From 8508ca74ad6deea3f27cf14c2158a07059b4eb75 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: samuray22 <samuray22@54d463be-8e91-2dee-dedb-b68131a5f0ec>
Date: Tue, 5 Feb 2008 17:54:03 +0000
Subject: * Corrected a bad duplicate name in Kafra Bank (Custom).
 (bugeport:921) * Corrected a lot of ";;" Typo errors. -Some of this are in
 the bugreport:919 * Corrected a Cutin Problem in Cooking Quest and a Delitem.
 (bugreport:911) * Corrected some typo error with "rouge". (bugreport:909) *
 Moved Custom Event folder to Custom Folder.

git-svn-id: 54d463be-8e91-2dee-dedb-b68131a5f0ec
 npc/Changelog.txt                             |   7 +
 npc/custom/banks/kafra_bank.txt               |   9 +-
 npc/events/custom/2006_dogs_year.txt          |  98 ---------
 npc/events/custom/draculax.txt                | 130 ------------
 npc/events/custom/hallow06.txt                | 125 -----------
 npc/events/custom/hyegun_event.txt            |  77 -------
 npc/events/custom/kings_items.txt             | 178 ----------------
 npc/events/custom/p_track/p_track_core.txt    |  43 ----
 npc/events/custom/p_track/p_track_warpers.txt |  73 -------
 npc/events/custom/uneasy_cemetery.txt         | 134 ------------
 npc/events/custom/valentinesdayexp.txt        | 286 --------------------------
 npc/events/custom/xmas_rings_event.txt        | 193 -----------------
 npc/events/whiteday.txt                       |   2 +-
 npc/jobs/1-1e/gunslinger.txt                  |   7 +-
 npc/jobs/2-1/assassin.txt                     |   7 +-
 npc/jobs/2-1/hunter.txt                       |   7 +-
 npc/jobs/2-1/knight.txt                       |   5 +-
 npc/jobs/2-1/priest.txt                       |   5 +-
 npc/jobs/2-2/rogue.txt                        |  10 +-
 npc/quests/The_Sign_Quest.txt                 |   5 +-
 npc/quests/cooking_quest.txt                  |  13 +-
 npc/quests/quests_airship.txt                 |   5 +-
 npc/quests/quests_ayothaya.txt                |   5 +-
 npc/quests/quests_morocc.txt                  |   7 +-
 npc/quests/quests_prontera.txt                |   7 +-
 npc/quests/quests_rachel.txt                  |   5 +-
 npc/quests/seals/mjolnir_seal.txt             |   5 +-
 npc/quests/skills/rogue_skills.txt            |   3 +-
 npc/scripts_custom.conf                       |  18 +-
 29 files changed, 78 insertions(+), 1391 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 npc/events/custom/2006_dogs_year.txt
 delete mode 100644 npc/events/custom/draculax.txt
 delete mode 100644 npc/events/custom/hallow06.txt
 delete mode 100644 npc/events/custom/hyegun_event.txt
 delete mode 100644 npc/events/custom/kings_items.txt
 delete mode 100644 npc/events/custom/p_track/p_track_core.txt
 delete mode 100644 npc/events/custom/p_track/p_track_warpers.txt
 delete mode 100644 npc/events/custom/uneasy_cemetery.txt
 delete mode 100644 npc/events/custom/valentinesdayexp.txt
 delete mode 100644 npc/events/custom/xmas_rings_event.txt

(limited to 'npc')

diff --git a/npc/Changelog.txt b/npc/Changelog.txt
index f1136d40d..07ab059af 100644
--- a/npc/Changelog.txt
+++ b/npc/Changelog.txt
@@ -1,5 +1,12 @@
 Date		Added
+	* Corrected a bad duplicate name in Kafra Bank (Custom). (bugeport:921) [Samuray22]
+	* Corrected a lot of ";;" Typo errors.
+	-Some of this are in the bugreport:919
+	* Corrected a Cutin Problem in Cooking Quest and a Delitem. (bugreport:911)
+	* Corrected some typo error with "rouge". (bugreport:909)
+	* Moved Custom Event folder to Custom Folder.
 	* Rev. 12156 Started fixing bugreport:899 and fixed bugreport:875 [L0ne_W0lf]
 	* Rev. 12155 Updated Lighthalzen Town NPCs and Speed Potion quest. [L0ne_W0lf]
diff --git a/npc/custom/banks/kafra_bank.txt b/npc/custom/banks/kafra_bank.txt
index 7e4a07e7b..a8a178b1f 100644
--- a/npc/custom/banks/kafra_bank.txt
+++ b/npc/custom/banks/kafra_bank.txt
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 //===== By: ================================================== 
 //= Lupus (1.0)
 //===== Current Version: ===================================== 
-//= 1.2
+//= 1.2a
 //===== Compatible With: ===================================== 
 //= eAthena 1.x
 //===== Description: ========================================= 
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
 // 1.1 Added log of bank operation -> logmes "some info";
 // 1.2 Set max income to 100,000z. It would help to avoid
 //	zeny exploits when you change DATE at your server
+// 1.2a Corrected bad duplicate names. (bugreport:921) [Samuray22]
 prontera,131,190,1	script	Bank Clerk::bankg	833,{  
@@ -111,6 +112,6 @@ B_EXIT2:
-geffen,125,73,3	duplicate(bankg)	Bank Clerk#2	833
-izlude,145,107,1	duplicate(bankg)	Bank Clerk#3	833
-morocc,147,84,7	duplicate(bankg)	Bank Clerk#4	833
\ No newline at end of file
+geffen,125,73,3	duplicate(bankg)	Bank Clerk#2-1	833
+izlude,145,107,1	duplicate(bankg)	Bank Clerk#3-1	833
+morocc,147,84,7	duplicate(bankg)	Bank Clerk#4-1	833
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/npc/events/custom/2006_dogs_year.txt b/npc/events/custom/2006_dogs_year.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 1be5be4ff..000000000
--- a/npc/events/custom/2006_dogs_year.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
-//===== eAthena Script =======================================
-//= Eastern New Year 2006 The Year Of The Fire Dog
-//===== By: ==================================================
-//= Lupus (1.0)
-//===== Current Version: =====================================
-//= 1.1
-//===== Compatible With: =====================================
-//= eAthena Version; 5xxx+ (with 'disguise' command)
-//===== Description: =========================================
-//= Custom event: For 28-29 January
-//===== Additional Comments: =================================
-//= 1.0 Tested, fully working.[Lupus]
-//=		Add some national info in English if you can.
-//=	(Mine was in Russian, and it's damn hard to translate 8)
-//= 1.1 Commented out monster spawn as it is a custom mob and [L0ne_W0lf]
-//	not in the mob database.
-prontera,149,167,6	script	Maria	81,{
-	mes "[Maria]";
-	//month
-	if((gettime(6)==1 && (gettime(5)==28 || gettime(5)==29))==0) {
-		mes "Happy New Year Of The Fire Dog! Woof!";
-		close;
-	}
-	mes "Happy New Year of The Fire Dog!";
-	if(rand(2))mes "By the way, 'Dogs' fit the most to the ones, born in years of Horse, Tiger and Rabbit.";
-	next;
-	menu "Tell me about Japanese traditions",-,
-		"Tell me about Chinese New Year",M_NGCH,
-		"Tell me about Korean New Year",M_NGCO,
-		"I need a doggy costume!",M_PRIZE,
-		"Happy New Year to you.",LEnd;
-	mes "[Maria]";
-	mes "Japan...";
-	mes "Put here some notes in English about their HNY.";
-	next;
-	mes "[Maria]";
-	mes "Put here some notes in English about their HNY.";
-	close;
-	mes "[Maria]";
-	mes "China...";
-	mes "Put here some notes in English about their HNY.";
-	next;
-	mes "[Maria]";
-	mes "Put here some notes in English about their HNY.";
-	close;
-	mes "[Maria]";
-	mes "Korea...";
-	mes "Put here some notes in English about their HNY.";
-	next;
-	mes "[Maria]";
-	mes "Put here some notes in English about their HNY.";
-	close;
-	mes "[Maria]";
-	if(countitem(12132)>9) {
-		mes "You should use all of your old costumes first!";
-		close;
-	}
-	mes "Some buddhistic books tell us legends about humans to dogs reincarnation... Buy ^FF0000this magic doggie costume^000000 for just ^0000FF999 Zeny^000000!";
-	mes "And prove old legends yourself!";
-	next;
-	menu "I'll buy one.",-,"No, thank you.",LEnd;
-		mes "[Maria]";
-		if(Zeny<999) goto NoZ;
-		set Zeny,Zeny-999;
-		getitem 12132,1;
-		mes "Here you go. Its form will show true power of your spirit.";
-		emotion 15;
-		close;
-		NoZ:
-			mes "Oh dear, you lack of zeny. I have 7 puppies to feed, you know...";
-			emotion 17;
-			close;
-	LEnd:
-		mes "[Maria]";
-		mes "Happy New Year of the Fire Me!!! Woof-woof!";
-		emotion rand(19,20);
-		close;
-	//Magic Doggie Costum
-	setitemscript 12132,"{ misceffect 215; if(BaseLevel>97){disguise 1022;end;}if(BaseLevel>90){disguise 1296;end;}if(BaseLevel>80){disguise 1106;end;}if(BaseLevel>50){disguise 1013;end;}if(BaseLevel>40){disguise 1135;end;}disguise 1107;}";
-	end;
-// Requires custom monster.
