//===== eAthena Script ======================================= //= Alberta Town //===== By: ================================================== //= kobra_k88 //===== Current Version: ===================================== //= 2.1 //===== Compatible With: ===================================== //= eAthena SVN //===== Description: ========================================= //= //===== Additional Comments: ================================= //= Fully working //= 1.1 Negative input bug fixed [Lupus] //= 1.2 Fixed typos in script [massdriller] //= 1.3 Ran through spellcheck system [massdriller] //= 1.4 Someone forget a .gat in an NPC header [Fredzilla] //= 1.5 Fixed typo in script. [massdriller] //= 1.6 Fixed some typos, optimized, added Gotanblue#2 to be able to return back to Alberta [Lupus] //= 1.7 Fixed Phelix bugs [Lupus] //= 1.8 Got rid of 2 useless variables, fixed Turtle Island Quest exploit [Lupus] //= 1.9 Added two NPCs shown at RO Magazine [Playtester] //= 2.0 Removed Duplicates [Silent] //= 2.1 Fixed many typos, using information from Crono/Hollengrhen [Evera] //============================================================ //NewsPaper(?) alberta.gat,148,53,1 script Newspaper Girl 831,{end;} //??? alberta.gat,148,60,3 script Man#03 833,{end;} // Young Man ----------------------------------------------------------- alberta_in.gat,20,183,6 script Young Man 49,{ mes "[Merchant]"; mes "People say that ^0000ffGungnir^000000 is the legendary spear that never misses its target. If that's true, then it's simply amazing."; close; } // Merchant ------------------------------------------------- alberta.gat,97,51,7 script Merchant#01 84,{ mes "[Merchant]"; mes "When you travel to many places like I do, you often hear a lot of rumors. There is one rumor I heard that is really interesting."; next; mes "[Merchant]"; mes "Apparently there are cards which seal the power of certain monsters within them."; mes "If someone is able to obtain one of those cards, he/she will obtain the power of the monster..."; next; mes "[Merchant]"; mes "Bah! I don't believe it though."; close; } // Merchant --------------------------------------------------------- alberta.gat,53,39,8 script Merchant#02 74,{ mes "[Merchant]"; mes "Oh, you look like a stranger. Welcome to Alberta."; emotion e_gasp; next; mes "[Merchant]"; mes "I was just brainstorming on some ideas I have for my business."; next; mes "[Merchant]"; mes "You see, I heard that there is a store in Geffen that sells unique armor that is resistant to magic attacks."; mes "If I could somehow get them in bulk for a low price and sell them to the people in other towns......"; next; mes "[Merchant]"; mes "Cha-Ching! (you see dollar signs in her eyes)"; emotion e_cash; close; } // Merchant ------------------------------------------------- alberta.gat,58,80,8 script Merchant#03 99,{ mes "[Merchant]"; if(rand(2)) goto R_1; mes "We merchants can open a roadside stand and do business. With the ^0000ffDiscount skill^000000 we can buy goods from stores for low prices."; next; mes "[Merchant]"; mes "We can also rent carts which allow us to load up with goods and make our business portable."; mes "This way, business is more convenient and safe."; close; R_1: mes "We merchants can negotiate with store NPCs to get more money for items we sell to them by using the skill ^ff0000Overcharge^000000."; next; mes "[Merchant]"; mes "The most we can overcharge NPCs is by 24%, but it takes some hard work and training to get the skill!!"; close; } // Phina ------------------------------------------------------- alberta.gat,62,156,2 script Phina 102,{ set @TEMP,rand(3); mes "[Phina]"; if(@TEMP == 1) goto R_1; if(@TEMP == 0) goto R_0; mes "This one time, I was walking in the forest and I saw a long, slender piece of green grass sticking out on the ground."; next; mes "[Phina]"; mes "It was so cute that I wanted to touch it. And when I did, you know what happened? The grass actually slapped my hand."; next; mes "[Phina]"; mes "I was startled and so I backed off a bit. I then realized that it was not grass but a very small creature."; emotion e_gasp; next; mes "[Phina]"; mes "Even calm