// Copyright (c) jAthena Dev Teams - Licensed under GNU GPL // For more information, see LICENCE in the main folder // Merged originally from jA by Skotlex #include #include #include #include "../common/showmsg.h" #include "../common/timer.h" #include "../common/nullpo.h" #include "../common/db.h" #include "../common/malloc.h" #include "unit.h" #include "map.h" #include "pc.h" #include "mob.h" #include "pet.h" #include "mercenary.h" ///[orn] #include "skill.h" #include "clif.h" #include "npc.h" #include "guild.h" #include "status.h" #include "battle.h" #include "chat.h" #include "trade.h" #include "vending.h" #include "party.h" #include "intif.h" #include "chrif.h" #include "script.h" static int dirx[8]={0,-1,-1,-1,0,1,1,1}; static int diry[8]={1,1,0,-1,-1,-1,0,1}; struct unit_data* unit_bl2ud(struct block_list *bl) { if( bl == NULL) return NULL; if( bl->type == BL_PC) return &((struct map_session_data*)bl)->ud; if( bl->type == BL_MOB) return &((struct mob_data*)bl)->ud; if( bl->type == BL_PET) return &((struct pet_data*)bl)->ud; if( bl->type == BL_NPC) return &((struct npc_data*)bl)->ud; if( bl->type == BL_HOMUNCULUS) return &((struct homun_data*)bl)->ud; //[orn] return NULL; } static int unit_walktoxy_timer(int tid,unsigned int tick,int id,int data); int unit_walktoxy_sub(struct block_list *bl) { int i; struct walkpath_data wpd; struct unit_data *ud = NULL; nullpo_retr(1, bl); ud = unit_bl2ud(bl); if(ud == NULL) return 0; if(path_search(&wpd,bl->m,bl->x,bl->y,ud->to_x,ud->to_y,ud->state.walk_easy)) return 0; memcpy(&ud->walkpath,&wpd,sizeof(wpd)); if (ud->target && ud->chaserange>1) { //Generally speaking, the walk path is already to an adjacent tile //so we only need to shorten the path if the range is greater than 1. int dir; //Trim the last part of the path to account for range, //but always move at least one cell when requested to move. for (i = ud->chaserange*10; i > 0 && ud->walkpath.path_len>1;) { ud->walkpath.path_len--; dir = ud->walkpath.path[ud->walkpath.path_len]; if(dir&1) i-=14; else i-=10; ud->to_x -= dirx[dir]; ud->to_y -= diry[dir]; } } ud->state.change_walk_target=0; if (bl->type == BL_PC) clif_walkok((TBL_PC*)bl); clif_move(bl); if(ud->walkpath.path_pos>=ud->walkpath.path_len) i = -1; else if(ud->walkpath.path[ud->walkpath.path_pos]&1) i = status_get_speed(bl)*14/10; else i = status_get_speed(bl); if( i > 0) ud->walktimer = add_timer(gettick()+i,unit_walktoxy_timer,bl->id,i); return 1; } static int unit_walktoxy_timer(int tid,unsigned int tick,int id,int data) { int i; int x,y,dx,dy,dir; struct block_list *bl; struct map_session_data *sd = NULL; struct mob_data *md = NULL; struct unit_data *ud = NULL; bl=map_id2bl(id); if(bl == NULL) return 0; if( BL_CAST( BL_PC, bl, sd ) ) { ud = &sd->ud; } else if( BL_CAST( BL_MOB, bl, md ) ) { ud = &md->ud; } else ud = unit_bl2ud(bl); if(ud == NULL) return 0; if(ud->walktimer != tid){ if(battle_config.error_log) ShowError("unit_walk_timer mismatch %d != %d\n",ud->walktimer,tid); return 0; } ud->walktimer=-1; if( bl->prev == NULL ) return 0; // block_list から抜けているので移動停止する if(ud->walkpath.path_pos>=ud->walkpath.path_len) return 0; //歩いたので息吹のタイマーを初期化 if(sd) { sd->inchealspirithptick = 0; sd->inchealspiritsptick = 0; } if(ud->walkpath.path[ud->walkpath.path_pos]>=8) return 1; x = bl->x; y = bl->y; dir = ud->walkpath.path[ud->walkpath.path_pos]; ud->dir = dir; if (sd) sd->head_dir = dir; dx = dirx[(int)dir]; dy = diry[(int)dir]; if(map_getcell(bl->m,x+dx,y+dy,CELL_CHKNOPASS)) return unit_walktoxy_sub(bl); // バシリカ判定 map_foreachinmovearea(clif_outsight,bl->m, x-AREA_SIZE,y-AREA_SIZE,x+AREA_SIZE,y+AREA_SIZE, dx,dy,sd?BL_ALL:BL_PC,bl); x += dx; y += dy; map_moveblock(bl, x, y, tick); ud->walk_count++; //walked cell counter, to be used for walk-triggered skills. [Skotlex] ud->walktimer = 1; map_foreachinmovearea(clif_insight,bl->m, x-AREA_SIZE,y-AREA_SIZE,x+AREA_SIZE,y+AREA_SIZE, -dx,-dy,sd?BL_ALL:BL_PC,bl); ud->walktimer = -1; if(sd) { if(map_getcell(bl->m,x,y,CELL_CHKNPC)) { npc_touch_areanpc(sd,bl->m,x,y); if (bl->prev == NULL) //Script could have warped char, abort remaining of the function. return 0; } else sd->areanpc_id=0; if (sd->state.gmaster_flag) { //Guild Aura: Likely needs to be recoded, this method seems inefficient. struct guild *g = sd->state.gmaster_flag; int skill, guildflag = 0; if ((skill = guild_checkskill(g, GD_LEADERSHIP)) > 0) guildflag |= skill<<12; if ((skill = guild_checkskill(g, GD_GLORYWOUNDS)) > 0) guildflag |= skill<<8; if ((skill = guild_checkskill(g, GD_SOULCOLD)) > 0) guildflag |= skill<<4; if ((skill = guild_checkskill(g, GD_HAWKEYES)) > 0) guildflag |= skill; if (guildflag) map_foreachinrange(skill_guildaura_sub, bl,2, BL_PC, bl->id, sd->status.guild_id, &guildflag); } if ( (sd->class_&MAPID_UPPERMASK) == MAPID_STAR_GLADIATOR && sd->sc.data[SC_MIRACLE].timer==-1 && !(ud->walk_count%WALK_SKILL_INTERVAL) && rand()%10000 < battle_config.sg_miracle_skill_ratio ) { //SG_MIRACLE [Komurka] clif_displaymessage(sd->fd,"[Miracle of the Sun, Moon and Stars]"); sc_start(&sd->bl,SC_MIRACLE,100,1,battle_config.sg_miracle_skill_duration); } } else if (md) { if(battle_config.mob_npc_warp && map_getcell(bl->m,x,y,CELL_CHKNPC) && npc_touch_areanpc2(bl)) // Enable mobs to step on warps. [Skotlex] return 0; if (md->min_chase > md->db->range2) md->min_chase--; //Walk skills are triggered regardless of target due to the idle-walk mob state. //But avoid triggering on stop-walk calls. if(tid != -1 && !