here is a translation for "packet_table.txt".
i leave original japanese sentenses and write translation below that.


i don't know for sure, but if you set account id around 704554,
the ro client recognizes you as GM ( i don't know about other client like
iro or something. this is talking about jro.)


list of packet length. "-1" means a packet that have its packet length
just after the packet number.

   10,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,   0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,
    0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,   0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,
    0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,   0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,
    0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,   0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,

    0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,   0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,
    0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,   0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,
    0,  0,  0,  0, 55, 17,  3, 37,  46, -1, 23, -1,  3,108,  3,  2,
    3, 28, 19, 11,  3, -1,  9,  5,  52, 51, 56, 58, 41,  2,  6,  6,

    7,  3,  2,  2,  2,  5, 16, 12,  10,  7, 29, 23, -1, -1, -1,  0,
    7, 22, 28,  2,  6, 30, -1, -1,   3, -1, -1,  5,  9, 17, 17,  6,
   23,  6,  6, -1, -1, -1, -1,  8,   7,  6,  7,  4,  7,  0, -1,  6,
    8,  8,  3,  3, -1,  6,  6, -1,   7,  6,  2,  5,  6, 44,  5,  3,

    7,  2,  6,  8,  6,  7, -1, -1,  -1, -1,  3,  3,  6,  3,  2, 27,
    3,  4,  4,  2, -1, -1,  3, -1,   6, 14,  3, -1, 28, 29, -1, -1,
   30, 30, 26,  2,  6, 26,  3,  3,   8, 19,  5,  2,  3,  2,  2,  2,
    3,  2,  6,  8, 21,  8,  8,  2,   2, 26,  3, -1,  6, 27, 30, 10,

    2,  6,  6, 30, 79, 31, 10, 10,  -1, -1,  4,  6,  6,  2, 11, -1,
   10, 39,  4, 10, 31, 35, 10, 18,   2, 13, 15, 20, 68,  2,  3, 16,
    6, 14, -1, -1, 21,  8,  8,  8,   8,  8,  2,  2,  3,  4,  2, -1,
    6, 86,  6, -1, -1,  7, -1,  6,   3, 16,  4,  4,  4,  6, 24, 26,

   22, 14,  6, 10, 23, 19,  6, 39,   6,  7,  6, 27, -1,  2,  6,  6,
  110,  6, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,  6,  -1, 54, 66, 54, 90, 42,  6, 42,
   -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 30, -1,  3,  14,  3, 30, 10, 43, 14,186,182,
   14, 30, 10,  3, -1,  6,106, -1,   4,  5,  4, -1,  6,  7, -1, -1,

    6,  3,106, 10, 10, 34,  0,  6,   8,  4,  4,  4, 29, -1, 10,  6,
   90, 86, 24,  6, 30,102,  8,  4,   8,  4, 14, 10

S �N���C�A���g���猩�đ��M
S means a packet that will be sent from client.

R �N���C�A���g���猩�Ď�M
R means a packet that will be received by client.

B �o�C�g
B means a byte.

w ���[�h=2B
w means word( 2 bytes)

l �����O���[�h=4B
l means long word(4bytes)

* 0�ˆȏキ�肩����
* means repeat

S 0064 <version>.l <account name>.24B <password>.24B <version2>.B
	send account id & password
S 0065 <account ID>.l <login ID1>.l <login ID2>.l ?.2B <sex>.B
	request connection to character select server
S 0066 <charactor number>.B
	request to select character
S 0067 <charactor name>.24B <param etc>.11B
	request to create new character
S 0068 <charactor ID>.l <mail address>.40B
	request to delete character
R 0069 <len>.w <login ID1>.l <account ID>.l <login ID2>.l ?.32B <sex>.B {<IP>.l <port>.w <server name>.20B <login users>.l ?.2B}.32B*
	information about a success of login to login server
R 006a <error No>.B
	fail to login to login server
R 006b <len>.w <charactor select data>.106B*
	information about a success of connection to character select server & character server
	<charactor select data> = <charactor ID>.l <base exp>.l <zeny>.l <job exp>.l <job level>.l ?.8B <option>.l <karma>.l <manner>.l ?.2B <HP>.w <MaxHP>.w <SP>.w <MaxSP>.w <speed>.w <class>.w <hair>.w <weapon>.2w <base level>.w <skill point>.w <head_bottom>.w <sheild>.w <head option top>.w <head option mid>.w <hair color>.w ?.w <name>.24B <STR>.B <AGI>.B <VIT>.B <INT>.B <DEX>.B <LUK>.B <charactor number>.B ?.B
R 006c <error No>.B
	fail to select character
R 006d <charactor select data>.106B
	success to create new character
R 006e <error No>.B
	fail to create new character
R 006f
	success to delete character
R 0070 <error No>.B
	fail to delete character
R 0071 <charactor ID>.l <map name>.16B <ip>.l <port>.w
	success to select character & map name and ip/port number for game server
S 0072 <account ID>.l <charactor ID>.l <login ID1>.l <login ID2>.l <sex>.b
	request connection to game server
R 0073 <server tick>.l <coordidate>.3B ?.2B
	success to connect to game server & server time & spawn point
R 0078 <ID>.l <speed>.w ?.w ?.w <option>.w <class>.w <hair>.w <weapon>.w <head option bottom>.w <sheild>.w <head option top>.w <head option mid>.w <hair color>.w ?.w <head dir>.w <guild>.w ?.w ?.w <manner>.w <karma>.w ?.B <sex>.B <X_Y_dir>.3B ?.B ?.B <sit>.B
	a packet for map load or moving, infermation about a direction for character?
R 0079 <ID>.l <speed>.w ?.w ?.w <option>.w <class>.w <hair>.w <weapon>.w <head option bottom>.w <sheild>.w <head option top>.w <head option mid>.w <hair color>.w ?.w <head dir>.w <guild>.w ?.w ?.w <manner>.w <karma>.w ?.B <sex>.B <X_Y_dir>.3B ?.B ?.B
	information about characters in a range of a skill like teleport, no infor about direction for character?
R 007b <ID>.l <speed>.w ?.w ?.w <option>.w <class>.w <hair>.w <weapon>.w <head option bottom>.w <server tick>.l <sheild>.w <head option top>.w <head option mid>.w <hair color>.w ?.w <head dir>.w <guild>.w ?.w ?.w <manner>.w <karma>.w ?.B <sex>.B <X_Y_X_Y>.5B ?.B ?.B ?.B
	character information about walking in a range of the character can see
R 007c <ID>.l <speed>.w ?.6w <class>.w ?.7w <X_Y>.3B ?.2B
	character information for npc in a range the character can see
S 007d
	end of load
S 007e <client tick>.l
	send 1ms timer at client
R 007f <server tick>.l
	send 1ms timer at server
R 0080 <ID>.l <type>.B
	type=00 �L�������� (��ʊO�ړ��B���̏��œ�?)
			character disappear( walk out of screen. died and disappear?)
	type=01 �L�������S
			character died
	type=02 �L�������� (�e���|,��,��,logout��?)
			character disappear( teleport, fly's wing, butterfly's wing, logout?)
R 0081 <type>.B
	type=03 speed hack
			speed hack
	type=08 2�d���O�C��
			duplicated login
S 0085 <X_Y>.3B
	request to walk
R 0087 <server tick>.l <X_Y_X_Y>.5B ?.B
	response to the request to walk
R 0088 <ID>.l <X>.w <Y>.w
	stop walking
S 0089 <target ID>.l <type>.B
	type=00 target��1�񉣂�
			hit target once
	type=02 ����
			sit down
	type=03 �������
			stand up
	type=07 target�����葱����
			continue to hit target
R 008a <src ID>.l <dst ID>.l <server tick>.l <src speed>.l <dst speed>.l <param1>.w <param2>.w <type>.B <param3>.w
	type=00 param1=0 miss
			param1=0 miss
	type=00 param1:�_���[�W(�̍��v?) param2:������ param3:�A�T�V��2�����t��_���[�W
			param1:damage(of total?) param2:number of division  param3:damage of assasin's left hand
		if the attack was by npc, param2 and param3 are not used
		speed match the aspd if it's player character
	type=01 item���E�� ID*2�ȊO�S�~
			pick up item, unused data except ID*2
	type=02 ���� src ID�ȊO�S�~
			sit down, unused data except src ID
	type=03 ���� src ID�ȊO�S�~
			stand up, unused data except src ID
	type=08 �����U��
			multiple attack
	type=0a �N���e�B�J��
			critical attack
	type=0b ���S���
			perfect evade
R 008c <len>.w <str>.?B
	send normal speech. it become a speech for chat during a chat
	�擪��"<nick> : "�̕����̓N���C�A���g���ŕt���鎖
	client adds "<nick> : " part. 
R 008d <len>.w <ID>.l <str>.?B
	receive a speech by ID. it become speech for chat during a chat
R 008e <len>.w <str>.?B
	receive my character's speech. it become speech for chat during a chat
S 0090 <ID>.l <type?>.B
	talk to npc. i havent seen type setted to 01.
R 0091 <map name>.16B <X>.w <Y>.w
	map change in the same server, for instance, teleport, fly's wing...
R 0092 <map name>.16B <X>.w <Y>.w <IP>.l <port>.w
	map change to the other server
R 0093
	this packet observed in august once. i don't know what it is.
S 0094 <ID>.l
	request a character name for ID. 0095 or 0195 response is expected.
R 0095 <ID>.l <nick>.24B
	response for 0094 request from npc or player character without guild.
	0193	<charID>.l �Ŗ₢���킹��
			request by <charID>.l
	0194	<charID>.l <name>.24B �̉����œ��Ă܂��B
			get response by <charID>.l <name>.24B

