 * This file is part of Hercules.
 * http://herc.ws - http://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules
 * Copyright (C) 2012-2020 Hercules Dev Team
 * Copyright (C) Athena Dev Teams
 * Hercules is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

#include "config/core.h" // RENEWAL_CAST
#include "unit.h"

#include "map/battle.h"
#include "map/battleground.h"
#include "map/chat.h"
#include "map/chrif.h"
#include "map/clan.h"
#include "map/clif.h"
#include "map/duel.h"
#include "map/elemental.h"
#include "map/guild.h"
#include "map/homunculus.h"
#include "map/instance.h"
#include "map/intif.h"
#include "map/map.h"
#include "map/mercenary.h"
#include "map/mob.h"
#include "map/npc.h"
#include "map/party.h"
#include "map/path.h"
#include "map/pc.h"
#include "map/pet.h"
#include "map/script.h"
#include "map/skill.h"
#include "map/status.h"
#include "map/storage.h"
#include "map/trade.h"
#include "map/vending.h"
#include "common/HPM.h"
#include "common/db.h"
#include "common/memmgr.h"
#include "common/nullpo.h"
#include "common/random.h"
#include "common/showmsg.h"
#include "common/socket.h"
#include "common/timer.h"
#include "common/utils.h"

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

const short dirx[8] = { 0, -1, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1 };
const short diry[8] = { 1, 1, 0, -1, -1, -1, 0, 1 };

static struct unit_interface unit_s;
struct unit_interface *unit;

 * Returns the unit_data for the given block_list. If the object is using
 * shared unit_data (i.e. in case of BL_NPC), it returns the shared data.
 * __Warning:__ if bl->type is not known or NULL,
 * an assertion will be triggered and NULL returned.
 * @param bl block_list to process, it is expected to be not NULL.
 * @return a pointer to the given object's unit_data
static struct unit_data *unit_bl2ud(struct block_list *bl)
	Assert_retr(NULL, bl != NULL);
	switch (bl->type) {
	case BL_PC:
		return &BL_UCAST(BL_PC, bl)->ud;
	case BL_MOB:
		return &BL_UCAST(BL_MOB, bl)->ud;
	case BL_PET:
		return &BL_UCAST(BL_PET, bl)->ud;
	case BL_NPC:
		return BL_UCAST(BL_NPC, bl)->ud;
	case BL_HOM:
		return &BL_UCAST(BL_HOM, bl)->ud;
	case BL_MER:
		return &BL_UCAST(BL_MER, bl)->ud;
	case BL_ELEM:
		return &BL_UCAST(BL_ELEM, bl)->ud;
	case BL_SKILL: // No assertion to not spam the server console when attacking a skill type unit such as Ice Wall.
		return NULL;
		Assert_retr(NULL, false);

 * Returns the const unit_data for the given const block_list. If the object is using
 * shared unit_data (i.e. in case of BL_NPC), it returns the shared data.
 * __Warning:__ if bl->type is not known or NULL,
 * an assertion will be triggered and NULL returned.
 * @param bl block_list to process, it is expected to be not NULL.
 * @return a pointer to the given object's unit_data
static const struct unit_data *unit_cbl2ud(const struct block_list *bl)
	Assert_retr(NULL, bl != NULL);
	switch (bl->type) {
	case BL_PC:
		return &BL_UCCAST(BL_PC, bl)->ud;
	case BL_MOB:
		return &BL_UCCAST(BL_MOB, bl)->ud;
	case BL_PET:
		return &BL_UCCAST(BL_PET, bl)->ud;
	case BL_NPC:
		return BL_UCCAST(BL_NPC, bl)->ud;
	case BL_HOM:
		return &BL_UCCAST(BL_HOM, bl)->ud;
	case BL_MER:
		return &BL_UCCAST(BL_MER, bl)->ud;
	case BL_ELEM:
		return &BL_UCCAST(BL_ELEM, bl)->ud;
	case BL_SKILL: // No assertion to not spam the server console when attacking a skill type unit such as Ice Wall.
		return NULL;
		Assert_retr(NULL, false);

 * Returns the unit_data for the given block_list. If the object is using
 * shared unit_data (i.e. in case of BL_NPC), it recreates a copy of the
 * data so that it's safe to modify.
 * @param bl block_list to process
 * @return a pointer to the given object's unit_data
static struct unit_data *unit_bl2ud2(struct block_list *bl)
	struct npc_data *nd = BL_CAST(BL_NPC, bl);
	if (nd != NULL && nd->ud == &npc->base_ud) {
		nd->ud = NULL;
		CREATE(nd->ud, struct unit_data, 1);
	return unit->bl2ud(bl);

 * TODO: understand purpose of this function
 * @param bl block_list to process
 * @return 0: success, 1: fail, 2: nullpointer
static int unit_walk_toxy_sub(struct block_list *bl)
	nullpo_retr(2, bl);
	struct unit_data *ud = unit->bl2ud(bl);
	if (ud == NULL)
		return 2;

	struct walkpath_data wpd = {0};

	if (!path->search(&wpd, bl, bl->m, bl->x, bl->y, ud->to_x, ud->to_y, ud->state.walk_easy, CELL_CHKNOPASS))
		return 1;

	if (bl->type != BL_NPC // If type is an NPC, disregard.
	    && !path->search_long(NULL, bl, bl->m, bl->x, bl->y, ud->to_x, ud->to_y, CELL_CHKNOPASS) // Check if there is an obstacle between
	    && wpd.path_len > 14) { // Official number of walkable cells is 14 if and only if there is an obstacle between. [malufett]
			return 1;

	ud->walkpath = wpd;

	if (ud->target_to != 0 && ud->chaserange > 1) {
		// Generally speaking, the walk path is already to an adjacent tile
		// so we only need to shorten the path if the range is greater than 1.

		// Trim the last part of the path to account for range,
		// but always move at least one cell when requested to move.
		for (int i = ud->chaserange * 10 - 10; i > 0 && ud->walkpath.path_len > 1;) {
			enum unit_dir dir;
			dir = ud->walkpath.path[ud->walkpath.path_len];
			Assert_retr(1, dir >= UNIT_DIR_FIRST && dir < UNIT_DIR_MAX);
			if (unit_is_diagonal_dir(dir))
				i -= MOVE_COST * 20; // When chasing, units will target a diamond-shaped area in range [Playtester]
				i -= MOVE_COST;
			ud->to_x -= dirx[dir];
			ud->to_y -= diry[dir];

	ud->state.change_walk_target = 0;

	if (bl->type == BL_PC) {
		struct map_session_data *sd = BL_UCAST(BL_PC, bl);
		sd->head_dir = 0;

	int timer_delay;
	if (ud->walkpath.path_pos >= ud->walkpath.path_len)
		timer_delay = -1;
	else if ((ud->walkpath.path[ud->walkpath.path_pos] & 1) != 0)
		timer_delay = status->get_speed(bl) * MOVE_DIAGONAL_COST / MOVE_COST;
		timer_delay = status->get_speed(bl);

	if (timer_delay > 0)
		ud->walktimer = timer->add(timer->gettick() + timer_delay, unit->walk_toxy_timer, bl->id, 0); //TODO: check if unit->walk_toxy_timer uses any intptr data
	return 0;

 * Triggered on full step if stepaction is true and executes remembered action.
 * @param tid: Timer ID
 * @param tick: Unused
 * @param id: ID of bl to do the action
 * @param data: Unused
 * @return 0: success, 1: fail, 2: nullpointer
static int unit_steptimer(int tid, int64 tick, int id, intptr_t data)
	struct block_list *bl = map->id2bl(id);
	if (bl == NULL || bl->prev == NULL)
		return 2;
	struct unit_data *ud = unit->bl2ud(bl);
	if (ud == NULL)
		return 2;

	if (ud->steptimer != tid) {
		ShowError("unit_steptimer mismatch %d != %d\n", ud->steptimer, tid);
		return 1;

	ud->steptimer = INVALID_TIMER;

	if (!ud->stepaction)
		return 1;

	// Set to false here because if an error occurs, it should not be executed again
	ud->stepaction = false;

	if (ud->target_to == 0)
		return 1;

	// Flush target_to as it might contain map coordinates which should not be used by other functions
	int target_id = ud->target_to;
	ud->target_to = 0;

	// If stepaction is set then we remembered a client request that should be executed on the next step
	// Execute request now if target is in attack range
	if (ud->stepskill_id != 0 && (skill->get_inf(ud->stepskill_id) & INF_GROUND_SKILL) != 0) {
		// Execute ground skill
		struct map_data *md = &map->list[bl->m];
		unit->skilluse_pos(bl, target_id % md->xs, target_id / md->xs, ud->stepskill_id, ud->stepskill_lv);
	} else {
		// If a player has target_id set and target is in range, attempt attack
		struct block_list *tbl = map->id2bl(target_id);
		if (tbl == NULL || status->check_visibility(bl, tbl) == 0)
			return 1; // Target does not exist (player offline, monster died, etc.) or target is not visible to source.
		if (ud->stepskill_id == 0)
			unit->attack(bl, tbl->id, ud->state.attack_continue + 2); // Execute normal attack
			unit->skilluse_id(bl, tbl->id, ud->stepskill_id, ud->stepskill_lv); // Execute non-ground skill

	return 0;

 * Warps homunculus or mercenary towards his master in case he's too far away for 3 seconds.
 * @param master_bl: block_list of master
 * @param slave_bl: block_list of homunculus/mercenary master owns
 * @return 0: success, 1: fail
static int unit_warpto_master(struct block_list *master_bl, struct block_list *slave_bl)
	nullpo_retr(1, master_bl);
	nullpo_retr(1, slave_bl);
	int64 *masterteleport_timer;
	struct homun_data     *hd = BL_CAST(BL_HOM, slave_bl);
	struct mercenary_data *md = BL_CAST(BL_MER, slave_bl);

	bool check = true;
	if (hd != NULL) {
		masterteleport_timer = &hd->masterteleport_timer;
		check = homun_alive(hd);
	} else if (md != NULL) {
		masterteleport_timer = &md->masterteleport_timer;
	} else {
		return 1;

	if (check && !check_distance_bl(master_bl, slave_bl, MAX_MER_DISTANCE)) {
		if (*masterteleport_timer == 0) {
			*masterteleport_timer = timer->gettick();
			return 0;
		} else if (DIFF_TICK(timer->gettick(), *masterteleport_timer) > 3000) {
			unit->warp(slave_bl, master_bl->m, master_bl->x, master_bl->y, CLR_TELEPORT);
	*masterteleport_timer = 0; // resets tick in case he isn't far anymore.

	return 0;

 * Timer for walking to target coordinates or object.
 * @param tid: timer id
 * @param tick: tick
 * @param id: id of bl to do the action
 * @param data: unused
 * @return 0: success, 1: fail
static int unit_walk_toxy_timer(int tid, int64 tick, int id, intptr_t data)
	struct block_list *bl = map->id2bl(id);
	if (bl == NULL)
		return 1;
	struct unit_data *ud = unit->bl2ud(bl);
	if (ud == NULL)
		return 1;

	if (ud->walktimer != tid) {
		ShowError("unit_walk_timer mismatch %d != %d\n",ud->walktimer,tid);
		return 1;

	ud->walktimer = INVALID_TIMER;

	if (bl->prev == NULL) // Stop moved because it is missing from the block_list.
		return 1;

	if (ud->walkpath.path_pos >= ud->walkpath.path_len)
		return 1;

	enum unit_dir dir = ud->walkpath.path[ud->walkpath.path_pos];
	Assert_retr(1, dir >= UNIT_DIR_FIRST && dir < UNIT_DIR_MAX);
	int x = bl->x;
	int y = bl->y;

	ud->dir = dir;

	int dx = dirx[dir];
	int dy = diry[dir];

	// Get icewall walk block depending on boss mode (players can't be trapped)
	unsigned char icewall_walk_block = 0;
	struct mob_data *md = BL_CAST(BL_MOB, bl);
	if (md != NULL) {
		if ((md->status.mode & MD_BOSS) != 0)
			icewall_walk_block = battle_config.boss_icewall_walk_block;
			icewall_walk_block = battle_config.mob_icewall_walk_block;

	// Monsters will walk into an icewall from the west and south if they already started walking
	if (map->getcell(bl->m, bl, x + dx, y + dy, CELL_CHKNOPASS)
	    && (icewall_walk_block == 0 || !map->getcell(bl->m, bl, x + dx, y + dy, CELL_CHKICEWALL) || dx < 0 || dy < 0))
		return unit->walk_toxy_sub(bl);