-//prontera,0,0,0,0	monster	Fire Dog	1987,50,3600000,1800000,0
diff --git a/npc/events/custom/draculax.txt b/npc/events/custom/draculax.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 5e03ddb1e..000000000
--- a/npc/events/custom/draculax.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,130 +0,0 @@
-//===== eAthena Script =======================================
-//= Dracula X Script
-//===== By: ==================================================
-//= valaris (1.0)
-//===== Current Version: =====================================
-//= 1.0a
-//===== Compatible With: =====================================
-//= eAthena RC4+
-//===== Description: =========================================
-//= Custom Dracula X Event
-mag_dun02,72,182,1	script	Dracula's Coffin::Dracula_Init	-1,{
-	set $dracula_event,0;
-	end;
-	MapAnnounce "mag_dun02","Dracula's curse has been lifted!",17;
-	set $dracula_event,0;
-	initnpctimer;
-	end;
-	if($dracula_event==0) 
-	stopnpctimer;
-	enablenpc "Dracula_Event";
-	end;
-mag_dun02,72,182,1	script	Dracula's Coffin::Dracula_Event	801,{
-	if($dracula_event==1)
-	close;
-	set $dracula_event,1;
-	MapAnnounce "mag_dun02","Count Dracula : Who has awakened me from my slumber?",17;
-	npcskilleffect 21,10,66,175;
-	initnpctimer;
-	end;
-	npcskilleffect 21,10,74,187;
-	end;
-	npcskilleffect 21,10,80,180;
-	end;
-	npcskilleffect 21,10,79,183;
-	end;
-	npcskilleffect 21,10,66,175;
-	end;
-	npcskilleffect 21,10,63,186;
-	end;
-	npcskilleffect 21,10,75,186;
-	end;
-	npcskilleffect 21,10,75,173;
-	end;
-	npcskilleffect 21,10,80,170;
-	end;
-	npcskilleffect 21,10,60,179;
-	end;
-	npcskilleffect 21,10,74,187;
-	end;
-	npcskilleffect 21,10,69,182;
-	end;
-	npcskilleffect 21,10,80,180;
-	end;
-	npcskilleffect 21,10,60,179;
-	end;
-	npcskilleffect 21,10,66,175;
-	end;
-	npcskilleffect 21,10,80,187;
-	end;
-	npcskilleffect 21,10,75,186;
-	end;
-	npcskilleffect 21,10,75,173;
-	end;
-	npcskilleffect 21,10,80,170;
-	end;
-	npcskilleffect 21,10,63,186;
-	end;
-	npcskilleffect 21,10,74,187;
-	end;
-	npcskilleffect 21,10,72,182;
-	monster "mag_dun02",72,182,"Count Dracula",1389,1,"Dracula_Init::OnKilled";
-	stopnpctimer;
-	disablenpc "Dracula_Event";
-	end;
diff --git a/npc/events/custom/hallow06.txt b/npc/events/custom/hallow06.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 31085d169..000000000
--- a/npc/events/custom/hallow06.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,125 +0,0 @@
-//===== eAthena Script =======================================
-//= Custom Halloween Event 2006
-//===== By: ==================================================
-//= Stryker
-//===== Current Version: =====================================
-//= 1.2
-//===== Compatible With: =====================================
-//= Latest Svn
-//===== Description: =========================================
-//= Halloween Event Script
-//===== Additional Comments: =================================
-//= Version 1.1 - Added trick to script
-//= 1.2 fixed bugs, optimized. Now uses 1 var instead of 3 [Lupus]
-prontera,151,190,5	script	Hallows' Eve Event	807,{
-	mes "[Hallows' Eve Event]";
-	if(Class == Job_Novice){
-		mes "I am sorry but you have to got a job to complete the event.";
-		emotion e_swt,1;
-		close;
-	}
-	if(EVENT_HALWN06&1 && EVENT_HALWN06&2){
-		mes "I am sorry but you have already completed the event.";
-		emotion e_sry;
-		close;
-	}
-	mes "Greetings fellow lively human.";
-	next;
-	mes "[Hallows' Eve Event]";
-	mes "Halloween is upon us and it is almost time to adventure out into places few dare go.";
-	next;
-	mes "[Hallows' Eve Event]";
-	mes "Trick or treat, which do you prefer?";
-	next;
-	menu "Trick",-, "Treat",L_Treat;
-	mes "[Hallows' Eve Event]";
-	if(EVENT_HALWN06&2){
-		mes "I'm sorry but you have already had a trick. Why don't you go pick a treat now.";
-		emotion e_sry;
-		close;
-	}
-	mes "Give me a min...";
-	next;
-	set BaseExp,BaseExp+BaseLevel*1000;
-	mes "[Hallows' Eve Event]";
-	mes "Here is your treat. Your Base EXP has been slightly increased.";
-	next;
-	mes "[Hallows' Eve Event]";
-	mes "I hope you enjoy your trick and Happy Halloween!";
-	close;
-	mes "[Hallows' Eve Event]";
-	if(EVENT_HALWN06&1){
-		mes "I'm sorry but you have already had a treat. Why don't you go pick a trick now.";
-		emotion e_sry;
-		close;
-	}
-	if(!(EVENT_HALWN06&4)){
-		mes "Great! This shall be so much fun.";
-		next;
-		mes "[Hallows' Eve Event]";
-		mes "I will be sending you on a scavenger hunt for items.";
-		next;
-		mes "[Hallows' Eve Event]";
-		mes "Bring back all the necessary items, and I will create you a treat.";
-		next;
-		mes "[Hallows' Eve Event]";
-		mes "Not just any normal treat either that you can eat, but it is something you can wear on your head.";
-		next;
-		mes "[Hallows' Eve Event]";
-		mes "But with all things made, some items are required first.";
-		mes "The list:";
-		mes "1 Hat,";
-		mes "30 Pumpkin, and";
-		mes "20 Black Piece of Cloth";
-		next;
-		mes "[Hallows' Eve Event]";
-		mes "Hurry along now.";
-		close;
-	}
-	mes "Did you get the items I requested or do you need to see the list again?";
-	next;
-	menu "Got'em",-, "Don't Have",L_Dont_Have, "See List",L_List;
-	mes "[Hallows' Eve Event]";
-	if((countitem(2220) < 1) || (countitem(535) < 30) || (countitem(7205) < 20)){
-		mes "You don't have enough items. Come back when you do.";
-		emotion e_sry;
-		close;
-	}
-	delitem 2220,1;
-	delitem 535,30;
-	delitem 7205,20;
-	getitem 5134,1;
-	mes "Good job! I hope you are happy with your item.";
-	emotion e_grat;
-	next;
-	mes "[Hallows' Eve Event]";
-	mes "Enjoy the rest of your halloween.";
-	emotion e_scissors,1;
-	close;
-	mes "[Hallows' Eve Event]";
-	mes "Go back out and search for them. Would you like to view the list?";
-	next;
-	menu "No",-, "Yes",L_List;
-	close;
-	mes "[Hallows' Eve Event]";
-	mes "I require the following items:";
-	mes "1 Hat,";
-	mes "30 Pumpkin, and";
-	mes "20 Black Piece of Cloth.";
-	close;
diff --git a/npc/events/custom/hyegun_event.txt b/npc/events/custom/hyegun_event.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index e4837eb20..000000000
--- a/npc/events/custom/hyegun_event.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
-//===== eAthena Script =======================================
-//= HyeGun Event
-//===== By: ==================================================
-//= Synesthesia
-//===== Current Version: =====================================
-//= 1.0
-//===== Compatible With: =====================================
-//= Any Athena Version I think
-//===== Description: =========================================
-//= Event similar to iRO's Christmas event when searching for Antonios.
-//===== Additional Comments: =================================
-//= Drink Jakada!
-//HyeGun Mob spawning
-anthell01,0,0,0,0	monster	Hyegun	1512,3,180000,30000,0
-mag_dun01,0,0,0,0	monster	Hyegun	1512,3,180000,30000,0
-alde_dun01,0,0,0,0	monster	Hyegun	1512,3,180000,30000,0
-in_sphinx1,0,0,0,0	monster	Hyegun	1512,3,180000,30000,0
-//Munak Quest
-pay_dun01,53,269,6	script	Munak	1026,{
-if(event_hyegun==3) goto Lfinished;
-mes "[^FF0000Munak^000000]";
-mes "Hello, kinda strange talking to a Munak huh?";
-mes "I'm a friendly Munak that wants to tell you something.";
-menu "Listen to her story",Lok,"Leave",Lno;
-	Lok:
-	mes "[^FF0000Munak^000000]";
-	mes "Well see our father ^666600HyeGun^000000 has been terrible to us Munaks.";
-	mes "We would like you to get revenge for what he has done to us.";
-	next;
-	mes "When you find him, kill him.";
-	mes "He will drop an item that you will have to bring to me to prove his death.";
-	mes "Bring me ^FF00003 ^008800Yggdrasil Dew^000000 and I'll give you a reward.";
-	mes "Remember, you may only do this quest ^FF00003 times.";
-	menu "Info about HyeGun",Lhyeinfo,"Give her the items",Litem,"Leave",Lno;
-	Lhyeinfo:
-	mes "[^FF0000Munak^000000]";
-	mes "- HyeGun looks like us but he's a tanish color type with long hair.";
-	mes "- He's been last seen in the first level of the 4 most popular dungeons.";
-	mes "He doesn't hang out here because there's so many of us.";
-	mes "Anything else?";
-	menu "Info about HyeGun",Lhyeinfo,"Give her the items",Litem,"Leave",Lno;
-	Litem:
-	mes "[^FF0000Munak^000000]";
-	mes "Ahh so you've completed the task so soon?";
-	mes "Good job";
-	mes "Let's see if you've got the right stuff.";
-	next;
-	if (countitem(7141) < 3)goto Lnoitem;
-	mes "Good job, here's your reward.";
-	next;
-	delitem 7141,3;
-	getitem 617,1;
-	set event_hyegun,event_hyegun+1;
-	close;
-	Lfinished:
-	mes "[^FF0000Munak^000000]";
-	mes "I'm sorry, you've already completed my task 3 times.";
-	close;
-	Lno:
-	mes "[^FF0000Munak^000000]";
-	mes "Okay then, when you feel brave enough, come on back.";
-	close;
-	Lnoitem:
-	mes "[^FF0000Munak^000000]";
-	mes "Hey, you don't have the Yggdrasil Dew.";
-	mes "Come back when you've gotten 3 of them.";
-	close;
diff --git a/npc/events/custom/kings_items.txt b/npc/events/custom/kings_items.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 4602877b4..000000000
--- a/npc/events/custom/kings_items.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,178 +0,0 @@
-//===== eAthena Script ======================================= 
-//= Event King Items
-//===== By: ================================================== 
-//= $ephiroth
-//===== Current Version: ===================================== 
-//= 1.0
-//===== Compatible With: ===================================== 
-//= eAthena Version
-//===== Description: ========================================= 
-//= Grand Circlet Quest combined with Excalibur Quest.
-//= Converted to eAthena format from Fusion.
-//= 2006/09/27: 1.0 Release and fully working. [$ephiroth]
-prt_castle,80,170,4	script	King of Prontera	108,{
-	set @npcname$,"[King of Prontera]";
-	mes @npcname$;
-	mes "Hello can you help me?";
-	next;
-	menu "Sure, what can I do?",L_Sure,"No sorry I'm busy",L_Quit;
-	mes @npcname$;
-	mes "Thank you.";
-	mes "Well, my daughter next to me is a little rowdy";
-	mes "if you got her these items I'm sure she would calm down.";
-	mes "If you bring me these items I'll give you my crown or my sword";
-	mes "Both are very special.";
-	next;
-	menu "Ok what do you need?",L_Req,"I have the items",L_Have,"Forget it",L_Quit;
-	mes @npcname$;
-	mes "If you could get me:";
-	mes "^00B6FF30 Chonchon doll^000000";
-	mes "^D5A50050 Poring doll^000000";
-	mes "^0080FF20 Yoyo doll^000000";
-	mes "^CC66331 3carat diamond^000000";
-	mes "^3131FF20 Illusion Flowers^000000";
-	mes "^AA00AA20 Singing Flowers^000000";
-	mes "I'll give you my crown.";
-	next;
-	mes @npcname$;
-	mes "If you could get me:";
-	mes "^0000881 Angel Band^000000";
-	mes "^4422FF1 Heaven Ring^000000";
-	mes "^AA00AA1 Emperium^000000";
-	mes "I'll give my sword.";
-	mes "Once you find those, come back to me.";
-	close;
-	mes @npcname$;
-	mes "What item you want?";
-	next;
-	menu "Crown",L_crown,"Sword",L_sword;
-	if(countitem(742)<30) goto L_Error; 
-	if(countitem(741)<50) goto L_Error1;
-	if(countitem(753)<20) goto L_Error2;
-	if(countitem(732)<1) goto L_Error3;
-	if(countitem(710)<20) goto L_Error4;
-	if(countitem(629)<20) goto L_Error5;
-	delitem 742,30;
-	delitem 741,50;
-	delitem 753,20;
-	delitem 732,1;
-	delitem 710,20;
-	delitem 629,20;
-	mes @npcname$;
-	mes "This will surely calm her down.";
-	mes "Let me just take the items from you.";
-	next;
-	mes @npcname$;
-	mes "As I promised here is my crown.";
-	getitem 5007,1;
-	next;
-	mes @npcname$;
-	mes "Well, I have to calm her down now.";
-	mes "Thanks again!";
-	close;
-	if(countitem(2254)<1) goto L_NoAngel;
-	if(countitem(2282)<1) goto L_NoHeaven;
-	if(countitem(714)<1) goto L_NoEmp;
-	delitem 2254,1;
-	delitem 2282,1;
-	delitem 714,1;
-	mes @npcname$;
-	mes "This will surely calm her down.";
-	mes "Let me just take the items from you.";
-	next;
-	mes @npcname$;
-	mes "As I promised here is my sword.";
-	getitem 1137,1;
-	next;
-	mes @npcname$;
-	mes "Well, I have to calm her down now.";
-	mes "Thanks again!";
-	close;
-	mes @npcname$;
-	mes "Sorry but you must have at least one Angel Band.";
-	mes "Come back after you get ALL the items.";
-	close;
-	mes @npcname$;
-	mes "Sorry but you must have at least one Heaven Ring.";
-	mes "Come back after you get ALL the items.";
-	close;
-	mes @npcname$;
-	mes "Sorry but you must have at least one Emperium.";
-	mes "Come back after you get ALL the items.";
-	close;
-	mes @npcname$;
-	mes "Oh darn, you need 30 Chonchon Dolls.";
-	close;
-	mes @npcname$;
-	mes "Oh darn, you need 50 Poring dolls.";
-	close;
-	mes @npcname$;
-	mes "Oh darn, you need 20 Yoyo dolls.";
-	close;
-	mes @npcname$;
-	mes "Oh darn, you need one 3 Carat Diamond.";
-	close;
-	mes @npcname$;
-	mes "Oh darn, you need 20 Illusion Flowers.";
-	close;
-	mes @npcname$;
-	mes "Oh darn, you need 20 Singing Flowers.";
-	close;
-	mes @npcname$;
-	mes "Ok, that's fine, I'm sure someone else will help.";
-	close;
-prt_castle,84,170,4	script	King's Daughter	62,{
-	set @npcname$,"[King's Daughter]";
-	mes @npcname$;
-	mes "Hmph, I hate my dad right now!!";
-	next;
-	menu "Why?",L_Why,"Ok...Whatever..",L_Quit;
-	mes @npcname$;
-	mes "Well, he won't give me what I want!!";
-	mes "He's the King of Prontera, he should be able to get me ANYTHING!!!";
-	close;
-	mes @npcname$;
-	mes "FINE THEN Hmph!!";
-	close;
diff --git a/npc/events/custom/p_track/p_track_core.txt b/npc/events/custom/p_track/p_track_core.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 77b679b26..000000000
--- a/npc/events/custom/p_track/p_track_core.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-//===== eAthena Script =======================================
-//= Poring Track Main NPCs
-//===== By: ==================================================
-//= erKURITA
-//===== Current Version: =====================================
-//= 0.0000000000000002
-//===== Compatible With: =====================================
-//= eAthena 1.0
-//===== Description: =========================================
-//= NPCs that has nothing to do with the race itself, but
-//= has important functions on the race itself.
-//===== Additional Comments: =================================
-//= 0.0000000000000002 Removed Duplicates [Silent]
-p_track01,41,57,5	script	Lady#track1::P_track	845,{
-p_track01,67,34,6	script	Erudite::P_Spectator1		107,{
-p_track01,44,49,3	script	Edward	881,{
-p_track01,27,47,3	script	Yuri#P_track	853,{
-p_track02,30,45,3	script	Nagya	755,{
-p_track02,42,49,3	script	Asgahrd	733,{
-p_track02,67,33,1	script	Blacksmith#track1	726,{
-p_track02,41,57,5	duplicate(P_track)	Lady#track2	845
diff --git a/npc/events/custom/p_track/p_track_warpers.txt b/npc/events/custom/p_track/p_track_warpers.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 730dd2b0f..000000000
--- a/npc/events/custom/p_track/p_track_warpers.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
-//===== eAthena Script =======================================
-//= Poring Track Warpers
-//===== By: ==================================================
-//= erKURITA
-//===== Current Version: =====================================
-//= 0.0000000000000002
-//===== Compatible With: =====================================
-//= eAthena 1.0
-//===== Description: =========================================
-//= NPC's for the City of Hugel.
-//===== Additional Comments: =================================
-//= 0.0000000000000002 Removed Duplicates [Silent]
-//| Warp-in npcs
-hugel,58,72,5	script	Yan#track1	86,{
-//callfunc "P_TrackEnt",npcname,map name;
-callfunc "P_TrackEnt","[Yan]","p_track01";
-hugel,62,68,1	script	Yalmire#track1	86,{
-//callfunc "P_TrackEnt",npcname,map name;
-callfunc "P_TrackEnt","[Yalmire]","p_track02";
-//| Warp-out npcs
-p_track01,76,36,2	script	Yan#track2	86,{
-p_track02,76,36,2	script	Yalmire#track2	86,{
-function	script	P_TrackEnt	{
-mes getarg(0);
-mes "Hi "+strcharinfo(0)+", Welcome to the Poring Track!";
-menu "Information",-,"I want to try it",L_Try,"Not today thanks",L_End;
-		next;
-		mes getarg(0);
-		mes "Bla blah, so fun";
-		close;
-	L_Try:
-		next;
-		mes getarg(0);
-		mes "Ok, the entrance fee is 500z, would you like to go in?";
-		menu "Yes Please",-,"No Thanks",L_End2;
-				if (Zeny < 500) {
-					next;
-					mes getarg(0);
-					mes "Sorry but you ain't got 500z, you can't enter";
-					close;
-				} else
-				next;
-				mes getarg(0);
-				mes "Here we go!";
-				close2;
-				set Zeny,Zeny-500;
-				warp getarg(1),75,41;
-				end;
-			L_End2:
-				next;
-				mes getarg(0);
-				mes "Oh well, you miss it";
-				close;
-	L_End:
-		next;
-		mes getarg(0);
-		mes "Ok, see you later!";
-		close;
diff --git a/npc/events/custom/uneasy_cemetery.txt b/npc/events/custom/uneasy_cemetery.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 06fe4a8f8..000000000
--- a/npc/events/custom/uneasy_cemetery.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,134 +0,0 @@
-//===== eAthena Script ======================================= 
-//= Uneasy Prontera Cemetery Quest (original script!)
-//===== By: ================================================== 
-//= Lupus
-//===== Current Version: ===================================== 
-//= 1.2a (Tested and fully working!)
-//===== Compatible With: ===================================== 
-//= eAthena Version 1.0
-//===== Description: ========================================= 
-//= A periodical quest of the Uneasy Cemetery (Kill undead / Prevent their appearance)
-//= Every day, at the midnight Prontera receive a wave of Undeads.
-//= They come from Uneasy Cemetery of Prontera. To protect the players
-//= from the undeads terror you may either kill the enemy. Or supply Mother Mathana
-//= with needed amount of Holy Water. Every citizen can take his part in the 
-//= saving of Prontera city. After some days of quiet life... the Cemetery strikes back.
-//===== Additional Comments: ================================= 
-//= 1.1 More advanced ver. Added some bonus the the one who'd kill the last walking undead
-//= 1.2 Added coords to the script to make label OmMobDead working
-//= 1.2a Changed item names to item IDs. [Samuray22]
-prontera,3,3,3	script	Uneasy_Check	-1,{
-	end;
-	set $UNEASY_BL,$UNEASY_BL+30; //add need of HW for 30 bottles per day
-	if ($UNEASY_BL>666) set $UNEASY_BL,666; //keep needed bottles not <=666
-	if ($UNEASY_DL < 0) goto L_Start_Undead;
-//The Cemetery is OK yet.
