// $Id: map.c,v 1.6 2004/09/25 17:37:01 MouseJstr Exp $ #include #include #include #include #ifdef _WIN32 #include #else #include #endif #include "core.h" #include "timer.h" #include "db.h" #include "grfio.h" #include "malloc.h" #include "version.h" #include "map.h" #include "chrif.h" #include "clif.h" #include "intif.h" #include "npc.h" #include "pc.h" #include "mob.h" #include "chat.h" #include "itemdb.h" #include "storage.h" #include "skill.h" #include "trade.h" #include "party.h" #include "battle.h" #include "script.h" #include "guild.h" #include "pet.h" #include "atcommand.h" #include "charcommand.h" #include "nullpo.h" #include "socket.h" #include "log.h" #include "showmsg.h" #ifdef MEMWATCH #include "memwatch.h" #endif unsigned long ticks = 0; // by MC Cameri #ifndef TXT_ONLY #include "mail.h" // mail system [Valaris] MYSQL mmysql_handle; MYSQL_RES* sql_res ; MYSQL_ROW sql_row ; char tmp_sql[65535]=""; MYSQL lmysql_handle; MYSQL_RES* lsql_res ; MYSQL_ROW lsql_row ; char tmp_lsql[65535]=""; MYSQL mail_handle; // mail system [Valaris] MYSQL_RES* mail_res ; MYSQL_ROW mail_row ; char tmp_msql[65535]=""; int map_server_port = 3306; char map_server_ip[16] = ""; char map_server_id[32] = "ragnarok"; char map_server_pw[32] = "ragnarok"; char map_server_db[32] = "ragnarok"; int db_use_sqldbs = 0; int login_server_port = 3306; char login_server_ip[16] = ""; char login_server_id[32] = "ragnarok"; char login_server_pw[32] = "ragnarok"; char login_server_db[32] = "ragnarok"; char item_db_db[32] = "item_db"; char mob_db_db[32] = "mob_db"; char login_db[32] = "login"; char login_db_level[32] = "level"; char login_db_account_id[32] = "account_id"; char log_db[32] = "log"; char log_db_ip[16] = ""; char log_db_id[32] = "ragnarok"; char log_db_pw[32] = "ragnarok"; int log_db_port = 3306; char gm_db[32] = "login"; char gm_db_level[32] = "level"; char gm_db_account_id[32] = "account_id"; int lowest_gm_level = 1; int read_gm_interval = 600000; char char_db[32] = "char"; static int online_timer(int,unsigned int,int,int); int CHECK_INTERVAL = 3600000; // [Valaris] int check_online_timer=0; // [Valaris] #endif /* not TXT_ONLY */ #define USE_AFM #define USE_AF2 // 極力 staticでロ?カルに?める static struct dbt * id_db=NULL; static struct dbt * map_db=NULL; static struct dbt * nick_db=NULL; static struct dbt * charid_db=NULL; static int users=0; static struct block_list *object[MAX_FLOORITEM]; static int first_free_object_id=0,last_object_id=0; #define block_free_max 1048576 static void *block_free[block_free_max]; static int block_free_count = 0, block_free_lock = 0; #define BL_LIST_MAX 1048576 static struct block_list *bl_list[BL_LIST_MAX]; static int bl_list_count = 0; static char afm_dir[1024] = ""; // [Valaris] struct map_data map[MAX_MAP_PER_SERVER]; int map_num = 0; int map_port=0; int autosave_interval = DEFAULT_AUTOSAVE_INTERVAL; int agit_flag = 0; int night_flag = 0; // 0=day, 1=night [Yor] //Added for Mugendai's I'm Alive mod int imalive_on=0; int imalive_time=60; //Added by Mugendai for GUI int flush_on=1; int flush_time=100; struct charid2nick { char nick[24]; int req_id; }; //各マップごとの最小限情報を入れるもの、READ_FROM_BITMAP用 /*typedef struct{ char fn[32];//ファイル名 int xs,ys; //幅と高さ int sizeinint;//intでの大きさ、1intに32セルの情報が入てる int celltype[MAX_CELL_TYPE];//マップごとにそのタイプのセルがあれば対応する数字が入る、なければ1 //(タイプ1そのものは0と同じ配列gat_fileused[0]に long pos[MAX_CELL_TYPE];//ビットマップファイルでの場所、読み出す時に使う } CELL_INFO;*/ //#define READ_FROM_GAT 0 //gatファイルから //#define READ_FROM_BITMAP 1 //ビットマップファイルから int map_read_flag = READ_FROM_GAT;//上の判定フラグ,どっちを使うかはmap_athana.conf内のread_map_from_bitmapで指定 //0ならばREAD_FROM_GAT,1ならばREAD_FROM_BITMAP int map_getcell(int,int x,int y,CELL_CHK cellchk); int map_getcellp(struct map_data* m,int x,int y,CELL_CHK cellchk); char map_bitmap_filename[256]="db/map.info";//ビットマップファイルのデフォルトパス char motd_txt[256] = "conf/motd.txt"; char help_txt[256] = "conf/help.txt"; char wisp_server_name[24] = "Server"; // can be modified in char-server configuration file int console = 0; /*========================================== * 全map鯖?計での接??設定 * (char鯖から送られてくる) *------------------------------------------ */ void map_setusers(int n) { users = n; } /*========================================== * 全map鯖?計での接??取得 (/wへの?答用) *------------------------------------------ */ int map_getusers(void) { return users; } // // block削除の安全性確保?理 // /*========================================== * blockをfreeするときfreeの?わりに呼ぶ * ロックされているときはバッファにためる *------------------------------------------ */ int map_freeblock( void *bl ) { if(block_free_lock==0){ free(bl); bl = NULL; } else{ if( block_free_count>=block_free_max ) { if(battle_config.error_log) printf("map_freeblock: *WARNING* too many free block! %d %d\n", block_free_count,block_free_lock); } else block_free[block_free_count++]=bl; } return block_free_lock; } /*========================================== * blockのfreeを一時的に禁止する *------------------------------------------ */ int map_freeblock_lock(void) { return ++block_free_lock; } /*========================================== * blockのfreeのロックを解除する * このとき、ロックが完全になくなると * バッファにたまっていたblockを全部削除 *------------------------------------------ */ int map_freeblock_unlock(void) { if ((--block_free_lock) == 0) { int i; // if(block_free_count>0) { // if(battle_config.error_log) // printf("map_freeblock_unlock: free %d object\n",block_free_count); // } for(i=0;iprevにbl_headのアドレスを入れておく *------------------------------------------ */ static struct block_list bl_head; /*========================================== * map[]のblock_listに追加 * mobは?が多いので別リスト * * ?にlink?みかの確認が無い。危?かも *------------------------------------------ */ int map_addblock(struct block_list *bl) { int m,x,y; nullpo_retr(0, bl); if(bl->prev != NULL){ if(battle_config.error_log) printf("map_addblock error : bl->prev!=NULL\n"); return 0; } m=bl->m; x=bl->x; y=bl->y; if(m<0 || m>=map_num || x<0 || x>=map[m].xs || y<0 || y>=map[m].ys) return 1; if(bl->type==BL_MOB){ bl->next = map[m].block_mob[x/BLOCK_SIZE+(y/BLOCK_SIZE)*map[m].bxs]; bl->prev = &bl_head; if(bl->next) bl->next->prev = bl; map[m].block_mob[x/BLOCK_SIZE+(y/BLOCK_SIZE)*map[m].bxs] = bl; map[m].block_mob_count[x/BLOCK_SIZE+(y/BLOCK_SIZE)*map[m].bxs]++; } else { bl->next = map[m].block[x/BLOCK_SIZE+(y/BLOCK_SIZE)*map[m].bxs]; bl->prev = &bl_head; if(bl->next) bl->next->prev = bl; map[m].block[x/BLOCK_SIZE+(y/BLOCK_SIZE)*map[m].bxs] = bl; map[m].block_count[x/BLOCK_SIZE+(y/BLOCK_SIZE)*map[m].bxs]++; if(bl->type==BL_PC) map[m].users++; } return 0; } /*========================================== * map[]のblock_listから外す * prevがNULLの場合listに?がってない *------------------------------------------ */ int map_delblock(struct block_list *bl) { int b; nullpo_retr(0, bl); // ?にblocklistから?けている if(bl->prev==NULL){ if(bl->next!=NULL){ // prevがNULLでnextがNULLでないのは有ってはならない if(battle_config.error_log) printf("map_delblock error : bl->next!=NULL\n"); } return 0; } b = bl->x/BLOCK_SIZE+(bl->y/BLOCK_SIZE)*map[bl->m].bxs; if(bl->type==BL_PC) map[bl->m].users--; if(bl->next) bl->next->prev = bl->prev; if(bl->prev==&bl_head){ // リストの頭なので、map[]のblock_listを更新する if(bl->type==BL_MOB){ map[bl->m].block_mob[b] = bl->next; if((map[bl->m].block_mob_count[b]--) < 0) map[bl->m].block_mob_count[b] = 0; } else { map[bl->m].block[b] = bl->next; if((map[bl->m].block_count[b]--) < 0) map[bl->m].block_count[b] = 0; } } else { bl->prev->next = bl->next; } bl->next = NULL; bl->prev = NULL; return 0; } /*========================================== * 周?のPC人?を?える (現在未使用) *------------------------------------------ */ int map_countnearpc(int m, int x, int y) { int bx,by,c=0; struct block_list *bl=NULL; if(map[m].users==0) return 0; for(by=y/BLOCK_SIZE-AREA_SIZE/BLOCK_SIZE-1;by<=y/BLOCK_SIZE+AREA_SIZE/BLOCK_SIZE+1;by++){ if(by<0 || by>=map[m].bys) continue; for(bx=x/BLOCK_SIZE-AREA_SIZE/BLOCK_SIZE-1;bx<=x/BLOCK_SIZE+AREA_SIZE/BLOCK_SIZE+1;bx++){ if(bx<0 || bx>=map[m].bxs) continue; bl = map[m].block[bx+by*map[m].bxs]; for(;bl;bl=bl->next){ if(bl->type==BL_PC) c++; } } } return c; } /*========================================== * セル上のPCとMOBの?