//===== eAthena Script ======================================= //= Thief Job Quest //===== By: ================================================== //= eAthena dev team //===== Current Version: ===================================== //= 1.7 //===== Compatible With: ===================================== //= eAthena SVN //===== Description: ========================================= //= [Aegis Conversion] //= Job quest for Thief classes //===== Additional Comments: ================================= //= Fully working //= v1.1 Added instant job change for High Novice [Lupus] //= 1.3 Added Baby Class support [Lupus] //= v1.4 Optimised and moved first checker to Jfunc1-1 [massdriller] //= Fixed possible EXP abuse [Lupus] //= 1.5 Now saves/restores all quest skills [Lupus] //= 1.6 Merged back JFunc [Lupus] 1.6a typos //= 1.7 Rescripted to Aegis 10.3 stadards. [L0ne_W0lf] //= No longer uses function "F_ToHigh" //============================================================ moc_prydb1,39,129,2 script Thief Guide 69,{ if (Upper == 1) { if (ADVJOB == Job_Assassin_Cross || ADVJOB == Job_Stalker) { if (BaseJob == Job_Novice_High) { mes "[Thief Guide]"; mes "Huh? Do I know you? It's creepy that you seem so familiar. You don't have a twin, do you?"; next; if (getskilllv(1) < 9) { mes "[Thief Guide]"; mes "What, do you want to be a Thief? I'm sorry, but you look like you need more training."; next; mes "[Thief Guide]"; mes "Take your time and learn all the Basic Skills, will you? Well then, see you later~!"; close; } mes "[Thief Guide]"; mes "Well, I got this feeling like you've been through a lifetime of fighting, so I'm promoting you to a Thief right this minute. I better give you tough guys what you want..."; next; skill 143,0,0; jobchange Job_Thief_High; skill 149,1,0; skill 150,1,0; skill 151,1,0; skill 152,1,0; mes "[Thief Guide]"; mes "Since you've become a Thief, live as a Thief. Now, go for it! Next~"; close; } else { mes "[Thief Guide]"; if (sex) mes "Hey, dude."; else mes "Hey, baby~"; close; } } else { mes "[Thief Guide]"; if (sex) mes "Hey, dude."; else mes "Hey, baby."; mes "...Hey! You look too goody-goody to want to be a Thief!! Now scram, I'm busy. Next!"; close; } } if (BaseJob == Job_Thief) { mes "[Thief Guide]"; mes "If you have a problem, feel free to speak to me anytime, alright?"; close; } else if (BaseJob != Job_Novice && BaseJob != Job_Thief) { mes "[Thief Guide]"; mes "What the heck...?"; switch(Class) { case 1: mes "Huh."; mes "Now, that's"; mes "a big sword."; next; mes "[Thief Guide]"; mes "So..."; mes "Trying to make"; mes "up for something"; mes "...Buddy?"; break; case 2: mes "What's a Mage doin' here? Shouldn't you be doing card tricks elsewhere? Oh well, it's a free country..."; next; mes "[Thief Guide]"; mes "Oh wait,"; mes "it's not..."; mes "Get outta here!"; break; case 3: mes "Man, shouldn't you"; mes "Archers be playing"; mes "in the forest"; mes "or something?"; break; case 4: mes "You know we all steal for a living, right? What are you doing in this kinda place, Acolyte?"; break; case 5: mes "You're a Merchant,"; mes "right? Why are you"; mes "walking into a den"; mes "of Thieves?!"; next; mes "[Thief Guide]"; mes "It's like you're begging"; mes "us to steal from you!"; mes "Come on, hurry and"; mes "get outta here~"; break; case 8: mes "Oh my God..."; mes "Am I dying?"; next; mes "[Thief Guide]"; mes "Why else would a Priest come here? I guess I better start confessing all of my misdeeds."; close; case 12: mes "Didn't you use to be one of us?! Man, you changed. You seem real dangerous now..."; close; case 17: mes "Man, you got real cool all of a sudden! You must have some skills I can only dream of!"; close; } next; mes "[Thief Guide]"; mes "*Sigh* Look, there's really no need for you to be in this kind of place. You oughta go where you ought to go."; close; } if (job_thief_q == 3 && countitem(1069) > 0 || countitem(1070) > 0) { mes "[Thief Guide]"; mes "Hmmm?"; mes "You gathered Mushrooms for"; mes "the Thief test, right?"; next; mes "[Thief Guide]"; mes "Here, talk to the other guy right next to me. He's the one in charge of checking your Mushrooms."; close; } else if (job_thief_q == 3) { mes "[Thief Guide]"; mes "So how was the"; mes "Mushroom Farm?"; mes "Have any fun?"; next; if (select("Yeah, kinda Cool.:It was horrible.") == 1) { mes "[Thief Guide]"; mes "Heh heh! That's a good attitude. In our line of work, you gotta enjoy getting your hands dirty, one way or another."; close; } mes "[Thief Guide]"; mes "Yeah? I've been there too, so I can see why that place isn't everyone's cup of tea. Still, being a Thief isn't all glamour and trendy night life."; close; } if (job_thief_q == 2) { mes "[Thief Guide]"; mes "Hey, whaddya doin' here? Aren't you supposed to be gathering Mushrooms? Or did you need it explained to you again?"; next; if (select("Yes.:No, that's okay.") == 1) { mes "[Thief Guide]"; mes "*Sigh* Well, there's always one in the bunch. Alright, listen carefully."; next; mes "[Thief Guide]"; mes "Alright, for your test, you gotta steal Mushrooms from a farm. Don't worry, the guy who owns the farm deserves to be robbed."; next; mes "[Thief Guide]"; mes "Anyway, you gotta gather two kinds of Mushrooms: ^0000FFOrange Net Mushrooms^000000 and ^0000FFOrange Gooey Mushrooms^000000."; next; mes "[Thief Guide]"; mes "Be careful, since there are monsters are the farm that are there to protect the Mushrooms. So this will be no walk in the park."; next; mes "[Thief Guide]"; mes "When you come back here after gathering Mushrooms, you'll be graded on the Mushrooms you've collected."; next; mes "[Thief Guide]"; mes "Each Orange Net Mushroom gets you 3 points, and you get 1 point for each Orange Gooey Mushroom. You need a total of 25 points to pass the test."; next; mes "[Thief Guide]"; mes "Go outside and keep going ahead toward the Eastern Field of the Pyramids. Then you will see one of our comrades between two columns."; next; mes "[Thief Guide]"; mes "Speak to that guy, and he'll take you to the farm through the backdoor."; next; mes "[Thief Guide]"; mes "On that field, I think his coordinates are '^FF0000141, 125^000000.' Just type ^3355FF/where^000000 in the right side of your chat box to check your present coordinates."; close; } mes "[Thief Guide]"; mes "Huh. For a second there, I thought you had something really important to tell me."; close; } mes "[Thief Guide]"; if (job_thief_q == 0) { mes "What brings you down"; mes "here to this rathole?"; } else { mes "Ah..."; mes "You came back."; mes "Are you sure you're"; mes "ready to try again?"; } next; if (select("Hey, I came here to be a Thief!:Nah, I'm just looking around.") == 1) { if (job_thief_q == 0) { mes "[Thief Guide]"; mes "Heh, I like your confidence. Still, you know being a Thief isn't all what it's cracked up to be."; next; mes "[Thief Guide]"; mes "Still..."; mes "Do you really"; mes "want to be"; mes "a Thief?"; next; switch(select("Yeah.:No, just wasting your time.:Why did you become a Thief?")) { case 1: mes "[Thief Guide]"; mes "Really..."; break; case 2: mes "[Thief Guide]"; mes "Yeah..."; mes "I can see that."; break; case 3: mes "[Thief Guide]"; mes "Me...?"; mes "I had no choice at the time. It was either steal or starve. But it's not like I need to give you my life story."; break; } next; mes "[Thief Guide]"; mes "So do you want to"; mes "apply to become"; mes "a Thief or not?"; next; switch(select("Yes, I will.:I'm too scared to be a Thief!")) { case 1: mes "[Thief Guide]"; mes "Alright, tell"; mes "me your name."; next; mes "[Thief Guide]"; mes "" + strcharinfo(0) + "?"; mes "What kind of name is " + strcharinfo(0) + "? Anyway, give me a second."; set job_thief_q,1; next; mes "[Thief Guide]"; mes "Alright, your registration has been processed. Okay, you can begin your test if you're ready."; next; switch(select("Yeah, I'm ready.:No, I'm not ready yet.")) { case 1: break; case 2: mes "[Thief Guide]"; mes "Not ready?"; mes "How can you"; mes "not be ready?!"; close; } break; case 2: mes "[Thief Guide]"; mes "Too scared?!?"; mes "Hahahahahahah!"; mes "Oh, please...!"; mes "That's hilarious!"; close; } } else { mes "[Thief Guide]"; mes "Okay..."; mes "Give me"; mes "one second."; next; } mes "[Thief Guide]"; mes "Your name is..."; mes strcharinfo(0) + "? Um, where