Effect list - #'s I found while testing, lots of possible advanced class effects we missed (mixed old effect list of valaris and spira's new list...) 0-5. Attack Display 6. Being Warped 7. Being Healed 8. Yellow Ripple Effect 9. Different Type of Heal? 10. Mammomite 11. Endure 12. Yellow cast aura 13. Blue Box 14. Blue heal? Blue pot? 15. Soul Strike 16. Hide animation 17. Magnum Break 18. Steal 19. Invalid 20. Envenom/Poison 21. Slow Poison? (Envenom In Blue) 22. Sight 23. Stone Curse 24. FireBall 25. FireWall 26. Nothing? 27. Frost Driver Cast 28. Frost Driver Hitting 29. Lightning Bolt 30. ThunderStorm 31. Bubbles Appearing From The Character? 32. Explosion 33. Ruwach 34. Warp out aura (blue) 35. Casting Warp portal (blue) 36. Warp portal (blue) 37. Agi up 38. Agi down 39. Something being made 40. Cross thing (paladin skill?) 41. Angelus bell 42. Blessing angels 43. Dex + Agi up 44. Little fog smoke. 45. Faint little ball things. 46. Sand? 47. Torch 48. Circle of blue flat things 49. Firebolt/wall hits 50. Spinning fire thing 51. Icebolt hit 52. JT Hit 53. Puff of purpulish smoke? 54-59. Cast animations 60. Cast target circle 61. Warp portal (for maps) 62. Sight rasher 63. Fire sphere from some skill 64. Weird purple/red light 65. some sort of mob hit??? 66. potion effect? 67. Provoke 68. MVP 69. Skid trap sign 70. Blue purple aura thing 71. Spiral Yellow balls 72. Bigger Spiral Yellow balls 73. Blue/yellow ripple 74. Icewall sicle 75. Acolyte skill (3 singing girls) 76. Big angel that spreads wings (some aco skill) 77. Resurrection angel 78. Status recovery 79. Heaven drive spike? Earth spike? 80. Spear boomerange 81. Skill hit 82. Detect hidden 83. Another aco skill i don't know (angel comes out of green light) 84. Yet another stupid angel. 85. Lex Divinia 86. Holy water? 87. Lex aeterna 88. Another damn priest/aco skill 89. SG 90. LoV 91. Aco priest skill 92. Meteor Storm 93. JT ball 94. JT hit 95. Quagmire 96. Some sort of cool looking fire hit? 97. Firepillar hit 98. 99. Big blue light 100. Yellow ball fountain 101. Forge? 102. Hammerfall 103. Powerthrust? 104. Weapon perfection? 105. Nothing? 106. Fire explosion. 107. Fire explosion (from trap?) 108. blue smoke with noise 109. blue bubbles 110. yellow smoke (trap?) 111. some bs skill or something 117. Waterball 120. Sound effect 132. Single Grimtooth 138. Fire pillar 139. Fireworks 154. refine success 155. refine fail 156. Jobchange.str (crashes client) 157. Levelup.str (crashes client) 158. joblvup 159. Pvp circle 160. Woe circle? 161. Rain 162. Snow 163. Sakura leaves 164. nothing (npc/mob?) 165. Weird ball thing 166. turns sprite blue 167. Taming Success (crashes client) 168. Taming failed (crashes client) 169. blue light 170. explosion 171. venom dust 172. black aura 173. red aura 174. blue aura 175. yellow aura 176. purple aura 177. red aura 178. white aura 179. purple aura 180. darkness attack hit? 181. water attack hit? 182. wind attack hit 183. self destruction 184. nothing (npc/mob?) 185. nothing (npc/mob?) 186. yellow effect 187. yellow effect 188. yellow effect 189. yellow effect 190. yellow effect 191. target (piercing attack or something) 192. purple cloud hit 193. mute or something (npc skill) 194. stun attack? 195. stone curse 196. curse 197. sleep 198. nothing (npc/mob?) 199. some weird bubble 200-203. Parts of the level 99 Aura 204-211. Healing Items Effect 212. Damage Effect (9999) 213. Shield Appears (Guard?) 214. 3 Weird Things Appear Around You (They All Look The Same) 215. Hide/Unhide? 216. 2 Red Balls shoot out 217. 2 Blue Balls shoot out 218. Concentration Potion Effect 219. Other Speed Potion 220. Berserk Potion 221. White Alien Abduction Beam 222. Defender Skill Effect (Black Circle) 223. Invalid Effect 224. White Wisp Revolving around you 225. Volcano Effect 226. Grand Cross Effect 227-230. Blank 231. Yuno Effect (Takes Alittle While) 232. Blank 233. Fog 234. Unknown To Me 235. Unknown To Me 236. Deluge Effect 237. Wind Gale Effect 238. Land Protect Effect 239. Volcano Effect 2 240. Deluge Effect 2 241. Wind Gale Effect 2 242. Land Protect Effect 2 243. Invalid Effect 244. Unknown To Me. 245. Holy Cross Effect 246. Shield Charge Effect 247. Yuno Effect 2 (Larger) 248. Status Recovery? (Shows An Angel On Top Of Your Head) 249. Shield Boomerang 250. Spear Quicken 251. Devotion 252. Reflect Shield (Yellow Circle) 259. Green Abduction Beam 260. Orange Abduction Beam 261. red aura thing 262. yellow things that shoot out 263. Yellow ground effect. 264. nothing (npc/mob?) 265. laser beam ?! 266. bunch of white shit flies out 267. gun shot! 268. money bag 269. sword thing 270. shield thing 271. armor thing 272. cape thing? 273. Outter spinning white balls. 