The following are frequently asked questions regarding rAthena.

Where can I set the exp rates?
  • Go to /conf/battle/exp.conf
  • Find base_exp_rate and job_exp_rate. Change the value there to raise or lower the rates.
  • 100 = 1x, 1000 = 10x rates, etc
Where can I set the item drop rates?
  • Go to /conf/battle/drops.conf
  • You can set the drop rates by changing the values:
    item_rate_common: 100 <-- 100 = 1x drop rate, 1000 = 10x drop rate, etc
    item_rate_common_boss: 100 <--- drop rate for bosses
    item_drop_common_min: 1 <--- minimal drop rate
    item_drop_common_max: 10000 <--- maximum drop rate.

    (You can set the rates of different items in the same file)
I found a bug, where to I report it?
If you find a bug in rAthena, report it here: Bug Tracker
I'm a well-experienced programmer, can I join the rAthena dev team?
You can apply in the Developer Applications topic.
My character won't move, and no windows open when I login to the game, what's wrong?
Your packet_db_ver is most likely set wrong, change it in /db/packet_db.txt to match your client's packet ver.