(ud->walk_count%WALK_SKILL_INTERVAL) && mobskill_use(md, tick, -1)) { clif_fixpos(bl); //Fix position as walk has been cancelled. return 0; } } if(tid == -1) //A directly invoked timer is from battle_stop_walking, therefore the rest is irrelevant. return 0; if(ud->state.change_walk_target) return unit_walktoxy_sub(bl); ud->walkpath.path_pos++; if(ud->walkpath.path_pos>=ud->walkpath.path_len) i = -1; else if(ud->walkpath.path[ud->walkpath.path_pos]&1) i = status_get_speed(bl)*14/10; else i = status_get_speed(bl); if(i > 0) ud->walktimer = add_timer(tick+i,unit_walktoxy_timer,id,i); else if(ud->state.running) { //Keep trying to run. if (!unit_run(bl)) ud->state.running = 0; } else if (ud->target) { //Update target trajectory. struct block_list *tbl = map_id2bl(ud->target); if (!tbl || !status_check_visibility(bl, tbl)) { //Cancel chase. ud->to_x = bl->x; ud->to_y = bl->y; return 0; } if (tbl->m == bl->m && check_distance_bl(bl, tbl, ud->chaserange)) { //Reached destination. if (ud->state.attack_continue) { clif_fixpos(bl); //Aegis uses one before every attack, we should //only need this one for syncing purposes. [Skotlex] unit_attack(bl, tbl->id, ud->state.attack_continue); } } else { //Update chase-path unit_walktobl(bl, tbl, ud->chaserange, ud->state.walk_easy|(ud->state.attack_continue?2:0)); return 0; } } else { //Stopped walking. Update to_x and to_y to current location [Skotlex] ud->to_x = bl->x; ud->to_y = bl->y; if(md && md->nd) // Tell the script engine we've finished walking (for AI pathfinding) mob_script_callback(md, NULL, CALLBACK_WALKACK); } return 0; } //Easy parameter: &1 -> 1/2 = easy/hard, &2 -> force walking. int unit_walktoxy( struct block_list *bl, int x, int y, int easy) { struct unit_data *ud = NULL; struct status_change *sc = NULL; nullpo_retr(0, bl); if ( status_isdead(bl) ) //[orn] return 0; ud = unit_bl2ud(bl); if( ud == NULL) return 0; if(!(easy&2) && (!status_get_mode(bl)&MD_CANMOVE || !unit_can_move(bl))) return 0; ud->state.walk_easy = easy&1; ud->target = 0; ud->to_x = x; ud->to_y = y; sc = status_get_sc(bl); if (sc && sc->count && sc->data[SC_CONFUSION].timer != -1) //Randomize the target position map_random_dir(bl, &ud->to_x, &ud->to_y); if(ud->walktimer != -1) { // 現在歩いている最中の目的地変更なのでマス目の中心に来た時に // timer関数からunit_walktoxy_subを呼ぶようにする ud->state.change_walk_target = 1; return 1; } else { return unit_walktoxy_sub(bl); } } static int unit_walktobl_sub(int tid,unsigned int tick,int id,int data) { struct block_list *bl = map_id2bl(id); struct unit_data *ud = bl?unit_bl2ud(bl):NULL; if (ud && ud->walktimer == -1 && ud->target == data) { if (DIFF_TICK(ud->canmove_tick, tick) > 0) //Keep waiting? add_timer(ud->canmove_tick+1, unit_walktobl_sub, id, data); else if (unit_can_move(bl)) unit_walktoxy_sub(bl); } return 0; } // Chases a tbl. If the flag&1, use hard-path seek, // if flag&2, start attacking upon arrival within range, otherwise just walk to that character. int unit_walktobl(struct block_list *bl, struct block_list *tbl, int range, int flag) { struct unit_data *ud = NULL; struct status_change *sc = NULL; nullpo_retr(0, bl); nullpo_retr(0, tbl); ud = unit_bl2ud(bl); if( ud == NULL) return 0; if (!(status_get_mode(bl)&MD_CANMOVE)) return 0; if (!unit_can_reach_bl(bl, tbl, distance_bl(bl, tbl)+1, flag&1, &ud->to_x, &ud->to_y)) { ud->to_x = bl->x; ud->to_y = bl->y; return 0; } ud->state.walk_easy = flag&1; ud->target = tbl->id; ud->chaserange = range; //Note that if flag&2, this SHOULD be attack-range ud->state.attack_continue = flag&2?1:0; //Chase to attack. sc = status_get_sc(bl); if (sc && sc->count && sc->data[SC_CONFUSION].timer != -1) //Randomize the target position map_random_dir(bl, &ud->to_x, &ud->to_y); if(ud->walktimer != -1) { ud->state.change_walk_target = 1; return 1; } if (DIFF_TICK(ud->canmove_tick, gettick()) > 0) { //Can't move, wait a bit before invoking the movement. add_timer(ud->canmove_tick+1, unit_walktobl_sub, bl->id, ud->target); return 1; } else if (!unit_can_move(bl)) return 0; return unit_walktoxy_sub(bl); } int unit_run(struct block_list *bl) { struct status_change *sc = status_get_sc(bl); int i,to_x,to_y,dir_x,dir_y; if (!sc || !sc->count || sc->data[SC_RUN].timer == -1) return 0; if (!unit_can_move(bl)) { if(sc->data[SC_RUN].timer!=-1) status_change_end(bl,SC_RUN,-1); return 0; } to_x = bl->x; to_y = bl->y; dir_x = dirx[sc->data[SC_RUN].val2]; dir_y = diry[sc->data[SC_RUN].val2]; for(i=0;im,to_x+dir_x,to_y+dir_y,CELL_CHKPASS)) break; to_x += dir_x; to_y += dir_y; } if(to_x == bl->x && to_y == bl->y) { //If you can't run forward, you must be next to a wall, so bounce back. [Skotlex] status_change_end(bl,SC_RUN,-1); skill_blown(bl,bl,skill_get_blewcount(TK_RUN,sc->data[SC_RUN].val1)|0x10000); return 0; } unit_walktoxy(bl, to_x, to_y, 1); return 1; } //Instant warp function. int unit_movepos(struct block_list *bl,int dst_x,int dst_y, int easy, int checkpath) { int dx,dy,dir; struct unit_data *ud = NULL; struct map_session_data *sd = NULL; struct walkpath_data wpd; nullpo_retr(0, bl); if( BL_CAST( BL_PC, bl, sd ) ) { ud = &sd->ud; } else ud = unit_bl2ud(bl); if( ud == NULL) return 0; unit_stop_walking(bl,1); unit_stop_attack(bl); if(checkpath && (map_getcell(bl->m,dst_x,dst_y, CELL_CHKNOPASS) || path_search_real(&wpd,bl->m,bl->x,bl->y,dst_x,dst_y,easy, CELL_CHKNOREACH))) return 0; dir = map_calc_dir(bl, dst_x,dst_y); ud->dir = dir; if(sd) sd->head_dir = dir; dx = dst_x - bl->x; dy = dst_y - bl->y; map_foreachinmovearea(clif_outsight,bl->m, bl->x-AREA_SIZE,bl->y-AREA_SIZE,bl->x+AREA_SIZE,bl->y+AREA_SIZE, dx,dy,sd?BL_ALL:BL_PC,bl); map_moveblock(bl, dst_x, dst_y, gettick()); ud->walktimer = 1; map_foreachinmovearea(clif_insight,bl->m, bl->x-AREA_SIZE,bl->y-AREA_SIZE,bl->x+AREA_SIZE,bl->y+AREA_SIZE, -dx,-dy,sd?BL_ALL:BL_PC,bl); ud->walktimer = -1; if(sd) { if(map_getcell(bl->m,bl->x,bl->y,CELL_CHKNPC)) { npc_touch_areanpc(sd,bl->m,bl->x,bl->y); if (bl->prev == NULL) //Script could have warped char, abort remaining of the function. return 0; } else sd->areanpc_id=0; if(sd->status.pet_id > 0 && sd->pd && sd->pet.intimate > 0) { //Check if pet needs to be teleported. [Skotlex] int flag = 0; bl = &sd->pd->bl; //Note that bl now points to the pet! if (!checkpath && path_search(&wpd,bl->m,bl->x,bl->y,dst_x,dst_y,0)) flag = 1; else if (!check_distance_bl(&sd->bl, bl, AREA_SIZE)) //Too far, teleport. flag = 2; if (flag) { unit_movepos(bl,sd->bl.x,sd->bl.y, 0, 0); clif_slide(bl,bl->x,bl->y); } //If you want to use bl afterwards, uncomment this: //bl = &sd->bl; } } return 1; } int unit_setdir(struct block_list *bl,unsigned char dir) { struct unit_data *ud; nullpo_retr( 0, bl ); ud = unit_bl2ud(bl); if (!ud) return 0; ud->dir = dir; if (bl->type == BL_PC) ((TBL_PC *)bl)->head_dir = dir; clif_changed_dir(bl, AREA); return 0; } int unit_getdir(struct block_list *bl) { struct unit_data *ud; nullpo_retr( 0, bl ); ud = unit_bl2ud(bl); if (!ud) return 0; return ud->dir; } //Warps a unit/ud to a given map/position. //In the case of players, pc_setpos is used. //it respects the no warp flags, so it is safe to call this without doing nowarpto/nowarp checks. int unit_warp(struct block_list *bl,int m,short x,short y,int type) { struct unit_data *ud; nullpo_retr(0, bl); ud = unit_bl2ud(bl); if(bl->prev==NULL || !ud) return 1; if (type < 0 || type == 1) //Type 1 is invalid, since you shouldn't warp a bl with the "death" //animation, it messes up with unit_remove_map! [Skotlex] return 1; if( m<0 ) m=bl->m; switch (bl->type) { case BL_MOB: if (map[bl->m].flag.monster_noteleport) return 1; break; case BL_PC: if (map[bl->m].flag.noteleport) return 1; break; } if (x<0 || y<0) { //Random map position. if (!map_search_freecell(NULL, m, &x, &y, -1, -1, 1)) { if(battle_config.error_log) ShowWarning("unit_warp failed. Unit Id:%d/Type:%d, target position map %d (%s) at [%d,%d]\n", bl->id, bl->type, m, map[m].name, x, y); return 2; } } else if (map_getcell(m,x,y,CELL_CHKNOREACH)) { //Invalid target cell if(battle_config.error_log) ShowWarning("unit_warp: Specified non-walkable target cell: %d (%s) at [%d,%d]\n", m, map[m].name, x,y); if (!map_search_freecell(NULL, m, &x, &y, 4, 4, 1)) { //Can't find a nearby cell if(battle_config.error_log) ShowWarning("unit_warp failed. Unit Id:%d/Type:%d, target position map %d (%s) at [%d,%d]\n", bl->id, bl->type, m, map[m].name, x, y); return 2; } } if (bl->type == BL_PC) //Use pc_setpos return pc_setpos((TBL_PC*)bl, map[m].index, x, y, type); if (!unit_remove_map(bl, type)) return 3; bl->x=ud->to_x=x; bl->y=ud->to_y=y; bl->m=m; map_addblock(bl); clif_spawn(bl); skill_unit_move(bl,gettick(),1); if(bl->type == BL_MOB){ TBL_MOB *md = (TBL_MOB *)bl; if(md->nd) // Tell the script engine we've warped mob_script_callback(md, NULL, CALLBACK_WARPACK); } return 0; } /*========================================== * 歩行停止 *------------------------------------------ */ int unit_stop_walking(struct block_list *bl,int type) { struct unit_data *ud; struct TimerData *data; unsigned int tick; nullpo_retr(0, bl); ud = unit_bl2ud(bl); if(!ud || ud->walktimer == -1) return 0; //NOTE: We are using timer data after deleting it because we know the //delete_timer function does not messes with it. If the function's //behaviour changes in the future, this code could break! data = get_timer(ud->walktimer); delete_timer(ud->walktimer, unit_walktoxy_timer); ud->walktimer = -1; ud->state.change_walk_target = 0; tick = gettick(); if ((type&0x02 && !ud->walkpath.path_pos) //Force moving at least one cell. || (data && DIFF_TICK(data->tick, tick) <= data->data/2)) //Enough time has passed to cover half-cell { ud->walkpath.path_len = ud->walkpath.path_pos+1; unit_walktoxy_timer(-1, tick, bl->id, ud->walkpath.path_pos); } if(type&0x01) clif_fixpos(bl); ud->walkpath.path_len = 0; ud->walkpath.path_pos = 0; ud->to_x = bl->x; ud->to_y = bl->y; if(bl->type == BL_PET && type&~0xff) ud->canmove_tick = gettick() + (type>>8); if (ud->state.running) status_change_end(bl, SC_RUN, -1); return 1; } int unit_skilluse_id(struct block_list *src, int target_id, int skill_num, int skill_lv) { if(skill_num < 0) return 0; return unit_skilluse_id2( src, target_id, skill_num, skill_lv, skill_castfix(src, skill_num, skill_lv), skill_get_castcancel(skill_num) ); } int unit_is_walking(struct block_list *bl) { struct unit_data *ud = unit_bl2ud(bl); nullpo_retr(0, bl); if(!ud) return 0; return (ud->walktimer != -1); } /*========================================== * Determines if the bl can move based on status changes. [Skotlex] *------------------------------------------ */ int unit_can_move(struct block_list *bl) { struct map_session_data *sd; struct unit_data *ud; struct status_change *sc; nullpo_retr(0, bl); ud = unit_bl2ud(bl); sc = status_get_sc(bl); BL_CAST(BL_PC, bl, sd); if (!ud) return 0; if (ud->skilltimer != -1 && (!sd || pc_checkskill(sd, SA_FREECAST) <= 0)) return 0; if (DIFF_TICK(ud->canmove_tick, gettick()) > 0) return 0; if (sd && ( pc_issit(sd) || sd->state.blockedmove )) return 0; //Can't move if (sc) { if (sc->opt1 > 0 && sc->opt1 != OPT1_STONEWAIT) return 0; if ((sc->option & OPTION_HIDE) && (!sd || pc_checkskill(sd, RG_TUNNELDRIVE) <= 0)) return 0; if (sc->count && ( sc->data[SC_ANKLE].timer != -1 || sc->data[SC_AUTOCOUNTER].timer !=-1 || sc->data[SC_TRICKDEAD].timer !=-1 || sc->data[SC_BLADESTOP].timer !=-1 || sc->data[SC_BLADESTOP_WAIT].timer !=-1 || sc->data[SC_SPIDERWEB].timer !=-1 || (sc->data[SC_DANCING].timer !=-1 && ( (sc->data[SC_DANCING].val4 && sc->data[SC_LONGING].timer == -1) || sc->data[SC_DANCING].val1 == CG_HERMODE //cannot move while Hermod is active. )) || sc->data[SC_MOONLIT].timer != -1 || (sc->data[SC_GOSPEL].timer !=-1 && sc->data[SC_GOSPEL].val4 == BCT_SELF) || // cannot move while gospel is in effect sc->data[SC_STOP].timer != -1 || sc->data[SC_CLOSECONFINE].timer != -1 || sc->data[SC_CLOSECONFINE2].timer != -1 || (sc->data[SC_CLOAKING].timer != -1 && //Need wall at level 1-2 sc->data[SC_CLOAKING].val1 < 3 && !