//================= Hercules Script =======================================
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//= This file is part of Hercules.
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//= Copyright (C) 2012-2015  Hercules Dev Team
//= Copyright (C)  Euphy
//= Copyright (C)  Streusel
//= Copyright (C)  Kisuka
//= Hercules is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
//= it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
//= the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
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//= Renewal Swordsman Job Quest
//================= Description ===========================================
//= Job Change to Swordman Class
//================= Current Version =======================================
//= 1.2

izlude_in,74,172,4	script	Swordman#swd	2_M_SWORDMASTER,{
	if (Upper == 1) {
		if (Class == Job_Novice_High && (ADVJOB == Job_Lord_Knight || ADVJOB == Job_Paladin)) {
			mes "[Swordman]";
			mes "It...";
			mes "Can't be...";
			mes "You've been reborn, haven't you?";
			mes "[Swordman]";
			mes "I see you're retreading the path of the Swordman! Once you've gotten used to brandishing a sword, you can never go back!!";
			if (getskilllv("NV_BASIC") < 9) {
				mes "[Swordman]";
				mes "Hmm? Ah, you must first master the Basic Skills before you are ready to become a Swordman.";
				mes "[Swordman]";
				mes "Come back to me when you have finished learning the Basic Novice Skills.";
			mes "[Swordman]";
			mes "Excellent! Let me promote you to a Swordman right away!";
			skill 143,0,0;
			jobchange Job_Swordman_High;
			skill 144,1,0;
			skill 145,1,0;
			skill 146,1,0;
			mes "[Swordman]";
			mes "Hmm... You look like a well-experienced Swordman. Still, I'm sure that you must train to improve your skills and gain strength!";
			mes "[Swordman]";
			mes "Hm...?";
			mes "You're a reborn";
			mes "warrior, aren't you?";
			mes "[Swordman]";
			mes "Hmmm...";
			mes "It seems that being";
			mes "a Swordman is not part";
			mes "of your destiny. I'm sorry,";
			mes "but it seems there is nothing";
			mes "I can do for you.";
	mes "[Swordman Guildsman]";
	mes "This is the Swordman Guild.";
	mes "Why are you here?";
	switch(select("Tell me about being a Swordman.", "I want to be a Swordman.", "Nothing.")) {
	case 1:
		mes "[Swordman Guildsman]";
		mes "So you wish to know more about the mighty Swordman? Okay!";
		mes "[Swordman Guildsman]";
		mes "The most distinctive feature of the Swordman is that the Swordman can show us his/her real abilities in close combat.";
		mes "There are three reasons!";
		mes "[Swordman Guildsman]";
		mes "First, Swordman has higher HP than other jobs.";
		mes "Second, except for Bows and Rods, Swordman can use all other weapons so they can fight at their optimal ability.";
		mes "And third, most of the skills of the Swordman give powerful physical attacks.";
		mes "[Swordman Guildsman]";
		mes "Though I gave you a simple explanation, I believe you understand the core meaning of what it is to be a Swordman.";
		mes "In my opinion, Swordman is the best job ever!";
	case 2:
		if(BaseJob != Job_Novice) {
			mes "[Swordman Guildsman]";
			if(BaseJob == Job_Swordman) {
				mes "You are already an excellent Swordman, aren't you?";
				mes "Just devote yourself to be a great Swordman.";
				mes "You already have one of the other jobs, don't you?";
				mes "You've gone too far with that joke.";
			if (getskilllv("NV_BASIC") < 9) {
				mes "[Swordman Guildsman]";
				mes "I'm sorry to tell you this but to be a Swordman, you must reach at least ^4A4AFFJob Level 10^000000.";
				mes "and ^4A4AFFBasic Skill Level 9^000000.";
				mes "[Swordman Guildsman]";
				mes "Want to be a Swordman without having the minimum requirement?";
				mes "Do you think being a Swordman is that easy?";
			mes "[Swordman Guildsman]";
			mes "Hmm, both your Job Level and Basic Skill Level check out.";
			mes "Good. Do you want to be a Swordman right away?";
			if(select("Yes, I do.", "I'll consider it again.") == 2) {
				mes "[Swordman Guildsman]";
				mes "Yeah. Prudent decision is needed for choosing a job.";
				mes "But I feel sorry... that you consider it again after overcoming all the hardships....";
			mes "[Swordman Guildsman]";
			mes "Congratulations! From now on, you are going to live a Swordman's life!";
			mes "Let's do it right now!";
			mes "[Swordman Guildsman]";
			mes "Congratulations again for being a Swordman and I hope that you participate in many activities for the revival of our guild.";
			callfunc "Job_Change",Job_Swordman;
			getitem N_Falchion,1; // N_Falchion
	case 3: