#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf8 -*- # # This file is part of Hercules. # http://herc.ws - http://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules # # Copyright (C) 2018 Hercules Dev Team # Copyright (C) 2018 Asheraf # # Hercules is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. import re import sys import utils.common as Tools SKILL_STATES = { "any": "MSS_ANY", "idle": "MSS_IDLE", "walk": "MSS_WALK", "loot": "MSS_LOOT", "dead": "MSS_DEAD", "attack": "MSS_BERSERK", "angry": "MSS_ANGRY", "chase": "MSS_RUSH", "follow": "MSS_FOLLOW", "anytarget": "MSS_ANYTARGET" } SKILL_COND1 = { "always": "MSC_ALWAYS", "myhpltmaxrate": "MSC_MYHPLTMAXRATE", "myhpinrate": "MSC_MYHPINRATE", "friendhpltmaxrate": "MSC_FRIENDHPLTMAXRATE", "friendhpinrate": "MSC_FRIENDHPINRATE", "mystatuson": "MSC_MYSTATUSON", "mystatusoff": "MSC_MYSTATUSOFF", "friendstatuson": "MSC_FRIENDSTATUSON", "friendstatusoff": "MSC_FRIENDSTATUSOFF", "attackpcgt": "MSC_ATTACKPCGT", "attackpcge": "MSC_ATTACKPCGE", "slavelt": "MSC_SLAVELT", "slavele": "MSC_SLAVELE", "closedattacked": "MSC_CLOSEDATTACKED", "longrangeattacked": "MSC_LONGRANGEATTACKED", "skillused": "MSC_SKILLUSED", "afterskill": "MSC_AFTERSKILL", "casttargeted": "MSC_CASTTARGETED", "rudeattacked": "MSC_RUDEATTACKED", "masterhpltmaxrate": "MSC_MASTERHPLTMAXRATE", "masterattacked": "MSC_MASTERATTACKED", "alchemist": "MSC_ALCHEMIST", "onspawn": "MSC_SPAWN" } SKILL_COND2 = { "anybad": "MSC_ANY", "stone": "SC_STONE", "freeze": "SC_FREEZE", "stun": "SC_STUN", "sleep": "SC_SLEEP", "poison": "SC_POISON", "curse": "SC_CURSE", "silence": "SC_SILENCE", "confusion": "SC_CONFUSION", "blind": "SC_BLIND", "hiding": "SC_HIDING", "sight": "SC_SIGHT" } SKILL_TARGET = { "target": "MST_TARGET", "randomtarget": "MST_RANDOM", "self": "MST_SELF", "friend": "MST_FRIEND", "master": "MST_MASTER", "around5": "MST_AROUND5", "around6": "MST_AROUND6", "around7": "MST_AROUND7", "around8": "MST_AROUND8", "around1": "MST_AROUND1", "around2": "MST_AROUND2", "around3": "MST_AROUND3", "around4": "MST_AROUND4", "around": "MST_AROUND" } def printHeader(): print(""" mob_skill_db:( { /************************************************************************** ************* Entry structure ******************************************** ************************************************************************** <Monster_Constant>: { <Skill_Constant>: { ClearSkills: (boolean, defaults to false) allows cleaning all previous defined skills for the mob. SkillLevel: (int, defaults to 1) SkillState: (int, defaults to 0) SkillTarget: (int, defaults to 0) Rate: (int, defaults to 1) CastTime: (int, defaults to 0) Delay: (int, defaults to 0) Cancelable: (boolean, defaults to false) CastCondition: (int, defaults to 0) ConditionData: (int, defaults to 0) val0: (int, defaults to 0) val1: (int, defaults to 0) val2: (int, defaults to 0) val3: (int, defaults to 0) val4: (int, defaults to 0) Emotion: (int, defaults to 0) ChatMsgID: (int, defaults to 0) } } **************************************************************************/""") def printFooter(): print('}\n)\n') def isValidEntry(line): if re.match('^[0-9]+,.