を?える (グランドクロス用) *------------------------------------------ */ int map_count_oncell(int m, int x, int y) { int bx,by; struct block_list *bl=NULL; int i,c; int count = 0; if (x < 0 || y < 0 || (x >= map[m].xs) || (y >= map[m].ys)) return 1; bx = x/BLOCK_SIZE; by = y/BLOCK_SIZE; bl = map[m].block[bx+by*map[m].bxs]; c = map[m].block_count[bx+by*map[m].bxs]; for(i=0;inext){ if(bl->x == x && bl->y == y && bl->type == BL_PC) count++; } bl = map[m].block_mob[bx+by*map[m].bxs]; c = map[m].block_mob_count[bx+by*map[m].bxs]; for(i=0;inext){ if(bl->x == x && bl->y == y) count++; } if(!count) count = 1; return count; } /*========================================== * map m (x0,y0)-(x1,y1)?の全objに?して * funcを呼ぶ * type!=0 ならその種類のみ *------------------------------------------ */ void map_foreachinarea(int (*func)(struct block_list*,va_list),int m,int x0,int y0,int x1,int y1,int type,...) { int bx,by; struct block_list *bl=NULL; va_list ap=NULL; int blockcount=bl_list_count,i,c; if(m < 0) return; va_start(ap,type); if (x0 < 0) x0 = 0; if (y0 < 0) y0 = 0; if (x1 >= map[m].xs) x1 = map[m].xs-1; if (y1 >= map[m].ys) y1 = map[m].ys-1; if (type == 0 || type != BL_MOB) for (by = y0 / BLOCK_SIZE; by <= y1 / BLOCK_SIZE; by++) { for(bx=x0/BLOCK_SIZE;bx<=x1/BLOCK_SIZE;bx++){ bl = map[m].block[bx+by*map[m].bxs]; c = map[m].block_count[bx+by*map[m].bxs]; for(i=0;inext){ if(bl && type && bl->type!=type) continue; if(bl && bl->x>=x0 && bl->x<=x1 && bl->y>=y0 && bl->y<=y1 && bl_list_countnext){ if(bl && bl->x>=x0 && bl->x<=x1 && bl->y>=y0 && bl->y<=y1 && bl_list_count=BL_LIST_MAX) { if(battle_config.error_log) printf("map_foreachinarea: *WARNING* block count too many!\n"); } map_freeblock_lock(); // メモリからの解放を禁止する for(i=blockcount;iprev) // 有?かどうかチェック func(bl_list[i],ap); map_freeblock_unlock(); // 解放を許可する va_end(ap); bl_list_count = blockcount; } /*========================================== * 矩形(x0,y0)-(x1,y1)が(dx,dy)移動した時の * 領域外になる領域(矩形かL字形)?のobjに * ?してfuncを呼ぶ * * dx,dyは-1,0,1のみとする(どんな値でもいいっぽい?) *------------------------------------------ */ void map_foreachinmovearea(int (*func)(struct block_list*,va_list),int m,int x0,int y0,int x1,int y1,int dx,int dy,int type,...) { int bx,by; struct block_list *bl=NULL; va_list ap=NULL; int blockcount=bl_list_count,i,c; va_start(ap,type); if(dx==0 || dy==0){ // 矩形領域の場合 if(dx==0){ if(dy<0){ y0=y1+dy+1; } else { y1=y0+dy-1; } } else if(dy==0){ if(dx<0){ x0=x1+dx+1; } else { x1=x0+dx-1; } } if(x0<0) x0=0; if(y0<0) y0=0; if(x1>=map[m].xs) x1=map[m].xs-1; if(y1>=map[m].ys) y1=map[m].ys-1; for(by=y0/BLOCK_SIZE;by<=y1/BLOCK_SIZE;by++){ for(bx=x0/BLOCK_SIZE;bx<=x1/BLOCK_SIZE;bx++){ bl = map[m].block[bx+by*map[m].bxs]; c = map[m].block_count[bx+by*map[m].bxs]; for(i=0;inext){ if(bl && type && bl->type!=type) continue; if(bl && bl->x>=x0 && bl->x<=x1 && bl->y>=y0 && bl->y<=y1 && bl_list_countnext){ if(bl && type && bl->type!=type) continue; if(bl && bl->x>=x0 && bl->x<=x1 && bl->y>=y0 && bl->y<=y1 && bl_list_count=map[m].xs) x1=map[m].xs-1; if(y1>=map[m].ys) y1=map[m].ys-1; for(by=y0/BLOCK_SIZE;by<=y1/BLOCK_SIZE;by++){ for(bx=x0/BLOCK_SIZE;bx<=x1/BLOCK_SIZE;bx++){ bl = map[m].block[bx+by*map[m].bxs]; c = map[m].block_count[bx+by*map[m].bxs]; for(i=0;inext){ if(bl && type && bl->type!=type) continue; if((bl) && !(bl->x>=x0 && bl->x<=x1 && bl->y>=y0 && bl->y<=y1)) continue; if((bl) && ((dx>0 && bl->xx>x1+dx) || (dy>0 && bl->yy>y1+dy)) && bl_list_countnext){ if(bl && type && bl->type!=type) continue; if((bl) && !(bl->x>=x0 && bl->x<=x1 && bl->y>=y0 && bl->y<=y1)) continue; if((bl) && ((dx>0 && bl->xx>x1+dx) || (dy>0 && bl->yy>y1+dy)) && bl_list_count=BL_LIST_MAX) { if(battle_config.error_log) printf("map_foreachinarea: *WARNING* block count too many!\n"); } map_freeblock_lock(); // メモリからの解放を禁止する for(i=blockcount;iprev) { // 有?かどうかチェック if (bl_list[i]->type == BL_PC && session[((struct map_session_data *) bl_list[i])->fd] == NULL) continue; func(bl_list[i],ap); } map_freeblock_unlock(); // 解放を許可する va_end(ap); bl_list_count = blockcount; } // -- moonsoul (added map_foreachincell which is a rework of map_foreachinarea but // which only checks the exact single x/y passed to it rather than an // area radius - may be more useful in some instances) // void map_foreachincell(int (*func)(struct block_list*,va_list),int m,int x,int y,int type,...) { int bx,by; struct block_list *bl=NULL; va_list ap=NULL; int blockcount=bl_list_count,i,c; va_start(ap,type); by=y/BLOCK_SIZE; bx=x/BLOCK_SIZE; if(type==0 || type!=BL_MOB) { bl = map[m].block[bx+by*map[m].bxs]; c = map[m].block_count[bx+by*map[m].bxs]; for(i=0;inext) { if(type && bl && bl->type!=type) continue; if(bl && bl->x==x && bl->y==y && bl_list_countnext) { if(bl && bl->x==x && bl->y==y && bl_list_count=BL_LIST_MAX) { if(battle_config.error_log) printf("map_foreachincell: *WARNING* block count too many!\n"); } map_freeblock_lock(); // メモリからの解放を禁止する for(i=blockcount;iprev) // 有?かどうかチェック func(bl_list[i],ap); map_freeblock_unlock(); // 解放を許可する va_end(ap); bl_list_count = blockcount; } /*========================================== * 床アイテムやエフェクト用の一時obj割り?て * object[]への保存とid_db登?まで * * bl->idもこの中で設定して問題無い? *------------------------------------------ */ int map_addobject(struct block_list *bl) { int i; if( bl == NULL ){ printf("map_addobject nullpo?\n"); return 0; } if(first_free_object_id<2 || first_free_object_id>=MAX_FLOORITEM) first_free_object_id=2; for(i=first_free_object_id;i=MAX_FLOORITEM){ if(battle_config.error_log) printf("no free object id\n"); return 0; } first_free_object_id=i; if(last_object_idid) first_free_object_id=id; while(last_object_id>2 && object[last_object_id]==NULL) last_object_id--; return 0; } /*========================================== * 一時objectの解放 * block_listからの削除、id_dbからの削除 * object dataのfree、object[]へのNULL代入 * * addとの??性が無いのが?になる *------------------------------------------ */ int map_delobject(int id) { struct block_list *obj = object[id]; if(obj==NULL) return 0; map_delobjectnofree(id); map_freeblock(obj); return 0; } /*========================================== * 全一時obj相手にfuncを呼ぶ * *------------------------------------------ */ void map_foreachobject(int (*func)(struct block_list*,va_list),int type,...) { int i; int blockcount=bl_list_count; va_list ap=NULL; va_start(ap,type); for(i=2;i<=last_object_id;i++){ if(object[i]){ if(type && object[i]->type!=type) continue; if(bl_list_count>=BL_LIST_MAX) { if(battle_config.error_log) printf("map_foreachobject: too many block !\n"); } else bl_list[bl_list_count++]=object[i]; } } map_freeblock_lock(); for(i=blockcount;iprev || bl_list[i]->next ) func(bl_list[i],ap); map_freeblock_unlock(); va_end(ap); bl_list_count = blockcount; } /*========================================== * 床アイテムを消す * * data==0の時はtimerで消えた時 * data!=0の時は拾う等で消えた時として動作 * * 後者は、map_clearflooritem(id)へ * map.h?で#defineしてある *------------------------------------------ */ int map_clearflooritem_timer(int tid,unsigned int tick,int id,int data) { struct flooritem_data *fitem=NULL; fitem = (struct flooritem_data *)object[id]; if(fitem==NULL || fitem->bl.type!=BL_ITEM || (!data && fitem->cleartimer != tid)){ if(battle_config.error_log) printf("map_clearflooritem_timer : error\n"); return 1; } if(data) delete_timer(fitem->cleartimer,map_clearflooritem_timer); else if(fitem->item_data.card[0] == (short)0xff00) intif_delete_petdata(*((long *)(&fitem->item_data.card[1]))); clif_clearflooritem(fitem,0); map_delobject(fitem->bl.id); return 0; } /*========================================== * (m,x,y)の周?rangeマス?の空き(=侵入可能)cellの * ?から適?なマス目の座標をx+(y<<16)で返す * * 現?range=1でアイテムドロップ用途のみ *------------------------------------------ */ int map_searchrandfreecell(int m,int x,int y,int range) { int free_cell,i,j; for(free_cell=0,i=-range;i<=range;i++){ if(i+y<0 || i+y>=map[m].ys) continue; for(j=-range;j<=range;j++){ if(j+x<0 || j+x>=map[m].xs) continue; if(map_getcell(m,j+x,i+y,CELL_CHKNOPASS)) continue; free_cell++; } } if(free_cell==0) return -1; free_cell=rand()%free_cell; for(i=-range;i<=range;i++){ if(i+y<0 || i+y>=map[m].ys) continue; for(j=-range;j<=range;j++){ if(j+x<0 || j+x>=map[m].xs) continue; if(map_getcell(m,j+x,i+y,CELL_CHKNOPASS)) continue; if(free_cell==0){ x+=j; y+=i; i=range+1; break; } free_cell--; } } return x+(y<<16); } /*========================================== * (m,x,y)を中心に3x3以?に床アイテム設置 * * item_dataはamount以外をcopyする *------------------------------------------ */ int map_addflooritem(struct item *item_data,int amount,int m,int x,int y,struct map_session_data *first_sd, struct map_session_data *second_sd,struct map_session_data *third_sd,int type) { int xy,r; unsigned int tick; struct flooritem_data *fitem=NULL; nullpo_retr(0, item_data); if((xy=map_searchrandfreecell(m,x,y,1))<0) return 0; r=rand(); fitem = (struct flooritem_data *)aCalloc(1,sizeof(*fitem)); fitem->bl.type=BL_ITEM; fitem->bl.prev = fitem->bl.next = NULL; fitem->bl.m=m; fitem->bl.x=xy&0xffff; fitem->bl.y=(xy>>16)&0xffff; fitem->first_get_id = 0; fitem->first_get_tick = 0; fitem->second_get_id = 0; fitem->second_get_tick = 0; fitem->third_get_id = 0; fitem->third_get_tick = 0; fitem->bl.id = map_addobject(&fitem->bl); if(fitem->bl.id==0){ free(fitem); return 0; } tick = gettick(); if(first_sd) { fitem->first_get_id = first_sd->bl.id; if(type) fitem->first_get_tick = tick + battle_config.mvp_item_first_get_time; else fitem->first_get_tick = tick + battle_config.item_first_get_time; } if(second_sd) { fitem->second_get_id = second_sd->bl.id; if(type) fitem->second_get_tick = tick + battle_config.mvp_item_first_get_time + battle_config.mvp_item_second_get_time; else fitem->second_get_tick = tick + battle_config.item_first_get_time + battle_config.item_second_get_time; } if(third_sd) { fitem->third_get_id = third_sd->bl.id; if(type) fitem->third_get_tick = tick + battle_config.mvp_item_first_get_time + battle_config.mvp_item_second_get_time + battle_config.mvp_item_third_get_time; else fitem->third_get_tick = tick + battle_config.item_first_get_time + battle_config.item_second_get_time + battle_config.item_third_get_time; } memcpy(&fitem->item_data,item_data,sizeof(*item_data)); fitem->item_data.amount=amount; fitem->subx=(r&3)*3+3; fitem->suby=((r>>2)&3)*3+3; fitem->cleartimer=add_timer(gettick()+battle_config.flooritem_lifetime,map_clearflooritem_timer,fitem->bl.id,0); map_addblock(&fitem->bl); clif_dropflooritem(fitem); return fitem->bl.id; } /*========================================== * charid_dbへ追加(返信待ちがあれば返信) *------------------------------------------ */ void map_addchariddb(int charid, char *name) { struct charid2nick *p=NULL; int req=0; p=numdb_search(charid_db,charid); if(p==NULL){ // デ?タベ?スにない p = (struct charid2nick *)aCalloc(1,sizeof(struct charid2nick)); p->req_id=0; }else numdb_erase(charid_db,charid); req=p->req_id; memcpy(p->nick,name,24); p->req_id=0; numdb_insert(charid_db,charid,p); if(req){ // 返信待ちがあれば返信 struct map_session_data *sd = map_id2sd(req); if(sd!=NULL) clif_solved_charname(sd,charid); } } /*========================================== * charid_dbへ追加(返信要求のみ) *------------------------------------------ */ int map_reqchariddb(struct map_session_data * sd,int charid) { struct charid2nick *p=NULL; nullpo_retr(0, sd); p=numdb_search(charid_db,charid); if(p!=NULL) // デ?タベ?スにすでにある return 0; p = (struct charid2nick *)aCalloc(1,sizeof(struct charid2nick)); p->req_id=sd->bl.id; numdb_insert(charid_db,charid,p); return 0; } /*========================================== * id_dbへblを追加 *------------------------------------------ */ void map_addiddb(struct block_list *bl) { nullpo_retv(bl); numdb_insert(id_db,bl->id,bl); } /*========================================== * id_dbからblを削除 *------------------------------------------ */ void map_deliddb(struct block_list *bl) { nullpo_retv(bl); numdb_erase(id_db,bl->id); } /*========================================== * nick_dbへsdを追加 *------------------------------------------ */ void map_addnickdb(struct map_session_data *sd) { nullpo_retv(sd); strdb_insert(nick_db,sd->status.name,sd); } /*========================================== * PCのquit?理 map.c?分 * * quit?理の主?が違うような?もしてきた *------------------------------------------ */ int map_quit(struct map_session_data *sd) { nullpo_retr(0, sd); if(sd->chatID) // チャットから出る chat_leavechat(sd); if(sd->trade_partner) // 取引を中?する trade_tradecancel(sd); if(sd->party_invite>0) // パ?ティ?誘を拒否する party_reply_invite(sd,sd->party_invite_account,0); if(sd->guild_invite>0) // ギルド?誘を拒否する guild_reply_invite(sd,sd->guild_invite,0); if(sd->guild_alliance>0) // ギルド同盟?誘を拒否する guild_reply_reqalliance(sd,sd->guild_alliance_account,0); party_send_logout(sd); // パ?ティのログアウトメッセ?ジ送信 guild_send_memberinfoshort(sd,0); // ギルドのログアウトメッセ?ジ送信 pc_cleareventtimer(sd); // イベントタイマを破棄する if(sd->state.storage_flag) storage_guild_storage_quit(sd,0); else storage_storage_quit(sd); // 倉庫を開いてるなら保存する // check if we've been authenticated [celest] if (sd->state.auth) skill_castcancel(&sd->bl,0); // 詠唱を中?する skill_stop_dancing(&sd->bl,1);// ダンス/演奏中? if(sd->sc_data && sd->sc_data[SC_BERSERK].timer!=-1) //バ?サ?ク中の終了はHPを100に sd->status.hp = 100; skill_status_change_clear(&sd->bl,1); // ステ?タス異常を解除する skill_clear_unitgroup(&sd->bl); // スキルユニットグル?プの削除 skill_cleartimerskill(&sd->bl); // check if we've been authenticated [celest] if (sd->state.auth) { pc_stop_walking(sd,0); pc_stopattack(sd); pc_delinvincibletimer(sd); } pc_delspiritball(sd,sd->spiritball,1); skill_gangsterparadise(sd,0); if (sd->state.auth) pc_calcstatus(sd,4); // skill_clear_unitgroup(&sd->bl); // [Sara-chan] clif_clearchar_area(&sd->bl,2); if(sd->status.pet_id && sd->pd) { pet_lootitem_drop(sd->pd,sd); pet_remove_map(sd); if(sd->pet.intimate <= 0) { intif_delete_petdata(sd->status.pet_id); sd->status.pet_id = 0; sd->pd = NULL; sd->petDB = NULL; } else intif_save_petdata(sd->status.account_id,&sd->pet); } if(pc_isdead(sd)) pc_setrestartvalue(sd,2); pc_makesavestatus(sd); chrif_save(sd); storage_storage_dirty(sd); storage_storage_save(sd); //double connect bug fix by Valaris if(sd->alive_timer) { delete_timer(sd->alive_timer,pc_alive_timer); sd->alive_timer = 0; } if( sd->npc_stackbuf && sd->npc_stackbuf != NULL) { free( sd->npc_stackbuf ); sd->npc_stackbuf = NULL; } map_delblock(&sd->bl); #ifndef TXT_ONLY chrif_char_offline(sd); #endif numdb_erase(id_db,sd->bl.id); strdb_erase(nick_db,sd->status.name); numdb_erase(charid_db,sd->status.char_id); return 0; } /*========================================== * id番?のPCを探す。居なければNULL *------------------------------------------ */ struct map_session_data * map_id2sd(int id) { // remove search from db, because: // 1 - all players, npc, items and mob are in this db (to search, it's not speed, and search in session is more sure) // 2 - DB seems not always correct. Sometimes, when a player disconnects, its id (account value) is not removed and structure // point to a memory area that is not more a session_data and value are incorrect (or out of available memory) -> crash // replaced by searching in all session. // by searching in session, we are sure that fd, session, and account exist. /* struct block_list *bl; bl=numdb_search(id_db,id); if(bl && bl->type==BL_PC) return (struct map_session_data*)bl; return NULL; */ int i; struct map_session_data *sd=NULL; for(i = 0; i < fd_max; i++) if (session[i] && (sd = session[i]->session_data) && sd->bl.id == id) return sd; return NULL; } /*========================================== * char_id番?の名前を探す *------------------------------------------ */ char * map_charid2nick(int id) { struct charid2nick *p=numdb_search(charid_db,id); if(p==NULL) return NULL; if(p->req_id!