#include #include #include #include #include #include #include "../common/socket.h" #include "../common/timer.h" #include "../common/nullpo.h" #include "../common/mmo.h" #include "../common/showmsg.h" #include "log.h" #include "clif.h" #include "chrif.h" #include "intif.h" #include "itemdb.h" #include "map.h" #include "pc.h" #include "status.h" #include "skill.h" #include "mob.h" #include "pet.h" #include "battle.h" #include "party.h" #include "guild.h" #include "atcommand.h" #include "script.h" #include "npc.h" #include "trade.h" #include "unit.h" #include "mercenary.h" #include "charsave.h" static int dirx[8]={0,-1,-1,-1,0,1,1,1}; //[orn] static int diry[8]={1,1,0,-1,-1,-1,0,1}; //[orn] //Better equiprobability than rand()% [orn] #define rand(a, b) a+(int) ((float)(b-a+1)*rand()/(RAND_MAX+1.0)) struct homunculus_db homunculus_db[MAX_HOMUNCULUS_CLASS]; //[orn] struct skill_tree_entry hskill_tree[MAX_HOMUNCULUS_CLASS][MAX_SKILL_TREE]; void merc_load_exptables(void); int mercskill_castend_id( int tid, unsigned int tick, int id,int data ); static int merc_hom_hungry(int tid,unsigned int tick,int id,int data); static unsigned long hexptbl[MAX_LEVEL+1]; void merc_load_exptables(void) { FILE *fp; char line[1024]; int i,k; int j=0; int lines; char *filename[]={"exp_homun.txt","exp_homun2.txt"}; char *str[32],*h,*nh; j = 0; memset(hexptbl,0,sizeof(hexptbl)); for(i=0;i<2;i++){ sprintf(line, "%s/%s", db_path, filename[i]); fp=fopen(line,"r"); if(fp==NULL){ if(i>0) continue; ShowError("can't read %s\n",line); return ; } lines = 0; while(fgets(line,sizeof(line)-1,fp) && j <= MAX_LEVEL){ lines++; if(line[0] == '/' && line[1] == '/') continue; for(k=0,h=line;k<20;k++){ if((nh=strchr(h,','))!=NULL){ str[k]=h; *nh=0; h=nh+1; } else { str[k]=h; h+=strlen(h); } } hexptbl[j]= atoi(str[0]); j++; } if (j >= MAX_LEVEL) ShowWarning("read_hexptbl: Reached max level in exp_homun [%d]. Remaining lines were not read.\n ", MAX_HOMUNCULUS_CLASS); fclose(fp); ShowStatus("Done reading '"CL_WHITE"%s"CL_RESET"'.\n",filename[i]); } return ; } void merc_damage(struct homun_data *hd,struct block_list *src,int hp,int sp) { nullpo_retv(hd); clif_hominfo(hd->master,hd,0); } int merc_hom_dead(struct homun_data *hd, struct block_list *src) { hd->master->homunculus.hp = 0 ; clif_hominfo(hd->master,hd,0); // Send dead flag if(!merc_hom_decrease_intimacy(hd, 100)) { // Intimacy was < 100 merc_stop_walking(hd, 1); merc_stop_attack(hd); clif_emotion(&hd->master->bl, 23) ; //omg merc_hom_delete(hd,1) ; return 1 ; } clif_emotion(&hd->bl, 16) ; //wah clif_emotion(&hd->master->bl, 28) ; //sob merc_hom_delete(hd, 0); return 3; //Remove it from map. } int merc_hom_delete(struct homun_data *hd, int flag) { nullpo_retr(0, hd); // Delete homunculus if ( flag&1 ) { //sabbath intif_homunculus_requestdelete(hd->master->homunculus.hom_id) ; clif_emotion(&hd->bl, 28) ; //sob hd->master->status.hom_id = 0; hd->master->homunculus.hom_id = 0; chrif_save(hd->master,0); } else merc_save(hd) ; return unit_free(&hd->bl); } int merc_hom_calc_skilltree(struct map_session_data *sd) { int i,id=0 ; int j,f=1; int c=0; nullpo_retr(0, sd); c = sd->homunculus.class_ - 6001 ; for(i=0;i < MAX_SKILL_TREE && (id = hskill_tree[c][i].id) > 0;i++){ if(sd->homunculus.hskill[id-HM_SKILLBASE-1].id) continue; //Skill