//===== Athena Script ======================================= //= Simple Adoption Script //===== By ================================================ //= Fredzilla with help from Kamari,Acky //===== Version =========================================== //= 1.6 Removed call to function Is_Taekwon_Class in favor of baseClass == Job_Taekwon [Silentdragon] //= 1.5 Added GM menu to reset current adoption [Lupus] //= 1.4 Got rid of useless "event_adoptXXX" variables [Lupus] //= 1.3c - Slightly rewrote the anti-taekwon protection to //= detect problems more easily [DracoRPG] //= 1.3a - Added anti Taekwon Classes protection (they can't //= be adopted) [Lupus] //= 1.3 - Now it can teach parents/baby their missing skills. //= Your old families should talk to these NPCs to get //= their family skills [Lupus] //= 1.2b - More fixes + Added Acky's teacher to the end //= (stoped it from saying a particular word I thought //= was inapropriate for a kids game) //= 1.1 - Minor correction, replaced missing close; and mes :D //= 1.0 - First Release, most likely going to have some bugs //= Is using @adopt instead of proper NPC script command //===== Compatible With =================================== //= eAthena Final (SVN), any version that contained the GM command @adopt //= This is any version released after 03/29/05, dont know the number //===== Description ======================================= //= A simple adoption script that lets couples adopt a //= lvl 1/1 novice without the help of a GM there //===== Comments ========================================== //= List or Variables used //= $@AdoptionActive = Stops other people trying to use //= the adoption NPC's intill the currant one is over. //= @AdoptionReady = Marks person that talks to first NPC, //= this person will end up being ParentOne. //= $@ParentOne$ = Explains itself. //= $@ParentTwo$ = "" "" //= $@Baby$ = "" "" //= $@GenderBaby$ = Set so it can state boy or girl. //= $@FinalQuestion = Lets the parents take one last chance //= to cancel the adoption before it is perminant. //= $@CheckAll = Follow on from the last one, when this = 3, //= the adoption will take place and will be perminant. //= @regged = Stops the same person being counted twice //= before the adoption is completed. //= Lupus removed: //= *event_adopt = Put on the parents so they cannot adopt again. //= *event_adopted = Put on baby so it cant be adopted again. //= Use "getchildid()>0" insread of event_adopt //= Use "Upper==2" insread of event_adopted //========================================================= prt_church.gat,115,122,0 warp prtch03 1,2,prt_church.gat,164,171 prt_church.gat,162,171,0 warp prtch01-3 1,2,prt_church.gat,113,122 prt_church.gat,166,176,3 script Adoption Man 61,{ //If u're a GM you can always reset current Adoption process if(getgmlevel(99)>=90) { mes "[GM Menu]"; mes "Would you like to reset curent adoption?"; next; menu "Yes",-,"No",L_SKIP; callfunc "AdoptReset","GM reset"; close; } L_SKIP: if($@AdoptionActive == 1) goto A_Cannot; mes "[Oliver]"; if (Upper==2) goto A_YouBaby; if (getchildid()>0 && getskilllv(410)<=0) goto A_GetSkill; if (getchildid()>0) goto A_Already; mes "Would you like to adopt someone?"; next; menu "Yes",A_Yes,"No",-; A_No: mes "[Oliver]"; mes "I am sorry to hear that, please come back when you believe you are ready."; close; A_Cannot: mes "[Oliver]"; mes "There is currentlly an adoption in progress, come back when it is finished."; close; A_Yes: mes "[Oliver]"; mes "Good to hear it!"; mes "But do you meet the requirments for adoption?"; next; mes "[Oliver]"; mes "We cant just give out babies at the drop of a hat."; mes "Before we can let you leave with a baby we have to know you are strong enough to take care of it."; next; mes "[Oliver]"; mes "We also need to know you have a partner you are married to."; mes "We wont give a baby to an un-married couple."; next; mes "[Oliver]"; mes "Do you think you meet these criteria?"; next; menu "Yes, I would love to adopt?",-,"No, I dont think I can",A_No; mes "[Oliver]"; mes "Well you seem set on this."; next; deltimer "timeadopt::OnAdopt"; addtimer 300000,"timeadopt::OnAdopt"; if ($@AdoptionActive == 1) goto A_Cannot; set $@AdoptionActive,1; set @AdoptionReady,1; mes "[Oliver]"; mes "I will refer you to my coleage over there."; close; A_GetSkill: mes "You have just adopted a baby. I'll teach you a useful skill CALL BABY !"; next; emotion 46; skill 410,1,0; mes "[Oliver]"; mes "Done! Tell your partner to call me, too."; mes "Our children are our future!"; close; A_Already: emotion 1; mes "How is your baby today?"; close; A_YouBaby: emotion 2; mes "Say HI to your parents! Be cool!"; if (getskilllv(408)<=0 || getskilllv(409)<=0) mes "By the way, our Teacher's wanting to see you."; close; } prt_church.gat,172,177,3 script Adoption Lady 103,{ if (Upper==2) goto A_YouBaby; if (getchildid()>0 && getskilllv(410)<=0) goto A_GetSkill; if (getchildid()>0) goto A_Already; if ($@FinalQuestion==1 && $@ParentOne$==strcharinfo(0)) goto A_ParentOneEnd; if ($@FinalQuestion==1 && $@ParentTwo$==strcharinfo(0)) goto A_ParentTwoEnd; if ($@FinalQuestion==1 && $@Baby$==strcharinfo(0)) goto A_BabyEnd; if (strcharinfo(0)==$@Baby$) goto A_FinalTest; if (strcharinfo(0)==$@ParentTwo$) goto A_SecondReg; if (@AdoptionReady==0 || $@AdoptionActive==0) goto A_SeeFriend; mes "[Inanna]"; deltimer "timeadopt::OnAdopt"; addtimer 300000,"timeadopt::OnAdopt"; mes "So you think you meet our strict requirments?"; mes "Let's see here, are you over level 70?"; next; menu "Yes, I am over level 70",A_lvl,"No, sorry to bother you",-; mes "[Inanna]"; mes "Oh, I am sorry to hear that, please return when you meet this requirment."; callfunc "AdoptReset","the parent didnt meet level requirments"; close; A_SeeFriend: mes "[Inanna]"; mes "Seems you havent talked to my friend here."; mes "He will refer you to me, when he thinks you are ready."; close; A_lvl: if(BaseLevel >= 70) goto A_lvlpassed; mes "[Inanna]"; mes "Not only should I fail you on being a low level, but you also lied to me."; next; mes "[Inanna]"; mes "I cant give a baby to you"; callfunc "AdoptReset","the parent didnt meet level requirments"; close; A_lvlpassed: mes "[Inanna]"; mes "WOW, you have passed the test of strength."; next; mes "[Inanna]"; mes "But lets see if you are happily married."; mes "For this I will need to see your wedding ring."; next; mes "[Inanna]"; mes "Do you have you wedding ring on you now?"; next; menu "Yes, here you go",A_Wedring,"No, Sorry I dont",A_Noring,"I am not married",-; mes "[Inanna]"; mes "Well, as my fried said here, we will not give a baby to a family that is not married"; callfunc "AdoptReset","the parent isnt married"; close; A_Noring: mes "[Inanna]"; mes "I cant believe you are in a loving marrige when you dont have your ring on you at all times!!!"; next; mes "[Inanna]"; mes "I dont believe you deserve a baby."; callfunc "AdoptReset","the parent hasnt got a wedding ring as proof of marriage."; close; A_Wedring: if ( countitem(2634)>0 || countitem(2635)>0 ) goto A_Wedringpassed; goto A_Noring; A_Wedringpassed: mes "[Inanna]"; mes "Awwwww, such a lovely ring, you must love your partner."; next; if (getchildid()>0) goto A_AlreadyHaveBaby; mes "[Inanna]"; mes "I need to see them, please tell me their name."; next; input $@ParentTwo$; set $@ParentOne$, strcharinfo(0); mes "[Inanna]"; mes "Your partner now has 5 min to talk to me before the adoption is canceled."; next; deltimer "timeadopt::OnAdopt"; addtimer 300000,"timeadopt::OnAdopt"; areaannounce "prt_church.gat",0,0,350,350,"Can I please see "+$@ParentTwo$+" please",0; mes "[Inanna]"; mes "Can you now please wait for me to call you again, thank you."; close; A_AlreadyHaveBaby: mes "Now lets look at the inscription on your ring, oh it seems you already have a baby."; next; mes "[Inanna]"; mes "I am sorry, you can only ever adopt once."; mes "Please take care of you baby."; callfunc "AdoptReset","the parent has already adopted once before"; close; A_SecondReg: deltimer "timeadopt::OnAdopt"; addtimer 300000,"timeadopt::OnAdopt"; mes "[Inanna]"; mes "You must be "+$@ParentTwo$+", I just talked to your partner "+$@ParentOne$+", they mentioned you want to adopt baby."; next; mes "[Inanna]"; mes "Do you agree with "+$@ParentOne$+", do you want to adopt?"; next; menu "Yes, I agree with them",A_agree,"No, I