=0) return NULL; return p->nick; } /*========================================== * Search session data from a nick name * (without sensitive case if necessary) * return map_session_data pointer or NULL *------------------------------------------ */ struct map_session_data * map_nick2sd(char *nick) { int i, quantity=0, nicklen; struct map_session_data *sd = NULL; struct map_session_data *pl_sd = NULL; if (nick == NULL) return NULL; nicklen = strlen(nick); for (i = 0; i < fd_max; i++) { if (session[i] && (pl_sd = session[i]->session_data) && pl_sd->state.auth) // Without case sensitive check (increase the number of similar character names found) if (strnicmp(pl_sd->status.name, nick, nicklen) == 0) { // Strict comparison (if found, we finish the function immediatly with correct value) if (strcmp(pl_sd->status.name, nick) == 0) return pl_sd; quantity++; sd = pl_sd; } } // Here, the exact character name is not found // We return the found index of a similar account ONLY if there is 1 similar character if (quantity == 1) return sd; // Exact character name is not found and 0 or more than 1 similar characters have been found ==> we say not found return NULL; } /*========================================== * id番?の物を探す * 一時objectの場合は配列を引くのみ *------------------------------------------ */ struct block_list * map_id2bl(int id) { struct block_list *bl=NULL; if(id=map_num) return -1; for(i=0;in = i; numdb_insert(id_db,nd->bl.id,nd); return i; } void map_removenpc(void) { int i,m,n=0; for(m=0;mbl,2); map_delblock(&map[m].npc[i]->bl); numdb_erase(id_db,map[m].npc[i]->bl.id); if(map[m].npc[i]->bl.subtype==SCRIPT) { // free(map[m].npc[i]->u.scr.script); // free(map[m].npc[i]->u.scr.label_list); } free(map[m].npc[i]); map[m].npc[i] = NULL; n++; } } } sprintf(tmp_output,"Successfully removed and freed from memory '"CL_WHITE"%d"CL_RESET"' NPCs.\n",n); ShowStatus(tmp_output); } /*========================================== * map名からmap番?へ?換 *------------------------------------------ */ int map_mapname2mapid(char *name) { struct map_data *md=NULL; md=strdb_search(map_db,name); #ifdef USE_AFM // If we can't find the .gat map try .afm instead [celest] if(md==NULL && strstr(name,".gat")) { char afm_name[16] = ""; strncpy(afm_name, name, strlen(name) - 4); strcat(afm_name, ".afm"); md = strdb_search(map_db,afm_name); } #endif if(md==NULL || md->gat==NULL) return -1; return md->m; } /*========================================== * 他鯖map名からip,port?換 *------------------------------------------ */ int map_mapname2ipport(char *name,int *ip,int *port) { struct map_data_other_server *mdos=NULL; mdos=strdb_search(map_db,name); if(mdos==NULL || mdos->gat) return -1; *ip=mdos->ip; *port=mdos->port; return 0; } /*========================================== * *------------------------------------------ */ int map_check_dir(int s_dir,int t_dir) { if(s_dir == t_dir) return 0; switch(s_dir) { case 0: if(t_dir == 7 || t_dir == 1 || t_dir == 0) return 0; break; case 1: if(t_dir == 0 || t_dir == 2 || t_dir == 1) return 0; break; case 2: if(t_dir == 1 || t_dir == 3 || t_dir == 2) return 0; break; case 3: if(t_dir == 2 || t_dir == 4 || t_dir == 3) return 0; break; case 4: if(t_dir == 3 || t_dir == 5 || t_dir == 4) return 0; break; case 5: if(t_dir == 4 || t_dir == 6 || t_dir == 5) return 0; break; case 6: if(t_dir == 5 || t_dir == 7 || t_dir == 6) return 0; break; case 7: if(t_dir == 6 || t_dir == 0 || t_dir == 7) return 0; break; } return 1; } /*========================================== * 彼我の方向を計算 *------------------------------------------ */ int map_calc_dir( struct block_list *src,int x,int y) { int dir=0; int dx,dy; nullpo_retr(0, src); dx=x-src->x; dy=y-src->y; if( dx==0 && dy==0 ){ // 彼我の場所一致 dir=0; // 上 }else if( dx>=0 && dy>=0 ){ // 方向的に右上 dir=7; // 右上 if( dx*3-1dy*3 ) dir=6; // 右 }else if( dx>=0 && dy<=0 ){ // 方向的に右下 dir=5; // 右下 if( dx*3-1<-dy ) dir=4; // 下 if( dx>-dy*3 ) dir=6; // 右 }else if( dx<=0 && dy<=0 ){ // 方向的に左下 dir=3; // 左下 if( dx*3+1>dy ) dir=4; // 下 if( dxdy*3 ) dir=2; // 左 } return dir; } // gat系 /*========================================== * (m,x,y)の状態を調べる *------------------------------------------ */ int map_getcell(int m,int x,int y,CELL_CHK cellchk) { return (m < 0 || m > MAX_MAP_PER_SERVER) ? 0 : map_getcellp(&map[m],x,y,cellchk); } int map_getcellp(struct map_data* m,int x,int y,CELL_CHK cellchk) { int j; nullpo_ret(m); if(x<0 || x>=m->xs-1 || y<0 || y>=m->ys-1) { if(cellchk==CELL_CHKNOPASS) return 1; return 0; } j=x+y*m->xs; switch(cellchk) { case CELL_CHKTOUCH: if(m->gat[j]&0x80) return 1;return 0; case CELL_CHKWATER: if(m->gat[j]==3) return 1;return 0; case CELL_CHKHIGH: if(m->gat[j]==5) return 1;return 0; case CELL_CHKPASS: if(m->gat[j]!=1&&m->gat[j]!=5) return 1; return 0; case CELL_CHKNOPASS: if(m->gat[j]==1||m->gat[j]==5) return 1; return 0; case CELL_CHKTYPE: return m->gat[j]; default: return 0; } return 0; } /*========================================== * (m,x,y)の状態を設定する *------------------------------------------ */ int map_setcell(int m,int x,int y,CELL_SET cellset) { int i,j; if(x<0 || x>=map[m].xs || y<0 || y>=map[m].ys) return 0; j=x+y*map[m].xs; switch(cellset) { case CELL_SETTOUCH: return map[m].gat[j]|=0x80; break; case CELL_SETWATER://3 i=3;break; case CELL_SETPASS://0 i=0;break; case CELL_SETNOPASS://gat_fileused[0](READ_FROM_BITMAP)か1(READ_FROM_GAT) i=1;break; case CELL_SETHIGH://5 i=5;break; case CELL_SETNOHIGH://5 i=5;break; default: return 0; } map[m].gat[j]=i; return 1; } /*========================================== * 他鯖管理のマップをdbに追加 *------------------------------------------ */ int map_setipport(char *name,unsigned long ip,int port) { struct map_data *md=NULL; struct map_data_other_server *mdos=NULL; md=strdb_search(map_db,name); if(md==NULL){ // not exist -> add new data mdos=(struct map_data_other_server *)aCalloc(1,sizeof(struct map_data_other_server)); memcpy(mdos->name,name,24); mdos->gat = NULL; mdos->ip = ip; mdos->port = port; strdb_insert(map_db,mdos->name,mdos); } else { if(md->gat){ // local -> check data if(ip!=clif_getip() || port!=clif_getport()){ printf("from char server : %s -> %08lx:%d\n",name,ip,port); return 1; } } else { // update mdos=(struct map_data_other_server *)md; mdos->ip = ip; mdos->port = port; } } return 0; } // 初期化周り /*========================================== * 水場高さ設定 *------------------------------------------ */ static struct { char mapname[24]; int waterheight; } *waterlist=NULL; #define NO_WATER 1000000 static int map_waterheight(char *mapname) { if(waterlist){ int i; for(i=0;waterlist[i].mapname[0] && i < MAX_MAP_PER_SERVER;i++) if(strcmp(waterlist[i].mapname,mapname)==0) return waterlist[i].waterheight; } return NO_WATER; } static void map_readwater(char *watertxt) { char line[1024],w1[1024]; FILE *fp=NULL; int n=0; fp=fopen(watertxt,"r"); if(fp==NULL){ printf("file not found: %s\n",watertxt); return; } if(waterlist==NULL) waterlist=aCalloc(MAX_MAP_PER_SERVER,sizeof(*waterlist)); while(fgets(line,1020,fp) && n < MAX_MAP_PER_SERVER){ int wh,count; if(line[0] == '/' && line[1] == '/') continue; if((count=sscanf(line,"%s%d",w1,&wh)) < 1){ continue; } strcpy(waterlist[n].mapname,w1); if(count >= 2) waterlist[n].waterheight = wh; else waterlist[n].waterheight = 3; n++; } fclose(fp); } /*========================================== * マップキャッシュに追加する *===========================================*/ // マップキャッシュの最大値 #define MAX_CAHCE_MAX 768 //各マップごとの最小限情報を入れるもの、READ_FROM_BITMAP用 struct MAP_CACHE_INFO { char fn[32];//ファイル名 int xs,ys; //幅と高さ int water_height; int pos; // データが入れてある場所 int compressed; // zilb通せるようにする為の予約 int compressed_len; // zilb通せるようにする為の予約 }; // 56 byte struct { struct MAP_CACHE_HEAD { int sizeof_header; int sizeof_map; // 上の2つ改変不可 int nmaps; // マップの個数 int filesize; } head; struct MAP_CACHE_INFO *map; FILE *fp; int dirty; } map_cache; static int map_cache_open(char *fn); static void map_cache_close(void); static int map_cache_read(struct map_data *m); static int map_cache_write(struct map_data *m); static int map_cache_open(char *fn) { atexit(map_cache_close); if(map_cache.fp) { map_cache_close(); } map_cache.fp = fopen(fn,"r+b"); if(map_cache.fp) { fread(&map_cache.head,1,sizeof(struct MAP_CACHE_HEAD),map_cache.fp); fseek(map_cache.fp,0,SEEK_END); if( map_cache.head.sizeof_header == sizeof(struct MAP_CACHE_HEAD) && map_cache.head.sizeof_map == sizeof(struct MAP_CACHE_INFO) && map_cache.head.filesize == ftell(map_cache.fp) ) { // キャッシュ読み込み成功 map_cache.map = aMalloc(sizeof(struct MAP_CACHE_INFO) * map_cache.head.nmaps); fseek(map_cache.fp,sizeof(struct MAP_CACHE_HEAD),SEEK_SET); fread(map_cache.map,sizeof(struct MAP_CACHE_INFO),map_cache.head.nmaps,map_cache.fp); return 1; } fclose(map_cache.fp); } else { map_read_flag = CREATE_BITMAP; } // 読み込みに失敗したので新規に作成する map_cache.fp = fopen(fn,"wb"); if(map_cache.fp) { memset(&map_cache.head,0,sizeof(struct MAP_CACHE_HEAD)); map_cache.map = aCalloc(sizeof(struct MAP_CACHE_INFO),MAX_CAHCE_MAX); map_cache.head.nmaps = MAX_CAHCE_MAX; map_cache.head.sizeof_header = sizeof(struct MAP_CACHE_HEAD); map_cache.head.sizeof_map = sizeof(struct MAP_CACHE_INFO); map_cache.head.filesize = sizeof(struct MAP_CACHE_HEAD); map_cache.head.filesize += sizeof(struct MAP_CACHE_INFO) * map_cache.head.nmaps; map_cache.dirty = 1; return 1; } return 0; } static void map_cache_close(void) { if(!map_cache.fp) { return; } if(map_cache.dirty) { fseek(map_cache.fp,0,SEEK_SET); fwrite(&map_cache.head,1,sizeof(struct MAP_CACHE_HEAD),map_cache.fp); fwrite(map_cache.map,map_cache.head.nmaps,sizeof(struct MAP_CACHE_INFO),map_cache.fp); } fclose(map_cache.fp); free(map_cache.map); map_cache.fp = NULL; return; } int map_cache_read(struct map_data *m) { int i; if(!map_cache.fp) { return 0; } for(i = 0;i < map_cache.head.nmaps ; i++) { if(!strcmp(m->name,map_cache.map[i].fn)) { if(map_cache.map[i].water_height != map_waterheight(m->name)) { // 水場の高さが違うので読み直し return 0; } else if(map_cache.map[i].compressed) { // 圧縮ファイルは未対応 return 0; } else { int size = map_cache.map[i].xs * map_cache.map[i].ys; m->xs = map_cache.map[i].xs; m->ys = map_cache.map[i].ys; m->gat = (unsigned char *)aCalloc(m->xs * m->ys,sizeof(unsigned char)); fseek(map_cache.fp,map_cache.map[i].pos,SEEK_SET); if(fread(m->gat,1,size,map_cache.fp) == size) { // 成功 return 1; } else { // なぜかファイル後半が欠けてるので読み直し m->xs = 0; m->ys = 0; free(m->gat); m->gat = NULL; return 0; } } } } return 0; } static int map_cache_write(struct map_data *m) { int i; if(!map_cache.fp) { return 0; } for(i = 0;i < map_cache.head.nmaps ; i++) { if(!strcmp(m->name,map_cache.map[i].fn)) { // 同じエントリーがあれば上書き if( map_cache.map[i].xs == m->xs && map_cache.map[i].ys == m->ys && !map_cache.map[i].compressed ) { // 幅と高さ同じで圧縮してないなら場所は変わらない fseek(map_cache.fp,map_cache.map[i].pos,SEEK_SET); fwrite(m->gat,m->xs,m->ys,map_cache.fp); } else { // 幅と高さが違うなら新しい場所に登録 int size = m->xs * m->ys; fseek(map_cache.fp,map_cache.head.filesize,SEEK_SET); fwrite(m->gat,1,size,map_cache.fp); map_cache.map[i].pos = map_cache.head.filesize; map_cache.map[i].xs = m->xs; map_cache.map[i].ys = m->ys; map_cache.head.filesize += size; } map_cache.map[i].water_height = map_waterheight(m->name); map_cache.dirty = 1; return 0; } } // 同じエントリが無ければ書き込める場所を探す for(i = 0;i < map_cache.head.nmaps ; i++) { if(map_cache.map[i].fn[0] == 0) { // 新しい場所に登録 int size = m->xs * m->ys; strncpy(map_cache.map[i].fn,m->name,sizeof(map_cache.map[0].fn)); fseek(map_cache.fp,map_cache.head.filesize,SEEK_SET); fwrite(m->gat,1,size,map_cache.fp); map_cache.map[i].pos = map_cache.head.filesize; map_cache.map[i].xs = m->xs; map_cache.map[i].ys = m->ys; map_cache.map[i].water_height = map_waterheight(m->name); map_cache.head.filesize += size; map_cache.dirty = 1; return 0; } } // 書き込めなかった return 1; } #ifdef USE_AFM static int map_readafm(int m,char *fn) { /* Advanced Fusion Maps Support (c) 2003-2004, The Fusion Project - AlexKreuz The following code has been provided by me for eAthena under the GNU GPL. It provides Advanced Fusion Map, the map format desgined by me for Fusion, support for the eAthena emulator. I understand that because it is under the GPL that other emulators may very well use this code in their GNU project as well. The AFM map format was not originally a part of the GNU GPL. It originated from scratch by my own hand. I understand that distributing this code to read the AFM maps with eAthena causes the GPL to apply to this code. But the actual AFM maps are STILL copyrighted to the Fusion Project. By choosing In exchange for that 'act of faith' I ask for the following. A) Give credit where it is due. If you use this code, do not place your name on the changelog. Credit should be given to AlexKreuz. B) As an act of courtesy, ask me and let me know that you are putting AFM support in your project. You will have my blessings if you do. C) Use the code in its entirety INCLUDING the copyright message. Although the code provided may now be GPL, the AFM maps are not and so I ask you to display the copyright message on the STARTUP SCREEN as I have done here. (refer to core.c) "Advanced Fusion Maps (c) 2003-2004 The Fusion Project" Without this copyright, you are NOT entitled to bundle or distribute the AFM maps at all. On top of that, your "support" for AFM maps becomes just as shady as your "support" for Gravity GRF files. The bottom line is this. I know that there are those of you who would like to use this code but aren't going to want to provide the proper credit. I know this because I speak frome experience. If you are one of those people who is going to try to get around my requests, then save your breath because I don't want to hear it. I have zero faith in GPL and I know and accept that if you choose to not display the copyright for the AFMs then there is absolutely nothing I can do about it. I am not about to start a legal battle over something this silly. Provide the proper credit because you believe in the GPL. If you choose not to and would rather argue about it, consider the GPL failed. October 18th, 2004 - AlexKreuz - The Fusion Project */ int s; int x,y,xs,ys; size_t size; char afm_line[65535]; int afm_size[1]; FILE *afm_file; char *str; afm_file = fopen(fn, "r"); if (afm_file != NULL) { // printf("\rLoading Maps [%d/%d]: %-50s ",m,map_num,fn); // fflush(stdout); str=fgets(afm_line, sizeof(afm_line)-1, afm_file); str=fgets(afm_line, sizeof(afm_line)-1, afm_file); str=fgets(afm_line, sizeof(afm_line)-1, afm_file); sscanf(str , "%d%d", &afm_size[0], &afm_size[1]); map[m].m = m; xs = map[m].xs = afm_size[0]; ys = map[m].ys = afm_size[1]; map[m].gat = calloc(s = map[m].xs * map[m].ys, 1); if(map[m].gat==NULL){ printf("out of memory : map_readmap gat\n"); exit(1); } map[m].npc_num=0; map[m].users=0; memset(&map[m].flag,0,sizeof(map[m].flag)); if(battle_config.pk_mode) map[m].flag.pvp = 1; // make all maps pvp for pk_mode [Valaris] for (y = 0; y < ys; y++) { str=fgets(afm_line, sizeof(afm_line)-1, afm_file); for (x = 0; x < xs; x++) { map[m].gat[x+y*xs] = str[x]-48; } } map[m].bxs=(xs+BLOCK_SIZE-1)/BLOCK_SIZE; map[m].bys=(ys+BLOCK_SIZE-1)/BLOCK_SIZE; size = map[m].bxs * map[m].bys * sizeof(struct block_list*); map[m].block = calloc(size, 1); if(map[m].block == NULL){ printf("out of memory : map_readmap block\n"); exit(1); } map[m].block_mob = calloc(size, 1); if (map[m].block_mob == NULL) { printf("out of memory : map_readmap block_mob\n"); exit(1); } size = map[m].bxs*map[m].bys*sizeof(int); map[m].block_count = calloc(size, 1); if(map[m].block_count==NULL){ printf("out of memory : map_readmap block\n"); exit(1); } memset(map[m].block_count,0,size); map[m].block_mob_count=calloc(size, 1); if(map[m].block_mob_count==NULL){ printf("out of memory : map_readmap block_mob\n"); exit(1); } memset(map[m].block_mob_count,0,size); strdb_insert(map_db,map[m].name,&map[m]); fclose(afm_file); } return 0; } #endif /*========================================== * マップ1枚読み込み * ===================================================*/ static int map_readmap(int m,char *fn, char *alias, int *map_cache) { unsigned char *gat=""; size_t size; int i; int e = 0; char progress[21] = " "; //printf("\rLoading Maps [%d/%d]: %-50s ",m,map_num,fn); if (map_num) { //avoid map-server crashing if there are 0 maps printf("\r"); ShowStatus("Progress: "); i=m*20/420; printf("["); for (e=0;etype==0){ // 水場判定 map[m].gat[x+y*xs]=(p->high[0]>wh || p->high[1]>wh || p->high[2]>wh || p->high[3]>wh) ? 