//================= Hercules Database =====================================
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//================= License ===============================================
//= This file is part of Hercules.
//= http://herc.ws - http://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules
//= Copyright (C) 2018  Hercules Dev Team
//= Hercules is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
//= it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
//= the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
//= (at your option) any later version.
//= This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
//= but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
//= GNU General Public License for more details.
//= You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
//= along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
//= Achievement Database

achievement_db: (
 *                   Entry Structure
	Id: (int)                           Unique ID of the achievement representing it's client-side equivalent.
	Name: (string)                      Name/Title of the Achievement.
	Type: (string)                      Validation type for the achievement.
	                                     [Type]                             [Validation Description] (Trigger)
	                                    ACH_QUEST:                          Specific achievement objective update (Script).
	                                    ACH_KILL_PC_TOTAL:                  (Accumulative) Total kill count. (Player kill)
	                                    ACH_KILL_PC_JOB:                    Kill a player of the specified job. (Player Kill)
	                                    ACH_KILL_PC_JOBTYPE:                Kill a player of the specified job type. (Player Kill)
	                                    ACH_KILL_MOB_CLASS:                 Kill a particular mob class. (Mob Kill)
	                                    ACH_DAMAGE_PC_MAX:                  Maximum damage caused on a player. (Player Damage)
	                                    ACH_DAMAGE_PC_TOTAL:                (Accumulative) Damage on players. (Player Damage)
	                                    ACH_DAMAGE_PC_REC_MAX:              Maximum damage received by a player. (Receive Player Damage)
	                                    ACH_DAMAGE_PC_REC_TOTAL:            (Accumulative) Damage received by players. (Receive Player Damage)
	                                    ACH_DAMAGE_MOB_MAX:                 Maximum damage caused on a monster. (Monster Damage)
	                                    ACH_DAMAGE_MOB_TOTAL:               (Accumulative) Damage caused on monsters. (Monster Damage)
	                                    ACH_DAMAGE_MOB_REC_MAX:             Maximum damage received by a monster. (Receive Monster Damage)
	                                    ACH_DAMAGE_MOB_REC_TOTAL:           (Accumulative) Damage received by monsters. (Receive Monster Damage)
	                                    ACH_JOB_CHANGE:                     Change to a specific job. (Job Change)
	                                    ACH_STATUS:                         Acquire a specific amount of a particular status type. (Stat Change)
	                                    ACH_STATUS_BY_JOB:                  Acquire a specific amount of a status type as a job class. (Stat Change)
	                                    ACH_STATUS_BY_JOBTYPE:              Acquire a specific amount of a status type as a job type. (Stat Change)
	                                    ACH_CHATROOM_CREATE_DEAD:           (Accumulative) Create a chatroom when dead. (Chatroom Creation)
	                                    ACH_CHATROOM_CREATE:                (Accumulative) Create a chatroom. (Chatroom Creation)
	                                    ACH_CHATROOM_MEMBERS:               Gather 'n' members in a chatroom. (Chatroom Join)
	                                    ACH_FRIEND_ADD:                     Add a specific number of friends. (Friend Addition)
	                                    ACH_PARTY_CREATE:                   (Accumulative) Create a specific number of parties. (Party Creation)
	                                    ACH_PARTY_JOIN:                     (Accumulative) Join a specific number of parties. (Party Join)
	                                    ACH_MARRY:                          (Accumulative) Marry a specified number of times. (Marriage)
	                                    ACH_ADOPT_BABY:                     (Accumulative) Get Adopted. (Adoption) 
	                                    ACH_ADOPT_PARENT:                   (Accumulative) Adopt a Baby. (Adoption)
	                                    ACH_ZENY_HOLD:                      Hold a specific amount of zeny in your inventory. (Gain Zeny)
	                                    ACH_ZENY_GET_ONCE:                  Gain a specific amount of zeny in one transaction. (Gain Zeny)
	                                    ACH_ZENY_GET_TOTAL:                 (Accumulative) Gain a specific amount of zeny in total. (Gain Zeny)
	                                    ACH_ZENY_SPEND_ONCE:                Spend a specific amount of zeny in one transaction. (Pay Zeny)
	                                    ACH_ZENY_SPEND_TOTAL:               (Accumulative) Spend a specific amount of zeny in total. (Pay Zeny)
	                                    ACH_EQUIP_REFINE_SUCCESS:           Refine an item to +N. (Successful Refine)
	                                    ACH_EQUIP_REFINE_FAILURE:           Fail to refine an item of +N refine. (Failed Refine)
	                                    ACH_EQUIP_REFINE_SUCCESS_TOTAL:     (Accumulative) Refine an item successfully N times. (Success Refine)
	                                    ACH_EQUIP_REFINE_FAILURE_TOTAL:     (Accumulative) Fail to refine an item N times. (Failed Refine)
	                                    ACH_EQUIP_REFINE_SUCCESS_WLV:       Refine a Weapon of a particular Level to +N. (Success Refine)
	                                    ACH_EQUIP_REFINE_FAILURE_WLV:       Fail to refine a Weapon of a particular level from +N. (Failed Refine)
	                                    ACH_EQUIP_REFINE_SUCCESS_ID:        Refine a particular Item successfully to +N. (Success Refine)
	                                    ACH_EQUIP_REFINE_FAILURE_ID:        Fail to refine a particular item successfully from +N. (Failed Refine)
	                                    ACH_ITEM_GET_COUNT:                 Acquire N amount of an item of a particular ID. (Acquire Item)
	                                    ACH_ITEM_GET_COUNT_ITEMTYPE:        Acquire N amount of items of a particular type mask. (Acquire Item)
	                                    ACH_ITEM_GET_WORTH:                 Acquire an item of buy value N. (Acquire Item)
	                                    ACH_ITEM_SELL_WORTH:                Sell an item of sell value N. (NPC Sell Item)
	                                    ACH_PET_CREATE:                     Successfully tame a pet of a particular mob class. (Successful Pet Tame)
	                                    ACH_ACHIEVE:                        Achieve an Achievement. (Achievement Completion)
	                                    ACH_ACHIEVEMENT_RANK:               Achieve an Achievement Rank. (Achievement Rank Increase)
	Objectives: {                       [Mandatory Field] Objectives of an achievement. Up to 10 objectives per achievement.
	                                    To comply with the client's order of objectives, this list must be in order.
	    *1: {
	        Description: (string)       [Mandatory Field] Description of a particular objective.
	        Criteria: {                 This is a field for achievements whose objectives must meet
	                                    certain criteria before evaluating the player's progress for it.
	            MobId: (mixed)          MonsterId required for an objective.
	                                    For types such as ACH_KILL_MOB_CLASS and ACH_PET_CREATE. Can be either int or string constant.
	            JobId: (mixed)          Array or Single entry of JobIds.
	                                    For types - ACH_KILL_PC_JOBTYPE, ACH_JOB_CHANGE or ACH_STATUS_BY_JOBTYPE.
	                                    Can be either a numeric or string constant.
	            ItemId: (mixed)         ItemId required for an objective.
	                                    For Types such as ACH_ITEM_GET_COUNT. Can be either int or string constant.
	            StatusType: (mixed)     Status Type required for an objective.
	                                    For Types such as ACH_STATUS, ACH_STATUS_BY_JOB, ACH_STATUS_BY_JOBTYPE.
	                                    Types -
	                                    "SP_STR"        - Strength
	                                    "SP_AGI"        - Agility
	                                    "SP_VIT"        - Vitality
	                                    "SP_INT"        - Intelligence
	                                    "SP_DEX"        - Dexterity
	                                    "SP_LUK"        - Luck
	                                    "SP_BASELEVEL"  - Base Level
	                                    "SP_JOBLEVEL"   - Job Level
	                                    Can be either int or string constant.
	            ItemType: (mixed)       Item type that is required for this achievement.
	                                    For Types such as ACH_ITEM_GET_COUNT_ITEMTYPE.
	                                    Can be either int, string or list.
	                                    Refer "Item types" Constants from constants.conf
	            WeaponLevel: (int)      Weapon Level that is required for this achievement. (Eg. 0, 1, 2, 3 or 4).
	                                    For Types such as ACH_EQUIP_REFINE_SUCCESS_WLV and ACH_EQUIP_REFINE_FAILURE_WLV.
	            Achieve: (int)          AchievementID to be achieved.
	                                    For Type - ACH_ACHIEVE.
	        Goal: (int)                 Target amount to be met for the completion of the objective. Default is 1.
	    *10: {...}
	Rewards: {
	    Bonus: <""> (script)            Script code bonus to be given as a reward for an achievement.
	    Items: {                        Item rewards per achievement. With a maximum defined in mmo.h as MAX_ACHEIVEMENT_ITEM_REWARDS.
	        Apple: 1 (int)              Item ID (int or string constant) : Amount (int)
	    TitleId: (int)                  ID of the Title (from the Title System) awarded.
	Points: (int)                       Points per achievement given on it's successful completion.
