//===== eAthena Script ======================================= //= Quest NPCs related to Umbala //===== By: ================================================== //= sabernet09 & eAthena Team //===== Current Version: ===================================== //= 1.8 //===== Compatible With: ===================================== //= eAthena 7.15 + //===== Description: ========================================= //= Umbalian Language Quest, Umbala Skeletal Gate Quest, //= Umbala Event, Create Essence/Dismantle Stone // Phase1.Learning the Language // 1 (Elder)First discussion // 2 (Elder)Asking about learning the language // 3 (Elder)Final step (understanding NPC speech) // ------------------------------------------ // Phase2.Create Essence/Dismantle Stone // 4 (Shaman)Get permission to speak with her from the chief // 5 (Elder)Ask about conditions needed to be fulfilled to get permission // 6 (Elder)Get permission // 7 (Shaman)Use the shaman to create essences and dismantle elemental stones. //===== Additional Comments: ================================= //= fixed by x[tsk], Lupus, PoW //= Quest completion is now registered //= 1.1 fixed Poporing Egg ID -> Poring Egg, fixed condition //= 1.2-1.6 fixed some Umbalian Language quests [Lupus] //= 1.7 Moved Umbala Event, Create Essence/Dismantle Stone, and Skeletal Gate from npc/cities/umbala.txt [Evera] //= 1.7a Removed all custom quests to custom folder [Lupus] //= 1.8 Added official chance of failure to Create Essence/Dismantle Stone [Lupus] //============================================================ //========================================================================================================================\\ // Little Quest NPC to enter the dungeon //========================================================================================================================\\ umbala.gat,65,253,4 script Tree Guardian 752,{ mes "[Tree Guardian]"; mes "Stop, stranger, here is the entrance to the ancient tree!"; next; mes "[Tree Guardian]"; mes "I cannot allow you to enter, you look pretty weak!"; next; L_MENU: menu "Talk about tree",-, "Talk about Umbala",M_TALKUMB, "Enter Dungeon",M_DUN, "Leave",M_Leave; mes "[Tree Guardian]"; mes "The tree is an ancient relique of our culture!"; next; mes "[Tree Guardian]"; mes "But recently some monsters overwhelmed the tree and are now"; mes "slowly killing the tree...like a poison...from inside.."; next; goto L_MENU; M_TALKUMB: mes "[Tree Guardian]"; mes "We don't have many visitors in our small town.."; next; mes "[Tree Guardian]"; mes "Most people don't find us or are just afraid of us!"; next; mes "[Tree Guardian]"; mes "And now, we are even more unpopular, because of that damn beast!"; next; menu "What beast?",- ,"Leave",M_Leave; mes "[Tree Guardian]"; mes "The Werewolf of course!!"; next; mes "[Tree Guardian]"; mes "He is sneaking around our town and killing our soldiers at night!"; next; mes "[Tree Guardian]"; mes "Hey...if you could get rid of that beast!"; next; mes "[Tree Guardian]"; mes "I'll let you in!"; next; mes "[Tree Guardian]"; mes "From now on we can live in peace again, thanks to you!"; next; mes "[Tree Guardian]"; mes "You may enter the dungeon now!"; set umbdun,1; close; M_DUN: mes "[Tree Guardian]"; if(umbdun != 1) mes "We do not permit weak people to enter!"; if(umbdun != 1) close; mes "Come on in, brave warrior!"; warp "um_dun01.gat",42,30; M_Leave: close; } //============================================================================== //Skeletal Gate //============================================================================== umbala.gat,221,193,1 script #Skeletal Gate 111,{ if(event_umbala==7) goto LwarpNoText; set @ryumon,0; mes "^3355FFThe gate is shaped like a skeleton"; mes "You cannot pass this point as the gate is"; mes "locked. You hear sounds coming from the"; mes "inside.