/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- libconfig - A library for processing structured configuration files Copyright (C) 2013-2020 Hercules Dev Team Copyright (C) 2005-2014 Mark A Lindner This file is part of libconfig. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this library. If not, see . ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "ac_config.h" #endif #include #ifdef HAVE_XLOCALE_H #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "libconfig.h" #include "parsectx.h" #include "scanctx.h" #include "wincompat.h" #include "grammar.h" #include "scanner.h" #define PATH_TOKENS ":/" #define CHUNK_SIZE 16 #define FLOAT_PRECISION DBL_DIG #define _new(T) calloc(1, sizeof(T)) /* zeroed */ #define _delete(P) free(P) /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #ifndef LIBCONFIG_STATIC #if (defined(WIN32) || defined(_WIN32) || defined(__WIN32__) \ || defined(WIN64) || defined(_WIN64)) BOOL WINAPI DllMain(HINSTANCE hinstDLL, DWORD fdwReason, LPVOID lpvReserved) { return(TRUE); } #endif /* WIN32 || WIN64 */ #endif /* LIBCONFIG_STATIC */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static const char *__io_error = "file I/O error"; static void __config_list_destroy(struct config_list_t *list); static void __config_write_setting(const struct config_t *config, const struct config_setting_t *setting, FILE *stream, int depth); /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void __config_locale_override(void) { #if (defined(WIN32) || defined(_WIN32) || defined(__WIN32__)) \ && ! defined(__MINGW32__) _configthreadlocale(_ENABLE_PER_THREAD_LOCALE); setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, "C"); #elif defined(__APPLE__) locale_t loc = newlocale(LC_NUMERIC_MASK, "C", NULL); uselocale(loc); #elif ((defined HAVE_NEWLOCALE) && (defined HAVE_USELOCALE)) locale_t loc = newlocale(LC_NUMERIC, "C", NULL); uselocale(loc); #else /* locale overriding is pretty pointless (Hercules doesn't make use of the area that uses locale functionality), * but I'm actually removing it because it floods the buildbot with warnings */ //#warning "No way to modify calling thread's locale!" #endif } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #define __config_has_option(C, O) \ (((C)->options & (O)) != 0) /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void __config_locale_restore(void) { #if (defined(WIN32) || defined(_WIN32) || defined(__WIN32__)) \ && ! defined(__MINGW32__) _configthreadlocale(_DISABLE_PER_THREAD_LOCALE); #elif ((defined HAVE_USELOCALE) && (defined HAVE_FREELOCALE)) locale_t loc = uselocale(LC_GLOBAL_LOCALE); freelocale(loc); #else /* locale overriding is pretty pointless (Hercules doesn't make use of the area that uses locale functionality), * but I'm actually removing it because it floods the buildbot with warnings */ //#warning "No way to modify calling thread's locale!" #endif } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static int __config_name_compare(const char *a, const char *b) { const char *p, *q; for(p = a, q = b; ; p++, q++) { int pd = ((! *p) || strchr(PATH_TOKENS, *p)); int qd = ((! *q) || strchr(PATH_TOKENS, *q)); if(pd && qd) break; else if(pd) return(-1); else if(qd) return(1); else if(*p < *q) return(-1); else if(*p > *q) return(1); } return(0); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void __config_indent(FILE *stream, int depth, unsigned short w) { if(w) fprintf(stream, "%*s", (depth - 1) * w, " "); else { int i; for(i = 0; i < (depth - 1); ++i) fputc('\t', stream); } } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** * converts an integer to a binary string (because itoa is not in C99) * skips leading zeros, and does not prepend with a 0b prefix * * @param value - the integer to convert to a binary expression * @param buffer - a pointer to the buffer used to build the string * @returns the same buffer */ char *int_tobin(const unsigned long long value, char *buffer) { const unsigned long long mask = 1; unsigned char nonzero = 0; for (char bit = 63; bit >= 0; --bit) { if ((value & (mask << bit)) == 1) { nonzero = 1; *buffer++ = '1'; } else if (nonzero != 0) { *buffer++ = '0'; } } *buffer = '\0'; return buffer; } static void __config_write_value(const struct config_t *config, const union config_value_t *value, int type, int format, int depth, FILE *stream) { char fbuf[64]; switch(type) { /* boolean */ case CONFIG_TYPE_BOOL: fputs(value->ival ? "true" : "false", stream); break; /* int */ case CONFIG_TYPE_INT: switch(format) { case CONFIG_FORMAT_HEX: fprintf(stream, "0x%X", (unsigned int)(value->ival)); break; case CONFIG_FORMAT_BIN: { char buffer[33]; // 32 individual bits (char '0' and '1') represented as 32 bytes + null fprintf(stream, "0b%s", int_tobin((unsigned int)(value->ival), buffer)); break; } case CONFIG_FORMAT_OCT: fprintf(stream, "0o%o", (unsigned int)(value->ival)); break; case CONFIG_FORMAT_DEFAULT: default: fprintf(stream, "%d", value->ival); break; } break; /* 64-bit int */ case CONFIG_TYPE_INT64: switch(format) { case CONFIG_FORMAT_HEX: fprintf(stream, "0x" INT64_HEX_FMT "L", (unsigned long long)(value->llval)); break; case CONFIG_FORMAT_BIN: { char buffer[65]; // 64 individual bits (char '0' and '1') represented as 64 bytes + null fprintf(stream, "0b%s", int_tobin((unsigned long long)(value->llval), buffer)); break; } case CONFIG_FORMAT_OCT: fprintf(stream, "0o" INT64_OCT_FMT "L", (unsigned long long)(value->llval)); break; case CONFIG_FORMAT_DEFAULT: default: fprintf(stream, INT64_FMT "L", value->llval); break; } break; /* float */ case CONFIG_TYPE_FLOAT: { char *q; snprintf(fbuf, sizeof(fbuf) - 3, "%.*g", FLOAT_PRECISION, value->fval); /* check for exponent */ q = strchr(fbuf, 'e'); if(! q) { /* no exponent */ if(! strchr(fbuf, '.')) /* no decimal point */ strcat(fbuf, ".0"); else { /* has decimal point */ char *p; for(p = fbuf + strlen(fbuf) - 1; p > fbuf; --p) { if(*p != '0') { *(++p) = '\0'; break; } } } } fputs(fbuf, stream); break; } /* string */ case CONFIG_TYPE_STRING: { char *p; fputc('\"', stream); if(value->sval) { for(p = value->sval; *p; p++) { int c = (int)*p & 0xFF; switch(c) { case '\"': case '\\': fputc('\\', stream); fputc(c, stream); break; case '\n': fputs("\\n", stream); break; case '\r': fputs("\\r", stream); break; case '\f': fputs("\\f", stream); break; case '\t': fputs("\\t", stream); break; default: if(c >= ' ') fputc(c, stream); else fprintf(stream, "\\x%02X", (unsigned int)(c)); } } } fputc('\"', stream); break; } /* list */ case CONFIG_TYPE_LIST: { struct config_list_t *list = value->list; fprintf(stream, "( "); if(list) { int len = list->length; struct config_setting_t **s; for(s = list->elements; len--; s++) { __config_write_value(config, &((*s)->value), (*s)->type, config_setting_get_format(*s), depth + 1, stream); if(len) fputc(',', stream); fputc(' ', stream); } } fputc(')', stream); break; } /* array */ case CONFIG_TYPE_ARRAY: { struct config_list_t *list = value->list; fprintf(stream, "[ "); if(list) { int len = list->length; struct config_setting_t **s; for(s = list->elements; len--; s++) { __config_write_value(config, &((*s)->value), (*s)->type, config_setting_get_format(*s), depth + 1, stream); if(len) fputc(',', stream); fputc(' ', stream); } } fputc(']', stream); break; } /* group */ case CONFIG_TYPE_GROUP: { struct config_list_t *list = value->list; if(depth > 0) { if((config->options & CONFIG_OPTION_OPEN_BRACE_ON_SEPARATE_LINE) != 0) { fputc('\n', stream); if(depth > 1) __config_indent(stream, depth, config->tab_width); } fprintf(stream, "{\n"); } if(list) { int len = list->length; struct config_setting_t **s; for(s = list->elements; len--; s++) __config_write_setting(config, *s, stream, depth + 1); } if(depth > 1) __config_indent(stream, depth, config->tab_width); if(depth > 0) fputc('}', stream); break; } default: /* this shouldn't happen, but handle it gracefully... */ fputs("???", stream); break; } } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void __config_list_add(struct config_list_t *list, struct config_setting_t *setting) { if((list->length % CHUNK_SIZE) == 0) { list->elements = (struct config_setting_t **)realloc( list->elements, (list->length + CHUNK_SIZE) * sizeof(struct config_setting_t *)); } list->elements[list->length] = setting; list->length++; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static struct config_setting_t *__config_list_search(struct config_list_t *list, const char *name, unsigned int *idx) { struct config_setting_t **found = NULL; unsigned int i; if(! list) return(NULL); for(i = 0, found = list->elements; i < list->length; i++, found++) { if(! (*found)->name) continue; if(! __config_name_compare(name, (*found)->name)) { if(idx) *idx = i; return(*found); } } return(NULL); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static struct config_setting_t *__config_list_remove(struct config_list_t *list, int idx) { struct config_setting_t *removed = *(list->elements + idx); int offset = (idx * sizeof(struct config_setting_t *)); int len = list->length - 1 - idx; char *base = (char *)list->elements + offset; memmove(base, base + sizeof(struct config_setting_t *), len * sizeof(struct config_setting_t *)); list->length--; /* possibly realloc smaller? */ return(removed); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void __config_setting_destroy(struct config_setting_t *setting) { if(setting) { if(setting->name) _delete(setting->name); if(setting->type == CONFIG_TYPE_STRING) _delete(setting->value.sval); else if((setting->type == CONFIG_TYPE_GROUP) || (setting->type == CONFIG_TYPE_ARRAY) || (setting->type == CONFIG_TYPE_LIST)) { if(setting->value.list) __config_list_destroy(setting->value.list); } if(setting->hook && setting->config->destructor) setting->config->destructor(setting->hook); _delete(setting); } } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void __config_list_destroy(struct config_list_t *list) { struct config_setting_t **p; unsigned int i; if(! list) return; if(list->elements) { for(p = list->elements, i = 0; i < list->length; p++, i++) __config_setting_destroy(*p); _delete(list->elements); } _delete(list); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static int __config_vector_checktype(const struct config_setting_t *vector, int type) { /* if the array is empty, then it has no type yet */ if(! vector->value.list) return(CONFIG_TRUE); if(vector->value.list->length == 0) return(CONFIG_TRUE); /* if it's a list, any type is allowed */ if(vector->type == CONFIG_TYPE_LIST) return(CONFIG_TRUE); /* otherwise the first element added determines the type of the array */ return((vector->value.list->elements[0]->type == type) ? CONFIG_TRUE : CONFIG_FALSE); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static int __config_validate_name(const char *name) { const char *p = name; if(*p == '\0') return(CONFIG_FALSE); if(! isalpha((int)*p) && !isdigit((int)*p) && (*p != '*')) return(CONFIG_FALSE); for(++p; *p; ++p) { if(! (isalpha((int)*p) || isdigit((int)*p) || strchr("*_-'.", (int)*p))) return(CONFIG_FALSE); } return(CONFIG_TRUE); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static int __config_read(struct config_t *config, FILE *stream, const char *filename, const char *str) { yyscan_t scanner; struct scan_context scan_ctx; struct parse_context parse_ctx; int r; /* Reinitialize the config */ void (*destructor)(void *) = config->destructor; char *include_dir = config->include_dir; unsigned short tab_width = config->tab_width; int options = config->options; config->include_dir = NULL; config_destroy(config); config_init(config); config->destructor = destructor; config->include_dir = include_dir; config->tab_width = tab_width; config->options = options; parsectx_init(&parse_ctx); parse_ctx.config = config; parse_ctx.parent = config->root; parse_ctx.setting = config->root; __config_locale_override(); scanctx_init(&scan_ctx, filename); config->root->file = scanctx_current_filename(&scan_ctx); scan_ctx.config = config; libconfig_yylex_init_extra(&scan_ctx, &scanner); if(stream) libconfig_yyrestart(stream, scanner); else /* read from string */ (void)libconfig_yy_scan_string(str, scanner); libconfig_yyset_lineno(1, scanner); r = libconfig_yyparse(scanner, &parse_ctx, &scan_ctx); if(r != 0) { YY_BUFFER_STATE buf; config->error_file = scanctx_current_filename(&scan_ctx); config->error_type = CONFIG_ERR_PARSE; /* Unwind the include stack, freeing the buffers and closing the files. */ while((buf = (YY_BUFFER_STATE)scanctx_pop_include(&scan_ctx)) != NULL) libconfig_yy_delete_buffer(buf, scanner); } libconfig_yylex_destroy(scanner); config->filenames = scanctx_cleanup(&scan_ctx, &(config->num_filenames)); parsectx_cleanup(&parse_ctx); __config_locale_restore(); return(r == 0 ? CONFIG_TRUE : CONFIG_FALSE); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int config_read(struct config_t *config, FILE *stream) { return(__config_read(config, stream, NULL, NULL)); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int config_read_string(struct config_t *config, const char *str) { return(__config_read(config, NULL, NULL, str)); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void __config_write_setting(const struct config_t *config, const struct config_setting_t *setting, FILE *stream, int depth) { char group_assign_char = __config_has_option( config, CONFIG_OPTION_COLON_ASSIGNMENT_FOR_GROUPS) ? ':' : '='; char nongroup_assign_char = __config_has_option( config, CONFIG_OPTION_COLON_ASSIGNMENT_FOR_NON_GROUPS) ? ':' : '='; if(depth > 1) __config_indent(stream, depth, config->tab_width); if(setting->name) { fputs(setting->name, stream); fprintf(stream, " %c ", ((setting->type == CONFIG_TYPE_GROUP) ? group_assign_char : nongroup_assign_char)); } __config_write_value(config, &(setting->value), setting->type, config_setting_get_format(setting), depth, stream); if(depth > 0) { if(__config_has_option(config, CONFIG_OPTION_SEMICOLON_SEPARATORS)) fputc(';', stream); fputc('\n', stream); } } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void config_write(const struct config_t *config, FILE *stream) { __config_locale_override(); __config_write_setting(config, config->root, stream, 0); __config_locale_restore(); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int config_read_file(struct config_t *config, const char *filename) { int ret, ok = 0; FILE *stream = fopen(filename, "rt"); if(stream != NULL) { // On some operating systems, fopen() succeeds on a directory. int fd = fileno(stream); struct stat statbuf; if(fstat(fd, &statbuf) == 0) { // Only proceed if this is not a directory. if(!S_ISDIR(statbuf.st_mode)) ok = 1; } } if(!ok) { if(stream != NULL) fclose(stream); config->error_text = __io_error; config->error_type = CONFIG_ERR_FILE_IO; return(CONFIG_FALSE); } ret = __config_read(config, stream, filename, NULL); fclose(stream); return(ret); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int config_write_file(struct config_t *config, const char *filename) { FILE *stream = fopen(filename, "wt"); if(stream == NULL) { config->error_text = __io_error; config->error_type = CONFIG_ERR_FILE_IO; config->error_file = filename; return(CONFIG_FALSE); } config_write(config, stream); fclose(stream); config->error_type = CONFIG_ERR_NONE; return(CONFIG_TRUE); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void config_destroy(struct config_t *config) { unsigned int count = config->num_filenames; char **f; __config_setting_destroy(config->root); for(f = config->filenames; count > 0; ++f, --count) _delete(*f); _delete(config->filenames); _delete(config->include_dir); memset((void *)config, 0, sizeof(struct config_t)); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void config_init(struct config_t *config) { memset((void *)config, 0, sizeof(struct config_t)); config->root = _new(struct config_setting_t); config->root->type = CONFIG_TYPE_GROUP; config->root->config = config; config->options = (CONFIG_OPTION_SEMICOLON_SEPARATORS | CONFIG_OPTION_COLON_ASSIGNMENT_FOR_GROUPS | CONFIG_OPTION_OPEN_BRACE_ON_SEPARATE_LINE); config->tab_width = 2; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void config_set_auto_convert(struct config_t *config, int flag) { if(flag) config->options |= CONFIG_OPTION_AUTOCONVERT; else config->options &= ~CONFIG_OPTION_AUTOCONVERT; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int config_get_auto_convert(const struct config_t *config) { return(__config_has_option(config, CONFIG_OPTION_AUTOCONVERT)); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void config_set_options(struct config_t *config, int options) { config->options = options; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int config_get_options(const struct config_t *config) { return(config->options); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static struct config_setting_t *config_setting_create(struct config_setting_t *parent, const char *name, int type) { struct config_setting_t *setting; struct config_list_t *list; if((parent->type != CONFIG_TYPE_GROUP) && (parent->type != CONFIG_TYPE_ARRAY) && (parent->type != CONFIG_TYPE_LIST)) return(NULL); setting = _new(struct config_setting_t); setting->parent = parent; setting->name = (name == NULL) ? NULL : strdup(name); setting->type = type; setting->config = parent->config; setting->hook = NULL; setting->line = 0; list = parent->value.list; if(! list) list = parent->value.list = _new(struct config_list_t); __config_list_add(list, setting); return(setting); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static int __config_setting_get_int(const struct config_setting_t *setting, int *value) { switch(setting->type) { case CONFIG_TYPE_INT: *value = setting->value.ival; return(CONFIG_TRUE); case CONFIG_TYPE_INT64: if((setting->value.llval > INT32_MAX) || (setting->value.llval < INT32_MIN)) *value = 0; else *value = (int)(setting->value.llval); return(CONFIG_TRUE); case CONFIG_TYPE_FLOAT: if(__config_has_option(setting->config, CONFIG_OPTION_AUTOCONVERT)) { *value = (int)(setting->value.fval); return(CONFIG_TRUE); } else { /* fall through */ } return(CONFIG_FALSE); default: return(CONFIG_FALSE); } } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int config_setting_get_int(const struct config_setting_t *setting) { int value = 0; __config_setting_get_int(setting, &value); return(value); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static int __config_setting_get_int64(const struct config_setting_t *setting, long long *value) { switch(setting->type) { case CONFIG_TYPE_INT64: *value = setting->value.llval; return(CONFIG_TRUE); case CONFIG_TYPE_INT: *value = (long long)(setting->value.ival); return(CONFIG_TRUE); case CONFIG_TYPE_FLOAT: if(__config_has_option(setting->config, CONFIG_OPTION_AUTOCONVERT)) { *value = (long long)(setting->value.fval); return(CONFIG_TRUE); } else { /* fall through */ } return(CONFIG_FALSE); default: return(CONFIG_FALSE); } } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ long long config_setting_get_int64(const struct config_setting_t *setting) { long long value = 0; __config_setting_get_int64(setting, &value); return(value); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int config_setting_lookup_int(const struct config_setting_t *setting, const char *name, int *value) { struct config_setting_t *member = config_setting_get_member(setting, name); if(! member) return(CONFIG_FALSE); return(__config_setting_get_int(member, value)); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int config_setting_lookup_int64(const struct config_setting_t *setting, const char *name, long long *value) { struct config_setting_t *member = config_setting_get_member(setting, name); if(! member) return(CONFIG_FALSE); return(__config_setting_get_int64(member, value)); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static int __config_setting_get_float(const struct config_setting_t *setting, double *value) { switch(setting->type) { case CONFIG_TYPE_FLOAT: *value = setting->value.fval; return(CONFIG_TRUE); case CONFIG_TYPE_INT: if(config_get_auto_convert(setting->config)) { *value = (double)(setting->value.ival); return(CONFIG_TRUE); } else return(CONFIG_FALSE); case CONFIG_TYPE_INT64: if(config_get_auto_convert(setting->config)) { *value = (double)(setting->value.llval); return(CONFIG_TRUE); } else { /* fall through */ } return(CONFIG_FALSE); default: return(CONFIG_FALSE); } } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ double config_setting_get_float(const struct config_setting_t *setting) { double value = 0.0; __config_setting_get_float(setting, &value); return(value); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int config_setting_lookup_float(const struct config_setting_t *setting, const char *name, double *value) { struct config_setting_t *member = config_setting_get_member(setting, name); if(! member) return(CONFIG_FALSE); return(__config_setting_get_float(member, value)); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int config_setting_lookup_string(const struct config_setting_t *setting, const char *name, const char **value) { struct config_setting_t *member = config_setting_get_member(setting, name); if(! member) return(CONFIG_FALSE); if(config_setting_type(member) != CONFIG_TYPE_STRING) return(CONFIG_FALSE); *value = config_setting_get_string(member); return(CONFIG_TRUE); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int config_setting_lookup_bool(const struct config_setting_t *setting, const char *name, int *value) { struct config_setting_t *member = config_setting_get_member(setting, name); if(! member) return(CONFIG_FALSE); if(config_setting_type(member) != CONFIG_TYPE_BOOL) return(CONFIG_FALSE); *value = config_setting_get_bool(member); return(CONFIG_TRUE); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int config_setting_set_int(struct config_setting_t *setting, int value) { switch(setting->type) { case CONFIG_TYPE_NONE: setting->type = CONFIG_TYPE_INT; /* fall through */ case CONFIG_TYPE_INT: setting->value.ival = value; return(CONFIG_TRUE); case CONFIG_TYPE_FLOAT: if(config_get_auto_convert(setting->config)) { setting->value.fval = (float)value; return(CONFIG_TRUE); } else return(CONFIG_FALSE); default: return(CONFIG_FALSE); } } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int config_setting_set_int64(struct config_setting_t *setting, long long value) { switch(setting->type) { case CONFIG_TYPE_NONE: setting->type = CONFIG_TYPE_INT64; /* fall through */ case CONFIG_TYPE_INT64: setting->value.llval = value; return(CONFIG_TRUE); case CONFIG_TYPE_INT: if((value > INT32_MAX) || (value < INT32_MIN)) setting->value.ival = 0; else setting->value.ival = (int)value; return(CONFIG_TRUE); case CONFIG_TYPE_FLOAT: if(config_get_auto_convert(setting->config)) { setting->value.fval = (float)value; return(CONFIG_TRUE); } else return(CONFIG_FALSE); default: return(CONFIG_FALSE); } } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int config_setting_set_float(struct config_setting_t *setting, double value) { switch(setting->type) { case CONFIG_TYPE_NONE: setting->type = CONFIG_TYPE_FLOAT; /* fall through */ case CONFIG_TYPE_FLOAT: setting->value.fval = value; return(CONFIG_TRUE); case CONFIG_TYPE_INT: if(__config_has_option(setting->config, CONFIG_OPTION_AUTOCONVERT)) { setting->value.ival = (int)value; return(CONFIG_TRUE); } else return(CONFIG_FALSE); case CONFIG_TYPE_INT64: if(__config_has_option(setting->config, CONFIG_OPTION_AUTOCONVERT)) { setting->value.llval = (long long)value; return(CONFIG_TRUE); } else return(CONFIG_FALSE); default: return(CONFIG_FALSE); } } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int config_setting_get_bool(const struct config_setting_t *setting) { return((setting->type == CONFIG_TYPE_BOOL) ? setting->value.ival : 0); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int config_setting_set_bool(struct config_setting_t *setting, int value) { if(setting->type == CONFIG_TYPE_NONE) setting->type = CONFIG_TYPE_BOOL; else if(setting->type != CONFIG_TYPE_BOOL) return(CONFIG_FALSE); setting->value.ival = value; return(CONFIG_TRUE); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ const char *config_setting_get_string(const struct config_setting_t *setting) { return((setting->type == CONFIG_TYPE_STRING) ? setting->value.sval : NULL); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int config_setting_set_string(struct config_setting_t *setting, const char *value) { if(setting->type == CONFIG_TYPE_NONE) setting->type = CONFIG_TYPE_STRING; else if(setting->type != CONFIG_TYPE_STRING) return(CONFIG_FALSE); if(setting->value.sval) _delete(setting->value.sval); setting->value.sval = (value == NULL) ? NULL : strdup(value); return(CONFIG_TRUE); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int config_setting_set_format(struct config_setting_t *setting, short format) { if (((setting->type != CONFIG_TYPE_INT) && (setting->type != CONFIG_TYPE_INT64)) || ((format != CONFIG_FORMAT_DEFAULT) && (format != CONFIG_FORMAT_HEX) && (format != CONFIG_FORMAT_BIN) && (format != CONFIG_FORMAT_OCT))) { return CONFIG_FALSE; } setting->format = format; return CONFIG_TRUE; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ short config_setting_get_format(const struct config_setting_t *setting) { return(setting->format != 0 ? setting->format : setting->config->default_format); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ struct config_setting_t *config_setting_lookup(struct config_setting_t *setting, const char *path) { const char *p = path; struct config_setting_t *found; for(;;) { while(*p && strchr(PATH_TOKENS, *p)) p++; if(! *p) break; if(*p == '[') found = config_setting_get_elem(setting, atoi(++p)); else found = config_setting_get_member(setting, p); if(! found) break; setting = found; while(! strchr(PATH_TOKENS, *p)) p++; } return(*p ? NULL : setting); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ struct config_setting_t *config_lookup(const struct config_t *config, const char *path) { return(config_setting_lookup(config->root, path)); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int config_lookup_string(const struct config_t *config, const char *path, const char **value) { const struct config_setting_t *s = config_lookup(config, path); if(! s) return(CONFIG_FALSE); if(config_setting_type(s) != CONFIG_TYPE_STRING) return(CONFIG_FALSE); *value = config_setting_get_string(s); return(CONFIG_TRUE); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int config_lookup_int(const struct config_t *config, const char *path, int *value) { const struct config_setting_t *s = config_lookup(config, path); if(! s) return(CONFIG_FALSE); return(__config_setting_get_int(s, value)); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int config_lookup_int64(const struct config_t *config, const char *path, long long *value) { const struct config_setting_t *s = config_lookup(config, path); if(! s) return(CONFIG_FALSE); return(__config_setting_get_int64(s, value)); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int config_lookup_float(const struct config_t *config, const char *path, double *value) { const struct config_setting_t *s = config_lookup(config, path); if(! s) return(CONFIG_FALSE); return(__config_setting_get_float(s, value)); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int config_lookup_bool(const struct config_t *config, const char *path, int *value) { const struct config_setting_t *s = config_lookup(config, path); if(! s) return(CONFIG_FALSE); if(config_setting_type(s) != CONFIG_TYPE_BOOL) return(CONFIG_FALSE); *value = config_setting_get_bool(s); return(CONFIG_TRUE); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int config_setting_get_int_elem(const struct config_setting_t *vector, int idx) { const struct config_setting_t *element = config_setting_get_elem(vector, idx); return(element ? config_setting_get_int(element) : 0); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ struct config_setting_t *config_setting_set_int_elem(struct config_setting_t *vector, int idx, int value) { struct config_setting_t *element = NULL; if((vector->type != CONFIG_TYPE_ARRAY) && (vector->type != CONFIG_TYPE_LIST)) return(NULL); if(idx < 0) { if(! __config_vector_checktype(vector, CONFIG_TYPE_INT)) return(NULL); element = config_setting_create(vector, NULL, CONFIG_TYPE_INT); } else { element = config_setting_get_elem(vector, idx); if(! element) return(NULL); } if(! config_setting_set_int(element, value)) return(NULL); return(element); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ long long config_setting_get_int64_elem(const struct config_setting_t *vector, int idx) { const struct config_setting_t *element = config_setting_get_elem(vector, idx); return(element ? config_setting_get_int64(element) : 0); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ struct config_setting_t *config_setting_set_int64_elem(struct config_setting_t *vector, int idx, long long value) { struct config_setting_t *element = NULL; if((vector->type != CONFIG_TYPE_ARRAY) && (vector->type != CONFIG_TYPE_LIST)) return(NULL); if(idx < 0) { if(! __config_vector_checktype(vector, CONFIG_TYPE_INT64)) return(NULL); element = config_setting_create(vector, NULL, CONFIG_TYPE_INT64); } else { element = config_setting_get_elem(vector, idx); if(! element) return(NULL); } if(! config_setting_set_int64(element, value)) return(NULL); return(element); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ double config_setting_get_float_elem(const struct config_setting_t *vector, int idx) { struct config_setting_t *element = config_setting_get_elem(vector, idx); return(element ? config_setting_get_float(element) : 0.0); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ struct config_setting_t *config_setting_set_float_elem(struct config_setting_t *vector, int idx, double value) { struct config_setting_t *element = NULL; if((vector->type != CONFIG_TYPE_ARRAY) && (vector->type != CONFIG_TYPE_LIST)) return(NULL); if(idx < 0) { if(! __config_vector_checktype(vector, CONFIG_TYPE_FLOAT)) return(NULL); element = config_setting_create(vector, NULL, CONFIG_TYPE_FLOAT); } else element = config_setting_get_elem(vector, idx); if(! element) return(NULL); if(! config_setting_set_float(element, value)) return(NULL); return(element); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int config_setting_get_bool_elem(const struct config_setting_t *vector, int idx) { struct config_setting_t *element = config_setting_get_elem(vector, idx); if(! element) return(CONFIG_FALSE); if(element->type != CONFIG_TYPE_BOOL) return(CONFIG_FALSE); return(element->value.ival); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ struct config_setting_t *config_setting_set_bool_elem(struct config_setting_t *vector, int idx, int value) { struct config_setting_t *element = NULL; if((vector->type != CONFIG_TYPE_ARRAY) && (vector->type != CONFIG_TYPE_LIST)) return(NULL); if(idx < 0) { if(! __config_vector_checktype(vector, CONFIG_TYPE_BOOL)) return(NULL); element = config_setting_create(vector, NULL, CONFIG_TYPE_BOOL); } else element = config_setting_get_elem(vector, idx); if(! element) return(NULL); if(! config_setting_set_bool(element, value)) return(NULL); return(element); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ const char *config_setting_get_string_elem(const struct config_setting_t *vector, int idx) { struct config_setting_t *element = config_setting_get_elem(vector, idx); if(! element) return(NULL); if(element->type != CONFIG_TYPE_STRING) return(NULL); return(element->value.sval); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ struct config_setting_t *config_setting_set_string_elem(struct config_setting_t *vector, int idx, const char *value) { struct config_setting_t *element = NULL; if((vector->type != CONFIG_TYPE_ARRAY) && (vector->type != CONFIG_TYPE_LIST)) return(NULL); if(idx < 0) { if(! __config_vector_checktype(vector, CONFIG_TYPE_STRING)) return(NULL); element = config_setting_create(vector, NULL, CONFIG_TYPE_STRING); } else element = config_setting_get_elem(vector, idx); if(! element) return(NULL); if(! config_setting_set_string(element, value)) return(NULL); return(element); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ struct config_setting_t *config_setting_get_elem(const struct config_setting_t *vector, unsigned int idx) { struct config_list_t *list = vector->value.list; if(((vector->type != CONFIG_TYPE_ARRAY) && (vector->type != CONFIG_TYPE_LIST) && (vector->type != CONFIG_TYPE_GROUP)) || ! list) return(NULL); if(idx >= list->length) return(NULL); return(list->elements[idx]); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ struct config_setting_t *config_setting_get_member(const struct config_setting_t *setting, const char *name) { if(setting->type != CONFIG_TYPE_GROUP) return(NULL); return(__config_list_search(setting->value.list, name, NULL)); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void config_set_destructor(struct config_t *config, void (*destructor)(void *)) { config->destructor = destructor; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void config_set_include_dir(struct config_t *config, const char *include_dir) { _delete(config->include_dir); config->include_dir = strdup(include_dir); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int config_setting_length(const struct config_setting_t *setting) { if((setting->type != CONFIG_TYPE_GROUP) && (setting->type != CONFIG_TYPE_ARRAY) && (setting->type != CONFIG_TYPE_LIST)) return(0); if(! setting->value.list) return(0); return(setting->value.list->length); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void config_setting_set_hook(struct config_setting_t *setting, void *hook) { setting->hook = hook; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ struct config_setting_t *config_setting_add(struct config_setting_t *parent, const char *name, int type) { if((type < CONFIG_TYPE_NONE) || (type > CONFIG_TYPE_LIST)) return(NULL); if(! parent) return(NULL); if((parent->type == CONFIG_TYPE_ARRAY) || (parent->type == CONFIG_TYPE_LIST)) name = NULL; if(name) { if(! __config_validate_name(name)) return(NULL); } #if 0 /* https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules/pull/136#discussion_r6363319 * With this code, accidental duplicate keys would cause the file parsing to fail * (would cause several issues during runtime on file reloads), while libconfig's code * has no problems with duplicate members so it was ducked out -- TODO: looking now though * I'd think it could be useful to have it display a warning or error message when finding * duplicate keys instead of silently moving on. [Ind] */ if(config_setting_get_member(parent, name) != NULL) return(NULL); /* already exists */ #endif return(config_setting_create(parent, name, type)); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int config_setting_remove(struct config_setting_t *parent, const char *name) { unsigned int idx; struct config_setting_t *setting; if(! parent) return(CONFIG_FALSE); if(parent->type != CONFIG_TYPE_GROUP) return(CONFIG_FALSE); if(! (setting = __config_list_search(parent->value.list, name, &idx))) return(CONFIG_FALSE); __config_list_remove(parent->value.list, idx); __config_setting_destroy(setting); return(CONFIG_TRUE); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int config_setting_remove_elem(struct config_setting_t *parent, unsigned int idx) { struct config_list_t *list; struct config_setting_t *removed = NULL; if(! parent) return(CONFIG_FALSE); list = parent->value.list; if(((parent->type != CONFIG_TYPE_ARRAY) && (parent->type != CONFIG_TYPE_LIST) && (parent->type != CONFIG_TYPE_GROUP)) || ! list) return(CONFIG_FALSE); if(idx >= list->length) return(CONFIG_FALSE); removed = __config_list_remove(list, idx); __config_setting_destroy(removed); return(CONFIG_TRUE); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int config_setting_index(const struct config_setting_t *setting) { struct config_setting_t **found = NULL; struct config_list_t *list; int i; if(! setting->parent) return(-1); list = setting->parent->value.list; for(i = 0, found = list->elements; i < (int)list->length; ++i, ++found) { if(*found == setting) return(i); } return(-1); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */