//===== eAthena Script ======================================= //= Thief Job Quest //===== By: ================================================== //= eAthena dev team //===== Current Version: ===================================== //= 1.6 //===== Compatible With: ===================================== //= eAthena 1.0 + //===== Description: ========================================= //= //===== Additional Comments: ================================= //= Fully working //= v1.1 Added instant job change for High Novice [Lupus] //= 1.3 Added Baby Class support [Lupus] //= v1.4 Optimised and moved first checker to Jfunc1-1 [massdriller] //= Fixed possible EXP abuse [Lupus] //= 1.5 Now saves/restores all quest skills [Lupus] //= 1.6 Merged back JFunc [Lupus] //============================================================ // == Monsters == //Spawn is included in this file so make shure its not elsewhere to! job_thief1.gat,0,0,0,0 monster Orange Mushroom 1182,180,0,0,0 job_thief1.gat,0,0,0,0 monster Fabre 1184,50,0,0,0 job_thief1.gat,0,0,0,0 monster Chonchon 1183,50,0,0,0 job_thief1.gat,0,0,0,0 monster Spore 1014,30,0,0,0 // == NPCs == // -- Interviewer -- moc_prydb1.gat,39,129,5 script Thief Guide 69,{ mes "[Thief Guide]"; if(BaseJob == Job_Thief) { mes "You're already a thief..... What do you want from me... go away!"; emotion e_swt; close; } if(BaseClass == Job_Swordman) { mes "What the heck...? Meh!~Here's another 'Bash' head. Do me a favor... why don't you go 'BASH', yourself in the head. Ha!"; emotion e_gg; close; } if(BaseClass == Job_Mage) { mes "What the heck...? Ehhh??? A Circus Sideshow? Make a fire without a Matchstick, will ya?"; emotion e_swt2; close; } if(BaseClass == Job_Archer) { mes "What the heck...? Hahahaha~are you a 'Kill Stealing' Archer...?"; emotion e_heh; close; } if(BaseClass == Job_Acolyte) { mes "What the heck...? Ohhhhhh~GOD... PORING's worshipper, Acolyte..."; mes "So why aren't you in church praying, instead of wandering about here, huh?"; close; } if(BaseClass == Job_Merchant) { mes "What the heck...? Eeeeeek~Merchant Scammer here...!!!! I am gonna report you to the GM!!!"; emotion e_gasp; close; } if(BaseClass != Job_Novice) { mes "You already have a job. Stop bothering me and go help out some newbies or something."; emotion e_no1; close; } if(job_thief_q==2) goto L_1; if(job_thief_q==1) goto L_Back; mes "[Thief Guide]"; if(Sex) { mes "Heh... You look like a well to do boy... what brought you down to this rat hole?"; }else{ mes "Heh... You look like a well to do girl... what brought you down to this rat hole?"; } next; M_Menu: menu "'I didn't come here for the atmosphere.....",M_0,"Me? I'm just looking around...",M_End,"Just looking for the one truth",M_Truth; M_0: mes "[Thief Guide]"; mes "Hmph... you sound a little cocky.... Yah know, being a Thief isn't all it's cracked up to be...."; mes "That reminds me.... I must have been at lvl 9 or 10 when I did my first robbery...."; next; mes "[Thief Guide]"; mes "Hahahaha... I can still remember the look on that guy's face..."; emotion e_heh; next; mes "[Thief Guide]"; mes "But anyways... I assume you're here to become a thief..."; next; menu "You got it.",sM_0a, "Nope. Just wasting your time. ^ ^",sM_0b, "Why did you steal from that man?",sM_0c; sM_0a: goto L_Test; sM_0b: mes "[Thief Guide]"; mes "Wow... thanks... now get the HELL OUTA HERE!!"; emotion e_an; close; sM_0c: mes "[Thief Guide]"; mes "Eh? Me?... Well... I really had no other choice at the time.... It was either I stole or I starved."; mes "I really couldn't go hungry another day."; close; M_Truth: mes "[Thief Guide]"; mes "To see one's light, you need to be under the magic of the book where the royalty looms."; close; M_End: mes "[Thief Guide]"; mes "Must you people keep wasting my time!!?"; emotion e_pif; close; L_Test: mes "[Thief Guide]"; mes "Okay