(sc->data[SC_CLOAKING].val4&1)) )) return 0; } return 1; } /*========================================== * Applies walk delay to character, considering that * if type is 0, this is a damage induced delay: if previous delay is active, do not change it. * if type is 1, this is a skill induced delay: walk-delay may only be increased, not decreased. *------------------------------------------ */ int unit_set_walkdelay(struct block_list *bl, unsigned int tick, int delay, int type) { struct unit_data *ud = unit_bl2ud(bl); if (delay <= 0 || !ud) return 0; if (type) { if (DIFF_TICK(ud->canmove_tick, tick+delay) > 0) return 0; } else { if (DIFF_TICK(ud->canmove_tick, tick) > 0) return 0; } ud->canmove_tick = tick + delay; if (ud->walktimer != -1) { //Stop walking, if chasing, readjust timers. if (delay == 1) { //Minimal delay (walk-delay) disabled. Just stop walking. unit_stop_walking(bl,0); } else { unit_stop_walking(bl,2); if(ud->target) add_timer(ud->canmove_tick+1, unit_walktobl_sub, bl->id, ud->target); } } return 1; } int unit_skilluse_id2(struct block_list *src, int target_id, int skill_num, int skill_lv, int casttime, int castcancel) { struct unit_data *ud; struct status_data *tstatus; struct status_change *sc; struct map_session_data *sd = NULL; struct block_list * target = NULL; unsigned int tick = gettick(); int temp; nullpo_retr(0, src); if(status_isdead(src)) return 0; // 死んでいないか if( BL_CAST( BL_PC, src, sd ) ) { ud = &sd->ud; } else ud = unit_bl2ud(src); if(ud == NULL) return 0; sc = status_get_sc(src); if (sc && !sc->count) sc = NULL; //Unneeded //temp: used to signal combo-skills right now. temp = (target_id == src->id && !(sd && sd->state.skill_flag) && skill_get_inf(skill_num)&INF_SELF_SKILL && skill_get_inf2(skill_num)&INF2_NO_TARGET_SELF); if (temp) target_id = ud->target; //Auto-select skills. [Skotlex] if (sd) { //Target_id checking. if(skillnotok(skill_num, sd)) // [MouseJstr] return 0; switch(skill_num) { //Check for skills that auto-select target case MO_CHAINCOMBO: if (sc && sc->data[SC_BLADESTOP].timer != -1){ if ((target=(struct block_list *)sc->data[SC_BLADESTOP].val4) == NULL) return 0; } break; case TK_JUMPKICK: case TK_COUNTER: case HT_POWER: if (sc && sc->data[SC_COMBO].timer != -1 && sc->data[SC_COMBO].val1 == skill_num) target_id = sc->data[SC_COMBO].val2; break; case WE_MALE: case WE_FEMALE: if (!sd->status.partner_id) return 0; target = (struct block_list*)map_charid2sd(sd->status.partner_id); if (!target) { clif_skill_fail(sd,skill_num,0,0); return 0; } break; //TODO: here we should place and correct skills that should target homun automatically. However some work still needs be done as "dead homuns" are deleted from memory, and as such, you can't really target them. [Skotlex] case AM_REST: // case AM_RESURRECTHOMUN: target = (struct block_list*)sd->hd; if (!target) { clif_skill_fail(sd,skill_num,0,0); return 0; } break; } if (target) target_id = target->id; } if(!target && (target=map_id2bl(target_id)) == NULL ) return 0; if(src->m != target->m) return 0; // 同じマップかどうか if(!src->prev || !target->prev) return 0; // map 上に存在するか //Normally not needed because clif.c checks for it, but the at/char/script commands don't! [Skotlex] if(ud->skilltimer != -1 && skill_num != SA_CASTCANCEL) return 0; if(skill_get_inf2(skill_num)&INF2_NO_TARGET_SELF && src->id == target_id) return 0; if(!status_check_skilluse(src, target, skill_num, 0)) return 0; tstatus = status_get_status_data(target); //直前のスキル状況の記録 if(sd) { switch(skill_num){ case SA_CASTCANCEL: if(ud->skillid != skill_num){ sd->skillid_old = ud->skillid; sd->skilllv_old = ud->skilllv; break; } case BD_ENCORE: //Prevent using the dance skill if you no longer have the skill in your tree. if(!sd->skillid_dance || pc_checkskill(sd,sd->skillid_dance)<=0){ clif_skill_fail(sd,skill_num,0,0); return 0; } sd->skillid_old = skill_num; break; case BD_LULLABY: case BD_RICHMANKIM: case BD_ETERNALCHAOS: case BD_DRUMBATTLEFIELD: case BD_RINGNIBELUNGEN: case BD_ROKISWEIL: case BD_INTOABYSS: case BD_SIEGFRIED: case CG_MOONLIT: if (battle_config.player_skill_partner_check && (!battle_config.gm_skilluncond || pc_isGM(sd) < battle_config.gm_skilluncond) && (skill_check_pc_partner(sd, skill_num, &skill_lv, 1, 0) < 1) ) { clif_skill_fail(sd,skill_num,0,0); return 0; } break; } if (!skill_check_condition(sd, skill_num, skill_lv, 0)) return 0; } //TODO: Add type-independant skill_check_condition function. if (src->type == BL_MOB) { switch (skill_num) { case NPC_SUMMONSLAVE: case NPC_SUMMONMONSTER: case AL_TELEPORT: if (((TBL_MOB*)src)->master_id && ((TBL_MOB*)src)->special_state.ai) return 0; } } //Check range when not using skill on yourself or is a combo-skill during attack //(these are supposed to always have the same range as your attack) if(src->id != target_id && (!temp || ud->attacktimer == -1) && !battle_check_range(src,target,skill_get_range2(src, skill_num,skill_lv) +(skill_num==RG_CLOSECONFINE?0:1))) //Close confine is exploitable thanks to this extra range "feature" of the client. [Skotlex] return 0; if (!temp) //Stop attack on non-combo skills [Skotlex] unit_stop_attack(src); else if(ud->attacktimer != -1) //Elsewise, delay current attack sequence ud->attackabletime = tick + status_get_adelay(src); ud->state.skillcastcancel = castcancel; //temp: Used to signal force cast now. temp = 0; switch(skill_num){ case ALL_RESURRECTION: if(battle_check_undead(tstatus->race,tstatus->def_ele)){ temp=1; casttime = skill_castfix(src, PR_TURNUNDEAD, skill_lv); } else if (!status_isdead(target)) return 0; //Can't cast on non-dead characters. break; case MO_FINGEROFFENSIVE: if(sd) casttime += casttime * ((skill_lv > sd->spiritball)? sd->spiritball:skill_lv); break; case MO_EXTREMITYFIST: if (sc && sc->data[SC_COMBO].timer != -1 && (sc->data[SC_COMBO].val1 == MO_COMBOFINISH || sc->data[SC_COMBO].val1 == CH_TIGERFIST || sc->data[SC_COMBO].val1 == CH_CHAINCRUSH)) casttime = 0; temp = 1; break; case TK_RUN: if (sc && sc->data[SC_RUN].timer != -1) casttime = 0; break; case SA_MAGICROD: case SA_SPELLBREAKER: temp =1; break; case KN_CHARGEATK: //Taken from jA: Casttime is increased by dist/3*100% casttime = casttime * ((distance_bl(src,target)-1)/3+1); break; } if( casttime>0 || temp){ clif_skillcasting(src, src->id, target_id, 0,0, skill_num,casttime); if (sd && target->type == BL_MOB) { TBL_MOB *md = (TBL_MOB*)target; mobskill_event(md, src, tick, -1); //Cast targetted skill event. //temp: used to store mob's mode now. if (tstatus->mode&MD_CASTSENSOR && battle_check_target(target, src, BCT_ENEMY) > 0) { switch (md->state.skillstate) { case MSS_ANGRY: case MSS_RUSH: case MSS_FOLLOW: if (!