//===== rAthena Script ======================================= //= Malangdo Quest NPCs //===== By: ================================================== //= Muad_Dib //===== Current Version: ===================================== //= 1.0 //===== Compatible With: ===================================== //= rAthena SVN //===== Description: ========================================= //= Quest NPCs related to Malangdo. //===== Additional Comments: ================================= //= 1.0 First version. [Euphy] //============================================================ // Help the bad cats in danger :: mal_bad_guys //============================================================ malangdo,175,206,3 script Gobonge#ml 561,{ if (checkweight(1201,1) == 0) { mes "- Can't go next step due to having too many items. -"; close; } if (checkquest(1152,PLAYTIME) == 1) { mes "[Gobonge]"; mes "Hmm, investigation is not enough."; mes "We need go back to basic point."; mes "Come again tomorrow."; mes "I might be in pain of stomach"; mes "like usual."; close; } else if (checkquest(1152,PLAYTIME) == 2) { erasequest 1152; set malang_bad_guys,0; } else if (checkquest(1152,PLAYTIME) == 3) { completequest 1152; erasequest 1152; set malang_bad_guys,0; } if (BaseLevel < 60) { mes "[Gobonge]"; mes "Are you here to get help"; mes "or to get help?"; mes "You look so weak, haha..."; mes "Go and hunt more Porings!"; close; } if (malang_bad_guys == 0) { mes "[Gobonge]"; mes "Will you listen my sorrow?"; next; switch(select("Sure I will.:No, I won't.")) { case 1: mes "[Gobonge]"; mes "This is a sad story."; mes "As usual, I unpacked the bag"; mes "to see strange cats"; mes "to show them."; next; mes "[Gobonge]"; mes "There were lots of cans."; mes "I thougt it was new due to different shape"; mes "but it was bad cans!"; mes "I ate too much and"; mes "got in bed right away"; mes "so I can't do anything..."; next; mes "[Gobonge]"; mes "And by the way, you have..."; mes "nice colthes."; mes "I can't let you go,"; mes "that hurts me so badly!"; emotion e_sob; next; switch(select("You deserve the pain!:Need help?")) { case 1: mes "[Gobonge]"; mes "Yes you are!"; close; case 2: mes "[Gobonge]"; mes "You know what care is."; mes "Please find the bad provider"; mes "and revenge our enemy!"; next; switch(select("No, I don't want to!:Yes, I'll do it!")) { case 1: mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "For the peace in Malangdo,"; mes "just lay in bed forever."; next; mes "[Gobonge]"; mes "I will!"; mes "I will have your peace first once I get well!"; close; case 2: mes "[Gobonge]"; mes "Okay, you can do it?"; mes "The enemy must be near the dock"; mes "where we got the bundle."; mes "We should get them to help"; mes "our cats' well-being!"; setquest 1145; set malang_bad_guys,1; close; } } case 2: mes "[Gobonge]"; mes "Why are you here!"; mes "If I am usual, I will engrave something"; mes "with your tear..."; mes "Let your bag be here instead!"; emotion e_sob; close; } } else if (malang_bad_guys == 1) { mes "[Gobonge]"; mes "The enemy must be near the dock"; mes "where we got the bundle."; mes "We should get them to help"; mes "our cats' well-being!"; close; } else if (malang_bad_guys > 1 && malang_bad_guys < 7) { mes "[Gobonge]"; mes "I am so tired due to"; mes "lack of forbidden bad activity."; close; } else if (malang_bad_guys == 7) { if (countitem(6426) > 29) { mes "[Gobonge]"; mes "Was it from raccoon that made us pain in stomach?"; mes "Oh bad raccoon!"; mes "I feel stomachache again from this anger!"; mes "All right, I will show my power once"; mes "I can get out of bed."; next; mes "[Gobonge]"; mes "I need time to concentrate