then; first, fill out this application form."; next; mes "^0000FF(You fill out the form and hand it back)^000000"; next; if(JobLevel < 10) goto sL_JobLvl; mes "[Thief Guide]"; mes "Alrighty ^FF0000"+ strcharinfo(0) + "^000000, if that IS your real name..... looks like you've got quite a 'record' here."; mes "Let's see.... aggravated assualt... felony larson..... hmm...."; next; mes "[Thief Guide]"; mes "Ah, here we go...... you've got the job and skill requirements to become a Thief. Now all you've got to do is pass the ^FF0000Morroc Thief Test^000000."; next; L_Explain: mes "[Thief Guide]"; mes " The test will require you to ^FF0000'sneak'^000000 into ^FF0000'Shibu's Farm'^000000, and ^FF0000'borrow'^000000 some ^AAAA00'Mushrooms'^000000."; mes " There are ^ff00002^000000 kinds of ^AAAA00Mushrooms^000000 on the farm, ^FFBB00Orange Net Mushrooms^000000 and ^FFBB00Orange Gooey Mushrooms^000000."; next; mes "[Thief Guide]"; mes "'Shibu just happens to be the worst merchant scammer in Morroc, in case you're wondering why he's our target."; next; mes "[Thief Guide]"; mes " Bring the Mushrooms back here and someone will give you a score based on the type and the amount of mushrooms you get."; mes " 1 Orange Net Mushroom = ^0000FF3 points^000000 while 1 Orange Gooey Mushroom = ^0000FF1 point^000000. You need ^FF000025^000000 points to pass the test."; next; mes "[Thief Guide]"; mes " In order to get into Shibu's Farm you'll need to talk to one of our 'associates'. You can find him just ouside of this pyramid standing near some columns."; mes " He goes by the name ^DDCC00'Irrelevant Man'^000000."; next; mes "[Thief Guide]"; mes " Here are his exact coordinates just in case you are 'directionaly challenged': '^FF0000141, 125^000000'."; mes " Find him and he'll show you a secrect way into the Farm."; next; mes "[Thief Guide]"; mes " This sounds easy but ^009900do know, there are Monsters who guard Mushrooms^000000?"; // had to leave the engrish in, it was to good not too. d^_^b // And I took it out. :D [KillerBox] mes " Stop reading Fairy Tales and ^FF0000brace up your nerves; this will be the toughest experience ever^000000."; next; mes "[Thief Guide]"; mes " So, I will give you one tip. ^FF0000Elaborate the Strategy^000000 before you going inside the Farm."; next; mes "[Thief Guide]"; mes " Try to steal the mushrooms as quickly as you can. You may even have to ^0000FFunequip some weapons or armor to attack faster^000000."; mes " Try not to get killed while doing this... at the very least try to give me the mushrooms first.... then you can go get yourself killed... HA!"; next; mes "[Thief Guide]"; mes " If you don't have any questions... then GET moving!"; emotion e_go; set job_thief_q,1; close; sL_JobLvl: mes "[Thief Guide]"; mes "Err... I can see how ambitious you are, but we can't hand a gun to a baby only for that. Come back when you learn all Basic Skills."; close; L_Back: if(countitem(1069)>0 || countitem(1070)>0) goto sL_1;//Items: Orange_Net_Mushroom, Orange_Gooey_Mushroom_, mes "..... What are you doing here? You're supposed to be gathering mushrooms remember??"; mes "Don't tell me you forget what to do??? Jeeze... do you want me to explain it to you one more time?......"; emotion e_hmm; next; menu "Heh.. yeah I guess..",sM_1a, "Nope.",sM_1b; sM_1a: mes "[Thief Guide]"; mes "(~sigh~) There's always someone who gets left behind.... This is the last time so listen CAREFULLY!!...."; emotion e_pif; next; goto L_Explain; sM_1b: mes "[Thief Guide]"; mes ".... Then what is it??? Do you have something to tell me? YOUR the one who came TO ME..."; mes "What... you wanna a piece of me?? HUH!!??"; emotion e_ag; close; sL_1: mes "What? You actually went and stole some mushrooms?? Are you some kinda idiot?"; mes "Haha... I can't believe you listened to me..... "; emotion e_what; next; mes "[Thief Guide]"; mes ".... Psych!! Just kidding... heheheh! Speak with the guy next to me about rating the mushrooms you swiped."; emotion e_heh; close; L_1: mes "So how was the Mushroom Farm? Did yah have much fun?"; next; menu "Yeah, kinda Cool.",M_Cool,"It was horrible.",M_Not; M_Cool: mes "[Thief Guide]"; mes " Wow! I like you! Fabulous! Everyone before you was #&$@ bloody As#$%^&s#!"; next; mes "[Thief Guide]"; mes "...... You won't take my place, will you? If you have any ambition like that, I'll ^ff0000DESTROY YOU^000000!"; // mes "...... You won't take my place, will you? If you have any ambition like that, I will kick your ^ff0000'ASS OUT OF YOUR BUTT'^000000!"; // this is just too much lol. // That line before was just too precious to delete. [KillerBox] emotion e_gasp; next; mes "[Thief Guide]"; mes " Still, in order to pass the test you need to go get some mushrooms."; close; M_Not: mes "[Thief Guide]"; mes " I know what yah mean. I was there before and it was awful: all those smelly mushrooms and aggressive monsters."; next; mes "[Thief Guide]"; mes " Eeewww! Yuuuckk! Still, in order to pass the test you need to go get some mushrooms."; emotion e_wah; close; } // -- Test Grader -- moc_prydb1.gat,42,133,2 script Comrade Brad 118,{ callfunc "F_ToHigh",Job_Thief_High,"Thief High",Job_Assassin_Cross,"Brad"; if(BaseJob == 0) goto L_Novice; if(BaseJob == 6) goto L_Thief; L_Other: mes "[Brad]"; mes "Hey~ Hey~!! You don't look like a Thief. What the heck? You'd BETTER NOT be trying to start someting on THIEF TERRITORY!!"; emotion e_omg; close; L_Thief: mes "[Brad]"; mes "We don't have any Special events for Thieves yet. Come back some other time, alright?"; close; L_Novice: mes "[Comrade Brad]"; if((job_thief_q == 2) && ((countitem(1069) > 0) || (countitem(1070) > 0))) goto L_4;//Items: Orange_Net_Mushroom, Orange_Gooey_Mushroom_, if(job_thief_q >= 1) goto L_3; mes "Errr? What's matter newbie? If you want to be a thief, speak to the girl beside me."; close; L_3: mes "Go get some mushrooms so that I can grade them ok."; close; L_4: mes "Good. You got some mushrooms from that crooked merchant Shibu"; next; set @mushrm1,countitem(1069)*3;//Items: Orange_Net_Mushroom, set @mushrm2,countitem(1070);//Items: Orange_Gooey_Mushroom_, set @TotMush,@mushrm1 + @mushrm2; set @money_thief,((countitem(1069) * 5) + (countitem(1070)* 2)) + 200;//Items: Orange_Net_Mushroom, Orange_Gooey_Mushroom_, mes "[Comrade Brad]"; mes "Let's see you got:"; mes "^0000ff"+countitem(1069)+"^000000 Orange Net Mushrooms for ^ffbb00"+@mushrm1+"^000000 points,";//Items: Orange_Net_Mushroom, mes "^0000ff"+countitem(1070)+"^000000 Orange Gooey Mushrooms for ^ffbb00"+@mushrm2+"^000000 points,";//Items: Orange_Gooey_Mushroom_, mes "Giving you a total score of ^ff0000"+@TotMush+"^000000."; next; if (@TotMush > 25) goto L_High; if (@TotMush == 25) goto L_Medium; mes "[Comrade Brad]"; mes "Meh!.... looks like you failed. C'mon! You can do better than that! Go get some more mushrooms!!!"; close; L_Medium: mes "[Comrade Brad]"; mes "Good. You passed the Test."; next; goto L_Final; L_High: mes "[Comrade Brad]"; mes "Ooooh. Above 25, you will make an excellent thief."; next; L_Final: mes "[Comrade Brad]"; mes "Congratulations ^ff0000"+strcharinfo(0)+"^000000, you passed the official Thief Test! You can now become a Thief!!"; emotion e_no1; next; if(SkillPoint > 0) goto sL_SkPoint; delitem 1069, countitem(1069);//Items: Orange_Net_Mushroom, delitem 1070, countitem(1070);//Items: Orange_Gooey_Mushroom_, callfunc "Job_Change",Job_Thief; callfunc "F_ClearJobVar"; // clears all job variables for the current player mes "[Comrade Brad]"; mes "Here's a small reward for your hard work. Spend it any way you want to."; next; set Zeny,Zeny+@money_thief; mes "[Comrade Brad]"; mes "From now on you must act, think, and even smell like a Thief."; mes "You are one of us now, which means you have the trust and freindship of Thieves all over Rune Midgard"; next; mes "[Comrade Brad]"; mes "However, If you bring disgrace to our Guild, or ever betray us, we will not hesitate to have you......"; mes "How shall I say, ^ff0000'REMOVED'^000000 from the Thief Guild."; emotion e_gg; next; mes "[Comrade Brad]"; mes "Good luck and always remeber the ^0000cc'Thief Motto'^000000: ^ff0000DON'T Get Caught^000000l!"; close; sL_SkPoint: mes "[Comrade Brad]"; mes "But before that happens please use up all of your skill points, okay?"; close; } // -- Irrelevant Man -- moc_ruins.gat,141,125,3 script Irrelevant Man 118,{ if(BaseJob == 6) goto L_Thief; if(BaseJob == 0) goto L_Novice; L_Other: if(@s_flag==1) goto L_1b; if(@s_flag==2) goto L_1c; if(@s_flag==3) goto L_1d; if(@s_flag==4) goto L_1e; set @s_flag, 0; L_1a: mes "[Irrelevant Man]"; mes "Howdy~ Howdy. What a Wonderful day today,isn't it?"; mes "I feel like going on a 'Picnic' in the Pyramids with a couple freinds of mine today."; set @s_flag, @s_flag+1; close; L_1b: mes "[Irrelevant Man]"; mes "'Lalalala, Home sweet Home.'"; mes "I like this saying. Home Sweet Home...."; set @s_flag, @s_flag+1; close; L_1c: mes "[Irrelevant Man]"; mes "...... I could fly if I fell off............ "; set @s_flag, @s_flag+1; close; L_1d: mes "[Irrelevant Man]"; mes ".......Hmm?....."; next; mes "[Irrelevent Man]"; mes "Hey!! DON'T LOOK AT ME like that! I'M NOT some WACKO okay!!!"; set @s_flag, @s_flag+1; emotion e_an; close; L_1e: mes "[Irrelevant Man]"; mes "Dude! I got nothin to say with you! Mind your own business! Sheesh!!"; emotion e_pif; close; L_Thief: mes "[Irrelevant Man]"; mes "Yah Hoo! Look at you! You became a Kool Thief!"; emotion e_no1; next; mes "[Irrelevant Man]"; mes "Don't worry about Shibu's Farm. Let the newbies handle that. Why don't yah go out and kill some stronger monsters?"; close; L_Novice: if(job_thief_q==2) goto L_3; if(job_thief_q==1) goto L_2; mes "[Irrelevant Man]"; mes "Hey!! Novice! Want to be Stronger and more Powerful!? Do you like hiding and sneeking around?"; mes "If so, Join the Thief Guild! You are always welcome! Join now!"; next; mes "[Irrelevant Man]"; mes "You can get more information in the 1st floor basement of the Pyramid!"; close; L_2: mes "[Irrelevant Man]"; mes "Pssst......Pssst......hey you! You look like your gonna take the ^ff0000'Test'^000000. Am I right?"; next; mes "[Irrelevant Man]"; mes "Lets see here.....(checks his list).... you're ^ff0000"+ strcharinfo(0) +"^000000 right? Good."; next; mes "[Irrelevant Man]"; mes "Okay! I'm gonna show you the way in but keep quite. I can't guarantee your safety so watch your back."; next; L_Warp: set @TEMP,rand(5); set job_thief_q,2; if(@TEMP != 0) goto warpL03a; warp "job_thief1.gat",228,106; close; warpL03a: if(@TEMP != 1) goto warpL03b; warp "job_thief1.gat",38,50; close; warpL03b: if(@TEMP != 2) goto warpL03c; warp "job_thief1.gat",66,331; close; warpL03c: if(@TEMP != 3) goto warpL03d; warp "job_thief1.gat",196,331; close; warpL03d: warp "job_thief1.gat",309,234; close; L_3: mes "[Irrelevant Man]"; mes "Muhahahaha~~ WHAT???~~ You HAVEN'T PASSED the Test yet? Are you some sort of Idiot!! Kakakaka!!"; emotion e_heh; next; mes "[Irrelevant Man]"; mes "Just kidding..... NOT!!. Anywho I'll let yah back in!"; next; menu "Ready",M_Yes,"Not yet",M_No; M_Yes: goto L_Warp; M_No: mes "[Irrelevant Man]"; mes "Okay, let me know when you are."; close; } //============================================================================== // mapflag //============================================================================== job_thief1.gat mapflag nomemo job_thief1.gat mapflag noteleport job_thief1.gat mapflag nosave SavePoint job_thief1.gat mapflag nopenalty job_thief1.gat mapflag nobranch job_thief1.gat mapflag noexp