	// Monsters can only leave icewalls to the west and south
	// But if movement fails more than icewall_walk_block times, they can ignore this rule
	if (md != NULL && md->walktoxy_fail_count < icewall_walk_block && map->getcell(bl->m, bl, x, y, CELL_CHKICEWALL) != 0 && (dx > 0 || dy > 0)) {
		// Needs to be done here so that rudeattack skills are invoked
		// Monsters in this situation first use a chase skill, then unlock target and then use an idle skill
		if ((++ud->walk_count % WALK_SKILL_INTERVAL) == 0)
			mob->skill_use(md, tick, -1);
		mob->unlocktarget(md, tick);
		if ((++ud->walk_count % WALK_SKILL_INTERVAL) != 0)
			mob->skill_use(md, tick, -1);
		return 1;

	struct map_session_data *sd = BL_CAST(BL_PC, bl);
	//Refresh view for all those we lose sight
	map->foreachinmovearea(clif->outsight, bl, AREA_SIZE, dx, dy, (sd != NULL ? BL_ALL : BL_PC), bl);

	x += dx;
	y += dy;
	map->moveblock(bl, x, y, tick);
	ud->walk_count++; // walked cell counter, to be used for walk-triggered skills. [Skotlex]
	status_change_end(bl, SC_ROLLINGCUTTER, INVALID_TIMER); //If you move, you lose your counters. [malufett]

	if (bl->x != x || bl->y != y || ud->walktimer != INVALID_TIMER)
		return 1; // map->moveblock has altered the object beyond what we expected (moved/warped it)

	ud->walktimer = -2; // arbitrary non-INVALID_TIMER value to make the clif code send walking packets
	map->foreachinmovearea(clif->insight, bl, AREA_SIZE, -dx, -dy, (sd != NULL ? BL_ALL : BL_PC), bl);
	ud->walktimer = INVALID_TIMER;

	struct mercenary_data *mrd = BL_CAST(BL_MER, bl);
	if (sd != NULL) {
		if (sd->touching_id != 0)
			npc->touchnext_areanpc(sd, false);
		if (map->getcell(bl->m, bl, x, y, CELL_CHKNPC)) {
			npc->touch_areanpc(sd, bl->m, x, y);
			if (bl->prev == NULL) //Script could have warped char, abort remaining of the function.
				return 0;
		} else {
			npc->untouch_areanpc(sd, bl->m, x, y);

		if (sd->md != NULL) // mercenary should be warped after being 3 seconds too far from the master [greenbox]
			unit->warpto_master(bl, &sd->md->bl);
		if (sd->hd != NULL)
			unit->warpto_master(bl, &sd->hd->bl);
	} else if (md) {
		// Movement was successful, reset walktoxy_fail_count
		md->walktoxy_fail_count = 0;

		if (map->getcell(bl->m, bl, x, y, CELL_CHKNPC) != 0 && npc->touch_areanpc2(md))
			return 0; // Warped
			md->areanpc_id = 0;

		if (md->min_chase > md->db->range3)
		// Walk skills are triggered regardless of target due to the idle-walk mob state.
		// But avoid triggering on stop-walk calls.
		if (tid != INVALID_TIMER && (ud->walk_count % WALK_SKILL_INTERVAL) == 0
		    && map->list[bl->m].users > 0 && mob->skill_use(md, tick, -1) == 0) {
			// Walk skills are supposed to be used while walking
			if (!(ud->skill_id == NPC_SELFDESTRUCTION && ud->skilltimer != INVALID_TIMER)
			    && md->state.skillstate != MSS_WALK) {
				// Skill used, abort walking
				clif->fixpos(bl); // Fix position as walk has been canceled.
				return 1;
			// Resend walk packet for proper Self Destruction display.
	} else if (mrd != NULL && mrd->master != NULL) {
		unit->warpto_master(&mrd->master->bl, bl);

	if(tid == INVALID_TIMER) // A directly invoked timer is from battle_stop_walking, therefore the rest is irrelevant.
		return 0;

	// If stepaction is set then we remembered a client request that should be executed on the next step
	if (ud->stepaction && ud->target_to != 0) {
		// Delete old stepaction even if not executed yet, the latest command is what counts
		if (ud->steptimer != INVALID_TIMER) {
			timer->delete(ud->steptimer, unit->steptimer);
			ud->steptimer = INVALID_TIMER;
		// Delay stepactions by half a step (so they are executed at full step)
		int timer_delay;
		if ((ud->walkpath.path[ud->walkpath.path_pos] & 1) != 0)
			timer_delay = status->get_speed(bl) * 14 / 20;
			timer_delay = status->get_speed(bl) / 2;
		ud->steptimer = timer->add(tick + timer_delay, unit->steptimer, bl->id, 0);

	if (ud->state.change_walk_target) {
		if (unit->walk_toxy_sub(bl) == 0)
			return 0;
		return 1;

	int timer_delay;
		timer_delay = -1;
	else if ((ud->walkpath.path[ud->walkpath.path_pos] & 1) != 0)
		timer_delay = status->get_speed(bl) * 14 / 10;
		timer_delay = status->get_speed(bl);

	if (timer_delay > 0) {
		ud->walktimer = timer->add(tick + timer_delay, unit->walk_toxy_timer, id, 0);
		if (md != NULL && DIFF_TICK(tick, md->dmgtick) < 3000) // not required not damaged recently
	} else if (ud->state.running != 0) {
		// Keep trying to run.
		if (!(unit->run(bl, NULL, SC_RUN) || unit->run(bl, sd, SC_WUGDASH)))
			ud->state.running = 0;
	} else if (!ud->stepaction && ud->target_to != 0) {
		// Update target trajectory.
		struct block_list *tbl = map->id2bl(ud->target_to);
		if (tbl == NULL || status->check_visibility(bl, tbl) == 0) { // not visible
			// Cancel chase.
			ud->to_x = bl->x;
			ud->to_y = bl->y;
			if (tbl != NULL && bl->type == BL_MOB && mob->warpchase(BL_UCAST(BL_MOB, bl), tbl) != 0)
				return 0;
			ud->target_to = 0;
			return 1;
		if (tbl->m == bl->m && check_distance_bl(bl, tbl, ud->chaserange)) {
			//Reached destination.
			ud->target_to = 0;
			if (ud->state.attack_continue) {
				//Aegis uses one before every attack, we should
				//only need this one for syncing purposes. [Skotlex]
				unit->attack(bl, tbl->id, ud->state.attack_continue);
		} else { // Update chase-path
			unit->walktobl(bl, tbl, ud->chaserange, ud->state.walk_easy | ud->state.attack_continue);
			return 0;
	} else {
		// Stopped walking. Update to_x and to_y to current location [Skotlex]
		ud->to_x = bl->x;
		ud->to_y = bl->y;

		if (battle_config.official_cell_stack_limit != 0 && map->count_oncell(bl->m, x, y, BL_CHAR | BL_NPC, 0x1 | 0x2) > battle_config.official_cell_stack_limit) {
			// Walked on occupied cell, call unit->walk_toxy again
			if (ud->steptimer != INVALID_TIMER) {
				// Execute step timer on next step instead
				timer->delete(ud->steptimer, unit->steptimer);
				ud->steptimer = INVALID_TIMER;
			return unit->walk_toxy(bl, x, y, 8);
	return 0;

 * Timer for delayed execution of unit->walk_toxy once triggered
 * @param tid: Timer ID, unused
 * @param tick: Tick, unused
 * @param id: ID of block_list to execute the action
 * @param data: uint32 data cast to intptr_t with x-coord in lowest 16 bits and y-coord in highest 16 bits
 * @return 0: success, 1: failure
static int unit_delay_walk_toxy_timer(int tid, int64 tick, int id, intptr_t data)
	struct block_list *bl = map->id2bl(id);
	if (bl == NULL || bl->prev == NULL)
		return 1;
	short x = (short)GetWord((uint32)data, 0);
	short y = (short)GetWord((uint32)data, 1);
	unit->walk_toxy(bl, x, y, 0);
	return 0;

 * Makes a unit walk to (x, y) coordinates
 * @param bl: block_list of unit to move
 * @param x: x-coordinate
 * @param y: y-coordinate
 * @param flag: flag paramater with following options:
 *  - `& 1` -> 1/0 = easy / hard
 *  - `& 2` -> Force walking
 *  - `& 4` -> Delay walking, if the reason you can't walk is the `canwalk delay`
 *  - `& 8` -> Search for an unoccupied cell and cancel if none available
 * .
 * @return 0: success, 1: failure
static int unit_walk_toxy(struct block_list *bl, short x, short y, int flag)
	// TODO: change flag to enum? [skyleo]
	struct unit_data* ud = NULL;
	struct status_change* sc = NULL;
	struct walkpath_data wpd;

	nullpo_retr(1, bl);

	ud = unit->bl2ud(bl);

	if (ud == NULL)
		return 1;

	if ((flag & 8) != 0 && battle_config.check_occupied_cells != 0) {
		if (!map->closest_freecell(bl->m, bl, &x, &y, BL_CHAR | BL_NPC, 1)) // This might change x and y
			return 1;

	if (!path->search(&wpd, bl, bl->m, bl->x, bl->y, x, y, flag & 1, CELL_CHKNOPASS)) // Count walk path cells
		return 1;

	if (bl->type != BL_NPC) {
		// Check if there is an obstacle between
		// Official number of walkable cells is 14 if and only if there is an obstacle between. [malufett]
		if (!path->search_long(NULL, bl, bl->m, bl->x, bl->y, x, y, CELL_CHKNOPASS)
		    && (wpd.path_len > (battle_config.max_walk_path / 17) * 14))
			return 1;
		if (wpd.path_len > battle_config.max_walk_path)
			return 1;

	if ((flag & 4) != 0 && DIFF_TICK(ud->canmove_tick, timer->gettick()) > 0
	    && DIFF_TICK(ud->canmove_tick, timer->gettick()) < 2000) {
		// Delay walking command. [Skotlex]
		timer->add(ud->canmove_tick + 1, unit->delay_walk_toxy_timer, bl->id,
		           (intptr_t)MakeDWord((uint16)x, (uint16)y));
		return 0;

	if ((flag & 2) == 0 && ((status_get_mode(bl) & MD_CANMOVE) == 0 || unit->can_move(bl) == 0))
		return 1;

	ud->state.walk_easy = flag & 1;
	ud->to_x = x;
	ud->to_y = y;
	unit->stop_attack(bl); //Sets target to 0
	if ((flag & 8) == 0) // Stepaction might be delayed due to occupied cell
		unit->stop_stepaction(bl); // unit->walktoxy removes any remembered stepaction and resets ud->target_to

	sc = status->get_sc(bl);
	if (sc != NULL) {
		if (sc->data[SC_CONFUSION] != NULL || sc->data[SC__CHAOS] != NULL) // Randomize the target position
			map->random_dir(bl, &ud->to_x, &ud->to_y);
		if (sc->data[SC_COMBOATTACK] != NULL)
			status_change_end(bl, SC_COMBOATTACK, INVALID_TIMER);

	if (ud->walktimer != INVALID_TIMER) {
		// When you come to the center of the grid because the change of destination while you're walking right now
		// Call a function from a timer unit->walk_toxy_sub
		ud->state.change_walk_target = 1;
		return 0;

	return unit->walk_toxy_sub(bl);

 * Sets CHASE / FOLLOW states, in case bl is a mob.
 * WARNING: This shouldn't be done if there's no path to reach
 * @param bl: block_list of mob
static inline void set_mobstate(struct block_list *bl)
	struct mob_data* md = BL_CAST(BL_MOB, bl);

	if (md != NULL) {
		if (md->state.aggressive != 0)
			md->state.skillstate = MSS_FOLLOW;
			md->state.skillstate = MSS_RUSH;

 * Timer used for when a unit can't walk towards its target yet due to it's canmove_tick,
 * keeps retrying until it works or target changes.
 * @param tid: Timer ID, unused
 * @param tick: Tick, unused
 * @param id: ID of block_list to execute the action
 * @param data: ID of block_list to walk towards
 * @return 0: success, 1: failure
static int unit_walktobl_timer(int tid, int64 tick, int id, intptr_t data)
	struct block_list *bl = map->id2bl(id);
	if (bl == NULL)
		return 1;
	struct unit_data *ud = unit->bl2ud(bl);
	if (ud == NULL)
		return 1;

	if (ud->walktimer == INVALID_TIMER && ud->target == data) {
		if (DIFF_TICK(ud->canmove_tick, tick) > 0) // Keep waiting?
			timer->add(ud->canmove_tick + 1, unit->walktobl_timer, id, data);
		else if (unit->can_move(bl) != 0 && unit->walk_toxy_sub(bl) == 0 && ud->state.attack_continue != 0)
	return 0;

// Chases a tbl. If the flag&1, use hard-path seek,
// if flag&2, start attacking upon arrival within range, otherwise just walk to that character.
static int unit_walktobl(struct block_list *bl, struct block_list *tbl, int range, int flag)
	struct unit_data     *ud = NULL;
	struct status_change *sc = NULL;


	ud = unit->bl2ud(bl);
	if( ud == NULL) return 0;

	if (!(status_get_mode(bl)&MD_CANMOVE))
		return 0;

	if (!unit->can_reach_bl(bl, tbl, distance_bl(bl, tbl)+1, flag&1, &ud->to_x, &ud->to_y)) {
		ud->to_x = bl->x;
		ud->to_y = bl->y;
		ud->target_to = 0;
		return 0;
	} else if (range == 0) {
		//Should walk on the same cell as target (for looters)
		ud->to_x = tbl->x;
		ud->to_y = tbl->y;

	ud->state.walk_easy = flag&1;
	ud->target_to = tbl->id;
	ud->chaserange = range; //Note that if flag&2, this SHOULD be attack-range
	ud->state.attack_continue = (flag&2) ? 1 : 0; //Chase to attack.
	unit->stop_attack(bl); //Sets target to 0

	sc = status->get_sc(bl);
	if (sc && (sc->data[SC_CONFUSION] || sc->data[SC__CHAOS])) //Randomize the target position
		map->random_dir(bl, &ud->to_x, &ud->to_y);

	if(ud->walktimer != INVALID_TIMER) {
		ud->state.change_walk_target = 1;
		if ((flag & 2) != 0)
		return 1;

	if (DIFF_TICK(ud->canmove_tick, timer->gettick()) > 0) {
		//Can't move, wait a bit before invoking the movement.
		timer->add(ud->canmove_tick + 1, unit->walktobl_timer, bl->id, ud->target);
		return 1;

		return 0;

	if (unit->walk_toxy_sub(bl) == 0) {
		if ((flag & 2) != 0)

		return 1;

	return 0;