-	disablenpc "Mother Mathana";
-	end;
-	if ($UNEASY_DL >= 0) disablenpc "Mother Mathana";
-	end;
-	killmonsterall "prontera";	//The Sun kills undead in the morning
-	end;
-	if ($@UNEASY_MOB > 0) mapannounce "prontera","[Mother Mathana]: In the name of Odin, please finish these roaming undead leftovers!",0;
-	end;
-	if ($@UNEASY_MOB>0) end;
-	set $UNEASY_DL,0;
-	set $UNEASY_H$,strcharinfo(0);
-	if (Sex==1) mapannounce "prontera","[Mother Mathana]: Brave "+$UNEASY_H$+" has just killed the last undead in Prontera!",0;
-	if (Sex==0) mapannounce "prontera","[Mother Mathana]: Lady "+$UNEASY_H$+" has just killed the last undead in Prontera!",0;
-	set JobExp,JobExp+100;
-	set BaseExp,BaseExp+50;
-	end;
-	killmonsterall "prontera";	//kills any left monsters
-	enablenpc "Mother Mathana";
-//call some monsters in the city
-	set $@UNEASY_MOB, 65;
-	areamonster "prontera",0,0,0,0,"Zombie",1015,30,"Uneasy_Check::OnZombieDead";
-//in the Cemetery
-	monster "prontera",268,349,"Zombie",1015,30,"Uneasy_Check::OnZombieDead";
-	monster "prontera",269,350,"Ghoul",1036,5,"Uneasy_Check::OnZombieDead";
-	mapannounce "prontera","[Mother Mathana]: The cememtery has become restless!  In the name of Odin, hurry to the Sanctuary! Save the city of Prontera!",0;
-prontera,257,313,5	script	Mother Mathana	79,{
-	mes "[Mother Mathana]";
-	if ($UNEASY_DL <= 0) goto L_Undead_Walk;
-	mes "I'm afraid there's something wrong with our old cemetery...";
-	if ($UNEASY_H$==strcharinfo(0)) mes "But thanks to you, "+$UNEASY_H$+", we'll be able to sleep " + $UNEASY_DL + " nights!";
-	if ($UNEASY_H$!=strcharinfo(0)) mes "But thanks to "+$UNEASY_H$+"'s support, we've got " + $UNEASY_DL + " easy nights!";
-	emotion 0;
-	close;
-	if ($UNEASY_DL == 0) mes "THEY could return tomorrow's night again!";
-	if ($UNEASY_DL == 0 && $UNEASY_H$==strcharinfo(0)) mes "Thank you, "+$UNEASY_H$+"! Now we'll manage to rest till the next midnight!";
-	if ($UNEASY_DL == 0 && $UNEASY_H$!=strcharinfo(0)) mes "But due to "+$UNEASY_H$+"'s help we'll manage to rest till the next midnight!";
-	mes "To calm down the restless cemetery, we should pour all these graves with the Holy Water. But our sisters and broters have run out of it.";
-	mes "Could you supply us with Holy Water?";
-	next;
-	menu "Yes, have all my Holy Water!",-, "Nope, I need it.",M_NO, "I don't have any.",M_DONT_HAVE;
-	if ( countitem(523)<1 ) goto M_DONT_HAVE;
-	set $UNEASY_BL,$UNEASY_BL-countitem(523);
-	delitem 523,countitem(523);
-	if ( $UNEASY_BL > 0 ) goto L_NEED_MORE;
-//set quiet days!!! no more undead for this period!
-	set $UNEASY_DL,5+((0-$UNEASY_BL)/30);
-	set $UNEASY_H$,strcharinfo(0);
-	mes "[Mother Mathana]";
-	mes "Thank you, "+$UNEASY_H$+"! Now we've got enough Holy Water!";
-	next;
-	mes "[Mother Mathana]";
-	mes "Upon pouring the cemetery with that water we'll get " + $UNEASY_DL + " safe nights!";
-	next;
-	killmonsterall "prontera";	//kills any left monsters
-	mes "[Mother Mathana]";
-	mes "See, "+ $UNEASY_H$ +"? They all are gone now!";
-	next;
-	mes "[Mother Mathana]";
-	mes "Our Church is going to thank you personally...";
-	next;
-	if (Sex==1) mapannounce "prontera","[Mother Mathana]: In the name of Odin we declare handsom "+$UNEASY_H$+" as a Prontera savior!",0;
-	if (Sex==0) mapannounce "prontera","[Mother Mathana]: In the name of Odin we declare beautiful "+$UNEASY_H$+" as a Prontera savior!",0;
-	mes "[Mother Mathana]";
-	mes "In the name of Odin we bless you and decently present a modest gift just from Mareusis' wine-cellar.";
-	getitem 505,1; //Blue_Potion
-	set JobExp,JobExp+100;
-	set BaseExp,BaseExp+50;
-	close;
-	mes "[Mother Mathana]";
-	mes "Thank you, good "+strcharinfo(0)+", but we still need " + $UNEASY_BL + " more Holy Water bottles.";
-	close;
-	mes "[Mother Mathana]";
-	mes "I'm afraid the old cemetery is going out of control soon... Please, get us all the Holy Water you can get.";
-	close;
-	mes "[Mother Mathana]";
-	mes "Alas! We still need " + $UNEASY_BL + " more bottles of Holy Water...  Why don't you go and ask other people for some extra Holy Water?";
-	mes "The old cemetery is going out of control soon...";
-	mes "Please, in the name of Odin, help Prontera city.";
-	close;
diff --git a/npc/events/custom/valentinesdayexp.txt b/npc/events/custom/valentinesdayexp.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 6d2b3355e..000000000
--- a/npc/events/custom/valentinesdayexp.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,286 +0,0 @@
-//===== eAthena Script =======================================
-//= Valentine Event Script + EXP bonus
-//===== By: ==================================================
-//= Lupus (based on Muad_Dib's work)
-//===== Current Version: =====================================
-//= 1.1
-//===== Compatible With: =====================================
-//= Any Athena Version 45xx+
-//===== Description: =========================================
-// Close to other official stValentine event (added white chocolate)
-// Custom: Handmade choco gives some EXP bonuses to married people
-//===== Additional Comments: =================================
-//= WARNING!! To use this event, dicable original valentinesday.txt
-//= You can use this event from 12 till 16 February 8) [Lupus]
-//= 1.1 Removed Duplicates [Silent]
-// Tine - Valentine Event Chocolate Even Guide ------------------
-prontera,156,172,4	script	Tine	58,{
-//  Debug info for item effects and tricky conditions 8)
-//	mes "@dsv: "+@dsv;
-//	mes "ispartneron()=="+ispartneron();
-//	mes "sex == "+sex;
-//	if(@dsv == gettime(3)+1) mes "@dsv == gettime(3)+1";
-	mes "[Tine]";
-	mes "The legend says that on 14th February... on the Day of Saint Valentine...";
-	mes "Only in Run-Midgard kingdom...";
-	next;
-	specialeffect 417;
-	mes "[Tine]";
-	mes "Some married chocolate lovers almost double their experience at trainings!";
-	mes "But everything isn't so simply...";
-	next;
-	menu "Wow! Tell me more!",M_INFO,"Marri... what?",-;
-	mes "[Tine]";
-	mes "Are you a single?";
-	mes "Today is a great date to ask your beloved half for marriage!";
-	next;
-	mes "[Tine]";
-	mes "The Marriage fee is ridiculous low these days!";
-	close;
-	mes "[Tine]";
-	mes "The magic effect posesses only handmade chocolate from grand-grand-grand-whoever recipes!";
-	next;
-	mes "[Tine]";
-	mes "It being known that Black Handmade Chocolate works on married guys... And the White one on the married girls!";
-	mes "If you lose your wedding ring... then alas, it won't work on you.";
-	next;
-	mes "[Tine]";
-	mes "On having a Chocolate, you should put off your ring then... put it back... And if your partner is online, then magc would last till the next hour!";
-	next;
-	mes "[Tine]";
-	mes "Rumors bark that guys and gals have +50% EXP bonuses on FIVE different races of the monsters... Exluding bloody bosses, of course.";
-	next;
-	mes "[Tine]";
-	mes "There's a fameous confectioner in the Castle of Prontera! He's the one you need.";
-	close;
-	//559,Hand-made_Chocolate
-	setitemscript 559,"{ itemheal 50,50; if(sex==0 || @dsv == gettime(3)+1 || ispartneron()==0)end; set @dsv,gettime(3)+1; misceffect 113; }";
-	//560,Hand-made_White_Chocolate
-	setitemscript 560,"{ itemheal 50,50; if(sex || @dsv == gettime(3)+1 || ispartneron()==0)end; set @dsv,gettime(3)+1; misceffect 113; }";
-	//2634,Wedding_Ring_M,Wedding Ring,5,,10,0,,0,,0,127918079,7,1,136,,0,0,0,{ skill 334,1; skill 335,1; skill 336,1; }
-	setitemscript 2634,"{ skill 334,1; skill 335,1; skill 336,1; if(@dsv == gettime(3)+1 && ispartneron()){ bonus2 bExpAddRace,5,50; bonus2 bExpAddRace,6,50; bonus2 bExpAddRace,7,50; bonus2 bExpAddRace,8,50; bonus2 bExpAddRace,1,50; } }";
-	//2635,Wedding_Ring_F,Wedding Ring,5,,10,0,,0,,0,127918079,7,0,136,,0,0,0,{ skill 334,1; skill 335,1; skill 336,1; }
-	setitemscript 2635,"{ skill 334,1; skill 335,1; skill 336,1; if(@dsv == gettime(3)+1 && ispartneron()){ bonus2 bExpAddRace,0,50; bonus2 bExpAddRace,9,50; bonus2 bExpAddRace,2,50; bonus2 bExpAddRace,3,50; bonus2 bExpAddRace,4,50; } }";
-	end;
-// Stephen - Valentine Event Chocolate seller ------------------
-alberta,26,243,4	script	Stephen#val1	58,{
-	mes "[Stephen]";
-	mes "Guess what I've got?";
-	mes "A tasty treat not easily found in Rune-Midgard....";
-	next;
-	mes "[Stephen]";
-	mes "Chocolate!";
-	mes "That's right, don't you love chocolate.... I do.";
-	mes "And you are in luck, because I'm selling them for only 5,000 zeny a piece!";
