# macro to configure the use of local or system version of a package # Uses: # HAVE_LOCAL_${name} - is local version available? # ${name}_LOCAL_DEPENDENCIES - dependencies of the local version # ${name}_LOCAL_LIBRARIES - libraries of the local version # ${name}_LOCAL_INCLUDE_DIRS - include directories of the local version # ${name}_LOCAL_DEFINITIONS - definitions of the local version # HAVE_SYSTEM_${name} - is system version available? # ${name}_SYSTEM_DEPENDENCIES - dependencies of the system version # ${name}_SYSTEM_LIBRARIES - libraries of the system version # ${name}_SYSTEM_INCLUDE_DIRS - include directories of the system version # ${name}_SYSTEM_DEFINITIONS - definitions of the system version # Generates: # WITH_LOCAL_${name} - use the local version of the package (only when local is available) # WITH_${name} - use this package # ${name}_DEPENDENCIES - dependencies # ${name}_LIBRARIES - libraries # ${name}_INCLUDE_DIRS - include directories # ${name}_DEFINITIONS - definitions macro( CONFIGURE_WITH_LOCAL_OR_SYSTEM name ) if( HAVE_LOCAL_${name} ) set( WITH_LOCAL_${name} ON CACHE BOOL "use local version of ${name}" ) else() unset( WITH_LOCAL_${name} CACHE ) endif() if( WITH_LOCAL_${name} ) set( _type "LOCAL" ) elseif( HAVE_SYSTEM_${name} ) set( _type "SYSTEM" ) message( STATUS "Configuring for system ${name} - done" ) endif() if( WITH_LOCAL_${name} OR HAVE_SYSTEM_${name} ) set( WITH_${name} ON CACHE BOOL "use ${name}" ) else() unset( WITH_${name} CACHE ) endif() message( STATUS "Configuring for ${_type} ${name}" ) unset( ${name}_DEPENDENCIES CACHE ) unset( ${name}_LIBRARIES CACHE ) unset( ${name}_INCLUDE_DIRS CACHE ) unset( ${name}_DEFINITIONS CACHE ) set( ${name}_DEPENDENCIES ${${name}_${_type}_DEPENDENCIES} CACHE PATH "${name} dependencies" ) set( ${name}_LIBRARIES ${${name}_${_type}_LIBRARIES} CACHE PATH "${name} libraries" ) set( ${name}_INCLUDE_DIRS ${${name}_${_type}_INCLUDE_DIRS} CACHE PATH "${name} include directories" ) set( ${name}_DEFINITIONS ${${name}_${_type}_DEFINITIONS} CACHE PATH "${name} definitions" ) mark_as_advanced( ${name}_DEPENDENCIES ) mark_as_advanced( ${name}_LIBRARIES ) mark_as_advanced( ${name}_INCLUDE_DIRS ) mark_as_advanced( ${name}_DEFINITIONS ) message( STATUS "Configuring for ${_type} ${name} - done" ) endmacro( CONFIGURE_WITH_LOCAL_OR_SYSTEM ) add_subdirectory( libconfig ) add_subdirectory( msinttypes ) add_subdirectory( mt19937ar ) add_subdirectory( mysql ) add_subdirectory( pcre ) add_subdirectory( zlib )