language: c sudo: false addons: #apt: # sources: # - ubuntu-toolchain-r-test # packages: # - gcc-5 # - gcc-6 coverity_scan: # GitHub project metadata project: name: "HerculesWS/Hercules" description: "Build submitted via Travis CI" #version: 1.0 # Where email notification of build analysis results will be sent notification_email: "" # Commands to prepare for build_command build_command_prepend: "./configure --enable-debug; make clean" # The command that will be added as an argument to "cov-build" to compile your project for analysis, build_command: "make" # Pattern to match selecting branches that will run analysis. branch_pattern: coverity_scan env: global: # COVERITY_SCAN_TOKEN - secure: "gcrI+3sx7SFz9N0NN1Ap+qlrAJjOe9xIxMQkV78LmhBBc8wG3lkSF4ASEf7690yo3bcp0gsvkfIUL8fXl68ImOxgnVTuR7oxCkjHdtCdszsoU8eGU7Kg8H0ggq/8G6493/l6sNUgZodXJOS0oyl0hHzcf5ViVM8EcoyC9USd06U=" script: - true # We can't use this, unfortunately # #compiler: # - clang # - gcc matrix: exclude: - env: ignore=this include: - compiler: gcc env: CONFIGURE_FLAGS="--enable-debug" notifications: email: false branches: except: - rathena