-	next;
-	menu "I want some chocolate!",M_CHOCO,"No thanks.",-;
-	mes "[Stephen]";
-	mes "You don't want any chocolate?";
-	mes "I'm telling you! You'll regret it!";
-	mes "You better get some now... you won't come across Chocolate like this ever again!";
-	mes "Think it over and visit me again sometime.";
-	close;
-	mes "[Stephen]";
-	mes "Hah!";
-	mes "I knew it!";
-	mes "But I can't sell you more then 5 at once....but, if you really need more....";
-	mes "you can come back again.";
-	mes "So how many do you want?";
-	next;
-	set @needmon,0;
-	input @flag_num;
-	if (@flag_num <= 0) goto L_NONE;
-	if (@flag_num > 5) goto L_ERR;
-	set @needmon,@flag_num*5000;
-	if (Zeny < @needmon) goto L_NOTENO;
-	set Zeny,Zeny - @needmon;
-	getitem 558,@flag_num;
-	mes "[Stephen]";
-	mes "There you go!";
-	mes "You can give that to someone as a gift, or enjoy it yourself!";
-	mes "Mmm....sweet chocolate...";
-	mes "Visit me anytime...!";
-	close;
-	mes "[Stephen]";
-	mes "I'm sorry but I can't give you that many.";
-	close;
-	mes "[Stephen]";
-	mes "I'm sorry but it seems you can't afford to buy these of me.";
-	close;
-// Jainie -- Gives information about Valentine Event ------------------------
-alberta,29,243,4	script	Jainie#val1	53,{
-	mes "[Jainie]";
-	mes "You know what? The chocolate that my boyfriend sells are from me!";
-	mes "I made them by myself. Now I need some Milk for my special White Chocolate.";
-	next;
-	mes "[Jainie]";
-	mes "You know ... In cetain countries, there's a tradition of presenting chocolates to a person that you love...";
-	mes "They call it ^3355FFValentine's Day^000000.";
-	next;
-	mes "[Jainie]";
-	mes "So I gave him my delicious chocolate...";
-	mes "And then he made me cook a lot more...";
-	mes "And now he is selling them to everyone.";
-	mes "I guess he really enjoyed it.";
-	mes "But, I do feel good when people buy something I have made.";
-	next;
-	mes "[Jainie]";
-	mes "It would be great if you bought some too...";
-	mes "I will be making white chocolates for a while so...";
-	next;
-	menu "I want some white chocolate!",M_CHOCO,"No thanks.",-;
-	mes "[Jainie]";
-	mes "You don't like white chocolate?";
-	mes "Then buy some Stephen's black one!";
-	close;
-	mes "[Jainie]";
-	mes "I can't sell you more then 5 at once....but, if you really need more....";
-	mes "you can come back again.";
-	mes "So how many do you want? 1 portion is 4500z + 1 Milk.";
-	next;
-	set @needmon,0;
-	input @flag_num;
-	if (@flag_num == 0) goto L_NONE;
-	if (@flag_num > 5) goto L_ERR;
-	set @needmon,@flag_num*4500;
-	if (Zeny < @needmon) goto L_NOTENO;
-	if (countitem(519) < @flag_num) goto L_NOMILK;
-	set Zeny,Zeny - @needmon;
-	delitem 519,@flag_num;
-	getitem 561,@flag_num;
-	mes "[Jainie]";
-	mes "There you go!";
-	mes "You can give that to someone as a gift, or enjoy it yourself!";
-	mes "Mmm... sweet chocolate...";
-	mes "Visit me anytime...!";
-	close;
-	mes "[Jainie]";
-	mes "I'm sorry but I can't give you that many.";
-	close;
-	mes "[Jainie]";
-	mes "I'm sorry but it seems you can't afford to buy these of me.";
-	close;
-	mes "[Jainie]";
-	mes "You need "+@flag_num+" Milk for "+@flag_num+" portions of my special White Chocolate...";
-	close;
-// Carl Orleans -- Valentine Event Chocolate maker ------------------
-prt_castle,54,34,4	script	Carl Orleans#val1	47,{
-	mes "[Carl Orleans]";
-	mes "Yes? What can I cook for you?";
-	next;
-	menu "Black handmade Chocolate, please",-,"I want a White handmade Chocolate...",M_WHITE,"I'm lost, sorry to bother you.",M_END;
-	mes "[Carl Orleans]";
-	mes "Well, I just might be able to fulfill your needs...";
-	next;
-	if (countitem(558)<3) {
-		mes "[Carl Orleans]";
-		mes "I'm sorry you do not have enough Chocolate Bars to do this.";
-		if(rand(2))mes "They say Stephen from Alberta used to sell good Chocolate.";
-		close;
-	}
-	delitem 558,3;
-	mes "[Carl Orleans]";
-	mes "You got 3 pieces of pure chocolate I see.";
-	mes "Give them to me...";
-	next;
-	mes "[Carl Orleans]";
-	mes "Ok, now I will only create my special handmade chocolates if you promise to use it wisely.";
-	next;
-	mes "[Carl Orleans]";
-	mes "....Hmmmmmm.....";
-	mes "Well...";
-	next;
-	getitem 559,1;
-	mes "[Carl Orleans]";
-	mes "Here.";
-	if(rand(2))close;
-	mes "I hope you give it to someone special, because its a special chocolate.";
-	mes "As you know... only I can create this.";
-	next;
-	mes "[Carl Orleans]";
-	mes "Enjoy.";
-	close;
-	mes "[Carl Orleans]";
-	mes "Well, I just might be able to fulfill your needs...";
-	next;
-	if (countitem(561)<3) {
-		mes "[Carl Orleans]";
-		mes "I'm sorry you do not have enough White Chocolate Bars to do this.";
-		if(rand(2))mes "They say Jainie from Alberta used to sell good White Chocolate.";
-		close;
-	}
-	delitem 561,3;
-	mes "[Carl Orleans]";
-	mes "You got 3 pieces of pure white chocolate I see.";
-	mes "Give them to me...";
-	next;
-	mes "[Carl Orleans]";
-	mes "Ok, now I will only create my special handmade chocolates if you promise to use it wisely.";
-	next;
-	mes "[Carl Orleans]";
-	mes "....Hmmmmmm.....";
-	mes "Well...";
-	next;
-	getitem 560,1;
-	mes "[Carl Orleans]";
-	mes "Here.";
-	if(rand(2))close;
-	mes "I hope you give it to someone special, because its a special chocolate.";
-	mes "As you know... only I can create this.";
-	next;
-	mes "[Carl Orleans]";
-	mes "Enjoy.";
-	close;
-	mes "[Carl Orleans]";
-	mes "Oh.. well, if you want me to make some of my special handmade Chocolate....";
-	mes "You will need to give me at least ^0000FF 3 Chocolates^000000 or ^0000FF 3 White Chocolates^000000.";
-	if(rand(2))close;
-	next;
-	mes "[Carl Orleans]";
-	mes "That's right, only ^0000FF 3 Chocolates^000000 or ^0000FF 3 White Chocolates^000000.";
-	mes "Bring them to me and you'll get what you came for.";
-	if(rand(2))close;
-	next;
-	mes "[Carl Orleans]";
-	mes "See You.";
-	close;
diff --git a/npc/events/custom/xmas_rings_event.txt b/npc/events/custom/xmas_rings_event.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index a5d442e06..000000000
--- a/npc/events/custom/xmas_rings_event.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,193 +0,0 @@
-//===== eAthena Script =======================================
-//= Karachun Event (Xmas Rings Quest)
-//===== By: ==================================================
-//= Lupus (1.0)
-//===== Current Version: =====================================
-//= 1.1
-//===== Compatible With: =====================================
-//= eAthena Version; 4880+ (with 'setItemScript' command)
-//===== Description: =========================================
-//= Custom event: Karachun (from 8 Dec till 8 Jan), X-Mas, HNY
-//===== Additional Comments: =================================
-//= 1.0 Tested, fully working. 1.0a a few typos fix
-//= 1.1 Readded Mdef +1 and  Luk +1 to Santa's Hat [Lupus]
-prontera,156,174,4	script	Snower	713,{
-	mes "[Snower]";
-	if(Q_XMSRINGS==2){
-		mes "Oh.. is it true? You've helped my sis Sneewy? Thank you.";
-	}else if(Q_XMSRINGS==3){
-		mes "Snoowy's sent me a bird with a message. She told me about your help...";
-		mes "I'll tell you a secret of the magic rings.";
-		emotion e_no1;
-		next;
-		mes "[Snower]";
-		mes "They have magic power only from 8 December till 8 January.";
-		next;
-		mes "[Snower]";
-		mes "By the way, just put on Santa's Hat to discover their true power.";
-		next;
-		mes "[Snower]";
-		mes "If you put on both rings their power would be doubled.";
-		mes "Have a nice day!";
-		close;
-	}else{
-		mes "Hi! Two my sisters and I are preparing gifts for the whole 3 holidays!";
-	}
-	emotion e_sob;
-	next;
-	menu "Where are your sisters?",-, "What holidays?",M_PR,"What gifts?",M_WRAP,"May I help you?",M_QUEST;
-	mes "[Snower]";
-	mes "My younger sis Sneewy's left to some faraway land to prepare gifts for their poor children... I don't know where. You should ask my elder sis and her birdies.";
-	next;
-	mes "[Snower]";
-	mes "My elder sis? Her name's Snoowy. She's sailed to some green island... She's talking about some gifts for dolphins or something...";
-	close;
-	mes "[Snower]";
-	mes "The whole three holidays? Well they come one after another!";
-	mes "^000080The Christmas^000000, ^FF0000Karachun^000000 and ^008000New Year Eve^000000!";
-	next;
-	mes "[Snower]";
-	mes "^FF0000Karachun^000000? Heh... This is an old pagans festival. They used to celebrate it before the appearance of HNY and XMas, you know.";
