halinarzo é agora possível. - Arrr matey! This is @@, yarr. Arr matey!! Esta é a @@, yarr. @@ -3800,6 +3881,9 @@ Como uma desculpa token, você também está recebendo um @@. As an archer, you should always carry your bow with you. Doesn't warriors carry those heavy swords without complaining? Go and get it. Como arqueiro, você deve sempre levar seu arco com você. Os guerreiros não carregam aquelas espadas pesadas sem reclamar? Vá e pegue. +As an honorary member of the Duck Side, know that we are more than we appear. The Moubootaur itself has seen fit to reward us when it awakens. Do not attempt to cross us. + + As far as we are concerned, you could have been an exiled prisoner who managed to escape! But there are ways to prove to the Alliance that your intentions are good. @@ -3824,6 +3908,9 @@ Como em todos os Eventos Principais do TMW2, o top 1 recebe um animal de estima As you can guess, said village was abandoned. However, people are claiming to have seen people walking there, like shadows or zombies. Como você pode imaginar, a vila foi abandonada. No entanto, as pessoas estão alegando ter visto pessoas andando por lá, como sombras ou zumbis. +As you may be aware, the Magic Council is in Tulim, after all. + + As you may know, LOF ran on a modified version of The Mana World game, before being merged on TMW2: Moubootaur Legends. Como você deve saber, o LOF rodou em uma versão modificada do jogo The Mana World, antes de ser fundido no TMW2: Moubootaur Legends. @@ -3974,6 +4061,9 @@ Ayasha AyashaDebug AyashaDebug +Azul Skull Slime + + Azul Slime Lodo Azul @@ -3998,6 +4088,12 @@ BUG, me informe: QHUB PENALTY OVERRIDE INVALID SIGNAL @@ BUT you can reduce the travel price to everywhere, to as low as 250 GP, by completing QUESTS! MAS você pode reduzir o preço da viagem para qualquer lugar, até 250 GP, completando os QUESTS! +Bachelor + + +Backsliding + + Backsword Backsword @@ -4109,9 +4205,36 @@ Base Experience Rate is now %d%%. Base Tier Camada Base +Bash your weapon against your enemies with raised damage and accuracy. + + +Basic Magic + + Basic Tricks +Basic fire single target attack. May burn targets. + + +Basic ice area attack. Freeze targets in a big area. + + +Basic ice area attack. May freeze targets. + + +Basic ice single target attack. May freeze targets. + + +Basic multi-target holy attack. Is actually weak. + + +Basic single target holy attack. Splashes in the nearby tiles. + + +Basic wind single target attack. Strong in overall. + + Basically, I need to find a friendly Yeti. Do they exist? Basicamente, eu preciso encontrar um Yeti amigável. Eles existem? @@ -4373,6 +4496,9 @@ Ferrão Escorpião Negro Black Scorpion Stinger -> Red Scorpion Stinger Black Scorpion Stinger -> Red Scorpion Stinger +Black Skull Slime + + Black Slime Lodo preto @@ -4793,18 +4919,12 @@ Mas também muito divertido. Tenho certeza Pihro e Pyndragon, os prefeitos de ci But as you're here now, could you do me a favour? Mas como você está aqui agora, você poderia me fazer um favor? -But be careful: Only 1MSP-costed skills can be forgotten, and learning fees WON'T be given back! -Mas cuidado: habilidades Só 1MSP-orçamentados pode ser esquecido, e as taxas de aprendizagem não será dado de volta! - -But be careful: Only 2MSP-costed skills can be forgotten, and learning fees WON'T be given back! - - -But be careful: Only 3MSP-costed skills can be forgotten, and learning fees WON'T be given back! - - But be careful: do not scream when using a lot of capital letters, and do not keep repeating the lines, and above all DO NOT SPAM, or you may be severely penalized. Mas tenha cuidado: não grite quando usar muitas letras maiúsculas, e não continue repetindo as falas, e acima de tudo, NÃO SPAM, ou você pode ser severamente penalizado. +But be careful: learning fees and research points WILL NOT be given back! + + But be warned, I don't have the Apple with me. It must be further in. @@ -4964,9 +5084,6 @@ Mas para ser justo, pelo que eu vi Peetu sempre foi muito atencioso e respeitoso But to defeat this dummy, I would say that %s should do the trick. Mas para derrotar este manequim, eu diria que% s deve fazer o truque. -But travel by sea, or access to the village on itself, is thoroughly impossible. Andrei Sakar is at ready. -Mas viajar pelo mar, ou o acesso à aldeia em si, é completamente impossível. Andrei Sakar está pronto. - But unfortunately, a loose stone lodges and you fall to your death. Mas infelizmente, uma pedra solta aloja e você cai para a sua morte. @@ -4994,9 +5111,6 @@ Mas quem sou eu? But who cares? We need to save the Professor! During night, monsters are stronger, so they'll probably attack at night time! -But who knows what future holds. The Monster King was blamed as responsible, but he killed our interviewer. Eeh. -Mas quem sabe o que o futuro reserva. O Rei Monstro foi culpado como responsável, mas ele matou nosso entrevistador. Eeh - But with a @@, when you are about to die, you can warp back to Soul Menhir and bypass death penalty. Mas com um @@, quando você está prestes a morrer, você pode voltar para o Soul Menhir e ignorar a pena de morte. @@ -5060,6 +5174,9 @@ Comprar um cartão de mercenário Buy cheap, sell expensive! Comprar barato, vender caro! +By "breaking", I do not mean death. It is something worse. + + By far, the most important holiday on Moubootaur Legends. @@ -5345,6 +5462,9 @@ Candura Candor - @@ GP Candor - @@ GP +Candor Battle Score: %d + + Candor Bola Candor Bola @@ -5369,15 +5489,9 @@ Camisa franca Candor Shorts Calor Shorts -Candor Trainer read all the references that he could find and is wiser than ever! -Valon, Treinador de Candor, leu todas as referências que encontrou e está mais esperto do que nunca! - Candor Warp Crystal Cristal Da Urdidura De Candor -Candor was sightly reworked in terms of gold gain/expense. @@ was added. -Candor foi retrabalhado em termos de ganho / despesa de ouro. @@ foi adicionado. - Candor's Nurse Enfermeira de Candor @@ -5453,6 +5567,9 @@ Caldeirão#RES_0128 Cauldron#RES_PPL Caldeirão#RES_PPL +Cause a very strong attack with lowered accuracy. + + Causes a healing effect in area to guild members. @@ -5510,9 +5627,6 @@ Centauro Centaur Spear Centauro lança -Central Woodlands suffered dramatic changes due Saulc (ab)using his GM powers. -Central Woodlands sofreu mudanças dramáticas devido Saulc (ab) usando seus poderes GM. - Centurion Helmet Capacete Centurião @@ -5543,6 +5657,9 @@ Ch 3 — Status Ailments Ch 4 — Casting Cap 4 — Lançando +Ch 4 — Information About You + + Ch 5 — Reeling Cap 5 — Puxando a Isca @@ -5699,9 +5816,6 @@ Chefe de Natal Christmas Cook Cozinheiro de Natal -Christmas Event: 21/12 ~ 09/01 -Evento de Natal: 21/12 ~ 09/01 - Christmas Gift Presente de Natal @@ -5726,9 +5840,6 @@ Cindy#house Citizen -Citzens on the world are now listeing to different tunes, and new adventurers were found... in desert islands? -Os cidadãos do mundo estão agora ouvindo músicas diferentes e novos aventureiros foram encontrados ... em ilhas desertas? - Clan Name: @@ Nome do clã: @@ @@ -5813,9 +5924,6 @@ Collect the treasured crystals from treasure chests! Colonel DUSTMAN Coronel DUSTMAN -Colonel DUSTMAN opened the Heroes Hold to the hardcore player. Noobs, keep out! Good players only! -O Coronel DUSTMAN abriu o Heroes Hold para o jogador hardcore. Noobs, fique de fora! Apenas bons jogadores! - Come after a little while. Volte depois de um tempinho. @@ -6005,6 +6113,9 @@ Minério de cobre Copper Ore -> Iron Ore Copper Ore -> Iron Ore +Copper Skull Slime + + Copper Slime Lodo de cobre @@ -6020,6 +6131,9 @@ Chapéu Corsário Cost per two glass: Custo por dois vidros: +Cost: %d GP/min + + Cost: 1 @@ Custo: 1 @@ @@ -6104,9 +6218,6 @@ Você não poderia subir a corda? Counter Attack Contra ataque -Counter Attack - Next attack will be retaliated, with twice critical ratio. -Counter Attack - próximo ataque será retaliado, com relação de duas vezes crítica. - Coward Card Cartão Coward @@ -6209,9 +6320,6 @@ Cartão de Crazyfefe Crazyfefe Cave: New Highscore: @@ points Caverna Louca de Fefe: Nova Pontuação Alta: @@ pontos -Crazyfefe Fight was remastered. The 8.0 release series was the longest release serial thus far. -O Crazyfefe Fight foi remasterizado. A série de lançamentos 8.0 foi o lançamento mais longo até o momento. - Creased Boots Botas Vincadas @@ -6293,6 +6401,9 @@ Curiosamente, você tenta tocar a Pedra Mana. Current Guild Balance: %s GP +Current Guild: %s + + Current Magic Control Controle Mágico Atual @@ -6332,6 +6443,9 @@ Herói atual: @@ Current linked Discord account: @@ Conta Discord atual vinculada: @@ +Current magic rank: %d + + Current player count: @@/5 must be online. Contagem atual de jogadores: @@ / 5 deve estar online. @@ -6860,9 +6974,6 @@ Diferentes sistemas de distorção se sobrepõem, então o cooldown é transport Dimond Dimond -Dimond bought a brand new slot machine and installed on her inn. The rewards are different from the one on Tulimshar. -Dimond comprou uma nova slot machine e instalou em sua pousada. As recompensas são diferentes das de Tulimshar. - Dimond sold her food alone in this spot for some time, Diamond vendeu sua comida sozinha neste local por algum tempo, @@ -7118,6 +7229,9 @@ Você precisa de algo de mim? Do you need something in particular? Você precisa de algo em particular? +Do you need the extra credit? + + Do you really think the poor creature should jump a bridge in water and DIE? Você realmente acha que a pobre criatura deveria pular uma ponte na água e MORRER? @@ -7520,9 +7634,6 @@ Taxa de drop foi redefinida para @@% (valor padrão). Drop rate is set to @@% for the next @@. Taxa de drop está definida como @@% por @@. -Drop rates raised drastically for the lucky ones. Eternal Swamp floods are now more cyclic. -As taxas de queda aumentaram drasticamente para os sortudos. As enchentes do pântano eterno são agora mais cíclicas. - Drop these near the circle to make the breaking faster. @@ -7706,15 +7817,9 @@ Ovo de Páscoa Easter Mouboo Páscoa Mouboo -Easter eggs have been found, like secret rooms. -Ovos de Páscoa foram encontrados, como salas secretas. - Easter is over! I am the last chance to get rid of eggs!! A Páscoa acabou! Eu sou a última chance de me livrar dos ovos !! -Easter will soon start! -A Páscoa começará em breve! - Easy @@ -7733,6 +7838,9 @@ Chapéu casca de ovo Eh, I don't think you'll be brave enough to go after her. If even she decided to flee, I doubt you wouldn't do the same. Eu não acho que você será corajoso o suficiente para ir atrás dela. Se ela decidir fugir, duvido que você não faça o mesmo. +Eh, I have to go. + + Eh, that seems too problematic. Sorry. Isso parece muito problemático. Desculpa. @@ -7781,12 +7889,18 @@ Elias Elias gets a bit excited. Elias fica um pouco animado. +Elite Duck + + Elite Scout#MB0233 Escolta de Elite#MB0233 Elixir Of Life Elixir da vida. +Eliza + + Elmo Elmo @@ -7808,9 +7922,6 @@ Elfos são sempre permitidos dentro. Elza -Elza, the Forgetful - - Email: @@ O email: @@ @@ -7829,6 +7940,9 @@ Pó esmeralda Emergency Exit Saída de emergência +Emma + + Emoc otem itey gnik! Emoc otem itey gnik! @@ -7889,6 +8003,12 @@ Aproveite o seu tempo aqui,% s. E manter o seu olho para fora para agentes de S. Enliven Reva Foxhound Enliven Reva Foxhound +Enough for now. Let's rest, shall we? + + +Enrique + + Ensio Ensio @@ -7913,9 +8033,6 @@ Entre pela janela para as cavernas secretas? Enzo Enzo -Enzo, the Forgetful -Enzo, o Forgetful - Eomie Eomie @@ -7985,15 +8102,9 @@ Esperia é a capital humana fundada no outro continente. Estard Estard -Estard finished arranging sufficient paperwork so adventurers can create their own guilds. -Estard terminou de arrumar papel suficiente para que os aventureiros possam criar suas próprias guildas. - Eugene Eugene -Even Tulimshar's Council managed to get that sewer unlocked, and as consequence, players can ascend to level 60! -Até o Conselho de Tulimshar conseguiu desbloquear o esgoto e, como conseqüência, os jogadores podem subir ao nível 60! - Even after breaking the first layer, a second layer keeps active. The first layer gets back to work shortly after. What have I missed or forgotten to do? Mesmo depois de quebrar a primeira camada, uma segunda camada continua ativa. A primeira camada volta a funcionar pouco depois. O que eu perdi ou esqueci de fazer? @@ -8015,9 +8126,6 @@ Evento cancelado Event Details -Event Duration: November 3rd ~ November 9th 2018 -Duração do evento: 3 de novembro a 9 de novembro de 2018 - Event Horizon Card Cartão Event Horizon @@ -8147,6 +8255,12 @@ Com licença? Você sabe quem eu sou? Excuse me? Do you know who I am?