3 : 0; } else { map[m].gat[x+y*xs]=p->type; } p++; } } map_cache_write(&map[m]); free(gat); } map[m].m=m; map[m].npc_num=0; map[m].users=0; memset(&map[m].flag,0,sizeof(map[m].flag)); if(battle_config.pk_mode) map[m].flag.pvp = 1; // make all maps pvp for pk_mode [Valaris] map[m].bxs=(map[m].xs+BLOCK_SIZE-1)/BLOCK_SIZE; map[m].bys=(map[m].ys+BLOCK_SIZE-1)/BLOCK_SIZE; size = map[m].bxs * map[m].bys * sizeof(struct block_list*); map[m].block = (struct block_list **)aCalloc(1,size); map[m].block_mob = (struct block_list **)aCalloc(1,size); size = map[m].bxs*map[m].bys*sizeof(int); map[m].block_count = (int *)aCalloc(1,size); map[m].block_mob_count=(int *)aCalloc(1,size); if (alias) strdb_insert(map_db,alias,&map[m]); else strdb_insert(map_db,map[m].name,&map[m]); // printf("%s read done\n",fn); return 0; } /*========================================== * 全てのmapデ?タを?み?む *------------------------------------------ */ int map_readallmap(void) { int i,maps_removed=0; char fn[256]; char c = '-'; time_t last_time = time(0); int busy = 0; #ifdef USE_AFM FILE *afm_file; #endif int map_cache = 0; // マップキャッシュを開く if(map_read_flag == READ_FROM_BITMAP) { map_cache_open(map_bitmap_filename); } sprintf(tmp_output, "Loading Maps%s...\n", (map_read_flag == CREATE_BITMAP ? " (Generating Map Cache)" : map_read_flag == READ_FROM_BITMAP ? " (w/ Map Cache)" : map_read_flag == READ_FROM_AFM ? " (w/ AFM)" : "")); ShowStatus(tmp_output); // 先に全部のャbプの存在を確認 for(i=0;i= MAX_MAP_PER_SERVER - 1) { printf("too many map\n"); return 1; } memcpy(map[map_num].name, mapname, 24); map_num++; return 0; } /*========================================== * ?み?むmapを削除する *------------------------------------------ */ int map_delmap(char *mapname) { int i; if (strcmpi(mapname, "all") == 0) { map_num = 0; return 0; } for(i = 0; i < map_num; i++) { if (strcmp(map[i].name, mapname) == 0) { printf("Removing map [ %s ] from maplist\n",map[i].name); memmove(map+i, map+i+1, sizeof(map[0])*(map_num-i-1)); map_num--; } } return 0; } static int map_ip_set_ = 0; static int char_ip_set_ = 0; /*========================================== * Console Command Parser [Wizputer] *------------------------------------------ */ int parse_console(char *buf) { char *type,*command,*map, *buf2; int x = 0, y = 0; int m, n; struct map_session_data *sd; sd = calloc(sizeof(*sd), 1); sd->fd = 0; strcpy( sd->status.name , "console"); type = (char *)malloc(64); command = (char *)malloc(64); map = (char *)malloc(64); buf2 = (char *)malloc(72); memset(type,0,64); memset(command,0,64); memset(map,0,64); memset(buf2,0,72); if ( ( n = sscanf(buf, "%[^:]:%[^:]:%99s %d %d[^\n]", type , command , map , &x , &y )) < 5 ) if ( ( n = sscanf(buf, "%[^:]:%[^\n]", type , command )) < 2 ) n = sscanf(buf,"%[^\n]",type); if ( n == 5 ) { if (x <= 0) { x = rand() % 399 + 1; sd->bl.x = x; } else { sd->bl.x = x; } if (y <= 0) { y = rand() % 399 + 1; sd->bl.y = y; } else { sd->bl.y = y; } m = map_mapname2mapid(map); if ( m >= 0 ) sd->bl.m = m; else { printf("Console: Unknown map\n"); goto end; } } printf("Type of command: %s || Command: %s || Map: %s Coords: %d %d\n",type,command,map,x,y); if ( strcmpi("admin",type) == 0 && n == 5 ) { sprintf(buf2,"console: %s",command); if( is_atcommand(sd->fd,sd,buf2,99) == AtCommand_None ) printf("Console: not atcommand\n"); } else if ( strcmpi("server",type) == 0 && n == 2 ) { if ( strcmpi("shutdown", command) == 0 || strcmpi("exit",command) == 0 || strcmpi("quit",command) == 0 ) { exit(0); } } else if ( strcmpi("help",type) == 0 ) { printf("To use GM commands:\n"); printf("admin:: \n"); printf("You can use any GM command that doesn't require the GM.\n"); printf("No using @item or @warp however you can use @charwarp\n"); printf("The is for commands that need coords of the GM\n"); printf("IE: @spawn\n"); printf("To shutdown the server:\n"); printf("server:shutdown\n"); } end: free(buf); free(type); free(command); free(map); free(buf2); free(sd); return 0; } /*========================================== * 設定ファイルを?み?む *------------------------------------------ */ int map_config_read(char *cfgName) { char line[1024], w1[1024], w2[1024]; FILE *fp; struct hostent *h = NULL; fp = fopen(cfgName,"r"); if (fp == NULL) { printf("Map configuration file not found at: %s\n", cfgName); exit(1); } while(fgets(line, sizeof(line) -1, fp)) { if (line[0] == '/' && line[1] == '/') continue; if (sscanf(line, "%[^:]: %[^\r\n]", w1, w2) == 2) { if (strcmpi(w1, "userid")==0){ chrif_setuserid(w2); } else if (strcmpi(w1, "passwd") == 0) { chrif_setpasswd(w2); } else if (strcmpi(w1, "char_ip") == 0) { char_ip_set_ = 1; h = gethostbyname (w2); if(h != NULL) { snprintf(tmp_output,sizeof(tmp_output),"Char Server IP Address : '"CL_WHITE"%s"CL_RESET"' -> '"CL_WHITE"%d.%d.%d.%d"CL_RESET"'.\n", w2, (unsigned char)h->h_addr[0], (unsigned char)h->h_addr[1], (unsigned char)h->h_addr[2], (unsigned char)h->h_addr[3]); ShowInfo(tmp_output); sprintf(w2,"%d.%d.%d.%d", (unsigned char)h->h_addr[0], (unsigned char)h->h_addr[1], (unsigned char)h->h_addr[2], (unsigned char)h->h_addr[3]); } chrif_setip(w2); } else if (strcmpi(w1, "char_port") == 0) { chrif_setport(atoi(w2)); } else if (strcmpi(w1, "map_ip") == 0) { map_ip_set_ = 1; h = gethostbyname (w2); if (h != NULL) { snprintf(tmp_output,sizeof(tmp_output),"Map Server IP Address : '"CL_WHITE"%s"CL_RESET"' -> '"CL_WHITE"%d.%d.%d.%d"CL_RESET"'.\n", w2, (unsigned char)h->h_addr[0], (unsigned char)h->h_addr[1], (unsigned char)h->h_addr[2], (unsigned char)h->h_addr[3]); ShowInfo(tmp_output); sprintf(w2, "%d.%d.%d.%d", (unsigned char)h->h_addr[0], (unsigned char)h->h_addr[1], (unsigned char)h->h_addr[2], (unsigned char)h->h_addr[3]); } clif_setip(w2); } else if (strcmpi(w1, "map_port") == 0) { clif_setport(atoi(w2)); map_port = (atoi(w2)); } else if (strcmpi(w1, "water_height") == 0) { map_readwater(w2); } else if (strcmpi(w1, "map") == 0) { map_addmap(w2); } else if (strcmpi(w1, "delmap") == 0) { map_delmap(w2); } else if (strcmpi(w1, "npc") == 0) { npc_addsrcfile(w2); } else if (strcmpi(w1, "delnpc") == 0) { npc_delsrcfile(w2); } else if (strcmpi(w1, "data_grf") == 0) { grfio_setdatafile(w2); } else if (strcmpi(w1, "sdata_grf") == 0) { grfio_setsdatafile(w2); } else if (strcmpi(w1, "adata_grf") == 0) { grfio_setadatafile(w2); } else if (strcmpi(w1, "autosave_time") == 0) { autosave_interval = atoi(w2) * 1000; if (autosave_interval <= 0) autosave_interval = DEFAULT_AUTOSAVE_INTERVAL; } else if (strcmpi(w1, "motd_txt") == 0) { strcpy(motd_txt, w2); } else if (strcmpi(w1, "help_txt") == 0) { strcpy(help_txt, w2); } else if (strcmpi(w1, "mapreg_txt") == 0) { strcpy(mapreg_txt, w2); }else if(strcmpi(w1,"read_map_from_bitmap")==0){ if (atoi(w2) == 1) map_read_flag = READ_FROM_BITMAP; else map_read_flag = READ_FROM_GAT; } else if (strcmpi(w1, "import") == 0) { map_config_read(w2); } else if (strcmpi(w1, "console") == 0) { if(strcmpi(w2,"on") == 0 || strcmpi(w2,"yes") == 0 ) { console = 1; ShowNotice("Console Commands is enabled.\n"); } } else if(strcmpi(w1,"imalive_on")==0){ //Added by Mugendai for I'm Alive mod imalive_on = atoi(w2); //Added by Mugendai for I'm Alive mod } else if(strcmpi(w1,"imalive_time")==0){ //Added by Mugendai for I'm Alive mod imalive_time = atoi(w2); //Added by Mugendai for I'm Alive mod } else if(strcmpi(w1,"flush_on")==0){ //Added by Mugendai for GUI flush_on = atoi(w2); //Added by Mugendai for GUI } else if(strcmpi(w1,"flush_time")==0){ //Added by Mugendai for GUI flush_time = atoi(w2); //Added by Mugendai for GUI } } } fclose(fp); return 0; } #ifndef TXT_ONLY /*======================================= * MySQL Init *--------------------------------------- */ int map_sql_init(void){ mysql_init(&mmysql_handle); //DB connection start printf("Connect Map DB Server....