// Copyright (c) Athena Dev Teams - Licensed under GNU GPL // For more information, see LICENCE in the main folder #include "../common/cbasetypes.h" #include "../common/malloc.h" #include "../common/socket.h" #include "../common/timer.h" #include "../common/nullpo.h" #include "../common/mmo.h" #include "../common/random.h" #include "../common/showmsg.h" #include "../common/strlib.h" #include "../common/utils.h" #include "log.h" #include "clif.h" #include "chrif.h" #include "intif.h" #include "itemdb.h" #include "map.h" #include "pc.h" #include "status.h" #include "skill.h" #include "mob.h" #include "pet.h" #include "battle.h" #include "party.h" #include "guild.h" #include "atcommand.h" #include "script.h" #include "npc.h" #include "trade.h" #include "unit.h" #include "mercenary.h" #include #include #include #include struct s_mercenary_db mercenary_db[MAX_MERCENARY_CLASS]; // Mercenary Database int merc_search_index(int class_) { int i; ARR_FIND(0, MAX_MERCENARY_CLASS, i, mercenary_db[i].class_ == class_); return (i == MAX_MERCENARY_CLASS)?-1:i; } bool merc_class(int class_) { return (bool)(merc_search_index(class_) > -1); } struct view_data *merc_get_viewdata(int class_) { int i = merc_search_index(class_); if (i < 0) return 0; return &mercenary_db[i].vd; } int merc_create(struct map_session_data *sd, int class_, unsigned int lifetime) { struct s_mercenary merc; struct s_mercenary_db *db; int i; nullpo_retr(0,sd); if ((i = merc_search_index(class_)) < 0) return 0; db = &mercenary_db[i]; memset(&merc,0,sizeof(struct s_mercenary)); merc.char_id = sd->status.char_id; merc.class_ = class_; merc.hp = db->status.max_hp; merc.sp = db->status.max_sp; merc.life_time = lifetime; // Request Char Server to create this mercenary intif_mercenary_create(&merc); return 1; } int mercenary_get_lifetime(struct mercenary_data *md) { const struct TimerData *td; if (md == NULL || md->contract_timer == INVALID_TIMER) return 0; td = get_timer(md->contract_timer); return (td != NULL) ? DIFF_TICK(td->tick, gettick()) : 0; } int mercenary_get_guild(struct mercenary_data *md) { int class_; if (md == NULL || md->db == NULL) return -1; class_ = md->db->class_; if (class_ >= 6017 && class_ <= 6026) return ARCH_MERC_GUILD; if (class_ >= 6027 && class_ <= 6036) return SPEAR_MERC_GUILD; if (class_ >= 6037 && class_ <= 6046) return SWORD_MERC_GUILD; return -1; } int mercenary_get_faith(struct mercenary_data *md) { struct map_session_data *sd; int class_; if (md == NULL || md->db == NULL || (sd = md->master) == NULL) return 0; class_ = md->db->class_; if (class_ >= 6017 && class_ <= 6026) return sd->status.arch_faith; if (class_ >= 6027 && class_ <= 6036) return sd->status.spear_faith; if (class_ >= 6037 && class_ <= 6046) return sd->status.sword_faith; return 0; } int mercenary_set_faith(struct mercenary_data *md, int value) { struct map_session_data *sd; int class_, *faith; if (md == NULL || md->db == NULL || (sd = md->master) == NULL) return 0; class_ = md->db->class_; if (class_ >= 6017 && class_ <= 6026) faith = &sd->status.arch_faith; else if (class_ >= 6027 && class_ <= 6036) faith = &sd->status.spear_faith; else if (class_ >= 6037 && class_ <= 6046) faith = &sd->status.sword_faith; else return 0; *faith += value; *faith = cap_value(*faith, 0, SHRT_MAX); clif_mercenary_updatestatus(sd, SP_MERCFAITH); return 0; } int mercenary_get_calls(struct mercenary_data *md) { struct map_session_data *sd; int class_; if (md == NULL || md->db == NULL || (sd = md->master) == NULL) return 0; class_ = md->db->class_; if (class_ >= 6017 && class_ <= 6026) return sd->status.arch_calls; if (class_ >= 6027 && class_ <= 6036) return sd->status.spear_calls; if (class_ >= 6037 && class_ <= 6046) return sd->status.sword_calls; return 0; } int mercenary_set_calls(struct mercenary_data *md, int value) { struct map_session_data *sd; int class_, *calls; if (md == NULL || md->db == NULL || (sd = md->master) == NULL) return 0; class_ = md->db->class_; if (class_ >= 6017 && class_ <= 6026) calls = &sd->status.arch_calls; else if (class_ >= 6027 && class_ <= 6036) calls = &sd->status.spear_calls; else if (class_ >= 6037 && class_ <= 6046) calls = &sd->status.sword_calls; else return 0; *calls += value; *calls = cap_value(*calls, 0, INT_MAX); return 0; } int mercenary_save(struct mercenary_data *md) { md->mercenary.hp = md->battle_status.hp; md->mercenary.sp = md->battle_status.sp; md->mercenary.life_time = mercenary_get_lifetime(md); intif_mercenary_save(&md->mercenary); return 1; } static int merc_contract_end(int tid, unsigned int tick, int id, intptr_t data) { struct map_session_data *sd; struct mercenary_data *md; if ((sd = map_id2sd(id)) == NULL) return 1; if ((md = sd->md) == NULL) return 1; if (md->contract_timer != tid) { ShowError("merc_contract_end %d != %d.\n", md->contract_timer, tid); return 0; } md->contract_timer = INVALID_TIMER; merc_delete(md, 0); // Mercenary soldier's duty hour is over. return 0; } int merc_delete(struct mercenary_data *md, int reply) { struct map_session_data *sd = md->master; md->mercenary.life_time = 0; merc_contract_stop(md); if (!sd) return unit_free(&md->bl, CLR_OUTSIGHT); if (md->devotion_flag) { md->devotion_flag = 0; status_change_end(&sd->bl, SC_DEVOTION, INVALID_TIMER); } switch (reply) { case 0: mercenary_set_faith(md, 1); break; // +1 Loyalty on Contract ends. case 1: mercenary_set_faith(md, -1); break; // -1 Loyalty on Mercenary killed } clif_mercenary_message(sd, reply); return unit_remove_map(&md->bl, CLR_OUTSIGHT); } void merc_contract_stop(struct mercenary_data *md) { nullpo_retv(md); if (md->contract_timer != INVALID_TIMER) delete_timer(md->contract_timer, merc_contract_end); md->contract_timer = INVALID_TIMER; } void merc_contract_init(struct mercenary_data *md) { if (md->contract_timer == INVALID_TIMER) md->contract_timer = add_timer(gettick() + md->mercenary.life_time, merc_contract_end, md->master->bl.id, 0); md->regen.state.block = 0; } int merc_data_received(struct s_mercenary *merc, bool flag) { struct map_session_data *sd; struct mercenary_data *md; struct s_mercenary_db *db; int i = merc_search_index(merc->class_); if ((sd = map_charid2sd(merc->char_id)) == NULL) return 0; if (!flag || i < 0) { // Not created - loaded - DB info sd->status.mer_id = 0; return 0; } db = &mercenary_db[i]; if (!sd->md) { sd->md = md = (struct mercenary_data *)aCalloc(1,sizeof(struct mercenary_data)); md->bl.type = BL_MER; md->bl.id = npc_get_new_npc_id(); md->devotion_flag = 0; md->master = sd; md->db = db; memcpy(&md->mercenary, merc, sizeof(struct s_mercenary)); status_set_viewdata(&md->bl, md->mercenary.class_); status_change_init(&md->bl); unit_dataset(&md->bl); md->ud.dir = sd->ud.dir; md->bl.m = sd->bl.m; md->bl.x = sd->bl.x; md->bl.y = sd->bl.y; unit_calc_pos(&md->bl, sd->bl.x, sd->bl.y, sd->ud.dir); md->bl.x = md->ud.to_x; md->bl.y = md->ud.to_y; map_addiddb(&md->bl); status_calc_mercenary(md,1); md->contract_timer = INVALID_TIMER; merc_contract_init(md); } else { memcpy(&sd->md->mercenary, merc, sizeof(struct s_mercenary)); md = sd->md; } if (sd->status.mer_id == 0) mercenary_set_calls(md, 1); sd->status.mer_id = merc->mercenary_id; if (md && md->bl.prev == NULL && sd->bl.prev != NULL) { map_addblock(&md->bl); clif_spawn(&md->bl); clif_mercenary_info(sd); clif_mercenary_skillblock(sd); } return 1; } void mercenary_heal(struct mercenary_data *md, int hp, int sp) { if (hp) clif_mercenary_updatestatus(md->master, SP_HP); if (sp) clif_mercenary_updatestatus(md->master, SP_SP); } int mercenary_dead(struct mercenary_data *md) { merc_delete(md, 1); return 0; } int mercenary_killbonus(struct mercenary_data *md) { const enum sc_type scs[] = { SC_MERC_FLEEUP, SC_MERC_ATKUP, SC_MERC_HPUP, SC_MERC_SPUP, SC_MERC_HITUP }; int index = rnd() % ARRAYLENGTH(scs); sc_start(&md->bl, scs[index], 100, rnd() % 5, 600000); return 0; } int mercenary_kills(struct mercenary_data *md) { md->mercenary.kill_count++; md->mercenary.kill_count = cap_value(md->mercenary.kill_count, 0, INT_MAX); if ((md->mercenary.kill_count % 50) == 0) { mercenary_set_faith(md, 1); mercenary_killbonus(md); } if (md->master) clif_mercenary_updatestatus(md->master, SP_MERCKILLS); return 0; } int mercenary_checkskill(struct mercenary_data *md, int skill_id) { int i = skill_id - MC_SKILLBASE; if (!md || !md->db) return 0; if (md->db->skill[i].id == skill_id) return md->db->skill[i].lv; return 0; } static bool read_mercenarydb_sub(char *str[], int columns, int current) { int ele; struct s_mercenary_db *db; struct status_data *status; db = &mercenary_db[current]; db->class_ = atoi(str[0]); strncpy(db->sprite, str[1], NAME_LENGTH); strncpy(db->name, str[2], NAME_LENGTH); db->lv = atoi(str[3]); status = &db->status; db->vd.class_ = db->class_; status->max_hp = atoi(str[4]); status->max_sp = atoi(str[5]); status->rhw.range = atoi(str[6]); status->rhw.atk = atoi(str[7]); status->rhw.atk2 = status->rhw.atk + atoi(str[8]); status->def = atoi(str[9]); status->mdef = atoi(str[10]); status->str = atoi(str[11]); status->agi = atoi(str[12]); status->vit = atoi(str[13]); status->int_ = atoi(str[14]); status->dex = atoi(str[15]); status->luk = atoi(str[16]); db->range2 = atoi(str[17]); db->range3 = atoi(str[18]); status->size = atoi(str[19]); status->race = atoi(str[20]); ele = atoi(str[21]); status->def_ele = ele%10; status->ele_lv = ele/20; if (status->def_ele >= ELE_MAX) { ShowWarning("Mercenary %d has invalid element type %d (max element is %d)\n", db->class_, status->def_ele, ELE_MAX - 1); status->def_ele = ELE_NEUTRAL; } if (status->ele_lv < 1 || status->ele_lv > 4) { ShowWarning("Mercenary %d has invalid element level %d (max is 4)\n", db->class_, status->ele_lv); status->ele_lv = 1; } status->aspd_rate = 1000; status->speed = atoi(str[22]); status->adelay = atoi(str[23]); status->amotion = atoi(str[24]); status->dmotion = atoi(str[25]); return true; } int read_mercenarydb(void) { memset(mercenary_db,0,sizeof(mercenary_db)); sv_readdb(db_path, "mercenary_db.txt", ',', 26, 26, MAX_MERCENARY_CLASS, &read_mercenarydb_sub); return 0; } static bool read_mercenary_skilldb_sub(char *str[], int columns, int current) { // ,, struct s_mercenary_db *db; int i, class_; int skillid, skilllv; class_ = atoi(str[0]); ARR_FIND(0, MAX_MERCENARY_CLASS, i, class_ == mercenary_db[i].class_); if (i == MAX_MERCENARY_CLASS) { ShowError("read_mercenary_skilldb : Class %d not found in mercenary_db for skill entry.\n", class_); return false; } skillid = atoi(str[1]); if (skillid < MC_SKILLBASE || skillid >= MC_SKILLBASE + MAX_MERCSKILL) { ShowError("read_mercenary_skilldb : Skill %d out of range.\n", skillid); return false; } db = &mercenary_db[i]; skilllv = atoi(str[2]); i = skillid - MC_SKILLBASE; db->skill[i].id = skillid; db->skill[i].lv = skilllv; return true; } int read_mercenary_skilldb(void) { sv_readdb(db_path, "mercenary_skill_db.txt", ',', 3, 3, -1, &read_mercenary_skilldb_sub); return 0; } int do_init_mercenary(void) { read_mercenarydb(); read_mercenary_skilldb(); //add_timer_func_list(mercenary_contract, "mercenary_contract"); return 0; } int do_final_mercenary(void);