S 0096 <len>.w <nick>.24B <message>.?B
	send wisper
R 0097 <len>.w <nick>.24B <message>.?B
	receive wisper
R 0098 <type>.B
	type=00 wis���M����
			success to send wisper
	type=01 wis���肪login���ĂȂ�?
			target character is not loged in?
	type=02 wis���肩��ignore����Ă�?
			ignored by target
R 009a <len>.w <message>.?B
	GM announce
S 009b <head dir>.w <dir>.B
	request a change of head and body direction. no response to client.
	dir can be 00-07 and it's for body direction. 00 means north and go counter-clockwise upto 07 by 45 degrees.
	head dir��00,01,02�œ��̌����B00�ő̂Ɠ����A01���E�A02����
	head dir can be 00,01,02. 00 means the same direction of body, 01 means right, 02 menas left.
R 009c <ID>.l <head dir>.w <dir>.B
	change body and head direction for ID.
R 009d <ID>.l <item ID>.w <identify flag>.B <X>.w <Y>.w <amount>.w <subX>.B <subY>.B
	when the item on the floor will appear on the screen by walking etc.
R 009e <ID>.l <item ID>.w <identify flag>.B <X>.w <Y>.w <subX>.B <subY>.B <amount>.w
	item drop�B���̂�009d�ƃ}�X�ړ��ʒu&��������ς��Ă���
	item drop. coordinate and amount is different from 009d.
S 009f <ID>.l
	pick up item on the floor.
R 00a0 <index>.w <amount>.w <item ID>.w <identify flag>.B <attribute?>.B <refine>.B <card>.4w <equip type>.w <type>.B <fail>.B
	fail=02 �擾���s?
			fail to pick up?
	fail=06 ���[�g�������B�擾���s
			no right to pick up. fail to pick up.
R 00a1 <ID>.l
	disappear the floor item
S 00a2 <index>.w <amount>.w
	drop inventory item.
R 00a3 <len>.w {<index>.w <item ID>.w <type>.B <identify flag>.B <amount>.w ?.2B}.10B*
	list of consumptive item and collecter item that you have
R 00a4 <len>.w {<index>.w <item ID>.w <type>.B <identify flag>.B <equip type>.w <equip point>.w <attribute?>.B <refine>.B <card>.4w}.20B*
	list of equipments that you have
R 00a5 <len>.w {<index>.w <item ID>.w <type>.B <identify flag>.B <amount>.w ?.2B}.10B*
	list of consumptive item and collecter item that you leave with capra.
R 00a6 <len>.w {<index>.w <item ID>.w <type>.B <identify flag>.B <equip type>.w <equip point>.w <attribute?>.B <refine>.B <card>.4w}.20B*
	list of equipments that you leave with capra.
S 00a7 <index>.w <ID>.l
	use index item. ID can be only myself?
R 00a8 <index>.w <amount>.w <type>.B
	�A�C�e���g�p�����Btype=00�̏ꍇ�g�p���s? amount���S�~�̖͗l
	response to use item. type=00 means failed. amount is unused.
	type=01 means success to use item, amount is a number of rest of the item.
S 00a9 <index>.w <equip type>.w
	equip item.
R 00aa <index>.w <equip point>.w <type>.B
	�A�C�e�����������Btype=00�̏ꍇ�������s? equip point���S�~�̖͗l
	response to equip item. type=00 means fail. equip point is unused.
S 00ab <index>.w
	take off equipment.
R 00ac <index>.w <equip point>.w <type>.B
	�������������Btype=00�̏ꍇ���s? equip point���S�~�̖͗l
	response to take off equipment. type=00 means fail? equip point is unused.
R 00af <index>.w <amount>.w
	decrease number of item by amount.
R 00b0 <type>.w <val>.l
	update values of various status.
	0000:speed 0003:���s�l 0004:�}�i�[�|�C���g 0005:HP 0006:MaxHP
	0000:speed 0003:carma 0004:manner point 0005:HP 0006: MaxHP
	0007:SP 0008:MaxSP 0009:�X�e�[�^�X�|�C���g 000b:�x�[�X���x��
	0007:SP 0008:MaxSP 0009:status point 000b: base level
	000c:�X�L���|�C���g 0018:�d��(�\������Ă鐔����10�{)
	000c:skil point 0018:weight(this number must be 10 times greater than it's been diplayed.)
	0019:max weight(this number must be 10 times greater than it's been diplayed.)
	0029:ATK�O 002a:ATK�� 002b:MATK�O 002c:MATK��
	0029:attack in front 002a:attack in back 002b:matk in front 002c:matk in back
	002d:DEF�O 002e:DEF�� 002f:MDEF�O 0030:MDEF��
	002d:deffence in front 002e:deffence in back 002f:mdef in front 0030:mdef in back
	0031:HIT 0032:FLEE�O 0033:FLEE�� 0034:�N���e�B�J��
	0031:hit 0032:flee in front 0033:flee in back 0034: critical
	0035:ASPD(2ms�P�ʂ̎���?) 0037:�W���u���x��
	0035:aspd(time by 2ms?) 0037:job level
	0082:�� ATK��Ɠ�������?
	0082:unknown. is it the same number as atk in back?
R 00b1 <type>.w <val>.l
	update valies of various status. below is the list of corresponding type and value.
	0001:�x�[�X���o���l 0002:�W���u���o���l	0014:zeny
	0001:base experience 0002:job experience 0014:zeny
	0016:�x�[�X���K�v�o���l 0017:�W���u���K�v�o���l
	0016:base experience that needed to level up 0017:job experience that needed to level up
	in beta1, value of 00b0 was short and value of 00b1 was long,
	but not there are no difference. 
S 00b2 <type>.B
	type=00 ���S�����X�^�[�g
			restart game when character died
	type=01 �L�����Z���v��
			request character select
R 00b3 <type>.B
	type=01 �L�����Z������
	response to character select
R 00b4 <len>.w <ID>.l <str>.?B
	message from npc id
R 00b5 <ID>.l
	display the "NEXT" icon to npc message window
R 00b6 <ID>.l
	display the "CLOSE" icon to npc message window
R 00b7 <len>.w <ID>.l <str>.?B
	display select options in npc message window. each options devided by ":".
S 00b8 <ID>.l <select>.B
