#! /usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf8 -*- # # This file is part of Hercules. # http://herc.ws - http://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules # # Copyright (C) 2018 Hercules Dev Team # Copyright (C) 2018 Asheraf # Copyright (C) 2015 Andrei Karas (4144) # # Hercules is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . import os import re import sys def isValidEntry(line): if re.match('^[0-9]+,.*', line): return True return False def curlSplit(line): return re.split('[{}]|},', line) def commaSplit(line): return line.split(',') def printIntField(name, value): if int(value) != 0: print('\t{0}: {1}'.format(name, value)) def printIntField2(name, value): if int(value) != 0: print('\t\t{0}: {1}'.format(name, value)) def printStrField(name, value): if value != '': print('\t{0}: \"{1}\"'.format(name, value)) def printBool(name, value): if int(value) != 0: print('\t{0}: true'.format(name)) def printIntimacy(arr): if int(arr[9]) == 0 or int(arr[10]) == 0 or int(arr[11]) == 0 or int(arr[12]) == 0: return print('\tIntimacy: {') printIntField2('Initial', arr[11]) printIntField2('FeedIncrement', arr[9]) printIntField2('OverFeedDecrement', arr[10]) printIntField2('OwnerDeathDecrement', arr[12]) print('\t}') def printScript(name, value): if re.match('.*[a-zA-Z0-9,]+.*', value): print('\t{0}: <\"{1}\">'.format(name, value)) def printItemName(fieldname, itemid, itemDb): value = int(itemid) if value != 0: if value not in itemDb: print("// Error: pet item with id {0} not found in item_db.conf".format(value)) else: printStrField(fieldname, itemDb[value]) def printHeader(): print(""" pet_db:( /************************************************************************** ************* Entry structure ******************************************** ************************************************************************** { // ================ Mandatory fields ============================== Id: ID (int) SpriteName: "Sprite_Name" (string) Name: "Pet Name" (string) // ================ Optional fields =============================== TamingItem: Taming Item (string, defaults to 0) EggItem: Egg Id (string, defaults to 0) AccessoryItem: Equipment Id (string, defaults to 0) FoodItem: Food Id (string, defaults to 0) FoodEffectiveness: hunger points (int, defaults to 0) HungerDelay: hunger time (int, defaults to 0) Intimacy: { Initial: start intimacy (int, defaults to 0) FeedIncrement: feeding intimacy (int, defaults to 0) OverFeedDecrement: overfeeding intimacy (int, defaults to 0) OwnerDeathDecrement: owner die intimacy (int, defaults to 0) } CaptureRate: capture rate (int, defaults to 0) Speed: speed (int, defaults to 0) SpecialPerformance: true/false (boolean, defaults to false) TalkWithEmotes: convert talk (boolean, defaults to false) AttackRate: attack rate (int, defaults to 0) DefendRate: Defence attack (int, defaults to 0) ChangeTargetRate: change target (int, defaults to 0) PetScript: <" Pet Script (can also be multi-line) "> EquipScript: <" Equip Script (can also be multi-line) "> }, **************************************************************************/ """) def printFooter(): print(')\n') def convertFile(inFile, itemDb): if inFile != "" and not os.path.exists(inFile): return if inFile == "": r = sys.stdin else: r = open(inFile, "r") printHeader() for line in r: if isValidEntry(line) == True: print('{') firstsplit = curlSplit(line) secondsplit = commaSplit(firstsplit[0]) printIntField('Id', secondsplit[0]) printStrField('SpriteName', secondsplit[1]) printStrField('Name', secondsplit[2]) printItemName('TamingItem', secondsplit[3], itemDb) printItemName('EggItem', secondsplit[4], itemDb) printItemName('AccessoryItem', secondsplit[5], itemDb) printItemName('FoodItem', secondsplit[6], itemDb) printIntField('FoodEffectiveness', secondsplit[7]) printIntField('HungerDelay', secondsplit[8]) printIntimacy(secondsplit) printIntField('CaptureRate', secondsplit[13]) printIntField('Speed', secondsplit[14]) printBool('SpecialPerformance', secondsplit[15]) printBool('TalkWithEmotes', secondsplit[16]) printIntField('AttackRate', secondsplit[17]) printIntField('DefendRate', secondsplit[18]) printIntField('ChangeTargetRate', secondsplit[19]) printScript('PetScript', firstsplit[1]) printScript('EquipScript', firstsplit[3]) print('},') printFooter() def printHelp(): print("PetDB converter from txt to conf format") print("Usage:") print(" petdbconverter.py re serverpath dbfilepath") print(" petdbconverter.py pre-re serverpath dbfilepath") print("Usage for read from stdin:") print(" petdbconverter.py re dbfilepath") def readItemDB(inFile, itemDb): itemId = 0 itemName = "" started = False with open(inFile, "r") as r: for line in r: line = line.strip() if started == True: if line == "},": started = False elif line[:10] == "AegisName:": itemName = line[12:-1] elif line[:3] == "Id:": try: itemId = int(line[4:]) except: started = False if itemId != 0 and itemName != "": # was need for remove wrong characters # itemName = itemName.replace(".", "") # if itemName[0] >= "0" and itemName[0] <= "9": # itemName = "Num" + itemName itemDb[itemId] = itemName started = False else: if line == "{": started = True itemId = 0 itemName = "" return itemDb if len(sys.argv) != 4 and len(sys.argv) != 3: printHelp(); exit(1) startPath = sys.argv[2] if len(sys.argv) == 4: sourceFile = sys.argv[3] else: sourceFile = ""; itemDb = dict() if sys.argv[1] == "re": itemDb = readItemDB(startPath + "/db/re/item_db.conf", itemDb) itemDb = readItemDB(startPath + "/db/item_db2.conf", itemDb) elif sys.argv[1] == "pre-re": itemDb = readItemDB(startPath + "/db/pre-re/item_db.conf", itemDb) itemDb = readItemDB(startPath + "/db/item_db2.conf", itemDb) else: printHelp(); exit(1) convertFile(sourceFile, itemDb)