monsters can be very dangerous when they feel threatened. So don't startle them by mistake."; close; R_1: mes "You know those dumb-looking bears that live in the forest connecting Alberta and Payon?"; mes "You know... the ones that play around with the flies that make that buzzing noise."; next; mes "[Phina]"; mes "Well, one time I threw a twig at one just for fun. All of the sudden, IT RUSHED TOWARDS ME!"; next; mes "[Phina]"; mes "I was SOOOO scared!! I quickly jumped to the side to avoid it. Then BAM!!! It hit a huge tree and crushed it into pieces."; emotion e_wah; next; mes "[Phina]"; mes "I sure learned my lesson that day. NEVER taunt any creature, 'cause if they get angry, you'll be in a world of hurt."; close; R_0: mes "Did you know? Wolves are much more cooperative than they might seem. If one of them is attacked, then others will come to help him."; next; mes "[Phina]"; mes "So be careful if you ever decide to fight one."; close; } // Grandma ----------------------------------------------------- alberta.gat,93,174,2 script Grandma 103,{ mes "[Grandma]"; mes "Some time ago a derelict ship drifted into the Alberta harbor. Some of the town's young people went into the ship to find survivors."; next; mes "[Grandma]"; mes "But after a few moments they all ran out terrified. They said that they saw CORPSES walking around the ship!."; next; mes "[Grandma]"; mes "The ship was also over run by never before seen sea monsters, which made it impossible for the townspeople to get around."; next; mes "[Grandma]"; mes "We've never been able to do anything about that ominous-looking ship so we just left it there, hoping that it would sink or drift away."; next; mes "[Grandma]"; mes "Then, out of nowhere, the Cool Event Corp. people came by and paid the city a huge amount zeny to buy the ship."; next; mes "[Grandma]"; mes "They then created an event called the ^0000ddSunken Ship^000000."; next; mes "[Grandma]"; mes "They invited young warriors from all over to enter the ghost ship and test their skills fighting the monsters in it."; next; mes "[Grandma]"; mes "Now the ghost ship, that was once a problem for Alberta, has become quite a popular attraction."; next; mes "[Grandma]"; mes "I have to say, though, I don't think it's worth risking your life for......"; close; } // Drunken old man ---------------------------------------------------------------- alberta.gat,131,139,4 script Drunken old man 709,{ mes "[Drunken old man]"; mes "(~hiccup~)... Huh?... Wh-what are you staring at? Get lost!!"; next; menu "Stay",-,"Leave him alone",M_1; mes "[Drunken old man]"; mes "Hahahaha (~hiccup~)... So you got some nerve..."; next; mes "[Drunken old man]"; mes "Heh... I may look worthless now, but back in the day I was a handsome sailor on board the `Going Mary'."; next; menu "Is that a ship?",-,"Really? No kidding!",sM_1; mes "[Drunken old man]"; mes "What? Ya never heard of it? Stupid! Everybody knows the notorious pirate ship `Going Mary'! (~hiccup~)"; emotion e_what; next; sM_1: mes "[Drunken old man]"; mes "Ah~ the good old days... only... if only we hadn't run into that STORM... (~hiccup~)"; next; mes "[Drunken old man]"; mes "AH~ Captain. I miss our captain more than anything.... no foe could ever survive captain's sword."; mes "CAPTAIN~~~!!! (~HICCUP~) He'd swing his sword like THIS!... then... THEN...!!!"; next; mes "[Drunken old man]"; mes "The enemy and anything around him was surrounded by flames! Now that I think of it, the sword must've had some sort of mysterious power."; next; mes "[Drunken old man]"; mes "(~sigh!~) (~sob, sob~)... God I miss everyone... Now I'm depressed. Just go away and leave me be....."; emotion e_sob; close; M_1: mes "[Drunken old man]"; mes "That's right! Go AWAY~"; emotion e_pif; close; } // Soda Man ---------------------------------------------------- alberta.gat,90,71,3 script Soda Man 89,{ mes "[Soda Man]"; mes "Ummm.... delicious...."; emotion e_ok; next; mes "[Soda Man]"; mes "Wait! Don't bother me right now. Hmm? What am I doing you ask? Well isn't it obvious what I'm doing?"; mes "Look at this! I've mixed sugar and soda together in this container. Watch what happens when I heat it up."; next; mes "[Soda Man]"; mes "The two ingredients will melt soon and intermix. When the color of the mixture turns brown, we have to stop heating it."; mes "At that point it will have a marshmallow consistency."; next; mes "[Soda Man]"; mes "You see what I am talking about now? Do you think it's valuable?........ What?..... No?....."; mes "Hmm... then what about the story of the old man who almost conquered ^5555FFTurtle Island^000000?"; next; mes "[Soda Man]"; mes "Go to the inn and you'll find an old drunkard there. When you speak to him at first, it may seem like he's talking nonsense."; mes "But be patient and if you listen to his words carefully you may be able to pick up some useful information."; next; mes "[Soda Man]"; mes "Oh, and there is a letter on the table inside of that old man's room. It's a scary story about Turtle Island."; close; } //<=================================================== Marina (Docks/Port) ===================================================>\\ // Sailor Fisk ---------------------------------------------------------------- alberta.gat,189,151,5 script Sailor Fisk 100,{ mes "[Sailor Fisk]"; mes "Ahoy matey, where'd ya wanna go?"; next; menu "Izlude Marina -> 500 Zeny.",-,"Quit",M_End; if(Zeny < 500) goto L_NoZeny; set Zeny, Zeny - 500; warp "izlude.gat",176,182; close; L_NoZeny: mes "[Sailor Fisk]"; mes "I'm sorry, but I told you I would need 500 Zeny, and it looks like you don't have it."; close; M_End: close; } // Phelix ------------------------------------------------------------------ alberta.gat,190,173,4 script Phelix 85,{ mes "[Phelix]"; mes "What the hell are you doing here?"; next; mes "[Phelix]"; mes "There is nothing you can get for free on this ship. If you want to get rewarded, do some work!!"; next; mes "[Phelix]"; mes "Hmm, however I'd be willing to trade you some items for your jellopies."; mes " - For ^0000ff10 Jellopies^000000 I'd be willing to give you ^ff00001 potion^000000."; mes " - For ^0000ff3 Jellopies^000000 I'll give you ^ff00001 sweet potato^000000."; next; mes "[Phelix]"; mes "How does that sound?"; next; menu "Sounds good",-,"Nah",M_End; M_Yes: mes "[Phelix]"; mes "What do you want to exchange your Jellopies for?"; next; menu "Red Potion please.",-,"Sweet Potato please.",M_1,"Cancel",M_End; set @item, 501; goto L_Get; M_1: set @item, 516; L_Get: mes "[Phelix]"; mes "Please enter an amount. Enter 0 to cancel."; next; set @input,0; input @input; if(@input < 1 || @input > 1000) goto M_Yes; if(checkweight(@item,@input)==0) goto L_OverW; if(@item == 501) set @amount, @input*10; if(@item == 516) set @amount, @input*3; if(countitem(909) < @amount) goto L_NotEnough; getitem @item,@input; delitem 909, @amount; close; L_NotEnough: mes "[Phelix]"; mes "I'm sorry but you do not have enough Jellopies."; next; goto M_Yes; L_OverW: mes "[Phelix]"; mes "I'm sorry but you can't carry so many things."; next; goto M_Yes; M_End: close; } //<=================================================== Sunken Ship ======================================================>\\ // Paul ---------------------------------------------------------------- alberta.gat,195,151,3 script Paul 86,{ mes "[Paul]"; mes "Good day. Would you like be part of the Sunken Ship event, provided by Cool Event Corp.?"; next; mes "[Paul]"; mes "Oh! I better warn you, this event is only suitable for HIGH LEVEL warriors."; emotion e_gasp; next; mes "[Paul]"; mes "So what do you say? It only cost 200 zeny to participate and you'll get a ton of experience, guaranteed."; next; menu "Enter",-,"Quit",M_End; if(Zeny < 200) goto L_NoZeny; set Zeny, Zeny - 200; warp "alb2trea.gat",62,69; close; M_End: mes "[Paul]"; mes "Come back anytime."; close; L_NoZeny: mes "[Paul]"; mes "I'm sorry, but I told you I would need 200 Zeny, and it looks like you don't have it."; mes "Please come back later when you have enough."; close; } // Sailor -------------------------------------------------- alb2trea.gat,39,50,5 script Sailor 100,{ mes "[Sailor]"; mes "Do you wanna return?"; next; menu "Return to Alberta",-,"Quit",MEnd; warp "alberta.gat",192,169; MEnd: close; }