is it? Ah, here it is. Let's see..."; next; mes "[Thief Guide]"; if (getskilllv(1) < 9) { mes "Isn't that cute? I can see you're ambitious, but you gotta learn all of the Basic Skills before you can become a Thief."; close; } mes "Alright. I looked at your Felony Record, and you seem to have a very interesting history. You might have what it takes to be a Thief."; next; mes "[Thief Guide]"; mes "Because I feel like it, I now decree that you have passed this interview. Good work!"; set job_thief_q,2; next; mes "[Thief Guide]"; mes "Now, your actual abilities will need to be tested. Do you know anything about the test?"; next; switch(select("Yes, I do.:Sorry, I don't.")) { case 1: mes "[Thief Guide]"; mes "Oh yeah? Well, this makes things a lot easier."; break; case 2: mes "[Thief Guide]"; mes "Alright, let me inform you then. Listen carefully. This test decides if you are worthy of becoming a Thief."; next; mes "[Thief Guide]"; mes "You will be sneaking to Shibu's Farm. He is the worst Merchant, in terms of character, in Morroc."; next; mes "[Thief Guide]"; mes "Alright, for your test, you gotta steal Mushrooms from his farm. Don't worry, that guy deserves to be robbed."; next; mes "[Thief Guide]"; mes "Anyway, you gotta gather two kinds of Mushrooms: ^0000FFOrange Net Mushrooms^000000 and ^0000FFOrange Gooey Mushrooms^000000."; next; mes "[Thief Guide]"; mes "Be careful, since there are monsters are the farm that are there to protect the Mushrooms. So this will be no walk in the park."; next; mes "[Thief Guide]"; mes "When you come back here after gathering Mushrooms, you'll be graded on the Mushrooms you've collected."; next; mes "[Thief Guide]"; mes "Each Orange Net Mushroom gets you 3 points, and you get 1 point for each Orange Gooey Mushroom. You need a total of 25 points to pass the test."; next; mes "[Thief Guide]"; mes "Go outside and keep going ahead toward the Eastern Field of the Pyramids. Then you will see one of our comrades between two columns."; next; mes "[Thief Guide]"; mes "Speak to that guy, and he'll take you to the farm through the backdoor."; next; mes "[Thief Guide]"; mes "On that field, I think his coordinates are '^FF0000141, 125^000000.' Just type ^3355FF/where^000000 in the right side of your chat box to check your present coordinates."; } next; mes "[Thief Guide]"; mes "Don't forget to make plans and prepare yourself before you go inside the Mushroom Farm. Move as quickly as you can and try not to get killed, alright?"; close; } close; } moc_prydb1,42,133,2 script Comrade 118,{ if (BaseJob == Job_Thief) { mes "[Brad]"; mes "We don't have any special events yet. Come some other time when there's news, alright?"; close; } else if (BaseJob != Job_Novice && BaseJob != Job_Thief) { mes "[Comrade]"; mes "Um..."; mes "You don't look"; mes "like a Thief."; next; mes "[Comrade]"; mes "What the heck are"; mes "you doing here anyway?"; close; } if (job_thief_q == 0 || job_thief_q == 1) { mes "[Comrade]"; mes "What's the matter? If you want to be a Thief, speak to the girl beside me."; close; } else if (job_thief_q == 2) { mes "[Comrade]"; mes "Did you pass the interview?"; mes "Then what are you waiting for?"; close; } else if (job_thief_q == 3) { mes "[Comrade]"; mes "Ah, the guide told me about you. So, let me check your mushrooms..."; if (countitem(1069) == 0 && countitem(1070) == 0) { next; mes "[Comrade]"; mes "What the hell..."; mes "You don't have any Mushrooms at all! Go back and get them. Otherwise, you won't pass the test and become a Thief!"; close; } next; set .@thief_item1,countitem(1069) * 3; set .@thief_item2,countitem(1070); set .@total_thief,.@thief_item1 + .@thief_item2; set .@money_thief,((.@thief_item1 * 5) + (.@thief_item2 * 2)) + 200; mes "[Comrade]"; if (countitem(1069) != 0) { mes "First, let me check the Orange Net Mushrooms you got."; mes "Huh, " + countitem(1069) + " of them."; } if (countitem(1070) != 0) mes "Now I'll just check your Orange Gooey Mushrooms. That's " + countitem(1070) + " you gathered."; next; mes "[Comrade]"; mes "So that would"; mes "bring your total to..."; next; mes "[Comrade]"; mes "Hmmm. " + .