prt_in,234,133,4 script Nami#qsk_nv 66,{ if ((BaseClass == Job_Novice && JobLevel > 3) || (BaseLevel > 11 && NOV_SK < 3)) { mes "[Nami]"; mes "Hello!"; mes "I want to be a nurse so bad!"; mes "I always go and try to learn more."; mes "Actually, I'm really good."; mes "Do you want me to try on you? ? ? . ."; next; if (select("Continue conversation:Slowly slink away. . . .") == 1) { if (NOV_SK >= 0 && NOV_SK <= 2) { switch(NOV_SK) { case 0: mes "[Nami]"; mes "Thank you for giving me this chance!"; mes "I will do the best I can."; mes "When I am nursing people, I never"; mes "give half effort. -"; next; mes "[Nami]"; mes "Let me explain to you about"; mes "this skill I am using, ^3355FF' First Aid '^000000 "; mes "It doesn't take any special"; mes "equipment or items . ."; mes "Using only old cloth, left over potions,"; mes "and some other unsubstantial materials"; next; mes "[Nami]"; mes "you can perform first aid. -"; mes "It is a simple skill that you can use"; mes "to regain a small amount of HP."; mes "I wouldn't mind teaching you. . ."; mes "If you want to learn this skill,"; mes "it does not take much to learn. . ."; next; mes "[Nami]"; mes "First aid does require"; mes "some small preparations. . ."; mes "Some simple items you should have on hand are"; mes "^3355FF' 3 Red Herb '^000000 "; mes "^3355FF' 3 Clover '^000000 "; mes "^3355FF' 1 Sterilized Bandages '^000000 "; next; mes "[Nami]"; mes "You can find these items being"; mes "carried by monsters close by or"; mes "even buy them from a merchant."; mes "It shouldn't be difficult to prepare"; mes "these items for your first aid skill."; next; mes "[Nami]"; mes "The only item you must take"; mes "a special trip for is the bandage."; mes "On the eastern side second floor "; mes "of the prontera castle you can find"; mes "a nurse who will supply you with this"; mes "item readily. You should see her for this item"; next; mes "[Nami]"; mes "If you go and find these items, "; mes "I will be happy to teach you this skill."; mes "Well, I will be awaiting your return."; set NOV_SK,1; close; case 1: mes "[Nami]"; mes "First aid does require"; mes "some small preparations. . ."; mes "Some simple items you should have on hand are"; mes "^3355FF' 3 Red Herb '^000000 "; mes "^3355FF' 3 Clover '^000000 "; mes "^3355FF' 1 Sterilized Bandages '^000000 "; next; mes "[Nami]"; mes "You can find these items being"; mes "carried by monsters close by or"; mes "even buy them from a merchant."; mes "It shouldn't be difficult to prepare"; mes "these items for your first aid skill."; next; mes "[Nami]"; mes "The only item you must take"; mes "a special trip for is the bandage."; mes "Two maps east of here you can find"; mes "a nurse who will supply you with this"; mes "item readily. You should see her for"; mes "this item. . . "; close; case 2: if (countitem(507) > 2 && countitem(705) > 2) { delitem 507,3; //Red_Herb delitem 705,3; //Clover mes "[Nami]"; mes "Hello, welcome back!"; mes "You have done well at finding"; mes "the necessary items."; mes "I know that the Nurse is a little"; mes "strange, I am sure it was a little perplexing. . ."; mes "hee hee hee . . . . ."; next; mes "[Nami]"; mes "Well, let us begin our training."; mes "When using the first aid skill"; mes "you will use about 3 SP and convert"; mes "this energy into about 5 HP."; mes "This is done with your first aid skill"; mes "and supplies."; next; mes "[Nami]"; mes "You should take this and place it here. . ."; mes "Then you can stop the bleeding. . ."; mes "After that you should apply this. . ."; mes "There!!! Isn't it easy? ! ? !"; next; mes "[Nami]"; mes ". . Basically."; mes "You can take a little of left"; mes "herbs and common items"; mes "and combine them together and. . ."; mes "Presto !!"; next; skill 142,1,0; set NOV_SK,3; mes "[Nami]"; mes "Yes yes, that¡¯s right!"; mes "Now that you have this"; mes "skill, I hope that it helps you"; mes "in the future."; mes "Thank you and have a great day !