*', line): return True return False def commaSplit(line): return line.split(',') def stripLinebreak(line): return line.replace('\r', '').replace('\n', '') def printInt(key, value): if key in value: if int(value[key]) is not 0: print('\t\t\t{}: {}'.format(key, value[key])) def printStrToInt(key, value): if value[key] is not '': if int(value[key]) is not 0: print('\t\t\t{}: {}'.format(key, value[key])) def printBool(key, value): if value[key] == 'yes': print('\t\t\t{}: true'.format(key)) def printClearSkills(key, value): if value[key] == 'clear': print('\t\t\t{}: true'.format(key)) def printSkillState(key, value): if value[key]: print('\t\t\t{}: "{}"'.format(key, SKILL_STATES[value[key]])) def printSkillTarget(key, value): if value[key]: print('\t\t\t{}: "{}"'.format(key, SKILL_TARGET[value[key]])) def printCastCondition(key, value): if value[key]: print('\t\t\t{}: "{}"'.format(key, SKILL_COND1[value[key]])) def printConditionData(key, value): if value[key] in SKILL_COND2: print('\t\t\t{}: "{}"'.format(key, SKILL_COND2[value[key]])) elif value[key] is not '': if int(value[key]) is not 0: print('\t\t\t{}: {}'.format(key, value[key])) def printEmotion(key, value): if value[key] is not '': print('\t\t\t{}: {}'.format(key, value[key])) def LoadOldDB(mode, serverpath): r = open('{}db/{}/mob_skill_db.txt'.format(serverpath, mode), "r") Db = dict() for line in r: if isValidEntry(line) == True: entry = commaSplit(stripLinebreak(line)) MonsterId = entry[0] if MonsterId not in Db: Db[MonsterId] = dict() skillidx = len(Db[MonsterId]) Db[MonsterId][skillidx] = dict() Db[MonsterId][skillidx]['ClearSkills'] = entry[1] Db[MonsterId][skillidx]['SkillState'] = entry[2] Db[MonsterId][skillidx]['SkillId'] = entry[3] Db[MonsterId][skillidx]['SkillLevel'] = entry[4] Db[MonsterId][skillidx]['Rate'] = entry[5] Db[MonsterId][skillidx]['CastTime'] = entry[6] Db[MonsterId][skillidx]['Delay'] = entry[7] Db[MonsterId][skillidx]['Cancelable'] = entry[8] Db[MonsterId][skillidx]['SkillTarget'] = entry[9] Db[MonsterId][skillidx]['CastCondition'] = entry[10] Db[MonsterId][skillidx]['ConditionData'] = entry[11] for i in range(5): if entry[12 + i] is '': continue try: Db[MonsterId][skillidx]['val{}'.format(i)] = int(entry[12 + i]) except ValueError: Db[MonsterId][skillidx]['val{}'.format(i)] = int(entry[12 + i], 16) Db[MonsterId][skillidx]['Emotion'] = entry[17] Db[MonsterId][skillidx]['ChatMsgID'] = entry[18] return Db def ConvertDB(mode, serverpath): db = LoadOldDB(mode, serverpath) MobDB = Tools.LoadDBConsts('mob_db', mode, serverpath) SkillDB = Tools.LoadDBConsts('skill_db', mode, serverpath) printHeader() for mobid in sorted(db.iterkeys()): print('\t{}: {{'.format(MobDB[int(mobid)])) for skillidx in sorted(db[mobid].iterkeys()): valid = True if int(db[mobid][skillidx]['SkillId']) not in SkillDB: valid = False print('/*') print('// Can\'t find skill with id {} in skill_db'.format(db[mobid][skillidx]['SkillId'])) print('\t\t{}: {{'.format(db[mobid][skillidx]['SkillId'])) else: print('\t\t{}: {{'.format(SkillDB[int(db[mobid][skillidx]['SkillId'])])) printClearSkills('ClearSkills', db[mobid][skillidx]) printSkillState('SkillState', db[mobid][skillidx]) printStrToInt('SkillLevel', db[mobid][skillidx]) printStrToInt('Rate', db[mobid][skillidx]) printStrToInt('CastTime', db[mobid][skillidx]) printStrToInt('Delay', db[mobid][skillidx]) printBool('Cancelable', db[mobid][skillidx]) printSkillTarget('SkillTarget', db[mobid][skillidx]) printCastCondition('CastCondition', db[mobid][skillidx]) printConditionData('ConditionData', db[mobid][skillidx]) for i in range(5): printInt('val{}'.format(i), db[mobid][skillidx]) printEmotion('Emotion', db[mobid][skillidx]) printStrToInt('ChatMsgID', db[mobid][skillidx]) print('\t\t}') if valid is False: print('*/') print('\t}') printFooter() if len(sys.argv) != 3: print('Monster Skill db converter from txt to conf format') print('Usage:') print(' mobskilldbconverter.py mode serverpath') print("example:") print(' mobskilldbconverter.py pre-re ../') exit(1) if sys.argv[1] != 're' and sys.argv[1] != 'pre-re': print('you have entred an invalid server mode') exit(1) ConvertDB(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2])