-	next;
-	goto M_QUEST;
-	mes "[Snower]";
-	mes "My sisters say that all the gifts should look the same way. Or else some children might fight for fancy ones!";
-	next;
-	mes "[Snower]";
-	mes "Would you like me to wrap your fancy gift boxes with a gray paper?";
-	next;
-	menu "Wrap them, please!",-, "No, thanks.",M_QUEST;
-	set @prizes, countitem(664)+countitem(665)+countitem(666)+countitem(667);
-	if( @prizes == 0){
-		mes "[Snower]";
-		mes "I don't see any gifts in fancy boxes on you...";
-		if(countitem(644))mes "You've got only gray boxes.";
-		close;
-	}
-	delitem 664,countitem(664);
-	delitem 665,countitem(665);
-	delitem 666,countitem(666);
-	delitem 667,countitem(667);
-	getitem 644,@prizes;
-	mes "[Snower]";
-	mes "*shuffle* Here you go.";
-	next;
-	mes "[Snower]";
-	mes "I wish you find my sisters ASAP... They need help.";
-	if(Q_XMSRINGS==0) set Q_XMSRINGS,1;
-	close;
-//Santa's Hat
-	setitemscript 2236,"{ bonus bMdef,1; bonus bLuk,1; if(isequipped(2636,2637)){if(@xmr == gettime(2))end; set @xmr,gettime(2); misceffect 410; end;} if(isequipped(2636)){if(@xmr == gettime(2))end; set @xmr,gettime(2); misceffect 72;} if(isequipped(2637)){if(@xmr == gettime(2))end; set @xmr,gettime(2); misceffect 338;}}";
-//Gold Xmas Ring
-	setitemscript 2636,"{ bonus bLoseSPWhenUnequip,30; if(isequipped(2236)==0)end; if(getskilllv(28)){skill 51,4+isequipped(2637);}else{skill 28,1+4*isequipped(2637);} }";
-//Silver Xmas Ring
-	setitemscript 2637,"{ bonus bDamageWhenUnequip,40; if(isequipped(2236)==0)end; if(getskilllv(26)){skill 40,1;}else{skill 26,1+isequipped(2636);} }";
-	end;
-louyang,224,249,4	script	Sneewy	717,{
-	mes "[Sneewy]";
-	if(Q_XMSRINGS==0){
-		mes "Hi! I'm waithing for my sister's birdy with mail...";
-		emotion e_sob;
-		close;
-	}
-	if(Q_XMSRINGS==1){
-		mes "I wish I had 4 more gray Gift Boxes for native children...";
-		emotion e_sob;
-		next;
-		mes "[Sneewy]";
-		mes "Oh, hello. Has my brother Snower told you everything?";
-		next;
-		menu "Here are your 4 Gift Boxes",-, "I don't know any Snowhatevers...",M_END;
-		mes "[Sneewy]";
-		if(countitem(644)<4){
-			mes "Gimme 4 gifts for poor kids... Wait, you haven't got 4 of them!";
-			emotion e_sry;
-			close;
-		}
-		set Q_XMSRINGS,2;
-		delitem 644,4;
-		getnameditem 2637,strcharinfo(0);
-		emotion e_kis2;
-		mes "Thank you! Here's my li'l something for you!";
-		next;
-		mes "[Sneewy]";
-		mes "By the way, if you put on 2 different rings then your holidays leveling would be easier!";
-		close;
-	}
-	emotion e_thx;
-	mes "Thanks again! No children will meet the holidays without the gifts!";
-	close;
-	mes "[Sneewy]";
-	mes "Pity... I've got a magic Santa's ring... I'd exchange it for 4 Gift Boxes...";
-	emotion e_swt;
-	close;
-izlu2dun,133,160,2	script	Snoowy	714,{
-	mes "[Snoowy]";
-	if(Q_XMSRINGS==0){
-		mes "Helloooou! Do you know my bro and sis? How so? My brother Snower's well known in Prontera!! Just ask any child there.";
-		emotion e_hmm;
-		close;
-	}
-	if(Q_XMSRINGS==1){
-		mes "Darn... How could poor children be more important than the marine folks.. Am I wrong?";
-		next;
-		mes "[Snoowy]";
-		mes "Errr. Helloou there. My sister Sneewy's sent me a birdie message. The letter was wet and I couldn't read anything but some ending letters of her address...";
-		next;
-		mes "[Snoowy]";
-		mes "Look, it's something like 'yang' in the very end... Hmm... She must be misspelled 'Al Doo Boryang'...";
-		close;
-	}
-	if(Q_XMSRINGS==2){
-		mes "You've helped my sis? It's just great!";
-		next;
-		mes "[Snoowy]";
-		mes "But I too need 3 more gifts for my marine folk friends...";
-		next;
-		menu "Have these gifts!",-, "I need a li'l something in return",M_END;
-		mes "[Snoowy]";
-		if(countitem(644)<3){
-			mes "Oops!! You haven't got 3 gray gift boxes on you.";
-			emotion e_sry;
-			close;
-		}
-		set Q_XMSRINGS,3;
-		delitem 644,3;
-		getnameditem 2636,strcharinfo(0);
-		emotion e_kis;
-		mes "Thaank yoouu! Have this magic ring!";
-		close;
-	}
-	emotion e_thx;
-	mes "Oh... the whole marine folk send you their thanks! They love presents so much!!!";
-	if(rand(2))mes "Didn't you know that Santa's Hat reveals the real power of the rings?";
-	close;
-	mes "[Snoowy]";
-	mes "I'd exchange a GOLD magic ring for 3 gift boxes...";
-	emotion e_swt;
-	close;
diff --git a/npc/events/whiteday.txt b/npc/events/whiteday.txt
index bdd4b3c75..0d46ca38d 100644
--- a/npc/events/whiteday.txt
+++ b/npc/events/whiteday.txt
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ L_INPUT:
 	input @maplenum;
 	if (@maplenum > 5) goto L_ERROR;
 	if (@maplenum == 0) goto M_END;
-	set @maplePriceT,@maplePrice*@maplenum;;
+	set @maplePriceT,@maplePrice*@maplenum;
 	if (Zeny < @maplePriceT) goto L_ERROR2;
 	set Zeny,Zeny- @maplePriceT;
 	getitem @mapleItemID,@maplenum;
diff --git a/npc/jobs/1-1e/gunslinger.txt b/npc/jobs/1-1e/gunslinger.txt
index 4d32aa203..5fc88c33d 100644
--- a/npc/jobs/1-1e/gunslinger.txt
+++ b/npc/jobs/1-1e/gunslinger.txt
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
 //= DON'T REMOVE THIS! (by request of him, he provided all
 //= the info regarding the quests and shops.)
 //===== Current Version: ===================================== 
-//= 2.1
+//= 2.1a
 //===== Compatible With: ===================================== 
 //= eAthena SVN
 //===== Description: ========================================= 
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@
 //= 2.0 Updated to official version - Thanks to Omega for
 //= his first try [SinSloth] 1.10b - removed .GATs [Lupus]
 //= 2.1 Wise Bull Horn now deletes all items. Thanks to yyCC. [L0ne_W0lf]
+//= 2.1a Corrected a Typo error ";;". [Samuray22]
 que_ng,152,167,3	script	Master Miller	901,{
@@ -244,7 +245,7 @@ payon,184,65,3	script	The Wise Bull Horn	866,{
 			mes "["+ strcharinfo(0) +"]";
 			mes "Mr. Miller sent me here.";
-			mes "[The Wise Bull Horn]";;
+			mes "[The Wise Bull Horn]";
 			mes "Miller...";
 			mes "Mm...Hmm. So Dark Fox";
 			mes "sent you here...";
@@ -261,7 +262,7 @@ payon,184,65,3	script	The Wise Bull Horn	866,{
 			mes "["+ strcharinfo(0) +"]";
 			mes "....";
-			mes "[The Wise Bull Horn]";;
+			mes "[The Wise Bull Horn]";
 			mes "mmm...";
 			mes "mmmmm....";
diff --git a/npc/jobs/2-1/assassin.txt b/npc/jobs/2-1/assassin.txt
index fc9932b21..452e3815f 100644
--- a/npc/jobs/2-1/assassin.txt
+++ b/npc/jobs/2-1/assassin.txt
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 //===== By: ================================================== 
 //= kobra_k88
 //===== Current Version: ===================================== 
-//= 2.9
+//= 2.9a
 //===== Compatible With: ===================================== 
 //= eAthena SVN
 //===== Description: ========================================= 
@@ -37,7 +37,8 @@
 //= 2.8 Removed duplicate warps. [L0ne_W0lf]
 //= 2.8a Deleted unused variables. [Samuray22]
 //= 2.8b Fixed error caused in last updated, removed useless variable 'joblvl'. [L0ne_W0lf]
-//= 2.9 Fixed an indent and added a 'break;' in hopes of 'fixing' an error [L0ne_W0lf[
+//= 2.9 Fixed an indent and added a 'break;' in hopes of 'fixing' an error [L0ne_W0lf]
+//= 2.9a Corrected a Typo error ";;". [Samuray22]
 in_moc_16,19,33,1	script	Guildsman#asn	55,{
@@ -244,7 +245,7 @@ in_moc_16,19,33,1	script	Guildsman#asn	55,{
 					set ASSIN_Q,0;
 					warp "in_moc_16",19,76;
-					end;;
+					end;
 				case 2:
 					mes "[Ferocious-looking guy]";
 					mes "Requirements? Well, first you need to be a Thief. Second, you need to be at least Thief job level 40.";
diff --git a/npc/jobs/2-1/hunter.txt b/npc/jobs/2-1/hunter.txt
index a64feaba2..5e225c044 100644
--- a/npc/jobs/2-1/hunter.txt
+++ b/npc/jobs/2-1/hunter.txt
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 //= Converted by kobra_k88
 //= Further bugfixed and tested by Lupus
 //===== Current Version: ===================================== 
-//= 3.0
+//= 3.0a
 //===== Compatible With: ===================================== 
 //= eAthena SVN
 //===== Description: ========================================= 
@@ -43,6 +43,7 @@
 //= 2.9 Corrected NPC names to fall within proper restrictions. [L0ne_W0lf]
 //= 2.9a Deleted unused variables. [Samuray22]
 //= 3.0 Fixed a small typo, "jo" instead of "Job". [L0ne_W0lf]
+//= 3.0a Corrected a Typo error ";;". [Samuray22]
 // Notices in the old Hunter Guild.
