//===== eAthena Script ======================================= //= Swordsman Skills Quests //===== By: ================================================== //= kobra_k88 //===== Current Version: ===================================== //= 1.1 //===== Compatible With: ===================================== //= eAthena 7.15 + //===== Description: ========================================= //= //===== Additional Comments: ================================= //= Fully working //= 1.0a Now using functions found in "Global_Functions.txt" //= for class checks. //= 1.1 Added missing delitem [Lupus] //============================================================ //<-------------------------------------- Fatal Blow------------------------------------>\\ prt_in.gat,75,88,5 script Leon 85,{ mes "[Leon]"; if(callfunc("Is_Sword_Class")) goto L_Start; if(Class == Job_Novice) goto L_Novice; mes "Hello there. I am Leon, a well known and well respected member of the famous Prontera Chivalry."; next; mes "[Leon]"; mes "Are you here to learn more about the Chivalry, or are you hear to bask in the glory of us Knights? Hahahaha!"; emotion 18; close; L_Novice: mes "Oh a novice.... I'm afraid I have nothing to offer you."; mes "I have no fun or nice things to say to anyone other then Swordsmen."; next; mes "[Leon]"; mes "See you in a better world!"; close; L_Start: if (FATALBLOW == 1) goto L_Check; if (getskilllv(145)>0) goto L_Done; if(sex==1)mes "Oooh! I see that you are quite a strong Swordsman."; if(sex==0)mes "Oooh! I see that you are quite a strong Swordswoman."; mes "How did I know? Hahaha! Just look at that strong arm of yours!"; next; mes "[Leon]"; mes "You must enjoy using ^0000ff'Bash'^000000, huh? Hahaha!"; emotion 18; next; mes "[Leon]"; if(sex==1)mes "I like a Swordsman who isn't afraid to use a powerfull skill such as that."; if(sex==0)mes "Now, now, don't be shy. It's ok for girls to like Bash."; if(sex==0)mes "Afterall, whether your a Swordsman or Swordswoman, there's no denying the power of Bash!"; next; mes "[Leon]"; mes "As great as Bash is though, I often felt that it could be even better if there was someway to stun an opponent with it."; mes "I decided to withdraw from the battlefield and research ways of making bash more powerfull."; next; mes "[Leon]"; mes "I discovered that if one could strike an enemy's weak point with a precisely placed Bash, an opponent would be left utterly parralyzed!!"; next; mes "[Leon]"; mes "I then went on to develop the skill, ^ff0000'Fatal Blow'^000000, which allows you to do just that!"; mes "Will rigorous training, one can learn to stun an opponent with a mighty Bash."; next; mes "[Leon]"; mes "Since you seem to be so fond of Bash, I'd be willing to teach you the skill."; mes "However, I must warn you that a lot of hard work will be required."; next; mes "[Leon]"; mes "So what do you think? Are you interested?"; next; menu "You betcha!!",M_0, "Nah.... Not really.",M_1, "Any advice on how to eat sushi?",M_2; M_0: set FATALBLOW,1; mes "[Leon]"; mes "Hahaha! I knew you love Bash as much as I do."; next; mes "[Leon]"; mes "In order for me to teach you Fatal Blow, you must have at least ^5555FFlevel 5 Bash^000000. You then need to give me these items:"; mes "- 10 ^FF0000Fire Arrows^000000,"; mes "- 10 ^FF0000Silver Arrows^000000,"; mes "- 1 ^FF0000Banana Juice^000000,"; mes "- 30 ^FF0000Tentacles^000000,"; mes "- and 5 ^FF0000Royal Jelly^000000."; next; mes "[Leon]"; mes "When you have gathered all of these items come back and see me."; close; M_1: mes "[Leon]"; mes "I see... I must have misjudged you..."; close; M_2: mes "[*Sushi King* Leon]"; mes "The best way to eat sushi is with your hands. That is the basic method. Oh, and dip the FISH, NOT the RICE, into the soy sauce."; next; mes "[*Sushi King* Leon]"; mes "That way you get a richer flavor. Also, always eat the kind that is in season."; mes "Eating in the order of white fish, then blue fish, will make it taste even better!"; next; mes "[*Sushi King* Leon]"; mes "Mmmmm..... I love sushi!!!"; emotion 33; close; L_Check: mes "So your back. Did you get what I asked for?"; next; mes "[Leon]"; if(countitem(1752)<10 || countitem(1751)<10 || countitem(532)<1 || countitem(962)<30 || countitem(526)<5) goto L_NoItems; if(getskilllv(5)<5) goto L_BashLvl; mes "Great work. You have everything I need for me to teach you Fatal Blow."; next; mes "[Leon]"; mes "Ok, lets get started."; next; mes "!SMACK!