If you are reading this, you are one of the lucky fools to be actually using the active development tree of the eAthena team. This is the only version that most of the eA dev team will activly support. svn can be retrieved via: http://subversion.tigris.org/files/documents/15/18114/svn-win32-1.1.1.zip once downloaded and placed in your path, you can just do: C> svn co http://dev.deltaanime.net:8080/svnroot/eathena/branches/stable this will check out a copy of our active stable development tree which you can then build. Build? figure it out... So, my server is crashing and I built it out of the svn stable branch.. what do I do? Each developer has their own feelings on supporting this tree and how. Dev=> MouseJstr (AIM: MouseJstr, Yahoo: MouseJstr, msn: joshs@stormbirds.org): If you are running linux and are experiencing crashing/coredumping, give me ssh access to your machine and I willhappily gdb your server, debug your cores, and place fixes back into the svn tree to make the system more stable. In some cases, if the problem is very difficult to debug, I may wish to install a different compiler (in a different location) on your machine which may require root access The cost? Its free.. just work with me to make it better for everybody...