/** * This file is part of Hercules. * http://herc.ws - http://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules * * Copyright (C) 2012-2016 Hercules Dev Team * Copyright (C) Athena Dev Teams * * Hercules is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #ifndef MAP_STATUS_H #define MAP_STATUS_H #include "common/hercules.h" #include "common/mmo.h" // NEW_CARTS struct block_list; struct config_setting_t; struct elemental_data; struct homun_data; struct mercenary_data; struct mob_data; struct npc_data; struct pet_data; //Change the equation when the values are high enough to discard the //imprecision in exchange of overflow protection [Skotlex] //Also add 100% checks since those are the most used cases where we don't //want approximation errors. #define APPLY_RATE(value, rate) ( \ (rate) == 100 ? \ (value) \ : ( \ (value) > 100000 ? \ (rate) * ( (value) / 100 ) \ : \ (value) * (rate) / 100 \ ) \ ) /** * Max Refine available to your server * Changing this limit requires edits to refine_db.txt **/ #ifdef RENEWAL #define MAX_REFINE 20 #else #define MAX_REFINE 10 #endif enum refine_type { REFINE_TYPE_ARMOR = 0, REFINE_TYPE_WEAPON1 = 1, REFINE_TYPE_WEAPON2 = 2, REFINE_TYPE_WEAPON3 = 3, REFINE_TYPE_WEAPON4 = 4, #ifndef REFINE_TYPE_MAX REFINE_TYPE_MAX = 5 #endif }; /** * SC configuration type * @see db/sc_config.txt for more information **/ typedef enum sc_conf_type { SC_NO_REM_DEATH = 0x001, SC_NO_SAVE = 0x002, SC_NO_DISPELL = 0x004, SC_NO_CLEARANCE = 0x008, SC_BUFF = 0x010, SC_DEBUFF = 0x020, SC_MADO_NO_RESET = 0x040, SC_NO_CLEAR = 0x080, SC_VISIBLE = 0x100 } sc_conf_type; /** * Flags to be used with status->change_start */ enum scstart_flag { // Note: When updating this enum, also update the documentation in doc/script_commands.txt and the constants in db/const.txt SCFLAG_NONE = 0x00, ///< No special behavior. SCFLAG_NOAVOID = 0x01, ///< Cannot be avoided (it has to start). SCFLAG_FIXEDTICK = 0x02, ///< Tick should not be reduced (by vit, luk, lv, etc). SCFLAG_LOADED = 0x04, ///< sc_data was loaded, no value has to be altered. SCFLAG_FIXEDRATE = 0x08, ///< rate should not be reduced (not evaluated in status_change_start, but in some calls to other functions). SCFLAG_NOICON = 0x10, ///< Status icon (SI) should not be sent. SCFLAG_ALL = SCFLAG_NONE|SCFLAG_NOAVOID|SCFLAG_FIXEDTICK|SCFLAG_LOADED|SCFLAG_FIXEDRATE|SCFLAG_NOICON }; // Status changes listing. These code are for use by the server. typedef enum sc_type { SC_NONE = -1, //First we enumerate common status ailments which are often used around. SC_STONE = 0, SC_COMMON_MIN = 0, // begin SC_FREEZE, SC_STUN, SC_SLEEP, SC_POISON, SC_CURSE, SC_SILENCE, SC_CONFUSION, SC_BLIND, SC_BLOODING, SC_DPOISON, //10 SC_FEAR, SC_COLD, SC_BURNING, SC_DEEP_SLEEP, SC_COMMON_MAX = 14, // end //Next up, we continue on 20, to leave enough room for additional "common" ailments in the future. SC_PROVOKE = 20, SC_ENDURE, SC_TWOHANDQUICKEN, SC_CONCENTRATION, SC_HIDING, SC_CLOAKING, SC_ENCHANTPOISON, SC_POISONREACT, SC_QUAGMIRE, SC_ANGELUS, SC_BLESSING, //30 SC_CRUCIS, SC_INC_AGI, SC_DEC_AGI, SC_SLOWPOISON, SC_IMPOSITIO , SC_SUFFRAGIUM, SC_ASPERSIO, SC_BENEDICTIO, SC_KYRIE, SC_MAGNIFICAT, //40 SC_GLORIA, SC_LEXAETERNA, SC_ADRENALINE, SC_WEAPONPERFECT, SC_OVERTHRUST, SC_MAXIMIZEPOWER, SC_TRICKDEAD, SC_SHOUT, SC_ENERGYCOAT, SC_BROKENARMOR, //50 - NOTE: These two aren't used anywhere, and they have an icon... SC_BROKENWEAPON, SC_ILLUSION, SC_WEIGHTOVER50, SC_WEIGHTOVER90, SC_ATTHASTE_POTION1, SC_ATTHASTE_POTION2, SC_ATTHASTE_POTION3, SC_ATTHASTE_INFINITY, SC_MOVHASTE_HORSE, SC_MOVHASTE_INFINITY, //60 SC_PLUSATTACKPOWER, SC_PLUSMAGICPOWER, SC_WEDDING, SC_SLOWDOWN, SC_ANKLESNARE, SC_KEEPING, SC_BARRIER, SC_NOEQUIPWEAPON, SC_NOEQUIPSHIELD, SC_NOEQUIPARMOR, //70 SC_NOEQUIPHELM, SC_PROTECTWEAPON, SC_PROTECTSHIELD, SC_PROTECTARMOR, SC_PROTECTHELM, SC_AUTOGUARD, SC_REFLECTSHIELD, SC_SPLASHER, SC_PROVIDENCE, SC_DEFENDER, //80 SC_MAGICROD, SC_SPELLBREAKER, SC_AUTOSPELL, SC_SIGHTTRASHER, SC_AUTOBERSERK, SC_SPEARQUICKEN, SC_AUTOCOUNTER, SC_SIGHT, SC_SAFETYWALL, SC_RUWACH, //90 SC_EXTREMITYFIST, SC_EXPLOSIONSPIRITS, SC_COMBOATTACK, SC_BLADESTOP_WAIT, SC_BLADESTOP, SC_PROPERTYFIRE, SC_PROPERTYWATER, SC_PROPERTYWIND, SC_PROPERTYGROUND, SC_VOLCANO, //100, SC_DELUGE, SC_VIOLENTGALE, SC_SUB_WEAPONPROPERTY, SC_ARMOR, SC_ARMORPROPERTY, SC_NOCHAT, SC_BABY, SC_AURABLADE, SC_PARRYING, SC_LKCONCENTRATION, //110 SC_TENSIONRELAX, SC_BERSERK, SC_FURY, SC_GOSPEL, SC_ASSUMPTIO, SC_BASILICA, SC_GUILDAURA, SC_MAGICPOWER, SC_EDP, SC_TRUESIGHT, //120 SC_WINDWALK, SC_MELTDOWN, SC_CARTBOOST, SC_CHASEWALK, SC_SWORDREJECT, SC_MARIONETTE_MASTER, SC_MARIONETTE, SC_PROPERTYUNDEAD, SC_JOINTBEAT, SC_MINDBREAKER, //130 SC_MEMORIZE, SC_FOGWALL, SC_SPIDERWEB, SC_DEVOTION, SC_SACRIFICE, SC_STEELBODY, SC_ORCISH, SC_STORMKICK_READY, SC_DOWNKICK_READY, SC_TURNKICK_READY, //140 SC_COUNTERKICK_READY, SC_DODGE_READY, SC_RUN, SC_PROPERTYDARK, SC_ADRENALINE2, SC_PROPERTYTELEKINESIS, SC_KAIZEL, SC_KAAHI, SC_KAUPE, SC_ONEHANDQUICKEN, //150 SC_PRESERVE, SC_GDSKILL_BATTLEORDER, SC_GDSKILL_REGENERATION, SC_DOUBLECASTING, SC_GRAVITATION, SC_OVERTHRUSTMAX, SC_LONGING, SC_HERMODE, SC_TAROTCARD, SC_CR_SHRINK, //160 SC_WZ_SIGHTBLASTER, SC_DC_WINKCHARM, SC_RG_CCONFINE_M, SC_RG_CCONFINE_S, SC_DANCING, SC_ARMOR_PROPERTY, SC_RICHMANKIM, SC_ETERNALCHAOS, SC_DRUMBATTLE, SC_NIBELUNGEN, //170 SC_ROKISWEIL, SC_INTOABYSS, SC_SIEGFRIED, SC_WHISTLE, SC_ASSNCROS, SC_POEMBRAGI, SC_APPLEIDUN, SC_MODECHANGE, SC_HUMMING, SC_DONTFORGETME, //180 SC_FORTUNE, SC_SERVICEFORYOU, SC_STOP, //Prevents inflicted chars from walking. [Skotlex] SC_STRUP, SC_SOULLINK, SC_COMA, //Not a real SC_, it makes a char's HP/SP hit 1. SC_CLAIRVOYANCE, SC_INCALLSTATUS, SC_CHASEWALK2, SC_INCAGI, //190 SC_INCVIT, SC_INCINT, SC_INCDEX, SC_INCLUK, SC_INCHIT, SC_INCHITRATE, SC_INCFLEE, SC_INCFLEERATE, SC_INCMHPRATE, SC_INCMSPRATE, //200 SC_INCATKRATE, SC_INCMATKRATE, SC_INCDEFRATE, SC_FOOD_STR, SC_FOOD_AGI, SC_FOOD_VIT, SC_FOOD_INT, SC_FOOD_DEX, SC_FOOD_LUK, SC_FOOD_BASICHIT, //210 SC_FOOD_BASICAVOIDANCE, SC_BATKFOOD, SC_WATKFOOD, SC_MATKFOOD, SC_SCRESIST, //Increases resistance to status changes. SC_XMAS, // Xmas Suit [Valaris] SC_WARM, //SG skills [Komurka] SC_SUN_COMFORT, SC_MOON_COMFORT, SC_STAR_COMFORT, //220 SC_FUSION, SC_SKILLRATE_UP, SC_SKE, SC_KAITE, SC_SWOO, // [marquis007] SC_SKA, // [marquis007] SC_EARTHSCROLL, SC_MIRACLE, //SG 'hidden' skill [Komurka] SC_GS_MADNESSCANCEL, SC_GS_ADJUSTMENT, //230 SC_GS_ACCURACY, SC_GS_GATLINGFEVER, SC_NJ_TATAMIGAESHI, SC_NJ_UTSUSEMI, SC_NJ_BUNSINJYUTSU, SC_NJ_KAENSIN, SC_NJ_SUITON, SC_NJ_NEN, SC_KNOWLEDGE, SC_SMA_READY, //240 SC_FLING, SC_HLIF_AVOID, SC_HLIF_CHANGE, SC_HAMI_BLOODLUST, SC_HLIF_FLEET, SC_HLIF_SPEED, SC_HAMI_DEFENCE, SC_INCASPDRATE, SC_PLUSAVOIDVALUE, SC_JAILED, //250 SC_ENCHANTARMS, SC_MAGICALATTACK, SC_STONESKIN, SC_CRITICALWOUND, SC_MAGICMIRROR, SC_SLOWCAST, SC_SUMMER, SC_CASH_PLUSEXP, SC_CASH_RECEIVEITEM, SC_CASH_BOSS_ALARM, //260 SC_CASH_DEATHPENALTY, SC_CRITICALPERCENT, //SC_INCDEF, //SC_INCBASEATK = 264, //SC_FASTCAST, SC_PROTECT_MDEF = 266, //SC_HPREGEN, SC_HEALPLUS = 268, SC_PNEUMA, SC_AUTOTRADE, //270 SC_KSPROTECTED, SC_ARMOR_RESIST, SC_ATKER_BLOOD, SC_TARGET_BLOOD, SC_TK_SEVENWIND, SC_PROTECT_DEF, //SC_SPREGEN, SC_WALKSPEED = 278, // Mercenary Only Bonus Effects SC_MER_FLEE, SC_MER_ATK, //280 SC_MER_HP, SC_MER_SP, SC_MER_HIT, SC_MER_QUICKEN, SC_REBIRTH, //SC_SKILLCASTRATE, //286 //SC_DEFRATIOATK, //SC_HPDRAIN, //SC_SKILLATKBONUS, //SC_ITEMSCRIPT, SC_S_LIFEPOTION = 291, SC_L_LIFEPOTION, SC_CASH_PLUSONLYJOBEXP, //SC_IGNOREDEF, SC_HELLPOWER = 295, SC_INVINCIBLE, SC_INVINCIBLEOFF, SC_MANU_ATK, SC_MANU_DEF, SC_SPL_ATK, //300 SC_SPL_DEF, SC_MANU_MATK, SC_SPL_MATK, SC_FOOD_STR_CASH, SC_FOOD_AGI_CASH, SC_FOOD_VIT_CASH, SC_FOOD_DEX_CASH, SC_FOOD_INT_CASH, SC_FOOD_LUK_CASH, /** * 