~!CRACK!~!THWACK!~!BASH!.......... !SMACK!~!CRACK!~!THWACK!~!BASH!.........."; next; mes "(5 hours later)"; next; mes "[Leon]"; mes "Yes! That's it! You have just mastered Fatal Blow!"; emotion 21; next; delitem 1752,10; delitem 1751,10; delitem 532,1; delitem 962,30; delitem 526,5; skill 145,1,0; set FATALBLOW,0; mes "[Leon]"; mes "Use it wisely young warrior!!"; close; L_NoItems: mes "Hmm... you still don't have enough items. Come back when you do."; close; L_BashLvl: mes "Wait a minute... you have to train a little more before learning this skill."; mes "You need to have at least a ^5555FFlevel 5 Bash^000000."; close; L_Done: mes "So how is Fatal Blow? Isn't it great!! Hahaha! I knew you'd like it."; next; mes "[Leon]"; mes "Go on and Bash the heck out of those monsters! Hahaha."; emotion 18; close; } //<---------------------------------- Moving HP Recovery ---------------------------------->\\ izlude_in.gat,175,130,2 script Knight De Thomas 98,{ mes "[Knight De Thomas]"; if(callfunc("Is_Sword_Class")) goto L_Start; L_Other: mes "I am Thomas De Knight of the Prontera Chivalry. I am very busy now so please leave me alone."; close; L_Start: if (MOVHPREC == 1) goto L_Check; if (getskilllv(144)>0) goto L_GotSkill; mes "Oh no! You must have been hurt in battle! Are you ok?"; mes "It must have been a hard fought battle for you to recieve such serious injuries...."; emotion 19; next; mes "[Knight De Thomas]"; mes "Being a Swordsman or Knight comes with a lot of responsiblity and requires a great deal of self sacrifice."; mes "For Swordsmen and Knights there is a wonderfull skill that can aid in the recovery of HP."; next; mes "[Knight De Thomas]"; mes "I present to you..... ^5555FF'Moving HP Recovery'^000000!! This skill allows you to recover HP while moving!"; next; mes "[Knight De Thomas]"; mes "The skill has not been perfected yet so the amount of HP recovered is a little low. Still, it is helpful."; mes "What do you think? Would you like to learn this skill?"; next; menu "What a great skill! I would like to learn it!!",M_0, "No thank you.",M_End; M_0: mes "[Knight De Thomas]"; mes "Very well. I will tell you what is needed to learn this skill. First you must have a job level of 35 or greater."; mes "This however doesn't apply to Knights or Crusaders. You will also need:"; mes "^5555FF200 Empty Bottles^000000,"; mes "^5555FF1 Padded Armour^000000,"; mes "and ^5555FF1 Moth Wings^000000."; next; mes "[Knight De Thomas]"; mes "The bottles are proof that you have fought feircely and have used many potions. The Padded Armor is proof of an experienced fighter."; mes "The Moth Wings..... well... really aren't necessary. It's just that my niece recieved a bug hunting assignment for summer vacation......."; next; mes "[Knight De Thomas]"; mes "I would get them myself... it's just... I must work here all day long so I don't have any time to go out and get them......."; next; mes "[Knight De Thomas]"; mes "Don't you think it's sad that I have to stay in once place everyday without even being able to go outside??"; mes "Please.... find a pair of Moth Wings for my niece?.... (~sniff~sniff~)...."; emotion 28; next; mes "[Knight De Thomas]"; mes "If you don't..... I won't teach you anything!! Muahahahaha!!"; emotion 29; set MOVHPREC, 1; close; M_End: mes "[Knight De Thomas]"; mes "What?? What did you say?....."; emotion 1; close; L_Check: mes "Ah, you've come back. Let's, see... are you ready for HP Moving Recovery?...."; next; mes "[Knight De Thomas]"; if ((countitem(713)<200) || (countitem(1058)<1) || (countitem(2312)<1)) goto L_NoItems; if (Class==Job_Swordman && JobLevel < 35) goto L_LowLvl; mes "Great! You have everything needed to learn this skill. Take a deep breath.... let us begin."; next; mes "(2 hours later)"; next; mes "[Knight De Thomas]"; mes "Can you feel it? Can you feel the energy flowing in you while you move around?"; mes "Haha! You have just learned HP Moving Recovery!"; delitem 713,200; delitem 1058,1; delitem 2312,1; skill 144,1,0; set MOVHPREC, 