(tstatus->mode&(MD_AGGRESSIVE|MD_ANGRY))) break; //Only Aggressive mobs change target while chasing. case MSS_IDLE: case MSS_WALK: md->target_id = src->id; md->state.aggressive = (temp&MD_ANGRY)?1:0; md->min_chase = md->db->range3; } } } } if( casttime<=0 ) ud->state.skillcastcancel=0; ud->canact_tick = tick + casttime + 100; ud->skilltarget = target_id; ud->skillx = 0; ud->skilly = 0; ud->skillid = skill_num; ud->skilllv = skill_lv; if(sc && sc->data[SC_CLOAKING].timer != -1 && !(sc->data[SC_CLOAKING].val4&2) && skill_num != AS_CLOAKING) status_change_end(src,SC_CLOAKING,-1); if(casttime > 0) { ud->skilltimer = add_timer( tick+casttime, skill_castend_id, src->id, 0 ); if(sd && pc_checkskill(sd,SA_FREECAST)) status_freecast_switch(sd); else unit_stop_walking(src,1); } else skill_castend_id(ud->skilltimer,tick,src->id,0); return 1; } int unit_skilluse_pos(struct block_list *src, int skill_x, int skill_y, int skill_num, int skill_lv) { if(skill_num < 0) return 0; return unit_skilluse_pos2( src, skill_x, skill_y, skill_num, skill_lv, skill_castfix(src, skill_num, skill_lv), skill_get_castcancel(skill_num) ); } int unit_skilluse_pos2( struct block_list *src, int skill_x, int skill_y, int skill_num, int skill_lv, int casttime, int castcancel) { struct map_session_data *sd = NULL; struct unit_data *ud = NULL; struct status_change *sc; struct block_list bl; unsigned int tick = gettick(); nullpo_retr(0, src); if(!src->prev) return 0; // map 上に存在するか if(status_isdead(src)) return 0; if( BL_CAST( BL_PC, src, sd ) ) { ud = &sd->ud; } else ud = unit_bl2ud(src); if(ud == NULL) return 0; if(ud->skilltimer != -1) //Normally not needed since clif.c checks for it, but at/char/script commands don't! [Skotlex] return 0; sc = status_get_sc(src); if (sc && !sc->count) sc = NULL; if(sd) { if (skillnotok(skill_num, sd) || !skill_check_condition(sd, skill_num, skill_lv,0)) return 0; } if (!status_check_skilluse(src, NULL, skill_num, 0)) return 0; if (map_getcell(src->m, skill_x, skill_y, CELL_CHKNOREACH)) { //prevent casting ground targeted spells on non-walkable areas. [Skotlex] if (sd) clif_skill_fail(sd,skill_num,0,0); return 0; } /* 射程と障害物チェック */ bl.type = BL_NUL; bl.m = src->m; bl.x = skill_x; bl.y = skill_y; if(skill_num != TK_HIGHJUMP && skill_num != NJ_SHADOWJUMP && !battle_check_range(src,&bl,skill_get_range2(src, skill_num,skill_lv)+1)) return 0; unit_stop_attack(src); ud->state.skillcastcancel = castcancel; if( casttime>0 ) { unit_stop_walking( src, 1); clif_skillcasting(src, src->id, 0, skill_x,skill_y, skill_num,casttime); } if( casttime<=0 ) ud->state.skillcastcancel=0; ud->canact_tick = tick + casttime + 100; ud->skillid = skill_num; ud->skilllv = skill_lv; ud->skillx = skill_x; ud->skilly = skill_y; ud->skilltarget = 0; if (sc && sc->data[SC_CLOAKING].timer != -1 && !(sc->data[SC_CLOAKING].val4&2)) status_change_end(src,SC_CLOAKING,-1); if(casttime > 0) { ud->skilltimer = add_timer( tick+casttime, skill_castend_pos, src->id, 0 ); if(sd && pc_checkskill(sd,SA_FREECAST)) status_freecast_switch(sd); else unit_stop_walking(src,1); } else { ud->skilltimer = -1; skill_castend_pos(ud->skilltimer,tick,src->id,0); } return 1; } static int unit_attack_timer(int tid,unsigned int tick,int id,int data); int unit_stop_attack(struct block_list *bl) { struct unit_data *ud = unit_bl2ud(bl); nullpo_retr(0, bl); if(!ud || ud->attacktimer == -1) return 0; delete_timer( ud->attacktimer, unit_attack_timer ); ud->attacktimer = -1; ud->target = 0; return 0; } //Means current target is unattackable. For now only unlocks mobs. int unit_unattackable(struct block_list *bl) { struct unit_data *ud = unit_bl2ud(bl); if (ud) { ud->target = 0; ud->state.attack_continue = 0; } if(bl->type == BL_MOB) mob_unlocktarget((struct mob_data*)bl, gettick()) ; else if(bl->type == BL_PET) pet_unlocktarget((struct pet_data*)bl); return 0; } /*========================================== * 攻撃要求 * typeが1なら継続攻撃 *------------------------------------------ */ int unit_attack(struct block_list *src,int target_id,int type) { struct block_list *target; struct unit_data *ud; nullpo_retr(0, ud = unit_bl2ud(src)); target=map_id2bl(target_id); if(target==NULL || status_isdead(target)) { unit_unattackable(src); return 1; } if(src->type == BL_PC && target->type==BL_NPC) { // monster npcs [Valaris] npc_click((TBL_PC*)src,(TBL_NPC*)target); // submitted by leinsirk10 [Celest] return 0; } if(battle_check_target(src,target,BCT_ENEMY)<=0 || !status_check_skilluse(src, target, 0, 0) ) { unit_unattackable(src); return 1; } ud->target = target_id; ud->state.attack_continue = type; if (type) //If you re to attack continously, set to auto-case character ud->chaserange = status_get_range(src); //Just change target/type. [Skotlex] if(ud->attacktimer != -1) return 0; if(DIFF_TICK(ud->attackabletime, gettick()) > 0) //Do attack next time it is possible. [Skotlex] ud->attacktimer=add_timer(ud->attackabletime,unit_attack_timer,src->id,0); else //Attack NOW. unit_attack_timer(-1,gettick(),src->id,0); return 0; } /*========================================== * *------------------------------------------ */ int unit_can_reach_pos(struct block_list *bl,int x,int y, int easy) { struct walkpath_data wpd; nullpo_retr(0, bl); if( bl->x==x && bl->y==y ) // 同じマス return 1; // 障害物判定 wpd.path_len=0; wpd.path_pos=0; wpd.path_half=0; return (path_search_real(&wpd,bl->m,bl->x,bl->y,x,y,easy,CELL_CHKNOREACH)!