^000000"; next; menu "Examine the skeleton",-,"Nothing",Lend; mes "^3355FFWhen you examine the gate"; mes "carefully, you notice that there"; mes "is a hole about the size of a gemstone"; mes "on the left side of the gate about where"; mes "the skeleton's left eye should be. There is"; mes "a matching hole on the other side.^000000"; next; mes "^3355FFWhat you would like to"; mes "to do with the left socket?^000000"; next; menu "Nothing",-,"Insert a Blue Gemstone",L1_2,"Insert a Yellow Gemstone",L1_3,"Insert a Red Gemstone",L1_4; mes "^3355FFNothing was inserted into the left socket.^000000"; next; goto LRight; L1_2: //Blue if(countitem(717) < 1) goto L1_2_e;//Items: Blue Gemstone, mes "^3355FFYou inserted a Blue Gemstone into the"; mes "left socket.^000000"; next; delitem 717,1;//Items: Blue Gemstone, getitem 717,1;//Items: Blue Gemstone, set @ryumon,1; mes "^3355FFA rolling sound can be heard, and"; mes "the gemstone comes out of the skeleton's mouth.^000000"; next; goto LRight; L1_3: //Yellow if(countitem(715) < 1) goto L1_3_e;//Items: Yellow Gemstone, mes "^3355FFYou inserted a Yellow Gemstone into the"; mes "left socket.^000000"; next; delitem 715,1;//Items: Yellow Gemstone, getitem 715,1;//Items: Yellow Gemstone, set @ryumon,2; mes "^3355FFA rolling sound can be heard, and"; mes "the gemstone comes out of the skeleton's mouth.^000000"; next; goto LRight; L1_4: //Red if(countitem(716) < 1) goto L1_4_e;//Items: Red Gemstone, mes "^3355FFYou inserted a Red Gemstone into the"; mes "left socket.^000000"; next; delitem 716,1;//Items: Red Gemstone, getitem 716,1;//Items: Red Gemstone, set @ryumon,3; mes "^3355FFA rolling sound can be heard, and"; mes "the gemstone comes out of the skeleton's mouth.^000000"; next; goto LRight; L1_2_e: mes "^3355FFYou don't have a Blue Gemstone."; goto L1_e; L1_3_e: mes "^3355FFYou don't have a Yellow Gemstone."; goto L1_e; L1_4_e: mes "^3355FFYou don't have a Red Gemstone."; L1_e: mes "Therefore, nothing was inserted into"; mes "the left socket.^000000"; next; LRight: mes "^3355FFWhat about the right"; mes "socket?^000000"; next; menu "Nothing",-,"Insert a Blue Gemstone",L2_2,"Insert a Yellow Gemstone",L2_3,"Insert a Red Gemstone",L2_4; mes "^3355FFNothing was inserted into the right socket.^000000"; next; goto Lfin; L2_2: //Blue if(countitem(717) < 1) goto L2_2_e;//Items: Blue Gemstone, mes "^3355FFYou inserted a Blue Gemstone into the"; mes "right socket.^000000"; next; delitem 717,1;//Items: Blue Gemstone, getitem 717,1;//Items: Blue Gemstone, set @ryumon,@ryumon+10; mes "^3355FFA rolling sound can be heard, and"; mes "the gemstone comes out of the skeleton's mouth.^000000"; next; goto Lfin; L2_3: //Yellow if(countitem(715) < 1) goto L2_3_e;//Items: Yellow Gemstone, mes "^3355FFYou inserted a Yellow Gemstone into the"; mes "right socket.^000000"; next; delitem 715,1;//Items: Yellow Gemstone, getitem 715,1;//Items: Yellow Gemstone, set @ryumon,@ryumon+20; mes "^3355FFA rolling sound can be heard, and"; mes "the gemstone comes out of the skeleton's mouth.^000000"; next; goto Lfin; L2_4: //Red if(countitem(716) < 1) goto L2_4_e;//Items: Red Gemstone, mes "^3355FFYou inserted a Red Gemstone into the"; mes "right socket.^000000"; next; delitem 716,1;//Items: Red Gemstone, getitem 716,1;//Items: Red Gemstone, set @ryumon,@ryumon+30; mes "^3355FFA rolling sound can be heard, and"; mes "the gemstone comes out of the skeleton's mouth.