already known. if(!battle_config.skillfree) { for(j=0;j<5;j++) { if( hskill_tree[c][i].need[j].id && merc_hom_checkskill(sd,hskill_tree[c][i].need[j].id) < hskill_tree[c][i].need[j].lv) { f=0; break; } } } if (f){ sd->homunculus.hskill[id-HM_SKILLBASE-1].id = id ; } } return 0; } int merc_hom_checkskill(struct map_session_data *sd,int skill_id) { int i = skill_id - HM_SKILLBASE - 1 ; if(sd == NULL) return 0; if(sd->homunculus.hskill[i].id == skill_id) return (sd->homunculus.hskill[i].lv); return 0; } static int merc_skill_tree_get_max(int id, int b_class){ int i, skillid; for(i=0;(skillid=hskill_tree[b_class-6001][i].id)>0;i++) if (id == skillid) return hskill_tree[b_class-6001][i].max; return skill_get_max (id); } void merc_hom_skillup(struct homun_data *hd,int skillnum) { int i = 0 ; nullpo_retv(hd); if( hd->master->homunculus.vaporize == 0) { i = skillnum - HM_SKILLBASE - 1 ; if( hd->master->homunculus.skillpts > 0 && hd->master->homunculus.hskill[i].id && ( hd->master->homunculus.hskill[i].flag == 0 ) && //Don't allow raising while you have granted skills. [Skotlex] hd->master->homunculus.hskill[i].lv < merc_skill_tree_get_max(skillnum, hd->master->homunculus.class_) ) { hd->master->homunculus.hskill[i].lv++ ; hd->master->homunculus.skillpts-- ; status_calc_homunculus(hd,1) ; clif_homskillup(hd->master, skillnum) ; clif_hominfo(hd->master,hd,0) ; clif_homskillinfoblock(hd->master) ; } } } int merc_hom_levelup(struct homun_data *hd) { int growth_str, growth_agi, growth_vit, growth_int, growth_dex, growth_luk ; int growth_max_hp, growth_max_sp ; char output[256] ; if (hd->master->homunculus.level == MAX_LEVEL) return 0 ; hd->master->homunculus.level++ ; if ( ( (hd->master->homunculus.level) % 3 ) == 0 ) hd->master->homunculus.skillpts++ ; //1 skillpoint each 3 base level hd->master->homunculus.exp -= hd->exp_next ; hd->exp_next = hexptbl[hd->master->homunculus.level - 1] ; if ( hd->homunculusDB->gmaxHP <= hd->homunculusDB->gminHP ) growth_max_hp = hd->homunculusDB->gminHP ; else growth_max_hp = rand(hd->homunculusDB->gminHP, hd->homunculusDB->gmaxHP) ; if ( hd->homunculusDB->gmaxSP <= hd->homunculusDB->gminSP ) growth_max_sp = hd->homunculusDB->gminSP ; else growth_max_sp = rand(hd->homunculusDB->gminSP, hd->homunculusDB->gmaxSP) ; if ( hd->homunculusDB->gmaxSTR <= hd->homunculusDB->gminSTR ) growth_str = hd->homunculusDB->gminSTR ; else growth_str = rand(hd->homunculusDB->gminSTR, hd->homunculusDB->gmaxSTR) ; if ( hd->homunculusDB->gmaxAGI <= hd->homunculusDB->gminAGI ) growth_agi = hd->homunculusDB->gminAGI ; else growth_agi = rand(hd->homunculusDB->gminAGI, hd->homunculusDB->gmaxAGI) ; if ( hd->homunculusDB->gmaxVIT <= hd->homunculusDB->gminVIT ) growth_vit = hd->homunculusDB->gminVIT ; else growth_vit = rand(hd->homunculusDB->gminVIT, hd->homunculusDB->gmaxVIT) ; if ( hd->homunculusDB->gmaxDEX <= hd->homunculusDB->gminDEX ) growth_dex = hd->homunculusDB->gminDEX ; else growth_dex = rand(hd->homunculusDB->gminDEX, hd->homunculusDB->gmaxDEX) ; if ( hd->homunculusDB->gmaxINT <= hd->homunculusDB->gminINT ) growth_int = hd->homunculusDB->gminINT ; else growth_int = rand(hd->homunculusDB->gminINT, hd->homunculusDB->gmaxINT) ; if ( hd->homunculusDB->gmaxLUK <= hd->homunculusDB->gminLUK ) growth_luk = hd->homunculusDB->gminLUK ; else growth_luk = rand(hd->homunculusDB->gminLUK, hd->homunculusDB->gmaxLUK) ; hd->base_status.max_hp += growth_max_hp ; hd->base_status.max_sp += growth_max_sp ; hd->master->homunculus.max_hp = hd->base_status.max_hp ; hd->master->homunculus.max_sp = hd->base_status.max_sp ; hd->master->homunculus.str += growth_str ; hd->master->homunculus.agi += growth_agi ; hd->master->homunculus.vit += growth_vit ; hd->master->homunculus.dex += growth_dex ; hd->master->homunculus.int_ += growth_int ; hd->master->homunculus.luk += growth_luk ; if ( battle_config.homunculus_show_growth ) { sprintf(output, "Growth : hp:%d sp:%d str(%.2f) agi(%.2f) vit(%.2f) int(%.2f) dex(%.2f) luk(%.2f) ", growth_max_hp, growth_max_sp, growth_str/(float)10, growth_agi/(float)10, growth_vit/(float)10, growth_int/(float)10, growth_dex/(float)10, growth_luk/(float)10 ) ; clif_disp_onlyself(hd->master,output,strlen(output)); } hd->base_status.str = (int) (hd->master->homunculus.str / 10) ; hd->base_status.agi = (int) (hd->master->homunculus.agi / 10) ; hd->base_status.vit = (int) (hd->master->homunculus.vit / 10) ; hd->base_status.dex = (int) (hd->master->homunculus.dex / 10) ; hd->base_status.int_ = (int) (hd->master->homunculus.int_ / 10) ; hd->base_status.luk = (int) (hd->master->homunculus.luk / 10) ; memcpy(&hd->battle_status, &hd->base_status, sizeof(struct status_data)) ; status_calc_homunculus(hd,1) ; status_percent_heal(&hd->bl, 100, 100); // merc_save(hd) ; //not necessary return 1 ; } int merc_hom_evolution(struct homun_data *hd) { nullpo_retr(0, hd); if(hd && hd->homunculusDB->evo_class) { hd->master->homunculus.class_ = hd->homunculusDB->evo_class; hd->master->homunculus.vaporize = 1; merc_stop_walking(hd, 1); merc_stop_attack(hd); merc_hom_delete(hd, 0) ; merc_call_homunculus(hd->master); clif_emotion(&hd->master->bl, 21) ; //no1 clif_misceffect2(&hd->bl,568); return 1 ; } else { clif_emotion(&hd->bl, 4) ; //swt return 0 ; } } int merc_hom_gainexp(struct homun_data *hd,int exp) { if(hd->master->homunculus.vaporize) return 1; if( hd->exp_next == 0 ) { hd->master->homunculus.exp = 0 ; return 0; } hd->master->homunculus.exp += exp; if(hd->master->homunculus.exp < hd->exp_next) { clif_hominfo(hd->master,hd,0); return 0; } //levelup do { merc_hom_levelup(hd) ; } while(hd->master->homunculus.exp > hd->exp_next && hd->exp_next != 0 ); if( hd->exp_next == 0 ) { hd->master->homunculus.exp = 0 ; } status_calc_homunculus(hd,1); clif_misceffect2(&hd->bl,568); status_calc_homunculus(hd,1); return 0; } // Return then new value int merc_hom_increase_intimacy(struct homun_data * hd, unsigned int value) { if (hd->master->homunculus.intimacy + value <= 100000) hd->master->homunculus.intimacy += value; else hd->master->homunculus.intimacy = 100000; return hd->master->homunculus.intimacy; } // Return 0 if decrease fails or intimacy became 0 else the new value int merc_hom_decrease_intimacy(struct homun_data * hd, unsigned int value) { if (hd->master->homunculus.intimacy >= value) hd->master->homunculus.intimacy -= value; else hd->master->homunculus.intimacy = 0; return hd->master->homunculus.intimacy; } void merc_hom_heal(struct homun_data *hd,int hp,int sp) { clif_hominfo(hd->master,hd,0); } static