	Id: 110000
	Name: "At this time I live to eat"
	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Bring the food to Bigfoot at this hour"
	Points: 10
	Id: 110001
	Name: "A fan of this polarity"
	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Lady of the house"
		*2: {
			Description: "Beautiful fine anak"
		*3: {
			Description: "Mistress in ambience"
		*4: {
			Description: "Beautiful wife and children"
		*5: {
			Description: "Down town Bachelor"
		*6: {
			Description: "Great act ability anak"
		*7: {
			Description: "Great attack power bachelor"
	Points: 10
	Id: 120001
	Name: "North Prontera Field Exploration(1)"
	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding north prontera field"
	Rewards: {
		Items: {
			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
	Points: 10
	Id: 120002
	Name: "North Prontera Field Exploration(2)"
	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding north prontera field"
	Rewards: {
		Items: {
			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
	Points: 10
	Id: 120003
	Name: "North Prontera Field Exploration(3)"
	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding north prontera field"
	Rewards: {
		Items: {
			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
	Points: 10
	Id: 120004
	Name: "West Prontera Field Exploration(1)"
	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding west prontera field"
	Rewards: {
		Items: {
			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
	Points: 10
	Id: 120005
	Name: "West Prontera Field Exploration(2)"
	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding west prontera field"
	Rewards: {
		Items: {
			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
	Points: 10
	Id: 120006
	Name: "East Prontera Field Exploration"
	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding east prontera field"
	Rewards: {
		Items: {
			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
	Points: 10
	Id: 120007
	Name: "South Prontera Field Exploration(1)"
	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding south prontera field"
	Rewards: {
		Items: {
			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
	Points: 10
	Id: 120008
	Name: "South Prontera Field Exploration(2)"
	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding south prontera field"
	Rewards: {
		Items: {
			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
	Points: 10
	Id: 120009
	Name: "South Prontera Field Exploration(3)"
	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding south prontera field"
	Rewards: {
		Items: {
			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
	Points: 10
	Id: 120010
	Name: "South Prontera Field Exploration(4)"
	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding south prontera field"
	Rewards: {
		Items: {
			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
	Points: 10
	Id: 120011
	Name: "East Geffen Field Exploration"
	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding east geffen field"
	Rewards: {
		Items: {
			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
	Points: 10
	Id: 120012
	Name: "Southeast Geffen Field Exploration"
	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding southeast geffen field"
	Rewards: {
		Items: {
			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
	Points: 10
	Id: 120013
	Name: "Northwest Geffen Field Exploration(1)"
	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding northwest geffen field"
	Rewards: {
		Items: {
			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
	Points: 10
	Id: 120014
	Name: "Northwest Geffen Field Exploration(2)"
	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding northwest geffen field"
	Rewards: {
		Items: {
			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
	Points: 10
	Id: 120015
	Name: "Northwest Geffen Field Exploration(3)"
	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding northwest geffen field"
	Rewards: {
		Items: {
			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
	Points: 10
	Id: 120016
	Name: "South Geffen Field Exploration(1)"
	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding south geffen field"
	Rewards: {
		Items: {
			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
	Points: 10
	Id: 120017
	Name: "South Geffen Field Exploration(2)"
	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding south geffen field"
	Rewards: {
		Items: {
			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
	Points: 10
	Id: 120018
	Name: "Sograt Desert Field Exploration(1)"
	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding sograt desert field"
	Rewards: {
		Items: {
			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
	Points: 10
	Id: 120019
	Name: "Sograt Desert Field Exploration(2)"
	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding sograt desert field"
	Rewards: {
		Items: {
			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
	Points: 10
	Id: 120020
	Name: "Sograt Desert Field Exploration(3)"
	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding sograt desert field"
	Rewards: {
		Items: {
			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
	Points: 10
	Id: 120021
	Name: "Sograt Desert Field Exploration(4)"
	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding sograt desert field"
	Rewards: {
		Items: {
			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
	Points: 10
	Id: 120022
	Name: "Sograt Desert Field Exploration(5)"
	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding sograt desert field"
	Rewards: {
		Items: {
			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
	Points: 10
	Id: 120023
	Name: "Sograt Desert Field Exploration(6)"
	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding sograt desert field"
	Rewards: {
		Items: {
			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
	Points: 10
	Id: 120024
	Name: "Southwest Payon Field Exploration(1)"
	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding southwest payon field"
	Rewards: {
		Items: {
			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
	Points: 10
	Id: 120025
	Name: "Southwest Payon Field Exploration(2)"
	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding southwest payon field"
	Rewards: {
		Items: {
			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
	Points: 10
	Id: 120026
	Name: "Southwest Payon Field Exploration(3)"
	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding southwest payon field"
	Rewards: {
		Items: {
			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
	Points: 10
	Id: 120027
	Name: "Southwest Payon Field Exploration(4)"
	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding southwest payon field"
	Rewards: {
		Items: {
			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
	Points: 10
	Id: 120028
	Name: "East Payon Field Exploration(1)"
	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding east payon field"
	Rewards: {
		Items: {
			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
	Points: 10
	Id: 120029
	Name: "East Payon Field Exploration(2)"
	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding east payon field"
	Rewards: {
		Items: {
			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
	Points: 10
	Id: 120030
	Name: "East Payon Field Exploration(3)"
	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding east payon field"
	Rewards: {
		Items: {
			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
	Points: 10
	Id: 120031
	Name: "East Payon Field Exploration(4)"
	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding east payon field"
	Rewards: {
		Items: {
			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
	Points: 10
	Id: 120032
	Name: "North Mjolnir Field Exploration(1)"
	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding north mjolnir field"
	Rewards: {
		Items: {
			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
	Points: 10
	Id: 120033
	Name: "North Mjolnir Field Exploration(2)"
	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding north mjolnir field"
	Rewards: {
		Items: {
			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
	Points: 10
	Id: 120034
	Name: "North Mjolnir Field Exploration(3)"
	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding north mjolnir field"
	Rewards: {
		Items: {
			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
	Points: 10
	Id: 120035
	Name: "North Mjolnir Field Exploration(4)"
	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding north mjolnir field"
	Rewards: {
		Items: {
			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
	Points: 10
	Id: 120036
	Name: "North Mjolnir Field Exploration(5)"
	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding north mjolnir field"
	Rewards: {
		Items: {
			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
	Points: 10
	Id: 120037
	Name: "South Mjolnir Field Exploration(1)"
	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding south mjolnir field"
	Rewards: {
		Items: {
			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
	Points: 10
	Id: 120038
	Name: "South Mjolnir Field Exploration(2)"
	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding south mjolnir field"
	Rewards: {
		Items: {
			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
	Points: 10
	Id: 120039
	Name: "South Mjolnir Field Exploration(3)"
	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding south mjolnir field"
	Rewards: {
		Items: {
			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
	Points: 10
	Id: 120040
	Name: "South Mjolnir Field Exploration(4)"
	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding south mjolnir field"
	Rewards: {
		Items: {
			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
	Points: 10
	Id: 120041
	Name: "South Mjolnir Field Exploration(5)"
	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding south mjolnir field"
	Rewards: {
		Items: {
			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
	Points: 10
	Id: 120042
	Name: "South Mjolnir Field Exploration(6)"
	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding south mjolnir field"
	Rewards: {
		Items: {
			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
	Points: 10
	Id: 120043
	Name: "South Aldebaran Field Exploration"
	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding south aldebaran field"
	Rewards: {
		Items: {
			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
	Points: 10
	Id: 120044
	Name: "Comodo Field Exploration(1)"
	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding comodo field"
	Rewards: {
		Items: {
			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
	Points: 10
	Id: 120045
	Name: "Comodo Field Exploration(2)"
	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding comodo field"
	Rewards: {
		Items: {
			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
	Points: 10
	Id: 120046
	Name: "Comodo Field Exploration(3)"
	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding comodo field"
	Rewards: {
		Items: {
			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
	Points: 10
	Id: 120047
	Name: "Comodo Field Exploration(4)"
	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding comodo field"
	Rewards: {
		Items: {
			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
	Points: 10
	Id: 120048
	Name: "Comodo Field Exploration(5)"
	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding comodo field"
	Rewards: {
		Items: {
			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
	Points: 10
	Id: 120049
	Name: "Comodo Field Exploration(6)"
	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding comodo field"
	Rewards: {
		Items: {
			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
	Points: 10
	Id: 120050
	Name: "Comodo Field Exploration(7)"
	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding comodo field"
	Rewards: {
		Items: {
			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
	Points: 10
	Id: 120051
	Name: "Comodo Field Exploration(8)"
	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding comodo field"
	Rewards: {
		Items: {
			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
	Points: 10
	Id: 120052
	Name: "Border Checkpoint Field Exploration(1)"
	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding border checkpoint field"
	Rewards: {
		Items: {
			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
	Points: 10
	Id: 120053
	Name: "Border Checkpoint Field Exploration(2)"
	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding border checkpoint field"
	Rewards: {
		Items: {
			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
	Points: 10
	Id: 120054
	Name: "Kiel Hyre Mansion Field Exploration"
	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding kiel hyre mansion field"
	Rewards: {
		Items: {
			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
	Points: 10
	Id: 120055
	Name: "El Mes Plateau Field Exploration(1)"
	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding el mes plateau field"
	Rewards: {
		Items: {
			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
	Points: 10
	Id: 120056
	Name: "El Mes Plateau Field Exploration(2)"
	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding el mes plateau field"
	Rewards: {
		Items: {
			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
	Points: 10
	Id: 120057
	Name: "El Mes Plateau Field Exploration(3)"
	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding el mes plateau field"
	Rewards: {
		Items: {
			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
	Points: 10
	Id: 120058
	Name: "El Mes Gorge Field Exploration"
	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding el mes gorge field"
	Rewards: {
		Items: {
			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
	Points: 10
	Id: 120059
	Name: "Kiel Hyre Academy Field Exploration"
	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding kiel hyre academy field"
	Rewards: {
		Items: {
			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
	Points: 10
	Id: 120060
	Name: "Guard Camp Field Exploration"
	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding guard camp field"
	Rewards: {
		Items: {
			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
	Points: 10
	Id: 120061
	Name: "Yuno Field Exploration"
	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding yuno field"
	Rewards: {
		Items: {
			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
	Points: 10
	Id: 120062
	Name: "Front of Thanatos Tower Field Exploration"
	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding front of thanatos tower field"
	Rewards: {
		Items: {
			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
	Points: 10
	Id: 120063
	Name: "Hugel Field Exploration(1)"
	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding hugel field"
	Rewards: {
		Items: {
			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
	Points: 10
	Id: 120064
	Name: "Hugel Field Exploration(2)"
	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding hugel field"
	Rewards: {
		Items: {
			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
	Points: 10
	Id: 120065
	Name: "Hugel Field Exploration(3)"
	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding hugel field"
	Rewards: {
		Items: {
			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
	Points: 10
	Id: 120066
	Name: "Abyss Lake Field Exploration(1)"
	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding abyss lake field"
	Rewards: {
		Items: {
			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
	Points: 10
	Id: 120067
	Name: "Einbroch Field Exploration(1)"
	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding Einbroch field"
	Rewards: {
		Items: {
			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
	Points: 10
	Id: 120068
	Name: "Einbroch Field Exploration(2)"
	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding Einbroch field"
	Rewards: {
		Items: {
			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
	Points: 10
	Id: 120069
	Name: "Einbroch Field Exploration(3)"
	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding Einbroch field"
	Rewards: {
		Items: {
			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
	Points: 10
	Id: 120070
	Name: "Einbroch Field Exploration(4)"
	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding Einbroch field"
	Rewards: {
		Items: {
			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
	Points: 10
	Id: 120071
	Name: "Einbroch Field Exploration(5)"
	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding Einbroch field"
	Rewards: {
		Items: {
			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
	Points: 10
	Id: 120072
	Name: "Einbroch Field Exploration(6)"
	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding Einbroch field"
	Rewards: {
		Items: {
			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
	Points: 10
	Id: 120073
	Name: "Einbroch Field Exploration(7)"
	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding Einbroch field"
	Rewards: {
		Items: {
			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
	Points: 10
	Id: 120074
	Name: "Einbroch Field Exploration(8)"
	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding Einbroch field"
	Rewards: {
		Items: {
			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
	Points: 10
	Id: 120075
	Name: "Lighthalzen Field Exploration(1)"
	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding lighthalzen field"
	Rewards: {
		Items: {
			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
	Points: 10
	Id: 120076
	Name: "Lighthalzen Field Exploration(2)"
	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding lighthalzen field"
	Rewards: {
		Items: {
			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
	Points: 10
	Id: 120077
	Name: "Lighthalzen Field Exploration(3)"
	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding lighthalzen field"
	Rewards: {
		Items: {
			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
	Points: 10
	Id: 120078
	Name: "Rachel Audhumbla Plains Field Exploration(1)"
	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding rachel audhumbla plains field"
	Rewards: {
		Items: {
			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
	Points: 10
	Id: 120079
	Name: "Rachel Plains Field Exploration(1)"
	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding rachel plains field"
	Rewards: {
		Items: {
			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
	Points: 10
	Id: 120080
	Name: "Rachel Plains Field Exploration(2)"
	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding rachel plains field"
	Rewards: {
		Items: {
			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
	Points: 10
	Id: 120081
	Name: "Rachel Plains Field Exploration(3)"
	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding rachel plains field"
	Rewards: {
		Items: {
			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
	Points: 10
	Id: 120082
	Name: "Rachel Audhumbla Grassland Field Exploration(1)"
	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding rachel audhumbla grassland field"
	Rewards: {
		Items: {
			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
	Points: 10
	Id: 120083
	Name: "Rachel Audhumbla Grassland Field Exploration(2)"
	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding rachel audhumbla grassland field"
	Rewards: {
		Items: {
			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
	Points: 10
	Id: 120084
	Name: "Portus Luna Field Exploration"
	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding portus luna field"
	Rewards: {
		Items: {
			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
	Points: 10
	Id: 120085
	Name: "Veins Field Exploration(1)"
	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding veins field"
	Rewards: {
		Items: {
			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
	Points: 10
	Id: 120086
	Name: "Veins Field Exploration(2)"
	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding veins field"
	Rewards: {
		Items: {
			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
	Points: 10
	Id: 120087
	Name: "Veins Field Exploration(3)"
	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding veins field"
	Rewards: {
		Items: {
			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
	Points: 10
	Id: 120088
	Name: "Veins Field Exploration(4)"
	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding veins field"
	Rewards: {
		Items: {
			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
	Points: 10
	Id: 120089
	Name: "Veins Field Exploration(5)"
	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding veins field"
	Rewards: {
		Items: {
			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
	Points: 10
	Id: 120090
	Name: "Eclage Field Exploration"
	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding eclage field"
	Rewards: {
		Items: {
			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
	Points: 10
	Id: 120091
	Name: "North Bitfrost Field Exploration(1)"
	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding north bitfrost field"
	Rewards: {
		Items: {
			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
	Points: 10
	Id: 120092
	Name: "South Bitfrost Field Exploration(1)"
	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding south bitfrost field"
	Rewards: {
		Items: {
			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
	Points: 10
	Id: 120093
	Name: "Splendide Field Exploration(1)"
	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding splendide field"
	Rewards: {
		Items: {
			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
	Points: 10
	Id: 120094
	Name: "Splendide Field Exploration(2)"
	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding splendide field"
	Rewards: {
		Items: {
			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
	Points: 10
	Id: 120095
	Name: "Splendide Field Exploration(3)"
	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding splendide field"
	Rewards: {
		Items: {
			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
	Points: 10
	Id: 120096
	Name: "Manuk Field Exploration(1)"
	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding manuk field"
	Rewards: {
		Items: {
			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
	Points: 10
	Id: 120097
	Name: "Manuk Field Exploration(2)"
	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding manuk field"
	Rewards: {
		Items: {
			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
	Points: 10
	Id: 120098
	Name: "Manuk Field Exploration(3)"
	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding manuk field"
	Rewards: {
		Items: {
			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
	Points: 10
	Id: 120099
	Name: "Outskirts of Kamidal Field Exploration(1)"
	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding outskirts of kamidal field"
	Rewards: {
		Items: {
			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
	Points: 10
	Id: 120100
	Name: "Outskirts of Kamidal Field Exploration(2)"
	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding outskirts of kamidal field"
	Rewards: {
		Items: {
			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
	Points: 10
	Id: 120101
	Name: "Amatsu Field Exploration"
	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding amatsu field"
	Rewards: {
		Items: {
			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
	Points: 10
	Id: 120102
	Name: "Kunlun Field Exploration"
	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding kunlun field"
	Rewards: {
		Items: {
			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
	Points: 10
	Id: 120103
	Name: "Gonryun Field Exploration"
	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding gonryun field"
	Rewards: {
		Items: {
			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
	Points: 10
	Id: 120104
	Name: "Ayothaya Field Exploration"
	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding ayothaya field"
	Rewards: {
		Items: {
			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
	Points: 10
	Id: 120105
	Name: "Moscovia Field Exploration"
	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding moscovia field"
	Rewards: {
		Items: {
			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
	Points: 10
	Id: 120106
	Name: "Brasilis Field Exploration"
	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding brasilis field"
	Rewards: {
		Items: {
			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
	Points: 10
	Id: 120107
	Name: "Dewata Field Exploration"
	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding dewata field"
	Rewards: {
		Items: {
			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
	Points: 10
	Id: 120108
	Name: "Malaya Field Exploration(1)"
	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding malaya field"
	Rewards: {
		Items: {
			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
	Points: 10
	Id: 120109
	Name: "Malaya Field Exploration(2)"
	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding malaya field"
	Rewards: {
		Items: {
			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
	Points: 10
	Id: 120110
	Name: "Abbey Underground Dungeon Exploration"
	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding abbey underground dungeon"
	Rewards: {
		Items: {
			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
	Points: 20
	Id: 120111
	Name: "Abyss Lake Dungeon Exploration"
	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding abyss lake dungeon"
	Rewards: {
		Items: {
			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
	Points: 20
	Id: 120112
	Name: "Clock Tower Dungeon Exploration"
	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding clock tower dungeon"
	Rewards: {
		Items: {
			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
	Points: 20
	Id: 120113
	Name: "Amatsu Dungeon Exploration"
	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding amatsu dungeon"
	Rewards: {
		Items: {
			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
	Points: 20
	Id: 120114
	Name: "Ant Hell Dungeon Exploration"
	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding ant hell dungeon"
	Rewards: {
		Items: {
			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
	Points: 20
	Id: 120115
	Name: "Ayothaya Dungeon Exploration"
	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding ayothaya dungeon"
	Rewards: {
		Items: {
			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
	Points: 20
	Id: 120116
	Name: "Comodo Dungeon Exploration"
	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding comodo dungeon"
	Rewards: {
		Items: {
			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
	Points: 20
	Id: 120117
	Name: "Brasilis Dungeon Exploration"
	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding brasilis dungeon"
	Rewards: {
		Items: {
			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
	Points: 20
	Id: 120118
	Name: "Clock Tower Dungeon Exploration"
	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding clock tower dungeon"
	Rewards: {
		Items: {
			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
	Points: 20
	Id: 120119
	Name: "Istana Dungeon Exploration"
	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding istana dungeon"
	Rewards: {
		Items: {
			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
	Points: 20
	Id: 120120
	Name: "Scaraba Hole Dungeon Exploration"
	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding scaraba hole dungeon"
	Rewards: {
		Items: {
			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
	Points: 20
	Id: 120121
	Name: "Bitfrost Dungeon Exploration"
	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding bitfrost dungeon"
	Rewards: {
		Items: {
			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
	Points: 20
	Id: 120122
	Name: "Einbroch Dungeon Exploration"
	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding einbroch dungeon"
	Rewards: {
		Items: {
			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
	Points: 20
	Id: 120123
	Name: "Geffen Underground Dungeon Exploration"
	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding geffen underground dungeon"
	Rewards: {
		Items: {
			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
	Points: 20
	Id: 120124
	Name: "Glastheim Dungeon Exploration(1)"
	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding glastheim dungeon"
	Rewards: {
		Items: {
			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
	Points: 20
	Id: 120125
	Name: "Glastheim Dungeon Exploration(2)"
	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding glastheim dungeon"
	Rewards: {
		Items: {
			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
	Points: 20
	Id: 120126
	Name: "Glastheim Dungeon Exploration(3)"
	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding glastheim dungeon"
	Rewards: {
		Items: {
			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
	Points: 20
	Id: 120127
	Name: "Glastheim Dungeon Exploration(4)"
	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding glastheim dungeon"
	Rewards: {
		Items: {
			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
	Points: 20
	Id: 120128
	Name: "Kunlun Dungeon Exploration"
	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding Kunlun dungeon"
	Rewards: {
		Items: {
			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
	Points: 20
	Id: 120129
	Name: "Rachel Dungeon Exploration"
	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding rachel dungeon"
	Rewards: {
		Items: {
			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
	Points: 20
	Id: 120130
	Name: "Sphinx Dungeon Exploration"
	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding sphinx dungeon"
	Rewards: {
		Items: {
			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
	Points: 20
	Id: 120131
	Name: "Izlude Dungeon Exploration"
	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding izlude dungeon"
	Rewards: {
		Items: {
			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
	Points: 20
	Id: 120132
	Name: "Robot Factory Dungeon Exploration"
	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding robot factory dungeon"
	Rewards: {
		Items: {
			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
	Points: 20
	Id: 120133
	Name: "Bio Lab Dungeon Exploration"
	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding bio lab dungeon"
	Rewards: {
		Items: {
			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
	Points: 20
	Id: 120134
	Name: "Gonryun Dungeon Exploration"
	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding gonryun dungeon"
	Rewards: {
		Items: {
			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
	Points: 20
	Id: 120135
	Name: "Nogg Road Dungeon Exploration"
	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding nogg road dungeon"
	Rewards: {
		Items: {
			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
	Points: 20
	Id: 120136
	Name: "Coal Mine Dungeon Exploration"
	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding Coal mine dungeon"
	Rewards: {
		Items: {
			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
	Points: 20
	Id: 120137
	Name: "Pyramid Dungeon Exploration"
	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding pyramid dungeon"
	Rewards: {
		Items: {
			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
	Points: 20
	Id: 120138
	Name: "Orc Dungeon Exploration"
	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding orc dungeon"
	Rewards: {
		Items: {
			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
	Points: 20
	Id: 120139
	Name: "Payon Dungeon Exploration"
	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding payon dungeon"
	Rewards: {
		Items: {
			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
	Points: 20
	Id: 120140
	Name: "Labyrinth Dungeon Exploration"
	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding labyrinth dungeon"
	Rewards: {
		Items: {
			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
	Points: 20
	Id: 120141
	Name: "Undersea Tunnel Dungeon Exploration"
	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding undersea tunnel dungeon"
	Rewards: {
		Items: {
			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
	Points: 20
	Id: 120142
	Name: "Thanatos Tower Dungeon Exploration"
	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding thanatos tower dungeon"
	Rewards: {
		Items: {
			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
	Points: 20
	Id: 120143
	Name: "Thor Volcano Dungeon Exploration"
	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding thor volcano dungeon"
	Rewards: {
		Items: {
			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
	Points: 20
	Id: 120144
	Name: "Sunken Ship Dungeon Exploration"
	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding sunken ship dungeon"
	Rewards: {
		Items: {
			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
	Points: 20
	Id: 120145
	Name: "Turtle Dungeon Exploration"
	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding turtle dungeon"
	Rewards: {
		Items: {
			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
	Points: 20
	Id: 120146
	Name: "Toy Factory Dungeon Exploration"
	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Discover the treasure surrounding toy factory dungeon"
	Rewards: {
		Items: {
			Old_Money_Pocket: 1
	Points: 20
	Id: 127001
	Name: "Prontera Contribution"
	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Stranger"
			Goal: 3000
		*2: {
			Description: "Village Freshman"
			Goal: 6000
		*3: {
			Description: "Neighbor"
			Goal: 12000
		*4: {
			Description: "Celebrity"
			Goal: 20000
		*5: {
			Description: "City Dictator"
			Goal: 1000
	Points: 10
	Id: 127002
	Name: "Geffen Contribution"
	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Stranger"
			Goal: 3000
		*2: {
			Description: "Village Freshman"
			Goal: 6000
		*3: {
			Description: "Neighbor"
			Goal: 12000
		*4: {
			Description: "Celebrity"
			Goal: 20000
		*5: {
			Description: "City Dictator"
			Goal: 1000
	Points: 10
	Id: 127003
	Name: "Morocc Contribution"
	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Stranger"
			Goal: 3000
		*2: {
			Description: "Village Freshman"
			Goal: 6000
		*3: {
			Description: "Neighbor"
			Goal: 12000
		*4: {
			Description: "Celebrity"
			Goal: 20000
		*5: {
			Description: "City Dictator"
			Goal: 1000
	Points: 10
	Id: 127004
	Name: "Payon Contribution"
	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Stranger"
			Goal: 3000
		*2: {
			Description: "Village Freshman"
			Goal: 6000
		*3: {
			Description: "Neighbor"
			Goal: 12000
		*4: {
			Description: "Celebrity"
			Goal: 20000
		*5: {
			Description: "City Dictator"
			Goal: 1000
	Points: 10
	Id: 127005
	Name: "Yuno Contribution"
	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Stranger"
			Goal: 3000
		*2: {
			Description: "Village Freshman"
			Goal: 6000
		*3: {
			Description: "Neighbor"
			Goal: 12000
		*4: {
			Description: "Celebrity"
			Goal: 20000
		*5: {
			Description: "City Dictator"
			Goal: 1000
	Points: 10
	Id: 127006
	Name: "Lighthalzen Contribution"
	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Stranger"
			Goal: 3000
		*2: {
			Description: "Village Freshman"
			Goal: 6000
		*3: {
			Description: "Neighbor"
			Goal: 12000
		*4: {
			Description: "Celebrity"
			Goal: 20000
		*5: {
			Description: "City Dictator"
			Goal: 1000
	Points: 10
	Id: 127007
	Name: "Einbroch Contribution"
	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Stranger"
			Goal: 3000
		*2: {
			Description: "Village Freshman"
			Goal: 6000
		*3: {
			Description: "Neighbor"
			Goal: 12000
		*4: {
			Description: "Celebrity"
			Goal: 20000
		*5: {
			Description: "City Dictator"
			Goal: 1000
	Points: 10
	Id: 127008
	Name: "Rachel Contribution"
	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Stranger"
			Goal: 3000
		*2: {
			Description: "Village Freshman"
			Goal: 6000
		*3: {
			Description: "Neighbor"
			Goal: 12000
		*4: {
			Description: "Celebrity"
			Goal: 20000
		*5: {
			Description: "City Dictator"
			Goal: 1000
	Points: 10
	Id: 127009
	Name: "Veins Contribution"
	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Stranger"
			Goal: 3000
		*2: {
			Description: "Village Freshman"
			Goal: 6000
		*3: {
			Description: "Neighbor"
			Goal: 12000
		*4: {
			Description: "Celebrity"
			Goal: 20000
		*5: {
			Description: "City Dictator"
			Goal: 1000
	Points: 10
	Id: 128000
	Name: "Uninvited Guest"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Eliminate 1 Celine Kimmy"
			Criteria: {
			Goal: 1
	Points: 10
	Id: 128001
	Name: "Strange Guest"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Eliminate 10 Celine Kimmy"
			Criteria: {
			Goal: 10
	Points: 10
	Id: 128002
	Name: "Get along with map..."