^000000"; next; goto Lfin; L2_2_e: mes "^3355FFYou don't have a Blue Gemstone."; goto L2_e; L2_3_e: mes "^3355FFYou don't have a Yellow Gemstone."; goto L2_e; L2_4_e: mes "^3355FFYou don't have a Red Gemstone."; L2_e: mes "Therefore, nothing was inserted into"; mes "the right socket.^000000"; next; Lfin: mes "^3355FF..........^000000"; next; mes "^3355FF..................."; mes ".....................^000000"; next; mes "^3355FF......................."; mes "........................."; mes ".........................^000000"; next; if(event_umbala < 6) goto LSecondCheck; if(@ryumon == 33) goto Lwarp; LSecondCheck: if(event_umbala >= 6) goto LNewEnd; if(@ryumon == 13) goto Lwarp; LNewEnd: mes "^3355FFNothing happened."; mes "You hear a faint laugh, but"; mes "decide that it's all in"; mes "your head.^000000"; close; Lwarp: mes "^3355FFA rumbling sound can be"; mes "heard as the gate opens."; mes "As you step across the threshold."; mes "you feel as if you're walking in"; mes "into the arms of death itself.^000000"; next; LwarpNoText: warp "um_in.gat",32,71; close; Lend: mes "^3355FFAfter hitting the gate a few"; mes "times with no result, you decide to give"; mes "up.^000000"; close; } //============================================================================== //Umbala Event //============================================================================== um_in.gat,39,122,5 script Utan Tribal Elder 784,{ if(event_umbala == 1) goto LStart2; if(event_umbala == 2) goto LStart3; if(event_umbala == 3) goto LStart4; if(event_umbala == 4) goto LStart5; if(event_umbala == 5) goto LStart6; if(event_umbala == 6) goto LStart4; if(event_umbala == 7) goto LStart4; mes "[Karukatan]"; mes "Aha, You're new to the Utan"; mes "family's little village, aren't"; mes "you? I would remember such a face"; mes "had I met you before."; next; mes "[Karukatan]"; mes "We know there is a wide world around"; mes "us, but the there is something to"; mes "be appreciated in the simple life"; mes "we lead here."; next; mes "[Karukatan]"; mes "All decisions in the village are made"; mes "by me or with my input"; next; mes "[Karukatan]"; mes "You want to know how I speak your"; mes "language when it seems no one else in"; mes "the village does? A fair question."; mes "I picked up your tongue from the"; mes "adventurers who sometimes pass"; mes "through this village."; next; mes "[Karukatan]"; mes "Some outsiders have also settled near here"; mes "over time. In exchange for information"; mes "about their customs and culture, I"; mes "teach them the language and customs"; mes "of the Utan tribe."; next; mes "[Karukatan]"; mes "If you want to learn our language,"; mes "you must immerse yourselves in"; mes "our customs and cultural traditions."; mes "You should even try and look as much"; mes "like us as you can."; next; mes "[Karukatan]"; mes "I hope you're worthy of my confidence."; mes "Some members of the tribe have expressed"; mes "the sentiment that welcoming outsiders"; mes "is dangerous to the village."; next; mes "[Karukatan]"; mes "When you want to begin learning the"; mes "language, come and visit me. Don't"; mes "forget to make yourself appear as"; mes "much like us as you can."; set event_umbala,1; close; LStart2: mes "[Karukatan]"; mes "Ahh, have you looked around the"; mes "village a bit? Did other people"; mes "from the tribe hide from you when"; mes "they saw you? Don't worry. They"; mes "were just surprised to see a new face."; next; mes "[Karukatan]"; mes "Hmm? You need something from me?"; mes "How can I make your stay in the village"; mes "more pleasant?"; next; menu "I want to learn the tribal language",-,"Umbaumbaba?",L2,"Forget it",L3; if ((getequipisequiped(9)>0) && (getequipisequiped(10)>0)) goto