	select options in ncp message window. number starts from 1 for each options. cancel for ff?
S 00b9 <ID>.l
	"NEXT" button clicked in ncp message window.
S 00bb <type>.w <amount>.B
	request update status. type can be 000d for STR, 000e for AGI, 000f for VIT, 0010 for INT, 0011 for DEX, 0012 for LUK.
R 00bc <type>.w <fail>.B <val>.B
	respnse to update status. it's successeeded if fail=01. type is the same value as packet number 00bb. val is a value of increase.
	it's unknown when it's failed because i havent ever seen. i think it will be fail=00 when it's failed.
R 00bd <status point>.w <STR>.B <STRupP>.B <AGI>.B <AGIupP>.B <VIT>.B <VITupP>.B <INT>.B <INTupP>.B <DEX>.B <DEXupP>.B <LUK>.B <LUKupP>.B <ATK>.w <ATKbonus>.w <MATKmax>.w <MATKmin>.w <DEF>.w <DEFbonus>.w <MDEF>.w <MDEFbonus>.w <HIT>.w <FLEE>.w <FLEEbonus>.w <critical>.w ?.w
	packet of information for various status.
R 00be <type>.w <val>.B
	packet to update required status point. type can be 0020-0025 for STR-LUK.( see packet number 00bb for detals.)
S 00bf <type>.B
	display emotion. type can be 00-0c(,0d) for ALT+1-ALT+9,ALT+0,CTRL+-,CTRL++,CTRL+\(,korean flag).
R 00c0 <ID>.l <type>.B
	emotion by ID. type is the same as 00bf.
S 00c1
	request to ask loged in people.
R 00c2 <val>.l
	response to asking loged in people.
R 00c3 <ID>.l <type>.B <val>.B
	change looks. type=00 means body(by jobs), 02 is weapon, 03 is head(lower), 04 is head(upper), 05 is head(middle), 08 is shield.
R 00c4 <ID>.l
	display "BUY" or "SELL" window by npc ID
R 00c5 <ID>.l <type>.B
	select "BUY" or "SELL". type=00 is buy, type=01 is sell.
R 00c6 <len>.w {<value>.l <DCvalue>.l <type>.B <item ID>.w}.11B*
	list of marchandizes when clicked "BUY". DCvalue is a value of Discount Skill applied.
R 00c7 <len>.w {<index>.w <value>.l <OCvalue>.l}.10B*
	list of items when clicked "SELL". OCvalue is a value of Over Charge Skill applied.
S 00c8 <len>.w {<amount>.w <item ID>.w}.4B*
	buy item from npc shop.
S 00c9 <>.w {<index>.w <amount>.w}.4B*
	sell item to npc shop.
R 00ca <type>.B
	response for buying item. type=00 meanse successetion.
R 00cb <type>.B
	response for selling item. type=00 means success.
S 00cf <nick>.24B <type>.B
	type=00 nick����̔����󂯕t������ (/ex nick)
			deny speech from nick(/ex nick).
	type=01 nick����̔����󂯕t������ (/in nick)
			allow speech from nick(/in nick)
S 00d0 <type>len.B
	type=00 �S�Ă̔����󂯕t������ (/exall)
			deny all speech(/exall)
	type=01 �S�Ă̔����󂯕t������ (/inall)
			allow all speech(/inall)
R 00d1 <type>.B <fail>.B
	fail=00 �����󂯕t�����ې���
			success to deny speech
	fail=01 �����󂯕t�����ێ��s
			fail to deny speech
R 00d2 <type>.B <fail>.B
	fail=00 �S�����󂯕t�����ې���
			seccess to allow speech
	fail=01 �S�����󂯕t�����ێ��s
			fail to alloe speech
S 00d5 <len>.w <limit>.w <pub>.B <passwd>.8B <title>.?B
	create chat room.(from now on, im not sure for packets about chat.)
R 00d6 <fail>.B
	response to create chat room.
R 00d7 <len>.w <owner ID>.l <chat ID>.l <limit>.w <users>.w <pub>.B <title>.?B
	information for chat room in the screen.
R 00d8 <chat ID>.l
	delete chat room.
S 00d9 <chat ID>.l <passwd>.8B
	request to join the chat.
R 00da <fail>.B
	fail to join the chat.
R 00db <len>.w <chat ID>.l {<index>.l <nick>.24B}.28B*
	list of people in the chat room.
R 00dc <users>.w <nick>.24B
	add person to the chat room.
R 00dd <index>.w <nick>.24B <fail>.B
	leave the chat room.
S 00de <len>.w <limit>.w <pub>.B <passwd>.8B <title>.?B
	change chat room status.
R 00df <len>.w <owner ID>.l <chat ID>.l <limit>.w <users>.w <pub>.B <title>.?B
	success to change chat room status.
S 00e0 ?.l <nick>.24B
	request to change owner of the chat room?
R 00e1 <index>.l <nick>.24B
	re-number people in the chat room?
S 00e2 <nick>.24B
	kick nick from chat room.
S 00e3
	leave chat room.
S 00e4 <ID>.l
	request trade.
R 00e5 <nick>.24B
	recieve a request to trade.
S 00e6 <type>.B
	type=03 �������v��ok
			trade ok.
	type=04 �������v���L�����Z��
			trade canceled.
R 00e7 <fail>.B
	response to requesting trade.
	fail=00 ���������߂�
			too far.
	fail=03 �v���󂯂Ă��ꂽ
			allowed the trade.
	fail=04 �L�����Z�����ꂽ?
			trade canceled?
S 00e8 <index>.w <amount>.l
	add item. index=0 means adding zeny. for official client, zeny can be added only in packet number 00eb.
R 00e9 <amount>.l <type ID>.w <identify flag>.B <attribute?>.B <refine>.B <card>.4w
	added item from other character.
R 00ea <index>.w <fail>.B
	fail=00 �A�C�e���lj�����
			success to add item.
	fail=01 �lj����s�B���葤�d�ʃI�[�o
			fail to add item. the player was over weighted.
S 00eb
	completed adding item.(cliecked OK)
R 00ec <fail>.B
	fail=00 ���������ok���
			recieved "OK" from myself
	fail=01 ���肩���ok���
			recieved "OK" from the other.
S 00ed
	trade canceled.
R 00ee
	message of "trade canceled"
S 00ef
	trade OKed. (cliecked Trade)
R 00f0
	trade completed.
R 00f2 <num>.w <limit>.w
	number of item that capra can stock and number of item that capra stocks now.
S 00f3 <index>.w <amount>.l
	put item to capra's warehouse.