#1 Com licença? Você sabe quem eu sou? +Exile a player + + +Exiled players will not be able to save to menhir. + + Exp rate has been reset to @@% (default value). A taxa de experiência foi redefinida para @@% (valor padrão). @@ -8186,12 +8300,6 @@ Olhos crescem! Ezra -Ezra, the Very Forgetful - - -Ezra, the very Forgetful - - F2 F2 @@ -8234,14 +8342,8 @@ Esquilo da fada Falkon Card Cartão Falkon -Falkon Punch -soco de Falcão - -Falkon Punch - Bash your weapon against your enemies with raised damage and accuracy. -Falcon Punch - Bash sua arma contra seus inimigos com dano e precisão elevada. +Falkon Strike -Falkon Punch! -Soco de Falcão! Fallen King Rei Caído @@ -8297,12 +8399,6 @@ Fêmea Fertilized Spores Esporos Fertilizados -Fighting stronger monsters will yield more EXP, but to make botting less profitable, too weak monsters give less EXP. -Lutar contra monstros mais fortes renderá mais EXP, mas para tornar as bots menos lucrativas, os monstros muito fracos dão menos EXP. - -Figures clad in dark were reported in Tulimshar Mines, as more miners were hired and need help. -Figuras vestidas de preto foram relatadas em Tulimshar Mines, já que mais mineiros foram contratados e precisam de ajuda. - Fill Water Bottles Encha garrafas de água @@ -8324,6 +8420,9 @@ Certo. Finish Terminar +Fire Arrow + + Fire Breath Inn Respiração do fogo Inn @@ -8345,30 +8444,27 @@ Receitas das equipes de bombeiros Fire Staves Cajados de fogo -Fire Walk -Caminhada de fogo - -Fire Walk - Creates a trail of fire, harming any pursuer -Caminhada de fogo - Cria um rastro de fogo, prejudicando qualquer perseguidor - Firearms? What would that be? @@ Armas de fogo? O que seria aquilo? @@ Fireball Bola fogo -Fireball - Basic AoE (Area Of Effect) Skill -Fireball - AoE Básico (Área de Efeito) Habilidade - Fireball Card Cartão Fireball Fireplace#Saggy Churrasqueira#Saggy +Firewalk + + First - item must be equipped. Primeiro - o item deve estar equipado. +First Aid + + First Dungeon Master Primeiro Mestre de Masmorras @@ -8417,9 +8513,6 @@ Fishing is a boring task. Throw the bait, wait for fish to bite. Pull before it Fishing next to shallow water is not going to work well, because fishes seldom go there. Pescar próximo a águas rasas não vai funcionar bem, porque os peixes raramente vão para lá. -Fishing now gives experience, and two new baits were added: Cheese and Alface. -A pesca agora dá experiência e duas novas iscas foram adicionadas: Cheese e Alface. - Fixing Crystals have a price. You can only charge crystals to places you've already been. Fixing Crystals tem um preço. Você só pode carregar cristais em lugares que você já esteve. @@ -8597,6 +8690,9 @@ Fortress Gate Fortress Island fortaleza Ilha +Fortress Statue + + Fortune Statue Estátua da fortuna @@ -8615,8 +8711,8 @@ Quatro minutos depois da deformação, ou quando o último verme morrer, tudo ac France: [@@|] França: [@@|] -Free Casting -Fundição livre +Free Cast + Freeze @@ -8636,15 +8732,9 @@ Do cheiro eu posso ver que você encontrou a bomba! Frost Diver geada Diver -Frost Diver - Attempt to freeze an enemy, dealing damage -Geada Diver - Tentativa de congelar um inimigo, causando dano - Frost Nova frost Nova -Frost Nova - Freeze everything in a range -Frost Nova - Congelar tudo em um intervalo - Frostia Frostia @@ -8693,6 +8783,9 @@ Frutas - @@ moedas Full Power Card Cartão Full Power +Full Throttle + + Full of agrotoxins, transgenics and whatever. Not safe. Cheio de agrotóxicos, transgênicos e tudo. Não é seguro. @@ -8741,9 +8834,6 @@ Robe GM GMs are NOT allowed on Hurnscald Liberation day. Os GMs NÃO são permitidos no dia de Hurnscald Liberation. -GMs weren't using it a lot, and Quirin needed to collect money. -GMs não estavam usando muito, e Quirin precisava coletar dinheiro. - GP GP @@ -8753,6 +8843,9 @@ GP:% d +% d GUARDS! GET THEM! +Gain: %d RP/min + + Gained 20000 XP and 2500 GP Ganhou 20.000 XP e 2500 GP @@ -9086,6 +9179,9 @@ Ouro Scorpion Claw -> Black Scorpion Garra Golden Warlord Plate Armadura do Senhor da Guerra Dourada +Golem + + Gonzo Dark Card Cartão escuro de Gonzo @@ -9155,9 +9251,6 @@ Bom trabalho... Aqui está sua recompensa... Good job... You can keep the drops. Touch here to return home. Bom trabalho ... Você pode manter as gotas. Toque aqui para voltar para casa. -Good luck adventurers, and may the Pink Mouboo watch over this disaster... Whatever that means. They paid us to say that, I swear! -Boa sorte, aventureiros, e que o Pink Mouboo cuide desse desastre ... O que quer que isso signifique. Eles nos pagaram para dizer isso, eu juro! - Good luck arresting the criminal! Boa sorte prender o criminoso! @@ -9284,6 +9377,9 @@ Chapéu de graduação Graduation Robe Robe de formatura +Grand Hunter Quest + + Grand Hunter Quest: @@/10,000 Grand Hunter Quest: @@ / 10,000 @@ -9311,9 +9407,6 @@ Great Mouboo Slime Great news! Then please bring me 1 @@, or 200 @@ @@ 20 @@. Boas notícias! Então, por favor, traga-me um @@, ou 200 @@ @@ 20 @@. -Great rewards await, according to the voices! -Grandes recompensas aguardam, de acordo com as vozes! - Great! Eomie, the girl on Tulimshar's magic academy, is an alchemist. She probably makes fertilizers. Ótimo! Eomie, a garota na academia de magia de Tulimshar, é uma alquimista. Ela provavelmente faz fertilizantes. @@ -9362,6 +9455,9 @@ Tintura Verde Green Eggshell Hat Chapéu Casca De Ovo Verde +Green Skull Slime + + Green Slime Gosma verde @@ -9383,9 +9479,6 @@ Moer moer moer o lodo! Ground Strike greve chão -Ground Strike - Hit the ground, exploding the surroundings and disabling enemies. -Chão Strike - bateu no chão, explodindo os arredores e incapacitante inimigos. - Group togheter your guild and challenge the evil power, @@ -9596,15 +9689,6 @@ Guild's Battle Plan Guild's Power -Guilds are now much more stronger, and have exclusive alchemy recipes besides a storage. -As guildas são agora muito mais fortes e têm receitas exclusivas de alquimia além de um armazenamento. - -Guilds can go from 16 to 56 members, tulimshar was restocked. -As guildas podem ir de 16 a 56 membros, o tulimshar foi reabastecido. - -Guilds storage is free for test, and monsters are fainting when too many players attack them at once. -O armazenamento das guildas é gratuito para testes e os monstros desmaiam quando muitos jogadores os atacam de uma só vez. - Guinevere @@ -9728,6 +9812,9 @@ Enfermeira de Halinarzo Hall Of AF King Hall Of AF Rei +Hall Of Academics + + Hall Of Base Level Hall Of Base Nível @@ -9779,15 +9866,9 @@ Hard Hard Spike Spike duro -Hard workers get an extra work level. This means a +1 VIT bonus is possible! -Trabalhadores esforçados recebem um nível extra de trabalho. Isso significa que um bônus de +1 VIT é possível! - Hasan Hasan -Hasan is bothering less frequently his friends, as now he have his own seasonal quest. -Hasan está incomodando com menos frequência seus amigos, pois agora ele tem sua própria missão sazonal. - Hasan takes your print screen and analyzes it. Hasan pega sua tela de impressão e analisa. @@ -9821,6 +9902,9 @@ Have fun! Have no idea where in the world you are? Or what a certain mob drops, or even if you should challenge it? Não tem idéia de onde você está no mundo? Ou o que um certo mob cai, ou mesmo se você deve desafiá-lo? +Have the pirates been routed? Will they return? + + Have you already talked to our captain? He should be downstairs waiting for you! Você já falou com o nosso capitão? Ele deveria estar lá embaixo esperando por você! @@ -9857,6 +9941,9 @@ Você conseguiu transmutar o @@ eu pedi? Have you seen my brother %s? +Have you seen my sister Elza? + + Have you talked to Peetu co-workers about their opinion yet? Você já conversou com colegas de trabalho de Peetu sobre sua opinião? @@ -9935,12 +10022,12 @@ curar Cartão Healing Cura -Healing - The most basic healing skill, requires no items to use. -Cura - A habilidade mais básica de cura, não necessita de itens para usar. - Healing Recipes Receitas de cura +Heals in area every friendly unit (incl. homuns and mercs). Req. Lifestone to cast. + + Hear me *hic* well, what ever, whatididever you will *hic* said ab... uhm... out what?! You saw there, the Guild won't let it get public. Me ouça *hic* bem, o que nunca, o que você vai *hic* disse sob... uhm ... o quê?! Você viu lá, a Guilda não vai deixar isso público. @@ -10313,6 +10400,12 @@ Olá. Você veio aqui para ver a biblioteca? Não resta muito ... Mas estamos tr Hello. I am @@, and I am from a family of travellers. We travel though the whole world, looking for exotic goods. Olá. Eu sou @@, e eu sou de uma família de viajantes. Nós viajamos pelo mundo inteiro, procurando por mercadorias exóticas. +Hello. I am Emma, Enrique's wife. + + +Hello. I am Enrique, headmaster of The Academy. + + Hello. I am the book keeper, responsible for keeping Halinarzo History. Olá. Eu sou o guardião do livro, responsável por manter a História de Halinarzo. @@ -10412,6 +10505,9 @@ Aqui temos uma rajada de @@. Here you are! Olha Você aqui! +Here you can find professors, academics and researchers. Feel free to enroll in any class as well. + + Here you go - have fun with it. Aqui vai você - divirta-se com isso. @@ -10712,9 +10808,6 @@ Ei, como vai o extermínio de monstros? Hey, huge THANKS for the help! I love gifts! Here's your due reward! Ei, muito obrigado pela ajuda! Eu amo presentes! Aqui está sua devida recompensa! -Hey, if you take a bow, buy a Quiver with Nicholas, on Hurnscald's blacksmith. Come back always! -Ei, se você fizer uma reverência, compre um Quiver com Nicholas, no ferreiro de Hurnscald. Volte sempre! - Hey, is somebody over there? Ei, tem alguém aí? @@ -10841,12 +10934,6 @@ Oi. Hi. Could you perhaps be interested in doing some small errand for me? Oi. Você poderia estar interessado em fazer uma pequena incumbência para mim? -High Healing -alta Cura - -High Healing - Use a Lifestone for supreme healing. -Alta Cura - Use um Lifestone para a cura suprema. - High Priest Card Cartão Sumo Sacerdote @@ -10868,8 +10955,8 @@ Seu anel de ouro sai direto dele. His policy is to never read a letter without the sender being present. Of course we checked for poison and traps. Sua política é nunca ler uma carta sem o remetente estar presente. Claro que checamos veneno e armadilhas. -His wandering mirror even challenge players randomly, but rarely grants more than a minute for them. -Seu espelho errante até desafia os jogadores aleatoriamente, mas raramente concede mais de um minuto para eles. +Hit the ground, exploding the surroundings and disabling enemies. + Hit'n'run is not so hard... One hit, one step back... One hit, another step back... One miss, two steps back... Hit'n'run não é tão difícil ... Um golpe, um passo para trás ... Um golpe, outro passo para trás ... Uma falta, dois passos para trás ... @@ -10901,6 +10988,9 @@ Hm Então, por favor, não me perturbe, estou tentando me concentrar. Hm... Shhhh... Hm ... Shhhh ... +Hmm hmm! Then, let's begin. + + Hmm, I think I can teach you a basic Mana Skill now. That one is pretty simple. Hmm, acho que posso te ensinar uma habilidade básica de mana agora. Essa é bem simples. @@ -10976,15 +11066,15 @@ Ho ... Eu vejo que você é um cara difícil ... Holy Light Santa Luz -Holy Light - Standard Holy Magical Attack -Holy Light - Standard Santo Ataque Mágico - Holy Pixie Santa Pixie Homunculus are a bit dumb, although the ones I've cultivated and took personal care of can express reactions. In future, I'll research sentience. Os homúnculos são um pouco idiotas, embora os que eu tenha cultivado e cuidado pessoal possam expressar reações. No futuro, vou pesquisar senciência. +Honor Points: %s + + Honor System. Sistema de honra. @@ -11156,6 +11246,9 @@ Como converso com alguém? How to better preserve your dispostives: Como preservar melhor seus dispostives: +How to expand this limit? Well, you'll need to touch a Mana Stone. If you can handle more raw power, your limit will extend. + + How to use best Warp Technology? Como usar a melhor tecnologia Warp? @@ -11219,9 +11312,6 @@ However, she may have a better assessment of the current situation better than y However, taxes there are the highest. Living cost is high, and you should avoid buying things there. No entanto, os impostos são os mais altos. O custo de vida é alto e você deve evitar comprar coisas lá. -However, the Monster King laid siege to Hurnscald. His power increased greatly, and ships are not capable of even approaching the city. -No entanto, o Rei Monstro sitiou Hurnscald. Seu poder aumentou muito, e navios não são capazes de se aproximar da cidade. - However, the legend said there was a way to prevent this disaster. A single way... Which the Ancient Families of Soul Menhir kept a secret passed down between generations. No entanto, a lenda disse que havia uma maneira de evitar esse desastre. Um único caminho ... Que as Famílias Antigas de Menhir da Alma mantinham um segredo transmitido entre gerações. @@ -11231,9 +11321,6 @@ No entanto, o log quebra com um estalo alto. However, there's a link to get a simple python bot software! -However, they allowed everyone to use @@ command to rapidly reach Aeros during events. -No entanto, eles permitiram que todos usassem o comando @@ para acessar rapidamente o Eros durante os eventos. - However, they must visit their town office and do daily paperwork, every day. Otherwise, town reputation will go down. No entanto, eles devem visitar seu escritório da cidade e fazer a papelada diária, todos os dias. Caso contrário, a reputação da cidade vai cair. @@ -11252,6 +11339,9 @@ However, your guild just challenged Kamelot Dungeons. However... Contudo... +Huge area of effect fire damage. May burn targets. + + Hum, Which type of favor? Hum, que tipo de favor? @@ -11294,9 +11384,6 @@ Evento especial do Dia da Libertação de Hurnscald Hurnscald Mines Minas Hurnscald -Hurnscald Nurse is collecting blood donations, and a veteran officer from Tulimshar City Guard is handing out Wooden Swords. -Hurnscald Nurse está coletando doações de sangue, e um oficial veterano da Guarda da Cidade de Tulimshar está distribuindo espadas de