=-1); } /*========================================== * *------------------------------------------ */ int unit_can_reach_bl(struct block_list *bl,struct block_list *tbl, int range, int easy, short *x, short *y) { struct walkpath_data wpd; int i; short dx,dy; nullpo_retr(0, bl); nullpo_retr(0, tbl); if( bl->m != tbl->m) return 0; if( bl->x==tbl->x && bl->y==tbl->y ) return 1; if(range>0 && !check_distance_bl(bl, tbl, range)) return 0; wpd.path_len=0; wpd.path_pos=0; wpd.path_half=0; // It judges whether it can adjoin or not. dx=tbl->x - bl->x; dy=tbl->y - bl->y; dx=(dx>0)?1:((dx<0)?-1:0); dy=(dy>0)?1:((dy<0)?-1:0); if (map_getcell(tbl->m,tbl->x-dx,tbl->y-dy,CELL_CHKNOREACH)) { //Look for a suitable cell to place in. for(i=0;i<9 && map_getcell(tbl->m,tbl->x-dirx[i],tbl->y-diry[i],CELL_CHKNOREACH);i++); if (i==9) return 0; //No valid cells. dx = dirx[i]; dy = diry[i]; } if (x) *x = tbl->x-dx; if (y) *y = tbl->y-dy; return (path_search_real(&wpd,bl->m,bl->x,bl->y,tbl->x-dx,tbl->y-dy,easy,CELL_CHKNOREACH)!=-1); } /*========================================== * PCの攻撃 (timer関数) *------------------------------------------ */ static int unit_attack_timer_sub(struct block_list* src, int tid, unsigned int tick) { struct block_list *target; struct unit_data *ud; struct status_data *sstatus; struct map_session_data *sd = NULL; struct mob_data *md = NULL; int range; if((ud=unit_bl2ud(src))==NULL) return 0; if(ud->attacktimer != tid){ if(battle_config.error_log) ShowError("unit_attack_timer %d != %d\n",ud->attacktimer,tid); return 0; } BL_CAST( BL_PC , src, sd); BL_CAST( BL_MOB, src, md); ud->attacktimer=-1; target=map_id2bl(ud->target); if(src->prev == NULL || target==NULL || target->prev == NULL) return 0; if(ud->skilltimer != -1 && (!sd || pc_checkskill(sd,SA_FREECAST) <= 0)) return 0; if(src->m != target->m || status_isdead(src) || status_isdead(target) || !status_check_skilluse(src, target, 0, 0)) return 0; sstatus = status_get_status_data(src); if(!battle_config.sdelay_attack_enable && DIFF_TICK(ud->canact_tick,tick) > 0 && (!sd || pc_checkskill(sd,SA_FREECAST) <= 0) ) { if (tid == -1) { //requested attack. if(sd) clif_skill_fail(sd,1,4,0); return 0; } //Otherwise, we are in a combo-attack, delay this until your canact time is over. [Skotlex] if(ud->state.attack_continue) { if (DIFF_TICK(ud->canact_tick, ud->attackabletime) > 0) ud->attackabletime = ud->canact_tick; ud->attacktimer=add_timer(ud->attackabletime,unit_attack_timer,src->id,0); } return 1; } range = sstatus->rhw.range; if(!sd || sd->status.weapon != W_BOW) range++; //Dunno why everyone but bows gets this extra range... if(unit_is_walking(target)) range++; //Extra range when chasing if(!check_distance_bl(src,target,range) ) { //Chase if required. if(ud->state.attack_continue) { if(sd) clif_movetoattack(sd,target); else unit_walktobl(src,target,ud->chaserange,ud->state.walk_easy|2); } return 1; } if(!battle_check_range(src,target,range)) { //Within range, but no direct line of attack if(ud->state.attack_continue) { if(ud->chaserange > 2) ud->chaserange-=2; unit_walktobl(src,target,ud->chaserange,ud->state.walk_easy|2); } return 1; } //Sync packet only for players. //Non-players use the sync packet on the walk timer. [Skotlex] if (tid == -1 && sd) clif_fixpos(src); if(DIFF_TICK(ud->attackabletime,tick) <= 0) { if (battle_config.attack_direction_change && (src->type&battle_config.attack_direction_change)) { ud->dir = map_calc_dir(src, target->x,target->y ); if (sd) sd->head_dir = ud->dir; } if(ud->walktimer != -1) unit_stop_walking(src,1); if(md) { if (mobskill_use(md,tick,-1)) return 1; if (sstatus->mode&MD_ASSIST && DIFF_TICK(md->last_linktime, tick) < MIN_MOBLINKTIME) { // Link monsters nearby [Skotlex] md->last_linktime = tick; map_foreachinrange(mob_linksearch, src, md->db->range2, BL_MOB, md->class_, target, tick); } } if(src->type == BL_PET && pet_attackskill((TBL_PET*)src, target->id)) return 1; map_freeblock_lock(); ud->attacktarget_lv = battle_weapon_attack(src,target,tick,0); if(sd && sd->status.pet_id > 0 && sd->pd && battle_config.pet_attack_support) pet_target_check(sd,target,0); map_freeblock_unlock(); ud->attackabletime = tick + sstatus->adelay; // You can't move if you can't attack neither. unit_set_walkdelay(src, tick, sstatus->amotion, 1); } if(ud->state.attack_continue) ud->attacktimer = add_timer(ud->attackabletime,unit_attack_timer,src->id,0); return 1; } static int unit_attack_timer(int tid,unsigned int tick,int id,int data) { struct block_list *bl; bl = map_id2bl(id); if(bl && unit_attack_timer_sub(bl, tid, tick) == 0) unit_unattackable(bl); return 0; } /*========================================== * Cancels an ongoing skill cast. * flag&1: Cast-Cancel invoked. * flag&2: Cancel only if skill is cancellable. *------------------------------------------ */ int unit_skillcastcancel(struct block_list *bl,int type) { struct map_session_data *sd = NULL; struct unit_data *ud = unit_bl2ud( bl); unsigned int tick=gettick(); int ret=0, skill; nullpo_retr(0, bl); if (!ud || ud->skilltimer==-1) return 0; //Nothing to cancel. BL_CAST(BL_PC, bl, sd); if (type&2) { //See if it can be cancelled. if (!ud->state.skillcastcancel) return 0; if (sd && (sd->special_state.no_castcancel2 || (sd->special_state.no_castcancel && !map_flag_gvg(bl->m)))) //fixed flags being read the wrong way around [blackhole89] return 0; } ud->canact_tick=tick; if(sd && pc_checkskill(sd,SA_FREECAST)) status_freecast_switch(sd); if(type&1 && sd) skill = sd->skillid_old; else