on my stomachache."; mes "You can go now!"; erasequest 1151; set malang_bad_guys,8; getitem Malang_Sp_Can, 20; //Unknown_Item delitem Bad_Can_Sack, 1; //Unknown_Item delitem Bad_Can, 30; //Bad_Canned_Food close; } mes "[Gobonge]"; mes "How do you know the source of bad can?"; mes "Do you have time to do slow at the moment?"; emotion e_sob; close; } else if (malang_bad_guys == 8) { mes "[Gobonge]"; mes "The Patrol Leader wants to go back to"; mes "bad world as soon as possible."; mes "I want you to go first to soothe him instead."; mes "How about it?"; next; switch(select("It's troublsome, I quit.:Sure I will!")) { case 1: mes "[Gobonge]"; mes "Haha, you think it is a bad word."; mes "I want you to be one of our staffs."; next; mes "[Gobonge]"; mes "Sorry, but you should go now"; mes "so that I can concentrate on my stomachache."; setquest 1152; set malang_bad_guys,9; close; case 2: mes "[Gobonge]"; mes "All right, then I will have time"; mes "to concentrate on my stomachache."; setquest 1153; set malang_bad_guys,10; close; } } else if (malang_bad_guys == 9) { mes "[Gobonge]"; mes "Hmm, investigation is not enough."; mes "We need go back to basic point."; mes "Come again tomorrow."; mes "I might be in pain of stomach"; mes "like usual."; close; } else if (malang_bad_guys > 9 && malang_bad_guys < 12) { mes "[Gobonge]"; mes "Go and have fun with the Patrol Leader!"; close; } else if (malang_bad_guys == 12) { mes "[Gobonge]"; mes "Instead of us, you did bad behavior."; mes "Good to hear that?"; mes "This is what teacher see best pupil?"; emotion e_swt; next; mes "[Gobonge]"; mes "You deserve a reward!"; mes "I need to get some more rest,"; mes "so let's investigate tomorrow!"; erasequest 1155; setquest 1152; set malang_bad_guys,13; getitem 6422,5; //Egrade_Coin close; } else if (malang_bad_guys == 13) { mes "[Gobonge]"; mes "Come again tomorrow."; mes "I might be in pain of stomach"; mes "like usual."; close; } OnEnable: enablenpc "Gobonge#ml"; close; OnDisable: disablenpc "Gobonge#ml"; close; } malangdo,181,205,3 script Gobulee#ml1 547,{ mes "[Gobulee]"; mes "Why do you come now?"; mes "You should have come when we were healthy."; mes "So, you want to me take out what you have?"; close; } malangdo,180,202,3 script Gobyungee#ml1 547,{ mes "[Gobyungee]"; mes "I can't see other cats because"; mes "I could't have time to do bad behavior..."; close; } malangdo,186,201,3 script Gosigee#ml1 547,{ mes "[Gosigee]"; mes "I am desperate for pill of stomachache,"; mes "cap is only thinking of finding out criminal"; mes "and to revenge!"; mes "..."; next; mes "[Gosigee]"; mes "How can we follow him as a cap...!"; close; } malangdo,177,202,3 script Gonanee#ml2 547,{ mes "[Gonanee]"; mes "We are only bad circle in Malangdo"; mes "and we are very proud."; mes "Can't just lie in bed."; close; } malangdo,183,202,3 script Godoree#ml3 547,{ mes "[Godoree]"; mes "I saw unfamiliar cats around"; mes "the dock frequently."; mes "Are they tourists?"; mes "We should check their pockets"; mes "once I get well..."; close; } malangdo,203,116,5 script Suspious Dealer#ml 543,{ mes "On listening to the story for"; mes "a while, he pretends to be indifferent once hearing someone's noise."; next; mes "[Suspious Dealer]"; mes "Oh my body, too much pain..."; close; } malangdo,205,116,3 script Very Suspious Dealer#ml1 543,{ mes "On listening to the story for"; mes "a while, he pretends to be indifferent once hearing someone's noise."; next; mes "[Very Suspious Dealer]"; mes "The weather is so dirty..."; close; } malangdo,197,120,5 script Foolish Cat#ml 546,{ mes "[Foolish Cat]"; mes "If you stay here, you"; mes "can hear all they're saying."; mes "Don't know exactly what, but"; mes "you do hear everything."; mes "Hehehe..."; close; } malangdo,196,120,0 script #ml1 -1,2,2,{ OnTouch: if (malang_bad_guys == 1 || malang_bad_guys == 2) { mes "You hear a conversation between the Suspious Dealers."; next; mes "[Suspious Dealer]"; mes "Because unexpected robbery at that moment..."; mes "our great work has delayed."; next; mes "[Very Suspious Dealer]"; mes "Do not worry about the thing, I placed it near balloon bag where"; mes "Ship Navi is in the north, and I hid it perfectly."; next; mes "You need to check a place near north of balloon bag in ship Navi."; if (malang_bad_guys == 1) { erasequest 1145; setquest 1146; set malang_bad_guys,2; } close; } else if (malang_bad_guys > 2 && malang_bad_guys < 8) { mes "You still hear a suspicious conversation."; next; mes "[Suspious Dealer]"; mes "But near the balloon bag is still"; mes "worrying so much!"; next; mes "[Very Suspious Dealer]"; mes "Oh how cowardly you are!"; mes "I hid it in ship Navi perfectly."; mes "Relax!"; next; mes "[Suspious Dealer]"; mes "The rest of part is in staffs."; mes "We should believe."; next; mes "We need to investigate Navi first."; mes "Let's see other guys in ship Navi."; if (malang_bad_guys == 3) { erasequest 1147; setquest 1148; set malang_bad_guys,4; } close; } else if (malang_bad_guys > 7) { mes "You still hear a suspicious conversation."; next; mes "[Suspious Dealer]"; mes "Star candy is still healthy,"; mes "what happens?"; next; mes "[Very Suspious Dealer]"; mes "No way..."; mes "We should get more bad cans."; close; } end; } malangdo,155,179,0 script #ml2 -1,2,2,{ OnTouch: if (malang_bad_guys == 2 || malang_bad_guys == 3) { mes "There's a memo."; next; mes "[Memo]"; mes "Here is not what we wanted, huh!"; next; mes "...do listen the conversation of merchant."; if (malang_bad_guys == 2) { erasequest 1146; setquest 1147; set malang_bad_guys,3; } close; } end; } malangdo,171,163,3 script Awfully Suspious Dealer 543,{ if (malang_bad_guys < 4) { mes "[Awfully Suspious Dealer]"; mes "We quit our sales,"; mes "find the other merchant!"; close; } else if (malang_bad_guys == 4) { mes "[Awfully Suspious Dealer]"; mes "Bad cans?"; mes "Due to lots of work in here"; mes "can't have a short time to talk?"; next; switch(select("Look suspicious?:I knew all things here!")) { case 1: mes "[Awfully Suspious Dealer]"; mes "I have a same boat with you!"; close; case 2: mes "[Awfully Suspious Dealer]"; mes "..."; mes "You searched the lounge of ship Navi?"; mes "..."; next; mes "[Awfully Suspious Dealer]"; mes "It looks wrong place~"; mes "Go and do other things~!"; next; mes "You need to search lounge of ship Navi?"; erasequest 1148; setquest 1149; set malang_bad_guys,5; close; } } else if (malang_bad_guys == 5) { mes "[Awfully Suspious Dealer]"; mes "A thought to search Gozangee around ship Navi"; mes "is like to ride a skill"; mes "with frying pan, it is idiot things."; mes "I do not recommend."; close; } else if (malang_bad_guys == 6) { if (countitem(6427) == 0) { mes "[Awfully Suspious Dealer]"; mes "You searched the lounge of ship Navi?"; mes "But still nothing in hand."; mes "I told you there's nothing."; mes "..."; next; mes "[Awfully Suspious Dealer]"; mes "...there must be something..."; close; } mes "[Awfully Suspious Dealer]"; mes "Oh! That's ^0000FFa sack of bad cans^000000, isn't it?"; mes "Where did you get it? Amazing!"; next; switch(select("Do not pretend not to know!:Need to show them our general!")) { case 1: mes "[Awfully Suspious Dealer]"; mes "It just looks wonderful."; mes "There's nothing more to have?"; emotion e_ho; close; case 2: mes "[Awfully Suspious Dealer]"; mes "Relax!"; mes "Let's have smile and fun with only ours."; next; mes "[Awfully Suspious Dealer]"; mes "To be honest, I am a member of raccoon hurray team."; mes "A homeless community of raccoons"; mes "became a black market group."; mes "I will make headquater of raccoon hurray team here"; mes "after kick out group of cats."; next; switch(select("Are you the leader?:Let me clear the usage of bad can.:Can it be worked as you want?")) { case 1: mes "[Awfully Suspious Dealer]"; mes "This is thankful misunderstanding,"; mes "I am just little staff."; mes "I don't know who the leader is."; close; case 2: mes "[Awfully Suspious Dealer]"; mes "That is..."; mes "for food..."; mes "Don't ask me more, please!"; close; case 3: mes "[Awfully Suspious Dealer]"; mes "You look down out raccoon hurray team?"; mes "Look more! To my star candy who stands island"; mes "I will make them have stomachache"; mes "with lots of bad cans."; mes "Aren't you expecting?"; next; mes "[Awfully Suspious Dealer]"; mes "I can't make him eat with my hand,"; mes "to creature in shining coral area that is basic food of star candy"; mes "I am still feeding them with bad cans."; mes "You must see amazing reaction, just wait!"; next; mes "The situation is serious."; mes "Once the cats figure out,"; mes "you might be confused."; mes "Let's withdraw the bad cans first,"; mes "located in the shining coral area."; erasequest 1150; setquest 1151; set malang_bad_guys,7; close; } } } else if (malang_bad_guys == 7) { mes "[Awfully Suspious Dealer]"; mes "Plese forget what I have told you."; mes "Please..."; mes "After you got 30 pcs of bad cans"; mes "in shining coral area"; mes "do not tell the cats"; mes "or report this fact!"; close; } mes "[Awfully Suspious Dealer]"; mes "So you reported all things?"; mes "..."; mes "Now it's time to live a new life"; mes "of group for hair tufts..."; close; } mal_in02,184,72,3 script Gozangee#ml 547,{ mes "[Gozangee]"; mes "I have too much pain in my stomach..."; mes "Should endure myself!"; mes "...do bad activity..."; close; } mal_in02,184,77,0 script #ml3 -1,2,2,{ OnTouch: if (checkweight(1201,1) == 0) { mes "- You have too many items. -"; close; } if (malang_bad_guys == 4) { mes "I came to..."; mes "know a thing that shouldn't be"; mes "appeared to anyone."; mes "Just pretend that I didn't see this."; close; } else if (malang_bad_guys == 5) { mes "This is...!"; mes "..."; next; mes "A sack that carrying bad cans."; next; mes "Let's bring this to a guy who"; mes "is in Awfully Suspious Dealer in deck."; erasequest 1149; setquest 1150; set malang_bad_guys,6; getitem 6427,1; //Bad_Can_Sack close; } else if (malang_bad_guys == 6) { mes "I saw a sack of bad cans."; mes "located on the deck."; mes "Let's bring this to a guy who"; mes "is in Awfully Suspious Dealer in deck."; close; } end; } malangdo,125,147,3 script Patrol Leader#ml 545,{ if (checkweight(1201,1) == 0) { mes "- Can't go next step due to having too many items. -"; close; } if (malang_bad_guys < 10) { mes "[Patrol Leader]"; mes "Be careful of distribution for"; mes "bad cans recently in here"; mes "so should be noticed."; close; } else if (malang_bad_guys == 10) { mes "[Patrol Leader]"; mes "So you are going to do bad activity instead of"; mes "group of hair tufts lying in bed?"; mes "It's gonna be exciting!"; mes "So excited..."; next; mes "[Patrol Leader]"; mes "Gobonge and his friends"; mes "liked to torment ^0000FFRed Eruma^000000 in shining"; mes "coral area more than anything."; next; mes "[Patrol Leader]"; mes "Report to me after tormenting 20 ^0000FFRed Eruma^000000"; mes "for a while."; mes "I will scold you as Patrol