/** * This file is part of Hercules. * http://herc.ws - http://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules * * Copyright (C) 2012-2018 Hercules Dev Team * Copyright (C) Athena Dev Teams * * Hercules is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #define HERCULES_CORE #include "elemental.h" #include "map/atcommand.h" #include "map/battle.h" #include "map/chrif.h" #include "map/clif.h" #include "map/guild.h" #include "map/intif.h" #include "map/itemdb.h" #include "map/log.h" #include "map/map.h" #include "map/mob.h" #include "map/npc.h" #include "map/party.h" #include "map/pc.h" #include "map/pet.h" #include "map/script.h" #include "map/skill.h" #include "map/status.h" #include "map/trade.h" #include "map/unit.h" #include "common/cbasetypes.h" #include "common/memmgr.h" #include "common/mmo.h" #include "common/nullpo.h" #include "common/random.h" #include "common/showmsg.h" #include "common/socket.h" #include "common/strlib.h" #include "common/timer.h" #include "common/utils.h" #include #include #include #include static struct elemental_interface elemental_s; struct elemental_interface *elemental; static int elemental_search_index(int class_) { int i; ARR_FIND(0, MAX_ELEMENTAL_CLASS, i, elemental->db[i].class_ == class_); return (i == MAX_ELEMENTAL_CLASS)?-1:i; } static bool elemental_class(int class_) { return (bool)(elemental->search_index(class_) > -1); } static struct view_data *elemental_get_viewdata(int class_) { int i = elemental->search_index(class_); if( i < 0 ) return 0; return &elemental->db[i].vd; } static int elemental_create(struct map_session_data *sd, int class_, unsigned int lifetime) { struct s_elemental ele; struct s_elemental_db *db; int i, summon_level, skill_level; nullpo_retr(1,sd); if( (i = elemental->search_index(class_)) < 0 ) return 0; db = &elemental->db[i]; memset(&ele,0,sizeof(struct s_elemental)); ele.char_id = sd->status.char_id; ele.class_ = class_; ele.mode = EL_MODE_PASSIVE; // Initial mode summon_level = db->status.size+1; // summon level //[(Caster's Max HP/ 3 ) + (Caster's INT x 10 )+ (Caster's Job Level x 20 )] x [(Elemental Summon Level + 2) / 3] ele.hp = ele.max_hp = (sd->battle_status.max_hp/3 + sd->battle_status.int_*10 + sd->status.job_level) * ((summon_level + 2) / 3); //Caster's Max SP /4 ele.sp = ele.max_sp = sd->battle_status.max_sp/4; //Caster's [ Max SP / (18 / Elemental Summon Skill Level) 1- 100 ] ele.atk = (sd->battle_status.max_sp / (18 / summon_level) * 1 - 100); //Caster's [ Max SP / (18 / Elemental Summon Skill Level) ] ele.atk2 = sd->battle_status.max_sp / 18; //Caster's HIT + (Caster's Base Level) ele.hit = sd->battle_status.hit + sd->status.base_level; //[Elemental Summon Skill Level x (Caster's INT / 2 + Caster's DEX / 4)] ele.matk = summon_level * (sd->battle_status.int_ / 2 + sd->battle_status.dex / 4); //150 + [Caster's DEX / 10] + [Elemental Summon Skill Level x 3 ] ele.amotion = 150 + sd->battle_status.dex / 10 + summon_level * 3; //Caster's DEF + (Caster's Base Level / (5 - Elemental Summon Skill Level) ele.def = sd->battle_status.def + sd->status.base_level / (5-summon_level); //Caster's MDEF + (Caster's INT / (5 - Elemental Summon Skill Level) ele.mdef = sd->battle_status.mdef + sd->battle_status.int_ / (5-summon_level); //Caster's FLEE + (Caster's Base Level / (5 - Elemental Summon Skill Level) ele.flee = sd->status.base_level / (5-summon_level); //Caster's HIT + (Caster's Base Level) ele.hit = sd->battle_status.hit + sd->status.base_level; //per individual bonuses switch(db->class_){ case ELEID_EL_AGNI_S: case ELEID_EL_AGNI_M: case ELEID_EL_AGNI_L: //ATK + (Summon Agni Skill Level x 20) / HIT + (Summon Agni Skill Level x 10) ele.atk += summon_level * 20; ele.atk2 += summon_level * 20; ele.hit += summon_level * 10; break; case ELEID_EL_AQUA_S: case ELEID_EL_AQUA_M: case ELEID_EL_AQUA_L: //MDEF + (Summon Aqua Skill Level x 10) / MATK + (Summon Aqua Skill Level x 20) ele.mdef += summon_level * 10; ele.matk += summon_level * 20; break; case ELEID_EL_VENTUS_S: case ELEID_EL_VENTUS_M: case ELEID_EL_VENTUS_L: //FLEE + (Summon Ventus Skill Level x 20) / MATK + (Summon Ventus Skill Level x 10) ele.flee += summon_level * 20; ele.matk += summon_level * 10; break; case ELEID_EL_TERA_S: case ELEID_EL_TERA_M: case ELEID_EL_TERA_L: //DEF + (Summon Tera Skill Level x 25) / ATK + (Summon Tera Skill Level x 5) ele.def += summon_level * 25; ele.atk += summon_level * 5; ele.atk2 += summon_level * 5; break; } if ((skill_level=pc->checkskill(sd,SO_EL_SYMPATHY)) > 0) { ele.hp = ele.max_hp += ele.max_hp * 5 * skill_level / 100; ele.sp = ele.max_sp += ele.max_sp * 5 * skill_level / 100; ele.atk += 25 * skill_level; ele.atk2 += 25 * skill_level; ele.matk += 25 * skill_level; } ele.life_time = lifetime; // Request Char Server to create this elemental intif->elemental_create(&ele); return 1; } static int elemental_get_lifetime(struct elemental_data *ed) { const struct TimerData * td; if( ed == NULL || ed->summon_timer == INVALID_TIMER ) return 0; td = timer->get(ed->summon_timer); return (td != NULL) ? DIFF_TICK32(td->tick, timer->gettick()) : 0; } static int elemental_save(struct elemental_data *ed) { nullpo_retr(1, ed); ed->elemental.mode = ed->battle_status.mode; ed->elemental.hp = ed->battle_status.hp; ed->elemental.sp = ed->battle_status.sp; ed->elemental.max_hp = ed->battle_status.max_hp; ed->elemental.max_sp = ed->battle_status.max_sp; ed->elemental.atk = ed->battle_status.rhw.atk; ed->elemental.atk2 = ed->battle_status.rhw.atk2; ed->elemental.matk = ed->battle_status.matk_min; ed->elemental.def = ed->battle_status.def; ed->elemental.mdef = ed->battle_status.mdef; ed->elemental.flee = ed->battle_status.flee; ed->elemental.hit = ed->battle_status.hit; ed->elemental.life_time = elemental->get_lifetime(ed); intif->elemental_save(&ed->elemental); return 1; } static int elemental_summon_end_timer(int tid, int64 tick, int id, intptr_t data) { struct map_session_data *sd; struct elemental_data *ed; if( (sd = map->id2sd(id)) == NULL ) return 1; if( (ed = sd->ed) == NULL ) return 1; if( ed->summon_timer != tid ) { ShowError("elemental_summon_end_timer %d != %d.\n", ed->summon_timer, tid); return 0; } ed->summon_timer = INVALID_TIMER; elemental->delete(ed, 0); // Elemental's summon time is over. return 0; } static void elemental_summon_stop(struct elemental_data *ed) { nullpo_retv(ed); if( ed->summon_timer != INVALID_TIMER ) timer->delete(ed->summon_timer, elemental->summon_end_timer); ed->summon_timer = INVALID_TIMER; } static int elemental_delete(struct elemental_data *ed, int reply) { struct map_session_data *sd; nullpo_ret(ed); sd = ed->master; ed->elemental.life_time = 0; elemental->clean_effect(ed); elemental->summon_stop(ed); if( !sd ) return unit->free(&ed->bl, 0); sd->ed = NULL; sd->status.ele_id = 0; if( !ed->bl.prev ) return unit->free(&ed->bl, 0); return unit->remove_map(&ed->bl, 0, ALC_MARK); } static void elemental_summon_init(struct elemental_data *ed) { nullpo_retv(ed); if (ed->summon_timer == INVALID_TIMER) ed->summon_timer = timer->add(timer->gettick() + ed->elemental.life_time, elemental->summon_end_timer, ed->master->bl.id, 0); ed->regen.state.block = 0; } static int elemental_data_received(const struct s_elemental *ele, bool flag) { struct map_session_data *sd; struct elemental_data *ed; struct s_elemental_db *db; int i; nullpo_ret(ele); i = elemental->search_index(ele->class_); if( (sd = map->charid2sd(ele->char_id)) == NULL ) return 0; if( !flag || i < 0 ) { // Not created - loaded - DB info sd->status.ele_id = 0; return 0; } db = &elemental->db[i]; if( !sd->ed ) { // Initialize it after first summon. CREATE(ed, struct elemental_data, 1); ed->bl.type = BL_ELEM; ed->bl.id = npc->get_new_npc_id(); sd->ed = ed; ed->master = sd; ed->db = db; memcpy(&ed->elemental, ele, sizeof(struct s_elemental)); status->set_viewdata(&ed->bl, ed->elemental.class_); ed->vd->head_mid = 10; // Why? status->change_init(&ed->bl); unit->dataset(&ed->bl); ed->ud.dir = sd->ud.dir; ed->bl.m = sd->bl.m; ed->bl.x = sd->bl.x; ed->bl.y = sd->bl.y; unit->calc_pos(&ed->bl, sd->bl.x, sd->bl.y, sd->ud.dir); ed->bl.x = ed->ud.to_x; ed->bl.y = ed->ud.to_y; map->addiddb(&ed->bl); status_calc_elemental(ed,SCO_FIRST); ed->last_spdrain_time = ed->last_thinktime = timer->gettick(); ed->summon_timer = INVALID_TIMER; elemental->summon_init(ed); } else { memcpy(&sd->ed->elemental, ele, sizeof(struct s_elemental)); ed = sd->ed; } sd->status.ele_id = ele->elemental_id; if( ed->bl.prev == NULL && sd->bl.prev != NULL ) { map->addblock(&ed->bl); clif->spawn(&ed->bl); clif->elemental_info(sd); clif->elemental_updatestatus(sd,SP_HP); clif->hpmeter_single(sd->fd,ed->bl.id,ed->battle_status.hp,ed->battle_status.max_hp); clif->elemental_updatestatus(sd,SP_SP); } return 1; } static int elemental_clean_single_effect(struct elemental_data *ed, uint16 skill_id) { struct block_list *bl; sc_type type = status->skill2sc(skill_id); nullpo_ret(ed); bl = battle->get_master(&ed->bl); if( type ) { switch( type ) { // Just remove status change. case SC_PYROTECHNIC_OPTION: case SC_HEATER_OPTION: case SC_TROPIC_OPTION: case SC_FIRE_CLOAK_OPTION: case SC_AQUAPLAY_OPTION: case SC_WATER_SCREEN_OPTION: case SC_COOLER_OPTION: case SC_CHILLY_AIR_OPTION: case SC_GUST_OPTION: case SC_WIND_STEP_OPTION: case SC_BLAST_OPTION: case SC_WATER_DROP_OPTION: case SC_WIND_CURTAIN_OPTION: case SC_WILD_STORM_OPTION: case SC_PETROLOGY_OPTION: case SC_SOLID_SKIN_OPTION: case SC_CURSED_SOIL_OPTION: case SC_STONE_SHIELD_OPTION: case SC_UPHEAVAL_OPTION: case SC_CIRCLE_OF_FIRE_OPTION: case SC_TIDAL_WEAPON_OPTION: if( bl ) status_change_end(bl,type,INVALID_TIMER); // Master status_change_end(&ed->bl,type-1,INVALID_TIMER); // Elemental Spirit break; case SC_ZEPHYR: if( bl ) status_change_end(bl,type,INVALID_TIMER); break; default: ShowWarning("Invalid SC=%d in elemental_clean_single_effect\n",type); break; } } return 1; } static int elemental_clean_effect(struct elemental_data *ed) { struct map_session_data *sd; nullpo_ret(ed); // Elemental side status_change_end(&ed->bl, SC_TROPIC, INVALID_TIMER); status_change_end(&ed->bl, SC_HEATER, INVALID_TIMER); status_change_end(&ed->bl, SC_AQUAPLAY, INVALID_TIMER); status_change_end(&ed->bl, SC_COOLER, INVALID_TIMER); status_change_end(&ed->bl, SC_CHILLY_AIR, INVALID_TIMER); status_change_end(&ed->bl, SC_PYROTECHNIC, INVALID_TIMER); status_change_end(&ed->bl, SC_FIRE_CLOAK, INVALID_TIMER); status_change_end(&ed->bl, SC_WATER_DROP, INVALID_TIMER); status_change_end(&ed->bl, SC_WATER_SCREEN, INVALID_TIMER); status_change_end(&ed->bl, SC_GUST, INVALID_TIMER); status_change_end(&ed->bl, SC_WIND_STEP, INVALID_TIMER); status_change_end(&ed->bl, SC_BLAST, INVALID_TIMER); status_change_end(&ed->bl, SC_WIND_CURTAIN, INVALID_TIMER); status_change_end(&ed->bl, SC_WILD_STORM, INVALID_TIMER); status_change_end(&ed->bl, SC_PETROLOGY, INVALID_TIMER); status_change_end(&ed->bl, SC_SOLID_SKIN, INVALID_TIMER); status_change_end(&ed->bl, SC_CURSED_SOIL, INVALID_TIMER); status_change_end(&ed->bl, SC_STONE_SHIELD, INVALID_TIMER); status_change_end(&ed->bl, SC_UPHEAVAL, INVALID_TIMER); status_change_end(&ed->bl, SC_CIRCLE_OF_FIRE, INVALID_TIMER); status_change_end(&ed->bl, SC_TIDAL_WEAPON, INVALID_TIMER); if( (sd = ed->master) == NULL ) return 0; // Master side status_change_end(&sd->bl, SC_TROPIC_OPTION, INVALID_TIMER); status_change_end(&sd->bl, SC_HEATER_OPTION, INVALID_TIMER); status_change_end(&sd->bl, SC_AQUAPLAY_OPTION, INVALID_TIMER); status_change_end(&sd->bl, SC_COOLER_OPTION, INVALID_TIMER); status_change_end(&sd->bl, SC_CHILLY_AIR_OPTION, INVALID_TIMER); status_change_end(&sd->bl, SC_PYROTECHNIC_OPTION, INVALID_TIMER); status_change_end(&sd->bl, SC_FIRE_CLOAK_OPTION, INVALID_TIMER); status_change_end(&sd->bl, SC_WATER_DROP_OPTION, INVALID_TIMER); status_change_end(&sd->bl, SC_WATER_SCREEN_OPTION, INVALID_TIMER); status_change_end(&sd->bl, SC_GUST_OPTION, INVALID_TIMER); status_change_end(&sd->bl, SC_WIND_STEP_OPTION, INVALID_TIMER); status_change_end(&sd->bl, SC_BLAST_OPTION, INVALID_TIMER); status_change_end(&sd->bl, SC_WATER_DROP_OPTION, INVALID_TIMER); status_change_end(&sd->bl, SC_WIND_CURTAIN_OPTION, INVALID_TIMER); status_change_end(&sd->bl, SC_WILD_STORM_OPTION, INVALID_TIMER); status_change_end(&sd->bl, SC_ZEPHYR, INVALID_TIMER); status_change_end(&sd->bl, SC_WIND_STEP_OPTION, INVALID_TIMER); status_change_end(&sd->bl, SC_PETROLOGY_OPTION, INVALID_TIMER); status_change_end(&sd->bl, SC_SOLID_SKIN_OPTION, INVALID_TIMER); status_change_end(&sd->bl, SC_CURSED_SOIL_OPTION, INVALID_TIMER); status_change_end(&sd->bl, SC_STONE_SHIELD_OPTION, INVALID_TIMER); status_change_end(&sd->bl, SC_UPHEAVAL_OPTION, INVALID_TIMER); status_change_end(&sd->bl, SC_CIRCLE_OF_FIRE_OPTION, INVALID_TIMER); status_change_end(&sd->bl, SC_TIDAL_WEAPON_OPTION, INVALID_TIMER); return 1; } static int elemental_action(struct elemental_data *ed, struct block_list *bl, int64 tick) { struct skill_condition req; uint16 skill_id, skill_lv; int i; nullpo_ret(ed); nullpo_ret(bl); if( !ed->master ) return 0; if( ed->target_id ) elemental->unlocktarget(ed); // Remove previous target. ARR_FIND(0, MAX_ELESKILLTREE, i, ed->db->skill[i].id && (ed->db->skill[i].mode&EL_SKILLMODE_AGGRESSIVE)); if( i == MAX_ELESKILLTREE ) return 0; skill_id = ed->db->skill[i].id; skill_lv = ed->db->skill[i].lv; if( elemental->skillnotok(skill_id, ed) ) return 0; if( ed->ud.skilltimer != INVALID_TIMER ) return 0; else if( DIFF_TICK(tick, ed->ud.canact_tick) < 0 ) return 0; ed->target_id = ed->ud.skilltarget = bl->id; // Set new target ed->last_thinktime = tick; // Not in skill range. if( !battle->check_range(&ed->bl,bl,skill->get_range(skill_id,skill_lv)) ) { // Try to walk to the target. if( !unit->walktobl(&ed->bl, bl, skill->get_range(skill_id,skill_lv), 2) ) elemental->unlocktarget(ed); else { // Walking, waiting to be in range. Client don't handle it, then we must handle it here. int walk_dist = distance_bl(&ed->bl,bl) - skill->get_range(skill_id,skill_lv); ed->ud.skill_id = skill_id; ed->ud.skill_lv = skill_lv; if( skill->get_inf(skill_id) & INF_GROUND_SKILL ) ed->ud.skilltimer = timer->add(tick+(int64)status->get_speed(&ed->bl)*walk_dist, skill->castend_pos, ed->bl.id, 0); else ed->ud.skilltimer = timer->add(tick+(int64)status->get_speed(&ed->bl)*walk_dist, skill->castend_id, ed->bl.id, 0); } return 1; } req = elemental->skill_get_requirements(skill_id, skill_lv); if(req.hp || req.sp){ struct map_session_data *sd = BL_CAST(BL_PC, battle->get_master(&ed->bl)); if( sd ){ if( sd->skill_id_old != SO_EL_ACTION && //regardless of remaining HP/SP it can be cast (status_get_hp(&ed->bl) < req.hp || status_get_sp(&ed->bl) < req.sp) ) return 1; else status_zap(&ed->bl, req.hp, req.sp); } } //Otherwise, just cast the skill. if( skill->get_inf(skill_id) & INF_GROUND_SKILL ) unit->skilluse_pos(&ed->bl, bl->x, bl->y, skill_id, skill_lv); else unit->skilluse_id(&ed->bl, bl->id, skill_id, skill_lv); // Reset target. ed->target_id = 0; return 1; } /*=============================================================== * Action that elemental perform after changing mode. * Activates one of the skills of the new mode. *-------------------------------------------------------------*/ static int elemental_change_mode_ack(struct elemental_data *ed, int mode) { struct block_list *bl = &ed->master->bl; uint16 skill_id, skill_lv; int i; nullpo_ret(ed); if( !bl ) return 0; // Select a skill. ARR_FIND(0, MAX_ELESKILLTREE, i, ed->db->skill[i].id && (ed->db->skill[i].mode&mode)); if( i == MAX_ELESKILLTREE ) return 0; skill_id = ed->db->skill[i].id; skill_lv = ed->db->skill[i].lv; if( elemental->skillnotok(skill_id, ed) ) return 0; if( ed->ud.skilltimer != INVALID_TIMER ) return 0; else if( DIFF_TICK(timer->gettick(), ed->ud.canact_tick) < 0 ) return 0; ed->target_id = bl->id; // Set new target ed->last_thinktime = timer->gettick(); if( skill->get_inf(skill_id) & INF_GROUND_SKILL ) unit->skilluse_pos(&ed->bl, bl->x, bl->y, skill_id, skill_lv); else unit->skilluse_id(&ed->bl,bl->id,skill_id,skill_lv); ed->target_id = 0; // Reset target after casting the skill to avoid continuous attack. return 1; } /** * Changes elemental mode. * * @param ed The elemental data. * @param mode The new mode. * @retval 1 in case of success. */ static int elemental_change_mode(struct elemental_data *ed, uint32 mode) { int skillmode = EL_SKILLMODE_PASIVE; nullpo_ret(ed); // Remove target elemental->unlocktarget(ed); // Removes the effects of the previous mode. if (ed->elemental.mode != mode) elemental->clean_effect(ed); ed->battle_status.mode = ed->elemental.mode = mode; // Normalize elemental mode to elemental skill mode. if (mode == EL_MODE_AGGRESSIVE) skillmode = EL_SKILLMODE_AGGRESSIVE; // Aggressive spirit mode -> Aggressive spirit skill. else if (mode == EL_MODE_ASSIST) skillmode = EL_SKILLMODE_ASSIST; // Assist spirit mode -> Assist spirit skill. else skillmode = EL_SKILLMODE_PASIVE; // Passive spirit mode -> Passive spirit skill. // Use a skill immediately after every change mode. if (skillmode != EL_SKILLMODE_AGGRESSIVE) elemental->change_mode_ack(ed, skillmode); return 1; } static void elemental_heal(struct elemental_data *ed, int hp, int sp) { nullpo_retv(ed); if( hp ) clif->elemental_updatestatus(ed->master, SP_HP); if( sp ) clif->elemental_updatestatus(ed->master, SP_SP); } static int elemental_dead(struct elemental_data *ed) { elemental->delete(ed, 1); return 0; } static int elemental_unlocktarget(struct elemental_data *ed) { nullpo_ret(ed); ed->target_id = 0; elemental_stop_attack(ed); elemental_stop_walking(ed, STOPWALKING_FLAG_FIXPOS); return 0; } static int elemental_skillnotok(uint16 skill_id, struct elemental_data *ed) { int idx = skill->get_index(skill_id); nullpo_retr(1,ed); if (idx == 0) return 1; // invalid skill id return skill->not_ok(skill_id, ed->master); } static struct skill_condition elemental_skill_get_requirements(uint16 skill_id, uint16 skill_lv) { struct skill_condition req; int idx = skill->get_index(skill_id); memset(&req,0,sizeof(req)); if( idx == 0 ) // invalid skill id return req; if( skill_lv < 1 || skill_lv > MAX_SKILL_LEVEL ) return req; req.hp = skill->dbs->db[idx].hp[skill_lv-1]; req.sp = skill->dbs->db[idx].sp[skill_lv-1]; return req; } static int elemental_set_target(struct map_session_data *sd, struct block_list *bl) { struct elemental_data *ed; nullpo_ret(sd); ed = sd->ed; nullpo_ret(ed); nullpo_ret(bl); if( ed->bl.m != bl->m || !check_distance_bl(&ed->bl, bl, ed->db->range2) ) return 0; if( !status->check_skilluse(&ed->bl, bl, 