R 00f4 <index>.w <amount>.l <type ID>.w <identify flag>.B <attribute?>.B <refine>.B <card>.4w
	add item to capra's warehouse.
S 00f5 <index>.w <amount>.l
	take out item from capra's warehouse.
R 00f6 <index>.w <amount>.l
	delete item in the capra's warehouse.
S 00f7
	request to close capra's warehouse.
R 00f8
	response to close capra's warehouse.
S 00f9 <party name>.24B
	create party.
R 00fa <fail>.B
	fail=00 �쐬����
			success to create party.
R 00fb <len>.w <party name>.24B {<ID>.l <nick>.24B <map name>.16B <leader>.B <offline>.B}.46B*
	packet for various information about party.
S 00fc <ID>.l
	invate player to the party.
R 00fd <nick>.24B <fail>.B
	fail=00 ����͊��Ƀp�[�e�B�ɓ����Ă���
			the player is already in other party.
	fail=01 ����ɋ��ۂ��ꂽ
			invitaion was denied.
	fail=02 ���U����
			success to invite,
R 00fe <ID>.l <party name>.24B
	invited to party.
S 00ff <ID>.l <fail>.l
	�p�[�e�B�ɗU��ꂽ���̕ԓ��Bfail=1 ok�ԓ�?
	response when player was invited to party. fail=1 means OK?
R 0100
	? �p�[�e�B�֘A?
	unknown. related to party?
S 0101 <exp>.w <item?>.w
	change party setting.
R 0102 <exp>.w <item?>.w
	�p�[�e�B�ݒ茻��? exp=2�̏ꍇ�͌����z���ݒ莸�s?
	party setting status. when exp=2, fail to set "equality for experience"?
R 0104 <ID>.l ?.l <X>.w <Y>.w <offline>.B <party name>.24B <nick>.24B <map name>.16B
	information about a one player in th party.
R 0105 <ID>.l <nick>.24B <fail>.B
	nick leaves the party.
R 0106 <ID>,l <HP>.w <MaxHP>.w
	update HP of party members.
R 0107 <ID>.l <X>.w <Y>.w
	update coordinates of party members.
S 0108 <len>.w <message>.?B
	send speech for party memebers.
R 0109 <len>.w <ID>.l <message>.?B
	receive speech for party memebers.
R 010a <type ID>.w
	get MVP item.
R 010b <exp>.l
	get MVP experience.
R 010c <ID>.l
	display MVP character.
R 010e <skill ID>.w <lv>.w <sp>.w <range>.w <up>.B
	update skill sinformation. sp is unused?
R 010f <len>.w {<skill ID>.w <target type>.w ?.w <lv>.w <sp>.w <range>.w <skill name>.24B <up>.B}.37B*
	�X�L�����̉�Bskill name�͈ꕔ����ė��Ȃ��������遄AL_PNEUMA,PR_SLOWPOISON��
	bunch of information about skill. some of skill name is not send (AL_PNEUMA, PR_SLOWPOISON etc).
	target type��0-�p�b�V�u�A1-�G�A2-�ꏊ�A4-���������A16-����
	target type is 0 for novice skill, 1 for enemy, 2 for place, 4 for immediate invoke, 16 for party member
	lv=0 up=0�̏ꍇ�̓��X�g�ɏo���ĂȂ�?
	it will not be on list when lv=0 up=0?
R 0110 <skill ID>.w <basic type>.w ?.w <fail>.B <type>.B
	fail to use skill when fail=00?
	type 00:basic type�̕� 01:SP�s�� 02:HP�s�� 03:memo���� 04:delay��
	type 00:basic type 01:lack of SP, 02:lack of HP, 03:no memo, 04:in delay
	05:��������(�߂܁[) 06:���킪��낵���Ȃ� 07:�ԃW�F������ 08:�ƒW�F������ 09:��
	05:lack of money, 06:weapon does not satisfy, 07:no red jewel, 08:no blue jewel, 09:unkown
	basic type 00:������ 01:emotion 02:���� 03:�`���b�g 04:�p�[�e�B
	basic type 00:trade 01:emotion 02:sit down, 03:chat, 04:party
	05:shout? 06:PK 07:�}�i�[�|�C���g
	05:shout? 06:PK, 07:manner point
R 0111 <skill ID>.w <target type>.w ?.w <lv>.w <sp>.w <range>.w <skill name>.24B <up>.B
	just one skill information. not used in beta2?
S 0112 <skill ID>.w
	request to skill level up.
S 0113 <level>.w <skill ID>.w <ID>.l
	use skill to the target.
R 0114 <skill ID>.w <src ID>.l <dst ID>.l <server tick>.l <src speed>.l <dst speed>.l <param1>.w <param2>.w <param3>.w <type>.B
	skill effect for attack.
	type=04 �ΕǂŊϑ� type=06�Ƃقړ���?
	rtpe=04 observed when firewall was used. is that the almost same as type=06?
	type=06 �P������? param1�̓_���[�W���v�Aparam2��level�Aparam3��1�Œ�Ɨ\�z
	type=06 skill for just one hit? param1 is total damage, param2 is level, param3 will always stay 1.
	type=08 �A�ł���? param1�̓_���[�W���v�Aparam2��level�Aparam3�͕������Ɨ\�z
	type=08 skill for multiple hits? param1 is totak damage, param2 is level, param3 will be a number of hit.
R 0115 <skill ID>.w <src ID>.l <dst ID>.l <server tick>.l <src speed>.l <dst speed>.l <X>.w <Y>.w <param1>.w <param2>.w <param3>.w <type>.B
	blow up type skill effect.
	type=05 �_���[�W&�e����΂��Bparam1�̓_���[�W���v�Aparam2��level�Aparam3�͕������Ɨ\�z
	type=05 damage and blow up. param1 is total damage, param2 is level, param3 will be a number of hit.
	type=06 ���S�n? ���Ȃ��Ƃ�param1�̓S�~�̖͗l
	type=06 a point of explorsion? param1 is unused at least.
S 0116 <level>.w <skill ID>.w <X>.w <Y>.w
	use skill at (X,Y).
R 0117 <skill ID>.w <src ID>.l <val>.w <X>.w <Y>.w <server tick>.l
	display skill effect at (X,Y). is val level? or how hard it is (like ice wall)?
S 0118
	cancel to attack
R 0119 <ID>.l <param1>.w <param2>.w <param3>.w ?.B
	change looks.
	param1=02 �t���X�g�_�C�o�œ���Ђ�?
	param1=02 flozen diva?
	param2=01 ��?
	param2=01 poison?
	param2=20 ANGELUS���?
	param2=20 ANGELUS?
	param3=01 �T�C�g�������b�`?
	param3-01 sight or ruwach?
	param3=0b �n�C�f�B���O���?
	param3=0b hiding?
	param3=0b �N���[�L���O���?
	param3-0b cloking?
	param3=0d �J�[�g�t��
	param3=0d with cart
	param3=0e ��t��
	param3-0e with hawk
	param3=0f �y�R�y�R���
	param3=0f with pekopeko

