 * This file is part of Hercules.
 * http://herc.ws - http://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules
 * Copyright (C) 2012-2018  Hercules Dev Team
 * Copyright (C)  Athena Dev Teams
 * Hercules is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

#include "memmgr.h"

#include "common/cbasetypes.h"
#include "common/core.h"
#include "common/showmsg.h"
#include "common/sysinfo.h"

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

static struct malloc_interface iMalloc_s;
struct malloc_interface *iMalloc;

////////////// Memory Libraries //////////////////

#if defined(MEMWATCH)

#	include <string.h>
#	include <memwatch.h>
#	define MALLOC(n,file,line,func)    mwMalloc((n),(file),(line))
#	define CALLOC(m,n,file,line,func)  mwCalloc((m),(n),(file),(line))
#	define REALLOC(p,n,file,line,func) mwRealloc((p),(n),(file),(line))
#	define STRDUP(p,file,line,func)    mwStrdup((p),(file),(line))
#	define FREE(p,file,line,func)      mwFree((p),(file),(line))
#	define MEMORY_USAGE()              ((size_t)0)
#	define MEMORY_VERIFY(ptr)          mwIsSafeAddr((ptr), 1)
#	define MEMORY_CHECK()              CHECK()

#elif defined(DMALLOC)

#	include <string.h>
#	include <stdlib.h>
#	include <dmalloc.h>
#	define MALLOC(n,file,line,func)    dmalloc_malloc((file),(line),(n),DMALLOC_FUNC_MALLOC,0,0)
#	define CALLOC(m,n,file,line,func)  dmalloc_malloc((file),(line),(m)*(n),DMALLOC_FUNC_CALLOC,0,0)
#	define REALLOC(p,n,file,line,func) dmalloc_realloc((file),(line),(p),(n),DMALLOC_FUNC_REALLOC,0)
#	define STRDUP(p,file,line,func)    strdup(p)
#	define FREE(p,file,line,func)      free(p)
#	define MEMORY_USAGE()              dmalloc_memory_allocated()
#	define MEMORY_VERIFY(ptr)          (dmalloc_verify(ptr) == DMALLOC_VERIFY_NOERROR)
#	define MEMORY_CHECK()              do { dmalloc_log_stats(); dmalloc_log_unfreed() } while(0)

#elif defined(GCOLLECT)

#	include <gc.h>
#		define MALLOC(n,file,line,func)    GC_debug_malloc((n), 0, (file), (line))
#		define CALLOC(m,n,file,line,func)  GC_debug_malloc((m)*(n), 0, (file), (line))
#		define REALLOC(p,n,file,line,func) GC_debug_realloc((p),(n), 0, (file), (line))
#		define STRDUP(p,file,line,func)    GC_debug_strdup((p), 0, (file), (line))
#	else
#		define MALLOC(n,file,line,func)    GC_debug_malloc((n), (file), (line))
#		define CALLOC(m,n,file,line,func)  GC_debug_malloc((m)*(n), (file), (line))
#		define REALLOC(p,n,file,line,func) GC_debug_realloc((p),(n), (file), (line))
#		define STRDUP(p,file,line,func)    GC_debug_strdup((p), (file), (line))
#	endif
#	define FREE(p,file,line,func)      GC_debug_free(p)
#	define MEMORY_USAGE()              GC_get_heap_size()
#	define MEMORY_VERIFY(ptr)          (GC_base(ptr) != NULL)
#	define MEMORY_CHECK()              GC_gcollect()


#	define MALLOC(n,file,line,func)    malloc(n)
#	define CALLOC(m,n,file,line,func)  calloc((m),(n))
#	define REALLOC(p,n,file,line,func) realloc((p),(n))
#	define STRDUP(p,file,line,func)    strdup(p)
#	define FREE(p,file,line,func)      free(p)
#	define MEMORY_USAGE()              ((size_t)0)
#	define MEMORY_VERIFY(ptr)          true
#	define MEMORY_CHECK()              (void)0


#ifndef USE_MEMMGR

#if defined __APPLE__
#include <malloc/malloc.h>
#define BUFFER_SIZE(ptr) malloc_size(ptr)
#elif defined __FreeBSD__
#include <malloc_np.h>
#define BUFFER_SIZE(ptr) malloc_usable_size(ptr)
#elif defined __linux__ || defined __linux || defined CYGWIN
#include <malloc.h>
#define BUFFER_SIZE(ptr) malloc_usable_size(ptr)
#elif defined WIN32
#include <malloc.h>
#define BUFFER_SIZE(ptr) _msize(ptr)
#error Unsupported OS

static void *aMalloc_(size_t size, const char *file, int line, const char *func)
	void *ret = MALLOC(size, file, line, func);
	// ShowMessage("%s:%d: in func %s: aMalloc %d\n",file,line,func,size);
	if (ret == NULL){
		ShowFatalError("%s:%d: in func %s: aMalloc error out of memory!\n",file,line,func);

	return ret;
static void *aCalloc_(size_t num, size_t size, const char *file, int line, const char *func)
	void *ret = CALLOC(num, size, file, line, func);
	// ShowMessage("%s:%d: in func %s: aCalloc %d %d\n",file,line,func,num,size);
	if (ret == NULL){
		ShowFatalError("%s:%d: in func %s: aCalloc error out of memory!\n", file, line, func);
	return ret;
static void *aRealloc_(void *p, size_t size, const char *file, int line, const char *func)
	void *ret = REALLOC(p, size, file, line, func);
	// ShowMessage("%s:%d: in func %s: aRealloc %p %d\n",file,line,func,p,size);
	if (ret == NULL){
		ShowFatalError("%s:%d: in func %s: aRealloc error out of memory!\n",file,line,func);
	return ret;

static void *aReallocz_(void *p, size_t size, const char *file, int line, const char *func)
	unsigned char *ret = NULL;
	// ShowMessage("%s:%d: in func %s: aReallocz %p %ld\n",file,line,func,p,size);
	if (p != NULL) {
		size_t newSize;
		size_t oldSize = BUFFER_SIZE(p);
		ret = REALLOC(p, size, file, line, func);
		newSize = BUFFER_SIZE(ret);
		if (ret != NULL && newSize > oldSize)
			memset(ret + oldSize, 0, newSize - oldSize);
	} else {
		ret = REALLOC(p, size, file, line, func);
		if (ret != NULL)
			memset(ret, 0, BUFFER_SIZE(ret));
	if (ret == NULL) {
		ShowFatalError("%s:%d: in func %s: aRealloc error out of memory!\n",file,line,func);
	return ret;

static char *aStrdup_(const char *p, const char *file, int line, const char *func)
	char *ret = STRDUP(p, file, line, func);
	// ShowMessage("%s:%d: in func %s: aStrdup %p\n",file,line,func,p);
	if (ret == NULL){
		ShowFatalError("%s:%d: in func %s: aStrdup error out of memory!\n", file, line, func);
	return ret;

 * Copies a string to a newly allocated buffer, setting a maximum length.
 * The string is always NULL-terminated. If the string is longer than `size`,
 * then `size` bytes are copied, not including the appended NULL terminator.
 * @warning
 *   If malloc is out of memory, throws a fatal error and aborts the program.
 * @param p the source string to copy.
 * @param size The maximum string length to copy.
 * @param file @see ALC_MARK.
 * @param line @see ALC_MARK.
 * @param func @see ALC_MARK.
 * @return the copied string.
static char *aStrndup_(const char *p, size_t size, const char *file, int line, const char *func)
	size_t len = strnlen(p, size);
	char *ret = MALLOC(len + 1, file, line, func);
	if (ret == NULL) {
		ShowFatalError("%s:%d: in func %s: aStrndup error out of memory!\n", file, line, func);
	memcpy(ret, p, len);
	ret[len] = '\0';
	return ret;

static void aFree_(void *p, const char *file, int line, const char *func)
	// ShowMessage("%s:%d: in func %s: aFree %p\n",file,line,func,p);
	if (p)
		FREE(p, file, line, func);
	//p = NULL;

#else // USE_MEMMGR

#if defined(DEBUG)


 * Memory manager
 *     able to handle malloc and free efficiently
 *     Since the complex processing, I might be slightly heavier.
 * (I'm sorry for the poor description ^ ^;) such as data structures
 *      Divided into "blocks" of a plurality of memory, "unit" of a plurality of blocks further
 *      I have to divide. Size of the unit, a plurality of distribution equal to the capacity of one block
 *      That's what you have. For example, if one unit of 32KB, one block 1 Yu 32Byte
 *      Knit, or are able to gather 1024, gathered 512 units 64Byte
 *      I can be or have. (Excluding padding, the unit_head)
 *     Lead-linked list (block_prev, block_next) in each other is the same size block
 *       Linked list (hash_prev, hash_nect) even among such one in the block with the figure
 *       I like to have. Thus, reuse of memory no longer needed can be performed efficiently.

/* Alignment of the block */

/* Amount of data entering a block */
#define BLOCK_DATA_COUNT1 128
#define BLOCK_DATA_COUNT2 608

/* The size of the block: 16*128 + 64*576 = 40KB */

/* The number of blocks to be allocated at a time. */
#define BLOCK_ALLOC 104

/* block */
struct block {
	struct block *block_next;    ///< Then the allocated area
	struct block *unfill_prev;   ///< The previous area not filled
	struct block *unfill_next;   ///< The next area not filled
	unsigned short unit_size;    ///< The size of the unit
	unsigned short unit_hash;    ///< The hash of the unit
	unsigned short unit_count;   ///< The number of units
	unsigned short unit_used;    ///< The number of used units
	unsigned short unit_unfill;  ///< The number of unused units
	unsigned short unit_maxused; ///< The maximum value of units used
	char data[BLOCK_DATA_SIZE];

struct unit_head {
	struct block   *block;
	const  char*   file;
	unsigned short line;
	unsigned short size;
	long           checksum;

static struct block *hash_unfill[BLOCK_DATA_COUNT1 + BLOCK_DATA_COUNT2 + 1];
static struct block *block_first, *block_last, block_head;

/* Data for areas that do not use the memory be turned */
struct unit_head_large {
	size_t                  size;
	struct unit_head_large* prev;
	struct unit_head_large* next;
	struct unit_head        unit_head;

static struct unit_head_large *unit_head_large_first = NULL;

static struct block *block_malloc(unsigned short hash);
static void          block_free(struct block *p);
static size_t        memmgr_usage_bytes;
static size_t        memmgr_usage_bytes_t;

#define block2unit(p, n) ((struct unit_head*)(&(p)->data[ p->unit_size * (n) ]))
#define memmgr_assert(v) do { if(!(v)) { ShowError("Memory manager: assertion '" #v "' failed!\n"); } } while(0)

static unsigned short size2hash(size_t size)
	if( size <= BLOCK_DATA_SIZE1 ) {
		return (unsigned short)(size + BLOCK_ALIGNMENT1 - 1) / BLOCK_ALIGNMENT1;
	} else if( size <= BLOCK_DATA_SIZE ){
		return (unsigned short)(size - BLOCK_DATA_SIZE1 + BLOCK_ALIGNMENT2 - 1) / BLOCK_ALIGNMENT2
	} else {
		return 0xffff; // If it exceeds the block length hash I do not

static size_t hash2size(unsigned short hash)
	if( hash <= BLOCK_DATA_COUNT1) {
		return hash * BLOCK_ALIGNMENT1;
	} else {

static void *mmalloc_(size_t size, const char *file, int line, const char *func)
	struct block *block;
	short size_hash = size2hash( size );
	struct unit_head *head;

	if (((long) size) < 0) {
		ShowError("mmalloc_: %"PRIuS"\n", size);
		return NULL;

	if(size == 0) {
		return NULL;
	memmgr_usage_bytes += size;

	/* To ensure the area that exceeds the length of the block, using malloc () to */
	/* At that time, the distinction by assigning NULL to unit_head.block */
	if(hash2size(size_hash) > BLOCK_DATA_SIZE - sizeof(struct unit_head)) {
		struct unit_head_large* p = (struct unit_head_large*)MALLOC(sizeof(struct unit_head_large)+size,file,line,func);
		memmgr_usage_bytes_t += size+sizeof(struct unit_head_large);
		if(p != NULL) {
			p->size            = size;
			p->unit_head.block = NULL;
			p->unit_head.size  = 0;
			p->unit_head.file  = file;
			p->unit_head.line  = (unsigned short)line;
			p->prev = NULL;
			if (unit_head_large_first == NULL)
				p->next = NULL;
			else {
				unit_head_large_first->prev = p;
				p->next = unit_head_large_first;
			unit_head_large_first = p;
			*(long*)((char*)p + sizeof(struct unit_head_large) - sizeof(long) + size) = 0xdeadbeaf;
			return (char *)p + sizeof(struct unit_head_large) - sizeof(long);
		} else {
			ShowFatalError("Memory manager::memmgr_alloc failed (allocating %"PRIuS"+%"PRIuS" bytes at %s:%d).\n",
			               sizeof(struct unit_head_large), size, file, line);

	/* When a block of the same size is not ensured, to ensure a new */
	if(hash_unfill[size_hash]) {
		block = hash_unfill[size_hash];
	} else {
		block = block_malloc(size_hash);

	if( block->unit_unfill == 0xFFFF ) {
		// there are no more free space that
		memmgr_assert(block->unit_used <  block->unit_count);
		memmgr_assert(block->unit_used == block->unit_maxused);
		head = block2unit(block, block->unit_maxused);
	} else {
		head = block2unit(block, block->unit_unfill);
		block->unit_unfill = head->size;

	if( block->unit_unfill == 0xFFFF && block->unit_maxused >= block->unit_count) {
		// Since I ran out of the unit, removed from the list unfill
		if( block->unfill_prev == &block_head) {
			hash_unfill[ size_hash ] = block->unfill_next;
		} else {
			block->unfill_prev->unfill_next = block->unfill_next;
		if( block->unfill_next ) {
			block->unfill_next->unfill_prev = block->unfill_prev;
		block->unfill_prev = NULL;

		size_t i, sz = hash2size( size_hash );
		for( i=0; i<sz; i++ )
			if( ((unsigned char*)head)[ sizeof(struct unit_head) - sizeof(long) + i] != 0xfd )
				if( head->line != 0xfdfd )
					ShowError("Memory manager: freed-data is changed. (freed in %s line %d)\n", head->file,head->line);
					ShowError("Memory manager: not-allocated-data is changed.\n");
		memset( (char *)head + sizeof(struct unit_head) - sizeof(long), 0xcd, sz );

	head->block = block;
	head->file  = file;
	head->line  = (unsigned short)line;
	head->size  = (unsigned short)size;
	*(long*)((char*)head + sizeof(struct unit_head) - sizeof(long) + size) = 0xdeadbeaf;
	return (char *)head + sizeof(struct unit_head) - sizeof(long);

static void *mcalloc_(size_t num, size_t size, const char *file, int line, const char *func)
	void *p = iMalloc->malloc(num * size,file,line,func);
	if (p)
		memset(p, 0, num * size);
	return p;

static void *mrealloc_(void *memblock, size_t size, const char *file, int line, const char *func)
	size_t old_size;
	if(memblock == NULL) {
		return iMalloc->malloc(size,file,line,func);

	old_size = ((struct unit_head *)((char *)memblock - sizeof(struct unit_head) + sizeof(long)))->size;
	if( old_size == 0 ) {
		old_size = ((struct unit_head_large *)((char *)memblock - sizeof(struct unit_head_large) + sizeof(long)))->size;
	if(old_size > size) {
		// Size reduction - return> as it is (negligence)
		return memblock;
	}  else {
		// Size Large
		void *p = iMalloc->malloc(size,file,line,func);
		if(p != NULL) {
		return p;

/* a mrealloc_ clone with the difference it 'z'eroes the newly created memory */
static void *mreallocz_(void *memblock, size_t size, const char *file, int line, const char *func)
	size_t old_size;
	void *p = NULL;

	if(memblock == NULL) {
		p = iMalloc->malloc(size,file,line,func);
		return p;

	old_size = ((struct unit_head *)((char *)memblock - sizeof(struct unit_head) + sizeof(long)))->size;
	if( old_size == 0 ) {
		old_size = ((struct unit_head_large *)((char *)memblock - sizeof(struct unit_head_large) + sizeof(long)))->size;
	if(old_size > size) {
		// Size reduction - return> as it is (negligence)
		return memblock;
	}  else {
		// Size Large
		p = iMalloc->malloc(size,file,line,func);
		if(p != NULL) {
		return p;

static char *mstrdup_(const char *p, const char *file, int line, const char *func)
	if(p == NULL) {
		return NULL;
	} else {
		size_t len = strlen(p);
		char *string  = (char *)iMalloc->malloc(len + 1,file,line,func);
		return string;

 * Copies a string to a newly allocated buffer, setting a maximum length.
 * The string is always NULL-terminated. If the string is longer than `size`,
 * then `size` bytes are copied, not including the appended NULL terminator.
 * @warning
 *   If malloc is out of memory, throws a fatal error and aborts the program.
 * @param p the source string to copy.
 * @param size The maximum string length to copy.
 * @param file @see ALC_MARK.
 * @param line @see ALC_MARK.
 * @param func @see ALC_MARK.
 * @return the copied string.
 * @retval NULL if the source string is NULL or in case of error.
static char *mstrndup_(const char *p, size_t size, const char *file, int line, const char *func)
	if (p == NULL) {
		return NULL;
	} else {
		size_t len = strnlen(p, size);
		char *string = iMalloc->malloc(len + 1, file, line, func);
		memcpy(string, p, len);
		string[len] = '\0';
		return string;

static void mfree_(void *ptr, const char *file, int line, const char *func)
	struct unit_head *head;

	if (ptr == NULL)

	head = (struct unit_head *)((char *)ptr - sizeof(struct unit_head) + sizeof(long));
	if(head->size == 0) {
		/* area that is directly secured by malloc () */
		struct unit_head_large *head_large = (struct unit_head_large *)((char *)ptr - sizeof(struct unit_head_large) + sizeof(long));
			*(long*)((char*)head_large + sizeof(struct unit_head_large) - sizeof(long) + head_large->size)
			!= 0xdeadbeaf)
			ShowError("Memory manager: args of aFree 0x%p is overflowed pointer %s line %d\n", ptr, file, line);
		} else {
			head->size = 0xFFFF;
			if(head_large->prev) {
				head_large->prev->next = head_large->next;
			} else {
				unit_head_large_first  = head_large->next;
			if(head_large->next) {
				head_large->next->prev = head_large->prev;
			memmgr_usage_bytes -= head_large->size;
			memmgr_usage_bytes_t -= head_large->size + sizeof(struct unit_head_large);
			// set freed memory to 0xfd
			memset(ptr, 0xfd, head_large->size);
	} else {
		/* Release unit */
		struct block *block = head->block;
		if( (char*)head - (char*)block > sizeof(struct block) ) {
			ShowError("Memory manager: args of aFree 0x%p is invalid pointer %s line %d\n", ptr, file, line);
		} else if(head->block == NULL) {
			ShowError("Memory manager: args of aFree 0x%p is freed pointer %s:%d@%s\n", ptr, file, line, func);
		} else if(*(long*)((char*)head + sizeof(struct unit_head) - sizeof(long) + head->size) != 0xdeadbeaf) {
			ShowError("Memory manager: args of aFree 0x%p is overflowed pointer %s line %d\n", ptr, file, line);
		} else {
			memmgr_usage_bytes -= head->size;
			head->block         = NULL;
			memset(ptr, 0xfd, block->unit_size - sizeof(struct unit_head) + sizeof(long) );
			head->file = file;
			head->line = (unsigned short)line;
			memmgr_assert( block->unit_used > 0 );
			if(--block->unit_used == 0) {
				/* Release of the block */
			} else {
				if( block->unfill_prev == NULL) {
					// add to unfill list
					if( hash_unfill[ block->unit_hash ] ) {
						hash_unfill[ block->unit_hash ]->unfill_prev = block;
					block->unfill_prev = &block_head;
					block->unfill_next = hash_unfill[ block->unit_hash ];
					hash_unfill[ block->unit_hash ] = block;
				head->size     = block->unit_unfill;
				block->unit_unfill = (unsigned short)(((uintptr_t)head - (uintptr_t)block->data) / block->unit_size);