0, 0) ) return 0; if( ed->target_id == 0 ) ed->target_id = bl->id; return 1; } static int elemental_ai_sub_timer_activesearch(struct block_list *bl, va_list ap) { struct elemental_data *ed; struct block_list **target; int dist; nullpo_ret(bl); ed = va_arg(ap,struct elemental_data *); nullpo_ret(ed); target = va_arg(ap,struct block_list**); nullpo_ret(target); //If can't seek yet, not an enemy, or you can't attack it, skip. if( (*target) == bl || !status->check_skilluse(&ed->bl, bl, 0, 0) ) return 0; if( battle->check_target(&ed->bl,bl,BCT_ENEMY) <= 0 ) return 0; switch( bl->type ) { case BL_PC: if( !map_flag_vs(ed->bl.m) ) return 0; /* Fall through */ default: dist = distance_bl(&ed->bl, bl); if( ((*target) == NULL || !check_distance_bl(&ed->bl, *target, dist)) && battle->check_range(&ed->bl,bl,ed->db->range2) ) { //Pick closest target? (*target) = bl; ed->target_id = bl->id; ed->min_chase = dist + ed->db->range3; if( ed->min_chase > AREA_SIZE ) ed->min_chase = AREA_SIZE; return 1; } break; } return 0; } static int elemental_ai_sub_timer(struct elemental_data *ed, struct map_session_data *sd, int64 tick) { struct block_list *target = NULL; int master_dist, view_range; uint32 mode; nullpo_ret(ed); nullpo_ret(sd); if( ed->bl.prev == NULL || sd == NULL || sd->bl.prev == NULL ) return 0; // Check if caster can sustain the summoned elemental if( DIFF_TICK(tick,ed->last_spdrain_time) >= 10000 ){// Drain SP every 10 seconds int sp = 5; switch (ed->vd->class) { case ELEID_EL_AGNI_M: case ELEID_EL_AQUA_M: case ELEID_EL_VENTUS_M: case ELEID_EL_TERA_M: sp = 8; break; case ELEID_EL_AGNI_L: case ELEID_EL_AQUA_L: case ELEID_EL_VENTUS_L: case ELEID_EL_TERA_L: sp = 11; break; } if( status_get_sp(&sd->bl) < sp ){ // Can't sustain delete it. elemental->delete(sd->ed,0); return 0; } status_zap(&sd->bl,0,sp); ed->last_spdrain_time = tick; } if( DIFF_TICK(tick,ed->last_thinktime) < MIN_ELETHINKTIME ) return 0; ed->last_thinktime = tick; if( ed->ud.skilltimer != INVALID_TIMER ) return 0; if( ed->ud.walktimer != INVALID_TIMER && ed->ud.walkpath.path_pos <= 2 ) return 0; //No thinking when you just started to walk. if(ed->ud.walkpath.path_pos < ed->ud.walkpath.path_len && ed->ud.target == sd->bl.id) return 0; //No thinking until be near the master. if( ed->sc.count && ed->sc.data[SC_BLIND] ) view_range = 3; else view_range = ed->db->range2; mode = status_get_mode(&ed->bl); master_dist = distance_bl(&sd->bl, &ed->bl); if( master_dist > AREA_SIZE ) { // Master out of vision range. elemental->unlocktarget(ed); unit->warp(&ed->bl,sd->bl.m,sd->bl.x,sd->bl.y,CLR_TELEPORT); clif->elemental_updatestatus(sd,SP_HP); clif->elemental_updatestatus(sd,SP_SP); return 0; } else if( master_dist > MAX_ELEDISTANCE ) { // Master too far, chase. short x = sd->bl.x, y = sd->bl.y; if( ed->target_id ) elemental->unlocktarget(ed); if( ed->ud.walktimer != INVALID_TIMER && ed->ud.target == sd->bl.id ) return 0; //Already walking to him if( DIFF_TICK(tick, ed->ud.canmove_tick) < 0 ) return 0; //Can't move yet. if( map->search_freecell(&ed->bl, sd->bl.m, &x, &y, MIN_ELEDISTANCE, MIN_ELEDISTANCE, 1) && unit->walktoxy(&ed->bl, x, y, 0) ) return 0; } if (mode == EL_MODE_AGGRESSIVE) { target = map->id2bl(ed->ud.target); if( !target ) map->foreachinrange(elemental->ai_sub_timer_activesearch, &ed->bl, view_range, BL_CHAR, ed, &target, status_get_mode(&ed->bl)); if( !target ) { //No targets available. elemental->unlocktarget(ed); return 1; } if( battle->check_range(&ed->bl,target,view_range) && rnd()%100 < 2 ) { // 2% chance to cast attack skill. if( elemental->action(ed,target,tick) ) return 1; } //Attempt to attack. //At this point we know the target is attackable, we just gotta check if the