@@ -1048,7 +1049,7 @@ OnMyMobDead:
 		mapannounce "job_hunte","Okay, good job... Now, find the switch in the center of the map!! Be careful of the traps!!",bc_map;
 		set HNTR_Q,14;
 		donpcevent "switch#hnt::OnEnable";
-		donpcevent "Manager#hnt::OnDisable";;
+		donpcevent "Manager#hnt::OnDisable";
 		mapannounce "job_hunte","Okay~ You're almost there!!",bc_map;
@@ -1060,7 +1061,7 @@ OnMyMobDead2:
 	set HNTR_Q,13;
 	warp "job_hunte",176,22;
 	donpcevent "Waiting Room#hnt::OnDisable";
-	donpcevent "Manager#hnt::OnDisable";;
+	donpcevent "Manager#hnt::OnDisable";
diff --git a/npc/jobs/2-1/knight.txt b/npc/jobs/2-1/knight.txt
index 76651d257..e7c81de5a 100644
--- a/npc/jobs/2-1/knight.txt
+++ b/npc/jobs/2-1/knight.txt
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 //= Converted by kobra_k88
 //= Further bugfixed and tested by Lupus
 //===== Current Version: ===================================== 
-//= 2.7
+//= 2.7a
 //===== Compatible With: ===================================== 
 //= eAthena SVN
 //===== Description: ========================================= 
@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
 //=	Corrected usages of killmonster and killmonsterall.
 //= 2.6 Corrected an improper areawarp destination. [L0ne_W0lf]
 //= 2.7 Deleted unused variables. [Samuray22]
+//= 2.7a Corrected a Typo error ";;". [Samuray22]
 prt_in,88,101,4	script	Chivalry Captain#knt	56,{
@@ -1444,7 +1445,7 @@ OnMyMobDead:
 	if (.MyMobs < 1) {
 		mes "[Sir Windsor]";
 		mes "...Hmm.";
-		next;;
+		next;
 		mes "[Sir Windsor]";
 		mes "...One stage left.";
diff --git a/npc/jobs/2-1/priest.txt b/npc/jobs/2-1/priest.txt
index 082c9a6d5..d6aee0911 100644
--- a/npc/jobs/2-1/priest.txt
+++ b/npc/jobs/2-1/priest.txt
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 //= Converted by: kobra_k88.
 //= Further bugfixed and tested by Lupus
 //===== Current Version: ===================================== 
-//= 2.4a
+//= 2.4b
 //===== Compatible With: ===================================== 
 //= eAthena  SVN
 //===== Description: ========================================= 
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
 //= 2.3a More bug fixes. [L0ne_W0lf]
 //= 2.4 Changed Marthilda to Mathilda. [L0ne_W0llf]
 //= 2.4a Deleted unused variables. [Samuray22]
+//= 2.4b Corrected a Typo error ";;". [Samuray22]
 prt_church,16,41,4	script	High Bishop#prst	60,{
@@ -1448,7 +1449,7 @@ OnTouch:
 			mes "the light again!";
 			warp "gef_dun02",210,177;
-			end;;
+			end;
 		mes "[Doppelganger]";
 		mes "I don't think you understood what I just offered. Think about it again. I mean, this is your one and only chance to undo your life mistakes. I mean, becoming an Acolyte?";
diff --git a/npc/jobs/2-2/rogue.txt b/npc/jobs/2-2/rogue.txt
index e6053a1f7..3ee0f5eab 100644
--- a/npc/jobs/2-2/rogue.txt
+++ b/npc/jobs/2-2/rogue.txt
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 //===== By: ================================================== 
 //= kobra_k88
 //===== Current Version: ===================================== 
-//= 2.4b
+//= 2.4c
 //===== Compatible With: ===================================== 
 //= eAthena SVN
 //===== Description: ========================================= 
@@ -13,7 +13,9 @@
 //= 2.4 Rescripted to Aegis 10.3 stadards. [L0ne_W0lf]
 //=	No longer uses function "F_BlockHigh"
 //= 2.4a Deleted unused variables. [Samuray22]
-//= 2.4b Changed a Problem with JobLevel what made impossible get a Gladius [3]. (bugreport:481) [Samuray22]
+//= 2.4b Changed a Problem with JobLevel what made 
+//=	impossible get a Gladius [3]. (bugreport:481) [Samuray22]
+//= 2.4c Corrected a Typo error ";;" and a typo error with "rouge". (bugreport:909) [Samuray22]
 morocc,100,104,1	script	Thug#rg	118,{
@@ -101,7 +103,7 @@ in_rogue,363,122,4	script	Rogue Guildsman#rg	747,{
 				mes "So why you wanna join up with the Rogues? I guess you gave me your real name, so you'd be an honest Rogue. Not many of those around, heh heh~";
 				mes "[Markie]";
-				mes "Rule number 1 for Rouges...";
+				mes "Rule number 1 for Rogues...";
 				mes "Never give out your real identity to most people, most of the time. It's just a little backup measure we like to use.";
 				mes "[Markie]";
@@ -935,7 +937,7 @@ S_CheckItems:
 		delitem getarg(6),getarg(7);
 		set ROGUE_Q,7;
-		mes "[Mr. Smith]";;
+		mes "[Mr. Smith]";
 		mes "Great, great...";
 		mes "I think you";
 		mes "brought everything.";
diff --git a/npc/quests/The_Sign_Quest.txt b/npc/quests/The_Sign_Quest.txt
index c834ed910..240e12e96 100644
--- a/npc/quests/The_Sign_Quest.txt
+++ b/npc/quests/The_Sign_Quest.txt
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 //===== By: ================================================== 
 //= SinSloth(Most of the NPCs), MasterOfMuppets(Some of the NPCs + bug fixes) & Kargha(The quiz NPCs)
 //===== Current Version: ===================================== 
-//= 2.5
+//= 2.5a
 //===== Compatible With: ===================================== 
 //= eAthena SVN 3422+(Requires jA Script System)
 //===== Description: ========================================= 
@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@
 //= 2.3 Made some adjustments in last event with dialogs/summoning and fixed a possible exploit earlier. [SinSloth]
 //= 2.4 Optimized/simplified some poorly written code; fixed wrong quiz answers [ultramage]
 //= 2.5 Updated to fall within proper name restrictions. [L0ne_W0lf]
+//= 2.5a Corrected a Typo error ";;". [Samuray22]
 //===== Configuration : ======================================
 prontera,1,1,1	script	TheSignConfig	-1,{
@@ -2987,7 +2988,7 @@ L_quiztime:
 				case 1:
 					mes "Heh heh...";
 					mes "The first question";
-					mes "is always too easy.";;
+					mes "is always too easy.";
 				case 2:
 					mes "Ho ho ho ho~!";
diff --git a/npc/quests/cooking_quest.txt b/npc/quests/cooking_quest.txt
index c5e8fddff..a78ca678c 100644
--- a/npc/quests/cooking_quest.txt
+++ b/npc/quests/cooking_quest.txt
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
 //= 1.6 Quest is now up to iRO 10.3 standards. [L0ne_W0lf]
 //= - Not sure what the EnableItemMove is for, as there is no 
 //= command to disable being able to move items.
+//= 1.6a Corrected a bad cutin, a Typo error ";;" and a bad delitem (bugreport:911) [Samuray22]
 prt_castle,43,30,3	script	Charles Orleans#cook	878,{
@@ -1112,10 +1113,10 @@ prt_castle,43,30,3	script	Charles Orleans#cook	878,{
 				mes "something new, I suppose.";
 				goto L_End;
-			mes "[Charles Orleans]";;
-			mes "So you wanted to borrow a";;
-			mes "Level " + .@new_book + " Cookbook, eh?";;
-			mes "Oh, would you please tell";;
+			mes "[Charles Orleans]";
+			mes "So you wanted to borrow a";
+			mes "Level " + .@new_book + " Cookbook, eh?";
+			mes "Oh, would you please tell";
 			mes "me the level of the cookbook";
 			mes "that you are returning to me?";
@@ -1913,7 +1914,7 @@ prt_castle,45,35,5	script	Madeleine Chu#cook	886,{
 				mes "arts in that way? I'm so";
 				mes "very ashamed of you...";
-				delitem 7474,1; //Cookbook01
+				delitem 7472,1; //Cookbook01
 				set cooking,0;
 				mes "[Madeleine Chu]";
 				mes "First of all, I'd like";
@@ -2099,7 +2100,7 @@ prt_castle,45,35,5	script	Madeleine Chu#cook	886,{
 			mes "spine... Could someone";
 			mes "be talking about me?";
-			cutin "orleans_6",255;
+			cutin "",255;
 	mes "[Madeleine Chu]";
diff --git a/npc/quests/quests_airship.txt b/npc/quests/quests_airship.txt
index 39675b841..4e5f06f3a 100644
--- a/npc/quests/quests_airship.txt
+++ b/npc/quests/quests_airship.txt
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 //===== By: ================================================== 
 // Samuray22
 //===== Current Version: ===================================== 
-//= 1.3
+//= 1.3a
 //===== Compatible With: ===================================== 
 //= eAthena SVN
 //===== Description: ========================================= 
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
 //= 1.2 Change the laboratory code text to make it easier to
 //= understand. [SinSloth]
 //= 1.3 Corrected NPC names to fall within proper restrictions. [L0ne_W0lf]
+//= 1.3a Corrected a Typo error ";;". [Samuray22]
@@ -1775,7 +1776,7 @@ airplane,236,163,5	script	Airship Captain#03	873,{
 				mes "[Ferlock]";
 				mes "If you promise that you'll";
-				mes "never tell what I reveal to";;
+				mes "never tell what I reveal to";
 				mes "you, then I suppose I can";
 				mes "tell you know about the Rune";
 				mes "Stone and Ymir's Heart Piece.";
diff --git a/npc/quests/quests_ayothaya.txt b/npc/quests/quests_ayothaya.txt
index 955281e55..284566529 100644
--- a/npc/quests/quests_ayothaya.txt
+++ b/npc/quests/quests_ayothaya.txt
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 //===== By ===================================================
 //= Fredzilla, MasterOfMuppets
 //===== Version ==============================================
-//= 2.0
+//= 2.0a
 //===== Compatible With ======================================
 //= eAthena SVN
 //===== Description ==========================================
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
 //= 1.9 Corrected NPC names to fall within proper restrictions. [L0ne_W0lf]
 //= 2.0 Rescripted Tom Yum Goong and Dungeon quest to Aegis [L0ne_W0lf]
 //=	10.3 standards.