274. flying gold 275. spit 276. stuff that flies out somewhat like crits 277. white stuff that comes out around sprite 295. frost joke 296. scream 298. fire bottle throwing 300. Chemical Protection 301. Blank 302. Demonstration Fire Effect 303. Weird Effect you turn yellow and see six lines (3 sets of 2) going slanted 304. After being warped 305. Pharmacy Success 306. Pharmacy Failed 307. Sunlight through the roof effect in Geffenia 308. Blank 309. Unknown to me 310. Unknown to me 311. Shout/Yell/Loud (Merchant Skill) Effect 312-313. Heal Effect? 314. Another Part of Warp/ Yuno Effect? 315. Newer Safety Wall (Pink Portal) 316. Another Part of Warp (The Ripple Floor Part) 317. Full Warp Effect 322. daylight 323. daylight 324. daylight 328. asura strike word 329. tripple strike 333. Orange Leaves Falling 334. blind (can stack it) 335. poison (can stack it) 336. defender shield? 337. joblvup 338. supernovice angel 341. pink warp portal 342. pink aura 343. pink heart thing (cool) 344. teleport in 346. big blue ball 347. wedding effect 349. waterfall (horizonatal) 350. waterfall (vertical) 351. sm waterfall (horizonatal) 352. sm waterfall (vertical) 353. drk waterfall (horizonatal) 354. drk waterfall (vertical) 355. drk sm waterfall (horizonatal) 356. drk sm waterfall (vertical) 358. niflheim ghost 359. niflheim bat slow 360. niflheim bat fast 361. shoots purple wave out 362. nothing? 363. valentine's day heart (wings) 364. valentine's day heart 365. falling cross 368. make you red (berserk?) 369. 2h quicken? 371. lvup 372. death 373. smoke 375. white outline around sprite 376. makes red and shoots out stuff 377. shoots out yellow shit 380. shakes screen turns you all different colors 387. spins you around shakes screen flashes white 394. big red ball around you 403 = mind breaker 404 = spider web 405 = nothing 406 = explosion effect on the head 407 = effect that starts big and fades in to your characters head 408. Orange Bubble Grows Around 409. Weird Poision Like Effect 410. Rainbow 411. (Usable, Just add in folder effect file called peong1.tga).errors/detoxify like. 413. nothing? 417. flash 418. red critical explosion? 419. Pulsating grey aura 420. gradual shrink char (possible minimize effect?) 421. instant minimize 422. grow back, but not all the way (baby height) 423. mega size 424. makes sprite bright 425. 4 brownish replicas of sprite fly off? 426. shakes sprites (works on player sprites!) 427. nothing? (maybe for npc/mobs) 428. yellow sparks 429. blue sparks 430. blue sparks in different direction 431. another blue spark variant 432. can't find effect\elec1.tga 433. nothing? (npc/mob?) 434. white sparks 435. can't find effect\storm2.tga (sometimes works and shows little tornado thing! 436. white shield (for one of the defense skills?) 437. blue aura (kinda like a comet!) 438. another defense aura? blue ripples. blue pulsating shield 439. can't fine effect\line3.tga 440. high priest skill angel? Angelus type effect but with a cross 441. another cast aura 442. nothing? (npc/mob?) 443. nothing? (npc/mob?) 444. white lines that fire out 445. your sprite flies up and disappears sometime sprite errors 446. your sprite falls down 447. nothing? (npc/mob?) 448. nothing? (npc/mob?) 449. turns you bright blue real quick 450. darkcross effect (black grand cross) 451. red soul strike?! (high wiz skill?) 452. A jupital thunder type of effect, electricity pulsates around your char 453. Smoke (electricity type) surrounds char, can move and effect is still their. 454. black cast aura 455. red electric that covers body 456. looks like wind rushes up (reminds me of agi up but slower, bigger, and grey) 457. forces attack animation. makes a dash like stance 458. causes sprite to jiggle. char pulsates and distorts (like 426) 459. effect\storm2.tga error, causes player sprite to spin around and you see a faint tornado aura 460. same as 459. 461. faint tornado aura 462. same as 459. 463. same as 459. 464. same as 459. 465. same as 459. 466. nothing (npc/mob?) 467. sprite error (effect\hanmoon1.tga?) 468. sprite error (effect\hanmoon2.tga?) 469. sprite error (effect\hanmoon3.tga?) 470. sprite error (effect\hanmoon4.tga?) 471. sprite error (effect\hanmoon5.tga?) 472. sprite error (effect\hanmoon6.tga?) 473. sprite error (effect\hanmoon7.tga?) 474. nothing (npc/mob?) 475-484 slow fade to blind, each one continues to make it smaller and smaller 485. white critical explosion thing 486. blue critical explosion thing 487. black portal ground effect 488. orange spikey aura that stretches up to fire type points 489. yellow/gold of 488 489. blue version 491. a small expoision above the head 492. creates 1 small venom poison type of point on the ground 493+ invalid effects