//===== Athena Script ===================================== //= Juperos Dungeon Quests //===== By ================================================ //= MasterOfMuppets //===== Version =========================================== //= 1.1 //===== Compatible With =================================== //= eAthena 1.0 //===== Description ======================================= //= Juperos Ruins related Quests //===== Comments ========================================== //= 1.0 First version, partly implemented [MasterOfMuppets] //= 1.1 Added official Juperos Ruins History Quest. Thanks //= to Keplerk for his first version. [SinSloth] //========================================================= yuno_in04,190,125,4 script Scholar 700,{ switch(yuno_hist) { case 0: mes "[Scholar]"; mes "...Mm? "; mes "...Yes?"; next; mes "[Scholar]"; mes "..."; mes "......"; mes "May I help you?"; next; switch( select( "Oh! N-Nothing!","Excuse me..." ) ) { case 1: mes "[Scholar]"; mes "..."; mes "......"; mes "Hmm?"; mes "..........."; mes "Hmpf."; close; case 2: mes "[Scholar]"; mes "..."; mes "......"; mes "Hmm?"; mes "..........."; mes "Hmmm..."; next; mes "[Scholar]"; mes "You must be lost."; mes "This is the scholarly"; mes "research section, you know,"; mes "content you couldn't possibly"; mes "fathom. The popular novels and picture books are someplace else."; next; mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]"; mes "..."; mes "......"; next; mes "[Scholar]"; mes "Why don't you rummage"; mes "through the bookshelves?"; mes "I'm sure you can find some"; mes "book there that can hold your"; mes "interest. Well, depending on"; mes "your actual attention span..."; next; mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]"; mes "(What's her damage?!"; mes "Does she have an attitude problem or is she just stuck-up?)"; close; } case 1: mes "[Scholar]"; mes "...Mm? "; mes "...Yes?"; next; mes "[Scholar]"; mes "..."; mes "......"; mes "May I help you?"; next; switch( select( "Oh! N-Nothing!","By any chance..." ) ) { case 1: mes "[Scholar]"; mes "..."; mes "......"; mes "Hmm?"; mes "..........."; mes "Hmpf."; close; case 2: mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]"; mes "By any chance..."; mes "Are you conducting"; mes "research about Juperos?"; next; mes "[Scholar]"; mes "Why yes, that is"; mes "correct. But how did"; mes "you come to learn about"; mes "my current research project?"; next; mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]"; mes "Oh, I managed to read"; mes "a thesis paper entitled,"; mes "''The Fall of Juperos,'' and"; mes "I just thought that the writing"; mes "style and your personality"; mes "seem to match for some reason."; next; mes "[Scholar]"; mes "Oh...! You read my"; mes "thesis? So what did"; mes "you think about it?"; next; mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]"; mes "So far, it's alright, but"; mes "quite frankly it's incomplete."; mes "I mean, you don't have much in"; mes "in the way of conjecture, much"; mes "less any evidence to back up"; mes "any of your statements."; next; mes "[Scholar]"; mes "...."; mes "Let me apologize for"; mes "being rude to you earlier."; mes "As you know, my name is"; mes "Fayruz Khrhiyha. May I ask"; mes "what your name might be?"; next; mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]"; mes "I'm "+strcharinfo(0)+","; mes "a brave adventurer in the"; mes "service of his royal majesty,"; mes "the wise and benevolent"; mes "King Tristram III."; set yuno_hist,2; next; mes "[Fayruz]"; mes "Well, "+strcharinfo(0)+","; mes "I understand that my thesis"; mes "still requires more evidence."; mes "But I'd need some ancient"; mes "documents from Juperos"; mes "to complete my research..."; next; mes "[Fayruz]"; mes "If you happen to travel"; mes "through Juperos and find"; mes "any ancient documents, would"; mes "you bring them to me? Having"; mes "those would help my research"; mes "efforts immensely. Thank you..."; close; } case 2: if((countitem(7352)) || (countitem(7353)) || (countitem(7354)) || (countitem(7355))) { mes "[Fayruz]"; mes "Ah, it's you! Listen,"; mes "I just found a record of"; mes "an adventurer who explored"; mes "Juperos. There's mention"; mes "of a stone statue here that"; mes "just might be noteworthy..."; next; mes "[Fayruz]"; mes "If you happen to find"; mes "yourself in Juperos,"; mes "would you find the stone"; mes "statue at the entrance of"; mes "its dungeon and read the"; mes "engraved message for me?"; next; mes "[Fayruz]"; mes "According to my notes,"; mes "there's a spell that will"; mes "make its reader memorize"; mes "its message, even if they don't"; mes "know the language. So come"; mes "to me if you manage to read it."; close; } mes "[Fayruz]"; mes "If you ever chance to"; mes "travel through Juperos,"; mes "would you let me know if you"; mes "find anything that might help"; mes "my research there? I'd be"; mes "very grateful for your help."; close; case 3: mes "[Fayruz]"; mes "Well, you look"; mes "quite pleased."; mes "May I asked what"; mes "happened to put that"; mes "expression on your face?"; next; switch( select( "I found something in Juperos.","Nothing much." ) ) { case 1: mes "[" +strcharinfo(0)+"]"; mes "I went to Juperos like"; mes "you asked and found that"; mes "stone statue you were talking"; mes "about. Just like you said, there was an engraved message on it."; next; mes "[Fayruz]"; mes "Fascinating!"; mes "So is it really enchanted"; mes "so anyone can memorize it?"; mes "Wh-what does the message say?"; next; mes "^3355FFYou recite the message"; mes "engraved on the stone"; mes "statue, unable to interpret"; mes "the sounds you're uttering,"; mes "but weirdly enough, you can"; mes "easily recall them from memory.