L1_mask; mes "[Karukatan]"; mes "Well, in order to understand our"; mes "language, you need to assimilate"; mes "our cultural values, too. Trying to"; mes "understand a language in the context of an"; mes "alien culture is foolish, right?"; next; mes "[Karukatan]"; mes "Besides, if the tribesmen in the"; mes "village fear you, how will you"; mes "ever get them to speak with you?"; mes "You should try making yourself"; mes "look like us in order to be more"; mes "accepted."; close; L1_mask: mes "[Karukatan]"; mes "What a cute mask. The Utan tribe"; mes "appreciates its traditional masks"; mes "because sometimes by hiding your"; mes "face, you can express more genuine"; mes "feelings."; next; mes "[Karukatan]"; mes "Over time, the mask itself"; mes "has come to symbolize trust among"; mes "the members of the Utan tribe."; next; mes "[Karukatan]"; mes "Now that you're prepared, I will"; mes "begin teaching you the Utan"; mes "language as promised. First,"; mes "you need to make some preparations,"; mes "however..."; next; mes "[Karukatan]"; mes "First, I need some paper. With"; mes "paper, I can write down the words"; mes "I intend to teach."; next; mes "[Karukatan]"; mes "I need ^3377FF10x Oil Paper^000000, and ^3377FF5x Slick Paper^000000."; mes "I also need something to write with."; mes "of course."; mes "For that, ^3377FF1x Squid Ink^000000 and ^3377FF1x Feather of Birds^000000"; mes "will do nicely."; next; mes "[Karukatan]"; mes "Once you get these, I can start"; mes "teaching you the language."; set event_umbala,2; close; L2: mes "[Karukatan]"; mes "Haha. Only imitating the sound"; mes "of the words is useless. Even"; mes "though it sounds random, there is"; mes "a specific way of combining the"; mes "words."; next; mes "[Karukatan]"; mes "Also, our language has depends a"; mes "a lot on emotion to convey its"; mes "meaning. Outsiders can't pick up"; mes "the subtlety right away, even though"; mes "we're the same race, "; next; mes "[Karukatan]"; mes "It seems you have an interest"; mes "in learning the language of the"; mes "Utan tribe. If that's the case,"; mes "come visit me and I'll teach you."; next; mes "[Karukatan]"; mes "Then, you won't sound so silly."; close; L3: mes "[Karukatan]"; mes "Ah. If you want to continue your"; mes "trip, please keep this village in"; mes "your memories."; close; LStart3: if ((countitem(7151)>=10) && (countitem(7111)>=5) && (countitem(1024)>=1) && (countitem(916)>=1)) goto Lchkok;//Items: Oiled Paper, String Paper, Squid Ink, Feather of Birds, mes "[Karukatan]"; mes "It seems you've not yet prepared the"; mes "proper items. Did you forget what"; mes "you need to gather before I can"; mes "teach you the language? You need to gather"; next; mes "[Karukatan]"; mes "^3377FF10x Oil Paper^000000,"; mes "^3377FF5x Slick Paper^000000,"; mes "^3377FF1x Squid Ink^000000, and"; mes "^3377FF1x Feather of Bird^000000."; mes "Once you have gathered those, I can teach"; mes "you Utan tribal language."; close; Lchkok: delitem 7151,10;//Items: Oiled Paper, delitem 7111,5;//Items: String Paper, delitem 1024,1;//Items: Squid Ink, delitem 916,1;//Items: Feather of Birds, mes "[Karukatan]"; mes "Good. You've prepared all the"; mes "necessary materials. Now, I can"; mes "begin to teach you the Utan tribal"; mes "language."; next; mes "[Karukatan]"; mes "............"; next; mes "[Karukatan]"; mes "............"; mes "............"; next; mes "[Karukatan]"; mes "............"; mes "............"; mes "............"; next; mes "[Karukatan]"; mes "Do you feel more enlightened now?"; mes "Try talking to others in the Utan"; mes "tribe. They'll warm up to your quickly"; mes "now that you speak the language."; set event_umbala,3; next; mes "[Karukatan]"; mes "If you need something while you're"; mes "here, don't hesitate to visit me."; close; LStart4: //fin mes "[Karukatan]"; mes "Do you need something?"; mes "If you need someone to guide you around"; mes "the village, you should ask someone else."; mes "I can't leave here right now."; next; mes "[Karukatan]"; mes "The best way to get a feel for"; mes "the village is to just walk"; mes "around and see the sights. By doing"; mes "that, you can form a personal"; mes "bond with the village."; close; LStart5: mes "[Karukatan]"; mes "Oh, it seems you're enjoying yourself here."; mes "You need something else?"; next; mes "[Karukatan]"; mes "It seems you want to ask the"; mes "shaman Putsuchiratan something"; mes "and you're seeking my permission"; mes "to do so."; next; mes "[Karukatan]"; mes "Well...There's a mask from"; mes "abroad that Putsuchiratan and I"; mes "have both always desired. Putsuchiratan"; mes "heard about it some time ago."; next; mes "[Karukatan]"; mes "If I could have the ^3377FFSmile Mask^000000,"; mes "it would be a great honour, but"; mes "I promised I would give it to"; mes "to Putsuchiratan as a gift if I ever"; mes "came across one. If you can find a Smile Mask for me,"; mes "I'll give you permission to speak with her."; set event_umbala,5; close; LStart6: if(countitem(2278) > 0) goto Lsmileok;//Items: Mr. Smile, mes "[Karukatan]"; mes "Did you find the ^3377FFSmile Mask^000000 yet?"; mes "In order to let you see the shaman,"; mes "you need to collect one."; mes "A gift will put Putsuchiritan in"; mes "a good mood, also."; close; Lsmileok: delitem 2278,1;//Items: Mr. Smile, mes "[Karukatan]"; mes "Ahh! It's a Smile Mask!"; mes "I would really like to put this"; mes "on just once, but I promised to"; mes "give this to Putsuchiritan as"; mes "a gift."; set event_umbala,6; next; mes "[Karukatan]"; mes "I'll tell Putsuchiritan to allow you"; mes "to meet with her. I'm certain that you"; mes "will find her talents to be a tremendous"; mes "help on your journey."; close; } //===================================================================== // Create Essence/Dismantle Stone //===================================================================== um_in.gat,44,71,2 script Utan Tribe Shaman 782,{ switch(event_umbala) { default: mes "[?????]"; mes "Umbaumbaumbaba Utan Umbaba"; mes "Umbaumbaumbafumbabauma..."; mes "Umbabaumbaumbabaumbabaumba"; mes "Umbabaumbabaumbaumbabaumba"; mes "Fumbaumba."; next; warp "umbala.gat",217,186; close; case 3: mes "[Putsuchiritan]"; mes "I will not see outsiders that are"; mes "not from the Utan tribe."; mes "...There are many things about the"; mes "nature of our society that you do"; mes "not yet understand."; next; mes "[Putsuchiritan]"; mes "Others of your type will do anything"; mes "to set foot on land which is sacred"; mes "to the Utan tribe. We fear that"; mes "revealing our secrets will expose"; mes "use to danger."; next; mes "[Putsuchiritan]"; mes "What's worse, I don't think that"; mes "outsiders understand our desire"; mes "to preserve our tribal culture."; next; mes "[Putsuchiritan]"; mes "As my talents are foremost for"; mes "the use of the Utan tribe, you"; mes "must get permission from the elder"; mes "if you want my assistance."; mes "Also, don't be stirring up trouble"; mes "among the tribesmen."; set event_umbala,4; close; case 4: case 5: mes "[Putsuchiritan]"; mes "Didn't you hear me? You need"; mes "to get the elder's permission before"; mes "I can help you."; close; case 6: mes "[Putsuchiritan]"; mes "You seem to have gotten permission from"; mes "the