3rd **/ //SC_FEAR, SC_FROSTMISTY = 311, /** * Rune Knight **/ SC_ENCHANTBLADE, SC_DEATHBOUND, SC_MILLENNIUMSHIELD, SC_CRUSHSTRIKE, SC_REFRESH, SC_REUSE_REFRESH, SC_GIANTGROWTH, SC_STONEHARDSKIN, SC_VITALITYACTIVATION, // 320 SC_STORMBLAST, SC_FIGHTINGSPIRIT, SC_ABUNDANCE, /** * Arch Bishop **/ SC_ADORAMUS, SC_EPICLESIS, SC_ORATIO, SC_LAUDAAGNUS, SC_LAUDARAMUS, SC_RENOVATIO, SC_EXPIATIO, // 330 SC_DUPLELIGHT, SC_SECRAMENT, /** * Warlock **/ SC_WHITEIMPRISON, SC_MARSHOFABYSS, SC_RECOGNIZEDSPELL, SC_STASIS, SC_SUMMON1, SC_SUMMON2, SC_SUMMON3, SC_SUMMON4, // 340 SC_SUMMON5, SC_READING_SB, SC_FREEZINGSP, /** * Ranger **/ SC_FEARBREEZE, SC_ELECTRICSHOCKER, SC_WUGDASH, SC_WUGBITE, SC_CAMOUFLAGE, /** * Mechanic **/ SC_ACCELERATION, SC_HOVERING, // 350 SC_SHAPESHIFT, SC_INFRAREDSCAN, SC_ANALYZE, SC_MAGNETICFIELD, SC_NEUTRALBARRIER, SC_NEUTRALBARRIER_MASTER, SC_STEALTHFIELD, SC_STEALTHFIELD_MASTER, SC_OVERHEAT, SC_OVERHEAT_LIMITPOINT, // 360 /** * Guillotine Cross **/ SC_VENOMIMPRESS, SC_POISONINGWEAPON, SC_WEAPONBLOCKING, SC_CLOAKINGEXCEED, SC_HALLUCINATIONWALK, SC_HALLUCINATIONWALK_POSTDELAY, SC_ROLLINGCUTTER, SC_TOXIN, SC_PARALYSE, SC_VENOMBLEED, // 370 SC_MAGICMUSHROOM, SC_DEATHHURT, SC_PYREXIA, SC_OBLIVIONCURSE, SC_LEECHESEND, /** * Royal Guard **/ SC_LG_REFLECTDAMAGE, SC_FORCEOFVANGUARD, SC_SHIELDSPELL_DEF, SC_SHIELDSPELL_MDEF, SC_SHIELDSPELL_REF, // 380 SC_EXEEDBREAK, SC_PRESTIGE, SC_BANDING, SC_BANDING_DEFENCE, SC_EARTHDRIVE, SC_INSPIRATION, /** * Sorcerer **/ SC_SPELLFIST, //SC_COLD, SC_STRIKING = 389, SC_WARMER, // 390 SC_VACUUM_EXTREME, SC_PROPERTYWALK, /** * Minstrel / Wanderer **/ SC_SWING, SC_SYMPHONY_LOVE, SC_MOONLIT_SERENADE, SC_RUSH_WINDMILL, SC_ECHOSONG, SC_HARMONIZE, SC_SIREN, //SC_DEEP_SLEEP, // 400 SC_SIRCLEOFNATURE = 401, SC_GLOOMYDAY, //SC_GLOOMYDAY_SK, SC_SONG_OF_MANA = 404, SC_DANCE_WITH_WUG, SC_SATURDAY_NIGHT_FEVER, SC_LERADS_DEW, SC_MELODYOFSINK, SC_BEYOND_OF_WARCRY, SC_UNLIMITED_HUMMING_VOICE, // 410 SC_SITDOWN_FORCE, SC_NETHERWORLD, /** * Sura **/ SC_CRESCENTELBOW = 413, SC_CURSEDCIRCLE_ATKER, SC_CURSEDCIRCLE_TARGET, SC_LIGHTNINGWALK, SC_RAISINGDRAGON, SC_GENTLETOUCH_ENERGYGAIN, SC_GENTLETOUCH_CHANGE, SC_GENTLETOUCH_REVITALIZE, // 420 /** * Genetic **/ SC_GN_CARTBOOST, SC_THORNS_TRAP, SC_BLOOD_SUCKER, SC_FIRE_EXPANSION_SMOKE_POWDER, SC_FIRE_EXPANSION_TEAR_GAS, SC_MANDRAGORA, SC_STOMACHACHE, SC_MYSTERIOUS_POWDER, SC_MELON_BOMB, SC_BANANA_BOMB, // 430 SC_BANANA_BOMB_SITDOWN_POSTDELAY, SC_SAVAGE_STEAK, SC_COCKTAIL_WARG_BLOOD, SC_MINOR_BBQ, SC_SIROMA_ICE_TEA, SC_DROCERA_HERB_STEAMED, SC_PUTTI_TAILS_NOODLES, SC_BOOST500, SC_FULL_SWING_K, SC_MANA_PLUS, // 440 SC_MUSTLE_M, SC_LIFE_FORCE_F, SC_EXTRACT_WHITE_POTION_Z, SC_VITATA_500, SC_EXTRACT_SALAMINE_JUICE, /** * Shadow Chaser **/ SC__REPRODUCE, SC__AUTOSHADOWSPELL, SC__SHADOWFORM, SC__BODYPAINT, SC__INVISIBILITY, // 450 SC__DEADLYINFECT, SC__ENERVATION, SC__GROOMY, SC__IGNORANCE, SC__LAZINESS, SC__UNLUCKY, SC__WEAKNESS, SC__STRIPACCESSARY, SC__MANHOLE, SC__BLOODYLUST, // 460 /** * Elemental Spirits **/ SC_CIRCLE_OF_FIRE, SC_CIRCLE_OF_FIRE_OPTION, SC_FIRE_CLOAK, SC_FIRE_CLOAK_OPTION, SC_WATER_SCREEN, SC_WATER_SCREEN_OPTION, SC_WATER_DROP, SC_WATER_DROP_OPTION, SC_WATER_BARRIER, SC_WIND_STEP, // 470 SC_WIND_STEP_OPTION, SC_WIND_CURTAIN, SC_WIND_CURTAIN_OPTION, SC_ZEPHYR, SC_SOLID_SKIN, SC_SOLID_SKIN_OPTION, SC_STONE_SHIELD, SC_STONE_SHIELD_OPTION, SC_POWER_OF_GAIA, SC_PYROTECHNIC, // 480 SC_PYROTECHNIC_OPTION, SC_HEATER, SC_HEATER_OPTION, SC_TROPIC, SC_TROPIC_OPTION, SC_AQUAPLAY, SC_AQUAPLAY_OPTION, SC_COOLER, SC_COOLER_OPTION, SC_CHILLY_AIR, // 490 SC_CHILLY_AIR_OPTION, SC_GUST, SC_GUST_OPTION, SC_BLAST, SC_BLAST_OPTION, SC_WILD_STORM, SC_WILD_STORM_OPTION, SC_PETROLOGY, SC_PETROLOGY_OPTION, SC_CURSED_SOIL, // 500 SC_CURSED_SOIL_OPTION, SC_UPHEAVAL, SC_UPHEAVAL_OPTION, SC_TIDAL_WEAPON, SC_TIDAL_WEAPON_OPTION, SC_ROCK_CRUSHER, SC_ROCK_CRUSHER_ATK, /* Guild Aura */ SC_LEADERSHIP, SC_GLORYWOUNDS, SC_SOULCOLD, // 510 SC_HAWKEYES, /* ... */ SC_ODINS_POWER, /* Sorcerer .extra */ SC_FIRE_INSIGNIA, SC_WATER_INSIGNIA, SC_WIND_INSIGNIA, SC_EARTH_INSIGNIA, /* new pushcart */ SC_PUSH_CART, /* Warlock Spell books */ SC_SPELLBOOK1, SC_SPELLBOOK2, SC_SPELLBOOK3, // 520 SC_SPELLBOOK4, SC_SPELLBOOK5, SC_SPELLBOOK6, /** * In official server there are only 7 maximum number of spell books that can be memorized * To increase the maximum value just add another status type before SC_SPELLBOOK7 (ex. SC_SPELLBOOK8, SC_SPELLBOOK9 and so on) **/ SC_SPELLBOOK7, /* Max HP & SP */ SC_INCMHP, SC_INCMSP, SC_PARTYFLEE, /** * Kagerou & Oboro [malufett] **/ SC_MEIKYOUSISUI, SC_KO_JYUMONJIKIRI, SC_KYOUGAKU, // 530 SC_IZAYOI, SC_ZENKAI, SC_KG_KAGEHUMI, SC_KYOMU, SC_KAGEMUSYA, SC_ZANGETSU, SC_GENSOU, SC_AKAITSUKI, //homon S SC_STYLE_CHANGE, SC_GOLDENE_FERSE, // 540 SC_ANGRIFFS_MODUS, SC_ERASER_CUTTER, SC_OVERED_BOOST, SC_LIGHT_OF_REGENE, SC_VOLCANIC_ASH, SC_GRANITIC_ARMOR, SC_MAGMA_FLOW, SC_PYROCLASTIC, SC_NEEDLE_OF_PARALYZE, SC_PAIN_KILLER, // 550 #ifdef RENEWAL SC_EXTREMITYFIST2, SC_RAID, #endif SC_DARKCROW = 553, SC_FULL_THROTTLE, SC_REBOUND, SC_UNLIMIT, SC_KINGS_GRACE, SC_TELEKINESIS_INTENSE, SC_OFFERTORIUM, SC_FRIGG_SONG, // 560 SC_ALL_RIDING, SC_HANBOK, SC_MONSTER_TRANSFORM, SC_ANGEL_PROTECT, SC_ILLUSIONDOPING, SC_MTF_ASPD, SC_MTF_RANGEATK, SC_MTF_MATK, SC_MTF_MLEATKED, SC_MTF_CRIDAMAGE, // 570 SC_MOONSTAR, SC_SUPER_STAR, SC_OKTOBERFEST, SC_STRANGELIGHTS, SC_DECORATION_OF_MUSIC, SC__MAELSTROM, SC__CHAOS, SC__FEINTBOMB_MASTER, SC_FALLENEMPIRE, SC_FLASHCOMBO, // 580 //Vellum Weapon reductions SC_DEFSET, SC_MDEFSET, SC_NO_SWITCH_EQUIP, // 2014 Halloween Event SC_MTF_MHP, SC_MTF_MSP, SC_MTF_PUMPKIN, SC_MTF_HITFLEE, SC_LJOSALFAR, SC_MERMAID_LONGING, SC_ACARAJE, // 590 SC_TARGET_ASPD, // Geffen Scrolls SC_SKELSCROLL, SC_DISTRUCTIONSCROLL, SC_ROYALSCROLL, SC_IMMUNITYSCROLL, SC_MYSTICSCROLL, SC_BATTLESCROLL, SC_ARMORSCROLL, SC_FREYJASCROLL, SC_SOULSCROLL, // 600 // Eden Crystal Synthesis SC_QUEST_BUFF1, SC_QUEST_BUFF2, SC_QUEST_BUFF3, // Geffen Magic Tournament SC_GEFFEN_MAGIC1, SC_GEFFEN_MAGIC2, SC_GEFFEN_MAGIC3, SC_FENRIR_CARD, SC_ATKER_ASPD, SC_ATKER_MOVESPEED, SC_FOOD_CRITICALSUCCESSVALUE, // 610 SC_CUP_OF_BOZA, SC_OVERLAPEXPUP, SC_MORA_BUFF, // MVP Scrolls SC_MVPCARD_TAOGUNKA, SC_MVPCARD_MISTRESS, SC_MVPCARD_ORCHERO, SC_MVPCARD_ORCLORD, SC_HAT_EFFECT, SC_FLOWERSMOKE, SC_FSTONE, // 620 SC_HAPPINESS_STAR, SC_MAPLE_FALLS, SC_TIME_ACCESSORY, SC_MAGICAL_FEATHER, SC_BLOSSOM_FLUTTERING, SC_GM_BATTLE, SC_GM_BATTLE2, SC_2011RWC, SC_STR_SCROLL, SC_INT_SCROLL, // 630 SC_STEAMPACK, SC_MOVHASTE_POTION, SC_MOVESLOW_POTION, SC_BUCHEDENOEL, SC_PHI_DEMON, SC_PROMOTE_HEALTH_RESERCH, SC_ENERGY_DRINK_RESERCH, SC_MAGIC_CANDY, SC_M_LIFEPOTION, SC_G_LIFEPOTION, // 640 SC_MYSTICPOWDER, // Summoner SC_SUHIDE, SC_SU_STOOP, SC_SPRITEMABLE, SC_CATNIPPOWDER, SC_SV_ROOTTWIST, SC_BITESCAR, SC_ARCLOUSEDASH, SC_TUNAPARTY, SC_SHRIMP, // 650 SC_FRESHSHRIMP, SC_DRESS_UP, // Rodex SC_DAILYSENDMAILCNT, #ifndef SC_MAX SC_MAX, //Automatically updated max, used in for's to check we are within bounds. #endif } sc_type; /// Official status change ids, used to display status icons in the client. enum si_type { SI_BLANK = -1, SI_PROVOKE = 0, SI_ENDURE = 1, SI_TWOHANDQUICKEN = 2, SI_CONCENTRATION = 3, SI_HIDING = 4, SI_CLOAKING = 5, SI_ENCHANTPOISON = 6, SI_POISONREACT = 7, SI_QUAGMIRE = 8, SI_ANGELUS = 9, SI_BLESSING = 10, SI_CRUCIS = 11, SI_INC_AGI = 12, SI_DEC_AGI = 13, SI_SLOWPOISON = 14, SI_IMPOSITIO = 15, SI_SUFFRAGIUM = 16, SI_ASPERSIO = 17, SI_BENEDICTIO = 18, SI_KYRIE = 19, SI_MAGNIFICAT = 20, SI_GLORIA = 21, SI_LEXAETERNA = 22, SI_ADRENALINE = 23, SI_WEAPONPERFECT = 24, SI_OVERTHRUST = 25, SI_MAXIMIZE = 26, SI_RIDING = 27, SI_FALCON = 28, SI_TRICKDEAD = 29, SI_SHOUT = 30, SI_ENERGYCOAT = 31, SI_BROKENARMOR = 32, SI_BROKENWEAPON = 33, SI_ILLUSION = 34, SI_WEIGHTOVER50 = 35, SI_WEIGHTOVER90 = 36, SI_ATTHASTE_POTION1 = 37, SI_ATTHASTE_POTION2 = 38, SI_ATTHASTE_POTION3 = 39, SI_ATTHASTE_INFINITY = 40, SI_MOVHASTE_POTION = 41, SI_MOVHASTE_INFINITY = 42, //SI_AUTOCOUNTER = 43, //SI_SPLASHER = 44, SI_ANKLESNARE = 45, SI_POSTDELAY = 46, //SI_NOACTION = 47, //SI_IMPOSSIBLEPICKUP = 48, //SI_BARRIER = 49, SI_NOEQUIPWEAPON = 50, SI_NOEQUIPSHIELD = 51, SI_NOEQUIPARMOR = 52, SI_NOEQUIPHELM = 53, SI_PROTECTWEAPON = 54, SI_PROTECTSHIELD = 55, SI_PROTECTARMOR = 56, SI_PROTECTHELM = 57, SI_AUTOGUARD = 58, SI_REFLECTSHIELD = 59, //SI_DEVOTION = 60, SI_PROVIDENCE = 61, SI_DEFENDER = 62, //SI_MAGICROD = 63, //SI_WEAPONPROPERTY = 64, SI_AUTOSPELL = 65, //SI_SPECIALZONE = 66, //SI_MASK = 67, SI_SPEARQUICKEN = 68, //SI_BDPLAYING = 69, //SI_WHISTLE = 70, //SI_ASSASSINCROSS = 71, //SI_POEMBRAGI = 72, //SI_APPLEIDUN = 73, //SI_HUMMING = 74, //SI_DONTFORGETME = 75, //SI_FORTUNEKISS = 76, //SI_SERVICEFORYOU = 77, //SI_RICHMANKIM = 78, //SI_ETERNALCHAOS = 79, //SI_DRUMBATTLEFIELD = 80, //SI_RINGNIBELUNGEN = 81, //SI_ROKISWEIL = 82, //SI_INTOABYSS = 83, //SI_SIEGFRIED = 84, //SI_BLADESTOP = 85, SI_EXPLOSIONSPIRITS = 86, SI_STEELBODY = 87, SI_EXTREMITYFIST = 88, //SI_COMBOATTACK = 89, SI_PROPERTYFIRE = 90, SI_PROPERTYWATER = 91, SI_PROPERTYWIND = 92, SI_PROPERTYGROUND = 93, //SI_MAGICATTACK = 94, SI_STOP = 95, //SI_WEAPONBRAKER = 96, SI_PROPERTYUNDEAD = 97, //SI_POWERUP = 98, //SI_AGIUP = 99, //SI_SIEGEMODE = 100, //SI_INVISIBLE = 101, //SI_STATUSONE = 102, SI_AURABLADE = 103, SI_PARRYING = 104, SI_LKCONCENTRATION = 105, SI_TENSIONRELAX = 106, SI_BERSERK = 107, //SI_SACRIFICE = 108, //SI_GOSPEL = 109, SI_ASSUMPTIO = 110, //SI_BASILICA = 111, SI_GROUNDMAGIC = 112, SI_MAGICPOWER = 113, SI_EDP = 114, SI_TRUESIGHT = 115, SI_WINDWALK = 116, SI_MELTDOWN = 117, SI_CARTBOOST = 118, //SI_CHASEWALK = 119, SI_SWORDREJECT = 120, SI_MARIONETTE_MASTER = 121, SI_MARIONETTE = 122, SI_MOON = 123, SI_BLOODING = 124, SI_JOINTBEAT = 125, //SI_MINDBREAKER = 126, //SI_MEMORIZE = 127, //SI_FOGWALL = 128, //SI_SPIDERWEB = 129, SI_PROTECTEXP = 130, //SI_SUB_WEAPONPROPERTY = 131, SI_AUTOBERSERK = 132, SI_RUN = 133, SI_TING = 134, SI_STORMKICK_ON = 135, SI_STORMKICK_READY = 136, SI_DOWNKICK_ON = 137, SI_DOWNKICK_READY = 138, SI_TURNKICK_ON = 139, SI_TURNKICK_READY = 140, SI_COUNTER_ON = 141, SI_COUNTER_READY = 142, SI_DODGE_ON = 143, SI_DODGE_READY = 144, SI_STRUP = 145, SI_PROPERTYDARK = 146, SI_ADRENALINE2 = 147, SI_PROPERTYTELEKINESIS = 148, SI_SOULLINK = 149, SI_PLUSATTACKPOWER = 150, SI_PLUSMAGICPOWER = 151, SI_DEVIL1 = 152, SI_KAITE = 153, //SI_SWOO = 154, //SI_STAR2 = 155, SI_KAIZEL = 156, SI_KAAHI = 157, SI_KAUPE = 158, SI_SMA_READY = 159, SI_SKE = 160, SI_ONEHANDQUICKEN = 161, //SI_FRIEND = 162, //SI_FRIENDUP = 163, //SI_SG_WARM = 164, SI_SG_SUN_WARM = 165, //SI_SG_MOON_WARM = 166, // The three show the exact same display: ultra red character (165, 166, 167) //SI_SG_STAR_WARM = 167, //SI_EMOTION = 168, SI_SUN_COMFORT = 169, SI_MOON_COMFORT = 170, SI_STAR_COMFORT = 171, //SI_EXPUP = 172, //SI_GDSKILL_BATTLEORDER = 173, //SI_GDSKILL_REGENERATION = 174, //SI_GDSKILL_POSTDELAY = 175, //SI_RESISTHANDICAP = 176, //SI_MAXHPPERCENT = 177, //SI_MAXSPPERCENT = 178, //SI_DEFENCE = 179, //SI_SLOWDOWN = 180, SI_PRESERVE = 181, SI_INCSTR = 182, //SI_NOT_EXTREMITYFIST = 183, SI_CLAIRVOYANCE = 184, SI_MOVESLOW_POTION = 185, SI_DOUBLECASTING = 186, //SI_GRAVITATION = 187, SI_OVERTHRUSTMAX = 188, //SI_LONGING = 189, //SI_HERMODE = 190, SI_TAROTCARD = 191, // the icon allows no doubt... but what is it really used for ?? [DracoRPG] //SI_HLIF_AVOID = 192, //SI_HFLI_FLEET = 193, //SI_HFLI_SPEED = 194, //SI_HLIF_CHANGE = 195, //SI_HAMI_BLOODLUST = 196, SI_CR_SHRINK = 197, SI_WZ_SIGHTBLASTER = 198, SI_DC_WINKCHARM = 199, SI_RG_CCONFINE_M = 200, SI_RG_CCONFINE_S = 201, //SI_DISABLEMOVE = 202, SI_GS_MADNESSCANCEL = 203, //[blackhole89] SI_GS_GATLINGFEVER = 204, SI_EARTHSCROLL = 205, SI_NJ_UTSUSEMI = 206, SI_NJ_BUNSINJYUTSU = 207, SI_NJ_NEN = 208, SI_GS_ADJUSTMENT = 209, SI_GS_ACCURACY = 210, SI_NJ_SUITON = 211, //SI_PET = 212, //SI_MENTAL = 213, //SI_EXPMEMORY = 214, //SI_PERFORMANCE = 215, //SI_GAIN = 216, //SI_GRIFFON = 217, //SI_DRIFT = 218, //SI_WALLSHIFT = 219, //SI_REINCARNATION = 220, //SI_PATTACK = 221, //SI_PSPEED = 222, //SI_PDEFENSE = 223, //SI_PCRITICAL = 224, //SI_RANKING = 225, //SI_PTRIPLE = 226, //SI_DENERGY = 227, //SI_WAVE1 = 228, //SI_WAVE2 = 229, //SI_WAVE3 = 230, //SI_WAVE4 = 231, //SI_DAURA = 232, //SI_DFREEZER = 233, //SI_DPUNISH = 234, //SI_DBARRIER = 235, //SI_DWARNING = 236, //SI_MOUSEWHEEL = 237, //SI_DGAUGE = 238, //SI_DACCEL = 239, //SI_DBLOCK = 240, SI_FOOD_STR = 241, SI_FOOD_AGI = 242, SI_FOOD_VIT = 243, SI_FOOD_DEX = 244, SI_FOOD_INT = 245, SI_FOOD_LUK = 246, SI_FOOD_BASICAVOIDANCE = 247, SI_FOOD_BASICHIT = 248, SI_FOOD_CRITICALSUCCESSVALUE = 249, SI_CASH_PLUSEXP = 250, SI_CASH_DEATHPENALTY = 251, SI_CASH_RECEIVEITEM = 252, SI_CASH_BOSS_ALARM = 253, //SI_DA_ENERGY = 254, //SI_DA_FIRSTSLOT = 255, //SI_DA_HEADDEF = 256, //SI_DA_SPACE = 257, //SI_DA_TRANSFORM = 258, //SI_DA_ITEMREBUILD = 259, //SI_DA_ILLUSION = 260, // All mobs display as Turtle General //SI_DA_DARKPOWER = 261, //SI_DA_EARPLUG = 262, //SI_DA_CONTRACT = 263, // Bio Mob effect on you and SI_TRICKDEAD icon //SI_DA_BLACK = 264, // For short time blurry screen //SI_DA_MAGICCART = 265, //SI_CRYSTAL = 266, //SI_DA_REBUILD = 267, //SI_DA_EDARKNESS = 268, //SI_DA_EGUARDIAN = 269, //SI_DA_TIMEOUT = 270, SI_FOOD_STR_CASH = 271, SI_FOOD_AGI_CASH = 272, SI_FOOD_VIT_CASH = 273, SI_FOOD_DEX_CASH = 274, SI_FOOD_INT_CASH = 275, SI_FOOD_LUK_CASH = 276, SI_MER_FLEE = 277, SI_MER_ATK = 278, SI_MER_HP = 279, SI_MER_SP = 280, SI_MER_HIT = 281, SI_SLOWCAST = 282, //SI_MAGICMIRROR = 283, //SI_STONESKIN = 284, //SI_ANTIMAGIC = 285, SI_CRITICALWOUND = 286, //SI_NPC_DEFENDER = 287, //SI_NOACTION_WAIT = 288, SI_MOVHASTE_HORSE = 289, SI_PROTECT_DEF = 290, SI_PROTECT_MDEF = 291, SI_HEALPLUS = 292, SI_S_LIFEPOTION = 293, SI_L_LIFEPOTION = 294, SI_CRITICALPERCENT = 295, SI_PLUSAVOIDVALUE = 296, SI_ATKER_ASPD = 297, SI_TARGET_ASPD = 298, SI_ATKER_MOVESPEED = 299, SI_ATKER_BLOOD = 300, SI_TARGET_BLOOD = 301, SI_ARMOR_PROPERTY = 302, //SI_REUSE_LIMIT_A = 303, SI_HELLPOWER = 304, SI_STEAMPACK = 305, //SI_REUSE_LIMIT_B = 306, //SI_REUSE_LIMIT_C = 307, //SI_REUSE_LIMIT_D = 308, //SI_REUSE_LIMIT_E = 309, //SI_REUSE_LIMIT_F = 310, SI_INVINCIBLE = 311, SI_CASH_PLUSONLYJOBEXP = 312, SI_PARTYFLEE = 313, SI_ANGEL_PROTECT = 314, //SI_ENDURE_MDEF = 315, SI_ENCHANTBLADE = 316, SI_DEATHBOUND = 317, SI_REFRESH = 318, SI_GIANTGROWTH = 319, SI_STONEHARDSKIN = 320, SI_VITALITYACTIVATION = 321, SI_FIGHTINGSPIRIT = 322, SI_ABUNDANCE = 323, SI_REUSE_MILLENNIUMSHIELD = 324, SI_REUSE_CRUSHSTRIKE = 325, SI_REUSE_REFRESH = 326, SI_REUSE_STORMBLAST = 327, SI_VENOMIMPRESS = 328, SI_EPICLESIS = 329, SI_ORATIO = 330, SI_LAUDAAGNUS = 331, SI_LAUDARAMUS = 332, SI_CLOAKINGEXCEED = 333, SI_HALLUCINATIONWALK = 334, SI_HALLUCINATIONWALK_POSTDELAY = 335, SI_RENOVATIO = 336, SI_WEAPONBLOCKING = 337, SI_WEAPONBLOCKING_POSTDELAY = 338, SI_ROLLINGCUTTER = 339, SI_EXPIATIO = 340, SI_POISONINGWEAPON = 341, SI_TOXIN = 342, SI_PARALYSE = 343, SI_VENOMBLEED = 344, SI_MAGICMUSHROOM = 345, SI_DEATHHURT = 346, SI_PYREXIA = 347, SI_OBLIVIONCURSE = 348, SI_LEECHESEND = 349, SI_DUPLELIGHT = 350, SI_FROSTMISTY = 351, SI_FEARBREEZE = 352, SI_ELECTRICSHOCKER = 353, SI_MARSHOFABYSS = 354, SI_RECOGNIZEDSPELL = 355, SI_STASIS = 356, SI_WUGRIDER = 357, SI_WUGDASH = 358, SI_WUGBITE = 359, SI_CAMOUFLAGE = 360, SI_ACCELERATION = 361, SI_HOVERING = 362, SI_SPHERE_1 = 363, SI_SPHERE_2 = 364, SI_SPHERE_3 = 365, SI_SPHERE_4 = 366, SI_SPHERE_5 = 367, SI_MVPCARD_TAOGUNKA = 368, SI_MVPCARD_MISTRESS = 369, SI_MVPCARD_ORCHERO = 370, SI_MVPCARD_ORCLORD = 371, SI_OVERHEAT_LIMITPOINT = 372, SI_OVERHEAT = 373, SI_SHAPESHIFT = 374, SI_INFRAREDSCAN = 375, SI_MAGNETICFIELD = 376, SI_NEUTRALBARRIER = 377, SI_NEUTRALBARRIER_MASTER = 378, SI_STEALTHFIELD = 379, SI_STEALTHFIELD_MASTER = 380, SI_MANU_ATK = 381, SI_MANU_DEF = 382, SI_SPL_ATK = 383, SI_SPL_DEF = 384, SI_REPRODUCE = 385, SI_MANU_MATK = 386, SI_SPL_MATK = 387, SI_STR_SCROLL = 388, SI_INT_SCROLL = 389, SI_LG_REFLECTDAMAGE = 390, SI_FORCEOFVANGUARD = 391, SI_BUCHEDENOEL = 392, SI_AUTOSHADOWSPELL = 393, SI_SHADOWFORM = 394, SI_RAID = 395, SI_SHIELDSPELL_DEF = 396, SI_SHIELDSPELL_MDEF = 397, SI_SHIELDSPELL_REF = 398, SI_BODYPAINT = 399, SI_EXEEDBREAK = 400, SI_ADORAMUS = 401, SI_PRESTIGE = 402, SI_INVISIBILITY = 403, SI_DEADLYINFECT = 404, SI_BANDING = 405, SI_EARTHDRIVE = 406, SI_INSPIRATION = 407, SI_ENERVATION = 408, SI_GROOMY = 409, SI_RAISINGDRAGON = 410, SI_IGNORANCE = 411, SI_LAZINESS = 412, SI_LIGHTNINGWALK = 413, SI_ACARAJE = 414, SI_UNLUCKY = 415, SI_CURSEDCIRCLE_ATKER = 416, SI_CURSEDCIRCLE_TARGET = 417, SI_WEAKNESS = 418, SI_CRESCENTELBOW = 419, SI_NOEQUIPACCESSARY = 420, SI_STRIPACCESSARY = 421, SI_MANHOLE = 422, SI_POPECOOKIE = 423, SI_FALLENEMPIRE = 424, SI_GENTLETOUCH_ENERGYGAIN = 425, SI_GENTLETOUCH_CHANGE = 426, SI_GENTLETOUCH_REVITALIZE = 427, SI_BLOODYLUST = 428, SI_SWINGDANCE = 429, SI_SYMPHONYOFLOVERS = 430, SI_PROPERTYWALK = 431, SI_SPELLFIST = 432, SI_NETHERWORLD = 433, SI_SIREN = 434, SI_DEEPSLEEP = 435, SI_SIRCLEOFNATURE = 436, SI_COLD = 437, SI_GLOOMYDAY = 438, SI_SONG_OF_MANA = 439, SI_CLOUDKILL = 440, SI_DANCEWITHWUG = 441, SI_RUSHWINDMILL = 442, SI_ECHOSONG = 443, SI_HARMONIZE = 444, SI_STRIKING = 445, //SI_WARMER = 446, SI_MOONLITSERENADE = 447, SI_SATURDAYNIGHTFEVER = 448, SI_SITDOWN_FORCE = 449, SI_ANALYZE = 450, SI_LERADSDEW = 451, SI_MELODYOFSINK = 452, SI_WARCRYOFBEYOND = 453, SI_UNLIMITEDHUMMINGVOICE = 454, SI_SPELLBOOK1 = 455, SI_SPELLBOOK2 = 456, SI_SPELLBOOK3 = 457, SI_FREEZE_SP = 458, SI_GN_TRAINING_SWORD = 459, SI_GN_REMODELING_CART = 460, SI_CARTSBOOST = 461, SI_FIXEDCASTINGTM_REDUCE = 462, SI_THORNTRAP = 463, SI_BLOODSUCKER = 464, SI_SPORE_EXPLOSION = 465, SI_DEMONIC_FIRE = 466, SI_FIRE_EXPANSION_SMOKE_POWDER = 467, SI_FIRE_EXPANSION_TEAR_GAS = 468, SI_BLOCKING_PLAY = 469, SI_MANDRAGORA = 470, SI_ACTIVATE = 471, SI_SECRAMENT = 472, SI_ASSUMPTIO2 = 473, SI_TK_SEVENWIND = 474, SI_LIMIT_ODINS_RECALL = 475, SI_STOMACHACHE = 476, SI_MYSTERIOUS_POWDER = 477, SI_MELON_BOMB = 478, SI_BANANA_BOMB_SITDOWN_POSTDELAY = 479, SI_PROMOTE_HEALTH_RESERCH = 480, SI_ENERGY_DRINK_RESERCH = 481, SI_EXTRACT_WHITE_POTION_Z = 482, SI_VITATA_500 = 483, SI_EXTRACT_SALAMINE_JUICE = 484, SI_BOOST500 = 485, SI_FULL_SWING_K = 486, SI_MANA_PLUS = 487, SI_MUSTLE_M = 488, SI_LIFE_FORCE_F = 489, SI_VACUUM_EXTREME = 490, SI_SAVAGE_STEAK = 491, SI_COCKTAIL_WARG_BLOOD = 492, SI_MINOR_BBQ = 493, SI_SIROMA_ICE_TEA = 494, SI_DROCERA_HERB_STEAMED = 495, SI_PUTTI_TAILS_NOODLES = 496, SI_BANANA_BOMB = 497, SI_SUMMON_AGNI = 498, SI_SPELLBOOK4 = 499, SI_SPELLBOOK5 = 500, SI_SPELLBOOK6 = 501, SI_SPELLBOOK7 = 502, SI_ELEMENTAL_AGGRESSIVE = 503, SI_RETURN_TO_ELDICASTES = 504, SI_BANDING_DEFENCE = 505, SI_SKELSCROLL = 506, SI_DISTRUCTIONSCROLL = 507, SI_ROYALSCROLL = 508, SI_IMMUNITYSCROLL = 509, SI_MYSTICSCROLL = 510, SI_BATTLESCROLL = 511, SI_ARMORSCROLL = 512, SI_FREYJASCROLL = 513, SI_SOULSCROLL = 514, SI_CIRCLE_OF_FIRE = 515, SI_CIRCLE_OF_FIRE_OPTION = 516, SI_FIRE_CLOAK = 517, SI_FIRE_CLOAK_OPTION = 518, SI_WATER_SCREEN = 519, SI_WATER_SCREEN_OPTION = 520, SI_WATER_DROP = 521, SI_WATER_DROP_OPTION = 522, SI_WIND_STEP = 523, SI_WIND_STEP_OPTION = 524, SI_WIND_CURTAIN = 525, SI_WIND_CURTAIN_OPTION = 526, SI_WATER_BARRIER = 527, SI_ZEPHYR = 528, SI_SOLID_SKIN = 529, SI_SOLID_SKIN_OPTION = 530, SI_STONE_SHIELD = 531, SI_STONE_SHIELD_OPTION = 532, SI_POWER_OF_GAIA = 533, //SI_EL_WAIT = 534, //SI_EL_PASSIVE = 535, //SI_EL_DEFENSIVE = 536, //SI_EL_OFFENSIVE = 537, //SI_EL_COST = 538, SI_PYROTECHNIC = 539, SI_PYROTECHNIC_OPTION = 540, SI_HEATER = 541, SI_HEATER_OPTION = 542, SI_TROPIC = 543, SI_TROPIC_OPTION = 544, SI_AQUAPLAY = 545, SI_AQUAPLAY_OPTION = 546, SI_COOLER = 547, SI_COOLER_OPTION = 548, SI_CHILLY_AIR = 549, SI_CHILLY_AIR_OPTION = 550, SI_GUST = 551, SI_GUST_OPTION = 552, SI_BLAST = 553, SI_BLAST_OPTION = 554, SI_WILD_STORM = 555, SI_WILD_STORM_OPTION = 556, SI_PETROLOGY = 557, SI_PETROLOGY_OPTION = 558, SI_CURSED_SOIL = 559, SI_CURSED_SOIL_OPTION = 560, SI_UPHEAVAL = 561, SI_UPHEAVAL_OPTION = 562, SI_TIDAL_WEAPON = 563, SI_TIDAL_WEAPON_OPTION = 564, SI_ROCK_CRUSHER = 565, SI_ROCK_CRUSHER_ATK = 566, SI_FIRE_INSIGNIA = 567, SI_WATER_INSIGNIA = 568, SI_WIND_INSIGNIA = 569, SI_EARTH_INSIGNIA = 570, SI_EQUIPED_FLOOR = 571, SI_GUARDIAN_RECALL = 572, SI_MORA_BUFF = 573, SI_REUSE_LIMIT_G = 574, SI_REUSE_LIMIT_H = 575, SI_NEEDLE_OF_PARALYZE = 576, SI_PAIN_KILLER = 577, SI_G_LIFEPOTION = 578, SI_VITALIZE_POTION = 579, SI_LIGHT_OF_REGENE = 580, SI_OVERED_BOOST = 581, SI_SILENT_BREEZE = 582, SI_ODINS_POWER = 583, SI_STYLE_CHANGE = 584, SI_SONIC_CLAW_POSTDELAY = 585, //SI_ = 586, //SI_ = 587, //SI_ = 588, //SI_ = 589, //SI_ = 590, //SI_ = 591, //SI_ = 592, //SI_ = 593, //SI_ = 594, //SI_ = 595, SI_SILVERVEIN_RUSH_POSTDELAY = 596, SI_MIDNIGHT_FRENZY_POSTDELAY = 597, SI_GOLDENE_FERSE = 598, SI_ANGRIFFS_MODUS = 599, SI_TINDER_BREAKER = 600, SI_TINDER_BREAKER_POSTDELAY = 601, SI_CBC = 602, SI_CBC_POSTDELAY = 603, SI_EQC = 604, SI_MAGMA_FLOW = 605, SI_GRANITIC_ARMOR = 606, SI_PYROCLASTIC = 607, SI_VOLCANIC_ASH = 608, SI_SPIRITS_SAVEINFO1 = 609, SI_SPIRITS_SAVEINFO2 = 610, SI_MAGIC_CANDY = 611, SI_SEARCH_STORE_INFO = 612, SI_ALL_RIDING = 613, SI_ALL_RIDING_REUSE_LIMIT = 614, SI_MACRO = 615, SI_MACRO_POSTDELAY = 616, SI_BEER_BOTTLE_CAP = 617, SI_OVERLAPEXPUP = 618, SI_PC_IZ_DUN05 = 619, SI_CRUSHSTRIKE = 620, SI_MONSTER_TRANSFORM = 621, SI_SIT = 622, SI_ONAIR = 623, SI_MTF_ASPD = 624, SI_MTF_RANGEATK = 625, SI_MTF_MATK = 626, SI_MTF_MLEATKED = 627, SI_MTF_CRIDAMAGE = 628, SI_REUSE_LIMIT_MTF = 629, SI_MACRO_PERMIT = 630, SI_MACRO_PLAY = 631, SI_SKF_CAST = 632, SI_SKF_ASPD = 633, SI_SKF_ATK = 634, SI_SKF_MATK = 635, SI_REWARD_PLUSONLYJOBEXP = 636, SI_HANDICAPSTATE_NORECOVER = 637, SI_SET_NUM_DEF = 638, SI_SET_NUM_MDEF = 639, SI_SET_PER_DEF = 640, SI_SET_PER_MDEF = 641, SI_PARTYBOOKING_SEARCH_DEALY = 642, SI_PARTYBOOKING_REGISTER_DEALY = 643, SI_PERIOD_TIME_CHECK_DETECT_SKILL = 644, SI_KO_JYUMONJIKIRI = 645, SI_MEIKYOUSISUI = 646, SI_ATTHASTE_CASH = 647, SI_EQUIPPED_DIVINE_ARMOR = 648, SI_EQUIPPED_HOLY_ARMOR = 649, SI_2011RWC = 650, SI_KYOUGAKU = 651, SI_IZAYOI = 652, SI_ZENKAI = 653, SI_KG_KAGEHUMI = 654, SI_KYOMU = 655, SI_KAGEMUSYA = 656, SI_ZANGETSU = 657, SI_PHI_DEMON = 658, SI_GENSOU = 659, SI_AKAITSUKI = 660, SI_TETANY = 661, SI_GM_BATTLE = 662, SI_GM_BATTLE2 = 663, SI_2011RWC_SCROLL = 664, SI_ACTIVE_MONSTER_TRANSFORM = 665, SI_MYSTICPOWDER = 666, SI_ECLAGE_RECALL = 667, SI_ENTRY_QUEUE_APPLY_DELAY = 668, SI_REUSE_LIMIT_ECL = 669, SI_M_LIFEPOTION = 670, SI_ENTRY_QUEUE_NOTIFY_ADMISSION_TIME_OUT = 671, SI_UNKNOWN_NAME = 672, SI_ON_PUSH_CART = 673, SI_HAT_EFFECT = 674, SI_FLOWER_LEAF = 675, SI_RAY_OF_PROTECTION = 676, SI_GLASTHEIM_ATK = 677, SI_GLASTHEIM_DEF = 678, SI_GLASTHEIM_HEAL = 679, SI_GLASTHEIM_HIDDEN = 680, SI_GLASTHEIM_STATE = 681, SI_GLASTHEIM_ITEMDEF = 682, SI_GLASTHEIM_HPSP = 683, SI_HOMUN_SKILL_POSTDELAY = 684, SI_ALMIGHTY = 685, SI_GVG_GIANT = 686, SI_GVG_GOLEM = 687, SI_GVG_STUN = 688, SI_GVG_STONE = 689, SI_GVG_FREEZ = 690, SI_GVG_SLEEP = 691, SI_GVG_CURSE = 692, SI_GVG_SILENCE = 693, SI_GVG_BLIND = 694, SI_CLIENT_ONLY_EQUIP_ARROW = 695, SI_CLAN_INFO = 696, SI_JP_EVENT01 = 697, SI_JP_EVENT02 = 698, SI_JP_EVENT03 = 699, SI_JP_EVENT04 = 700, SI_TELEPORT_FIXEDCASTINGDELAY = 701, SI_GEFFEN_MAGIC1 = 702, SI_GEFFEN_MAGIC2 = 703, SI_GEFFEN_MAGIC3 = 704, SI_QUEST_BUFF1 = 705, SI_QUEST_BUFF2 = 706, SI_QUEST_BUFF3 = 707, SI_REUSE_LIMIT_RECALL = 708, SI_SAVEPOSITION = 709, SI_HANDICAPSTATE_ICEEXPLO = 710, SI_FENRIR_CARD = 711, SI_REUSE_LIMIT_ASPD_POTION = 712, SI_MAXPAIN = 713, SI_PC_STOP = 714, SI_FRIGG_SONG = 715, SI_OFFERTORIUM = 716, SI_TELEKINESIS_INTENSE = 717, SI_MOONSTAR = 718, SI_STRANGELIGHTS = 719, SI_FULL_THROTTLE = 720, SI_REBOUND = 721, SI_UNLIMIT = 722, SI_KINGS_GRACE = 723, SI_ITEM_ATKMAX = 724, SI_ITEM_ATKMIN = 725, SI_ITEM_MATKMAX = 726, SI_ITEM_MATKMIN = 727, SI_SUPER_STAR = 728, SI_HIGH_RANKER = 729, SI_DARKCROW = 730, SI_2013_VALENTINE1 = 731, SI_2013_VALENTINE2 = 732, SI_2013_VALENTINE3 = 733, SI_ILLUSIONDOPING = 734, //SI_WIDEWEB = 735, SI_CHILL = 736, SI_BURNT = 737, //SI_PCCAFE_PLAY_TIME = 738, //SI_TWISTED_TIME = 739, SI_FLASHCOMBO = 740, //SI_JITTER_BUFF1 = 741, //SI_JITTER_BUFF2 = 742, //SI_JITTER_BUFF3 = 743, //SI_JITTER_BUFF4 = 744, //SI_JITTER_BUFF5 = 745, //SI_JITTER_BUFF6 = 746, //SI_JITTER_BUFF7 = 747, //SI_JITTER_BUFF8 = 748, //SI_JITTER_BUFF9 = 749, //SI_JITTER_BUFF10 = 750, SI_CUP_OF_BOZA = 751, SI_B_TRAP = 752, SI_E_CHAIN = 753, SI_E_QD_SHOT_READY = 754, SI_C_MARKER = 755, SI_H_MINE = 756, SI_H_MINE_SPLASH = 757, SI_P_ALTER = 758, SI_HEAT_BARREL = 759, SI_ANTI_M_BLAST = 760, SI_SLUGSHOT = 761, SI_SWORDCLAN = 762, SI_ARCWANDCLAN = 763, SI_GOLDENMACECLAN = 764, SI_CROSSBOWCLAN = 765, SI_PACKING_ENVELOPE1 = 766, SI_PACKING_ENVELOPE2 = 767, SI_PACKING_ENVELOPE3 = 768, SI_PACKING_ENVELOPE4 = 769, SI_PACKING_ENVELOPE5 = 770, SI_PACKING_ENVELOPE6 = 771, SI_PACKING_ENVELOPE7 = 772, SI_PACKING_ENVELOPE8 = 773, SI_PACKING_ENVELOPE9 = 774, SI_PACKING_ENVELOPE10 = 775, SI_GLASTHEIM_TRANS = 776, //SI_ZONGZI_POUCH_TRANS = 777, SI_HEAT_BARREL_AFTER = 778, SI_DECORATION_OF_MUSIC = 779, //SI_OVERSEAEXPUP = 780, //SI_CLOWN_N_GYPSY_CARD = 781, //SI_OPEN_NPC_MARKET = 782, //SI_BEEF_RIB_STEW = 783, //SI_PORK_RIB_STEW = 784, //SI_CHUSEOK_MONDAY = 785, //SI_CHUSEOK_TUESDAY = 786, //SI_CHUSEOK_WEDNESDAY = 787, //SI_CHUSEOK_THURSDAY = 788, //SI_CHUSEOK_FRIDAY = 789, //SI_CHUSEOK_WEEKEND = 790, //SI_ALL_LIGHTGUARD = 791, //SI_ALL_LIGHTGUARD_COOL_TIME = 792, SI_MTF_MHP = 793, SI_MTF_MSP = 794, SI_MTF_PUMPKIN = 795, SI_MTF_HITFLEE = 796, //SI_MTF_CRIDAMAGE2 = 797, //SI_MTF_SPDRAIN = 798, //SI_ACUO_MINT_GUM = 799, //SI_S_HEALPOTION = 800, //SI_REUSE_LIMIT_S_HEAL_POTION = 801, //SI_PLAYTIME_STATISTICS = 802, //SI_GN_CHANGEMATERIAL_OPERATOR = 803, //SI_GN_MIX_COOKING_OPERATOR = 804, //SI_GN_MAKEBOMB_OPERATOR = 805, //SI_GN_S_PHARMACY_OPERATOR = 806, //SI_SO_EL_ANALYSIS_DISASSEMBLY_OPERATOR = 807, //SI_SO_EL_ANALYSIS_COMBINATION_OPERATOR = 808, //SI_NC_MAGICDECOY_OPERATOR = 809, //SI_GUILD_STORAGE = 810, //SI_GC_POISONINGWEAPON_OPERATOR = 811, //SI_WS_WEAPONREFINE_OPERATOR = 812, //SI_BS_REPAIRWEAPON_OPERATOR = 813, //SI_GET_MAILBOX = 814, //SI_JUMPINGCLAN = 815, //SI_JP_OTP = 816, //SI_HANDICAPTOLERANCE_LEVELGAP = 817, //SI_MTF_RANGEATK2 = 818, //SI_MTF_ASPD2 = 819, //SI_MTF_MATK2 = 820, //SI_SHOW_NPCHPBAR = 821, SI_FLOWERSMOKE = 822, SI_FSTONE = 823, SI_DAILYSENDMAILCNT = 824, //SI_QSCARABA = 825, SI_LJOSALFAR = 826, //SI_PAD_READER_KNIGHT = 827, //SI_PAD_READER_CRUSADER = 828, //SI_PAD_READER_BLACKSMITH = 829, //SI_PAD_READER_ALCHEMIST = 830, //SI_PAD_READER_ASSASSIN = 831, //SI_PAD_READER_ROGUE = 832, //SI_PAD_READER_WIZARD = 833, //SI_PAD_READER_SAGE = 834, //SI_PAD_READER_PRIEST = 835, //SI_PAD_READER_MONK = 836, //SI_PAD_READER_HUNTER = 837, //SI_PAD_READER_BARD = 838, //SI_PAD_READER_DANCER = 839, //SI_PAD_READER_TAEKWON = 840, //SI_PAD_READER_NINJA = 841, //SI_PAD_READER_GUNSLINGER = 842, //SI_PAD_READER_SUPERNOVICE = 843, //SI_ESSENCE_OF_TIME = 844, //SI_MINIGAME_ROULETTE = 845, //SI_MINIGAME_GOLD_POINT = 846, //SI_MINIGAME_SILVER_POINT = 847, //SI_MINIGAME_BRONZE_POINT = 848, SI_HAPPINESS_STAR = 849, //SI_SUMMEREVENT01 = 850, //SI_SUMMEREVENT02 = 851, //SI_SUMMEREVENT03 = 852, //SI_SUMMEREVENT04 = 853, //SI_SUMMEREVENT05 = 854, //SI_MINIGAME_ROULETTE_BONUS_ITEM = 855, SI_DRESS_UP = 856, SI_MAPLE_FALLS = 857, //SI_ALL_NIFLHEIM_RECALL = 858, //SI_ = 859, //SI_MTF_MARIONETTE = 860, //SI_MTF_LUDE = 861, //SI_MTF_CRUISER = 862, SI_MERMAID_LONGING = 863, SI_MAGICAL_FEATHER = 864, //SI_DRACULA_CARD = 865, //SI_ = 866, //SI_LIMIT_POWER_BOOSTER = 867, //SI_ = 868, //SI_ = 869, //SI_ = 870, //SI_ = 871, SI_TIME_ACCESSORY = 872, //SI_EP16_DEF = 873, //SI_NORMAL_ATKED_SP = 874, //SI_BODYSTATE_STONECURSE = 875, //SI_BODYSTATE_FREEZING = 876, //SI_BODYSTATE_STUN = 877, //SI_BODYSTATE_SLEEP = 878, //SI_BODYSTATE_UNDEAD = 879, //SI_BODYSTATE_STONECURSE_ING = 880, //SI_BODYSTATE_BURNNING = 881, //SI_BODYSTATE_IMPRISON = 882, //SI_HEALTHSTATE_POISON = 883, //SI_HEALTHSTATE_CURSE = 884, //SI_HEALTHSTATE_SILENCE = 885, //SI_HEALTHSTATE_CONFUSION = 886, //SI_HEALTHSTATE_BLIND = 887, //SI_HEALTHSTATE_ANGELUS = 888, //SI_HEALTHSTATE_BLOODING = 889, //SI_HEALTHSTATE_HEAVYPOISON = 890, //SI_HEALTHSTATE_FEAR = 891, //SI_CHERRY_BLOSSOM_CAKE = 892, SI_SU_STOOP = 893, SI_CATNIPPOWDER = 894, SI_BLOSSOM_FLUTTERING = 895, SI_SV_ROOTTWIST = 896, //SI_ATTACK_PROPERTY_NOTHING = 897, //SI_ATTACK_PROPERTY_WATER = 898, //SI_ATTACK_PROPERTY_GROUND = 899, //SI_ATTACK_PROPERTY_FIRE = 900, //SI_ATTACK_PROPERTY_WIND = 901, //SI_ATTACK_PROPERTY_POISON = 902, //SI_ATTACK_PROPERTY_SAINT = 903, //SI_ATTACK_PROPERTY_DARKNESS = 904, //SI_ATTACK_PROPERTY_TELEKINESIS = 905, //SI_ATTACK_PROPERTY_UNDEAD = 906, //SI_RESIST_PROPERTY_NOTHING = 907, //SI_RESIST_PROPERTY_WATER = 908, //SI_RESIST_PROPERTY_GROUND = 909, //SI_RESIST_PROPERTY_FIRE = 910, //SI_RESIST_PROPERTY_WIND = 911, //SI_RESIST_PROPERTY_POISON = 912, //SI_RESIST_PROPERTY_SAINT = 913, //SI_RESIST_PROPERTY_DARKNESS = 914, //SI_RESIST_PROPERTY_TELEKINESIS = 915, //SI_RESIST_PROPERTY_UNDEAD = 916, SI_BITESCAR = 917, SI_ARCLOUSEDASH = 918, SI_TUNAPARTY = 919, SI_SHRIMP = 920, SI_FRESHSHRIMP = 921, //SI_PERIOD_RECEIVEITEM = 922, //SI_PERIOD_PLUSEXP = 923, //SI_PERIOD_PLUSJOBEXP = 924, //SI_RUNEHELM = 925, //SI_HELM_VERKANA = 926, //SI_HELM_RHYDO = 927, //SI_HELM_TURISUS = 928, //SI_HELM_HAGALAS = 929, //SI_HELM_ISIA = 930, //SI_HELM_ASIR = 931, //SI_HELM_URJ = 932, SI_SUHIDE = 933, //SI_ = 934, //SI_DORAM_BUF_01 = 935, //SI_DORAM_BUF_02 = 936, SI_SPRITEMABLE = 937, //SI_AID_PERIOD_RECEIVEITEM = 938, //SI_AID_PERIOD_PLUSEXP = 939, //SI_AID_PERIOD_PLUSJOBEXP = 940, //SI_AID_PERIOD_DEADPENALTY = 941, //SI_AID_PERIOD_ADDSTOREITEMCOUNT = 942, //SI_ = 943, //SI_ = 944, //SI_ = 945, //SI_ = 946, //SI_ = 947, //SI_ = 948, //SI_ = 949, //SI_HISS = 950, //SI_ = 951, //SI_NYANGGRASS = 952, //SI_CHATTERING = 953, //SI_ = 954, //SI_ = 955, //SI_ = 956, //SI_ = 957, //SI_ = 958, //SI_ = 959, //SI_ = 960, //SI_GROOMING = 961, //SI_PROTECTIONOFSHRIMP = 962, //SI_EP16_2_BUFF_SS = 963, //SI_EP16_2_BUFF_SC = 964, //SI_EP16_2_BUFF_AC = 965, //SI_GS_MAGICAL_BULLET = 966, //SI_ = 967, //SI_ = 968, //SI_ = 969, //SI_ = 970, //SI_ = 971, //SI_ = 972, //SI_ = 973, //SI_ = 974, //SI_ = 975, //SI_FALLEN_ANGEL = 976, //SI_ = 977, //SI_ = 978, //SI_BLAZE_BEAD = 979, //SI_FROZEN_BEAD = 980, //SI_BREEZE_BEAD = 981, //SI_ = 982, //SI_AID_PERIOD_RECEIVEITEM_2ND = 983, //SI_AID_PERIOD_PLUSEXP_2ND = 984, //SI_AID_PERIOD_PLUSJOBEXP_2ND = 985, //SI_PRONTERA_JP = 986, //SI_ = 987, //SI_GLOOM_CARD = 988, //SI_PHARAOH_CARD = 989, //SI_KIEL_CARD = 990, //SI_ = 991, //SI_CHEERUP = 992, //SI_ = 993, //SI_ = 994, //SI_S_MANAPOTION = 995, //SI_M_DEFSCROLL = 996, //SI_ = 997, //SI_ = 998, //SI_ = 999, //SI_AS_RAGGED_GOLEM_CARD = 1000, //SI_LHZ_DUN_N1 = 1001, //SI_LHZ_DUN_N2 = 1002, //SI_LHZ_DUN_N3 = 1003, //SI_LHZ_DUN_N4 = 1004, #ifndef SI_MAX SI_MAX, #endif }; // JOINTBEAT stackable ailments enum e_joint_break { BREAK_ANKLE = 0x01, // MoveSpeed reduced by 50% BREAK_WRIST = 0x02, // ASPD reduced by 25% BREAK_KNEE = 0x04, // MoveSpeed reduced by 30%, ASPD reduced by 10% BREAK_SHOULDER = 0x08, // DEF reduced by 50% BREAK_WAIST = 0x10, // DEF reduced by 25%, ATK reduced by 25% BREAK_NECK = 0x20, // current attack does 2x damage, inflicts 'bleeding' for 30 seconds BREAK_FLAGS = BREAK_ANKLE | BREAK_WRIST | BREAK_KNEE | BREAK_SHOULDER | BREAK_WAIST | BREAK_NECK, }; /** * Mob mode definitions. [Skotlex] * * @see doc/mob_db_mode_list.txt for a description of each mode. */ enum e_mode { MD_NONE = 0x00000000, MD_CANMOVE = 0x00000001, MD_LOOTER = 0x00000002, MD_AGGRESSIVE = 0x00000004, MD_ASSIST = 0x00000008, MD_CASTSENSOR_IDLE = 0x00000010, MD_BOSS = 0x00000020, MD_PLANT = 0x00000040, MD_CANATTACK = 0x00000080, MD_DETECTOR = 0x00000100, MD_CASTSENSOR_CHASE = 0x00000200, MD_CHANGECHASE = 0x00000400, MD_ANGRY = 0x00000800, MD_CHANGETARGET_MELEE = 0x00001000, MD_CHANGETARGET_CHASE = 0x00002000, MD_TARGETWEAK = 0x00004000, MD_NOKNOCKBACK = 0x00008000, //MD_RANDOMTARGET = 0x00010000, // Not implemented // Note: This should be kept within INT_MAX, since it's often cast to int. MD_MASK = 0x7FFFFFFF, }; //Status change option definitions (options are what makes status changes visible to chars //who were not on your field of sight when it happened) //opt1: Non stackable status changes. enum e_opt1 { OPT1_STONE = 1, //Petrified OPT1_FREEZE, OPT1_STUN, OPT1_SLEEP, //Aegis uses OPT1 = 5 to identify undead enemies (which also grants them immunity to the other opt1 changes) OPT1_STONEWAIT=6, //Petrifying OPT1_BURNING, OPT1_IMPRISON, OPT1_CRYSTALIZE, }; //opt2: Stackable status changes. enum e_opt2 { OPT2_POISON = 0x0001, OPT2_CURSE = 0x0002, OPT2_SILENCE = 0x0004, OPT2_SIGNUMCRUCIS = 0x0008, OPT2_BLIND = 0x0010, OPT2_ANGELUS = 0x0020, OPT2_BLEEDING = 0x0040, OPT2_DPOISON = 0x0080, OPT2_FEAR = 0x0100, }; //opt3: (SHOW_EFST_*) enum e_opt3 { OPT3_NORMAL = 0x00000000, OPT3_QUICKEN = 0x00000001, OPT3_OVERTHRUST = 0x00000002, OPT3_ENERGYCOAT = 0x00000004, OPT3_EXPLOSIONSPIRITS = 0x00000008, OPT3_STEELBODY = 0x00000010, OPT3_BLADESTOP = 0x00000020, OPT3_AURABLADE = 0x00000040, OPT3_BERSERK = 0x00000080, OPT3_LIGHTBLADE = 0x00000100, OPT3_MOONLIT = 0x00000200, OPT3_MARIONETTE = 0x00000400, OPT3_ASSUMPTIO = 0x00000800, OPT3_WARM = 0x00001000, OPT3_KAITE = 0x00002000, OPT3_BUNSIN = 0x00004000, OPT3_SOULLINK = 0x00008000, OPT3_UNDEAD = 0x00010000, OPT3_CONTRACT = 0x00020000, }; //Defines for the manner system [Skotlex] enum manner_flags { MANNER_NOCHAT = 0x01, MANNER_NOSKILL = 0x02, MANNER_NOCOMMAND = 0x04, MANNER_NOITEM = 0x08, MANNER_NOROOM = 0x10, }; //Define flags for the status_calc_bl function. [Skotlex] enum scb_flag { SCB_NONE = 0x00000000, SCB_BASE = 0x00000001, SCB_MAXHP = 0x00000002, SCB_MAXSP = 0x00000004, SCB_STR = 0x00000008, SCB_AGI = 0x00000010, SCB_VIT = 0x00000020, SCB_INT = 0x00000040, SCB_DEX = 0x00000080, SCB_LUK = 0x00000100, SCB_BATK = 0x00000200, SCB_WATK = 0x00000400, SCB_MATK = 0x00000800, SCB_HIT = 0x00001000, SCB_FLEE = 0x00002000, SCB_DEF = 0x00004000, SCB_DEF2 = 0x00008000, SCB_MDEF = 0x00010000, SCB_MDEF2 = 0x00020000, SCB_SPEED = 0x00040000, SCB_ASPD = 0x00080000, SCB_DSPD = 0x00100000, SCB_CRI = 0x00200000, SCB_FLEE2 = 0x00400000, SCB_ATK_ELE = 0x00800000, SCB_DEF_ELE = 0x01000000, SCB_MODE = 0x02000000, SCB_SIZE = 0x04000000, SCB_RACE = 0x08000000, SCB_RANGE = 0x10000000, SCB_REGEN = 0x20000000, SCB_DYE = 0x40000000, // force cloth-dye change to 0 to avoid client crashes. #if 0 // Currently No SC use it. Also, when this will be implemented, there will be need to change to 64bit variable SCB_BODY = 0x80000000, // Force bodysStyle change to 0 #endif SCB_BATTLE = 0x3FFFFFFE, SCB_ALL = 0x3FFFFFFF }; //Regen related flags. enum e_regen { RGN_HP = 0x01, RGN_SP = 0x02, RGN_SHP = 0x04, RGN_SSP = 0x08, }; enum e_status_calc_opt { SCO_NONE = 0x0, SCO_FIRST = 0x1, /* trigger the calculations that should take place only onspawn/once */ SCO_FORCE = 0x2, /* only relevant to BL_PC types, ensures call bypasses the queue caused by delayed damage */ }; //Define to determine who gets HP/SP consumed on doing skills/etc. [Skotlex] #define BL_CONSUME (BL_PC|BL_HOM|BL_MER|BL_ELEM) //Define to determine who has regen #define BL_REGEN (BL_PC|BL_HOM|BL_MER|BL_ELEM) //Define to determine who will receive a clif_status_change packet for effects that require one to display correctly #define BL_SCEFFECT (BL_PC|BL_HOM|BL_MER|BL_MOB|BL_ELEM) //Basic damage info of a weapon //Required because players have two of these, one in status_data //and another for their left hand weapon. typedef struct weapon_atk { unsigned short atk, atk2; unsigned short range; unsigned char ele; #ifdef RENEWAL unsigned short matk; unsigned char wlv; #endif } weapon_atk; //For holding basic status (which can be modified by status changes) struct status_data { unsigned int hp, sp, // see status_cpy before adding members before hp and sp max_hp, max_sp; unsigned short str, agi, vit, int_, dex, luk, batk, matk_min, matk_max, speed, amotion, adelay, dmotion; uint32 mode; short hit, flee, cri, flee2, def2, mdef2, #ifdef RENEWAL_ASPD aspd_rate2, #endif aspd_rate; /** * defType is RENEWAL dependent and defined in src/map/config/data/const.h **/ defType def,mdef; unsigned char def_ele, ele_lv, size, race; struct weapon_atk rhw, lhw; //Right Hand/Left Hand Weapon. #ifdef RENEWAL int equip_atk; #endif }; //Additional regen data that only players have. struct regen_data_sub { unsigned short hp,sp; //tick accumulation before healing. struct { unsigned int hp,sp; } tick; //Regen rates (where every 1 means +100% regen) struct { unsigned char hp,sp; } rate; }; struct regen_data { unsigned short flag; //Marks what stuff you may heal or not. unsigned short hp,sp,shp,ssp; //tick accumulation before healing. struct { unsigned int hp,sp,shp,ssp; } tick; //Regen rates (where every 1 means +100% regen) struct { unsigned char hp,sp,shp,ssp; } rate; struct { unsigned walk:1; //Can you regen even when walking? unsigned gc:1; //Tags when you should have double regen due to GVG castle unsigned overweight :2; //overweight state (1: 50%, 2: 90%) unsigned block :2; //Block regen flag (1: Hp, 2: Sp) } state; //skill-regen, sitting-skill-regen (since not all chars with regen need it) struct regen_data_sub *sregen, *ssregen; }; struct sc_display_entry { enum sc_type type; int val1,val2,val3; }; struct status_change_entry { int timer; int val1,val2,val3,val4; bool infinite_duration; }; struct status_change { unsigned int option;// effect state (bitfield) unsigned int opt3;// skill state (bitfield) unsigned short opt1;// body state unsigned short opt2;// health state (bitfield) unsigned char count; //TODO: See if it is possible to implement the following SC's without requiring extra parameters while the SC is inactive. unsigned char jb_flag; //Joint Beat type flag //int sg_id; //ID of the previous Storm gust that hit you short comet_x, comet_y; // Point where src casted Comet - required to calculate damage from this point /** * The Storm Gust counter was dropped in renewal **/ #ifndef RENEWAL unsigned char sg_counter; //Storm gust counter (previous hits from storm gust) #endif unsigned char bs_counter; // Blood Sucker counter unsigned char fv_counter; // Force of vanguard counter struct status_change_entry *data[SC_MAX]; }; //Define for standard HP damage attacks. #define status_fix_damage(src, target, hp, walkdelay) (status->damage((src), (target), (hp), 0, (walkdelay), 0)) //Define for standard HP/SP damage triggers. #define status_zap(bl, hp, sp) (status->damage(NULL, (bl), (hp), (sp), 0, 1)) //Easier handling of status->percent_change #define status_percent_heal(bl, hp_rate, sp_rate) (status->percent_change(NULL, (bl), -(hp_rate), -(sp_rate), 0)) #define status_percent_damage(src, target, hp_rate, sp_rate, kill) (status->percent_change((src), (target), (hp_rate), (sp_rate), (kill)?1:2)) //Instant kill with no drops/exp/etc #define status_kill(bl) status_percent_damage(NULL, (bl), 100, 0, true) #define status_get_range(bl) (status->get_status_data(bl)->rhw.range) #define status_get_hp(bl) (status->get_status_data(bl)->hp) #define status_get_max_hp(bl) (status->get_status_data(bl)->max_hp) #define status_get_sp(bl) (status->get_status_data(bl)->sp) #define status_get_max_sp(bl) (status->get_status_data(bl)->max_sp) #define status_get_str(bl) (status->get_status_data(bl)->str) #define status_get_agi(bl) (status->get_status_data(bl)->agi) #define status_get_vit(bl) (status->get_status_data(bl)->vit) #define status_get_int(bl) (status->get_status_data(bl)->int_) #define status_get_dex(bl) (status->get_status_data(bl)->dex) #define status_get_luk(bl) (status->get_status_data(bl)->luk) #define status_get_hit(bl) (status->get_status_data(bl)->hit) #define status_get_flee(bl) (status->get_status_data(bl)->flee) #define status_get_mdef(bl) (status->get_status_data(bl)->mdef) #define status_get_flee2(bl) (status->get_status_data(bl)->flee2) #define status_get_def2(bl) (status->get_status_data(bl)->def2) #define status_get_mdef2(bl) (status->get_status_data(bl)->mdef2) #define status_get_critical(bl) (status->get_status_data(bl)->cri) #define status_get_batk(bl) (status->get_status_data(bl)->batk) #define status_get_watk(bl) (status->get_status_data(bl)->rhw.atk) #define status_get_watk2(bl) (status->get_status_data(bl)->rhw.atk2) #define status_get_matk_max(bl) (status->get_status_data(bl)->matk_max) #define status_get_matk_min(bl) (status->get_status_data(bl)->matk_min) #define status_get_lwatk(bl) (status->get_status_data(bl)->lhw.atk) #define status_get_lwatk2(bl) (status->get_status_data(bl)->lhw.atk2) #define status_get_adelay(bl) (status->get_status_data(bl)->adelay) #define status_get_amotion(bl) (status->get_status_data(bl)->amotion) #define status_get_dmotion(bl) (status->get_status_data(bl)->dmotion) #define status_get_element(bl) (status->get_status_data(bl)->def_ele) #define status_get_element_level(bl) (status->get_status_data(bl)->ele_lv) #define status_get_attack_sc_element(bl, sc) (status->calc_attack_element((bl), (sc), 0)) #define status_get_attack_element(bl) (status->get_status_data(bl)->rhw.ele) #define status_get_attack_lelement(bl) (status->get_status_data(bl)->lhw.ele) #define status_get_race(bl) (status->get_status_data(bl)->race) #define status_get_size(bl) (status->get_status_data(bl)->size) #define status_get_mode(bl) (status->get_status_data(bl)->mode) //Short version, receives rate in 1->100 range, and does not uses a flag setting. #define sc_start(src, bl, type, rate, val1, tick) (status->change_start((src),(bl),(type),100*(rate),(val1),0,0,0,(tick),SCFLAG_NONE)) #define sc_start2(src, bl, type, rate, val1, val2, tick) (status->change_start((src),(bl),(type),100*(rate),(val1),(val2),0,0,(tick),SCFLAG_NONE)) #define sc_start4(src, bl, type, rate, val1, val2, val3, val4, tick) (status->change_start((src),(bl),(type),100*(rate),(val1),(val2),(val3),(val4),(tick),SCFLAG_NONE)) #define status_change_end(bl,type,tid) (status->change_end_((bl),(type),(tid),__FILE__,__LINE__)) #define status_calc_bl(bl, flag) (status->calc_bl_((bl), (enum scb_flag)(flag), SCO_NONE)) #define status_calc_mob(md, opt) (status->calc_bl_(&(md)->bl, SCB_ALL, (opt))) #define status_calc_pet(pd, opt) (status->calc_bl_(&(pd)->bl, SCB_ALL, (opt))) #define status_calc_pc(sd, opt) (status->calc_bl_(&(sd)->bl, SCB_ALL, (opt))) #define status_calc_homunculus(hd, opt) (status->calc_bl_(&(hd)->bl, SCB_ALL, (opt))) #define status_calc_mercenary(md, opt) (status->calc_bl_(&(md)->bl, SCB_ALL, (opt))) #define status_calc_elemental(ed, opt) (status->calc_bl_(&(ed)->bl, SCB_ALL, (opt))) #define status_calc_npc(nd, opt) (status->calc_bl_(&(nd)->bl, SCB_ALL, (opt))) enum refine_chance_type { REFINE_CHANCE_TYPE_NORMAL = 0, // Normal Chance REFINE_CHANCE_TYPE_ENRICHED = 1, // Enriched Ore Chance REFINE_CHANCE_TYPE_E_NORMAL = 2, // Event Normal Ore Chance REFINE_CHANCE_TYPE_E_ENRICHED = 3, // Event Enriched Ore Chance REFINE_CHANCE_TYPE_MAX }; // bonus values and upgrade chances for refining equipment struct s_refine_info { int chance[REFINE_CHANCE_TYPE_MAX][MAX_REFINE]; // success chance int bonus[MAX_REFINE]; // cumulative fixed bonus damage int randombonus_max[MAX_REFINE]; // cumulative maximum random bonus damage }; struct s_status_dbs { BEGIN_ZEROED_BLOCK; /* Everything within this block will be memset to 0 when status_defaults() is executed */ int max_weight_base[CLASS_COUNT]; int HP_table[CLASS_COUNT][MAX_LEVEL + 1]; int SP_table[CLASS_COUNT][MAX_LEVEL + 1]; int aspd_base[CLASS_COUNT][MAX_SINGLE_WEAPON_TYPE+1]; // +1 for RENEWAL_ASPD sc_type Skill2SCTable[MAX_SKILL]; // skill -> status int IconChangeTable[SC_MAX]; // status -> "icon" (icon is a bit of a misnomer, since there exist values with no icon associated) unsigned int ChangeFlagTable[SC_MAX]; // status -> flags int SkillChangeTable[SC_MAX]; // status -> skill int RelevantBLTypes[SI_MAX]; // "icon" -> enum bl_type (for clif->status_change to identify for which bl types to send packets) bool DisplayType[SC_MAX]; /* */ struct s_refine_info refine_info[REFINE_TYPE_MAX]; /* */ int atkmods[3][MAX_SINGLE_WEAPON_TYPE];//ATK weapon modification for size (size_fix.txt) char job_bonus[CLASS_COUNT][MAX_LEVEL]; sc_conf_type sc_conf[SC_MAX]; END_ZEROED_BLOCK; /* End */ }; /*===================================== * Interface : status.h * Generated by HerculesInterfaceMaker * created by Susu *-------------------------------------*/ struct status_interface { /* vars */ int current_equip_item_index; int current_equip_card_id; int current_equip_option_index; struct s_status_dbs *dbs; struct eri *data_ers; //For sc_data entries struct status_data dummy; int64 natural_heal_prev_tick; unsigned int natural_heal_diff_tick; /* */ int (*init) (bool minimal); void (*final) (void); /* funcs */ int (*get_refine_chance) (enum refine_type wlv, int refine, enum refine_chance_type type); // for looking up associated data sc_type (*skill2sc) (int skill_id); int (*sc2skill) (sc_type sc); unsigned int (*sc2scb_flag) (sc_type sc); int (*type2relevant_bl_types) (int type); int (*get_sc_type) (sc_type idx); int (*damage) (struct block_list *src,struct block_list *target,int64 hp,int64 sp, int walkdelay, int flag); //Define for standard HP/SP skill-related cost triggers (mobs require no HP/SP to use skills) int (*charge) (struct block_list* bl, int64 hp, int64 sp); int (*percent_change) (struct block_list *src,struct block_list *target,signed char hp_rate, signed char sp_rate, int flag); //Used to set the hp/sp of an object to an absolute value (can't kill) int (*set_hp) (struct block_list *bl, unsigned int hp, int flag); int (*set_sp) (struct block_list *bl, unsigned int sp, int flag); int (*heal) (struct block_list *bl,int64 hp,int64 sp, int flag); int (*revive) (struct block_list *bl, unsigned char per_hp, unsigned char per_sp); int (*fixed_revive) (struct block_list *bl, unsigned int per_hp, unsigned int per_sp); struct regen_data * (*get_regen_data) (struct block_list *bl); struct status_data * (*get_status_data) (struct block_list *bl); struct status_data * (*get_base_status) (struct block_list *bl); const char *(*get_name) (const struct block_list *bl); int (*get_class) (const struct block_list *bl); int (*get_lv) (const struct block_list *bl); defType (*get_def) (struct block_list *bl); unsigned short (*get_speed) (struct block_list *bl); unsigned char (*calc_attack_element) (struct block_list *bl, struct status_change *sc, int element); int (*get_party_id) (const struct block_list *bl); int (*get_guild_id) (const struct block_list *bl); int (*get_emblem_id) (const struct block_list *bl); int (*get_mexp) (const struct block_list *bl); int (*get_race2) (const struct