/* Allocating blocks */
static struct block *block_malloc(unsigned short hash)
	struct block *p;
	if(hash_unfill[0] != NULL) {
		/* Space for the block has already been secured */
		p = hash_unfill[0];
		hash_unfill[0] = hash_unfill[0]->unfill_next;
	} else {
		int i;
		/* Newly allocated space for the block */
		p = (struct block*)MALLOC(sizeof(struct block) * (BLOCK_ALLOC), __FILE__, __LINE__, __func__ );
		memmgr_usage_bytes_t += sizeof(struct block) * (BLOCK_ALLOC);
		if(p == NULL) {
			ShowFatalError("Memory manager::block_alloc failed.\n");

		if(block_first == NULL) {
			/* First ensure */
			block_first = p;
		} else {
			block_last->block_next = p;
		block_last = &p[BLOCK_ALLOC - 1];
		block_last->block_next = NULL;
		/* Linking the block */
		for(i=0;i<BLOCK_ALLOC;i++) {
			if(i != 0) {
				// I do not add the link p [0], so we will use
				p[i].unfill_next = hash_unfill[0];
				hash_unfill[0]   = &p[i];
				p[i].unfill_prev = NULL;
				p[i].unit_used = 0;
			if(i != BLOCK_ALLOC -1) {
				p[i].block_next = &p[i+1];

	// Add to unfill
	memmgr_assert(hash_unfill[ hash ] == NULL);
	hash_unfill[ hash ] = p;
	p->unfill_prev  = &block_head;
	p->unfill_next  = NULL;
	p->unit_size    = (unsigned short)(hash2size( hash ) + sizeof(struct unit_head));
	p->unit_hash    = hash;
	p->unit_count   = BLOCK_DATA_SIZE / p->unit_size;
	p->unit_used    = 0;
	p->unit_unfill  = 0xFFFF;
	p->unit_maxused = 0;
	memset( p->data, 0xfd, sizeof(p->data) );
	return p;

static void block_free(struct block *p)
	if( p->unfill_prev ) {
		if( p->unfill_prev == &block_head) {
			hash_unfill[ p->unit_hash ] = p->unfill_next;
		} else {
			p->unfill_prev->unfill_next = p->unfill_next;
		if( p->unfill_next ) {
			p->unfill_next->unfill_prev = p->unfill_prev;
		p->unfill_prev = NULL;

	p->unfill_next = hash_unfill[0];
	hash_unfill[0] = p;

static size_t memmgr_usage(void)
	return memmgr_usage_bytes / 1024;

static char memmer_logfile[128];
static FILE *log_fp;

static void memmgr_log(char *buf, char *vcsinfo)
	if( !log_fp ) {
		time_t raw;
		struct tm* t;

		log_fp = fopen(memmer_logfile,"at");
		if (!log_fp) log_fp = stdout;

		t = localtime(&raw);
		fprintf(log_fp, "\nMemory manager: Memory leaks found at %d/%02d/%02d %02dh%02dm%02ds (%s).\n",
			(t->tm_year+1900), (t->tm_mon+1), t->tm_mday, t->tm_hour, t->tm_min, t->tm_sec, vcsinfo);
	fprintf(log_fp, "%s", buf);
#endif /* LOG_MEMMGR */

/// Returns true if the memory location is active.
/// Active means it is allocated and points to a usable part.
/// @param ptr Pointer to the memory
/// @return true if the memory is active
static bool memmgr_verify(void *ptr)
	struct block* block = block_first;
	struct unit_head_large* large = unit_head_large_first;

	if( ptr == NULL )
		return false;// never valid

	// search small blocks
	while( block )
		if( (char*)ptr >= (char*)block && (char*)ptr < ((char*)block) + sizeof(struct block) )
		{// found memory block
			if( block->unit_used && (char*)ptr >= block->data )
			{// memory block is being used and ptr points to a sub-unit
				size_t i = (size_t)((char*)ptr - block->data)/block->unit_size;
				struct unit_head* head = block2unit(block, i);
				if( i < block->unit_maxused && head->block != NULL )
				{// memory unit is allocated, check if ptr points to the usable part
					return ( (char*)ptr >= ((char*)head) + sizeof(struct unit_head) - sizeof(long)
						&& (char*)ptr < ((char*)head) + sizeof(struct unit_head) - sizeof(long) + head->size );
			return false;
		block = block->block_next;

