//===== eAthena Script ======================================= //= Orc Hero Helm Quest //===== By: ================================================== //= DracoRPG (1.0) //===== Current Version: ===================================== //= 1.1 //===== Compatible With: ===================================== //= Any eAthena Version with gmcommand function //===== Description: ========================================= //= Orc Hero Helm quest //===== Additional Comments: ================================= //= Only needed items and sprite/name are official //= 1.1 fixed items exploit [Lupus] //============================================================ gef_fild10.gat,131,274,4 script Orc Warrior 1023,{ if(ORC_HERO_HELM_Q==1) goto Q1; if(ORC_HERO_HELM_Q==2) goto Q2; if(ORC_HERO_HELM_Q==3) goto Q3; if(ORC_HERO_HELM_Q==4) goto Q4; emotion e_an; mes "[Orc Warrior]"; mes "What does an human here? Cheeit!"; mes "Here are only true Orc Warriors! Get out of our village!"; next; menu "Hey, I'm as strong as you are!",Q0,"Leave before he gets angry...",-; close; Q0: mes "[Orc Warrior]"; mes "Humph! As strong as an orc? I dun think so!"; mes "If you're able to prove it to me... I'll reward ya with the hat of the true warriors..."; mes "The ^ff0000Orc Hero Helm^000000! Cheeit!"; next; mes "[Orc Warrior]"; mes "But you'll need to show me your strength and courage before."; mes "First bring me back 10,000 Jellopies to prove your determination! Cheeit!"; set ORC_HERO_HELM_Q,1; set ORC_HERO_HELM_Q2,0; close; Q1: mes "[Orc Warrior]"; mes "Then, ya're back! Let's see whether you've got what I asked ya to find!"; next; mes "[Orc Warrior]"; set @temp,countitem(909); if(ORC_HERO_HELM_Q2+@temp>10000) set @temp,10000-ORC_HERO_HELM_Q2; set ORC_HERO_HELM_Q2,ORC_HERO_HELM_Q2+@temp; delitem 909,@temp; if(ORC_HERO_HELM_Q2==0) goto Q1_noitem; if(ORC_HERO_HELM_Q2==10000) goto Q1_allitem; mes "Ya've brought me " + @temp + " Jellopies this time. This makes a total of " + ORC_HERO_HELM_Q2 + " Jellopies. Remember, I want 10,000 of 'em!"; close; Q1_allitem: mes "I see that ya've more courage that I imagined. Cheeit!"; mes "But it's not finished! Now I want to test your strength. Go and fight our warriors, and get 100 Orcish Vouchers from 'em!"; set ORC_HERO_HELM_Q,2; set ORC_HERO_HELM_Q2,0; close; Q1_noitem: emotion e_an; mes "Cheeit! I told ya to bring me back 10,000 Jellopies, and you don't have even one!"; close; Q2: mes "[Orc Warrior]"; if(countitem(931)<100) goto Q2_noitem; delitem 931,100; mes "Ya managed to get those Orcish Vouchers? Cheeit! Maybe I didn't ask ya to bring me enough of 'em!"; mes "Go and find 10,000 more Orcish Vouchers!"; set ORC_HERO_HELM_Q,3; set ORC_HERO_HELM_Q2,0; close; Q2_noitem: emotion e_an; mes "Ya couldn't win against my brother warriors ? Stay away until ya find those 100 Orcish Vouchers! Cheeit!"; close; Q3: mes "[Orc Warrior]"; set @temp,countitem(931); if(ORC_HERO_HELM_Q2+@temp>10000) set @temp,10000-ORC_HERO_HELM_Q2; set ORC_HERO_HELM_Q2,ORC_HERO_HELM_Q2+@temp; delitem 931,@temp; if(ORC_HERO_HELM_Q2==0) goto Q3_noitem; if(ORC_HERO_HELM_Q2==10000) goto Q3_allitem; mes "Good, ya've come with " + @temp + " Orcish Vouchers. With all those ya brought previously, it goes up to " + ORC_HERO_HELM_Q2 + " Orcish Vouchers on the 10,000 I want!"; close; Q3_allitem: mes "Humph! Ya're really a powerful warrior! Maybe ya deserve to wear the Orc Hero Helm."; mes "For the moment, take those items. Keep 'em well, ya'll need 'em to make your helm!"; set ORC_HERO_HELM_Q,4; set ORC_HERO_HELM_Q2,0; getitem 2299,1; getitem 968,1; next; mes "[Orc Warrior]"; mes "Now, ya'll have to fight our best warlords and heroes! Bring me 100 Heroic Emblems and I'll give ya your helm."; close; Q3_noitem: emotion e_an; mes "Bringing me back at least one of those 10,000 Orcish Vouchers is too hard for ya, poor human? Go out of there, then! Cheeit!"; close; Q4: mes "[Orc Warrior]"; mes "Have ya fighted the best warriors among us, and brought me 100 Heroic Emblems as a token?"; mes "And don't forget the Orc Helm I gave ya, I need it too. Cheeit!"; next; mes "[Orc Warrior]"; if(countitem(968)<100 || countitem(2299)<1) goto Q4_noitem; delitem 968,100; delitem 2299,1; mes "Ya got all of them! Cheeit! Ya're a true warrior, one of our heroes!"; mes "I'll make your Orc Hero Helm to prove your strength and valour!"; next; mes "[Orc Warrior]"; getnameditem 5094,strcharinfo(0); set ORC_HERO_HELM_Q,0; logmes "Quest: Got Orc Hero Helm"; mes "Here ya are! Wear it and be proud to be one of the mightiest Orc Heroes! Cheeit!"; close; Q4_noitem: emotion e_an; mes "No? Ya miss items... I was sure that ya weren't really a hero!"; close; }