~~~"; close; } else { mes "[Nami]"; mes "First aid does require"; mes "some small preparations. . ."; mes "Some simple items you should have on hand are"; mes "^3355FF' 3 Red_Herb '^000000 "; mes "^3355FF' 3 Clover '^000000 "; mes "^3355FF' 1 Sterilized Bandages '^000000 "; close; } } } else { mes "[Nami]"; mes ". . . . . Z z z"; mes "I am so sorry!!!...I know I did it wrong...!!"; mes "Wahhhh .."; mes "!! *sigh* !!"; mes "- *rolls her eyes* -"; close; } } else { mes "[Nami]"; mes "Hey! .. Where are you going? !"; mes "Come over here and have a shot !"; mes "Prick and its over !!"; mes "Grab that patient! ! !"; close; } } else { mes "[Nami]"; mes "I am working hard to receive"; mes "my nursing license . . ."; mes "I don't think that I lack anything"; mes "to become a nurse . ."; mes "It must be because of my lack of my experience ?"; next; mes "[Nami]"; mes "If only you had at least"; mes "a first job . ."; mes "or maybe be over ^3355FF novice job level 4^000000"; mes "I could have talked to"; mes "you a little longer. . . . . . ."; close; } } prt_in,73,87,4 script Chivalry Member#qsk_nv 65,{ if ((BaseJob == Job_Novice && Upper != 1 && JobLevel > 6) && NOV_SK >= 3 && NOV_SK <= 5) { mes "[Bulma]"; mes "Yeah. . . I look great. . ."; mes "I am a knight in the knight's"; mes "guild of Prontera! Kuhahhahhahah !!"; mes "It hasn't been long since I became a"; mes " knight, but I still look great huh?"; mes "What do you think? ? ?"; next; switch(NOV_SK) { case 3: mes "[Bulma]"; mes "Hello my young friend -"; mes "You remind me of myself as young"; mes "sword man. . . "; mes "Kekekkek, Oh I miss those days . ."; mes "Look at me acting like an old man."; mes "Heh heh Sorry..."; next; mes "[Bulma]"; mes "I'm still young!!! Aren't I???"; mes "If you just work hard and be patient,"; mes "you will soon receive the job you desire as well."; mes "It takes patience, but this is"; mes "good life kekkeke"; mes "Hmm, I would like to help you out . ."; next; mes "[Bulma]"; mes ". . . . . I'm not sure why you are looking"; mes "at me like that. I assure you that this"; mes "might seem a little weird at first, but"; mes "what I tell you will most likely be a great aid to you.."; next; mes "[Bulma]"; mes "Ha ha... It looks like you are getting"; mes "a bit interested in what I have to say."; mes "I can teach you a very useful skill!"; mes "This skill is acting like you are dead! '"; mes "No No, it is more than acting, you "; mes "actually look dead!!! .."; next; mes "[Bulma]"; mes "The name of the skill is ^3355FF' Play Dead '^000000"; mes "It is a skill I used as a novice."; mes "But don't think little of it because"; mes "it is a novice skill. In fact, it takes"; mes "extreme concentration and skill"; mes "to even make this skill pass as believable."; next; mes "[Bulma]"; mes "For example,"; mes "What if you are attacked by a strong"; mes "monster and can't survive."; mes "You must play dead!"; mes "But if the monster was to tickle you,"; mes "could you control yourself?"; next; mes "[Bulma]"; mes "The skill will help you deal with"; mes "many situations such as this."; mes "It is truly a skill for the strong minded."; mes "The goal of the skill is to look"; mes "perfectly dead. . ."; next; mes "[Bulma]"; mes "I think that¡¯s enough explanation."; mes "I can tell by the look in your eyes"; mes "that you are ready for your training."; mes "Lets not delay!"; mes "Ok, take this pill first. . ."; mes "Let¡¯s see how this goes. . ."; next; mes "[Bulma]"; mes "Within in 10 minutes, you must"; mes "go to the 2nd floor of the Prontera Castle's"; mes "East wing. ^3355FF' Newbie Tag '^000000 is"; mes "the item you are seeking. ! . ."; next; mes "^3355FF- *Gulp* (You have swallowed the pill) -^000000"; next; mes "[Bulma]"; mes "The pill that you have just taken"; mes "will make it difficult for you to breathe. . ."; mes "Kekekk . .AH HA - Just joking !"; mes "It is actually a pill to gives you"; mes "a mental calm so you can be patient."; mes "I think that nothing is better"; next; mes "[Bulma]"; mes "training than running."; mes "Okay? GO! ! ! ! ~~~~~"; mes "If you are late, you have to do it again! !"; mes "Now GO ! GO ! GO !"; mes "Run ~~~~~!!!!"; set NOV_SK,4; close; case 4: mes "[Bulma]"; mes "HEY! what are you doing here ? !"; mes "You must be very irresponsible to be"; mes "here when your time is running out."; mes "Run Run Run! - - - - -"; next; mes "[Bulma]"; mes "On the 2nd floor of the east wing!"; mes "It's in the Prontera castle!"; mes "Okayyyyy~~~!! *waves goodbye*"; close; case 5: if (countitem(7039) > 0) { mes "[Bulma]"; mes "Hey... I see that you have -"; mes "finished your quest! ! ! . ."; mes "If you can endure all this,"; mes "it shouldn't be a problem to use"; mes "this skill. You are a natural!"; next; mes "[Bulma]"; mes "Now, if you ever feel threatened,"; mes "use this skill as you see fit."; mes " ' Play Dead ' "; mes "Okay okay, See you around ! ! !"; set NOV_SK,6; delitem 7039,1; //Novice_Nametag skill 143,1,0; close; } else { mes "[Bulma]"; mes "What? -"; mes "Why haven't you finished your quest?"; mes " *Tsk* *Tsk* You must have lost the pass . . ."; mes "Such irresponsibility is not acceptable."; mes "I can't accept you into training until"; mes "I know you are capable. Go and try again."; next; mes "[Bulma]"; mes "Don't take me lightly. . ."; mes "If I tell you to come in 10 minutes,"; mes "I expect that of you."; mes "In order for you to have another chance,"; mes "you must start from the beginning. . ."; mes "Do it right this time ! ! ! !"; set NOV_SK,4; close; } } } else { mes "[Bulma]"; mes "Yeah... I remember back to long ago !"; mes "Especially those embarrassing Novice years."; mes "Wow... It is funny to think about those years now."; mes "Those years were difficult. . ."; mes "Thankfully you can use the First Aid"; mes "skill when you reach novice job level 7."; next; mes "[Bulma]"; mes "That saved me many times in the past. . ."; mes "I am sure it will help you much as well."; mes "Hopefully, it will be something you use well . ."; next; mes "[Bulma]"; mes "If you have any friends who are novices,"; mes "tell them about me."; mes "If I can, I will help them out"; mes "as best as I can . . . ."; close; } } prt_castle,175,146,4 script Nursing Instructor#qsk_nv 50,{ mes "[Dread Lord]"; mes ". . . . . . . . . ."; mes ". . . . . . . . . ."; mes "Stop pestering me! ! !"; mes "I am very busy ! ! !"; mes "Would you just bug off ? ! ? !"; next; if (NOV_SK >= 0 || NOV_SK <= 5) { switch(NOV_SK) { case 0: mes "[Dread Lord]"; mes "The people who work here at"; mes "Prontera clinic are battling life"; mes "and death everyday."; mes "It takes a lot of patience and "; mes "puts a lot of tension on us."; mes "Sorry if we seem a bit uptight. . ."; next; mes "[Dread Lord]"; mes "I am the Nursing director."; mes "There are many things I must do."; mes "If your business is complete, please leave."; close; case 1: mes "[Dread Lord]"; mes "Ohhh . ."; mes "You have come here for bandages ?"; mes "Do you even know how we get these"; mes "precious bandages ?"; mes "They come from a powerful monster"; mes "that is found in the pyramids of Moroc."; next; mes "[Dread Lord]"; mes "The monster is some sort of mummy."; mes "We take the rotten bandages from it's"; mes "diseased body and sanitize them. . ."; mes "Do you believe me ? . ."; mes "Heh heh... There is even poison"; mes "in the bandages."; next; mes "[Dread Lord]"; mes "Fortunately, the poison kills other poisons"; mes "and does not hurt the patient . ."; mes "You must destroy poison with poison. . ."; mes "I think I heard something similar that. . ."; mes ". . . . . Anyway, I would usually give you a"; mes "hard time for taking these bandages lightly,"; next; mes "[Dread Lord]"; mes "but I am much too tired today to"; mes "give you any trouble. . ."; mes "If you ever get skilled in medicine and first aid,"; mes "please consider joining our clinic."; mes "Now don't take these bandages and then"; mes "go and get killed, be careful. -"; next; mes "^3355FF- Got 1 Sterilized Bandages -^000000"; set NOV_SK,2; close; case 2: mes "[Dread Lord]"; mes "Look, if your business is done"; mes "get out of my site! ! !"; mes "I have no time for this nonsense .."; mes ". . . . ."; mes "- Click Click *Walks away* . . . . . -"; close; case 4: if (countitem(7039) == 0) { mes "[Dread Lord]"; mes "Look at this guy!"; mes "Wake up and watch where you are going."; mes "What are you thinking running around our clinic!"; mes "Running ?!?!"; mes "*Sigh* . . "; mes "What do you want? ! ? !"; next; mes "[Dread Lord]"; mes "I see. . . ."; mes ". . . . . what ?"; mes "You want to have a bandage to learn first aid?"; mes " *Arhg* Here take it !"; mes "-woosh - *storms away*"; next; mes "^3355FF- Got 1 Newbie Tag -^000000"; set NOV_SK,5; getitem 7039,1; //Novice_Nametag close; } else { mes "[Dread Lord]"; mes "What ! !"; mes "I'm only going to give you one!"; mes "You don't need any more for the test !"; mes "Do you want to stay a novice forever???"; mes "I would be happy to arrange that !"; close; } break; case 5: mes "[Dread Lord]"; mes "What more do you want !"; mes "Get out of here !"; mes "OUT !"; close; } } else { mes "[Dread Lord]"; mes "Argh, Get out of here !!"; mes "I don't like shouting but .."; mes "GET OUT OF HERE! ! ! ! ! !"; close; } }