unsigned int natural_heal_prev_tick,natural_heal_diff_tick; static void merc_natural_heal_hp(struct homun_data *hd) { nullpo_retv(hd); // ShowDebug("merc_natural_heal_hp (1) : homunculus = %s | hd->ud.walktimer = %d |\n", hd->name, hd->ud.walktimer) ; if(hd->ud.walktimer == -1) { hd->inchealhptick += natural_heal_diff_tick; } else { hd->inchealhptick = 0; return; } // ShowDebug("merc_natural_heal_hp (2) : homunculus = %s | hd->regenhp = %d |\n", hd->name, hd->regenhp) ; if (hd->battle_status.hp != hd->battle_status.max_hp) { if ((unsigned int)status_heal(&hd->bl, hd->regenhp, 0, 1) < hd->regenhp) { //At full. hd->inchealhptick = 0; return; } } return; } static void merc_natural_heal_sp(struct homun_data *hd) { nullpo_retv(hd); // ShowDebug("merc_natural_heal_sp (1) : homunculus = %s | hd->regensp = %d |\n", hd->name, hd->regensp) ; if (hd->battle_status.sp != hd->battle_status.max_sp) { if ((unsigned int)status_heal(&hd->bl, 0, hd->regensp, 1) < hd->regensp) { //At full. hd->inchealsptick = 0; return; } } return; } /*========================================== * HP/SP natural heal *------------------------------------------ */ //static int merc_natural_heal_sub(struct homun_data *hd,va_list ap) { static int merc_natural_heal_sub(struct homun_data *hd,int tick) { // int tick; nullpo_retr(0, hd); // tick = va_arg(ap,int); // -- moonsoul (if conditions below altered to disallow natural healing if under berserk status) if ( hd && ( status_isdead(&hd->bl) || ( ( hd->sc.count ) && ( (hd->sc.data[SC_POISON].timer != -1 ) || ( hd->sc.data[SC_BLEEDING].timer != -1 ) ) ) ) ) { //Cannot heal neither natural or special. hd->hp_sub = hd->inchealhptick = 0; hd->sp_sub = hd->inchealsptick = 0; } else { //natural heal merc_natural_heal_hp(hd); merc_natural_heal_sp(hd); } return 0; } /*========================================== * orn *------------------------------------------ */ int merc_natural_heal(int tid,unsigned int tick,int id,int data) { struct map_session_data *sd; sd=map_id2sd(id); nullpo_retr(0, sd); sd->hd->natural_heal_timer = -1; if(sd->homunculus.vaporize) return 1; if(sd && sd->hd) { natural_heal_diff_tick = DIFF_TICK(tick,natural_heal_prev_tick); merc_natural_heal_sub(sd->hd, tick); natural_heal_prev_tick = tick; sd->hd->natural_heal_timer = add_timer(gettick()+battle_config.natural_healhp_interval, merc_natural_heal,sd->bl.id,0); } return 0; } #ifndef TXT_ONLY void merc_save(struct homun_data *hd) { intif_homunculus_requestsave(hd->master->status.account_id, &hd->master->homunculus) ; } #else void merc_save(struct homun_data *hd) { //Not implemented... } #endif static int merc_calc_pos(struct homun_data *hd,int tx,int ty,int dir) //[orn] { int x,y,dx,dy; int i,k; nullpo_retr(0, hd); hd->ud.to_x = tx; hd->ud.to_y = ty; if(dir < 0 || dir >= 8) return 1; dx = -dirx[dir]*2; dy = -diry[dir]*2; x = tx + dx; y = ty + dy; if(!unit_can_reach_pos(&hd->bl,x,y,0)) { if(dx > 0) x--; else if(dx < 0) x++; if(dy > 0) y--; else if(dy < 0) y++; if(!unit_can_reach_pos(&hd->bl,x,y,0)) { for(i=0;i<12;i++) { k = rand(1, 8); // k = rand()%8; dx = -dirx[k]*2; dy = -diry[k]*2; x = tx + dx; y = ty + dy; if(unit_can_reach_pos(&hd->bl,x,y,0)) break; else { if(dx > 0) x--; else if(dx < 0) x++; if(dy > 0) y--; else if(dy < 