elder. Fine, I'll help you, though"; mes "I don't really want to."; next; mes "[Putsuchiritan]"; mes "I can call forth hidden talents"; mes "buried deep within your psyche"; mes "and tap the power hidden in"; mes "elemental stones."; next; mes "[Putsuchiritan]"; mes "I need to prepare my rituals."; mes "When you're ready to proceed, please"; mes "talk to me again."; set event_umbala,7; close; case 7: mes "[Putsuchiritan]"; mes "I don't know whether my talents"; mes "will be useful to you, but I'll"; mes "help you anyway."; next; mes "[Putsuchiritan]"; mes "I can create elemental essence from natural objects,"; mes "or, dismantle elemental stones into their component essences."; mes "Which would you like to do?"; } next; set .@need,0; switch (select("Create Essence","Dismantle Elemental Stone","Nothing")) { case 1: mes "[Putsuchiritan]"; mes "Which elemental essence would you"; mes "like to create? I can create earth, water,"; mes "fire, and wind essence."; next; switch (select("Earth","Water","Fire","Wind")) { case 1: if(countitem(947)<15) { mes "[Putsuchiritan]"; mes "Earth...You need that which is"; mes "a friend of the earth. Explore"; mes "the verdant forest and find"; mes "^3377FF15x Horn^000000 for the ritual."; } else { set .@need,947; set .@amount,15; set .@gain,993; } break; case 2: if(countitem(946)<20) { mes "[Putsuchiritan]"; mes "Water...You need that which is"; mes "saturated with water. Explore"; mes "the area around here and find"; mes "^3377FF20x Snails Shell^000000 for the ritual."; } else { set .@need,946; set .@amount,20; set .@gain,991; } break; case 3: if(countitem(904)<20) { mes "[Putsuchiritan]"; mes "Fire...You need that which"; mes "can withstand the roiling heat"; mes "of perpetual flame. Explore the"; mes "desert and find ^3377FF20x Scorpion Tail^000000"; mes "for the ritual."; } else { set .@need,904; set .@amount,20; set .@gain,990; } break; case 4: if(countitem(1013)<25) { mes "[Putsuchiritan]"; mes "Wind...You need that which"; mes "has an easy camaraderie with"; mes "the sky itself."; mes "You need ^3377FF25x Rainbow Shell^000000"; mes "to complete the ritual."; } else { set .@need,1013; set .@amount,25; set .@gain,992; } break; } if(.@need == 0) { next; mes "[Putsuchiritan]"; mes "Once you've prepared these"; mes "objects from nature, please return here"; mes "so we can complete the ritual."; close; } mes "[Putsuchiritan]"; mes "Now, I will try to tap the"; mes "source of power hidden deep within"; mes "you. Choose a number between 1 and 9."; mes "If you don't want to create essence"; mes "after all, choose 0."; while(1) { next; input .@num; if(.@num<=0) { mes "[Putsuchiritan]"; mes "If you don't wish my help at the moment,"; mes "that's fine. When you do, please come"; mes "by again."; close; } if(.@num>9) { mes "[Putsuchiritan]"; mes "You must choose a number between"; mes "1 and 9. It is very important that"; mes "you choose the number most dear to"; mes "your heart."; continue; } break; } mes "[Putsuchiritan]"; switch(.@need) { case 947: mes "The horn begins to vibrate."; break; case 904: mes "The tail begins to vibrate."; break; default: mes "The shell begins to vibrate."; break; } mes "I will now chant a holy mantra."; mes "Imagine the number in your mind"; mes "and imagine power radiating forth from"; mes "your body."; next; mes "[Putsuchiritan]"; mes "Amba Omba Sanba! Unba Chi!"; mes "Wanbatauma Eurukaba! Unba! Ba!"; mes "Jyur! Fumuba Rurara! Wamba! Ra!"; mes "Damtsuha Ombabaraka! Unba! Shi!"; mes "Sukatamba Aburumba! Umba! Shi!"; next; mes "[Putsuchiritan]"; if(countitem(.@need)<.@amount){ mes "You're An Amba HacK0R!"; mes "I'm clearing your mind!"; //we reset the whole quest for the hacker set event_umbala,0; emotion e_swt,1; close; } delitem .