 * Called by unit_run when an object was hit
 * @param sd Required only when using SC_WUGDASH
static void unit_run_hit(struct block_list *bl, struct status_change *sc, struct map_session_data *sd, enum sc_type type)
	int lv;
	struct unit_data *ud;

	Assert_retv(type >= 0 && type < SC_MAX);
	lv = sc->data[type]->val1;
	//If you can't run forward, you must be next to a wall, so bounce back. [Skotlex]
	if( type == SC_RUN )
		clif->sc_load(bl, bl->id, AREA, status->get_sc_icon(SC_TING), 0, 0, 0);

	ud = unit->bl2ud(bl);
	//Set running to 0 beforehand so status_change_end knows not to enable spurt [Kevin]
	ud->state.running = 0;
	status_change_end(bl, type, INVALID_TIMER);

	if (type == SC_RUN) {
		if (lv > 0)
			skill->blown(bl, bl, skill->get_blewcount(TK_RUN, lv), unit->getdir(bl), 0);
		clif->fixpos(bl); //Why is a clif->slide (skill->blown) AND a fixpos needed? Ask Aegis.
		clif->sc_end(bl, bl->id, AREA, status->get_sc_icon(SC_TING));
	} else if (sd) {
		skill->castend_damage_id(bl, &sd->bl, RA_WUGDASH, lv, timer->gettick(), SD_LEVEL);

 * Makes character run, used for SC_RUN and SC_WUGDASH
 * @param sd Required only when using SC_WUGDASH
 * @retval true Finished running
 * @retval false Hit an object/Couldn't run
static bool unit_run(struct block_list *bl, struct map_session_data *sd, enum sc_type type)
	struct status_change *sc;
	short to_x,to_y,dir_x,dir_y;
	int i;

	nullpo_retr(false, bl);
	sc = status->get_sc(bl);

	if( !(sc && sc->data[type]) )
		return false;

	if( !unit->can_move(bl) ) {
		status_change_end(bl, type, INVALID_TIMER);
		return false;

	dir_x = dirx[sc->data[type]->val2];
	dir_y = diry[sc->data[type]->val2];

	// determine destination cell
	to_x = bl->x;
	to_y = bl->y;

	// Search for available path
	for(i = 0; i < AREA_SIZE; i++) {
		if (!map->getcell(bl->m, bl, to_x + dir_x, to_y + dir_y, CELL_CHKPASS))

		//if sprinting and there's a PC/Mob/NPC, block the path [Kevin]
		if ( map->count_oncell(bl->m, to_x + dir_x, to_y + dir_y, BL_PC | BL_MOB | BL_NPC, 0x2) )

		to_x += dir_x;
		to_y += dir_y;

	// Can't run forward
	if( (to_x == bl->x && to_y == bl->y ) || (to_x == (bl->x+1) || to_y == (bl->y+1)) || (to_x == (bl->x-1) || to_y == (bl->y-1))) {
		unit->run_hit(bl, sc, sd, type);
		return false;

	if (unit->walk_toxy(bl, to_x, to_y, 1) == 0)
		return true;

	//There must be an obstacle nearby. Attempt walking one cell at a time.
	do {
		to_x -= dir_x;
		to_y -= dir_y;
	} while (--i > 0 && unit->walk_toxy(bl, to_x, to_y, 1) != 0);

	if ( i == 0 ) {
		unit->run_hit(bl, sc, sd, type);
		return false;

	return 1;

//Makes bl attempt to run dist cells away from target. Uses hard-paths.
static int unit_escape(struct block_list *bl, struct block_list *target, short dist)
	enum unit_dir dir = map->calc_dir(target, bl->x, bl->y);
	Assert_retr(1, dir >= UNIT_DIR_FIRST && dir < UNIT_DIR_MAX);
	while (dist > 0 && map->getcell(bl->m, bl, bl->x + dist * dirx[dir], bl->y + dist * diry[dir], CELL_CHKNOREACH))
	if (dist > 0 && unit->walk_toxy(bl, bl->x + dist * dirx[dir], bl->y + dist * diry[dir], 0) == 0)
		return 1;
		return 0;

//Instant warp function.
static int unit_movepos(struct block_list *bl, short dst_x, short dst_y, int easy, bool checkpath)
	short dx,dy;
	struct unit_data        *ud = NULL;
	struct map_session_data *sd = NULL;

	sd = BL_CAST(BL_PC, bl);
	ud = unit->bl2ud(bl);

	if( ud == NULL) return 0;

	unit->stop_walking(bl, STOPWALKING_FLAG_FIXPOS);

	if (checkpath && (map->getcell(bl->m, bl, dst_x, dst_y, CELL_CHKNOPASS) || !path->search(NULL, bl, bl->m, bl->x, bl->y, dst_x, dst_y, easy, CELL_CHKNOREACH)) )
		return 0; // unreachable

	ud->to_x = dst_x;
	ud->to_y = dst_y;

	enum unit_dir dir = map->calc_dir(bl, dst_x, dst_y);
	ud->dir = dir;

	dx = dst_x - bl->x;
	dy = dst_y - bl->y;

	map->foreachinmovearea(clif->outsight, bl, AREA_SIZE, dx, dy, sd?BL_ALL:BL_PC, bl);

	map->moveblock(bl, dst_x, dst_y, timer->gettick());

	ud->walktimer = -2; // arbitrary non-INVALID_TIMER value to make the clif code send walking packets
	map->foreachinmovearea(clif->insight, bl, AREA_SIZE, -dx, -dy, sd?BL_ALL:BL_PC, bl);
	ud->walktimer = INVALID_TIMER;

	if(sd) {
		if( sd->touching_id )
		if (map->getcell(bl->m, bl, bl->x, bl->y, CELL_CHKNPC)) {
			if (bl->prev == NULL) //Script could have warped char, abort remaining of the function.
				return 0;
		} else
			npc->untouch_areanpc(sd, bl->m, bl->x, bl->y);

		if (sd->status.pet_id > 0 && sd->pd && sd->pd->pet.intimate > PET_INTIMACY_NONE)
		{ // Check if pet needs to be teleported. [Skotlex]
			int flag = 0;
			struct block_list* pbl = &sd->pd->bl;
			if( !checkpath && !path->search(NULL,pbl,pbl->m,pbl->x,pbl->y,dst_x,dst_y,0,CELL_CHKNOPASS) )
				flag = 1;
			else if (!check_distance_bl(&sd->bl, pbl, AREA_SIZE)) //Too far, teleport.
				flag = 2;
			if( flag )
				unit->movepos(pbl,sd->bl.x,sd->bl.y, 0, 0);
	return 1;

 * Sets the facing direction of a unit
 * @param bl: unit to modify
 * @param dir: the facing direction @see enum unit_dir
 * @return 0: success, 1: failure
static int unit_set_dir(struct block_list *bl, enum unit_dir dir)
	nullpo_retr(1, bl);
	struct unit_data *ud = unit->bl2ud(bl);
	if (ud == NULL)
		return 1;
	ud->dir = dir;
	if (bl->type == BL_PC)
		BL_UCAST(BL_PC, bl)->head_dir = 0;
	clif->changed_dir(bl, AREA);
	return 0;

 * Get the facing direction of a unit
 * @param bl: unit to request data from
 * @return the facing direction @see enum unit_dir
static enum unit_dir unit_getdir(const struct block_list *bl)
	nullpo_retr(UNIT_DIR_NORTH, bl);

	if (bl->type == BL_NPC)
		return BL_UCCAST(BL_NPC, bl)->dir;
	const struct unit_data *ud = unit->cbl2ud(bl);
	if (ud == NULL)
		return UNIT_DIR_NORTH;
	return ud->dir;

// Pushes a unit by given amount of cells into given direction. Only
// map cell restrictions are respected.
// flag:
//  &1  Do not send position update packets.
static int unit_blown(struct block_list *bl, int dx, int dy, int count, int flag)
	if(count) {
		struct map_session_data* sd;
		struct skill_unit* su = NULL;
		int nx, ny, result;


		sd = BL_CAST(BL_PC, bl);
		su = BL_CAST(BL_SKILL, bl);

		result = path->blownpos(bl, bl->m, bl->x, bl->y, dx, dy, count);

		nx = result>>16;
		ny = result&0xffff;

		if(!su) {
			unit->stop_walking(bl, STOPWALKING_FLAG_NONE);

		if( sd ) {
			unit->stop_stepaction(bl); //Stop stepaction when knocked back
			sd->ud.to_x = nx;
			sd->ud.to_y = ny;

		dx = nx-bl->x;
		dy = ny-bl->y;

		if(dx || dy) {
			map->foreachinmovearea(clif->outsight, bl, AREA_SIZE, dx, dy, bl->type == BL_PC ? BL_ALL : BL_PC, bl);

			if(su) {
				skill->unit_move_unit_group(su->group, bl->m, dx, dy);
			} else {
				map->moveblock(bl, nx, ny, timer->gettick());

			map->foreachinmovearea(clif->insight, bl, AREA_SIZE, -dx, -dy, bl->type == BL_PC ? BL_ALL : BL_PC, bl);

			if(!(flag&1)) {

			if(sd) {
				if(sd->touching_id) {
					npc->touchnext_areanpc(sd, false);
				if (map->getcell(bl->m, bl, bl->x, bl->y, CELL_CHKNPC)) {
					npc->touch_areanpc(sd, bl->m, bl->x, bl->y);
				} else {
					npc->untouch_areanpc(sd, bl->m, bl->x, bl->y);;

		count = path->distance(dx, dy);

	return count;  // return amount of knocked back cells

//Warps a unit/ud to a given map/position.
//In the case of players, pc->setpos is used.
//it respects the no warp flags, so it is safe to call this without doing nowarpto/nowarp checks.
static int unit_warp(struct block_list *bl, short m, short x, short y, enum clr_type type)
	struct unit_data *ud;
	ud = unit->bl2ud(bl);

	if(bl->prev==NULL || !ud)
		return 1;

	if (type == CLR_DEAD)
		//Type 1 is invalid, since you shouldn't warp a bl with the "death"
		//animation, it messes up with unit_remove_map! [Skotlex]
		return 1;

	if( m<0 ) m=bl->m;

	switch (bl->type) {
		case BL_MOB:
			const struct mob_data *md = BL_UCCAST(BL_MOB, bl);
			if (map->list[bl->m].flag.monster_noteleport && md->master_id == 0)
				return 1;
			if (m != bl->m && map->list[m].flag.nobranch && battle_config.mob_warp&4 && md->master_id == 0)
				return 1;
		case BL_PC:
			if (map->list[bl->m].flag.noteleport)
				return 1;

	if (x<0 || y<0) {
		//Random map position.
		if (!map->search_freecell(NULL, m, &x, &y, -1, -1, 1)) {
			ShowWarning("unit_warp failed. Unit Id:%d/Type:%u, target position map %d (%s) at [%d,%d]\n", bl->id, bl->type, m, map->list[m].name, x, y);
			return 2;

	} else if (bl->type != BL_NPC && map->getcell(m, bl, x, y, CELL_CHKNOREACH)) {
		//Invalid target cell
		ShowWarning("unit_warp: Specified non-walkable target cell: %d (%s) at [%d,%d]\n", m, map->list[m].name, x,y);

		if (!map->search_freecell(NULL, m, &x, &y, 4, 4, 1)) {
			//Can't find a nearby cell
			ShowWarning("unit_warp failed. Unit Id:%d/Type:%u, target position map %d (%s) at [%d,%d]\n", bl->id, bl->type, m, map->list[m].name, x, y);
			return 2;

	if (bl->type == BL_PC) //Use pc_setpos
		return pc->setpos(BL_UCAST(BL_PC, bl), map_id2index(m), x, y, type);

	if (!unit->remove_map(bl, type, ALC_MARK))
		return 3;

	if (bl->m != m && battle_config.clear_unit_onwarp &&



	return 0;

 * Caused the target object to stop moving.
 * Flag values: @see unit_stopwalking_flag.
 * Upper bytes may be used for other purposes depending on the unit type.
static int unit_stop_walking(struct block_list *bl, int flag)
	struct unit_data *ud;
	const struct TimerData* td;
	int64 tick;

	ud = unit->bl2ud(bl);
	if(!ud || ud->walktimer == INVALID_TIMER)
		return 0;
	//NOTE: We are using timer data after deleting it because we know the
	//timer->delete function does not messes with it. If the function's
	//behavior changes in the future, this code could break!
	td = timer->get(ud->walktimer);
	timer->delete(ud->walktimer, unit->walk_toxy_timer);
	ud->walktimer = INVALID_TIMER;
	ud->state.change_walk_target = 0;
	tick = timer->gettick();
	if( (flag&STOPWALKING_FLAG_ONESTEP && !ud->walkpath.path_pos) //Force moving at least one cell.
	||  (flag&STOPWALKING_FLAG_NEXTCELL && td && DIFF_TICK(td->tick, tick) <= td->data/2) //Enough time has passed to cover half-cell
	) {
		ud->walkpath.path_len = ud->walkpath.path_pos+1;
		unit->walk_toxy_timer(INVALID_TIMER, tick, bl->id, ud->walkpath.path_pos);


	ud->walkpath.path_len = 0;
	ud->walkpath.path_pos = 0;
	ud->to_x = bl->x;
	ud->to_y = bl->y;
	if(bl->type == BL_PET && flag&~STOPWALKING_FLAG_MASK)
		ud->canmove_tick = timer->gettick() + (flag>>8);