0) y++; if(unit_can_reach_pos(&hd->bl,x,y,0)) break; } } if(i>=12) { x = tx; y = ty; if(!unit_can_reach_pos(&hd->bl,x,y,0)) return 1; } } } hd->ud.to_x = x; hd->ud.to_y = y; return 0; } int merc_menu(struct map_session_data *sd,int menunum) { nullpo_retr(0, sd); if (sd->hd == NULL) return 1; switch(menunum) { case 0: break; case 1: merc_hom_food(sd, sd->hd); break; case 2: merc_hom_delete(sd->hd, 1); break; default: ShowError("merc_menu : unknown menu choice : %d\n", menunum) ; break; } return 0; } int merc_hom_food(struct map_session_data *sd, struct homun_data *hd) { int i, k, emotion; if(sd->homunculus.vaporize) return 1 ; k=hd->homunculusDB->foodID; i=pc_search_inventory(sd,k); if(i < 0) { clif_hom_food(sd,k,0); return 1; } pc_delitem(sd,i,1,0); if ( sd->homunculus.hunger >= 91 ) { merc_hom_decrease_intimacy(hd, 50); emotion = 16; } else if ( sd->homunculus.hunger >= 76 ) { merc_hom_decrease_intimacy(hd, 5); emotion = 19; } else if ( sd->homunculus.hunger >= 26 ) { merc_hom_increase_intimacy(hd, 75); emotion = 2; } else if ( sd->homunculus.hunger >= 11 ) { merc_hom_increase_intimacy(hd, 100); emotion = 2; } else { merc_hom_increase_intimacy(hd, 25); emotion = 2; } sd->homunculus.hunger += 10; //dunno increase value for each food if(sd->homunculus.hunger > 100) sd->homunculus.hunger = 100; clif_emotion(&hd->bl,emotion) ; clif_send_homdata(sd,SP_HUNGRY,sd->homunculus.hunger); clif_send_homdata(sd,SP_INTIMATE,sd->homunculus.intimacy / 100); clif_hom_food(sd,hd->homunculusDB->foodID,1); // Too much food :/ if(sd->homunculus.intimacy == 0) { merc_stop_walking(hd, 1); merc_stop_attack(hd); // Send homunculus_dead to client sd->homunculus.hp = 0; clif_hominfo(sd, hd, 0); merc_hom_delete(hd,1); clif_emotion(&sd->bl, 23); //omg } return 0; } static int merc_hom_hungry(int tid,unsigned int tick,int id,int data) { struct map_session_data *sd; struct homun_data *hd; sd=map_id2sd(id); if(!sd) return 1; if(!sd->status.hom_id || !sd->hd) return 1; hd = sd->hd; if(hd->hungry_timer != tid){ if(battle_config.error_log) ShowError("merc_hom_hungry_timer %d != %d\n",hd->hungry_timer,tid); return 0 ; } hd->hungry_timer = -1; sd->homunculus.hunger-- ; if(sd->homunculus.hunger <= 10) { clif_emotion(&hd->bl, 6) ; //an } else if(sd->homunculus.hunger == 25) { clif_emotion(&hd->bl, 20) ; //hmm } else if(sd->homunculus.hunger == 75) { clif_emotion(&hd->bl, 33) ; //ok } if(sd->homunculus.hunger < 0) { sd->homunculus.hunger = 0; // Delete the homunculus if intimacy <= 100 if ( !merc_hom_decrease_intimacy(hd, 100) ) { merc_stop_walking(hd, 1); merc_stop_attack(hd); // Send homunculus_dead to client sd->homunculus.hp = 0; clif_hominfo(sd, hd, 0); merc_hom_delete(hd,1); clif_emotion(&sd->bl, 23) ; //omg return 0 ; } else { clif_send_homdata(sd,SP_INTIMATE,sd->homunculus.intimacy / 100); } } clif_send_homdata(sd,SP_HUNGRY,sd->homunculus.hunger); hd->hungry_timer = add_timer(tick+hd->homunculusDB->hungryDelay,merc_hom_hungry,sd->bl.id,0); //simple Fix albator return 0; } int merc_hom_hungry_timer_delete(struct homun_data *hd) { nullpo_retr(0, hd); if(hd->hungry_timer != -1) { delete_timer(hd->hungry_timer,merc_hom_hungry); hd->hungry_timer = -1; } return 1; } int merc_natural_heal_timer_delete(struct homun_data *hd) { nullpo_retr(0, hd); if(hd->natural_heal_timer != -1) { delete_timer(hd->natural_heal_timer,merc_natural_heal); hd->natural_heal_timer = -1; } return 1; } int search_homunculusDB_index(int key,int type) { int i; for(i=0;istatus.hom_id == 0 || sd->hd == 0) || sd->hd->master == sd); i = search_homunculusDB_index(sd->homunculus.class_,HOMUNCULUS_CLASS); if(i < 0) { sd->status.hom_id = 0; return 1; } sd->hd = hd = (struct homun_data *)aCalloc(1,sizeof(struct homun_data)); hd->homunculusDB = &homunculus_db[i]; merc_calc_pos(hd,sd->bl.x,sd->bl.y,sd->ud.dir); hd->bl.x = hd->ud.to_x; hd->bl.y = hd->ud.to_y; hd->master = sd; sd->status.hom_id = sd->homunculus.hom_id ; hd->bl.m=sd->bl.m; hd->bl.x=sd->bl.x; hd->bl.y=sd->bl.y - 1 ; hd->bl.subtype = MONS; hd->bl.type=BL_HOMUNCULUS; hd->bl.id= npc_get_new_npc_id(); hd->bl.prev=NULL; hd->bl.next=NULL; hd->exp_next=hexptbl[hd->master->homunculus.level - 1]; hd->ud.attacktimer=-1; hd->ud.attackabletime=gettick(); hd->target_id = 0 ; for(i=0;isc.data[i].timer=-1; hd->sc.data[i].val1 = hd->sc.data[i].val2 = hd->sc.data[i].val3 = hd->sc.data[i].val4 = 0; } hd->base_status.hp = hd->master->homunculus.hp ; hd->base_status.max_hp = hd->master->homunculus.max_hp ; hd->base_status.sp = hd->master->homunculus.sp ; hd->base_status.max_sp = hd->master->homunculus.max_sp ; hd->base_status.str = (int) (hd->master->homunculus.str / 10) ; hd->base_status.agi = (int) (hd->master->homunculus.agi / 10) ; hd->base_status.vit = (int) (hd->master->homunculus.vit / 10) ; hd->base_status.int_ = (int) (hd->master->homunculus.int_ / 10) ; hd->base_status.dex = (int) (hd->master->homunculus.dex / 10) ; hd->base_status.luk = (int) (hd->master->homunculus.luk / 10) ; memcpy(&hd->battle_status, &hd->base_status, sizeof(struct status_data)) ; status_set_viewdata(&hd->bl, hd->master->homunculus.class_); status_change_init(&hd->bl); hd->ud.dir = sd->ud.dir; unit_dataset(&hd->bl); map_addiddb(&hd->bl); status_calc_homunculus(hd,1); //timer hd->hungry_timer = add_timer(gettick()+hd->homunculusDB->hungryDelay,merc_hom_hungry,sd->bl.id,0); natural_heal_prev_tick = gettick(); hd->natural_heal_timer = add_timer(gettick()+battle_config.natural_healhp_interval, merc_natural_heal,sd->bl.id,0); return 0; } // FIX call_homunculus [albator] int merc_call_homunculus(struct map_session_data *sd) { int class_ = 0 ; nullpo_retr(0, sd); // call vaporized homunculus [albator] if(sd->homunculus.vaporize == 1) { sd->homunculus.vaporize = 0; merc_hom_data_init(sd); if ( sd->homunculus.hp && sd->hd && sd->bl.prev != NULL) { map_addblock(&sd->hd->bl); clif_spawn(&sd->hd->bl); clif_send_homdata(sd,SP_ACK,0); clif_hominfo(sd,sd->hd,1); clif_hominfo(sd,sd->hd,0); // send this x2. dunno why, but kRO does that [blackhole89] clif_homskillinfoblock(sd); } // save merc_save(sd->hd); return 1; } if ( sd->status.hom_id ) { return merc_hom_recv_data(sd->status.account_id, &sd->homunculus, 1 ) ; } else { class_ = 6000 + rand(1, 8) ; return merc_create_homunculus(sd, class_) ; } } // Albator // Recv data of an homunculus after it loading int merc_hom_recv_data(int account_id, struct s_homunculus *sh, int flag) { struct map_session_data *sd ; sd = map_id2sd(account_id); if(sd == NULL) return 0; if(flag == 0) { sd->status.hom_id = 0; return 0; } memcpy(&sd->homunculus, sh, sizeof(struct s_homunculus)); if ( flag == 2 ) { sh->hp = 1 ; sd->homunculus.hp = 1 ; } if(sd->homunculus.hp && sh->vaporize!