//===== eAthena Script ======================================= //= War of Emperium Guild Treasure Room Functions //===== By: ================================================== //= holyAngelX (1.0) //= 1.1 by Akaru and ho|yAnge|X //===== Current Version: ===================================== //= 1.3 //===== Compatible With: ===================================== //= eAthena 0.1+; RO Episode 4+ //===== Description: ========================================= //= F_GldTreas spawns treasure chests used by the guild master. //= F_GldTreasSw allows the player to get out of the treasure room. //============================================== //= Break down of arguments used in the F_GldTreas: //= arg(0): name of guild castle //= arg(1): name of script that called the function //= arg(2): $variable for number of boxes to spawn for specific castle //= arg(2): $variable to be used as a counter //= arg(4): $variable for box/monster id number. //= arg(5): box/monster id# //= arg(6): x1 coordinate for areamonster call //= arg(7): y1 coordinate for areamonster call //= arg(8): x2 coordinate for areamonster call //= arg(9): y1 coordinate for areamonster call //= arg(10): //= Break down of arguments used in the F_GldTreasSw: //= arg(0): name of guild castle. //= arg(1): x1 coordinate for warp back to guild castle //= arg(2): y1 coordinate for warp back to guild castle //===== Additional Comments: ================================= //= v1.2 Treasure room Spawn, and Treasure room Switch scripts now use these functions.[kobra_k88] //= v1.2a Function now returns to script that called it. Removed TreasureSpawn2. //= Changed back to using specific global variables for number of boxes and the box id. [kobra_k88] //= v1.2b Added a check to allow un broken treasure chests to respawn after map server restart.[kobra_k88] //= 1.3 Fixed treasure boxes spawn. (Unrolled one loop a bit) [Lupus] //============================================================ //================================================ // Treasure Spawning Function //================================================ function script F_GldTreas { if(getarg(10) == 1) goto TreasureSpawn; SetCastleData getarg(0)+".gat",4,0; SetCastleData getarg(0)+".gat",5,0; KillMonster getarg(0)+".gat","Treasure_"+getarg(1)+"::OnDied"; if (GetCastleData(getarg(0)+".gat",2) > 100) return; if (GetCastleData(getarg(0)+".gat",1) == 0) return; set getarg(2),GetCastleData(getarg(0)+".gat",2)/5+4; if (getarg(2) <= 0) return; set getarg(3), getarg(2); //sets the counter variable = to the box number amount TreasureSpawn: set getarg(4), getarg(5); //sets the box id variable = to the box id set $@temp, rand(4); if ($@temp > 2) set getarg(4), getarg(4) + 1; areamonster getarg(0)+".gat",getarg(6),getarg(7),getarg(8),getarg(9),"Treasure Chest",getarg(4),1,"Treasure_"+getarg(1)+"::OnDied"; set getarg(3), getarg(3) - 1; if(getarg(3) <= 0) return; set getarg(4), getarg(5); //sets the box id variable = to the box id set $@temp, rand(4); if ($@temp > 2) set getarg(4), getarg(4) + 1; areamonster getarg(0)+".gat",getarg(6),getarg(7),getarg(8),getarg(9),"Treasure Chest",getarg(4),1,"Treasure_"+getarg(1)+"::OnDied"; set getarg(3), getarg(3) - 1; if(getarg(3) <= 0) return; set getarg(4), getarg(5); //sets the box id variable = to the box id set $@temp, rand(4); if ($@temp > 2) set getarg(4), getarg(4) + 1; areamonster getarg(0)+".gat",getarg(6),getarg(7),getarg(8),getarg(9),"Treasure Chest",getarg(4),1,"Treasure_"+getarg(1)+"::OnDied"; set getarg(3), getarg(3) - 1; if(getarg(3) <= 0) return; set getarg(4), getarg(5); //sets the box id variable = to the box id set $@temp, rand(4); if ($@temp > 2) set getarg(4), getarg(4) + 1; areamonster getarg(0)+".gat",getarg(6),getarg(7),getarg(8),getarg(9),"Treasure Chest",getarg(4),1,"Treasure_"+getarg(1)+"::OnDied"; set getarg(3), getarg(3) - 1; if(getarg(3) <= 0) return; set getarg(4), getarg(5); //sets the box id variable = to the box id set $@temp, rand(4); if ($@temp > 2) set getarg(4), getarg(4) + 1; areamonster getarg(0)+".gat",getarg(6),getarg(7),getarg(8),getarg(9),"Treasure Chest",getarg(4),1,"Treasure_"+getarg(1)+"::OnDied"; set getarg(3), getarg(3) - 1; if(getarg(3) > 0) goto TreasureSpawn; return; } //============================================================== // Treasure Room Switch //=============================================================== function script F_GldTreasSw { mes " "; mes "There is little switch over here"; mes "Would you like to pull the switch down?"; next; menu "Yes",M_1,"No",-; close; M_1: warp getarg(0)+".gat",getarg(1),getarg(2); return; }