	//Read, the check in unit_set_walkdelay means dmg during running won't fall through to this place in code [Kevin]
	if (ud->state.running) {
		status_change_end(bl, SC_RUN, INVALID_TIMER);
		status_change_end(bl, SC_WUGDASH, INVALID_TIMER);
	return 1;

static int unit_skilluse_id(struct block_list *src, int target_id, uint16 skill_id, uint16 skill_lv)
	int casttime = skill->cast_fix(src, skill_id, skill_lv);
	int castcancel = skill->get_castcancel(skill_id, skill_lv);
	int ret = unit->skilluse_id2(src, target_id, skill_id, skill_lv, casttime, castcancel);
	struct map_session_data *sd = BL_CAST(BL_PC, src);

	if (sd != NULL)
		pc->autocast_remove(sd, sd->auto_cast_current.type, sd->auto_cast_current.skill_id,

	return ret;

static int unit_is_walking(struct block_list *bl)
	struct unit_data *ud = unit->bl2ud(bl);
	if(!ud) return 0;
	return (ud->walktimer != INVALID_TIMER);

 * Determines if the bl can move based on status changes. [Skotlex]
static int unit_can_move(struct block_list *bl)
	struct map_session_data *sd;
	struct unit_data *ud;
	struct status_change *sc;

	ud = unit->bl2ud(bl);
	sc = status->get_sc(bl);
	sd = BL_CAST(BL_PC, bl);

	if (!ud)
		return 0;

	if (ud->skilltimer != INVALID_TIMER && ud->skill_id != LG_EXEEDBREAK) {
		// Prevent moving while casting
		if (sd == NULL)
			return 0; // Only players are affected by SA_FREECAST and similar
		if ((skill->get_inf2(ud->skill_id) & (INF2_FREE_CAST_REDUCED | INF2_FREE_CAST_NORMAL)) == 0) {
			// Skills with an explicit free cast setting always allow walking regardless of SA_FREECAST
			if ((skill->get_inf2(ud->skill_id) & INF2_GUILD_SKILL) != 0)
				return 0; // SA_FREECAST doesn't affect guild skills
			if (pc->checkskill(sd, SA_FREECAST) == 0)
				return 0; // SA_FREECAST not available

	if (DIFF_TICK(ud->canmove_tick, timer->gettick()) > 0)
		return 0;

	if (sd && (
		pc_issit(sd) ||
		sd->state.vending ||
		sd->state.prevend ||
		sd->state.buyingstore ||
		return 0; //Can't move

	// Status changes that block movement
	if (sc) {
		if( sc->count
		 && (
		    ||  sc->data[SC_AUTOCOUNTER]
		    ||  sc->data[SC_TRICKDEAD]
		    ||  sc->data[SC_BLADESTOP]
		    ||  sc->data[SC_BLADESTOP_WAIT]
		    || (sc->data[SC_GOSPEL] && sc->data[SC_GOSPEL]->val4 == BCT_SELF) // cannot move while gospel is in effect
		    || (sc->data[SC_BASILICA] && sc->data[SC_BASILICA]->val4 == bl->id) // Basilica caster cannot move
		    ||  sc->data[SC_STOP]
			|| sc->data[SC_FALLENEMPIRE]
		    ||  sc->data[SC_RG_CCONFINE_M]
		    ||  sc->data[SC_RG_CCONFINE_S]
		    ||  sc->data[SC_GS_MADNESSCANCEL]
		    || (sc->data[SC_GRAVITATION] && sc->data[SC_GRAVITATION]->val3 == BCT_SELF)
		    ||  sc->data[SC_WHITEIMPRISON]
		    ||  sc->data[SC_ELECTRICSHOCKER]
		    ||  sc->data[SC_WUGBITE]
		    ||  sc->data[SC_THORNS_TRAP]
		    ||  ( sc->data[SC_MAGNETICFIELD] && !sc->data[SC_HOVERING] )
		    ||  sc->data[SC__MANHOLE]
		    ||  sc->data[SC_CURSEDCIRCLE_ATKER]
		    ||  sc->data[SC_CURSEDCIRCLE_TARGET]
		    || (sc->data[SC_COLD] && bl->type != BL_MOB)
		    ||  sc->data[SC_DEEP_SLEEP]
		    || (sc->data[SC_CAMOUFLAGE] && sc->data[SC_CAMOUFLAGE]->val1 < 3 && !(sc->data[SC_CAMOUFLAGE]->val3&1))
		    ||  sc->data[SC_MEIKYOUSISUI]
		    ||  sc->data[SC_KG_KAGEHUMI]
		    ||  sc->data[SC_NEEDLE_OF_PARALYZE]
		    ||  sc->data[SC_VACUUM_EXTREME]
		    || (sc->data[SC_FEAR] && sc->data[SC_FEAR]->val2 > 0)
			|| sc->data[SC_NETHERWORLD]
			|| sc->data[SC_SUHIDE]
		    || (sc->data[SC_SPIDERWEB] && sc->data[SC_SPIDERWEB]->val1)
		    || (sc->data[SC_CLOAKING] && sc->data[SC_CLOAKING]->val1 < 3 && !(sc->data[SC_CLOAKING]->val4&1)) //Need wall at level 1-2
		    || (
		         sc->data[SC_DANCING] && sc->data[SC_DANCING]->val4
		         && (
		            || (sc->data[SC_DANCING]->val1&0xFFFF) == CG_MOONLIT
		            || (sc->data[SC_DANCING]->val1&0xFFFF) == CG_HERMODE
			return 0;

		if (sc->opt1 > 0 && sc->opt1 != OPT1_STONEWAIT && sc->opt1 != OPT1_BURNING && !(sc->opt1 == OPT1_CRYSTALIZE && bl->type == BL_MOB))
			return 0;

		if ((sc->option & OPTION_HIDE) && (!sd || pc->checkskill(sd, RG_TUNNELDRIVE) <= 0))
			return 0;


	// Icewall walk block special trapped monster mode
	if(bl->type == BL_MOB) {
		struct mob_data *md = BL_CAST(BL_MOB, bl);
		if (md && ((md->status.mode&MD_BOSS && battle_config.boss_icewall_walk_block == 1 && map->getcell(bl->m, bl, bl->x, bl->y, CELL_CHKICEWALL))
			|| (!(md->status.mode&MD_BOSS) && battle_config.mob_icewall_walk_block == 1 && map->getcell(bl->m, bl, bl->x, bl->y, CELL_CHKICEWALL)))) {
			md->walktoxy_fail_count = 1; //Make sure rudeattacked skills are invoked
			return 0;

	return 1;

 * Resume running after a walk delay

static int unit_resume_running(int tid, int64 tick, int id, intptr_t data)
	struct unit_data *ud = (struct unit_data *)data;
	struct map_session_data *sd = map->id2sd(id);

	if(sd && pc_isridingwug(sd))

	if (sd) clif->walkok(sd);

	return 0;


 * Applies walk delay to character, considering that
 * if type is 0, this is a damage induced delay: if previous delay is active, do not change it.
 * if type is 1, this is a skill induced delay: walk-delay may only be increased, not decreased.
static int unit_set_walkdelay(struct block_list *bl, int64 tick, int delay, int type)
	struct unit_data *ud = unit->bl2ud(bl);
	if (delay <= 0 || !ud) return 0;

	if (type) {
		//Bosses can ignore skill induced walkdelay (but not damage induced)
		if (bl->type == BL_MOB && (BL_UCCAST(BL_MOB, bl)->status.mode&MD_BOSS))
			return 0;
		//Make sure walk delay is not decreased
		if (DIFF_TICK(ud->canmove_tick, tick+delay) > 0)
			return 0;
	} else {
		//Don't set walk delays when already trapped.
		if (!unit->can_move(bl))
			return 0;
		//Immune to being stopped for double the flinch time
		if (DIFF_TICK(ud->canmove_tick, tick-delay) > 0)
			return 0;
	ud->canmove_tick = tick + delay;
	if (ud->walktimer != INVALID_TIMER) {
		//Stop walking, if chasing, readjust timers.
		if (delay == 1) {
			//Minimal delay (walk-delay) disabled. Just stop walking.
			unit->stop_walking(bl, STOPWALKING_FLAG_NEXTCELL);
		} else {
			//Resume running after can move again [Kevin]
			if (ud->state.running) {
				timer->add(ud->canmove_tick, unit->resume_running, bl->id, (intptr_t)ud);
			} else {
				unit->stop_walking(bl, STOPWALKING_FLAG_NEXTCELL);
				if (ud->target)
					timer->add(ud->canmove_tick + 1, unit->walktobl_timer, bl->id, ud->target);
	return 1;

//-------------- stop here
static int unit_skilluse_id2(struct block_list *src, int target_id, uint16 skill_id, uint16 skill_lv, int casttime, int castcancel)
	struct unit_data *ud;
	struct status_data *tstatus;
	struct status_change *sc;
	struct map_session_data *sd = NULL;
	struct block_list * target = NULL;
	int64 tick = timer->gettick();
	int temp = 0, range;

		return 0; //Do not continue source is dead

	sd = BL_CAST(BL_PC, src);
	ud = unit->bl2ud(src);

	if(ud == NULL) return 0;

	sc = status->get_sc(src);
	if (sc && !sc->count)
		sc = NULL; //Unneeded

	//temp: used to signal combo-skills right now.
	if (sc && sc->data[SC_COMBOATTACK]
	&& skill->is_combo(skill_id)
	&& (sc->data[SC_COMBOATTACK]->val1 == skill_id
		|| ( sd?skill->check_condition_castbegin(sd,skill_id,skill_lv):0 )
	) {
		if (sc->data[SC_COMBOATTACK]->val2)
			target_id = sc->data[SC_COMBOATTACK]->val2;
		else if( skill->get_inf(skill_id) != 1 ) // Only non-targetable skills should use auto target
			target_id = ud->target;

		if( skill->get_inf(skill_id)&INF_SELF_SKILL && skill->get_nk(skill_id)&NK_NO_DAMAGE )// exploit fix
			target_id = src->id;
		temp = 1;
	} else if ( target_id == src->id &&
		skill->get_inf(skill_id)&INF_SELF_SKILL &&
		skill->get_inf2(skill_id)&INF2_NO_TARGET_SELF )
		target_id = ud->target; //Auto-select target. [Skotlex]
		temp = 1;

	if (sd) {
		//Target_id checking.
		if(skill->not_ok(skill_id, sd)) // [MouseJstr]
			return 0;

		switch (skill_id) {
			//Check for skills that auto-select target
				if (sc && sc->data[SC_BLADESTOP]) {
					if ((target=map->id2bl(sc->data[SC_BLADESTOP]->val4)) == NULL)
						return 0;
			case WE_MALE:
			case WE_FEMALE:
				struct map_session_data *p_sd = NULL;
				if (!sd->status.partner_id)
					return 0;
				p_sd = map->charid2sd(sd->status.partner_id);
				if (p_sd == NULL) {
					clif->skill_fail(sd, skill_id, USESKILL_FAIL_LEVEL, 0, 0);
					return 0;
				target = &p_sd->bl;
				if( sc && sc->data[SC_COMBOATTACK] && sc->data[SC_COMBOATTACK]->val1 == GC_WEAPONBLOCKING ) {
					if( (target=map->id2bl(sc->data[SC_COMBOATTACK]->val2)) == NULL ) {
						clif->skill_fail(sd, skill_id, USESKILL_FAIL_GC_WEAPONBLOCKING, 0, 0);
						return 0;
				} else {
					clif->skill_fail(sd, skill_id, USESKILL_FAIL_GC_WEAPONBLOCKING, 0, 0);
					return 0;
		if (target)
			target_id = target->id;

	if (src->type==BL_HOM)
		switch(skill_id) { //Homun-auto-target skills.
				target_id = ud->target; // Choose attack target for now
				target = map->id2bl(target_id);
				if (target != NULL)
				FALLTHROUGH // Attacking nothing, choose master as default target instead
			case HLIF_HEAL:
			case HLIF_AVOID:
			case HAMI_CASTLE:
				target = battle->get_master(src);
				if (!target) return 0;
				target_id = target->id;

	if( !target ) // choose default target
		target = map->id2bl(target_id);

	if( !target || src->m != target->m || !src->prev || !target->prev )
		return 0;

	if( battle_config.ksprotection && sd && mob->ksprotected(src, target) )
		return 0;