=1) { merc_hom_data_init(sd); if ( sd->hd && sd->bl.prev != NULL) { map_addblock(&sd->hd->bl); clif_spawn(&sd->hd->bl); clif_hominfo(sd,sd->hd,1); clif_hominfo(sd,sd->hd,0); // send this x2. dunno why, but kRO does that [blackhole89] clif_homskillinfoblock(sd); clif_hominfo(sd,sd->hd,0); clif_send_homdata(sd,SP_ACK,0); } } return 1; } int merc_create_homunculus(struct map_session_data *sd, int class_) { int i=0 ; nullpo_retr(1, sd); i = search_homunculusDB_index(class_,HOMUNCULUS_CLASS); if(i < 0) { sd->status.hom_id = 0; return 0; } memcpy(sd->homunculus.name, homunculus_db[i].name, NAME_LENGTH-1); sd->homunculus.class_ = class_; sd->homunculus.level=1; sd->homunculus.intimacy = 21; sd->homunculus.hunger = 32; sd->homunculus.exp = 0; sd->homunculus.rename_flag = 0; sd->homunculus.skillpts = 0; sd->homunculus.char_id = sd->status.char_id; sd->homunculus.vaporize = 0; // albator sd->homunculus.hp = 10 ; sd->homunculus.sp = 0 ; sd->homunculus.max_hp = homunculus_db[i].basemaxHP ; sd->homunculus.max_sp = homunculus_db[i].basemaxSP ; sd->homunculus.str = homunculus_db[i].baseSTR ; sd->homunculus.agi = homunculus_db[i].baseAGI ; sd->homunculus.vit = homunculus_db[i].baseVIT; sd->homunculus.int_ = homunculus_db[i].baseINT ; sd->homunculus.dex = homunculus_db[i].baseDEX ; sd->homunculus.luk = homunculus_db[i].baseLUK ; sd->homunculus.str *= 10 ; sd->homunculus.agi *= 10 ; sd->homunculus.vit *= 10 ; sd->homunculus.int_ *= 10 ; sd->homunculus.dex *= 10 ; sd->homunculus.luk *= 10 ; for(i=0;ihomunculus.hskill[i].id = sd->homunculus.hskill[i].lv = sd->homunculus.hskill[i].flag = 0; intif_homunculus_create(sd->status.account_id, &sd->homunculus); // request homunculus creation return 1; } int merc_hom_revive(struct map_session_data *sd, int per) { nullpo_retr(0, sd); merc_hom_data_init(sd); if ( sd->hd && sd->bl.prev != NULL) { sd->homunculus.hp = sd->hd->base_status.hp = sd->hd->battle_status.hp = 1 ; status_heal(&sd->hd->bl, sd->homunculus.max_hp*per/100, 0, 1) ; map_addblock(&sd->hd->bl); clif_spawn(&sd->hd->bl); clif_send_homdata(sd,SP_ACK,0); clif_hominfo(sd,sd->hd,1); clif_hominfo(sd,sd->hd,0); clif_homskillinfoblock(sd); clif_specialeffect(&sd->hd->bl,77,AREA) ; //resurrection angel } return 1 ; } int read_homunculusdb() { FILE *fp; char line[1024], *p; int i,k,l; int j=0; int c = 0 ; int lines; char *filename[]={"homunculus_db.txt","homunculus_db2.txt"}; char *str[36],*h,*nh; j = 0; memset(homunculus_db,0,sizeof(homunculus_db)); for(i=0;i<2;i++){ sprintf(line, "%s/%s", db_path, filename[i]); fp=fopen(line,"r"); if(fp==NULL){ if(i>0) continue; ShowError("can't read %s\n",line); return -1; } lines = 0; while(fgets(line,sizeof(line)-1,fp) && j < MAX_HOMUNCULUS_CLASS){ lines++; if(line[0] == '/' && line[1] == '/') continue; for(k=0,h=line;k<36;k++){ if((nh=strchr(h,','))!