^000000"; next; mes "[Fayruz]"; mes "Ah, I see! Wait,"; mes "give me a moment to"; mes "properly translate this..."; next; mes "..."; mes "......"; mes "........."; next; mes "[Fayruz]"; mes "It means, ''Do you wish to"; mes "see the end of the madness?"; mes "He is waiting where the three"; mes "columns were destroyed, where"; mes "two hundred illusions wander.''"; next; mes "[Fayruz]"; mes "''You will see him, the one"; mes "who was vain and extravagant,"; mes "with your own eyes at the place where the light passes through."; set yuno_hist,4; next; mes "[Fayruz]"; mes "Ah, usually, descriptions"; mes "of the ''vain and extravagant"; mes "one'' refer to the mad scientist rumored to have lived in that"; mes "ancient era. But if this is true, I may have to rework my thesis..."; next; mes "[Fayruz]"; mes "I have another favor to"; mes "ask of you. If you find any"; mes "object of historical significance in Juperos, would you bring it to"; mes "me? I'll reward you, of course."; next; mes "[Fayruz]"; mes "It would be most helpful"; mes "if you could manage to find"; mes "documents that existed from that era. Fortunately, back then,"; mes "they made all their records on material more durable than paper."; close; case 2: mes "[Fayruz]"; mes "Nothing, huh?"; mes "My life is also fairly"; mes "uneventful, but somehow,"; mes "I'm don't think I'm content."; close; } case 4: mes "[Fayruz]"; mes "Oh hello, "+strcharinfo(0)+"."; mes "So what brings you to"; mes "the Juno Library today?"; next; switch( select ( "Nice weather today, isn't it?","I found something in Juperos.","Nothing much.") ) { case 1: mes "[Fayruz]"; mes "Well, I wouldn't know."; mes "It's late whenever I go"; mes "out, so I always happen to"; mes "miss the sunlight. I guess"; mes "I really miss nice weather"; mes "sometimes, you know?"; close; case 2: if((countitem(7352)) || (countitem(7353)) || (countitem(7354)) || (countitem(7355))) { mes "[Fayruz]"; mes "Oh, really?!"; mes "That's great news!"; mes "W-what did you find?"; next; mes "^3355FFIn her excitement,"; mes "Fayruz begins to"; mes "rummage through your"; mes "things before you get"; mes "the chance to answer her.^000000"; next; mes "[Fayruz]"; mes "Oh, this must be it!"; mes "Would you mind if I keep"; mes "this Transparent Plate for"; mes "my research? In return, I'll"; mes "tell you some tales about"; mes "Juperos that I've learned."; next; switch( select ("Please, be my guest.","No way, you can't have it.") ) { case 1: if(countitem(7352)) callfunc "Func_JupHist",7352,1; else if(countitem(7353)) callfunc "Func_JupHist",7353,2; else if(countitem(7354)) callfunc "Func_JupHist",7354,4; else if(countitem(7355)) callfunc "Func_JupHist",7352,8; case 2: mes "[Fayruz]"; mes "Mm? Are you serious?"; mes "This object is very valuable"; mes "to a researcher like me, but"; mes "I have no idea what use it"; mes "would be for an adventurer."; mes "Well, you have your reasons..."; close; } } mes "[Fayruz]"; mes "Oh, really?!"; mes "That's great news!"; mes "W-what did you find?"; next; mes "^3355FFIn her excitement,"; mes "Fayruz begins to"; mes "rummage through your"; mes "things before you get"; mes "the chance to answer her.^000000"; next; mes "[Fayruz]"; mes "Oh. There isn't anything"; mes "here that would help in my"; mes "research, but thank you anyway."; mes "If you find anything else while"; mes "you're in Juperos, please come back and show it to me, alright?"; close; case 3: mes "[Fayruz]"; mes "Ah, I see. Well, while"; mes "you're here, why don't you"; mes "read something? There are"; mes "many books that cover some"; mes "interesting topics, like the"; mes "Schwaltzvalt economy..."; next; mes "[Fayruz]"; mes "Oh, in any case, please"; mes "don't forget the favor I asked"; mes "of you. If you find anything"; mes "in Juperos that's historically"; mes "significant, I'd appreciate it"; mes "if you bring it right away."; close; } case 5: mes "[Fayruz]"; mes "Oh, "+strcharinfo(0)+"!"; mes "Have you come back with"; mes "something from Juperos?"; mes "I've been hoping you'd come"; mes "back with something that'd"; mes "help me in my research!"; next; switch( select( "Take a look at this.","Oh, I'm sorry...") ) { case 1: switch(jupe_hist) { case 1: callfunc "Func_JupHist",7353,7354,7355,7352; case 2: callfunc "Func_JupHist",7352,7354,7355,7353; case 4: callfunc "Func_JupHist",7352,7353,7355,7354; case 8: callfunc "Func_JupHist",7352,7353,7354,7355; } case 2: mes "[Fayruz]"; mes "Ah, I see. Well, while"; mes "you're here, why don't you"; mes "read something? There are"; mes "many books that cover some"; mes "interesting topics, like..."; mes "like... Self-Honesty (?)."; next; mes "[Fayruz]"; mes "Oh, in any case, please"; mes "don't forget the favor I asked"; mes "of you. If you find anything"; mes "in Juperos that's historically"; mes "significant, I'd appreciate it"; mes "if you bring it right away."; close; } case 6: mes "[Fayruz]"; mes "Oh, "+strcharinfo(0)+"!"; mes "The Transparent Plate"; mes "that you brought for me"; mes "last time is really helping me"; mes "in my research. If you get the"; mes "chance, please bring me more!"; set yuno_hist,7; next; mes "[Fayruz]"; mes "This new data is adding"; mes "a lot more credibility to my"; mes "thesis. Oh, I'll be with you"; mes "in a moment, let me finish"; mes "translating this one last"; mes "passage really quickly..."; close; case 7: mes "[Fayruz]"; mes "Hello, "+strcharinfo(0)+"~"; mes "Oh, were you able to look"; mes "in Juperos for anything that"; mes "might help me in my research?"; next; switch( select( "Yeah, take a look at this.","No, I'm sorry...") ) { case 1: switch(jupe_hist) { case 3: callfunc "Func_JupHist",7354,7355,7352,7353; case 5: callfunc "Func_JupHist",7353,7355,7352,7354; case 6: callfunc "Func_JupHist",7352,7355,7353,7354; case 9: callfunc "Func_JupHist",7353,7354,7352,7355; case 10: callfunc "Func_JupHist",7352,7354,7353,7355; case 12: callfunc "Func_JupHist",7352,7353,7354,7355; } case 2: mes "[Fayruz]"; mes "Oh, that's fine."; mes "Besides, I don't really"; mes "have a deadline to complete"; mes "this research project. Still,"; mes "I just want you to know that"; mes "I really appreciate your help."; close; } case 8: mes "[Fayruz]"; mes ""+strcharinfo(0)+"..."; mes "I'm having great difficulty in"; mes "translating that Transparent"; mes "Plate you brought for me that"; mes "last time. I'm so frustrated..."; next; mes "[Fayruz]"; mes "Wait a minute..."; mes "This here means..."; mes "Alright. Okay. Yes."; mes "Yes! Of course, how"; mes "could I not see it before!"; set yuno_hist,9; next; mes "[Fayruz]"; mes "I'll be with you"; mes "in just a second!"; mes "I think I just made"; mes "a real through...!"; next; case 9: mes "[Fayruz]"; mes "Ah, I've been"; mes "expecting you, "+strcharinfo(0)+"."; mes "So did you have been to Juperos again? I'm really hoping that you"; mes "were able to find something new that would help in my research..."; next; switch( select("Actually, I did find this...","I'm sorry, I haven't...") ) { case 1: switch(jupe_hist) { case 7: callfunc "Func_JupHist",7355,7352,7353,7354; case 11: callfunc "Func_JupHist",7354,7352,7353,7355; case 13: callfunc "Func_JupHist",7353,7352,7354,7355; case 14: callfunc "Func_JupHist",7352,7353,7354,7355; } case 2: mes "[Fayruz]"; mes "Ah, I see. Well, while"; mes "you're here, why don't you"; mes "read something? There are"; mes "many books that cover some"; mes "interesting topics, like"; mes "modern adventure history."; next; mes "[Fayruz]"; mes "Oh, in any case, please"; mes "don't forget the favor I asked"; mes "of you. If you find anything"; mes "in Juperos that's historically"; mes "significant, I'd appreciate it"; mes "if you bring it right away."; close; } case 10: mes "[Fayruz]"; mes "Oh hello, "+strcharinfo(0)+"..."; mes "So what exactly brings you"; mes "to the Juno Library this time?"; next; switch( select("I found another Transparent Plate.","Just visiting, really.") ) { case 1: if((countitem(7352)) || (countitem(7353)) || (countitem(7354)) || (countitem(7355))) { mes "[Fayruz]"; mes "Hmm, well, we've made as"; mes "much headway as we can"; mes "with the Transparent Plates"; mes "you've already given me, but"; mes "it can't hurt to have too much"; mes "evidence to back my theories."; next; mes "[Fayruz]"; mes "I really appreciate"; mes "your continuing efforts"; mes "to help me. Please, would"; mes "you take this as my way"; mes "saying ''Thanks?'' You've been"; mes "great, "+strcharinfo(0)+"..."; if(countitem(7352)) delitem 7352,1; else if(countitem(7353)) delitem 7353,1; else if(countitem(7354)) delitem 7354,1; else delitem 7355,1; getitem 644,1; close; } mes "[Fayruz]"; mes "Mmm...?"; mes "It doesn't look like"; mes "you brought another"; mes "Transparent Plate."; mes "Are you sure that you"; mes "didn't misplace it?"; close; case 2: mes "[Fayruz]"; mes "Ah, I see. Well,"; mes "thanks to your help,"; mes "I've made a great deal"; mes "of progress on my thesis."; mes "I really appreciate what you"; mes "have done for me, adventurer."; close; } } } function script Func_JupHist { switch(yuno_hist) { case 4: mes "[Fayruz]"; mes "Thank you so much,"; mes "you don't know what"; mes "this means to me! Okay,"; mes "please relax and take a"; mes "seat. Close your eyes while"; mes "I tell you this ancient story."; next; mes "^3355FFFayruz begins to"; mes "relate an ancient tale"; mes "about Juperos that seems"; mes "typical for a classic story, but her way of storytelling subtly"; mes "draws you into a vicarious, yet extremely vivid experience."; next; mes "^3355FFYou feel the protagonist's"; mes "glories and tragedies as if"; mes "you were actually there with"; mes "the hero on his journeys. The"; mes "tale eventually comes to an end"; mes "and you awaken from the trance,"; mes "gently brought back to reality.^000000"; delitem getarg(0),1; set yuno_hist,5; set jupe_hist,getarg(1); getexp 100000,0; next; mes "[Fayruz]"; mes "Everyone can relate"; mes "to these old, classic"; mes "stories. I hope this tale had"; mes "as meaning for you as it did"; mes "for me when I first heard it."; next; mes "[Fayruz]"; mes "If you can find me"; mes "another artifact from"; mes "Juperos, I'll share another"; mes "tale like that with you. Now"; mes "how does that sound? Okay"; mes "then, I'll see you, adventurer~"; close; case 5: if((countitem(getarg(0))) || (countitem(getarg(1))) || (countitem(getarg(2)))) { mes "[Fayruz]"; mes "Oh, that's unexpected."; mes "This Transparent Plate"; mes "seems to have been made"; mes "in a different era than the"; mes "one you gave me earlier."; mes "How intriguing..."; next; mes "[Fayruz]"; mes "*Sigh* I really wish"; mes "that I could explore"; mes "Juperos on my own, but"; mes "I'm just not strong enough."; mes "In a way, I'm quite jealous of you. But it can't be helped..."; next; mes "[Fayruz]"; mes "You know, that reminds"; mes "me of this great story of"; mes "a tragic hero that I'd like to"; mes "share with you. Let your"; mes "mind wander as I relate this ageless, yet bittersweet tale..."; next; mes "^3355FFFayruz tells you a story"; mes "with a bright beginning, full"; mes "of hope that fills you with the"; mes "bliss of the heavens, but then"; mes "suddenly plummets you into all the despair and torment of hell.^000000"; next; mes "^3355FFThe story finally"; mes "reaches its ending"; mes "and you're surprised"; mes "to find yourself sitting"; mes "in the Juno Library.^000000"; next; mes "[Fayruz]"; mes "I know it's a very"; mes "depressing story, but"; mes "I hope you enjoyed it."; mes "I think you'd agree that"; mes "it contains a truth about"; mes "mankind that can't be ignored."; if(countitem(getarg(0))) { delitem getarg(0),1; if(getarg(0) == 7352) set jupe_hist,jupe_hist +1; else set jupe_hist,jupe_hist +2; } else if(countitem(getarg(1))) { delitem getarg(1),1; if(getarg(1) == 7353) set jupe_hist,jupe_hist +2; else set jupe_hist,jupe_hist +4; } else { delitem getarg(2),1; if(getarg(2) == 7354) set jupe_hist,jupe_hist +4; else set jupe_hist,jupe_hist +8; } set yuno_hist,6; getexp 100000,0; next; mes "[Fayruz]"; mes "By now I'm sure you've"; mes "figured that these classic"; mes "tales are like condensed"; mes "experiences, refined and"; mes "immutable truths that we"; mes "can see in our own reality."; next; mes "[Fayruz]"; mes "If you find more of"; mes "these Transparent"; mes "Plates in Juperos, I'd be"; mes "very happy to share another"; mes "story with you, "+strcharinfo(0)+"."; close; } else if(countitem(getarg(3))) { mes "[Fayruz]"; mes "Oh, this one seems"; mes "to have been created"; mes "in a similar era as the"; mes "one you gave me earlier."; mes "I'm not sure how much new"; mes "information this may provide..."; next; mes "[Fayruz]"; mes "Still, I'm sure this will"; mes "helpful in my research. I just"; mes "won't be as making progress"; mes "as quickly as I had projected."; mes "Please, I'd like you to take this as a token of my gratitude."; delitem getarg(3),1; getitem 644,1; next; mes "[Fayruz]"; mes "Now if you'll excuse"; mes "me, I need to go back"; mes "to compiling my research..."; mes "Thank you so much for"; mes "your help, "+strcharinfo(0)+"."; close; } else { mes "[Fayruz]"; mes "Oh. There isn't anything"; mes "here that would help in my"; mes "research, but thank you anyway."; mes "If you find anything else while"; mes "you're in Juperos, please come back and show it to me, alright?"; close; } case 7: if((countitem(getarg(0))) || (countitem(getarg(1)))) { mes "[Fayruz]"; mes "Is this another"; mes "Transparent Plate?"; mes "Yes, it's quite different"; mes "than the last one you"; mes "brought over to me..."; mes "This is so exciting!"; next; mes "[Fayruz]"; mes "Oh. You must be thinking"; mes "that I'm a complete academia"; mes "addict. Well, my life might be"; mes "a little uneventful, but there"; mes "are other things I think about!"; mes "Like, well... It's weird but..."; next; mes "[Fayruz]"; mes "You see, there's this"; mes "guy that I like. I'm not sure"; mes "where he might be now, but"; mes "his name is Nadim Amal. He's"; mes "my friend's brother who I first"; mes "met 10 years ago. ^333333*Sigh...*^000000"; next; mes "[Fayruz]"; mes "Just recently, I saw"; mes "him with his sister, my"; mes "friend from Morroc. It's"; mes "weird to think that I'd have"; mes "these feelings for him after"; mes "all this time, isn't it? Oh...!"; next; mes "[Fayruz]"; mes "I really should repay"; mes "you for this Transparent"; mes "Plate. Why don't I tell you"; mes "the scariest story that I know?"; next; mes "^3355FFFayruz tells you a"; mes "creepy horror story that"; mes "makes you shiver with fear."; mes "You've heard other ghost"; mes "stories, but you've never been"; mes "so deeply immersed in one before.^000000"; next; mes "It is only when the"; mes "story ends and you return"; mes "to your senses that you notice that you're soaked in cold sweat.^000000"; next; mes "[Fayruz]"; mes "It may be a natural"; mes "response, but all people"; mes "fear the unknown in one way"; mes "or another. Scary stories are"; mes "appealing because we actually"; mes "like the strange and grotesque."; if(countitem(getarg(0))) { delitem getarg(0),1; if(getarg(0) == 7352) set jupe_hist,jupe_hist +1; else if(getarg(0) == 7353) set jupe_hist,jupe_hist +2; else set jupe_hist,jupe_hist +4; } else if(countitem(getarg(1))) { delitem getarg(1),1; if(getarg(1) == 7353) set jupe_hist,jupe_hist +2; else if(getarg(1) == 7354) set jupe_hist,jupe_hist +4; else set jupe_hist,jupe_hist +8; } set yuno_hist,8; getexp 100000,0; next; mes "[Fayruz]"; mes "Well... That's just my"; mes "opinion. Anyway, if you"; mes "find anything else in Juperos"; mes "that may help in my research,"; mes "please come back and show it"; mes "to me, alright? See you later~"; close; } else if((countitem(getarg(2))) || (countitem(getarg(3)))) { mes "[Fayruz]"; mes "Oh, this one seems"; mes "to have been created"; mes "in a similar era as the"; mes "one you gave me earlier."; mes "I'm not sure how much new"; mes "information this may provide..."; next; mes "[Fayruz]"; mes "Still, I'm sure this will"; mes "helpful in my research. I just"; mes "won't be as making progress"; mes "as quickly as I had projected."; mes "Please, I'd like you to take this as a token of my gratitude."; next; mes "[Fayruz]"; mes "Now if you'll excuse"; mes "me, I need to go back"; mes "to compiling my research..."; mes "Thank you so much for"; mes "your help, "+strcharinfo(0)+"."; if(countitem(getarg(2))) delitem getarg(2),1; else if(countitem(getarg(3))) delitem getarg(3),1; getitem 644,1; close; } else { mes "[Fayruz]"; mes "Oh. There isn't anything"; mes "here that would help in my"; mes "research, but thank you anyway."; mes "If you find anything