	//Normally not needed because clif.c checks for it, but the at/char/script commands don't! [Skotlex]
	if(ud->skilltimer != INVALID_TIMER && skill_id != SA_CASTCANCEL && skill_id != SO_SPELLFIST)
		return 0;

	if(skill->get_inf2(skill_id)&INF2_NO_TARGET_SELF && src->id == target_id)
		return 0;

	if(!status->check_skilluse(src, target, skill_id, 0))
		return 0;

	if( src != target && status->isdead(target) ) {
		 * Skills that may be cast on dead targets
		switch( skill_id ) {
				return 1;

	tstatus = status->get_status_data(target);
	// Record the status of the previous skill)
	if (sd) {

		if ((skill->get_inf2(skill_id)&INF2_ENSEMBLE_SKILL) && skill->check_pc_partner(sd, skill_id, &skill_lv, 1, 0) < 1) {
			clif->skill_fail(sd, skill_id, USESKILL_FAIL_LEVEL, 0, 0);
			return 0;

		switch (skill_id){
				if (ud->skill_id != skill_id) {
					sd->skill_id_old = ud->skill_id;
					sd->skill_lv_old = ud->skill_lv;
			case BD_ENCORE:
				//Prevent using the dance skill if you no longer have the skill in your tree.
				if (!sd->skill_id_dance || pc->checkskill(sd, sd->skill_id_dance) <= 0){
					clif->skill_fail(sd, skill_id, USESKILL_FAIL_LEVEL, 0, 0);
					return 0;
				sd->skill_id_old = skill_id;
				if (battle->check_target(src, target, BCT_SELF | BCT_ENEMY) < 0) {
					clif->skill_fail(sd, skill_id, USESKILL_FAIL_TOTARGET, 0, 0);
					return 0;
			case MG_FIREBOLT:
			case MG_COLDBOLT:
				sd->skill_id_old = skill_id;
				sd->skill_lv_old = skill_lv;

	if (sd != NULL && skill->check_condition_castbegin(sd, skill_id, skill_lv) == 0)
		return 0;

	if (src->type == BL_MOB) {
		const struct mob_data *src_md = BL_UCCAST(BL_MOB, src);
		switch (skill_id) {
			case AL_TELEPORT:
				if (src_md->master_id != 0 && src_md->special_state.ai != AI_NONE)
					return 0;

	if (src->type == BL_NPC) // NPC-objects can override cast distance
		range = AREA_SIZE; // Maximum visible distance before NPC goes out of sight
		range = skill->get_range2(src, skill_id, skill_lv); // Skill cast distance from database

	// New action request received, delete previous action request if not executed yet
	if(ud->stepaction || ud->steptimer != INVALID_TIMER)
	// Remember the skill request from the client while walking to the next cell
	if(src->type == BL_PC && ud->walktimer != INVALID_TIMER && !battle->check_range(src, target, range-1)) {
		ud->stepaction = true;
		ud->target_to = target_id;
		ud->stepskill_id = skill_id;
		ud->stepskill_lv = skill_lv;
		return 0; // Attacking will be handled by unit_walk_toxy_timer in this case

	//Check range when not using skill on yourself or is a combo-skill during attack
	//(these are supposed to always have the same range as your attack)
	if( src->id != target_id && (!temp || ud->attacktimer == INVALID_TIMER) ) {
		if (skill->get_state(skill_id, skill_lv) == ST_MOVE_ENABLE) {
			if( !unit->can_reach_bl(src, target, range + 1, 1, NULL, NULL) )
				return 0; // Walk-path check failed.
		} else if( src->type == BL_MER && skill_id == MA_REMOVETRAP ) {
			if( !battle->check_range(battle->get_master(src), target, range + 1) )
				return 0; // Aegis calc remove trap based on Master position, ignoring mercenary O.O
		} else if (!battle->check_range(src, target, range)) {
			return 0; // Arrow-path check failed.

	if (!temp) //Stop attack on non-combo skills [Skotlex]
	else if(ud->attacktimer != INVALID_TIMER) //Else-wise, delay current attack sequence
		ud->attackabletime = tick + status_get_adelay(src);

	ud->state.skillcastcancel = castcancel;

	//temp: Used to signal force cast now.
	temp = 0;

		if(battle->check_undead(tstatus->race,tstatus->def_ele)) {
			temp = 1;
		} else if (!status->isdead(target))
			return 0; //Can't cast on non-dead characters.
			casttime += casttime * min(skill_lv, sd->spiritball);
		if (sc && sc->data[SC_COMBOATTACK] &&
		   (sc->data[SC_COMBOATTACK]->val1 == MO_COMBOFINISH ||
			sc->data[SC_COMBOATTACK]->val1 == CH_TIGERFIST ||
			sc->data[SC_COMBOATTACK]->val1 == CH_CHAINCRUSH))
			casttime = -1;
		temp = 1;
		if (sd) {
			int i = 0, count = min(skill_lv, 5);
			ARR_FIND(0, count, i, sd->devotion[i] == target_id);
			if (i == count) {
				ARR_FIND(0, count, i, sd->devotion[i] == 0);
				if(i == count) {
					clif->skill_fail(sd, skill_id, USESKILL_FAIL_LEVEL, 0, 0);
					return 0; // Can't cast on other characters when limit is reached
		if (target->type != BL_MOB && battle->check_target(src, target, BCT_PARTY) <= 0 && sd) {
			clif->skill_fail(sd, skill_id, USESKILL_FAIL_TOTARGET, 0, 0);
			return 0;
		if (sc && sc->data[SC_COMBOATTACK] &&
		   sc->data[SC_COMBOATTACK]->val1 == SR_FALLENEMPIRE)
			casttime = -1;
		temp = 1;
		temp = 1;
		if (sc && sc->data[SC_CHASEWALK])
			casttime = -1;
	case TK_RUN:
		if (sc && sc->data[SC_RUN])
			casttime = -1;
		if( sc && sc->data[SC_BASILICA] )
			casttime = -1; // No Casting time on basilica cancel
		unsigned int k = (distance_bl(src,target)-1)/3; //+100% every 3 cells of distance
		if( k > 2 ) k = 2; // ...but hard-limited to 300%.
		casttime += casttime * k;
	case GD_EMERGENCYCALL: //Emergency Call double cast when the user has learned Leap [Daegaladh]
		if (sd && (pc->checkskill(sd,TK_HIGHJUMP) || pc->checkskill(sd,SU_LOPE) >= 3))
			casttime *= 2;
		if (sc && sc->data[SC_WUGDASH])
			casttime = -1;
		if( src->type == BL_ELEM ){
			sd = BL_CAST(BL_PC, battle->get_master(src));
			if( sd && sd->skill_id_old == SO_EL_ACTION ){
				casttime = -1;
				sd->skill_id_old = 0;
		if (target->type == BL_PC) {
			struct mob_data *md;
			if( (md = map->id2md(target->id)) && md->master_id != src->id )
				casttime <<= 1;

	// moved here to prevent Suffragium from ending if skill fails
	if (!(skill->get_castnodex(skill_id, skill_lv)&2))
		casttime = skill->cast_fix_sc(src, casttime);
	casttime = skill->vf_cast_fix(src, casttime, skill_id, skill_lv);

	if (src->type == BL_NPC) { // NPC-objects do not have cast time
		casttime = 0;

	if( sc ) {
		 * why the if else chain: these 3 status do not stack, so its efficient that way.
		if( sc->data[SC_CLOAKING] && !(sc->data[SC_CLOAKING]->val4&4) && skill_id != AS_CLOAKING ) {
			status_change_end(src, SC_CLOAKING, INVALID_TIMER);
			if (!src->prev) return 0; //Warped away!
		} else if( sc->data[SC_CLOAKINGEXCEED] && !(sc->data[SC_CLOAKINGEXCEED]->val4&4) && skill_id != GC_CLOAKINGEXCEED ) {
			status_change_end(src,SC_CLOAKINGEXCEED, INVALID_TIMER);
			if (!src->prev) return 0;

	if (!ud->state.running) //need TK_RUN or WUGDASH handler to be done before that, see bugreport:6026
		unit->stop_walking(src, STOPWALKING_FLAG_FIXPOS);// even though this is not how official works but this will do the trick. bugreport:6829

	if (sd != NULL && sd->auto_cast_current.itemskill_instant_cast && sd->auto_cast_current.type == AUTOCAST_ITEM)
		casttime = 0;

	// in official this is triggered even if no cast time.
	clif->useskill(src, src->id, target_id, 0,0, skill_id, skill_lv, casttime);
	if( casttime > 0 || temp )
		if (sd != NULL && target->type == BL_MOB) {
			struct mob_data *md = BL_UCAST(BL_MOB, target);
			mob->skill_event(md, src, tick, -1); //Cast targeted skill event.
				battle->check_target(target, src, BCT_ENEMY) > 0)
				switch (md->state.skillstate) {
				case MSS_RUSH:
				case MSS_FOLLOW:
					if (!(tstatus->mode&MD_CASTSENSOR_CHASE))
					md->target_id = src->id;
					md->state.aggressive = (tstatus->mode&MD_ANGRY)?1:0;
					md->min_chase = md->db->range3;
				case MSS_IDLE:
				case MSS_WALK:
					if (!(tstatus->mode&MD_CASTSENSOR_IDLE))
					md->target_id = src->id;
					md->state.aggressive = (tstatus->mode&MD_ANGRY)?1:0;
					md->min_chase = md->db->range3;

	if( casttime <= 0 )
		ud->state.skillcastcancel = 0;

	if (sd == NULL || sd->auto_cast_current.type < AUTOCAST_ABRA || skill->get_cast(skill_id, skill_lv) != 0)
		ud->canact_tick = tick + casttime + 100;
	if( sd )
		switch( skill_id )
			sd->canequip_tick = tick + casttime;
	ud->skilltarget  = target_id;
	ud->skillx       = 0;
	ud->skilly       = 0;
	ud->skill_id      = skill_id;
	ud->skill_lv      = skill_lv;

	if( casttime > 0 ) {
		if (src->id != target->id) // self-targeted skills shouldn't show different direction
			unit->set_dir(src, map->calc_dir(src, target->x, target->y));
		ud->skilltimer = timer->add( tick+casttime, skill->castend_id, src->id, 0 );
		if (sd && (pc->checkskill(sd, SA_FREECAST) > 0 || skill_id == LG_EXEEDBREAK || (skill->get_inf2(ud->skill_id) & INF2_FREE_CAST_REDUCED) != 0))
			status_calc_bl(&sd->bl, SCB_SPEED|SCB_ASPD);
	} else

	if (sd != NULL && battle_config.prevent_logout_trigger & PLT_SKILL)
		sd->canlog_tick = timer->gettick();

	return 1;

static int unit_skilluse_pos(struct block_list *src, short skill_x, short skill_y, uint16 skill_id, uint16 skill_lv)
	int casttime = skill->cast_fix(src, skill_id, skill_lv);
	int castcancel = skill->get_castcancel(skill_id, skill_lv);
	int ret = unit->skilluse_pos2(src, skill_x, skill_y, skill_id, skill_lv, casttime, castcancel);
	struct map_session_data *sd = BL_CAST(BL_PC, src);

	if (sd != NULL)
		pc->autocast_remove(sd, sd->auto_cast_current.type, sd->auto_cast_current.skill_id,

	return ret;

static int unit_skilluse_pos2(struct block_list *src, short skill_x, short skill_y, uint16 skill_id, uint16 skill_lv, int casttime, int castcancel)
	struct map_session_data *sd = NULL;
	struct unit_data        *ud = NULL;
	struct status_change *sc;
	struct block_list    bl;
	int64 tick = timer->gettick();
	int range;


	if (!src->prev) return 0; // not on the map
	if(status->isdead(src)) return 0;

	sd = BL_CAST(BL_PC, src);
	ud = unit->bl2ud(src);
	if(ud == NULL) return 0;

	if(ud->skilltimer != INVALID_TIMER) //Normally not needed since clif.c checks for it, but at/char/script commands don't! [Skotlex]
		return 0;

	sc = status->get_sc(src);
	if (sc && !sc->count)
		sc = NULL;

	if( sd )
		if( skill->not_ok(skill_id, sd) || !skill->check_condition_castbegin(sd, skill_id, skill_lv) )
			return 0;
		 * "WHY IS IT HEREE": ice wall cannot be canceled past this point, the client displays the animation even,
		 * if we cancel it from castend_pos, so it has to be here for it to not display the animation.
		if (skill_id == WZ_ICEWALL && map->getcell(src->m, src, skill_x, skill_y, CELL_CHKNOICEWALL))
			return 0;

	if (!status->check_skilluse(src, NULL, skill_id, 0))
		return 0;

	if (map->getcell(src->m, src, skill_x, skill_y, CELL_CHKWALL)) {
		// can't cast ground targeted spells on wall cells
		if (sd) clif->skill_fail(sd, skill_id, USESKILL_FAIL_LEVEL, 0, 0);
		return 0;

	/* Check range and obstacle */
	bl.type = BL_NUL;
	bl.m = src->m;
	bl.x = skill_x;
	bl.y = skill_y;

	if (src->type == BL_NPC) // NPC-objects can override cast distance
		range = AREA_SIZE; // Maximum visible distance before NPC goes out of sight
		range = skill->get_range2(src, skill_id, skill_lv); // Skill cast distance from database

	// New action request received, delete previous action request if not executed yet
	if(ud->stepaction || ud->steptimer != INVALID_TIMER)
	// Remember the skill request from the client while walking to the next cell
	if(src->type == BL_PC && ud->walktimer != INVALID_TIMER && !battle->check_range(src, &bl, range-1)) {
		struct map_data *md = &map->list[src->m];
		// Convert coordinates to target_to so we can use it as target later
		ud->stepaction = true;
		ud->target_to = (skill_x + skill_y*md->xs);
		ud->stepskill_id = skill_id;
		ud->stepskill_lv = skill_lv;
		return 0; // Attacking will be handled by unit_walk_toxy_timer in this case

	if (skill->get_state(skill_id, skill_lv) == ST_MOVE_ENABLE) {
		if( !unit->can_reach_bl(src, &bl, range + 1, 1, NULL, NULL) )
			return 0; //Walk-path check failed.
	} else if( !battle->check_range(src, &bl, range) )
		return 0; //Arrow-path check failed.