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Eliminate 25 Celine Kimmy"
			Criteria: {
			Goal: 25
	Points: 20
	Id: 128003
	Name: "Welcomed Guest"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Eliminate 50 Celine Kimmy"
			Criteria: {
			Goal: 50
	Points: 30
	Id: 128004
	Name: "Kimmy's best friend"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Eliminate 100 Celine Kimmy"
			Criteria: {
			Goal: 100
	Points: 50
	Id: 128005
	Name: "Novice Angler"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Eliminate 1 Bakonawa"
			Criteria: {
				MobId: "BAKONAWA_1"
			Goal: 1
	Points: 10
	Id: 128006
	Name: "Juicy Hunter"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Eliminate 10 Bakonawa"
			Criteria: {
				MobId: "BAKONAWA_1"
			Goal: 10
	Points: 20
	Id: 128007
	Name: "Rhythm Master"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Eliminate 50 Bakonawa"
			Criteria: {
				MobId: "BAKONAWA_1"
			Goal: 50
	Points: 50
	Id: 128008
	Name: "Bold Adventurer"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Eliminate 1 Baphomet"
			Criteria: {
				MobId: "BAPHOMET"
			Goal: 1
	Points: 10
	Id: 128009
	Name: "Baphomet Hatred"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Eliminate 10 Baphomet"
			Criteria: {
				MobId: "BAPHOMET"
			Goal: 10
	Points: 20
	Id: 128010
	Name: "Goat's Nemesis"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Eliminate 50 Baphomet"
			Criteria: {
				MobId: "BAPHOMET"
			Goal: 50
	Points: 50
	Id: 128011
	Name: "Ordinary Tourist"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Eliminate 1 Grim Reaper Ankou"
			Criteria: {
			Goal: 1
	Points: 10
	Id: 128012
	Name: "Backcountry Expert"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Eliminate 10 Grim Reaper Ankou"
			Criteria: {
			Goal: 10
	Points: 20
	Id: 128013
	Name: "Able to eat more like this"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Eliminate 50 Grim Reaper Ankou"
			Criteria: {
			Goal: 50
	Points: 50
	Id: 128014
	Name: "Digest hard meat"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Eliminate 1 Buwaya"
			Criteria: {
				MobId: "BUWAYA"
			Goal: 1
	Points: 10
	Id: 128015
	Name: "Master of Escape"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Eliminate 10 Buwaya"
			Criteria: {
				MobId: "BUWAYA"
			Goal: 10
	Points: 20
	Id: 128016
	Name: "Immortal Hunter"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Eliminate 50 Buwaya"
			Criteria: {
				MobId: "BUWAYA"
			Goal: 50
	Points: 50
	Id: 128017
	Name: "Stood up and overcame despair"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Eliminate 1 God of Despair Morocc"
			Criteria: {
				MobId: "MM_MOROCC_ADT"
			Goal: 1
	Points: 10
	Id: 128018
	Name: "Ember of Hope"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Eliminate 10 God of Despair Morocc"
			Criteria: {
				MobId: "MM_MOROCC_ADT"
			Goal: 10
	Points: 10
	Id: 128019
	Name: "Pouring Aurora"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Eliminate 25 God of Despair Morocc"
			Criteria: {
				MobId: "MM_MOROCC_ADT"
			Goal: 25
	Points: 20
	Id: 128020
	Name: "Who is desperate? I am hopeless!"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Eliminate 50 God of Despair Morocc"
			Criteria: {
				MobId: "MM_MOROCC_ADT"
			Goal: 50
	Points: 30
	Id: 128021
	Name: "I know god will save the world"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Eliminate 100 God of Despair Morocc"
			Criteria: {
				MobId: "MM_MOROCC_ADT"
			Goal: 100
	Points: 50
	Id: 128022
	Name: "There was mercy in Morocc army"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Eliminate 1 Morocc necromancer"
			Criteria: {
				MobId: "EP14_MORS_BOSSB"
			Goal: 1
	Points: 10
	Id: 128023
	Name: "There was fear in Morocc army"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Eliminate Morocc 10 necromancer"
			Criteria: {
				MobId: "EP14_MORS_BOSSB"
			Goal: 10
	Points: 20
	Id: 128024
	Name: "Guard of weak army"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Eliminate Morocc 50 necromancer"
			Criteria: {
				MobId: "EP14_MORS_BOSSB"
			Goal: 50
	Points: 50
	Id: 128025
	Name: "Audience with the queen"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Eliminate 1 Faceworm Queen"
			Criteria: {
			Goal: 1
	Points: 10
	Id: 128026
	Name: "Warm earth"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Eliminate 1 Earth Faceworm Queen"
			Criteria: {
			Goal: 1
	Points: 10
	Id: 128027
	Name: "Water is very good exactly"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Eliminate 1 Water Faceworm Queen"
			Criteria: {
			Goal: 1
	Points: 10
	Id: 128028
	Name: "Pleasant breeze"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Eliminate 1 Wind Faceworm Queen"
			Criteria: {
			Goal: 1
	Points: 10
	Id: 128029
	Name: "Visitor of old castle"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Eliminate 1 Amdarais"
			Criteria: {
				MobId: "MG_AMDARAIS"
			Goal: 1
	Points: 10
	Id: 128030
	Name: "Lord of old castle"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Eliminate 10 Amdarais"
			Criteria: {
				MobId: "MG_AMDARAIS"
			Goal: 10
	Points: 20
	Id: 128031
	Name: "Conqueror of old castle"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Eliminate 50 Amdarais"
			Criteria: {
				MobId: "MG_AMDARAIS"
			Goal: 50
	Points: 50
	Id: 128032
	Name: "Haggard sucker"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Eliminate 1 Amdarais (Superior)"
			Criteria: {
				MobId: "MG_AMDARAIS_H"
			Goal: 1
	Points: 10
	Id: 128033
	Name: "Hope of the Knight"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Eliminate 10 Amdarais (Superior)"
			Criteria: {
				MobId: "MG_AMDARAIS_H"
			Goal: 10
	Points: 20
	Id: 128034
	Name: "Guardian of the Dawn"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Eliminate 50 Amdarais (Superior)"
			Criteria: {
				MobId: "MG_AMDARAIS_H"
			Goal: 50
	Points: 50
	Id: 128035
	Name: "Time Traveler"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Eliminate 1 Sarah Irene"
			Criteria: {
				MobId: "MM_SARAH"
			Goal: 1
	Points: 10
	Id: 128036
	Name: "Restore ancient relic"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Eliminate 10 Sarah Irene"
			Criteria: {
				MobId: "MM_SARAH"
			Goal: 10
	Points: 20
	Id: 128037
	Name: "Master of relic transport"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Eliminate 50 Sarah Irene"
			Criteria: {
				MobId: "MM_SARAH"
			Goal: 50
	Points: 50
	Id: 128038
	Name: "Show Jailbreak to the captain"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Eliminate 1 Ferlock"
			Criteria: {
				MobId: "E1_FELOCK"
			Goal: 1
	Points: 10
	Id: 128039
	Name: "Show Jailbreak to the weak captain"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Eliminate 1 Ferlock"
			Criteria: {
				MobId: "E2_FELOCK"
			Goal: 1
	Points: 10
	Id: 128040
	Name: "Riot on board"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Eliminate 10 Ferlock"
			Criteria: {
				MobId: "E1_FELOCK"
			Goal: 10
	Points: 20
	Id: 128041
	Name: "Turmoil on board"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Eliminate 10 Ferlock"
			Criteria: {
				MobId: "E1_FELOCK"
			Goal: 10
	Points: 20
	Id: 128042
	Name: "Rebellion on board"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Eliminate 50 Ferlock"
			Criteria: {
				MobId: "E1_FELOCK"
			Goal: 50
	Points: 50
	Id: 128043
	Name: "Revolt of Riot"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Eliminate 50 Ferlock"
			Criteria: {
				MobId: "E2_FELOCK"
			Goal: 50
	Points: 50
	Id: 128044
	Name: "Magic tournament champion"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Eliminate 1 Fenrir"
			Criteria: {
			Goal: 1
	Points: 10
	Id: 128045
	Name: "Gladiator of Coliseum"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Eliminate 10 Fenrir"
			Criteria: {
			Goal: 10
	Points: 20
	Id: 128046
	Name: "Slayer of Colosseum"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Eliminate 50 Fenrir"
			Criteria: {
			Goal: 50
	Points: 50
	Id: 128047
	Name: "Endless Tower challenger"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Eliminate 1 Naght Sieger"
			Criteria: {
			Goal: 1
	Points: 10
	Id: 128048
	Name: "Endless Tower Slayer"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Eliminate 10 Naght Sieger"
			Criteria: {
			Goal: 10
	Points: 20
	Id: 128049
	Name: "Lord of the tower"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Eliminate 50 Naght Sieger"
			Criteria: {
			Goal: 50
	Points: 50
	Id: 128050
	Name: "Novice Exorcist"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Eliminate 1 Bangungot Doll"
			Criteria: {
				MobId: "BANGUNGOT_3"
			Goal: 1
	Points: 10
	Id: 128051
	Name: "Experienced Exorcist"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Eliminate 10 Bangungot Doll"
			Criteria: {
				MobId: "BANGUNGOT_3"
			Goal: 10
	Points: 20
	Id: 128052
	Name: "Legendary Exorcist"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Eliminate 50 Bangungot Doll"
			Criteria: {
				MobId: "BANGUNGOT_3"
			Goal: 50
	Points: 50
	Id: 129001
	Name: "Prontera Explorer"
	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "North Prontera Field Exploration(1) completed"
			Criteria: {
				Achieve: 120001
		*2: {
			Description: "North Prontera Field Exploration(2) completed"
			Criteria: {
				Achieve: 120002
		*3: {
			Description: "North Prontera Field Exploration(3) completed"
			Criteria: {
				Achieve: 120003
		*4: {
			Description: "West Prontera Field Exploration(1) completed"
			Criteria: {
				Achieve: 120004
		*5: {
			Description: "West Prontera Field Exploration(2) completed"
			Criteria: {
				Achieve: 120005
		*6: {
			Description: "East Prontera Field Exploration(1) completed"
			Criteria: {
				Achieve: 120006
		*7: {
			Description: "South Prontera Field Exploration(1) completed"
			Criteria: {
				Achieve: 120007
		*8: {
			Description: "South Prontera Field Exploration(2) completed"
			Criteria: {
				Achieve: 120008
		*9: {
			Description: "South Prontera Field Exploration(3) completed"
			Criteria: {
				Achieve: 120009
		*10: {
			Description: "South Prontera Field Exploration(4) completed"
			Criteria: {
				Achieve: 120010
	Rewards: {
		Items: {
			Gift_Box: 1
	Points: 20
	Id: 129002
	Name: "Geffen Explorer"
	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "East Geffen Field Exploration(1) completed"
			Criteria: {
				Achieve: 120011
		*2: {
			Description: "Southeast Geffen Field Exploration(1) completed"
			Criteria: {
				Achieve: 120012
		*3: {
			Description: "Northwest Geffen Field Exploration(1) completed"
			Criteria: {
				Achieve: 120013
		*4: {
			Description: "Northwest Geffen Field Exploration(2) completed"
			Criteria: {
				Achieve: 120014
		*5: {
			Description: "Northwest Geffen Field Exploration(3) completed"
			Criteria: {
				Achieve: 120015
		*6: {
			Description: "South Geffen Field Exploration(1) completed"
			Criteria: {
				Achieve: 120016
		*7: {
			Description: "South Geffen Field Exploration(2) completed"
			Criteria: {
				Achieve: 120017
	Rewards: {
		Items: {
			Gift_Box: 1
	Points: 20
	Id: 129003
	Name: "Sograt Desert Explorer"
	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Sograt Desert Field Exploration(1) completed"
			Criteria: {
				Achieve: 120018
		*2: {
			Description: "Sograt Desert Field Exploration(2) completed"
			Criteria: {
				Achieve: 120019
		*3: {
			Description: "Sograt Desert Field Exploration(3) completed"
			Criteria: {
				Achieve: 120020
		*4: {
			Description: "Sograt Desert Field Exploration(4) completed"
			Criteria: {
				Achieve: 120021
		*5: {
			Description: "Sograt Desert Field Exploration(5) completed"
			Criteria: {
				Achieve: 120022
		*6: {
			Description: "Sograt Desert Field Exploration(6) completed"
			Criteria: {
				Achieve: 120023
	Rewards: {
		Items: {
			Gift_Box: 1
	Points: 20
	Id: 129004
	Name: "Payon Explorer"