+//= 2.0a Corrected a Typo error ";;". [Samuray22]
 // Ayothaya Ring Quest
@@ -586,7 +587,7 @@ if(!$annonactive)
 			emotion e_gasp,1;
-			mes "[" +strcharinfo(0)+ "]";;
+			mes "[" +strcharinfo(0)+ "]";
 			mes "Huh...?";
 			mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
diff --git a/npc/quests/quests_morocc.txt b/npc/quests/quests_morocc.txt
index 4b09325df..6fc64cb6f 100644
--- a/npc/quests/quests_morocc.txt
+++ b/npc/quests/quests_morocc.txt
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 //===== By: ================================================== 
 //= kobra_k88
 //===== Current Version: ===================================== 
-//= 2.0
+//= 2.0a
 //===== Compatible With: ===================================== 
 //= eAthena 7.15 +
 //===== Description: ========================================= 
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@
 //= 1.8 Fixed a bug which prevented reset of events. [SinSloth]
 //= 1.9 Corrected NPC names to fall within proper restrictions. [L0ne_W0lf]
 //= 2.0 Fixed bad NPC header data to comply with rev. 11603. [L0ne_W0lf]
+//= 2.0a Corrected a Typo error ";;". [Samuray22]
@@ -936,7 +937,7 @@ alberta,129,59,3	script	Guildsman#2	49,3,3,{
 			mes "[Guildsman]";
 			mes "The Assassin Guild has";
-			mes "officially asked our guild";;
+			mes "officially asked our guild";
 			mes "for help in a mission regarding";
 			mes "children that have been missing";
 			mes "from Morroc, and they want us";
@@ -1276,7 +1277,7 @@ OnTouch:
 				mes "[Guildsman]";
 				mes "The Assassin Guild has";
-				mes "officially asked our guild";;
+				mes "officially asked our guild";
 				mes "for help in a mission regarding";
 				mes "children that have been missing";
 				mes "from Morroc, and they want us";
diff --git a/npc/quests/quests_prontera.txt b/npc/quests/quests_prontera.txt
index 6d9cf0fc5..e893ee255 100644
--- a/npc/quests/quests_prontera.txt
+++ b/npc/quests/quests_prontera.txt
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 //===== By: ================================================== 
 //= kobra_k88; L0ne_W0lf
 //===== Current Version: ===================================== 
-//= 2.0
+//= 2.0a
 //===== Compatible With: ===================================== 
 //= eAthena SVN
 //===== Description: ========================================= 
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@
 //= 1.8 Fixed experience gains to match upcoming rate adjustments. [SinSloth]
 //= 1.9 Fixed "him" -> "her" in Ph.D hat quest. THansk to yyCC. [L0ne_W0lf]
 //= 2.0 Corrected NPC names to fall within proper restrictions. [L0ne_W0lf]
+//= 2.0a Corrected a Typo error ";;". [Samuray22]
 // Prontera Culvert
@@ -492,7 +493,7 @@ OnTouch:
 			mes "time I just can't help it.";
 			mes "There's nothing I can do!";
 			mes "Oh, I'm gonna lose this job!";
-			Emotion e_sob;;
+			Emotion e_sob;
 			mes "[Busy-Looking Boy]";
 			mes "Wait... You adventurers";
@@ -3288,7 +3289,7 @@ que_job01,10,16,5	script	Marjana#poison	885,{
 		mes "It's true that such powerful";
 		mes "poison exists, but such deadly";
 		mes "poison is usually only used by";
-		mes "Assassin Crosses. Generally,";;
+		mes "Assassin Crosses. Generally,";
 		mes "normal Assassins use poisons";
 		mes "that are much less potent.";
diff --git a/npc/quests/quests_rachel.txt b/npc/quests/quests_rachel.txt
index d286e7cff..7843e975e 100644
--- a/npc/quests/quests_rachel.txt
+++ b/npc/quests/quests_rachel.txt
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 //===== By: ================================================== 
 //= L0ne_W0lf
 //===== Current Version: ===================================== 
-//= 2.2
+//= 2.2a
 //===== Compatible With: ===================================== 
 //= eAthena SVN
 //===== Description: ========================================= 
@@ -46,6 +46,7 @@
 //= 2.0 Fixed experience gains to match upcoming rate adjustments. [SinSloth]
 //= 2.1 Corrected NPC names to fall within proper restrictions. [L0ne_W0lf]
 //= 2.2 Maheo NPC now uses "setnpcdisplay" instead of two NPCs. [L0ne_W0lf]
+//= 2.2a Corrected a Typo error ";;". [Samuray22]
 // Lost Child Quest (Prerequisite to High Priest quest)
@@ -5491,7 +5492,7 @@ ra_temin,170,46,3	script	Panno#rachel	920,{
 			if (select("Yes:No") == 1) goto L_Lottery;
 			cutin "ra_fano03",2;
-			mes "[Priestess Panno]";;
+			mes "[Priestess Panno]";
 			mes "You can redeem your";
 			mes "Lottery Tickets at any";
 			mes "time, so please visit";
diff --git a/npc/quests/seals/mjolnir_seal.txt b/npc/quests/seals/mjolnir_seal.txt
index 82649bb5e..3caa74ab8 100644
--- a/npc/quests/seals/mjolnir_seal.txt
+++ b/npc/quests/seals/mjolnir_seal.txt
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 //===== By: ================================================== 
 //= SinSloth
 //===== Current Version: ===================================== 
-//= 1.1
+//= 1.1a
 //===== Compatible With: ===================================== 
 //= eAthena
 //===== Description: ========================================= 
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
 //===== Additional Comments: =================================
 // 1.0 First version. Thanks to SinSloth for scripting it. [MasterOfMuppets]
 // 1.1 Fixed wrong label names [Luups]
+// 1.1a Corrected a a typo error ";;". [Samuray22]
 prontera,124,297,3	script	Tialfi	706,{
@@ -2902,7 +2903,7 @@ mjolnir_12,18,18,7	script	Dwarf Blacksmith#north	826,{
 						mes "You cannot have everything what you want.";
 						mes "Besides, when you're obssessive about something,";
 						mes "you cannot think rationally about the thing.";
-						next;;
+						next;
 						set god_mjo_4,2;
 						mes "[Nordri]";
 						mes "Thank you for listening to my long story.";
diff --git a/npc/quests/skills/rogue_skills.txt b/npc/quests/skills/rogue_skills.txt
index e6559a77c..60e748f78 100644
--- a/npc/quests/skills/rogue_skills.txt
+++ b/npc/quests/skills/rogue_skills.txt
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 //===== By: ================================================== 
 //= Lupus, Reddozen
 //===== Current Version: ===================================== 
-//= 1.6a
+//= 1.6b
 //===== Compatible With: ===================================== 
 //= eAthena SVN
 //===== Description: ========================================= 
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
 //= 1.5 Fixed bad NPC header data to comply with rev. 11603. [L0ne_W0lf]
 //= 1.6 Bug fixes as pointed out by Brainstorm in bugreport:351 [L0ne_W0lf]
 //= 1.6a Fixed(?) antoher problem (NPCs not disabling) hopefully. [L0ne_W0lf]
+//= 1.6b Corrected a Typo error with "rouge". (bugreport:909) [Samuray22]
 in_rogue,359,177,0	script	#killershow01	-1,{
diff --git a/npc/scripts_custom.conf b/npc/scripts_custom.conf
index 8883ddedd..da258fe23 100644
--- a/npc/scripts_custom.conf
+++ b/npc/scripts_custom.conf
@@ -130,15 +130,15 @@ npc: npc/custom/adoption.txt
 //npc: npc/custom/quests/bongunsword.txt
 //A custom event for 3 holidays: X-Mas, Karachun and New Year
 //Should be activated between 8 December and 8 January
-//npc: npc/events/custom/xmas_rings_event.txt
+//npc: npc/custom/events/xmas_rings_event.txt
 //Grand Circlet Quest combined with Excalibur Quest
-//npc: npc/events/custom/kings_items.txt
+//npc: npc/custom/events/kings_items.txt
 //Custom Halloween Event (gives )
-//npc: npc/events/custom/hallow06.txt
-//npc: npc/events/custom/uneasy_cemetery.txt
-//npc: npc/events/custom/draculax.txt
-//npc: npc/events/custom/2006_dogs_year.txt
-//npc: npc/events/custom/valentinesdayexp.txt
+//npc: npc/custom/events/hallow06.txt
+//npc: npc/custom/events/uneasy_cemetery.txt
+//npc: npc/custom/events/draculax.txt
+//npc: npc/custom/events/2006_dogs_year.txt
+//npc: npc/custom/events/valentinesdayexp.txt
 //| Poring track files
-//npc: npc/events/custom/p_track/p_track_core.txt
-//npc: npc/events/custom/p_track/p_track_warpers.txt
+//npc: npc/custom/events/p_track/p_track_core.txt
+//npc: npc/custom/events/p_track/p_track_warpers.txt
cgit v1.2.3-70-g09d2