else while"; mes "you're in Juperos, please come back and show it to me, alright?"; close; } case 9: if(countitem(getarg(0))) { mes "[Fayruz]"; mes "Oooh...! This one is"; mes "much different than the"; mes "other ones you gave me"; mes "before. This should provide"; mes "a wealth of brand new insights"; mes "into the Juperos civilization!"; next; mes "[Fayruz]"; mes "All the Transparent"; mes "Plates you've given me"; mes "should contain more than"; mes "enough data for me to fully"; mes "complete my research thesis."; mes "Once again, thank you so much~"; next; mes "[Fayruz]"; mes "Still, that doesn't mean that"; mes "I will stop collecting data for"; mes "my research. Anyway, I have one last story to tell you, about"; mes "a man of pure heart chosen by the gods to serve and protect mankind."; next; mes "[Fayruz]"; mes "For this purpose he was given"; mes "gaudy armor which contained"; mes "amazing powers, as well as a"; mes "book detailing the instructions"; mes "for its use. However, he promptly"; mes "lost these instructions..."; next; mes "^3355FFThe story about the"; mes "greatest Juperosian hero"; mes "that Fayruz tells you is very"; mes "humorous at first, but then it"; mes "covers the entire spectrum"; mes "of emotion and humanity..."; next; mes "^3355FFThe story ends and you"; mes "are left with a swelling"; mes "feeling of indefatigable"; mes "hope and inspiration..."; mes "You can make it if you try!^000000"; if(getarg(0) == 7352) set jupe_hist,jupe_hist+1; else if(getarg(0) == 7353) set jupe_hist,jupe_hist+2; else if(getarg(0) == 7354) set jupe_hist,jupe_hist+4; else set jupe_hist,jupe_hist+8; set yuno_hist,10; delitem getarg(0),1; getexp 100000,0; next; mes "[Fayruz]"; mes "Well, that is the"; mes "last and the best story"; mes "that I have to share"; mes "with you. Perhaps next"; mes "time, I'll fill you in on my"; mes "research progress~"; close; } else if((countitem(getarg(1))) || (countitem(getarg(2))) || (countitem(getarg(3)))) { mes "[Fayruz]"; mes "Hmm..."; mes "This one seems to be created in a similar time"; mes "as the previous one."; next; mes "[Fayruz]"; mes "Don't you worry."; mes "This will help my research of course,"; mes "although I do not think this will"; mes "help me in advancing my research"; mes "with a great speed unlike this other one."; next; mes "[Fayruz]"; mes "Please take this as a token of my gratitude."; next; mes "[Fayruz]"; mes "Now, excuse me. I need to go back to my research."; if(countitem(getarg(1))) delitem getarg(1),1; else if(countitem(getarg(2))) delitem getarg(2),1; else delitem getarg(3),1; getitem 644,1; close; } else { mes "[Fayruz]"; mes "Oh. There isn't anything"; mes "here that would help in my"; mes "research, but thank you anyway."; mes "If you find anything else while"; mes "you're in Juperos, please come back and show it to me, alright?"; close; } } } yuno_in04,186,125,4 script Bundle of Files 111,{ mes "^8B6914*Thesis: The Fall of Juperos*"; mes "By Fayruz Khrhiyha"; mes "Sage Castle Researcher^000000"; next; switch( select("Table of Contents.","Leave it alone.") ) { case 1: if(yuno_hist > 4) { mes "^8B6914 1. Preface"; mes " 2. Juperos Background"; mes " 3. Theory Behind Its Fall^000000"; next; switch( select("Preface","Juperos Background","Theory Behind Its Fall","Leave it alone.") ) { case 1: mes "^8B6914Scholars are certain"; mes "that the Juperos civilization"; mes "used to be located above the"; mes "ground, but it is now buried"; mes "beneath the El Mes Plateau."; mes "The reasons for the city's"; if(yuno_hist < 9) { mes "ruin are still nebulous...^000000"; next; mes "^8B6914There is much speculation"; mes "about the reasons for Jupero's"; mes "downfall, but any documentation"; mes "from that time period has been"; mes "difficult to find. As for now, any evidence we have regarding"; mes "Juperos is inconclusive.^000000"; next; mes "^8B6914In spite of this lack"; mes "of empirical or concrete"; mes "data on the civilization of"; mes "Juperos, our modern world"; mes "may be able to learn much"; mes "from that ancient city's ruins."; mes "..................^000000"; if(yuno_hist < 7) { next; mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]"; mes "Hmmm..."; mes "A whole chapter"; mes "dedicated to saying,"; mes "''We know absolutely"; mes "nothing about something.''"; mes "I should write a book~"; } close; } mes "ruin are still in debate...^000000"; next; mes "^8B6914However, new findings"; mes "regarding the history"; mes "of Juperos have allowed"; mes "us to make a few conclusions.^000000"; close; case 2: if(yuno_hist < 9) { mes "^8B6914..."; mes "......"; mes "..........^000000"; next; mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]"; mes "This is all just idle"; mes "conjecture! This paper"; mes "isn't developed enough"; mes "yet to be a real thesis..."; close; } else if(yuno_hist == 9) { mes "^8B6914Juperos was built over"; mes "a thousand years ago in"; mes "an era of peace just after"; mes "a major war. Contrary to"; mes "popular belief, there isn't any"; mes "evidence proving that Juno may"; mes "have descended from Juperos.^000000"; next; mes "^8B6914In fact, there is a"; mes "strong possibility that"; mes "another war, between Juno"; mes "and Juperos, resulted in Juno's"; mes "independence from Juperos and"; mes "the destruction of any existing"; mes "documentation from that era.^000000"; next; mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]"; mes "Yes... Of course!"; mes "It all makes sense now!"; close; } mes "^8B6914Juperos was built over"; mes "a thousand years ago in"; mes "an era of peace just after"; mes "a major war. There is now"; mes "direct evidence linking Juno"; mes "to Juperos proving that Juno"; mes "was but a part of Juperos.