	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Southwest Payon Field Exploration(1) completed"
			Criteria: {
				Achieve: 120024
		*2: {
			Description: "Southwest Payon Field Exploration(2) completed"
			Criteria: {
				Achieve: 120025
		*3: {
			Description: "Southwest Payon Field Exploration(3) completed"
			Criteria: {
				Achieve: 120026
		*4: {
			Description: "Southwest Payon Field Exploration(4) completed"
			Criteria: {
				Achieve: 120027
		*5: {
			Description: "East Payon Field Exploration(1) completed"
			Criteria: {
				Achieve: 120028
		*6: {
			Description: "East Payon Field Exploration(2) completed"
			Criteria: {
				Achieve: 120029
		*7: {
			Description: "East Payon Field Exploration(3) completed"
			Criteria: {
				Achieve: 120030
		*8: {
			Description: "East Payon Field Exploration(4) completed"
			Criteria: {
				Achieve: 120031
	Rewards: {
		Items: {
			Gift_Box: 1
	Points: 20
	Id: 129005
	Name: "North Mjolnir Explorer"
	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "North Mjolnir Field Exploration(1) completed"
			Criteria: {
				Achieve: 120032
		*2: {
			Description: "North Mjolnir Field Exploration(2) completed"
			Criteria: {
				Achieve: 120033
		*3: {
			Description: "North Mjolnir Field Exploration(3) completed"
			Criteria: {
				Achieve: 120034
		*4: {
			Description: "North Mjolnir Field Exploration(4) completed"
			Criteria: {
				Achieve: 120035
		*5: {
			Description: "North Mjolnir Field Exploration(5) completed"
			Criteria: {
				Achieve: 120036
	Rewards: {
		Items: {
			Gift_Box: 1
	Points: 20
	Id: 129006
	Name: "South Mjolnir Explorer"
	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "South Mjolnir Field Exploration(1) completed"
			Criteria: {
				Achieve: 120037
		*2: {
			Description: "South Mjolnir Field Exploration(2) completed"
			Criteria: {
				Achieve: 120038
		*3: {
			Description: "South Mjolnir Field Exploration(3) completed"
			Criteria: {
				Achieve: 120039
		*4: {
			Description: "South Mjolnir Field Exploration(4) completed"
			Criteria: {
				Achieve: 120040
		*5: {
			Description: "South Mjolnir Field Exploration(5) completed"
			Criteria: {
				Achieve: 120041
		*6: {
			Description: "South Mjolnir Field Exploration(6) completed"
			Criteria: {
				Achieve: 120042
		*7: {
			Description: "South Aldebaran Field Exploration(1) completed"
			Criteria: {
				Achieve: 120043
	Rewards: {
		Items: {
			Gift_Box: 1
	Points: 20
	Id: 129007
	Name: "Comodo Explorer"
	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Comodo Field Exploration(1) completed"
			Criteria: {
				Achieve: 120044
		*2: {
			Description: "Comodo Field Exploration(2) completed"
			Criteria: {
				Achieve: 120045
		*3: {
			Description: "Comodo Field Exploration(3) completed"
			Criteria: {
				Achieve: 120046
		*4: {
			Description: "Comodo Field Exploration(4) completed"
			Criteria: {
				Achieve: 120047
		*5: {
			Description: "Comodo Field Exploration(5) completed"
			Criteria: {
				Achieve: 120048
		*6: {
			Description: "Comodo Field Exploration(6) completed"
			Criteria: {
				Achieve: 120049
		*7: {
			Description: "Comodo Field Exploration(7) completed"
			Criteria: {
				Achieve: 120050
		*8: {
			Description: "Comodo Field Exploration(8) completed"
			Criteria: {
				Achieve: 120051
	Rewards: {
		Items: {
			Gift_Box: 1
	Points: 20
	Id: 129008
	Name: "Rune Midgard Explorer"
	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Prontera Explorer"
			Criteria: {
				Achieve: 129001
		*2: {
			Description: "Geffen Explorer"
			Criteria: {
				Achieve: 129002
		*3: {
			Description: "Sograt Desert Explorer"
			Criteria: {
				Achieve: 129003
		*4: {
			Description: "Payon Explorer"
			Criteria: {
				Achieve: 129004
		*5: {
			Description: "North Mjolnir Explorer"
			Criteria: {
				Achieve: 129005
		*6: {
			Description: "South Mjolnir Explorer"
			Criteria: {
				Achieve: 129006
		*7: {
			Description: "Comodo Explorer"
			Criteria: {
				Achieve: 129007
	Rewards: {
		Items: {
			Old_Violet_Box: 1
	Points: 50
	Id: 129009
	Name: "Yuno Explorer"
	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Border Checkpoint Field Exploration(1) completed"
			Criteria: {
				Achieve: 120052
		*2: {
			Description: "Border Checkpoint Field Exploration(2) completed"
			Criteria: {
				Achieve: 120053
		*3: {
			Description: "Kiel Hyre Mansion Field Exploration(1) completed"
			Criteria: {
				Achieve: 120054
		*4: {
			Description: "El Mes Plateau Field Exploration(1) completed"
			Criteria: {
				Achieve: 120055
		*5: {
			Description: "El Mes Plateau Field Exploration(2) completed"
			Criteria: {
				Achieve: 120056
		*6: {
			Description: "El Mes Plateau Field Exploration(3) completed"
			Criteria: {
				Achieve: 120057
		*7: {
			Description: "El Mes Gorge Field Exploration(1) completed"
			Criteria: {
				Achieve: 120058
		*8: {
			Description: "Kiel Hyre Academy Field Exploration(1) completed"
			Criteria: {
				Achieve: 120059
		*9: {
			Description: "Guard Camp Field Exploration(1) completed"
			Criteria: {
				Achieve: 120060
		*10: {
			Description: "Yuno Field Exploration(1) completed"
			Criteria: {
				Achieve: 120061
	Rewards: {
		Items: {
			Gift_Box: 1
	Points: 20
	Id: 129010
	Name: "Hugel Explorer"
	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Front of Thanatos Tower Field Exploration(1) completed"
			Criteria: {
				Achieve: 120062
		*2: {
			Description: "Hugel Field Exploration(1) completed"
			Criteria: {
				Achieve: 120063
		*3: {
			Description: "Hugel Field Exploration(2) completed"
			Criteria: {
				Achieve: 120064
		*4: {
			Description: "Hugel Field Exploration(3) completed"
			Criteria: {
				Achieve: 120065
		*5: {
			Description: "Abyss Lake Field Exploration(1) completed"
			Criteria: {
				Achieve: 120066
	Rewards: {
		Items: {
			Gift_Box: 1
	Points: 20
	Id: 129011
	Name: "Einbroch Explorer"
	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Einbroch Field Exploration(1) completed"
			Criteria: {
				Achieve: 120067
		*2: {
			Description: "Einbroch Field Exploration(2) completed"
			Criteria: {
				Achieve: 120068
		*3: {
			Description: "Einbroch Field Exploration(3) completed"
			Criteria: {
				Achieve: 120069
		*4: {
			Description: "Einbroch Field Exploration(4) completed"
			Criteria: {
				Achieve: 120070
		*5: {
			Description: "Einbroch Field Exploration(5) completed"
			Criteria: {
				Achieve: 120071
		*6: {
			Description: "Einbroch Field Exploration(6) completed"
			Criteria: {
				Achieve: 120072
		*7: {
			Description: "Einbroch Field Exploration(7) completed"
			Criteria: {
				Achieve: 120073
		*8: {
			Description: "Einbroch Field Exploration(8) completed"
			Criteria: {
				Achieve: 120074
	Rewards: {
		Items: {
			Gift_Box: 1
	Points: 20
	Id: 129012
	Name: "Lighthalzen Explorer"
	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Lighthalzen Field Exploration(1) completed"
			Criteria: {
				Achieve: 120075
		*2: {
			Description: "Lighthalzen Field Exploration(2) completed"
			Criteria: {
				Achieve: 120076
		*3: {
			Description: "Lighthalzen Field Exploration(3) completed"
			Criteria: {
				Achieve: 120077
	Rewards: {
		Items: {
			Gift_Box: 1
	Points: 20
	Id: 129013
	Name: "Schwarzwald Explorer"
	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Yuno Explorer"
			Criteria: {
				Achieve: 129009
		*2: {
			Description: "Hugel Explorer"
			Criteria: {
				Achieve: 129010
		*3: {
			Description: "Einbroch Explorer"
			Criteria: {
				Achieve: 129011
		*4: {
			Description: "Lighthalzen Explorer"
			Criteria: {
				Achieve: 129012
	Rewards: {
		Items: {
			Old_Violet_Box: 1
	Points: 50
	Id: 129014
	Name: "Rachel Explorer"
	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Rachel Audhumbla Plains Field Exploration(1) completed"
			Criteria: {
				Achieve: 120078
		*2: {
			Description: "Rachel Plains Field Exploration(1) completed"
			Criteria: {
				Achieve: 120079
		*3: {
			Description: "Rachel Plains Field Exploration(2) completed"
			Criteria: {
				Achieve: 120080
		*4: {
			Description: "Rachel Plains Field Exploration(3) completed"
			Criteria: {
				Achieve: 120081
		*5: {
			Description: "Rachel Audhumbla Grassland Field Exploration(1) completed"
			Criteria: {
				Achieve: 120082
		*6: {
			Description: "Rachel Audhumbla Grassland Field Exploration(2) completed"
			Criteria: {
				Achieve: 120083
		*7: {
			Description: "Portus Luna Field Exploration(1) completed"
			Criteria: {
				Achieve: 120084
	Rewards: {
		Items: {
			Gift_Box: 1
	Points: 20
	Id: 129015
	Name: "Veins Explorer"
	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Veins Field Exploration(1) completed"
			Criteria: {
				Achieve: 120085
		*2: {
			Description: "Veins Field Exploration(2) completed"
			Criteria: {
				Achieve: 120086
		*3: {
			Description: "Veins Field Exploration(3) completed"
			Criteria: {
				Achieve: 120087
		*4: {
			Description: "Veins Field Exploration(4) completed"
			Criteria: {
				Achieve: 120088
		*5: {
			Description: "Veins Field Exploration(5) completed"
			Criteria: {
				Achieve: 120089
	Rewards: {
		Items: {
			Gift_Box: 1
	Points: 20
	Id: 129016
	Name: "Arunafeltz Explorer"
	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Rachel Explorer"
			Criteria: {
				Achieve: 129014
		*2: {
			Description: "Veins Explorer"
			Criteria: {
				Achieve: 129015
	Rewards: {
		Items: {
			Old_Violet_Box: 1
	Points: 50
	Id: 129017
	Name: "Laphine Explorer"
	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Eclage Field Exploration(1) completed"
			Criteria: {
				Achieve: 120090
		*2: {
			Description: "North Bitfrost Field Exploration(1) completed"
			Criteria: {
				Achieve: 120091
		*3: {
			Description: "South Bitfrost Field Exploration(1) completed"
			Criteria: {
				Achieve: 120092
		*4: {
			Description: "Splendide Field Exploration(1) completed"
			Criteria: {
				Achieve: 120093
		*5: {
			Description: "Splendide Field Exploration(2) completed"
			Criteria: {
				Achieve: 120094
		*6: {
			Description: "Splendide Field Exploration(3) completed"
			Criteria: {
				Achieve: 120095
	Rewards: {
		Items: {
			Gift_Box: 1
	Points: 20
	Id: 129018
	Name: "Manuk Explorer"
	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Manuk Field Exploration(1) completed"
			Criteria: {
				Achieve: 120096
		*2: {
			Description: "Manuk Field Exploration(2) completed"
			Criteria: {
				Achieve: 120097
		*3: {
			Description: "Manuk Field Exploration(3) completed"
			Criteria: {
				Achieve: 120098
		*4: {
			Description: "Outskirts of Kamidal Field Exploration(1) completed"
			Criteria: {
				Achieve: 120099
		*5: {
			Description: "Outskirts of Kamidal Field Exploration(2) completed"
			Criteria: {
				Achieve: 120100
	Rewards: {
		Items: {
			Gift_Box: 1
	Points: 20
	Id: 129019
	Name: "Eclage Explorer"
	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Laphine Explorer"
			Criteria: {
				Achieve: 129017
		*2: {
			Description: "Manuk Explorer"
			Criteria: {
				Achieve: 129018
	Rewards: {
		Items: {
			Old_Violet_Box: 1
	Points: 50
	Id: 129020
	Name: "Localizing fields explorer"
	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Amatsu Field Exploration(1) completed"
			Criteria: {
				Achieve: 120101
		*2: {
			Description: "Kunlun Field Exploration(1) completed"
			Criteria: {
				Achieve: 120102
		*3: {
			Description: "Gonryun Field Exploration(1) completed"
			Criteria: {
				Achieve: 120103
		*4: {
			Description: "Ayothaya Field Exploration(1) completed"
			Criteria: {
				Achieve: 120104
		*5: {
			Description: "Moscovia Field Exploration(1) completed"
			Criteria: {
				Achieve: 120105
		*6: {
			Description: "Brasilis Field Exploration(1) completed"
			Criteria: {
				Achieve: 120106
		*7: {
			Description: "Dewata Field Exploration(1) completed"
			Criteria: {
				Achieve: 120107
		*8: {
			Description: "Malaya Field Exploration(1) completed"
			Criteria: {
				Achieve: 120108
		*9: {
			Description: "Malaya Field Exploration(2) completed"
			Criteria: {
				Achieve: 120109
	Rewards: {
		Items: {
			Old_Violet_Box: 1
	Points: 50
	Id: 130000
	Name: "Socialite debut"
	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Visit Heine Royal Family and start conversation"
		*2: {
			Description: "Visit Nerius Royal Family and start conversation"
		*3: {
			Description: "Visit Walter Royal Family and start conversation"
		*4: {
			Description: "Visit Wigner Royal Family and start conversation"
		*5: {
			Description: "Visit Richard Royal Family and start conversation"
		*6: {
			Description: "Visit Gaebolg Royal Family and start conversation"
		*7: {
			Description: "Visit Lugenburg Royal Family and start conversation"
	Rewards: {
		TitleId: 1034
	Points: 10
	Id: 170000
	Name: "Song chamber is not an accident"
	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Listen the secret song of five recomended court musician"
	Points: 10
	Id: 190000
	Name: "Alliance workers of merchant city"
	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Novice Amethyst class"
			Goal: 1
		*2: {
			Description: "Expert Sardonyx class"
			Goal: 10
		*3: {
			Description: "Competence Person Aquamarine class"
			Goal: 30
		*4: {
			Description: "Sparkling Diamond class"
			Goal: 100
	Points: 50
	Id: 200000
	Name: "Acquire the first aura!"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Base level 99"
			Criteria: {
				StatusType: "SP_BASELEVEL"
			Goal: 99
	Rewards: {
		TitleId: 1000
		Bonus: <" specialeffect(EF_BLESSING, AREA, playerattached()); sc_start SC_BLESSING, 30000, 1; ">
		Items: {
			White_Slim_Pot_Box2: 1
	Points: 50
	Id: 200001
	Name: "Acquire the second aura!"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Base level 150"
			Criteria: {
				StatusType: "SP_BASELEVEL"
			Goal: 150
	Rewards: {
		TitleId: 1001
		Bonus: <" specialeffect(EF_BLESSING, AREA, playerattached()); sc_start SC_BLESSING, 30000, 1; ">
		Items: {
			Dark_Snake_Lord_Hat: 1
	Points: 60
	Id: 200002
	Name: "Acquire the third aura!"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Base level 175"
			Criteria: {
				StatusType: "SP_BASELEVEL"
			Goal: 175
	Rewards: {
		TitleId: 1002
		Bonus: <" specialeffect(EF_BLESSING, AREA, playerattached()); sc_start SC_BLESSING, 30000, 1; ">
		Items: {
			Advanced_Jao_King_Hat: 1
	Points: 70
	Id: 200003
	Name: "Master Job level!"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Job level 50"
			Criteria: {
				StatusType: "SP_JOBLEVEL"
			Goal: 50
	Rewards: {
		TitleId: 1003
		Bonus: <" specialeffect(EF_BLESSING, AREA, playerattached()); sc_start SC_BLESSING, 30000, 1; ">
		Items: {
			Old_Violet_Box: 1
	Points: 30
	Id: 200004
	Name: "Grandmaster Job level!"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Job level 70"
			Criteria: {
				StatusType: "SP_JOBLEVEL"
			Goal: 70
	Rewards: {
		TitleId: 1004
		Bonus: <" specialeffect(EF_BLESSING, AREA, playerattached()); sc_start SC_BLESSING, 30000, 1; ">
		Items: {
			Old_Card_Album_: 1
	Points: 50
	Id: 200005
	Name: "Official Adventurer"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Job change to first class"
			Criteria: {
				JobId: [ "Job_Swordman", "Job_Mage", "Job_Archer", "Job_Acolyte", "Job_Merchant", "Job_Thief" ]
	Rewards: {
		Bonus: <" specialeffect(EF_INCAGILITY, AREA, playerattached()); sc_start SC_INC_AGI, 30000, 1; ">
	Points: 10
	Id: 200006
	Name: "First step of job change!"
	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "First step of job change"
	Rewards: {
		Bonus: <" specialeffect(EF_INCAGILITY, AREA, playerattached()); sc_start SC_INC_AGI, 30000, 1; ">
	Points: 20
	Id: 200007
	Name: "Veteran Adventurer! (1)"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Job change to 2-1 classes"
			Criteria: {
				JobId: [ "Job_Knight", "Job_Priest", "Job_Wizard", "Job_Blacksmith", "Job_Hunter", "Job_Assassin" ]
	Rewards: {
		Bonus: <" specialeffect(EF_INCAGILITY, AREA, playerattached()); sc_start SC_INC_AGI, 30000, 1; ">
	Points: 25
	Id: 200008
	Name: "Veteran Adventurer! (2)"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Job change to 2-2 classes"
			Criteria: {
				JobId: [ "Job_Crusader", "Job_Sage", "Job_Bard", "Job_Dancer", "Job_Alchemist", "Job_Rogue" ]
	Rewards: {
		Bonus: <" specialeffect(EF_INCAGILITY, AREA, playerattached()); sc_start SC_INC_AGI, 30000, 1; ">
	Points: 25
	Id: 200009
	Name: "Warrior (1)"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Job change to transcendent 2-1 classes"
			Criteria: {
				JobId: [ "Job_Lord_Knight", "Job_High_Wizard", "Job_Sniper", "Job_High_Priest", "Job_Whitesmith", "Job_Assassin_Cross" ]
	Rewards: {
		Bonus: <" specialeffect(EF_INCAGILITY, AREA, playerattached()); sc_start SC_INC_AGI, 30000, 1; ">
	Points: 30
	Id: 200010
	Name: "Warrior (2)"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Job change to transcendent 2-2 classes"
			Criteria: {
				JobId: [ "Job_Paladin", "Job_Professor", "Job_Clown", "Job_Gypsy", "Job_Champion", "Job_Creator", "Job_Stalker" ]
	Rewards: {
		Bonus: <" specialeffect(EF_INCAGILITY, AREA, playerattached()); sc_start SC_INC_AGI, 30000, 1; ">
	Points: 30
	Id: 200011
	Name: "Elite Adventurer! (1)"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Job change to 3-1 classes"
			Criteria: {
				JobId: [ "Job_Rune_Knight", "Job_Warlock", "Job_Ranger", "Job_Arch_Bishop", "Job_Mechanic", "Job_Guillotine_Cross" ]
	Rewards: {
		Bonus: <" specialeffect(EF_INCAGILITY, AREA, playerattached()); sc_start SC_INC_AGI, 30000, 1; ">
		Items: {
			Abrasive_Box_10: 1
	Points: 50
	Id: 200012
	Name: "Transcendentaler! (1)"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Job change to 3-1 classes after transcendent"
			Criteria: {
				JobId: [ "Job_Rune_Knight_T", "Job_Warlock_T", "Job_Ranger_T", "Job_Arch_Bishop_T", "Job_Mechanic_T", "Job_Guillotine_Cross_T" ]
	Rewards: {
		Bonus: <" specialeffect(EF_INCAGILITY, AREA, playerattached()); sc_start SC_INC_AGI, 30000, 1; ">
		Items: {
			Abrasive_Box_10: 1
	Points: 60
	Id: 200013
	Name: "Elite Adventurer! (2)"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Job change to 3-2 classes"
			Criteria: {
				JobId: [ "Job_Royal_Guard", "Job_Sorcerer", "Job_Minstrel", "Job_Wanderer", "Job_Sura", "Job_Genetic", "Job_Shadow_Chaser" ]
	Rewards: {
		Bonus: <" specialeffect(EF_INCAGILITY, AREA, playerattached()); sc_start SC_INC_AGI, 30000, 1; ">
		Items: {
			Abrasive_Box_10: 1
	Points: 50
	Id: 200014
	Name: "Transcendentaler! (2)"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Job change to 3-2 classes after transcendent"
			Criteria: {
				JobId: [ "Job_Royal_Guard_T", "Job_Sorcerer_T", "Job_Minstrel_T", "Job_Wanderer_T", "Job_Sura_T", "Job_Genetic_T", "Job_Shadow_Chaser_T" ]
	Rewards: {
		Bonus: <" specialeffect(EF_INCAGILITY, AREA, playerattached()); sc_start SC_INC_AGI, 30000, 1; ">
		Items: {
			Abrasive_Box_10: 1
	Points: 60
	Id: 200015
	Name: "The way of exceptional character"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Job change to expanded classes"
			Criteria: {
				JobId: [ "Job_Taekwon", "Job_Gunslinger", "Job_Ninja", "Job_Summoner" ]
	Rewards: {
		Bonus: <" specialeffect(EF_INCAGILITY, AREA, playerattached()); sc_start SC_INC_AGI, 30000, 1; ">
	Points: 10
	Id: 200016
	Name: "This is My way!"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Expanded 2nd classes"
			Criteria: {
				JobId: [ "Job_Star_Gladiator", "Job_Soul_Linker", "Job_Rebellion", "Job_Kagerou", "Job_Oboro" ]
	Rewards: {
		Bonus: <" specialeffect(EF_INCAGILITY, AREA, playerattached()); sc_start SC_INC_AGI, 30000, 1; ">
		Items: {
			Abrasive_Box_10: 1
	Points: 20
	Id: 200017
	Name: "Bearish Power!"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Achieve base STR 90ยบ"
			Criteria: {
				StatusType: "SP_STR"
			Goal: 90
	Points: 10
	Id: 200018
	Name: "Overflowing Magic!"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Achieve base INT 90"
			Criteria: {
				StatusType: "SP_INT"
			Goal: 90
	Points: 10
	Id: 200019
	Name: "Healthy Body and Mental Health!"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Achieve base VIT 90"
			Criteria: {
				StatusType: "SP_VIT"
			Goal: 90
	Points: 10
	Id: 200020
	Name: "Speed of Light"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Achieve base AGI 90"
			Criteria: {
				StatusType: "SP_AGI"
			Goal: 90
	Points: 10
	Id: 200021
	Name: "Hawk Eyes"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Achieve base DEX 90"
			Criteria: {
				StatusType: "SP_DEX"
			Goal: 90
	Points: 10
	Id: 200022
	Name: "Maximum Luck"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Achieve base LUK 90"
			Criteria: {
				StatusType: "SP_LUK"
			Goal: 90
	Points: 10
	Id: 200023
	Name: "Dragonlike Power!"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Achieve base STR 125"
			Criteria: {
				StatusType: "SP_STR"
			Goal: 125
	Rewards: {
		Bonus: <" sc_start SC_GIANTGROWTH, 180000, 1; ">
	Points: 20
	Id: 200024
	Name: "Magic Insanity"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Achieve base INT 125"
			Criteria: {
				StatusType: "SP_INT"
			Goal: 125
	Rewards: {
		Bonus: <" specialeffect(EF_HASTEUP, AREA, playerattached()); sc_start2 SC_MAGIC_CANDY, 60000, 30, 70; ">
	Points: 20
	Id: 200025
	Name: "Rock Alloy"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Achieve base VIT 125"
			Criteria: {
				StatusType: "SP_VIT"
			Goal: 125
	Rewards: {
		Bonus: <" specialeffect(EF_HEAL3, AREA, playerattached()); sc_start2 SC_S_LIFEPOTION, 600000, -5, 5; ">
	Points: 20
	Id: 200026
	Name: "Speed of Light"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Achieve base AGI 125"
			Criteria: {
				StatusType: "SP_AGI"
			Goal: 125
	Rewards: {
		Bonus: <" specialeffect(EF_STEAL, AREA, playerattached()); sc_start SC_PLUSAVOIDVALUE, 60000, 20; ">
	Points: 20
	Id: 200027
	Name: "Falcon's Eyes"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Achieve base DEX 125"
			Criteria: {
				StatusType: "SP_DEX"
			Goal: 125
	Rewards: {
		Bonus: <" specialeffect(EF_MAGICALATTHIT, AREA, playerattached()); sc_start SC_CRITICALPERCENT, 300000, 30; ">
	Points: 20
	Id: 200028
	Name: "Lucky Fever"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Achieve base LUK 125"
			Criteria: {
				StatusType: "SP_LUK"
			Goal: 125
	Rewards: {
		Bonus: <" specialeffect(EF_GLORIA, AREA, playerattached()); sc_start SC_GLORIA, 15000, 0; ">
	Points: 20
	Id: 200029
	Name: "Incarnation of Love and Hate"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Achieve 99 base level as Novice"
			Criteria: {
				StatusType: "SP_BASELEVEL"
				JobId: "Job_Novice"
			Goal: 99
	Rewards: {
		Bonus: <" specialeffect(EF_BLESSING, AREA, playerattached()); sc_start SC_BLESSING, 30000, 1; ">
		Items: {
			Abrasive_Box_10: 1
	Points: 30
	Id: 200030
	Name: "I really love it!"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Achieve 99 base level as 1st classes"
			Criteria: {
				StatusType: "SP_BASELEVEL"
				JobId: ["Job_Swordman", "Job_Mage", "Job_Archer", "Job_Acolyte", "Job_Merchant", "Job_Thief"]
			Goal: 99
	Rewards: {
		Bonus: <" specialeffect(EF_BLESSING, AREA, playerattached()); sc_start(SC_BLESSING, 30000, 1); ">
		Items: {
			Bubble_Gum_Box_10: 1
	Points: 30
	Id: 200031
	Name: "Reborn in Valhalla!"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Job change to transcendent Novice"
			Criteria: {
				JobId: "Job_Novice_High"
	Rewards: {
		Bonus: <" specialeffect(EF_INCAGILITY, AREA, playerattached()); sc_start SC_INC_AGI, 30000, 1; ">
		Items: {
			Special_Gift_Box: 1
	Points: 10
	Id: 200032
	Name: "Start of Another Adventure"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Achieve Base Level 100"
			Criteria: {
				StatusType: "SP_BASELEVEL"
				JobId: "" // Rebirth?