	// search large blocks
	while( large )
		if( (char*)ptr >= (char*)large && (char*)ptr < ((char*)large) + large->size )
		{// found memory block, check if ptr points to the usable part
			return ( (char*)ptr >= ((char*)large) + sizeof(struct unit_head_large) - sizeof(long)
				&& (char*)ptr < ((char*)large) + sizeof(struct unit_head_large) - sizeof(long) + large->size );
		large = large->next;
	return false;

static void memmgr_final(void)
	struct block *block = block_first;
	struct unit_head_large *large = unit_head_large_first;
	char vcsinfo[256];
	int count = 0;
#endif /* LOG_MEMMGR */
	snprintf(vcsinfo, sizeof(vcsinfo), "%s rev '%s'", sysinfo->vcstype(), sysinfo->vcsrevision_src()); // Cache VCS info before we free() it

	while (block) {
		if (block->unit_used) {
			int i;
			for (i = 0; i < block->unit_maxused; i++) {
				struct unit_head *head = block2unit(block, i);
				if(head->block != NULL) {
					char* ptr = (char *)head + sizeof(struct unit_head) - sizeof(long);
					char buf[1024];
					sprintf (buf,
						"%04d : %s line %d size %lu address 0x%p\n", ++count,
						head->file, head->line, (unsigned long)head->size, ptr);
					memmgr_log(buf, vcsinfo);
#endif /* LOG_MEMMGR */
					// get block pointer and free it [celest]
					iMalloc->free(ptr, ALC_MARK);
		block = block->block_next;

	while(large) {
		struct unit_head_large *large2;
		char buf[1024];
		sprintf (buf,
			"%04d : %s line %d size %lu address 0x%p\n", ++count,
			large->unit_head.file, large->unit_head.line, (unsigned long)large->size, &large->unit_head.checksum);
		memmgr_log(buf, vcsinfo);
#endif /* LOG_MEMMGR */
		large2 = large->next;
		large = large2;
	if(count == 0) {
		ShowInfo("Memory manager: No memory leaks found.\n");
	} else {
		ShowWarning("Memory manager: Memory leaks found and fixed.\n");
#endif /* LOG_MEMMGR */
/* [Ind/Hercules] */
void memmgr_report(int extra)
	struct block *block = block_first;
	struct unit_head_large *large = unit_head_large_first;
	unsigned int count = 0, size = 0;
	int j;
	unsigned short msize = 1024;
	struct {
		const char *file;
		unsigned short line;
		size_t size;
		unsigned int count;
	} data[100];
	memset(&data, 0, sizeof(data));

	if( extra != 0 )
		msize = extra;

	while (block) {
		if (block->unit_used) {
			int i;
			for (i = 0; i < block->unit_maxused; i++) {
				struct unit_head *head = block2unit(block, i);
				if( head->block != NULL && head->size > msize ) {
					for( j = 0; j < 100; j++ ) {
						if( data[j].file == head->file && data[j].line == head->line ) {
							data[j].size += head->size;
							data[j].count += 1;
						} else if( data[j].size == 0 ) {
							data[j].file = head->file;
							data[j].line = head->line;
							data[j].size = head->size;
							data[j].count += 1;
					size += (unsigned int)head->size;
		block = block->block_next;

