//===== Hercules Script ======================================= //= Sample: NPC Trader //===== By: ================================================== //= Hercules Dev Team //===== Current Version: ===================================== //= 20131225 //===== Description: ========================================= //= Demonstrates NPC Trader. //============================================================ /* ordinary zeny trader */ prontera,152,151,1 trader TestTrader 4_F_EDEN_OFFICER,{ OnInit: sellitem Valkyrja's_Shield; end; } /* ordinary cash trader */ prontera,152,152,1 trader TestTraderCash 4_F_EDEN_OFFICER,{ OnInit: tradertype(NST_CASH); sellitem Valkyrja's_Shield; end; } /* custom npc trader */ prontera,153,152,1 trader TestCustom2 4_F_EDEN_OFFICER,{ OnInit: tradertype(NST_CUSTOM); sellitem Red_Potion,2; end; /* allows currency to be item 501 and 502 */ OnCountFunds: setcurrency(countitem(Red_Potion),countitem(Orange_Potion)); end; /* receives @price (total cost) and @points (the secondary input field for cash windows) */ OnPayFunds: dispbottom "Hi: price="+@price+" and points="+@points; if( countitem(Orange_Potion) < @points || countitem(Red_Potion) < @price-@points ) end; delitem Orange_Potion,@points; delitem Red_Potion,@price-@points; purchaseok(); end; } /* demonstrates Market Trader */ prontera,150,160,6 trader HaiMarket 4_F_EDEN_OFFICER,{ OnInit: tradertype(NST_MARKET); sellitem Red_Potion,-1,49; end; OnClock0000://resupplies red potions on midnight OnMyResupply: if( shopcount(Red_Potion) < 20 ) sellitem Red_Potion,-1,49; end; }