madeira. - Hurnscald Office Escritório Hurnscald @@ -11309,9 +11396,6 @@ Hurnscald é uma cidade grande. Tenho certeza que estou feliz em viver em Candor Hurnscald was founded after Tulimshar, in more fertile lands. Their walls are not so sturdy as the ones of Tulimshar. Hurnscald foi fundada depois de Tulimshar, em terras mais férteis. Suas paredes não são tão resistentes como as de Tulimshar. -Hurnscald was liberated by the players @@ ago. -Hurnscald foi libertado pelos jogadores @@ ago. - Hurnscald's Nurse Enfermeira de Hurnscald @@ -13226,6 +13310,9 @@ Eu estou realmente procurando por um item forjado! I'm afraid I can't be of any help to you. Temo que não possa ser de nenhuma ajuda para você. +I'm afraid King DD did not finish his testing on this! + + I'm afraid my wounds are too critical. I'm bleeding. I was cursed. And I can't even move. Temo minhas feridas são muito crítico. Eu estou sangrando. Eu estava amaldiçoado. E eu nem sequer pode mover. @@ -13259,6 +13346,9 @@ Estou ocupado, desculpe. I'm currently cleaning the arena, wait just @@ more. Atualmente estou limpando a arena, aguarde apenas @@ mais. +I'm currently doing tutorship for students who are... falling behind %%p + + I'm currently going over some of the household paperwork. Right now I'm inspecting the @@. The work never stops! Eu estou atualmente revisando alguns dos documentos domésticos. Agora estou inspecionando o @@. O trabalho nunca para! @@ -13277,6 +13367,9 @@ Estou bem por agora, obrigado. I'm fine, no worries... Eu estou bem, não se preocupe ... +I'm fine, thanks + + I'm fine, thanks! Eu estou bem, obrigado! @@ -13289,12 +13382,18 @@ Estou feliz há toalha homem não irritante. Ele continua a voltar a me irritar! I'm going, don't worry. Eu estou indo, não se preocupe. +I'm here as an Initiate. May I enter Duck Dungeon? + + I'm here to arrest a criminal. Eu estou aqui para prender um criminoso. I'm here to arrest you. Estou aqui para te prender. +I'm here to help you restock... + + I'm here to investigate what exactly happened so this doesn't happens again. Estou aqui para investigar o que exatamente aconteceu para que isso não aconteça novamente. @@ -13535,12 +13634,12 @@ Ice Gladius Ice Maggot Larva de gelo -Iced Bottle -Garrafa Gelada - Iced Fluffy Fofo Gelado +Iced Water + + If I bring @@, my party leader, and the boss is defeated, I can go you in. Se eu trouxer @@, meu líder partidário e o chefe for derrotado, posso entrar em você. @@ -14045,6 +14144,9 @@ Increase damage dealt by weapon for all guildies. Increase defense to all friends in radius. +Increase walk speed and flee rate. + + Indeed, matey! Here they are! De fato, amigo! Aqui estão eles! @@ -14270,9 +14372,6 @@ Isbamute Ishi Ishi -Ishi also rewrote his rewards table. More items for lower prices! -Ishi também reescreveu sua tabela de recompensas. Mais itens para preços mais baixos! - Ishi, the Rewards Master Ishi, o mestre das recompensas @@ -14282,6 +14381,9 @@ Não é difícil viver sozinho? It also expires after two hours. In such case, talk to him again! Ele também expira depois de duas horas. Nesse caso, falar com ele novamente! +It also increases naturally as you grow, albeit less. + + It appears we were focusing too much on research and this lead to neglect of other duties of a Sage's household. This is dangerous in times of changes. I'm worried about the future. Parece que estávamos nos concentrando demais na pesquisa e isso nos levou a negligenciar outros deveres da casa de um sábio. Isso é perigoso em tempos de mudanças. Estou preocupado com o futuro. @@ -14348,6 +14450,9 @@ Está bem perto daqui. Eu aconselho você a usar uma boa espada e se curar com f It is so dangerous, and it... +It is something not yet fully implemented. + + It is the birthplace of humans, the first place to come to existence... The World Edge. The place where humanity began, and according to the legend... The place where it shall perish. É o berço dos seres humanos, o primeiro lugar para vir à existência ... The World Edge. O lugar onde a humanidade começou, e de acordo com a lenda ... O lugar onde ela perecerá. @@ -14456,6 +14561,9 @@ Foi uma disputa reeeeeealy perto pelo pódio, mas Jesusalva trabalhada um item n It was an awful cut! Don't think any piece of a sightly lower material will have part in my art! Foi um corte horrível! Não pense que qualquer parte de um material mais baixo terá parte na minha arte! +It was built by The Alliance, and can be accessed by a ship in Tulimshar. + + It was just south of the island. Try walking around a bit? Foi ao sul da ilha. Tente andar um pouco? @@ -14507,6 +14615,9 @@ It's @@ (day)! It's @@ @@. Está @@ @@. +It's International Chocolate Day! + + It's Jesusalva's anniversary! É o aniversário de Jesusalva! @@ -14693,6 +14804,9 @@ Está escrito em uma língua antiga, você não consegue entender o que está es It's yummy ^.^ É gostoso ^. +Item 816 + + Item List Item da lista @@ -14789,9 +14903,6 @@ Jesus Salva Jesusalva Jesusalva -Jesusalva & Saulc, TMW2 Admins -Jesusalva & Saulc, TMW2 Admins - Jesusalva Card Cartão de Jesusalva @@ -14834,6 +14945,9 @@ Julgamento Judgement has passed. O julgamento passou. +Judgment + + Juliet Julieta @@ -14901,7 +15015,7 @@ KILL SPECIFIED MONSTER test KILL ESPECIFICADO MONSTER test Kaizei Human - +Kaizei Humano Kamelot Castle is a GUILD DUNGEON which refreshes WEEKLY. @@ -14939,6 +15053,9 @@ Keep in mind the more power you have, the less control you'll have as well. Unti Keep in mind, the more levels and intelligence you have, more likely the Mana Stone will grant you more Magic Power. But that means nothing. Tenha em mente, os mais níveis e inteligência que você tem, mais provável a Pedra Mana irá conceder-lhe mais poder de Magia. Mas isso não significa nada. +Keep in mind, we at the Academy do not have a Mana Stone. + + Keep moving boy.#1 @@ -15026,6 +15143,9 @@ Conhecimento é poder ... E agora você tem os dois. Use-os com sabedoria. Knox The Traveler Knox o viajante +Kolchak and dangerDuck are working to finish Duck Dungeon. Contact them for updates... + + Kreist Kreist @@ -15086,12 +15206,6 @@ Laranja Last IP: @@ Último IP: @@ -Last Man Standing - - -Last Resort -Último recurso - Last Seen: @@ Visto pela última vez: @@ @@ -15101,9 +15215,6 @@ Cartão Last Stand Last Standing Man Last Man Standing -Last Standing Man - Passive - Raise Max HP and Holy Defense -Last Man Standing - Passivo - Elevar Max HP e Santo Defesa - Last map: @@ Último mapa: @@ @@ -15125,6 +15236,9 @@ Laura Lava Mana Pearl Lava Mana Pearl +Lava Skull Slime + + Lava Slime Slime de Lava @@ -15143,6 +15257,9 @@ Cartão de Cabo de Gramado Lawncandy Lawncandy +Layman + + Lazurite Cristal Lazurite Cristal @@ -15425,9 +15542,6 @@ Portador da luz Lightbringer#NLib Portadora de Luz#NLib -Lightining Bolt -Relâmpago - Lightning Bolt Relâmpago @@ -15479,6 +15593,9 @@ A linha @@ foi removida. List & Claim rewards +List of Unlocked Pets and Food + + List of known alchemy recipes: Lista de receitas de alquimia conhecidas: @@ -15524,9 +15641,6 @@ Lagartos são o principal monstro encontrado, e eles roubam ouro de inocentes ig LoF Coin -LoF Transcendence Gate was moved to town centre. Tipius haven't been sighted as of late. -LoF Transcendence Gate foi transferido para o centro da cidade. Tipius não foi avistado ultimamente. - LoF Warp Crystal LoF Warp Crystal @@ -15638,12 +15752,6 @@ Lower MAXHP, Damage over time Lower city taxes impostos mais baixos da cidade -Lower difficulty of advanced stage (level 50+ players), by price rebalances. -Menor dificuldade de estágio avançado (nível 50 + jogadores), por rebalanceamento de preço. - -Lower difficulty of starters stage (up to level 20 players), by experience redesign. -Menor dificuldade do estágio de iniciantes (até jogadores de nível 20), por redesenho de experiência. - Lowering Taxes redução de impostos @@ -15656,9 +15764,6 @@ O tenente Paul não reclamados prêmios resgatados. Lt. Randy Tenente Randy -Lua FINALLY noticed that traveling to Halinarzo at level 20 is akin suicide. -Lua FINALMENTE notou que viajar para Halinarzo no nível 20 é um suicídio similar. - Lua#003-2 Lua#003-2 @@ -15821,12 +15926,12 @@ Ratto Mágico Magic Skill Points can be obtained in three ways: By touching a Mana Stone, by signing up in a Special Class (if you have enough magic power) and by having high amounts of Job Level. Pontos habilidade mágica pode ser obtido de três formas: Ao tocar uma pedra Mana, por se inscrever em uma classe especial (se você tem o poder mágico suficiente) e por ter grandes quantidades de trabalho de nível. +Magic Status + + Magic Strike magia greve -Magic Strike - Standard Magical Attack -Greve Magic - Ataque Mágico Padrão - Magic Top Hat Cartola Mágica @@ -15860,6 +15965,9 @@ Portão Selado Magicamente Magick Real Magia Real +Magnus Healing + + Mahad Mahad @@ -15875,12 +15983,6 @@ Mahul Main server is: %s -Mainly fixes and the Monster King is now randomly laying siege to towns! -Principalmente correções e o Rei Monstro agora está sitiando aleatoriamente cidades! - -Major rebalance, lowering difficulty on sub-level-30 stage. Tulimshar is a whole new place. -Grande rebalanceamento, diminuindo a dificuldade no nível sub-nível-30. Tulimshar é um lugar totalmente novo. - Make me an Iron Powder. Faça-me um pó de ferro. @@ -15899,6 +16001,9 @@ Malivox Mana Being#001-1 Ser de Mana#001-1 +Mana Bomb + + Mana Bug Inseto de Mana @@ -15938,9 +16043,6 @@ Pedra de Mana#Tulim Mana Wisdom sabedoria mana -Mana Wisdom - Passive - Raise Mana EXP Gain rate -Sabedoria Mana - Passivo - Elevar taxa de Mana EXP Gain - Mana is something which existed since the being, but nobody knows much about. Mana é algo que existe desde o ser, mas ninguém sabe muito sobre isso. @@ -15992,12 +16094,6 @@ Ativar manualmente a transmissão atual Many citzens are still in fear. Paths are closed, economy is a disaster, things are not here. Muitos cidadãos ainda estão com medo. Os caminhos estão fechados, a economia é um desastre, as coisas não estão aqui. -Many other things were changed, and it is too much to say here. Even people with stronger magic were seen. -Muitas outras coisas foram mudadas, e é demais dizer aqui. Até pessoas com magia mais forte foram vistas. - -Many rejoiced. The damage was very big, and all players help is required, to make Hurnscald prosper again. -Muitos se alegraram. O dano foi muito grande, e todos os jogadores precisam de ajuda, para fazer Hurnscald prosperar novamente. - Many sacrifices were done, but it was lost. Muitos sacrifícios foram feitos, mas foram perdidos. @@ -16091,12 +16187,12 @@ Marshmallow Masked Assassin Assassino Mascarado -Mass Provoke -Mass Provoke - Mass Provoke replaced with Area Provoke. +Master + + Master Bola Master Bola @@ -16235,9 +16331,6 @@ O que significa que uma vez que você equipar um arco, você provavelmente não Meanwhile, at 00h, 06h, 12h, 15h, 18h and 21h UTC, -Meanwhile, several bugs were fixed. Our second sun had been glitchy, but Jesus Saves made sure it is now fine. -Enquanto isso, vários bugs foram corrigidos. Nosso segundo sol tinha sido glitchy, mas Jesus Salva se certificou que agora está bem. - Mechanically based technology (eg. the Gates or Time Flasks) will never suffer damage from operation but are more costly. A tecnologia mecanicamente baseada (por exemplo, os Gates ou os Time Flasks) nunca sofrerá danos de operação, mas será mais cara. @@ -16265,12 +16358,6 @@ Melina Melt something else? Derreta outra coisa? -Meltdown Forge, make your useless equip a good weapon! Lieutenant Dausen have new quests! -Meltdown Forge, faça a sua equip inútil uma boa arma! Tenente Dausen tem novas missões! - -Mercenaries and blueprints! Players are crafting their own weapons. Sagratha and Cindy are in need of help! -Mercenaries e projetos! Os jogadores estão construindo suas próprias armas. Sagratha e Cindy estão precisando de ajuda! - Mercenary Boxset A Mercenary Boxset A @@ -16421,8 +16508,11 @@ Mínimo aconselhados nível 72 para fazer esta missão. Mining opearations advance steadly day by day with your help, thanks! Maybe one day, we find a Mana Stone here! As operações de mineração avançam dia a dia com a sua ajuda, obrigado! Talvez um dia, encontremos uma Mana Stone aqui! -Minor release to lower travel prices, fix several issues, and enable Friend Referral System. -Liberação secundária para reduzir os preços das viagens, corrigir vários problemas e ativar o sistema de referência de amigos. +Minor healing to your wounds. + + +Minor healing to yourself or to allies. + Mint Dye Tintura de Menta @@ -16442,6 +16532,9 @@ Espelho Island 1 Miscellaneous Recipes Receitas Diversas +Miscellaneous Status + + Mission: Kill all rogue Yetis on the Throne Room. You won't be able to leave until all of them are dead. Missão: Mate todos os Yetis desonestos na Sala do Trono. Você não poderá sair até que todos estejam mortos. @@ -16472,12 +16565,12 @@ Modificar, mover ou remover uma linha Moggun Mogun +Moggun Egg + + Money in your storage is totally safe. Banking itself is totally safe. O dinheiro no seu armazenamento é totalmente seguro. O próprio banco é totalmente seguro. -Money to leave Candor is easier, as various persons there need help. -Dinheiro para sair A sinceridade é mais fácil, pois várias pessoas precisam de ajuda. - Money transference by mail is, however, free. transferência de dinheiro pelo correio é, no entanto, livre. @@ -16556,6 +16649,9 @@ Monstro NOME, Padrão% s, esvaziar a cancelar Monster Points (Mobpt): @@ | Gold: @@ Pontos de Monstro (Mobpt): @@ | Ouro: @@ +Monster Points: %s + + Monster SPEED, Player speed is 150, minimum is 100! Monstro velocidade, velocidade do jogador é de 150, mínimo é de 100! @@ -16571,9 +16667,6 @@ Monstros morto em PvE:% s Monsters are everywhere. They're a plague we're trying to get rid of. Monstros estão por toda parte. Eles são uma praga da qual estamos tentando nos livrar. -Monsters are walking to different regions, new grinding zones appears! -Monstros estão caminhando para diferentes regiões, novas zonas de moagem aparece! - Monsters do not aim small towns like Candor. This city also comes with the plus that I know where everything's at. Monstros não visam pequenas cidades como Candor. Esta cidade também vem com o mais que eu sei onde tudo está. @@ -16676,6 +16769,9 @@ Moubootaur Legends Servidor Moubootaur Legends just got older! %%N +Moubootaur Maze + + Mountain Snake Cobra da montanha @@ -16940,18 +17036,9 @@ Nahrec discretly gives you a recipe. Napalm Beat batida napalm -Napalm Beat - Spammable AoE Skill -Napalm Beat - spammable Habilidade AoE - Nard Nard -Nard also bought a new ship!. -Nard também comprou um novo navio! - -Nard and Elmo changed the way they talk to newcomers, to be more clear about what they expect. -Nard e Elmo mudaram a maneira de falar com os recém-chegados, para serem mais claros sobre o que eles esperam. - Nard doesn't like people who gets money without working for it. Nard não gosta de pessoas que ganham dinheiro sem trabalhar para isso. @@ -16976,12 +17063,6 @@ Nard gosta de pessoas que trabalham duro. Trabalhe mais! Nard noticed your hard work. Nard notou seu trabalho duro. -Nard's ship basement was modified, and winter drops are now alive. Don't miss Christmas event, either. -O porão do navio de Nard foi modificado e as gotas de inverno estão agora vivas. Não perca o evento de Natal também. - -Nard's ship is not capable to do Tulimshar<->Candor route instantly anymore: His magic sail broke. -O navio de Nard não é mais capaz de fazer a rota de Tulimshar <-> Candor instantaneamente: sua vela mágica quebrou. - Narrator Narrador @@ -17045,9 +17126,6 @@ New chars, and reborn chars, will also begin at level 10. New default game settings: Novas configurações do jogo padrão: -New players can also get an EXP bonus with Elmo until they get level 15. Warp Crystals are here! -Os novos jogadores também podem receber um bônus de EXP com o Elmo até obterem o nível 15. Warp Crystals is here! - Newbie Novato @@ -17105,6 +17183,9 @@ Nikolai toma um suor de cabeça. Ele parece preocupado com Cindy. Nikolai, the Blue Sage Nikolai, o sábio azul +Nilfheim + + Nina The Traveler Nina o viajante @@ -17120,9 +17201,6 @@ Nivalis Nivalis - @@ GP Nivalis - @@ GP -Nivalis Liberation Day Result: Players Lost 92 : 300 Monsters Won -Resultado do Dia da Libertação Nivalis: Jogadores Perdidos 92: 300 Monstros Conquistados - Nivalis Office Escritório nivalis @@ -17297,9 +17375,6 @@ Noel Slime None Nenhum -None at the moment! -Nenhum no momento! - None at the moment. Nenhum no momento. @@ -17420,9 +17495,6 @@ Não só isso, mas ele é o único aqui além de mim que pode fazer mágica. Sem Not only that, but the Yeti King and me had an... incident, in times best forgotten. Let's not talk about it. Não só isso, mas o Yeti King e eu tivemos um ... incidente, em tempos melhor esquecido. Não vamos falar sobre isso. -Not only that, but there appeared some paladins, tankers, wizards, sages and raggers claiming to have mastered magic. -Não só isso, mas apareceram alguns paladinos, tanques, magos, sábios e trapeiros que afirmavam ter dominado a magia. - Not really, sorry. Não é verdade, desculpe. @@ -17528,6 +17600,9 @@ Nota: A menos que você estava fazendo algo muito ruim que é prejudicial ao jog Note: You can exchange 1 @@ for 3 @@ Nota: Você pode trocar 1 @@ para 3 @@ +Note: You can increase the time by talking to Emma again. + + Note: You can only perform this operation @@/6 times. Nota: Você só pode executar esta operação @@ / 6 vezes. @@ -17825,6 +17900,9 @@ Ah, é você @@, eu não te reconheci com o seu chapéu! Oh it's you @@, I did not recognize you without a hat! Ah, é você @@, eu não te reconheci sem chapéu! +Oh look, it is Cupid! + + Oh my Jesusalva - You broke my lock! Why?! Oh meu Jesusalva - Você quebrou meu cadeado! Por quê?! @@ -18542,9 +18620,6 @@ PS. Devido a um bug, eles não serão exibidos quando você equipar a menos que PS. The group names still aren't set. You're free to pinch in suggestions at LoF Discord (Legacy #discussion) :> -PVP Arena did NOT got in. Same for AFK Cap. -PVP Arena não entrou. O mesmo para AFK Cap. - Pachua Pachua @@ -18599,9 +18674,6 @@ Nome da festa: @@ Party Quest Missão de festa -Party levels for experience sharing restriction is more flexible, and there is a great co-op quest. -Os níveis de partes para restrição de compartilhamento de experiência são mais flexíveis e há uma grande missão de cooperação. - Password changed with success! Senha alterada com sucesso! @@ -18656,9 +18728,6 @@ Peetu? Esse é um dos ajudantes de alto escalão. Tanto quanto sei, ele é capaz People are challenging now. As pessoas estão desafiando agora. -People at Tulimshar are now giving more tips to newcomers, and new bugs may have been introduced. -As pessoas em Tulimshar agora estão dando mais dicas para os recém-chegados, e novos bugs podem ter sido introduzidos. - People from here always look dumbfolded when they walk past them and find themselves somewhere else. As pessoas daqui sempre olham de olhos esbugalhados quando passam por elas e se encontram em outro lugar. @@ -18713,9 +18782,6 @@ Personally, I like unranked events more than ranked ones... Pet Detective Pet Detective -Pet Detective wasn't getting new members and was forced to drop price. -Pet Detective não estava recebendo novos membros e foi forçado a deixar cair o preço. - Petal Pétala @@ -18734,6 +18800,9 @@ Animais de estimação devem manter uma dieta rigorosa. Piedosos comem Piberries Petu? Yeah, he's the kind of person who always wants to do things perfectly. That makes it a bit difficult to work with him, since his expectations for others are as high as for himself. Petu? Sim, ele é o tipo de pessoa que sempre quer fazer as coisas com perfeição. Isso torna um pouco difícil trabalhar com ele, já que suas expectativas para os outros são tão altas quanto para ele mesmo. +Ph.D + + Phew! The Bandit Lord was killed. Ufa! O Bandit Lord foi morto. @@ -18764,9 +18833,6 @@ Piberries Piberries Infusion Infusão de Piberries -Pick a bounty at Tulimshar Guard House! Buy and use grenades! (Only against non-boss monsters) -Escolha uma recompensa pelo Tulimshar Guard House! Comprar e usar granadas! (Apenas contra monstros não-chefe) - Pick an item from either storage or inventory and choose what you want to do with it by clicking the right button. Escolha um item no armazenamento ou no inventário e escolha o que você deseja fazer clicando no botão direito. @@ -18866,20 +18932,11 @@ Platinum Ore -> Iridium Ore Platinum Quiver Aljava Platina -Players Killed in PvP: %s -Jogadores mortos em PvP:% s - -Players are now send players to Nivalis and Frostia, to keep learning about who they are. While greater forces are at play, the player might be just a minor one, but certainly an important one. -Os jogadores estão agora a enviar jogadores para Nivalis e Frostia, para continuar aprendendo sobre quem eles são. Enquanto forças maiores estão em jogo, o jogador pode ser apenas um menor, mas certamente um passo importante. +Player must be online for the operation to finish. -Players are renting Mouboos and Tortugas to move faster! Shields are now better! -Os jogadores estão alugando Mouboos e Tortugas se mover mais rápido! Shields estão agora melhor! -Players can now sense monsters strength with @@, and lag was reduced. Pets can run away again. -Os jogadores podem agora sentir a força dos monstros com @@, e o atraso foi reduzido. Animais de estimação podem fugir novamente. - -Players didn't escape from the manaquake. Xtreem says it is easier to kill monsters now. -Os jogadores não escaparam do manaquake. Xtreem diz que é mais fácil matar monstros agora. +Players Killed in PvP: %s +Jogadores mortos em PvP:% s Playtesting @@ -18890,6 +18947,9 @@ Por favor aceite este @@ como uma gratidão pelo seu tempo. Please accept this reward from my part. And if anything else happens again, I'll leave the doors open for you and your guild. +Please be careful when fighting. A mighty warrior such as yourself can harm their allies with any AoE effects they may use. + + Please be patient and Por favor seja paciente e @@ -18989,6 +19049,12 @@ Por favor, ajude minha esposa Yumi, no hospital! Please help us with the bandits on the Canyon, and meanwhile, I'll seek the records for you. Just @@ more. Por favor, ajude-nos com os bandidos no Canyon e, enquanto isso, procurarei os registros para você. Espere só mais @@. +Please insert player name to cancel exile. + + +Please insert player name to exile. + + Please insert your Discord ID, on the following format: Por favor, insira sua ID Discórdia, no seguinte formato: @@ -19155,7 +19221,7 @@ Plushroom Field Campo de Plushroom Poison - +Poção Poison Ammo Box Caixa de Munição Venenosa @@ -19292,6 +19358,9 @@ Professor#003-0 Progress on this server may be %s. +Prologue + + Protip Protip @@ -19343,8 +19412,11 @@ Protip: Seu progresso atual será salvo. Provoke Provocar -Provoke - Provoke a single monster -Provocar - provocar um único monstro +Provoke a single monster to attack you. + + +Provokes all monsters around the target, and the target itself. + Prsm Helmet Capacete Prsm @@ -19511,6 +19583,9 @@ Aumentar a agilidade para fazer essa missão. Raise city taxes Aumentar os impostos da cidade +Raise damage of next skill. + + Raise max members Aumentar membros máximos @@ -19679,6 +19754,9 @@ Livro de receitas Recommended: ##B%d##b | Max: %d +Recover some HP. + + Recruiter Recrutador @@ -19721,158 +19799,62 @@ Ferrão Escorpião Vermelho Red Scorpion Stinger -> Scorpion Stinger Red Scorpion Stinger -> Scorpion Stinger -Red Scorpion breed as fast as the Ratto! With our current numbers, it's nearly impossible to take over. -Raça Scorpion Vermelho tão rápido quanto o Ratto! Com nossos números atuais, é quase impossível assumir o controle. - -Red Slime -Slime Vermelho - -Red Slime Mother - - -Red Stocking -Meia Vermelha - -Red Stockings -Meias Vermelhas - -Redy -Redy - -Reed Bundle -Reed Bundle - -Referral Program Report -Relatório do Programa de Referência - -Reflect Card -Refletir Cartão - -Registed %s ago - - -Register -registo - -Register fee is @@. -Taxa de inscrição é @@. - -Registered! You can now use any banking service, of any town! -Registrado! Agora você pode usar qualquer serviço bancário de qualquer cidade! - -Registered, welcome to the Grand Hunter Quest! -Registrado, bem vindo ao Grand Hunter Quest! - -Registration is open to everybody, but newcomers need to pay a fee for all of the paperwork. -As inscrições estão abertas a todos, mas os recém-chegados precisam pagar uma taxa por toda a papelada. - -Regnum Blessing - - -Regular Drops: -Gotas regulares: - -Reinboo Wand -Varinha Reinboo - -Release 2 -Lançamento 2 - -Release 2.1 - Free Lunch For Those Who Work Hard! -Release 2.1 - Almoço grátis para aqueles que trabalham duro! - -Release 2.2 - There Are No Pipelines -Release 2.2 - Não há pipelines - -Release 3 -Lançamento 3 - -Release 3.0 - In The Dreams -Lançamento 3.0 - nos sonhos - -Release 4 -Release 4 - -Release 4.0 - Quest Giver's Handbook -Release 4.0 - Manual do Doador da Missão - -Release 5 -Versão 5 - -Release 5.0 - Greenland Players -Lançamento 5.0 - jogadores de Greenland - -Release 6 -Versão 6 - -Release 6.0 - Steam, Fire, and... Monster King?! -Lançamento 6.0 - Steam, Fire e ... Monster King ?! - -Release 7 -Lançamento 7 +Red Scorpion breed as fast as the Ratto! With our current numbers, it's nearly impossible to take over. +Raça Scorpion Vermelho tão rápido quanto o Ratto! Com nossos números atuais, é quase impossível assumir o controle. -Release 7.0 - Polished Emerald -Release 7.0 - Esmeralda Polida +Red Skull Slime -Release 7.1 - Broken Emerald -Lançamento 7.1 - Esmeralda Quebrada -Release 7.2 - Frozen Jesusalva -Release 7.2 - Jesusalva Congelada +Red Slime +Slime Vermelho -Release 7.3 - Frozen Community -Release 7.3 - Comunidade Congelada +Red Slime Mother -Release 7.4 - Christmas Revolution -Release 7.4 - Revolução do Natal -Release 7.5 - Merry Christmas, Happy New Year -Release 7.5 - Feliz Natal, Feliz Ano Novo +Red Stocking +Meia Vermelha -Release 8 -Lançamento 8 +Red Stockings +Meias Vermelhas -Release 8.0 - Apane Invasion, the Remaster -Release 8.0 - Apane Invasion, o Remaster +Redy +Redy -Release 8.1 - It's hidden! Where? -Lançamento 8.1 - está oculto! Onde? +Reed Bundle +Reed Bundle -Release 8.2(1) - Valentine Day (Is Over) -Release 8.2 (1) - Dia dos Namorados (Acabou) +Referral Program Report +Relatório do Programa de Referência -Release 8.3 - King Arthur -Release 8.3 - Rei Arthur +Reflect Card +Refletir Cartão -Release 8.4 - Can I Live Ingame? -Release 8.4 - Posso viver no jogo? +Registed %s ago -Release 8.5 - A Place To Spend Vacations -Release 8.5 - Um lugar para passar