	while(large) {
		if( large->size > msize ) {
			for( j = 0; j < 100; j++ ) {
				if( data[j].file == large->unit_head.file && data[j].line == large->unit_head.line ) {
					data[j].size += large->size;
					data[j].count += 1;
				} else if( data[j].size == 0 ) {
					data[j].file = large->unit_head.file;
					data[j].line = large->unit_head.line;
					data[j].size = large->size;
					data[j].count += 1;
			size += (unsigned int)large->size;
		large = large->next;
	for( j = 0; j < 100; j++ ) {
		if( data[j].size != 0 ) {
			ShowMessage("[malloc] : "CL_WHITE"%s"CL_RESET":"CL_WHITE"%d"CL_RESET" %u instances => %.2f MB\n",data[j].file,data[j].line,data[j].count,(double)((data[j].size)/1024)/1024);
	ShowMessage("[malloc] : reporting %u instances | %.2f MB\n",count,(double)((size)/1024)/1024);
	ShowMessage("[malloc] : internal usage %.2f MB | %.2f MB\n",(double)((memmgr_usage_bytes_t-memmgr_usage_bytes)/1024)/1024,(double)((memmgr_usage_bytes_t)/1024)/1024);

	if (extra) {
		ShowMessage("[malloc] : unit_head_large: %"PRIuS" bytes\n", sizeof(struct unit_head_large));
		ShowMessage("[malloc] : unit_head: %"PRIuS" bytes\n", sizeof(struct unit_head));
		ShowMessage("[malloc] : block: %"PRIuS" bytes\n", sizeof(struct block));


 * Initializes the Memory Manager.
static void memmgr_init(void)
	memset(hash_unfill, 0, sizeof(hash_unfill));
#endif /* LOG_MEMMGR */

 * Prints initialization messages from the Memory Manager.
static void memmgr_init_messages(void)
	sprintf(memmer_logfile, "log/%s.leaks", SERVER_NAME);
	ShowStatus("Memory manager initialized: "CL_WHITE"%s"CL_RESET"\n", memmer_logfile);
#endif /* LOG_MEMMGR */
#endif /* USE_MEMMGR */

 * Initialize

/// Tests the memory for errors and memory leaks.
static void malloc_memory_check(void)

/// Returns true if a pointer is valid.
/// The check is best-effort, false positives are possible.
static bool malloc_verify_ptr(void *ptr)
	return memmgr_verify(ptr) && MEMORY_VERIFY(ptr);
	return MEMORY_VERIFY(ptr);

static size_t malloc_usage(void)
	return memmgr_usage ();
	return MEMORY_USAGE();

static void malloc_final(void)
	memmgr_final ();
	if( iMalloc->post_shutdown )

 * Prints initialization status messages.
 * This is separated from malloc_init() in order to be run after giving the
 * chance to other modules to initialize, in case they want to silence any
 * status messages, but at the same time require malloc.
static void malloc_init_messages(void)

static void malloc_init(void)
	memmgr_usage_bytes_t = 0;
	memmgr_usage_bytes = 0;
#if defined(DMALLOC) && defined(CYGWIN)
	// http://dmalloc.com/docs/latest/online/dmalloc_19.html
	// don't garbage collect, only report inaccessible memory that was not deallocated
	GC_find_leak = 1;

void malloc_defaults(void)
	iMalloc = &iMalloc_s;
	iMalloc->init = malloc_init;
	iMalloc->final = malloc_final;
	iMalloc->memory_check = malloc_memory_check;
	iMalloc->usage = malloc_usage;
	iMalloc->verify_ptr = malloc_verify_ptr;

// Athena's built-in Memory Manager
	iMalloc->malloc   = mmalloc_;
	iMalloc->calloc   = mcalloc_;
	iMalloc->realloc  = mrealloc_;
	iMalloc->reallocz = mreallocz_;
	iMalloc->astrdup  = mstrdup_;
	iMalloc->astrndup = mstrndup_;
	iMalloc->free     = mfree_;
	iMalloc->malloc   = aMalloc_;
	iMalloc->calloc   = aCalloc_;
	iMalloc->realloc  = aRealloc_;
	iMalloc->reallocz = aReallocz_;/* not using memory manager huhum o.o perhaps we could still do something about */
	iMalloc->astrdup  = aStrdup_;
	iMalloc->astrndup = aStrndup_;
	iMalloc->free     = aFree_;
	iMalloc->post_shutdown = NULL;
	iMalloc->init_messages = malloc_init_messages;