block_list *bl); struct view_data * (*get_viewdata) (struct block_list *bl); void (*set_viewdata) (struct block_list *bl, int class_); void (*change_init) (struct block_list *bl); struct status_change * (*get_sc) (struct block_list *bl); int (*isdead) (struct block_list *bl); int (*isimmune) (struct block_list *bl); int (*get_sc_def) (struct block_list *src, struct block_list *bl, enum sc_type type, int rate, int tick, int flag); int (*change_start) (struct block_list *src, struct block_list *bl, enum sc_type type, int rate, int val1, int val2, int val3, int val4, int tick, int flag); int (*change_end_) (struct block_list* bl, enum sc_type type, int tid, const char* file, int line); bool (*is_immune_to_status) (struct status_change* sc, enum sc_type type); bool (*is_boss_resist_sc) (enum sc_type type); bool (*end_sc_before_start) (struct block_list *bl, struct status_data *st, struct status_change* sc, enum sc_type type, int undead_flag, int val1, int val2, int val3, int val4); void (*change_start_stop_action) (struct block_list *bl, enum sc_type type); int (*change_start_set_option) (struct block_list *bl, struct status_change* sc, enum sc_type type, int val1, int val2, int val3, int val4); int (*get_val_flag) (enum sc_type type); void (*change_start_display) (struct map_session_data *sd, enum sc_type type, int val1, int val2, int val3, int val4); bool (*change_start_unknown_sc) (struct block_list *src, struct block_list *bl, enum sc_type type, int calc_flag, int rate, int val1, int val2, int val3, int val4, int tick, int flag); int (*kaahi_heal_timer) (int tid, int64 tick, int id, intptr_t data); int (*change_timer) (int tid, int64 tick, int id, intptr_t data); int (*change_timer_sub) (struct block_list* bl, va_list ap); int (*change_clear) (struct block_list* bl, int type); int (*change_clear_buffs) (struct block_list* bl, int type); void (*calc_bl_) (struct block_list *bl, enum scb_flag flag, enum e_status_calc_opt opt); int (*calc_mob_) (struct mob_data* md, enum e_status_calc_opt opt); int (*calc_pet_) (struct pet_data* pd, enum e_status_calc_opt opt); int (*calc_pc_) (struct map_session_data* sd, enum e_status_calc_opt opt); void (*calc_pc_additional) (struct map_session_data* sd, enum e_status_calc_opt opt); int (*calc_homunculus_) (struct homun_data *hd, enum e_status_calc_opt opt); int (*calc_mercenary_) (struct mercenary_data *md, enum e_status_calc_opt opt); int (*calc_elemental_) (struct elemental_data *ed, enum e_status_calc_opt opt); void (*calc_misc) (struct block_list *bl, struct status_data *st, int level); void (*calc_regen) (struct block_list *bl, struct status_data *st, struct regen_data *regen); void (*calc_regen_rate) (struct block_list *bl, struct regen_data *regen, struct status_change *sc); int (*check_skilluse) (struct block_list *src, struct block_list *target, uint16 skill_id, int flag); // [Skotlex] int (*check_visibility) (struct block_list *src, struct block_list *target); //[Skotlex] int (*change_spread) (struct block_list *src, struct block_list *bl); defType (*calc_def) (struct block_list *bl, struct status_change *sc, int def, bool viewable); short (*calc_def2) (struct block_list *bl, struct status_change *sc, int def2, bool viewable); defType (*calc_mdef) (struct block_list *bl, struct status_change *sc, int mdef, bool viewable); short (*calc_mdef2) (struct block_list *bl, struct status_change *sc, int mdef2, bool viewable); unsigned short (*calc_batk)(struct block_list *bl, struct status_change *sc, int batk, bool viewable); unsigned short(*base_matk) (struct block_list *bl, const struct status_data *st, int level); int (*get_weapon_atk) (struct block_list *src, struct weapon_atk *watk, int flag); int (*get_total_mdef) (struct block_list *src); int (*get_total_def) (struct block_list *src); int (*get_matk) (struct block_list *src, int flag); void (*update_matk) ( struct block_list *bl ); int (*readdb) (void); void (*initChangeTables) (void); void (*initDummyData) (void); int (*base_amotion_pc) (struct map_session_data *sd, struct status_data *st); unsigned short (*base_atk) (const struct block_list *bl, const struct status_data *st); unsigned int (*get_base_maxhp) (const struct map_session_data *sd, const struct status_data *st); unsigned int (*get_base_maxsp) (const struct map_session_data *sd, const struct status_data *st); int (*calc_npc_) (struct npc_data *nd, enum e_status_calc_opt opt); unsigned short (*calc_str) (struct block_list *bl, struct status_change *sc, int str); unsigned short (*calc_agi) (struct block_list *bl, struct status_change *sc, int agi); unsigned short (*calc_vit) (struct block_list *bl, struct status_change *sc, int vit); unsigned short (*calc_int) (struct block_list *bl, struct status_change *sc, int int_); unsigned short (*calc_dex) (struct block_list *bl, struct status_change *sc, int dex); unsigned short (*calc_luk) (struct block_list *bl, struct status_change *sc, int luk); unsigned short (*calc_watk) (struct block_list *bl, struct status_change *sc, int watk, bool viewable); unsigned short (*calc_matk) (struct block_list *bl, struct status_change *sc, int matk, bool viewable); signed short (*calc_hit) (struct block_list *bl, struct status_change *sc, int hit, bool viewable); signed short (*calc_critical) (struct block_list *bl, struct status_change *sc, int critical, bool viewable); signed short (*calc_flee) (struct block_list *bl, struct status_change *sc, int flee, bool viewable); signed short (*calc_flee2) (struct block_list *bl, struct status_change *sc, int flee2, bool viewable); unsigned short (*calc_speed) (struct block_list *bl, struct status_change *sc, int speed); short (*calc_aspd_rate) (struct block_list *bl, struct status_change *sc, int aspd_rate); unsigned short (*calc_dmotion) (struct block_list *bl, struct status_change *sc, int dmotion); short (*calc_aspd) (struct block_list *bl, struct status_change *sc, short flag); short (*calc_fix_aspd) (struct block_list *bl, struct status_change *sc, int aspd); unsigned int (*calc_maxhp) (struct block_list *bl, struct status_change *sc, uint64 maxhp); unsigned int (*calc_maxsp) (struct block_list *bl, struct status_change *sc, unsigned int maxsp); unsigned char (*calc_element) (struct block_list *bl, struct status_change *sc, int element); unsigned char (*calc_element_lv) (struct block_list *bl, struct status_change *sc, int lv); uint32 (*calc_mode) (const struct block_list *bl, const struct status_change *sc, uint32 mode); unsigned short (*calc_ematk) (struct block_list *bl, struct status_change *sc, int matk); void (*calc_bl_main) (struct block_list *bl, int flag); void (*display_add) (struct map_session_data *sd, enum sc_type type, int dval1, int dval2, int dval3); void (*display_remove) (struct map_session_data *sd, enum sc_type type); int (*natural_heal) (struct block_list *bl, va_list args); int (*natural_heal_timer) (int tid, int64 tick, int id, intptr_t data); bool (*readdb_job2) (char *fields[], int columns, int current); bool (*readdb_sizefix) (char *fields[], int columns, int current); int (*readdb_refine_libconfig) (const char *filename); int (*readdb_refine_libconfig_sub) (struct config_setting_t *r, const char *name, const char *source); bool (*readdb_scconfig) (char *fields[], int columns, int current); void (*read_job_db) (void); void (*read_job_db_sub) (int idx, const char *name, struct config_setting_t *jdb); void (*set_sc) (uint16 skill_id, sc_type sc, int icon, unsigned int flag); void (*copy) (struct status_data *a, const struct status_data *b); unsigned short (*base_matk_min) (const struct status_data *st); unsigned short (*base_matk_max) (const struct status_data *st); }; #ifdef HERCULES_CORE void status_defaults(void); #endif // HERCULES_CORE HPShared struct status_interface *status; #endif /* MAP_STATUS_H */