	// moved here to prevent Suffragium from ending if skill fails
	if (!(skill->get_castnodex(skill_id, skill_lv)&2))
		casttime = skill->cast_fix_sc(src, casttime);
	casttime = skill->vf_cast_fix(src, casttime, skill_id, skill_lv );

	if (src->type == BL_NPC) { // NPC-objects do not have cast time
		casttime = 0;

	ud->state.skillcastcancel = castcancel&&casttime>0?1:0;
	if (sd == NULL || sd->auto_cast_current.type < AUTOCAST_ABRA || skill->get_cast(skill_id, skill_lv) != 0)
		ud->canact_tick  = tick + casttime + 100;
#if 0
	if (sd) {
		switch (skill_id) {
		case ????:
			sd->canequip_tick = tick + casttime;
#endif // 0
	ud->skill_id      = skill_id;
	ud->skill_lv      = skill_lv;
	ud->skillx       = skill_x;
	ud->skilly       = skill_y;
	ud->skilltarget  = 0;

	if( sc ) {
		 * why the if else chain: these 3 status do not stack, so its efficient that way.
		if (sc->data[SC_CLOAKING] && !(sc->data[SC_CLOAKING]->val4&4)) {
			status_change_end(src, SC_CLOAKING, INVALID_TIMER);
			if (!src->prev) return 0; //Warped away!
		} else if (sc->data[SC_CLOAKINGEXCEED] && !(sc->data[SC_CLOAKINGEXCEED]->val4&4)) {
			status_change_end(src, SC_CLOAKINGEXCEED, INVALID_TIMER);
			if (!src->prev) return 0;

	unit->stop_walking(src, STOPWALKING_FLAG_FIXPOS);

	if (sd != NULL && sd->auto_cast_current.itemskill_instant_cast && sd->auto_cast_current.type == AUTOCAST_ITEM)
		casttime = 0;

	// in official this is triggered even if no cast time.
	clif->useskill(src, src->id, 0, skill_x, skill_y, skill_id, skill_lv, casttime);
	if( casttime > 0 ) {
		unit->set_dir(src, map->calc_dir(src, skill_x, skill_y));
		ud->skilltimer = timer->add( tick+casttime, skill->castend_pos, src->id, 0 );
		if ((sd && pc->checkskill(sd, SA_FREECAST) > 0) || skill_id == LG_EXEEDBREAK || (skill->get_inf2(ud->skill_id) & INF2_FREE_CAST_REDUCED) != 0) {
			status_calc_bl(&sd->bl, SCB_SPEED|SCB_ASPD);
	} else {
		ud->skilltimer = INVALID_TIMER;

	if (sd != NULL && battle_config.prevent_logout_trigger & PLT_SKILL)
		sd->canlog_tick = timer->gettick();

	return 1;

 * update a block's attack target
static int unit_set_target(struct unit_data *ud, int target_id)

	if (ud->target != target_id) {
		struct unit_data * ux;
		struct block_list* target;
		if (ud->target && (target = map->id2bl(ud->target)) != NULL && (ux = unit->bl2ud(target)) != NULL && ux->target_count > 0)
		if (target_id && (target = map->id2bl(target_id)) != NULL && (ux = unit->bl2ud(target)) != NULL && ux->target_count < UCHAR_MAX)

	ud->target = target_id;
	return 0;

 * Stop a unit's attacks
 * @param bl: Object to stop
static void unit_stop_attack(struct block_list *bl)
	struct unit_data *ud;
	ud = unit->bl2ud(bl);

	//Clear target
	unit->set_target(ud, 0);

	if(ud->attacktimer == INVALID_TIMER)

	//Clear timer
	timer->delete(ud->attacktimer, unit->attack_timer);
	ud->attacktimer = INVALID_TIMER;

 * Stop a unit's step action
 * @param bl: Object to stop
static void unit_stop_stepaction(struct block_list *bl)
	struct unit_data *ud;
	ud = unit->bl2ud(bl);

	//Clear remembered step action
	ud->stepaction = false;
	ud->target_to = 0;
	ud->stepskill_id = 0;
	ud->stepskill_lv = 0;

	if(ud->steptimer == INVALID_TIMER)

	//Clear timer
	timer->delete(ud->steptimer, unit->steptimer);
	ud->steptimer = INVALID_TIMER;

//Means current target is unattackable. For now only unlocks mobs.
static int unit_unattackable(struct block_list *bl)
	struct unit_data *ud = unit->bl2ud(bl);
	if (ud) {
		ud->state.attack_continue = 0;
		ud->state.step_attack = 0;
		unit->set_target(ud, 0);

	if (bl->type == BL_MOB)
		mob->unlocktarget(BL_UCAST(BL_MOB, bl), timer->gettick());
	else if (bl->type == BL_PET)
		pet->unlocktarget(BL_UCAST(BL_PET, bl));
	return 0;

 * Attack request
 * If type is an ongoing attack
static int unit_attack(struct block_list *src, int target_id, int continuous)
	struct block_list *target;
	struct unit_data  *ud;
	int range;

	nullpo_ret(ud = unit->bl2ud(src));

	target = map->id2bl(target_id);
	if( target==NULL || status->isdead(target) ) {
		return 1;

	if (src->type == BL_PC) {
		struct map_session_data *sd = BL_UCAST(BL_PC, src);
		if (target->type == BL_NPC) { // monster npcs [Valaris]
			if (sd->block_action.npc == 0) { // *pcblock script command
				npc->click(sd, BL_UCAST(BL_NPC, target)); // submitted by leinsirk10 [Celest]
			return 0;
		if( pc_is90overweight(sd) || pc_isridingwug(sd) ) { // overweight or mounted on warg - stop attacking
			return 0;
		if( !pc->can_attack(sd, target_id) ) {
			return 0;
	if( battle->check_target(src,target,BCT_ENEMY) <= 0 || !status->check_skilluse(src, target, 0, 0) ) {
		return 1;
	ud->state.attack_continue = (continuous&1)?1:0;
	ud->state.step_attack = (continuous&2)?1:0;
	unit->set_target(ud, target_id);

	range = status_get_range(src);

	if (continuous) //If you're to attack continuously, set to auto-case character
		ud->chaserange = range;

	//Just change target/type. [Skotlex]
	if(ud->attacktimer != INVALID_TIMER)
		return 0;

	// New action request received, delete previous action request if not executed yet
	if(ud->stepaction || ud->steptimer != INVALID_TIMER)
	// Remember the attack request from the client while walking to the next cell
	if(src->type == BL_PC && ud->walktimer != INVALID_TIMER && !battle->check_range(src, target, range-1)) {
		ud->stepaction = true;
		ud->target_to = ud->target;
		ud->stepskill_id = 0;
		ud->stepskill_lv = 0;
		return 0; // Attacking will be handled by unit_walk_toxy_timer in this case

	if(DIFF_TICK(ud->attackabletime, timer->gettick()) > 0)
		//Do attack next time it is possible. [Skotlex]
	else //Attack NOW.
		unit->attack_timer(INVALID_TIMER, timer->gettick(), src->id, 0);

	return 0;

//Cancels an ongoing combo, resets attackable time and restarts the
//attack timer to resume attacking after amotion time. [Skotlex]
static int unit_cancel_combo(struct block_list *bl)
	struct unit_data  *ud;

	if (!status_change_end(bl, SC_COMBOATTACK, INVALID_TIMER))
		return 0; //Combo wasn't active.

	ud = unit->bl2ud(bl);

	ud->attackabletime = timer->gettick() + status_get_amotion(bl);

	if (ud->attacktimer == INVALID_TIMER)
		return 1; //Nothing more to do.

	timer->delete(ud->attacktimer, unit->attack_timer);
	return 1;
static bool unit_can_reach_pos(struct block_list *bl, int x, int y, int easy)
	nullpo_retr(false, bl);

	if (bl->x == x && bl->y == y) //Same place
		return true;

	return path->search(NULL,bl,bl->m,bl->x,bl->y,x,y,easy,CELL_CHKNOREACH);

static bool unit_can_reach_bl(struct block_list *bl, struct block_list *tbl, int range, int easy, short *x, short *y)
	short dx,dy;
	struct walkpath_data wpd;
	nullpo_retr(false, bl);
	nullpo_retr(false, tbl);

	if( bl->m != tbl->m)
		return false;

	if( bl->x==tbl->x && bl->y==tbl->y )
		return true;

	if(range>0 && !check_distance_bl(bl, tbl, range))
		return false;

	// It judges whether it can adjoin or not.
	dx=tbl->x - bl->x;
	dy=tbl->y - bl->y;

	if (map->getcell(tbl->m, bl, tbl->x - dx, tbl->y - dy, CELL_CHKNOPASS)) {
		int i;
		//Look for a suitable cell to place in.
		for (i=0;i<8 && map->getcell(tbl->m, bl, tbl->x - dirx[i], tbl->y - diry[i], CELL_CHKNOPASS); i++);
		if (i==8) return false; //No valid cells.
		dx = dirx[i];
		dy = diry[i];

	if (x) *x = tbl->x-dx;
	if (y) *y = tbl->y-dy;

	if (!path->search(&wpd,bl,bl->m,bl->x,bl->y,tbl->x-dx,tbl->y-dy,easy,CELL_CHKNOREACH))
		return false;

	if( !path->search_long(NULL, bl, bl->m, bl->x, bl->y, tbl->x-dx, tbl->y-dy, CELL_CHKNOPASS) // Check if there is an obstacle between
	  && wpd.path_len > 14 // Official number of walkable cells is 14 if and only if there is an obstacle between. [malufett]
	  && (bl->type != BL_NPC) ) // If type is a NPC, please disregard.
		return false;

	return true;

 * Calculates position of Pet/Mercenary/Homunculus/Elemental
static int unit_calc_pos(struct block_list *bl, int tx, int ty, enum unit_dir dir)
	int dx, dy, x, y;
	struct unit_data *ud = unit->bl2ud(bl);

	Assert_retr(1, dir >= UNIT_DIR_FIRST && dir < UNIT_DIR_MAX);

	ud->to_x = tx;
	ud->to_y = ty;

	// 2 cells from Master Position
	dx = -dirx[dir] * 2;
	dy = -diry[dir] * 2;
	x = tx + dx;
	y = ty + dy;

	if (!unit->can_reach_pos(bl, x, y, 0)) {
		if( dx > 0 ) x--; else if( dx < 0 ) x++;
		if( dy > 0 ) y--; else if( dy < 0 ) y++;
		if (!unit->can_reach_pos(bl, x, y, 0)) {
			int i;
			for (i = 0; i < 12; i++) {
				enum unit_dir k = rnd() % UNIT_DIR_MAX; // Pick a Random Dir
				dx = -dirx[k] * 2;
				dy = -diry[k] * 2;
				x = tx + dx;
				y = ty + dy;
				if (unit->can_reach_pos(bl, x, y, 0)) {
				} else {
					if( dx > 0 ) x--; else if( dx < 0 ) x++;
					if( dy > 0 ) y--; else if( dy < 0 ) y++;
					if( unit->can_reach_pos(bl, x, y, 0) )
			if (i == 12) {
				x = tx; y = tx; // Exactly Master Position
				if (!unit->can_reach_pos(bl, x, y, 0))
					return 1;
	ud->to_x = x;
	ud->to_y = y;

	return 0;