@need,.@amount; if(!rand(10)){ getitem,910,1; //if failed get Garlet mes "Your inner power has failed"; mes "to convert these objects"; mes "from nature into elemental essence..."; next; mes "[Putsuchiritan]"; mes "Purify your mind and try again."; close; } getitem .@gain,1; mes "There. Your inner power has converted"; mes "these objects from nature into"; mes "elemental essence. Put"; mes "it to good use."; close; case 2: mes "[Putsuchiritan]"; mes "What type of stone would you like to"; mes "dismantle? Please choose earth, water,"; mes "fire, or wind."; next; switch (select("Earth","Water","Fire","Wind")) { case 1: if(countitem(997)==0) { mes "[Putsuchiritan]"; mes "You need to have"; mes "^3377FF1x Great Nature^000000"; mes "to disassemble into its"; mes "component essence."; } else { set .@need,997; set .@gain,993; } break; case 2: if(countitem(995)==0) { mes "[Putsuchiritan]"; mes "You need to have"; mes "^3377FF1x Mystic Frozen^000000"; mes "to disassemble into its"; mes "component essence."; } else { set .@need,995; set .@gain,991; } break; case 3: if(countitem(994)==0) { mes "[Putsuchiritan]"; mes "You need to have"; mes "^3377FF1x Flaming Heart^000000"; mes "to disassemble into its"; mes "component essence."; } else { set .@need,994; set .@gain,990; } break; case 4: if(countitem(996)==0) { mes "[Putsuchiritan]"; mes "You need to have"; mes "^3377FF1x Rough Wind^000000"; mes "to disassemble into its"; mes "component essence."; } else { set .@need,996; set .@gain,992; } break; } next; if(.@need == 0) { mes "[Putsuchiritan]"; mes "Once you have the necessary stone,"; mes "please come back and visit me"; mes "so that the ritual can be completed."; close; } mes "[Putsuchiritan]"; switch(.@need) { case 997: mes "I will dismantle your earth crystal"; break; case 995: mes "I will dismantle your frozen crystal"; break; case 994: mes "I will dismantle your heart of flame"; break; case 996: mes "I will dismantle your rough wind stone"; break; } mes "into its component essence."; mes "Choose a number between 1 and 9."; mes "If you don't want me to dismantle the"; mes "stone, choose 0."; while(1) { next; input .@num; if(.@num<=0) { mes "[Putsuchiritan]"; mes "If you don't wish my help at the moment,"; mes "that's fine. When you do, please come"; mes "by again."; close; } if(.@num>9) { mes "[Putsuchiritan]"; mes "You must choose a number between"; mes "1 and 9. It is very important that"; mes "you choose the number most dear to"; mes "your heart."; continue; } break; } set .@num,rand(1,10); //official amount chance if(.@num == 1) set .@num,10; else if(.@num == 2 || .@num == 3) set .@num,8; else if(.@num < 7) set .@num,7; else set .@num,6; mes "[Putsuchiritan]"; mes "Please place the elemental stone"; mes "inside this holy circle. I will chant a"; mes "a mantra. I don't know if I can"; mes "completely dismantle the stone,"; mes "but here goes..."; next; mes "[Putsuchiritan]"; mes "Unba Unba Karama! Unba! Ta!"; mes "Rukara! Ukarere! Un! Unba! Ka!"; mes "Anburaka Taburaka Taburakan! Unba Ra!"; mes "Onbaruzu Zan Kata! Unba Ka!"; next; mes "[Putsuchiritan]"; if(countitem(.@need)<1){ mes "You're An Amba HacK0R!"; mes "I'm clearing your mind!"; //we reset the whole quest for the hacker set event_umbala,0; emotion e_swt,1; close; } delitem .@need,1; getitem .@gain,.@num; mes "The elemental stone has been"; mes "dismantled into its natural"; mes "essence. Please put it to"; mes "good use."; close; case 3: mes "[Putsuchiritan]"; mes "If you don't wish my help at the moment,"; mes "that's fine. When you do, please come"; mes "by again."; close; } }