skill = ud->skillid; if (skill_get_inf(skill) & INF_GROUND_SKILL) ret=delete_timer( ud->skilltimer, skill_castend_pos ); else ret=delete_timer( ud->skilltimer, skill_castend_id ); if(ret<0) ShowError("delete timer error : skillid : %d\n",ret); if(bl->type==BL_MOB) ((TBL_MOB*)bl)->skillidx = -1; ud->skilltimer = -1; clif_skillcastcancel(bl); return 1; } // unit_data の初期化処理 void unit_dataset(struct block_list *bl) { struct unit_data *ud; nullpo_retv(ud = unit_bl2ud(bl)); memset( ud, 0, sizeof( struct unit_data) ); ud->bl = bl; ud->walktimer = -1; ud->skilltimer = -1; ud->attacktimer = -1; ud->attackabletime = ud->canact_tick = ud->canmove_tick = gettick(); } /*========================================== * 自分をロックしているユニットの数を数える(foreachclient) *------------------------------------------ */ static int unit_counttargeted_sub(struct block_list *bl, va_list ap) { int id, target_lv; struct unit_data *ud; id = va_arg(ap,int); target_lv = va_arg(ap,int); if(bl->id == id) return 0; ud = unit_bl2ud(bl); if (ud && ud->target == id && ud->attacktimer != -1 && ud->attacktarget_lv >= target_lv) return 1; return 0; } /*========================================== * *------------------------------------------ */ int unit_fixdamage(struct block_list *src,struct block_list *target,unsigned int tick,int sdelay,int ddelay,int damage,int div,int type,int damage2) { nullpo_retr(0, target); if(damage+damage2 <= 0) return 0; return status_fix_damage(src,target,damage+damage2,clif_damage(target,target,tick,sdelay,ddelay,damage,div,type,damage2)); } /*========================================== * 自分をロックしている対象の数を返す * 戻りは整数で0以上 *------------------------------------------ */ int unit_counttargeted(struct block_list *bl,int target_lv) { nullpo_retr(0, bl); return (map_foreachinrange(unit_counttargeted_sub, bl, AREA_SIZE, BL_CHAR, bl->id, target_lv)); } /*========================================== * 見た目のサイズを変更する *------------------------------------------ */ int unit_changeviewsize(struct block_list *bl,short size) { nullpo_retr(0, bl); size=(size<0)?-1:(size>0)?1:0; if(bl->type == BL_PC) { ((TBL_PC*)bl)->state.size=size; } else if(bl->type == BL_MOB) { ((TBL_MOB*)bl)->special_state.size=size; } else return 0; if(size!=0) clif_misceffect2(bl,421+size); return 0; } /*========================================== * Removes a bl/ud from the map. * Returns 1 on success. 0 if it couldn't be removed or the bl was free'd * if clrtype is 1 (death), appropiate cleanup is performed. * Otherwise it is assumed bl is being warped. * On-Kill specific stuff is not performed here, look at status_damage for that. *------------------------------------------ */ int unit_remove_map(struct block_list *bl, int clrtype) { struct unit_data *ud = unit_bl2ud(bl); struct status_change *sc = status_get_sc(bl); nullpo_retr(0, ud); if(bl->prev == NULL) return 0; //Already removed? map_freeblock_lock(); ud->target = 0; //Unlock walk/attack target. if (ud->walktimer != -1) unit_stop_walking(bl,0); if (ud->attacktimer != -1) unit_stop_attack(bl); if (ud->skilltimer != -1) unit_skillcastcancel(bl,0); // Do not reset can-act delay. [Skotlex] ud->attackabletime = ud->canmove_tick /*= ud->canact_tick*/ = gettick(); clif_clearchar_area(bl,clrtype); if(sc && sc->count ) { //map-change/warp dispells. if(sc->data[SC_BLADESTOP].timer!=-1) status_change_end(bl,SC_BLADESTOP,-1); if(sc->data[SC_BASILICA].timer!=-1) status_change_end(bl,SC_BASILICA,-1); if(sc->data[SC_ANKLE].timer != -1) status_change_end(bl, SC_ANKLE, -1); if (sc->data[SC_TRICKDEAD].timer != -1) status_change_end(bl, SC_TRICKDEAD, -1); if (sc->data[SC_BLADESTOP].timer!=-1) status_change_end(bl,SC_BLADESTOP,-1); if (sc->data[SC_RUN].timer!=-1) status_change_end(bl,SC_RUN,-1); if (sc->data[SC_DANCING].timer!=-1) // clear dance effect when warping [Valaris] skill_stop_dancing(bl); if (sc->data[SC_WARM].timer!=-1) status_change_end(bl, SC_WARM, -1); if (sc->data[SC_DEVOTION].timer!=-1) status_change_end(bl,SC_DEVOTION,-1); if (sc->data[SC_MARIONETTE].timer!=-1) status_change_end(bl,SC_MARIONETTE,-1); if (sc->data[SC_MARIONETTE2].timer!=-1) status_change_end(bl,SC_MARIONETTE2,-1); if (sc->data[SC_CLOSECONFINE].timer!=-1) status_change_end(bl,SC_CLOSECONFINE,-1); if (sc->data[SC_CLOSECONFINE2].timer!=-1) status_change_end(bl,SC_CLOSECONFINE2,-1); if (sc->data[SC_HIDING].timer!=-1) status_change_end(bl, SC_HIDING, -1); if (sc->data[SC_CLOAKING].timer!=-1) status_change_end(bl, SC_CLOAKING, -1); if (sc->data[SC_CHASEWALK].timer!=-1) status_change_end(bl, SC_CHASEWALK, -1); if (sc->data[SC_GOSPEL].timer != -1 && sc->data[SC_GOSPEL].val4 == BCT_SELF) status_change_end(bl, SC_GOSPEL, -1); } if (bl->type&BL_CHAR) { skill_unit_move(bl,gettick(),4); skill_cleartimerskill(bl); // タイマースキルクリア } if(bl->type == BL_PC) { struct map_session_data *sd = (struct map_session_data*)bl; //Leave/reject all invitations. if(sd->chatID) chat_leavechat(sd); if(sd->trade_partner) trade_tradecancel(sd); if(sd->vender_id) vending_closevending(sd); if(!sd->state.waitingdisconnect) { //when quitting, let the final chrif_save handle storage saving. if(sd->state.storage_flag == 1) storage_storage_quit(sd,0); else if (sd->state.storage_flag == 2) storage_guild_storage_quit(sd,0); } if(sd->party_invite>0) party_reply_invite(sd,sd->party_invite_account,0); if(sd->guild_invite>0) guild_reply_invite(sd,sd->guild_invite,0); if(sd->guild_alliance>0) guild_reply_reqalliance(sd,sd->guild_alliance_account,0); pc_delinvincibletimer(sd); if(sd->pvp_timer!