\n"); if(!mysql_real_connect(&mmysql_handle, map_server_ip, map_server_id, map_server_pw, map_server_db ,map_server_port, (char *)NULL, 0)) { //pointer check printf("%s\n",mysql_error(&mmysql_handle)); exit(1); } else { printf ("connect success! (Map Server Connection)\n"); } mysql_init(&lmysql_handle); //DB connection start printf("Connect Login DB Server....\n"); if(!mysql_real_connect(&lmysql_handle, login_server_ip, login_server_id, login_server_pw, login_server_db ,login_server_port, (char *)NULL, 0)) { //pointer check printf("%s\n",mysql_error(&lmysql_handle)); exit(1); } else { printf ("connect success! (Login Server Connection)\n"); } if(battle_config.mail_system) { // mail system [Valaris] mysql_init(&mail_handle); if(!mysql_real_connect(&mail_handle, map_server_ip, map_server_id, map_server_pw, map_server_db ,map_server_port, (char *)NULL, 0)) { printf("%s\n",mysql_error(&mail_handle)); exit(1); } } return 0; } int map_sql_close(void){ mysql_close(&mmysql_handle); printf("Close Map DB Connection....\n"); mysql_close(&lmysql_handle); printf("Close Login DB Connection....\n"); return 0; } int log_sql_init(void){ mysql_init(&mmysql_handle); //DB connection start printf(""CL_WHITE"[SQL]"CL_RESET": Connecting to Log Database "CL_WHITE"%s"CL_RESET" At "CL_WHITE"%s"CL_RESET"...\n",log_db,log_db_ip); if(!mysql_real_connect(&mmysql_handle, log_db_ip, log_db_id, log_db_pw, log_db ,log_db_port, (char *)NULL, 0)) { //pointer check printf(""CL_WHITE"[SQL Error]"CL_RESET": %s\n",mysql_error(&mmysql_handle)); exit(1); } else { printf(""CL_WHITE"[SQL]"CL_RESET": Successfully '"CL_GREEN"connected"CL_RESET"' to Database '"CL_WHITE"%s"CL_RESET"'.\n", log_db); } return 0; } int sql_config_read(char *cfgName) { int i; char line[1024],w1[1024],w2[1024]; FILE *fp; fp=fopen(cfgName,"r"); if(fp==NULL){ printf("file not found: %s\n",cfgName); return 1; } while(fgets(line,1020,fp)){ if(line[0] == '/' && line[1] == '/') continue; i=sscanf(line,"%[^:]: %[^\r\n]",w1,w2); if(i!=2) continue; if(strcmpi(w1,"item_db_db")==0){ strcpy(item_db_db,w2); } else if(strcmpi(w1,"mob_db_db")==0){ strcpy(mob_db_db,w2); } else if(strcmpi(w1,"login_db_level")==0){ strcpy(login_db_level,w2); } else if(strcmpi(w1,"login_db_account_id")==0){ strcpy(login_db_account_id,w2); } else if(strcmpi(w1,"login_db")==0){ strcpy(login_db,w2); } else if (strcmpi(w1, "char_db") == 0) { strcpy(char_db, w2); } else if(strcmpi(w1,"gm_db_level")==0){ strcpy(gm_db_level,w2); } else if(strcmpi(w1,"gm_db_account_id")==0){ strcpy(gm_db_account_id,w2); } else if(strcmpi(w1,"gm_db")==0){ strcpy(gm_db,w2); //Map Server SQL DB } else if(strcmpi(w1,"map_server_ip")==0){ strcpy(map_server_ip, w2); printf ("set map_server_ip : %s\n",w2); } else if(strcmpi(w1,"map_server_port")==0){ map_server_port=atoi(w2); printf ("set map_server_port : %s\n",w2); } else if(strcmpi(w1,"map_server_id")==0){ strcpy(map_server_id, w2); printf ("set map_server_id : %s\n",w2); } else if(strcmpi(w1,"map_server_pw")==0){ strcpy(map_server_pw, w2); printf ("set map_server_pw : %s\n",w2); } else if(strcmpi(w1,"map_server_db")==0){ strcpy(map_server_db, w2); printf ("set map_server_db : %s\n",w2); //Map server option to use SQL db or not } else if(strcmpi(w1,"use_sql_db")==0){ if (strcmpi(w2,"yes")){db_use_sqldbs=0;} else if (strcmpi(w2,"no")){db_use_sqldbs=1;} printf ("Using SQL dbs: %s\n",w2); //Login Server SQL DB } else if(strcmpi(w1,"login_server_ip")==0){ strcpy(login_server_ip, w2); printf ("set login_server_ip : %s\n",w2); } else if(strcmpi(w1,"login_server_port")==0){ login_server_port = atoi(w2); printf ("set login_server_port : %s\n",w2); } else if(strcmpi(w1,"login_server_id")==0){ strcpy(login_server_id, w2); printf ("set login_server_id : %s\n",w2); } else if(strcmpi(w1,"login_server_pw")==0){ strcpy(login_server_pw, w2); printf ("set login_server_pw : %s\n",w2); } else if(strcmpi(w1,"login_server_db")==0){ strcpy(login_server_db, w2); printf ("set login_server_db : %s\n",w2); } else if(strcmpi(w1,"lowest_gm_level")==0){ lowest_gm_level = atoi(w2); printf ("set lowest_gm_level : %s\n",w2); } else if(strcmpi(w1,"read_gm_interval")==0){ read_gm_interval = ( atoi(w2) * 60 * 1000 ); // Minutes multiplied by 60 secs per min by 1000 milliseconds per second printf ("set read_gm_interval : %s\n",w2); } else if(strcmpi(w1,"log_db")==0) { strcpy(log_db, w2); } else if(strcmpi(w1,"log_db_ip")==0) { strcpy(log_db_ip, w2); } else if(strcmpi(w1,"log_db")==0) { strcpy(log_db, w2); } else if(strcmpi(w1,"log_db_id")==0) { strcpy(log_db_id, w2); } else if(strcmpi(w1,"log_db_pw")==0) { strcpy(log_db_pw, w2); } else if(strcmpi(w1,"log_db_port")==0) { log_db_port = atoi(w2); }else if(strcmpi(w1,"read_map_from_bitmap")==0){ if (atoi(w2) == 1) map_read_flag = READ_FROM_BITMAP; else map_read_flag = READ_FROM_GAT; }else if(strcmpi(w1,"map_bitmap_path")==0){ strncpy(map_bitmap_filename,w2,255); //support the import command, just like any other config } else if(strcmpi(w1,"import")==0){ sql_config_read(w2); } } fclose(fp); return 0; } int online_timer(int tid,unsigned int tick,int id,int data) { if(check_online_timer != tid) return 0; char_online_check(); check_online_timer=add_timer(gettick()+CHECK_INTERVAL,online_timer,0,0); return 0; } void char_online_check(void) { int i; struct map_session_data *sd=NULL; chrif_char_reset_offline(); for(i=0;isession_data) && sd && sd->state.auth && !(battle_config.hide_GM_session && pc_isGM(sd))) if(sd->status.char_id) { chrif_char_online(sd); } } if(check_online_timer && check_online_timer != -1) { delete_timer(check_online_timer,online_timer); add_timer(gettick()+CHECK_INTERVAL,online_timer,0,0); } } #endif /* not TXT_ONLY */ //----------------------------------------------------- //I'm Alive Alert //Used to output 'I'm Alive' every few seconds //Intended to let frontends know if the app froze //----------------------------------------------------- int imalive_timer(int tid, unsigned int tick, int id, int data){ printf("I'm Alive\n"); return 0; } //----------------------------------------------------- //Flush stdout //stdout buffer needs flushed to be seen in GUI //----------------------------------------------------- int flush_timer(int tid, unsigned int tick, int id, int data){ fflush(stdout); return 0; } int id_db_final(void *k,void *d,va_list ap){ return 0; } int map_db_final(void *k,void *d,va_list ap){ return 0; } int nick_db_final(void *k,void *d,va_list ap){ return 0; } int charid_db_final(void *k,void *d,va_list ap){ return 0; } static int cleanup_sub(struct block_list *bl, va_list ap) { nullpo_retr(0, bl); switch(bl->type) { case BL_PC: map_quit((struct map_session_data *) bl); break; case BL_NPC: npc_delete((struct npc_data *)bl); break; case BL_MOB: mob_delete((struct mob_data *)bl); break; case BL_PET: pet_remove_map((struct map_session_data *)bl); break; case BL_ITEM: map_clearflooritem(bl->id); break; case BL_SKILL: skill_delunit((struct skill_unit *) bl); break; } return 0; } /*========================================== * map鯖終了時?理 *------------------------------------------ */ void do_final(void) { int map_id, i; ShowStatus("Terminating.\n"); for (map_id = 0; map_id < map_num;map_id++) { if(map[map_id].m) map_foreachinarea(cleanup_sub, map_id, 0, 0, map[map_id].xs, map[map_id].ys, 0, 0); } #ifndef TXT_ONLY chrif_char_reset_offline(); #endif chrif_flush_fifo(); for (i = 0; i < fd_max; i++) delete_session(i); map_removenpc(); //do_final_timer(); (we used timer_final() instead) timer_final(); numdb_final(id_db, id_db_final); strdb_final(map_db, map_db_final); strdb_final(nick_db, nick_db_final); numdb_final(charid_db, charid_db_final); for(i=0;i<=map_num;i++){ if(map[i].gat) { free(map[i].gat); map[i].gat=NULL; } if(map[i].block) free(map[i].block); if(map[i].block_mob) free(map[i].block_mob); if(map[i].block_count) free(map[i].block_count); if(map[i].block_mob_count) free(map[i].block_mob_count); } do_final_script(); do_final_itemdb(); do_final_storage(); do_final_guild(); #ifndef TXT_ONLY map_sql_close(); #endif /* not TXT_ONLY */ ShowStatus("Successfully terminated."); } void map_helpscreen(int flag) { puts("Usage: map-server [options]"); puts("Options:"); puts(CL_WHITE" Commands\t\t\tDescription"CL_RESET); puts("---------------------------------------------"); puts(" --help, --h, --?, /? Displays this help screen"); puts(" --map-config Load map-server configuration from "); puts(" --battle-config Load battle configuration from "); puts(" --atcommand-config Load atcommand configuration from "); puts(" --charcommand-config Load charcommand configuration from "); puts(" --script-config Load script configuration from "); puts(" --msg-config Load message configuration from "); puts(" --grf-path-file Load grf path file configuration from "); puts(" --sql-config Load inter-server configuration from "); puts(" (SQL Only)"); puts(" --log-config Load logging configuration from "); puts(" (SQL Only)"); puts(" --version, --v, -v, /v Displays the server's version"); puts("\n"); if (flag) exit(1); } void map_versionscreen(int flag) { printf("CL_WHITE" "eAthena version %d.%02d.%02d, Athena Mod version %d" CL_RESET"\n", ATHENA_MAJOR_VERSION, ATHENA_MINOR_VERSION, ATHENA_REVISION, ATHENA_MOD_VERSION); puts(CL_GREEN "Website/Forum:" "CL_RESET" "\thttp://eathena.deltaanime.net/"); puts(CL_GREEN "Download URL:" "CL_RESET" "\thttp://eathena.systeminplace.net/"); puts(CL_GREEN "IRC Channel:" "CL_RESET" "\tirc://irc.deltaanime.net/#athena"); puts("\nOpen "CL_WHITE"readme.html"CL_RESET" for more information."); if (ATHENA_RELEASE_FLAG) ShowNotice("This version is not for release.\n"); if (flag) exit(1); } /*====================================================== * Map-Server Init and Command-line Arguments [Valaris] *------------------------------------------------------ */ int do_init(int argc, char *argv[]) { int i; FILE *data_conf; char line[1024], w1[1024], w2[1024]; #ifndef TXT_ONLY unsigned char *SQL_CONF_NAME="conf/inter_athena.conf"; unsigned char *LOG_CONF_NAME="conf/log_athena.conf"; #endif unsigned char *MAP_CONF_NAME = "conf/map_athena.conf"; unsigned char *BATTLE_CONF_FILENAME = "conf/battle_athena.conf"; unsigned char *ATCOMMAND_CONF_FILENAME = "conf/atcommand_athena.conf"; unsigned char *CHARCOMMAND_CONF_FILENAME = "conf/charcommand_athena.conf"; unsigned char *SCRIPT_CONF_NAME = "conf/script_athena.conf"; unsigned char *MSG_CONF_NAME = "conf/msg_athena.conf"; unsigned char *GRF_PATH_FILENAME = "conf/grf-files.txt"; chrif_connected = 0; srand(gettick()); for (i = 1; i < argc ; i++) { if (strcmp(argv[i], "--help") == 0 || strcmp(argv[i], "--h") == 0 || strcmp(argv[i], "--?") == 0 || strcmp(argv[i], "/?") == 0) map_helpscreen(1); if (strcmp(argv[i], "--version") == 0 || strcmp(argv[i], "--v") == 0 || strcmp(argv[i], "-v") == 0 || strcmp(argv[i], "/v") == 0) map_versionscreen(1); else if (strcmp(argv[i], "--map_config") == 0 || strcmp(argv[i], "--map-config") == 0) MAP_CONF_NAME=argv[i+1]; else if (strcmp(argv[i],"--battle_config") == 0 || strcmp(argv[i],"--battle-config") == 0) BATTLE_CONF_FILENAME = argv[i+1]; else if (strcmp(argv[i],"--atcommand_config") == 0 || strcmp(argv[i],"--atcommand-config") == 0) ATCOMMAND_CONF_FILENAME = argv[i+1]; else if (strcmp(argv[i],"--charcommand_config") == 0 || strcmp(argv[i],"--charcommand-config") == 0) CHARCOMMAND_CONF_FILENAME = argv[i+1]; else if (strcmp(argv[i],"--script_config") == 0 || strcmp(argv[i],"--script-config") == 0) SCRIPT_CONF_NAME = argv[i+1]; else if (strcmp(argv[i],"--msg_config") == 0 || strcmp(argv[i],"--msg-config") == 0) MSG_CONF_NAME = argv[i+1]; else if (strcmp(argv[i],"--grf_path_file") == 0 || strcmp(argv[i],"--grf-path-file") == 0) GRF_PATH_FILENAME = argv[i+1]; #ifndef TXT_ONLY else if (strcmp(argv[i],"--sql_config") == 0 || strcmp(argv[i],"--sql-config") == 0) SQL_CONF_NAME = argv[i+1]; else if (strcmp(argv[i],"--log_config") == 0 || strcmp(argv[i],"--log-config") == 0) LOG_CONF_NAME = argv[i+1]; #endif /* not TXT_ONLY */ else if (strcmp(argv[i],"--run_once") == 0) // close the map-server as soon as its done.. for testing [Celest] runflag = 0; } map_config_read(MAP_CONF_NAME); if ((naddr_ == 0) && (map_ip_set_ == 0 || char_ip_set_ == 0)) { printf("\nUnable to determine your IP address... please edit\n"); printf("the map_athena.conf file and set it.\n"); printf("( is valid if you have no network interface)\n"); } if (map_ip_set_ == 0 || char_ip_set_ == 0) { // The map server should know what IP address it is running on // - MouseJstr int localaddr = ntohl(addr_[0]); unsigned char *ptr = (unsigned char *) &localaddr; char buf[16]; sprintf(buf, "%d.%d.%d.%d", ptr[0], ptr[1], ptr[2], ptr[3]);; if (naddr_ != 1) printf("Multiple interfaces detected.. using %s as our IP address\n", buf); else printf("Defaulting to %s as our IP address\n", buf); if (map_ip_set_ == 0) clif_setip(buf); if (char_ip_set_ == 0) chrif_setip(buf); if (ptr[0] == 192 && ptr[1] == 168) printf("\nFirewall detected.. \n edit lan_support.conf and map_athena.conf\n\n"); } if (SHOW_DEBUG_MSG) ShowNotice("Server running in '"CL_WHITE"Debug Mode"CL_RESET"'.\n"); battle_config_read(BATTLE_CONF_FILENAME); msg_config_read(MSG_CONF_NAME); atcommand_config_read(ATCOMMAND_CONF_FILENAME); charcommand_config_read(CHARCOMMAND_CONF_FILENAME); script_config_read(SCRIPT_CONF_NAME); #ifndef TXT_ONLY sql_config_read(SQL_CONF_NAME); log_config_read(LOG_CONF_NAME); #endif /* not TXT_ONLY */ atexit(do_final); id_db = numdb_init(); map_db = strdb_init(16); nick_db = strdb_init(24); charid_db = numdb_init(); #ifndef TXT_ONLY map_sql_init(); #endif /* not TXT_ONLY */ grfio_init(GRF_PATH_FILENAME); data_conf = fopen(GRF_PATH_FILENAME, "r"); // It will read, if there is grf-files.txt. if (data_conf) { while(fgets(line, 1020, data_conf)) { if (sscanf(line, "%[^:]: %[^\r\n]", w1, w2) == 2) { if(strcmp(w1,"afm_dir") == 0) strcpy(afm_dir, w2); } } fclose(data_conf); } // end of reading grf-files.txt for AFMs map_readallmap(); add_timer_func_list(map_clearflooritem_timer, "map_clearflooritem_timer"); //Added by Mugendai for GUI support if (flush_on) add_timer_interval(gettick()+10, flush_timer,0,0,flush_time); #ifndef TXT_ONLY // online status timer, checks every hour [Valaris] add_timer_func_list(online_timer, "online_timer"); check_online_timer=add_timer(gettick()+CHECK_INTERVAL,online_timer,0,0); #endif /* not TXT_ONLY */ do_init_chrif(); do_init_clif(); do_init_itemdb(); do_init_mob(); // npcの初期化時?でmob_spawnして、mob_dbを?照するのでinit_npcより先 do_init_script(); do_init_pc(); do_init_party(); do_init_guild(); do_init_storage(); do_init_skill(); do_init_pet(); do_init_npc(); #ifndef TXT_ONLY /* mail system [Valaris] */ if(battle_config.mail_system) do_init_mail(); if (log_config.branch || log_config.drop || log_config.mvpdrop || log_config.present || log_config.produce || log_config.refine || log_config.trade) { log_sql_init(); } #endif /* not TXT_ONLY */ npc_event_do_oninit(); // npcのOnInitイベント?行 if ( console ) { set_defaultconsoleparse(parse_console); start_console(); } if (battle_config.pk_mode == 1) ShowNotice("Server is running on '"CL_WHITE"PK Mode"CL_RESET"'.\n"); //Added for Mugendais I'm Alive mod if (imalive_on) add_timer_interval(gettick()+10, imalive_timer,0,0,imalive_time*1000); sprintf(tmp_output,"Server is '"CL_GREEN"ready"CL_RESET"' and listening on port '"CL_WHITE"%d"CL_RESET"'.\n\n", map_port); ShowStatus(tmp_output); ticks = gettick(); return 0; } int compare_item(struct item *a, struct item *b) { return ( (a->nameid == b->nameid) && (a->identify == b->identify) && (a->refine == b->refine) && (a->attribute == b->attribute) && (a->card[0] == b->card[0]) && (a->card[1] == b->card[1]) && (a->card[2] == b->card[2]) && (a->card[3] == b->card[3])); }