//===== eAthena Script ======================================= //= Dancer Skills Quests //===== By: ================================================== //= Lupus, Reddozen //===== Current Version: ===================================== //= 1.4 //===== Compatible With: ===================================== //= eAthena SVN //===== Description: ========================================= //= [Aegis Conversion] //= Quests for skills: Charming Wink //===== Additional Comments: ================================= //= 1.4 Rescripted to Aegis 10.3 stadards. [L0ne_W0lf] //= 1.4a Changed NPC location [Yommy] //============================================================ comodo,204,172,5 script Canell#qsk_dan01 724,{ if (BaseJob == Job_Dancer && JobLevel > 39) { if (DANCER_SK == 0) { mes "[Canell]"; mes "It's well known that we must"; mes "be beautiful to captivate those"; mes "who watch us dance. But to rely"; mes "on just our outward appearance"; mes "is a ghastly waste of our full"; mes "potential as performers."; next; mes "[Canell]"; mes "Yes, I can tell that you"; mes "don't quite understand that"; mes "the correct frame of mind is"; mes "an essential element to true"; mes "beauty. Now tell me, are you"; mes "confident in your dancing...?"; next; if (select("Of course, old crone!:I... I'm not sure...") == 1) { mes "[Canell]"; mes "Ho-ho~ I believe you've"; mes "confused confidence with"; mes "arrogance! The naive cannot"; mes "tell there's a vitally important distinction between the two."; mes "Now... Prepare for punishment!"; next; mes "["+ strcharinfo(0) +"]"; mes "Ow...!"; mes "Th-that whip!"; mes "I-i-it huuuurts!"; specialeffect2 1; // EF_HIT2 percentheal -5,0; close; } mes "[Canell]"; mes "Awareness of your own flaws"; mes "and faults is the first crucial"; mes "step towards improvement."; mes "Yet your obvious neglect of"; mes "your gift of dancing is..."; mes "grounds for punishment!"; next; mes "["+ strcharinfo(0) +"]"; mes "What the...? Ack!"; mes "S-stop wh-whipping"; mes "me! It... It stiiings!"; specialeffect2 1; // EF_HIT2 percentheal -10,0; next; mes "[Canell]"; mes "Ho-ho~! Fortunately for"; mes "you, I will teach you what"; mes "you must learn to rise above"; mes "your current limitations. When"; mes "I'm finished with you, angels and demons won't resist your charms~"; next; if (select("No way, you're not teaching me!:Alright, I'll see what I can learn.") == 1) { mes "[Canell]"; mes "So... You still haven't"; mes "mastered the fine art of"; mes "exuding charm and humility!"; mes "There must be consequences"; mes "for this blatant affront to our"; mes "profession! Prepare yourself!"; next; mes "["+ strcharinfo(0) +"]"; mes "Nooooo--!"; mes "Not that whip"; mes "again! Arrgh, it's--"; mes "It hurts so much!"; specialeffect2 1; // EF_HIT2 percentheal -10,0; close; } mes "[Canell]"; mes "Ho-ho~ It's good that you"; mes "recognize that you have much"; mes "to learn. Well, let's not waste"; mes "any time. Your first lesson will^FFFFFF ^000000 be on image training and self"; mes "visualization. Now, for that..."; next; mes "[Canell]"; mes "...You must bring"; mes "me ^FF00001 Crystal Mirror^000000!"; mes "This tool is imperative"; mes "to the lesson, so fetch it"; mes "and bring it to me quickly!"; set DANCER_SK,1; close; } else if (DANCER_SK == 1) { if (countitem(747) > 0) { mes "[Canell]"; mes "Finally, you've come"; mes "with the mirror. Now,"; mes "look deeply and scrutinize"; mes "your reflection. Gaze upon"; mes "each blemish and fault, each"; mes "charming trait of your face."; next; mes "[Canell]"; mes "No face is perfect, but"; mes "know that your face is yours"; mes "alone, and that it is what gives you a beauty that can be no"; mes "one else's. Now, repeat"; mes "these truisms after me..."; next; mes "[Canell]"; mes "''I am beautiful..."; mes "I am irresistable...''"; next; mes "["+ strcharinfo(0) +"]"; mes "I am beautiful..."; mes "I am irresistable..."; next; mes "[Intoxicated Canell]"; mes "Louder!"; mes "More feeling!"; mes "''I am beautiful!"; mes "I am irresistable!"; mes "I am the most attractive"; mes "woman in the whole world!''"; next; mes "["+ strcharinfo(0) +"]"; mes "I am beautiful!"; mes "I am irresistable!"; mes "I am the most attractive"; mes "woman in the whole world!"; specialeffect2 99; // EF_FLASHER next; mes "^3355FFYour self esteem has"; mes "sky rocketed. Fortunately,"; mes "you've managed to avoid"; mes "becoming a prima donna.^000000"; delitem 747,1; //Crystal_Mirror set DANCER_SK,2; close; } else { mes "[Frustrated Canell]"; mes "Did I tell you to come"; mes "back here without bringing"; mes "^FF00001 Crystal Mirror^000000!? Now go"; mes "and get it before I find"; mes "reason to punish you!"; specialeffect 107; //"Canell#qsk_dan01" EF_CLAYMORE close; } } else if (DANCER_SK == 2) { mes "[Canell]"; mes "Yes, the first and most"; mes "important step to becoming"; mes "beautiful is to realize and"; mes "accept your gorgeousness."; mes "Confidence first, then beauty."; mes "Never the other way around."; next; mes "[Canell]"; mes "Now that you've established"; mes "the proper attitude on beauty,"; mes "it's time for you to learn an"; mes "advanced technique of- shall"; mes "we say- enticement. I know an"; mes "expert that I highly recommend."; next; mes "[Canell]"; mes "Go and find my sister"; mes "in Prontera Chruch. If you"; mes "mention me by name, she"; mes "should be willing to teach"; mes "you. I'd do it myself, but I need to enjoy my new Crystal Mirror~"; next; mes "^3355FFIt figures that she'd"; mes "keep your mirror.^000000"; Emotion e_ag,1; set DANCER_SK,3; close; } else if (DANCER_SK > 2 && DANCER_SK < 7) { mes "[Canell]"; mes "Ah, such a glamorous"; mes "face and figure. My"; mes "beauty is incompara--"; mes "Oh! It's you. So did my"; mes "sister in Prontera Church"; mes "teach you anything yet?"; Emotion e_go; close; } else if (DANCER_SK == 7) { mes "[Canell]"; mes "Ah, so were you"; mes "able to find Aelle?"; mes "Were you able to learn"; mes "anything from her?"; next; mes "["+ strcharinfo(0) +"]"; mes "Actually, I only learned"; mes "about winks, but not so"; mes "much as how to do them."; mes "She... She got drunk and"; mes "couldn't teach me more."; next; mes "[Canell]"; mes "Oh, I should have known"; mes "this would happen. Oh,"; mes "well, I guess there's no way"; mes "around it now. But you should"; mes "know that gettng my sister"; mes "drunk... is punishable."; next; mes "[Canell]"; mes "Bam!"; specialeffect2 1; // EF_HIT2 percentheal -5,0; next; mes "["+ strcharinfo(0) +"]"; mes "?!"; mes "What the"; mes "hell was that?"; next; mes "[Canell]"; mes "Now, a true Dancer should"; mes "be able to figure out the"; mes "secret to winking on her"; mes "own. But since I'm such"; mes "a kind woman, I will deign"; mes "to explain it to you. Ho-ho~"; next; mes "^3355FFKind woman...?"; mes "But she just hit you!"; mes "Lightly, of course, but"; mes "still, a smack is a smack.^000000"; set DANCER_SK,8; close; } else if (DANCER_SK == 8) { mes "[Canell]"; mes "Alright, the secret to"; mes "proper winking is to allow"; mes "your eyelid to seductively"; mes "move to a natural rhythm."; mes "Close your eye for a second,^FFFFFF ^000000 then open it slowly to this count."; next; mes "[Canell]"; mes "Un, deux, trois~"; mes "Look at me, do it"; mes "like this. Un, deux, trois~"; mes "Now, let me see you try it."; Emotion e_no1; next; switch(select("Un deux trois~-:Un, doux trois~:Un, deux, trois~")) { default: mes "[Canell]"; mes "No, no!"; mes "That's wrong,"; mes "completely wrong!"; mes "Can't you do it right?!"; next; mes "["+ strcharinfo(0) +"]"; mes "O-ow!"; mes "P-please...!"; mes "Not the whip again!"; specialeffect2 1; // EF_HIT2 percentheal -5,0; close; case 3: mes "["+ strcharinfo(0) +"]"; mes "Un, deux, trois~"; Emotion e_no1,1; specialeffect2 99; // EF_FLASHER next; mes "[Canell]"; mes "Great, that's exactly"; mes "how you do it. Now,"; mes "don't forget, the elements"; mes "of rhythm and naturalness"; mes "are absolutely essential to"; mes "this technique of enticement."; Emotion e_kis; next; mes "[Canell]"; mes "Now that you've mastered"; mes "the art of winking, you."; mes "should know that you cannot"; mes "allure those who are much"; mes "stronger than you. So your"; mes "winks won't work on everyone."; next; mes "[Canell]"; mes "Of course, my winks don't"; mes "have that drawback. Ho-ho~"; mes "Anyway, it's time for us to part now. I hope that you grow to"; mes "become a more glamorous and charming dancer in days to come."; Emotion e_heh; next; mes "^3355FFYou have finally learned"; mes "the Charming Wink skill.^000000"; set DANCER_SK,9; specialeffect2 253; // EF_ABSORBSPIRITS skill "DC_WINKCHARM",1,0; close; } } else if (DANCER_SK > 8 && getskilllv("DC_WINKCHARM")) { mes "[Canell]"; mes "Hm...?"; mes "Is there anything"; mes "more you wanted to"; mes "ask me? Ah, you must"; mes "be mesmerized by my"; mes "beauty, aren't you?"; Emotion e_pif; next; mes "[Canell]"; mes "Oh, to be so beautiful"; mes "must be a sin! I should"; mes "work in Prontera Church,"; mes "just like my sister, to"; mes "pray for forgiveness~"; close; } else if (DANCER_SK == 9 && getskilllv("DC_WINKCHARM") == 0) { mes "[Canell]"; mes "Hm? Oh, I remember you!"; mes "A Gypsy now, I see~ That"; mes "look suits you. Now, I'm"; mes "sure you've forgotten a few"; mes "things since transcending,"; mes "am I right? Watch this wink..."; next; mes "[Canell]"; mes "Remember now? It's all"; mes "in the natural, seductive"; mes "and rhythmic movement of"; mes "the eyelid. I hope you use"; mes "your Charming Wink to let"; mes "your inner beauty shine~"; next; mes "^3355FFYou have learned the"; mes "Charming Wink skill.^000000"; specialeffect2 253; // EF_ABSORBSPIRITS skill "DC_WINKCHARM",1,0; close; } } else if (BaseJob == Job_Dancer && JobLevel < 40) { mes "[Canell]"; mes "Oh, you're such an"; mes "adorable little girl! Ah,"; mes "I'm sorry, but when you"; mes "become a lady at, oh, I don't"; mes "know, Job Level 40, then I'll"; mes "be able to teach you something~"; close; } else if (BaseJob != Job_Dancer) { if (Sex == 0) { mes "[Canell]"; mes "Oh, what a cute"; mes "little girl~! Such"; mes "a chubby lil' belly,"; mes "so cuuuuuuuuuuute~"; close; } else { mes "[Canell]"; mes "Hey there,"; mes "handsome~"; mes "^333333*Wink~*^000000"; Emotion e_kis; specialeffect2 364; // EF_VALLENTINE2 next; mes "^3355FFStrangely enough,"; mes "her wink has made"; mes "your heart throb.^000000"; close; } } } prontera,183,333,1 script Aelle#qsk_dan02 79,{ if (BaseJob == Job_Dancer) { if (DANCER_SK == 3) { mes "[Aelle]"; mes "Pssst, hey! I got"; mes "some cheap, but slightly"; mes "illegal, warps to the Orc"; mes "Dungeon, Glast Heim"; mes "and the Dead Pit. So"; mes "you want in on this?"; next; mes "["+ strcharinfo(0) +"]"; mes "Actually, um, I'm here"; mes "to look for somebody."; mes "You wouldn't happen"; mes "to know Canelle's"; mes "sister, would you?"; next; mes "[Aelle]"; mes "Ah, so my stuck up"; mes "sister sent you, huh?"; mes "I should have known,"; mes "judging from your clothes."; mes "So you want to become a"; mes "more alluring performer, eh?"; next; mes "[Aelle]"; mes "Awww..."; mes "That's disappointing."; mes "So... You didn't come"; mes "here to buy these warps?"; mes "You sure you don't want any?"; set DANCER_SK,4; close; } else if (DANCER_SK == 4) { mes "[Aelle]"; mes "Okay, okay..."; mes "So you came for me to"; mes "teach you some enticement"; mes "technique or something, right?"; mes "Huh. Well, this lecture I give?"; mes "It's long and complicated."; next; mes "[Aelle]"; mes "Talking and explaining"; mes "all of the intricate details"; mes "for so long will definitely"; mes "parch my throat. So first, you"; mes "gotta bring me a refreshing"; mes "drink before we can begin..."; next; mes "["+ strcharinfo(0) +"]"; mes "Oh... Okay."; mes "Alright, I guess"; mes "I can spare a potion"; mes "or two, or maybe bring"; mes "back a bottle of juic--"; next; mes "[Aelle]"; mes "Whoa, whoa, none of"; mes "that junk! I want to"; mes "have a real drink."; mes "You know, something"; mes "more... ^FF0000Alcohol^000000ic."; next; mes "[Aelle]"; mes "Oh, and I need some"; mes "snacks to sustain all of"; mes "my teaching energy! Yeah,"; mes "some yummy fruit on a plate"; mes "and some cookies too!"; next; mes "[Aelle]"; mes "Soooo, I wanna eat"; mes "^FF00001 Apple^000000, ^FF00003 Bananas^000000 and"; mes "^FF00005 Well-Baked Cookies^000000. Ah,"; mes "make sure you bring ^FF0000China^000000"; mes "to serve them on, and don't"; mes "forget the ^FF0000Alcohol^000000, okay?"; next; mes "[Aelle]"; mes "One last thing...!"; mes "Don't let anyone here"; mes "in the church know what"; mes "we're doing. I don't wanna"; mes "get in too much trouble!"; set DANCER_SK,5; close; } else if (DANCER_SK == 5) { if (countitem(970) > 0 && countitem(512) > 0 && countitem(513) > 2 && countitem(538) > 4 && countitem(736) > 0) { mes "[Aelle]"; mes "Great, you've brought"; mes "the food! It's a good thing"; mes "I'm famished because"; mes "I'm going to finish it all!"; next; mes "^3355FFAelle devoured the"; mes "food like a ravenous,"; mes "hungry beast that had"; mes "been deprived for too long.^000000"; next; mes "[Aelle]"; mes "That was sooo good!"; mes "I haven't eaten so much"; mes "in such a long time! Then"; mes "again, you don't get many"; mes "chances to pig out in church."; mes "Ah, that's right, the lesson!"; next; mes "[Aelle]"; mes "Now, the easiest, most"; mes "subtle and most appealing"; mes "gesture of all time is the"; mes "^FF0000wink^000000. It's saved me in times"; mes "of crisis, and mastering it"; mes "will enhance your charms."; next; mes "[Aelle]"; mes "To the untrained eye,"; mes "the wink only looks like"; mes "a simple movement, right?"; mes "You close one eye, and then"; mes "you reopen that eye. But if"; mes "you do it right... If you..."; next; mes "[Aelle]"; mes "Oh, it's been so long"; mes "since I've had so much"; mes "to drink! Ugh, f-feeling"; mes "kinda--anyway, j-just close"; mes "and yer-- ^333333*burp*^000000 winking"; mes "is so so so so eeeeeasy~"; next; mes "[Drunken Aelle]"; mes "Do it! Copy me as"; mes "I do it! Wink, j-just"; mes "like this, okay? Y' see?"; mes "^333333*Wiiiiiiiiiiiiiink*^000000"; Emotion e_no1; next; mes "["+ strcharinfo(0) +"]"; mes "Wh-whoa..."; mes "That was..."; mes "It's so beautiful!"; mes "And all with just"; mes "a simple wink!"; next; mes "[Totally Drunk Aelle]"; mes "Y-yea... The..."; mes "The secret ish..."; mes "*Urp* It'sh in the--"; mes "Bwahahahaahah!"; mes "It's all spinning!"; Emotion e_heh; next; mes "^3355FFIn her drunken stupor,"; mes "Aelle pummels you with"; mes "her fists and laughs"; mes "maniacally to herself.^000000"; percentheal -10,0; specialeffect2 1; // EF_HIT2 Emotion e_dots,1; delitem 970,1; //Alchol delitem 512,1; //Apple delitem 513,3; //Banana delitem 538,5; //Well_Baked_Cookie delitem 736,1; //White_Platter set DANCER_SK,6; close; } else { mes "[Aelle]"; mes "How can you expect"; mes "me to teach you anything"; mes "if I faint in the middle of"; mes "the lesson? That's right,"; mes "I'll need some nourishing,"; mes "yet delicious, snacks to eat~"; next; mes "[Aelle]"; mes "Soooo, I wanna eat"; mes "^FF00001 Apple^000000, ^FF00003 Bananas^000000 and"; mes "^FF00005 Well-Baked Cookies^000000. Ah,"; mes "make sure you bring ^FF0000China^000000"; mes "to serve them on, and don't"; mes "forget the ^FF0000Alcohol^000000, okay?"; close; } } else if (DANCER_SK == 6) { mes "["+ strcharinfo(0) +"]"; mes "You still haven't told"; mes "me the secret to making"; mes "a simple wink have so"; mes "much provocative charm."; mes "I really need to--"; next; mes "[Totally Hammered Aelle]"; mes "ZzzZzz... Huh?"; mes "Yesh, I know, I'm..."; mes "I'm a geeenius, yeah..."; mes "...ZzzzZzzzZzZzzzZZZzz..."; next; mes "["+ strcharinfo(0) +"]"; mes "W-wake up!"; mes "I went through"; mes "all this trouble to"; mes "learn this technique!"; next; mes "[Annoyed Aelle]"; mes "SHADDUP!"; mes "I'M SHLEEEEEPY!"; mes "G-go away. Talk to"; mes "Canell, my sister..."; mes "...ZzzzzZzZZZzzzZZ...."; set DANCER_SK,7; close2; warp "prontera",156,272; end; } else if (DANCER_SK > 6 && DANCER_SK < 8) { mes "["+ strcharinfo(0) +"]"; mes "Aelle, I really"; mes "need you to teach"; mes "me everything else"; mes "I need to know about"; mes "winking and--"; next; mes "[Aelle]"; mes "^333333*Hiccup*^000000 Zzz--wha?"; mes "I need ta teach you"; mes "to go'way. Talk to my"; mes "sister, too tired now."; mes "Go lemme alone girl!"; close2; warp "prontera",156,272; end; } else if (DANCER_SK > 8) { mes "[Sober Aelle]"; mes "Ohhh..."; mes "H-headache..."; Emotion e_an; next; mes "[Aelle]"; mes "Oh, wow, look at you!"; mes "I can tell that you've"; mes "become much more"; mes "beautiful. Yes, you're"; mes "more elegant and refined"; mes "than I can remember."; next; mes "[Aelle]"; mes "Always believe in your"; mes "beauty, wield your charm"; mes "like a weapon... And anything"; mes "you desire in this world can"; mes "be yours! Bwahahahahaha!"; close; } else { mes "[Aelle]"; mes "Pssst, hey! I got"; mes "some cheap, but slightly"; mes "illegal, warps to the Orc"; mes "Dungeon, Glast Heim"; mes "and the Dead Pit. So"; mes "you want in on this?"; next; mes "[??????]"; mes "Sister Aelle..."; mes "Are you still trying"; mes "to sell illegal warps"; mes "again? Sister Aelle?"; next; mes "[Aelle]"; mes "Oh crap, it's the pastor!"; mes "Shhh, if anybody asks you,"; mes "I wasn't doing anything!"; Emotion e_omg; next; mes "[Aelle]"; mes "Thanks, hon..."; mes "I know you can"; mes "keep my contraband"; mes "our little secret. ^333333*Wink*^000000"; Emotion e_no1; close; } } else { mes "[Aelle]"; mes "Pssst, hey! I got"; mes "some cheap, but slightly"; mes "illegal, warps to the Orc"; mes "Dungeon, Glast Heim"; mes "and the Dead Pit. So"; mes "you want in on this?"; next; mes "[??????]"; mes "Sister Aelle..."; mes "Are you still trying"; mes "to sell illegal warps"; mes "again? Sister Aelle?"; next; mes "[Aelle]"; mes "Oh crap, it's the pastor!"; mes "Shhh, if anybody asks you,"; mes "I wasn't doing anything!"; Emotion e_omg; next; mes "[Aelle]"; mes "Thanks, hon..."; mes "I know you can"; mes "keep my contraband"; mes "our little secret. ^333333*Wink*^000000"; Emotion e_no1; close; } } //============================================================ // Old changelog //============================================================ //= 1.0 for fully working skills only [Lupus] //= 1.1 Added more new skill quests for more classes [Lupus] //= Somehow eA engine doesn't let you keep learn't skill V_V' //= 1.2 Added to correct locations, correct NPC's, fixed //= some of the items required and made them into real //= quests. [Reddozen] //= 1.3 Fixed bugs and minor typos. Optimized [Lupus] //= 1.3a fixed an item ID typo, thx 2Spiritual Kid //= 1.3b Splitted into different files [DracoRPG] //============================================================