R 011a <skill ID>.w <val>.w <dst ID>.l <src ID>.l <fail>.B
	display no-damage skill effect. val is an amount of HP cured when it's heal.
	fail=00 must mean fail, but i havent seend it except steal.
S 011b <skill ID>.w <map name>.16B
	response to packet number 011c. send "cancel" for no-use.
R 011c <skill ID>.w <map1>.16B <map2>.16B <map3>.16B <map4>.16B
	select place for teleport or portal warp.
	in case of teleport, Ramdom/save point will be sent,
	in case of portal warp, save point/memo1/memo2/memo3 will be sent.
	only map name wil be sent.
S 011d
	request to take a memo at this point.
R 011e <fail>.B
	fail=00 ��������
			success to take memo.
	fail=01 �������s
			fail to take memo.
R 011f <dst ID>.l <src ID>.l <X>.w <Y>.w <type>.B <fail>.B
	create ground effect for skills like firewall.
	type 7e:SW 7f:�� 80:�|�^������ 81:�|�^�����O 83:�T���N 85:�t�j���[�}
	type 7e:SW, 7f:firewall, 80:portal warp(invoking), 81:portal warp(before invoking), 83:sank, 85:funewma( i really don know skill names :()
	86:�o�[�~���I�� 8c:�g�[�L�[�{�b�N�X������ 8d:�X�� 8e:�������܂���[ 91:���񂭂邷�˂�
	86: bermillion, 8c:talky box(invoked), 8d:frost diva, 8e:kuagumire, 91:uncle snear
	93:���ǂ܂��� 97:?? 99:�g�[�L�[�{�b�N�X�����O
	93:land mine, 97:??, 99:talky box(befor invoked)
R 0120 <ID>.l
	delete ground effect.
R 0121 <num>.w <num limit>.w <weight>.l <weight limit>l
	kind of cart, weight and max weight.
R 0122 <len>.w {<index>.w <item ID>.w <type>.B <identify flag>.B <equip type>.w <equip point>.w <attribute?>.B <refine>.B <card>.4w}.20B*
	equipments in cart.
R 0123 <len>.w {<index>.w <item ID>.w <type>.B <identify flag>.B <amount>.w ?.2B}.10B*
	cunsumptive and collector.
R 0124 <index>.w <amount>.l <item ID>.w <identify flag>.B <attribute?>.B <refine>.B <card>.4w
	add item to cart.
R 0125 <index>.w <amount>.l
	delete item in cart.
S 0126 <index>.w <amount>.l
	put item to cart.
S 0127 <index>.w <amount>.l
	take out item from cart.
S 0128 <index>.w <amount>.l
	move item from capra's warehouse to cart.
S 0129 <index>.w <amount>.l
	move item from cart to capra's warehouse.
R 012c <fail>.B
	fail=00 �d�ʐ������z���ăJ�[�g�ɃA�C�e���������܂���ł���?
	fail=00 over the weight and could not add item to cart.
R 012d <num>.w
	create shop (marchant skill). request item list. num is a number of kind of item that can be sell.
S 012e
	close shop.
S 012f <len>.w <message>.80B {<index>.w <amount>.w <value>.l}.8B*
	create shop, shop name, item, price list.
S 0130 <ID>.l
	request item list for shop( not npc shop).
R 0131 <ID>.l <message>.80B
	display shop name tag.
R 0132 <ID>.l
	delete shop name tag.
R 0133 <len>.w <ID>.l {<value>.l <amount>.w <index>.w <type>.B <item ID>.w <identify flag>.B <attribute?>.B <refine>.B <card>.4w}.22B
	item list for shop(not npc shop).
S 0134 <len>.w <ID>.l {<amount>.w <index>.w}.4B*
	buy item from shop (not npc).
R 0135 <index>.w <amount>.w <fail>.B
	fail to buy item from non npc shop. fail tells you reasons.
R 0136 <len>.w <ID>.l {<value>.l <index>.w <amount>.w <type>.B <item ID>.w <identify flag>.B <attribute?>.B <refine>.B <card>.4w}.22B*
	success to create non-npc-shop.
R 0137 <index>.w <amount>.w
	report of selling item.
R 0139 <ID>.l <X>.w <Y>.w <X2>.w <Y2>.w <range>.w
	the enemy at(X,Y) was too far to attack from my coordinate (X2,Y2).
	possible range to attack enemy is "range", so be closer?
R 013a <val>.w
	attack range.
R 013b <type>.w
	various message. 3="arrow has been equiped"
R 013c <ID>.w
	item id of equiped arrow. 0 means no arrow is equiped.
R 013d <type>.w <val>.w
	recovery of HP/SP by HP/SP recovery skill.
	type=5�Ȃ�HP type=7�Ȃ�SP
	type=5 is HP, type=7 is SP.
R 013c <index>.w
�@�@	�����������
		id of equiped arrow.