0; next; mes "[Knight De Thomas]"; mes "Congratulations on learning the new skill and thank you for the Moth Wings! ^_^"; emotion 21; close; L_NoItems: mes "As I said before you need to bring me these items:"; mes "^5555FF200 Empty Bottles^000000,"; mes "^5555FF1 Padded Armour^000000,"; mes "and ^5555FF1 Moth Wings^000000."; close; L_LowLvl: mes "You are not yet experienced enough to learn this skill. Come back when you have a job level of at least 35."; close; L_GotSkill: mes "Ah, you're looking well. That HP Moving Recovery skill must be very helpfull."; mes "Well, continued success on your adventure!"; close; } //<----------------------------------------- Auto-Berserk --------------------------------->\\ prt_in.gat,94,57,3 script Juan 85,{ mes "[Juan]"; if(callfunc("Is_Sword_Class")) goto L_Start; L_Other: mes "So how's your adventure going? I hope there will be good days ahead of you."; next; mes "[Juan]"; mes "Who am I? Oh, I'm just a kind knight named Juan. Don't mind me. Hahahaha...."; emotion 18; close; L_Start: if (Class==Job_Swordman && JobLevel<34) goto L_LowLvl; if (BERSERK == 1) goto L_Check; if (getskilllv(146)>0) goto L_GotSkill; mes "Oh no! You have more injuries since the last time I saw you."; mes "You went into battle like this? It seems like you're straining yourself."; next; mes "[Juan]"; mes "Even though you may have a lot of strength, there is only so much you can do when you have reached your limits."; mes "So don't overestimate your own power."; next; mes "[Juan]"; mes "Of course you could always use the ^5555FF'skill'^000000 we developed to overcome these limits....."; next; menu "Eh! What are you talking about?",M_0, "Haha! There's no such thing....",M_1, "Keuuuuuhhh!",M_3; M_0: mes "[Juan]"; mes "The skill is called ^5555FFBerserk^000000. It has been deemed the flower of the battlefield!"; mes "When your health is low, you can call upon your hidden potential by provoking yourself."; next; mes "[Juan]"; mes "A surge of energy will flow through your body giving you a greater attack prowess at the cost of defensive strength."; mes "With this you will be able to fight on with a FIREY RAGE and an absolute disregard to your own safety!!"; next; mes "[Juan]"; mes "The enemy will be shocked by your new found strength!!"; mes "This skill is especially great for those who fight with a no-holds-bar mentality."; next; mes "[Juan]"; mes "In order to learn this skill you will need to bring me the following items:"; mes "^5555FF35 Powder of Butterfly,"; mes "10 Horrendous Mouth,"; mes "10 Decayed Nail^000000,"; mes "and ^5555FF10 Honeys^000000!"; next; mes "[Juan]"; mes "Did you get all of that down? Please come back when you are ready. I look forward to seeing you again."; set BERSERK, 1; close; M_1: mes "[Juan]"; mes "Bleh! Have you been a fool all of your life?? Go away and don't talk to me."; emotion 32; close; M_3: mes "[Juan]"; mes "Keuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh!"; mes "Oooowwwwwwwwuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhh!"; mes "Keuaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!"; close; L_LowLvl: mes "Oh, nice to meet you."; next; mes "[Juan]"; mes "You can go on your way now."; emotion 33; close; L_Check: if ((countitem(924)<35) && (countitem(957)<10) && (countitem(958)<10) && (countitem(518)<10)) goto L_NoItems; mes "Good job my dear friend. You have all 4 of the items I asked for."; mes "In return I will now teach you the skill: ^FF0000Berserk^000000."; next; mes "[Juan]"; mes "Great job you have done well and deserve this skill."; next; delitem 924,35; delitem 958,10; delitem 957,10; delitem 518,10; skill 146,1,0; set BERSERK, 0; mes "[Juan]"; mes "Muhahahaha!! Don't hold back young warrior, fight without any fears or regrets!!"; emotion 29; close; L_NoItems: mes "[Juan]"; mes "In order to learn this skill you will need to bring me the following items:"; mes "^5555FF35 Powder of Butterfly,"; mes "^10 Horrendous Mouth,"; mes "^10 Decayed Nail^000000,"; mes "and ^5555FF10 Honeys^000000!"; close; L_GotSkill: mes "You have the eyes of a person who has seen death first hand!!"; mes "But, because of Berserk, I'm sure you have been able to escape it many times as well."; emotion 0; close; }