			Goal: 100
	Rewards: {
		Items: {
			ID23585: 1 (Non-Existent Item)
	Points: 10
	Id: 220000
	Name: "Community begin"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Create a chatroom"
	Points: 10
	Id: 220001
	Name: "A mouth only moment"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Create a chatroom when KO'ed"
	Points: 10
	Id: 220002
	Name: "Admiring the chatter"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Fill the chatroom with 20 people"
	Points: 10
	Id: 220003
	Name: "My friend's friend~"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Add 1 person as a friend"
	Points: 10
	Id: 220004
	Name: "A competition of popularity"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Add 10 person as a friend"
	Points: 10
	Id: 220005
	Name: "Let's Party~"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Create a party"
	Points: 10
	Id: 220006
	Name: "Married with who..?"
	Type: "ACH_MARRY"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Succeed on marriage"
	Rewards: {
		TitleId: 1022
	Points: 20
	Id: 220007
	Name: "Can you grow?"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Adopted by parents"
	Rewards: {
		TitleId: 1032
	Points: 20
	Id: 220008
	Name: "Being a parent"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Adopt a child"
	Rewards: {
		TitleId: 1033
	Points: 20
	Id: 220009
	Name: "Activating the market economy (1)"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Spend 10000 zeny on vending merchant"
			Goal: 10000
	Points: 10
	Id: 220010
	Name: "Activating the market economy (2)"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Spend 100000 zeny on vending merchant"
			Goal: 1000000
	Points: 15
	Id: 220011
	Name: "Activating the market economy (3)"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Spend 500000 zeny on vending merchant"
			Goal: 5000000
	Points: 20
	Id: 220012
	Name: "Activating the market economy (4)"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Spend 1.000000 zeny on vending merchant"
			Goal: 100000000
	Points: 30
	Id: 220013
	Name: "Activating the market economy (5)"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Spend 5.000000 zeny on vending merchant"
			Goal: 500000000
	Points: 50
	Id: 220014
	Name: "I can't quit from refining! (1)"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Succeed on refining level 1 weapon to +7"
			Criteria: {
				ItemType: "IT_WEAPON"
				WeaponLevel: 1
			Goal: 7
	Points: 10
	Id: 220015
	Name: "I can't quit from refining! (2)"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Succeed on refining level 1 weapon to +12"
			Criteria: {
				ItemType: "IT_WEAPON"
				WeaponLevel: 1
			Goal: 12
	Points: 15
	Id: 220016
	Name: "I can't quit from refining! (3)"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Succeed on refining level 2 weapon to +7"
			Criteria: {
				ItemType: "IT_WEAPON"
				WeaponLevel: 2
			Goal: 7
	Points: 10
	Id: 220017
	Name: "I can't quit from refining! (4)"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Succeed on refining level 2 weapon to +12"
			Criteria: {
				ItemType: "IT_WEAPON"
				WeaponLevel: 2
			Goal: 12
	Points: 15
	Id: 220018
	Name: "I can't quit from refining! (5)"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Succeed on refining level 3 weapon to +7"
			Criteria: {
				ItemType: "IT_WEAPON"
				WeaponLevel: 3
			Goal: 7
	Points: 15
	Id: 220019
	Name: "I can't quit from refining! (6)"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Succeed on refining level 3 weapon to +12"
			Criteria: {
				ItemType: "IT_WEAPON"
				WeaponLevel: 3
			Goal: 12
	Points: 20
	Id: 220020
	Name: "I can't quit from refining! (7)"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Succeed on refining level 4 weapon to +7"
			Criteria: {
				ItemType: "IT_WEAPON"
				WeaponLevel: 4
			Goal: 7
	Points: 20
	Id: 220021
	Name: "I can't quit from refining! (8)"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Succeed on refining level 4 weapon to +12"
			Criteria: {
				ItemType: "IT_WEAPON"
				WeaponLevel: 4
			Goal: 12
	Points: 30
	Id: 220022
	Name: "Human's greed has no ending.."
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Experience the fail of refining"
			Criteria: {
				ItemType: ["IT_WEAPON", "IT_ARMOR"]
	Points: 10
	Id: 220023
	Name: "I found it! (1)"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Obtain an item with worth of more than 100 zeny"
			Goal: 100
	Points: 10
	Id: 220024
	Name: "I found it! (2)"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Obtain an item with worth of more than 1000 zeny"
			Goal: 1000
	Points: 10
	Id: 220025
	Name: "I found it! (3)"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Obtain an item with worth of more than 5000 zeny"
			Goal: 5000
	Points: 15
	Id: 220026
	Name: "I found it! (4)"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Obtain an item with worth of more than 10000 zeny"
			Goal: 10000
	Points: 15
	Id: 220027
	Name: "I found it! (5)"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Obtain an item with worth of more than 50000 zeny"
			Goal: 50000
	Points: 20
	Id: 220028
	Name: "I found it! (6)"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Obtain an item with worth of more than 100000 zeny"
			Goal: 100000
	Points: 20
	Id: 220029
	Name: "I found it! (7)"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Obtain an item with worth of more than 150000 zeny"
			Goal: 150000
	Points: 30
	Id: 220030
	Name: "Rich King (1)"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Hold more than 10000 zeny in pocket"
			Goal: 10000
	Points: 10
	Id: 220031
	Name: "Rich King (2)"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Hold more than 100000 zeny in pocket"
			Goal: 100000
	Points: 15
	Id: 220032
	Name: "Rich King (3)"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Hold more than 1000000 zeny in pocket"
			Goal: 1000000
	Points: 20
	Id: 220033
	Name: "Rich King (4)"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Hold more than 10000000 zeny in pocket"
			Goal: 10000000
	Points: 25
	Id: 220034
	Name: "Rich King (5)"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Hold more than 100000000 zeny in pocket"
			Goal: 100000000
	Points: 30
	Id: 220035
	Name: "Rich King (6)"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Hold more than 1000000000 zeny in pocket"
			Goal: 1000000000
	Points: 40
	Id: 230101
	Name: "Poring - taming"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Succeed on Taming Poring"
			Criteria: {
				MobId: "PORING"
	Points: 10
	Id: 230102
	Name: "Drops - taming"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Succeed on Taming Drops"
			Criteria: {
				MobId: "DROPS"
	Points: 10
	Id: 230103
	Name: "Poporing - taming"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Succeed on Taming Poporing"
			Criteria: {
				MobId: "POPORING"
	Points: 10
	Id: 230104
	Name: "Novice Poring - taming"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Succeed on Taming Novice Poring"
			Criteria: {
	Points: 10
	Id: 230111
	Name: "Chonchon - taming"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Succeed on Taming Chonchon"
			Criteria: {
				MobId: "CHONCHON"
	Points: 10
	Id: 230112
	Name: "Steel Chonchon - taming"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Succeed on Taming Steel Chonchon"
			Criteria: {
	Points: 10
	Id: 230113
	Name: "Hunter Fly - taming"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Succeed on Taming Hunter Fly"
			Criteria: {
				MobId: "HUNTER_FLY"
	Points: 10
	Id: 230114
	Name: "Rocker - taming"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Succeed on Taming Rocker"
			Criteria: {
				MobId: "ROCKER"
	Points: 10
	Id: 230115
	Name: "Spore - taming"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Succeed on Taming Spore"
			Criteria: {
				MobId: "SPORE"
	Points: 10
	Id: 230116
	Name: "Poison Spore - taming"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Succeed on Taming Poison Spore"
			Criteria: {
	Points: 10
	Id: 230121
	Name: "Lunatic - taming"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Succeed on Taming Lunatic"
			Criteria: {
				MobId: "LUNATIC"
	Points: 10
	Id: 230122
	Name: "Picky - taming"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Succeed on Taming Picky"
			Criteria: {
				MobId: "PICKY"
	Points: 10
	Id: 230123
	Name: "Savage Bebe - taming"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Succeed on Taming Savage Bebe"
			Criteria: {
				MobId: "SAVAGE_BABE"
	Points: 10
	Id: 230124
	Name: "Baby Desert Wolf - taming"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Succeed on Taming Baby Desert Wolf"
			Criteria: {
				MobId: "M_DESERT_WOLF_B"
	Points: 10
	Id: 230125
	Name: "Smokie - taming"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Succeed on Taming Smokie"
			Criteria: {
				MobId: "SMOKIE"
	Points: 10
	Id: 230126
	Name: "Yoyo - taming"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Succeed on Taming Yoyo"
			Criteria: {
				MobId: "YOYO"
	Points: 10
	Id: 230127
	Name: "Peco Peco - taming"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Succeed on Taming Peco Peco"
			Criteria: {
				MobId: "PECOPECO"
	Points: 10
	Id: 230128
	Name: "Petite - taming"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Succeed on Taming Petite"
			Criteria: {
				MobId: "PETIT"
	Points: 10
	Id: 230141
	Name: "Munak - taming"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Succeed on Taming Munak"
			Criteria: {
				MobId: "MUNAK"
	Points: 10
	Id: 230142
	Name: "Isis - taming"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Succeed on Taming Isis"
			Criteria: {
				MobId: "ISIS"
	Points: 10
	Id: 230143
	Name: "Sohee - taming"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Succeed on Taming Sohee"
			Criteria: {
				MobId: "SOHEE"
	Points: 10
	Id: 230144
	Name: "Zherlthsh - taming"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Succeed on Taming Zherlthsh"
			Criteria: {
				MobId: "ZHERLTHSH"
	Points: 10
	Id: 230145
	Name: "Alice - taming"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Succeed on Taming Alice"
			Criteria: {
				MobId: "ALICE"
	Points: 10
	Id: 230146
	Name: "Succubus - taming"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Succeed on Taming Succubus"
			Criteria: {
				MobId: "SUCCUBUS"
	Points: 10
	Id: 230147
	Name: "Loli Ruri - taming"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Succeed on Taming Loli Ruri"
			Criteria: {
				MobId: "LOLI_RURI"
	Points: 10
	Id: 230201
	Name: "Exploring Poring's life (1)"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Hunt 10 Poring"
			Criteria: {
				MobId: "PORING"
			Goal: 10
		*2: {