Leader!"; next; switch(select("What Patrol Leader do like this?:Cheer up!!")) { case 1: mes "[Patrol Leader]"; mes "This is what my flavor to do this!"; close; case 2: mes "[Patrol Leader]"; mes "I will expect various bad activities."; erasequest 1153; setquest 1154; set malang_bad_guys,11; close; } } else if (malang_bad_guys == 11) { if (checkquest(1154,HUNTING) == 2) { mes "[Patrol Leader]"; mes "Wow, you did to ^0000FFRed Eruma^000000 so badly!"; mes "I am impressed at your work."; next; mes "[Crime Prevention Staff]"; mes "Captain, we have work again, right?"; emotion e_sob; emotion e_sob,0,"Crime Prevention Staff#ml"; next; mes "[Patrol Leader]"; mes "Hide your tears and save your tears!"; mes "You should cry when having a clue for bad activity"; mes "at crime spot!"; emotion e_sob; emotion e_sob,0,"Crime Prevention Staff#ml"; next; mes "[Patrol Leader]"; mes "I will scold you once the investigation is over!"; mes "Visit Gobonge now."; erasequest 1154; setquest 1155; set malang_bad_guys,12; close; } mes "[Patrol Leader]"; mes "Inside of starry coral area,"; mes "report to me after tormenting 20 ^0000FFRed Eruma^000000"; mes "for a while."; mes "I will scold you as Patrol Leader!"; close; } mes "[Patrol Leader]"; mes "I will scold you once the investigation"; mes "is over!"; mes "visit Gobonge now."; close; } malangdo,129,146,3 script Crime Prevention Staff 545,{ if (malang_bad_guys > 11) { mes "[Crime Prevention Staff]"; mes "A work to do means happy things!"; mes "I ask you to do various bad activities!"; close; } mes "[Crime Prevention Staff]"; mes "A group of cats that"; mes "ate bad cans got"; mes "pain in stomache."; mes "They are lying at the north"; mes "of place but still rolling with anger."; next; mes "[Crime Prevention Staff]"; mes "Haha... the village is becoming"; mes "peaceful and calm, but feels"; mes "somewhat empty. This is not"; mes "usual scene that we can have."; mes "Let's see there?"; close; } /* malangdo,3,1,3 script Guidance for quest#ml 543,{ input .@input,1,9999; if (.@input != 1854) { mes "[Helper]"; mes "What is this security code?"; mes "Go away!"; close; } mes "[Helper]"; mes "Choose now, hurry!"; next; switch(select("NPC appear!:NPC walkout!:Reset setitem:30 pcs of bad cans:Just before collecting cans:Start quest for Patrol Leader")) { case 1: donpcevent "Gobonge#ml::OnEnable"; mes "[Helper]"; mes "First appearance!"; close; case 2: donpcevent "Gobonge#ml::OnDisable"; mes "[Helper]"; mes "Walk out!"; close; case 3: mes "[Helper]"; mes "Yap!"; set malang_bad_guys,0; erasequest 1152; close; case 4: mes "[Helper]"; mes "Owing?"; getitem 6426,30; //Bad_Can close; case 5: mes "[Helper]"; mes "Yap!"; erasequest 1150; setquest 1151; set malang_bad_guys,7; close; case 6: mes "[Helper]"; mes "Yap!"; set malang_bad_guys,10; close; } } */ // Pipielle :: mal_ppl //============================================================ malangdo,137,200,6 script Pipielle 549,{ if (checkweight(1201,1) == 0 || MaxWeight - Weight < 1000) { mes "You have too many items, please try again after reducing your weight."; close; } if (BaseLevel < 60) { mes "[Pipielle]"; mes "Wow this is nice weather, do you like this kind of weather too? I like it too but I need to my work now."; next; mes "[Pipielle]"; mes "I would ask for your help if you were a stronger advanturer..."; next; mes "^770099This cat is working on something, she asks for help above LV60.^000000"; close; } set .@fish_ss1, "What are you doing??"; if (countitem(6451) > 29) set .@fish_ss2, "I caught a lot of strange fishes!"; else { set .@fish_num, 30-countitem(6451); //Unknown_Fish set .@fish_ss2, "Remaining " + .@fish_num + " of ^bbbbbbUnidentified Fish are required.^000000"; } if (ma_tomas == 100) set .@fish_ss3, "I met a Admiral Thomas..."; mes "[Pipielle]"; mes "Would you come here and open your bag for me?"; next; switch(select(.@fish_ss1,.@fish_ss2,.@fish_ss3)) { case 1: mes "[Pipielle]"; mes "There are many beautiful fishes around here. So I feel my heard beating when I standing here."; next; select("Of course, my heart will beat up too if I see delicious thing!"); mes "[Pipielle]"; mes "How come you only know about eating!! My heart don't beat up because of I see the delicious thing. Don't treat me the same as others."; next; mes "[Pipielle]"; mes "I used to study from scholar from uno same as human. And I am good at human language as well. Don't treat me same as others."; next; mes "[Pipielle]"; mes "I am a scholar who researches fish in here. It's little funny that cat research fish but it's true."; next; select("Are you originally a scholar?"); mes "[Pipielle]"; mes "Originally I used to mate of admiral Thomas. But our ship never to back to sea after we has arrived here."; next; mes "[Pipielle]"; mes "The mate from ship that never voyage is lonely."; next; mes "[Pipielle]"; mes "The scholar from Uno came here for research and he thought it is amazing thing that cat speaks human language. Therefore he started teach me."; next; select("But now everyone speaks human language."); mes "[Pipielle]"; mes "Oh yes, there were only little cat speaks human language. That's why he treated me special."; next; mes "[Pipielle]"; mes "Anyways, now I collect specimens to be ichthyologist. I hope you can help me."; next; if(select("How can I help you?:I would say no.") == 2) { mes "[Pipielle]"; mes "Oh, okay. If you change your mind, please come again."; close; } mes "[Pipielle]"; mes "There is a Pouring who's eating all fishes in Octopus and Culvert dungeon."; next; mes "[Pipielle]"; mes "It used to not live there, but he might came here for winter, so could you collect the specimens unidentified fish after get rid of it."; next; mes "[Pipielle]"; mes "You can get identified fishes from Pouring, so please collect about 30 pieces."; close; case 2: if (countitem(6451) > 29) { //saveppl Unknown_Fish delitem 6451,30; //Unknown_Fish mes "[Pipielle]"; mes "Oh, thank you! I will take these specimens."; next; mes "[Pipielle]"; mes "I want to give you something, but last one is out of stock now so I will just write your name here."; next; mes "[Pipielle]"; mes "I can give you good new even from far distance, but it's only possible if I am really lucky..."; close; } mes "[Pipielle]"; mes "I'm sorry, but please collect 30 pieces of unidentified fishes specimens."; close; case 3: mes "[Pipielle]"; mes "Oh, you have met admiral Thomas... how was it?"; next; if(select("He looks gentle:He looks terrible") == 2) { mes "[Pipielle]"; mes "Hmm..."; mes "Frankly speaking, I was a real fan of Admiral Thomas. Can you take a responsibility of your word?"; next; if(select("Just kidding!:Oh yes, he was really terrible!") == 2) { mes "[Pipielle]"; mes "Is he?"; mes "Okay, it really depends on personal taste..."; close; } } mes "[Pipielle]"; mes "Is he?"; mes "I knew you would say so."; next; mes "[Pipielle]"; mes "Admiral Thomas is a legendary figure who has voyaged to this island with leading all of us. I think it was the most happiest moment in my life."; next; mes "[Pipielle]"; mes "Please help him a lot. There are not many people to trust. This is my personal request."; next; mes "[Pipielle]"; mes "And this is small gift for ask you to look after admiral Thomas."; set ma_tomas,101; getitem 6422,200; //Egrade_Coin mes "^0000ffReceived 200 E Class Coins.^000000"; close; } }