//===== Hercules Script ======================================= //= Doomed Swords Quest //===== By: ================================================== //= kobra_k88; L0ne_W0lf //===== Current Version: ===================================== //= 1.0 //===== Compatible With: ===================================== //= Hercules GIT //===== Description: ========================================= //= [Aegis Conversion] //= Doomed Swords Quest: //= - Quest for Doomed Swords: Grimtooth, Mysteltain, Executioner. //= Although this quest is enabled on iRO, the Mysteltainn //= portion is NOT completable as the item "Young Twig" does //= not drop. //= - Variable in use: event_magum (max 6) //= - Variable in use: dmdswrd_Q2 (bits 1 - 32) //===== Additional Comments: ================================= //= 1.0 Moved from main folder [Streusel] //============================================================ izlude_in,173,88,2 script Nain#magum 102,{ if (dmdswrd_Q2 == 4) { mes "[Nain]"; mes "It doesn't matter how"; mes "powerful the Executioner"; mes "is: if it were to end up in"; mes "my hands, I would get rid"; mes "of it right away. I'd never risk losing my mind to that curse..."; close; } mes "[Nain]"; mes "Long ago, one sword"; mes "was used to behead all"; mes "the criminals that had been"; mes "sentenced to death. That"; mes "accursed blade is known"; mes "as the Executioner."; next; mes "[Nain]"; mes "As the Executioner slayed"; mes "more criminals, the rage and"; mes "bloodlust of its victims began"; mes "to accumulate upon the blade."; mes "Although the sword gained great^FFFFFF ^000000 strength, it was tainted by evil."; next; mes "[Nain]"; mes "The last person to wield"; mes "the Executioner almost lost"; mes "his mind to the sword. He saved^FFFFFF ^000000 himself by giving it to a talented"; mes "blacksmith who would destroy^FFFFFF ^000000 it for him, thus saving his soul."; next; mes "[Nain]"; mes "This mysterious blacksmith"; mes "was never seen again in the"; mes "city of Prontera, but rumor has"; mes "it that if you can find him, he"; mes "can forge that accursed"; mes "Executioner anew..."; if (event_magum == 1) set event_magum,5; set dmdswrd_Q2,dmdswrd_Q2 | 4; close; }