//===== eAthena Script ======================================= //= Archer Job Quest //===== By: ================================================== //= kobra_k88 //===== Current Version: ===================================== //= 1.6 //===== Compatible With: ===================================== //= eAthena 1.0 + //===== Description: ========================================= //= //===== Additional Comments: ================================= //= Fully working //= v1.1 Added instant job change for High Novice [Lupus] //= v1.3 Added Baby Class support [Lupus] //= v1.4 Optimised and moved first checker to Jfunc1-1 [massdriller] //= 1.5 Now saves/restores all quest skills [Lupus] //= 1.6 Merged back JFunc [Lupus] //============================================================ // -- Archer Guildsman -- payon_in02.gat,64,71,4 script Archer Guildsman 59,{ callfunc "F_ToHigh",Job_Archer_High,"High Archer",Job_Sniper,"Archer Guildsman"; mes "[Archer Guildsman]"; if(BaseJob==Job_Novice && job_archer_q == 1) goto L_Check; mes "Good Day. How may I help you?"; next; menu "I would like to become an Archer.",M_0,"What are the Requirements?",M_1,"Never mind.",M_End; M_0: mes "[Archer Guildsman]"; if(BaseJob == Job_Archer) { mes "Your free spirited nature tells me that you're already an archer....that and the bow and arrow in your hands...Haha"; emotion e_heh; close; } if(BaseJob != Job_Novice) { mes "I'm sorry but you cannot leave your current job to become an Archer...though I can understand why you would want to do so."; close; } mes "You have made an excellent job choice."; mes "Please submit your resume so that I can check your qualifications."; next; mes "(You hand over your resume)"; next; mes "[Archer Guildsman]"; if(JobLevel < 10) { mes "It seems that you are not qualified to become an Archer yet. Please take a look at the job requirments once more."; close; } set job_archer_q,1; mes "Looks good. You have the necesssary skills to become an archer...."; next; mes "[Archer Guildsman]"; mes "but.... "; next; mes "[Archer Guildsman]"; mes "you must first pass a test in order to do so. I hope you didn't think becoming an archer was going to be that easy. Ha ha!"; next; mes "[Archer Guildsman]"; mes "A well made bow is essential for a good archer, and high quality wood is in turn essential for a well made bow."; mes "You will be tested on how well you are able to gather high quality wood."; next; mes "[Archer Guildsman]"; mes "The higher the quality of the wood you gather the higher your score."; mes "You must recieve a score of ^ff0000at least 25^000000 in order to ^ff0000pass the test^000000."; next; mes "[Archer Guildsman]"; mes "You can find wood by battling ^0000ff'Willows'^000000, a type of tree monster found outside of town in Payon forest."; mes "They drop the wood in the form of^0000ff 'Trunks'^000000."; next; mes "[Archer Guildsman]"; mes "There are a total of 4 different kind of trunks each with a different point value. Gather a variety of trunks and bring them back here for me to grade."; next; mes "[Archer Guildsman]"; mes "I must warn you, the Willows can be tough monsters so be carefull and remember to rest and use your healing items. Good luck!"; close; M_1: mes "[Archer Guildsman]"; if(BaseJob == Job_Archer) goto sM_1a; if(BaseJob != Job_Novice) goto sM_1b; mes "Let me explain the requirements for becoming an archer to you:"; next; mes "[Archer Guildsman]"; mes "First of all, you have to have a job level of 9 and you must learn all of the skills that come with that job level."; next; mes "[Archer Guildsman]"; mes "Secondly, you will have to take a test that will determine whether or not you have the skills to become an archer."; next; mes "[Archer Guildsman]"; mes "Those are the requirements. Fullfill them and you will be able to live life as only an Archer can."; close; sM_1a: mes "Have you already forgotten how you became an Archer?...."; emotion 1; close; sM_1b: mes "Telling you the requirements won't help you become an Archer since you already have another job."; close; M_End: mes "[Archer Guildsman]"; mes "Ok then, take care."; close; L_Check: mes "Oh, I see you've come back."; next; mes "[Archer Guildsman]"; if((countitem(1066) == 0) && (countitem(1067) == 0) && (countitem(1068) == 0) && (countitem(1019) == 0)) goto sL_NotRdy; if(SkillPoint > 0) goto sL_SkPoints; set @Trunk1, countitem(1066)*5; set @Trunk2, countitem(1067)*3; set @Trunk3, countitem(1068)*2; set @Trunk4, countitem(1019); set @TrunkTotal, @Trunk1 + @Trunk2 + @Trunk3 + @Trunk4; mes "Lets see....."; next; mes "[Archer Guildsman]"; mes "You have:"; mes "^0000FF" +countitem(1066)+ "^000000 Fine grained trunks for ^ff0000" +@Trunk1+ "^000000 points,"; mes "^0000FF" +countitem(1067)+ "^000000 Solid trunks for ^ff0000" +@Trunk2+ "^000000 points,"; mes "^0000FF" +countitem(1068)+ "^000000 Barren trunks for ^ff0000" +@Trunk3+ "^000000 points,"; mes "^0000FF" +countitem(1019)+ "^000000 Trunks for ^ff0000" +@Trunk4+ "^000000 points....."; next; mes "[Archer Guildsman]"; mes "That gives you a total score of: ^ff0000" +@TrunkTotal+"^000000"; next; mes "[Archer Guildsman]"; if(@TrunkTotal < 25) goto sL_Failed; mes "Very good! You have passed the test. Congratulations, you are now fully qualified to become an archer."; emotion 21; next; mes "[Archer Guildsman]"; mes "I will now transform you..."; next; callfunc "Job_Change",Job_Archer; callfunc "F_ClearJobVar"; // clears all job variables for the current player mes "[Archer Guildsman]"; mes "In exchange for the trunks you brought in I will give you this Bow and some arrows. Please take them."; next; getitem 1702,1;//Items: Bow_, getitem 1750,200;//Items: Arrow, delitem 1066, countitem(1066);//Items: Fine-grained_Trunk, delitem 1067, countitem(1067);//Items: Solid_Trunk, delitem 1068, countitem(1068);//Items: Barren_Trunk, delitem 1019, countitem(1019);//Items: Trunk, mes "[Archer Guildsman]"; mes "An Archer knows no bounds so live your life to its fullest. I know you will make an exellent archer."; next; mes "[Archer Guildsman]"; mes "Farewell and good luck on your journey."; close; sL_NotRdy: mes "What? You didn't bring any trunks back for me to grade? Let me explain the test requirements again just in case you forgot..."; emotion 1; next; mes "[Archer Guildsman]"; mes "There are a total of ^5555FF4 different kind of Trunks^000000 each with a different point value."; mes "Gather a variety of Trunks and bring them back here for me to grade."; next; mes "[Archer Guildsman]"; mes "You can find Trunks by battling ^0000ff'Willows'^000000, a type of tree monster found outside of town in Payon forest."; close; sL_SkPoints: mes "You need to use up all of your skill points before I can make you an Archer."; close; sL_Failed: mes "I'm sorry but your score is too low. I'm afraid that you have failed the test."; next; mes "[Archer Guildsman]"; mes "Fortunatley for you I'm somewhat softhearted so I'll give you another chance. Go gather some more trunks and come back."; next; mes "[Archer Guildsman]"; mes "Hopefull they will be of a high enough quality for you to pass the test."; close; }