dont want to adopt",-; mes "[Inanna]"; mes "This is bad news, I am very sorry to hear this."; callfunc "AdoptReset","the 2nd parent does not want to adopt"; close; A_agree: mes "[Inanna]"; mes "Now I will put you through the same test as your partner."; next; if(BaseLevel >= 70) goto A_lvltwo; mes "[Inanna]"; mes "Sorry you are not over level 70."; callfunc "AdoptReset","the 2nd parent didnt meet the level requirments"; close; A_lvltwo: if ( countitem(2634)>0 || countitem(2635)>0 ) goto A_Wedringtwo; mes "[Inanna]"; mes "Sorry you dont have a wedding ring on you as proof of marriage."; callfunc "AdoptReset","the 2nd parent hasnt got a wedding ring as proof of marriage"; close; A_Wedringtwo: if (getchildid()>0) goto A_AlreadyHaveBaby; mes "[Inanna]"; mes "You have checked out, and have passed all the requirments."; mes "All you need is a novice to adopt."; next; mes "[Inanna]"; mes "Do you have a novice to adopt?"; next; menu "Yes, right here",A_YesBaby,"No, I'm sorry",-; mes "[Inanna]"; mes "I suggest you find one, remember to get your parent to talk to my friend first when you return."; callfunc "AdoptReset","there is no novice present to be adopted"; close; A_YesBaby: mes "[Inanna]"; mes "Can I please know thier name?"; next; input $@Baby$; mes "[Inanna]"; mes "The novice now has 5min to come and talk to me, or the adopt will be canceled."; next; deltimer "timeadopt::OnAdopt"; addtimer 300000,"timeadopt::OnAdopt"; mes "[Inanna]"; mes "Thank you, can you please wait with your partner, and wait to be called back."; areaannounce "prt_church.gat",0,0,350,350,"Can I please see "+$@Baby$+", please",0; close; A_FinalTest: deltimer "timeadopt::OnAdopt"; addtimer 300000,"timeadopt::OnAdopt"; if(Upper==2) goto A_AlreadyAdopted; if(baseClass == Job_Taekwon) goto A_CantBeAdopted; mes "[Inanna]"; mes "You must be "+$@Baby$+", its very nice to meet you."; mes "Some very nice people, "+$@ParentOne$+" and "+$@ParentTwo$+", have asked to adopt you."; next; if(sex!=0) set $@GenderBaby$,"boy"; if(sex==0) set $@GenderBaby$,"girl"; mes "[Inanna]"; mes "Now can you be a good "+$@GenderBaby$+" and go with these nice people?"; next; menu "Yes, me would luv too",A_BabyYes,"NOOOOO!!!",-; mes "[Inanna]"; mes "Please calm down."; mes "I will try and find better parents for you next time."; callfunc "AdoptReset","the novice didnt want to be adopted"; close; A_BabyYes: mes "[Inanna]"; mes "Awwww, so cute, good to hear it."; mes "Now lets see here."; next; mes "[Inanna]"; mes "I need to do a check on your level to prove you are a novice, stand still."; next; if (BaseLevel == 1 && JobLevel == 1) goto A_Ready; mes "[Inanna]"; mes "Sorry but you are higher than level one, and cause of this you are a true novice."; callfunc "AdoptReset","the person that would be adopted, is over level 1"; close; A_Ready: mes "[Inanna]"; mes "You are just as sweet an inocent as the day our lord made you."; next; mes "[Inanna]"; mes "I have no objections to you being adopted."; mes "Before you can be adopted I will need to see your parents, and you, one last time."; set $@FinalQuestion,1; areaannounce "prt_church.gat",0,0,350,350,"Can I please see all people involved with this adoption please",0; deltimer "timeadopt::OnAdopt"; addtimer 300000,"timeadopt::OnAdopt"; close; A_AlreadyAdopted: mes "[Inanna]"; mes "Oh you are already adopted, so you cant be adopted again."; callfunc "AdoptReset","the person that would be adopted has already been adopted before"; close; A_CantBeAdopted: mes "[Inanna]"; mes "Sorry, but your job does not allow adoption."; callfunc "AdoptReset","the person that would be adopted has a job that can't be adopted"; close; A_ParentOneEnd: if (@regged>1) goto AlreadyReged; if ($@ParentOne$==$@ParentTwo$) goto A_SameFail; mes "[Inanna]"; mes "Nice to talk to you again "+$@ParentOne$; mes "This is you last chance to back out"; next; mes "[Inanna]"; mes "You can only ever adopt once, so if you adopt "+$@Baby$+", you can never adopt any one else ever"; next; mes "[Inanna]"; mes "Are you sure you want to proceed"; next; menu "Yes",A_FinalYesP,"No",-; mes "[Inanna]"; mes "I cannot believe you would come this far to say no!"; mes "Are you sure you want to stop now?"; next; menu "Yes, I dont want to adopt",-,"No, I made a mistake",A_ParentOneEnd; A_Failend: mes "[Inanna]"; mes "Well if you are sure"; callfunc "AdoptReset","a parent or the novice pulled out"; close; A_FinalYesP: mes "[Inanna]"; mes "OK everything is ready to start this adoption"; mes "I will announce to everyone when it is complete"; set @regged,1; set $@checkall,$@checkall+1; if ($@checkall==3) goto THEEND; close; A_ParentTwoEnd: if (@regged>1) goto AlreadyReged; mes "[Inanna]"; mes "Nice to talk to you again "+$@ParentTwo$; mes "This is you last chance to back out"; next; mes "[Inanna]"; mes "You can only ever adopt once, so if you adopt "+$@Baby$+", you can never adopt any one else ever"; next; mes "[Inanna]"; mes "Are you sure you want to proceed"; next; menu "Yes",A_FinalYesP,"No",-; mes "[Inanna]"; mes "I cannot believe you would come this far to say no!"; mes "Are you sure you want to stop now?"; next; menu "Yes, I dont want to adopt",A_Failend,"No, I made a mistake",A_ParentTwoEnd; A_AlreadyReged: mes "[Inanna]"; mes "Please wait for the others to talk to me"; close; A_BabyEnd: if (@regged>1) goto AlreadyReged; mes "[Inanna]"; mes "Nice to talk to you again "+$@Baby$; mes "This is you last chance to back out"; next; mes "[Inanna]"; mes "You can only ever be adopted once, so if you are adopted by "+$@ParentOne$+" and "+$@ParentTwo$+", you can never be adopted again"; next; mes "[Inanna]"; mes "Are you sure you want to proceed"; next; menu "Yes",A_FinalYesB,"No",-; mes "[Inanna]"; mes "I cannot believe you would come this far to say no!"; mes "Are you sure you want to stop now?"; next; menu "Yes, I dont want to adopt",A_Failend,"No, I made a mistake",A_BabyEnd; A_FinalYesB: mes "[Inanna]"; mes "OK everything is ready to start this adoption"; mes "I will announce to everyone when it is complete"; set @regged,1; set $@checkall,$@checkall+1; if ($@checkall==3) goto THEEND; close; A_SameFail: mes "[Inanna]"; mes "Sorry, it seems you have registerd as both parents, this isnt allowed"; callfunc "AdoptReset","both parents are the same person"; close; A_GetSkill: emotion 20; mes "[Inanna]"; mes "You can't see your baby often?.. I'll try to teach you one skil... Where's my skills manual?"; next; mes "[Oliver]"; mes "Hey, Inanna! This is my job. Pass them to me!"; close; A_Already: mes "[Inanna]"; emotion 21; mes "How is your baby now?"; close; A_YouBaby: mes "[Inanna]"; emotion 30; mes "Tell your father he's a good father!"; if (getskilllv(408)<=0 || getskilllv(409)<=0) mes "You should talk to our Teacher."; close; THEEND: logmes "Adoption: "+$@Baby$+" adopted by "+$@ParentOne$+" and "+$@ParentTwo$+"."; adopt $@ParentOne$,$@ParentTwo$,$@Baby$; announce $@ParentOne$+" and "+$@ParentTwo$+" has just adopted a new baby "+$@GenderBaby$+", called "+$@Baby$,5; deltimer "timeadopt::OnAdopt"; set $@AdoptionActive, 0; set $@ParentOne$, null; set $@ParentTwo$, null; set $@Baby$, null; set $@GenderBaby$, null; set $@FinalQuestion, 0; set $@CheckAll, 0; close; end; } prt_church.gat,165,175,0 script timeadopt -1,{ OnAdopt: callfunc "AdoptReset","too much time has passed between steps"; end; } function script AdoptReset { deltimer "timeadopt::OnAdopt"; set $@AdoptionActive, 0; set $@ParentOne$, null; set $@ParentTwo$, null; set $@Baby$, null; set $@GenderBaby$, null; set $@FinalQuestion, 0; set $@CheckAll, 0; areaannounce "prt_church.gat",0,0,350,350,"The adoption has been canceled because "+getarg(0),0; return; } prt_church.gat,165,166,6 script Teacher 97,{ mes "[Mario]"; if (Upper==2 && (getskilllv(408)<=0 || getskilllv(409)<=0)) goto L_Teach; if (Upper==2) mes "Hello, baby! How are you?"; if (Upper!=2) mes "How are you?"; next; menu "Great!",-,"Fine.",-,"So-so...",-,"Shoot me, please.",-; mes "[Mario]"; mes "So nice!"; emotion rand(19,21); close; L_Teach: skill 408,1,0; skill 409,1,0; mes "Ta-da! Now you know 2 quite useful skills!"; mes "1. Call your Parents (when you're in a danger)."; mes "2. Protect your parents' EXP with yor love!"; emotion 41; next; mes "[Mario]"; mes "On seeing a baby tell them to visit me."; next; L_Cancel: mes "[Mario]"; mes "Bye bye!"; close; }