^000000"; next; mes "^8B6914Just like Juno, Juperos"; mes "was a society that prided"; mes "itself on its advancement"; mes "in the sciences which played"; mes "a permeating role in civilized"; mes "life. Science was reponsible for Juperos's rise and downfall."; close; case 3: if(yuno_hist < 10) { mes "^8B6914..."; mes "......"; mes "..........^000000"; next; mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]"; mes "Huh. This writer keeps"; mes "talking about theories,"; mes "but the more I read, the"; mes "less clear I am on what"; mes "the theory actually is."; mes "I don't think there is one..."; emotion 4; close; } mes "^8B6914What is most unsettling"; mes "is recent evidence, including"; mes "a first hand written account,"; mes "regarding the role of one of"; mes "Jupero's foremost scientists"; mes "in that city's rise and fall."; next; mes "^8B6914If these writings are"; mes "authentic, then what actually"; mes "happened was that a scientific"; mes "revolution occurred as a direct"; mes "result of one scientist's effort to manipulate the energies of the"; mes "artifact known as Ymir's heart."; next; mes "^8B6914This one man and Ymir's"; mes "Heart are credited with"; mes "the success and prosperity"; mes "of the Jupero's civilization."; mes "However, there are various accounts prior to Jupero's fall"; mes "detailing his work with chimera...^000000"; next; mes "^8B6914This scientist, supposedly"; mes "in his passion to benefit his"; mes "people by finding a scientific"; mes "method for immortality by using"; mes "chimera for testing, was driven"; mes "insane. He experimented on"; mes "himself with disatrous results.^000000"; next; mes "^8B6914There was an error in the"; mes "energy calibration of Ymir's"; mes "Heart and the scientist was"; mes "transformed into the monster"; mes "we now know as Chimera. He"; mes "and his test subjects were set"; mes "loose into the city of Juperos.^000000"; next; mes "^8B6914These immortal Chimeras"; mes "razed the entire city, killing"; mes "countless people. Apparently,"; mes "a team of scientists were able"; mes "to salvage a fragment of Ymir's"; mes "Heart, and use it to lauch part"; mes "of Juperos into the sky.^000000"; next; mes "^8B6914That section of Juperos"; mes "eventually developed into"; mes "the city of Juno. Since the"; mes "scientists who launched Juno into the sky all immediately died"; mes "afterwards from an unknown cause, they left no documentation.^000000"; next; mes "^8B6914The Chimera, and the"; mes "laboratory in which it"; mes "was created, is rumored to"; mes "remain beneath the ruins of"; mes "the once great city of Juperos.^000000"; close; case 4: mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]"; mes "Ugh... My head hurts"; mes "too much from reading"; mes "a book for smarty people."; mes "I know! I'll play videogames!"; close; } } switch( select( "Preface","Close the file.") ) { case 1: mes "^8B6914Scholars are certain"; mes "that the Juperos civilization"; mes "used to be located above the"; mes "ground, but it is now buried"; mes "beneath the El Mes Plateau."; mes "The reasons for the city's"; mes "ruin are still nebulous...^000000"; next; mes "^8B6914There is much speculation"; mes "about the reasons for Jupero's"; mes "downfall, but any documentation"; mes "from that time period has been"; mes "difficult to find. As for now, any evidence we have regarding"; mes "Juperos is inconclusive.^000000"; next; mes "^8B6914In spite of this lack"; mes "of empirical or concrete"; mes "data on the civilization of"; mes "Juperos, our modern world"; mes "may be able to learn much"; mes "from that ancient city's ruins."; mes "..................^000000"; if(!yuno_hist) set yuno_hist,1; next; mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]"; mes "This..."; mes "This is supposed to"; mes "be a research thesis?"; mes "There's barely any"; mes "research in it..."; close; case 2: mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]"; mes "Hmm..."; mes "This isn't heavy"; mes "enough to be a real"; mes "academic work. It must"; mes "not even be finished yet."; close; } case 2: if(yuno_hist < 5) { mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]"; mes "Nah..."; mes "I'm tired of reading."; mes "Ironically enough."; close; } else if(yuno_hist < 7) { mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]"; mes "I don't feel like"; mes "reading this. Not"; mes "enough pictures..."; close; } else if(yuno_hist < 9) { mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]"; mes "It looks very sophisticated..."; close; } else if(yuno_hist < 10) { mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]"; mes "I know this book..."; mes "But I don't feel like"; mes "reading it right now."; close; } else { mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]"; mes "This thesis is"; mes "looking pretty good~"; mes "Of course, I did have"; mes "a hand in making it..."; close; } } } yuno_in04,188,118,4 script Book 111,{ if(yuno_hist > 7) { mes "^8B6914*Self-Honesty*"; mes "*'Benefits Fo' Life!'*"; mes "By Stephen Oyoung"; mes " "; mes " "; mes "Publisher:"; mes "Wushu Publishing, Co.^000000"; next; mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]"; mes "W-whoa!"; mes "This book wasn't"; mes "here before! It looks"; mes "pretty interesting..."; close; } mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]"; mes "You know what?"; mes "I think I'll just flip"; mes "through some pages"; mes "from a random book."; mes "Hmmm, let's see..."; next; mes "^8B6914''Admiral, the Kylorians are"; mes "still advancing!'' Commander"; mes "McKenrick announced without"; mes "his usual swagger. ''They're..."; mes "They're not stopping!'' But"; mes "Admiral Leh's eyes were a cold,"; mes "unfeeling shade of sternness.