R 013e <src ID>.l <dst ID>.l <X>.w <Y>.w <lv?>.w ?.w <wait>.l
	�X�L���r�����BPC/NPC������̏ꍇ��(X,Y)��0�B�ꏊ���^�[�Q�b�g�̏ꍇ��dst ID��0�ɂȂ�
	skill has been casting. (X,Y) will be 0 when target is player character or NPC. dst ID will be 0 when target is place.

	0x013e �� offset+16(dword) �̓X�L�������ł�(������)�B
	offset+16(dword) in packet number 0x013e is skill attribute.

	00:�� 01:�� 02:�n 03:�� 04:�� 05:�� 06:�� 07:�� 08:�O 09:��
	00:none, 01:water, 02:ground, 03:fire, 04:wind, 05:poinson, 06:holly, 07:dark, 08:spirit(i don know how to translate.), 09:death
	casting effect might differ by skill attribute in the future.

	wait in mili second?
R 0141 <type>.l <base>.l <bonus>.l
	information for status. type is 0d-12 for STR,AGI,VIT,INT,DEX,LUK.
	base+bonus will be displayed.
R 0144 <ID>.l <type>.l <X>.l <Y>.l <point ID>.B <color>.3B ?.B
	for guid npc, packet for display icon on map.
	type=1 �A�C�R����\��
			display icon.
	type=2 �A�C�R��������
			delete icon.
R 0145 <file name>.16B <type>.B
	display capra picture(at this time).
	type=02 �\��
	type=ff ����
S 0146 <ID>.l
	talk to npc with ID. Clicked CLOSE button.
R 0147 <skill ID>.w <target type>.w ?.w <lv>.w <sp>.w <range>.w <skill name>.24B <up>.B
	effect for skill by using item.
S 0148 <ID>.l
	���U���N�V�����̑��茈��? @ ��1
	decide target of a skill rezarection? in beta1.
S 0149 <ID>.l <type>.B
	ID�Ƀ}�i�[�|�C���g��^����Btype=00 �v���X type=01 �}�C�i�X
	give manner point to ID. type=00 is plus, type=01 is minus.
R 014a <fail>.l
	�}�i�[�|�C���g��^�������ʁBfail=0 ���� fail=1 ���s
	result of giving manner point. fail=0 is success, fail=1 is fail.
R 014b <type>.B <nick>.24B
	�}�i�[�|�C���g�������Btype=00 �v���X type=01 �}�C�i�X
	get manner point. type=00 is plus, type-01 is minus.
R 014C <len>.w (<type>.l <guildID>.l <guild name>.24B).*
	display alliance and opposition guild.
	type=0 ����
	type=1 �G��
S 014D
�@�@	�M���h���\���J�n�H
		start of guild information?
R 014E <type?>.l
�@�@	type=0x57 ��ʃM���h�c��
					normal guild member.
�@�@	type=0xD7 �M���h�}�X�^�[
					guild master.
S 014F <page>.l
�@�@	�M���h�\���^�u���M
		send packet for guild "DISPLAY" tab.
R 0150 <guildID>.l <guildLv>.l <connum>.l <���>.l <Avl.lvl>.l ?.l <next_exp>.l ?.16B <guild name>.24B <guild master>.24B ?.16B
�@�@	�M���h���
		guild info.
S 0151 <guild ID>.l
	request for guild emblem.
R 0152 <len>.w <guild ID>.l <emblem ID?>.l <emblem data>.?B
	return emblem image.
R 0154 <len>.w {<accID>.l <charactorID>.l <���^>.w <���̐F>.w <���ʁH>.w <job>.w <lvl?>.w <��[�o���l>.l <online>.l <Position>.l ?.50B <nick>.24B}*
	guild member list?
S 0159 <guildID>.l <accID>.l <charID>.l <mess>.40B
�@�@	�M���h�E�ޑ��M
		send packet for leaving guild.
R 015A <nic>.24B <mess>.40B
�@�@	�M���h�E��(�S��)��M
		receive packet for leaving guild(all members).
S 015B <guildID>.l <accID>.l <charID>.l <mess>.40B
�@�@	�M���h�Ǖ����M
		send packet for kicking member out of the guild.
R 015C <nick>.24B <mess>.40B <�A�J�E���g�h�c>.24B
�@�@	�M���h�Ǖ��i�S���j��M
		receive packet for kicking member out of the guild.(all member)
R 0163 <len>.w <nick>.24B <accountID>.24B <kicking reason>.40B

S 0165 <myaccID>.l <guild name>.24B
�@�@	�M���h�쐬
		create guild
R 0166 <len>.w ?.28B*
	list for roll of members?
R 0167 <type>.b
	response to vreating guild.
	type = 0 �M���h�쐬����
	type = 2 �����̃M���h������
				there is a guild with the same name.
S 0168 <TargetAccID>.l <sourceAccID>.l <myCharactorID>.l
�@�@	�M���h���U
		invite to the guild.
R 0169 <type>.B
�@�@	�M���h���U���ۂ��ꂽ
		invitation denied.
R 016A <guild ID>.l <guild name>.24B
�@�@	�M���h���U���ꂽ
		invited to the guild.
S 016B <guild ID>.l <type>.l
�@�@	�M���h���U�ԐM
		response to invitaion for joining to guild.
�@�@	type=0 ���ۂ���
�@�@	type=1 ��������
R 016c <guild ID>.l ?.13B <guild name>.24B
	guild information when loged in.
R 016d <ID>.l <charactor ID>.l <online>.l
	information about guild member loged in or loged out etc.
R 016f <message>.180B
	guild message?
S 016E <guildID>.l <mess1>.60B <mess2>.120B
�@�@	�M���h���m�ݒ�
		set guild announcement.
R 016F <mess1>.60B <mess2>.120B
�@�@	�M���h���m
		guild announcement.
S 0170 <TargetAccID>.l <sourceAccID>.l <myCharactorID>.l
�@�@	�����v�����U
		invite the guild to be alliance.
R 0171 <SorceAccID>.l <guild name>.24B
�@�@	�����v�����U���ꂽ
		invited to be a alliance.
S 0172 <SorceAccID>.l <type>.l
�@�@	�����v���ԐM
		response for invitiation to be alliance.
�@�@	type=0 ���ۂ���
�@�@	type=1 ��������
R 0173 <type>.B
	type = 0 ���łɓ����֌W
				the guild is already alliance.
�@�@	type = 1 �������ۂ��ꂽ
				denied to be alliance.
�@�@	type = 2 ��������
				success to invite to be alliance.
R 0177 <len>.w <index>.w*
	list of items that need to be judge( i mean unkown items.)
S 0178 <index>.w
	judge item.
R 0179 <index>.w <fail>.B
	response to judging item. fail=00 is success. is there fail=01?
S 017A <index>.w
�@�@	�J�[�h�v�N���b�N
		card is double clicked.
R 017B <len>.w {<index>.w}*
�@�@	�J�[�h�}���ł���A�C�e��Index�ԍ�
		item index number for items that can be inserted card.
S 017C <SrcIndex>.w <DescIndex>.w
�@�@	Src ��Desc�ɓ˂�����
		insert Src to Desc.
R 017D <DescIndex>.w <SrcIndex>.w <fail>.b
�@�@	Src ��Desc�ɓ˂�����<fail> 0=���� 1=���s�H
		response to insert Src to Desc. fail=0 is success, fail=01 is fail?
S 017e <len>.w <message>.?B
	send speach for guild members.
R 017f <len>.w <message>.?B
	receive guild message.
R 0182 <accID>.l <charactorID>.l <hair type>.w <hair color>.w <sex?>.w <job>.w <lvl?>.w <experience?>.l <online>.l <Position>.l ?.50B <nick>.24B
R 0187 <account ID>.l
	alive signal?
R 0188 <fail?>.w <index>.w <val>.w
	weapon refiling. result+val to weapon
R 0189 ?.w
	unknown. fail to teleport?
S 018a ?.w
	game quited.
R 018b <fail>.w
	game quited/character select sever response. fail=0 is success, fail=1 is fail?
R 018C <MonsID>.w <class>.w <size>.w <HP>.w <?>.w <deffence>.w <kind of monster>.w <magic deffence>.w <attribute>.w <anti-attribute?>.9b
	response to sense skill by wizard.
	0 ���^
	1 ���^
	2 ��^
R 0191 <ID>.l <message>.80B
	message of talky box.
S 0193 <ID>.l
	name search for guild member?
R 0194 <ID>.l <nick>.24B
	response to name search for guild member?
R 0195 <ID>.l <nick>.24B <party name>.24B <guild name>.24B <class name>.24B
	response to packet number 0094 that if the player joined guild.
R 0196 <type>.w <ID>.l
	various message of skill that effect status. ID must be target, but only m ID and other's ID are sent?
	type=00	2HQ�t�^�u�U�����x���������܂����B�v
			2HQ casted. "attack speed insreased."
	type=01	2HQ�����u�U�����x���������܂����B�v
			2HQ ended. "attack speed decreased."
	type=02 IMPOSITIO�t�^�u����̍U���͂��������܂����B�v
			IMPOSITIO casted. "power of the weapon increased."
	type=03 IMPOSITIO�����u����̍U���͂��������܂����B�v
			IMPOSITIO ened. "power of the weapon decreased."
	type=04	�u�X�L���g�p�f�B���C���������܂����B�v
			"casting delay become short"
	type=05	�u�X�L���g�p�f�B���C�����ɖ߂�܂����B�v
			"casting delay return to defailt"
	type=06	�u����ɓő������t�^����܂����B�v
			"attribute of poison is given to the weapon"
	type=07 ASPERSIO�t�^�u����ɐ��������t�^����܂����B�v
			ASPERSIO casted. "attribute of holly is given to the weapon"
	type=08 ASPERSIO�����u����̑��������ɖ߂�܂����B�v
			ASPERSIO ended. "attribute of weapon return to default"
	type=09	�u�h��ɐ��������t�^����܂����B�v
			"armor got holly attribute"
	type=0a	�u�h��̑��������ɖ߂�܂����B�v
			"armor's attribute return to default"
	type=0b KYRIE�t�^�u�o���A��ԂɂȂ�܂����B�v
			KYRIE casted. "barrier"
	type=0c KYRIE�����u�o���A��Ԃ���������܂����B�v
			KYRIE ended. "barrier end"
	type=0d	�u�E�F�|���p�[�t�F�N�V�������[�h�ɂȂ�܂����B�v
			"became weapon ferfection mode"
	type=0e	�u�E�F�|���p�[�t�F�N�V�������[�h����������܂����B�v
			"end weapon perfection mode"
	type=0f	�u�I�[�o�[�g���X�g���[�h�ɂȂ�܂����B�v
			"became over trust mode"
	type=10	�u�I�[�o�[�g���X�g���[�h����������܂����B�v
			"end over trust mode"
	type=11	�u�}�L�V�}�C�Y�p���[���[�h�ɂȂ�܂����B�v
			"became maximize power mode"
	type=12	�u�}�L�V�}�C�Y�p���[���[�h����������܂����B�v
			"end maximize power mode"
S 0197 <type>.w
	type=0 /resetstate
	type=1 /resetskill
	no effect?
R 019b <ID>.l <type>.l
	display other's level up effect or weapon refiling?
	type=0 base lvup?
	type=1 job lvup?
	type=3 ���퐸�B
			weapon refiling
R 0199 <type>.w
�@�@	type=1 pvp���[�h�J�n?
				start pvp mode?
R 019a <ID>.l <rank>.l <num>.l
�@�@	pvp���� rank/num
		pvp rank rank/num
R 019b <ID>.l <type>.l
	type=0 base lvup?
	type=1 job lvup?
	type=2 ���퐸�B���s
	type=3 ���퐸�B����

R 019d <?>.4B

S 00CC <ID>.l
�@	GM�p�E�N���b�N���j���[�u�iname�j�g�p�ҋ����I���v�g�p
	use special right click menu for GM "(name) force to quit"

S 0149 <ID>.l <type>.B <time>.w
�@	GM�p�E�N���b�N���j���[�u�`���b�g�֎~���Ԃ�������i������j�v�g�p �� type=00
	use special right click menu for GM "decrease prohibited time to create chat room". type=00
�@	GM�p�E�N���b�N���j���[�u�`���b�g�֎~���Ԃ��グ��i�|����j�v�g�p �� type=01
	use special right click menu for GM "increase prohibited time to create chat room". type=01
		unit is minute (maybe

R 019e
S 019f <ID>.l
R 01a0 <fail>.B
S 01a1 <param>.1B
R 01a2 <pet name>.24B <name flag>.B <lv>.w <hungry>.w <friendly>.w <accessory>.w
	name flag:00=���O���ݒ� 01=���O�ݒ�ς�(�ύX�s��)
R 01a3 <fail>.B <itemID>.w
R 01a4 <type>.B <ID>.l <val>.l
	type=00,val=00 �y�b�g�z�����ɑ����Ă���B�y�b�g�F���p�H
	type=01 �e���x�ω�
	type=02 �����x�ω�
	type=03 �A�N�Z�T���ω�(0�Ŗ�����)
	type=04 �p�t�H�[�}���X �m�F���ꂽval=1~3
	type=05 �H�m�F���ꂽval=0x14
S 01a5 <pet name>.24B
R 01a6 <len>.w <index>.w*
S 01a7 <index>.w
S 01a9 <emotion>.l
R 01aa <ID>.l <emotion>.l
R 01ac <object id>.l
R 01ad <len>.l <item>.w
S 01ae <itemID>.w
S 01af <type>.w
	type=1	�m�[�}���J�[�g
R 01b0 <monster id>.l <?>.b <new monster code>.l
	<new monster code>�̓`�F���W��̃R�[�h(1001�`)��dword��
S 01b2 <len>.w <message>.80B <flag>.B {<index>.w <amount>.w <value>.l}.8B*
	flag �F 0=�L�����Z�� , 1=�I�[�v��
R 01b3 <filename>.64B <type>.B
	R 0145�̏�ʌ݊�
R 01B6 <guildID>.l <guildLv>.l <connum>.l <���>.l <Avl.lvl>.l <now_exp>.l <next_exp>.l <��[�|�C���g>.l <����F-V>.l <����R-W>.l <members>.l <guild name>.24B <guild master>.24B <agit?>.20B
R 01b9 <ID>.I

R 01c0
	Some request for some status. Signature of sakexes later than 628. Used to send friends list.
	Probably can be used to tell the player that his sakexe is not the latest version.