férias -Release 8.9 - Easter Event -Release 8.9 - Evento de Páscoa +Register +registo -Release 8.99 - JESUSALVA IS LAZY -Lançamento 8.99 - JESUSALVA É LAZY +Register fee is @@. +Taxa de inscrição é @@. -Release 9 +Registered! You can now use any banking service, of any town! +Registrado! Agora você pode usar qualquer serviço bancário de qualquer cidade! +Registered, welcome to the Grand Hunter Quest! +Registrado, bem vindo ao Grand Hunter Quest! -Release 9.0 - The Promised Release -Lançamento 9.0 - a liberação prometida +Registration is open to everybody, but newcomers need to pay a fee for all of the paperwork. +As inscrições estão abertas a todos, mas os recém-chegados precisam pagar uma taxa por toda a papelada. -Release 9.1 - Bedtime Stories -Release 9.1 - Histórias de dormir +Regnum Blessing -Release 9.2 - Workbench -Solte 9.2 - Workbench -Release 9.3 - Lovely Homunculus -Solte 9.3 - Homunculus Adorável +Regular Drops: +Gotas regulares: -Release 9.4 - Balance & Bugfix Patch -Solte 9.4 - Equilíbrio & remendo Bugfix +Reinboo Wand +Varinha Reinboo Reload NPC Data Recarregar dados do NPC @@ -20009,6 +19991,9 @@ Resgate Cindy do Labirinto de Gelo e do malvado Yetis. Esta é uma missão globa Rescuing Cindy Quest Resgatando a Missão Cindy +Research Points +%d + + Researcher investigador @@ -20051,6 +20036,9 @@ Demitir-se Resting. I've been slaying slime nests the whole day. Em repouso. Eu tenho matado ninhos de lodo o dia inteiro. +Retaliates next attack with a critical hit. This instance lasts a second. + + Return @@ -20084,6 +20072,9 @@ Retornar a ilha principal. Return to main menu Retornar ao menu principal +Revert a player exile + + Revolver Shooter Atirador revólver @@ -20165,6 +20156,9 @@ Roger, eh? Sim, eu preciso de ajuda. Se você me trouxer 30 @@, 50 @@ e 30 @@, t Rogue Vampiro +Rogue Status + + Room password: @@ Senha do quarto: @@ @@ -20180,9 +20174,6 @@ Rosa Rosen Rosen -Rosen is now making Training Bow in Candor for new adventures. -Rosen agora está fazendo Training Bow em Candor para novas aventuras. - Rotten Rags Panos Podres @@ -20300,6 +20291,9 @@ Infelizmente, você não encontrou nada além de sujeira. Safe travels! +Sage + + Sagratha Sagratha @@ -20396,15 +20390,9 @@ Carta Saulc Saulc Sponsor Patrocinador Saulc -Saulc and Cherry married in Halinarzo, and stayed like this for perhaps 20 seconds, before Cherry asked for divorce. -Saulc e Cherry se casaram em Halinarzo e ficaram assim por uns 20 segundos, antes que Cherry pedisse o divórcio. - Saulc is rich, you know. He challenged a group of thirty NPCs to defeat him, whoever won would get this @@. Saulc é rico, você sabe. Ele desafiou um grupo de trinta NPCs para derrotá-lo, quem ganhasse esse @@. -Saulc said it needs an inspection, and he'll be with everyone trying to proccess and fix the amount of damage this caused. -Saul disse que precisa de uma inspeção, e ele estará com todos tentando processar e consertar a quantidade de dano que isso causou. - Saulc was here Saulc estava aqui @@ -20759,12 +20747,6 @@ Vários livros sobre formas de vida artificiais e o homem que interpretou Deus. Several books about hiding magic. Might be why the houses looked abandoned and empty but the chimney was going. Vários livros sobre esconder magia. Pode ser por isso que as casas pareciam abandonadas e vazias, mas a chaminé estava indo. -Several bugfixes! And a new bug replace every removed one! -Várias correções de bugs! E um novo bug substitui todos os removidos! - -Several bugfixes, and new monsters have been seen. Almost all healing items have changed. -Várias correções de bugs e novos monstros foram vistos. Quase todos os itens de cura foram alterados. - Several flasks are aligned there. They seemed to be dyes, but a close inspection reveals they're not. Vários frascos estão alinhados lá. Eles pareciam ser corantes, mas uma inspeção atenta revela que não são. @@ -20807,9 +20789,6 @@ Faca afiada Sharpshooter Atirador afiado -Sharpshooter - Shoot an arrow or bullet which damages everything on its way. -Sharpshooter - Atirar uma flecha ou bala que tudo no seu caminho danos. - Sharpshooting skill replaced with Charged Arrow. habilidade sharpshooting substituído com seta cobrado. @@ -20828,9 +20807,6 @@ She doesn't seems to trust me... Maybe I should bring a guild vice-leader, or ev She falls in a single blow. You'll attribute her death to the Mysterious Assassin. Ela cai em um único golpe. Você vai atribuir sua morte para o assassino misterioso. -She is sending players to Hurnscald instead. -Ela está enviando jogadores para Hurnscald. - She isn't on that cave. Ela não está naquela caverna. @@ -20882,9 +20858,6 @@ Receitas de escudo Shields Escudos -Ship travels are cheaper, full equipment sets have hidden bonuses, Soul Menhirs are now auto-touched. -As viagens de navio são mais baratas, os conjuntos completos de equipamentos têm bônus ocultos, os Menhirs da Alma agora são auto-tocados. - Ship travels are not free. Also, I have a few friends on the Island, and I would like you to check out on them. As viagens dos navios não são gratuitas. Além disso, tenho alguns amigos na ilha e gostaria que você os examinasse. @@ -20897,6 +20870,12 @@ sapatos Shooo, shooo! Give my crops some time to recover, your noob. Shooo, shooo! Dê a minha colheita algum tempo para recuperar, seu noob. +Shoot FIVE arrows or bullets to the air and cause Area Of Effect Damage. + + +Shoot an arrow or bullet which damages everything on its way. + + Shop#Candor Loja#Candor @@ -20942,9 +20921,6 @@ Se você for muito rápido ou esperar muito tempo, você provavelmente irá falh Shovel have been changed, right-click it to bury items. Pá foram alterados, clique com o botão direito para enter itens. -Shovels and Treasure maps, for the explorers this summer, after June 21st! -Pás e mapas do tesouro, para os exploradores neste verão, depois de 21 de junho! - Show Tutorial Protips @@ -20957,9 +20933,6 @@ Me mostre o que você pode! Shroom Hat Shroom Hat -Side Note: During r6.1 and r6.5, various improvements were done, and two new quests were seen. Priests have shown up. -Nota: Durante as r6.1 e r6.5, várias melhorias foram feitas e duas novas missões foram vistas. Sacerdotes apareceram. - Siege Tower @@ -21101,11 +21074,11 @@ Silvia está no distrito nobre de Tulimshar. Simon Simon -Since Merlin left in an expedition with Morgan, strange things have been happening in Kamelot. +Simply put, they are raw power. -Since previous release, there was also seen priests, two new quests, and a breakthrough on reset potions happened. -Desde o lançamento anterior, também foram vistos sacerdotes, duas novas missões e um avanço nas poções de reinicialização. +Since Merlin left in an expedition with Morgan, strange things have been happening in Kamelot. + Sincerity Island Ilha da Sinceridade @@ -21464,15 +21437,6 @@ Assim? Quantos * hic * ele coleciona? So? How was it? Assim? Como foi? -Some NPCs are [@@|learning new languages@@]. -Alguns NPCs são [@@ https: // | learning new languages ​​@@]. - -Some adventurer broke what was previously thought as maximum level, and is now level 40! -Alguns aventureiros quebraram o que se pensava anteriormente como nível máximo, e agora está no nível 40! - -Some adventurer broke what was previously thought as maximum level, and is now level 45! -Alguns aventureiros quebraram o que se pensava anteriormente como nível máximo, e agora é nível 45! - Some are dangerous, too. Even if you look capable of fighting, the Blue Sage instructed me to prevent anyone from visiting until the mess is cleared. Alguns são perigosos também. Mesmo que você pareça capaz de lutar, o Blue Sage me instruiu a impedir que alguém o visitasse até que a bagunça estivesse limpa. @@ -21488,9 +21452,6 @@ Algumas balas têm propriedades elementares, a propósito. Agora, o que vai ser? Some items are only produced in Nivalis. After all, it is hard to work properly with ice in a desert! Alguns itens são produzidos apenas na Nivalis. Afinal, é difícil trabalhar corretamente com gelo em um deserto! -Some monsters gained death and/or attack sounds, and Blue Sage House front door is now open. -Alguns monstros ganharam morte e / ou sons de ataque, e a porta da frente do Blue Sage House está agora aberta. - Some of finest elven craftmanship can be found there, like bows, for example. Alguns dos melhores artesanatos élficos podem ser encontrados lá, como laços, por exemplo. @@ -21503,9 +21464,6 @@ Some of my miners friends died in this mine, because there are plenty of dangero Some of them are pretty strong. Do you need an explanation about hit'n'run and the monster you're about to face? Alguns deles são bem fortes. Você precisa de uma explicação sobre o hit'n'run e o monstro que você está prestes a enfrentar? -Some of these even cause area damage! Rumors of time travellers were heard, but no time travel was confirmed. -Alguns deles até causam danos na área! Rumores de viajantes do tempo foram ouvidos, mas nenhuma viagem no tempo foi confirmada. - Some others also like to buy them to keep as trophies. Either way, you can make some money with that. Alguns outros também gostam de comprá-los para guardar como troféus. De qualquer forma, você pode ganhar algum dinheiro com isso. @@ -21542,15 +21500,9 @@ Alguns, mas não todos, dos itens raros ou não substituíveis terão um aviso q Somebody already rented it before you! Alguém já alugou antes de você! -Somebody else also got huge stats bonuses because reached the unbelievable job level 25. -Alguém mais também recebeu enormes bônus de estatísticas porque atingiu o inacreditável nível de trabalho 25. - Somebody took your place on this spot! Alguém tomou o seu lugar neste local! -Someone adventurer broke what was previously thought as maximum level, and is now level 31! -Alguém aventureiro quebrou o que se pensava anteriormente como nível máximo, e agora está no nível 31! - Someone else is using the guild storage right now. Please wait. Alguém está usando o armazenamento da guilda agora. Por favor, espere. @@ -21629,9 +21581,6 @@ Tutorial da Casa de Soren Soren's Lake Lago Soren -Soren, the architect responsible for it, is very happy with the new design. -Soren, o arquiteto responsável por isso, está muito feliz com o novo design. - Sorfina Sorfina @@ -21857,6 +21806,9 @@ Speak with ##BBarzil##b. Tell him it is for the Magic Academy. HURRY UP! Spearmint Tea hortelã chá +Special Event Pets + + Specialized in destructive, magical skills. Especializada em destrutivos, habilidades mágicas. @@ -21944,6 +21896,9 @@ Escadas#MKHB Stalman Stalman +Standard Magic + + Standard Tricks @@ -21962,9 +21917,6 @@ Começar! Stat Boost Recipes Receitas de Impulso Estatístico -Stat Reseters had a breakthrough which made potions cheaper, and Arkim brand new petiscide made Pinkies sick (with less HP). -O Stat Reseters teve um avanço que tornou as poções mais baratas, e o novo petiscide de Arkim deixou os Pinkies doentes (com menos HP). - Status Reset Potion Poção de Redefinição de Status @@ -21995,6 +21947,9 @@ Fique lá? Steal bucket! Roubar balde! +Stealing + + Steam (LoF Village) Vapor (LoF Village) @@ -22034,9 +21989,6 @@ Fada de Armazenamento Strange Coin Moeda Estranha -Strange figures appear, claiming to be from the Land of Fire, and using interesting sticks, which spits fire. -Figuras estranhas aparecem, alegando ser da Terra do Fogo, e usando varas interessantes, que cospe fogo. - Strange switch status: @@ Status estranho do interruptor: @@ @@ -22088,6 +22040,15 @@ Strength: STR+, Carry Weight + Strength: VIT++ +Strong wind area of effect attack. + + +Strong wind single target attack. + + +Student + + Student#A01 @@ -22154,12 +22115,15 @@ Super Menu Superb stealth, and quick on their toes. +Superior damage on enemies who walk over the fire. + + +Superior single target damage which splashes in area. + + Supreme Attack Ataque Supremo -Supreme Attack - Cause a very strong attack with lowered accuracy. -Ataque Supremo - causar um ataque muito forte com precisão reduzida. - Supreme Chest Baú Supremo @@ -22313,9 +22277,6 @@ Equipe TMW2 TUTORIAL TUTORIAL -Tactical Retreat -recuo tático - Take care though, don't attack them when they are in group! Tome cuidado, não os ataque quando eles estiverem em grupo! @@ -22418,13 +22379,7 @@ Impostos irá aumentar em 0,01 ~ 0,03%, limitado a 10%. Tea party! I want to participate. Festa do Chá! Eu quero participar. -Teaching Elza your skills will make you both forget them. - - -Teaching Enzo your skills will make you both forget them. -Ensinar Enzo suas habilidades vai fazer você tanto esquecê-los. - -Teaching Ezra your skills will make you both forget them. +Teaching %s your skills will make you both forget them. Teal Dye @@ -22436,6 +22391,9 @@ Tech-usuário Forge Technical problem, gimme info about an item. Problema técnico, me dê informações sobre um item. +Technician + + Tell me about Artis. Conte-me sobre o Artis. @@ -22472,12 +22430,18 @@ Diga-me qual idioma você fala e eu mudarei a nota na lista de passageiros do na Tell people the name of a new hero. Diga às pessoas o nome de um novo herói. +Tempest + + Ten, fifty, thousand... Yep, this is the amount I've asked for. Dez, cinquenta, mil... Sim, essa é a quantia que te pedi. Tench Tencas +Tengu + + Tentacles Tentáculos @@ -22508,9 +22472,6 @@ Terranite lingote Terranite King Rei dos Terranitas -Terranite King was seen recently. New shields and pants are available for craft. -O rei dos terranitas foi visto recentemente. Novos escudos e calças estão disponíveis para embarcações. - Terranite Mask Máscara Terranita @@ -22850,9 +22811,6 @@ Thanks... I guess...