@total_thief + " degrees, multiplied by the speed of light, divided by the integral of pi times height plus the absolute value of politics..."; next; mes "[Comrade]"; mes "Okay!"; mes "I got it."; next; mes "[Comrade]"; if (.@total_thief > 25) { mes "You got more"; mes "than 25 points!"; mes "Awesome!"; } else if (.@total_thief == 25) { mes "Exactly 25 points!"; mes "You did it! Badass!"; } else { mes "Definitely less than the 25 points you need to pass. Go out there and get me more Mushrooms!"; close; } next; mes "[Comrade]"; mes strcharinfo(0) + "..."; mes "You have passed the official Thief Test. You are now one of us."; if (countitem(1069) != 0) delitem 1069,countitem(1069); //Mushroom_Of_Thief_1 if (countitem(1070) != 0) delitem 1070,countitem(1070); //Mushroom_Of_Thief_2 callfunc "Job_Change",Job_Thief; callfunc "F_ClearJobVar"; next; mes "[Comrade]"; mes "Congratulations on becoming a Thief! From now, be an honorable representative of the Thief's Guild."; next; mes "[Comrade]"; mes "If you bring disgrace to our guild, you will be killed. I expect you to bring our comrades pride."; next; mes "[Brad]"; mes "*Ahem* Welcome to the Guild, comrade! I'm Brad, and I'm in charge of human resources here."; next; mes "[Brad]"; mes "Here is a small subsidy for a Newbie like you. Spend it whereever you want. Alright then, I'll see you around~"; set zeny,zeny+.@money_thief; close; } } moc_ruins,141,125,3 script Mr. Irrelevant 83,{ if (BaseJob == Job_Thief) { mes "[Mr. Irrelevant]"; mes "Ah, I see that you are now a Thief. I always knew you'd join us."; next; mes "[Mr. Irrelevant]"; mes "Stealing from a Mushroom farm is too easy for you now. You should build up your skills and master our craft."; close; } else if (BaseJob != Job_Novice && BaseJob != Job_Thief) { mes "[Mr. Irrelevant]"; switch(rand(4)) { case 1: mes "I could use a good, hard drink."; close; case 2: mes "Gimme your money."; next; mes "[Mr. Irrelevant]"; mes "Kidding, I'm off the clock."; close; case 3: mes "WHO YOU CALLING A PSYCHO?!?!"; close; case 4: mes "I've got nothing to say to you. Would you mind leaving me alone?"; close; default: mes "Today looks like a good day to go to the pyramids and hunt with some of my friends."; close; } } if (job_thief_q == 3) { mes "[Mr. Irrelevant]"; mes "Hahahahaha~!"; mes "You haven't"; mes "passed the test yet?"; mes "Alright, I'll let you in..."; close2; switch(rand(5)) { case 1: warp "job_thief1",228,106; end; case 2: warp "job_thief1",38,50; end; case 3: warp "job_thief1",66,331; end; case 4: warp "job_thief1",196,331; end; default: warp "job_thief1",309,234; end; } } else if (job_thief_q == 2) { mes "[Mr. Irrelevant]"; mes "Hmm..."; mes "You've come to take the test, right? I can see in your eyes that you know something."; next; mes "[Mr. Irrelevant]"; mes "Your name is " + strcharinfo(0) + "? Ah, it's on the list. Alright, I'll let you into the Mushroom Farm , but I can't guarantee your safety..."; close2; set job_thief_q,3; switch(rand(5)) { case 1: warp "job_thief1",228,106; end; case 2: warp "job_thief1",38,50; end; case 3: warp "job_thief1",66,331; end; case 4: warp "job_thief1",196,331; end; default: warp "job_thief1",309,234; end; } } else if (job_thief_q == 1) { mes "[Mr. Irrelevant]"; mes "There is this strange smell coming from... You. Now why would that be?"; close; } mes "[Mr. Irrelevant]"; mes "Hey Novice! Why don't you join the ranks of the Thief Guild? You newbies are always welcome to join us and our selfish cause."; next; mes "[Mr. Irrelevant]"; mes "You can get more information in the Underground Room in the Pyramid 1 BF."; close; } // Monsters //============================================================ job_thief1,0,0,0,0 monster Orange Mushroom 1182,180,0,0,0 job_thief1,0,0,0,0 monster Fabre 1184,50,0,0,0 job_thief1,0,0,0,0 monster Chonchon 1183,50,0,0,0 job_thief1,0,0,0,0 monster Spore 1014,30,0,0,0 //============================================================ // mapflag //============================================================ job_thief1 mapflag nomemo job_thief1 mapflag noteleport job_thief1 mapflag nosave SavePoint job_thief1 mapflag nopenalty job_thief1 mapflag nobranch