R 01c4 <index>.w <amount>.l <itemID>.w <item data>.12B
R 01c8 <index>.w <item ID>.w <ID>.l <amount left>.w <type>.B
	type=00�̏ꍇ�g�p���s? amount���S�~�̖͗l
R 01c9 <dst ID>.l <src ID>.l <X>.w <Y>.w <type>.B <fail>.B ?.81b
	type 0x7e:SW�A0x7f:�ΕǁA0x80 �|�^�J�����A0x81 �|�^�J�����O
	0x82 ���́A0x83 �T���N�A0x84 �}�O�k�X�A0x85 �j���[�}
	0x86 0x86 �喂�@(SG/MS/LoV/GX)�A0x87 �t�@�C���[�s���ҋ@
	0x88 �t�@�C���[�s�������A0x87�`0x8B �\�������A
	0x8c �g�[�L�[�{�b�N�X(������)�A0x8D �A�C�X�E�H�[��
	0x8E �N���O�}�C�A�A0x8f �u���X�g�}�C���A0x90 �X�L�b�h
	0x91 �A���N���A0x92 �x�m���_�X�g�A0x93 �����h�}�C��
	0x94 �V���b�N�E�F�[�u�g���b�v�A0x95 �T���h�}��
	0x96 �t���b�V���[�A0x97 �t���[�W���O�g���b�v
	0x98 �N���C���A�[�g���b�v�A0x99 �g�[�L�[�{�b�N�X
	0x9A �{���P�[�m�A0x9B �f�����[�W�A0x9C �o�C�I�����g�Q�C��
	0x9D �����h�v���e�N�^�[�A0x9E Zeny�}�[�N�A0x9F Zeny��
	0xA0 ���΂̗ցA0xA1 �s���N�̉��� (��A���L��
	0xA2 �^�񒆂ɓ_�̂�����̋ʁA0xA3 �s���N�̃X�v�����O
	0xA4 �[���̒��ɁA0xA5 ���‚��ցA0xA6 �s���a��
	0xA7 ���J�A0xA8 �[�z�̃A�T�V���N���X�A0xA9 �u���M�̎�
	0xAA �C�h�D���̗ь�A0xAB ��������ȃ_���X�A0xAC �n�~���O
	0xAD ����Y��Ȃ��Łc�A0xAE �T�[�r�X�t�H�[���[
	0xAF �s���N�̃X�v�����O�A0xB0 �\������
	0xB0 �O���t�B�e�B,
	0xB1 �f�����X�g���[�V�����A0xB2�`0xBF �\������
	0xB2 �s���N�̃��[�v�|�[�^����
	0xB3 �����ȏ\���˂��ӂ�ӂ�
	0xB4 �o�W���J�A0xB5 �G�t�F�N�g�Ȃ��H
	0xB6 �����~�����̓I�ɕ����яオ��
	0xB7 �N���̑��A0xB8�` �G�t�F�N�g�Ȃ��H

R 01cd (<sid>.l)x7
	<sid>x7 �ɂ� NB,CB,FB,LB,SS,FBL,FD �̏��ŃX�L���R�[�h��dword�œ���
	�܂��I���ł��Ȃ��X�L���̕����� <sid> = 0x00000000 ������
S 01ce <sid>.l
R 01cf <crusader id>.l <target id>.l <?>.18b
	���g��ԃ^�[�Q�b�gON/OFF�B���g���؂��� <target id> �� 0x00000000 �ɂȂ�

R 01d0 <ID>.l <num>.w 
	<num> : �C���̐�(��Lv)
R 01d1 <monk id>.l <target monster id>.l <bool>.l
	���H�����ON/OFF�B<bool> �͔��n��萬������ 0x00000001 �������� 0x00000000 ������
R 01d2 <id>.l <delay>.l
R 01d4 <ID>.l
S 01d5 <len>.w <ID>.l <input>.?B 00
R 01d7 <ID>.l <equip point>.b <item id1>.w <item id2>.w
	�����O���t�B�b�N <equip point> �� 02���09���̂݊m�F�Bid2�͍���
R 01d8 <ID>.l <speed>.w <opt1>.w <opt2>.w <option>.w <class>.w <hair>.w <item id1>.w <item id2>.w <head option bottom>.w <head option top>.w <head option mid>.w <hair color>.w ?.w <head dir>.w <guild>.l <emblem>.l <manner>.w <karma>.B <sex>.B <X_Y_dir>.3B ?.B ?.B <sit>.B <Lv>.B ?.B
R 01d9 <ID>.l <speed>.w <opt1>.w <opt2>.w <option>.w <class>.w <hair>.w <item id1>.w <item id2>.w.<head option bottom>.w <head option top>.w <head option mid>.w <hair color>.w ?.w <head dir>.w <guild>.l <emblem>.l <manner>.w <karma>.B <sex>.B <X_Y_dir>.3B ?.B ?.B <Lv>.B ?.B
R 01da <ID>.l <speed>.w <opt1>.w <opt2>.w <option>.w <class>.w <hair>.<item id1>.w <item id2>.w <head option bottom>.w <server tick>.l <head option top>.w <head option mid>.w <hair color>.w ?.w <head dir>.w <guild>.l <emblem>.l <manner>.w <karma>.B <sex>.B <X_Y_X_Y>.5B ?.B ?.B ?.B <Lv>.B ?.B
S 01db
R 01dc <len>.w <key>.?B
S 01dd <version>.l <account name>.24B <md5 binary>.16B <version2>.1B
		<md5 binary>�̏��𖄂߂�01dd�𑗂�B
R 01de <skill ID>.w <src ID>.l <dst ID>.l <server tick>.l <src speed>.l <dst speed>.l <param1>.l <param2>.w <param3>.w <type>.B
	type=04 �ΕǂŊϑ� type=06�Ƃقړ���?
	type=05 NB/FBl�̕��U�����_���[�W�p�H
	type=06 �P������? param1�̓_���[�W���v�Aparam2��level�Aparam3��1�Œ�Ɨ\�z
	type=07 �_���[�W�\�������H
	type=08 �A�ł���? param1�̓_���[�W���v�Aparam2��level�Aparam3�͕������Ɨ\�z
	type=09 �_���[�W���[�V�����Ȃ��Ƀ_���[�W�����\������镨(�C���f���A)�Ǝv�����̂����_���[�W���[�V�������o�镨�B(�@�\�͓�)
S 01df <ID>.|
R 01e1 <ID>.l <num>.w 
	<num> : �C���̐�(��Lv) ��x�\���������ǂ��num�����Ă����������B
R 01e6 <partner name>.24B
S 01e7
S 01e8 <party name>.24B <item1>B <item2>B
R 01ea <ID>.l
S 01ed
R 01ee <len>.w {<index>.w <item ID>.w <type>.B <identify flag>.B <amount>.w ?.2B <card>.4w}.18B*
R 01ef <len>.w {<index>.w <item ID>.w <type>.B <identify flag>.B <amount>.w ?.2B <card>.4w}.18B*
R 01f0 <len>.w {<index>.w <item ID>.w <type>.B <identify flag>.B <amount>.w ?.2B <card>.4w}.18B*
R 01f4 <name>.24B <trade id?>.L <LV>.w
R 01f5 <result>.B <trade id?>.L <LV>.w
S 0200 <login name>.24B

R 0201  ?.1B<Flag?>.1B (?.8B <Character Name>.24B)x20
	Flag seems to need to be 1 to function.
	8 unknown bytes and 24 bytes for name need to be repeated for each friend.

S 0202 <Character name>.24B
	Character name to add to friend list (for server-side friend list enabled clients)

R 0203 <Account ID>.3B <Unknown>.3B
	Account ID = zero terminated 3-word hex representation of account ID. Little endian.
	Unknown = observed dependency on online/offline status

S 0204 <?>.16B
S 020B <?>.17B

added packet lenth. 019e-01aa is a new, so here is a packet length table from 0190.

�@ 90, 86, 24,�@6, 30,102,�@8,�@4,�@ 8,�@4, 14, 10, -1,�@6,�@2,�@6,
�@�@3,�@3, 35,�@5, 11, 26, -1,�@4,�@ 4,�@6, 10