			Description: "Hunt 10 Novice Poring"
			Criteria: {
			Goal: 10
		*3: {
			Description: "Hunt 10 Drops"
			Criteria: {
				MobId: "DROPS"
			Goal: 10
		*4: {
			Description: "Hunt 10 Poporing"
			Criteria: {
				MobId: "POPORING"
			Goal: 10
		*5: {
			Description: "Hunt 10 Marin"
			Criteria: {
				MobId: "MARIN"
			Goal: 10
	Points: 10
	Id: 230202
	Name: "Exploring Poring's life (2)"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Hunt 1 Mastering"
			Criteria: {
				MobId: "MASTERING"
			Goal: 1
		*2: {
			Description: "Hunt 1 Devilring"
			Criteria: {
				MobId: "DEVILING"
			Goal: 1
		*3: {
			Description: "Hunt 1 Angelring"
			Criteria: {
				MobId: "ANGELING"
			Goal: 1
		*4: {
			Description: "Hunt 1 Arch Angelring"
			Criteria: {
			Goal: 1
		*5: {
			Description: "Hunt 1 Ghostring"
			Criteria: {
				MobId: "GHOSTRING"
			Goal: 1
	Points: 15
	Id: 230203
	Name: "Exploring Poring's life (3)"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Hunt 5 Metalring"
			Criteria: {
				MobId: "METALING"
			Goal: 5
		*2: {
			Description: "Hunt 5 Heavy Metalring"
			Criteria: {
				MobId: "METALING"
			Goal: 5
		*3: {
			Description: "Hunt 5 Magmaring"
			Criteria: {
				MobId: "MAGMARING"
			Goal: 5
	Points: 20
	Id: 240000
	Name: "Complete challenges after first introduction"
	Type: "ACH_QUEST"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Complete challenges after first introduction"
	Points: 10
	Id: 240001
	Name: "Achieve Level 1"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Achieving Rank 1"
			Goal: 1
	Rewards: {
		Bonus: <" specialeffect(EF_INCAGILITY, AREA, playerattached()); sc_start SC_INC_AGI, 30000, 1; ">
		Items: {
			Gift_Box: 1
	Points: 10
	Id: 240002
	Name: "Achieve Level 2"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Achieving Rank 2"
			Goal: 2
	Rewards: {
		Bonus: <" specialeffect(EF_INCAGILITY, AREA, playerattached()); sc_start SC_INC_AGI, 30000, 1; ">
		Items: {
			Gift_Box: 1
	Points: 10
	Id: 240003
	Name: "Achieve Level 3"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Achieving Rank 3"
			Goal: 3
	Rewards: {
		Bonus: <" specialeffect(EF_INCAGILITY, AREA, playerattached()); sc_start SC_INC_AGI, 30000, 1; ">
		Items: {
			Gift_Box: 1
	Points: 10
	Id: 240004
	Name: "Achieve Level 4"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Achieving Rank 4"
			Goal: 4
	Rewards: {
		Bonus: <" specialeffect(EF_INCAGILITY, AREA, playerattached()); sc_start SC_INC_AGI, 30000, 1; ">
		Items: {
			Gift_Box: 1
	Points: 10
	Id: 240005
	Name: "Achieve Level 5"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Achieving Rank 5"
			Goal: 5
	Rewards: {
		Bonus: <" specialeffect(EF_INCAGILITY, AREA, playerattached()); sc_start SC_INC_AGI, 30000, 1; ">
		Items: {
			Gift_Box: 1
	Points: 10
	Id: 240006
	Name: "Achieve Level 6"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Achieving Rank 6"
			Goal: 6
	Rewards: {
		Bonus: <" specialeffect(EF_INCAGILITY, AREA, playerattached()); sc_start SC_INC_AGI, 30000, 1; ">
		Items: {
			Gift_Box: 1
	Points: 10
	Id: 240007
	Name: "Achieve Level 7"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Achieving Rank 7"
			Goal: 7
	Rewards: {
		Bonus: <" specialeffect(EF_INCAGILITY, AREA, playerattached()); sc_start SC_INC_AGI, 30000, 1; ">
		Items: {
			Gift_Box: 1
	Points: 10
	Id: 240008
	Name: "Achieve Level 8"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Achieving Rank 8"
			Goal: 8
	Rewards: {
		Bonus: <" specialeffect(EF_INCAGILITY, AREA, playerattached()); sc_start SC_INC_AGI, 30000, 1; ">
		Items: {
			Gift_Box: 1
	Points: 10
	Id: 240009
	Name: "Achieve Level 9"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Achieving Rank 9"
			Goal: 9
	Rewards: {
		Bonus: <" specialeffect(EF_INCAGILITY, AREA, playerattached()); sc_start SC_INC_AGI, 30000, 1; ">
		Items: {
			Gift_Box: 1
	Points: 10
	Id: 240010
	Name: "Achieve Level 10"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Achieving Rank 10"
			Goal: 10
	Rewards: {
		TitleId: 1023
		Bonus: <" specialeffect(EF_INCAGILITY, AREA, playerattached()); sc_start SC_INC_AGI, 30000, 1; ">
		Items: {
			Gift_Box: 1
	Points: 10
	Id: 240011
	Name: "Achieve Level 11"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Achieving Rank 11"
			Goal: 11
	Rewards: {
		Bonus: <" specialeffect(EF_INCAGILITY, AREA, playerattached()); sc_start SC_INC_AGI, 30000, 1; ">
		Items: {
			Gift_Box: 1
	Points: 10
	Id: 240012
	Name: "Achieve Level 12"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Achieving Rank 12"
			Goal: 12
	Rewards: {
		Bonus: <" specialeffect(EF_INCAGILITY, AREA, playerattached()); sc_start SC_INC_AGI, 30000, 1; ">
		Items: {
			Gift_Box: 1
	Points: 10
	Id: 240013
	Name: "Achieve Level 13"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Achieving Rank 13"
			Goal: 13
	Rewards: {
		Bonus: <" specialeffect(EF_INCAGILITY, AREA, playerattached()); sc_start SC_INC_AGI, 30000, 1; ">
		Items: {
			Gift_Box: 1
	Points: 10
	Id: 240014
	Name: "Achieve Level 14"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Achieving Rank 14"
			Goal: 14
	Rewards: {
		Bonus: <" specialeffect(EF_INCAGILITY, AREA, playerattached()); sc_start SC_INC_AGI, 30000, 1; ">
		Items: {
			Gift_Box: 1
	Points: 10
	Id: 240015
	Name: "Achieve Level 15"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Achieving Rank 15"
			Goal: 15
	Rewards: {
		Bonus: <" specialeffect(EF_INCAGILITY, AREA, playerattached()); sc_start SC_INC_AGI, 30000, 1; ">
		Items: {
			Gift_Box: 1
	Points: 10
	Id: 240016
	Name: "Achieve Level 16"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Achieving Rank 16"
			Goal: 16
	Rewards: {
		Bonus: <" specialeffect(EF_INCAGILITY, AREA, playerattached()); sc_start SC_INC_AGI, 30000, 1; ">
		Items: {
			Gift_Box: 1
	Points: 10
	Id: 240017
	Name: "Achieve Level 17"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Achieving Rank 17"
			Goal: 17
	Rewards: {
		Bonus: <" specialeffect(EF_INCAGILITY, AREA, playerattached()); sc_start SC_INC_AGI, 30000, 1; ">
		Items: {
			Gift_Box: 1
	Points: 10
	Id: 240018
	Name: "Achieve Level 18"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Achieving Rank 18"
			Goal: 18
	Rewards: {
		Bonus: <" specialeffect(EF_INCAGILITY, AREA, playerattached()); sc_start SC_INC_AGI, 30000, 1; ">
		Items: {
			Gift_Box: 1
	Points: 10
	Id: 240019
	Name: "Achieve Level 19"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Achieving Rank 19"
			Goal: 19
	Rewards: {
		Bonus: <" specialeffect(EF_INCAGILITY, AREA, playerattached()); sc_start SC_INC_AGI, 30000, 1; ">
		Items: {
			Gift_Box: 1
	Points: 10
	Id: 240020
	Name: "Achieve Level 20"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Achieving Rank 20"
			Goal: 20
	Rewards: {
		TitleId: 1024
		Bonus: <" specialeffect(EF_INCAGILITY, AREA, playerattached()); sc_start SC_INC_AGI, 30000, 1; ">
		Items: {
			Gift_Box: 1
	Points: 10
      Entries with criteria that must be read before itself.
	Id: 230100
	Name: "Poring is Love"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Complete 'Poring - taming' challenge"
			Criteria: {
				Achieve: 230101
		*2: {
			Description: "Complete 'Drops - taming' challenge"
			Criteria: {
				Achieve: 230102
		*3: {
			Description: "Complete 'Poporing - taming' challenge"
			Criteria: {
				Achieve: 230103
		*4: {
			Description: "Complete 'Novice Poring - taming' challenge"
			Criteria: {
				Achieve: 230104
	Rewards: {
		TitleId: 1025
		Bonus: <" specialeffect(EF_INCAGILITY, AREA, playerattached()); sc_start SC_INC_AGI, 30000, 1; ">
	Points: 50
	Id: 230110
	Name: "Entomologist"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Complete 'Chonchon - taming' challenge"
			Criteria: {
				Achieve: 230111
		*2: {
			Description: "Complete 'Steel Chonchon - taming' challenge"
			Criteria: {
				Achieve: 230112
		*3: {
			Description: "Complete 'Hunter Fly - taming' challenge"
			Criteria: {
				Achieve: 230113
		*4: {
			Description: "Complete 'Rocker - taming' challenge"
			Criteria: {
				Achieve: 230114
		*5: {
			Description: "Complete 'Spore - taming' challenge"
			Criteria: {
				Achieve: 230115
		*6: {
			Description: "Complete 'Poison Spore - taming' challenge"
			Criteria: {
				Achieve: 230116
	Rewards: {
		TitleId: 1026
		Bonus: <" specialeffect(EF_INCAGILITY, AREA, playerattached()); sc_start SC_INC_AGI, 30000, 1; ">
	Points: 50
	Id: 230120
	Name: "Animals are also our friend"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Complete 'Lunatic - taming' challenge"
			Criteria: {
				Achieve: 230121
		*2: {
			Description: "Complete 'Picky - taming' challenge"
			Criteria: {
				Achieve: 230122
		*3: {
			Description: "Complete 'Savage Bebe - taming' challenge"
			Criteria: {
				Achieve: 230123
		*4: {
			Description: "Complete 'Baby Desert Wolf - taming' challenge"
			Criteria: {
				Achieve: 230124
		*5: {
			Description: "Complete 'Smokie - taming' challenge"
			Criteria: {
				Achieve: 230125
		*6: {
			Description: "Complete 'Yoyo - taming' challenge"
			Criteria: {
				Achieve: 230126
		*7: {
			Description: "Complete 'Peco Peco - taming' challenge"
			Criteria: {
				Achieve: 230127
		*8: {
			Description: "Complete 'Petite - taming' challenge"
			Criteria: {
				Achieve: 230128
	Rewards: {
		TitleId: 1027
		Bonus: <" specialeffect(EF_INCAGILITY, AREA, playerattached()); sc_start SC_INC_AGI, 30000, 1; ">
	Points: 50
	Id: 230140
	Name: "Monster Girls Unite!!"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Complete 'Munak - taming' challenge"
			Criteria: {
				Achieve: 230141
		*2: {
			Description: "Complete 'Isis - taming' challenge"
			Criteria: {
				Achieve: 230142
		*3: {
			Description: "Complete 'Sohee - taming' challenge"
			Criteria: {
				Achieve: 230143
		*4: {
			Description: "Complete 'Zherlthsh - taming' challenge"
			Criteria: {
				Achieve: 230144
		*5: {
			Description: "Complete 'Alice - taming' challenge"
			Criteria: {
				Achieve: 230145
		*6: {
			Description: "Complete 'Succubus - taming' challenge"
			Criteria: {
				Achieve: 230146
		*7: {
			Description: "Complete 'Loli Ruri - taming' challenge"
			Criteria: {
				Achieve: 230147
	Rewards: {
		TitleId: 1029
		Bonus: <" specialeffect(EF_INCAGILITY, AREA, playerattached()); sc_start SC_INC_AGI, 30000, 1; ">
	Points: 50
	Id: 230200
	Name: "Poring seeker"
	Objectives: {
		*1: {
			Description: "Complete 'Exploring Poring's life (1)' challenge"
			Criteria: {
				Achieve: 230201
		*2: {
			Description: "Complete 'Exploring Poring's life (2)' challenge"
			Criteria: {
				Achieve: 230202
		*3: {
			Description: "Complete 'Exploring Poring's life (3)' challenge"
			Criteria: {
				Achieve: 230203
	Points: 10