=NULL){ str[k]=h; *nh=0; h=nh+1; } else { str[k]=h; h+=strlen(h); } } if(atoi(str[0]) < 6001 || atoi(str[0]) > 6099) continue; //Class,Homunculus,HP,SP,ATK,MATK,HIT,CRI,DEF,MDEF,FLEE,ASPD,STR,AGI,VIT,INT,DEX,LUK homunculus_db[j].class_ = atoi(str[0]); memcpy(homunculus_db[j].name,str[1],NAME_LENGTH-1); homunculus_db[j].basemaxHP = atoi(str[2]); homunculus_db[j].basemaxSP = atoi(str[3]); homunculus_db[j].baseSTR = atoi(str[4]); homunculus_db[j].baseAGI = atoi(str[5]); homunculus_db[j].baseVIT = atoi(str[6]); homunculus_db[j].baseINT = atoi(str[7]); homunculus_db[j].baseDEX = atoi(str[8]); homunculus_db[j].baseLUK = atoi(str[9]); homunculus_db[j].baseIntimacy = atoi(str[10]); homunculus_db[j].baseHungry = atoi(str[11]); homunculus_db[j].hungryDelay = atoi(str[12]); homunculus_db[j].foodID = atoi(str[13]); homunculus_db[j].gminHP = atoi(str[14]); homunculus_db[j].gmaxHP = atoi(str[15]); homunculus_db[j].gminSP = atoi(str[16]); homunculus_db[j].gmaxSP = atoi(str[17]); homunculus_db[j].gminSTR = atoi(str[18]); homunculus_db[j].gmaxSTR = atoi(str[19]); homunculus_db[j].gminAGI = atoi(str[20]); homunculus_db[j].gmaxAGI = atoi(str[21]); homunculus_db[j].gminVIT = atoi(str[22]); homunculus_db[j].gmaxVIT = atoi(str[23]); homunculus_db[j].gminINT = atoi(str[24]); homunculus_db[j].gmaxINT = atoi(str[25]); homunculus_db[j].gminDEX = atoi(str[26]); homunculus_db[j].gmaxDEX = atoi(str[27]); homunculus_db[j].gminLUK = atoi(str[28]); homunculus_db[j].gmaxLUK = atoi(str[29]); homunculus_db[j].evo_class = atoi(str[30]); homunculus_db[j].baseASPD = atoi(str[31]); homunculus_db[j].size = atoi(str[32]); homunculus_db[j].race = atoi(str[33]); homunculus_db[j].element = atoi(str[34]); homunculus_db[j].accessID = atoi(str[35]); j++; } if (j > MAX_HOMUNCULUS_CLASS) ShowWarning("read_homunculusdb: Reached max number of homunculus [%d]. Remaining homunculus were not read.\n ", MAX_HOMUNCULUS_CLASS); fclose(fp); ShowStatus("Done reading '"CL_WHITE"%d"CL_RESET"' homunculus in '"CL_WHITE"db/%s"CL_RESET"'.\n",j,filename[i]); } memset(hskill_tree,0,sizeof(hskill_tree)); sprintf(line, "%s/homun_skill_tree.txt", db_path); fp=fopen(line,"r"); if(fp==NULL){ ShowError("can't read %s\n", line); return 1; } while(fgets(line, sizeof(line)-1, fp)){ char *split[50]; int f=0, m=3; if(line[0]=='/' && line[1]=='/') continue; for(j=0,p=line;j<14 && p;j++){ split[j]=p; p=strchr(p,','); if(p) *p++=0; } if(j<13) continue; if (j == 14) { f=1; // MinJobLvl has been added m++; } // check for bounds [celest] c = atoi(split[0]) ; l = c - 6001 ; if ( l >= MAX_HOMUNCULUS_CLASS ) continue; k = atoi(split[1]); //This is to avoid adding two lines for the same skill. [Skotlex] for(j = 0; j < MAX_SKILL_TREE && hskill_tree[l][j].id && hskill_tree[l][j].id != k; j++); if (j == MAX_SKILL_TREE) { ShowWarning("Unable to load skill %d into homunculus %d's tree. Maximum number of skills per class has been reached.\n", k, l); continue; } hskill_tree[l][j].id=k; hskill_tree[l][j].max=atoi(split[2]); if (f) hskill_tree[l][j].joblv=atoi(split[3]); for(k=0;k<5;k++){ hskill_tree[l][j].need[k].id=atoi(split[k*2+m]); hskill_tree[l][j].need[k].lv=atoi(split[k*2+m+1]); } } fclose(fp); ShowStatus("Done reading '"CL_WHITE"%s"CL_RESET"'.\n","homun_skill_tree.txt"); return 0; } int do_init_merc (void) { merc_load_exptables(); memset(homunculus_db,0,sizeof(homunculus_db)); //[orn] read_homunculusdb(); //[orn] // Add homunc timer function to timer func list [Toms] add_timer_func_list(merc_natural_heal, "merc_natural_heal"); add_timer_func_list(merc_hom_hungry, "merc_hom_hungry"); return 0; } int do_final_merc (void);