#1 Thanksgiving -That and other changes, are all thinking on players helping each other. -Isso e outras mudanças, estão todos pensando em jogadores ajudando uns aos outros. - That annoying guy on the side of the tree is annoying. I want to ban him. Aquele cara chato do lado da árvore é chato. Eu quero bani-lo @@ -23075,6 +23033,9 @@ O @@ roubou meu @@. Hahah Não consigo encontrar em outro lugar para comprá-lo. The @@ tab allows yeye to talk on Discord, too! Yayaya, fancy, uh? A aba @@ permite que o yeye fale sobre o Discord também! Yayaya, fantasia, uh? +The Academy Island is situated east of Land of Fire Village. + + The Alliance Advanced Outposts are closed for maintenance. Group in front of the town entrance! Os Advanced Outposts da Alliance estão fechados para manutenção. Grupo em frente à entrada da cidade! @@ -23084,24 +23045,12 @@ Os Advanced Outposts da Aliança foram abandonados e trancados após o dia da Li The Alliance Council rarely meets. It's thanks to them that the cities are well protected, if you want my opinion. O Conselho da Aliança raramente se reúne. É graças a eles que as cidades estão bem protegidas, se você quiser minha opinião. -The Alliance High Council informs that Super Players and above are capable to try ##B @toevent ##b for free event warps. - - -The Alliance announces a great new way to keep adventurers killing monsters. -A Aliança anuncia uma nova maneira de manter aventureiros matando monstros. - The Alliance can help you in finding out about who you are, why you are here, or from where you came from. So, about the tasks I want completed. A Aliança pode ajudá-lo a descobrir quem você é, por que você está aqui ou de onde você veio. Então, sobre as tarefas que quero concluir. -The Alliance changed some rules for storage size, botting, and grand hunter prizes, too. -A Aliança também alterou algumas regras para tamanho de armazenamento, bots e prêmios de grandes caçadores. - The Alliance have records of everyone. And if you need another trip, talk to me! A aliança tem registros de todos. E se você precisar de outra viagem, fale comigo! -The Alliance prepared an attack against the Monster King. Report at Nivalis Guard for more information. -A Aliança preparou um ataque contra o Rei Monstro. Informe-se no Nivalis Guard para mais informações. - The Alliance says that @@ monsters have been slain by players since 2019-05-24! A Aliança diz que @@ monstros foram mortos pelos jogadores desde 2019-05-24! @@ -23111,6 +23060,9 @@ A Aliança que foi formada depois da guerra! The Arena is currently closed for maintenance. A Arena está fechado para manutenção. +The Army seems to walk away after some time. + + The Blue Sage O Sábio Azul @@ -23123,6 +23075,9 @@ O Livro das Regras The Cave Of Trials, and the Soren's Village... There's only one thing left. A Caverna das Provações e a Vila de Soren ... Só resta uma coisa. +The Council of Elders has enlisted ducks of our island into a militia. In addition, the masters of the Duck Side have seen fit to spare %d Duck initiates to assist us. + + The Doctor O médico @@ -23141,15 +23096,21 @@ O Fafi Dragon é realmente muito malvado. Eu não sei como eles vieram aqui, poi The Fafi knows you are here to kill him. They are smart. But I can make a trap. O Fafi sabe que você está aqui para matá-lo. Eles são espertos. Mas eu posso fazer uma armadilha. +The Fifth Act + + +The First Act + + The Forest A floresta +The Fourth Act + + The Game Masters are assembling a party to storm Hurnscald and liberate it. You should try joining it! Os Game Masters estão montando uma festa para atacar Hurnscald e liberá-lo. Você deveria tentar juntar-se a ele! -The Grand Hunter quest is available with Aidan. It's an experiment by the High Council, -A missão do Grand Hunter está disponível com o Aidan. É uma experiência do Alto Conselho, - The Guard House @@ -23189,12 +23150,6 @@ O Sistema Magic Academy é responsável por aprender mais ingame habilidades. Pa The Magic Council can be found at this city. They are the most powerful mages. If you have an impressive magical affinity, they may entitle you to have access to a Mana Stone. O Conselho Mágico pode ser encontrado nesta cidade. Eles são os magos mais poderosos. Se você tem uma afinidade mágica impressionante, eles podem lhe dar acesso a uma Pedra de Mana. -The Magic Council finished the reform on their guest hall. -O Conselho Mágico terminou a reforma no salão de hóspedes. - -The Magic Council lift Statues in honor of some people. But its guest hall is in reform! -O Conselho Mágico ergue estátuas em honra de algumas pessoas. Mas o seu salão de hóspedes está em reforma! - The Magical Seal which protects the final room is too strong. @@ -23234,27 +23189,21 @@ O rei monstro The Monster King Army is attacking towns at random, but players already reduced their organization to @@ %%! +The Monster King Army is making siege at towns randomly! + + The Monster King Army is occupying several towns! Brave players need to group and retake them! O exército do Rei Monstro está ocupando várias cidades! Jogadores corajosos precisam agrupar e retomar! The Monster King Army left the cities! What will happen next? Anxiety grows! O exército do Rei Monstro deixou as cidades! O que vai acontecer à seguir? A ansiedade cresce! -The Monster King Fortress -A fortaleza do rei monstro - The Monster King Lair is not in a impregnable mountain, but in a small island now!! The Monster Rei Lair não está em uma montanha inexpugnável, mas em uma pequena ilha agora !! -The Monster King got so active in the past days, he even have a mirrored version of himself roaming the lands. -O monstro rei ficou tão ativo nos últimos dias, ele ainda tem uma versão espelhada de si mesmo vagando pelas terras. - The Monster King is on the move! O Rei Monstro está em movimento! -The Monster King left Hurnscald! This is our chance! Saulc GM is assembling a team to TAKE OVER HURNSCALD!! -O Rei Monstro saiu de Hurnscald! Esta é a nossa chance! Saulc GM está montando uma equipe para assumir HURNSCALD !! - The Monster King was so powerful! It is impossible to recover the artifact now, and everyone will die! O Rei Monstro era tão poderoso! É impossível recuperar o artefato agora e todos morrerão! @@ -23273,9 +23222,6 @@ O Mouboo está deitado na grama. The Mouboo seems to be lying in pain. O Mouboo parece estar sofrendo. -The NPC responsible for buying raw gemstones from other NPCs has recovered since the last siege. -O NPC responsável pela compra de pedras preciosas cruas de outros NPCs se recuperou desde o último cerco. - The Pet Caring Guild will collect them after a while, and capture many others. O Pet Caring Guild irá coletá-los depois de um tempo e capturar muitos outros. @@ -23288,6 +23234,9 @@ The Professor? Wait, THE Professor? As in, the wisest person on Tulimshar? The Regnum Blessing causes all monsters in an area +The Second Act + + The Self-Serving Ice Well! O poço de gelo de auto-serviço! @@ -23303,12 +23252,12 @@ Os pisos Supremo e Ultimate são apenas um bônus WIP. Então, se você não enc The Team For A Better PvP says that @@ players were killed in fair matches! O Team For A Better PvP diz que @@ jogadores foram mortos em partidas justas! +The Third Act + + The Throne Room is the last room. You can reactive any switch which turns itself off. A sala do trono é o último quarto. Você pode reativar qualquer interruptor que se desligue. -The Tulimshar Forge is also dealing with more complex materials, and not just Iron. -O Tulimshar Forge também está lidando com materiais mais complexos, e não apenas com o Iron. - The Tulimshar guards needs an freelance employee who would help us in our work. We are searching for people as you. Os guardas de Tulimshar precisam de um funcionário freelancer que nos ajude em nosso trabalho. Estamos procurando por pessoas como você. @@ -23336,15 +23285,6 @@ A vantagem de lutar com uma arma de longo alcance é que você pode ficar fora d The alliance also have a special program, called ##BGrand Hunter Quest##b, where you kill 10,000 of a monster and get great rewards. -The alliance panicked, and allowed Demure, Pyndragon and Pihro on their board of members. -A aliança entrou em pânico e permitiu Demure, Pyndragon e Pihro em seu conselho de membros. - -The alliance, in honor of previous event winners, built new statues on the Council Guest Hall. -A aliança, em homenagem aos vencedores do evento anterior, construiu novas estátuas no Salão do Conselho. - -The announcement is: “Need a challenge? Or perhaps an Infinity +1 Sword? Try Heroes Hold today.” - - The answers might need to have whitespaces. DO NOT, BY ALL MEANS, insert two whitespaces instead of one. As respostas podem precisar de espaços em branco. NÃO, por todos os meios, insira dois espaços em branco em vez de um. @@ -23429,9 +23369,6 @@ O administrador da cidade atual será inscrito para a reeleição automaticament The curse was done by nobody less than... the Moubootaur. A maldição não foi feita por ninguém menos que ... o Moubootaur. -The demand for strong players raised everywhere. Even death penalty decreased, and GMs are doing better events now. -A demanda por jogadores fortes cresceu em todos os lugares. Até mesmo a pena de morte diminuiu, e os GMs estão fazendo melhores eventos agora. - The desert climate means you'll find mostly maggots and scorpions. Their drops include cactus drinks, cake, knifes, black pearls, gold, and other common things. O clima do deserto significa que você encontrará principalmente larvas e escorpiões. Suas gotas incluem bebidas de cacto, bolo, facas, pérolas negras, ouro e outras coisas comuns. @@ -23474,9 +23411,6 @@ The effects and uses - if any - are still unknown. The event starts hourly, when the minute clock hits zero. I'll tell everyone on this room when it starts and ends. O evento começa de hora em hora, quando o relógio atinge zero. Eu direi a todos nesta sala quando ela começar e terminar. -The famous PVP Arena, Quirino Voraz, can now be used by all players. -A famosa Arena PVP, Quirino Voraz, agora pode ser usada por todos os jogadores. - The farmer seems mad and in need of help. Will you help him? O fazendeiro parece louco e precisa de ajuda. Você vai ajudá-lo? @@ -23507,8 +23441,8 @@ The first way, The fishing rod allows a quick income by selling fishes. However, reaching the fisherman might require some exploration... The whole world is full of secrets. A vara de pesca permite uma renda rápida com a venda de peixes. No entanto, chegar ao pescador pode exigir alguma exploração ... O mundo inteiro é cheio de segredos. -The foretold Call Of Dusty event quest is also now available for PVP Parties. -A predita busca do evento Call Of Dusty agora também está disponível para as Partes PVP. +The following skill is needed: %s%s (Lv. %d) + The gates are firmly shut by some weird magical power. %s @@ -23612,6 +23546,12 @@ A ponte de mana está fechada no momento. The mana war stroke, and many people died, O golpe de guerra de mana, e muitas pessoas morreram, +The masters have decided you are to be given honorary initiation into the Duck Side. The Duck Side is powerful, much more so than you could possibly understand. + + +The masters of the Duck Side, The Council of Elders, and King DD himself, on behalf of all ducks, thank you for your help. We wouldn't have survived without it. + + The mayor, Rakinorf, is probably on the Inn upstairs, drinking himself to death. O prefeito, Rakinorf, provavelmente está na hospedaria no andar de cima, bebendo até a morte. @@ -23678,9 +23618,6 @@ O mouboo ainda parece terrível, mas você pode ver uma pequena diferença. The nanorob-- err, the *magic* will seal all your wounds. You trust Basil, right? O nanorob-- err, o * magic * irá selar todas as suas feridas. Você confia em Basil, certo? -The new inhabitants from the Land Of Fire are welcome, and some are still sheltering, like the Silversmith. -Os novos habitantes da Terra do Fogo são bem-vindos, e alguns ainda estão abrigados, como o ourives. - The next page begins to list the complex trading laws and political rules. A próxima página começa a listar as complexas leis comerciais e políticas. @@ -23708,9 +23645,6 @@ O outro diz ser um bandido perigoso e ensinar como roubar monstros! The pan is empty, but it smells like fresh cookies. A panela está vazia, mas cheira a biscoitos frescos. -The party dungeon is still under maintenance, but it shall soon be liberated. The disaster was so big, all mobs are different. -A masmorra do grupo ainda está em manutenção, mas logo será liberada. O desastre foi tão grande que todas as multidões são diferentes. - The passwords doesn't match. As senhas não correspondem. @@ -23720,6 +23654,15 @@ The path to reach Eugene is hidden. However, if you pay attention to the map, yo The pirate ship captain appear! TAKE CARE!! O capitão do navio pirata aparece! CUIDAR!! +The pirates amass for their siege, but they will not attack yet. Return when you are stronger. King DD is working to find a solution. + + +The pirates have been surrounding our island for many sun rises. We expect they will attack any time. + + +The player is offline or does not exist. + + The potion is baked, and the time is now running! Read as fast as you can, don't miss details! A poção é cozida, eo tempo está funcionando agora! Leia mais rápido que puder, não perca detalhes! @@ -23840,9 +23783,6 @@ A situação é diferente se alguém de Hurnscald foi em seu socorro. É por iss The situation is too serious to you be lying... Please, go fetch the items... A situação é muito séria para você estar mentindo ... Por favor, vá buscar os itens ... -The snowstorm at Nivalis has ceased, but the Monster King led a massively huge army to siege Nivalis. -A nevasca em Nivalis cessou, mas o Rei Monstro liderou um enorme exército para sitiar Nivalis. - The soldiers are resting at the moment. Os soldados estão descansando no momento. @@ -23894,9 +23834,6 @@ O administrador da cidade beneficia de serviços gratuitos na cidade. The trickster can be found right here. -The tritan pirates amass for their siege, but they will not attack yet. Return later. King DD is working to find a solution. - - The uniform would be: @@, @@, @@ and @@ O uniforme seria: @@, @@, @@ e @@ @@ -23963,6 +23900,9 @@ Suas principais tarefas são garantir o comércio, proteger as cidades de invas Then I craft some new type of strong desert shirt, to protect users from snakes and sunlight. Então eu ofereço um novo tipo de camisa forte do deserto, para proteger os usuários de cobras e luz solar. +Then I hope you can keep your grades high, hmm hmm! + + Then I returned to Tulimshar. Now I do research, vote on the Magic Council meetings, and I also teach young mages about Transmutation magic. Então voltei para Tulimshar. Agora eu pesquiso, voto nas reuniões do Conselho Mágico e também ensino jovens magos sobre magia da Transmutação. @@ -24029,9 +23969,6 @@ Existem apenas algumas páginas em falta. There are people in the world who need help! Existem pessoas no mundo que precisam de ajuda! -There are rumors of a grand prize to whoever gets lucky on that machine. -Há rumores de um grande prêmio para quem tiver sorte nessa máquina. - There are secret caves on this city. In fact, Tulimshar holds many misteries. Há cavernas secretas nesta cidade. De fato, Tulimshar possui muitos mistérios. @@ -24089,12 +24026,12 @@ Não há penalidade de EXP, mas você não pode voltar sem completar a caverna o There is no honor in fighting a weak opponent. Não há honra em lutar contra um adversário fraco. -There is now a challenge in Tulimshar PvP Duel Room. How long can you survive? -Existe agora um desafio no Tulimshar PvP Duel Room. Por quanto tempo você pode sobreviver? - There is only one way towards the best equipment: Smith away! Existe apenas um caminho para o melhor equipamento: Smith away! +There is only so much magical power your body can handle without breaking. + + There isn't enough, not even for NPCs. We need at least 100. Não há o suficiente, nem mesmo para NPCs. Precisamos de pelo menos 100. @@ -24113,18 +24050,9 @@ Parece haver sinais de uma luta há muito esquecida, mas ainda cheira a sangue. There was a visitor with a mask? I didn't notice. You see, I spend most of my time in the workshop, and concentrate on my work. There are other helpers who attend to the visitors. And hopefully keep them from disturbing my concentration. Houve um visitante com uma máscara? Eu não percebi. Você vê, eu gasto a maior parte do meu tempo na oficina e me concentro no meu trabalho. Existem outros ajudantes que atendem aos visitantes. E esperemos que eles não perturbem minha concentração. -There was just too many changes to list all of them here. Good luck finding all of them! -Houve apenas muitas mudanças para listar todas elas aqui. Boa sorte em encontrar todos eles! - There was nobody on the Bandit Lord's room. Não havia ninguém no quarto do Bandit Lord. -There was too many things to keep track. After Hurnscald siege, with lots of earthquakes, we had an accident. -Havia muitas coisas para acompanhar. Após o cerco de Hurnscald, com muitos terremotos, tivemos um acidente. - -There were trees blocking the path to Halinarzo? Why nobody told that to Tulimshar Council?! -Havia árvores bloqueando o caminho para Halinarzo? Por que ninguém disse isso ao Conselho Tulimshar ?! - There will be consequences. Haverá conseqüências. @@ -24161,9 +24089,6 @@ Há um grande prêmio no final ... Você poderia me trazer mais tarde? There's a long time we don't eat anything. Bring us @@! Five should do it. Há muito tempo não comemos nada. Traga-nos @@! Cinco deveriam fazer isso. -There's a scheduled update for 26/12. Event subject to change without prior notice. -Há uma atualização agendada para 26/12. Evento sujeito a alteração sem aviso prévio. - There's a shiny safe here. How much money is inside? Nobody is looking at you, great! Há um cofre brilhante aqui. Quanto dinheiro tem dentro? Ninguém está olhando para você, ótimo! @@ -24233,9 +24158,6 @@ Lá ... * hic * Eles irão expirar * hic * em apenas @@ ... Ou no logout. Therefore we need a lot of glue, but our supplies are nearly used up. I need @@/@@ @@ as ingredient to make new glue. Portanto, precisamos de muita cola, mas nossos suprimentos estão quase esgotados. Eu preciso de @@ / @@ @@ como ingrediente para fazer nova cola. -Therefore, raw gemstones prices are once again on the rise. -Portanto, os preços das pedras preciosas em bruto estão novamente em ascensão. - Therefore, the Alliance created a system so when you kill a monster, depending on its strength, you'll get Monster Points. Portanto, a Aliança criou um sistema para que, quando você matar um monstro, dependendo da sua força, você receba Pontos de Monstro. @@ -24272,9 +24194,6 @@ Esses monstros são uma ótima fonte de materiais de produção crus. These people have lots of unspent Strange Coins! Waw! Essas pessoas têm muitas moedas estranhas não gastas! Waw! -These trees were cut and travellers can once again travel to Halin. -Essas árvores foram cortadas e os viajantes podem viajar novamente para Halin. - These weapons are only for masters, so you must get levels before being able to use them. Estas armas são apenas para mestres, então você deve obter níveis antes de poder usá-los. @@ -24473,9 +24392,6 @@ This can only be reverted at rebirth! Beware! This cannot be undo later! Isso não pode ser desfazer mais tarde! -This caused a mana disturbance, and healing items are working better now, affecting every sector of economy. -Isso causou um distúrbio de mana e os itens de cura estão funcionando melhor agora, afetando todos os setores da economia. - This cave is considered outside the town! @@ -24557,6 +24473,9 @@ Este é um @@, significando que apenas a parte vencedora receberá o grande prê This is a Soul Menhir, but seems more magical than the others. Este é um Menhir da Alma, mas parece mais mágico que os outros. +This is a hot map, you're suffering damage over time. + + This is a magical barrier, powered by three seals in your part. Esta é uma barreira mágica, alimentada por três selos da sua parte. @@ -24791,9 +24710,6 @@ Este selo já foi quebrado, prossiga para o próximo selo! This seems like a good idea at first, but actually, it isn't. Essa parece ser uma boa ideia no começo, mas na verdade não é. -This server's Sponsors bought the area above Hurnscald's Inn. Nobody else is being allowed there. -Os patrocinadores deste servidor compraram a área acima do Hurnscald's Inn. Ninguém mais está sendo permitido lá. - This shrine is devoted to those whom shall never come back. Este santuário é dedicado àqueles que nunca voltar. @@ -24818,9 +24734,6 @@ This skill cannot be upgraded further. This small island is a good place to heal our wounds, and the monsters here are not threating. Esta pequena ilha é um bom lugar para curar nossas feridas, e os monstros aqui não são ameaçadores. -This somehow affected the whole economy. -Isso de alguma forma afetou toda a economia. - This statue was built for memory of Andrei Sakar, the greatest hero this world has even seen. Esta estátua foi construída para a memória de Andrei Sakar, o maior herói que este mundo já viu. @@ -24842,9 +24755,6 @@ Esta tocha já está acesa. This vault currently have @@ GP inside. Este cofre atualmente tem @@ GP dentro. -This was caused because changes on the Mana Bridge. They hope that for next release, everyone will be able to use these magic words, instead of needing to talk to the Soul Menhir. -Isso foi causado por mudanças na Mana Bridge. Eles esperam que, para o próximo lançamento, todos possam usar essas palavras mágicas, em vez de precisar falar com o Menhir da Alma. - This well is sealed. They must take water outside the town. Este poço está selado. Eles devem levar água para fora da cidade. @@ -24908,9 +24818,6 @@ Aqueles para consumo, equipamentos e genéricos. Three equal: @@. Três iguais: @@. -Three new swords are now obtainable, although Broadsword is still the best weapon around. Except on Heroes Hold. -Três novas espadas agora podem ser obtidas, embora Broadsword ainda seja a melhor arma ao redor. Exceto em Heroes Hold. - Throw a coin? Jogue uma moeda? @@ -24956,6 +24863,9 @@ Prazo para resposta: 2 minutos Time remaining to report completion: Tempo restante para a conclusão do relatório: +Times died: %s + + Tin Ingot Barra de estanho @@ -25031,9 +24941,6 @@ Para celebrar isso, farei algumas perguntas sobre o meu livro favorito, O Guia d To collect snake skin Para coletar a pele de cobra -To counter-act this, nicholas lowered craft prices, and the folks at LoF are doing their best at refines. -Para neutralizar isso, Nicolau baixou os preços do artesanato e o pessoal da LoF está fazendo o melhor que pode para refinar. - To craft an item, you'll need to learn its blueprint. Blueprints can be very hard to obtain! Being a crafter will take a lot of your time. @@ -25242,7 +25149,7 @@ Tonori Delight Prazer Tonori Tonori Human - +Tonori Humano Tonori Water Água de Tonori @@ -25337,6 +25244,9 @@ Jogue o anzol em águas profundas clicando em onde você deseja lançá-lo. Total Credits and GP: @@ Total de Créditos e GP: @@ +Total Gold: %s + + Total Logins: @@ Total de logins: @@ @@ -25346,6 +25256,9 @@ Total de dinheiro arrecadado: @@ GP Total slow down, DEF-, may freeze +Total time AFK'ed in Tulimshar: %d hours and %d minutes + + Toto Toto @@ -25460,9 +25373,6 @@ Chave do Tesouro Treasure Map Mapa do tesouro -Treasure chests have been seen on dungeons, always changing places and refilling themselves. -Baús de tesouro foram vistos nas masmorras, sempre mudando de lugar e se reabastecendo. - Treasure! @@ -25559,18 +25469,6 @@ Cartão de guarda de Tulimshar Tulimshar Guard Card will prove good intentions. Talk to the Lieutenant in front of the Guard House. -Tulimshar Guardhouse's door was struck, but the guards managed to get it open again. -A porta da Tulimshar Guardhouse foi atingida, mas os guardas conseguiram abri-la novamente. - -Tulimshar Guards bought a Slot Machine to play, but that was done unofficialy. -Os guardas de Tulimshar compraram um caça-níqueis para jogar, mas isso foi feito de forma não-oficial. - -Tulimshar Jewerly is now polishing gemstones to add on rings. New monsters were seen, stay on guard. -A Tulimshar Jewelry está agora polindo pedras preciosas para adicionar anéis. Novos monstros foram vistos, fique de guarda. - -Tulimshar Jewerly is once again open. Cyndala and Tamiloc rented a shop south of Tulimshar. -A jóia de Tulimshar está aberta outra vez. Cyndala e Tamiloc alugaram uma loja ao sul de Tulimshar. - Tulimshar Map Mapa de Tulimshar @@ -25595,9 +25493,6 @@ Tulimshar é a cidade humana mais antiga e sua fundação é o ano zero do nosso Tulimshar is the strongest city because Dausen teaches every newcomer about the monsters around and how to defeat them. Take his special training if you get the chance! -Tulimshar miners are having troubles with monsters. They are offering rewards to whoever helps them. -Os mineiros de Tulimshar estão tendo problemas com monstros. Eles estão oferecendo recompensas para quem os ajuda. - Tulimshar miners mainly try to obtain gems. mineiros Tulimshar principalmente tentar obter gemas. @@ -25613,6 +25508,12 @@ Túnel através das cavernas! Tutorial Protips: +Tutorship is NOT the most effective way. + + +Tutorship will give you Research Points. + + Twelve times more if it is an elusive Mana Fragment no one knows where they are! Doze vezes mais se for um Fragmento de Mana indescritível, ninguém sabe onde eles estão! @@ -25712,9 +25613,6 @@ Uhm, isso é um ... @@. Você quer crescer uma árvore no mouboo ou algo assim? Uhm, this seems like a bad idea. Uhm, isso parece ser uma má ideia. -Uhm... Bye? -Uhm ... Bye? - Uhm... I thought you were trying to heal the mouboo. Why are you giving it poisonous stuff?! Uhm ... achei que você estava tentando curar o mouboo. Por que você está dando coisas venenosas ?! @@ -25757,9 +25655,6 @@ Unfortunately, I cannot sell them to you. Maggots are attacking my crops and giv Unfortunately, I was cursed to never enter their cave again. They used a @@ to do that! Infelizmente, fui amaldiçoado a nunca mais entrar em sua caverna. Eles usaram um @@ para fazer isso! -Unfortunately, Tulimshar guards are dying in the sun. Maybe you could provide them with Water? -Infelizmente, os guardas de Tulimshar estão morrendo ao sol. Talvez você possa fornecer água para eles? - Unfortunately, a mere