=-1) { delete_timer(sd->pvp_timer,pc_calc_pvprank_timer); sd->pvp_timer = -1; } if(pc_issit(sd)) { pc_setstand(sd); skill_gangsterparadise(sd,0); skill_rest(sd,0); } party_send_dot_remove(sd);//minimap dot fix [Kevin] guild_send_dot_remove(sd); } else if(bl->type == BL_MOB) { struct mob_data *md = (struct mob_data*)bl; md->target_id=0; md->attacked_id=0; md->state.skillstate= MSS_IDLE; } else if (bl->type == BL_PET) { struct pet_data *pd = (struct pet_data*)bl; struct map_session_data *sd = pd->msd; if(!sd) { map_delblock(bl); unit_free(bl); map_freeblock_unlock(); return 0; } if (sd->pet.intimate <= 0) { //Remove pet. intif_delete_petdata(sd->status.pet_id); sd->status.pet_id = 0; sd->pd = NULL; pd->msd = NULL; map_delblock(bl); unit_free(bl); map_freeblock_unlock(); return 0; } } map_delblock(bl); map_freeblock_unlock(); return 1; } /*========================================== * Function to free all related resources to the bl * if unit is on map, it is removed using clrtype 0. *------------------------------------------ */ int unit_free(struct block_list *bl) { struct unit_data *ud = unit_bl2ud( bl ); nullpo_retr(0, ud); map_freeblock_lock(); if( bl->prev ) //Players are supposed to logout with a "warp" effect. unit_remove_map(bl, bl->type==BL_PC?3:0); if( bl->type == BL_PC ) { struct map_session_data *sd = (struct map_session_data*)bl; if(status_isdead(bl)) pc_setrestartvalue(sd,2); //Status that are not saved... if(sd->sc.count) { if(sd->sc.data[SC_SPURT].timer!=-1) status_change_end(bl,SC_SPURT,-1); if(sd->sc.data[SC_BERSERK].timer!=-1) status_change_end(bl,SC_BERSERK,-1); if(sd->sc.data[SC_TRICKDEAD].timer!=-1) status_change_end(bl,SC_TRICKDEAD,-1); if (battle_config.debuff_on_logout&1) { if(sd->sc.data[SC_ORCISH].timer!=-1) status_change_end(bl,SC_ORCISH,-1); if(sd->sc.data[SC_STRIPWEAPON].timer!=-1) status_change_end(bl,SC_STRIPWEAPON,-1); if(sd->sc.data[SC_STRIPARMOR].timer!=-1) status_change_end(bl,SC_STRIPARMOR,-1); if(sd->sc.data[SC_STRIPSHIELD].timer!=-1) status_change_end(bl,SC_STRIPSHIELD,-1); if(sd->sc.data[SC_STRIPHELM].timer!=-1) status_change_end(bl,SC_STRIPHELM,-1); if(sd->sc.data[SC_EXTREMITYFIST].timer!=-1) status_change_end(bl,SC_EXTREMITYFIST,-1); if(sd->sc.data[SC_EXPLOSIONSPIRITS].timer!=-1) status_change_end(bl,SC_EXPLOSIONSPIRITS,-1); } if (battle_config.debuff_on_logout&2) { //Food items are removed on logout. if(sd->sc.data[SC_STRFOOD].timer!=-1) status_change_end(bl,SC_STRFOOD,-1); if(sd->sc.data[SC_AGIFOOD].timer!=-1) status_change_end(bl,SC_AGIFOOD,-1); if(sd->sc.data[SC_VITFOOD].timer!=-1) status_change_end(bl,SC_VITFOOD,-1); if(sd->sc.data[SC_INTFOOD].timer!=-1) status_change_end(bl,SC_INTFOOD,-1); if(sd->sc.data[SC_DEXFOOD].timer!=-1) status_change_end(bl,SC_DEXFOOD,-1); if(sd->sc.data[SC_LUKFOOD].timer!=-1) status_change_end(bl,SC_LUKFOOD,-1); if(sd->sc.data[SC_HITFOOD].timer!=-1) status_change_end(bl,SC_HITFOOD,-1); if(sd->sc.data[SC_FLEEFOOD].timer!=-1) status_change_end(bl,SC_FLEEFOOD,-1); if(sd->sc.data[SC_BATKFOOD].timer!=-1) status_change_end(bl,SC_BATKFOOD,-1); if(sd->sc.data[SC_WATKFOOD].timer!=-1) status_change_end(bl,SC_WATKFOOD,-1); if(sd->sc.data[SC_MATKFOOD].timer!=-1) status_change_end(bl,SC_MATKFOOD,-1); } } if (sd->followtimer != -1) pc_stop_following(sd); // Notify friends that this char logged out. [Skotlex] clif_foreachclient(clif_friendslist_toggle_sub, sd->status.account_id, sd->status.char_id, 0); party_send_logout(sd); guild_send_memberinfoshort(sd,0); pc_cleareventtimer(sd); pc_delspiritball(sd,sd->spiritball,1); chrif_save_scdata(sd); //Save status changes, then clear'em out from memory. [Skotlex] pc_makesavestatus(sd); pc_clean_skilltree(sd); } else if( bl->type == BL_PET ) { struct pet_data *pd = (struct pet_data*)bl; struct map_session_data *sd = pd->msd; pet_hungry_timer_delete(pd); if (pd->a_skill) { aFree(pd->a_skill); pd->a_skill = NULL; } if (pd->s_skill) { if (pd->s_skill->timer != -1) { if (pd->s_skill->id) delete_timer(pd->s_skill->timer, pet_skill_support_timer); else delete_timer(pd->s_skill->timer, pet_heal_timer); } aFree(pd->s_skill); pd->s_skill = NULL; } if(pd->recovery) { if(pd->recovery->timer != -1) delete_timer(pd->recovery->timer, pet_recovery_timer); aFree(pd->recovery); pd->recovery = NULL; } if(pd->bonus) { if (pd->bonus->timer != -1) delete_timer(pd->bonus->timer, pet_skill_bonus_timer); aFree(pd->bonus); pd->bonus = NULL; } if (pd->loot) { pet_lootitem_drop(pd,sd); if (pd->loot->item) aFree(pd->loot->item); aFree (pd->loot); pd->loot = NULL; } if (sd) { if(sd->pet.intimate > 0) intif_save_petdata(sd->status.account_id,&sd->pet); sd->pd = NULL; } } else if(bl->type == BL_MOB) { struct mob_data *md = (struct mob_data*)bl; if(md->deletetimer!=-1) delete_timer(md->deletetimer,mob_timer_delete); md->deletetimer=-1; if(md->lootitem) { aFree(md->lootitem); md->lootitem=NULL; } if (md->guardian_data) { if (md->guardian_data->number < MAX_GUARDIANS) md->guardian_data->castle->guardian[md->guardian_data->number].id = 0; aFree(md->guardian_data); md->guardian_data = NULL; } if (md->spawn && md->spawn_n < 0 && --(md->spawn->num) == 0) { //Spawning data is not attached to the map, so free it //if this is the last mob who is pointing at it. aFree(md->spawn); md->spawn = NULL; } if(md->base_status) { aFree(md->base_status); md->base_status = NULL; } if(mob_is_clone(md->class_)) mob_clone_delete(md->class_); } else if( bl->type == BL_HOMUNCULUS ) { //[orn] struct homun_data *hd = (struct homun_data*)bl; struct map_session_data *sd = hd->master; merc_hom_hungry_timer_delete(hd); merc_natural_heal_timer_delete(hd) ; if (sd) { // if(hd->intimacy > 0) // intif_save_mercdata(sd->status.account_id,&sd->hom); sd->hd = NULL; } } skill_clear_unitgroup(bl); status_change_clear(bl,1); if (bl->type != BL_PC) { //Players are handled by map_quit map_deliddb(bl); map_freeblock(bl); } map_freeblock_unlock(); return 0; } int do_init_unit(void) { add_timer_func_list(unit_attack_timer, "unit_attack_timer"); add_timer_func_list(unit_walktoxy_timer,"unit_walktoxy_timer"); add_timer_func_list(unit_walktobl_sub, "unit_walktobl_sub"); return 0; } int do_final_unit(void) { // nothing to do return 0; }