^000000"; next; mes "^8B6914''Let the goddamned space"; mes "aliens come,'' hissed Leh."; mes "''We don't stand a chance"; mes "without the Zenoi Sword"; mes "to summon the power of"; mes "GOD-POING. It's... It's"; mes "all over. Damn it all...''^000000"; next; mes "^8B6914The doors burst open as"; mes "Bucky flew into the room."; mes "''The Zenoi Sword! The"; mes "Zenoi Sword! Someone's"; mes "found it!'' the boy yelled."; mes "''Really?! We better hurry:"; mes "Earth doesn't have much time!''^000000"; next; mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]"; mes "..."; mes "......"; mes "Whoa. I really"; mes "should have read"; mes "this masterpiece"; mes "from the beginning..."; close; } // Bronze Statue - juperos_01 99 112 juperos_01,99,112,4 script Bronze Statue 844,{ if(yuno_hist > 3) { mes "^3355FF''Do you wish to see"; mes "the end of the madness?"; mes "He is next;ing where the three"; mes "columns were destroyed, where"; mes "two hundred illusions wander.''^000000"; close; } else if(yuno_hist == 3) { mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]"; mes "I better go and"; mes "see Fayruz in the"; mes "Juno Library and tell"; mes "her about the inscription."; close; } else { mes "^3355FFThere's a peculiar"; mes "engraving on the"; mes "Bronze Statue's rod.^000000"; next; switch( select( "Investigate","Ignore it" ) ) { case 1 : mes "^3355FFIt's an inscription that's"; mes "written in an old language"; mes "that you can't understand,"; mes "but have no problem reading"; mes "and making out the sounds"; mes "for some weird reason.^000000"; next; mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]"; mes "This is creepy!"; mes "I know that I'm not"; mes "supposed to be able"; mes "to read this, but here"; mes "I am. I know what sounds"; mes "all of these letters make..."; next; if(yuno_hist == 2) { mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]"; mes "Then again, Fayruz did"; mes "say this was enchanted."; mes "Okay, I guess I'll go back"; mes "to the Juno Library and"; mes "tell her what I found."; set yuno_hist,3; close; } mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]"; mes "Huh. Only a scholar,"; mes "maybe someone even in"; mes "Juno, could make sense"; mes "of what this stuff says."; close; case 2 : close; } } } yuno_in04,169,109,1 script Ambitious Hollgrehenn 111,{ mes "*Hollgrehenn: The Ambition*"; mes "By Aragham Caul*"; mes ""; mes ""; mes ""; mes ""; mes "Publisher:"; mes "Muha Books, Co."; next; mes "..."; mes "He would stop at nothing"; mes "to have the greatest weapon"; mes "in the world in his possession."; mes "He became a smith so that he"; mes "could discern which weapons"; mes "were the most powerful..."; next; mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "That's strange..."; mes "The next page"; mes "has been torn out."; close; } yuno_in04,174,111,1 script Penniless Hollgrehenn 111,{ mes "^8B6914*Penniless Hollgrehenn*"; mes " * Pennyless Hollgrehenn * "; mes "By Hollgrehenn"; mes " "; mes " "; mes "Publisher:"; mes "Muha Books, Co.^000000"; next; mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]"; mes "This book looks"; mes "like a total piece of"; mes "crap. I'd have more"; mes "fun getting my teeth"; mes "drilled by a blindfolded"; mes "dentist. Or would I...?"; close; } yuno_in04,102,106,1 script Popular Feasts 111,{ mes "^8B6914*Popular Feasts*"; mes "By Cabbage Pickle Community"; mes " "; mes " "; mes " "; mes "Publisher:"; mes "Muha Books, Co.^000000"; next; switch( select( " 1. Fried Yoyo Tails"," 14. Poring Salad"," 252. Beak Soup" ) ) { case 1: mes "^8B6914..."; mes "If possible, try"; mes "to use tails cut"; mes "from live Yoyos."; mes "Now, as for skinning...^000000"; next; mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]"; mes "Um..."; mes "Barf?"; close; case 2: mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]"; mes "Hey, this page is gone!"; mes "I guess Poring Salad is"; mes "the most popular feast"; mes "in this entire book."; case 3: mes "^8B6914..."; mes "Fry the cut beaks"; mes "using herbal oil until"; mes "crisp. Then, pour the"; mes "feathers into a blender...^000000"; next; mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]"; mes "Hmm..."; mes "Sounds a little"; mes "too gourmet for my"; mes "taste. And by ''gourmet,''"; mes "I mean, ''totally gross.''"; close; } } yuno_in04,111,108,1 script Hamerun, Rat Hunter 111,{ mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]"; mes "I can't..."; mes "reach it...!"; close; } yuno_in04,167,127,1 script Red Book 111,{ mes "^3355FFYou find a book"; mes "with red binding.^000000"; next; switch( select( "Read.","Leave it alone." ) ) { case 1: mes "^8B6914...^000000"; next; mes "^8B6914..."; mes "......^000000"; next; mes "^8B6914..."; mes "......"; mes ".........^000000"; next; mes "^8B6914..."; mes "......"; mes "........."; mes "............