fledgling like you is not strong enough to help us. @@ -26249,9 +26144,6 @@ Vagando demais? Tome cuidado para não se perder. Wands Varinhas -Wands are also being sold, and other stuff from the Land Of Fire slowly creeps in. -As varinhas também estão sendo vendidas, e outras coisas da Terra do Fogo se arrasta lentamente. - Want to break the hundredthousand item limit?? Ten gifts, for more, bring 102,400 boxes here. Quer quebrar o limite de 100 mil itens? Dez presentes, para mais, trazem 102.400 caixas aqui. @@ -26384,9 +26276,6 @@ Aconselhamo-lo a mudar o seu equipamento agora. We also feature some services like a storage and a bank for members. Também apresentamos alguns serviços como armazenamento e banco para membros. -We apologize to all, but the Land Of Fire CRASHED here, and broke the whole balance! Part of woodlands flooded! -Pedimos desculpas a todos, mas a Terra do Fogo bateu aqui e quebrou todo o equilíbrio! Parte das florestas inundadas! - We appreciate your help. Take this %s as a token of goodwill. @@ -26396,9 +26285,15 @@ Nós somos @@ desde o último grande ataque do Rei Monstro. We are assembling forces to take Nivalis back. Estamos reunindo forças para levar Nivalis de volta. +We are deliberating. Some do not... approve of your initiation. Leave. + + We are in desperate need of food and nesting material, as well as our sacred supply of @@. +We are no longer in danger, thanks to you. The pirates were thoroughly defeated. None survived the battle. + + We are planning to take over Hurnscald from the Monster King, and we will need everybody's help. Estamos planejando assumir Hurnscald do Rei dos Monstros e precisaremos da ajuda de todos. @@ -26450,11 +26345,8 @@ Mantemos o Slimes além da barreira durante a noite, por isso tenha cuidado ao e We may delete all entries and change formulas in the future. Podemos eliminar todas as entradas e fórmulas mudar no futuro. -We may require your aid again soon. The tritan pirates are amassing and we fear they are planning a siege of Duck Island. I must speak with the council... - +We may require your aid again soon. The tritan pirates are amassing and we fear they are planning a siege of Duck Island. I must speak with the Council of Elders... -We mean, some are giving stupid amounts of experience, and players can get more levels. Saulc cannot proccess that many changes! -Quer dizer, alguns estão dando quantidades estúpidas de experiência, e os jogadores podem obter mais níveis. Saulc não pode processar muitas mudanças! We must away Nós devemos sair @@ -26465,6 +26357,9 @@ Nós devemos culpar Saulc! We must defeat the Monster King on his evil lair! Devemos derrotar o monstro rei em seu covil do mal! +We must defeat the commanders to avoid major damage to them! + + We need to find what powers these two seals and disable it. @@ -26522,9 +26417,6 @@ Vamos ter uma festa hoje, mas somente crentes são permitidos! We will talk about it later. Nós falaremos sobre isso depois. -We wish you a merry Christmas! And a happy new year!! -Desejamos-lhe um feliz natal! E um Feliz Ano Novo!! - We won't be able to pay you in money, but we'll make you one of us if you bring us beer! Nós não poderemos pagar em dinheiro, mas faremos de você um de nós se você nos trouxer cerveja! @@ -27026,6 +26918,12 @@ O que eu devo falar? What an amazing crown you have! How do I get it?! Que coroa incrível você tem! Como faço para obtê-lo?! +What are Magic Skill Points? + + +What are Research Points + + What are current leaderboard? Quais são as tabelas de classificação atuais? @@ -27110,6 +27008,9 @@ Que cor é um peixe de Babel? What crap is that?! This is not from Tulimshar! Que porcaria é essa ?! Isto não é de Tulimshar! +What did the Council of Elders say? Is there any news of the pirates? + + What did you expected, anyway? O que você esperava, afinal? @@ -27203,6 +27104,9 @@ What is going on here? What is my current hairstyle and hair color? Qual é o meu penteado atual e cor de cabelo? +What is the Academy? + + What is the Alliance? O que é a aliança? @@ -27212,6 +27116,9 @@ What is the Magic Academy? What is the Moubootaur? O que é o Moubootaur? +What is the Scholar Rank? + + What is the answer to life, the universe and everything? Qual é a resposta para a vida, o universo e tudo mais? @@ -27545,6 +27452,9 @@ White Slime Mother WhiteCat Gato branco +Who are the most famous scholars? + + Who are you, and how did you manage to come down here? The sheer power of our Lord prevents anyone not under his control to go here. @@ -27605,9 +27515,6 @@ Quem é essa Julieta? Who, or what are you? Quem ou o que você é? -Whoa! LoF merge wasn't entirely stable! After a terrible manaquake, everything, -Uau! LoF merge não era totalmente estável! Depois de um terrível homem, tudo, - Whoever took control of this village is no ordinary mage. There's a switch on the wall. Quem assumiu o controle desta aldeia não é um mago comum. Há um interruptor na parede. @@ -27683,18 +27590,12 @@ Você vai tentar desbloqueá-lo? Wind Fairy Fada do vento -Wind Walk - - Wind: @@, @@ Vento: @@, @@ Windwalker Caminhante do vento -Windwalker - Increase walk speed and flee rate. -Windwalker - Aumentar a velocidade de caminhada e fugir taxa. - Wine Making Barrel Barril de vinho @@ -27755,9 +27656,6 @@ Com uma jóia você pode esperar obter 1 a 3 pós! With recent player activity, the Monster king is @@! Com a atividade recente jogador, o rei Monster é @@! -With renewed confidence about the outcome of the war, various people left their houses. -Com confiança renovada sobre o resultado da guerra, várias pessoas deixaram suas casas. - With this I make balls of slime for Candor's childs, they really like to play with them. Com isso eu faço bolas de lodo para os filhos de Candor, eles realmente gostam de brincar com eles. @@ -27884,9 +27782,6 @@ Worker Day Worker Statue Estátua do trabalhador -Workers have closed Nivalis to repairs, due intense damage to town infrastructure. -Os trabalhadores fecharam a Nivalis para reparos, devido a danos intensos à infraestrutura da cidade. - World Expo @@ -27986,9 +27881,6 @@ wurtzita Ore Wyara Wyara -Wyara tells she will now make Return Potions for those trusted by Hurnscald Staff! -Wyara conta que agora fará Poções de Retorno para os que confiam na equipe de Hurnscald! - Xanthem Card Carta Xanthem @@ -28148,6 +28040,9 @@ Anos depois, alguém começou a dar presentes para as crianças pobres naquela d Yellow Dye Tintura Amarela +Yellow Skull Slime + + Yellow Slime Lodo amarelo @@ -28460,6 +28355,9 @@ Você também tem acesso a um bate-papo partidário, e não há concessões, por You also need @@/@@ Mob Points to improve thief skills. Você também precisa @@ / @@ Pontos Mob para melhorar as habilidades de ladrão. +You are NO LONGER EXILED from %s by %s. + + You are NOT allowed to leave here! Você não tem permissão para sair daqui! @@ -28523,6 +28421,9 @@ You are exhausted, you should rest @@.#0 You are exhausted, you should rest @@.#1 +You are exiled from this town and therefore, unable to use the Menhir. + + You are full of wine, my friend... Você está cheio de vinho, meu amigo ... @@ -28766,9 +28667,6 @@ Você pode obter @@ em qualquer lugar, embora aqui seja um pouco mais fácil de You can get Croconut from Crocotree, and fill @@ purchased in the market. Você pode obter Croconut de Crocotree e preencha @@ comprada no mercado. -You can get close by feet, and there was an area so empty that you won't even notice the distance walked. -Você pode chegar perto a pé, e havia uma área tão vazia que você nem notaria a distância percorrida. - You can get daily something from it, but unless you're green like me, you will have no luck... Você pode obter algo diário com isso, mas a menos que você seja verde como eu, você não terá sorte ... @@ -28835,9 +28733,6 @@ You can use "@monsterinfo " to gauge a monster strength. You can use @@ to summon some maggots. That depends on your magic level, of course. Você pode usar @@ para invocar alguns vermes. Isso depende do seu nível de magia, é claro. -You can use @@, Audsbel left the Magic School, and Marius is singing again. -Você pode usar @@, Audsbel deixou a Magic School e Marius está cantando novamente. - You can use it again in @@. Você pode usá-lo novamente em @@. @@ -28898,6 +28793,9 @@ Você não pode largar este item! You cannot enter here while you have event weapons or a cart. Você não pode entrar aqui enquanto você tem armas de eventos ou um carrinho. +You cannot exile yourself! + + You cannot help me at all. You lack any skill to do so. Você não pode me ajudar em nada. Você não tem nenhuma habilidade para fazer isso. @@ -29282,6 +29180,9 @@ You have an awful case of amnesia. She is the nurse and shipkeeper of this ship, You have arrived at Fortress Island. Você chegou a Fortaleza Island. +You have been EXILED from %s by %s. + + You have been jailed by a GM. Você foi preso(a) por um GM. @@ -29498,6 +29399,9 @@ Você deve alcançar o nível 5 para abrir este presente. You must send ##B/verify##b to Discord bot for the linking be complete. +You must understand that this honor has never been granted to a non-duck before. You will have access to Duck Dungeon, a training grounds for Initiates. + + You need 2x @@ to cast this skill. Você precisa de 2x @@ para conjurar essa habilidade. @@ -29795,6 +29699,9 @@ Você não deveria estar aqui ... You should not be there! This forest is home to monsters. Você não deveria estar lá! Esta floresta é o lar de monstros. +You should not leave this room. + + You should reset your stats and allocate some points at intelligence. Você deve redefinir suas estatísticas e alocar alguns pontos em inteligência. @@ -29807,6 +29714,9 @@ Você deve falar com o Arpan Mágico primeiro. You should talk to him instead. Você deveria falar com ele em vez disso. +You should unequip this item first. + + You stand before a battle-scarred, darkly tanned warrior, brimming with muscles. Você está diante de um guerreiro com cicatrizes negras e bronzeados, cheio de músculos. @@ -30014,6 +29924,9 @@ Você não teria que tê-los, iria? You'll all die here! Vocês todos vão morrer aqui! +You'll also get half of the GP as Monster Points! + + You'll be charged even if you fail, be warned. Você será cobrado mesmo se falhar, esteja avisado. @@ -30218,6 +30131,12 @@ Sua classe foi alterado de% s para% s. Your coward outer self fails to convince you to leave. Seu covarde eu não convence você a sair. +Your current rank: %s + + +Your current scholar rank: %s (%d Research Points) + + Your current score: @@ Sua pontuação atual: @@ @@ -30260,9 +30179,6 @@ Seu homúnculo está dormindo! Acordá-los! Your information is correct, %s. Pirates have been plaguing our shores and cutting off our supply lines. -Your lack of magical power is critical. I dare say, you might never in your life get access to a Mana Stone. -Sua falta de poder mágico é crítica. Eu ouso dizer, você pode nunca em sua vida ter acesso a uma Pedra de Mana. - Your level is so high, I'm surprised you haven't went there already. But then, most quests around there are for your level... Seu nível é tão alto, estou surpreso que você não tenha ido lá já. Mas então, a maioria das missões por aí são para o seu nível ... @@ -30281,9 +30197,6 @@ Sua mãe me pediu para dizer que ela ama você. Your next step is to get the book of the Second Sage Of Fate. Seu próximo passo é pegar o livro do Segundo Sábio do Destino. -Your position has been saved. -Sua posição foi salva. - Your position is auto-saved when entering a town - use @ucp to change this behavior. Sua posição é salva automaticamente ao entrar em uma cidade - use @ucp para alterar esse comportamento. @@ -30293,6 +30206,9 @@ Sua posição deve ser a de um membro regular ou superior. Your position on the guild: @@ Sua posição na guilda: @@ +Your privileges do not allow you to use this command. + + Your problems are not mine. By the way, you really should consider taking a shower. @@ -30359,18 +30275,12 @@ Zarkor, o Summoner das Trevas Zegas Zegas -Zegas, Saxso's widow, the mayor of Candor, decreed to allow strong adventurers to get past the Candor Cave Magic Barrier. -Zegas, a viúva de Saxso, o prefeito de Candor, decretou permitir que fortes aventureiros passassem pela barreira mágica da Caverna de Candor. - ZegasDebug ZegasDebug Zitoni Zitoni -Zitoni announces he can now craft really good potions to improve attack speed and damage! -Zitoni anuncia que agora ele pode criar ótimas poções para melhorar a velocidade de ataque e danos! - Zitoni refused to make the Powder. Zitoni recusou-se a fazer o pó. @@ -30416,6 +30326,9 @@ Zzzzzzzzz... [2] Full Aeros [2] Full Eros +[@@|Read the History@@] + + [Accept Quest] [Aceitar a Missão] @@ -30530,9 +30443,6 @@ and "listening" to his speech, you'll get EXP! and have Demure to send them to those you admire! -and may change later without notice. -e pode mudar depois sem aviso prévio. - angry Bravo @@ -30722,9 +30632,6 @@ Se a proposta não for conveniente para você, basta fechar a janela de negocia in March 2nd 2018. -including the 178 monsters and who knows how many equipment, had numeric changes. -incluindo os 178 monstros e quem sabe quantos equipamentos, tiveram alterações numéricas. - international worker day @@ -31157,6 +31064,9 @@ você ganha @@ zero +~~%d/%d %s~~ + + ¬.¬ "Hmm, to me, you look like a thief or bandit..." -- cgit v1.2.3-70-g09d2