"How to use the mapcache builder" DracoRPG This is only useful if you have custom maps, as eAthena is provided with an updated mapcache containing every map from kRO Sakray's data. 1. First add the path to the directory / GRF containing your maps to db/grf_files.txt /!\ Please note you must also have the official maps as the whole mapcache will be rebuilt from scratch 2. Then add those custom maps at the end of db/map_list.txt, carefully chosing their index 3. Now just run the mapcache builder and it'll build a new one at db/map_cache.dat NOTE: You can override those default paths by providing your own ones as command-line arguments to the mapcache builder: $> mapcache [grf_files_path [map_list_path [map_cache_path]]]