 * Continuous Attack (function timer)
static int unit_attack_timer_sub(struct block_list *src, int tid, int64 tick)
	struct block_list *target;
	struct unit_data *ud;
	struct status_data *sstatus;
	struct map_session_data *sd = NULL;
	struct mob_data *md = NULL;
	int range;

	if( (ud=unit->bl2ud(src))==NULL )
		return 0;
	if( ud->attacktimer != tid )
		ShowError("unit_attack_timer %d != %d\n",ud->attacktimer,tid);
		return 0;

	sd = BL_CAST(BL_PC, src);
	md = BL_CAST(BL_MOB, src);
	ud->attacktimer = INVALID_TIMER;

	if( src == NULL || src->prev == NULL || target==NULL || target->prev == NULL )
		return 0;

	if( status->isdead(src) || status->isdead(target)
	 || battle->check_target(src,target,BCT_ENEMY) <= 0 || !status->check_skilluse(src, target, 0, 0)
	 || !path->search_long(NULL, src, src->m, src->x, src->y, target->x, target->y, CELL_CHKWALL)
	 || (sd && !pc->can_attack(sd, ud->target) )
		return 0; // can't attack under these conditions

	if (src->m != target->m) {
		if (src->type == BL_MOB && mob->warpchase(BL_UCAST(BL_MOB, src), target))
			return 1; // Follow up.
		return 0;

	if (ud->skilltimer != INVALID_TIMER && !(sd && (pc->checkskill(sd, SA_FREECAST) > 0 || (skill->get_inf2(ud->skill_id) & (INF2_FREE_CAST_REDUCED | INF2_FREE_CAST_NORMAL)) != 0)))
		return 0; // can't attack while casting

	if (!battle_config.sdelay_attack_enable && DIFF_TICK(ud->canact_tick, tick) > 0 && !(sd && (pc->checkskill(sd, SA_FREECAST) > 0 || (skill->get_inf2(ud->skill_id) & (INF2_FREE_CAST_REDUCED | INF2_FREE_CAST_NORMAL)) != 0)))
	{ // attacking when under cast delay has restrictions:
		if( tid == INVALID_TIMER ) { //requested attack.
			if(sd) clif->skill_fail(sd, 1, USESKILL_FAIL_SKILLINTERVAL, 0, 0);
			return 0;
		//Otherwise, we are in a combo-attack, delay this until your canact time is over. [Skotlex]
		if( ud->state.attack_continue ) {
			if( DIFF_TICK(ud->canact_tick, ud->attackabletime) > 0 )
				ud->attackabletime = ud->canact_tick;
		return 1;

	sstatus = status->get_status_data(src);
	range = sstatus->rhw.range;

	if( (unit->is_walking(target) || ud->state.step_attack)
		&& (target->type == BL_PC || !map->getcell(target->m, src, target->x, target->y, CELL_CHKICEWALL)))
		range++; // Extra range when chasing (does not apply to mobs locked in an icewall)

	if(sd && !check_distance_client_bl(src,target,range)) {
		// Player tries to attack but target is too far, notify client
		return 1;
	} else if(md && !check_distance_bl(src,target,range)) {
		// Monster: Chase if required
		return 1;
	if( !battle->check_range(src,target,range) ) {
		//Within range, but no direct line of attack
		if( ud->state.attack_continue ) {
			if(ud->chaserange > 2) ud->chaserange-=2;
		return 1;
	//Sync packet only for players.
	//Non-players use the sync packet on the walk timer. [Skotlex]
	if (tid == INVALID_TIMER && sd) clif->fixpos(src);

	if( DIFF_TICK(ud->attackabletime,tick) <= 0 ) {
		if (battle_config.attack_direction_change && (src->type&battle_config.attack_direction_change)) {
			ud->dir = map->calc_dir(src, target->x,target->y );
		if(ud->walktimer != INVALID_TIMER)
			unit->stop_walking(src, STOPWALKING_FLAG_FIXPOS);
		if(md) {
			//First attack is always a normal attack
			if(md->state.skillstate == MSS_ANGRY || md->state.skillstate == MSS_BERSERK) {
				if (mob->skill_use(md, tick, -1) == 0) {
					return 1;
			} else {
				// Set mob's ANGRY/BERSERK states.
				md->state.skillstate = md->state.aggressive?MSS_ANGRY:MSS_BERSERK;

			if (sstatus->mode&MD_ASSIST && DIFF_TICK(md->last_linktime, tick) < MIN_MOBLINKTIME) {
				// Link monsters nearby [Skotlex]
				md->last_linktime = tick;
				map->foreachinrange(mob->linksearch, src, md->db->range2, BL_MOB, md->class_, target, tick);
		if (src->type == BL_PET && pet->attackskill(BL_UCAST(BL_PET, src), target->id)) {
			return 1;

		ud->attacktarget_lv = battle->weapon_attack(src,target,tick,0);

		if(sd && sd->status.pet_id > 0 && sd->pd && battle_config.pet_attack_support)
		 * Applied when you're unable to attack (e.g. out of ammo)
		 * We should stop here otherwise timer keeps on and this happens endlessly
		if (ud->attacktarget_lv == ATK_NONE) {
			return 1;

		ud->attackabletime = tick + sstatus->adelay;
		// You can't move if you can't attack neither.
		if (src->type&battle_config.attack_walk_delay)
			unit->set_walkdelay(src, tick, sstatus->amotion, 1);

	if(ud->state.attack_continue) {
		unit->set_dir(src, map->calc_dir(src, target->x, target->y));
		if( src->type == BL_PC )
			pc->update_idle_time(sd, BCIDLE_ATTACK);
		ud->attacktimer = timer->add(ud->attackabletime,unit->attack_timer,src->id,0);

	if (sd != NULL && battle_config.prevent_logout_trigger & PLT_ATTACK)
		sd->canlog_tick = timer->gettick();

	return 1;

static int unit_attack_timer(int tid, int64 tick, int id, intptr_t data)
	struct block_list *bl;
	bl = map->id2bl(id);
	if(bl && unit->attack_timer_sub(bl, tid, tick) == 0)
	return 0;

 * Cancels an ongoing skill cast.
 * flag&1: Cast-Cancel invoked.
 * flag&2: Cancel only if skill is can be cancel.
static int unit_skillcastcancel(struct block_list *bl, int type)
	struct map_session_data *sd = NULL;
	struct unit_data *ud = unit->bl2ud( bl);
	int64 tick = timer->gettick();
	int ret=0, skill_id;

	if (!ud || ud->skilltimer == INVALID_TIMER)
		return 0; //Nothing to cancel.

	sd = BL_CAST(BL_PC, bl);

	if (type&2) {
		//See if it can be canceled.
		if (!ud->state.skillcastcancel)
			return 0;

		if (sd && (sd->special_state.no_castcancel2
		 || (sd->special_state.no_castcancel && !map_flag_gvg(bl->m) && !map->list[bl->m].flag.battleground))) //fixed flags being read the wrong way around [blackhole89]
			return 0;

	ud->canact_tick = tick;

	if(type&1 && sd)
		skill_id = sd->skill_id_old;
		skill_id = ud->skill_id;

	if (skill->get_inf(skill_id) & INF_GROUND_SKILL)
		ret = timer->delete( ud->skilltimer, skill->castend_pos );
		ret = timer->delete( ud->skilltimer, skill->castend_id );
	if( ret < 0 )
		ShowError("delete timer error %d : skill %d (%s)\n",ret,skill_id,skill->get_name(skill_id));

	ud->skilltimer = INVALID_TIMER;

	if (sd && (pc->checkskill(sd, SA_FREECAST) > 0 || (skill->get_inf2(ud->skill_id) & INF2_FREE_CAST_REDUCED) != 0))
		status_calc_bl(&sd->bl, SCB_SPEED|SCB_ASPD);

	if( sd ) {
		switch( skill_id ) {
				sd->canequip_tick = tick;

	if (bl->type == BL_MOB)
		BL_UCAST(BL_MOB, bl)->skill_idx = -1;

	return 1;

// unit_data initialization process
static void unit_dataset(struct block_list *bl)
	struct unit_data *ud = unit->bl2ud(bl);

	ud->bl = bl;

static void unit_init_ud(struct unit_data *ud)

	memset (ud, 0, sizeof(struct unit_data));
	ud->walktimer      = INVALID_TIMER;
	ud->skilltimer     = INVALID_TIMER;
	ud->attacktimer    = INVALID_TIMER;
	ud->steptimer      = INVALID_TIMER;
	ud->attackabletime =
	ud->canact_tick    =
	ud->canmove_tick   = timer->gettick();

 * Counts the number of units attacking 'bl'
static int unit_counttargeted(struct block_list *bl)
	struct unit_data* ud;
	if (bl && (ud = unit->bl2ud(bl)) != NULL)
		return ud->target_count;
	return 0;

static int unit_fixdamage(struct block_list *src, struct block_list *target, int sdelay, int ddelay, int64 damage, short div, unsigned char type, int64 damage2)

	if(damage+damage2 <= 0)
		return 0;

	return status_fix_damage(src,target,damage+damage2,clif->damage(target,target,sdelay,ddelay,damage,div,type,damage2));

 * To change the size of the char (player or mob only)
static int unit_changeviewsize(struct block_list *bl, short size)


	if(bl->type == BL_PC) {
		BL_UCAST(BL_PC, bl)->state.size = size;
	} else if(bl->type == BL_MOB) {
		BL_UCAST(BL_MOB, bl)->special_state.size = size;
	} else
		return 0;
		clif->specialeffect(bl,421+size, AREA);
	return 0;

 * Removes a bl/ud from the map.
 * Returns 1 on success. 0 if it couldn't be removed or the bl was free'd
 * if clrtype is 1 (death), appropriate cleanup is performed.
 * Otherwise it is assumed bl is being warped.
 * On-Kill specific stuff is not performed here, look at status->damage for that.
static int unit_remove_map(struct block_list *bl, enum clr_type clrtype, const char *file, int line, const char *func)
	struct unit_data *ud = unit->bl2ud(bl);
	struct status_change *sc = status->get_sc(bl);

	if(bl->prev == NULL)
		return 0; //Already removed?


	if (ud->walktimer != INVALID_TIMER)
		unit->stop_walking(bl, STOPWALKING_FLAG_NONE);
	if (ud->skilltimer != INVALID_TIMER)

	//Clear target even if there is no timer
	if (ud->target || ud->attacktimer != INVALID_TIMER)

	//Clear stepaction even if there is no timer
	if (ud->stepaction || ud->steptimer != INVALID_TIMER)

// Do not reset can-act delay. [Skotlex]
	ud->attackabletime = ud->canmove_tick /*= ud->canact_tick*/ = timer->gettick();
	if(sc && sc->count ) { //map-change/warp dispells.
		status_change_end(bl, SC_BLADESTOP, INVALID_TIMER);
		status_change_end(bl, SC_BASILICA, INVALID_TIMER);
		status_change_end(bl, SC_ANKLESNARE, INVALID_TIMER);
		status_change_end(bl, SC_TRICKDEAD, INVALID_TIMER);
		status_change_end(bl, SC_BLADESTOP_WAIT, INVALID_TIMER);
		status_change_end(bl, SC_RUN, INVALID_TIMER);
		status_change_end(bl, SC_DANCING, INVALID_TIMER);
		status_change_end(bl, SC_WARM, INVALID_TIMER);
		status_change_end(bl, SC_DEVOTION, INVALID_TIMER);
		status_change_end(bl, SC_MARIONETTE_MASTER, INVALID_TIMER);
		status_change_end(bl, SC_MARIONETTE, INVALID_TIMER);
		status_change_end(bl, SC_RG_CCONFINE_M, INVALID_TIMER);
		status_change_end(bl, SC_RG_CCONFINE_S, INVALID_TIMER);
		status_change_end(bl, SC_HIDING, INVALID_TIMER);
		// Ensure the bl is a PC; if so, we'll handle the removal of cloaking and cloaking exceed later
		if ( bl->type != BL_PC ) {
			status_change_end(bl, SC_CLOAKING, INVALID_TIMER);
			status_change_end(bl, SC_CLOAKINGEXCEED, INVALID_TIMER);
		status_change_end(bl, SC_CHASEWALK, INVALID_TIMER);
		if (sc->data[SC_GOSPEL] && sc->data[SC_GOSPEL]->val4 == BCT_SELF)
			status_change_end(bl, SC_GOSPEL, INVALID_TIMER);
		status_change_end(bl, SC_HLIF_CHANGE, INVALID_TIMER);
		status_change_end(bl, SC_STOP, INVALID_TIMER);
		status_change_end(bl, SC_WUGDASH, INVALID_TIMER);
		status_change_end(bl, SC_CAMOUFLAGE, INVALID_TIMER);
		status_change_end(bl, SC_MAGNETICFIELD, INVALID_TIMER);
		status_change_end(bl, SC_NEUTRALBARRIER, INVALID_TIMER);
		status_change_end(bl, SC_STEALTHFIELD, INVALID_TIMER);
		status_change_end(bl, SC__SHADOWFORM, INVALID_TIMER);
		status_change_end(bl, SC__MANHOLE, INVALID_TIMER);
		status_change_end(bl, SC_VACUUM_EXTREME, INVALID_TIMER);
		status_change_end(bl, SC_CURSEDCIRCLE_ATKER, INVALID_TIMER); //callme before warp
		status_change_end(bl, SC_NETHERWORLD, INVALID_TIMER);
		status_change_end(bl, SC_SUHIDE, INVALID_TIMER);
		status_change_end(bl, SC_SV_ROOTTWIST, INVALID_TIMER);

	if (bl->type&(BL_CHAR|BL_PET)) {

	switch( bl->type ) {
		case BL_PC:
			struct map_session_data *sd = BL_UCAST(BL_PC, bl);

			if(sd->shadowform_id) {
				struct block_list *d_bl = map->id2bl(sd->shadowform_id);
				if( d_bl )
			//Leave/reject all invitations.
			if (sd->chat_id != 0)
				chat->leave(sd, false);
			if( sd->menuskill_id != AL_TELEPORT ) { // issue: 8027
				if(sd->state.storage_flag == STORAGE_FLAG_NORMAL)
				else if (sd->state.storage_flag == STORAGE_FLAG_GUILD)

				sd->state.storage_flag = STORAGE_FLAG_CLOSED; //Force close it when being warped.
				sd->menuskill_id = sd->menuskill_val = 0;
			if( sd->touching_id )