range matches. if( ed->ud.target == target->id && ed->ud.attacktimer != INVALID_TIMER ) //Already locked. return 1; if( battle->check_range(&ed->bl, target, ed->base_status.rhw.range) ) {//Target within range, engage unit->attack(&ed->bl,target->id,1); return 1; } //Follow up if possible. if( !unit->walktobl(&ed->bl, target, ed->base_status.rhw.range, 2) ) elemental->unlocktarget(ed); } return 0; } static int elemental_ai_sub_foreachclient(struct map_session_data *sd, va_list ap) { int64 tick = va_arg(ap,int64); nullpo_ret(sd); if(sd->status.ele_id && sd->ed) elemental->ai_sub_timer(sd->ed,sd,tick); return 0; } static int elemental_ai_timer(int tid, int64 tick, int id, intptr_t data) { map->foreachpc(elemental->ai_sub_foreachclient,tick); return 0; } static int read_elementaldb(void) { FILE *fp; char line[1024], *p; char *str[26]; int i, j = 0, k = 0, ele; struct s_elemental_db *db; struct status_data *estatus; sprintf(line, "%s/%s", map->db_path, "elemental_db.txt"); if( core->runflag == MAPSERVER_ST_RUNNING ) //only necessary after we're up memset(elemental->db,0,sizeof(elemental->db)); fp = fopen(line, "r"); if( !fp ) { ShowError("read_elementaldb : can't read elemental_db.txt\n"); return -1; } while( fgets(line, sizeof(line), fp) && j < MAX_ELEMENTAL_CLASS ) { k++; if( line[0] == '/' && line[1] == '/' ) continue; if( line[0] == '\0' || line[0] == '\n' || line[0] == '\r') continue; i = 0; p = strtok(line, ","); while( p != NULL && i < 26 ) { str[i++] = p; p = strtok(NULL, ","); } if( i < 26 ) { ShowError("read_elementaldb : Incorrect number of columns at elemental_db.txt line %d.\n", k); continue; } db = &elemental->db[j]; db->class_ = atoi(str[0]); safestrncpy(db->sprite, str[1], NAME_LENGTH); safestrncpy(db->name, str[2], NAME_LENGTH); db->lv = atoi(str[3]); estatus = &db->status; db->vd.class = db->class_; estatus->max_hp = atoi(str[4]); estatus->max_sp = atoi(str[5]); estatus->rhw.range = atoi(str[6]); estatus->rhw.atk = atoi(str[7]); estatus->rhw.atk2 = atoi(str[8]); estatus->def = atoi(str[9]); estatus->mdef = atoi(str[10]); estatus->str = atoi(str[11]); estatus->agi = atoi(str[12]); estatus->vit = atoi(str[13]); estatus->int_ = atoi(str[14]); estatus->dex = atoi(str[15]); estatus->luk = atoi(str[16]); db->range2 = atoi(str[17]); db->range3 = atoi(str[18]); estatus->size = atoi(str[19]); estatus->race = atoi(str[20]); ele = atoi(str[21]); estatus->def_ele = ele % ELE_MAX; estatus->ele_lv = ele/20; if( estatus->def_ele >= ELE_MAX ) { ShowWarning("Elemental %d has invalid element type %d (max element is %d)\n", db->class_, estatus->def_ele, ELE_MAX - 1); estatus->def_ele = ELE_NEUTRAL; } if( estatus->ele_lv < 1 || estatus->ele_lv > 4 ) { ShowWarning("Elemental %d has invalid element level %d (max is 4)\n", db->class_, estatus->ele_lv); estatus->ele_lv = 1; } estatus->aspd_rate = 1000; estatus->speed = atoi(str[22]); estatus->adelay = atoi(str[23]); estatus->amotion = atoi(str[24]); estatus->dmotion = atoi(str[25]); j++; } fclose(fp); ShowStatus("Done reading '"CL_WHITE"%d"CL_RESET"' elementals in '"CL_WHITE"db/elemental_db.txt"CL_RESET"'.\n",j); return 0; } static int read_elemental_skilldb(void) { FILE *fp; char line[1024], *p; char *str[4]; struct s_elemental_db *db; int i, j = 0, k = 0, class_; uint16 skill_id, skill_lv; int skillmode; sprintf(line, "%s/%s", map->db_path, "elemental_skill_db.txt"); fp = fopen(line, "r"); if( !fp ) { ShowError("read_elemental_skilldb : can't read elemental_skill_db.txt\n"); return -1; } while( fgets(line, sizeof(line), fp) ) { k++; if( line[0] == '/' && line[1] == '/' ) continue; if( line[0] == '\0' || line[0] == '\n' || line[0] == '\r') continue; i = 0; p = strtok(line, ","); while( p != NULL && i < 4 ) { str[i++] = p; p = strtok(NULL, ","); } if( i < 4 ) { ShowError("read_elemental_skilldb : Incorrect number of columns at elemental_skill_db.txt line %d.\n", k); continue; } class_ = atoi(str[0]); ARR_FIND(0, MAX_ELEMENTAL_CLASS, i, class_ == elemental->db[i].class_); if( i == MAX_ELEMENTAL_CLASS ) { ShowError("read_elemental_skilldb : Class not found in elemental_db for skill entry, line %d.\n", k); continue; } skill_id = atoi(str[1]); if( skill_id < EL_SKILLBASE || skill_id >= EL_SKILLBASE + MAX_ELEMENTALSKILL ) { ShowError("read_elemental_skilldb : Skill out of range, line %d.\n", k); continue; } db = &elemental->db[i]; skill_lv = atoi(str[2]); skillmode = atoi(str[3]); if( skillmode < EL_SKILLMODE_PASIVE || skillmode > EL_SKILLMODE_AGGRESSIVE ) { ShowError("read_elemental_skilldb : Skillmode out of range, line %d.\n",k); continue; } ARR_FIND( 0, MAX_ELESKILLTREE, i, db->skill[i].id == 0 || db->skill[i].id == skill_id ); if( i == MAX_ELESKILLTREE ) { ShowWarning("Unable to load skill %d into Elemental %d's tree. Maximum number of skills per elemental has been reached.\n", skill_id, class_); continue; } db->skill[i].id = skill_id; db->skill[i].lv = skill_lv; db->skill[i].mode = skillmode; j++; } fclose(fp); ShowStatus("Done reading '"CL_WHITE"%d"CL_RESET"' entries in '"CL_WHITE"db/elemental_skill_db.txt"CL_RESET"'.\n",j); return 0; } static void reload_elementaldb(void) { elemental->read_db(); elemental->reload_skilldb(); } static void reload_elemental_skilldb(void) { elemental->read_skilldb(); } static int do_init_elemental(bool minimal) { if (minimal) return 0; elemental->read_db(); elemental->read_skilldb(); timer->add_func_list(elemental->ai_timer,"elemental_ai_timer"); timer->add_interval(timer->gettick()+MIN_ELETHINKTIME,elemental->ai_timer,0,0,MIN_ELETHINKTIME); return 0; } static void do_final_elemental(void) { return; } /*===================================== * Default Functions : elemental.h * Generated by HerculesInterfaceMaker * created by Susu *-------------------------------------*/ void elemental_defaults(void) { elemental = &elemental_s; /* */ elemental->init = do_init_elemental; elemental->final = do_final_elemental; /* */ memset(elemental->db,0,sizeof(elemental->db)); /* funcs */ elemental->class = elemental_class; elemental->get_viewdata = elemental_get_viewdata; elemental->create = elemental_create; elemental->data_received = elemental_data_received; elemental->save = elemental_save; elemental->change_mode_ack = elemental_change_mode_ack; elemental->change_mode = elemental_change_mode; elemental->heal = elemental_heal; elemental->dead = elemental_dead; elemental->delete = elemental_delete; elemental->summon_stop = elemental_summon_stop; elemental->get_lifetime = elemental_get_lifetime; elemental->unlocktarget = elemental_unlocktarget; elemental->skillnotok = elemental_skillnotok; elemental->set_target = elemental_set_target; elemental->clean_single_effect = elemental_clean_single_effect; elemental->clean_effect = elemental_clean_effect; elemental->action = elemental_action; elemental->skill_get_requirements = elemental_skill_get_requirements; elemental->read_skilldb = read_elemental_skilldb; elemental->reload_db = reload_elementaldb; elemental->reload_skilldb = reload_elemental_skilldb; elemental->search_index = elemental_search_index; elemental->summon_init = elemental_summon_init; elemental->summon_end_timer = elemental_summon_end_timer; elemental->ai_sub_timer_activesearch = elemental_ai_sub_timer_activesearch; elemental->ai_sub_timer = elemental_ai_sub_timer; elemental->ai_sub_foreachclient = elemental_ai_sub_foreachclient; elemental->ai_timer = elemental_ai_timer; elemental->read_db = read_elementaldb; }