^000000"; next; mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]"; mes "This is..."; mes "A compilation of"; mes "Shakespeare in "; mes "coloring book format?"; next; mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]"; mes "Wait..."; mes "Why would fans of"; mes "Shakespeare even"; mes "want a coloring book?"; next; mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]"; mes "Hmm... Well..."; mes "I suppose little kids who"; mes "read Shakespeare would"; mes "appreciate something like that."; next; mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]"; mes "Hold on..."; mes "Do little kids who"; mes "are able to read the"; mes "works of Shakespeare"; mes "even exist? I hope not..."; close; case 2: mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]"; mes "What a strange"; mes "and mysterious book."; mes "I'll never know what's"; mes "inside unless I read it!"; mes "Come on! Doesn't the red"; mes "binding mean something?"; close; } } yuno_in04,121,109,1 script Scroll 111,{ mes "^3355FFYou've found an"; mes "antiquated scroll"; mes "that's collected a"; mes "layer of fine dust.^000000"; next; switch( select( "Peruse","Leave it alone" ) ) { case 1: mes "^8B6914Item Upgrade Introduction"; mes " "; mes " "; mes " "; mes "1. Item Upgrade Definition"; mes " "; mes "The key to success when"; mes "upgrading items comes from"; mes "only one place: Your ''Mind.''"; mes " "; mes " "; mes " "; mes "2. Power of a Positive Attitude"; mes "Before trying to upgrade"; mes "an item, plan out how high"; mes "you want to upgrade and how"; mes "much you'll spend beforehand."; mes "But like all ladies, Lady Luck"; mes "smiles when you fully splurge.^000000"; mes " "; mes " "; next; mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]"; mes "Wait, wait..."; mes "This thing IS old."; mes "I mean, it's obviously"; mes "written from a patriarchal"; mes "standpoint that promotes"; mes "bipartisan gender roles."; next; mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]"; mes "I'm..."; mes "I'm so offended."; close; case 2: mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]"; mes "This scroll is far too"; mes "primitive. There's been"; mes "all sorts of technological"; mes "reading advances that I can't"; mes "live without... Like pages."; close; } } yuno_in04,118,116,4 script Paper 111,{ mes "^3355FFIt's a piece of"; mes "paper that looks"; mes "like a personal letter.^000000"; next; switch( select("Read it.","Leave it alone.") ) { case 1: if(yuno_hist > 7) { mes "^8B6914P.S."; mes "Please..."; mes "Come back to me."; mes " "; mes " "; mes "Love,"; mes "Fayruz^000000"; close; } mes "^8B6914..."; mes "I can't forget your smile."; mes "No matter what, even if you"; mes "hate me, I'll always have these"; mes "feelings just for you. You are"; mes "the one who is most special,"; mes "who means the most to my heart.^000000"; next; mes "^8B6914I know we've had our"; mes "differences, but please"; mes "don't refuse my love. By"; mes "your hands, I hope that"; mes "you can forgive me for us."; mes "- Love, Fayruz^000000"; next; if(getpartnerid()) { mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]"; mes "Ahhhhhh~"; mes "Love sure is nice!"; close; } mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]"; mes "What th--?!"; mes "Booooooooo!"; mes "Love stinks!"; close; case 2: mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]"; mes "I guess I better"; mes "not look at this."; mes "I mean, I might"; mes "regret reading it."; close; } } juperos_01,123,92,4 script Stone Statue 844,{ if(yuno_hist) { mes "^3355FFIt's a stone statue"; mes "that looks exactly like"; mes "the one in the Juno Library."; mes "However, it has sculptures"; mes "of books instead of real ones.^000000"; next; mes "^3355FFIt's possible that the"; mes "statue in the Juno Library"; mes "was made after this one."; mes "But who can be sure?^000000"; close; } mes "^3355FFIt's an old"; mes "statue sculpted"; mes "out of stone.^000000"; close; } juperos_01,99,71,4 script Bronze Statue 844,{ mes "^3355FFIt's an elaborate"; mes "bronze statue that"; mes "is twice the height of"; mes "a normal human being.^000000"; close; } juperos_01,79,92,4 script Sculpture 844,{ mes "^3355FFIt's a sculpture that"; mes "looks familiar to you.^000000"; close; } juperos_01,215,127,4 script Machine Statue 844,{ mes "^3355FFThis is the bust of a"; mes "humanoid machine with"; mes "a familiar Crest Piece"; mes "carved into the middle.^000000"; next; mes "^3355FFThe statue's entire"; mes "form is mind boggling,"; mes "but you manage to note"; mes "that its outstretched"; mes "arm points westward.^000000"; close; } juperos_02,1,1,1 script JuperosLvl2QuestInit -1,{ OnInit: while(1) { monster "juperos_02",24,276,"1st Gate Switch",1674,1,"JuperosLvl2QuestInit::OnGate1Dead"; monster "juperos_02",240,29,"2nd Gate Switch",1674,1,"JuperosLvl2QuestInit::OnGate2Dead"; monster "juperos_02",282,183,"3rd Gate Switch",1674,1,"JuperosLvl2QuestInit::OnGate3Dead"; end; OnGate1Dead: mapannounce "juperos_02","Have you come seeking Juperos?! It no longer exists...",1,0xFF0000; set $JupeGate1,1; if($JupeGate1 && $JupeGate2 && $JupeGate3)goto s_WarpOpen; end; OnGate2Dead: mapannounce "juperos_02","Who are you to come here?",1,0xFF0000; set $JupeGate2,1; if($JupeGate1 && $JupeGate2 && $JupeGate3)goto s_WarpOpen; end; OnGate3Dead: mapannounce "juperos_02","Have you come to see me? Fine! Find me first!",1,0xFF0000; set $JupeGate3,1; if($JupeGate1 && $JupeGate2 && $JupeGate3)goto s_WarpOpen; end; s_WarpOpen: attachnpctimer; initnpctimer; end; OnTimer3000: mapannounce "juperos_02","Vroom! Vroom!",1,0xBA55D3; end; OnTimer6000: mapannounce "juperos_02","Attention, visitors.",1,0xBA55D3; end; OnTimer9000: mapannounce "juperos_02","You are allowed to enter the next zone for a short period of time. Please use the portal in the center of the map.",1,0xBA55D3; enablenpc "JupeWarp2"; end; OnTimer309000: mapannounce "juperos_02","The portal has now closed.",1,0xBA55D3; disablenpc "JupeWarp2"; set $JupeGate1,0; set $JupeGate2,0; set $JupeGate3,0; stopnpctimer; } }