			// Check if warping and not changing the map.
			if ( sd->state.warping && !sd->state.changemap ) {
				status_change_end(bl, SC_CLOAKING, INVALID_TIMER);
				status_change_end(bl, SC_CLOAKINGEXCEED, INVALID_TIMER);

			sd->npc_shopid = 0;
			sd->adopt_invite = 0;

			if(sd->pvp_timer != INVALID_TIMER) {
				sd->pvp_timer = INVALID_TIMER;
				sd->pvp_rank = 0;
			if(sd->duel_group > 0)
				duel->leave(sd->duel_group, sd);

			if(pc_issit(sd)) {
			party->send_dot_remove(sd);//minimap dot fix [Kevin]

			if( map->list[bl->m].users <= 0 || sd->state.debug_remove_map ) {
				// this is only place where map users is decreased, if the mobs were removed too soon then this function was executed too many times [FlavioJS]
				if( sd->debug_file == NULL || !(sd->state.debug_remove_map) ) {
					sd->debug_file = "";
					sd->debug_line = 0;
					sd->debug_func = "";
				ShowDebug("unit_remove_map: unexpected state when removing player AID/CID:%d/%d"
					" (active=%d connect_new=%d rewarp=%d changemap=%d debug_remove_map=%d)"
					" from map=%s (users=%d)."
					" Previous call from %s:%d(%s), current call from %s:%d(%s)."
					" Please report this!!!\n",
					sd->status.account_id, sd->status.char_id,
					sd->state.active, sd->state.connect_new, sd->state.rewarp, sd->state.changemap, sd->state.debug_remove_map,
					map->list[bl->m].name, map->list[bl->m].users,
					sd->debug_file, sd->debug_line, sd->debug_func, file, line, func);
			} else if (--map->list[bl->m].users == 0 && battle_config.dynamic_mobs) //[Skotlex]
			if (!(pc_isinvisible(sd))) {
				// decrement the number of active pvp players on the map
			if( map->list[bl->m].instance_id >= 0 ) {
			if( sd->state.hpmeter_visible ) {
				sd->state.hpmeter_visible = 0;
			sd->state.debug_remove_map = 1; // temporary state to track double remove_map's [FlavioJS]
			sd->debug_file = file;
			sd->debug_line = line;
			sd->debug_func = func;

		case BL_MOB:
			struct mob_data *md = BL_UCAST(BL_MOB, bl);
			// Drop previous target mob_slave_keep_target: no.
			if (!battle_config.mob_slave_keep_target)

			md->state.skillstate= MSS_IDLE;

		case BL_PET:
			struct pet_data *pd = BL_UCAST(BL_PET, bl);
			if (pd->pet.intimate <= PET_INTIMACY_NONE && !(pd->msd && !pd->msd->state.active)) {
				//If logging out, this is deleted on unit->free
				return 0;

		case BL_HOM: {
			struct homun_data *hd = BL_UCAST(BL_HOM, bl);
			if( !hd->homunculus.intimacy && !(hd->master && !hd->master->state.active) ) {
				//If logging out, this is deleted on unit->free
				clif->emotion(bl, E_SOB);
				return 0;
		case BL_MER: {
			struct mercenary_data *md = BL_UCAST(BL_MER, bl);
			ud->canact_tick = ud->canmove_tick;
			if( mercenary->get_lifetime(md) <= 0 && !(md->master && !md->master->state.active) ) {
				return 0;
		case BL_ELEM: {
			struct elemental_data *ed = BL_UCAST(BL_ELEM, bl);
			ud->canact_tick = ud->canmove_tick;
			if( elemental->get_lifetime(ed) <= 0 && !(ed->master && !ed->master->state.active) ) {
				return 0;
		default: break;// do nothing
	 * BL_MOB is handled by mob_dead unless the monster is not dead.
	if( bl->type != BL_MOB || !status->isdead(bl) )
	return 1;

static void unit_remove_map_pc(struct map_session_data *sd, enum clr_type clrtype)

	//CLR_RESPAWN is the warp from logging out, CLR_TELEPORT is the warp from teleporting, but pets/homunc need to just 'vanish' instead of showing the warping animation.
	if (clrtype == CLR_RESPAWN || clrtype == CLR_TELEPORT) clrtype = CLR_OUTSIGHT;

		unit->remove_map(&sd->pd->bl, clrtype, ALC_MARK);
		unit->remove_map(&sd->hd->bl, clrtype, ALC_MARK);
		unit->remove_map(&sd->md->bl, clrtype, ALC_MARK);
		unit->remove_map(&sd->ed->bl, clrtype, ALC_MARK);

static void unit_free_pc(struct map_session_data *sd)
	if (sd->pd) unit->free(&sd->pd->bl,CLR_OUTSIGHT);
	if (sd->hd) unit->free(&sd->hd->bl,CLR_OUTSIGHT);
	if (sd->md) unit->free(&sd->md->bl,CLR_OUTSIGHT);
	if (sd->ed) unit->free(&sd->ed->bl,CLR_OUTSIGHT);

 * Function to free all related resources to the bl
 * if unit is on map, it is removed using the clrtype specified
static int unit_free(struct block_list *bl, enum clr_type clrtype)
	struct unit_data *ud = unit->bl2ud( bl );

	if( bl->prev ) //Players are supposed to logout with a "warp" effect.
		unit->remove_map(bl, clrtype, ALC_MARK);

	switch( bl->type ) {
		case BL_PC:
			struct map_session_data *sd = BL_UCAST(BL_PC, bl);

			sd->state.loggingout = 1;

			if( status->isdead(bl) )


			if( sd->followtimer != INVALID_TIMER )

			if( sd->duel_invite > 0 )
				duel->reject(sd->duel_invite, sd);

			// Notify friends that this char logged out. [Skotlex]
			map->foreachpc(clif->friendslist_toggle_sub, sd->status.account_id, sd->status.char_id, 0);
			pc->del_charm(sd, sd->charm_count, sd->charm_type);

			if( sd->st && sd->st->state != RUN ) {// free attached scripts that are waiting
				sd->st = NULL;
				sd->npc_id = 0;
			if( sd->combos ) {
				sd->combos = NULL;
			sd->combo_count = 0;
			/* [Ind/Hercules] */
			if( sd->sc_display_count ) {
				int i;
				for(i = 0; i < sd->sc_display_count; i++) {
					ers_free(pc->sc_display_ers, sd->sc_display[i]);
				sd->sc_display_count = 0;
			if( sd->sc_display != NULL ) {
				sd->sc_display = NULL;
			if( sd->instance != NULL ) {
				sd->instance = NULL;

			VECTOR_CLEAR(sd->auto_cast); // Clear auto-cast vector.
			VECTOR_CLEAR(sd->achievement); // Achievement [Smokexyz/Hercules]
			VECTOR_CLEAR(sd->title_ids); // Title [Dastgir/Hercules]
			sd->storage.received = false;
			if( sd->quest_log != NULL ) {
				sd->quest_log = NULL;
				sd->num_quests = sd->avail_quests = 0;
		case BL_PET:
			struct pet_data *pd = BL_UCAST(BL_PET, bl);
			struct map_session_data *sd = pd->msd;
			if( pd->a_skill )
				pd->a_skill = NULL;
			if( pd->s_skill )
				if (pd->s_skill->timer != INVALID_TIMER) {
					timer->delete(pd->s_skill->timer, pet->skill_support_timer);
				pd->s_skill = NULL;
			if( pd->recovery )
				if(pd->recovery->timer != INVALID_TIMER)
					timer->delete(pd->recovery->timer, pet->recovery_timer);
				pd->recovery = NULL;
			if( pd->bonus )
				if (pd->bonus->timer != INVALID_TIMER)
					timer->delete(pd->bonus->timer, pet->skill_bonus_timer);
				pd->bonus = NULL;
			if( pd->loot )
				if (pd->loot->item)
				aFree (pd->loot);
				pd->loot = NULL;
			if (pd->pet.intimate > PET_INTIMACY_NONE) {
			} else {
				//Remove pet.
				if (sd) sd->status.pet_id = 0;
			if( sd )
				sd->pd = NULL;
		case BL_MOB:
			struct mob_data *md = BL_UCAST(BL_MOB, bl);
			if( md->spawn_timer != INVALID_TIMER )
				md->spawn_timer = INVALID_TIMER;
			if( md->deletetimer != INVALID_TIMER )
				md->deletetimer = INVALID_TIMER;
			if( md->lootitem )
			if( md->guardian_data )
				struct guild_castle* gc = md->guardian_data->castle;
				if( md->guardian_data->number >= 0 && md->guardian_data->number < MAX_GUARDIANS )
					gc->guardian[md->guardian_data->number].id = 0;
					int i;
					ARR_FIND(0, gc->temp_guardians_max, i, gc->temp_guardians[i] == md->bl.id);
					if( i < gc->temp_guardians_max )
						gc->temp_guardians[i] = 0;
				md->guardian_data = NULL;
			if( md->spawn )
				if( !md->spawn->state.dynamic )
				{// permanently remove the mob
					if( --md->spawn->num == 0 )
					{// Last freed mob is responsible for deallocating the group's spawn data.
						md->spawn = NULL;
			if( md->base_status)
				md->base_status = NULL;
			if( mob->is_clone(md->class_) )
			if( md->tomb_nid )

		case BL_HOM:
			struct homun_data *hd = BL_UCAST(BL_HOM, bl);
			struct map_session_data *sd = hd->master;
			if( hd->homunculus.intimacy > 0 )
			else {
				if( sd )
					sd->status.hom_id = 0;
			if( sd )
				sd->hd = NULL;
		case BL_MER:
			struct mercenary_data *md = BL_UCAST(BL_MER, bl);
			struct map_session_data *sd = md->master;
			if( mercenary->get_lifetime(md) > 0 )
				if( sd )
					sd->status.mer_id = 0;
			if( sd )
				sd->md = NULL;

		case BL_ELEM: {
			struct elemental_data *ed = BL_UCAST(BL_ELEM, bl);
			struct map_session_data *sd = ed->master;
			if( elemental->get_lifetime(ed) > 0 )
			else {
				if( sd )
					sd->status.ele_id = 0;
			if( sd )
				sd->ed = NULL;


	if( bl->type != BL_PC ) //Players are handled by map_quit
	return 0;

static int do_init_unit(bool minimal)
	if (minimal)
		return 0;

	timer->add_func_list(unit->attack_timer,  "unit_attack_timer");
	timer->add_func_list(unit->walk_toxy_timer, "unit_walk_toxy_timer");
	timer->add_func_list(unit->walktobl_timer, "unit_walktobl_timer");
	timer->add_func_list(unit->delay_walk_toxy_timer, "unit_delay_walk_toxy_timer");
	timer->add_func_list(unit->steptimer, "unit_steptimer");
	return 0;

static int do_final_unit(void)
	// nothing to do
	return 0;

void unit_defaults(void)
	unit = &unit_s;

	unit->init = do_init_unit;
	unit->final = do_final_unit;
	/* */
	unit->bl2ud = unit_bl2ud;
	unit->cbl2ud = unit_cbl2ud;
	unit->bl2ud2 = unit_bl2ud2;
	unit->init_ud = unit_init_ud;
	unit->attack_timer = unit_attack_timer;
	unit->walk_toxy_timer = unit_walk_toxy_timer;
	unit->walk_toxy_sub = unit_walk_toxy_sub;
	unit->delay_walk_toxy_timer = unit_delay_walk_toxy_timer;
	unit->walk_toxy = unit_walk_toxy;
	unit->walktobl_timer = unit_walktobl_timer;
	unit->walktobl = unit_walktobl;
	unit->run = unit_run;
	unit->run_hit = unit_run_hit;
	unit->escape = unit_escape;
	unit->movepos = unit_movepos;
	unit->set_dir = unit_set_dir;
	unit->getdir = unit_getdir;
	unit->blown = unit_blown;
	unit->warp = unit_warp;
	unit->warpto_master = unit_warpto_master;
	unit->stop_walking = unit_stop_walking;
	unit->skilluse_id = unit_skilluse_id;
	unit->steptimer = unit_steptimer;
	unit->stop_stepaction = unit_stop_stepaction;
	unit->is_walking = unit_is_walking;
	unit->can_move = unit_can_move;
	unit->resume_running = unit_resume_running;
	unit->set_walkdelay = unit_set_walkdelay;
	unit->skilluse_id2 = unit_skilluse_id2;
	unit->skilluse_pos = unit_skilluse_pos;
	unit->skilluse_pos2 = unit_skilluse_pos2;
	unit->set_target = unit_set_target;
	unit->stop_attack = unit_stop_attack;
	unit->unattackable = unit_unattackable;
	unit->attack = unit_attack;
	unit->cancel_combo = unit_cancel_combo;
	unit->can_reach_pos = unit_can_reach_pos;
	unit->can_reach_bl = unit_can_reach_bl;
	unit->calc_pos = unit_calc_pos;
	unit->attack_timer_sub = unit_attack_timer_sub;
	unit->skillcastcancel = unit_skillcastcancel;
	unit->dataset = unit_dataset;
	unit->counttargeted = unit_counttargeted;
	unit->fixdamage = unit_fixdamage;
	unit->changeviewsize = unit_changeviewsize;
	unit->remove_map = unit_remove_map;
	unit->remove_map_pc = unit_remove_map_pc;
	unit->free_pc = unit_free_pc;
	unit->free = unit_free;